Chapter 2 The Tourism Public Sector

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● Explain the possibility of public service as a

career in the industry
Role of Government. Loyalty to the nation all the
time, loyalty to the government when it deserves It was during the year 1973 when the Philippine
it. (Mark Twain, American novelist) government realized that there is a need to realign
government efforts toward trade promotion and
The Case of the Overpriced Airport tourism development for greater effectiveness;
hence, the need for the government's immediate
The Ninoy Aquino International Airport and priority attention. This gave rise to Presidential
Terminal 3 was constructed by a Japanese Decree No. 189 (May 11, 1973) creating the
contractor Takenaka and opened last March 2007. Department of Tourism which was enacted to
However, the airport facility which was meant to make the tourism industry a positive instrument
address the capacity problem of NAIA Terminals 1 toward accelerated national development through
and 2 was besieged with two major problems. which more people from other countries may visit
First, the alleged overpricing of the NAIA Terminal and better appreciate the country and through
3 by $140 million has led to a cabinet-level probe. which the Filipinos themselves may learn more
Takenaka priced the project at $275 million. about the natural beauty, history, and culture of
Fraport AG, one of the corporate outfits of the the Philippines and, thus, develop greater pride in
Philippine International Air Terminal Company and commitment to the nation.
(PIATCO) consortium, which got the contract
claimed that it invested $425 million in the said This chapter deals with various government
project. The award was later nullified by the agencies directly or indirectly involved in the
Supreme Court due to the various changes in the promotion of tourism in our country.
concession contracts which the High Tribunal
declared as disadvantageous to the government. The Law
Following the High Court's ruling, the government
took over the NAIA 3 facility, claiming that the Department of Tourism
project was tainted with massive corruption on top
of violations of Philippine laws such as the anti- The Department of Tourism (DOT) was
dummy law. The second problem of NAIA 3 was created by virtue of Presidential Decree No. 189. It
the substandard construction reflected by the is the primary policymaking, planning
rapid deterioration of some parts of the said programming, coordinating and administrative
terminal. entity of the executive branch of the government
in the development of the tourism industry, both
Questions domestic and international.

1. What lessons have we learned from this The DOT has the following major functions:
2. How can the Philippine government a) Supervises all activities of the government
prevent a repeat of this incident? which concern tourism;
3. What charges may be filed against public b) Effects the removal of unnecessary barriers
officials linked to this scandal? to travel; the integration and simplification
4. Is it possible to allow a scandal-riddled of travel regulations; as well as their
project to open and operate while the efficient, fair and courteous enforcement to
decision of the court is still pending? assure expeditious and hospitable
reception of all visitors;
Learning Objectives c) Formulates an integrated program of
promotion and publicity designated to
attract and induce people abroad to visit
● Identify the various government agencies the Philippines, patronize things which are
involved in the development and Philippine-made, and to enhance the
promotion of the tourism industry as well prestige of the Filipino people and the
as their functions Republic;
d) Reviews all tourism projects which involve
● Describe the relationships of these
loans from government financial
agencies with one another institutions before said institutions may
take action on them, and approve all
tourism projects and firms applying for tax
incentives under the Export Incentives Act, motels and inns as among its prohibited
as amended by Presidential Decree No. 92, establishments, be declared invalid and
before the Board of Investments may take unconstitutional. In its defense, the City of Manila
action on them; alleged that such Ordinance is a valid exercise of
e) Represents the Government in all the police power of the state as it has the "power
conferences and meetings concerning to regulate" such establishments as mandated
tourism; and travel and discharge such under the Local Government Code of 1991. How will
responsibilities of the Government as may you rule on the issues?
arise from treaties, agreements and other
commitments on tourism and travel, to Legal Opinion: The Ordinance should be declared
which it is a signatory; unconstitutional and invalid. The "power to
f) Accredits travel agents, tour operators, and regulate" means the power to control, to govern,
tour guides; and to restrain places of exhibition and
g) Classifies and accredits hotels, resorts, inns, amusement, but the "power to regulate" should
motels, hotels, restaurants and other not be construed as synonymous with the "power
related facilities and services which cater to to suppress" or "power to prohibit." The police
foreign and domestic tourists and in power granted to local government units must
addition, formulates suitable standards to always be exercised with utmost observance of the
ensure that the highest possible standards rights of the people to due process and equal
are met, reasonable fees and charges are protection of the law. Such power cannot be
made and that services are given with exercised whimsically, arbitrarily, or despotically.
honesty, courtesy, and efficiency; and
h) Performs such other functions as may be The Law
provided by law.
By virtue of the enactment of the Tourism
Act of 2009, certain tourism public sectors have
been reorganized and renamed.
Discussion of the Law
The DOT, under this law, is reorganized and
The power to regulate, license, and given considerable sources of funding to achieve
supervise tour operators and accommodation its designated mandated and functions, which
facilities has now been devolved to the local includes increasing tourist access. Certain areas
government units. However, it must be noted that are to be designated as Tourism Enterprise Zones
the "power to regulate" does not include the (TEZ) and incentives are given to covered tourism
"power to prohibit operation of these enterprises.
establishments" without due process of the law.
The word "regulate," as used in subsection (1), The Philippine Tourism Authority (PTA) is
Section 2444 of the Administrative Code, means hereby reorganized as the Tourism Infrastructure
and includes the power to control, to govern, and and Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA).
to restrain; but "regulate" should not be construed
as synonymous with "suppress" or "prohibit." The Philippine Conventions and Visitors
Corporation (PCVC) is hereby reorganized as the
Application of the Law Tourism Promotions Board (TPB), as hereinafter
Case: The Malate Tourist Development
Corporation (MTDC), a corporation engaged in the The Bureaus for Domestic and International
business of operating hotels, motels, hostels, and Tourism Promotions, and the Office of Tourism
lodging houses, built and opened Victoria Court Information of the Department, are hereby
Malate which was licensed as a motel although absorbed into the Tourism Promotions Board.
duly accredited with the DOT as a hotel. On March
30, 1993, an ordinance was passed prohibiting the Discussion of the Law
establishment or operation of business providing
certain forms of amusement, entertainment, Some of its highlights are as follows:
services and facilities in the Ermita-Malate Area
where women are used as tools for entertainment, Under said law. The DOT shall be the
and which tend to disturb and affect the social and primary planning, programming, coordinating,
moral welfare of the community. On June 28, 1993, implementing, and regulatory government agency
MTDC questioned the validity of the Ordinance in the development and promotion of the tourism
and prayed that the same insofar as it includes industry, both domestic and international, in
coordination with attached agencies and other
government instrumentalities. The Duty-Free Philippines Corporation (DFPC)
shall have exclusive authority to operate and/or
The TIEZA shall be attached to the DOT for franchise out the operation of stores and shops
purposes of program and policy coordination. that shall sell, among others, duty and tax-free
Accordingly, the TIEZA shall be a body corporate merchandise, goods and articles in international
which shall designate, regulate and supervise the airports and seaports, other ports of entry
TEZs, as well as develop, manage and supervise throughout the country and in TEZA. Any
tourism infrastructure projects in the country. It geographic area where a TEZ may be established
shall supervise and regulate the cultural, economic shall conform with the following general criteria to
and environmentally sustainable development of ensure that they will not proliferate in a manner
TEZs toward the primary objective of encouraging, that diminishes their strategic economic and
investments therein. It shall ensure strict developmental value to the national economy: (a)
compliance of the TEZ operator with the approved The area is capable of being defined into one
development plan. Pursuant thereto, the TIEZA contiguous territory; (b) It has historical and
shall have the power to impose penalties for failure cultural significance, environmental beauty, or
or refusal of the tourism enterprises to comply existing or potential integrated leisure facilities
with the approved development plan, which shall within its bounds or reasonable distances from it;
also be considered a violation of the terms of (c) It has; or it may have, strategic access through
accreditation. The TIEZA remains to be the transportation infrastructure, and reasonable
principal agency responsible for the timely, connection within utilities infrastructure systems;
effective and efficient collection of travel taxes. The (d) It is sufficient in size, such that it may be further
amounts collected by the TIEZA shall be utilized for bringing in new investments in tourism
distributed as follows: establishments and services; and (e) It is in a
strategic location such as to catalyze the
a) 50%-TIEZA; socioeconomic development of neighboring
b) 40%-CHED Higher Education Development communities.
Fund; and
c) 10%-National Commission and Arts (NCAA). Application of the Law

The TPB shall formulate and implement an Case: Fairmont Hotel Makati opened its doors to
integrated domestic and international promotions the public in December 2012. The deluxe property,
and marketing program for the DOT. The TPB shall the latest addition to the international hotel chain,
be responsible for marketing and promoting the boasts of 280 elegantly appointed guestrooms.
Philippines domestically and internationally as a Five food and beverage outlets, a state-of-the- art
major global tourism destination, highlighting the spa and technogym, and meeting and conference
uniqueness and assisting the development of its facilities. The hotel is part of Ayala Land Hotels and
tourism products and services, with the end in Resorts which has recently developed Anvaya
view of increasing tourist arrivals and tourism Cove, acquired El Nido Resorts, and opened Seda
investment. Specifically, it shall market the Hotels.
Philippines as a major convention destination in
Asia. To this end, it shall take charge of attracting, Is it possible to open the said property and
promoting, facilitating, and servicing large-scale not be accredited by the DOT? Can it be applied as
events, international fairs and conventions, a tourism enterprise zone?
congresses, sports competitions, expositions, and
the like. It shall also ensure the regular Legal Opinion: Under the new law, the Tourism
advertisement abroad of the country's major Act of 2009, all primary tourism establishments
tourism destinations and other tourism products, must mandatorily be accredited by the DOT before
not limited to TEZs. It may also provide incentives they could operate and offer products and services
to travel agencies abroad which are able to draw to the public. Thus, the business development
tourists and tourism investments to the country. manager of Fairmont Hotel Makati should apply
for the said accreditation 6 months prior to its
The Intramuros Administration, the National target opening to allow sufficient time for
Parks Development Committee and the Nayong documentation process and inspection visits by
Pilipino Foundation shall continue to be attached DOT officials. Moreover, Fairmont Hotel Makati
to the DOT and shall operate under their may not qualify as a tourism enterprise zone
respective charters. They may be authorized to because it does not meet the minimum
operate TEZs, under the supervision of the TIEZA, requirements set by the Tourism Infrastructure
within their respective jurisdictions. and Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA).
d) To generate revenues to fund both national
The Law and corporate development needs and/or
undertakings; and
Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone e) To exercise PTA functions under P.D. 564.
Authority (TIEZA)
A Tourism Enterprise Zone is defined as follows:
The former Philippine Tourism Authority
has now been renamed and converted into the Any entity duly incorporated under the
Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Corporation Code and other relevant laws, or any
Authority (TIEZA). Its main thrusts include LGU or any other instrumentality of government in
maximizing revenue-generating to achieve the pursuit of their mandate may qualify as an
national and organizational goals and objectives; applicant for the designation of an area as a TEZ.
upgrading management information systems to
improve operational competence; implementing TEZs can be any geographical area in the
approved reorganization plan of PTA as TIEZA: country that conforms to the following criteria:
effective managing of all Tourism Enterprise Zones
around the country; developing and managing (a) The area is capable of being into one
tourism infrastructures in areas having strong contiguous territory:
tourism potentials; hastening privatization of (b) It has historical and cultural significance,
disposable operating and non-operating environmental beauty, exercising or
properties; and continuously improving personnel potential integrated leisure facilities within
efficiency and competency through relevant its bound reasonable distance from it;
personnel development programs. (c) It has, or it may have, strategic access
through transportation infrastructure and
Presidential Decree 564 (October 2, 1974) reasonable connection with utilities
was enacted revising the charter of the Philippine infrastructure systems,
Tourism Authority (PTA) which was originally (d) It must be at least five (5) hectares and
created under Presidential Decree No. 189 dated sufficient in size, such that may be further
May 11, 1973. Strengthening the PTA was needed in utilized for bringing in new investments in
order to be in a better position to effectively unify tourism establishments and services;
and integrate related activities and services of both (e) It is in a strategic location such as to
government and private entities pertaining to stimulate the sustainable socio-economic
tourism development projects. development of neighboring communities;
Travel tax collection is PTA's main source of (f) The area must be situated where controls
income. Travel tax is a levy imposed by the can easily be established to curtail illegal
government on individuals (citizens of the activities.
Philippines, permanent resident aliens who have
stayed in the country for more than a year) who Based on the particular purpose stated in the
are leaving the country irrespective of the place applicant's development plan, the TEZs to be
where the air ticket is issued as provided for P.D. created shall be classified as follows:
1183 as amended by P.D. 1205, Batas Pambansa
Blg. 38, and E.O. 283 on travel tax. of travel taxes (a) Cultural Heritage Tourism Zone - areas that
are coursed thru the Bureau of Internal Revenue, will allow the tourist to experience the places,
157 artifacts, and activities that authentically represent
the stories of the people living in the area, past or
Discussion of the Law present. The area may include, but will not be
limited to:
The mandate of the TIEZA under R.A. No. 9593
includes the following: 1) Cultural landscapes;
a) To designate, regulate, and supervise 2) Historic sites, areas, and precincts;
tourism enterprise zones established under 3) Ruins, archaeological and maritime sites;
R.A. 9593; 4) Sites associated with industrial, scientific
b) To develop, manage, and supervise tourism and agricultural heritage:
infrastructure projects nationwide; 5) Collections that house or collectively
c) To provide technical and financial promote objects of heritage significance;
assistance to qualified tourism projects, 6) Historic places and areas, including villages,
investors and proponents (both small towns, cities and parts of larger urban
government and private);
areas with significant cultural and heritage Retirement communities and facilities duly
assets, and accredited by the Philippine Retirement Authority
7) Museums Art Galleries, Cultural Centers, Art may be located in General Leisure Tourism Zones,
& Crafts Shops. and Antique Shops, and Health and Wellness Tourism Zones, and Mixed-
Cultural Sites. use Tourism Zones.

(b) Health and Wellness Tourism Zone - areas In accordance with the Tourism Act of 2009
that will allow visitors to avail of quality but or R.A. No. 9593, TIEZA started to accept
affordable mainstream, traditional, or alternative applications for designation of Tourism Enterprise
healthcare services for treatment of illnesses and Zone (TEZs) and registration of existing
health problems in order to maintain one's health accommodation establishments which will
and well-being. The area may include, but will not undertake substantial expansion. The TIEZA
be limited to enterprises that are, or offer: Guidelines for Designation and Supervision of
Tourism Enterprise Zone and Administration of
1) Medical and Allied Services; Incentives under R.A. No. 9593 which took effect on
2) Spas; August 1, 2011:
3) Health Farms;
4) Counseling and Rehabilitation Services; and Schedule of Fees
5) Traditional Filipino Touch Therapy.
TEZ Filing Fee P200,000
(c) Eco-Tourism Zone - areas that will allow visitors Operator
to experience a form of suitable tourism within a
given natural and/or cultural area where Publicatio P100,000
community participation, conversation and n Fee
management of biodiversity, respect for culture
Registered RTE (New) 0.1% of
and indigenous knowledge systems and practices,
environmental education, and ethics as well as Tourism the
economic benefits are fostered and pursued for Enterprise Capital
the enrichment of host communities and Investme
satisfaction of visitors. The area may include, but nt but not
will not be limited to: to exceed
(1) Sites of scenic or rural beauty;
(2) Areas for observing wildlife; RTE 0.1% of
(3) Areas for low impact activities such as (Existing) the
camping, trekking. climbing, spelunking, Capital
diving, surfing, and other similar activities; Investme
and nt but not
(4) Sites for observing and interacting with to exceed
traditional or indigenous practices in P100,000
relation to the environment.
Publicatio P10,000
(d) General Leisure Tourism Zone - areas that n Fee
may offer recreational facilities that will have high
visitor density. The area may include, but will not
be limited to: The detailed steps in applying for TEZ are as

(1) Golf Parks/Resorts;

Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zo
(2) Theme Parks and Amusement Centers;
(3) Convention and Meeting Centers;
(4) Sports Complexes/Resorts;
(5) Event Centers/Resorts;
Where to get Application Forms:
(6) Department Stores/Restaurants/Shops; and
Download at
(7) Zoos.
Get copy at Room 602 Office of the Corpora
(e) Mixed-use Tourism Zone - areas that will allow
a combination of some or all of the features of the follows:
aforementioned zones within one area. It is also good to know that the previous PTA had
the following general powers:
is also known as the Investor's Lease Act of
(a) To implement policies and programs of R.A. No. 7652.
the DOT pertaining to the
development, promotion, and Application of the Law
supervision of tourism projects in the
Philippines; Case: The heirs of Juancho Ardona are challenging
(b) To promote the development into the constitutionality of Presidential Decree No.
integrated resort complexes of selected 564, the Revised Charter of the Philippine Tourism
and well-defined geographic areas with Authority, and Proclamation No. 2052 declaring
potential tourism value. Known the barangays of Sibugay, Malubog, Bagbag, and
otherwise as "tourist zones"; Sirao including he proposed Lusaran Dam in Cebu
(c) To extend all forms of assistance to City and in the municipalities of Argao and
private enterprise in undertaking Dalaguete in the province of Cebu as tourist zones.
tourism projects; The heirs of Mr. Ardona are also seeking relief in
(d) To undertake for its own account or in order to restrain the PTA from enforcing the
joint venture with the private sector the expropriation of their lands which have been
operation and maintenance of essential declared as tourist zone under Proclamation No.
tourist facilities which private 2052. The heirs of Mr. Ardona are claiming that the
enterprise alone is not prepared or property in question has been previously declared
willing to undertake; a land reform area, hence the implementation of
(e) To assure availability of land at the social justice provision of the Constitution on
reasonable prices or rental rates for agrarian reform is paramount to the right of the
private investors in hotels and other State to expropriate the lands. Is the claim of the
tourist facilities; and heirs of Juancho Ardona valid?
(f) To coordinate, assist and implement
tourism-related plans or operations of Legal Opinion: No. It has been ruled that
local governments, governmental expropriating 282 hectares of land to establish a
agencies, public corporation, and resort complex and declaring certain
where clearly necessary and feasible, municipalities in the province in Cebu as tourist
those of private entities so as to make zones is a valid exercise of eminent domain by the
possible the accelerated and balanced PTA notwithstanding the claim that certificates of
growth and development of tourism in land transfer and emancipation had already been
the Philippines which is responsive to issued. The Constitution does not preclude nor
the needs of targeted travel markets limit the exercise of the power of eminent domain
here and abroad. for such purposes like tourism and other
development programs. Tourism is also part of the
By virtue of R.A. No. 11262 which was signed declared national objectives of the framers of the
into law on April 10, 2019, the TIEZA will have the Constitution as it is covered in general terms such
sole and exclusive jurisdiction to grant incentives as social justice, local autonomy, conversation and
to tourism enterprise zone (TEZs) until December development of the national patrimony, public
31, 2029, 159 Some of these incentives include the interest, and general welfare, among others.
The Law
1. Fiscal incentives
a) Income tax holiday Intramuros Administration
b) Exempted from payment of all national and
local taxes For four hundred years, Intramuros has
c) 5% on gross income been a priceless heritage of the past for the City of
d) Exemption from customs duties Manila and a major historical landmark of the
Philippines. In order to preserve and enhance the
2. Non-fiscal incentives historical value of Intramuros, a national historical
a) Employment of foreign nationals for the consciousness program demands its restoration,
following positions: executive, supervisor, development, and maintenance, and for this
technical and adviser/consultant positions purpose. Hence, Presidential Decree No. 1616 (April
b) Special Investor's Resident Visa (SIRV) and 10, 1979) created the Intramuros Administration to
Working Visas be charged with such vital role and responsibility.
c) Buildings and lands in a TEZ may be leased
to foreign investors for 50 years and Intramuros Administration (IA) shall be
renewable of no more than 25 years. 10 This responsible for the orderly restoration and
development of Intramuros as a monument to the limited to development rules and
Hispanic period of the Philippine history. It shall regulations pertaining to the following:
also ensure that the general appearance of
Intramuros shall conform to 19th century, (1) Land use allocation, use of
Philippine-Spanish architecture of the 16th to the buildings, their height,
19th century. dimensions, architectural style
and designs and other
The IA has the following functions: specification of the building
construction to be undertaken
a. Formulates, coordinates, and/or executes therein;
policies on the implementation of all (2) Traffic management, street usage
programs, projects and activities of the and other related matters;
government affecting or relating to (3) Size and character of display
Intramuros. signs, advertising billboards, and
b. Enters into contracts with any private other external signs and
persons or entity or any government advertisements in buildings, in
agency, either domestic or foreign, open spaces lots or roads, and
whenever necessary for the effective (4) Supervision and control of all
discharge of its functions and activities involving archaeological
responsibilities under such terms and diggings, excavations and
conditions as it may deem proper and exploration within Intramuros
reasonable; including the use, disposition,
c. Acquires through sale, expropriation, or registration and maintenance of
other means, holds real and personal archaeological findings and
property as it may deem necessary or discoveries.
convenient in the successful prosecution
of its work, and leases, mortgages, sells, g. Expropriates properties within
alienates, or otherwise disposes of such Intramuros;
personal and real property; h. Sponsors, conducts, or otherwise assists
d. Receives, takes, and holds by bequest, and support festivals and cultural
device, donation, gift, purchase or lease, activities in Intramuros, and charges and
from foreign or domestic sources, either collects admission fees to the restored
absolutely or in trust for any of its gates and other attractions operated by
purposes, any asset, grant or property, the Administration;
real or personal, subject to such i. Gives grants, contributions, and
limitations as are provided in existing donations for the restoration, repair or
laws and regulations; to convey such maintenance of historic structures in
assets, grant or property; invest and Intramuros, including San Agustin
reinvest the same and deal with and Church, and lot of structures outside of
expand its assets and income in such Intramuros which are of similar nature
manner as will best promote its and character as those which existed in
objectives; Intramuros, for the conduct of historical,
e. Initiates, plans, undertakes, and architectural, archaeological and other
supervises the restoration, upkeep, and research, and for the other purpose in
maintenance of the Intramuros Walls, furtherance of its objectives; and
including the ravelins, moat, Sunken j. Prescribes and collects reasonable
Garden and public places or areas, amounts to be charged as filing fees,
plazas, streets and other government- inspection fees, permit fees, and other
owned or managed properties situated administrative or service fees necessary
within Intramuros; and for the effective enforcement of its laws
f. Prepares, adopts, revises, and enforce and regulatory measures to be used and
such rules and regulations, disbursed by it in the manner
implementing guidelines and standards determined by it to promote its
as are necessary for the effective objectives.
regulation of the land use and
development activities in Intramuros of
both the government and private
entities and for the implementation of Discussion of the Law
the Intramuros Plan, including, but not
The Intramuros Administration has been NHI are tax exempt and deductible from the
one government agency that has been in the news taxable income of the donor.
on many occasions due to the call for development
and the need to preserve a historical place which is Today, the NHI continues to be the lead
the entire Intramuros itself. A number of business government agency where matters of history and
enterprises have attempted to provide a more culture are concerned. It continues to conceive
modern look to Intramuros, increase business programs and projects for the public's
activities which added to the pollution of appreciation of history, educating the Filipino
Intramuros, and demolish some old structures. But masses on the lessons of the past and
Intramuros Administration has been quite strict at perpetuating the memory of our illustrious heroes.
times especially when civil society exerts the Aside from commemorating historical events and
needed pressure. personages, conducting research and publishing
scholarly works, the Institute also maintains
Application of the Law historical sites all over the country and is engaged
in the presentation of these sites as well as the
Case: Mr. Robert San Jose wishes to put up an P85- relics and memorabilia found in these places. It
million sports complex within the vicinity of the maintains a conversation center manned by
Intramuros area. What advice will you give? personnel well-trained for the job and also
provides training services and technical assistance
Legal Opinion: Mr. San Jose must first secure an to both government and private sectors.
approval at the Intramuros Administration for the
architectural design of the building of which he is National Commission for Culture and the Arts
about to erect before he plans to put up his (NCCA)
building within the Intramuros Area Otherwise, Mr.
San Jose cannot be allowed to erect his building R.A. No.7356 has been enacted in order to
within the Intramuros. create the mandate of the National Commission
for Culture and the Arts. Its functions are as follows:
Other Government Agencies
a) Formulates policies for the development of
National Parks Development Committee (NPDC) culture and the arts;
b) Coordinates and implements the overall
The National Parks Development policies and program of attached agencies
Committee was created originally as an Executive on the development of culture and arts as
Committee on January 14, 1963, for the stated under Executive Order No. 80;
development of the Quezon Memorial, Luneta, and c) Administers the National Endowment Fund
other national parks. It was later designated as the for Culture and the Arts;
National Parks Development Committee (NPDC). d) Encourages artistic creation within of
Despite an attempt to transfer it to the Bureau of artistic freedom;
Forest Development, Department of Natural e) Develops and promotes the Filipino
Resources, the NPDC has remained under the national culture and arts; and
Office of the President. f) Preserves Filipino cultural heritage.

National Historical Institute (NHI) By virtue of the R.A. No.8492, the National
Museum has now been detached from the
Presidential Decree No. 260 dated August 1, National Commission for Culture and the Arts and
1973, has declared certain sites, churches and has now been placed solely for budgetary
places as national shrines, monuments, and/or purposes under the Office of the President. The
landmarks, and place their preservation, primary purpose of the National Museum is to
restoration and/or reconstruction under the acquire documents, preserve, exhibit, and foster
supervision and control of the National Historical scholarly study and appreciation of works of art
Institute (NHI) in collaboration with the DOT. specimen and cultural and historical artifacts.
Hence, the NHI was given the right to declare
historical and cultural sites and edifices as national Tourism Promotions Board (TPB)
shrines, monuments and/or landmarks. By virtue
of Presidential Decree No. 1 dated September 24, The Tourism Promotions Board (TPB) is an
1972, the NHI has been given the authority for the agency attached to the DOT, tasked with
preservation, restoration, and/or reconstruction of promoting the country as an ideal tourism,
several historic sites and buildings. All monetary convention and incentive travel destination. It
contributions and donations to the archives of the provides comprehensive information, assistance
and guidance to meeting planners and incentives and integrate all games of chance not heretofore
travel organizers who seek an idea venue for their authorized by existing franchises or permitted by
meetings and incentives groups. law in order to attain the following objectives:

Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) (b) To establish and operate clubs and
casinos, for amusement and recreation, including
Presidential Decree No. 520 issued on July sports gaming pools (basketball, football, lotteries,
23, 1974 empowers the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas etc.) and such forms of amusement and creation
(formerly Central Bank of the Philippines) to including games of chance, which may be allowed
organize a corporation which will manage and by law within the territorial jurisdiction of the
administer the Philippine International Convention Philippines and which will: x x x (3) minimize, if not
Center. National Economic Development Authority totally eradicate, the evils, malpractices and
(NEDA) corruptions that are normally prevalent in the
conduct and operation of gambling clubs and
The National Economic Development casinos without direct government involvement.
Authority (NEDA) is the country's independent
economic development and planning agency. It is PAGCOR is granted for a period of twenty-
headed by the President as chairman of the NEDA five (25) years, renewable for another twenty-five
board with the secretary of Socioeconomic (25) years, the rights privileges and authority to
Planning, concurrently NEDA Director-General, as operate and maintain gambling casinos, clubs, and
vice-chairman. All Cabinet members, as well as the other recreation or amusement places, sports,
Central Bank governor, are members of the NEDA gaming pools (i.e., basketball, football, lotteries,
Board. The NEDA was created in pursuance of the etc.) whether on land or sea, within the territorial
goals of promoting the economic and social jurisdiction of the Republic of the Philippines.
development and stability of the country. The
NEDA may, in the discharge of its duties and Department of Environment and Natural
functions, call upon any private person or Resources (DENR)
representative of the private sector for such views
or advice as may be pertinent to any matter under As provided under Section 4 of Executive
its consideration. Order 192, the DENR is mandated to be the
primary government agency responsible for the
Anti-Money Laundering Council conversation, management, development, and
proper use of the country's environment and
The Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC) natural resources, including those in reservations,
is the agency of the Government of the Philippines watershed areas and lands of the public domain,
that is tasked to implement the provisions of R.A. as well as the licensing, utilization, and regulation
No. 9160, also known as the "Anti-Money of all natural resources as may be provided by law
Laundering Act of 2001" (AMLA), as amended, and in order to ensure equitable sharing of the benefits
R.A. No.10168, also known as the "Terrorism derived therefrom for the welfare of the present
Financing Prevention and Suppression Act of 2012" and future generations of Filipinos.
(TFPSA). It serves as the Philippines' central anti-
money laundering/counter- terrorism financing The DENR's mission is to be the dynamic
(AML/CTF) authority. As such, it functions as the force behind people's initiatives in the protection,
AML/CTF regulator and supervisor, financial conversation, development, and management of
intelligence unit, and primary law enforcement the environment through strategic alliance and
agency of the Philippines against money partnership relevant policies and programs, and
laundering and terrorist financing. appropriate information technology toward
sustainable development.
Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation
(PAGCOR) The powers and functions of the DENR, per
Section of 5 of E.O. 192, are as follows:
PAGCOR is a government-owned and
controlled corporation existing under Presidential a) Advises the President on the enactment of
Decree No. 1869 issued on July 11, 1983 by President laws relative to the develop- ment, use,
Ferdinand Marcos. Pertinent provisions of said regulation, and conservation of the
enabling law read: country's natural resources and the control
of pollution;
Section 1. Declaration of Policy. It is hereby b) Formulates, implements, and supervises
declared to be the policy of the State to centralize the government's policies, plans and
programs pertaining to the management,
conservation, development, use and (1) Accelerate cadastral and emancipation
replenishment of the country's natural patent surveys, land use planning and
resources; public land titling;
c) Promulgates rules and regulations in (2) Harness forest-resources in a
accordance with law governing the sustainable manner, to assist rural
exploration, development, conversation, development, support forest-based
extraction, disposition, use and such other industries, and provide raw materials to
commercial activities tending to cause the meet increasing demands, at the same
depletion and degradation of our natural time keeping adequate reserves for
resources; environmental stability; and
d) Exercises supervision and control over (3) Expedite mineral resources surveys,
forest lands, alienable and disposable lands, promote the production of metallic and
and mineral resources and impose non-metallic minerals, and encourage
appropriate payments, fees, charges, mineral marketing.
rentals and any such form of levy and
collect such revenues for the exploration, j) Regulates the development, disposition,
development, utilization or gathering of extraction, exploration and use of the
such resources; country's forestland and mineral resources;
e) Undertakes exploration, assessment, k) Assumes responsibility for the assessment,
classification and inventory of the country's development, protection, conservation,
natural resources using ground surveys, licensing and regulation as provided for by
remote sensing and complementary the law, where applicable, of all natural
technologies; resources; the regulation and monitoring of
f) Promotes proper and mutual consultation service contractors, licensees, lessees, and
with the private sector involving natural permittees for the extraction, exploration,
resources development, use and development and utilization of natural
conservation; resource products; the implementation of
g) Undertakes geological surveys of the whole programs and measures with the end in
country including its territorial waters; view of promoting close collaboration
h) Establishes policies and implements between the government and the private
programs for the: sector, the effective and efficient
classification and sub-classification and
(1) Accelerated inventory, surveys and lands of the public domain; and the
classification of lands, forest and enforcement of natural resources laws,
mineral resources using appropriate rules and regulations;
technology, to be able to come up with l) Promulgates rules, regulations and
a more accurate assessment of resource guidelines on the issuance of co-
quality and quantity; production, joint venture or production
(2) Equitable distribution of natural sharing agreements, license, permits,
resources through the judicious concessions, leases and such other
administration, regulation, utilization, privileges and arrangement concerning the
development and expansion of natural development, exploration and utilization of
resource-based industries; country's natural resources and shall
(3) Promotion, development and expansion continue to oversee, supervise and police
of natural resource-based industries; our natural resources; to cancel or cause to
(4) Preservation of cultural and natural cancel such privileges and arrangements
heritage through wildlife conservation upon failure, non-compliance or violations
and segregation of national parks and of any regulations, orders, and for all other
other protected areas; causes which are in furtherance of the
(5) Maintenance of a wholesome natural conversation of natural resources and
environment by enforcing supportive if the national interest.
environmental protection laws; and m) Exercises exclusive jurisdiction on the
(6) Encouragement of greater people's management and disposition of all lands of
participation and private initiative in the public domain and shall continue to be
natural resource management. the sole agency responsible for the
classification, sub-classification, surveying
i) Promulgates rules and regulations and titling of lands in consultation with
necessary to: appropriate agencies;
n) Implements measures for the regulations development, training, allocation, and
and supervision of the processing of forest utilization;
products, grading and inspection of lumber c) Recommends legislation to enhance the
and other forest products and monitoring material, social and intellectual
of the movement of timber and other forest improvement of the nation's labor force;
products; d) Protects and promotes the interest of every
o) Promulgates rules and regulations for the citizen desiring to work locally or overseas
control of water, air and land pollution; by securing for him the most equitable
promulgate ambient and effluent terms and conditions of employment, and
standards for water and air quality by providing social and welfare services;
including the allowable levels of other e) Regulates the employment of aliens,
pollutants and radiations; including the enforcement of registration
p) Promulgates policies, rules and regulations or work permit system for such aliens.
for the conservation of the country's f) Formulates general guidelines concerning
genetic resources and biological diversity, wage income policy;
and endangered habitats which will be g) Recommends necessary adjustments in
presented to the Cabinet for the President's wage structures with the view to
approval. developing a wage system that is
q) Promulgates an integrated, multi-sectoral, consistent with national economic and
and multi-disciplinary National social development plans;
Conservation Strategy, which will be h) Provides for safe, decent, humane, and
presented to the Cabinet for President's improved working conditions and
approval; and environment for all workers, particularly
r) Exercises other powers and functions and women and young workers;
perform such other acts as may be i) Maintains a harmonious, equitable, and
necessary, proper, or incidental to the stable labor relations system that is
attainment of its mandates and objectives. supportive of the national economic
policies and programs.
Under R.A. No.9147 or known as the Wildlife j) Upholds the rights of workers and
Resources Conservation and Production Act (July employers to organize and promote free
30, 2001), the DENR shall have jurisdiction over all collective bargaining as the foundation of
terrestrial plant and animal species, all turtles and the labor relations system; and
tortoise and wetland species, including but not k) Provides and ensures the fair and
limited to crocodiles, waterbirds, and all expeditious settlement and disposition of
amphibians and dugong. The Department of labor and industrial disputes through
Agriculture (DA), on the other hand, shall have collective bargaining, grievance machinery,
jurisdiction over all declared aquatic critical conciliation, mediation, voluntary
habitats, all aquatic resources including but not arbitration, compulsory arbitration as may
limited to all fishes, aquatic plants, invertebrates, be provided by law, and other modes that
and all marine mammals, except dugong. For the may be voluntarily agreed upon by the
implementation of international agreement on parties concerned.
international trade in endangered species of wild
fauna and fora, the management authorities for Department of Public Works and Highways
terrestrial and aquatic resources shall be the (DPWH)
Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau (PAWB) of
the DENR and the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic The DPWH functions as the engineering
Resources (BFAR) of the DA, respectively. and construction arm of the government tasked to
continuously develop its technology for the
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) purpose of ensuring the safety of all infrastructure
facilities and securing for all public works and
The following are the functions of the highways the highest efficiency and quality in
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE): construction. The DPWH is currently responsible
for the planning, design, construction, and
a) Enforces social and labors legislation to maintenance of infrastructure, especially the
protect the working class and regulate the national highways, flood control and water
relations between the worker and his resources development system, and other public
employers; works in accordance with the national
b) Formulates and recommends policies, development objectives. The work of the DPWH is
plans, and programs for manpower
very important especially in providing land access
to tourist destinations, sites, and service facilities. Light Rail Transit Authority (LRTA). This is a
corporate body which shall be primarily
Department of Transportation and responsible for the construction, operation,
Communication (DOTC) maintenance, and/or lease of light rail transit
system in the Philippines, giving due regard to the
The DOTC is the primary policy, planning, reasonable requirements of the public
programming, coordinating, implementing, transportation system of the country.
regulating, and administrative entity of the
executive branch of the government in the Metro Rail Transit Corporation (MRTC). The MRTC
promotion, development and regulation of undertook to build MRT 3 which it shall own for 25
dependable and coordinated networks of years, after which, ownership shall be transferred
transportation and communications systems, as to the Philippine government in accordance with
well as the fast, safe, efficient and reliable postal, R.A. No.6957 or the Build, Operate and Transfer
transportation and communications services. Law. This allows MRTC, either by itself or through
any estate developers, to develop commercial
The following are the attached agencies of premises in the MRT 3 structure or to obtain
the DOTC: advertising income therefrom.

Land Transportation Office (LTO). The LTO is the Philippine National Railways (PNR). It is a
proper agency which controls the registration and corporation to serve as the instrumentality of the
operation of motor vehicles and the licensing of Government of the Philippines in providing a
owners, dealers, conductors, drivers, and similar nationwide railroad transportation system. The
matters. PNR shall not be subject to the authority and
supervision of the Public Service Commission.
Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory
Board (LTFRB). The LTFRB is the agency which
issues, amends, revises, suspends or cancels Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).
Certificates of Public Convenience or permits
authorizing the operation of public land Under Executive Order 133 which remains
transportation services provided by motorized effective up to the present time, the DTI serves as
vehicles, and to prescribe the appropriate terms the primary coordinative, promotive, and facilities
and conditions. arm for trade, industry and investment activities. It
acts as the catalyst for intensified private sector
Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA). The activity to accelerate and sustain economic growth
MARINA integrates the development, promotion, through:
and regulation of the maritime industry in the
country. It was originally placed under the Office of a) A comprehensive industrial growth
the President. strategy;
b) A progressive and socially responsible
Air Transportation Office (ATO). The ATO is liberalization and deregulation program;
primarily charged with the technical and and
operational phases of civil aviation matters. Its c) Policies designed for the expansion and
primary function is to establish and enforce rules diversification of both domestic and foreign
and regulations for the inspections and trade.
registration of all aircraft owned and operated in
the Philippines and all air facilities. It also in charge The end goal is to grow and expand
in the operation and maintenance of national Philippine trade and industry as the means to
airports, air navigation, and other similar facilities. generate jobs and raise incomes, so that Filipinos
may enjoy continuing improvements in their
Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB). The CAB regulates quality of life.
the economic aspect of air transportation and has
general supervision and regulation of and The DTI shall be empowered and
jurisdiction and control over air carriers as well as authorized to issue rules and regulations and
their property, property rights, equipment, adopt measures as to:
facilities, and franchise. It also has the power to
issue, deny, amend, revise, alter, modify, cancel, a) Consolidate and/or coordinate all functions
suspend, or revoke any temporary permit or and efforts in domestic trade and
Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity. development of foreign trade in general;
b) Maintain reasonable allocation/distribution books of the Code that may arise between
as between domestic and export market registered enterprises or investors therein and
through export retention, expert allocation, government agencies, within (30) days after the
export subsidy, pricing, export ban and controversy has been submitted for decision:
other schemes and measure to ensure Provide, That the investor or the registered
price stability and supply availabilities of enterprise may appeal the decision of the Board
essential commodities in the local market; within thirty (30) days from receipt thereof of the
c) Regulate the import of essential consumers President;
and producers' items with a view of
enhancing availability at fair and (5) Recommend to the Commissioner of and
competitive prices to end-users; and Immigration and Deportation the entry into the
d) Promote and regulate domestic trade, Philippines for employment of the foreign
marketing and distribution to ensure the nationals under the code;
rational, economic and steady flow of
commodities from producing and/or (6) Periodically check and verify, either by
marketing centers to area in short-supply inspection of the books or by requiring regular
through the support of centralized buying reports, the proportion of the participation of the
operations, terminal markets and large Philippine nationals in a registered enterprise to
scale and economical distribution systems ascertain compliance with its qualification to retain
organized by the public or private sector. registration under the Code;

Board of Investments (BOI) (7) Periodically check and verify the compliance by
Under the Omnibus Investment Code of registered enterprises with the relevant provisions
198712, the Board of Investments (BOI) shall be of the Code, with the rules and regulations
responsible for the regulation and promotion of promulgated therein and with the terms and
investments in the Philippines. conditions of registration;

The BOI shall exercise the following powers (8) After due notice, cancel the registration or
and duties: suspend the enjoyment of incentives/benefits of
(1) Prepare annually the Investment Priorities Plan, any registered enterprise and/or require refund of
which shall contain a listing of specific activities incentives enjoyed by such enterprise including
that can qualify for incentives, duly supported by interest and monetary penalties, for (a) failure to
the studies of existing and prospective demands maintain the qualifications required by the Code
for such products and services in the light of the for registration with Board or (b) for violation of any
level and structure of income, production, trade, provisions of the Code of the rules and regulations
prices and relevant economic and technical factors issued thereof, of the terms and conditions of
of the regions as well as existing facilities; registration, or of laws for the protection of labor or
of the consuming public: Provided that the
(2) Promulgate such rules and regulations as may registration of an enterprise whose project
be necessary to implement the intent and timetable, as set by the Board is delayed by one
provisions of the code relevant to the Board; year, shall be considered automatically canceled
(3) Process and approve applications for unless otherwise reinstated as a registered
registration with the Board, imposing such terms enterprise by the Board;
and conditions as it may deem necessary to
promote the objectives of the Code, including (9) Determine the organizational structure,
refund of incentives when appropriate, restricting appoint, discipline and remove its personal
availment of certain incentives not needed by the consistent with the provisions of the Civil Service
project in the determination of the Board, Law and Rules;
requiring performance bonds and other
guarantees, and payment of application, (10) Prepare or contact for the preparation of
registration, publication and other necessary fees feasibility and other pre-investment studies for
and when warranted may limit the availment of pioneer areas either upon its own initiative; or
the tax holiday incentive to the extent that the upon the request of Philippine nationals who
investor's country law or treaties with the commit themselves to invest therein and show the
Philippines allows a credit for taxes paid in the capability of doing so, Provided, That if the venture
Philippines; is implemented, then the amount advanced by the
Board shall be repaid within five (5) years from the
(4) After due hearing, decide controversies date the commercial operation of said enterprise
concerning the implementation of the relevant starts;
foreigners or business organization owned in
(11) When feasible and considered desirable by the whole or in part by foreigners;
Board, require registered enterprises to list their
shares of stock in any accredited stock exchange (16) Prepare on contract for the preparation of
or directly offer a portion of their capital stock to industry and sectoral development programs and
the public and/or their employees; gathered and compile statistical, marketing,
financial and other data required for the effective
(12) Formulate and implement rationalization implementation of the Code;
programs for certain industries whose operation
may result in dislocation, overcrowding or (17) Within (4) months after the close of the fiscal
inefficient use of resources, thus impending year, submit annual reports
economic growth. For this purpose, the Board may
formulate guidelines for progressive to the President which shall cover is activities in
manufacturing programs, local content programs, the administration of this Code, including
mandatory sourcing requirements and dispersal of recommendations on investment policies;
industries. In appropriate case and upon approval
of the President, the Board may restrict, either (18) Provide, directly or through Philippine
totally or partially, the importation of any Diplomatic Missions, such information as may be
equipment or raw materials or finished products of interest to prospective foreign investors.
involved in the rationalization program;
(19) Collate, analyze and complete pertinent
(13) In appropriate cases, subject to the conditions information and studies concerning areas that
which the Board deems necessary, suspend the have been or may be declared preferred areas of
nationality requirement provided for in the Code investments;
or any other nationalization statue in cases of
ASEAN projects or investments by ASEAN (20) Enter into agreements with other agencies of
nationals in preferred projects, and with the government for the simplifications and facilitation
approval of the President, extend said suspension of systems and procedures involved in the
to other international complementation promotion of investments, operation of registered
arrangements for the manufacture of a particular enterprises and other activities necessary for the
product on a regional basis to take advantage of effective implementation of the Code; and
economies of scale;
(21) Generally, exercise all the powers necessary or
(14) Extend the period of availment of incentives by incidental to attain the purposes of the Code and
any registered enterprise; Provided, That the total other laws vesting additional functions on the
period of availment shall not exceed ten (10) years, Board.
subject to any of the following criteria:
Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA)
a. The registered enterprise has suffered
operational force majeure that has R.A. No.7916 creating the Philippine
impaired its viability; Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) was enacted only
b. The registered enterprise has not fully July 25, 1994 with the following objectives:
enjoyed the incentives granted to it for
reasons beyond its control; a. To establish the legal framework and
c. The project of the registered enterprise mechanism for the integration, coordination,
has a gestation period which goes beyond planning and monitoring of special
the period of availment of needed economic zones, industrial estates/parks,
incentives; and export processing zones and other economic
d. The operation of the registered enterprise zones;
has been subjected to unforeseen b. To transform selected areas in the country
changes in government policies, into highly developed agro- industrial,
particularly, protectionalism policies of industrial, commercial, tourist, banking,
importing countries, and such other investment, and financial centers, where
supervening factors which would affect highly trained workers and efficient services
the competitiveness of the registered firm. will be available to commercial enterprises;
c. To promote the flow of investors, both
(15) Regulate the making of investments and the foreign and local, into special economic
doing of business with the Philippines by zones which would generate employment
opportunities and establish backward and
forward linkages among industries in and commercial, banking, investment and financial
around the economic zones; centers. An ecozone may contain any or all of the
d. To stimulate the repatriation of Filipino following: Industrial Estates (IEs), Export
capital by providing attractive climate and Processing Zones (EPZs), Free Trade Zone, and
incentives for business activity; Tourist/Recreational Centers.
e. To promote financial and industrial
corporation between the Philippines and The PEZA is a body corporate attached to
industrialized countries through technology- the DTI. The Board shall have a director general
intensive industries that will modernize the with the rank of department undersecretary who
country's industrial sector and improve shall be appointed by the President. The director
productivity levels by utilizing new general shall be at least forty (40) years of age, of
technological and managerial know-how; proven probity and integrity, and a degree holder
and in any of the following fields: economics, business,
i. To vest the special economic zones on public administration, law, management or their
certain areas thereof with the status of a equivalent, and with at least ten (10) years relevant
separate customs territory within the working experience preferably in the field of
framework of the Constitution and the management or public administration.
national sovereignty and territorial integrity
of the Philippines, The director general shall be assisted by
three (3) deputy directors general each for policy
PEZA grants fiscal and non-fiscal incentives and planning administration and operation, who
to developers of economic zones, export shall be appointed by the PEZA Board, upon the
procedures, and I.T. service exporters. PEZA offers recommendation of the director general. The
ready-to-occupy locations to foreign investors who deputy directors general shall be at least thirty-five
are export producers or IT service exporters in (35) years old, with proven probity and integrity,
world-class and environment-friendly Economic and degree holders in any of the following fields:
Zones and I.T. Parks/Buildings. economics, business, public administration, law,
management, or their equivalent.
For PEZA-registered enterprises under
Section 23 of Rep. Act. No. 7916, there are two The Board shall be composed of thirteen
options with respect to its tax burden. It could avail (13) members as follows: the secretary of the DTI as
of an income tax holiday pursuant to provisions of chairman the director general of the Philippine
E.O. No. 226, thus exempt it from income taxes for Economic Zone Authority as vice-chairman, the
a number of years but not from other internal undersecretaries of the Department of Finance,
revenue taxes such as VAT; or it could avail of the the Department of Labor and Employment, the
tax exemptions on all taxes, including VAT under Department of Interior and Local Government, the
P.D. No. 66 and pay only the preferential tax rate of Department of Environment and Natural
5% under Rep. Act No. 7916. Once the PEZA- Resources, the Department of Agriculture, the
registered enterprise avails of the income tax Department of Public Works and Highways, the
holiday under E.O. 226, it is not exempt VAT and it Department of Science and Technology, the
must register itself as a VAT taxpayer. In fine, it is Department of Energy, the Deputy Director
engaged in taxable rather than exempt General of the National Economic and Develop
transactions. However, the Supreme Court already Authority, one (1) representative from the
pronounced that business companies registered in investors/business sector in the ecozone. In case of
and operating from the Special Economic Zone are the unavailability of the secretary of the DTI to
entities exempt from all internal revenue taxes and attend a particular board meeting, the director
the implementing rules relevant thereto, including general of PEZA shall act as Chairman.
the value-added taxes or VAT. Although export
sales are not deemed exempt transactions, they The PEZA Board shall have the following
are nonetheless zero-rated. Hence, the distinction functions and powers:
between exempt entities and exempt transactions
has little significance, because the net result is that a. To operate, administer, manage and
the taxpayers are not liable for the VAT. develop the ecozone according to the
principles and provisions set forth in this
The term "Special Economic Zones (SEZs)," Act;
hereinafter referred to as the ecozones, are b. To register, regulate and supervise the
selected areas with highly developed or which enterprises in the ecozone in an efficient
have the potential to be developed into agro- and decentralized manner;
industrial, industrial tourist/recreational,
c. To coordinate with local government
units and exercise general supervision Throughout the 1970s, the DFA pursued the
over the development, plans, activities promotion the trade and investments, played an
and operations of the ecozones, active role in hosting international meetings, and
industrial estates, export processing participated in the meetings of the Non-Aligned
zones, free trade zones, and the like; Movement. The Foreign Service Institute was
d. In coordination with local government created in 1976 to provide in-house training to
units concerned and appropriate Foreign Service personnel.
agencies, to construct, acquire, own,
lease, operate and maintain on its own or The EDSA Revolution 1986 saw the
through contract, franchise, license, bulk reestablishment of a democratic government
purchase from the private sector and under President Corazon Aquino. During this
build-operate-transfer scheme or joint period, the DFA once again pursued development
venture, adequate facilities and policy in the active pursuit of opportunities abroad
infrastructure, such as light and power in the vital areas of trade, investment, finance,
systems, water supply and distribution technology and aid. The DFA also revived its efforts
systems, telecommunication and to boost the Philippines' role in the Asia-Pacific
transportation, buildings, structures, region. The Philippines became one of the
warehouse, roads, bridges, ports and founding members of the Asia-Pacific Economic
other facilities for the operation and Cooperation or APEC in November 1989, and an
development of the ecozone; active player in regional efforts to establish the
e. To create, operate and/or contract to ASEAN Free Trade Area. In 1990, the DFA proposed
operate such agencies and functional the establishment of more diplomatic missions in
units or offices of the authority as it may the Middle East to improve existing ties with the
deem necessary; Arab states and to respond to the growing needs
f. To adopt, alter and use a corporate seal; of overseas Filipino workers in the region.
make contracts, lease, own or otherwise
dispose of personal or real property; sue In 1991, the Philippine Senate, heeding the
and be sued; and otherwise carry out its growing nationalist sentiments among the public,
duties and functions as provided for in vote against the extension of the Military Bases
this Act; Agreement. This symbolized the severance of the
g. To coordinate the formulation and political and ideological ties which had long linked
preparation of the development plans of the country to the United States. Also, in 1991,
the different entities mentioned above; President Aquino signed into law R.A. 7157, the
h. To coordinate with the National new Foreign Service Law, which reorganized and
Economic Development Authority strengthened the Foreign Service.
(NEDA), the Department of Trade and
Industry (DTI), the Department of The Ramos administration, from July 1992,
Science and Technology (DOST), and the defined four core areas of Philippine foreign policy
local government units and appropriate the enhancement of national security, promotion
government agencies for policy and of economic diplomacy, protecting Overseas
program formulation and Filipino Workers and Filipino nationals abroad, and
implementation; and the projection of a good image out of the country
i. To monitor and evaluate the abroad. President Ramos boosted foreign trade,
development and requirements of investments, and official development assistance
entities in subsection (a) and to the Philippines through his state visit and
recommend to the local government summit meetings.
units or other appropriate authorities the
location, incentives, basic services, The Estrada administration upheld the
utilities and infrastructure required or to foreign policy thrusts of the previous
be made available for said entities. administration, focusing on national security,
economic diplomacy, assistance to nationals, and
Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) image-building. The Philippines continued to be at
the forefront of the regional and multilateral arena.
The DFA is the prime agency of the It successfully hosted the ASEAN Ministerial
government responsible for the pursuit of the Meeting in July 1998 undertook confidence-
State's foreign policy and the nerve center for the building measures with China over the South
Foreign Service worthy of the trust and pride of China Sea issue through a meeting in March 1999.
every Filipino. President Estrada strengthened bilateral ties, with
neighboring countries with visits to Vietnam, h. Organizes, trains, and equips primarily for
Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, the performance of police functions, a
and South Korea. police force that is national in scope and
civilian in character.
The DFA played a major role in the forging
of a Visiting Forces Agreement with the United Under R.A. No. 6975 or known as the
States, which was concurred in the Senate. The Department of the Interior and Local Government
country also sent a delegation of 108 observers to Act of 1990, the DILG consists of the Department
the Indonesian parliamentary elections, and Proper, the existing bureaus and offices of the
engaged in cooperative activities in the areas of Department of Local Government, the National
security, defense, combating transnational crimes, Police Commission, the Philippine Public Safety
culture, and the protection of OFWs and Filipinos College, and the following bureaus: the Philippine
abroad. National Police, the Bureau of Fire Protection, and
the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology.
As the DFA enters yet another year in its
existence, it sets its right toward the new Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD)
millennium, and welcomes the challenges and
opportunities it faces in an increasingly globalized The BFAD is an attached agency under the
world. Department of Health in charge of the registration
of processed foods, drugs, medical devices, in vitro
Department of Interior and Local Government diagnostic reagents, cosmetics, and household
(DILG) hazardous substance products. In case these
products will have to be hand-carried for
The Department of Interior and Local professionals abroad, consumers may go directly
Government (DILG) has the following functions: to the BCFAD Policy, Planning, and Advocacy
Division - Public Assistance and Compliance
a. Assists the President in the exercise of Division (PPAD-PACD). Consumers are advised to
general supervision over local bring for verification, product samples, and the
governments; doctor's prescription drug products.
b. Advises the President in the promulgation
of policies, rules, regulations, and other Establishments involved in the
issuances on the general supervision over manufacture, packaging, repacking, importation,
local governments and on public order exportation, distribution, and retailing of processed
and safety. foods, drugs, medical devices, in vitro diagnostic
c. Establishes and prescribes rules, reagents, cosmetics, and household hazardous
regulations and other issuances substance products must secure a license to
implementing laws on public order and operate from BFAD. As a precaution, consumers
safety, the general supervision over local are advised to verify the existence of the license to
governments and the promotion of local operate of the establishment/outlet which should
autonomy and community be conspicuously displayed and the existence of
empowerment and monitor compliance the applicable BFAD Product Registration Number
thereof, on the label of the products intended to be
d. Provides assistance toward legislation bought. The absence of such information on
regarding local governments, law possible illegal source/product.
enforcement and public safety;
e. Establishes and prescribes plans, policies, Furthermore, consumers must ask for
programs and projects to promote peace receipts of payment of purchased products
and order, ensure public safety and reflecting the business name and address, Tax
further strengthen the administrative, Identification Number (TIN), and name of printer
technical and fiscal capabilities of local (BIR Permit No.) with exclusive serial number of
government officers and personnel; booklets and date of issuance of receipts and the
f. Formulates plans, policies and programs description of the goods bought.
which will meet local emergencies arising
from natural and man-made disaster; Bureau of Immigration
g. Establishes a system of coordination and
cooperation among the citizenry, local The main functions of the Bureau of
executives, and the Department, to ensure Immigration are:
effective and efficient delivery of basic
services to the public; and
When a vessel becomes subject to seizure
● Acts as the primary enforcement arm of the
by reason of an act done in Philippine waters in
Department of Justice and the President of violation of the tariff and customs laws, a pursuit of
the Philippines in ensuring that all such vessel begins within the jurisdictional waters
foreigners within its territorial jurisdiction and may continue beyond the maritime zone, in
comply with existing laws; such case, the vessel may be seized on the high
seas. Imported articles which may be subject to
● Assists local and international law seizure for violation of the tariff and customs laws
enforcement agencies in securing the may be pursued in their transportation in the
tranquility of the state against foreigners Philippines by land, water or air and such
whose presence or stay may be deemed jurisdiction exerted over it at any place therein as
threats to national security, public safety, may be necessary for the due enforcement of the
public morals and public health and; law, 197

The BoC shall, for customs purposes, have

● Acts as chief repository of all immigration exclusive control, direction and management of
records pertaining to entry, temporary custom houses, warehouse, offices, wharves, and
sojourn, admission, residence, and other premises in the respective ports of entry, in
departure of all foreigners in the country. all cases without prejudice to the general police
powers of the city or municipality wherein such
Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) premises are situated. 198

The BIR shall be under the supervision and When any public wharf, landing place,
control of the Department of Finance and its street or land, not previously under the jurisdiction
powers and duties shall comprehend the of the BoC, in any port of entry, is necessary or
assessment and collection of all national internal desirable for any proper customs purpose, the
revenue taxes, fees, and charges, and the President of the Philippines may, by executive
enforcement of all forfeitures, penalties, and fines order, declare such premises to be under the
connected therewith, including the execution of jurisdiction of the BoC, and thereafter the authority
judgments in all cases decided in its favor by the of such Bureau in respect thereto shall be fully
Court of Tax Appeals and the ordinary courts. effective. 199

Bureau of Customs (BoC) However, in the case of Hon. Executive

Secretary et al. v. South Wing Heavy Industries, et
Under R.A. No. 1937 (June 22, 1957) titled: al., G.R. Nos. 164171, 164172, and 1687841, February 21,
Revising the Tariff and Customs Laws, the general 2006, the Supreme Court declared as
duties, as amended by R.A. No. 9135 dated April 27, constitutionally invalid provision, President
2001, the powers and jurisdiction of the bureau Arroyo's Executive Order 156 which prohibits the
shall include: importation of used motor vehicles at the Subic
1) Assess and collect lawful revenues; Bay Freeport.
2) Prevent smuggling and other frauds;
3) Control vessels/aircrafts doing foreign The Philippine Coast Guard
4) Enforce tariff and customs laws; By virtue of R.A. No. 5173, the Philippine
5) Control the handling of foreign mails Coast Guard has been created as an attached
revenues and prevention purposes; agency of the Department of Transportation and
6) Control import and export cargoes; and Communication with the following objectives:
7) Jurisdiction over forfeiture and seizure a. To enforce or assist in the enforcement
cases. of all applicable laws upon the high seas
and waters subject to the jurisdiction of
The revised Charter of the Philippine Ports the Republic of the Philippines.
Authority which took effect on December 23, 1975, b. To enforce law, promulgate, and
195 transferred the powers, duties and jurisdiction administer regulations for the promotion
of the BoC with regard to arrastre and stevedoring of safety of life and property within the
operations of the PPA. [Pernito Arrastre Services, maritime jurisdiction of the Philippines;
Inc. v. Mendoza, 146 SCRA 430, 434 (1986).]19% and
c. To develop, establish, maintain, and
operate, with due regard to the
requirements of national defense, aids to
maritime navigation and rescue facilities
● Creating equitable opportunities for
for the promotion of safety on and over
the high seas and waters, subject to the participation in sports by all sectors;
jurisdiction of the Philippines. ● Providing assistance to stakeholders and
Professional Regulatory Board for Customs
Brokers ● Supporting the especially talented athletes
for high-level competitions; and
Pursuant to the national policy, the
● Promoting the development of physical
government shall provide a program to set up a
climate conducive to the practice of the profession qualities and moral values which is the
and maximize the capability and potential of our basis of sports.
Filipino customs brokers. Hence, R.A. No.9280
(March 30, 2004) was enacted regulating the Philippine National Police (PNP)
practice of customs brokers profession in the
Philippines, and creating the Professional The PNP is the armed, civilian national
Regulatory Board for Customs Brokers. This Act police force in the Philippines headquartered at
provides for and shall govern: Camp Crame in Quezon City. It is administered
and controlled by the National Police Commission
(a) The standardization and regulation of and is part of the Department of the Interior and
customs administration education; Local Government (DILG). Local police officers are
(b) The examination and registration of operationally controlled by municipal mayors.
customs brokers; and DILG, on the other hand, organizes, trains and
(c) The supervision, control, and regulation equips the PNP for the performance of police
of the practice and the customs broker functions as a police force that is national in scope
profession. and civilian in character. The PNP was formed on
January 29, 1991 when the Philippine Constabulary
Nayong Pilipino Foundation (NPF) and Integrated National Police were merged
pursuant to R.A. No.6975 of 1990.
The NPF was created under P.D. No. 37 on
November 16, 1972 with the intention of promoting, Anti-Graft and Corruption Law in Government
encouraging, and initiating research and
development projects and activities in social R.A. No. 10910 or "An Act Increasing the
sciences, humanities, social; and amelioration and Prescriptive Period for Violations of R.A. No. 3019,
allied fields. The Foundation is non-stock, non- Otherwise Known as the 'Anti-Graft and Corrupt
profit corporation, organized, established, and Practices Act' from Fifteen (15) Years to Twenty (20)
operated in the public interest and no portion of its Years, Amending Section 11 Thereof" amended the
funds and income shall inure to the benefit of any prescription of offenses, also known as the statute
of its member. The policymaking body of the of limitations, from 15 to 20 years. This means it is
Nayong Pilipino shall be the Board of Trustees still possible to carry out judgment on individuals
composed of a chairman and eight members to be guilty of graft and corruption within 20 years.
appointed by the President for a term of one year.
The chairman and members shall be persons
genuinely interested in the promotion of the
purposes and objectives of the Foundation.

Philippine Sports Commission

The primary mandate of the Philippine

Sports Commission is to serve as the prime
catalyst and advocate for the propagation and
development of Philippine sports by helping shape
policies and setting priorities through the

● Coordinating and implementing a national

sports program;

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