Ia Week 4
Ia Week 4
Ia Week 4
1.6 constructs project plan 1.6.1 1.6.2 demonstrates resourcefulness 1.6.2 demonstrates 1.6.2 demonstrates resourcefulness and WEEKLY TEST
II. CONTENT / TOPIC considers deliberate policies on and management skills in the use of resourcefulness and management skills in the use of time,
sustainable development in time, materials, money, and effort management skills in the use of materials, money, and effort
constructing the project plan time, materials, money, and
III. LEARNING Considers Deliberate Policies On Demonstrates Resourcefulness And Demonstrates Resourcefulness Demonstrates Resourcefulness And
RESOURCES Sustainable Development In Management Skills In The Use Of And Management Skills In The Management Skills In The Use Of Time
Constructing The Project Plan Time Materials, Money And Effort Use Of Time Materials, Money Materials, Money And Effort
And Effort
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages ADM MODULE Industrial Arts 6 ADM MODULE Industrial Arts 6 ADM MODULE Industrial Arts 6 ADM MODULE Industrial Arts 6
2. Learner’s Materials ADM MODULE Industrial Arts 6 ADM MODULE Industrial Arts 6 ADM MODULE Industrial Arts 6 ADM MODULE Industrial Arts 6
3. Textbook pages Life Skills Through TLE6 Life Skills Through TLE6 Life Skills Through TLE6 Life Skills Through TLE6
http://www.tabletmag.com/wp-content/files_mf/ http://www.tabletmag.com/wp-content/files_mf/ http://www.tabletmag.com/wp-content/files_mf/ http://www.tabletmag.com/wp-content/files_mf/
4. Additional materials
mitzvah_project_031213_250pxA.jpg mitzvah_project_031213_250pxA.jpg mitzvah_project_031213_250pxA.jpg mitzvah_project_031213_250pxA.jpg
from http://www.tabletmag.com/wp- http://www.tabletmag.com/wp-
LRMDS portal content/files_mf/mitzvah_project_031213_250pxA.jpg http://www.tabletmag.com/wp-content/files_mf/mitzvah_ content/files_mf/mitzvah_project_031213_250pxA.jpg http://www.tabletmag.com/wp-content/files_mf/mitzvah_project
http://l7.alamy.com/zooms/ project_031213_250pxA.jpg http://l7.alamy.com/zooms/ _031213_250pxA.jpg
02373c002b254c1989a55c1d795be772/crafts-of-the- http://l7.alamy.com/zooms/ 02373c002b254c1989a55c1d795be772/crafts-of-the- http://l7.alamy.com/zooms/
native-indian-embera-tribe-embera-village-panama- 02373c002b254c1989a55c1d795be772/crafts-of-the- native-indian-embera-tribe-embera-village-panama- 02373c002b254c1989a55c1d795be772/crafts-of-the-
c1k1jb.jpg native-indian-embera-tribe-embera-village-panama- c1k1jb.jpg native-indian-embera-tribe-embera-village-panama-c1k1jb.jpg
http://l7.alamy.com/zooms/02373c002b254c1989a55c http://l7.alamy.com/zooms/02373c002b254c1989a55c http://l7.alamy.com/zooms/02373c002b254c1989a55c1d795be77
1d795be772/crafts-of-the- http://l7.alamy.com/zooms/02373c002b254c1989a55c1d79 1d795be772/crafts-of-the- 2/crafts-of-the-
native-indian-embera-tribe-embera-village- 5be772/crafts-of-the- native-indian-embera-tribe-embera-village- native-indian-embera-tribe-embera-village-panama-
panama-c1k1jb.jpg native-indian-embera-tribe-embera-village-panama- panama-c1k1jb.jpg c1k1jb.jpg
B. Other Materials PPT, VIDEO, Tarpapel PPT, VIDEO, Tarpapel PPT, VIDEO, Tarpapel PPT, VIDEO, Tarpapel Testpaper
A. Reviewing previous lesson Answer the following questions: What are the policies in making a What are the policies in making a
or 1 .What are the tools and project plan? project plan?
presenting the new lesson Instruments used in sketching, Why do we need to follow the Why we need to follow the
shading and outlining? policies in making a project plan? policies in making a project plan?
2. An art that represents
objects or any form on a surface
such as wood and metal using
lines. What are the policies in making a
3. It is the process of marking on project plan?
the outer parts of any shape, Why we need to follow the policies in
object or any figure by the use or making a project plan?
B. Establishing a purpose for Showing pictures. Ask the pupils Word Search. Find the word that Showing of finished project. a. Evaluate finished project.
the what they see in the picture. being described below. b. First gather the materials needed.
lesson 1. as payment for goods and c. Lastly, finish by attaching the
services handle.
2. an appointed, fixed, or customary d. and next, make the layout on the
moment or hour for something to sheet metal.
happen, begin, or end e. after that, cut the desired size with
3.a physical substance that things the use of a pattern.
can be made from f. Secondly, Measure desired
4.strenuous physical or mental dimension,
exertion g. Then fold the plain sheet with a
5. ability to find quick and clever seam.
ways to overcome difficulties
Write the correct sequence of making
2. Unlocking of Difficulties 6. the ability to carry out a task
a dustpan.
-policies a definite course of with pre-determined results often
action adopted for the sake of within a given amount of time.
expendiency, facility
-sustainable developments
development that meets the
needs of the present without
compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their
own needs.
C. Presenting examples/ Showing a simple project plan. Showing of finished project. How Is the project made? A resourceful person can achieve maximal
instances of the new lesson ( Picture or Template) results from minimal resources. Wise
What are the materials that you utilization of available resources on hand to
implement a propose project. Being
resourceful means one can find effective and
efficient ways of doing things; they tend to
Are they expensive? be innovative and imaginative.
Resourcefulness is the ability to find a way
to achieve your goal or to make one.
G. Finding practical Why we need to consider the Read the paragraph. List down the Your teacher required you to do Write Yes in your answer sheet if the
applications policies in constructing lesson good traits of Mr. Juan in a project. following situation is essential
of concepts and skills in plan? managing his time, materials, in the preparation a project plan and No
daily money and effort in making a -How will you show your skills on if not.
living project. managing your time effort, 1. The amount to be used in the
money and materials in making preparation of the project should be
Mr. Juan is a good carpenter. the project? given consideration.
Before he does his work, he 2. Prepare workable and attainable
prepares first the tools and target.
materials. He makes sure that the 3. The kind and quality of materials
measurement of each material need to be check before the start
needed is accurate and precise. He of a project.
chooses his materials that can be 4. The bill of materials contains the unit,
found in the environment. He quantity and procedure in
follows the steps or procedures the preparation of the project
very well. And most of all, he uses 5. A project plan is needed only in
recycled materials to lessen the project costing ten thousand pesos or
expenses. more.
H. Making generalization and You have planned to give your How do you manage your How you manage your Randy a Grade 6 learner of San Miguel
abstraction about the parent a gift. You came up with time, money, effort and materials in time ,money, effort and materials Elementary School wanted to buy a new
lesson the idea of making a heart shape making a project? in making a project? pair of shoes. He promised himself that
picture frame made of recyclable he will not ask money from his Tatay
materials. What should you do to and Nanay he wanted to have it through
make your picture frame more his savings. During class days, he sees to
creative, economical and it that he would have save some of his
attractive? baon. And on weekends, after doing his
household chores, he thought of helping
Aling Mameng in making kakanin to
have extra income.
Weeks past, but Randy was not able to
do his plan, he had a hard time
managing his time doing his task at
home, his homework and helping Aling
What do you think is the problem of
Will he be able to manage his time?
I. Evaluating learning Put heart if the policies in Which is being described in the Rubrics for the finished Directions: Read and answer each
making a project plan is being given statement. Choose your project Recipe Box. question. Write the letter of your
considered in each statement answer from the box. answer in a separate sheet of paper.
and star if it is not. Time effort money 1. What do you call a document
materials resourceful designed to guide you in the execution
1. Itemize the steps to do before of a project
1. Follow the specific steps to finish
you start the project. A. Building Plan C. Project Plan
the project smoothly.
2. Consider the benefits that we B. Action Plan D. Project Proponent
2. Set a deadline/time frame when
can get in making the project. 2. Which part of the project plan
to finish your project.
3. Use expensive materials. contains the quantity of the materials to
3. Budget your expenses and make
4. Know the proper and be used?
appropriate tools/ equipment a list on the things needed for your A. Working Drawing C. Procedure
needed. project. B. Tools Needed D. Bill of Materials
5. Identify the materials needed. 4. Knows the proper materials that 3. It shows you the purpose of the plan.
will be needed in the project A. Project Proponent C. Objective
5. ability to find quick and clever B. Procedure D. Materials
ways to overcome difficultie. 4. Scissors, glue gun, pliers and cutter
are examples of ______.
A. Materials C. Furniture
B. Tools D. Machine
5. The illustration of the structure to be
built or made can be found in __.
A. Procedure C. Bill of
B. List of Tools D. Working
J. Additional activities for Let the pupils finish their own Select a project and prepare a plan Select a project and prepare a Teacher Carlos wanted to give fair
application / remediation project plan before working on it. Present the plan before working on it. and just grades to all his Grade 6
Ask them report on discarded plan to the class for evaluation. Present the plan to the class for learners in the submission of their EPP
materials that can be used for evaluation. output. He informed them that they will
making projects. Let them name have 1 project output per grading
the specific projects. period for a total of 4 for the whole
school year.
What should teacher Carlos’ basis in
giving grades or rating to his individual
learners’ output. When should teacher
Carlos give the rubric/s to the learners
so that that they will be guided in the
preparation of their project?
A. No. of learners who earned ___Lesson carried. Move on to ___Lesson carried. Move on to the ___Lesson carried. Move on to
80% in the evaluation the next objective. next objective. the next objective.
___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried.
_____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got 80%
mastery mastery mastery
B. No. of learners who ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require
require additional activities for additional activities for remediation additional activities for
additional activities for remediation remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
work ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up the ____ of Learners who caught up
? No. of learners who have the lesson lesson the lesson
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require
continue additional activities for additional activities for remediation additional activities for
to require remediation remediation remediation
E. Which of my teaching ____ Collaborative method ____ Collaborative method ____ Collaborative
strategies worked well ? ____Constructivism ____Constructivism method
Why did this work ? ____Integrative Approach ____Integrative Approach ____Constructivism
____Inquiry Base Approach ____Inquiry Base Approach
____Reflective Approach ____Reflective Approach
____Inquiry Base
2. Indicates the owner of the project B. Bill of Materials 11. What tool is used to guide learners in improving their project.
a. Rubrics c. Assessment
3. Shows the scale of an object to be made C. Procedure b. Evaluation form d. indicators
or structure to be built
12. What part of the rubric identifies learners level of performance? 3. What will you do
4. Tells the purpose of the project D. Working Drawing to get a rating of 5, as the highest in an output that used indigenous materials?
a. Performance c. Rating Scale
5. It contains the unit, quantity, E. Project Proponent b. Indicators d. Tool
description, the unit price and the total
cost for every item needed 13. What will you do to get a rating of 5, as the highest in an output that used
indigenous materials?
a. Use 75% indigenous material in making the project.
B. Directions: Write Yes if the statement tells importance and uses of
b. Use 50% indigenous materials in making the project.
rubric and No if not. Write it on your answer sheet.
c. Use 100% indigenous materials in making the project.
for learners and teachers.
d. Use 100% imported materials in making the project
6. Rubrics help the teachers evaluate and give accurate ratings to the
14. What will be your rating in workmanship, when your project was properly
and neatly done?
7. Parents have a clear understanding of what is expected of their
a. 5 or excellent c. 1 or fair
children’s project.
b. 3 or good d. no score
8. A Rubric is a tool in acquiring mastery of the lesson.
9. Rubrics can only be used by teachers and not the learners. 15. What part of the rubric provides example and concrete descriptions of the level of
10. A Rubric is used to measure learners work, a working guide performance in the preparation of the output?