Cambridge IGCSE™: History 0470/21 October/November 2020
Cambridge IGCSE™: History 0470/21 October/November 2020
Cambridge IGCSE™: History 0470/21 October/November 2020
HISTORY 0470/21
Paper 2 October/November 2020
Maximum Mark: 50
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considered the acceptability of alternative answers.
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• the specific content of the mark scheme or the generic level descriptors for the question
• the specific skills defined in the mark scheme or in the generic level descriptors for the question
• the standard of response required by a candidate as exemplified by the standardisation scripts.
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• answers should only be judged on the quality of spelling, punctuation and grammar when these
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meaning, however, should be unambiguous.
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responses seen).
Marks awarded are based solely on the requirements as defined in the mark scheme. Marks should
not be awarded with grade thresholds or grade descriptors in mind.
How far do these two sources agree? Explain your answer using details
of the sources.
Level 5
Compares big messages – a madman in A, a hero in B 7
Level 4
Agreement AND disagreement of detail or sub-messages 5–6
Level 3
Agreement OR disagreement of detail or sub-messages 3–4
Level 2
Identifies information that is in one source but not in the other or states that
the sources are about the same subject
Compares the provenance of the sources 2
Level 1
Writes about the sources but makes no valid comparison 1
Level 0
No evidence submitted or response does not address the question 0
Level 6
Compares the sources and evaluates both of them on the basis of purpose 8
Level 5
Compares the sources and evaluates one of them on the basis of purpose 7
Level 4
Evaluates one of the sources with no relevant use of the other 6
Level 3
No, based on agreements (because they agree) (3), Yes, based on
disagreement (4), No, gives reason for one disagreement (5) 3–5
Level 2
Answers based on undeveloped provenance
Identifies that D proves/does not prove C is wrong but with no explanation
Analyses of the source appropriately but fails to state whether or not D proves
C is wrong 2
Level 1
Writes about the sources but does not address the question 1
Level 0
No evidence submitted or response does not address the question 0
How similar are these two illustrations? Explain your answer using
details of the sources and your knowledge.
Level 5
Answers based on differences/similarities of big message about Brown
(supported) 7–8
Level 4
Answers based on differences/similarities of big message about
Brown(unsupported) 5–6
Level 3
Answers based on similarities/differences of detail or sub-messages 3–4
Level 2
Answers based on undeveloped provenance
Identities details in one source but not in the other
Interprets one source but no comparison 2
Level 1
Writes about the sources but does not address the question 1
Level 0
No evidence submitted or response does not address the question 0
4 Study Source G. 7
Level 6
The source provides useful evidence about how Brown wanted to be
remembered 7
Level 5
Cross references to other sources to check claims in G about himself or
Harpers Ferry 6
Level 4
Dismisses source as biased
It is useful because as he was speaking after he had been sentenced he can
be trusted 5
Level 3
Uses source for content/information about events 3–4
Level 2
Paraphrases of Source G
Undeveloped use of provenance 2
Level 1
Unsupported assertions 1
Level 0
No evidence submitted or response does not address the question 0
5 Study Source H. 8
Are you surprised by this source? Explain your answer using details of
the source and your knowledge.
Level 6
Contextual explanation of how at least two of the apparent internal
contradictions actually make historical sense together 8
Level 5
Contextual explanations of why surprised and not surprised 7
Level 4
Contextual explanations of why surprised or not surprised 5–6
Level 3
Surprised by internal contradictions 3–4
Level 2
Identifies what is surprising but no explanation
Perfectly good explanations but never states whether surprised or not
Everyday empathy 2
Level 1
Unsupported assertions 1
Level 0
No evidence submitted or response does not address the question 0
How far do these sources provide convincing evidence that John Brown
was a hero? Use the sources to explain your answer.
Award up to 2 bonus marks for evaluation of sources (no more than 1 per
Source use must be reference to a source by letter, by provenance or by
direct quote. There must be examples from source content. There must be an
explanation of how this supports/does not support the statement.
Use a in the margin for each source use in support of the statement and a x
for each source use rejecting the statement.
: B C E (F) G H
x: A D F (H)
Level 3
Uses sources to support and reject the statement 7–10
Level 2
Uses sources to support or reject the statement 4–6
Level 1
No valid source use 1–3
Level 0
No evidence submitted or response does not address the question 0
How far do these two sources agree? Explain your answer using details
of the sources.
Level 5
Compares big messages – A has a balanced view about the Crisis as far as
Khrushchev was concerned, B says it was a disaster for Khrushchev 7
Level 4
Agreement AND disagreement of detail or sub-messages 5–6
Level 3
Agreement OR disagreement of detail or sub-messages 3–4
Level 2
Identifies information that is in one source but not in the other or states that
the sources are about the same subject.
Compares the provenance of the sources 2
Level 1
Writes about the sources but makes no valid comparison 1
Level 0
No evidence submitted, or response does not address the question 0
2 Study Source C. 8
Level 6
Explains purpose in context of 29 October 1962 (on 28 October Khrushchev
accepts Kennedy’s offer or Khrushchev agreed to withdraw the missiles)
Note: Needs a valid message but not necessarily the big message 8
Level 5
Explains the purpose of the cartoon (must have an impact on audience in the
answer, persuade the American people it was a massive victory for
the US)
Note: Needs a valid message but not necessarily the big message 7
Level 4
Explains the big message – the Russians have been overwhelmed (or
humiliated) by US power. Need both parts 6
Level 3
Explains specific context only – fails to explain message or purpose of cartoon
Explains a valid sub-message 4–5
Level 2
Misreading of the cartoon
Interprets cartoon or describes the context – but not used as a reason for
General context only – no message or purpose 2–3
Level 1
Surface descriptions of the cartoon 1
Level 0
No evidence submitted, or response does not address the question 0
How far does Source D make Source E surprising? Explain your answer
using details of the sources and your knowledge.
Level 6
Compares the sources and evaluates both 8
Level 5
Compares the sources and evaluates one of them 6–7
Level 4
Evaluates either D or E but no valid comparison 5
Level 3
Answers based on agreements or surprised by disagreements (3), not
surprised by disagreements (reason needed for this) (4) 3–4
Level 2
Answers based on undeveloped provenance or identifies what surprised by
but no explanation
Analyses the source appropriately but fails to state whether surprised 2
Level 1
Writes about the sources but does not address the question 1
Level 0
No evidence submitted or response does not address the question 0
4 Study Source F. 8
Level 5
Explains point of view of cartoonist – Khrushchev is lying because he has let
Castro down (explicit reference to the words at top of cartoon not necessary) 8
Level 4
Explains that Castro/Cuba suffered more from the outcome of the Crisis than
Khrushchev/USSR – the comparison here is key (explicit reference to the
words at top of cartoon not necessary) 6–7
Level 3
Sub-message(s) explained, e.g. messages that accept that Khrushchev was
hurting more or messages that ignore the words at the top and explain how
badly Khrushchev has treated Cuba/Castro 3–5
Level 2
Plausible misinterpretations of the message
Interpretations of details e.g. the teeth represent the missiles 2
Level 1
Surface description of source 1
Level 0
No evidence submitted or response does not address the question 0
5 Study Source G. 7
How far does this source prove that Khrushchev's motive in the Missile
Crisis was to protect Cuba? Explain your answer using details of the
source and your knowledge.
Level 4
Evaluation of Khrushchev’s purpose in writing this letter to Castro 6–7
Level 3
Cross-reference to sources or contextual knowledge to either confirm claims
of G or to suggest other valid motives 4–5
Level 2
Answers that explain how the content of G does/does not prove this 2–3
Level 1
Writes about the sources but does not address the question of proof
Answers not supported from the source e.g. assertions that he cannot be
Answers based just on provenance 1
Level 0
No evidence submitted or response does not address the question 0
How far do these sources provide convincing evidence that the Cuban
Missile Crisis was a success for Khrushchev? Use the sources to
explain your answer.
Award up to 2 bonus marks for evaluation of sources (no more than 1 per
Source use must be referenced to a source by letter, by provenance or by
direct quote. There must be examples from source content. There must be an
explanation of how this supports/does not support the statement.
Use a in the margin for each source use in support of the statement and a x
for each source use rejecting the statement.
: A E G
x: A B C D F
Level 3
Uses sources to support AND reject the statement 7–10
Level 2
Uses sources to support OR reject the statement 4–6
Level 1
No valid source use 1–3
Level 0
No evidence submitted or response does not address the question 0