Cambridge IGCSE™: History 0470/22 February/March 2022
Cambridge IGCSE™: History 0470/22 February/March 2022
Cambridge IGCSE™: History 0470/22 February/March 2022
HISTORY 0470/22
Paper 2 February/March 2022
Maximum Mark: 50
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considered the acceptability of alternative answers.
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Cambridge International is publishing the mark schemes for the February/March 2022 series for most
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• the specific content of the mark scheme or the generic level descriptors for the question
• the specific skills defined in the mark scheme or in the generic level descriptors for the question
• the standard of response required by a candidate as exemplified by the standardisation scripts.
Marks awarded are always whole marks (not half marks, or other fractions).
• marks are awarded for correct/valid answers, as defined in the mark scheme. However, credit
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• marks are awarded when candidates clearly demonstrate what they know and can do
• marks are not deducted for errors
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• answers should only be judged on the quality of spelling, punctuation and grammar when these
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Marks awarded are based solely on the requirements as defined in the mark scheme. Marks should
not be awarded with grade thresholds or grade descriptors in mind.
1 Study Sources A and B. How far do these two sources agree about 7
Victor Emmanuel? Explain your answer using details of the sources.
Level 2 Identifies information that is in one source but not in the other or
states that the sources are about the same subject OR Compares the
provenance of the sources 2
Level 6 Explains cartoonist’s point of view about both Napoleon III and
Victor Emmanuel 8
Level 5 Explains big messages about Napoleon III and Victor Emmanuel
3 Study Sources D and E. How far does Source D prove that what Source 7
E claims about the armistice of Villafranca is wrong? Explain your
answer using details of the sources and your knowledge.
Level 1 Writes about the sources but does not address the question 1
4 Study Sources F and G. Why did Victor Emmanuel send the secret letter 8
(Source F)? Explain your answer using details of the sources and your
5 Study Source H. How surprised are you by this source? Explain your 8
answer using details of the source and your knowledge.
Level 3 Valid analysis of the source but fails to state if surprised or not
surprised 4
Level 2 Identifies what is/is not surprising but no valid explanation 2–3
Level 1 Writes about the source but does not address the question 1
6 Study all the sources. How far do these sources provide convincing 12
evidence that Victor Emmanuel was the main figure in the achievement
of Italian unification? Use the sources to explain your answer.
Award up to 2 bonus marks for evaluation of sources (no more than 1 per
Use a in the margin for each source use in support of the statement and a
x for each source use rejecting the statement.
Agree (): A, B, D, F, H
Disagree (x): A, B, C, G, H
1 Study Sources A and B. How far do these two sources agree? Explain 7
your answer using details of the sources.
Agreements include:
Disagreements include:
Source A says the 14 Points were influential, Source B says they were
Source A says Wilson achieved self-government, Source B says promise of
self-government was undermined.
Level 2 Identifies information that is in one source but not in the other
OR States that the sources are about the same subject OR Compares
the provenance of the sources 2
2 Study Sources C and D. How far does Source C prove that Wilson was 8
lying in Source D? Explain your answer using details of the sources and
your knowledge.
Level 1 Writes about the sources but does not address the question in a
valid way 1
Include in this level answers that fail to state whether Wilson was lying
3 Study Sources E and F. How similar are these two cartoons? Explain 8
your answer using details of the sources and your knowledge.
Level 5 Compares big messages – they both criticise the treaty/the allies
Level 5 Uses the fact that the US rejected the Treaty to explain why not
surprising that a member of Wilson’s government is defending the
Treaty/Wilson 7–8
Level 2 Valid analysis of the source but fails to state if surprised or not
OR Identifies what is/is not surprising but no valid explanation 2
Level 1 Writes about the sources but does not address the question 1
6 Study all the sources. How far do these sources provide convincing 12
evidence that Wilson achieved his aims in the Treaty of Versailles? Use
the sources to explain your answer.
Award up to 2 bonus marks for evaluation of sources (no more than 1 per
Use a in the margin for each source use in support of the statement and a
x for each source use rejecting the statement.
Agree (): A, B, D, G, H
Disagree (x): A, B, C, E, F, G