Test Xpert

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testXpert ®

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to think as it works
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testXpert – the first test software to think as it works
testXpert – The universal test software, flexible and ergonomic

From mechanics to software * considerably increases the perfor- testXpert® – What’s that? testXpert® supports the user for all tasks Hardware requirements
The mechanics determined the scope of mance of the test machine and its testXpert® is the universal test software with software wizards and editors, testXpert® runs on all trade PCs.
performance and function of test machi- Mechanical with components through optimum use of for materials, components and functions explanatory pictures and video sequen- A special interface is not required for

digital electronics and
nes for many years by loading specimen their technical-physical capabilities testing. It’s applicational range goes ces, situation specific user tips, war- connection of a PC to a Zwick test
test software
and displaying the test data. Everything Mechanical * documents the entire test inclusive of from Zwick materials testing machines nings, error messages and online help. machine. testXpert® is supplied with a
else, from preparation of the test via the with analogue the respective test conditions, and (tensile, compression, flexure and uni- connection cable that is plugged into the
machine control to determination of * fulfills the requirements of ISO 9000ff versal testing machines) to hardness Software design PC’s serial interface. The connecting
results, was the operator’s task. and other quality standards,such as maschinentesters, pendulum impact testXpert® has been designed object cable’s plug contains an integrated
GMP, etc. testers, extrusion plastometers, automa- orientated in the programming language electronics unit that guarantees rapid
Although the analogue measurement Scope of functioning * creates new quality in materials testing tic test systems, etc. right up to moder- Visual C++ under operating systems signal transfer free of interference. As no
and performance electronics of the 70ies Modern test software considerably increases nising of test machines in a variety of Windows 95 and NT to meet with the intervention whatsoever with the PC is
improved the possibilities of test performance and scope of function of test From operator to user makes and models. requirements of current and future direc- necessary at standard installation, the
sequence control and test data recor- In the past the user was little more than tions of computer sciences. Thus using CE conformity remains unchallenged.
ding, it also brought with it additional the test machine’s servant. They had Duties and functions the performance capabilities of these
tasks for the operator. They He/she had The Zwick solution - testXpert® to transpose the test job to machine testXpert® controls and monitors: 32-Bit operating systems to an optimum.
to Zwick reacted quickly inplenty of time settings, control and monitor the test * verification and re-equipping the test
* make all settings with respect to this challenge and inve- sequence, and determine the test results machine This is also valid for data exchange
* control and monitor the test sequence sted approximately 100 man-years in the from the displayed test data. * preparation of the test or test series between testXpert® and other user soft-
* evaluate the recorded curves, or con- development of an absolutely new test testXpert® makes them a true user of * carrying out the test ware for these operating systems, such
vert the saved maximum value, and software. testXpert®, successfully in use the machine. testXpert® takes over all * evaluation and documentation as Microsoft Excel, Word and Access.
* transfer the evaluations to the test since mid-1996 ”servant” functions. And with quick * data management, and
report. * solves the conflict between maximum reactions, tirelessly and reproducible. * quality management
flexibility and most simple usability. The user only transfers the test job to
The increasing use of high performance * replaces the numerous operating and testXpert®, starts the test and receives
and low price computer systems in the control elements of earlier systems the test results in the required form. Peripheral measurement devices
80ies increased the possibilities for the with a keyboard and screen Where necessary, testXpert® provides Host computer Hardness testers
Computer networks Extrusion
entire all test systems. The scope of * accepts a number of additional func- support in the form of saved expert Computer plastometers
performance and function increased tions, especially those where data knowledge and help functions. peripheral devices Pendulum
impact testers
considerably. This created the require- should be saved, processed and The user is relieved of ever repeating
ment for increased flexibility but, at the displayed in different manners and tiring tasks. They can concentrate
same timesimultaneously, being simple * saves predefined sequences and on their testing tasks, and distribution
to use. settings, and runs them as often as and evaluation of test results.
you want and, at the same time, highly

Universal testing machines

Test machine
1960 1975 Modern day modernisation
Mechanical dominance Electronics dominance Software dominance Automatic test systems

Development in test machine manufacture depicts the transition of mechanical to software dominance. However, only the combination of precision mechanics, The testXpert® test software is used for different types of test machines. It also communicates with peripheral measurement devices and other
powerful electronics and intelligent software acting together brings an optimum of performance and flexibility. computer systems.

2 3
The testXpert ® conzept – The universal test software, flexible and ergonomic testXpert – Added advantages for the user

Future orientated concept Modular system they only have to enter variable para- Software tools Simplest operation
The testXpert® test software uses the The test programs are compiled by meters. The potential for user errors is The software tools (wizards, editors, Operation is reduced to one-button ope-
advantages of the object orientated pro- Zwick from a selection of several hun- drastically reduced, the preparatory macro language) support the user in a ration, i.e.activating the start button, for
gramming with respect to a clear grou- dred software modules. The modules are work done by Zwick is a guarantee for variety of ways standard applications. This is possible
ping in tasks and functions. Structure sub-divided into classes such as test highest reliability. * at adjusting test programs to the because testXpert® – the first test soft-
and contents are determined by the parameters, test sequence phases, etc. There are three variations available for a respective test tasks ware to think as it works – automatically
Zwick applications and software know- They are continuously actualised and wide range of requirements: * at layout of the desktop and protocols records the test data, and using this
how. The concept is therefore a guaran- expanded with respect to new states of * Master test programs * at management of test series with information, controls and monitors the
tee for highest flexibility, functional knowledge and any necessary supple- * Standard test programs, and subseries and test data test sequence, and determines and
safety as well as simple usability. mentations. This makes testXpert® an * Customised test programs * at compilation of statistics and documents the test results.
testXpert® is distinguished through: intelligent software, and thus enables They are selected to the following analyses, and
* uniform basis software for all realisation of not only test programs criteria: * at archiving. Multimedial testing
applications strictly to test standards but also test testXpert® supports the user not only
* modular system for test programs programs related to practical applicati- Master test programs International quality standards with ”help” videos. It can perform multi-
* user support through software tools. ons. Thanks to the numerous possibili- Cover a certain category of tests. They If a software product is to comply with medial tests for the first time. Visual and
ties of this system, testXpert® can be are predestined for tests which change international quality standards, each and The testXpert® test software fulfills the highest acoustic information from the test arran-
Uniform basis software put to universal use for a wide applica- frequently or for complex tests. The fol- every version must be transparent and international quality standards. This is true of the gement and test sequence is recorded
end product, as well as for the entire process of
testXpert works with a single and uni- tional spectrum and for a variety of test lowing can be done with little extra work archived for 10 years.The testXpert® test product development. and digitally saved synchronously to the
form basis software for all applications. machines. or previous knowledge, and with the software fulfils these requirements and respective measured values via a
The software takes over the data, user help of software wizards testXpert® also enables quality manage- camera (every day or special industrial
and test program management, as well Guaranteed reliability Test programs * test programs can be compiled and ment to international standards such as version. This is valid for each phase, video camera). This catapults test eva-
as the communication with the test The test programs compiled by Zwick edited ISO 9000, the guidelines of the Food & from analysis, through specification, luation into a new dimension that is so
machine and other peripheral systems. stipulate how tests are to be run. Their * desktop layouts can be customised, Drugs Administration (FDA, USA) and design and implementation, and up to significant that it has its own chapter in
The advantage of this solution is that base is selected software modules and Good Manufacturing Practise (GMP) the test. this publication (page 13).
updating, refreshing, etc. of different which are linked to one another and are * task specific test reports (protocols) etc., and makes their processes certifia- Conformity to the standard DIN EN ISO
program packages, which is prone to pre-configured through fixed para- can be compiled ble. 9000-3 for development of testXpert® Test standards – Expert system
errors, is reduced to a bare minimum. meters, depending upon the functions Intelligent software wizards guide you The entire testXpert® test software deve- has been confirmed via audit report no. This data base integrated in testXpert®
required of them. Thus the user receives quickly and decisively through all menus, lopment process and its components are QM-F-96/1016. allows the user to find the test program
a ”test template” from Zwick in which and carry out consistency tests simul- diligently documented and archived, The Zwick quality management was cer- that they want, quickly and easily.
taneously. from the source code, through to the tified for the first time in 1993 to DIN EN Regardless of whether their search crite-
software tools used for each and every ISO 9001. ria used is the material to be tested, the
Standard test programs type of test or a test standard.
Are optimal for standardised testing of ➊
Test program Fixed large series with constant test require- ➋ Safety in detail:
modules parameters ments. They are Windows software is normally used in
* intuitive, and can be used with only ➌ offices. However, testXpert® takes over
a few entries an additional and especially critical task:
* tailor made for the respective appli- ➎ monitoring and controlling machines.
cation, and Machine damage and potential danger
* orientated to everyday use, and to persons must be ruled out. That’s why
Master * value for money testXpert® doesn’t use any overlapping
test program windows in the test mode to avoid
Customised test programs ➐ hiding important displays or key fields.
Are individual solutions for special test
tasks, the functions and sequences of
which are specified by the user. There
Input dialogue are two possibilities for creating them. ➊ Title bar
* Zwick supplies the suitable master test ➋ Menu line
program, and the user compiles their ➌ Toolbar with selectable button fields for
frequently used functions
own customised test programs with ➍
Standard Customised ➍ Partial window for displays or entries
the help of a software wizard.
test programs Variable parameters test programs ➎ The main window, can be split horizontally and
* Zwick compiles these customised test vertically into partial windows. The size of the

Master test programs consist of selected software modules which are linked together and pre-configured programs to the user’s specification partial window can be changed in reciprocal
➐ dependency (by shifting the separation line with
by fixed parameters, depending on the test category required. Only variable parameters must be entered and order. the PC mouse)
or changed to perform a test. Tailor-made standard test programs for standardised tests, and customised
test programs for individual tests are derived from master test programs. The testXpert®-desktop is split into windows, lines and bars to the ”Windows standard”. ➏ Display bar (for real and derived measurement
All displays, button and input fields necessary for a test or a test series can be shown on quantities)
one screen page. ➐ Message bar for user remarks

4 5
testXpert – ®

testXpert – Employ master test programs to utilise the latitude around the test
Standard test programs for testing quickly and without much effort

A master test program covers a whole A master test program is the complete Standard test programs are the answer
category of similar (test standard) tests. solution and offers the following for tests to test standards which are
Standard test programs are generated properties in addition to being able to frequently carried out in large series and
from the master test program according generate standard and customised test with few changing requirements. You
to the relevant test standards. For exam- programs: can enter the test directly without any
ple, we currently have 35 standard test effort of your own.
programs derived from the ”General * Wizards for:
compression and flexure test” master - export interfaces Standard test programs
test program. These derived programs - data base linking * guides the operator through all prepa-
are related to single national and inter- - protocol compilation ratory stages up to the start of test
national standards in this category of - creating measurement and formula * shows the entered organisations data
test. Zwick’s target is to illustrate all channels (job no., type of material, etc.), and
common test standards in standard - additional evaluations single data inputs of a specimen
test programs. * Graphical protocol editor for free * allows data input for the next test
styling of the protocol layout The optimum desktop layout can be customised * shows the determined values after the
for each application. The respective layouts are
Master test programs can also be used * test series management saved and can be called-up at any time. test
for compiling customised test programs * comprehensive statistics functions
to enable individual tests such as a * individual adjustment of the test pro-
company’s own test standards to be grams up to ”One-button operation”
carried out.

A master test program offers the advantage The parameters for standard test programs are
of being able to compile standard or entered or selected via register dialogue fields.
customised test programs from a basis of
thoroughly tried and tested software
modules quickly and reliably.

Further advantages of standard test

programs are:
* Simplest operation
All parameter groups are shown in list
field ”Overview”. The groups already - machine control via one button
edited are marked with a ”check” operation
- rapid and intuitive handling
- ideal for PC beginners
* Clear overview of displays
- clear and easily legible information
(even from a distance) on the running
force, travel and time values
- automatic scaling
- large display for fatigue free working
* Clear menus contain all required
preselection and result parameters
* Two screen layouts for switching
- series layout with series graphics,
statistics table, results table and
information on the series
- test layout with single graphics and
graphical marking of the results
* Prepared standard protocol contains
Type and units of parameters graphics, test results and valuable
are selected from preselected
variations. additional information
A software wizard supports input or selection of parameters for master or customised test programs. The standard test programs reduce the test machine operation to one button operation.
* Online help on the respective test
Whereby the user is led step by step through a series of dialogue fields which are only for the respective The screen masks are prepared so that all important settings and results can be seen at a glance. sequence can be activated at any time

6 7
Perform tests –
Prepare the test simply, quickly and safely with testXpert ®
precise, exactly reproducible and highly informative with testXpert ®

Automatic acceptance of system data Traceability One button operation and automatic Optimum user information Efficient specimen management with
Different test tasks require different test The system data is saved together with test sequence All displays necessary for carrying out a a powerful series management
machines with different and, usually, other test data. Thus you can trace back Usually only two actions, except for spe- test and a test series, can be grouped The specimen list at the left hand edge
interchangeable components. Their with which test machine, configuration cimen feed and removal, are required for together in a clear and concise manner of each main window shows the current
specific properties are characterised by and settings the tests were carried out a test: in one single screen setting. See below status of the test graphically. The test,
the system data (nominal force, travel, which is required by ISO 9000ff. * enter the individual specimen data * input fields for specimen specific test the data of which is displayed and/or
speed range, mounting height, calibra- (e.g. cross-sectional area data). parameters should be entered, is selected at the
tion factors, etc.). Organisatory data also User’s advantages * start the test * curve diagram (single or multiple click of a mouse. The icons indicating
belongs to the above, e. g. the series System data must no longer be entered curves) the status can be indexed with a running
number or the date of the last calibra- manually, or be taken over from prede- The test itself, controlled and monitored * tables for test results number, a selected test parameter or a
tion. fined files. Any sources of error linked to by testXpert®, runs entirely automatically. * tables for result statistics test result. A test series can be interrup-
this method are ruled out. Verification is Should settings deviate from preselec- ted at any time and can be recommen-
testXpert® accepts this data automati- simple, quick and safe. tions, should safety limit values or time The main window can be swapped for ced at a later moment in time, or it can
cally directly following program start limits be reached, or should user actions added information be expanded. A test’s data can be dele-
* for the necessary settings Video support be necessary, the start is denied or abor- A test’s data can be displayed and dis- ted entirely, or for evaluation only and
* for determination of safety limit values Video sequences are an invaluable ted. A warning or error message, or a tributed on several main window pages can be reactivated as required.
* for correct measurement signal support, they demonstrate, independent Complex user tasks such as changing specimen user remark is then generated. (see table on page 9). You can even
grips are depicted in easy to understand video
evaluation of any language, visually how, for sequences. swap windows while a test is in pro-
example, a test machine can be com- gress. This offers advantages, especially
Furthermore testXpert® checks whether missioned, specimen holders can be for research and training, as the same
or not changed or which individual protocols Only two steps to testing test can be observed from different
* the test can be carried out with this can be created. Preparation of a test series requires only viewpoints, so it can be analysed to an
configuration two steps: optimum.
* all settings have been made * call-up the test program foreseen for
* the data has changed for the current the required application
Test data and diagrams
test * entries or selection of variable para- The main window’s display can be changed
meters before, during and after the test so that
- test data from another display, ➒
or another test can be
displayed, or
- so that data for following
The positions of the, software monitored, cross-
tests can be entered. ➎
head travel limit switches are entered directly.
Alternatively, the current position of the crosshead
can be automatically accepted by clicking at the
button field <A>.

The Grip to grip separation can be entered

manually or automatically with a reference
movement of the crosshead.

Test data display
The measurement quantities which are of impor-
tance to the user during the test, usually differ to
those outside of the test. So, the measurement
quantities which should be shown can be selec-
ted. Switching over occurs automatically at the
start and end of each test.

8 9
testXpert presents measurement and process data in a variety of ways
Evaluate and document – Modern in use and application with testXpert ®

Variable screen and protocol displays Example no. From test data to protocol A protocol is printed after each test or Any individually styled protocols with
The test machine’s test data is recorded, test series according to the preselec- company own logos, lists, tables, texts
Lists and tables – (S + P)1 standardised, saved and evaluated tions in the test program. and diagrams can be created with
* Test results (values, etc.) ➊ immediately master test programs, or with the optio-
* Test parameters (specimen data, settings) * for test sequence monitoring and Individual protocol styling nal protocol editor. A protocol wizard
* Process data (events, set values, etc.) control Each standard test program already and a protocol editor support the user in
* Sort data (running no., ID, legends) * for display on screen, and contains a predefined test protocol that creating protocols.
* Statistical data ➋ * for display and saving of preselected can be used straight away, you only
* Freely selectable data (test job, configuration, etc.) ➏ test results have to select thee results which are to The layout elements for the protocol and
* Input fields (S)
be output with the protocol. screen are almost identical, they can,
- specimen data (cross-section data, length, etc.) ➌ however, be configured differently. The
- settings (gauge lengths, etc.)
results table on the screen can, for
Curve diagrams (S + P)1 example, only display the results which
* Multi-curve diagrams (test series) are important for releasing the test, while
- selectively in different colours or line styles ➍ the results table in the protocol can con-
- selectively with automatic zero-point offset The PC mouse can be used to mark a section of a tain additional data.
- selectively with, or only as an average curve single curve diagram which can then be magnified
* One curve diagrams (test) to the size of the respective partial window.
Data saving for further use
- selectively with curve points and evaluation help lines ➎ Depending upon the preselection in the
for selected characteristics test program, not only all data, but also
- sectional magnification with PC mouse freely selectable ➏ only selected result data from a test or
- curve follow with crosswires and test data display test series can be saved. Saving of all
- selectively with automatic labelling of selected curve points ➐ (page 5) data offers the possibility of tracing the
- selectively with labelling field with selected results
origin of the result data up to configura-
- as XY or XY1Y2 diagram ➑ ➎ tion and settings for the test machine.
* Free assignment of measurement quantities to coordinates
The standardised measurement data, i.e.
* Coordinates with fixed or automaticaly optimised end values
the data converted to its basic units and
* Coordinates scaled selectively linearly or logarithmically
free of any tare values can be repeatedly
* Selectively with display of the tolerance limits or curves
displayed in the simulation mode and
Histogram (S + P)1 can also be evaluated to other criteria.
* For selected result data
* Selectively with upper and lower set value limits ➒
Parameter graphics (S + P)1
* Sequence of selected parameters and results for test series ➓
Test data, large display (S)1
* Selectively analogue (round display) or digital The curve points and the respective evaluation
reference lines can be displayed in the curve
= S = Screen, P = Protokoll diagram for selected results.

Example of a test results protocol with company

The universal hardness is derived from the directly measured quantities test load and indentation depth. This view depicts the sequence of parameters logo, lists with header data, result tables, multi-
It can therefore be defined as a virtual measurement quantity, thus enabling its sequence to be displayed, or results over a test series. curve diagram and statistics table.
dependent upon another measurement quantity.

10 11
Enter the era of multimedial testing with testXpert ® Multimedial testing opens new dimensions

More information on the test

The characteristic curves and values
derived from the force/extension mea-
surement only describe the specimen
or component behaviour abstractly.
Observations, which quite often offer
important additional information made
by the tester during test, can only be
saved as a written commentary.

testXpert® offers for the first time the

possibility of multimedial testing, which
brings with it, extra information and con-
siderably more advantages for the user.
This type of testing enables additional
observations and procedures to be
saved synchronously with the test data.

Record the test sequence

in its entirity
The test arrangement or an especially
interesting part of it, is observed simulta-
neously to the force/travel measurement
with a camera and/or microphone. The Visual and acoustic information is also recorded, digitalised and stored synchronously to the force and
recorded pictures and acoustics are digi- extension values during multi-media tests.
talised immediately, and are saved syn-
chronously to the test data and thus, Advantages for the user
they can also be evaluated. Ever increasing international coopera-
tion, new partnerships with sub-contrac-
The visual recording, e. g. via a video tors, as well as added risks caused by
camera, shows when, how and where ever tighter product liability laws place
the specimen necks-in, kinks, changes increased demands on test technology.
colour, or whether it cracks and the It’s becoming ever more important to be
crack lengthens. Acoustic events (crack- able to reconstruct tests in their entirity.
ling, cracking) can be recorded via a
Series graphics
Diagram with all of the test
The following projects are in planning for series curves. The selected
the future: test is shown with a thicker
* microscopic recordings detect chan- curve.
ges in the micro range that cannot be Single graphics
seen with the naked eye. Diagram with the curve of the
selected test. The crosswires
* endoscopic recordings offer an internal show the curve point belon-
view of otherwise inaccessible hollow ging to the video picture.
bodies. Synchronous picture Documentation of setup Visualising the assistance
* thermo-cameras make thermic and test data recording and performance A growing number of video clips show
developments visible during specimen ”Live” Video recordings of the test On site video recordings document the everything necessary for making
loading. synchronously document the result test setup. Thus guaranteeing trace- machine settings and for re-equipping
sequence in pictures and data. ability and proof of test means according machines. Handling of software func-
to the valid QS guidelines. tions is explained via tutorial programs
which show the necessary procedure(s)
step by step on the PC monitor, e. g.
how to create customised test protocols.
The stored test data and video pictures can be displayed after the test
at any moment in time and as often as required; even in steps from
measurement point to measurement point.

12 13
testXpert – good in detail
testXpert test software – An abbreviated overview

Example Functions and performance with standard with master

Obtaining legends for the graphics test programs test programs

testXpert® offers the possibility of dis- Test machine verification/re-equipping

playing the test curves and the respec- * utomatic recording of test machine system data (self identification) ¸ ¸
tive numerical values of the results in * Automatic determination and monitoring of the safety limit values ¸ ¸
the same colour or type of lines. * Video sequence support for equipping/re-equipping the test machine ¸ ¸
This enables the curve, with the corre- * Positioning the moving crosshead or the working piston ¸ ¸
sponding values in the results table, to * Automatic reference drive for determination of the grip to grip separation ¸ ¸
be noticed at a glance whether it is in
colour or black and white. Prepare the test or test series
* Compiling and changing, or adapting test programs with a test sequence wizard – ¸
Example * Compiling or altering protocols with a protocol wizard Option ¸
Online assistance in testXpert * Compiling or altering protocols with a protocol editor Option ¸
* Interface definition for export of measurement and test data with a data transfer wizard Option ¸
testXpert® offers the user support * Free styling of the desktop with a desktop editor
through two types of assistance: (toolbar, main and partial window and display bar) Option ¸
- general assistance * Modification of parameters, results, test sequence functions, etc. – ¸
- assistance with the loaded master * Compiling customised parameters, results, test sequence functions, etc.
test program with macro language – ¸
* Definition of statistics, outlyer tests, etc. ¸
General assistance contains information
on basic settings required for carrying Run a test
out the test, e.g. test machine configura- The legends to the graphics can be selected in the specimen table’s settings mask. * Running of display of selected true and calculated test data, changes automatically
The test series is then depicted in coloured assignment of results and graphics. for the time during and outside of a running test ¸ ¸
tion, definition of the specimen, etc.
* Automatic approach of the preselected grip to grip separation or start position ¸ ¸
Assistance with the master test program * Automatic zero-point – and sensitivity control ¸ ¸
supplies explanations on the test * Input dialogues, result and graphical test data displays in different types of display
sequence, special parameters, inter- can be distributed over several main window sides – ¸
pretation of determined results, and * Input dialogues, result and graphical test data displays,
much more. fixed preselection as application specific distributed over 2 main window sides ¸
* Display of single diagram curves with evaluation help lines and result measurement points ¸ ¸
testXpert® assistance has find functions * Video recording kit with video capture card Miro DC30 and corresponding software – Option
similar to those of the assistance in stan-
dard Windows programs, this is a quick Administration and data management
answer to a current question which is * User administration (access rights, user profile, etc.) ¸ ¸
frequently asked. * Master data management ¸ ¸
In addition, numerous tips on themes * Test standard data base (selection of test programs to test standards, materials etc.) ¸ ¸
such as ”Subsequent evaluation of a * Management of test program result files ¸ ¸
specimen using another grip to grip * Protocol, channel and result editors – ¸
separation” (simulation with altered * Upload/Download functions for data transfer in networks Option Option
specimen parameters). * QDA/QCC Link (Quality Data Analysis, Quality Control Card) Option Option

Other performances
* Comprehensive online help with video sequences ¸ ¸
* Simple transfer of data and graphics via Windows clipboard ¸ ¸
* Direct link of office standard applications ¸ ¸

System prerequisites
PC Hardware Personal computer (PC) with Pentium processor (or better)
At least 16 MByte RAM for Windows 95, at least 32 MByte RAM for Windows NT
At least 200 MByte of free hard disk memory
Colour monitor with resolution of at least 800x 600 Pixel (SVGA)

A comprehensive online help is available to the user as an operating support. PC Software Operating system Windows 95 or Windows NT, version 4.0 or better

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