5e D&D Homebrew Additions 1
5e D&D Homebrew Additions 1
5e D&D Homebrew Additions 1
1st Edition
Aiden Doss
Table of Contents
3………………………………………………………………….....Base-Class Subclasses
3………………………………………………………...Barbarian Totem Warrior: Dragon
4……………………………………………………………....Barbarian: Path of the Mask
6………………………………………………....Fighter Martial Archetype: Blade-Bound
8……………………………………………………………….Paladin- Oath of Inquisition
10..………………………………………………………...Ranger Archetype- Spirit Blade
12…………………………………………..Warlock Otherworldly Patron- The Bloodweb
15………………………………………….Warlock Otherworldly Patron- The Great
18……………………………………………………………………………...New Classes
18………………………………………………………………...5th Edition Cursed Blood
33………………………………………………………………….5th Edition Dark Seeker
53……………………………………………………………………………….New Races
61…………………………………………………………..Goliath Subrace: Ashen Giants
To those who have obtained this, first of all, you have my thanks, just knowing that
someone has not only willingly put the time and effort into looking this over makes me smile.
Thinking, perhaps this wasn’t a waste of time putting together this handy-dandy packet. Just to
make someone else’s game a little bit of a fun experience and game with these additions. The
following packet contains seven subclasses for the base classes in Dungeons and Dragons 5th
edition, five custom races that you can add into your setting and world, and two custom classes
that can add some variety to your characters and play style. This is the first release of mine into
the Dungeon Masters guild, and the wide variety of the D&D community, and it certainly isn’t
all of my own doing, a number of people have inspired me throughout my tabletop gaming
- The Cast of Critical Role, Travis Willingham, Laura Bailey, Sam Riegel, Liam O’brien,
Ashley Johnson, Taliesin Jaffe, Marisha Ray, and Matthew Mercer, for getting me started
in 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons.
- My family, friends, and gamers that have been a part of my gaming groups since 2010.
Base-Class Subclasses
For the Barbarian whose goal is not to be the strongest of your tribe, or who wishes to
hunt the greatest monster of all time, this Totem Warrior will allow you to take on the aspects of
the great dragons of the fantasy world. Granting energy damage, resistance, natural armor from
scales, and even a breath weapon.
Totem Spirit
Starting at level 3, when you adopt this path, you choose a totem spirit and gain it's
feature. You must make or acquire a physical totem object- an amulet or similar adornment- that
incorporates fur or feathers, claws, teeth, or bones of the totem animal. At your option, you also
gain minor physical attributes that are reminiscent of your totem spirit.
Dragon. While raging you gain a natural armor class bonus equal to half your
proficiency modifier. And you gain resistance to an energy type equivalent to your chosen
dragon color (Gold, Brass, Red= Fire | Black, Copper= Acid | Blue, Bronze= Lightning | Green=
Poison | Silver, White= Cold)
Starting at level 6, you gain a magical benefit based on the totem animal of your choice.
You can choose the same animal you selected at 3rd level or a different one.
Dragon. You are capable of imbuing your weapons with a energy damage equal to your
dragon color. Your weapons while raging deal an additional 1d6 energy damage.
Spirit Walker
Starting at level 10, you can cast the commune with nature spell, but only as a ritual.
When you do so, a spiritual version of one of the animals you chose for Totem Spirit or Aspect
of the Beast appears to you to convey the information you seek.
Totemic Attunement
Starting at level 14, you gain a magical benefit based on a totem animal of your choice.
You can choose the same animal you selected previously or a different one.
Dragon. While raging you gain the ability to exhale a breath weapon in accordance to
your draconic color choice. The targets must make a saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + Prof.
Modifier + Constitution modifier. The breath weapon deals 6d6 damage, half that if the creature
succeeds their saving throw. This ability can be done once per rage. (The breathe weapons can be
found in the Dragonborn race Breath Weapon table.
Inspired by the Shape, Michael Myers, from the Halloween movies. This is for the
Barbarian that doesn’t want to be a roaring behemoth, but instead a quiet dreadnaught, a stalking
murderer, who uses their anger for aggressive slashing strikes instead of a powerful assault. For
those interested in playing a deadly silent bloodletter of a barbarian instead of the usual angry
war-driven type, this is the path for you.
A New Face
Starting at level 3, the Barbarian is granted a mask by a dark shadow. The mask takes on
the shape of a an faceless emotionless figure. As a bonus action, the Barbarian can put on the
mask and enter their rage. While wearing this mask, the figure gains proficiency in Stealth and
Intimidation, and is able to be silent while in a rage.
Quiet Strike
Starting at level 6, when the Path of the Mask Barbarian learns how to use their silence
more to their advantage, if the enemy is unaware of the presence of the Barbarian or they are
being flanked, as long as the Barbarian is wielding a weapon with the light property, their
weapon damage increases by an additional damage die (1d4=1d6, 1d6=1d8, 1d8=1d10,
1d10=1d12, 1d12=1d20)
Blackest Eyes
Starting at level 10, the first time you deal damage to a creature while in a rage, they must
make a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened (DC= 8+Prof.+Con). When you attack a
frightened creature, you have advantage on the attacks, and can reroll 1’s on damage rolls (you
can only reroll these dice once, and must take the second roll.) Your damage die with light
weapons automatically is one damage dice higher, allowing your quiet strike die damage to
increase by another die.
Darkness Within
Starting at level 14, While you are raging, you deny death your immediate audience.
When you reach 0 hit points, you don’t go down, instead your hit point return to a number equal
to your Constitution score. You may use this ability twice per long rest. Your damage die with
light weapons automatically is one damage dice higher, allowing your quiet strike die damage to
increase by another die.
For the fighter that wants to add a little pizzazz to their swordsmanship, or just wishes to
make sure they are never alone in their adventuring life, the Blade-Bound fighter grants an
interesting way to amend these desires. This class grants the wielder a sentient evolving weapon
that can grow in power along with its wielder, however, every gift has a cost.
Living Steel
Starting at 3rd level, you select a single weapon (ex. Longsword, longspear, battle axe) it
must be a weapon with a metal blade. You are proficient with it while you wield it. This weapon
counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical attacks
and damage. Your weapon disappears if it is more than five feet away from you for 1 minute or
more. You may dismiss or summon the weapon as a bonus action.
The weapon is sentient, and is able to telepathically communicate with the Blade-Bound
fighter, and has an Intelligence of 12, is able to speak common and any other language the
Blade-Bound fighter is capable of speaking. The weapon shares alignment with the Blade-Bound
fighter, but is a more exaggerated version of this alignment (ex. Lawful Good fighter’s weapon
might seek to purify evil from the world, and restore a good law, such as killing corrupt soldiers
and nobles and replacing them with good people.
You can transform one magic weapon into your weapon by performing a special ritual
while you hold the weapon. You perform the ritual over the course of 1 hour, which can be done
during a short rest. You can then dismiss the weapon, shunting it into an extra-dimensional
space, and it appears whenever you create your pact weapon thereafter. You can't affect an
artifact or a sentient weapon in this way. The weapon ceases being your weapon if you die, if
you perform the 1-hour ritual on a different weapon, or if you use a 1-hour ritual to break your
bond to it. The weapon appears at your feet if it is in the extra-dimensional space when the bond
Starting at 7th level, the blade’s intelligence grows to 14, and has proficiency in History,
Arcana, Nature, and Religion, and can be asked questions by the Blade-Bound fighter. In
addition, the blade becomes a +1 weapon if it has not already been changed into a magical
Starting at 10th level, the blade’s intelligence grows to 16, and the bonus to the weapon
becomes a +2 bonus (if not already changed into a magical weapon.) To add to this, the weapon
is able to take on an act of its own, in combat, the wielder can allow their blade to take over their
body, granting them advantage on attack rolls and dealing an additional 1d4 force damage for a
number of rounds equal to 1+Int modifier. However, this comes with a cost, if the wielder does
something that would normally be against their alignment, or against the beliefs of the weapon, it
will attempt to take over the body of the wielder, with an Intelligence saving throw DC=13. If
the wielder fails their saving throws, the weapon takes over the body of the wielder for 3
Black Blade
Starting at 15th level, the blade’s intelligence grows to 18, and the bonus to the weapon
becomes a +3 bonus. The wielder is now able to use its power for 2+double their Intelligence
modifier, and deals an additional 1d6 force damage during this state. The DC of the intelligence
saving throw however increases to 14 and now takes over the wielder for 4 minutes. The weapon
is now able to extend its range, when attacking it releases an arc of energy. If the weapon does
not strike an opponent, the wielder can utilize the arc to strike a target that is 10 feet away or
closer. This arc of energy deals an amount of damage equal to the weapons damage and the
additional 1d6 damage, but instead deals necrotic damage. However, you do not add your
strength modifier or dexterity modifier to this ranged arc attack.
Lunging Darkness
Starting at 18th level, the blade’s intelligence grows to 20, and the bonus to the weapon
becomes a +4 bonus, and the wielder is able to use its power for 4+double their intelligence
modifier, and deals an additional 1d8 force damage during this state. And the arc attack now
deals the weapons damage and the 1d8 damage. The DC of the intelligence saving throw grows
now to 15, and on a failure, the wielder becomes possessed for 5 minutes. The weapon also now
gains the throwing feature, able to be thrown 30 feet, and when it is thrown will return to the
wielder. When thrown it deals the weapons normal damage and strength or dexterity bonus to the
weapon damage.
For the Paladin that believes that Truth and Purity should overcome Law, Order, and
Honor, this is the Oath for those Paladins. For the dreaded Inquisitor that wishes to rid the world
of those who would use magic for personal gain, or who seeks to destroy creatures of evil and
magical natures, this is the Oath for those.
The tenets of the Oath of Inquisition are often set by the select members of the Inquisition, but
all seek these tenets.
- Truth: Do not lie to protect yourself or others, the truth needs to be known regardless of
the consequences.
- Defender: Protect those under your care who cannot protect themselves, especially
against the threats they are unaware of.
- No Mercy: Those I view as evil deserve no mercy, and should be exterminated.
- Purify: Cleansing the world from my foes and the foes of the Inquisition deserve to be
removed from the world.
Oath Spells
Level Spells
Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.
- Spell-Sight: As an action, you can sense anyone within 10 feet of you who are capable of
casting spells, and can determine the source of their spell casting and their associated
spell-casting modifier. You can then use your next reaction to grant advantage to an
ally’s saving throw against a spell as long as they are within 10 feet of you.
- Inquisition’s Fury: You can use your Channel Divinity to select a creature to become
your Inquisition Target, you deal an additional 1d6 damage for one minute to that target.
At 7th level, You are given the power from your inquisition to set your weapon alight with a
pure flame for one minute. This fire deals an additional 1d4 fire damage to normal creatures, or
1d6 radiant damage to undead or evil creature. This ability does not stack with other weapon
enhancement that deal fire or radiant damage. This ability cannot be used again until your next
long rest.
Starting at 15th level, when your Inquisition Target, deals damage to an ally of yours within
fifteen feet, you can use your reaction to move to the allies side and make a single attack against
the creature with advantage.
At 20th level, you become the true power behind the Inquisition.
- You have advantage on saving throws against spells and spellcasters have disadvantage
on spell attack rolls against you.
- Your Fire of the Inquisition damage increases to 2d4 fire damage against normal
creatures or 2d6 radiant damage against Undead or Evil creatures.
You can activate this ability as a bonus action, and it lasts for 1 minute. You cannot use it again
until after a long rest.
If you are a Ranger who works best on their own but could always use company, or
makes up one half of the perfect duet, the Spirit Blade archetype will grant a bit of help from the
other side. This Ranger archetype will lend you a bit of a speed and stealth buff, and a little extra
bump to your attacks.
You learn an additional spell when you reach certain levels in this class. The spell counts
as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of ranger spells you know.
3rd Shield
Ghostly Guide
At 3rd level, you gain a companion in the form of a spirit of a warrior, either from your
ancestry or a figure you view as a role model.
This companion acts in the same way as the familiar of a wizard, using your Ranger level as your
Wizard level, however they cannot change shape or interact with the physical world unless
otherwise stated, as they are not a hundred percent corporeal. They do have a +4 to Stealth
checks. The companion is intelligent though, and can aide you, allowing you to make History a
proficiency skill. If you already have History than you add double your proficiency modifier.
Grasp of the Spirit
At 3rd level, creatures that are unaware of your presence allows you to send out your
spirit to take ahold of them. From within thirty feet, you can send out your spirit and attempt to
make a grapple check on them. You gain advantage on the athletics check to grapple them and to
retain the grapple when your spirit has them grappled. You lose the advantage if another enemy
is within 5 feet of your ghost and it’s grappled target.
Aether Dive
At 7th level, you are capable of changing places with your spiritual ally, leaving you in
the Aetherial plane, while your ghost companion now is in the Material plane. Allowing you to
traverse through the material plane while invisible for a number of minutes equal to 1+WIS
modifier. This ability becomes inert if you attempt to interact with something in the material
plane or perform an aggressive action. You may use this ability once per long rest.
Grave Retaliation
At 11th level, when you make an attack of opportunity, your spiritual blade lashes out in
an illusionary strike that trails behind the actual weapon, if you are successful you deal an
additional 2d6 force damage
Spiritual Flurry
At 15th level, when you make an attack on a creature, you may use your bonus action to
allow your ghost companion to strike out alongside you, granting you an additional attack after
your normal amount of attacks. If successful, your ghost’s weapon deals 2d6 force damage. At
20th level, your spirit can make two attacks as a reaction.
Warlock Otherworldly Patron- The Bloodweb
If you are a dark and brooding warlock that seeks the patronage of a cruel and hateful
entity, one that plays with the strings of fate, and manipulates people like a hungry puppet
master, the Bloodweb patronage may be your best choice. Be able to sense those around you
regardless of your knowledge of their existence, trap enemies in their place, and even revive your
allies with a mastery of the string of life.
Dreadful Murmurs
Starting at level 1, when a creature is hidden within thirty feet of you, and you are
unaware of their presence, you begin to hear the whispers of the Bloodweb, alerting you to their
presence. It does not give you their location, but does alert you to that they are within thirty feet
of you and will go silent whenever the creature leaves the thirty foot radius.
Fog Breather
Starting at level 6, you are able to create a sixty foot circle of thick fog. While you and
your allies are within the fog, enemies have disadvantage on perception checks to see you and
your allies. The fog can be moved by a powerful wind. An enemy creature while within the fog
also has disadvantage on attack rolls against the Warlock that created the fog. Once you use this
ability, it cannot be used again until after a short or long rest.
Manifested Bloodweb
Starting at level 10, you can create a burst of webbing in a thirty foot cone, all creatures
within the cone must make a Strength saving throw or become grappled. After one round, the
webbing becomes hard like chitin and grow spider like legs that stab at whoever is within,
dealing 2d8 points of piercing damage to all creatures that begin their turn within the webbing. It
takes a full move action to move five feet through the web. The web lasts for a number of rounds
equal to the Warlocks level. Once you use this ability, it cannot be used again until after a short
or long rest.
Eternal Cycle
Starting at level 14, when an ally of yours reaches 0 hit points, you can use an action to
raise them as a puppet, regaining half of their maximum hit points as temporary hit points. These
temporary hit points will disappear if they go farther than 60ft. Away from the Warlock that
raised them. They stay as a puppet until they reach 0 hit points again, are raised above 0 standard
hit points, if the Warlock that raised them reaches 0 hit points, or after a short rest. Once you use
this ability, it cannot be used again until after a long rest.
For the Kaiju lovers and those who have memorized the Monster Manuel from front to
back, this may be the patron for you. Earn more protection, release powerful energy assaults, and
summon a monster to fight for you.
Primal Protection
Starting at level 1, as a standard action the Warlock grows hard rough scales over their
skin, granting a +1 Natural Armor bonus to their AC, and they gain resistance to Lightning, Fire,
and Cold damage for 1 hour. This natural armor bonus increases to +2 at level 5, and +3 at level
12. Once used it cannot be used again until the next short rest.
Starting at 6th level, as a standard action you can release a super-sonic roar in a thirty
foot cone that can be heard for 600 feet. All creatures within the cone take 2d6+CHA sonic
damage and need to make a strength saving throw equal to the Warlocks Spell Save DC. If they
succeed they take half damage. If they fail they are thrown back 10 feet past the end of the cone.
Once used it cannot be used again until the next short rest.
Breath of Eternity
Starting at 10th level, the Warlock is able to use a standard action to release an intense
powerful beam of energy in a sixty foot beam, hitting all creatures within that sixty foot line. All
creatures within the line must make a Dexterity saving throw, those that fail take 8d6 fire
damage, those that succeed take half damage. Once this power has been used, it cannot be used
again until the next short rest.
Starting at 14th level, as a 10 minute ritual spell, the Warlock can summon forth an
emissary of the Great King (stats will be given below.) This creature stays for 1 hour, or until it
reaches 0 hit points, the Warlock reaches 0 hit points. Once this ability is used, it cannot be used
again for one week. The Emissary enters combat on its own initiative and acts on its own accord,
but can be given directions by the Warlock that summoned it.
Huge Beast, unaligned
Armor Class- 15
Hit Points- 120 (10d12+60)
Speed- 50 ft.
Multiattack- The Emissary of the Great King makes two attacks, one with it's head and
one with its tail or two with its claws. Or may make a single attack with it's power breath
Bite- Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: (3d10+7) piercing
damage. If the target is a medium or smaller creature, it is grappled (escape DC 17). Until this
grapple ends, the target is restrained and the Emissary can’t bite another target.
Tail- Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: (3d8+7) bludgeoning
Claw- Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (3d6+7) slashing
Power Breath- (recharge 6) The Emissary of the Great King releases a burst of bright
energy in a 90 ft. long and 5 ft. wide line. Each creature in the area must make a DC 18 Dexterity
saving throw, taking 8d10 fire damage, 2d10 radiant damage, and 2d10 force damage, or half as
much on a successful saving throw.
New Classes
Lycanthropes, and other similar therianthropes are often considered a hazard to most
adventurers, and even more so to townsfolk. Creatures capable of shapeshifting from normal
men and women into monstrous beasts of muscle and rage are considered to be something to be
feared. The Cursed-blood however, willingly or not, are affected by a version of this power that
allows more control, while having its own disadvantages. Being still considered monsters and
lycanthropes but now will control over their animalistic forms, to an extent. The Cursed-blood
are gifted hunters, beast masters, and killers, and they only get more ferocious when they change
into their bestial form. Each come from a family line of these Cursed creatures.
5 +3 Extra Attack 3
7 +3 Heritage Power 4
8 +3 4
9 +4 4
11 +5 4
12 +4 5
13 +5 5
15 +5 Heritage Power 5
16 +5 5
17 +6 6
19 +6 6
20 +6 Unlimited
Basic Features
Hit Points
- Hit Dice: D8
- Hit Points at 1st Level: D8+Constitution modifier
- Hit Points at Higher Levels: D8 (or 4)+ Constitution modifier, per Blood-Cursed Level
- Armor: Light Armor
- Weapon: All simple weapons
- Tools: None
- Saving Throws: Dexterity, Wisdom
- Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, Deception, Insight,
Investigation, Nature, Stealth, Survival
- (a) leather armor or (b) a shield
- (a) Handaxe or (b) a simple weapon
- (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack
- A shortbow and a quiver of 20 arrows
At 1st level, you select the hereditary family that your cursed blood originates from, and
what your Beast Form’s general appearance will be, the family grants you special features at
levels 3, 7, 10, 15, and 18.
- Hexsus Family
- Corvel Family
- Flockear Family
- Houlin Family
- Silvurn Family
- Sirius Family
- Bearskar Family
- Ulvald Family
- Amarik Family
- Haati Family
Keen Senses
A Cursed-Blood has heightened senses, even out of beast form. They automatically gain
proficiency in Perception, and have double perception when using their perception to smell or
hear. They also gain low-light vision when out of beast form, if they already have low-light
vision then it doubles the distance.
A Cursed-Blood is able to add double their proficiency modifier to follow tracks.
Defensive Instinct
At 2nd level, while unarmored, not using a shield, unemcumbered, and conscious, the
Cursed-Blood adds their Wisdom modifier to their AC. If they are wearing non-metal armor and
no shield, they instead add half their Wisdom bonus to their AC. In addition, at 6th level, and
every four levels after, they gain an additional +1 bonus to their AC.
Beast Form
At 2nd level, the Cursed-Blood’s powerful family curse finally manifests itself, allowing
the Cursed-Blood to shapeshift into their Lycanthrope form as a standard action when not
wearing armor. The Beast Form lasts for a number of minutes equal to 2+CON per long rest. It
ends early if you are knocked unconscious, or if you take a standard action to revert into your
normal form. Every two levels after 2nd, the Cursed Blood gains an additional minute of
Beast-Form. You regain the uses of your Beast Form after a long rest.
If the Cursed-Blood has used all of their changes for the day, they may attempt to force
themselves into their beast-form at the risk of losing control. If they attempt to change while out
of their allotted amount of changes they must make a Wisdom saving throw with a DC equal to
10+2 per number of times you have forced yourself to surpass your beast form change limit. If
you fail, you enter a frenzy like state, and you will begin to attack the nearest living creature,
regardless of your feelings toward them. At the end of your turn, you may make an additional
Wisdom saving throw to attempt to break free of your frenzy.
While in the Beast Form, the Cursed-Blood movement speed increases by 10 feet, their
constitution score increases by 2, granting them bonus hit-points, their natural armor bonus
increases by 1, they gain darkvision while in beast form, and they gain two 1d4 claw attacks and
a 1d6 bite attack. They are capable of leaping up to half of their base speed vertically or 1.5
times their normal base speed (however they must leap the entire distance) as a move action.
While in this form the Cursed-Blood cannot speak any language, however is under the effects of
Speak With Animal.While in beast form, you gain vulnerability to Silver weapons. If you are
capable of casting spells, you are unable to do so while in Beast Form.
Ambush Attack
At 3rd level, while in Beast Form, if the Cursed-Blood is able to catch an opponent when
they are unable to defend themselves they can attack for extra damage. If the enemy is unaware
of the presence of the Cursed-Blood, they gain advantage on the attack and an extra 1d6 damage
die to their damage. At level 6, 10, 14, and 17 the damage increases by an additional 1d6. If the
attack scored is a critical hit with an Ambush attack, this extra damage is not multiplied.
Unlike a Rogue’s sneak attack, the Ambush Attack does not activate when an enemy is
being flanked unless they are being flanked by another Cursed-Blood or an animal companion.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the
attack action on your turn.
Hexsus Family
The Hexsus family are a people who were powerful magicians before they became one of
the Cursed-Blood, as such their Wolven forms had magical properties. Their bodily forms appear
leaner, patches of fur burned away with arcane runes pressed on their skin underneath.
Occult Knowledge
At 1st level, when you select the Hexsus Family heritage, you gain proficiency in Arcana,
and you can choose to learn either the Prestidigitation or the Druidcraft cantrip.
Arcane Claws
At 3rd level, your claws count as magical weapons for the sake of overcoming damage
resistance, and you are capable of casting spells while in beast form.
Rune Pelt
At 7th level, you have advantage on Saving Throws against spells while in your Beast
Spell Hound
At 15th level, if an ally casts a spell within 5 feet of you, you may use it as a distraction
to take a standard action, or a move action and bonus action.
Mana Feast
At 18th level, if your bite attack reduces a creature capable of spellcasting to 0 hit points,
you are able to drain mana from their body, and retain some of their magical capability, the last
spell they cast you are able to perfectly replicate at any point before you take your next long rest.
Corvel Family
The Corvel family was a group of solitary cannibals that hid on the outskirts of cities,
preying on travellers and caravans, and that was before they became Cursed-Blood. Their bodies
appear emaciated, constantly looking hungry, with jagged crooked teeth, but still powerful.
Blood Hunger
At 1st level, when you select the Corvel Family heritage, you gain the ability to drain the
life-force of other humanoids. When you reduce a humanoid creature to 0 hit points, you can
take a standard action to devour the flesh of the creature, healing 1d6+CON hit points. At 8th
level and 16th level, the healing increases by an additional 1d6.
Crazed Maw
At 3rd level, as a standard action, you are able to deliver a terrifying grin while in your
beast form. Target creature within 60 feet of you that has line of sight on you must make a
Wisdom saving throw equal to 8+your Prof.+Cha or become frightened for 1d4 rounds.
Jagged Claws
At 7th level, your claw attack deals an additional 1d4 bleeding damage. This bleeding
damage lasts for 1d6 rounds, and does not stack. At 14th level, it becomes 1d6 bleeding damage.
Savage Frenzy
At 15th level, when a creature reaches 0 hit points, your damage increases by +2. For
each creature that reaches 0 hit points, the damage increases by an additional +1 to a maximum
of +10.
Killer Instinct
At 18th level, if a creature is hit by your Ambush Attack you may make an additional
attack. If this additional attack is successful the creature is knocked prone.
Flockear Family
The Flockear family was a close knit family, who took care of each other and learned to
care for their “pack”, and when they joined the Cursed-Blood families, this pack-like mentality
increased. The Flockear family Cursed-Blood appear to be bulkier, with much thicker coarse fur
and broader shoulders.
At 1st level, when you select the Flockear Family heritage, you gain the ability to work
together better with other combatants. You gain an additional +1 to your Attack and Damage for
each ally within five feet of you. At 10th level, this bonus increases to +2 to your Attack and
Damage for each ally within five feet of you.
At 3rd level, as long as one ally is able to act on a surprise round, you are also able to act.
You gain a +2 to your Initiative rolls.
Instinctive Tactics
At 7th level, you are considered flanking when an ally is in normal flanking position or if
they are within 5ft. Of you.
Lone Wolf
At 15th level, when you are the only ally in combat with a creature, you gain advantage
on attack rolls, and gain an additional 1d6 on your damage dice.
True Pack
At 18th level, your allies gain your Pack-Mate attack and damage bonus when they are
within five feet of you.
Houlin Family
The Houlin family were beast trainers, working with animals and teaching them to hunt
and fight. And when they became one of the Cursed-Blood, their animals followed them into
their own hunt. They are the most natural looking of the Cursed-Blood, with very wolf-like
faces, and taller lean bodies.
Beastial Familiar
At 1st level, when you select the Houlin Family heritage, you gain a familiar in the shape
of a small young wolf. This acts like a Beast Master ranger’s animal companion.
Hunting Partner
At 3rd level, your familiar gains access to your proficiency bonus to their attack, damage,
and perception, stealth, and survival skill checks. You are able to take a standard action to view
the world through your wolf’s senses as if it were a wizards familiar.
True Wolf
At 7th level, your familiar grows into a true wolf, and acts as if it is the wolf from the
PHB, but with 22 hit dice. You gain Pack Tactics alongside your wolf familiar. At 12th level, the
familiar’s hp increases to 44.
Great Wolf
At 15th level, your familiar grows further into that of a Dire Wolf, but with 60 hit points.
While within five feet of your Dire Wolf familiar it treats it as if they are flanking.
Spirit Bond
At 18th level, your familiar is capable of knowing your instincts and thoughts as you
know it. Utilizing your beast’s attack is now a bonus action. And it's initiative is always on your
Silvurn Family
The Silvurn Family were soldiers, protectors and guardians before they became one of
the Cursed-Blood, and even in this new form, they continue patrolling and fighting to protect
their territories. The Silvurn are stronger than most other Cursed-Blood, with bulky powerful
bodies and thick broad chests and shoulders.
Born Guard
At 1st level when you choose the Silvurn Family heritage, If an ally within 5ft. of you is
about to take enough damage to reduce them to 0 hit points, you are able to use your reaction to
reduce the damage to reduce them to 1 hit points, you take the damage you reduced it by.
Thick Skinned
At 3rd level, while in beast form, you gain Resistance to Slashing, Bludgeoning and
Piercing damage from non silver or non magical weapons.
Defender’s Vengence
At 7th level, when an ally of yours reaches 0 hit points, you become filled with vengeful
rage, you gain advantage on attacks against creatures that have damaged your fallen ally, and
reroll all 1’s on damage dice.
Lethal Protector
At 15th level, you can use your reaction to make an attack against a creature that attacks
one of your allies within 5ft. Of you. Damage done this way adds your proficiency modifier.
Watchful Hound
At 18th level, you have advantage on initiative checks, and have advantage on perception
checks to detect creatures in stealth.
Sirius Family
Once priests before becoming one of the Blood-Cursed families, this family once were
devout servants to an ancient canine god, worshipped by early civilizations as a bringer of death
and doom. Many of the Blood-Cursed families blame the Sirius family for the curse in general.
These Curse-Blood are the only ones that change into a quadropedal form, otherwise looking like
just large wolves, but their teeth give off an otherworldly glow, as well as their eyes.
Bite and Pull
At 1st level when you choose the Sirius Family heritage, you lose the claw attack of other
Cursed Blood, but when you make a successful bite attack, you gain a free grapple check against
the creature.
At 3rd level, while in beast form, when you make a dash action you can use your bonus
action to dash again.
Divine Fang
At 7th level, your fangs are imbued with radiant energy, dealing an additional 1d4 radiant
energy damage. At 12th level this increases to 1d6, and at 16th level it increases to 1d8.
Star Gaze
At 18th level, once per long rest you are able to release a 15ft. Cone of radiant energy,
dealing 6d6+6 radiant damage to all creatures within the cone. Creatures within the cone can
make a Wisdom saving throw DC=8+Prof.+Wis. To half the damage.
Bearskar Family
The Bearskar family were trappers and lumberjacks, they spent their days out in the tall
trees and felling them with their brute force. And now they spend their nights out in the dark
trees, felling beasts and men with their beastial power. They are the largest of the families, and
almost look more like bears than wolves, but are still just as deadly.
Heavy Paw
At 1st level, when you choose the Bearskar Family heritage, your beast form loses it's
bite attack, and instead your claw attacks do 1d8 damage.
Tough Hide
At 3rd level, your Beast Form’s natural armor bonus increases by an additional +1. This
increases by an additional +1 at 8th level and 14th level.
At 7th level, while in beast form, you are able to reroll all 1’s rolled for damage. These
can only be rerolled once and you must take the second choice.
Death Grapple
At 15th level, while in your beast form you have double proficiency on athletics checks
to grapple opponents. While grappling opponents you can make crushing attacks, dealing
2d6+Str points of damage.
Great Beast
At 18th level, while in your beast form, you are considered a large creature for the sake
of carry weight, pushing and pulling objects, and for grappling. Your paws now do 1d10 points
of damage.
Ulvald Family
The Ulvald family were one regal and noble, the high-society members looking down on
the rest, and now they still hold that Alpha-like mentality. Their ears are perked up, long and
pointed with thin snouts and curled talon like claws.
Regal Form
At 1st level when you select the Ulvald Family heritage, while in your normal form, you
have a sense of regal personality about you. You have advantage on persuasion and deception to
convince people you are royalty. Their attitudes will change based on their view of nobility.
Sickle Claws
At 3rd level, you learn how to utilize your talon-like-claws to the best of their ability.
When you make a claw attack, you are able to cause painful incisions, dealing an additional 1d4
Piercing Gaze
At 15th level, you can take a bonus action to give an enemy a moral reduction, granting
them disadvantage on attacks made against you and your allies. They may attempt to resist this
by making a Wisdom saving throw, DC=8+Prof.+Cha.
Amarik Family
The Amarik family were the fewest in number, alone more often than not, and with only
a few members that actually took the curse. These however are powerful beasts, with a dark
magic mist that flows off their fur, and with a deadly saliva that drips from their maw.
Mist Fur
At 1st level when you choose the Amarik Family heritage, as a standard action while in
beast form, you may release a black mist from your fur, that releases in a twenty foot radius
centered on you. You and your allies gain advantage on all stealth rolls while within the mist,
and enemies have disadvantage to see you. The mist lasts for 2+Con number of rounds or until it
is moved by a powerful wind. Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again until your next
short or long rest.
Dripping Maw
At 3rd level, your bite attack deals an additional 1d4 acid damage.
Cursed Fang
At 7th level, your bite attack is capable of poisoning an enemy, dealing 1d4+1 Str
damage unless they succeed in a constitution saving throw. (DC=8+Prof.+Con). This poison
damage increases to 1d6+1 Str damage at level 14. You may only use this ability twice per long
rest. At 14th level, you can use it three times per long rest.
Dark Ambush
At 15th level, while in your Mist Fur radius, you have advantage on attack rolls. If this is
your first time attacking a creature while they are within the mist, you may attempt a stealth roll
against their perception. If successful you also deal your Ambush Attack damage.
Penumbral Lupin
At 18th level, while in your Mist Fur radius or in total darkness, your poison damage DC
increases by an additional +2. If this is your first time making an attack against a creature in
combat and they are unaware of your presence you are able to blind them for 1d6 rounds unless
they make a Constitution saving throw (DC=8+Prof.+Con).
Ha’ti Family
The Haati family are the most corrupted and hatful of the Cursed-Blood, they are often
nicknamed the Doom-Brood, or the Favorites, as they are the ones most like the deity that was
believed to cause this curse. Their fur is interrupted with bony spikes that protrude from their
skin, and their eyes are black as obsidian.
Dark Born
At 1st level, when you select the Ha’ti family heritage, you gain darkvision in your Lycan
and Natural form. If you already have Darkvision, it doubles it's distance.
Cruel Claw
At 3rd level, your claws deal an additional 1d4 points of necrotic damage. This damage
increases to 1d6 if you are attacking a good aligned creature.
Fearsome Predator
At 7th level, whenever you deal damage to a creature of good alignment, they must make
a Wisdom saving throw (DC=8+Prof.+Con) or become frightened of you.
Doom Fang
At 15th level, whenever you make an attack against a non-evil creature, they must make a
Constitution saving throw (DC=8+Prof.+Con). If they fail they take 4d6+4 necrotic damage, if
they succeed they take half.
Death Fuel
At 18th level, while in beast form, you gain the ability to take a standard action to use
your claws, teeth, and bone spikes to do four attacks against a creature. The bone claws dealing
1d6 points of damage. If all four attacks are successful you automatically add your ambush
attack damage as well. You may use this ability once per short rest.
ark Seeker
There are people that fight monsters, fight the darkness hiding in the world, these people
are called heroes. And then there are those that take the darkness into themselves, using it to beat
back the evil itself. These are called, Dark Seekers. They seek out the evil in the world, why?
Because they are drawn to it. Their magics created by the old gods whose names are long
forgotten, their powers touch the abyss and void to seek out sources of it. And they take in
strange alchemical creations called Mutagenics, that enhance their already tainted blood and
biology, giving them some advantages, but also giving dangerous costs. They learn more
enhanced styles of combat in order to further their goals, attempting to become master’s at their
weapon style so as to never fail at their ever growing task.
Sometimes, people see the Dark Seekers, and they feel fear, fear that the seeker might
become what they hunt. Other’s see pity, pity that the Dark Seeker seems to fight and fight
forever, spending their entire life trying to beat back the evil, but barely making a dent in the
forces of darkness.
3 +2 Mutagenics
5 +3 Extra Attack
7 +3
9 +4
11 +5
13 +5
14 +5 Primal Form
15 +5
17 +6
18 +6
19 +6
Basic Features
Hit Points
- Hit Dice: 1d10 per Dark Seeker level
- Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
- Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier, per Dark Seeker level
after 1st
- Armor: Light armor, Medium armor, Shields
- Weapon: Simple Weapons, Martial weapons
- Tools: Alchemist’s Supplies
- Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
- Skills: Choose three from Animal Handling, Arcana, Insight, Investigation, Medicine,
Nature, Perception, Stealth, and Survival.
- (a) Scale Mail Armor or (b) Leather Armor
- (a) One Longsword or (b) One simple melee weapon
- (a) Monster Hunter’s Kit or (b) Dungeoneer’s Pack
- A light Crossbow with 20 crossbow bolts
Mutant Physiology
A Dark Seeker is created using an array of alchemical and magical changes to their body.
These changes cause the Dark Seeker’s biology to be altered permanently and sometimes
drastically. However, this also gives them an array of new biological functions. If the player
starts as a Dark Seeker, they roll three times on a d100 table. If they multi-class into Dark Seeker
they roll two times on a d100 table. Not all mutations are positive however, and some will alter
how you react to other people, and how they react to you.
Fighting Style
At 1st level, you adopt a fighting style as your specialty. You can’t take a Fighting Style
option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.
- Archery: You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.
- Defense: While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
- Dueling: When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you
gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.
- Great Weapon Fighting: When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make
with a melee weapon you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must
use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed
or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.
- Protection: When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5
feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You
must be wielding a shield.
- Two-Weapon Fighting: When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your
ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.
- Dodging: When you are wearing light armor or no armor and wielding no shield, your
Armor Class increases by +2.
Hunter’s Prey
At 2nd level, you gain a bonus equal to half your level (rounded down) on checks to track
Fey, Devils, Demons, Aberrations, and Undead, as well as on Intelligence checks to recall
information about them. If you are actively tracking one of these creature types, you cannot be
surprised by any creatures of that type. You can only be tracking one type of creature at a time.
Rune Spells
At 2nd level, a Dark Seeker gains the ability to inscribe runes upon their body, indicating
the mastery of a spell, and then be able to cast spells through these runes a limited number of
times throughout the day. At first level, the Dark Seeker gains a rune. Every level after 2nd, the
Dark Seeker is able to choose a new rune, or increase the potency of their current runes, this
choice increases the power of the spell, creating stronger variants, but also taxing the Dark
Seeker further (to a maximum of 4 times). A Dark Seeker must be at least fifth level before they
increase a Rune Spell to level 2, must be ninth level before they increase a rune to level 3, and
must be thirteenth level to increase a rune to level 4.
Spell save DC = 8 + Prof. bonus + Intelligence Modifier
Spell attack modifier = Prof. bonus + Intelligence Modifier
1 - - - -
2 2 - - -
3 3 - - -
4 3 - - -
5 3 1 - -
6 3 2 - -
7 4 2 - -
8 4 2 - -
9 4 3 1 -
10 4 3 2 -
11 4 3 2 -
12 4 3 2 -
13 4 3 3 1
14 4 4 3 2
15 4 4 3 2
16 4 4 4 2
17 4 4 4 3
18 4 4 4 3
19 4 4 4 4
20 4 4 4 4
At 3rd level, a Dark Seeker discovers how to create a mutagenic that he can imbibe in
order to heighten his physical prowess at varying costs. These mutagenics are created with Dark
Seeker biology in mind. A non-Dark Seeker is never able to gain any benefits from the
Mutagenics, and if one is ingested, they must make a DC Constitution saving throw equal to (10
+ ½ the Dark Seeker’s level + the Dark Seeker’s Intelligence Modifier). If they fail, they become
nauseated for 1 hour.
At 3rd level, a Dark Seeker knows a number of Mutagenics equal to 1 + ½ their
Intelligence Bonus. At fifth level, and every other level after, the Dark Seeker is able to choose
an additional Mutagenic to learn.
During a short rest, the Dark Seeker is able to create one mutagenic of the ones they
know. These Mutagenics last for one day, and at the end of 24 hours, their potency ends. At
eighth level, a Dark Seeker is able to craft two Mutagenics during a short rest, and at fourteenth
level, a Dark Seeker is able to craft three mutagenics during a short rest.
During combat, a Dark Seeker is able to ingest a Mutagenic as a move action. At level
ten, the Dark Seeker is able to ingest a Mutagenic as a bonus action. Mutagenics last for ten
minutes, and at every second level after level 3 (5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19) increases the duration
by an additional ten minutes, for a total of an hour and a half. The Mutagenic also ends if the
Dark Seeker takes a short or long rest.
Mutation Score= Dark Seeker level divided by two, rounded up
Hunter’s Knowledge
At 4th level, the Dark Seeker adds double your proficiency modifier when making skill
checks to identify the abilities and weaknesses of creatures.
Monster Research
At 4th level, the Dark Seeker is able to choose two monster types from the given list.
They gain +1 to all attack rolls and damage made against these creatures, an additional +2 to the
Hunter’s Knowledge roll against that creature, and gains +1 to AC against those creatures. At
10th level and 16th level they are able to choose an additional monster. If the Dark Seeker
chooses a humanoid, they must select two races of humanoids (ex. Goblin, Orc, Elf, Dwarf,
Human, etc.)
List of Monsters Types: Aberrations, Beasts, Celestials, Constructs, Dragons, Elementals,
Fey, Fiends, Giants, Humanoid, Monstrosities, Oozes, Plants, or Undead.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the
Attack action on your turn.
Dark Sensory
At 6th level, the Dark Seeker is able to sense the presence of dark, cursed, or evil objects.
They can then take ten minutes to meditate on an object to learn details about the objects
abilities, history, and any lingering evil with an Arcana check. This ability has no effect on
objects untouched by evil.
Grimoire Knowledge
At 6th level, the Dark Seeker is able to meditate on an object for ten minutes, this
meditation acts as if they cast an Identify spell on the item. They are able to learn the abilities
and magical effects of the items.
Mutant Immunity
At 8th level, the Dark Seeker becomes immune to diseases and poisons.
Battle Trance
At 10th level, a Dark Seeker learns how to send themselves into a surge of adrenaline and
tension. They become even more powerful warriors, lashing out with a fury and rage. They gain
a +2 to all attack and +4 damage rolls. This lasts a number of rounds equal to double their CON
modifier, and for every other level after tenth level they receive an additional 2 rounds for each
usage. This can be done a number of times a day equal to their Wisdom modifier. If the Dark
Seeker has more than one usage per day, then the uses can be used in succession, consuming
more than one in each trance.
Feral Biology
At 12th level, a Dark Seeker’s biology continues to change and develop. The Dark Seeker
chooses a creature from a list, that is a symbol of their primal spirit. Their primal spirit grants
them further biological changes. (Predator list available at the bottom.)
Primal Form
At 14th level, the Dark Seeker is able to transform into a form of their Primal Spirit as a move
action three times a day, as if they were using the Wild Shape druid ability. This ability lasts
until the Dark Seeker is reduced to 0 go, takes a short rest, or takes a minute to revert back to
their normal form.
Alpha Mutant
At twentieth level, the Dark Seeker’s mutations take full effect. They are able to intake
mutagenics without the negative effects of the mutagenics. Their battle trances now last triple
their constitution modifier
List of Mutagenics
- Arcane: You gain magic resistance (giving you advantage on saving throws on spell
- Side Effect: You take a negative to your Athletics and Acrobatics equal to half
your Mutation Score.
- You must be 7th level in order to take this Mutagenic
- Accuracy: You gain a bonus to your attack rolls equal to your mutation score.
- Side Effect: You take a penalty to your CON saving throw equal to half your
mutation score.
- Adaptive: You gain resistance to an energy type of your choice.
- Side Effect: You take a penalty to your CHA rolls equal to half your mutation
- You must be at least 11th level to take this mutagenic.
- Aether: You gain a fly speed of twenty feet and a bonus to stealth equal to your mutation
- Side Effect: You take a strength penalty equal to half your mutation score.
- You must be at least 8th level to take this mutagenic.
- Aggressive: You gain a bonus to your damage equal to your mutation score.
- Side Effect: You take a penalty to your attack roll equal to half your mutation
- Alertness: You gain a bonus to your initiative and perception score equal to your
mutation score.
- Side Effect: The first round of combat you have vulnerability to spell damage.
- Cruelty: After two successful attacks on a creature, they begin to bleed. Every round for a
number of rounds equal to your mutation score, they take 1d4 + STR bleeding damage.
- Side Effect: You take a penalty to your Wisdom saving throws equal to half your
Mutation score.
- Deceptive: You may change your physical appearance to that of another of your race, as
if one cast Disguise Self.
- Side Effect: You take a penalty to your dexterity rolls equal to half your mutation
- Fell: All attacks deal 1 point of ability poison damage and 1d6 fire damage. Creatures
struck by you must make a Wisdom saving throw of become afraid.
- Side Effect: You take 1d4 fire damage at the beginning of your turn while in
- You must be at least 11th level to take this mutagenic.
- Feral: You gain a natural claw attack with 1d4 damage (1d3 if small, 1d6 if large), and
the scent ability. If you already have a natural claw attack, the damage increases by one
damage die.
- Side Effect: You take a penalty to your intelligence rolls equal to half your
mutation score.
- Hunting: You are able to use lifesense, allowing you to see all living creatures within
sight, regardless of concealment.
- Side Effect: All creatures unseen by the Hunting Mutagen have +4 to stealth
against the Dark Seeker and you lose Darkvision and Low-Light vision if
- Must be at least 7th level to take this mutagenic.
- Impenetrable: You gain resistance to piercing damage.
- Side Effect: You gain a weakness to slashing damage.
- Martyr: After taking a successful attack from an enemy, that enemy takes acid damage
equal to double your mutation score.
- Side Effect: take a penalty to your CON saving throw equal to half your mutation
score (rounded down).
- You must be at least 7th level to take this mutagenic.
- Nighteye: You gain 60ft of Darkvision, this doubles if you already have darkvision.
- Side Effect: you gain Light Sensitivity.
- Rapidity: Your speed increases by 5 ft. times half your mutation modifier.
- Side Effect: You take a negative equal to half your mutation score to your
Wisdom saving throw.
- You must be at least 7th level to take this mutagenic.
- Reconstruction: While conscious, you regenerate hit points equal to double your mutation
score at the start of your turn.
- Side Effect: You take a penalty to your Dexterity saving throw equal to half your
mutation score.
- You must be at least 7th level to take this mutagenic.
- Sanguine: Allies heal equal to 1d6 times your mutation score.
- Side Effect: You take damage equal to 1d4 times half your mutation score.
- Shielded: You gain resistance to slashing damage.
- Side Effect: You gain a weakness to bludgeoning damage.
- Skilled: You gain a bonus to an ability score equal to half your mutation score.
- Side Effect: You take a penalty to your opposite ability equal to half of your
mutation score (Str-Int, Dex-Wis, Con-Cha).
- Spell-bane: You become capable of detecting when a creature is going to cast a spell, and
are able to take an attack of opportunity to the creature if it is within range.
- Side Effect: You take a negative to your attack rolls equal to half your Mutation
score when attacking non-spellcasters.
- Thick-Skinned: You gain a natural armor bonus equal to half your mutation score.
- Side Effect: You take a penalty to your dexterity equal to half your mutation
- Trained: You gain a bonus to your Athletics and Acrobatics equal to your mutation
- Side Effect: You take a penalty to your Initiative Roll equal to half your mutation
- Unbreakable: You gain resistance to Blunt Damage.
- Side Effect: You gain a weakness to Piercing Damage.
- Violent: You can make an additional single weapon attack as a bonus action.
- Side Effect: You take a penalty to your WIS saving throws equal to half your
mutation score.
Components S
Duration Instantaneous
Casting the Rune of Fire spell creates a fifteen foot cone of fire that deals 2d6 points of fire
damage + your Dark Seeker level (maximum 5.) The targets must make a Dexterity saving
throw, succeeding the saving throw allows those hit by the spell to take half damage instead of
full damage.
At Higher Levels: The dice damage increases by 2d6 for each slot level above 1st, and the Dark
Seeker level damage bonus increases by 5 for each slot level above 1st.
- Rune of Cold:
1st level Evocation
Components S
Duration Instantaneous
Casting the Rune of Cold spell creates a single five foot area invisible trap. An enemy stepping
upon this rune trap causes it to take 2d6 points of cold damage + your Dark Seeker level
(maximum 5.) The target of the spell must make a Constitution saving throw. If they fail they
also become paralyzed for a number of rounds equal to your intelligence modifier. If they
succeed they do not become paralyzed and take half damage from the Rune’s cold damage.
At Higher Levels: The dice damage increases by 2d6 for each slot level above 1st, and the Dark
Seeker damage bonus increases by 5 for each spell slot level above 1st.
- Rune of Storms:
1st level Evocation
Range 40 ft.
Components S
Duration 10 mins.
Casting the Rune of Storms creates a 40ft. Line of lightning that deals 2d6 points of lightning
damage + your Dark Seeker level (maximum 5) and create a ten foot radius of fog that remains
until blown away or for 10 mins. Creatures in the line must make a dexterity saving throw,
succeeding allows them to take half damage.
At Higher Levels: The dice damage increases by 2d6 for each slot level above 1st, and the Dark
Seeker damage bonus increases by 5 for each spell slot level above 1st, and increases the radius
of the fog by 10 feet.
- Rune of Glamour:
1st level Enchantment
Range 30 ft.
Components S, V
Duration 15 mins.
Casting the Rune of Glamour causes the targeted humanoid to consider you as a trusted friend
and will aide you how you ask as long as it isn’t a suicidal or immediately harming action, they
remain this way for 15 mins. The target may make a Charisma saving throw to attempt to resist
the spell’s effect.
At Higher Levels: Increasing the level of the spell increases the duration by 15 mins. And the
complexity of the commands that can be given.
Components S, V
Duration 1 hour.
Casting Rune of the Moon causes 2d4 HD worth of animals to consider you a trusted friend and
will aide you as you ask as long as it doesn’t cause them immediate harm or suicidal actions,
they remain this way for 1 hour. Animals with an intelligence score higher than 4 resist the
spell’s effects completely.
At Higher Levels: Increasing the spell level increases the number of HD by 2, as well as the
complexity of commands that can be given, and the duration of the spell by 1 hour.
- Rune of Eyes:
1st level Divination
Range 20 ft.
Components S
Duration 10 mins.
Casting Rune of Eyes allows the caster to see the presence of magical items, creatures, runes, or
traps within 20ft, as if they cast Detect Magic, this effect lasts for 10 mins.
At Higher Levels: Increasing the spell level increases the radius of the spell by 10ft. Lasts for an
additional 10 mins. And casting it as a third level spell acts as if it was being cast as Greater
Detect Magic.
- Rune of Weakness:
1st level Enchantment
Range 5 ft.
Components S, V
Casting the Rune of Weakness spell creates a single invisible rune trap that appears in a 5ft.
Area. Upon casting, the Dark Seeker chooses an ability score. When an enemy takes a step onto
the rune, that creature takes a -4 to that ability score for 1d4 rounds. When the creature touches
the rune, they may make a Constitution saving throw in order to resist the spell completely.
At Higher Levels: Increasing the spell level increases the penalty to the ability score by 2 and
increases the duration by one die size (1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10)
- Rune of the Sun:
1st level Evocation
Components S, V
Duration Instantaneous
Casting the Rune of the Sun spell creates a 10ft. radius of daylight, within the circle allies heal
1d6 hp + the Dark Seeker level (maximum 5).
At Higher Levels: Increasing the level of the spell increases the heal dice by 1d6.
Range Varies
Components S
Duration Instantaneous
Casting the Rune of the Shield spell creates a magic force shield around the caster, giving them a
+2 deflection bonus to their AC. This can be done as a reaction to an attack.
At Higher Levels: Increasing the level of the spell increases the deflection bonus by +2.
Range Touch
Components S, V
Duration 1 hour
Casting the Rune of the Blade spell will grant a +1 bonus to your weapon for 1 hour.
At Higher Levels: Increasing the spell level increases the duration of the spell by 1 hour, and the
weapon bonus by +1.
Range Varies
Components S
Duration Instantaneous
Casting the Rune of the Shadow spell transports the user up to twenty feet in any direction as if
they were using the Dimension Door spell.
At Higher Levels: Increasing the level of the spell increases the distance of the spell by ten feet,
at third level, this spell can be used as a bonus action.
Components S
Duration Instantaneous
Casting the Rune of the Stars spell creates two projectiles that deal 1d4+1 per projectile, they
cannot miss, as if they are Magic Missles.
At Higher Levels: Increasing the level of the spell increases the amount of projectiles by 1 and
the damage die size by one (1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10)
Components S, V
A rare runic spell, created by a king of a forgotten land that joined the order of Dark Seekers, the
spell itself grants all allies within ten feet a +1 to their attack and damage and gain an additional
+1d8 temporary Hit Points
At Higher Levels: Increasing the level of the spell increases the bonus to attack and damage
bonus of allies by +1 and an additional 1d8 temporary hit points.
Range Varies
Components S
A rune created by a Dark Seeker whose primal form was a dragon, this grants the Dark Seeker a
breath weapon of a chosen energy type in the form of a 15 ft. cone or 30 ft. line that deals 2d6
damage, and gain resistance to that energy type. The breath weapon is instantaneous, while the
resistance lasts for 1 hour. Those in range of the breath weapon may make a dexterity saving
throw, succeeding on this saving throw allows them to take half damage.
At Higher Levels: Increasing the level of the spell increases the damage by an additional 1d6
Range 30 feet.
Components S
Duration Instantaneous
Casting the Rune of the Slayer causes a creature to begin to bleed, dealing 1d4 bleeding damage
each round for 1d4 rounds. The target may make a constitution saving throw in order to resist the
Slayer Rune effect completely.
At Higher Levels: Increasing the level of the spell increases the damage by one dice size (1d4,
1d6, 1d8, 1d10), and increases the duration by an additional 1d4.
Range Touch
Components S, V
Duration 1 hour
Casting the Rune of the Mountain grants the caster or target a base natural armor of 14, and 2d6
temporary hit points, lasting for 1 hour.
At Higher Levels: Increasing the level of the spell increases the base natural armor bonus by +2
and increases the temporary hit points by an additional 2d6. It lasts for an additional 1 hour, and
allows it to be cast on an additional person.
Range Touch
Components S, V
Duration 1 hour
Casting the Rune of the Sea grants the caster or the target a swim speed equal to their natural
movement and allows them to breathe underwater as if on land. This lasts for 1 hour.
At Higher Levels: Increasing the level of the spell increases the swim speed by 10 ft. increases
the duration by an additional 1 hour, and allows it to be cast on an additional person.
Range Touch
Components S, V
Duration 1 hour
Casting the Rune of the Sky grants the caster or the target a fly speed equal to their natural
movement speed for 1 hour.
At Higher Levels: Increasing the level of the spell increases the flying speed by 10 ft. increases
the duration by an additional 1 hour, and allows it to be cast on an additional person.
- Rune of the Forest:
1st level Transmutation
Range Self
Components S, V
Duration 1 hour
Casting the Rune of the Forest allows the caster to change into a swarm of birds for 1 hour. This
swarm of birds have a fly speed of 30ft, and have 2d8 HD. While in this form, the birds can deal
a swarm attack, dealing 2d4 slashing damage (attack bonus is equal to the caster’s Intelligence
modifier + Proficiency bonus.)
At Higher Levels: Increasing the level of the spell increases the duration by 1 hour, increases
the fly speed by 10 ft., have an additional 1d8 HD, and deal an additional 1d4 slashing damage.
- Rune of Dreams:
1st level Enchantment
Range 90 ft.
Components S, V
Duration 2 minutes.
Casting the Rune of Dreams causes creatures of 4d10 Hit Points or less to fall asleep for 2
At Higher Levels: Increasing the level of the spell increases the hit points of the creatures
affected by an additional 2d10 and increases the duration by an additional 1 minute.
- Rune of Doom:
1st level Evocation
Casting Time 1 Action
Range 5 ft.
Components S, V
Duration Instantaneous
Casting the Rune of Doom causes creatures within 5ft. Of the caster to make a Constitution
saving throw or take 2d8 sonic damage, if they succeed they take half damage, if they fail they
take full damage and become frightened.
At Higher Levels: Increasing the level of the spell increases the range by an additional 5ft. And
increases the damage dealt by 1d8.
Range Touch
Components S, V
Duration Instantaneous
Casting the Rune of the Destroyer allows the Dark Seeker to deal 2d6 damage to an inanimate
At Higher Levels: Increasing the level increases the spell damage by an additional 1d6 and at
level 3 and 4, it deals damage to magical objects and can destroy magical objects as if Dispel
Magic or Greater Dispel Magic had been cast when used.
- Rune of Purity:
1st level Evocation
Range Touch
Components S
Duration Instantaneous
Casting the Rune of Purity allows the caster to act as if they are casting lesser restoration,
removes poison, or it heals 1d8+INT points of damage.
At Higher Levels: Increasing the level to level 2 makes it act as lesser restoration, remove
poison, remove curse, or heal 2d8+INT. Increasing the level to level 3 makes it act as remove
poison, remove curse, greater restoration, or heal 3d8+INT. Increasing the level to level 4 acts as
greater restoration, remove poison, remove curse, cure madness, remove corruption, or heal
Range Touch
Components S, V
Casting the Rune of the Final King grants the target a +2 to Strength and +2 to Constitution for a
number of rounds equal to your Intelligence bonus. These bonuses can exceed 20.
At Higher Levels: Increasing the level of the spell increases the bonuses by +2 on Strength and
Constitution, and at level 3 it increases the size of the target by one size category.
- Dire Bear
- Increases the Constitution score of the Dark Seeker by +2, and increases their
Natural Armor bonus by +1
- Dire Boar
- Increases the Strength score of the Dark Seeker by +2, and increases the initiative
bonus of the Dark Seeker by +2
- Dire Ape
- Increases the Athletics and Acrobatics score of the Dark Seeker by +2.
- Dire Badger
- All damage is decreased by their Proficiency Modifier, and increase the CON
saving throw by +1.
- Dire Bat
- Grants the Dark Seeker Blindsense and a fly speed equal to their movement
speed. When in darkness creatures cannot take attacks of opportunity against you.
- Dire Weasel
- Increases the Perception, Stealth, and Sleight of Hand score of the Dark Seeker by
+2. As a swift (bonus) action you can disengage.
- Dire Crocodile
- Grants the Dark Seeker an additional +3 natural armor bonus. Any natural attacks
you have have an automatic grapple.
- Dire Shark
- The Dark Seeker is now able to hold their breath for amount of time equal to ten
minutes per constitution modifier point, and has a swim speed of 30ft, and only
have to make swim checks in heavy weather.
- Dire Lion
- The Dark Seeker gains the scent and hearing ability, and gain +2 to their
Persuasion and Intimidation
- Dire Wolf
- The Dark Seeker gains a +1d6 to their attack bonus and damage when within five
feet of an ally, and gain a +1 to survival and perception for each ally within
twenty feet.
- Dire Tiger
- The Dark Seeker gains a +2 to their Cha score and gain 60ft of darkvision (if they
already have darkvision, the range of darkvision is increased by 60ft
- Dire Hyena
- The Dark Seeker gains a +2 to their Bluff and Intimidation skill, and decreases
enemies WIS saving throws by -2.
- Dire Cobra
- The Dark Seeker is able to imbue their weapons with a 1d4 ability poison of their
choice three times a day and gains a 1d6 sneak attack ability (if they already have
the sneak attack or similar ability then it gains an additional +1d6)
- Giant Eagle
- Gain a fly speed equal to your movement speed and a +2 to Athletic checks for
grapples. When flying you do not take attacks of opportunity.
- Dire Wolverine
- Whenever you go into a Battle Trance you add your proficiency modifier to your
damage, and whenever initiative is rolled, you add an amount of temporary hit
points equal to double your Mutation Score to your character.
- Great White Shark
- You gain a swim speed equal to double your base speed, and gain a bite attack
(1d6+STR), When swimming, you do not take attacks of opportunity.
- Megaloceros
- You increase your movement speed by +10, and you grow a pair of antlers that
deal 1d6+str damage. Allies within 10ft. of you gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls.
1-4 Your veins become thicker to hold the mutations, you take an extra 1d4 when taking bleed damage.
5-8 Your body temperature is higher than most, allowing you to resist low-temperature climates.
13-16 Your lungs are heavy with air, allowing you to hold your breath for a double your CON rounds.
17-20 Your mutations were traumatic, causing you to have nightmares forcing you to sleep an hour longer.
21-24 Your body is use to toxins, granting a +4 to resist poisons and diseases.
25-28 Your Olfactory senses are greater, you are able to smell anomalies like potions and shapeshifters.
29-32 Your stamina burn hard, but you are able to push through even extreme tests of endurance for longer.
33-36 Your ears become more focused and intense, granting a +2 to perception checks based on sounds.
37-40 Your skin is thickened, granting a +1 Natural Armor bonus to your AC.
41-44 Your skin, hair, and eyes lose pigmentation, giving you a -2 to disguise.
45-48 You gain 60 ft. of low-light vision, if you already have low-light vision, it increases by 60 ft.
49-52 You gain a natural claw attack of appropriate size, if you have claws the damage die increases by 1
57-60 You become sterile, unable to create offspring. However your hormones increase.
65-68 Your hardiness doubles, granting you a +1 to your Hit Points for Each Hit Dice
73-76 You tend to growl more than speak, giving you a -2 to your Diplomacy.
77-80 You gain 60 ft. of Darkvision, if you already have Darkvision it increases by 60 ft.
81-84 Your nerves become dulled, granting you a +1 to your Constitution Saving Throw
85-88 Your mind becomes muddled from the mutations, leaving you with partial amnesia of your past.
89-92 Your lifespan is extended by four times the normal rate for your species.
93-96 The rare mutation of healing fills you, granting you Fast Healing 2.
97-100 Roll two additional times on the table, ignoring any rolls of 97 or higher.
New Races
Interlopers are actually called Wraid, Interloper is just the term used by common folk for
them, and they are a race most similar in size and build to that of Goliaths, though they claim to
be descended from dragons. Their appearance on the Material plane was something of an
anomaly, and while they are still viewed with suspicion, they have managed to integrate
themselves into society, or sticking to their own caravan as nomadic groups of mercenaries.
Unlike the tribal Goliaths, Interlopers consider themselves to be professionals and honorable
warriors. While some have settled into the cities present on the plane, others have formed their
small caravan groups and have travelled throughout the countries and continents living solitary
lives. Only interacting with the civilized world when the situation arises, such as the need for
gear, supplies, or coin. Their powerful build, and skin colors ranging from slate to cobalt to
olive, and some even with curled horns.
Lifespan- Two Centuries
Mature At- Late Teens
Height- 6’0”+2d10
Weight- 180+ (height roll x 2d4) lbs.
Interloper Traits
- Ability Score Increase: Your constitution score increases by 2
- Size: Medium
- Speed: 30 feet.
- Wyrm Combatant: Interlopers are knowledgeable about dragons and draconids. They
have advantage on intelligence checks to know information about dragons and similar
- Bonded Weapon: Interlopers are raised with a weapon, and must have this weapon with
them at all times, even if they do not wield it. Losing the weapon will shame the
Interloper in the eyes of others.
- Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Wraid
Royal Interloper
- Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma score increases by 1
- Draken Heart: You gain advantage on Charisma saving throws
- Regal Crown: You grow a pair of horns, that may be used as a natural weapon, dealing
1d6 points of damage.
Warrior Interloper
- Ability Score Increase: Your Strength score increases by 1
- Draken Skin: You gain a natural armor bonus to your AC of +1
- Battle Mind: You are able to take full effect of an advantage, and have advantage on all
attacks made during surprise rounds.
Spellbound Interloper
- Ability Score Increase: Your Intelligence score increases by 1
- Draken Mind: You gain Draconic as a natural language
- Rune Readers: Spellbound Interlopers are expert enchanters, and have the ability to cast
Identify as a ritual spell.
Goliath Subrace: Ashen Giants
While the Goliaths most are used to dealing with settled in the cold mountains, and their
bodies became use to the high altitude and chilled climates, the Ashen Giants settled in volcanic
regions, in flame filled caverns, with walls of stone keeping them safe from the roaring magma.
In time, these figures faded into legend, only coming out of their heated caves when no other
option was afforded to them. But as time has gone on, and the walls were eroded by magma, they
finally stepped out into the sun.
Unlike the usually broad and powerful build of the Goliaths, the Ashen Giants are
deceptively thin, with toned small waists and hips, broad shoulders and long arms and legs. Their
skin blackened and grey like ash, with cracks filled with dried blood that glows like warm
Lifespan- Less than a century
Mature At- Late Teens
Height- 6’4”+2d10
Weight- 160+ (height roll x 2d6) lbs.
Ashen Giants
- Ability Score Increase: Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Constitution score
increases by 1
- Size: Medium
- Speed: 30 feet.
- Natural Athlete: You have proficiency in Athletics.
- Molten Blood: When you take damage from a melee attack, you can use your reaction to
roll a 1d12. Add your Constitution modifier to the number rolled, and deal that much fire
damage to the creature that dealt damage to you. After you use this trait, you can’t use it
again until you finish a short or long rest.
- Powerful Build: You count as one size larger when detemining your arrying capacity
and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
- Volcanic Skin: You’re acclimated to high altitude and hot climates.
- Languages: You speak, read, and write Common and Primordial (Ignan)
These, Deathless, may once have been human, elven, dwarven, even tiefling. But due to
some unknown curse, some strange malady that has affected them in not just body, but spirit and
mind, and returned these individuals to life, but with all their faculties in order. Unlike the
normal zombies, skeletons, and similar undead, the Deathless simply seem to be as they were in
life, though they have a constant stench of decay around them. Their bodies continue to decay as
they survive onwards in their second life, eventually resembling the horrible skeleton monsters
that infest the lairs of necromancers, but they still have their mind together. Though some do go
insane by this point in their lives.
Lifespan- Five Centuries
Mature At- No Maturity
Height- Based on Racial Height
Weight- Based on Racial Weight
Deathless Traits
- Ability Score Increase: Your constitution score increases by 2
- Size: Medium
- Speed: 30 feet.
- Darkvision: You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and
in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of
- Undead Resistance: You have resistance to necrotic damage.
- No Fear Beyond Death: You have advantage on saving throws against Fear effects and
- Living Death: Deathless are capable of casting False Life as a 2nd level spell. When you
reach 5th level, you can cast it as a 3rd level spell. When you reach 8th level you cast it
as a 4th level spell. When you reach 12th level, you cast it as a 5th level spell, and at 15th
level you cast it as a 6th level spell.
- Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and the language of your previous
Just as the Dragons created the Dragonborn to fight on their behalf, some dragons
shapeshifted into human form, mating with humans, whether as an experiment or as an attempt
to understand these primitive humans. In doing so they created the Dragonblood Race. These
mostly human looking creatures still retain some biological reminder of their draconic heritage.
Eyes, claws, teeth, and other small details give away the ancestry of these beings.
Lifespan- Two Centuries
Mature At- late teens
Height- 4’10” + 2d10
Weight- 110 + (height roll x 2d4) lbs.
Dragonblood Traits
- Ability Score Increase: One ability score of your choice increases by 2, another ability
of your choice score increases by 1.
- Size: Medium
- Speed: 30 feet.
- Drake Warden: Your draconic ancestors served as guards and servants to their dragon
lords. Some even serving as mounted defenders, riding on the backs of their draconic
progenitors. When mounted on an animal, the Dragonblood gain double their proficiency
bonus to checks made while riding.
- Draconic Training: You gain access to a feat at first level.
- Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Draconic
Much like Golems, Sentinels are created not born. However, unlike Golems, Sentinels are
given a spirit, a soul, a consciousness, they are sentient. However, nothing can be created without
taking something, thus often the souls of great warriors and noble knights are placed into them.
Allowing them to live on, and continue serving, fighting, and defending. While the material may
change the abilities of the Sentinel, their original purpose is lost on them. Amnesia often befell
the Sentinels during their creation, and thus they created a new life for themselves.
Lifespan- Until Destroyed
Mature At- Upon Creation
Height- 6’6”+2d10
Weight- 800+ (height roll x 2d6) lbs.
Sentinel Traits