The Magnus Archives-Hyperlinked and Bookmarked
The Magnus Archives-Hyperlinked and Bookmarked
The Magnus Archives-Hyperlinked and Bookmarked
Paola Andreatta, Javier P. Beltrán, Sam Wolfe Connelly, Giuseppe De iure, Doruk Golcu, Joel Chaim Holtzman,
Dharm “Duddum” Khalsa, Macli, Russell Marks, Eric Messinger, Gabriela Novotná, Randy Ortiz, Angelo Peluso,
John Petersen, Tani “Ghray” Pettit, Roberto Pitturru, Maichol Quinto, Jericho Rose, Rowan Ryan,
Kyle A. Scarborough, Jacopo Schiavo, Elisa Serio, Zoa Smalley, Ben Wootten
The Magnus Archives is co-created by Jonathan Sims and Alexander J Newall and distributed by Rusty Quill Ltd.
Powered by the Cypher System designed by Monte Cook, Bruce R. Cordell, and Sean K. Reynolds.
MONTE COOK GAMES and its logo, and CYPHER SYSTEM and its logo,
are trademarks belonging to Monte Cook Games, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries.
RUSTY QUILL and its logo, and THE MAGNUS ARCHIVES and its logo, are trademarks belonging to Rusty Quill in the U.S.A. and other countries.
All The Magnus Archives characters and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of Rusty Quill.
All rights reserved.
Printed in Canada
t’s a bit surreal to hold this book in my hands. to be more than standalone stories. It needed an
It feels like the surprising culmination of overarching plot. It needed a world. So we started to
many different threads that have been woven build one and, drawing upon the lessons from two
throughout my life since childhood, and I couldn’t decades of roleplaying, it was a world with systems
be happier about it. and domains and monsters. It doesn’t surprise me
I started roleplaying when I was about 8 years at all that over the years since The Magnus Archives
old. My father is one of the original RPG nerds started to get popular, I’ve seen dozens and dozens of
and has been playing pretty much since the hobby’s homebrewed rulesets based on the dread powers.
inception in the 70s. As a child I’d sneak down It seemed natural, then, that at some point, we
some evenings to watch through the bannisters as should do a Magnus Archives RPG, but by that
he and his friends played. They even let me play point, the scale of it was much larger than could
(for an hour or so before bedtime), something I’m easily be done by either Rusty Quill or MacGuffin
sure was a bit of a chore for the grown-ups who & Co. (the small indie RPG press I run with my
wanted to play a serious game of Traveller. But I spouse, Sasha). And then we were approached by
loved it. Monte Cook Games, and it seemed a little bit like
So of course I picked up D&D 3rd Edition as soon fate. The Cypher System feels like the perfect fit,
as it came out. I was twelve years old and had already centring the characters and who they are, rather than
been playing for a while, but this was the first game a sheet full of numbers, and I’m delighted by the way
that wasn’t a part of my dad’s collection. It was the the Entities have been brought to life. And the art!
first game that was truly mine. The Dungeon Master’s I can only hope everyone who reads this is as
Guide gave me some advice on GMing that I still thrilled by The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game
lean on today. Little did I realise at the time that I as I am. A lot of love went into these pages. And a
had just had my first run-in with Monte Cook. lot of fear.
Eventually I moved on from D&D towards
weirder, less prominent games, but the hobby gave
me a deep love of world-building and systems,
something that eventually found a very different
expression. When I first pitched Alex my idea for
an anthology horror podcast in an Edinburgh café
one summer afternoon in 2015, he said it needed Jonathan Sims
i everyone—Alex here, I would also like to commend Jonny Sims.
I’d just like to take a moment to thank Though I am an experienced tabletop gamer and
you for helping to support this project and GM, my knowledge has paled in comparison to
tell you how honoured I am to present to you this his expertise in the field, and seeing him work with
official RPG based on The Magnus Archives podcast, Monte Cook to translate our stories of unknowable
designed by the fantastic folks at Monte Cook Games. horrors into a clear, concise work like this has been a
If you know nothing about The Magnus Archives, privilege to watch.
don’t worry! This book contains everything you will Lastly, I would like to thank you, the reader,
need to play. All you really need to know is that a whether you are a diehard fan with passionate
place called the Magnus Institute takes statements feelings about Mr. Spider, or just someone who
from witnesses to bizarre and horrifying events and has plucked this at random off a shelf on an idle
starts to connect the dots. Everything after that can be afternoon. The original Magnus Archives is the
discovered as you play, often with terrifying results. summation of years of passion, and that passion has
For those of you who are already familiar with been extended here, so knowing that you are reading
what we do, here you will find everything you these words ahead of what we hope will be years of
need to play your favourite characters and their horrifying and fulfilling time with friends is truly
statements, but not only that, we’ve filled it with humbling. So thank you, on behalf of myself and the
original elements as well so you can explore new countless number of people who have come together
ground if you dare! to birth this eldritch abomination (in a good way).
As for all the backers of this game, thank you so That’s all for now, so it’s with great joy in my heart
much. Our weird little group of horror nerds and I get to say one more time . . . Statement Begins.
gaming geeks could never have put all this together
without your support. We truly hope you enjoy the
result and all the associated goodies you unlocked to
accompany it. I honestly think we all enjoyed making
them as much as you will enjoy having them.
I’d also like to acknowledge the deeply dedicated
Monte Cook Games team. They have an incredible
enthusiasm for The Magnus Archives and really Alexander J. Newall
understand what it is that makes Archives unique.
The focus on characters, their personal choices and
the unknowable consequences that follow; the new
mechanics around fear, its flavours and its effects; the
monster profiles and artwork that faithfully capture
the essence of the show; our precious little nightmare
could not have been in safer hands.
vividly remember sitting down, putting my clear, reading the rest of this book will absolutely
headphones on, and pressing play on my phone spoil the end, so if that’s important to you, listen to
to listen to the first episode of The Magnus the podcast first—the story of the Magnus Archives
Archives. I was immediately drawn in by the wraps up in such a way that individual GMs’
atmosphere, the creepiness of the tale, the writing, creativity is empowered rather than hindered. The
the voice acting, and—if I’m being an honest end of the story unleashes creativity in precisely the
Anglophile—the British-ness of it all. (I am one of way an RPG setting should.
those Americans who is both charmed and entranced Fans of the Cypher System will see a lot of changes
by all things British. Always have been.) I don’t think to the base game in this rulebook, and crafting
I got up from where I was sitting until I’d absorbed those changes to tailor the game to the setting was
at least three episodes. I saw that we were going to a labor of pure love. I think you’ll find yourself able
get a creepy story each episode and, what’s more, that to play a game that is truly as dangerous, terrifying,
the narrator and the Magnus Archives themselves and perhaps even meaningful as the stories in the
weren’t just a framing story. I could see that these podcast. I couldn’t be happier to have worked on this
people doing the investigation and the archiving game, immersed myself in the setting (I’ve listened to
of the paranormal were the story. And that’s when the podcast multiple times now), and gotten to know
my game-brain kicked in. Because now these stories Jonny and Alex. Rusty Quill has been a pleasure
were game-able. It’s the titular Magnus Archives to work with at every step of the way. The whole
themselves that make the RPG work in a way that experience has been great.
a bunch of unrelated spooky tales, no matter how
good, would not. The first question a game designer
should ask when starting to work on an RPG is
“What do the characters do?” The Magnus Archives
answered that question for me.
Fast forward (metaphorically) nearly 200 episodes.
I’m about to listen to the last couple of episodes after
devouring the harrowing final season. At this point Monte Cook
I’ve already committed to designing the game and
my company is going to publish it. I just have one
lingering concern. I struggle with licensed RPGs
sometimes because the GM’s creativity is often
hampered by all the mountains of canon material.
The GM is forced into the role of being an expert
on the details of a setting they didn’t create. For
some, that’s fun, but for others, it’s taxing. It’s why I
don’t work on licensed games much anymore—but,
I shrugged, this setting was fun and imaginative
enough to make up for that. And then I got to the
finale of the show and that one last concern melted
away as if touched by Agnes Montague herself.
Without spoiling the end—although, to be very
he Magnus Archives is a horror fiction SPOILERS!
anthology podcast examining what Be forewarned, this book is filled with spoilers
lurks in the archives of the Magnus for the podcast, up to and including the very
Institute, an organization dedicated to end. If you haven’t listened to every episode
researching the esoteric and the weird. It and don’t want the stories and revelations
follows the actions of head archivist Jonathan spoiled, put this book down and get to
Sims as he attempts to bring a seemingly listening!
neglected collection of supernatural statements It’s worth noting that this book does not
up to date, converting them to audio and include anything from outside the bounds
supplementing them with follow-up work of the five seasons of The Magnus Archives
from his small but dedicated team. podcast and its canon, including the episodes
Individually, these stories—these specifically labeled as not being a part of The Magnus Protocol is the
“statements”—are unsettling. Together they the “Magnus canon” and the entirety of The prequel/sequel to The Magnus
Archives podcast.
begin to form a picture that is truly horrifying Magnus Protocol podcast.
because as one looks into the depths of the
archives, something starts to look back…
In The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game SPEAKING OF SPOILERS
(RPG), you and your friends take on the roles If you’ve listened to the entire five seasons
of archival assistants assigned to investigate of The Magnus Archives podcast, you know
the strange occurrences reported to the that in the end, the Entities escape the world
Institute by those that have encountered the of The Archivist, Martin, and the others.
mysterious and supernatural. What you hold It’s all a grand scheme of The Web, and it
in your hands is an overview of the game and relies on specific actions (or inaction) on the
its workings. This rulebook provides you with part of the main characters. This sets up The
everything you need to play, including the Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game. Since
complete rules; detailed character creation; an the Entities have moved to other worlds in the
extensive overview of the Entities, monsters, multiverse, you’ll create your stories in one
books, artefacts, and characters that make of these worlds. This is great news, because it
The Magnus Archives so enthralling (and gives you the freedom to adhere to as much
terrifying); and some adventures to challenge or as little of the canon of the podcast as you
and terrify your group. It’s everything you wish. Jonathan, Martin, Basira, and Daisy
need to play, whether with the investigations can be your player characters, but they could
presented or with terrors you craft yourself. equally be other archival staff of the Magnus
Game master (GM): The player who doesn’t run a Campaign: A series of sessions strung together with an
character, but instead guides the flow of the story and overarching story (or linked stories) with the same player
runs all the NPCs. characters. Often, but not always, a campaign involves
multiple adventures. In the podcast, a whole season could
Nonplayer character (NPC): Characters run by the GM. be thought of as a campaign—or, alternatively, the entire
Think of them as the minor characters in the story, or the show could be a single grand campaign!
villains or opponents. This includes any kind of creature
as well as people. Character: Anything that can act in the game. Although
this includes PCs and human NPCs, it also includes
Party: A group of player characters (and perhaps some creatures, ghosts, vampires, and so on. The word
NPC allies). “creature” is usually synonymous.
Player character (PC): A character run by a player rather Entities: The Entities, also called the Fears, the Powers,
than the GM. Think of the PCs as the main characters in the Dread Powers, and the Things That We Fear are
the story. cosmic horrors beyond total understanding, but are
believed to be responsible for the supernatural phenomena
Player: The players who run characters in the game. that feature in the stories. In essence, they use their
powers to evoke fear from victims and thereby sustain
Session: A single play experience. Usually this lasts a few themselves.
hours. Sometimes, one adventure can be accomplished in
a single session. More often, one adventure takes multiple Avatar: A being imbued with the occult power of the
sessions. Think of a session as similar to an episode of the Entities. This being might have started out a mortal and
podcast. gained this power, or they might have been created by the
Entities. They may have their own motives, but all Avatars
Adventure: A single portion of the campaign with a indirectly serve to provide fear to the Entities.
beginning, middle, and end. This is usually defined at the
beginning by a goal put forth by the PCs and at the end Cypher: A bit of luck, inspiration, hope, or resilience
by whether or not they achieve that goal. This is similar to that grants a character an ability that can be used once.
a full story in the podcast, and in fact, in this book we’ll Cyphers are entirely conceptual, and new cyphers can be
often use the word “story” as synonymous for “adventure.” gained through rest and relaxation. In many ways, they
We also frequently use “investigation” to describe Magnus are the opposite of Stress, which can be a hindrance to
Archives adventures. In the podcast, for example, the player characters in this game.
assault on the Institute in season one of the podcast might
be considered an adventure in the game. In season three, Artefact: An object imbued with the occult power of
Jon’s trip to America would be another adventure. Just like the Entities. We spell it that way because the folks who
stories in the podcast, the events of different adventures created the podcast spell it that way.
can bleed into one another, and they almost always affect
later adventures in the campaign. Canon: In the podcast, everything that happens is canon.
The characters, stories, and events are all set in stone. But
in your campaign, you can use as much or as little of the
canon as you want.
Institute, or you might create a completely specialized focus. So Jonathan Sims becomes
different institute or similar organization, a Scholarly Elocutionist who Solves Mysteries
set wherever you wish your stories to take and Serves as an Avatar of The Eye.
place. Your campaign might include different
side characters and creatures, end up very CHARACTER STATS
differently than the podcast, and reveal new Every player character has three defining
truths about the Entities. It’s up to you. characteristics, which are typically called
“statistics” or “stats.” These stats are Might,
Speed, and Intellect. They are broad categories
PLAYER CHARACTERS that cover many different but related aspects
Each character has a simple statement that of a character.
describes them, like: “I am an [adjective]
[noun] who [verb].” MIGHT
For example, Martin Blackwood might Might defines how strong and durable
be a Nervous Investigator who Helps your character is. The concepts of strength,
Their Friends. Jonathan Sims is a Scholarly endurance, constitution, hardiness, and
Elocutionist who Solves Mysteries. physical prowess are all folded into this one
In this sentence, the adjective is called stat. Might isn’t relative to size; instead, it’s an
your descriptor. Your descriptor offers a few absolute measurement. An elephant has more
modifications to your stats and skills and Might than the mightiest tiger, which has
provides a roleplaying hook to start with more Might than the mightiest rat, which has
an important aspect of your character’s more Might than the mightiest (mundane)
personality or nature. Descriptors include spider.
Fearless, Likeable, Scholarly, Hopeful, Bold, Might governs actions from forcing doors
Quick, and more. open to walking for days without food
The noun is your character type. If to resisting disease. Hitting someone in a
descriptor is what sort of person you are, hand-to-hand fight relies on Might as well.
type is the core of who you are. It’s the Occasionally, a paranormal power a character
fundamental way that the character interacts gains access to draws upon their physical
with the world and how they approach each essence, draining points of Might. Physical
challenge. It’s the noun of the sentence “I characters, tough characters, and characters
am an adjective noun who verbs.” You can interested in fighting should focus on Might.
choose from four main character types:
Investigator, Protector, Elocutionist, and SPEED
Occultist. Occultists are the least common Speed describes how fast and physically
of these, as they actually try to utilize the coordinated your character is. The stat
occult—always a dangerous thing in the world embodies quickness, movement, dexterity,
of The Magnus Archives. and reflexes. Speed governs such divergent
The verb is called your focus. Focus is actions as dodging attacks, sneaking around
what your character does best. Foci include quietly, and throwing a ball accurately. It helps
Explores Dark Places, Helps Their Friends, determine whether you can move farther on
Moves Like a Cat, Practically Lives Online, your turn. Nimble, fast, or sneaky characters
Solves Mysteries, Would Rather Be Reading, will want good Speed stats, as will those
and more. interested in ranged combat.
As the game progresses, a character might
also become an Avatar of one of the Entities.
Doing so results in taking on another,
Action, page 116 INTELLECT You can always attempt any action—you
This stat determines how smart, do not need to be trained or specialized in a
knowledgeable, and likeable your character related skill. In other words, being trained in
is. It includes intelligence, wisdom, charisma, driving doesn’t let you drive a car; it just makes
education, reasoning, wit, willpower, and you good at it. Anyone can still try to drive.
charm. Intellect governs solving puzzles, It’s just a bit harder.
remembering facts, telling convincing lies, and Some characters have inabilities. If a
using mental powers. Characters interested character has an inability in a task, the task is
Hinder, page 119 in communicating effectively, being learned hindered (more difficult).
scholars, or wielding supernatural powers
should stress their Intellect stat. POOL, EDGE, AND EFFORT
A task is any action a character Each of the three stats has two components:
takes that is difficult enough
that the outcome is uncertain.
SKILLS (AND INABILITIES) Pool and Edge. Your Pool represents your
The success is determined by Your character has training in a handful of raw, innate ability, and your Edge represents
a die roll, and the die result specific skills. For example, you might be knowing how to use what you have. A third
needed is determined by the
difficulty level of the task. Skills trained in stealth, gymnastics, persuasion, or element ties into this concept: Effort. When
and Effort can improve the odds engineering. A character’s level of skill is either your character really needs to accomplish a
of a character’s success, as each trained (reasonably skilled) or specialized (very task, you apply Effort.
step a task is eased by reduces the
difficulty level of the task. skilled).
If you are trained in a skill relating to a POOL
Task, page 116 task, you ease that task by one step. If you are Your Pool is the most basic measurement of
Ease, page 118 specialized, you ease it by two steps. A skill a stat. Comparing the Pools of two creatures
can never ease a task by more than two steps, will give you a general sense of which
but you can use a skill and Effort together. creature is superior in that stat. For example,
a character who has a Might Pool of 16 is You don’t have to apply Effort if you don’t Your character’s type (see
stronger (in a basic sense) than a character want to. If you choose to apply Effort to a chapter 3) determines your
starting Pool amounts.
who has a Might Pool of 12. Most characters task, you must do it before you attempt the
start with a Pool of 9 to 12 in most stats— roll—you can’t roll first and then decide to
that’s the average range. apply Effort if you rolled poorly.
You can spend points from one of your stat Applying more Effort can lower a task’s
Pools to decrease a task’s difficulty (see Effort, difficulty further: each additional level of Determining Task Difficulty,
below). You can rest to recover lost points Effort eases the task by another step. Applying page 117
from a stat Pool, and some special abilities or one level of Effort eases the task by one step,
cyphers might allow you to recover lost points applying two levels eases the task by two steps,
quickly. and so on. However, each level of Effort after
the first costs only 2 points from the stat Pool
EDGE instead of 3. So applying two levels of Effort
Although your Pool is the basic measurement costs 5 points (3 for the first level plus 2 for
of a stat, your Edge is also important. When the second level), applying three levels costs 7
something requires you to spend points from points (3 plus 2 plus 2), and so on.
a stat Pool, your Edge for that stat reduces the Every character has an Effort score, which
cost. It also reduces the cost of applying Effort indicates the maximum number of levels
to a roll. of Effort that can be applied to a roll. A
For example, let’s say you have the Eye beginning (first-tier) character has an Effort Eye for Detail, page 30
for Detail ability, and activating it costs 2 of 1, meaning you can apply only one level of
points from your Intellect Pool. Subtract your Effort to a roll. A more experienced character
Intellect Edge from the activation cost, and has a higher Effort score and can apply
the result is how many points you must spend more levels of Effort to a roll. For example,
to use the ability. If using your Edge reduces a character who has an Effort of 3 can apply
the cost to 0, you can use the ability for free. up to three levels of Effort to reduce a task’s
Your Edge can be different for each stat. For difficulty.
example, you could have a Might Edge of 1, When you apply Effort, subtract your
a Speed Edge of 1, and an Intellect Edge of 0. relevant Edge from the total cost of applying
You’ll always have an Edge of at least 1 in one Effort. For example, let’s say you need to
stat. Your Edge for a stat reduces the cost of make a Speed roll. To increase your chance
spending points from that stat Pool, but not for success, you decide to apply one level of
from other Pools. Once a stat’s Edge reaches 3, Effort, which will ease the task. Normally, that
you can apply one level of Effort for free. would cost 3 points from your Speed Pool.
However, you have a Speed Edge of 2, so you
EFFORT subtract that from the cost. Thus, applying
When your character really needs to Effort to the roll costs only 1 point from your
accomplish a task, you can apply Effort. Speed Pool.
For a beginning character, applying Effort What if you applied two levels of Effort to
requires spending 3 points from the stat the Speed roll instead of just one? That would
Pool appropriate to the action. Thus, if your ease the task by two steps. Normally, it would
character tries to dodge an attack (a Speed cost 5 points from your Speed Pool, but after
roll) and wants to increase the chance for subtracting your Speed Edge of 2, it costs only
success, you can apply Effort by spending 3 3 points.
points from your Speed Pool. Effort eases the Skills and other advantages also ease a task,
task by one step. This is called applying one and you can use them in conjunction with
level of Effort. Effort. In addition, your character might have
special abilities or equipment that allow you ALLEVIATING STRESS, HEALING INJURIES,
to apply Effort to accomplish a special effect, AND RECOVERING POINTS IN A POOL
For more details on recovery and such as knocking down a foe with an attack Rest allows you to reduce Stress and recover
healing, see page 135. or affecting multiple targets with a power that lost points in your Pools. You reduce your
normally affects only one. Stress by 3 points (1 level) for each hour you
In a fight, instead of applying Effort to ease rest. To get back points in a Pool, you need to
your attack, you can apply Effort to increase make a recovery roll, which is 1d6 + 1 points
the amount of damage you inflict with an per tier. The amount of time you need to rest
attack. For each level of Effort you apply in to make a recovery roll depends on how many
this way, you inflict 3 additional points of recovery rolls you’ve already made that day.
damage. This works for any kind of attack that
inflicts damage, whether a sword, a gun, an Recovery Roll Rest Time Needed
occult ability, or something else. First recovery roll One action
Second recovery roll Ten minutes
STRESS AND INJURY Third recovery roll One hour
There are two ways that characters can suffer
Fourth recovery roll Ten hours
damage. One is Stress, and the other is injury.
Stress reflects things that affect a character If you are seriously injured, you’ll likely
briefly, such as a shock, a bad experience, or have to rest for at least a day if not more, and
a minor wound (the kind that causes a bit of you should consider going to a hospital.
distress, but is usually better with a breather
or a small bandage). Injury is actual, serious SPECIAL ABILITIES
physical wounds that might send you to the Character types and foci grant PCs special
hospital. Or the morgue. abilities. These can just be cool things you can
Stress is tracked as it accumulates on your do, like taking an extra action or finding really
character. A minor injury might give you 1 or obscure information on the internet, but they
2 Stress. Likewise, a terrible shock or horrific can also be supernatural abilities. Using these
experience might give you 2 or 3 Stress. For abilities usually costs points from your stat Pools
every 3 points of Stress you accumulate, you (listed in parentheses after the ability name).
have 1 level of Stress. A level of Stress hinders Your Edge in the appropriate stat can reduce the
all actions. cost. If you don’t have enough points in a Pool to
More serious injuries, like being shot by a use a particular ability, you can’t do so until you
gun, gored by a creature, or hit by a car, move recover some points in that Pool. Supernatural
Damage track, page 132 you down the damage track. The four steps of abilities also inflict Stress when you use them.
the damage track are as follows:
Hale: You’re fine. CYPHERS
Impaired: Every time you apply Effort, it Cyphers are single-use abilities awarded by the
costs you 1 additional point from the stat you GM. Reflecting a character’s state of mind or
Major effects, minor effects, and are using. You also ignore minor and major the whims of fate, these capricious abilities
special rolls, page 119 effect results on your rolls and don’t deal extra allow a character to get a quick recovery of
damage in combat with a special roll. stat Pool points or a boost in a specific type
Some particularly tough Debilitated is a critically injured state. A of action. Each character has a cypher limit
characters have an additional debilitated character may not take any actions indicating how many cyphers they can have at
step in between hale and
impaired called hurt. There are other than to move (probably crawl). the same time.
no penalties associated with Dead is dead. Characters easily regain new cyphers by
being hurt.
resting, so players shouldn’t hesitate to use
their cyphers.
his chapter introduces skills and
The next day he was there descriptors for your character. The
again, this time in the descriptor you choose typically grants
hallway outside my office, you an associated skill, which is probably your
standing in the centre so that character’s first brush with gaining a skill.
I had to hug the wall to avoid
touching his motionless form.
He was identical, except that SKILLS
his T-shirt was now a dull A skill is a category of knowledge, ability, or
orange. I asked my colleague activity relating to a task, such as driving,
Norma what she thought of geography, or persuasion. A character who
him, why he was there and if has a skill is better at completing related tasks
she noticed anything strange than a character who lacks the skill, but even
about him. She looked out into an unskilled character can attempt the task.
the corridor, then looked A character’s level of skill is either trained
back at me and shook her (reasonably skilled) or specialized (very skilled).
head. She told me he “seemed If you are trained in a skill relating to a
normal enough,” but her eyes task, you ease that task by one step. If you are Easing the task, page 118
were like blank pits, and I specialized, you ease it by two steps. A skill
knew she was lying about all can never ease a task by more than two steps.
of it. Had he done this? Had The descriptor you choose typically grants
he taken Norma’s self, her, you one associated skill.
her soul? Or had she always If you are trained in a skill and get training
been a zombie, cramped into again in the same skill, you are specialized in
her little open plan desk, that skill.
patiently listening to client You can also have an inability in a specific
complaints, and I just hadn’t task. An inability is a task your character
noticed? isn’t good at. You can think of inabilities as
negative skills—instead of those tasks being
—MAG 122: “Zombie”
eased, they’re hindered. Hinder, page 119
If you have neither training nor an
inability, you are practiced at that task. This is
something you can do, but you do it neither
Astronomy Equipment operation Lockpicking Piloting
Biology Forensics Mathematics Plumbing
Carpentry Geography Mechanics Programming
Cooking Geology Medicine Psychology
Deception Gunsmithing Metalworking Publishing
Discerning motive Gymnastics Occultism Religion
Disguise Healing Perception Researching
Driving History Performance Riding
Electrical repair Identifying Persuasion Sewing
Electronics Initiative Philosophy Stealth
Endurance Intimidation Physics Tracking
Engineering Leatherworking Pickpocketing
better nor worse than the average person. many more exist. If you’d prefer your character
Most people, for example, are practiced in have a different trade—like hairdresser,
driving and drive every day to get places, but mortician, or HVAC technician—work with
they would be seriously challenged to come your GM to add that skill to your game.
out of a spin after going much too fast on an The following descriptions are a high-level
icy road. summary for each skill.
To carry on with the example of driving, Astronomy: You are well-versed in the study
a person who’s never been behind the of the stars, planets, and cosmology in general.
wheel might have an inability in driving. A Biology: You have a deep working
professional driver, like a bus or truck driver knowledge of living systems, including
or an auto aficionado, might be trained in animals, plants, and insects.
driving. A race car driver, stunt driver, or Carpentry: Your woodworking expertise
criminal getaway driver might be specialized allows you to craft a wide range of objects and
in driving. structures, from furniture and cabinetry to
home framing and related structural work.
SKILL DESCRIPTIONS Cooking: You excel at preparing delicious
The skills presented here are intentionally meals of various cuisines and using a host of
somewhat broad so you can choose a skill that culinary techniques.
best fits the kind of character you’re creating. Deception: You are a capable liar, able to
For instance, if you want to play a character use speech and the written word to deceive
good at hacking electronic systems, writing and misinform others.
code, or prompt engineering, programming Discerning motive: You’re practiced at
is the skill for you. If you’d prefer a character ascertaining another character’s lies, motives,
who was a manual laborer prior to their and disposition.
Disguising your appearance introduction to the setting, endurance or Disguise: You’re adept at disguising your
to impersonate a specific equipment operation are good options. If your identity with a false appearance using minimal
person requires special
materials, makeup, and at character is a nurse, dentist, or doctor, choose accoutrements, usually with whatever’s at
least an hour of preparation medicine. And so on. hand.
to make a credible attempt.
That said, several specific trade skills like Driving: You can keep a car or truck on the
carpentry, plumbing, leatherworking, and road even under trying driving conditions.
electrical repair appear on the skills list. But
Electrical repair: You trained under an you to venture a guess regarding the origin of
electrician and have at least a journeyman’s unfamiliar objects, texts, sounds, and so on.
technical knowledge (or more) of electrical Initiative: Your reactions are honed, easing
systems, allowing you to install, repair, and your initiative tasks in combat. Initiative, page 125
maintain most modern technology that uses Intimidation: You’re good at swaying others
electricity. with threatening words and/or fearsome presence.
Electronics: You can design, build, Leatherworking: You are adept at crafting
troubleshoot, and repair electronic circuits a wide range of leather goods, including belts,
and devices. bags, and clothing.
Endurance: Regular training has improved Lockpicking: You are proficient at unlocking
your physical fitness, easing your climbing, a locked mechanism without the key.
jumping, and swimming tasks, plus similar Mathematics: You’re a whiz with numbers,
feats that require sustained strength. calculations, and pattern analysis.
Engineering: You can design, analyze, Mechanics: You can diagnose, repair,
and create innovative solutions for complex maintain, and (with the right tools and parts)
problems, utilizing scientific principles and build engines and various machines.
technological knowledge. Medicine: You’re skilled in general medicine,
Equipment operation: You’re proficient a medical specialty, nursing, dentistry,
in operating various heavy machinery used optometry, audiology, or a similar practice.
in construction projects, such as bulldozers, Metalworking: You can shape, weld, and
cranes, excavators, pavers, rollers, and more. otherwise use various metals to craft objects,
Forensics: You know how to interpret from art and jewelry to mechanical parts and
physical evidence to figure out what happened structural elements.
at a location, such as at a crime scene, or what Occultism: You study supernatural lore, Supernatural lore and
may have led to an object’s current condition, including parapsychology, paranormal events, occultism doesn’t usually
include knowledge of the
such as the cause of death for a body. and the existence of secret organizations. You Entities and their Avatars,
Geography: You are well-versed in earthly have a working knowledge of tarot or a similar which is usually only gained
through playing the game.
landscapes, countries, human populations, divining practice.
and maps in general. Perception: You have a better chance The Entities, page 166
Geology: You’re knowledgeable about to notice what others miss in a physical
Earth’s structure, composition, and processes environment when searching an area, listening
(including expertise regarding earthquakes, closely, or using some other sense to discover
volcanoes, and the formation of natural what’s hidden or not obvious.
resources). Performance: You are skilled in some kind
Gunsmithing: You’re proficient in crafting, of performance or art, whether that’s singing,
repairing, and customizing firearms and comedy, playing an instrument, acting on a
ammunition. stage, composing, painting, or something else.
Gymnastics: Regular training has improved Persuasion: You’re adept at winning people
your balance, easing your tasks to avoid losing to your side of an argument with a combination
your footing, as well as attempts to roll, dive, of truthful reasoning (at least, true as far as
flip, or perform similar acrobatic movements. you know), understanding, and kindness.
Healing: You can attempt to diagnose Philosophy: You’re conversant with
physical illness and are skilled with healing critically analyzing questions regarding Healing, page 135
tasks. existence, knowledge, ethics, and similar
History: You’re well-versed in the study of fundamental issues.
past events, societies, and cultures. Physics: You’re knowledgeable about
Identifying: Your analytical mind allows scientifically derived laws of the physical
universe and can use that knowledge to devise Sewing: You’re skilled in creating or
experiments to probe natural phenomena. repairing clothing or anything else out of
Pickpocketing: You’re skilled in separating cloth.
a target from their wallet, phone, or other Stealth: You’re adept at sneaking and
easily concealed valuables. You’re also skilled hiding, staying out of sight, and keeping all
with sleight-of-hand tricks. noise of your presence to a minimum.
Piloting: You’re skilled in piloting planes, Tracking: You know how to track a
boats, or submersibles. target through natural landscapes and urban
Plumbing: You can install, maintain, and environments.
repair pipes, fixtures, and appliances that use
Programming: You can code computers DESCRIPTOR SKILL
and computer architectures, which you Your descriptor typically grants one specific
can use to write applications, develop new skill related to the descriptor.
systems, and try to infiltrate protected digital If you wish, you can pick a second skill
systems. when you choose your descriptor, or pick
Character Type, page 27 Psychology: You’re conversant with the it later after you choose your type or focus,
Character Focus, page 58 study of human behavior and therapies when you know more about the shape your
developed to address mental health. character is taking.
Publishing: You’re skilled with some If you choose to take an additional skill,
aspect of publishing, such as writing, keep the following two things in mind.
editing, copywriting, proofing, marketing, or • You can pick almost any skill as an
something else. additional skill except for an attack skill.
Religion: You’re a pastor or religious leader • Taking an extra skill also requires that
Inabilities, page 15 in a particular faith and/or are knowledgeable you choose an inability relevant to the
about the study of religious beliefs, practices, descriptor. An inability is a task your
Some players might be hesitant and traditions. character isn’t good at.
to create a character that has a Researching: You’re skilled at gathering
“negative” skill, but in truth,
what inabilities really do is information from databases and physical To be “relevant,” your inability must be
make more interesting and archives, and/or hitting the pavement and reasonably expected to come up a few times
complex characters who are
often great fun to play, and asking around; all these forms of research in the game, such as defense tasks (Speed,
to play with. Remember that require a minimum of a few hours. Intellect, and Might), interaction tasks (like
characters are defined as much Riding: You’re skilled at riding a horse, persuasion or discerning motive), and combat
by what they’re not good at as by
what they are good at. camel, or similar mount. Alternatively, you’re tasks (like initiative). An irrelevant inability
skilled at riding a motorcycle or bicycle. might be plumbing, physics, or some other
skill the GM knows will rarely or never apply.
Work with your GM to pick an appropriate
inability for your chosen skill. Each descriptor
has a suggestion that would be appropriate.
If you become skilled at a task that you
have an inability with, they cancel each other
out, making you practiced with that skill (not
eased or hindered).
Bold Fastidious Muscular Scholarly
Brave Fearless Nervous Smart
Caring Ferocious No-Nonsense Sturdy
Cautious Hopeful Obsessive Superstitious
Cheerful Inquisitive Pretentious Suspicious
Cynical Intimidating Quick Tech-Savvy
Enigmatic Likeable Ruthless
Helping others is your calling. It’s why you’re You’re jovial and outgoing. You put others
here. Others delight in your outgoing and at ease with a smile and a wink, and maybe
charitable nature, and you delight in their a joke at your own expense. Lightly ribbing
happiness. You’re at your best when you’re your companions who can take it also spreads
aiding others, whether by treating their cheer (if not overdone). Others accuse you of
injuries, helping them with a task, or putting never taking anything seriously. Untrue; you
the best face on a bad situation for the sake of just prefer to meet each new challenge with a
morale. grin.
You gain the following characteristics: You gain the following characteristics:
Helpful: +2 to your Intellect Pool. Witty: +2 to your Intellect Pool.
Healing, page 135 Skill: You’re trained in healing. Skill: You’re trained in persuasion.
Suggested Second Skill: Persuasion or Suggested Second Skill: Performance or
psychology. healing.
Suggested Inability: You’re a little too Suggested Inability: You’re lighthearted
much of a people person to dissemble well. but not fast. You have an inability in Speed
You have an inability in deception. defense.
You don’t charge into new situations without You can’t help but question claims taken for
due consideration. You’re afraid of what granted by others. You’re not necessarily a
will happen if you don’t carefully study “doubting Thomas” (a skeptic who refuses
the particulars of a new job, opportunity, to believe anything without direct personal
or investigation. Those burdened with less experience), but you’ve often benefited from
vigilance than you might call you timid, but questioning the statements, opinions, and
you suspect bravery is just another word for received knowledge presented to you by
foolhardiness. others.
You gain the following characteristics: You gain the following characteristics:
Cognizant: +2 to your Intellect Pool. Skeptical: +2 to your Intellect Pool.
Skill: You’re trained in perception. Skill: You’re trained in discerning motive.
Suggested Second Skill: Researching or Suggested Second Skill: Any scientific area
initiative. of knowledge such as physics or astronomy.
Suggested Inability: Sometimes your Suggested Inability: Sometimes you’re so
caution leads to doubt. You have an inability absorbed in figuring out what’s really going
in discerning motive. on, you’re slow to react. You have an inability
in Speed defense.
The dark figure lurking silently in the corner? You’re a stickler for accuracy and detail. You
That’s you. No one really knows where you can’t stand a mess, whether it’s your home
came from or what your motives are—you or office, or a conceptual mess stemming
play things close to the vest. Your manner from a failure to plan. Your stuff is neatly
perplexes and confounds others, but that catalogued and perfectly ordered, so you never
doesn’t make you a poor friend or ally. You’re have to dig around looking for something.
just good at keeping things to yourself. Meticulousness, you believe, is never wrong.
You gain the following characteristics: You gain the following characteristics:
Skill: You’re trained in stealth. Careful: +2 to your Intellect Pool.
Skill: You’re trained in Intellect defense. Skill: You’re trained in forensics.
Suggested Second Skill: Deception or Suggested Second Skill: Researching or
occultism. identifying.
Suggested Inability: You have almost as Suggested Inability: You can’t stand
much trouble reading others as they do you. disruptions, especially to your concentration.
You have an inability in discerning motive. You have an inability in Intellect defense.
You’ve heard of the “fight, flight, or freeze” You treat setbacks as stepping stones to
response to danger, but you’ve never something better. Your optimism means
experienced anything other than the urge you’re generally happier than others, both in
to fight when facing peril. You’re a true the moment and over the long term because
thrill-seeker. Sure, your heart begins to hope helps you bounce back from adversity.
thunder when a crisis arises. But you revel You’re not blindly hopeful; your faith in a
in that feeling; for you, the sensation is pure better tomorrow is partially born from your
excitement. empathy, which grants you a glimpse of
You gain the following characteristics: others’ inner battles.
Dauntless: +2 to your Might Pool. You gain the following characteristics:
Skill: You’re trained in Intellect defense. Resilient: +2 to your Might Pool.
Suggested Second Skill: Endurance or Skill: You’re trained in discerning motive.
initiative. Suggested Second Skill: Persuasion or
Suggested Inability: Your fearlessness performance.
makes you impatient. You have an inability in Suggested Inability: You always hope for
stealth. the best, even when you should be preparing.
You have an inability in researching.
You try to hide what’s inside, fold it into INQUISITIVE
yourself when everything in you screams to You seek to learn the mysteries, wonders, and
let go, make them pay, make them hurt, and occult secrets of the world. Your inquiries
make them bleed. Sometimes you succeed are often made by examining what lurks in
at hiding this for the sake of your friends— the archives of organizations dedicated to
smiling and laughing when they do, and researching the astonishing, the esoteric, and
sometimes honestly so. But your ferocity is the weird. Learning something new is its own
always underneath, and when it’s bad, you can reward, even when it’s sometimes unsettling.
hardly keep it on a leash. You gain the following characteristics:
You gain the following characteristics: Curious: +2 to your Intellect Pool.
Brutish: +2 to your Might Pool. Skill: You’re trained in researching.
Skill: You’re trained in tracking. Suggested Second Skill: Any knowledge
Suggested Second Skill: Instead of an extra skill like astronomy, geography, or history.
skill, Ferocious characters can choose the Suggested Inability: When you see
following characteristic: something interesting, you hesitate as you
Bloodthirsty: Once you begin fighting, you take in all the details. You have an inability in
see only red. The first attack you make in any initiative tasks.
given combat is eased.
Suggested Inability: You’re easily provoked.
You have an inability in Intellect defense.
You are imposing in manner, stature, or both. You’re strong. You complete physical
People’s eyes often grow wide as you enter a challenges with ease. You enjoy the feeling
room. There’s a touch of danger around you, of power and endurance that comes with
and most people can sense it. It’s off-putting your strength. That, in turn, lends you
and unnerving, but you can use it to your self-assuredness; you know you have the might
advantage. to handle nearly everything the world throws
You gain the following characteristics: at you and, if need be, break it.
Threatening: +2 to your Might Pool, or +2 You gain the following characteristics:
to your Intellect Pool, or +1 to both Pools. Strong: +2 to your Might Pool.
Skill: You’re trained in intimidation. Skill: You’re trained in endurance.
Suggested Second Skill: Gunsmithing or Suggested Second Skill: Instead of an
deception. extra skill, Muscular characters can choose the
Suggested Inability: You’re threatening but following characteristic:
not a quick study. Tasks related to lore and Breaking: Your tasks to smash physical
knowledge are hindered. objects—doors, containers, and other
inanimate objects—are eased.
LIKEABLE Suggested Inability: You’re strong but not
You’re charming and charismatic. You’ve got quick. You have an inability in initiative.
that “special something” that draws others to
you. You often know just the right thing to NERVOUS
say to make someone laugh, put them at ease, The world is full of unsettling things; you’re
or spur them to action. People like you, want not just imagining it. Though the constant
to help you, and want to be your friend. unease you feel at this realization is sometimes
You gain the following characteristics: challenging, you’ve come to appreciate how
Charismatic: +2 to your Intellect Pool. this nervous energy grants you a certain spring
Skill: You’re trained in persuasion. in your step, especially if something you’re
Suggested Second Skill: Instead of an nervous about makes a sudden appearance.
extra skill, Likeable characters can choose the You expected it all along.
following characteristic: You gain the following characteristics:
Contact: You have an important contact Jumpy: +2 to your Speed Pool.
who is in an influential position, such as a Skill: You’re trained in initiative.
minor celebrity, a police captain, or the editor Suggested Second Skill: Instead of an
of a news organization. You and the GM extra skill, Nervous characters can choose the
should work out the details together. following characteristic:
Suggested Inability: Your willpower is High-Strung: You gain an asset to your Asset, page 119
not one of your strong points. You have an initiative tasks if you use your first action in
inability in Intellect defense. an encounter to move a short distance away
from whatever danger threatens you.
Suggested Inability: You’ll never
convincingly make ultimatums. You have an
inability in intimidation.
You hate frills, chitchat, gossip, and anything You’re confident you know the best way to
else that obscures what’s important. You handle whatever situation arises. You try
prize straight talk and focusing on the facts. not to be rude or dismissive, but sometimes
You recognize that sometimes your severe you marvel at others’ shortcomings, whether
manner can hurt other people’s feelings. So in their skill or in a belief they hold that
you moderate it for your friends. But not so you deem ridiculous. Few can talk you into
much that you compromise your goals with anything or change your mind when you don’t
unnecessary distractions. want it changed.
You gain the following characteristics: You gain the following characteristics:
Austere: +2 to your Might Pool. Willful: +2 to your Intellect Pool.
Skill: You’re trained in researching. Skill: You’re trained in Intellect defense
Suggested Second Skill: Instead of an extra rolls.
skill, No-Nonsense characters can choose the Suggested Second Skill: Any technical
following characteristic: expertise skill like programming, publishing,
Resilient: You ignore the first 3 points of or researching.
Stress you would otherwise take in a day from Suggested Inability: Pomposity doesn’t
shock, such as Stress gained by experiencing lend itself to likeability. You have an inability
something supernatural. Once this threshold in persuasion.
is surpassed, you suffer Stress normally until
Recovery rolls, page 136 after your next ten-hour recovery roll, which QUICK
resets the threshold. You’re in the right place at the right time, or
Suggested Inability: People react negatively even more often, you avoid the wrong place
to your humorless ways. You have an inability at the wrong time. You’re no stranger to
in persuasion. unfortunate events, but you’re swift enough
that you haven’t sustained lasting harm. Some
OBSESSIVE say you’re lucky, but you know it’s all down
Some formative experience in your life drives to your ability to get out of the way of bad
you. Maybe you lost a loved one and need things.
Unlike other descriptors, Quick, to find out why or what happened to them. You gain the following characteristics:
Smart, and Sturdy offer no Maybe you were judged wanting in the past Swift: +4 to your Speed Pool.
initial skill, but rather a larger
stat Pool bonus. and need to prove yourself. Whatever drives Suggested Skill: Endurance or gymnastics.
you, you don’t let misfortune and setbacks Suggested Inability: You’re quick but not
prevent you from continuing to pursue your quick-witted when it comes to falsehoods. You
goal. have an inability in deception.
You gain the following characteristics:
Dogged: +2 to your Might Pool.
Skill: You’re trained in identifying.
Suggested Second Skill: Any craft-related
skill such as carpentry, cooking,
leatherworking, metalworking, or sewing.
Suggested Inability: Sometimes you come
across as so single-minded that you put people
off. You have an inability in persuasion.
You’re effective at what you do, partly because You’re quite smart. Your memory is sharp,
you harden your heart to the misfortunes and you easily grasp concepts that others
and suffering of others that might otherwise might struggle with. This aptitude doesn’t
distract you from your goal. You understand necessarily mean that you’ve had years of
the ends justify the means if the issue at hand formal education; you pick things up quickly
is large enough. What others call cruelty, you and retain a lot of it over your lifetime.
call unflinching pragmatism. You gain the following characteristics:
You gain the following characteristics: Brainy: +4 to your Intellect Pool.
Hard: +2 to your Might Pool. Suggested Skill: Instead of an extra skill,
Skill: You’re trained in deception. Smart characters can choose the following
Suggested Second Skill: Intimidation or characteristic:
stealth. Eidetic: You remember and can memorize
Suggested Inability: You have a hard time things you experience directly. For example,
connecting with others, understanding their instead of being good at recalling details of
motives, or sharing their feelings. You have an geography that you read about in a book, you
inability in discerning motive. can remember a path through a set of tunnels
that you’ve explored before. If a roll is required
SCHOLARLY to test your memory against something
You studied, either on your own or with an particularly challenging, your roll is eased.
instructor. You know many things and are an Suggested Inability: You’re good at
expert on a couple of them, such as history, absorbing information, but not at hiding what
geography, occultism, nature, or any other you know. You have an inability in deception.
area of study. Scholarly characters typically
carry a few books around with them and STURDY
spend their spare time reading. You’re tough and can take a lot of physical
You gain the following characteristics: punishment. It’s not that you don’t feel pain—
Skill: You’re trained in one knowledge skill you just don’t let it affect you. Being resilient
like philosophy, geography, or history. and unyielding in the face of adversity means Unlike other descriptors,
Skill: You’re trained in another knowledge you can endure hardships that compel people Scholarly offers no initial
stat Pool bonus, but
skill like astronomy, biology, or geology, as less sturdy than you to give up. instead another skill.
long as it’s different than the other knowledge You gain the following characteristics:
skill you gain from this descriptor. Rugged: +4 to your Might Pool.
Suggested Second Skill: Identifying or Suggested Skill: Instead of an extra skill,
researching. Sturdy characters can choose the following
Suggested Inability: You spend too much characteristic:
time in your scholarly pursuits to trust your Resilient: You ignore the first 3 points of
empathy. You have an inability in discerning Stress you would otherwise take in a day
motive. from physical sources, such as Stress gained
through minor wounds. Once this threshold
is surpassed, you suffer Stress normally until
after your next ten-hour recovery roll, which
resets the threshold.
Inability: You’re brawny but not mentally
flexible. You have an inability in Intellect
haracter type is the core of your
I took my hand, and I reached character. Your type helps determine
down into the darkness. Down your character’s place in the world and
and down, until my whole relationship with other people in the setting.
arm was inside, up to the It’s the noun of the sentence “I am an adjective
shoulder. It was damp and noun who verbs.”
cold, with the rough stone You can choose from four character types:
sides scraping my skin, but my Investigator, Protector, Elocutionist, and
hand was stretched as far as Occultist. The type you choose can help define
I could, and it still gripped and describe your role in the group, and thus
nothing but empty air. Then your role in the story.
the hole began to close, and Your type determines your starting stat Pool
all at once the spell was totals, grants you new abilities at each tier, and
broken. I tried to pull my arm determines how many cyphers you have access to.
out, to get free, but it held
me tight. Not quite crushing
me, but holding me in place. I SUPERNATURAL TYPE ABILITIES
screamed and cried for help, Those individuals who have come into direct
looking around for anyone who contact with the supernatural sometimes have
might be able to hear me, but strange abilities to show for the experience.
the only people walking by Essentially, players should keep note of
seemed utterly oblivious to how many of their Stress levels come from Using Stress, page 129
what was happening. Then I supernatural sources (through either witnessing
felt it, something brushing them or suffering damage from them). If a
against my hand from below it character reaches a total of 10 such levels, they
in the hole. Teeth. Wet, blunt have been “touched” by the Entities enough
teeth, which quickly gave way that they can take on a supernatural aspect to
to a rough, slender tongue themselves. Whether one considers this a curse
that wrapped itself around my or a blessing is up to the individual.
hand and snaked up my arm, as Characters who qualify can select abilities
though tasting me. marked with . In most cases, these are
available at third tier and above, although some
—MAG 97: “We All
Occultists can gain access earlier.
Ignore the Pit”
researchers in a university setting, or even
Amherst is rapidly becoming librarians. Mostly, though, in the context of
one of an uncomfortably long The Magnus Archives, they are archivists or
list of names that I dread assistant archivists, checking on details found
seeing in a statement. Could in the statements about the paranormal that
this be an ancestor of John people provide.
Amherst? Or, given the many Advanced Investigators: As Investigators
apparent deaths of the soldier advance, their skills get better and better,
in the book, might it be and they grow more adept at finding and—
the same being, well over a perhaps even more important—assembling
hundred years old? If so, I clues to make sense of what would otherwise
wonder how many times it has remain a mystery.
died of sickness and disease. Supernatural Investigators: Investigators
who gain paranormal abilities can use their
—MAG 68: “The Tale of powers to acquire information impossible to
a Field Hospital” gain otherwise by reaching out in dreams,
clairvoyance, or seeing into the past or the
The darkness can be overwhelming. You bring future. Such abilities are marked with .
In many games, the Investigator the light into the shadows and expose the
might be a side or minor
character. But in The Magnus
truth. There may be secrets humans weren’t INVESTIGATOR STAT POOLS
Archives, they are prominent. meant to know, but you’ve never found one. Stat Pool Starting Value
If the group is going to have To you, it’s always better to know.
multiple players with the same
Might 10
type, it makes sense that they Sometimes the work can be tedious. You Speed 9
would be Investigators. haunt libraries and records offices more than
Intellect 9
spooky houses or cemeteries. When you need
to, though, you’re good at slipping in where The player has 6 additional points to assign
you’re not supposed to be to learn a secret or to the stat Pools as they wish.
discover a clue.
Individual Role: Investigators are smart, FIRST-TIER INVESTIGATOR
perceptive people. They’re more likely to First-tier Investigators have the following
overcome a challenge using their wits than by abilities:
other means, and occasionally their curiosity Effort: Your Effort is 1.
or persistence can get them into trouble. Fit: You have a Speed Edge of 1, a Might
Group Role: Investigators serve as the core of Edge of 0, and an Intellect Edge of 1.
the team, as “investigating” is so much of what Investigative Skills: You are trained in
PCs do in The Magnus Archives. As previously two investigation-related skills in which
mentioned, though, they can get into trouble you are not already trained. Choose two of
and sometimes need someone to protect the following: discerning motive, forensics,
them or help them talk their way out of a bad intimidation, perception, persuasion,
situation. When it comes to solving mysteries researching, or tracking. Enabler.
or delving into a topic, they lead the way. Cypher Use: You can have two cyphers at a
Societal Role: Investigators can also be time.
Weapons and The Magnus called researchers. They can serve as private Weapons: You’re practiced with light and
Archives, page 101 investigators, insurance investigators, medium weapons and suffer no penalty when
using them. You have an inability when using make an attack as your entire action for a
heavy weapons. Enabler. turn, but the attack is hindered. Enabler.
Investigative Abilities: Compared to most
others, you’re clear-headed, quick-witted, Follow the Trail: When you apply Effort
and perceptive, and your abilities reflect that. to a perception or tracking task because you
Choose two of the abilities listed below. You are attempting to find a specific person or
can’t choose the same ability more than once place, you can apply a free level of Effort.
unless its description says otherwise. Enabler.
Operate in the Dark (1 Intellect point): Escape (2 Speed points): You slip your
For the next hour, you use your other senses restraints, squeeze through the bars, break
to compensate for a lack of vision. If you’re the grip of the creature holding you, pull free
blinded or just in the dark, you operate from sucking quicksand, or otherwise get
without any hindrance. Action to initiate. loose from whatever is holding you in place.
Ready for Danger: You are trained in
initiative. Enabler. Eye for Detail (2 Intellect points): When
you spend at least five minutes thoroughly
Surging Confidence (1 Might point): exploring an area no larger than a short
You can use your one-action recovery roll as distance in diameter, you can ask the GM one
part of another action. Enabler. question about the area and get an answer.
You cannot use this more than one time per
SECOND-TIER INVESTIGATOR area per 24 hours. Action to initiate; five
Choose two of the investigative abilities listed minutes to complete.
here (or from a lower tier). You can’t choose
the same ability more than once unless its Hand to Eye (2 Speed points): This
description says otherwise. In addition, you ability provides an asset to any tasks involving
can replace one of your lower-tier abilities manual dexterity, such as pickpocketing,
with a different one from a lower tier. lockpicking, games involving agility, and so
on, for one minute. Action to initiate.
Just a Hunch (2 Intellect points): A flash Travel Skills: You are trained in two skills
of insight provides you with a small clue or in which you are not already trained. Choose
suggests a course of action with regard to an two of the following: driving, endurance,
urgent question, problem, or obstacle you’re geography, piloting, or riding. You can select Just a Hunch is there for the
facing when you have no idea how to proceed. this ability multiple times. Each time you GM to give a hint to the player
when they’re stuck and don’t
Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again select it, you must choose two different skills. know what to do.
until after your next ten-hour recovery roll, Enabler.
and then only if you’ve followed up on the
clue or course of action suggested by your last THIRD-TIER INVESTIGATOR
hunch. Action. Third-tier Investigators have the following
Research (2 Intellect points): If you Expert Cypher Use: You can have three
spend at least two hours with an appropriate cyphers at a time.
source of information (such as the internet, Investigative Abilities: Choose two of the
a library, the archives, or a single informative abilities listed below (or from a lower tier).
book), you learn one relevant fact about a You can’t choose the same ability more than
topic you choose. Essentially, you ask the once unless its description says otherwise. You
GM a question and they give you an answer can also replace one of your lower-tier abilities
appropriate for the topic based on the source. with a different one from a lower tier.
The internet or a small-town library might
not have accurate esoteric occult information, Interaction Skills: You are trained
while a book on ancient architecture might in two skills in which you are not already
have everything you need on that topic. trained. Choose two of the following:
Enabler. deception, discerning motive, intimidation, or
persuasion. You can select this ability multiple
Skill With Defense: Choose one type times. Each time you select it, you must
of defense task in which you are not already choose two different skills. Enabler.
trained: Might, Speed, or Intellect. You are
trained in defense tasks of that type. Enabler. Quick Recovery: Your ten-minute
recovery roll is only a single action. Enabler.
Skim (2 Intellect points): Taking just
a minute, you can skim through a book, a Scarred and Hardened: You reduce the
computer database, a diary, an accounting Stress you suffer from physical injury by 1.
ledger, or a similar information source and get You still suffer Stress from mental shock or
the gist of the contents. If you succeed at a despair normally. Enabler.
difficulty 4 Intellect-based task, you also learn
a prominent or surprising bit of information Seen Some . . . Stuff: You reduce the
you didn’t already know. Action to initiate; Stress you suffer from mental shock or despair
one minute to complete. by 1. You still suffer Stress from physical
injury normally. Enabler.
Surveillance: All tasks involving
monitoring, watching, or tailing a person
or place are eased. This includes setting up
cameras, microphones, or other equipment.
Skill With Attacks: Choose one type of Credible Hypothesis (4 Intellect points):
attack in which you are not already trained: You examine an immediate area (basically
light bashing, light bladed, light ranged, an average room) and learn precise, useful
medium bashing, medium bladed, medium details about the past (if any exist). You can
ranged, heavy bashing, heavy bladed, or heavy ask the GM up to four questions about the
ranged. You are trained in attacks using that immediate area; each requires its own roll (the
type of weapon. You can select this ability GM determines the difficulty, but the default
multiple times. Each time you select it, is level 4). Action.
you must choose a different type of attack.
Enabler. Heightened Skills: You are trained in two
tasks of your choosing (other than attacks or
Think Your Way Out: You can use points defense). If you choose a task you’re already
from your Intellect Pool rather than your trained in, you instead become specialized in
Might Pool or Speed Pool on any noncombat that task. You can’t choose a task you’re already
action. Enabler. specialized in. Enabler.
Trapfinder (3+ Intellect points): You Look for the Tell (4 Intellect points):
find any traps (like a floor that would give way After spending at least a minute with a person
beneath you) or mechanical triggers to a trap in conversation, for the next minute you know
or defense system that might pose a threat. when they are lying. Action to initiate.
You can do this without setting them off and
in lieu of making a roll to find them. This Perfect Tracker: If you find a set of tracks,
ability automatically finds traps of level 4 or you can follow them without error unless the
below. You can use Effort to increase the level conditions absolutely prohibit it (heavy rain,
of traps that can be found by 2, so using two complete darkness, etc.). Enabler.
levels of Effort can find all traps of level 8 and
below. Action. Subtle Steps: When you move no more
than a short distance, you can move without
Unnatural Dream (3 Intellect making a sound, regardless of the surface you
points and 3 Stress): When you fall asleep, move across. Enabler.
you have a dream that provides insight into
a situation you currently face (although you Take Their Measure (3 Intellect points):
do not consciously choose the topic). The You learn the level of all creatures you can see.
GM provides you with the information you If they have any special weaknesses (such as a
learn, probably details you couldn’t learn vulnerability to fire), you learn what those are.
conventionally. Action. Action.
Supernatural Senses (4 Intellect Hard to Kill: You can reroll any defense
points and 3 Stress): You have an uncanny task you make but never more than once per
intuition when it comes to finding things. round. Enabler.
While exploring, you can extend your senses
up to 1 mile (1.6 km) in any direction and Mastery With Defense: Choose one
ask the GM a very simple, general question— type of defense task in which you are trained:
usually a yes-or-no question—about that area, Might, Speed, or Intellect. You become
such as “Is there a library nearby?” or “Are specialized in defense tasks of that type. You
there any bodies buried in that yard?” If the can select this ability up to three times. Each
answer you seek is not in the area, you receive time you select it, you must choose a different
no information. Action. type of defense task. Enabler.
impressive levels. At higher tiers, they can often
I screamed. Why not? I’d take on groups of foes by themselves or stand
already established no one toe to toe with anyone.
was around to hear me. He Supernatural Protectors: Protectors who
immediately released my hand gain paranormal abilities can use their powers
and apologized, said he’d only to enhance their combat skills or affect
been trying to protect me. supernatural foes in ways that a normal person
I asked him from what and he could not. Such abilities are marked with .
gestured to the burned man,
still lying motionless in his
bed, chanting his nonsense
phrases. Sparing a glance at Stat Pool Starting Value
his own wrapped form, he said Might 10
that touching the man would Speed 10
have been a “bad idea.” He Intellect 8
seemed to be in tremendous
pain as he spoke, but did his The player has 6 additional points to assign
best to hide it. to the stat Pools as they wish.
—MAG 12: “First Aid”
The world is full of danger. More than most First-tier Protectors have the following
people even know. Someone’s got to shine abilities:
a light on the darkness, but someone else Effort: Your Effort is 1.
needs to have that person’s back. You’re the Fit: You have a Might Edge of 1, a Speed
Protector. Edge of 1, and an Intellect Edge of 0.
Individual Role: Protectors are physical, Protector Knowledge: You are trained
action-oriented people. They’re more likely in one noncombat Protector-related area
to overcome a challenge using force than by of knowledge in which you are not already
other means, and they often take the most trained. Choose one of the following:
straightforward path toward their goals. discerning motive, forensics, intimidation,
Group Role: Protectors usually take and perception, stealth, or tracking. Enabler.
deal the most punishment in a dangerous Cypher Use: You can have two cyphers at
situation. Often it falls on them to protect a time.
the other group members from threats. This Weapons: You’re practiced with light,
sometimes means that Protectors take on medium, and heavy weapons and suffer no
leadership roles as well, at least in combat and penalty when using any kind of weapon.
other times of danger. Enabler.
Societal Role: Protectors in the world Protective Abilities: You’re a physical
may be (or have been) soldiers, mercenaries, person, and no stranger to a fight. Your main
guards, watchmen, police officers, sailors, or aim is to use these abilities to protect your
people in other roles or professions who know friends and allies. Some of your abilities are
how to defend themselves with skill. constant, providing ongoing effects, and
Advanced Protectors: As Protectors advance, others are specific actions that usually cost
their skill in battle—whether defending points from one of your stat Pools.
themselves or dishing out damage—increases to
Choose two of the abilities described below. Overwatch (1 Intellect point): You use a
You can’t choose the same ability more than ranged weapon to target a limited area (such
once unless its description says otherwise. as a doorway, a hallway, or the eastern side
of a clearing) and make an attack against the
Combat Prowess: You add 1 additional next viable target to enter that area, acting just
point of damage to one type of attack of your before they act. You also negate any benefit
choice: melee attacks or ranged attacks. You the target would have from cover, position,
can choose this up to two times, once for range, or visibility. Further, you inflict 1
melee and once for ranged. Enabler. additional point of damage with the attack.
You can remain on overwatch as long as you
No Need for Weapons: When you make wish, within reason. Action.
an unarmed attack (such as a punch or kick),
you deal 2 additional points of damage. Physical Skills: You are trained in
Enabler. endurance or gymnastics. If you are already
trained in one or both, this does not improve
One Against Many (1+ Speed points): them. Enabler.
Sometimes you’ve got to deal with a group
of enemies, or even a swarm of enemies Protector: You designate a single character
(rats, spiders, or worse). When this happens, to be your charge. You can change this freely
perhaps the best you can do by yourself is every round, but you can have only one
control where everyone in the fight can or charge at a time. As long as that charge is
cannot go. You attempt an attack against within immediate range, they gain an asset
the highest-level enemy, and if successful, in for Speed defense tasks because you have their
lieu of inflicting damage, you affect all the back. Enabler.
foes within an immediate distance in one
of two ways: either they must move within Slow Them Down (1 Might or 1 Speed
an immediate area as you direct, or they point): This is a pummeling melee attack or a
are prevented from moving into a space in covering-fire ranged attack. Your attack inflicts
immediate range that you choose. You can 1 less point of damage than normal, but it
use the latter option to keep them away from dazes your target for one round, during which
allies (as long as the allies don’t move), but you time their tasks are hindered and they move
can’t keep them away from you in this way. only half as fast as normal. Action.
The foes affected must be level 1, although
you can spend additional points from your Take the Hit (2 Might points): If someone
Speed Pool to affect higher levels, with each you are close enough to touch is struck and will
point increasing the affected creature level by suffer damage, you can take the hit instead. The
1. You must always affect the highest-level foe, other person suffers no damage, and you gain
so if you face a level 3 cultist and his thirty 3 points of Stress regardless of the damage that
level 1 rats, you must spend 3 Speed points. would have been originally dealt.
Other Knowledge: You aren’t just a Choose two of the protective abilities
brute—you have other areas of interest as well. described below (or from a lower tier). You
You are trained in one non-physical skill of can’t choose the same ability more than once
your choosing in which you don’t already have unless its description says otherwise. You can
training. Enabler. also replace one of your lower-tier abilities
with a different one from a lower tier.
Bodyguard: If you’re standing next to an Skill With Attacks: Choose one type of
ally, that ally’s initiative tasks are eased. Enabler. attack in which you are not already trained:
light bashing, light bladed, light ranged,
Coping With the Impossible (2 Intellect medium bashing, medium bladed, medium
points): When faced with something ranged, heavy bashing, heavy bladed, or heavy
supernatural and difficult (or impossible) to ranged. You are trained in attacks using that
harm by any normal means, you improvise a type of weapon. You can select this ability
way to use the environment or the situation multiple times. Each time you select it,
to cause the target to lose its next turn if you must choose a different type of attack.
you succeed at an Intellect-based task. Once Enabler.
you affect a target with this ability, further
attempts to use this ability on the same target Skill With Defense: Choose one type
are hindered. Action. of defense task in which you are not already
trained: Might, Speed, or Intellect. You are
Intimidating Demeanor: You gain an trained in defense tasks of that type. Enabler.
asset when attempting to intimidate someone
that can see you while you display a threat of Stand Watch (2 Might points): While
violence. Enabler. standing watch (mostly remaining in place for
an extended period of time), you unfailingly
Quick Recovery: Your ten-minute remain awake and alert for up to eight
recovery roll is only a single action. Enabler. hours. During this time, you are trained
in perception tasks as well as stealth tasks
Scarred and Hardened: You reduce the to conceal yourself from those who might
Stress you suffer from physical injury by 1. approach. Action to initiate.
You still suffer Stress from mental shock or
despair normally. Enabler.
Support the Team (2 Might points): Seen Some . . . Stuff: You reduce the
While you stand watch and take no other Stress you suffer from mental shock or despair
actions, allies within a short distance gain an by 1. You still suffer Stress from physical
asset to their perception tasks, as they know injury normally. Enabler.
you’ve got their backs. Enabler.
Spray (2 Speed points): If a weapon has
THIRD-TIER PROTECTOR the ability to fire rapid shots without reloading
Third-tier Protectors have the following (usually called a rapid-fire weapon, such as a
abilities: submachine gun), you can spray multiple shots
Expert Cypher Use: You can have three around your target to increase the chance of
cyphers at a time. hitting. This ability uses 1d6 + 1 rounds of
Protective Abilities: Choose two of the ammo (or all the ammo in the weapon, if it
abilities described below (or from a lower tier). has less than the number rolled). If the attack
You can’t choose the same ability more than is successful, it deals 1 less point of damage
once unless its description says otherwise. You than normal. You can also use this ability on
can also replace one of your lower-tier abilities multiple thrown weapons (stones, shuriken,
with a different one from a lower tier. daggers, and so on) if you’re carrying them on
your person or they are all within reach. Action.
Combat Medic: You are trained in
healing. Further, if a person has moved to Tactical Plan (3 Intellect points): You
the dead step of the damage track and you put in the time to develop a strategy for an
can reach them within one round, you can upcoming trip to a location you can study
use your action to keep them from dying. records and/or anecdotes about. If you visit
They remain debilitated and are most likely afterward, you and up to five allies who
unconscious. They will need more formal accompany you—to whom you explain your
medical attention (such as in a lengthy plan—gain three of the following benefits
hospital stay) to recover. Action. (your choice) for that particular visit:
• Ease their first initiative roll during the visit
Deadly Aim (3 Speed points): For the • Ignore the first point of Stress that would
next minute, all ranged attacks you make otherwise be gained during the visit
inflict 2 additional points of damage. Action • Ease their first perception roll made
to initiate. during the visit
• Ease their first interaction roll made
Lunge (2 Might points): You extend during the visit
yourself for a powerful stab or smash. The • Ease their first defense roll made during
awkward lunge hinders the attack roll. If your the visit
attack is successful, it inflicts 4 additional • Ease any task to flee and/or escape the
points of damage. Action. location
Action to initiate; one hour to devise plan.
Reaction: If a creature you attacked on
your last turn with a melee attack uses its Tough: You can take punishment beyond
action to move out of immediate range, you what others can. You gain an additional step in
gain an action to attack the creature as a your damage track between hale and impaired Damage track, page 132
parting blow, even if you have already taken a called hurt. Other than being one step closer
turn in the round. Enabler. to impaired, hurt imposes no changes to your
character. Basically, you’re sore and bruised, but
it’s nothing serious. Walk it off. Enabler.
Vigilance (2 Intellect points): You take a Free From Danger (4 Might points): If
cautious approach to combat, focusing more you do nothing else as your action, you can
on protecting yourself than on hurting your grab up to two allies (conscious or otherwise,
opponents. While this ability is active, you and even if they are held fast by something)
gain an asset on Speed defense rolls, and your and move them a short distance. For the
attacks are hindered. This effect lasts for as remainder of that round, you and they have
long as you wish, but it ends if no combat an asset on defense rolls. Action.
is taking place within range of your senses.
Action to initiate. Momentum: If you use an action to move,
your next attack made using a melee weapon
Impossible Strength (3 Might points before the end of the next round inflicts 2
and 3 Stress): For the next minute, you additional points of damage. Enabler.
possess inhuman strength. You gain an asset
on any noncombat action requiring physical Size Them Up (3 Intellect points): You
strength, and +2 to your Might Edge. You use an action to study a creature you can see.
could lift a small car. You could toss a full file For the next 24 hours, all your attacks against
cabinet across the room. In melee combat, you them, and your defense rolls against their
inflict 4 additional points of damage. Action attacks, are eased. Action to study.
to initiate.
Snipe (2 Speed points): If you spend
FOURTH-TIER PROTECTOR one action aiming, in the next round you can
Choose two of the protective abilities make a precise ranged attack. You have an
described below (or from a lower tier). You asset on this attack. If your attack is successful,
can’t choose the same ability more than once it inflicts 4 additional points of damage.
unless the description says otherwise. You can Action.
also replace one of your lower-tier abilities
with a different one from a lower tier. Touch the Untouchable (4 Might
points and 3 Stress): For one minute, you
Amazing Effort: Choose either Might can physically interact with something
Effort or Speed Effort. When you apply at that normally could not be interacted with
least one level of that kind of Effort to a normally or safely, like an intangible ghost or
noncombat task, you get a free level of Effort liquid magma. Action to initiate.
on that task. Enabler.
Bury the Bodies: You gain an asset to any Fifth-tier Protectors have the following
action involved in covering up a crime scene, abilities:
a scene of violence, a break-in, or something Adroit Cypher Use: You can bear four
similar. This includes speaking with the cyphers at a time.
authorities. Enabler. Protective Abilities: Choose two of the
abilities described below (or from a lower tier).
Capable Fighter: Your attacks deal 1 You can’t choose the same ability more than
additional point of damage. Enabler. once unless the description says otherwise.
You can also replace one of your lower-tier
Expert Bodyguard: Once per turn, abilities with a different one from a lower tier.
choose one ally that’s next to you; their
defense tasks are eased. Enabler.
Arc Spray (3 Speed points): If a weapon Shrug It Off: You ignore the negative
has the ability to fire rapid shots without effects of your first Stress level. Enabler.
reloading (usually called a rapid-fire weapon,
such as a submachine gun), you can fire your Savagery (5 Might points and 3
weapon at up to three adjacent targets at once. Stress): You call upon some of the most
Make a separate hindered attack roll against visceral, primal fears and draw power to
each target. Action. change into a savage, inhuman beast for an
hour. In this new form, you gain +8 to your
Got Your Back (4 Speed points): You’re Might Pool, +2 to your Might Edge, +4
constantly giving your friends a quick helping to your Speed Pool, and +2 to your Speed
hand. If an ally within immediate distance of Edge. While in beast form, you can’t spend
you fails at a physical task, including an attack Intellect points for any reason other than to
or defense roll, you can immediately allow try to change to your normal form before the
that player to reroll. If the second roll also one-hour duration is over (a difficulty 2 task).
fails, you gain 1 point of Stress. Enabler. In addition, you attack any and every living
creature within short range. After you revert to
Improved Success: When you roll a 17 your normal form, you take a –1 penalty to all
or higher on an attack roll that deals damage, rolls for one hour. If you did not kill and eat
you deal 1 additional point of damage. For at least one substantial creature while in beast
instance, if you roll a natural 18, which form, the penalty increases to –2 and affects
normally deals 2 extra points of damage, all your rolls for the next 24 hours. Eating
you instead deal 3 extra points. If you roll a an intelligent creature gives you 3 points of
natural 20 and choose to deal damage rather Stress. Action to change or change back.
than achieve a special major effect, you deal 5 Major effect, page 119
extra points of damage rather than 4. Enabler. SIXTH-TIER PROTECTOR
Choose two of the protective abilities
Mastery With Attacks: Choose one described below (or from a lower tier). You
type of attack in which you are trained: light can’t choose the same ability more than once
bashing, light bladed, light ranged, medium unless the description says otherwise. You can
bashing, medium bladed, medium ranged, also replace one of your lower-tier abilities
heavy bashing, heavy bladed, or heavy ranged. with a different one from a lower tier.
You are specialized in attacks using that type
of weapon. Enabler. (If you aren’t trained in Again and Again (8 Speed points): You
an attack, select Skill With Attacks to become can take an additional action in a round in Skill With Attacks, page 38
trained in that attack.) which you have already acted. Enabler.
Mastery With Defense: Choose one Beacon of Hope: If you make a successful
type of defense task in which you are trained: attack roll, you can choose one ally within
Might, Speed, or Intellect. You are specialized a short distance that can see you. They are
in defense tasks of that type. You can select inspired by your success and their next task is
this ability up to three times. Each time you eased. Enabler.
select it, you must choose a different type of
defense task. Enabler. Fight On: You do not suffer the normal
penalties for being impaired on the damage Damage track, page 132
Parry (5 Speed points): You can deflect track. If debilitated, instead of suffering the
incoming attacks quickly. When you activate normal penalty of being unable to take most
this ability, for the next ten rounds you ease all actions, you can continue to act; however, all
Speed defense rolls. Enabler. tasks are hindered. Enabler.
Finishing Blow (5 Might points): If your For weapons, he equips his character with
foe is prone, stunned, or somehow helpless a machete (a medium weapon) that inflicts 4
or incapacitated when you strike, you inflict points of damage and a medium pistol that
7 additional points of damage on a successful inflicts 4 points of damage within long range.
hit. Enabler. Oliver has Protector Knowledge, which
Tracking, page 18 grants a noncombat skill; he goes for tracking
Spin Attack (5+ Speed points): You stand so he can follow those who run away instead
still and make attacks against up to five foes, of telling him what he wants to know.
all as part of the same action in one round. For his next type ability, Oliver chooses
Combat Prowess, page 37 All of the attacks have to be the same sort Combat Prowess, so he deals 1 additional
of attack (melee or ranged). Make a separate point of damage with his machete (and other
One Against Many, page 37 attack roll for each foe. You remain limited by melee attacks). He also selects One Against
the amount of Effort you can apply on one Many to leverage his protection against several
action. Anything that modifies your attack foes at once.
or damage applies to all of these attacks. In A first-tier Protector can have two cyphers.
addition to the normal options for using The GM decides that Oliver’s first cypher is
Hard shoulder, page 109 Effort, you can use Effort to increase the a hard shoulder that allows him to avoid an
Flee The Hunt!, page 108 number of foes you can attack with this ability attack, and his second is a flee The Hunt! that
(one additional foe per level of Effort used in allows him to get out of a dangerous situation
this way). Action. quickly.
Descriptor, page 19 Oliver considers his descriptor next,
Quick, page 24 Self-Sacrifice (6 Might points and choosing Quick, which increases his Speed
5 Stress): You take no action other than to Pool to 17. A big Speed Pool provides more
stand and defend for one round. During this opportunity for him to use Effort to aim at
round, all foes within long range will choose foes when throwing a knife or evade attacks
to attack you rather than your allies, drawn to made by others. He also opts for a second—
you irresistibly (no roll needed). During this or, in his case, first—descriptor skill and
Perception, page 17 round, you ignore minor injuries (Stress, other takes perception (rather than the suggested
than the cost of this ability) and you ignore skill of endurance or gymnastics). Opting
the first serious injury (damage track move) for an additional skill also means choosing
you suffer. Action. an inability, and this time he goes with the
Deception, page 16 suggested one: deception.
Focus, page 58 PROTECTOR EXAMPLE For his focus, Oliver chooses Works the
Works the Back Alleys, page 86 Oliver decides to create a Protector character Back Alleys. This gives him a choice of two
Lockpicking, page 17 so that his friends have a better chance of skills. He chooses lockpicking and stealth,
Stealth, page 18 surviving what lies ahead. He decides he’s which seem like great options for getting into
freshly retired from the military after a few and out of a place, even one that’s secured,
campaigns abroad. He puts 3 of his additional and without drawing too much attention.
points into his Might Pool and 3 into his Oliver’s character is a serious combatant, but
Speed Pool; his stat Pools are now Might he is also good at avoiding a fight by staying
13, Speed 13, and Intellect 8. As a first-tier out of sight, and at helping his allies get into
character, his Effort is 1, his Might Edge and places they’re interested in searching.
Character Arcs, page 141 Speed Edge are 1, and his Intellect Edge is For his character arc, Oliver chooses Defeat
Defeat a Foe, page 147 0. His character is not particularly smart or a Foe. That foe, he decides, is someone from
charismatic, but he is faster and stronger than his old military company who was once a
average. friend but went rogue after encountering
something “unusual.”
When investigating people’s experiences with
It was definitely human once, the supernatural and the weird, sometimes
at least based on how it was
the most difficult aspect is just getting them
screaming, but it was thin,
to talk about it. You have a way with people,
with bits of it twisted and
and you can get them to open up to you. Your
discoloured, covered in small,
scurrying shapes.
keen perceptions even tell you what they won’t
Its face was the most human say aloud. You also know how to use words to
part of it remaining, except get what you want. You are the spokesperson
for the two black and hollow of the investigation—from generating cover
spaces where its eyes once stories to fast-talking your way past someone
were. From which now poured being an obstacle, you are the secret weapon.
an endless stream of scuttling And to top it all off, you’re good for boosting
legs and fangs. The mouth your allies’ morale and encouraging their
was full of them too, but I actions. You’re good to have around.
could see, as they grasped Individual Role: Elocutionists are smart
desperately at Greg, it was
and charismatic. They like people and, more
trying to say, “I’m sorry. I’m
important, they understand them. This helps
sorry. Tell her I’m sorry.”
elocutionists get others to do what needs to be
But words were not what
tumbled from those lips.
—MAG 123: “Web Development”
Weapons: You’re practiced with light and Knowledge Skills: You are trained in two
medium weapons and suffer no penalty when skills in which you are not already trained.
using them. You have an inability to use heavy Choose two areas of knowledge such as history,
weapons. Enabler. geography, psychology, and so on. You can select
Locution Abilities: You’re good with this ability multiple times. Each time you select
words. Good with people. You’re charming, it, you must choose two different skills. Enabler.
persuasive, and clever. Choose two of the
abilities listed below. You can’t choose the Secret Agendas (1 Intellect point): When
same ability more than once unless its speaking with at least two different NPCs for
description says otherwise. at least a minute, you pick up on subtle cues
to determine one of two things (you choose):
Connected: You know people who get • The relationship between the NPCs
things done—not just respected people in (including their actual feelings about each
positions of authority, but also a variety of other, at least generally).
online hackers and regular street criminals. • If there are at least three NPCs, you pick
These people are not necessarily your friends the odd one out. You determine which of
and might not be trustworthy, but they owe the group is least like the others.
you a favor. You and the GM should work out
the details of your contacts. Enabler. For example, if talking to a married couple
secretly on the verge of divorce, you can pick up
De-Stress (1 Intellect point): While resting on subtle indications of resentment or concealed
or relaxing with allies for an hour, you and they hostility. If you’re interacting with a group
lose 1 more point of Stress than normal. Enabler. of people but one of them secretly works for
The Web, you can pick up on something odd The Web, page 176
Encouragement (1 Intellect point): about them (but not specific details). Enabler.
While you maintain this ability through
ongoing inspiring oration, your allies within Understanding (1 Intellect point): You
short range ease one of the following task observe or study a creature or object. Your
types (your choice): defense tasks, attack tasks, next interaction with that creature or object
or tasks related to any skill that you are trained gains one asset. Action.
or specialized in. Action.
Verbal Disguise (1 Intellect point): You
Enthrall (1 Intellect point): While can mimic the voice and speech patterns of a
talking, you grab and keep another creature’s person you have heard speak before, allowing
attention, even if the creature can’t understand you to make one significant statement. If the
you. For as long as you do nothing but speak person you are speaking to sees you, they will not
(you can’t even move), the other creature fall for the deception, so this ability is likely best
takes no actions other than to defend itself, used over the telephone, in the dark, or with a
even over multiple rounds. If the creature is heavy physical disguise. You can continue to use
attacked, the effect ends. Action. this ability, but the cost is 1 Intellect point for
each important statement you make. This ability
Inner Defense: Life’s trials have doesn’t make you any more persuasive—it merely
toughened you and made you hard to read. disguises who is speaking. If the GM rules that
You are trained in any task to resist another you’ve said something the listener simply cannot
creature’s attempt to discern your true feelings, believe the mimicked speaker would say, you
beliefs, or plans. You are likewise trained in immediately fail; if you’ve said more than one
resisting torture, telepathic intrusion, and thing, the listener knows that none of it has come
mind control. Enabler. from the mimicked speaker. Enabler.
SECOND-TIER ELOCUTIONIST obtain general facts. You also get a good idea of
Choose two of the locution abilities listed the general layout of the location involved, note
below (or from a lower tier). You can’t choose the presence of all major sites, and perhaps even
the same ability more than once unless its notice obscure details. For example, not only
description says otherwise. You can also do you find out if anyone in the neighborhood
replace one of your lower-tier abilities with a has seen the missing boy, but you also get
different one from a lower tier. a working knowledge of the layout of the
neighborhood, note all the good hiding places,
Agitate (2 Intellect points): You shout and realize that everyone seems to be leery of
at a target you can see and who can easily one old house. Action to initiate; about an
hear you, and on a successful Intellect-based hour to complete.
roll, they move an immediate distance in any
direction you wish (because they’re startled, Inspire Aggression (2 Intellect points):
they heed a fake warning, or they’re otherwise Your words twist the mind of a character
unconsciously induced to do so). Action. within short range who is able to understand
you, unlocking their more primitive instincts.
Cold Reading (2 Intellect points): When As a result, they gain an asset on their
you spend at least five minutes talking to a Might-based attack rolls for one minute.
person, you can ask the GM one question Action.
about that person and get an answer.
Alternatively, you can forgo the question and Inspiring Ease: Through stories, songs,
simply ease all tasks involving interaction with art, or other forms of entertainment, you
the person for 24 hours. You cannot use this inspire your friends. After spending 24 hours
more than one time per person per 24 hours. with you, once per day each of your friends
Action to initiate; five minutes to complete. can ease one task of their choice. This benefit
is ongoing while you remain in the friend’s
Defuse (1 Intellect point): During the company. It ends if you leave, but it resumes
course of an investigation, your questions if you return to the friend’s company within
sometimes elicit an angry or even violent 24 hours. If you leave the friend’s company for
response. Through dissembling, verbal more than 24 hours, you must spend another
distraction, calming words, or similar evasion, 24 hours together to reactivate the benefit.
you prevent a person from attacking anyone Enabler.
or anything for one round, and your next
interaction with them is eased. Action. Quick Wits: When performing a task that
would normally require spending points from
Disincentivize (1 Intellect point): With your Intellect Pool, you can spend points from
some demoralizing words, you hinder all actions your Speed Pool instead. Enabler.
attempted by any number of targets within short
range who can understand you. You choose Skill With Defense: Choose one type
which targets are affected. Affected targets’ of defense task in which you are not already
actions are hindered for one round. Action. trained: Might, Speed, or Intellect. You are
trained in defense tasks of that type. Enabler.
Gather Intelligence (2 Intellect points):
While within or near a large group of people,
you can ask around about any topic you choose
and come away with useful information. You
can ask a specific question, or you can simply
Cover Story (4 Intellect points): After Stress (5 Intellect points): Your terrifying,
studying (either up close or from afar) a insidious words impose 3 points of Stress (4
group, organization, or individual for at points of damage on NPCs) on up to five people
least five minutes, you come up with a cover you choose that can hear and understand you
story—an elaborate lie—that the group or within short range. Make separate attack rolls
individual in question is very likely to believe. against each creature. Action.
If you or anyone else uses the cover story, any
deception, persuasion, disguise, or similar task Understanding Why (4 Intellect points):
related to the cover story is eased. This benefit If you succeed at a discerning motive task,
lasts until the cover story is irrefutably proven you fully understand a person’s motives and
false (which might never happen). Action to the root causes for why they do what they do.
initiate. You may not get details, but you get a fair bit
of general insight. You might, for example,
Heightened Skills: You are trained in two ascertain that a murderer has a deep-seated
tasks of your choosing (other than attacks or insecurity, or that the person helping them
defense). If you choose a task you’re already owed them a huge debt. Action.
trained in, you instead become specialized in
that task. You can’t choose a task you’re already Terrorize (4 Might points and 3
specialized in. Enabler. Stress): A creature that can understand you
within a short distance suffers 3 points of Stress
Look for the Tell (4 Intellect points): (4 points of damage to an NPC) and spends
After spending at least one minute with a their next action fleeing from you as quickly
person in conversation, you know when as they can. They will not approach you for an
they are lying for the next minute. Action to hour afterward unless threatened. Action.
Scarred and Hardened: You reduce the Fifth-tier Elocutionists have the following
Stress you suffer from physical injury by 1. abilities:
You still suffer Stress from mental shock or Adroit Cypher Use: You can have four
despair normally. Enabler. cyphers at a time.
Locution Abilities: Choose two of the
Skill With Attacks: Choose one type of abilities listed below (or from a lower tier).
attack in which you are not already trained: You can’t choose the same ability more than
light bashing, light bladed, light ranged, once unless its description says otherwise. You
medium bashing, medium bladed, medium can also replace one of your lower-tier abilities
ranged, heavy bashing, heavy bladed, or heavy with a different one from a lower tier.
ranged. You are trained in attacks using that
type of weapon. You can select this ability Performance (4 Intellect points): You
multiple times. Each time you select it, let your voice become your instrument. For
you must choose a different type of attack. one hour, you speak with absolute clarity
Enabler. and smoothness, using any manner of tones,
vocal ranges, and accents. You can even
Spur Effort (5 Intellect points): Choose perfectly imitate the voices of whomever you
an ally within immediate range. If that choose. Anyone hearing you is impressed and
character applies Effort to a task on their next positively predisposed to you. For 24 hours,
turn, they get a free level of Effort on that you gain an asset on any interaction task
task. Enabler. involving them. Action to initiate.
Shrug It Off: You ignore the negative Control (5 Intellect points and 3
effects of your first Stress level. Enabler. Stress): You control the actions of a creature
within a short distance who can understand
Soft Speech (5 Intellect points): You you. This lasts for ten minutes or until they
convince someone to confide in you in a very are out of range. If you compel them to do
short amount of time. They see you not only something they would never normally do,
as a friend but as a trusted confidant. After you must roll again to maintain your effect.
just one minute of conversation, you need Action.
make no further rolls to get the person to tell
you literally anything. Enabler. SIXTH-TIER ELOCUTIONIST
Choose two of the locution abilities listed
Stimulate (6 Intellect points): Your below (or from a lower tier). You can’t choose
words encourage a creature you touch who the same ability more than once unless its
can understand you. The next action they take description says otherwise. You can also
is eased by three steps. Action. replace one of your lower-tier abilities with a
different one from a lower tier.
Think Your Way Out: You can use points
from your Intellect Pool rather than your
Might Pool or Speed Pool on any noncombat
action. Enabler.
Societal Role: Occultists likely have spent
He walked over to me, and their lives in a library or at home on the
gently stroked my face. His
internet, perhaps gathering with others with
hands smelled strange. Back
similar interests occasionally. More extroverted
then I didn’t know the scent
Occultists might work as stage (or street)
of blood, and mixed with
that faint, saline smell of
magicians, or as scam artists and thieves. A
brackish water. He whispered poor few might even have ended up as fiction
to me then, when he thought writers or game designers.
I was asleep, promised to Advanced Occultists: Higher-tier
protect me, to make sure that Occultists use their knowledge of the
“it wouldn’t get me too.” supernatural to greater and greater benefit,
There was a strangled sound to and become quite resilient against occult
his words; I think he might attacks.
have been crying. Supernatural Occultists: Occultists might
—MAG 9: “A Father’s Love” be the characters most likely to develop Occultists in The Magnus
paranormal abilities. Such abilities are marked Archives might not have any
“real” powers at all, but might
You’ve always been fascinated by exactly the with . They can even start the game with just be steeped in the lore and
things you knew you should leave alone. The one or more such powers, unlike other background of the supernatural.
mysterious and inexplicable call to you with a characters. They also have the widest variety of
dark, low whisper. Your troubled dreams show supernatural abilities to choose from.
you things that most people simply could not
handle. You’re on a dangerous path that will OCCULTIST STAT POOLS
require you to walk among things no human Stat Pool Starting Value
should even be aware of, let alone understand. Might 7
The occult in the world you know is not Speed 9
silly fun with a Ouija board, nor something
Intellect 12
you’d expect from Harry Potter or Gandalf.
It’s dark and dangerous. It tears at your mind The player has 6 additional points to assign
when you delve too deep. to the stat Pools as they wish.
Individual Role: Occultists are intelligent,
well-educated people. They can be mysterious FIRST-TIER OCCULTIST
and brooding, their minds on dark topics or First-tier Occultists have the following
shadowed with too much sinister knowledge. abilities:
In the world of The Magnus Archives, the Effort: Your Effort is 1.
occult is always a subject of darkness, fear, and Fit: You have a Speed Edge of 0, a Might
the forbidden—it’s never pleasant or hopeful. Edge of 0, and an Intellect Edge of 1.
Group Role: The Occultist is along because Knowledge Skills: You are trained in
they likely know more than the others about occultism and one other knowledge skill
what the group is getting involved in. They’re in which you are not already trained, such
probably not a fighter or a people person, as astronomy, biology, geography, history,
but more like an investigator. However, the mathematics, philosophy, physics, psychology,
clues and evidence they find is often of a very or researching. Enabler.
different nature. Cypher Use: You can have three cyphers at
a time.
Weapons: You’re practiced with light and you are not already trained: biology, history,
Weapons and The Magnus medium weapons and suffer no penalty when identifying, philosophy, physics, publishing,
Archives, page 101 using them. You have an inability when using religion, or researching. You become trained in
heavy weapons. Enabler. these two skills. Enabler.
Occult Abilities: Your knowledge of the
occult is matched only by your knowledge Intuition (2 Intellect points): You get
of people (and in particular, fooling them). a weird feeling when something is not quite
Choose two of the abilities listed below. You right. You don’t choose when this ability
can’t choose the same ability more than once works—the GM does, telling you to spend
unless its description says otherwise. the Intellect points and giving you a clue as to
what feels wrong. The GM might tell you that
Already Tainted: You begin the game with something feels bad about opening the door at
access to abilities considered supernatural. the end of the hallway, that the man in the hat
Such abilities are marked with . Check reminds you of a terrible dream you had, or
with the GM to make certain that this is that the child you’re looking for is no longer
appropriate for the campaign. Enabler. nearby.
The GM does not have to trigger this
Artefact Affinity: Any tasks in which you ability, and in fact it should be a surprising
identify or use an artefact are eased. Enabler. but occasional insight rather than an
always-available ability you can rely on.
Esoteric Skills: Your background has If you don’t have the points to spend to
led you down many strange rabbit holes. activate this ability, it doesn’t work. Enabler.
Choose two of the following skills in which
Spout Nonsense (2+ Intellect points): number of targets, or easing the task for it to
You can fast-talk your way through any take effect. In addition to the Intellect point
conversation involving the occult or the cost for activating this ability, if the ability
paranormal, using confusing terms and you’re helping with causes the user Stress, you
strange synchronistic logic loops that suffer the same Stress as them. Action.
confound even others with knowledge of the
subject. The person that you are speaking Embracing the Unknown: Interaction
to stands bewildered and befuddled, unable tasks with supernatural beings are eased.
to take an action for one round. For each Enabler.
additional Intellect point you spend, you can
attempt to affect another person with the Intense Practitioner: If you apply at least
same gibberish, but they must all be within an one level of Effort to a task involving the
immediate distance of you. Action. supernatural, you get a free level of Effort on
that task. Enabler.
Premonition (2 Intellect points):
You learn one random fact about a creature, Peering Beyond the Veil (3 Intellect
object, or location that is pertinent to a topic points and 3 Stress): You become aware
you designate. Alternatively, you can choose to of supernatural activity that you couldn’t
learn a creature’s level; however, if you do so, otherwise perceive. You can see invisible
you cannot learn anything else about it later creatures or objects and hear inaudible sounds
with this ability. Action. within a short distance for one hour, and you
can get a sense of any supernatural activities
Send Thoughts (2+ Intellect points that have occurred within that area in the last
and 2 Stress): You mentally transmit a 24 hours. Action.
message to someone you know well. The
message can be up to ten words or it can Resistance to the Uncanny: The ill effects
be an image of your devising. The recipient of using artefacts are mitigated somewhat. You
must be within 1 mile (1.6 km), but for every gain 1 less point of Stress than normal when
additional point of Intellect you spend, this using an artefact. Enabler.
distance is increased by another mile. Action.
Shatter (2+ Intellect points and
THIRD-TIER OCCULTIST 3 Stress): You mystically cause the detonation
Third-tier Occultists have the following abilities: of an object you choose within long range.
Adroit Cypher Use: You can have four The object must be a small, mundane item
cyphers at a time. composed of homogeneous matter (such as
Occult Abilities: Choose two of the a coffee cup, a doorknob, a rock, and so on).
abilities listed below (or from a lower tier). The object explodes in an immediate radius,
You can’t choose the same ability more than dealing 1 point of damage to all creatures
once unless its description says otherwise. You and objects in the area. If you apply Effort to
can also replace one of your lower-tier abilities increase the damage, you deal 2 additional
with a different one from a lower tier. points of damage per level of Effort (instead
of 3 points); targets in the area take 1 point of
Cooperative Sorcery (4 Intellect points): damage even if you fail the attack roll. Action.
You know a little about magic. If someone
stands next to you and uses a supernatural Supernatural Resistance: Your defense
power, you can boost that power by increasing tasks against supernatural effects are eased.
the range by one category, doubling the Enabler.
Heightened Skills: You are trained in two See the Truth: You see through magical
tasks of your choosing (other than attacks or disguises, veils, illusions, and similar
defense). If you choose a task you’re already obfuscations, with no roll needed. Beware,
trained in, you instead become specialized in though: sometimes the truth might be
that task. You can’t choose a task you’re already dangerous, with revelations leading to Stress.
specialized in. Enabler. Enabler.
Shrug It Off: You ignore the negative Skill With Attacks: Choose one type of
effects of your first Stress level. Enabler. attack in which you are not already trained:
light bashing, light bladed, light ranged,
Think Your Way Out: You can use points medium bashing, medium bladed, medium
from your Intellect Pool rather than your ranged, heavy bashing, heavy bladed, or heavy
Might Pool or Speed Pool on any noncombat ranged. You are trained in attacks using that
action. Enabler. type of weapon. You can select this ability
multiple times. Each time you select it,
Cypher Manifestation (4 Might you must choose a different type of attack.
points and 3 Stress): You transform one Enabler.
cypher that you currently have into a small
physical object a person could hold in their Stern Stuff: You no longer suffer Stress
hand. You can then give that object to another from seeing something supernatural. All other
person for them to use. It counts against their stressful events still affect you, including using
cypher limit. Action. the supernatural. Enabler.
OCCULTIST EXAMPLE which grants extra Effort; and stare into Stare into The Vast, page 112
Teri wants to create an Occultist, hoping The Vast, which returns spent points to her
her extra knowledge about the supernatural Intellect Pool.
will make a difference. She decides for a For her descriptor, Teri chooses Pretentious, Descriptors, page 19
well-rounded character, so she puts 2 of her which adds 2 points to her Intellect Pool, Pretentious, page 24
6 additional points into each stat Pool, giving bringing it to 16. She also gains training in
her a Might Pool of 9, a Speed Pool of 11, and Intellect defense rolls. She begins developing a
an Intellect Pool of 14. Her Occultist is smart backstory about how her character used to go
and quick. She has an Intellect Edge of 1, a around debunking paranormal claims made
Might Edge of 0, and a Speed Edge of 0. As a by scammers and psychics—until one day, she
first-tier character, her Effort is 1. couldn’t.
She is automatically trained in occultism as For her focus, she chooses Leads. This gives Occultism, page 17
one of her Knowledge Skills. Given a choice her Natural Charisma, which grants training Astronomy, page 16
for the second, she selects astronomy. in all social interactions. At first tier, Teri also Focus, page 58
Teri also picks two type abilities. The gains Good Advice, which means when she Leads, page 70
first is Intuition, which could cue her when helps another character, the other character Natural Charisma, page 70
something strange is happening. The second has an additional asset to their task. Good Advice, page 70
is Supernatural Comprehension, allowing her For her character arc, Teri chooses Aid a Intuition, page 52
character to identify aspects of an unnatural Friend. She decides that when her character Supernatural Comprehension,
effect like a curse, the presence of something was young, she had a mentor who introduced page 53
inhuman, or a spell. her to the paranormal. That mentor has since Character Arcs, page 141
Her character can have three cyphers. The gone missing. She’d like to find and help them Aid a Friend, page 145
GM gives her deathly silent and still, useful if she can, or at least gain closure if the worst Deathly silent and still, page 108
when she needs to hide; desperate effort, has happened. Desperate effort, page 108
our focus helps make your character
Their chests moved up and unique. Ideally, no two PCs in a group
down slowly, so Alex was
should have the same focus. A focus
sure they’d been alive,
gives a character benefits when they are
but . . . their eyes stared
created and each time they ascend to the next
vacantly into the space in
Many foci allow you to take tier. It’s the verb of the sentence “I am an
the same ability multiple times front of them, and everything
adjective noun who verbs.”
across tier progression. For else about them seemed
example, Would Rather Be This chapter contains a wide variety of foci
lifeless and empty. Some
Reading grants the Knowledge Is to choose from, such as Explores Dark Places,
Power ability several times. of them were lying with
their heads or legs at odd, Infiltrates, and Runs Away.
uncomfortable-looking angles, When you choose a character focus, you get
but they either didn’t notice a special connection to one or more of your
or didn’t care. They all fellow PCs, and one or two first-tier abilities.
seemed to have fallen away Most foci don’t grant additional equipment,
from a single, central point but a few do. For instance, someone who
in the room. Kneeling there Carries a Gun needs a gun.
was the only figure who Each focus also offers suggestions for GM
hadn’t collapsed. intrusions specific to that focus.
She was an older woman, As you progress to new tiers, your focus
Alex said, and was almost grants you more abilities. Each tier’s benefits
completely naked. Her skin are independent of and cumulative with
was pale and her head was benefits from other tiers (unless indicated
shaved. Like the others, she otherwise). So if a first-tier ability grants +1 to
was still, with only the damage and a fourth-tier ability also grants +1
movement of her chest showing to damage, when the character reaches fourth
she was still alive, but tier, a total of +2 to damage is granted.
unlike those on the floor, At the end of this chapter, you’ll also find
her eyes moved. They gently information about the abilities that PCs can
swept from one side of the acquire if they become Avatars.
room to the other, like she
was searching for something.
—MAG 94:
“Dead Woman Walking”
Carries a Gun Leads Practically Lives Online
Does a Bit of This and That Learns Quickly Runs Away
Explores Dark Places Looks for Trouble Solves Mysteries
Fights Dirty Moves Like a Cat Wears a Badge
Helps Their Friends Needs No Weapon Works the Back Alleys
Infiltrates Never Says Die Would Rather Be Reading
CARRIES A GUN Minor Effect Suggestion: After being hit
You’re a proficient adversary when armed. on the side of the head, the target is deafened
Hundreds of hours of training mean that you for a few minutes.
don’t crack when under fire; you take care of Major Effect Suggestion: An artery hit
business before the bad guys even know you’re causes the foe to bleed for 1 point of damage
there. Those who are Carry a Gun might be each round until they succeed at a difficulty 3
GM intrusion: Misfire or jam! cops, crooks, hunters, or citizens interested in Intellect or Speed task to bind the wound.
The attack fails and the action protecting themselves.
is lost, plus an additional action
is needed to fix the problem. You dress in clothing that allows you either TIER 1
to conceal your weapon or to quickly access Gunner: You inflict 1 additional point of
it, and preferably both, which might be why damage with guns. Enabler.
you’re probably known for your trench coat.
Connection: Choose one of the following Practiced With Guns: You are practiced
with your group. with guns and suffer no penalty when using
1. Pick one other PC. In the recent past, one. Enabler.
while doing a little target practice, you
accidentally winged them, leaving them badly TIER 2
wounded. It’s up to that PC to decide whether Careful Shot: You can spend points from
they resent, fear, or forgive you. either your Speed Pool or your Intellect Pool
2. Pick one other PC. You once overheard to apply levels of Effort to increase your gun
them say that guns are dangerous weapons and damage. Each level of Effort adds 3 points
no one should have one. It’s up to you whether of damage to a successful attack, and if you
you want to prove them right or wrong. spend a turn lining up your shot, each level
3. Pick one other PC. That character’s of Effort instead adds 5 points of damage to a
mother gave you the gun you now wield. successful attack. Enabler.
4. Pick one other PC. This character seems
to think you’re famous for something, but you TIER 3
know they’re mistaken. It’s up to you whether Ability Choice. Choose either Trained Gunner
you set them straight. or Damage Dealer as your tier 3 ability.
Additional Equipment: A firearm and
three magazines of ammo.
Trained Gunner: You can choose from DOES A BIT OF THIS AND THAT
one of two benefits. Either you are trained You’ve had a number of jobs in your life, but
in using guns, or you have the Spray ability nothing’s really stuck. No one thing consumes Spray, page 39
(which has a cost of 2 Speed points). Enabler. you, compels you, or drives you. You float
from event to event. That doesn’t mean
Damage Dealer: You inflict an additional you’re unhappy, necessarily. It’s not a bad life.
3 points of damage with your gun. Enabler. You like to take it easy. Appreciate the little
things. Learn new things, and then switch to
TIER 4 something else when that gets boring. Possibly
Snap Shot: You can make two gun attacks partake in a few relaxing substances now and
as a single action, but the second attack is again. Enjoy the rug that ties the whole room
hindered by two steps. Enabler. together. All of which is to say, you know a
little about a lot of different things.
TIER 5 You dress casually. You might be in decent
Arc Spray (3 Speed points): If a weapon physical shape—if, you know, that’s your
has the ability to fire rapid shots without thing—or maybe you’re more cerebral (a
reloading (usually called a rapid-fire weapon), pseudo-intellectual). It’s all good.
you can fire your weapon at up to three targets Connection: Choose one of the following
(all next to one another) at once. Make a with your group.
separate attack roll against each target. Each 1. Pick one other PC. They have always
attack is hindered. Action. been there for you. Gotten you out of jams
from time to time. They’re cool.
TIER 6 2. Pick one other PC. This character is too
Ability Choice. Choose either Special Shot or uptight for your tastes. They’ve got to learn
Lethal Damage as your tier 6 ability. to chill, and you hope you’re the one to give
them that perspective.
Special Shot: When you hit a target 3. Pick one other PC. You’re a little jealous
with a gun attack, you can choose to reduce of this character because they’re better than
the damage by 1 point but hit the target in you at your favorite hobby (bowling, karaoke,
a precise spot. Some of the possible effects knitting, coding, or whatever it is).
include (but are not limited to) the following: 4. Pick one other PC. You owe them money,
• You can shoot an object out of someone’s and you’re sincere in your promise to pay it
hand. back. You just need things to go your way,
• You can shoot the leg, wing, or other limb financially speaking.
it uses to move, reducing its maximum Minor Effect Suggestion: You draw on GM intrusions: New
movement speed to immediate for a few your experiences to ease your next action. situations are confounding
and stressful. Past actions (or
days or until it receives expert medical Major Effect Suggestion: You get a free, inactions) come back to haunt
care. no-action recovery roll. the character.
• You can shoot a strap holding a backpack,
a protective device, or a similarly TIER 1
strapped-on item so that it falls off. Life Lessons: Choose any two noncombat
Enabler. skills. You are trained in those skills. Enabler.
Greater Enhanced Potential: You gain
6 points to divide among your stat Pools
however you wish. Enabler.
Ability Choice. Choose either Drawing on
Life’s Experiences or Quick Wits as your tier
6 ability.
EXPLORES DARK PLACES 3. Pick one other PC. This person always
You feel most at home creeping through cellars, seems to hear you, no matter how stealthy you
empty homes, and warehouses by night, tunnels try to be.
and warrens beneath the street, and when 4. Pick one other PC. They are so loud in
possible, honest-to-goodness caves. Sunlight and everything they do that you feel obligated to
empty skies? No, that’s not your shtick. If you’re try to help them learn to move more quietly
being honest, open spaces might even make you through the world. Whether or not they are GM intrusions: Possessions
a bit uncomfortable. Which is why you prefer interested is up to them. fall out of pockets or bags in the
dark; maps get lost. Information
the gloom and press of dark places. That’s Minor Effect Suggestion: The target is also gained fails to include an
where you can find lost things—hopefully dazed for one round, during which time all of important detail.
valuable—under the cover of shadow. its tasks are hindered.
Most likely, you wear dark clothing to help Major Effect Suggestion: The target is also
you blend into the blackness. On the other stunned and loses its next turn.
hand, you might wear sensible garments and
gear because you have serious and dangerous TIER 1
business to attend to in the dark. Superb Explorer: You are trained in
Connection: Choose one of the following perception, endurance, and gymnastics tasks.
with your group. Enabler.
1. Pick one other PC. This character
has been your companion during previous TIER 2
expeditions, and the two of you work so well Superb Infiltrator: You are trained in
together that you both gain an asset to any lockpicking and mechanics. Enabler.
die rolls when you collaborate on the same
noncombat task. Eyes Adjusted: You are not hindered in
2. Pick two other PCs. You think you once darkness and can see faintly even in utter
saw them through a keyhole doing something darkness. Enabler.
illegal. You can choose whether or not to share
that information. The characters can choose TIER 3
whether it was really them (it could have been Ability Choice. Choose either Nightstrike or
neither, one, or both), and they may or may Slippery Customer as your tier 3 ability.
not share that information in return.
Minor Effect Suggestion: You manage to Capable Fighter: Your attacks deal 1
make your foe trip and fall prone. additional point of damage. Enabler. GM intrusions: People look
Major Effect Suggestion: You tangle poorly upon those who cheat or
fight without honor. Sometimes
something around your foe’s legs, and they not TIER 5 a dirty trick backfires.
only fall down but also lose their next turn. Using the Environment (4 Intellect
points): You find some way to use the
TIER 1 environment to your advantage in a fight. For
Taking Advantage: When your foe is the next ten minutes, attack rolls and Speed
prone, weakened, dazed, stunned, moved defense rolls are eased. Action to initiate.
down the damage track, or disadvantaged in
some other way, your attacks against that foe TIER 6
are eased beyond any other modifications due Ability Choice. Choose either Twisting the
to the disadvantage. Enabler. Knife or Murderer as your tier 6 ability.
HELPS THEIR FRIENDS 3. Pick one other PC. They’ve always been
It’s in your nature to help your friends in the there for you and helped you when you
little things and the big. They’re your friends. couldn’t help yourself.
Maybe you’ve always had them. Or perhaps 4. Pick one other PC. You both tried to help
you never had friends before and are grateful a mutual friend but failed. Now that mutual
to be part of something bigger than yourself. friend is gone (dead, lost, moved away, or
Or maybe you had friends but lost them, and made new friends) and you feel like it’s your
this is your chance to redeem yourself. It’s fault. You’re not sure if your friend blames you
not an obligation that makes you so selfless. or not.
Maybe it’s not even a choice. When you see Additional Equipment: Picture of you and
that they need a helping hand, you offer it your friends.
without thinking; that’s what friends do. Also, if you wish, you can swap an ability
Connection: Choose one of the following gained from your type for the following.
with your group. Advice From a Friend (1 Intellect point):
1. Pick one other PC. The first time you saw You know your friends’ strengths and
a friend in trouble, you failed to offer aid. You weaknesses, and how to motivate them to
don’t know if your friend knows. You suspect succeed. When you give an ally a suggestion
not, but you’re thinking about telling them. involving their next action, the character is
2. Pick one other PC. You helped your trained in that action for one round. Action.
friend in some minor illicit activity. Now you Minor Effect Suggestion: You coach a
feel guilty about it, and a bit angry at your friend, easing their next action.
friend even though it was your choice to help.
You focus on subtlety, guile, and stealth. Impersonate (2 Intellect points): For
You have studied, practiced, and trained for one hour, you alter your voice, posture, and
years as you attempt to become the perfect mannerisms, whip together a disguise, and
infiltrator. You use a wide variety of disguises gain an asset on an attempt to impersonate
and tools to perform your duties, but your someone else, whether it is a specific
greatest tools are your own skills and training. individual (Bob the cop) or a general role (a
Infiltrators are often spies, agents, or police police officer). Action to initiate.
officers who go undercover. A few are thieves
or even assassins. They often wear slick Flight Not Fight: If you use your action
bodysuits and face-concealing masks when not only to move, all Speed defense tasks are
wearing a disguise. eased. Enabler.
Connection: Choose one of the following
with your group. TIER 3
1. Pick one other PC. You’ve watched them Ability Choice. Choose either Awareness or
from afar for some time before you actually Skill With Attacks as your tier 3 ability.
met and became allies. It’s up to you whether
you want to tell them now. Awareness: When you spend a level of
2. Pick one other PC. No matter how hard Effort on a perception task, you gain a free
you try, you cannot seem to hide from them. level Effort to that task. Action.
3. Pick two other PCs. The three of you
worked as a team on a mission long ago, but Skill With Attacks: Choose one type of
you had a falling out. attack in which you are not already trained:
4. Pick one other PC. That character is your light bashing, light bladed, light ranged,
sibling (if the player agrees), and thus you medium bashing, medium bladed, medium
look very much alike. ranged, heavy bashing, heavy bladed, or heavy
Minor Effect Suggestion: Your opponent is ranged. You are trained in attacks using that
so startled by your moves that they are dazed, type of weapon. You can select this ability
during which time their tasks are hindered. multiple times. Each time you select it,
GM intrusions: Spies are Major Effect Suggestion: All opponents you must choose a different type of attack.
treated harshly when caught. within short range are so startled by your Enabler.
Allies disavow infiltrators who
get caught. Some secrets are moves that they are dazed, during which time
better left unknown. their tasks are hindered. TIER 4
Nearly Invisible (3 Speed points): For
TIER 1 the next ten minutes, you fully immerse
Stealthy: You are trained in your choice of yourself in the practice and craft of not being
two of the following skills: deception, disguise, seen. While hiding, you are specialized in
lockpicking, pickpocketing, or stealth. You stealth and Speed defense tasks. This effect
can choose this ability multiple times, but you ends if you do something to reveal your
must select different skills each time. Enabler. presence or position—attacking, using an
ability, moving a large object, and so on. If
Sense Attitudes: You are trained in this occurs, you can regain your status by
discerning motive. Enabler. taking an action to hide your position. Action
to initiate or reinitiate.
Evasion: You’re hard to affect when you It became like a game to me, watching out for
don’t want to be affected. You are trained in all those soulless husks. Whether on the bus, the
defense tasks. Enabler. street or even meeting a client for work, I would
look into their eyes for just a second and see
the emptiness inside. I tried to make it a game,
at least. Truth was they scared me very deeply.
Ability Choice. Choose either Brainwashing
What were they? How did it happen? Were they born
or Spring Away as your tier 6 ability. hollow, or did something scoop them out and leave
them like that? And the question that kept me up,
Brainwashing (5+ Intellect points): You staring into the darkness late at night: why did
use trickery and/or well-spoken lies to make it seem like I was the only one able to see them?
someone else temporarily do as you ask. For —MAG 122: “Zombie”
one minute, if you succeed on an Intellect
attack, you direct the actions of a target you Brainwashing may be a sensitive
speak to. The target must be level 3 or lower. topic for some players and
should be approached with all
You can allow them to act freely or override due empathy. In any case, it’s
their actions on a case-by-case basis as long not something that should be
used on other PCs.
as you can see and direct them. If someone
challenges the target’s actions (or something
else happens that makes the target question
your directions), you must succeed on another
Intellect attack roll as you verbally attempt to
reassure them, or the target stops doing as you
In addition to the normal options for using
Effort, you can use Effort to increase the
maximum level of the target or increase the
duration by one minute. Thus, to direct the
actions of a level 6 target (three levels above
the normal limit) or direct a target for four
minutes (three minutes above the normal
duration), you must apply three levels of
Action to initiate.
Using charisma, natural leadership, and perhaps Enhanced Potential: You gain 3 points
some training, you command the actions of to divide among your stat Pools however you
others, who follow you willingly. You are a wish. Enabler.
politician, a captain, a leader, a manager, or
someone else who people tend to listen to. Your TIER 2
When you use Basic Follower, confidence makes others naturally listen when you Basic Follower: You gain a level 2 follower.
the GM may require talk, but you also have the wisdom to know what One of their modifications must be persuasion.
that you actually look for
a suitable follower. actions would be best for your followers and allies. You can take this ability multiple times, each
For more abilities relating to Since you need the respect of others, you time gaining another level 2 follower. Enabler.
followers, see the follower rules probably dress and carry yourself in such a
(page 71).
way that inspires, endears, or intimidates. You TIER 3
have a voice—or developed one—suited to Ability Choice. Choose either Advanced
barking orders that can be heard even on a Command or Expert Follower as your tier 3
noisy battlefield. ability.
Connection: Choose one of the following
with your group. Advanced Command (7 Intellect
1. Pick one other PC. That character was points): If you succeed on an Intellect attack
once a follower of yours, but you have since roll, a target within short range obeys any
grown to think of them as a peer. command you give as long as they can hear
2. Pick one other PC. That character and understand you. Further, as long as you
recently mocked you in some fashion that continue to do nothing but issue commands
really hurt your feelings. How you deal with (taking no other action), you can give that
this (if at all) is up to you. same target a new command. This effect ends
3. Pick one other PC. They introduce you when you stop issuing commands or they are
to the follower you gain at tier 2. out of short range. Action to initiate.
4. Pick one other PC. They look so much like
you that you suspect they might be a half-sibling. Expert Follower: You gain a level 3
Minor Effect Suggestion: The next time follower. They are not restricted on their
you attempt to persuade, deceive, intimidate, modifications. You can take this ability
or otherwise influence the same foe, the task multiple times, each time gaining another
is eased. level 3 follower. Alternatively, you could
GM intrusions: Followers fail, Major Effect Suggestion: The foe is choose to advance a level 2 follower you
betray, lie, become corrupted, get persuaded, deceived, intimidated, or otherwise already have to level 3 and then gain a new
kidnapped, or die.
influenced for twice as long as normal. level 2 follower. Enabler.
Natural Charisma: You are trained in Captivate or Inspire: You can use this
all social interactions, including persuasion, ability in one of two ways. Either your words
deception, intimidation, and discerning keep the attention of all NPCs of up to level
motive. Enabler. 2 that hear them for as long as you speak, or
your words inspire all NPCs that hear them
Good Advice: Anyone can help an ally, easing to function as if they were one level higher
whatever task they’re attempting by one step, or for the next hour. In either case, you choose
two steps if the helper is trained or specialized in which NPCs are affected. If anyone in the
that skill. However, you have the benefit of clarity crowd is attacked while you’re trying to speak
and wisdom. When you help another character, to them, you lose the crowd’s attention.
they gain an additional asset. Enabler. Action to initiate.
Player characters with the Leads focus gain followers. Followers do not need to be paid, fed, or housed, though a
character who gains followers can certainly make such arrangements if they wish. A follower is someone whom a
character has inspired (or asked) to come work with the character for a time, aiding them in a variety of endeavors. A
follower puts the PC’s interests ahead of, or at least on par with, their own.
The PC generally makes rolls for their follower when the follower takes actions, though usually a follower’s
modifications provide an asset to a specific action taken by the PC they follow.
Modifications: A follower can help a PC in one or more tasks, granting the PC an asset to that task. The level of the
follower indicates the number of different tasks they can help with. The tasks that the follower is able to help with are
predetermined, usually chosen by the PC when they gain the follower. A level 2 follower who the player determines
is a spy could grant a PC an asset on two different tasks, such as stealth and deception. Followers cannot help with
tasks that they don’t have modifications for; for the purpose of helping, treat the follower as if they had inabilities in all
nonmodified tasks.
When the follower acts autonomously rather than helping the PC, they act like a normal NPC that has modifications.
Thus, the modification increases their effective level for the associated task by one step. For example, the level 2 spy
follower with modifications for stealth and deception attempts stealth and deception tasks as if they were level 3 and all
other tasks as level 2.
Follower Assets to Combat and Defense: A follower cannot grant an asset to a character’s attacks or defense until the
follower is level 3 or higher. Even then, the follower can help with attacks and defense only if they have a modification
for that kind of task.
Follower Level Progression: A follower increases in level by 1 each time a PC advances two tiers after gaining that
follower. When the follower gains a level, the PC also chooses the task that the follower gains a modification for.
Exceptional Follower: When a character gains a follower, there’s a small chance that the follower will be exceptional
in some way, a cut above other followers of their kind. The GM determines when an exceptional follower is found,
possibly as an additional reward for smart or engaging roleplaying where the PCs impress or otherwise positively interact
with one or more NPCs, some of whom may later go on to become one of their followers. An exceptional follower has
the same qualities as a regular follower but is one level higher.
Pet: Any PC can potentially gain a pet, though a pet typically doesn’t provide modifications. If a character with the
Leads focus wants a follower to be a pet, however, they can do so using the same rules as long as it makes sense. A pet
probably can’t grant an asset to an engineering task, for example.
Pay It Forward (3 Intellect points): You Ability Choice. Choose either Two Things
can pass on what you’ve learned. When you at Once or Skill With Defense as your tier 6
give another character a suggestion involving ability.
their next action that is not an attack, their
action is eased for one minute. Action. Two Things at Once (6 Intellect points):
You divide your attention and take two
TIER 5 separate actions this round. Enabler.
Enhanced Intellect: You gain 3 points to
your Intellect Pool. Enabler. Skill With Defense: Choose one type
of defense task in which you are not already
Learned a Few Things: You are trained trained: Might, Speed, or Intellect. You are
in two areas of knowledge of your choice, or trained in defense tasks of that type. Enabler.
specialized in one area of knowledge of your
choice. Enabler.
Fists of Fury: You inflict 2 additional Stun Attack (6 Speed points): You
points of damage with unarmed attacks. attempt a difficulty 5 Speed task to stun
Enabler. a creature as part of your melee or ranged
attack. If you succeed, your attack inflicts its
Scarred and Hardened: You reduce the normal damage and stuns the creature for one
Stress you suffer from physical injury by 1. round, causing it to lose its next turn. If you
You still suffer Stress from mental shock or fail, you still make your normal attack roll,
despair normally. If you already have this but you don’t stun the opponent if you hit.
ability thanks to your type, you reduce the Action.
Stress you suffer from physical injury by 2.
Enabler. TIER 6
Ability Choice. Choose either Master of
TIER 2 Unarmed Fighting Style or Lethal Damage as
Advantage to Disadvantage (3 Speed your tier 6 ability.
points): With a number of quick moves, you
make an attack against an armed foe, inflicting Master of Unarmed Fighting Style: You
damage and disarming them so that their are specialized in unarmed attacks. If you are
weapon is now in your hands or 10 feet (3.5 already specialized in unarmed attacks, you
m) away on the ground—your choice. This instead deal 2 additional points of damage
disarming attack is hindered. Action. with unarmed attacks. Enabler.
Unarmed Fighting Style: You are trained Lethal Damage: When you hit with an
in unarmed attacks. Enabler. unarmed attack, you inflict an additional 5
points of damage. Enabler.
Ability Choice. Choose either Moving Like
Water or Greater Enhanced Potential as your
tier 3 ability.
Stand Like Iron (5 Might points): The
next attack (in the current encounter) that
would normally inflict a serious injury on you
gives 2 points of Stress instead. Enabler.
GM intrusions: Hackers can Major Effect Suggestion: Invigorated at Crowdsourcing (3 Intellect points): You
get hacked. Paying attention how you’ll be able to brag about the current put out a question or request for information
to the internet can lead to poor
real-life actions or interactions, situation to your online friends or followers, online and let others help answer it. If you
where you do or say the absolute you restore 1d6 + 1 points to your Intellect wait for the information, which can take up
wrong thing.
Pool immediately. to 24 hours, you ease any information-related
task (including research, obviously) by two
TIER 1 steps. Action to initiate.
Online Research (1 Intellect point): All
research tasks are eased if you have access to TIER 4
the internet. Enabler. Deep Dive (6 Intellect points): By
accessing the internet, you can ask the GM
Tech Skill: You are trained in your choice one question and get a general answer. The
of one of the following skills: electronics, GM assigns a level to the question, so the
engineering, programming, or researching. more obscure the answer, the more difficult
Enabler. the task. Generally, knowledge that you
could find by looking somewhere other than
TIER 2 your current location is level 1, and obscure
Hacking (3 Intellect points): You can knowledge of the past is level 7. Gaining
impersonate someone else online. This knowledge of the future is impossible. Action.
might allow you access to their information,
their funds, and their credit cards, or TIER 5
even allow you to alert the authorities to Better Hacking (5 Intellect points): If
criminal activities that they (probably didn’t) you have electronic access to a system, you
participate in. In a less nefarious hack, you can attempt to take control of it. This can
could discover information about them, include surveillance cameras, security systems,
including their address, daily activities, and electronic locks, tracking, email (not just of
current location. This can take anywhere from one person, but of entire servers), website
one minute to many hours, and the task for backends, databases, and so on. The difficulty
succeeding is based on both the level of the of this task is based on the protections the
person and any internet security precautions system has in place, but it probably runs from
they might have in place. For example, it difficulty 3 to difficulty 9. Depending on the
might be harder to read someone’s emails than situation, this can take one action or hours of
to learn their family history, and harder still to work. Action.
get into their bank account. Enabler.
TIER 3 Ability Choice. Choose either Read It
Ability Choice. Choose either Online Contacts Somewhere or Brain Food as your tier 6
or Crowdsourcing as your tier 3 ability. ability.
Online Contacts: You have three contacts Read It Somewhere (6 Intellect points):
that you know virtually (but not in real life). With a round’s concentration, you call up
Choose an area of expertise for each contact. obscure facts you read somewhere on the
When you have online access, you can ask internet, easing the task you attempt on the
them questions about their area of expertise following round by three steps. Action.
and get an in-depth answer within an hour,
and answers for any follow-up questions in Brain Food: You gain 6 points to your
another hour. Enabler. Intellect Pool. Enabler.
extra action. You can use this action only to you still ease the task. If you fail again, you GM intrusions: Quick
move a short distance or to attempt a stealth gain no special benefits. Enabler. movements sometimes lead
to dropped items, slipping on
action, or move an immediate distance and uneven ground, or going the
attempt a stealth action. wrong way by accident.
Investigate: To solve mysteries, you
must engage your mind and body in your
deductions. You can spend points from your
Might Pool, Speed Pool, or Intellect Pool to
apply levels of Effort to any Intellect-based
task. Enabler.
Out of Harm’s Way: No matter how Ability Choice. Choose Seize the Initiative
careful, an investigator sometimes ends up or Greater Skill With Defense as your tier 6
in a scrap. Knowing how to survive is more ability.
than half the battle. You are trained in Speed
defense tasks. Enabler. Seize the Initiative (5 Intellect points):
Within one minute of successfully using your
TIER 3 Draw Conclusion ability, you can take one
Ability Choice. Choose either You Studied additional, immediate action, which you can
or Skill With Attacks as your tier 3 ability. take out of turn. After using this ability, you
can’t use it again until after you rest for ten
You Studied: To be able to put two and hours. Enabler.
two together to reach a deduction, you have
to know a few things. You are trained in two Greater Skill With Defense: Choose one
areas of knowledge of your choosing (as long type of defense task, even one in which you
as they are not physical actions or combat are already trained: Might, Speed, or Intellect.
related) or specialized in one area. Enabler. You are trained in defense tasks of that type,
or specialized if you are already trained. You
Skill With Attacks: Choose one type of can select this ability up to three times. Each
attack in which you are not already trained: time you select it, you must choose a different
light bashing, light bladed, light ranged, type of defense task. Enabler.
medium bashing, medium bladed, medium
ranged, heavy bashing, heavy bladed, or heavy
ranged. You are trained in attacks using that I wanted to forget it, to ignore the
type of weapon. You can select this ability dusty crater that waited in the middle of
multiple times. Each time you select it, you this tiny town, but I couldn’t. Something
must choose a different type of attack. Enabler. about it rubbed at me, like a speck of
dirt in my eye, but the more I tried to
TIER 4 reach it, the deeper it went. I checked
Draw Conclusion (3 Intellect points): maps of the area, looking to see if any
of them featured the odd landmark, but I
After careful observation and investigation
found ones that went right up to 2008,
(questioning one or more NPCs on a topic,
and none of them had anything marked at
searching an area or a file, and so on) lasting a
that spot, even though the split in the
few minutes, you can learn a pertinent fact if road had clearly been there far longer
you succeed on a difficulty 3 Intellect task. Each than a year.
additional time you use this ability, the task is I tried to talk about it, see if anyone
hindered by an additional step. The difficulty else had any idea about what the pit was
returns to 3 after you rest for ten hours. Action. or why it was there, but when I asked
around Joe’s—the only diner in town—
TIER 5 everyone reacted just like Tommy.
Defuse Situation: During the course of an Mishearing, misunderstanding or just
investigation, your questions sometimes elicit straight-up ignoring me. It wasn’t even
an angry or even violent response. Through like they seemed deliberately evasive;
all their reactions seemed genuine, but
dissembling, verbal distraction, or similar
no one was able to talk about the pit.
evasion (and a successful Intellect attack roll),
—MAG 97: “We All Ignore
you prevent a living foe from attacking anyone
the Pit”
or anything for one round. Action.
You’re an officer of the law. It’s a hard job, and BADGE OR WARRANT CARD
one that’s often thankless, especially when Having a real badge or warrant card
bad apples among your number abuse their requires ongoing employment by a police
authority. Sometimes the whole system feels department. That said, you could be on a
rotten but you still take it seriously. It’s your sabbatical, taking a leave from active duty,
job to enforce the law, protect people and or simply on vacation for several weeks each
property, and keep the peace. Investigating year without fear of losing your standing.
crimes means questioning witnesses and If your police badge is confiscated for any
reason and you use a facsimile to gain the
suspects. Often, hard questions are all that’s
benefit of having a badge, there’s a chance
required to get someone to confess. With your
that someone will recognize it as a fraud
badge or warrant card and your commanding
(though most NPCs will be fooled).
presence, you’re perfect for the job.
While on duty, you’re in uniform, display
your badge prominently, and carry self-defense
gear on your belt. When off duty, you wear TIER 1
civvies but still usually carry your gear and Authority: Your air of authority is an
badge, just in case. asset for all social interactions. However, some
Connection: Choose one of the following people have the opposite reaction, depending
with your group. on their experience with the police, including
1. Pick one other PC. That character criminals and those wrongfully persecuted
was once a cadet who trained under you by the police, hindering your interactions
(only if they agree they were once in law instead. Enabler.
enforcement), but they’ve now gone their
Driving, page 16 own way. Driver: You are trained in driving. Enabler.
2. Pick one other PC. You know they spent
several months behind bars, but you’re not Armed Response: You are practiced with
sure for what. guns and suffer no penalty when using one.
3. Pick one other PC. They’re an old friend Enabler.
who hates the fact that you’re a cop and
sometimes tries to get you to quit. TIER 2
4. Pick one other PC. You know there’s Command (3 Intellect points): Calling
GM intrusions: Onlookers a warrant for them on record, probably for on your authority as a vested officer of the
react badly to revelation of unpaid parking fines (though you’re not sure). law, you issue a simple command to one
authority. A higher-priority
situation requires the character’s You’ve chosen not to question them about it, target, who attempts to carry out your
immediate attention. but you could change your mind. command as its next action if you succeed
Additional Equipment: Police uniform and on an Intellect attack. The creature must be
duty belt (containing handcuffs, radio, holster, within short range and able to understand
and flashlight), a badge, a gun (medium you. The command can’t inflict direct harm
ranged weapon, which you are licensed to on the creature or its allies, so “Stab yourself ”
carry), and a baton (light melee weapon). won’t work, but “Flee” might. In addition,
Minor Effect Suggestion: The next time the command can require the creature to take
you attempt to command the same foe, the only one action, so “Unlock the door” might
task is eased. work, but “Unlock the door and run through
Major Effect Suggestion: The foe either it” won’t. A commanded creature can still
surrenders or is influenced by your ability for defend itself normally and return an attack if
twice as long as normal. one is made on it. Action.
WORKS THE BACK ALLEYS 2. Pick one other PC. A while back, you
The thief, the burglar, the pickpocket: these attempted to steal from them, but they caught
are the individuals who haunt the back alleys you in the process.
of every community. Whether dangerous or 3. Pick one other PC. You never seem to be
desperate, you’ve worked as a thief in a city or able to hide so that they can’t see you.
town, getting by at the expense of the wealthy 4. Pick one other PC. They know your
and unwary. Your talents, however, prepare real identity (if it’s a secret) or that you work
you for all kinds of pursuits, even when you’re undercover (if it’s a secret) and has kept the
not crouching in an alley or climbing into a knowledge to themself so far.
window. Additional Equipment: You start with a
Usually, you dress to blend in with the bag of light tools that include lockpicks.
crowd. When you’re on a mission, black, Minor Effect Suggestion: You can
GM intrusions: Thieves form-fitting clothing allows you to swim in immediately attempt to hide after this action.
are thrown in jail. Powerful the shadows. Major Effect Suggestion: You can
enemies are made.
Connection: Choose one of the following immediately take a second action during this
with your group. turn.
1. Pick one other PC. The character knew
you beforehand and helped you to leave
your life of crime for other pursuits—at least
Knowledge Is Power: Choose two Ability Choice. Choose either Tower of
noncombat skills in which you are not trained. Intellect or Credible Hypothesis as your tier
You are trained in those skills. Enabler. 6 ability. Whichever one you choose, you also
gain Knowledge Is Power (again).
Knowing the Unknown (6 Intellect
points): By accessing the resources Tower of Intellect: You are trained in
appropriate to your character, you can ask the Intellect defense tasks. If you are already
GM one question and get a general answer. trained, you are specialized in those tasks
The GM assigns a level to the question, so the instead. Enabler.
more obscure the answer, the more difficult
the task. Generally, knowledge that you Credible Hypothesis (4 Intellect points):
could find by looking somewhere other than You examine an area and learn precise, useful
your current location is level 1, and obscure details about the past (if any exist) if you
knowledge of the past is level 7. Gaining succeed on a difficulty 3 Intellect-based roll.
knowledge of the future is impossible. Action. You can ask the GM up to four questions
about the immediate area; each requires its
TIER 5 own roll. Action.
Greater Enhanced Intellect: You gain 6
points to your Intellect Pool. Enabler. Knowledge Is Power: Choose two
noncombat skills in which you are not trained.
You are trained in those skills. Enabler.
The Entities sometimes grant people a The Entities, page 166
“Avatar isn’t a thing, Martin! modicum of their power and in so doing,
It’s not—It’s just a word. increase fear in the world. The chosen
A word used by . . . fools recipient of this power is called an Avatar.
like Smirke to try and sort Each Entity creates (directly or indirectly,
everything into neat little depending on the Entity) their own Avatar, As the concept of an Avatar in
boxes, to reduce the messy and it’s entirely possible for an Entity to have The Magnus Archives has no
formal definition—at least that
spray of human fear into a more than one Avatar at a time (or no Avatars humans can comprehend—
checklist: human, Avatar, for a time). The Avatar might not be aware some Avatars might be seen
to break the rules. Some
monster, victim.” of the implications of the decision, but each beings that were never mortal
—Jonathan Sims, MAG 183: makes a conscious choice to accept this “gift.” humans can be considered
“Monument” Many Avatars willingly serve the Entity as one Avatars, for example, and
can be assumed to have been
might serve a god or highly revered being. created as such by the Entities.
Unwilling Avatars find themselves in difficult
ethical situations where they have amazing
powers at their command, but they know
that using those powers furthers the end of a
malevolent Entity of fear.
To become an Avatar, one must have had a
significant paranormal experience (or many
such experiences) that affects their mind
The Extinction has no Avatars . . . yet.
“feed” the
Avatars must
reated them
Entity that c
on by them.
or be fed up
hat equipment do characters begin
I saw bellows, a wooden box, with, and what else can they get
and a soft and hideous throat during the game? This chapter
that seemed to twist and addresses those questions.
pucker on its own. Then the That said, the equipment listed in this
Mechanical Turk did something chapter is by no means comprehensive or
that I do not believe will exhaustive. GMs should feel free to use the
ever fully leave my thoughts various tables, price lists, and examples as
no matter how fervently I a jumping-off point to provide additional
might wish it. options for players. Comparing those prices
It stood up. to what can be found with a quick search
It had no legs and made no of online shops should provide useful
secret of it, yet still it comparisons. Anything a regular person can
stood, stepping away from get in the real world should probably also
the table that was its very be available to PCs in The Magnus Archives
being, and it began to dance. Roleplaying Game.
As it did so, the bellows
left upon the bleeding table
started to pump, and I heard CURRENCY AND PRICES
again that mournful wail of Dollars, yuan, pounds, pesos, euros,
Wolfgang’s “speech machine” cryptocurrencies of various sorts—lots of
as the end of it flailed different currencies might be used in your
and bulged until at last game, depending where in the world it’s set
it shrieked its words to and where the PCs go. Specifying a single
the audience. I do not know currency isn’t important, because we can
what it said, and I thank establish reasonable ranges for equipment
almighty God that I speak no prices rather than nailing prices down to
Hungarian. the last dollar and cent. Not unlike saying
—MAG 116: “The Show “immediate” or “short” distance rather
Must Go On” than giving precise numbers, we talk about
goods and services in terms of inexpensive,
moderately priced, expensive, very expensive,
exorbitant, or priceless items.
WEAPONS AND THE MAGNUS ARCHIVES Although the types of items for sale vary
Just because your character could use a greatly depending on whether the PCs are
particular weapon doesn’t mean they in a small town or a large city, a few services
necessarily have one when the game begins. can usually always be found, like food and
For instance, your Investigator could lodging. However, these services can span the
theoretically wield a light weapon—such as a price categories.
baton or improvised chair leg, or maybe even Food: You can get an inexpensive meal, a
a light pistol—when the chips are down. But moderately priced meal, an expensive meal, The price categories are, by
prior to the game’s start, they probably didn’t and so on, depending on the restaurant. An definition, very broad. Items
in the same category can
have any, unless their background specifically inexpensive meal is light and probably not technically be priced quite
indicates otherwise. very nutritious. An expensive meal is available differently in actual currency,
Lack of weapons is all the more likely if but don’t worry about such
only in nice restaurants in certain locations. things in this game. It’s also
the game is set in a place like the United An exorbitant meal is probably a feast for possible that the PCs find a
Kingdom, which has starkly contrasting a crowd, with the finest foods and drink discounted item that is a price
category lower than normal or
approaches to weapons and firearms than, say, available. an extremely fancy one in the
the United States. Lodging: Nightly lodging is similar, range of a category higher. But
In the UK, guns are heavily regulated these can be part of the ongoing
although the bottom end starts out worse. An story and are not part of the
through stringent licensing, background inexpensive night’s lodging is probably a youth base assumptions in this chapter.
checks, and storage protocols. Other weapons hostel filled with other guests. Typical lodging
are similarly restricted. For instance, batons (a private room with a decent bed) is probably
are usually only allowed for police officers, in the moderately priced range. Very expensive
and knives are only legal if they have lodging might be a suite of rooms with
nonlocking blades of less than 3 inches (8 delicious meals and personal services (such as
cm). Which means that characters who want massages and grooming) included.
to acquire a firearm need to go through the Repairs: The cost to repair a damaged item
requisite process to gain one legally, or find a is one category lower than the item’s value.
way to get one illegally. Either way, a character
with a weapon would want to keep it under
wraps, lest they draw attention from both the I remember, it was as I began
general public and officers of the law. to talk about the Justice, the
fifth age of man, that I saw
All that said, if a character whose game
it. It was a mask, a theatre
is set in the UK is a Protector or might mask, not one of the happy/
otherwise be expected to have access to a sad ones you might associate
weapon, work with the GM to come up with with the stage, but like an
a solution. The GM will guide you on where old Greek chorus mask: neutral,
they’d like to see their game go. with a faint aspect of mourning
about the mouth and eyes. It
Civilian gun ownership is allowed much
sat on the top of a thick black
more broadly in the United States. Though cloak, draped to completely
regulated, firearms are far more common, as cover whoever might be wearing
are other weapons such as knives and batons. the mask. But I knew it was
Of course, that doesn’t mean a starting empty. It was a hollow shape
Magnus Archives character in the USA begins of a man that had no life, no
presence to it. And I saw it in
with a weapon either. But they might, and if
the middle of the third row, as
they don’t, they’ll find acquiring and carrying clearly as if it were lit by a
one much easier. second spotlight.
—MAG 108: “Monologue”
Weapons Notes
Ammo (box of 50 rounds)
Knife Light weapon (prone to breaking)
Pepper spray Immediate range, hinders target’s tasks for one round
Weapons Notes
Bow Medium weapon, long range
Extendable baton Light weapon, collapses to size ideal for a pocket/purse
Handgun Medium weapon, long range
Pocket handgun Light weapon, short range
Rifle Medium weapon, long range
Shotgun Heavy weapon, immediate range
Sawed-off shotgun Medium weapon, immediate range (can be used one-handed) Those carrying a sawed-off
shotgun should be warned that
in almost any jurisdiction, the
Other Items Notes weapon is illegal, and having
Airline ticket one could be punished by a few
years in prison.
Camera designed to be concealed Transmits over wifi
Cold weather camping gear
Hazmat suit (with respirator)
Microphone designed to be Transmits over wifi
Nightvision goggles See in darkness, but perception tasks are hindered
Scuba gear
Stylish clothing
Other Items Notes
Luxury vehicle Level 5 or 6
Private plane Level 5
Yacht Level 5
Other Items Notes
Orbital space station Useful for running experiments in weightless, isolated
Benoît was leaning over the n addition to the resources available to
bar, listening to a young man a character based on their type or their
who, I believe, was ordering focus—abilities that are always available
for quite a large group. As and expected—PCs have access to a small
this customer listed off his number of abilities that are ephemeral and
drinks, Benoît’s hand rested
transitory. Called cyphers, these abilities
lightly upon the countertop,
and I found, for no reason I
represent luck, momentary inspiration,
could readily provide, my gaze desperation, machinations of The Web, or,
was resting upon the fingers more broadly, the ineffable influence of all the
of his hand. dread powers at work. They can grant a PC a
Without any warning, or useful power that can restore them, inspire a
reaction from Benoît himself, new plan or direction, ease tasks, and more.
there seemed to be movement Because cyphers are driven by happenstance
from the ring finger of his
and the heat of the moment, characters don’t
right hand. A slight shudder,
choose them. The GM—representing fate, in
a shifting of the skin beneath
his fingernail. A small patch this process—assigns them to the PCs. But as Cyphers lead to fun game
this happens between moments of action or moments where a player can say
of darkness seemed to grow “Well, I’ve got an X that might
just below it, expanding until drama, when the PCs are resting, the players help in this situation,” and X is
it resolved itself into the also have a hand in directing the narrative always different. Cyphers keep
shape of an insect. It pushed the game fresh and interesting.
that cyphers affect. This is because the player
itself smoothly and quickly chooses when to use a cypher, and which one
out from below his fingernail
they use. Characters have a cypher limit that
and dropped down onto the
increases as they advance, representing the
bar, scuttling away and out
of sight so quickly I lost maximum number of cyphers at their disposal.
it almost immediately. It Regardless of what they do, cyphers are
had all happened in a matter single-use effects and are always lost when
of moments, and there was used. Unless a cypher’s description says
no blood, no reaction from otherwise, it works only for the character who
Benoît, no evidence that it activates it. Cyphers represent a character’s
had truly happened at all, personal luck or inspiration.
apart from my shaking legs
Cyphers are a game mechanic designed for
and the feeling I was going to
frequent use and replenishment. PCs can have
—MAG 102: “Nesting Instinct” only a small number of cyphers at any given
time, and since it’s easy to get more, they’re Instead, the GM could choose significant
encouraged to use them at a steady pace. points in the story when new cyphers might
In theory, the cyphers gained by the PCs are simply come unbidden to the PCs. Everyone
determined randomly. However, the GM can could get a new cypher in the wake of a major
also choose them deliberately. discovery or success, or to help compensate
them after a harrowing ordeal.
Cyphers don’t have to be used to make
GAINING AND REPLENISHING room for new ones. A character can use an
CYPHERS action to flush a cypher, freeing up space to
Characters start with a full complement of acquire one later. Once a cypher is discarded,
cyphers, up to their limit. Once a cypher it is gone and can’t be immediately regained.
“slot” is freed up because a cypher is used, the
character can gain a new one by resting. The
rest must be at least ten minutes, but it can be USING CYPHERS
the same rest used to recover points in a Pool Most cyphers take one action to activate, just
or to reduce Stress. Normally this can only be like any other ability. However, some cyphers
done once a day (once between their ten-hour are marked “instant” and can be used as part
rests), so players might choose to wait until of another action or even when the PC is
they have more than one slot free for new reacting to another character’s action, such as
cyphers for maximum benefit. when the PC is attacked.
Cyphers can be used automatically; they
don’t require a roll for the PC to gain their
benefit because most cyphers only affect the
PC. However, if a cypher does affect a target,
the action to use it is Intellect based unless
described otherwise. For example, using the
breathing room cypher could be Speed based
if the PC describes their action as quickly
knocking whatever the target is holding from
their hands.
Once a cypher is activated, if it has an
ongoing effect, that effect applies only to the
character who activated the cypher.
d00 Cypher 34–35 Help from a stranger 72–73 Smell of blood (instant)
01–02 Another twist (instant) 36–37 Implore The Flesh 74 Spiral’s luck (instant)
03–04 Big picture 38–39 Jigsaw solver 75–76 Squirm (instant)
05–06 Binary (instant) 40–41 Last words 77–78 Stare into The Vast
07 Body builder 42–43 Learn from The Web 79–80 Strange music
08–09 Breathing room (instant) 44–45 Lesson of The Boneturner 81–82 Taking stock
10–11 Burning desire (instant) 46–47 Librarian’s pupil 83–84 Thought for the day
12–13 Cheating death (instant) 48–49 Like an Avatar (instant) 85–86 Thrill of the chase
14–15 Curiosity 50–51 Meat 87–88 Tightrope
16–17 Dance through the maze 52–53 Nemesis 89–90 Uncanny valley (instant)
18–19 Deathly silent and still 54–55 Nightfall 91–92 Watcher’s know-how
(instant) 56–57 Observer effect 93 Weaver’s encouragement
20–21 Desperate effort (instant) 58–59 Of The Beholding 94–95 Well-being
22–23 Eye contact (instant) 60–61 Of The Flesh 96–97 What we all ignore
24–25 Flee The Hunt! (Instant) 62–63 Panopticon (instant) 98–99 What we lose (instant)
26–27 Gift of The Piper (Instant) 64–65 Personal space 00 Words of the puppeteer
28–29 Guess you had to be there 66–67 Risen wind (instant)
30–31 Gut feeling 68–69 Sculptor’s tool (instant)
32–33 Hard shoulder (instant) 70–71 Show must go on
Level: 1d6 Level: 1d6 + 2
Important problems require elevated focus. Drawing on your inner reserves, you add 1 to
One die roll of your choosing gets rerolled. your Might Edge for one hour (or 2 if the
cypher is level 5 or higher).
Everything seems more vivid. For one hour Level: 1d6 + 1
per cypher level, you know when any As part of a physical action on your part (an
movement occurs within short range and attack, an “accidental” bump, a startling
when large creatures or objects move within shout, pushing by on the way to somewhere
long range. You also know the number and else, etc.), you force an NPC within
size of the creatures or objects in motion. immediate range whose level is lower than
this cypher’s level to drop whatever they are
Level: 1d6 + 2
You correctly guess the PIN code allowing BURNING DESIRE (INSTANT)
access to a phone, door lock, debit card, Level: 1d6
and so on, or you guess the alphanumeric This particular predicament allows you to use Using Stress, page 129
passcode for a laptop, website, or similar 1 level of Stress as an asset on your action
situation, as long as the level of the object or without incurring a GM intrusion, as
program is equal to or less than this cypher’s normally happens.
ike most roleplaying games, in The
I itch all the time. Deep Magnus Archives, the GM sets the scene,
beneath my skin, where the the players state what their characters
bone sits, enshrined in flesh,
attempt to do, and the GM determines what
I feel it. Something, not
happens next. One scene logically flows to the
moving but that wants to move.
next—you might start at a coffee shop, travel
Wants to be free. It itches,
and I don’t think I want it. I
to an abandoned warehouse, and eventually
don’t know what to do. end up at a haunted construction site—and
You can’t help me. I don’t before you know it, you’ve got a story as
think so, at least. But compelling as any you’ve read or watched. The
whatever it is that calls to rules and the dice help make the game run
me, that wants me for its own, smoothly, but it’s the people, not the rules or
it hates you. It hates what the dice, that direct the action and determine
you are and what you do. And the story—and the fun. If a rule gets in the
if it hates you, then maybe way or detracts from the game, the players and
you can help me. If I wanted the GM should work together to change it.
to be helped. I don’t know if
The game uses a twenty-sided die (d20)
I do. You must understand, it
to determine the results of most actions.
sings so sweetly, and I need
Whenever a roll of any kind is called for and
it, but I am afraid. It isn’t
right and I need help. I need
no die is specified, roll a d20.
it to be seen. To be seen in This is how you play:
the cold light of knowledge 1. The player tells the GM what they want
is anathema to the things that to do. This is a character action. If time is a
crawl and slither and swarm in consideration, every character gets an action
the corners and the cracks. In every five to ten seconds, a segment of time
the pitted holes of the hive. called a round. (Characters can also move
—MAG 32: “Hive” across the room or a similar distance when
they take their action.)
2. The GM determines if there’s a chance
of failure or if that action is routine (and
therefore works without needing a roll).
3. If there is a chance of failure, the GM
determines which stat the task uses (Might,
ACTION: Anything a character does that is significant—punch a PRACTICED: The normal, unmodified ability to use a skill—not
foe, leap a chasm, activate a device, use a special power, and so on. trained, specialized, or an inability. Your type determines what
Each character can take one action in a round. weapon skills you’re practiced in; if you aren’t practiced with a type of
weapon, you have an inability in it.
CHARACTER: Any creature in the game capable of acting, whether
it is a player character (PC) run by a player or a nonplayer character ROLL: A d20 roll made by a PC to determine whether an action is
(NPC) run by the game master (GM). In The Magnus Archives successful. Although the game occasionally uses other dice, when the
RPG, even inhuman beasts or creatures of living darkness, for text simply refers to “a roll,” it always means a d20 roll.
example, can be “characters.”
ROUND: A length of time about five to ten seconds long. There
DIFFICULTY: A measure of how easy it is to accomplish a task. are about ten rounds in a minute. When it’s really important to
Difficulty is rated on a scale from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest). Altering track precise time, use rounds. Basically, it’s the length of time to
the difficulty to make a task harder is called “hindering.” Altering it take an action in the game, but since everyone more or less acts
to make a task easier is called “easing.” All changes in difficulty are simultaneously, all characters get to take an action each round.
measured in steps. Difficulty often equates directly with level, so
opening a level 3 locked door probably has a difficulty of 3. SPECIALIZED: Having an exceptional amount of skill in a task.
Being specialized eases the task by two steps. If you are specialized in
EASE: A decrease in a task’s difficulty, usually by one step. If climbing, all your climbing tasks are eased by two steps.
something doesn’t say how many steps it eases a task, it reduces the
difficulty by one step. STAT: One of the three defining characteristics for PCs: Might,
Speed, or Intellect. Each stat has two values: Pool and Edge. Your
EFFORT: Spending points from a stat Pool to reduce the difficulty Pool represents your raw, innate ability, and your Edge represents
of a task. A PC decides whether or not to apply Effort on their turn knowing how to use what you have. Points in a Pool are used to
before the roll is made. NPCs never apply Effort. expend Effort and to utilize certain abilities. If a Pool doesn’t have
enough points for the character to use Effort, they can’t do so until
ENABLER: An ability designated an enabler does not require an they recover some of those points. Likewise, a character without the
action to use, but instead modifies another action the character required points to use an ability can’t use that ability. Each stat Pool
attempts. can increase or decrease over the course of play—for example, you
can spend points from your Intellect Pool to activate a special ability,
HINDER: An increase in a task’s difficulty, usually by one step. If or you can rest to recover points in your Speed Pool after a long day
something doesn’t say how many steps it hinders a task, it increases of walking. Anything that damages a stat, restores a stat, or boosts or
the difficulty by one step. penalizes a stat affects the stat’s Pool.
INABILITY: The opposite of trained—you’re hindered whenever TASK: Any action that a PC attempts. The GM determines the
you attempt a task that you have an inability in. If you also become difficulty of the task. In general, a task is something that you do and
trained in the task, the training and the inability cancel each other an action is you performing that task, but in most cases they mean
out and you become practiced. the same thing.
LEVEL: A way to measure the strength, difficulty, power, or TRAINED: Having a reasonable amount of skill in a task. Being
challenge of something in the game. Everything in the game has trained eases the task. For example, if you are trained in climbing, all
a level. NPCs and objects have levels that determine the difficulty climbing tasks for you are eased. If you become very skilled at that
of any task related to them. For example, an opponent’s level task, you become specialized instead of trained. You do not need to
determines how hard they are to hit or avoid in combat. A door’s be trained to attempt a task.
level indicates how hard it is to break down. A lock’s level determines
how hard it is to pick. Levels are rated on a scale from 1 (lowest) to TURN: The part of the round when a character or creature takes
10 (highest). PC tiers are a little like levels, but they go only from its actions. For example, if a Protector and an Occultist are fighting
1 to 6 and mechanically work very differently than levels—for a cultist of the Lightless Flame, each round the Protector takes an
example, a PC’s tier does not determine a task’s difficulty. action on their turn, the Occultist takes an action on their turn, and
the cultist takes an action on its turn. Some abilities or effects last
only one turn, or end when the next turn is started.
Anything else that eases tasks (help from an ROLLING THE DICE
ally, a particular piece of equipment, or some The players always drive the action. That
other advantage) is referred to as an asset. means they make all the die rolls. If a PC leaps
Assets can never ease a task by more than two out of a moving vehicle, the player rolls to see
steps. if they succeed. If a PC searches for a hidden
You can also ease a given task by applying panel, the player rolls to determine whether
Effort. This costs 3 points from the relevant they find it. If a rockslide falls on a PC, the
stat Pool, minus any Edge. Using Effort player rolls to try to get out of the way. If a PC
eases the task by one step. (At higher tiers, and an NPC arm wrestle, the player rolls, and
characters can apply additional Effort, each the NPC’s level determines the target number.
of which costs 2 points from the relevant stat If a PC attacks a foe, the player rolls to see if
Pool and eases the task by an additional step.) they hit. If a foe attacks the PC, the player
To sum up, three things can ease a task: rolls to see if they dodge the blow.
skills, assets, and Effort. If you can ease a task’s As shown by the last two examples, the player
difficulty to 0 using one or more of these, you rolls whether their PC is attacking or defending.
automatically succeed and don’t need to make Thus, something that improves defenses might
a roll. ease or hinder their rolls. For example, if a
If something makes a task harder (like PC uses a low wall to gain cover from attacks,
fighting on a slippery floor), it hinders the the wall eases the player’s defense rolls. If a
task by one or more steps. Hindering is the foe uses the wall to gain cover from the PC’s
opposite of easing. attacks, it hinders the player’s attack rolls.
Only the play
The thunder woke me: another
long, deep roar that seemed to
come as much from the ground rolls dice.
as it did the clouds. The rain
still hammered down outside
and I checked my watch,
staring at it in confusion. It
didn’t make any sense. It said
it was three AM, the middle When you roll a natural 19 (the d20 shows
of the night, but looking out “19”) and the roll is a success, you also have
through the window, the world a minor effect. A minor effect means that in
was still light. The sky was addition to success, you get an even better
cloudy and grey, as it had result determined by the character and the
been the previous day, and the GM. For example, when jumping down
rain made it impossible to see from a ledge, you land smoothly on your
further than the end of the feet, or when trying to persuade someone,
street. But all the same, it you convince them that you’re smarter than
definitely wasn’t night. There you really are. In other words, you not only
were no streetlights turned
succeed but also go a bit further. In a fight,
on and, now that I looked for
when you get a minor effect, you could decide
it, I couldn’t see any windows
that you knock the foe back, distract them, or
lit in any of the other houses
on the street. It seemed like something similar.
it was just me. Me and the When you roll a natural 20 (the d20 shows
steady, driving rain. “20”) and the roll is a success, you also have
—MAG 129: “Submerged” a major effect. This is similar to a minor
Sometimes, the GM will call (perhaps the lights go out), the terrain changes in, the task is eased by two steps. Help is
for an initiative roll from the (maybe part of the balcony collapses under the considered an asset, and someone receiving
players and track things round
by round even though there’s no PCs), or something similar occurs, the GM help usually can’t gain more than two assets on
combat going on. This is useful can call for new initiative rolls. a single task if that help is provided by another
when a bit more precision is
needed to know who does what, Since the action moves as a cycle, anything character.
when. If the PCs are sneaking that lasts for a round ends where it started For example, if Scott is trying to drive a
into a house, and some are in the cycle. If Javier uses an ability on an large bus and Sarah (who is trained in driving)
slipping under a closing garage
door while one is going through opponent that hinders its defenses for one spends her turn helping him, Scott’s task is
the kitchen window, it’s useful to round, the effect lasts until Javier acts on his eased by two steps.
know who gets under the garage
door in time and who doesn’t, next turn. Sometimes you can help by performing a
and if the character going task that complements what another person
through the window does so is attempting. If your complementary action
before the watchdog comes into
the kitchen. COOPERATIVE ACTIONS succeeds, you ease the other person’s task.
There are many ways multiple characters For example, if Scott tries to persuade a ship
can work together. None of these options, captain to let him on board, Sarah could try
however, can be used at the same time by the to supplement Scott’s words with a flattering
same characters. lie about the captain (a deception action), a
display of knowledge about the region where
Helping: If you use your action to help the ship is headed (a geography action), or a
someone with a task, you ease the task. If you direct threat to the captain (an intimidation
have an inability in a task, your help has no action). If Sarah’s roll is a success, Scott’s
effect. If you use your action to help someone persuasion task is eased.
with a task that you are trained or specialized
Most of the time, the rules are simple and straightforward, For example, consider a character who uses a bundle of
getting out of the way of the narrative. Sometimes, dynamite to attack six cultists (level 2; target number 6)
however, a few special situations can crop up that require a and their leader (level 4; target number 12). The PC rolls
little extra explanation. an 11 for the attack roll. This hits the six cultists, but not
the leader, so the explosion deals 3 points of damage to
COMBAT BETWEEN NPCs each of the cultists. The GM figures, however, that with
When an NPC ally of the PCs attacks another NPC, the such an explosion, targets take 1 point of damage if the PC
GM can designate a player to roll and handle it like a PC fails the attack roll, so the leader takes 1 point of damage.
attacking, with the NPC inflicting damage equal to their In terms of what happens in the story, the cultists are
level. Often, the choice is obvious. For example, a character caught flat-footed by the sudden detonation, but the leader
who has a trained attack dog should roll when their pet ducks and is shielded from most of the blast.
attacks enemies. If an NPC ally accompanying the party
leaps into the fray, that ally’s favorite PC rolls for them. ATTACKING OBJECTS
NPCs cannot apply Effort. Of course, it’s perfectly fitting Attacking an object is rarely a matter of hitting it. Sure,
(and easier) to have the NPC ally use the cooperative you can hit the broad side of a barn, but can you damage
action rules to aid a PC instead of making direct attacks, or it? Attacking inanimate objects with a melee weapon is a
to compare the levels of the two NPCs (higher wins). Might action. Objects have levels and thus target numbers.
Objects have a damage track that works like the damage
When one PC attacks another PC, the attacking character Intact is the default state for an object.
makes an attack roll, and the other character makes a Minor damage is a slightly damaged state. An object
defense roll, adding any appropriate modifiers. If the with minor damage reduces its level by 1.
attacking PC has a skill, ability, asset, or other effect that Major damage is a critically damaged state. An object
would ease the attack if it were made against an NPC, the with major damage is broken and no longer functions.
character adds 3 to the roll for each step reduction (+3 Destroyed is destroyed. The object is ruined, no longer
for one step, +6 for two steps, and so on). If the attacker’s functions, and cannot be repaired.
final result is higher, the attack hits. If the defender’s result
is higher, the attack misses. Damage is resolved so that 1 If the Might action to damage an object is a success, the
to 3 points of damage become 1 to 3 points of Stress, and object moves one step down the object damage track. If
4+ points of damage become a serious injury. The GM the Might roll exceeded the difficulty by 2 levels, the object
mediates all special effects. instead moves two steps down the object damage track. If
the Might roll exceeded the difficulty by 4 levels, the object
AREA ATTACKS instead moves three steps down the object damage track.
Sometimes, an attack or effect affects an area rather than Objects with minor or major damage can be repaired,
a single target. For example, a grenade or a landslide can moving them one or more steps up the object damage track.
potentially harm or affect everyone in the area. Brittle or fragile objects, like those made of paper or glass,
In an area attack, all PCs in the area make appropriate decrease the effective level of the object for the purposes of
defense rolls against the attack to determine its effect on determining if it is damaged. Hard objects, like those made
them. If the attack is launched by a PC against some NPCs of wood or stone, add 1 to the effective level. Very hard
in the area, the attacker makes a single attack roll against objects, like those made of metal, add 2. Some objects, like
all of them (one roll, not one roll per NPC) and compares artefacts, can’t be damaged, at least by normal means.
it to the target number of each NPC. If the roll is equal to The tool or weapon used to attack the object must be at
or greater than the target number of a particular NPC, the least as hard as the object itself. Further, if the amount of
attack hits that NPC. damage the attack could inflict—not modified by a special
Some area attacks always deal at least a minimum die roll—does not equal or exceed the effective level of
amount of damage, even if the attacks miss or if a PC the object, the attack cannot damage the object no matter
makes a successful defense roll. what the roll.
So that players don’t have to make lots and not in the room, or hearing your name
lots of rolls to avoid Stress when there are whispered in the darkness)
multiple things potentially inflicting it, the • Seeing a supernatural event or creature up
GM might combine all the sources of Stress close
into a single roll. In such a case, the Stress • Coming upon a gruesomely mutilated
inflicted should be 3 points, and the roll to corpse
resist it should be equal to the level of the • Watching someone you care about get
highest source. A character should never gain seriously injured
more than 3 points of Stress in a single round. • Falling down the stairs
• Getting a cut along your cheek
DETERMINING STRESS GAINED • Getting a hard punch in your stomach or
Not all events and experiences that incur face
Stress do so with the same intensity.
Creature attacks or supernatural actions that 3 points of Stress
give Stress usually specify the amount. For • Experiencing something that challenges
example, if you encounter the creature called your entire outlook on reality (a portal
The Anglerfish, you gain 3 points of Stress just opens to another universe, an entire house The Anglerfish, page 197
from the realization of what it is. Likewise, if disappears before your eyes, or a corpse
a character uses the Catalogue of the Trapped gets up and walks) Catalogue of the Trapped
Dead, they gain 3 points of Stress. • Having something supernatural and Dead, page 270
To determine how much Stress you might terrifying trying to directly harm you
suffer from a given experience, use the • Experiencing something too alien to
following examples as guidelines. comprehend
• Watching someone you care about die
1 point of Stress • Getting sliced by a knife across your leg
• Watching someone you care about in real • Being grazed by a bullet
• Encountering a sudden, surprising threat As you can see, something bad doesn’t have
(like a falling rock or an attacker leaping to befall a character for them to gain Stress.
from the darkness) Dodging out of the way of a speeding car still
• Experiencing a very serious threat inflicts 1 point of Stress (if you don’t dodge, In an action- or horror-filled
(someone is pointing a gun at your head, you’ll probably be seriously injured). Even just encounter, PCs likely gain
a lot of Stress as they suffer
or you’re hanging from the roof of a tall seeing a friend in danger or facing a serious damage but also as they see
building) threat yourself—like a mugger pulling a knife their friends suffer damage,
barely escape harrowing fates,
• Witnessing a supernatural event or on you—gives you 1 point of Stress. or just experience something
creature from a distance This means that in a fight or an action supernatural.
• Coming upon a human corpse sequence, the GM should pay attention
• Killing a person in self-defense not only to the character being attacked or
• Bumping your head on a doorway affected, but also to their nearby friends. If
• Getting a small cut on your hand even one ally is in danger, it may cause Stress
• Getting a hard punch in your arm for everyone.
This kind of “bystander” Stress happens Characters who suffer a lot of
2 points of Stress only once in a given encounter. If you see your Stress may find all their tasks
hindered by three, four, or more
• Experiencing something that you friend getting shot at, you might gain 1 point steps. At that point, they should
would have believed impossible (seeing of Stress. If, on the next round, they’re still really just flee.
a reflection in a mirror of something getting shot at, you don’t gain additional Stress.
OTHER TYPES OF DAMAGE Intellect defense roll, and if you fail, there’s
Some attacks, like venom from a serpent’s probably a set duration for which you will be
The Distortion, page 216 bite, a horrific curse, or the presence of The affected.
Distortion, have effects other than Stress or There are so many terrible fates that can
shifting the PC on the damage track. These befall a character going up against the forces
The Fears, page 166 attacks can cause unconsciousness, paralysis, of the Fears that we can’t enumerate them all
and so on. here, but for the most part, they’re all handled
Most of the time, these are conditions that in the same way—you make a defense roll and
There are three kinds exist outside of Stress or the damage track. hope for the best (and use Effort!).
of defense rolls: You’re either unconscious or not. If you’re Rarely, an effect might damage a character’s
Speed defense: Used to dodge unconscious, you can’t act—that’s just logic. stat Pool, directly reducing the points in the
attacks or things coming at you.
Resisting such an attack probably involves Pool. For example, a snake’s venom that harms
Might defense: Used to a Might defense roll, and if you fail, there’s a character’s reflexes might inflict 3 points
resist poison, disease, or
effects that directly affect
probably a set duration for which you will be of damage to their Speed Pool. As another
your body or health. afflicted. example, a mentally draining song playing
Intellect defense: Used to resist Other times, a psychic attack might cause over a supernatural loudspeaker might inflict
Stress and most supernatural you to seize up, sap your will to act, make you 2 points of damage to someone’s Intellect Pool
or mental attacks.
forget things, or even control your actions. each round. These reductions from stat Pools
Resisting such an attack probably involves an can be recovered as normal.
oneself in this fashion are hindered. The second time you rest each day, you
must rest for ten minutes to make a recovery
roll. The third time you rest each day, you
must rest for one hour to make a recovery
roll. The fourth time you rest each day, you
must rest for ten hours to make a recovery roll
(usually, this occurs when you stop for the day
to eat and sleep).
After that much rest, it’s assumed to be a
new day, so the next time you rest, it takes
only a few seconds. The next rest takes ten THE RAMIFICATIONS OF DEATH
minutes, then one hour, and so on, in a cycle. This is a deadly game about deadly threats.
If you haven’t rested yet that day and you But what happens when a character dies?
take a lot of damage in a fight, you could rest There are a few possibilities.
a few seconds (regaining 1d6 points + 1 point
per tier) and then immediately rest for ten Replacement: The most obvious turn of
minutes (regaining another 1d6 points + 1 events when a character dies is that the player
point per tier). Thus, in one full day of doing creates a new character to replace the one they
nothing but resting, you could recover 4d6 lost. They use the same character creation rules
points + 4 points per tier. as they did before, creating a new person who
Each character chooses when to make joins the investigation. If the PCs work for the
recovery rolls. If a party of five PCs rests for Magnus Institute (or something similar), the
ten minutes because two of them want to new character is most likely a new hire who
make recovery rolls, the others don’t have to can (and probably should) be brought up to
make rolls at that time. Later in the day, those speed quickly on what the PCs are doing.
three can decide to rest for ten minutes and Alternatively, the replacement character
make recovery rolls. could be a side NPC who’s already been
involved in the story at least a little bit. This
Recovery Roll Rest Time Needed has the advantage of incorporating a character
First recovery roll One action who’s already established as a part of things.
Second recovery roll Ten minutes It would be entirely fitting to pause the
ongoing story so the deceased character’s
Third recovery roll One hour
friends (presumably, the other PCs) can
Fourth recovery roll Ten hours
mourn. It’s also worth mentioning that unless
the death is somehow covered up, there will
RESTORING THE DAMAGE TRACK be some kind of investigation by the local
If a character’s Pools are all full, a authorities. Unless this investigation is
ten-hour recovery roll can be used an important part of the larger story, it
A GM intrusion, when it to move a character from impaired should be resolved one way or another
seems appropriate (and doesn’t to hale (or from hurt to hale). fairly quickly. One imagines that in
ruin the ongoing story), could
require a longer convalescent A debilitated character matters the PCs are likely involved in,
period (and perhaps a typically needs two full days the authorities are accustomed to unsolved
hospital stay) of, say, a week
or more. This isn’t just a nod of inactivity to move to cases.
toward realism—it’s a way impaired. Treatment The time of mourning and investigation
to narratively underscore the by someone skilled by the authorities are points to remember
severity of an injury. Because the
character gains an XP from the in medicine (like a should NPC allies or others be killed.
intrusion, it’s not a punishment, doctor) can reduce
but rather a reward.
this to just one day. Avatar Transformation: Death can be
Then at least one an illusion, literally. If a player wishes,
more full night’s and certain conditions are met, the
rest is required to dead character could transform into
get to hale. an Avatar of one of the Entities. In
Becoming an Avatar, page 89 fact, to become an Avatar, death is
actually a requirement (although for
some, the death is metaphorical).
to attack anyone within immediate distance. A away—it’s simply considered short distance.
thrown knife (and most other thrown weapons) It does matter if the cultist is more than 50
has short range. A small pocket handgun also feet (16 m) away because that distance would
Because The Magnus Archives has short range. A rifle has long range. require a long move.
RPG is played in your (and A character can move an immediate distance
your friends’) imagination,
determining exact distances can as a part of another action. In other words,
be tedious if not impossible, so they can take a few steps to the light switch TIMEKEEPING
the general categories are used
instead. Don’t overthink them— and flip it on. They can lunge across a small Generally, keep time the same way that
use them conversationally. If room to attack a foe. They can open a door you normally would, using minutes, hours,
something’s in the same room, and step through. days, and weeks. Thus, if the characters walk
it’s probably an immediate
distance away. A short distance A character can move a short distance as overland for 15 miles (24 km), about eight
is how far you can cross in a few their entire action for a turn. They can also try hours pass, even though the journey can
seconds if you’re in a hurry—it’s
close, but far enough away that to move a long distance as their entire action, be described in only a few seconds at the
you have to think about it. Long but the player might have to roll to see if the game table. Precision timekeeping is rarely
and very long are exactly what character slips, trips, or stumbles for moving important. Most of the time, saying things
they sound like.
so far so quickly. like “That takes about an hour” works fine.
GMs and players don’t need to determine This is true even when a special ability has a
exact distances. For example, if the PCs are specific duration. In an encounter, a duration
The Dark, page 171 fighting a group of followers of The Dark, of “one minute” is mostly the same as saying
any character can likely attack any foe in the “the rest of the encounter.” You don’t have
general melee—they’re all within immediate to track each round that ticks by if you don’t
range. However, if one cultist stays back want to. Likewise, an ability that lasts for ten
to fire a gun, a character might have to use minutes can safely be considered the length
their entire action to move the short distance of an in-depth conversation, the time it takes
required to attack that foe. It doesn’t matter if to quickly explore a small area, or the time it
the cultist is 20 feet (6 m) or 40 feet (12 m) takes to rest after a strenuous activity.
haracters advance by increasing their tier, benefits, they advance to the next tier. Each
affecting both their type and their focus, benefit costs 4 XP, and you can purchase them
adding new abilities to each. A character in any order, but you must purchase one of
gains a new tier by using experience points each kind of benefit (and then advance to the
(XP) earned to purchase character benefits. next tier) before you can purchase the same
benefit again. The four character benefits are
as follows.
Every character starts the game at the first tier. Increasing Capabilities: You gain 4 points
Tier is a measurement of power, toughness, to add to your stat Pools. You can allocate the
and ability. Characters can advance up to points among the Pools however you wish.
the sixth tier. As your character advances to
higher tiers, you gain more abilities, increase Moving Toward Perfection: You add 1 to
your Effort, and can improve a stat’s Edge or your Might Edge, your Speed Edge, or your
increase a stat. Generally speaking, even Intellect Edge (your choice).
first-tier characters are already quite capable.
It’s safe to assume that they’ve already got Extra Effort: Your Effort score increases by 1.
some experience under their belt. This is not
a “zero to hero” progression, but rather an Skills: You become trained in one skill of
instance of competent people refining and your choice, other than attacks or defense.
honing their capabilities and knowledge. But As described in chapter 2, a character trained
The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game in a skill treats the difficulty of a related task
isn’t really about becoming more powerful. as one step lower than normal (also known
Advancing to higher tiers is a representation of as easing the task). The skill you choose for
how characters progress in a story. this benefit can be anything you wish, but it
To progress to the next tier, characters often fits the story best if it’s something you’ve
earn experience points by pursuing character been practicing in the previous sessions, or
arcs, going on investigations, and discovering something you believe you’ll need to improve
more about the paranormal—the system is for the future. If you choose a skill that you
about discovery, as well as achieving personal are already trained in, you become specialized
goals. Experience points have many uses, in that skill, easing related tasks by two steps
and one use is to purchase character benefits. instead of one.
After your character purchases four character
Other Options: Players can also spend 4 XP part in the larger investigation that the whole
to purchase other special options. Selecting group participates in while also progressing in
one of these options counts as purchasing one their own personal arc.
of the four stages necessary to advance to the Character arcs have different steps that
next tier. The other three need to be from the mark the character’s progress through the arc.
other categories. The special options are as Each arc eventually reaches a climax, and then
follows: finishes with a step that is a final resolution.
• Add 2 to your recovery rolls. Each step reached earns the character 2 XP.
• Select another focus ability available Character arcs are the most straightforward
to you at tier 3. (You must be tier 3 or way that a character earns XP.
higher to do this. Characters advancing At character creation, a player can choose
beyond tier 6 can use this option to select one character arc for their PC at no cost.
their other tier 6 focus ability.) Players have the option to not choose one,
• Select another character ability from your but it’s probably a good idea to do so. First
type, such as a tier 2 Protector selecting and foremost, it is a character-defining As a great example of a
Bodyguard or Quick Recovery. factor. If they begin the campaign with a character arc, think about Tim
from the podcast, who wants to
desire to find the mysterious woman who find out what happened to his
killed their brother, that says a lot about the brother and get revenge on those
EXPERIENCE POINTS character: they had a brother, he was likely
As previously mentioned, experience points close to them, he had been in at least one
are the currency by which players gain benefits dangerous situation, and the character is
for their characters. The most common ways probably motivated by anger and hate, at least
to earn XP are through GM intrusions and by somewhat. Even after the character finishes GM Intrusions, page 120
accomplishing things the PCs set out to do. this first arc, they’ll undoubtedly have (at least
In a typical session, a player might earn 2 to 4 one) more because they can gain new arcs as
XP. The exact amounts depend on the events the campaign progresses.
of the session. Once play begins, players can take on a new
Aside from GM intrusions, there are other arc whenever they wish, as fits the character’s
ways for characters to earn XP: character arcs ongoing story. Taking a new arc has a cost of
and GM awards. 1 XP. This initial cost reflects the character’s
devotion to the goal. They will earn this
CHARACTER ARCS investment back (probably many times over) if
Character arcs are the means by which players the arc is completed.
can invest themselves more in great stories and While there’s no hard limit on how
character depth and development. many arcs a character can have at one time,
Just like in The Magnus Archives podcast, realistically most PCs couldn’t reasonably have
characters progress through their own personal more than three or four.
stories and change over time. A PC with a Character arcs are always player-driven.
character arc decides for themselves what they A GM cannot force one on a character.
do and why. Character arcs are like stated That said, the events in the narrative often
goals for a character, and by progressing present story arc opportunities and inspire
toward that goal, the character advances. The character arcs for the PCs. It’s certainly in
key word there is progressing. A PC doesn’t the GM’s purview to suggest possible arcs
have to succeed at achieving the goal to earn related to the events going on. For example,
advancement—it’s not an all-or-nothing if the GM presents an encounter in which an
prospect. Each arc is keyed to a single character, NPC wishes to learn from the PC, it might
but just like in the podcast, characters can take make sense to suggest taking the Instruction
now on, they’re trained in climbing in those
mountains. This helps them now and any time
they return to the area, but they’re not trained
in climbing everywhere.
This method allows a character to get
immediate training in a skill for half the
normal cost. (Normally, it costs 4 XP to
become trained in a skill.) It’s also a way to
gain a new skill even if the PC has already
gained a new skill as a step toward attaining
the next tier.
In rare cases, a GM might allow a character
to spend 2 XP to gain an entirely new
ability—such as a device or a special power—
for a short time, usually no longer than the
course of one scenario. The player and the
GM should agree on a story-based explanation
for the benefit. Perhaps the ability has a
specific rare requirement, such as a tool, a
battery, a drug, or some kind of treatment. For
example, a character wants to resist the heat
generated by a cultist of the Lightless Flame,
and they spend 2 XP to cobble together
some protective garb that protects them from
excessive heat—basically reducing the serious
injury they would suffer from the cultist’s
touch to a mere 1 point of Stress. This protects
them for a considerable length of time, but
not permanently—the garb might work for
only eight hours. Again, the story and the
logic of the situation dictate the parameters.
You’re down but not out. You want to restore You want to strike up a relationship with
your good name. Recover what you’ve lost. a romantic partner. Perhaps you have a
Rebuild what has been destroyed. You’ve fallen specific person in mind, or maybe you’re just
down or have been knocked down, but either interested in a relationship in general.
way, you want to pick yourself up. This is a Opening(s): Caught someone’s eye. You
If the object of your romantic possible follow-up to the Fall From Grace meet someone you are interested in. (Since
interest is another PC, make arc, or perhaps you can take this arc if your this can be short-lived, it’s possible to have this
sure you get consent from the
other player before taking the institute is infiltrated or completely destroyed. opening occur more than once.)
Romance arc. Opening: Vow to yourself. You are Step(s): Courtship. You begin seeing the
determined to rebuild, recover, and restore. person regularly. Although not every “date” is
Step(s): Work. You rebuild, recover, and a step in the arc, significant moments are, and
restore. If all your money was stolen, you there may be a few of them.
make more. If your house was destroyed, you Climax: Commitment. You may or may not
rebuild it. If your reputation was tarnished, be interested in a monogamous relationship.
you perform deeds that restore your good Regardless, you and your love have made some
name. kind of commitment to each other.
Climax: The final act. You undertake one Resolution: You think about the future.
last major task that will bring things back to Marriage? Children? These are only some of
where they were (or close to it). A lot is riding the possibilities.
on this moment.
Resolution: You enjoy a return to things SOLVE A MYSTERY
the way they were before. Different from the Learn arc and the Uncover
a Secret arc, this arc is about solving a crime or
REVENGE a similar action committed in the fairly recent
Someone did something that harmed you. past. It’s not about practice or study, but about
Unlike the Avenge arc, this arc probably isn’t questions and answers. In theory, the mystery
about tracking down a murderer, but it might doesn’t have to be a crime. It might be “Why
Solve a Mystery is very likely involve pursuing someone who stole from is this strange caustic substance leaking into
the most common arc chosen you, hurt you, or otherwise brought you grief. my basement?” or “Why does it seem like
by characters in The Magnus
Archives RPG, and that’s okay. The key is that it’s personal. Otherwise, use more and more people I meet have no inner
the Justice arc. For instance, maybe an artefact life at all, no actual subjective experience?”
dealer named Mikaele Salesa sold you what Opening: Pledging to solve the mystery.
turned out to be a horribly cursed object that Step: Research. You get some background.
led to the deaths of people you know. Step(s): Investigation. You ask questions.
Opening: Vow. You swear revenge. You look for clues. You cast divinations. This
Step(s): Finding a clue. You find a clue to likely encompasses many such steps.
tracking down the culprit. Climax: Discovery. You come upon what
Climax: Confrontation. You confront the you believe to be the solution to the mystery.
culprit. Resolution: In this step, which is far more
Resolution: You deal with the aftermath active than most resolutions, you confront
of the confrontation and move on. You think the people involved in the mystery with what
about whether you are satisfied by gaining you’ve discovered, or you use the information
your revenge. in some way (such as taking it to the proper
Someone did something horrible, and its
TRANSFORMATION ramifications are still felt, even if it happened
You want to be different in a specific way. long ago. You seek to undo the damage, or at
Because the Growth arc covers internal least stop it from continuing.
change, this one focuses primarily on external This is different from the Justice arc because
change. This could take many forms, from this isn’t about justice (or even revenge). It’s
wanting to be more physically fit to becoming about literally undoing something bad that
an Avatar. For the change to be an arc, it happened in the past, such as rebuilding a
should be difficult and perhaps risky. family’s home that burned down (as opposed
Opening: Deciding on the transformation. to merely taking them in), cleaning out a
Step: Research. You look into how the basement filled with cockroaches spread by an
change can be made and what it entails. Avatar of The Corruption, or restoring a
Step(s): Investigation. This is an active long-missing artefact stolen from a museum.
step toward making the change. It might Opening: Vowing to put right what once
involve getting more information, materials or went wrong.
ingredients, or something else. Step: Make a plan. You learn all you can
Climax: Change. You make the change, about the situation and then make a plan to
with some risk of failure or disaster. put things right.
Resolution: You contemplate how this Step(s): Progress. This is an active step
change affects you going forward. toward undoing the wrong. It might involve
finding something, defeating someone,
UNCOVER A SECRET destroying something, building something,
There is knowledge out there that you want. or almost anything else, depending on the
It could be an attempt to find and learn a circumstances.
specific special ability. This could also be a Climax: Change. You face the challenge of the
search for a lost key to an important safe former wrong, and either overcome it or fail.
deposit box that holds clues regarding The Resolution: You reflect on what you’ve
Hunt’s next ritual, the true leader of a secret accomplished and think about the future.
f you’ve played a tabletop roleplaying game
How far back should it go? before, you can of course play The Magnus
To the beginning of me?
Archives RPG in the way that you’re
Centuries? Millennia? How do
accustomed. That is to say, the GM gives the
you define the start of your
players a hook into the adventure so they can
being when in some ways you
have always been? Time is become a part of the action (and, in the case
difficult to form. Michael of The Magnus Archives, the horror).
Shelley, though, he is easier However, The Magnus Archives podcast
to keep track of. He was suggests a new opportunity as well. Just as
born. He was pointless. And he nearly every episode begins with the recording
should have died. But before of a written statement in which someone
that could happen, he went to relates the details of a potentially paranormal
work for the Magnus Institute— experience they had, your own stories in the
that ivory tower, keeping its game can begin with a statement as well.
prisoners ignorant in pursuit Again, this could be handled in the way
of . . . knowledge. (Laughs)
of a conventional tabletop RPG, where the
A dungeon full of idiot
GM summarizes or reads aloud the text of a
watchers. And Michael Shelley
statement that begins the investigation for the
was no exception.
—MAG 101: “Another Twist” PCs. The GM could even use the statement
of an episode of the podcast or write up a
statement and hand it out to the players, or
il -
Witness Stat
perhaps go so far as to record the statement on
Magnus Institu
Statement Date:
Witness Name
Incident Locat
Incident Date:
their phone or other device.
Other Witnesses: Statement
But, as integral as the statements are to the
podcast, perhaps some people would find it
appropriate to have the group work together
to create the statement. This is, after all, an
exercise in group storytelling.
ed if needed.)
pages provid
(Use additional
FOR INSTITU Investigator
ber: Investigator
Statement Num Date:
Date Recorded:
Related Files:
Witnesses Cont
Incident Upda TM and © 2024
Rusty Quill Ltd.
a thud. I tried to get up, still with snapping To finish our example, the group might end
and crunching sounds coming from inside with this: “I went straight for my apartment,
me. I was unable to fully straighten my back. locked the door, and passed out on the floor.
The pain was bad, but my terror was worse. I I woke up hours later. I felt better, and I
scrambled to my feet and tore out of there.” could even straighten my back. But I just
If you want, you can throw in another “I wasn’t feeling . . . right. Not pain, exactly. I
swear to you this truly happened. You have to just wasn’t comfortable in my own body. And
believe me.” my back was making weird crunching noises
whenever I moved. I went to an urgent care
FINAL GM NOTES place nearby—not that Mudder & Company
The GM now has one last chance to insert has much health care coverage, but it’s all I
things that can come back to be part of the had. Anyway, they sent me to the ER to get
investigation that the PCs will undertake. This X-rays, and the doctors there said one of my
is a great time to presage little tidbits or set up scapula was wildly out of place, and much
details that will become important later. It’s smaller than it should be. They said that
also a good time to insert information that will some of my vertebrae were missing, and were
make the investigation work. For example, if surprised that I could stand or move at all. Throughout this process, the
the statement has the main location burning But mostly, they said that I must have been players can take notes of the
details. If desired, once the
to the ground at the end, the GM can say, born with these abnormalities. When I assured statement is complete, you could
“But when they look back, the building still them I hadn’t, they asked if I’d been in a have the statement author record
it, just like it was from the
stands, as if there had never been a fire.” serious car accident when I was a child. I told podcast. (It might not be as long
For our ongoing sample statement, the GM them no, but I don’t know if they believed any or as eloquent, but that’s fine.)
might add: “As Neal runs out of the clinic, Dr. of this. They certainly didn’t seem to believe
Tomlinson cries, ‘Come back, Mr. Philips, I’m that a chiropractor could have done this to me.
not finished!’ She sounds horribly disappointed, “I went to the police, but they didn’t believe
like an artist unable to finish her art.” me either. They said a bad chiropractor
Or perhaps: “As Neal flees, he catches a appointment wasn’t a crime. I went to a
brief glimpse of a hulking figure he hadn’t seen lawyer, but she said that based on what the ER
before coming out of a room behind the office.” doctors said, I didn’t have a case.”
The denouement needs to end with the
DENOUEMENT statement author coming to the Institute to give
The denouement is how everything wraps their statement or a witness giving it on their
up and how the statement author gets to the behalf. It should explain why they didn’t go to
point where they’re making the statement. At more traditional authorities or, if they did, why
this stage of the process, everyone at the table that didn’t amount to much, if anything.
can contribute if they wish to. This is the last Don’t worry if you don’t have the real-world
chance to alter the statement and set up the knowledge to determine how the police would
investigation to come, so if there are needed react or how things might realistically turn out at
facts or ideas too amazing to leave out, the the end of the scary story. As long as everyone in
players should propose them. The group as a the group is on board, it’s fine. And if someone
whole must agree to incorporate them, but has difficulty suspending their disbelief, it’s their
it behooves everyone to be open to all ideas responsibility to suggest changes or tweaks to the
and discard only those that truly don’t fit or final story so that it all works in their mind. That
that contradict what’s already established. This is, in fact, one of the great things about having
isn’t the time to say, “Oh, maybe instead of a everyone contribute—not only is everyone
tax preparer, Neal is an astronaut on a space invested, but everyone should find the story both
station…” believable and compelling.
You can use this short summary of each step as
you make your way through the process.
Statement Begins: We get the name and The pu
rpose o
a basic suggestion of the statement author’s
the sta f
personality, occupation, or both. This comes tement
from the first player, also called the statement set the is to
stage f
the inv or
The Setup: The statement author is brought
the PC on
into the circumstances of the statement. This
underta s will
ke. It
comes from the second player.
Fleshing Things Out: We learn more questio raises
ns—it d
details about the situation from the third
answer oesn’t
The GM Interjects: The GM makes
necessary adjustments or additions that the
group will use as the statement continues.
The Statement Author Reacts: The first
player provides some actions that the author
takes and what they are thinking and feeling
about the situation. FROM STATEMENT TO ADVENTURE
The Twist: The awful idea emerges, making Although this is discussed further in chapter
it clear to the statement author that the 14, let’s look at what the GM will do after this
situation involves the paranormal and things specific example statement is created.
are Bad with a capital B. This comes from a
fourth player (or perhaps from the second or NPCs
third player). As the PCs follow up on this statement,
The Statement Author Gets Out: The they will almost certainly first meet with
first player describes how the author of the the statement author, Neal Philips. They’ll
statement gets away or otherwise survives the want to find out how he’s doing, check the
horror—at least long enough to make the veracity of the details of the statement, and
statement. learn what (if anything) has happened since.
Final GM Notes: The GM adds in any last They’ll also want to talk to Maria Tomlinson,
details to set up the investigation. inquire about her practice, and ascertain
Denouement: The whole group works for themselves if she’s really some sort of
together to describe what happens between supernatural experimental “doctor” who preys
the horror of the twist and how the character on unwilling subjects.
got to the Magnus Institute to give their This means the GM needs to have these
statement, including what they did before NPCs at the ready:
going to the Institute, if anything.
Post-Statement: The GM provides any Neal Philips: This is easy, as he’s just a normal
information the Institute has about the tax preparer, and all the pertinent details are
situation other than the statement. This already laid out by the statement. The GM
probably shouldn’t be much, because most could add a twist and give Neal a surprise
of the information will come as the PCs connection to something supernatural or
investigate. shady. Overall, though, it’s not a good idea
to make the whole statement a lie. Or there
could be some strange aftereffects from animals in the waiting room that come to life
the modifications in his body—perhaps he and attack at Maria’s command that are of the
continues to change, or maybe he’s not even most interest. And perhaps kept in the back
in full control anymore. But most likely, he’s is a twisted monstrosity she created that’s too
just a guy who was in the wrong place at the horrific to display.
wrong time and now is lucky to be alive. The PCs might visit during office hours to
speak with Maria, or they might try to sneak
Maria Tomlinson: Most likely the main in after hours to see what they can learn. Or
antagonist in this situation, Maria has some they might do both.
kind of paranormal abilities over flesh. Maybe Again, the taxidermized creatures can easily
she’s got cursed gloves or a dangerous book, just be given a level, probably level 2 or 3.
or maybe she’s an Avatar of The Flesh and her Their threat comes from their numbers—the
powers are innate. She’s also sneaky, devious, GM notes that there are six of them—and the
and more than likely violent. shock of first seeing them animate (probably
2 points of Stress). The GM decides there
Fortunately, creating NPCs is quick and is a humanoid monstrosity in the back and
easy. The GM decides to go with these stats: determines it’s level 5 and inflicts serious
• Neal is a level 2 NPC, with the changes injuries. A pretty big threat to beginning
in his body hindering all his physical players.
• Maria is level 4, but level 5 for stealth. SURPRISES
She can rearrange and modify people’s Aside from the fact that the taxidermized
bones with her touch, which can mean animals come to life, the GM wants more
a serious injury or an attack that gives 2 surprises. Surprises, in this sense, are
points of Stress and hinders all physical things that weren’t in the statement but are
actions until the victim gets professional uncovered by the PCs in their investigation.
medical help. The GM decides that Maria’s office has clues
in the form of a few letters that suggest she is
LOCATIONS a part of a larger cult-like group of medical
The GM should be ready to describe at least professionals that revere something called
two locations: The Flesh and are preparing for a ritual called
the Last Feast. Details include the name of
Neal’s Apartment: Probably just a normal a dentist in the same city that watches over
place. No real preparation needed. The GM something called The Shrine of Teeth. The
can briefly describe an apartment they’ve seen GM can come up with the details of that
in real life or a movie. horror later, if the PCs decide to look into that
in a later session.
The Tomlinson Chiropractic Clinic: Lastly, the GM thinks about possible
The GM can describe a typical office with outcomes of the PCs’ actions. For example,
a waiting room, a couple of rooms for at some point they might call the police. If
adjustments, Maria’s office, and a back room. they do, Maria or the cult do a frustratingly
A thirty-second internet search turns up a few thorough job of covering up the whole thing,
chiropractic office floor plans that would work sneaking away with or destroying any evidence
just fine. Either way, it’s the taxidermized that could be found.
he Entities, also called the Fears, the
“Imagine you are an ant, and Powers, the Dread Powers, and the
you have never before seen a Things That We Fear, exist in our
human. Then one day, into your universe, spreading terror and thriving on
colony, a huge fingernail is
emotional distress.
thrust, scraping and digging.
These abstract beings of cosmic horror are
You flee to another entrance,
believed to be responsible for supernatural
only to be confronted by a
staring eye gazing at you. You
phenomena and use these to evoke fear from
climb to the top, trying to victims and thereby sustain themselves. These
find escape, and above, you Entities do not simply feed off fear but are
can see the vast, dark shadow human and animal fears made manifest. The
of a boot falling upon you. more fearful something is, the greater the
Would that ant be able to associated Entity’s power.
construct these things into It is worth briefly delving deeper into their
the form of a single human nature to encourage understanding. Although
being? Or would it believe some deluded individuals worship the Entities
itself to be under attack as gods, they are not gods. With the exception
by three different, equally
of The Web and The End, they are, in fact,
terrible, but very distinct
relatively mindless. More like forces of nature
than deities. They are not powerful beings
—Jurgen Leitner,
MAG 80: “The Librarian”
who delight in fear—they are fear.
The Entities do not have physical forms,
nor do they exist in time as we understand
it. Rather than thinking of them in some
far-removed realm of their own, it’s probably
more accurate to say that they’re right here,
with you and me. If one were to ask “Where?”
the proper response would be to ask “Where
is fear?” Or for that matter “Where is anger?
Or love?” Concepts don’t have bodies or
locations. You can’t speak with them, and they
don’t speak to you.
Utilizing changing identities, false identities,
and the familiar made unfamiliar, The Stranger
THE SPIRAL combines these with the uncanny valley and
If you can’t trust your own senses, or if you inhuman things meant to appear human to The Spiral is connected
feel as though your mind is playing tricks on instill fear. The Stranger’s strengths involve the to anything that fools
you, you’re in the clutches of The Spiral. The terror that comes from deception and betrayal the senses, such as optical
Spiral maintains an antagonistic relationship as well as misunderstanding. It’s that nagging illusions, mind-bending
trickery, and stage magic.
with The Corruption and The Stranger, and feeling that something’s just not right.
it has a complicated, uneasy (love/hate?) The Desolation (and in particular the Cult
relationship with The Eye. of the Lightless Flame) is allied with The
Aliases: Es Mentiras (It Is Lies), The Stranger. Despite a close thematic connection The Stranger’s activities
sometimes involve circuses,
Twisting Deceit, It Is Not What It Is. with The Spiral—or perhaps because of it— funhouse mirrors, and
Fears: Madness, the world is wrong, The Stranger opposes it as well as The Eye. mysterious and confusing music.
delusion, deception, insanity. Aliases: I Do Not Know You, Faceless One.
Manifestations: Spirals, patterns, fractals, Fears: Strangers, the unknown, the uncanny,
hallucinations, illusions. the unfamiliar, uncanny valley, suspicion.
Artefacts: Camera of occultation, fractal Manifestations: “Uncanny” creatures,
pot, patterned rug, The Travels, Whispers in mannequins, wax figures, masks, taxidermy,
White Matter. theaters, performance.
Avatars (from podcast): Gabriel, The Artefacts: Calliope, gorilla skin.
Distortion (Michael and Helen), The Man Avatars (from podcast): The Anglerfish,
Who Wasn’t There. Breekon & Hope, Daniel Rawlings, Gregor
Monsters and NPCs: Deceitful arc, The Orsinov, Nikola Orsinov, NotThem, Sarah
Distortion, The Man Who Wasn’t There, Baldwin, Wolfgang von Kempelen, anatomy
possessed cannibal. students.
Ritual: The Great Twisting centers on Monsters and NPCs: The Anglerfish, clown
The Distortion, and it must be performed doll, The Deliverymen, The Ringmaster, skin The Distortion, page 216
in a location that does not actually exist. An shell, uncanny mannequin.
uncharted island or an island on a map that Ritual: The Unknowing is a ritual involving
isn’t truly there might qualify, as would the a chaotic dance of false people, such as NotThem, page 230
so-called “trap streets” that exist on maps only NotThem, perfect strangers, and skin shells. Perfect stranger, page 231
to catch plagiarists. The ritual needs a huge The whole thing is to be performed in an old Skin shell, page 238
altar and a thousand human sacrifices so The theater, and someone must be wearing the
Distortion can create “the door that would gorilla skin. The dance and the music involved
open to all the places that were never there.” completely twist the senses of anyone nearby.
t the very end of the final episode of The
“We kill him, and release the Magnus Archives podcast, the Entities
Fears into . . . how many other escape the universe of the show and
realities?” slip into other universes (maybe all of them?),
“She said thousands, but thanks to the manipulations of The Web.
I don’t think she actually If you plan to start your own campaign
knows.” based on The Magnus Archives and you want to
“John?” use the Fears (and why wouldn’t you? They’re
“Not something I can see, awful!), then by definition you’re not playing a
I’m afraid.” game set in precisely the same universe as the
“But is it all other show. Because the Fears have already spread
realities or just some of from that world. The universe you set your
them?” game in can be basically identical to it if you
“Does it matter?” wish, but the Entities’ escape also enables you
—MAG 199: to make the setting your own. You can use the
“Seeing It Through” familiar themes, horrors, and characters, but
change any of them that you want. Just think
about the various science fiction stories that
feature a parallel Earth, and you’ll begin to see
the possibilities.
Your own bespoke setting can be exactly what
you want it to be. Set primarily in London, like
the podcast? Great. Set in Chicago, Toronto,
Singapore, or Helsinki? Also great. Jonathan
Sims is the archivist? Easily done. Someone
else—even a PC? Also easy.
This chapter presents some thoughts, advice,
and guidelines for creating your own Magnus
Archives campaign.
for an organization
This could be an attack on the staff, an
statements of those
seeping mystical curse, or something even
more horrific or insidious.
who have encountered
the supernatural, then
investigates the claims.
THE ENTITIES AND THEIR In your setting, the Institute might be more
FOLLOWERS or less aware of all the Entities than they are
Stories in The Magnus Archives RPG hinge in the podcast. Perhaps your PCs don’t have
on the Entities. They fuel the paranormal access to Smirke’s list and aren’t aware that The Entities, page 166
happenings and give motivation to the they number fourteen, or that they’re based on
monsters and villains. From that point of different fears.
view, it’s a strength rather than a weakness that While The Desolation and The Dark have
there are fourteen of them. When creating extensive cults in the podcast (and such
your own setting, you can alter them in a NPCs are presented in chapter 12), in your
myriad of ways. campaign, perhaps it is the Cult of the Lidless
You don’t need to use all the Fears. Or if Tomb and they revere The Buried. Perhaps
you want to add one of your own, you can do The Corruption has a cult called the Order
that too. These modifications are particularly of Filth with secret hidden enclaves in sewers,
appropriate if you want to tailor the stories to landfills, and other disgusting places. Or The
the players. A serious arachnophobe might not Corruption’s cult is the Path of the Plague,
want The Web to be in the mix. Maybe in the and they secretly run the CDC and try to
GM’s head, it’s difficult to differentiate The Flesh spread disease while pretending to prevent it.
and The Slaughter, so they combine the two into The overall idea is that any of the Fears can
a single Entity. Someone interested in a fear of be more or less prominent in your setting
crowds and public perception and ridicule might than they are in the podcast. You can imagine
be thrilled to have a new Entity focused solely on a religion or society devoted to any of them,
that. Maybe call them The Other. with their own outlook and tenets.
an architect responsible for many locations are incomplete, altered, and useless. Similarly,
that had supernatural events in and around most of the occult books the PCs can find in a
them. Don’t hesitate to use this in your own regular bookstore or library are just nonsense.
campaign. Whether it’s Smirke or some other But you can do as you wish, though the
architect, someone designing buildings for question will come up in the game.
occult purposes (perhaps hidden from normal
people’s awareness) is an intriguing trail to ARTEFACTS
investigate. Encouraging the PCs to find Like books, artefacts are interesting, tangible
original blueprints of old buildings involved in aspects of the Entities’ power. You’ll find many in For more insight on the vital
their investigations is a great way to plant clues, chapter 13, ready for use or inspiration. It’s easy aspects of the setting and the
stories, see Magnus Archives
particularly clues from the past. Designing to create your own. Just think of them less like Horror in chapter 14, page 345.
and erecting a building with a paranormal magic items in other games and more like cursed
goal in mind is an example of playing the long objects. They might have some use, but they’re
game, but the realization that the servants of dangerous. The threat is all part of the fun.
the Entities are that deliberate and organized The point of artefacts in your campaign is
can be a chilling moment in your story. to provide a way to transfer the supernatural
horror from place to place. You can fight a
BOOKS monster. But how do you fight an object? An You probably shouldn’t make
Occult books are important to horror settings artefact can, in effect, turn a normal person so many changes to the setting
and its elements—particularly
in the Magnus Archives style. You can use the into a monster. Dealing with an artefact the Entities—that it is
same books from the podcast stories (they’re and how it is used (or not), stored, hidden, unrecognizable as a Magnus
Archives game. Particularly for
all in chapter 13), or you can use those as or maybe even destroyed is an interesting players who have listened to the
inspiration to create your own. challenge the PCs may have to contend with podcast, having a few familiar
The point is that they can be sources of real more than once. elements helps connect it all
together and gives them the
power—and danger—as well as information satisfaction of being part of a
about the Entities. Remember that it’s likely setting they enjoy.
that all supernatural phenomena in your game Long things that wore you like
come from the Entities. Likewise, you won’t a suit, smiling things that
find useful information about the Entities just stripped you from your bones,
unseen things that watched and
anywhere. Lore is its own kind of treasure in
watched and watched and never
this game.
left you. And with each new
One thing to consider: There are
creation, each new servant,
hundreds—probably thousands—of occult the Fears reached further and
books in the real world, including The Book of fed the things that made them.
Lies by Aleister Crowley, the Book of Shadows, And with this newfound power
The Key of Solomon, and many more. You’ll came greed. The hunger for
have to decide if any or all of these are as more, the unformed, unfocused,
powerful and important as books such as but impossibly huge desire to
The Boneturner’s Tale or the Catalogue of the exist. To join the minds that
Trapped Dead. Or if the real-world books gave them shape and purpose,
contain any truth or power at all. You can and finally drink their fill
buy The Key of Solomon on, ’til they were one and the
same. They had no concept of
but if you do, will you get a magical book
how, or when, or even why, but
delivered to you by mail? The best answer is
they needed it. They needed
probably no, because while there is a magical
book by that name, there’s only one copy (or —MAG 200: “Last Words”
a few) and the popularized editions of today
THE WORLD OF THE MAGNUS came along, but they were all chosen and
ARCHIVES PODCAST manipulated by Jonah. The current head
Here is an extremely brief overview of the archivist, Jonathan Sims (as well as his
world of The Magnus Archives. Since the world predecessor, Gertrude Robinson—while she
is utterly changed in season 5, we’ll look at was alive), discovers the truth behind the
that separately. existence of the fourteen Entities as defined by
a man named Robert Smirke. As such, they
SEASONS 1 TO 4 use their ever-growing wealth of information
The Entities and those who serve them to combat the plans and schemes of those
operate in the shadows. Creatures and Avatars who serve the Fears when they can, such as
spawned by the Entities lie at the heart of physically intervening to stop various rituals.
most beliefs and stories of the paranormal. But for the most part, they can only catalog the
Some police forces, faced with supernatural activities of the Entities, often after the fact.
cases now and again, create special The head archivist also begins to suspect
classifications like Section 31 or even set up that their own archive serves The Eye and
dedicated units to deal with them. For the exists to one day see the Watcher’s Crown
most part, however, the world is exactly as it successfully bring The Beholding to the world
appears from most people’s point of view. (with Jonah Magnus himself as The Ceaseless
At the center of the strangeness is the Watcher and master of it all). Eventually,
Magnus Institute, founded long ago by Jonah Jonah realizes that to succeed, a ritual must
Magnus, who was (secretly) an Avatar of The draw in all the Entities. Jonathan, marked by
Eye. Jonah uses various schemes, identities, all the Entities due to his actions, becomes the
and subterfuge to control the archives even linchpin of the ritual, which succeeds.
after his supposed death. New head archivists
The Eye (manipulated by The Web) has WHAT IF YOU HAVEN’T LISTENED
“won.” The world has become a nightmare TO THE PODCAST?
landscape, referred to as the Change or the First and foremost, you should, because it’s
Age of The Beholding. Time and space no excellent.
longer retain their conventional meanings, However, if no one in the game has
and the whole of the sky is transformed into listened to the podcast, you can still play
a huge eye, a manifestation of The Eye itself The Magnus Archives RPG. This book
and its Pupil (Jonah Magnus) watching over offers a basic overview of the kind of stories,
everything. creatures, people, and situations you’ll find
Below the eye, each of the Fears manifests in the podcast. And honestly, that’s all you
their own domain or domains, overseen by need. You don’t have to be an expert on all
the Avatars they had gathered before. Within the lore and events from the podcast to be
the domains, the laws of reality twist to best the GM or a player. The podcast is more
cultivate the terrible nature of the individual an inspiration for you to create your own
Entities (although there are, occasionally, setting and stories than it is a sacred text Setting a game in the world of
combinations and mixtures of two Entities that cannot be deviated from. season 5 would be, essentially,
playing an entirely different
within a single domain). The entirety of But really, just listen to the first couple of game. Rather than investigators,
humanity—with only a few exceptions—is episodes, and have the friends you want to the PCs would be survivors,
play with listen as well. You’ll get a great feel struggling against the forces of
little more than chattel to be constantly terror. This would be
tormented for their fears. Never aging or for it, and you’ll very likely want to listen to survival/action horror very
dying, each person exists eternally to provide more. different from the creepy, slowly
building horror in the rest of the
terror. It is, almost literally, hell on earth. podcast. That could be a fun—
Jonathan and his companion, Martin, albeit disturbing—game, but it
might also be a rather depressing
are able to find a few associates (and one or and hopeless one unless the PCs
two enemies) immune to the effects of the truly have a chance to save the
Change. They also find a few places, including world. And, of course, “saving
the world” is likewise normally
a pocket dimension called Upton House out of the scope of a typical
and the tunnels beneath the old Magnus Magnus Archives campaign.
Institute, where the effects of the Change (and
the vision of The Eye) are hedged out. With
their allies, they work together to restore the
world, but the secret truth is that The Web
was behind it all. To restore the world, they
loose the Entities into the greater multiverse
(via the recordings made by Jonathan—the
podcast itself ), but that was The Web’s desire
all along, so that the Entities would have
limitless populations to exploit and cultivate
for their fear.
So, in the end, within the world of The
Magnus Archives podcast, the Entities are
presumably gone. But they exist elsewhere.
They exist in your campaign world.
humanity come to an end, just the • The Chosen of Flame is an old man who
unprofitable bits. was always reluctant to carry out his
• The Lonely has manipulated the world “destiny,” but now in his twilight years,
via a global pandemic. People are he’s going to give it a try.
isolated, and this isolation keeps most • The Deliverymen use a stolen truck with
of the Fears from making gains. Instead, the logo of an extremely successful online
new manifestations of madness and retailer, posing as employees of that
transformation shape the humans in company.
isolation, turning them into hunters that • The Artefact Dealer is actually two
crave The Flesh, The Slaughter, and more, people, a man and woman who might be
although each remains tainted with The siblings, but no one knows for sure. Their
Lonely. Cases involve these new hunters operation also smuggles drugs and other
preying on the isolated victims of The contraband, but only as a cover and to
Lonely, but information is difficult to pay the bills in between artefact deals.
obtain due to everyone’s seclusion and
fear of contact. Meanwhile, the Avatars of USING OTHER MATERIAL
The Lonely grow very close to performing While The Magnus Archives podcast has its
the Silence, their ritual, successfully. own “brand” of horror, it incorporates some
• No one knows The Web exists—not even of the familiar aspects of horror in general, by
the forces behind the other Fears. Long giving them a fresh take and tying them into
ago, the followers of The Web successfully its overall cosmology. For example, there are
completed their ritual, and their Entity vampires, but they don’t follow the traditional
has completely entwined its strands rules we see in other vampire stories. This
throughout reality. The other Entities works so well, in fact, that it can be done with
attempt to manifest through their own other horror tropes as well. Anything that
rituals but always fail because The Web has brings fear—virtually any type of horror story,
already won. The archivists discover this— creature, or idea—can be made to fit into a
as only those aided by The Eye could—and Magnus Archives RPG campaign.
seek a way to unravel The Web, which is This is a great thing for GMs. In addition
the source of all the distrust and paranoia to using elements from the podcast and new
so pervasive in the world. things you create, you can take almost anything
you want from other horror tales or myths and
ALTERNATE CHARACTERS incorporate them into your campaign. Doing
Chapter 12 presents the various Avatars and so may seem to break away from “canon,” but
people as generalized roles. It doesn’t give it still retains the mood, feel, and fear-based
stats for Jurgen Leitner; it gives stats for The themes of The Magnus Archives.
Book Collector. This is so you can make those Consider, as examples, Bloody Mary, the
characters your own whenever you wish. In Hat Man, and the Mothman.
fact, it’s to encourage you to do so. Here are a
handful of ideas. BLOODY MARY
• The Book Collector is a young woman Bloody Mary exists as a legend turned
who inherited the collection from her urban myth and has found her way into
mother (whom she murdered). She’s far many cultures as a ghostly figure that can be
more interested in the books’ monetary conjured while looking into a mirror in the
value than their occult power or dark. While there are many different versions
knowledge, but she knows to treat them of the myth, the differences come in the
carefully nonetheless. form of how she can be summoned and what
she does once she appears. Some say that a desire for their flesh—for she has none of
one must walk up the stairs backward while her own—Mary can emerge from the mirror
looking into the mirror to summon her, and and attack her summoner or someone else
she will show you a glimpse of the future if reflected in the mirror. She attempts to enter
you do. Others say that the room can only the person’s body and, if successful, creates of
be lit by candles and that she’s looking for them a sort of flesh puppet that she controls,
vengeance upon those who killed her. albeit somewhat awkwardly.
The truth is much more straightforward. Under her control, the victim acts
Mary—her last name now lost—was an early erratically, always with a maniacal grin. She
Avatar of The Flesh. So obsessed was she with speaks, she dances, she gets her hands on
her body that she performed all manner of the largest available knife and goes to work
acts of invasive mutilation, carving away her on whomever is near. And if no one is near,
own flesh to the point that nothing remained the puppet carves away at her own flesh
other than her spirit. But she hungered for until it dies, and Mary returns to her odd
more. She struggled to remain in the physical half-existence in the reflections of others. If
world, and through sheer force of will, she someone manages to keep her victim from
managed to find a way. Of a sort. killing themself before the sun rises, Mary is
Now Mary can only exist within the forced to flee the body she’s taken and wait for
reflection of a living person. She must be the next summoning.
knowingly summoned by someone looking The Last Feast, the ritual of The Flesh,
into a mirror in the dark, after midnight, and becomes far more potent if Mary participates
calling her name thirteen times. Drawn by in it, in the body of a hapless puppet.
he monstrous beings that feed on
humanity’s dread are manifestations of HOW MONSTER STATS WORK
fear itself: aspects, agents, and Avatars Level: Each monster has a level. The level
The Entities, page 166 of the Entities. Some are partly human, determines three things about the monster,
retaining human wants and needs, even as unless an exception is noted later in the
they host a horrific hunger that grows more monster’s stats. (Many monsters have such
gruesome and terrifying over time, sometimes exceptions.)
Everything true of even to themselves. Other monsters are more The level determines the target number a
monsters regarding stats “elemental” in aspect, like memes given a PC must reach to attack or defend against
is also true of NPCs.
ghastly life all their own. the monster; the base target number is three
times the level. (For ease of reference, the
target number for each monster is listed in
The other things that stalk parentheses after its level in each entry.)
Some lore has it that only us, from what I know of them, Unless otherwise noted, the level determines
Avatars of The Hunt they have varying wills of the monster’s health, which is the same as the
can kill other Avatars. their own. All in service of
However, evidence seems target number: three times the level.
to suggest otherwise. the thing they’re a part of,
The level also determines how much damage
but not directly controlled
a monster inflicts in combat.
by the mind beneath them.
At least, inasmuch as these
Entities have something we Stress: This graphic
could recognise as a mind. indicates the amount of
—MAG 80: “The Librarian” Stress a PC takes when
they first realize the
monster is horrific, usually
on a failed Intellect defense
roll. The Stress could be dealt immediately
upon seeing the monster, or only after it
reveals its uncanny nature.
Not all monsters have a visage or obvious
behavior that inflicts Stress or related
secondary effects.
Description: Following the name of the monster their Speed tasks are eased; if the monster’s
is a general description of its appearance, nature, movement is long or greater, the PCs’ Speed
intelligence, or background. tasks are hindered.
Level Monster Level Monster Level Monster
1 Silver worm 4 Watcher’s husk 6 The Flesh Hive
3 Bewebbed puppet 5 Dabbler 6 The Friendless
3 Buried thing 5 Deceitful arc 6 The Hunter
3 Clown doll 5 Lonesome crowd 6 The Jigsaw Lady
3 Cultist, Divine Host 5 The Artefact Dealer 6 The Man Who Wasn’t There
3 Cultist, Lightless Flame 5 The Book Collector 6 The Ringmaster
3 Greyling 5 The Deliverymen 6 The Sandman
3 Mirror haunt 5 The Plaguebearer 6 The Taker of Light
3 Perfect stranger 5 The Tome Hoarder 7 Death
3 Skin shell 5 The Vampire Hunter 7 The Anglerfish
4 Grinning wheel 6 Disciple of the Endless 7 The Archivist
4 Lightless beast 6 Monster Pig 7 The Weaver
4 Meat with eyes 6 NotThem 8 The Chosen of Flame
4 Possessed cannibal 6 The Abiding Watcher 8 The Piper
4 Uncanny mannequin 6 The Boneturner
4 Vampire 6 The Distortion
Besides monsters and NPCs touched by the Entities, PCs are certain to run into regular people and
a few animals during their adventures. Unlike most monsters in this chapter, normal NPCs and
animals are simple and understandable enough to be encapsulated by just a name and a few stats.
Creature Level Modifications
Cat 1 Speed defense as level 3
Cougar 3 Attacks and Speed defense as level 5
Coyote 3 Attacks and stealth as level 4
Dog 2 Perception as level 3
Dog, guard 3 Attacks and perception as level 4
Horse 3 Moves a long distance each round
Rat 1 —
Shark, great white 5 Swims a long distance each round; health 20
Type Level Modifications
Armed henchman 2 Short-range firearm attack deals serious injury
Mugger 2 Knife deals 3 points of Stress
Police officer 3 Baton or short-range firearm attack deals serious injury
Private investigator 3 Perception, initiative, and detecting lies as level 5
Professional, blue collar 3 Knowledge/skills related to profession as level 4
Professional, white collar 2 Knowledge/skills related to profession as level 4
Security guard 2 Perception as level 3
Store clerk 2 —
Related Entity: The Eye Eye of Knowing: If The Abiding Watcher wants
Health: 21 to know something, he concentrates on the
Damage Inflicted: Serious injury topic. If he attempts to know something about
Movement: Short a character, the character must succeed on an
Modifications: Perception as level 9 Intellect defense roll to keep their secret.
Combat: The Abiding Watcher might pummel a target Open the Eye: The Abiding Watcher can use
with a handy improvised weapon like a hammer or his action to see out of any eyelike object
metal pipe. Otherwise he relies on his supernatural or image, camera, or actual eye anywhere
abilities. in the world not protected against such
Alter Memory: A target The Abiding Watcher supernatural scrutiny. If he attempts to see
can see who fails an Intellect defense roll gains from a character’s eye, a successful Intellect
a short memory or piece of information (or defense roll prevents him.
disinformation). He can use the same ability to Interaction: The Abiding Watcher only reveals
insert recorded visual information or CCTV his true nature to those who’ve already guessed
security camera footage. it. He doesn’t reveal the real reason he observes
Body Hop: After “operating” on a helpless target and sometimes even attacks other Avatars: He
for one hour, The Abiding Watcher’s consciousness plans to enact the Watcher’s Crown, a ritual to
passes into the target if the target fails three Intellect make The Eye ascendent.
defense rolls (made once each round) before Use: The PCs might meet The Abiding Watcher in
succeeding on three. If The Watcher hops into the some other guise, possibly as the leader of their
body, the target’s eyes are replaced with his previous paranormal investigation group.
body’s eyes.
Then he reached into Hector. No cutting, no saws, he just GM intrusion: The character
reached in, and I realised why the room was soundproofed. who struck The Boneturner feels
Because it turned out Hector wasn’t dead. And it was going the flesh retract and draw in the
to be a while before The Boneturner got around to his lungs weapon (or the character’s fist),
or throat. The Boneturner pulled out what appeared to be a like strangely sharpened ribs
handful of ribs. He considered them for a few moments before shifting to grab from within,
he began to twist them like warm putty, making them into holding the weapon or fist until
some sort of braid. He considered his handiwork silently, as the character succeeds on a
Might-based roll as their action
Hector lay screaming on the table, before he shook his head
to get it free.
and walked towards my locker.
—MAG 49: “The Butcher’s Window” The Boneturner’s name in
The Magnus Archives podcast
is Jared Hopworth.
Related Entity: Any, usually three or more at the Utter Disappearance: After he spends one
same time round reading from A Disappearance, The Book A Disappearance, page 273
Health: 15 Collector disappears, becoming invisible and
Damage Inflicted: 3 points of Stress intangible, moving beyond even the reach of
Movement: Short spells and abilities normally able to see, find,
Modifications: Abilities derived from paranormal and/or interact with hidden things of level 8 or
books in his possession as level 8; Speed defense less, until he chooses to reveal himself.
as level 3 Other Abilities: If another book (or fragments
Combat: The Book Collector is not much for thereof ) falls into his hands, The Book Collector
physical confrontation, but the abilities he can could create additional powerful effects related
call on when he has a “Leitner” close at hand are to that book, but only after reading from it for at Leitners, page 267
impressive, assuming he’s not interrupted while least one round.
reading from them. Interaction: If The Book Collector is encountered,
Reshape Architecture: After he spends one it’s because he engineers the meeting. In person,
round reading from The Seven Lamps of he appears as an old man with short grey hair The Seven Lamps of
Architecture, a target The Book Collector can see in a well-tailored business suit. He speaks with Architecture, page 281
inside the same structure is trapped as the walls a very faint Norwegian accent, but his English
shift and close them off. To escape, the target is perfect. He retains a bit of hubris for his
must overcome a level 8 doorless room (or in achievement of creating his library, even though
GM intrusion: Before The
some cases a maze) or wait until someone with he knows it was a mistake. Whatever the reason
Book Collector can help the
the same book or ability lets them out. for his desire to interact, he’s always cognizant of character, an Avatar of an
If he reads from the book for several minutes, The the time; the longer he’s visible, the longer agents enemy Entity appears and strikes
Book Collector could completely redesign a of the Entities have to find him. The Book Collector unconscious.
structure or underground location. Use: The Book Collector is simultaneously powerful
Unseen Control: After he spends one round and fragile if he’s not prepared. He could make
reading from pages salvaged from The Key of an appearance just when the PCs need extra help The Key of Solomon, page 278
Solomon, a target in short range is possessed by bringing loose plot threads together. He might
a level 8 spirit if they fail an Intellect defense keep an eye on the characters, showing up just
roll. The spirit does as The Book Collector in time to save them from an overwhelming
desires for eight days (such as spying on the paranormal threat. Alternatively, perhaps he feels
target, making the target forget certain things, the PCs are stirring up too much trouble, and he
making the target act a certain way under specific begins intervening against them.
circumstances, etc.). Each day, the target can
make another Intellect defense roll to expel the
spirit. Afterward, the spirit is free to leave or to
torment the target however it wishes. A possessed
character takes 1 point of Stress for each day they
were possessed when released from the spirit.
Related Entity: The Desolation Superheat: The Chosen can heat an object within short range as part
Health: 24 of another action. The amount of heat injected into the object varies
Damage Inflicted: Serious injury from scalding to melting. Sometimes The Chosen uses this ability
Movement: Short without conscious volition.
Combat: The Chosen of Flame attacks with a touch that sears. She can also superheat a target in short range who takes damage on a
She is immune to heat and flame and also has the following abilities: failed Might defense roll.
Nova: The Chosen flares like the sun (no more than once each day), Interaction: The Chosen of Flame has only a passing affinity for her
damaging all creatures within short range. Targets who succeed on a own cult despite her status, and may be open to alliances with
Speed defense roll still gain 2 points of Stress. servitors of other Entities to delay other world-ending rituals. But her
Regenerative Candle Flesh: The Chosen’s waxy flesh is as hot as a temper and volatile nature make alliances potentially lethal.
burning candle and just as malleable. Any round she spends molding Use: She might seem intense, but that impression is only a shadow
her wounds back into shape, she regains 10 health. of The Chosen of Flame’s true unbelievable power. PCs who try to
physically face her head on will probably be burned alive.
Without warning, she put her hands either There are no words to describe the pain.
side of my head. I realised it was the My face erupted in boiling agony as I felt
first time our skin had ever touched and I my skin start to crack and peel and the
could feel the intense, hellish heat that heat washed over me, erasing all thoughts
radiated from inside her, but it was too in blistering white. I felt the fat in my
late. She leaned in and kissed me. cheeks liquify and bubble as I tried to
scream, but my lips wouldn’t work.
—MAG 67: “Burning Desire”
There were 23 dolls I counted in total, and only one of them still
GM intrusion: The character had its jaw intact. It was the oldest looking by far, and was a
finds a second doll that looks small clown doll. Its threadbare body was white and purple polka-
somewhat like them. dot, with three pompoms down the front and a ruff just below the
head. It had no woolen hair left, but instead had a tall, pointed
white cap on top. Its face was painted a pure white, and its eyes
were shut, with black lines drawn across them. The only colour was
a splash of red across the hinged jaw. A smile.
—MAG 24: “Strange Music”
Cultists of the Lightless Flame could be anybody, such as:
Alfie Akoye, Kathrine Joe, Robert Peckham, Sandy
Netto, Scott Parody, Cory Laurier, Brenda McMillan,
GM intrusion: The fist or Sean Heldt, Lori Nier, Deidre Case, Nicholas Tregenza.
weapon of the character striking
the cultist gets stuck in the
cultist’s waxy flesh, inflicting 1
point of Stress to the character
each round if it’s their fist, until
they can pull it out with a One of them, a round-faced black woman I’d later know as Sandy,
successful Might task. squatted down next to me, and stared into my face. She made
a noise of dismissal, and leaned in close to stare at me. She
said, “I don’t think so,” and her breath hit me like a furnace.
I instinctively thrust out a hand to push her away. But as I
touched her face, she remained still, and instead my hand sank
into it like softened candle wax.
—MAG 89: “Twice As Bright”
DABBLER 5 (15)
Discovering a paranormal book or artefact or encountering an aspect of the Entities twists a normal Artefact, page 248
person’s life. Most are eventually consumed by their resulting fear. A handful, however, learn to defend themselves The Entities, page 166
from what begins following them. What’s more, they learn paranormal tricks and rituals that grant them a measure
of power, often without being tied to any single Entity. Instead, they become general dabblers in the dark arts.
DEATH 7 (21) 4
GM intrusion: Death produces The scent of damp heralds Death’s arrival. Not the damp of wet earth
exactly what’s needed to play after a hot day, but the cold damp of vaults and catacombs, slick
the game or enable the contest with mold.
the character suggests, each item
scrimshawed out of old bone. Those who regard the inevitable termination of life with the
deepest panic would give almost anything to avoid it. But
someone who beats one of the many embodiments of Death
in a game discovers that their continued existence is as
The End, page 172 another embodiment of Death.
Related Entity: The End roll, the mantle is not transferred and Death
Health: 33 allows them to live as they were. For now.
Damage Inflicted: Serious injury Deathless Existence: Death regains 10
Movement: Short health each round, even when at 0 health.
Modifications: Games and contests of skill as level 8 Deliver Death: Death can spend their
Combat: Death’s touch inflicts a serious injury and action moving, flashing anywhere in the
kills a target who fails a Might defense roll. world a living target resides. Death kills
Death has the following abilities: people who are dying, those who deserve it,
Contract With Death: Death’s target may challenge and those who bring nothing but love to the
Death to a game or contest before Death takes world.
them. If Death accepts, the target and Death play Interaction: If Death agrees to a game, they tell
a game, such as chess or farro. One method to their opponent, “Very well. And if you win, you
determine how well the target plays is via a series shall not die.”
of Intellect defense rolls (though other methods Use: As an Avatar of The End, the
could be used to determine the winner, including existence of Death—and, in fact,
actually playing the game). If the target succeeds on many Deaths—is something that
three defense rolls before failing three, they do not should give PCs serious pause.
die. However, they must then succeed on a Might If they suspect they may soon
defense roll, or Death’s mantle passes to them—they encounter Death, they should
are transformed into a new embodiment of Death try to avoid it or come up
when the game concludes. They must now spend with a plan to fake Death out.
their undead existence introducing the living to The Because normally, even those
End until someone else beats them in a game. If who beat Death still lose.
the target wins and succeeds on their Might defense
Related Entity: The Deliverymen have served many Entities Combat: The Deliverymen attack with a handy tire iron, a fire
over several centuries, most recently The Stranger. axe, or a two-handed punch as solid as a baseball bat.
Health: 18 The Deliverymen also have the following traits.
Damage Inflicted: Serious injury Feeling No Pain: They can’t be dazed or stunned by physical
Movement: Short attacks and are immune to all poisons and diseases.
Modifications: Tasks involving strength as level 7 Hard to Drop: If an attack would reduce either of The
Deliverymen’s health to 0, it does so only if the number rolled
in the attack was an even number; otherwise, they are reduced
to 1 point of health instead.
Working Together: One of the two takes the lead in a given
encounter. The other aids, providing one asset each round
for their partner, whether that’s for intimidation, defense,
or distracting a foe so their partner is more likely to strike a
Interaction: The Deliverymen speak either English or Russian,
using an exaggerated Cockney or cartoonish rural accent,
respectively. They haven’t always been deliverymen or even
always gone by their current assumed names, but they’ve
always relished the fear that their presence, actions, and
deliveries inspire.
Use: The Deliverymen are terrifying but not invincible. That
said, the GM might prefer to have them be an ongoing, veiled
threat throughout the campaign rather than a direct one.
The Deliverymen are rarely far from their van. Someone looking
about in the various crates and boxes in the back of their van
might discover the remains of a kidnap victim from months
earlier, or perhaps a dangerous artefact on its way to someone
new, such as the coffin of The Buried, the web table, one of
Leitner’s books, or something else.
Related Entity: The Spiral Interaction: The Distortion may offer aid or ask The Spiral, page 175
Health: 24 for help, though typically only to gaslight a
Damage Inflicted: Serious injury target into mistrusting their judgments about
Movement: Short others, the world, or their own mind. Usually it
Modifications: Persuasion and deception as level 8 just takes new victims into itself and slowly feeds GM intrusion: A door opens
Combat: The Distortion doesn’t usually attack on their fear as they grow more and more lost in beneath the character’s feet, and
physically, and then only when it manifests in its mazed corridors. they must succeed on a Speed
human guise, its fist as heavy as a wet leather bag Use: The Distortion could provide actual, defense roll to avoid falling into
full of sharp stones. legitimate aid to PCs who are fighting Avatars the Spiraling Maze.
The Distortion also has the following abilities. or aspects of Entities other than The Spiral.
Doors: The Distortion can access most locations However, PCs should come to realize that every
it knows about, or a place where someone it seeks is interaction with it poses a grave risk.
located, by causing one of its doors to appear there
as its action. The Distortion can manifest up to
fifteen doors at one time but could choose to have
less or none. All the doors lead to its Spiraling Maze.
Manifestation: The Distortion can manifest
its human form from any door or branching
corridor as its action. Once manifest, it can escape
unwelcome scrutiny by ducking into one of its
doors or into a mirror inside its maze.
Spiraling Maze: Charting a way through The
Distortion’s maze is nearly impossible, unless it
decides to help a traveler through. Without its
assistance, those seeking to escape can attempt
a difficulty 8 Intellect roll each minute. If they
succeed, they find a door or break a mirror that
leads out. Otherwise, they gain 1 point of Stress.
A handful of past victims are also imprisoned in its
maze. Some are agents of other Entities.
The Corruption, page 170 Related Entity: The Corruption Worm Cascade: The Flesh Hive releases all
Health: 23 her worms (no more than once each hour),
Silver worm, page 237
Damage Inflicted: Serious injury which swarm in a short range for one round.
The Eye, page 172 Movement: Short Anything in the area is attacked, gaining 3 points
Combat: The Flesh Hive coughs up a silver of Stress on a hit. Hit targets are also subject to
Most worms released by The
worm—which emerges with the sound of ripping Burrowing Worms.
Flesh Hive shrivel, but a few
scurry into the shadows and meat—at a target within immediate range, Interaction: The Flesh Hive is opposed to The Eye
wait, becoming future silver dealing a serious injury if it hits. (and other Entities that seem ascendant), and
worm threats. The Flesh Hive also has the following traits. when she encounters their servants, she seeks to
Burrowing Worms: A target bitten by one corrupt and destroy them, potentially making
GM intrusion: The character or more worms must spend the next round short-term alliances to this end.
feels an itch, looks down, and
succeeding on a difficulty 3 Speed-based task to Use: One of the many true horrors afflicting the
sees the tail end of a silver worm
slipping into their body. remove the worm(s). If they (and/or an ally) fail, world, The Flesh Hive’s proximity is potentially
the worm slips inside and the target is infested as first revealed by the appearance of silver worms
Colony: level 2; releases a a level 5 disease requiring three successful Might and/or colonies. If The Flesh Hive itself is found
level 3 worm swarm attacking defense rolls (one per day) to clear. Each failed (or if she finds the characters), the PCs’ best hope
everything in short range for one Might defense roll causes the target to descend is to flee and regroup.
round, destroying the colony;
one step on the damage track. If the target fails
hit targets are also subject to
Burrowing Worms three defense rolls before succeeding on three,
they become a colony (a minor Flesh Hive)
The Flesh Hive’s name in under The Corruption’s control.
The Magnus Archives
podcast is Jane Prentiss.
Related Entity: The Lonely Interaction: The Friendless finds it intoxicating to The Lonely, page 174
Health: 25 send others into The Lonely. But he is willing to
Damage Inflicted: Serious injury cooperate with others to keep the influence of
Modifications: Stealth as level 9; persuasion as level 7 Entities other than his own at bay. Sometimes
GM intrusion: The character
Combat: The Friendless usually uses his paranormal his fondness for wagering can be used to realizes they’ve somehow lost some
abilities and traits in combat, as follows. convince him to work with others, though he time, wandered off from their
Go Away: The Friendless focuses his attention on rarely misses an opportunity to extol the beauty friends, and are alone in a place
a target within short range. The target is banished of loneliness. they don’t recognize. (It’s not the
into an isolated dimensional layer of The Lonely Use: PCs working alone have the most to fear dimension of The Lonely.) Their
friends apparently didn’t notice
on a failed Intellect defense roll (accompanied from The Friendless because he uses their either, at least not until now.
by a sharp, shrill, and staticky popping sound). circumstances against them, either directly
Though the layer mirrors the real world in some disappearing them or trying to persuade them to
respects, it is cold, empty, and given to obscuring isolate themselves from their allies.
fog, flooding, or endless tracts of suburban
development. It’s usually empty of other people,
even others who were banished into it. Trapped
targets take 1 point of Stress each hour they fail an
Intellect defense roll. Trapped targets can attempt
an Intellect-based task each minute they spend
searching for a way out. On a success, they appear
within a few yards to a few miles of where they
were disappeared by The Friendless.
Travel The Lonely: The Friendless can access The
Lonely as his action, and it holds no dangers for
him. He can leave at any time, appearing back in
the real world at a location he knows about or finds
while exploring the mirror realm for several hours.
GREYLING 3 (9) 2
The Vast, page 176
GM intrusion: The greyling Aspects of The Vast, greylings are utterly horrific and have inhumanly long arms and legs, though
grabbing the character flies their full bulk is often hidden by thick fog. No two look exactly alike, but all delight in pushing, pulling, or
straight up into the air, bringing otherwise plunging victims to their death.
the character with them. Greylings haunt high places where humans venture.Sometimes they are specifically called by other agents of
Disciple of the Endless, page 214 The Vast, such as a Disciple of the Endless.
Related Entity: The Vast Interaction: Greylings are vicious aspects of The Vast that have no
Health: 12 purpose other than terrorizing those afraid of falling.
Damage Inflicted: Serious injury Use: Greylings are not especially dangerous on their own, but if
Movement: Short; long when flying they appear in numbers and/or in locations where one wrong
Combat: A greyling batters with its long, grey, and completely step (or shove) could lead to a deadly fall, the danger they pose
inhuman arms. to an otherwise competent team of characters is increased.
Greylings also have the following traits and abilities.
Fog: The greyling summons misty fog filling a very long
area (up to once a day). The fog persists for up to ten minutes,
making ranged attacks in the area nearly impossible and
hindering melee attacks, easing the greyling’s stealth tasks by
three steps.
Over the Edge: A target damaged by the greyling must also
succeed on a Might defense roll, or the greyling grabs them.
A grabbed target’s physical actions are hindered and they
automatically take damage each round until they can escape
with a successful Might roll as their action, or until the
greyling—as its next action—pushes or pulls the target over a
nearby lip leading to a long drop. Resisting being forced over
the edge also requires a successful Might defense roll.
When she first joined the Archives, she took the place of
a man named Angus Stacey, whose face was torn from his GM intrusion: The new face
skull by a creature of masks and smiles. Gertrude had on the grinning wheel is of
thought of it as “The Grinning Wheel,” and it was one of someone the character knows;
the first things to fall at the hands of the Institute’s the character suffers 2 Stress
new avenger. Appropriately enough, Gertrude used fire. from this realization.
Related Entity: The Hunt If the potential prey remains anywhere in the area, The Hunter stalks
Health: 21 them for one day, adding to the target’s apprehension by voicing a
Damage Inflicted: Serious injury slow, soft laugh sometime before finally catching up.
Movement: Long Use: The Hunter could be briefly halted by a group of especially
Modifications: Perception, tracking, and stealth as level 7 physically gifted PCs. However, The Hunter’s unstoppable nature
Combat: The Hunter claws. means that the PCs’ best chance for surviving is evading or fleeing the
The Hunter also has the following traits. area entirely.
Avatar Bane: Avatars damaged by The Hunter can’t supernaturally
heal themselves of that damage and, if destroyed by The Hunter, can’t
return to life.
Terrifying Song: Once per day, The Hunter sings their favorite tune:
“A-Hunting We Shall Go” floats on the air. Everyone in long range
who hears the song and fails an Intellect defense roll is terrified,
freezing in place or running away as fast as they can (The Hunter’s
choice) for one minute. A terrified target can attempt an Intellect
defense roll to end the effect each round. Each failed attempt (or
failure to try) inflicts 1 point of Stress.
Unstoppable Hunter: The Hunter regains 2 points of health per
round, even when at 0 health.
Interaction: The Hunter at first appears as a regular hiker in sturdy,
rugged clothes, sans coat or pack. They ask what the target’s
immediate plans are, their smile seeming to have too many teeth. If
The Hunter decides to pursue, they sniff their new prey, say something
like, “Tomorrow will be a good day for a run,” and head off.
Related Entity: The Flesh Jigsaw Curse: If provided with someone’s name and an object stolen
Health: 18 from them, The Jigsaw Lady performs a ritual (which includes starting a
Damage Inflicted: 1 point of Stress new jigsaw puzzle). Afterward, the target receives a delivery of a severed
Movement: Short body part (beginning with an extremity) every day or two. On a failed
Modifications: Speed defense and attacks as level 2 Intellect defense roll, the target can’t help but open the package. Within
Combat: The Jigsaw Lady isn’t much for direct physical attacks, but her hours, they lose that same body part through apparent misadventure,
sorcerous defenses are potent. gaining 1 point of Stress that can’t be restored until the curse is lifted.
She has the following options: The victim must successfully resist opening five packages to end the
Amputating Defense: Anyone attacking The Jigsaw Lady must first curse. If a target is murdered before the curse kills them, the curse is
succeed on an Intellect defense roll. On a failed roll, they instead spend passed to the killer.
the next minute chewing off their own hand, gaining 2 points of Stress Interaction: The Jigsaw Lady offers coffee or tea to visitors, but once
each round. The effect ends early if the target succeeds on an Intellect business begins, she stares at potential clients with a flinty, dangerous
defense roll on their turn, or when they’ve gained 6 points of Stress look that belies her age and surroundings.
from the chewing and their hand falls off, giving them a serious injury. Use: The characters wouldn’t be the first to underestimate The Jigsaw Lady.
The true ghastliness of her attention is revealed if a PC gains her curse.
Related Entity: The Lonely Lost to the Crowd: If a target fails three defense rolls before
Health: 33 succeeding on three, they are lost forever, becoming one more blurred,
Damage Inflicted: 2 points of Stress screaming face.
Movement: Immediate Protective Crush: For someone who is caught in the crowd, attempts
Modifications: Speed defense as level 2 to physically damage it are hindered by three steps.
Combat: A lonesome crowd isn’t fast, but it automatically lures in and Interaction: The flow of people moves this way and that, but without
envelops all targets in immediate range who fail an Intellect defense roll. purpose other than to isolate anyone who becomes part of it.
Once part of the lonesome crowd, the following consequences apply. Use: A lonesome crowd is very dangerous to a lone PC, but less so to
Escaping the Crowd: Enveloped targets can attempt another Intellect groups who stick together.
defense roll each round as long as they concentrate on someone A lonesome crowd might find a PC who is exploring alone or who has
they are closely connected to, such as a family member, friend, pet, traits that tend to isolate them, or simply because they’ve been marked
or lover. Three successful defense rolls allow the target to win free. by association with the paranormal.
Multiple targets who hold hands while lost in the
crowd together ease the defense roll by one step per
person beyond the first.
Isolating Jostling: A target enveloped by the crowd The more I listened, the more I realised it, it
gains 2 points of Stress each minute they remain wasn’t a language. There were no words, it was just
part of it, not only from the jostling and bumping, noise. Just a noise being made by the people around
but also because of their recognition of the crowd’s me. Then I started to focus on those people and
true nature. that’s when I began to scream.
Their faces were a blur, each and every one
of them. It was like someone had recorded them
screaming or having a seizure and then played it
back at a hundred times the speed on their face.
None of them had hair, or any distinguishing marks,
and though their clothes were different, they were
all different versions of the same clothes.
—MAG 48: “Lost in the Crowd”
GM intrusion: Even though For obvious reasons I can’t describe him. I can barely describe
the character is obviously in his absence. I could try to say that his . . . hypothesis was tall
need of assistance or tries to and wide. Conceptually, he could have had arms that stretched
contact an ally, the ally doesn’t away from a soft-looking torso, with stubby fingers that did not
see or hear the character for a
grip the banisters tight enough to splinter. If he had had a
couple of rounds or longer.
face, it would have been unremarkable, with a small, plump mouth
that failed to quite turn into a smile.
He didn’t speak, so I couldn’t hear his offer to join him on the
staircase. But I accepted.
—MAG 85: “Upon the Stair”
There, in the centre of the floor, was a pile of discarded meat and
bone, stacked almost as high as a person. It seemed less decayed than
the rest of it, though that foul yellow fluid oozed from it and—this GM intrusion: As the character
prepares to eat their sandwich,
is the reason I’m talking to your institute, you see. Everything else
eyes in layers of meat open.
could be put down to the problems of a very, very sick man, nothing
supernatural about it, but . . . when I looked at that heaped pile
of meat, it moved. I don’t know how . . . I don’t know quite how to
explain it, other than to tell you that it opened its eyes. It opened
all its eyes.
—MAG 18: “The Man Upstairs” The Corruption, page 170
I hadn’t checked on the pigs in a while, but the next time I headed
into the sty . . . there it was, sat in the corner, just encompassing
the corner, its bulk filling the place out as the other, smaller pigs
tried to find somewhere to be that wasn’t next to it. It just sat
there, and stared at me. I didn’t like staring back at it. It made
me feel strange, like it was sorting me into cuts of meat. There was
more in those eyes than I’d ever seen in another pig; hidden among
the rolls of pink flesh, they had malice in them. The pig wanted to
hurt me. I’m sure of that.
—MAG 103: “Cruelty Free”
NOTTHEM 6 (18) 2
Someone is impersonating your mother, your cousin, or maybe your child. Only you realize it. Even
old photos show the imposter at weddings, on outings, and posing for selfies, not the person you used to know.
The Stranger, page 175
GM intrusion: The
character’s ally intervenes on
I sat in an armchair and he took the sofa opposite, sitting stiffly
behalf of NotThem against the in a way that seemed far too still. Neither of us said a word. He
character, completely taken in just stared at me, smile still wide and something twinkling in his
by the impersonation. eyes that might have been amusement. Or triumph. He showed no desire
to make any sort of conversation, and I was too terrified to say
anything at all.
[ . . . ] At one point, it almost seemed like his neck was too long,
but when I looked again it was normal. The only two things I knew for
sure was that I had never been as scared as I was just then, and that
I did not know this man.
—MAG 78: “Distant Cousin”
Related Entity: The Stranger Shape Flesh: A stranger’s flesh is alive-ish and amenable to their will.
Health: 12 One that spends several hours concentrating can form new organs
Damage Inflicted: Serious injury or complex tissue (lungs, livers, teeth, etc.) within themselves, either
Movement: Short where expected or where they just shouldn’t be. A stranger can induce
Modifications: Intellect defense as level 7 the same effect in plants—for example, creating human teeth, as if
Combat: A perfect stranger batters with their fists with no regard for any smiling, inside an apple.
damage they might inflict on themselves. Interaction: Perfect strangers are aspects of The Stranger that exist
A perfect stranger also has the following options. primarily to disquiet and alienate regular people. However, they
Disquieting Presence: After interacting with one or more perfect also take on more active roles to help other aspects and Avatars of
strangers for a couple of rounds, characters must succeed on an The Stranger, such as helping to arrange for the Unknowing, a ritual
Intellect defense roll or suffer 1 point of Stress due to the alienating, meant to warp reality.
unnatural way the perfect stranger conducts themself. Continued Use: Perfect strangers make ideal atmospheric encounters. They could be
interaction doesn’t render someone immune to the effect; each minute NPCs that don’t initially seem that important that somehow give PCs
of interaction or new interaction requires another defense roll. the willies, whose presence over the course of a few encounters grows
Pliant Flesh: The stranger regains 4 points of health if they spend more existential. They’re tough, but certainly something a character
their action concentrating. could defeat one on one if it came to it.
Related Entity: The Slaughter Weapons: The Piper attacks twice with a sword, spear, or long-
Health: 27 range gun, usually against separate targets.
Damage Inflicted: Serious injury Fleeting Reprieve: A target within short range of The Piper who
Movement: Short was killed by violence in the last hour—or who is about to be
Combat: The Piper usually plays their pipes, but might use other killed—is returned to life. The target understands they’ve been
options, as follows: spared by a power beyond their understanding, and that soon,
Pay The Piper: The Piper plays their scrimshawed bone for a they’ll be back in the grave, whenever The Piper calls in their debt.
target within very long range (no more than once each hour). On Interaction: The Piper urges those who hear their faint, piping
a failed Intellect defense roll, the target seeks out the most violent melody to give themselves up to senseless slaughter. In their own
and gory portion of the nearest conflict (which might mean they way, The Piper will negotiate; see Fleeting Reprieve.
need to travel if no fighting is near), forgoing caution as they Use: PCs should try to keep their interaction with this aspect of The
try to track down the source of the sad, whistling tune. Affected Slaughter to a minimum, if any at all. The Piper, also known as
targets remain so for up to ten hours, until the fighting stops, or “The War,” is essentially the trauma of war personified.
until they succeed on an Intellect defense roll on their turn.
Lambs to the Slaughter: The Piper spends its action playing the
pipes (no more than once each day). All creatures in long range
that fail an Intellect defense roll become frenzied and, taking up
whatever weapons are available, attempt to slaughter whatever
enemy The Piper names (or if none, attack each other) for one
minute or until a target succeeds on an Intellect defense roll on
their turn.
Thin trails of blood and skin crisscrossed to the streets, and the
walls and windows of nearby buildings were coated in a fine sheen
of discarded gore. It didn’t take me long to find my first victim,
wrapped around a lamppost. He had clearly tried to lean on it for
support in his distress, but his flesh had begun to spread and fuse GM intrusion: The
over it in thick, ropey tendrils. His bones were almost bare to the character’s hazmat suit (or
elements. other protection) rips.
But it was then that I saw the thing that, to my mind, is perhaps
the worst of it. His heart was exposed. It was beating fast, so fast,
The Plaguebearer’s name in The
despite the awful green decay that seemed to be eating at it.
Magnus Archives podcast is John
—MAG 157: “Rotten Core” Amherst.
Related Entity: The Dark sack on a failed Speed defense roll. A target
Health: 21 in the sack gains 3 points of Stress each
Damage Inflicted: Serious injury round and can’t take physical actions
Movement: Short until they succeed on an Intellect-
Combat: The Sandman attacks with his rasping based roll as their action to escape.
touch. Alternately, a target is freed if they
He also has the following traits. willingly blind themself with sand from
Abrading Sand: The Sandman flings a The Sandman’s pouch (which they can
handful of razor-sharp sand at a target within reach even inside the sack). A target
immediate range. On a failed Might defense who dies in the sack becomes lost
roll, the target takes damage and is blinded for forever in The Dark.
one round. Interaction: The Sandman
Slumbering Gloom: The Sandman exhales a never speaks or negotiates. His
cloud of ebony sand (no more than once each presence means that a target has
minute) targeting all creatures in immediate been designated, perhaps by an
range. Creatures that fail an Intellect defense Avatar of The Dark or simply
roll fall asleep for one minute, or until they are because The Sandman smells
damaged or shaken awake. their fear.
In addition, complete darkness fills the area for Use: The Sandman usually goes
one minute, though the outline and/or the face after lone sleepers but would
of The Sandman may still be glimpsed inside prove an almost impossible threat
periodically, as The Sandman wishes. to deal with permanently, even
Topple Into Sack: The Sandman targets a if a group somehow managed to
creature in immediate range (no more than once lure him to a location where they’d
each minute), pulling them into his pitch-black prepared a trap.
The room was unrecognisable when I returned. There was a shape on Colony: level 2; releases a
the bed, where Harriet had laid, but it wasn’t her anymore. I could level 3 worm swarm attacking
barely make out anything even remotely human in the pile of pitted everything in short range for one
and warped flesh that now remained. The bed itself was slick and round, destroying the colony;
shiny with a dark fluid that dripped off the hanging sheets and onto hit targets are also subject to
the floor. But what truly repulsed me, what made me flee as I did, Burrowing Worms
was what moved and squirmed on all of it. They covered every surface:
the floor, the bed, what used to be Harriet, even the ceiling. A
thick, moving carpet of pale, writhing worms. GM intrusion: A silver
worm waits in ambush in the
—MAG 6: “Squirm” character’s shoe.
One of the first appearances of ARCHIVIST: Are you the same Sarah Baldwin that disappeared in
a skin shell (with the identity of Edinburgh in August 2006?
Sarah Baldwin) in The Magnus
Archives podcast is in episode 28. SARAH BALDWIN: Some of her. Skin. A few memories. Not on the inside.
—MAG 96: “Return to Sender”
Related Entity: The Dark inflicting a serious wound each round. If the target fails three
Health: 25 defense rolls on their turn before succeeding on three, either they
Damage Inflicted: Serious injury are absorbed into The Dark or The Taker’s consciousness passes into
Movement: Short the body (as The Taker chooses).
Modifications: Perception as level 9 Entreat the Beast: The Taker summons a lightless beast to do his
Combat: The Taker of Light throws inky, freezing dust at up to bidding (up to once a day). In addition, he can summon The Still
three targets in immediate range, inflicting 3 points of Stress to and Lightless Beast (up to once a month).
those struck. Pray the Sandman: The Taker of Light sets The Sandman on a
The Taker also has the following options as his action. target in immediate range (up to once a month). The Sandman
Consuming Darkness: A wave of screaming darkness resembling attacks the target sometime during the next few nights.
heavy fog rolls from The Taker’s mouth, attacking a target within Shadowfall: Inky, freezing dust falls on all targets within short
immediate range (up to once a day). If the target fails a Might range (up to once each hour), inflicting 3 points of Stress to
defense roll, the darkness begins to consume them like acid, those struck. In addition, the area is filled with darkness for many
minutes, blowing out lights already in the area and slowly dimming
flashlights and other sources of light brought in from outside.
Interaction: A schemer born centuries ago, The Taker is an
accomplished conversationalist when he wishes. But his ultimate
goal is to complete the ritual known as the Extinguished Sun and
plunge all of existence into eternal void.
Use: As a principal Avatar of The Dark, The Taker should instill fear
and careful consideration in the PCs, because he’s not a being that
can be easily bested in combat. Still, he’s slightly more fragile than
other Avatars.
Related Entity: All, channeled through her lore Spiraling Confusion: Targets within short
and paranormal book collection range who fail an Intellect defense roll
Health: 15 become confused and turn on their allies or
Damage Inflicted: 2 points of Stress take some other action desired by The Tome
Movement: Short Hoarder. The confusion lasts for one minute,
Modifications: Performs sorcery as level 6 or until a target succeeds on an Intellect
Combat: The Tome Hoarder channels the defense roll on their turn.
power of various Entities against a foe. Interaction: The Tome Hoarder seeks power
Options include: without becoming a servitor of the
After the End: If brought to 0 health, The Entities. She’s eager to acquire
Tome Hoarder turns to so much blowing more paranormal books and will
parchment dust. However, she can manifest negotiate to that end. She’s also
physically again in a couple of days. The only proud of her collection and could
way to destroy her is to find her page in the offer to show a book or two to an
Catalogue of the Trapped Dead, remove that interested collector who doesn’t
page, and burn it. know any better.
Page Turner: If she defeats a target, she can Use: PCs that require specialized
perform an eight-hour ritual that kills and knowledge might stumble into The Tome
binds that person’s spirit to a newly created Hoarder’s shop or library. If the characters
page in the Catalogue of the Trapped Dead. opt for conflict (or she does), she’s
Plunge Into The Vast: A target within short defeatable—but that’s soon revealed as a false
range who fails an Intellect defense roll achievement when she comes back.
momentarily feels as if they’re falling through The Tome Hoarder is usually found near an
empty sky and gains 3 points of Stress. assortment of paranormal books, including
a couple of Leitners and, of course, the
Catalogue of the Trapped Dead.
VAMPIRE 4 (12) 1
Vampires never speak or even utter a single sound. Instead, they psychically impart their thoughts so
smoothly and innocuously that people don’t realize they’ve been selected as prey.
It opened its mouth for what I then realised was the first time
since we met it, and I could see nothing inside save for a dozen
A common misconception
long, thick, pointed teeth like a shark. In one fluid movement it
regarding vampires is the belief
that they cannot go out during
plunged those teeth into my brother’s neck and tore out a great
the day. They can. chunk of flesh. Blood started to spurt from Nigel’s spasming body,
as Sylvia McDonald’s throat began to twitch. Its jaw detached and a
long tubular tongue about the thickness of my forearm snaked out of
its throat and clamped onto the gushing wound. There was an awful
slurping sound, the first noise I’d ever really heard the creature
make, as the tongue sucked the blood from my brother’s throat. I
just lay there watching as its stomach began to distend and swell,
the now bulbous belly straining against the black dress it wore.
—MAG 10: “Vampire Killer”
Vampires assume names that don’t stand out, such as:
Sylvia McDonald, Robert Arden, Elisabetta Bianchi, Randall
Marsh, Juliet Schuman, Eugene Briggs, Vera Goodman, Philip Kain.
GM intrusion: A vampire
(page 242) that The Vampire
Hunter failed to kill targets the
character for having associated
with the person who tried to
kill them.
With a sudden, jerky motion they drew their heads back, then slammed
them into the mirrored window, shattering it all at once. I wanted to
The Weaver’s name in run, but I couldn’t will my body to move.
The Magnus Archives podcast
is Annabelle Cane.
I just stood there, watching the blood run down from the cuts in
their foreheads, as Annabelle began to climb through the broken
window, her limbs moving and reaching, slowly and deliberately. The
others didn’t move a muscle as she crawled over them, then over the
floor towards me. When she was about a foot away from me, she drew
herself up to her full height.
—MAG 69: “Thought for the Day”
Of course, that’s not the real crux of the free will question
that’s bothering you at the moment, is it? I think that one
probably comes down to whether or not you’re choosing to continue
reading this statement out loud. You didn’t mean to, did you? GM intrusion: The character’s
hands involuntarily climb up
No, I’m sure you told Basira and Melanie that you were going to
their body and begin choking
glance it over and report back. Perhaps they asked you if you were them, dealing damage each
going to record it and you shook your head. “Maybe later.” That round until the character can
sounds like the sort of thing you’d say. But think about it, John, escape the trance.
when’s the last time you were able to read a statement quietly
to yourself without instinctively hitting RECORD and speaking it
aloud? Is it just instinct, habit? Or is it a compulsion, a string
pulled by the Ceaseless Watcher or the Mother-of-Puppets?
—MAG 147: “Weaver” The Web, page 176
ursed objects, each aligned with one or
The Entities, page 166 I began to think hard about more of the Entities, are scattered across
the world, about my place the world like traps hungry for the fear
within it, and about fear. of their next victim. It’s lucky they’re relatively
About the figure of the
rare because they’re almost always malevolent.
merchant, the trader who deals
A few are merely unsettling, most are
in strange and dangerous
terrifying, and many ultimately prove deadly.
goods, how it can be found
in so many myths and fables, Still, someone with patience and luck
dealing in second-hand can gain a bit of power from many of these
nightmares. And how rarely objects, obtaining a paranormal ability, a ward
the merchant themself is ever against enemies, or some other benefit—
punished in those stories. though each use is a risk.
I would love to pretend The two main forms these cursed objects
Books, page 267 that it was out of self- take are artefacts and books.
preservation that I committed
to my new trade, but that
would be mostly a lie. To ARTEFACTS
tell you the truth, I got a
Some artefacts are entirely baleful. Others
real kick out of playing my
provide just enough benefit to outweigh
role. To think of myself as
the risks of keeping them around. Several
a purveyor of curses, walking
softly through the most are cherished heirlooms for followers of a
dangerous edges of reality particular Entity, slated to one day be used to
Rituals, page 168 so that the rich and arrogant enact an Entity’s ritual, such as the gorilla skin
Gorilla skin, page 259 could buy their own doom. (linked to The Stranger).
The Stranger, page 175 —MAG 181: “Ignorance”
Characters could find an artefact while on an
investigation. For instance, a mysterious old box
might be in the attic where someone disappeared.
Another could have been stolen from a museum
of antiquities. PCs might recover one in the
possession of a defeated foe. Or perhaps the
Blood money pouch Entombing crate Slaughter gun
Boatswain’s call Flesh grinder Slaughter knife
Calliope Fractal pot Syringe of Dr. Snow
Camera of occultation Gorilla skin Thrumming cocoon
Chelicerae Lonely painting Web lighter
Coffin of The Buried Mirror of beholding Web table
Dark star Patterned rug Web tape recorder
Dark wardrobe Pestilent scalpel Yushanka chatbot
Death’s game piece Rock eye
MAKING YOUR OWN ARTEFACTS AND BOOKS This also means you can change the items in this
Although the items in this chapter are many, for your own chapter any way you wish. If you want to use the rock
investigations, you’ll likely want to create your own. Not eye in your campaign, but you want it to cause those that
all of your investigations will involve books or artefacts, meet its gaze to go into a maniacal fit, just make note
but each story that does might call for its own items as of it. No need to change anything else about the rock
needed for the situation. eye—your alteration won’t change the level, the Stress, or
For example, the adventure in chapter 15, “The anything else.
Resurrection Mound,” offers its own new book (The Queen It’s worth noting that as chapter 11 suggests, you can
and the Egg Sac) and artefact (the corrupt egg sac). They’re use as much or as little of the story from the podcast
very specific to that scenario, but they were easy to create. as you want. For example, the adventure in chapter
They just needed a level (choose any from 1 to 10, but 16, “Liquify,” uses The Boneturner’s Tale, but the book’s
most are probably around 4 or 5), a related Entity (usually background and current whereabouts are entirely
obvious), a note for how much Stress they give users or different. And if you’d prefer to use that book closer
readers (usually 2 or 3), an explanation of what it means to how the podcast uses it, just change the book in the
to read or use them, and a fear effect. There are no right or adventure to something new—A Twist of Flesh, maybe—
wrong answers here—books and artefacts can be as powerful, and perhaps give it a lower level and Stress effect if you
as dangerous, or as useless as you wish. Let the players beware! want, and you’re done.
d6 Grisly Activity
1 Sleepwalker attempts to remove the face of the nearest living
When I first stumbled across
creature with a handy implement.
one of the cursed objects,
I recognised what it was 2 Sleepwalker attempts to stealthily waylay the nearest stranger,
immediately. It took the form returning home with the victim’s tongue if successful, which
of a leather pouch, filled they hide under their bed.
with 1888 Morgan silver 3 Sleepwalker attempts to exsanguinate and drink the blood of
dollars. It was aligned to The the nearest living creature.
Slaughter and . . . well, let us
4 Sleepwalker attempts to murder the nearest living creature and
call it “blood money” and talk
hang them up like a game animal to be slaughtered, possibly
no more of the grisly details.
cooking some choice cuts before returning to bed.
Selling them, well, it went
very badly for the buyer . . . 5 Sleepwalker commandeers a vehicle and attempts a series of
—MAG 181: “Ignorance” hit-and-runs of random pedestrians.
6 Sleepwalker breaks every mirror they can find nearby, gathers
Level: 6 the shards in a pitcher or similar container, and “drinks” them,
Related Entity: The Slaughter taking a serious injury.
Stress: 3 upon understanding how to use the
pouch (or recognizing the effect of a coin Fear: The pouch owner is affected as if they
given to another or how the pouch has been were given a coin until they relinquish the
affecting them); 2 with each use pouch.
Description: If a coin from this leather pouch
filled with 1888 Morgan silver dollars is
given to someone else—perhaps as a gift, in
payment for a service, or successfully hidden
among their belongings—the recipient must
succeed on an Intellect defense roll each
night they have the coin. On a failed roll,
they sleepwalk sometime during the night,
attempting something grisly.
The sleepwalker can make another Intellect
defense roll each time someone calls their
name or asks them to stop. If successful,
they wake up but don’t remember anything.
Otherwise they finish the grisly activity, if
they can, and return to bed, even if seriously
wounded. They wake with no memory of
what they’ve done, though any damage they
suffered tells a different tale.
If the coin recipient gives away the coin,
they’re spared further direct ill effects, but
the new recipient gains them. If a coin
recipient perishes, the coin reappears back
in the blood money pouch after a few days
if not claimed by someone else first.
The mate reached down and took I walked slowly towards the
the old brass whistle from his old steam organ. It was bright
neck. He pressed it to his red and in excellent condition
lips, and blew. I have never except for a thick layer of
heard a whistle sound like dust. There was a small brass
that. It was shrill, so high plaque simply reading “The
and piercing that I felt my Calliaphone.” The brass pipes
hair stand on end, but it also that stuck out from the top
seemed distant. Like I was still shone faintly under
hearing it from far, far away. the dust, and I noticed that
I don’t know how long he blew there was writing, carved onto
that boatswain’s call for, the cover of the keyboard. It
but by the end, I realized we read: “Be still, for there is
were surrounded by thick sea strange music.”
smoke. We should have been —MAG 24: “Strange Music”
far too far south for it, but
it rolled and billowed around
the lifeboat, obscuring the
Level: 5
tundra. No one said a word, Related Entity: The Stranger
but I could have sworn a few Stress: 3 upon acquiring and understanding
of my shipmates were crying. how to use the steam organ (or realizing the
—MAG 33: “Boatswain’s Call” effects it has been having); 1 with each use
Description: When a performer plays this
Level: 6 antique calliope steam organ and succeeds
Related Entity: The Lonely on a difficulty 1 performance task to play
Stress: 3 upon acquiring and understanding a particular song or melody (or evoke a
how to use the whistle; 1 with each use particular mood), they can choose one
Description: Blowing on this antique nautical of the following effects. If the performer
whistle, made of tarnished brass with a doesn’t realize the organ is anything out
bulbous chamber at one end, summons an of the ordinary (or fails their performance
area of rolling, heavy fog about 3 miles (5 task), the Circus Clown option is chosen
km) in radius for one hour. Visibility in the on their behalf, targeting an ally of the
fog is reduced to immediate range. performer.
Anyone alone in the fog (separated by at • Circus Clown: A nearby toy is animated and
Clown doll, page 206 least a long distance from everyone else) afflicts someone chosen by the performer.
The Lonely, page 174 is banished into The Lonely on a failed The animate toy is a clown doll or has the
Intellect defense roll. Those banished find stats and murderous nature of one.
themselves wandering completely alone • Crowd of Strangers: The blare of the organ
in a misted, muted, mirror reflection of alienates listeners within long range (up
reality. They take 1 point of Stress each hour to once per day). On a failed Intellect
they fail an Intellect defense roll. They can defense roll, listeners (other than the
attempt an Intellect-based task each minute performer and their chosen allies) act
they spend searching for a way out. On a like strangers to themselves for one hour,
success, they appear within a few yards to a usually in unpleasant ways: laughing
few miles of where they were lost. and cheering when witnessing brutality,
Fear: The user loses track of their allies and committing theft, and generally acting
risks becoming alone in the fog. like utter arses verging on sociopathy.
Inside was a coffin. I don’t Until at last, we felt it: the eclipse.
know what I expected but it We had been worshipping in the deepest
wasn’t that. My knife fell to dark, and yet when it crossed the sun, I
the floor and I just stared felt it roll over us like a cooling balm
at it in mute surprise. It on a summer’s day, plunging us into a
was made of unvarnished, pale deep, black void far more complete than I
yellow wood and had a thick can ever convey with mere words. It was
metal chain wrapped around it, more than beautiful; it was divine. And
which was closed at the top as we unveiled our new and absent sun,
with a heavy iron padlock. the sacrifices who remained screamed and
The lock was closed but had fell in holy agonies, and the world of
the key sitting inside it. I endless night we had been promised began
started to reach for it, when to pour in, shining out and all around
I noticed two other things us. It touched and caressed our souls with
on the coffin lid. The first the soothing fears of night, and I heard
was a piece of paper, folded Maxwell weeping with joy at what we had
in half and tucked under the done.
chain, which I took. The other —MAG 143: “Heart of Darkness”
was the presence of three
words, scratched deep into the
wood of the casket in letters DARK STAR
three inches high. They read Level: 7
“Do Not Open.”
Related Entity: The Dark
—MAG 2: “Do Not Open”
Stress: 3 upon acquiring and understanding
how to use the dark star; 3 with each use
the plaything of a buried thing for a few Description: Those who look on this sphere Buried thing, page 204
rounds. Most are trapped forever, or at least of inky darkness (normally contained in a
until they finally succumb to the fear and structure or storage container) must succeed
horror of their endless entombment. on an Intellect defense roll or be consumed
Fear: Someone sleeping near the coffin is by negative radiance. Having previously
compelled to sleepwalk their way to and pledged oneself to The Dark eases this The Dark, page 171
into it on a failed Intellect defense roll. defense task by four steps.
Someone who has looked on the dark star and
survived can use it to create an apparent
solar eclipse in the surrounding region,
darkening an area 25 miles (40 km) in
diameter for one minute. Doing so requires
a successful difficulty 7 Intellect task as
part of a one-minute ritual; this task can be
eased by one or more steps with the help of
others who’ve also looked upon the artefact
and survived its negative radiance.
Fear: Someone misjudges the edge of the dark
star and, on a failed Speed defense roll, falls
in and takes a serious injury each round
until they can escape its grasp.
I sighed, got to my feet, and Cook did have his right arm up
as I did so, I grabbed the to the elbow in the mincer,
edge of an old wooden crate his left hand working the
for support. I felt the lid crank, around and around. I
shift slightly under my weight. could hear the sound of bone
I looked at it a bit closer and flesh grinding, but there
and couldn’t help but notice was nothing coming out the
it didn’t seem to have any other end of the machine.
bolts or locks on it and the Then I saw what was lying
lid clearly hadn’t been nailed on the counter. It was his
shut. I reached over to try and arm, neatly sliced off and
slide it back into place, but butchered into cuts of meat,
my gloved hand slipped, and as the bone shining white through
I tried to grip it, I swear I the blood and dark skin. And
barely touched the thing, but I remembered he’d promised us
the wooden top slid further pork chop tonight.
off, releasing a dusty cloud Looking back at Cook, I saw
of air that sent me into a the ecstasy on his face, with
coughing fit. The air was dry just a hint of manic terror,
and hot in a way that seemed as he turned the crank, and a
rather alarming in the frigid new arm came out, bit by bit,
shipping container. The inside raw and glistening. It didn’t
was dark, the light from the look like his old one, but
entrance not reaching this far there was a part of me sure it
back. I shined my light in would taste just the same.
and to my surprise, the crate —MAG 115: “Taking Stock”
appeared to be completely
—MAG 66: “Held in Customs” “claiming” it. They (and anyone who
identifies it, as normal) can use the grinder
to regenerate a lost finger, hand, foot, arm,
FLESH GRINDER or leg by placing the stump of the lost tissue
Level: 5 in the funnel and using the crank, until a
Related Entity: The Flesh regenerated limb emerges from the mince.
Stress: 3 upon recognizing the artefact’s The user can reattach the regrown tissue
abilities; 2 with each use to the stump and regain full use of the lost
Description: This antique meat grinder digit or limb. Or they can find some other
features a heavy vise to clamp it on the use for the newly spawned meat.
table and a crank for twisting the screw Someone fascinated with the grinder must
that pushes the meat from the funnel along succeed on an Intellect defense roll each day
and into the mincer. A rusty old thing, all to resist using it even without need.
heavy iron and brand names worn away to Fear: Someone using the artefact can’t help
nothing, the grinder responds well to care putting their other hand, foot, or limb into
and polish. the grinder and destroying the original
If the grinder is not currently claimed, tissue.
each time someone new sees it, they
must succeed on an Intellect defense roll
or become fascinated with the device,
From the Jiajing period, Level: 6
so Salesa said, and the Related Entity: The Spiral
construction seemed to back Stress: 3 upon acquiring and understanding
him up. The glaze and the how to use the pot (or realizing how the
workmanship fitted with mid- pot has been affecting them); 1 with each
to-late Ming dynasty, but annulled object
there was something . . . off Description: This ceramic pot—decorated
about the actual design.
with geometric blue lines that fractally
Instead of the pictures or
converge—seems like it might be valuable
scenes common to the ceramics
and/or have historical significance. When
of the period, the blue glaze
was painted on in crisp, thin someone first claims it as their own, they
geometric lines. They repeated must succeed on an Intellect defense roll.
perfectly and seemed to get If they fail, the pot begins afflicting them,
smaller and more intricate randomly eliminating their possessions
the closer I looked, but the at a rate of about one a day. Lost objects
shapes they formed never are excised from reality, so that other than
lost any of the precision, in the owner’s recollection, the object
seeming to continue on however never existed in the first place. Each lost
closely I looked. The effect possession is something the owner values,
was disorientating, and made such as their dress shoes or autographed
the vase seem smaller than it
copy of Catch-22, as chosen by the GM.
actually was. It made my head
If the owner attempts to destroy the pot,
hurt a bit when I looked at it
observe it closely for several hours, or give
for too long. It was amazing.
—MAG 38: “Lost and Found” it away after it has already started taking
their things, it disgorges everything it took.
One round later, pale shapes of long, thin
fingertips with dirty fingernails creep above
Aspect of The Stranger: the lip of the pot, and an aspect of The
level 6 Stranger emerges. It’s impossible to fully
describe the aspect because the moment
someone looks away, its appearance slips
from their mind. The aspect attempts to
pull the owner into the pot, but can be
beaten back with sufficient force; otherwise
the owner vanishes. If the owner flees,
they’re safe, and the pot can be claimed by
or sold to someone else.
Fear: A person the owner cares for is erased
from existence.
Finally, he pointed to the Level: 1d6
oldest of the pelts. He told Related Entity: The Lonely
me it was gorilla skin from Stress: 3 upon acquiring and understanding
Carthage, brought by Hanno the painting’s effect
in the 5th century BC, and Description: After possessing this drab
that it might just be the landscape painting (which lacks people,
oldest piece of taxidermy animals, or action) for a few days, the The Lonely, page 174
in the world. To be honest,
owner is pulled into The Lonely on a failed
I didn’t believe him. Even
Intellect defense roll. They find themselves
if a gorilla’s hide could
wandering completely alone in a misted,
be preserved for more than
two millennia, it seemed an muted, mirror reflection of what was shown
unlikely thing to be found in in the painting. Isolated individuals take
the back of a shop in Barnet. 1 point of Stress each hour they fail an
—MAG 54: “Still Life” Intellect defense roll. They can attempt an
Intellect-based task each minute they spend
GORILLA SKIN searching for a way out. On a success, they
Level: 5 appear within a few yards to a few miles of The gorilla skin can be used to
Related Entity: The Stranger where they were lost. fulfill the Unknowing ritual’s
component of “a costume of
Stress: 1 upon acquiring and recognizing its Fear: The stored, covered, or otherwise hidden special power or distinction.”
significance; 1 with each use painting is, unaccountably, back on full
Description: When this ancient taxidermized display. The Unknowing, page 175
gorilla hide is worn like a cape, the wearer
appears as a stranger even to those who
know them. The wearer can’t disguise
themselves as anyone in particular, but
instead, appears as someone no one knows.
If relevant, stealth and disguise tasks of the
wearer are eased by three steps.
Fear: The wearer no longer recognizes
themself in the mirror, and sometimes
their body no longer acts as if their own,
randomly hindering some tasks and easing
Level: 5 So it’s another statement is
Related Entity: The Corruption it? Like I owe you something?
Stress: 3 upon acquiring the scalpel and Even though I warned you the
realizing it’s impossible to sterilize or handle might have splinters,
disinfect it; 1 each time it is physically that you should always be
wielded to attack another person wearing gloves if you’re going
Description: This corroded and pitted to try firing it. And you knew
where it was from, the signs
scalpel is usually stored in a hermetically The pestilent scalpel is
of rage and violence to be mentioned briefly in the
sealed plastic box. Whenever the scalpel is
watching for. So far, I don’t podcast episode MAG
exposed to air—or, if continuously exposed, 51: “High Pressure.”
see how it’s my fault, and I
about once a day—it sheds a new airborne don’t consider myself liable.
infectious disease. Everyone in immediate —MAG 115: “Taking Stock”
range must succeed on a Might defense
roll or contract a novel pathogen (level 5 SLAUGHTER GUN
disease) and immediately gain 2 points of Level: 5
Stress. Each day diseased individuals must Related Entity: The Slaughter
succeed on a Might defense roll or take Stress: 3 upon acquiring the pistol and
a serious injury. If a diseased individual realizing its provenance
succeeds on three Might defense rolls, Description: Anyone handling this Luger
they gradually improve and throw off the pistol (a long-range medium weapon) Medium weapon, page 100
sickness. without gloves must succeed on a Speed
The scalpel can be used as a light weapon. defense roll or suffer 1 point of Stress from Light weapon, page 100
Each time a target is hit by the scalpel in surprise splinters from the grip. Despite
combat, they develop a distinct new disease that, the pistol seems eager to be used, and
on a failed Might defense roll. if the user wishes, they can spray multiple
Fear: The hermetically sealed container in shots at a target, easing their attack roll.
which the scalpel is stored cracks, begins Weirdly, this only uses a single round of
leaking, or shatters. ammunition.
However, once someone fires the weapon, they
ROCK EYE must succeed on an Intellect defense roll or
Level: 5 attack any and every living creature within
Related Entity: The Eye short range with it. Shots fired during this The rock eye is mentioned briefly
Stress: 3 when owner understands the rock period don’t use any ammunition. Affected in the podcast episode MAG 51:
“High Pressure.”
eye’s effect; 1 with each use shooters can attempt an Intellect defense
Description: Someone who takes this carved roll each round to drop the gun, ending
rock eye from the black velvet bag it’s their compulsion (but dealing 3 points of
normally stored in eases their perception Stress from the experience).
tasks by two steps. However, their Intellect- Fear: Someone who handles the gun and
based tasks (other than perception) are seems fine (or who succumbs but recovers
hindered for an hour after they remove the with a successful defense roll) begins to
eye from the bag. secretly yearn for the weapon. If they don’t
Fear: The Abiding Watcher notices the rock act to reacquire it within the week, the The Abiding Watcher, page 196
eye’s owner. gun still somehow ends up among their
Level: 7
Related Entity: The Web
Stress: 1 upon studying the table; 1 when
using it
Description: This large, dark wood table is
engraved with a hypnotic pattern that leads
one’s gaze to a recess at the table’s center.
Someone with knowledge of the Entities,
such as a dabbler (or someone who identifies
the artefact, as normal), can use the table to
Dabbler, page 209 bind an Avatar or aspect of an Entity to the
table if they succeed on an Intellect-based
attack against a qualified target within short
range. A bound target vanishes, swallowed
by the table. While swallowed, the target can
see and hear what goes on near the table, but seem normal, but eventually they appear as
otherwise can’t act. if from nowhere to record what’s happening.
An Avatar or other powerful being can Everything recorded is heard by the Avatar
remanifest in their regular form, despite who sent them.
being bound. They can’t stray more than a Fear: Someone realizing the tape recorder’s
very long range from the table, and all their true fealty loses their memory of the
tasks are hindered by three steps. They also incident that revealed its association with
cannot personally harm the table that binds The Web.
Fear: By accident, design, or
misunderstanding, the table is destroyed, It was making my eyes hurt to
releasing at least one bound Avatar or aspect watch and I started to feel
of an Entity, such as an angry NotThem. dizzy, but I couldn’t bring NotThem, page 230
myself to look away. Even then,
I thought I was just looking
MARTIN: Wait. Wait . . . The at a very well-done horror
tapes . . . set piece, especially when I
ANNABELLE: A fine material started to notice a handful of
to spin a web with, don’t you English words popping into the
think? wall of shifting text for a
MARTIN: What? All this time, second or two at a time. One
through all of this, it, it of them read “helphelphelp,”
was just you spying on us? all run together, and another,
ANNABELLE: Oh Martin. You “it peels my mind like
have no idea who’s listening, knives.” My mouth was dry and
do you? my hand was shaking, but even
—MAG 196: “This Old House” then all I could think was how
good this was. I was genuinely
impressed by how unsettled it
WEB TAPE RECORDER was making me.
Level: 1d6 + 2 —MAG 65: “Binary”
Related Entity: The Web
Stress: 1 each time someone notices one that
shouldn’t be there and/or it begins recording YUSHANKA CHATBOT
by itself Level: 4
Description: These resemble the sort of tape Related Entity: The Spiral and The Flesh
recorders popular in the 1980s and can play Stress: 1 the first time the chat window is
and record cassette tapes normally. opened and interacted with; 1 for every few
Most people who encounter them never hours (seventeen total) the chatbot video
realize there’s anything uncanny about is watched; 1 each time the video begins
them, other than their ability to record the playing on another screen near the victim
statements of supernatural events (or the Description: This chatbot is available in
events themselves) with less distortion than a number of possible digital formats,
purely digital recordings. including an installable file called
However, if someone catches the attention of YushankasDespair.exe that’s just over 1
The Weaver or another powerful Avatar of megabyte in size. If accessed, the chatbot
The Web, these recorders begin infiltrating window that pops up is quite basic.
that person’s life. At first their appearances
If a prompt is entered, the answer comes The haunting only ends if the viewer sits
in the form of a mess of symbols and down and watches all seventeen hours,
letters, some not even ASCII. The response despite how sick and dizzy it makes them.
scrolls, and amid the wall of shifting text, The video ends with the man smiling, lying
recognizable words begin appearing, then down, and saying, “The maze is sharp on
full phrases. Eventually video begins to play, my mind. The angles cut me when I try to
showing a balding, crying man in his late think.” Then he stops moving and the back
thirties, eating keyboard keys. of his head seems to be missing.
Anytime the viewer stops their computer, Fear: The viewer comes under a compulsion
the video tries to play on another nearby to eat their own keyboard. If they go
screen, such as their phone, a television, or a through with it (because they can’t stop
laptop that’s turned off or even unplugged, themselves or others can’t), they take a
though no one but the original viewer is serious injury.
able to see it. The video follows the viewer
wherever they go, eventually adding sounds
of crunching and the man muttering (in
a Russian accent) things like “It feels like
thinking through cheese wire” and “There’s
no feeling, but the no feeling hurts” and
“It’s cold without blood.”
Did I ever tell you about my Depending on the particulars of your game,
first Leitner? Of course, this
many paranormal books in circulation may
was before he was collecting
have once been part of The Book Collector’s The Book Collector, page 202
them, so back then it was just
library. All such books include a bookplate
a strange book. Odd to think
there was a time before he’d
reading “From the library of Jurgen Leitner”
stamped them with his mark. I (or whatever the name of The Book Collector
feel we must have called them is in your setting). Because volumes with this
something. Did we even know bookplate were later found to be haunted
how many there were? Or did we and/or cursed in some fashion, any book For details on making your own
just think of each as a thing that possesses supernatural abilities might be books in the game, see page 250.
Books are presented with stats like artefacts, How Artefact Stats Work,
and thus have a level, a related Entity (or page 249
ARCHIVIST: So the books, the
Entities), a Stress cost for interacting with
monsters, they’re part of
them, and a potential fear.
these beings? Just extensions
But many books have additional features,
of them? Fingers being pushed
including whether they were once part of a into our world?
larger collection of “Leitners” and whether a LEITNER: The books are, I
given book is subject to destruction. think, their essences in a
purer form.
—MAG 80: “The Librarian”
The Anatomy of Melancholy A Guest for Mr. Spider Security camera instruction manual
The Boneturner’s Tale Infinity Above: A Book of Astronomy The Seven Lamps of Architecture
Book of the Dead An Introduction to Higher Anatomy Spiders Are Eating
Catalogue of the Trapped Dead A Journal of the Plague Year The Stalwart Hunters’ Almanac
Dead Animals The Joy of Eating The Tale of a Field Hospital
Dictionnaire Infernal The Key of Solomon The Travels
DIG Killer’s Song Whispers in White Matter
A Disappearance Roaring Desolation
Ex Altiora Seen
reinforced, the target lapses back into
I spent some time with a small inactivity. Someone so affected can attempt
grey volume, I think it was an Intellect defense roll each minute to end
in Cyrillic, that decided the effect early.
it was at home amongst my Fear: On a reader’s failed Might defense roll,
bookshelves. I couldn’t read
the book reads more than emotion from
it, of course, but . . . when
them and physically erases some part of
it tried to read me back, I
their body, such as an ear, an eye, or a hand.
buried it on a lonely stretch
of moorland.
Or, in some cases, all of them.
—MAG 91: “The Coming Storm”
Level: 6
Level: 5 Stress: 3 upon realizing the book’s power; 1
Related Entity: The Eye with each use
If The Boneturner’s Tale is Stress: 3 if a reader resists the book’s attempt Description: This thick black paperback is
stored with regular books after to read them; none if they succumb and are written in English. No author is attributed.
being used by a reader, nearby
books begin to bleed. drained of emotion It follows the pilgrims in The Canterbury
Description: This unique volume of Robert Tales and their interactions with a newly
Burton’s medical text—translated into introduced pilgrim: the Bonesmith. Those
Russian—uses melancholy as a principal interactions usually turn grisly.
metaphor to explore all human emotions. Each time the book is studied for at least
However, each time someone glances at one hour, the user can attempt to make
any page from the book (even if they can’t one gross physical change to their own
read it), they must succeed on an Intellect physiology, such as making themselves up
defense roll or feel themselves being “read to a foot (30 cm) taller, sharpening their
back,” draining them of emotion for about fingers, making themselves more attractive,
an hour. Someone drained of emotion adding a layer of muscle, or possibly adding
is essentially unable to act of their own an extra organ, eye, mouth, and so on. Each
volition. They may take up tasks others such change is permanent, unless changed
command them, acting without emotion, again later.
but if that command is not continually
bury themself under the earth, or whatever’s minute they spend searching for a way out.
nearest, using their fingernails if no other On a success, they appear within a few yards If someone compelled by DIG
tool is available. Those who accomplish this to a few miles of where they were lost. tries to bury themselves but is
saved by a third party, they gain
without anyone watching usually end up Fear: Even if they don’t mean to, the reader three more Intellect defense rolls
smothering beneath the earth. begins to read the pamphlet cover to cover to try to purge themselves of the
Fear: The book’s containment (whether a on a failed Intellect defense roll.
simple wrap or a metal box welded shut) is
somehow disturbed, and the cover of the EX ALTIORA
book becomes visible, its blurred letters Level: 6
inviting further inquiry by those who don’t Related Entity: The Vast
already understand the peril. Stress: 3 each time the woodcut illustration of
the clear night sky in the book is examined
Hardly a book. Barely twelve
Description: Bound in calf leather, this
pages. It is entitled A
volume is titled Ex Altiora in faded gold
Disappearance. If read cover
to cover, it removes one
letters along the spine. Written entirely in
from the world. I cannot say Latin, the book is a long poem in the style
precisely what that means, of Virgil recounting a monstrous creature
only that the assistant I approaching an unnamed village on a cliff
assigned to it, Jacob Feng, edge. The creature is so vast that its head
was never seen again. and upper body are lost among the clouds.
—MAG 80: “The Librarian” In the end, unable to deny the creature’s
impossible vastness, the villagers hurl
themselves from the cliff onto the rocks far
A DISAPPEARANCE below. The Lonely, page 174
Level: 6
Related Entity: The Lonely
Stress: 3 upon realizing the book’s power; 1
with each use
Description: This short 1910 publication is
titled simply A Disappearance. If just one
or two words are read from the pamphlet,
the reader becomes invisible and intangible,
putting themselves beyond the reach even of
spells and abilities normally able to see, find,
and/or interact with hidden things. This
state lasts until the reader chooses to reveal
themself to another.
If read cover to cover (which only takes
about a minute), the book removes the
reader from the world (no defense roll).
Those removed find themselves wandering
completely alone in a misted, muted, mirror
reflection of reality in the dimension of The
Lonely. They take 1 point of Stress each
hour they fail an Intellect defense roll. They
can attempt an Intellect-based task each
ARCHIVIST: Like The Key of
Level: 4
Related Entity: The Slaughter
LEITNER: That one was a
Stress: 3 upon understanding and claiming
mistake. I thought that, in
the tunnels, there might be
the book; 1 with each use (successful or not)
the stability to examine it Description: This paperback, old and
properly, learn something of the unloved, shows obvious signs of neglect.
forces arrayed against us. But The story follows an unnamed character
it went wrong. We had to destroy through a series of violent encounters that
it. I should have known, really. escalate in their intensity and brutality. The
It was one of the few volumes protagonist is at first reluctant but, as the
that contained elements of story proceeds, grows eager for each new
several different powers. conflict. The purpose for the character’s
—MAG 80: “The Librarian” journey is never really explained, and the
story ends with their gruesome death.
THE KEY OF SOLOMON After identifying the book, the reader realizes
Level: 6 they can read a few pages to improve their
Related Entity: Potentially all the Entities chances in a fight, easing their attack rolls
Stress: 3 upon realizing the book’s true nature; for about an hour if they succeed on a
1 for each attempt to summon a monster difficulty 4 Intellect-based task.
Description: This tome appears to be On a failed task, the reader is driven to
something of an almanac on demonology. attack any and every living creature within
Apparently, it’s a special English-translated short range with whatever weapon is close
edition of a grimoire attributed to King at hand, including improvised weapons
Solomon. However, further perusal reveals like broken glass and shovels. Affected
The Entities, page 166 it’s a treatise on the Entities. Someone who individuals can attempt an Intellect defense
searches through the book for a minute per roll each round to regain their senses.
specific question eases a related knowledge Fear: An affected individual tears Killer’s Song
task made to understand the Entities (and clean in two down the spine, releasing an
The Slaughter, page 174 their related Avatars and aspects). invisible manifestation of The Slaughter
Someone could also attempt to use this book to that enters everyone in very long range who
Chapter 12: Monsters and summon and command a monster (of up to fails an Intellect defense roll. This causes
NPCs, page 192 level 5) related to an Entity. Doing so requires them to attack everyone and everything
reading from the book for one minute and within short range until nothing is left but
succeeding on an Intellect-based roll (eased by themselves, which they then treat just as
having read this tome and other skills related cruelly. An affected individual can attempt
to performing sorcery). If the character is another Intellect defense roll each round to
successful, the monster appears in a fashion end the effect before they kill someone else
matching its idiom (slipping from the shadows or themself.
if of The Dark, animating from a corpse
if of The End, and so on) and does as the
summoner asks until the task is concluded
or one day passes, whichever is sooner.
Fear: The monster doesn’t listen to the
summoner and instead attacks the nearest
ally with the lowest Might, or, after
finishing its commanded task, it returns and
attempts to destroy the summoner.
Ok, so this is the part that
you’re definitely going to
Level: 6
think I’m having a joke with
you, but I’m honestly not.
Related Entity: The Eye
I’m dead serious. Cos I saw Stress: 2 upon seeing one’s own face; 3 upon
some of the pages over his realizing the manual’s abilities; 1 with each
shoulder, and on one of them, use of the manual
there was . . . There was a Description: This ten-page pamphlet
picture of me, like a black purporting to be an instruction manual for
and white photo of my face. a Tecton multicamera recorder is yellowed,
I didn’t get a good look, water damaged, and well used. (Someone
but it certainly wasn’t one even put their name in the front, though
that I remember having had the handwriting is too poor and blurred
taken, not that that would
with age to definitively make out.) A person
make it any less weird for it
who glances through the manual has even
to be printed in an old CCTV
odds of seeing a black and white photo of
manual from back when I was
still in nappies. But I’m not
their face printed inside. Someone who
making it up, I swear. Then identifies or studies it realizes they can use
Samson turned and looked at the following abilities while in possession
me and, I don’t know, I got of the manual, whether or not they have
real spooked. His eyes were authorized access to nearby security
all messed up, like weird and cameras, or even access to a terminal,
glassy. It was really, really laptop, or phone. However, each time an
Horror Mode, page 122 freaky, and I just turned and ability is used, Horror Mode is triggered,
I got out of there. or, if already active, the range increases by
—MAG 148: “Extended 1 until the end of the day (or encounter,
whichever is longer).
• The manual owner can use their action to see
out of any camera within very long range.
• The manual owner can delete or insert visual
and audio information in digital security
camera footage collected by any camera
within very long range. The change can be
up to a couple of rounds in length per use.
Fear: The manual owner becomes fascinated
with it and with watching everyone else
using electronic surveillance, so much so
that getting them to engage in their regular
activities is difficult. The fascinated manual
owner can attempt an Intellect roll each
day that someone else tries to convince
them that their behavior is weird, and if
they succeed on three rolls, their fascination
ends. If they fail three before that (or fail
to attempt any rolls for three days), they
are bodily consumed by the nearest CCTV
security system, where their spirit remains
and watches forevermore.
THE STALWART HUNTERS’ ALMANAC Fear: The reader gets a papercut from the book’s
Level: 4 pages, which quickly leads to putrefaction.
Related Entity: The Flesh and The Hunt The affected reader must succeed on a Might
Stress: 2 each time a topic in the almanac defense roll each day against the rapidly
is perused; 1 each time knowledge gained progressing disease or suffer a serious injury.
from reading the almanac is put to use If they succeed three times before dying, they
Description: This leatherbound book is filled survive the disease, though possibly only
with hunting anecdotes, all grisly. Some because they lost a finger, hand, or arm to
focus on hunting animals, while a few seem amputation in order to stop the putrefaction
to be about hunting people. Most such from reaching their heart.
hunts include a wrap-up scene describing
how the prey was slaughtered in preparation
for a meal. He dragged his rifle along
If an anecdote is read (requiring about ten with him, his belt was gone,
minutes) and the reader succeeds on a his helmet was poised at the
difficulty 4 Intellect-based task to understand back of his head, his tunic was
it, their tracking tasks are eased for one day. thrown over his shoulders; he
Fear: A manifestation of The Flesh and The was literally black with flies.
Hunt identifies the reader as its prey, and if He told me he had come from
and when it catches them, it does terrible the concentration camps, that
there were many among the
things to them, as described in the almanac.
Boers that shared his state,
and that he longed to touch me
THE TALE OF A FIELD HOSPITAL with all that we had visited
Level: 5 upon them. He talked of
Related Entity: The Corruption disease, putrefaction, and
Stress: 1 from each papercut; 3 upon realizing the writhing creatures of
the papercut is horribly infected filth. He breathlessly talked
Description: This book by Sir Frederick of his revelation. Then he
Treves describes his experiences during died, as did the man who came
the Second Boer War. However, the age to bury him.
of the tome and the fact that many of its —MAG 68: “The Tale of a Field
pages have different ink weights or layouts Hospital”
(perhaps indicating they were printed
at different times) suggest it’s a
proofing or draft copy. Moreover,
the anecdotes in this volume vary in
tone and content more than in the
published version, often with death
coming suddenly due to some kind
of sepsis, fever, or other unknown
but usually gruesome disease. A
recurring character in the book is Private
Amherst, who succumbs to smallpox,
only to reappear later with some other
ailment that ultimately claims him, and
then once more. However, in his passing, he
intimates that it’s not permanent, because
“[...] you see, doctor, I am such a restless man.”
Rusty Quill Gaming podcast
f you’re going to be the game master (GM) the player come up with the name). so you can listen to a game
and learn the basics of what
in your Magnus Archives RPG, you’ve got You’re the narrator, the bad guys, all the minor to expect. Just remember this
some things to keep in mind. It’s not always characters, and a sort of referee all in one. is a different system, so the
easy, but it’s not as bad as you might think. An RPG is a game of conversation, back rules are a little different!
And it’s certainly rewarding. and forth. In broad strokes, it goes something
In this chapter, we’re going to talk about the like this:
rules and how the GM can use them. We’ll 1. You tell the players what their characters
also discuss interacting with players, running see and hear.
games, and crafting great stories. 2. One at a time, the players tell you what
As in The Magnus Archives podcast, the key they want to do in response to what you told
to fun in the RPG is the creation of a good them.
story. Eliciting chills, excitement, and wonder 3. You determine their chance of success
should be the goal of every GM in every game or failure, one at a time. If there’s a chance of
session. failure, you determine the difficulty of their
action and ask them to roll a die.
4. The players roll dice, and together you They’ll talk to people, explore places, move
determine what happens as a result. things, start fights, run from danger, sneak,
5. Based on what just happened, you tell surrender, find clues, and a million other
the players what their characters see and hear things. You can’t plan for everything, but you
(including, perhaps, what actions the NPCs take). should be ready—in a very general sense—
6. The players tell you what they want to do. for the kinds of things they might do. If the
adventure takes place in another city, for
And so on. example, you need to have a few options for
You need to have the answers to a few travel, with obstacles that might get in their
questions ready: way, and an idea of what things will be like
when they arrive. For example, maybe the
1. Where will things start? Be ready to set small town they want to investigate is hosting
the scene at the beginning of the session. You a circus with uncanny exhibits.
are entirely in control over where this is and
what’s going on. The players will look to you 3. Who will the characters meet? PCs in
for information and guidance. this game start off almost every investigation
Chapter 9: The Statement, Ideally, you’ll use a statement to get things by talking to people they learn about in the
page 157 rolling. statement. There will likely be more than one
person to question. You need to have an idea of
2. What will the characters do? From that what they look like and what they might know
initial scene, the players will take action. when the PCs ask them questions. If the PCs
They’ll likely go somewhere else. You need investigate an old house with a monster within,
to be ready to describe these new locations. you have to be ready with an idea of what (or
THE RULES VERSUS THE STORY On first glance, it might seem that for a
story-based game, there isn’t a lot of “story” in
the rules. A wall, a silver worm, a pit to leap,
It took me a moment to and a gun can be more or less summed up as a
recognize Callum McKenzie, single number—their level. The thing is, this
holding out his pitchfork as is a story-based game because the rules at their
he looked over his croft. But
core are devoid of story. A wall, a silver worm,
no, the angle was wrong. He
a pit to leap, and a gun can be summed up as
wasn’t holding his pitchfork,
levels because they’re all just parts of the story.
he was just gripping the
handle, and I realized with They’re all just obstacles or tools.
a jolt that the sharp tines There aren’t a lot of specifics in the rules—
were buried in his stomach. no guidelines for particular judo moves or
From this angle, I could just the differences between repairing a movie
about make out the ends of projector and fixing a lorry or semi-truck.
them protruding from his back, That’s not because those kinds of things are to
and suddenly everything seemed be ignored, but because they are flavor—they
very still. are story, description, and elaboration for
—MAG 125: “Civilian the GM and the players to provide. A player
Casualties” running a character in a fistfight can and
should describe one attack as an uppercut
and another as a roundhouse punch, even
though there’s no mechanical difference. In
fact, because there’s no mechanical difference. For example, we make the distinction
That’s what a narrative game is all about. It’s between something that most normal people
interesting and entertaining, and that’s why can do and something that trained people can
you’re all sitting at the table in the first place. do. In this case, “normal” means someone
If different aspects of the game—walls, silver with absolutely no training, talent, or
worms, pits, and so on—have distinctions, experience—imagine the most average person
they come through as story elements, which in the world trying a task they’ve never tried
are special exceptions to the rules. Having before. “Trained” means the person has some
so few general rules makes adding special level of instruction or experience but is not
conditions and situations easier, because there necessarily a professional.
is less rules tinkering to deal with. Fewer special With that in mind, think about the act of
circumstances to worry about. Less chance of balance. With enough focus, most people
contradictions and rules incompatibilities. For can walk across a narrow bridge (like a fallen
example, you can easily have a mystic barrier tree trunk). That suggests it is difficulty 2.
that can be destroyed only by mental force. However, walking across a narrow plank
A greyling has its special grab attack. A pit that’s only 3 inches (8 cm) wide? That’s Greyling, page 220
could have very slippery walls. The Chosen of probably more like difficulty 3. Now The Chosen of Flame, page 205
Flame burns things with her touch. These are consider walking across a tightrope. That’s
story elements that mechanically build on the probably difficulty 5—a normal person can
very simple base mechanics, and they all make manage that only with a great deal of luck.
things more interesting. Someone with some training can give it a go,
but it’s still hard. Of course, a professional
SETTING DIFFICULTY RATINGS acrobat can do it easily. Consider, however,
The GM’s most important overall tasks are that the professional acrobat is specialized
setting the stage and guiding the story created in the task, making it difficulty 3 for them.
by the group (not the one created by the GM They probably are using Effort as well during
ahead of time). But setting difficulty is the their performance. And they probably have a
most important mechanical task the GM has Speed Edge of 2 or higher.
in the game. Although there are suggestions Let’s try another task. This time, consider
throughout this chapter for various difficulty how hard it might be to remember the name
ratings for certain actions, there is no master of a previous mayor of the town where the
list of the difficulty for every action a PC can character lives. The difficulty might be 0 or
take. Instead, the system is designed with the 1, depending on how long ago they were the
“teach a person to fish” style of good game leader and how well known they were. Let’s
mastering in mind. (If you don’t know what say it was ten years ago and they were only
that means, it comes from the old adage “Give mildly memorable, so it’s difficulty 1. Most
a person a fish and they’ll eat for a day. Teach people remember them, and with a little bit of
a person to fish and they’ll eat for a lifetime.” effort, anyone can come up with their name.
The idea is not to give GMs a ton of rules to Now let’s consider the name of the mayor’s
memorize or reference, but to teach them how daughter. That’s much harder. Assuming the
to make their own logical judgment calls.) daughter wasn’t famous in her own right, it’s
For the most part, it really is as simple as probably difficulty 4. Even people who know a
rating something on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 little about local history (that is to say, people
being incredibly easy and 10 being basically who are trained in the subject) might not
impossible. The guidelines in the Task be able to remember it. But what about the
Difficulty table, presented again on page 290 name of the pet dog owned by the daughter’s
for reference, should help put you in the right spouse? That’s probably impossible. Who’s
frame of mind for assigning difficulty to a task. going to remember the name of an obscure
person’s pet from years ago? Basically no one. Don’t hesitate, then, to pull out higher-level
However, it’s not forbidden knowledge or a difficulties. The PCs can rise to the challenge,
well-guarded secret, so it sounds like difficulty especially if they are experienced.
7. Difficulty 7 is the rating that means “No
one can do this, yet some people still do.” THE IMPOSSIBLE DIFFICULTIES
It’s not the stuff of legend, but it’s something Difficulties 7, 8, 9, and 10 are all technically
you would assume people can’t do. When you impossible. Their target numbers are 21, 24,
think there’s no way you can get tickets for a 27, and 30, and you can’t roll those numbers
sold-out concert, but somehow your friend on a d20 no matter how many times you
manages to score a couple anyway, that’s try. Consider, however, all the ways that a
difficulty 7. (See the next section for more on character can reduce difficulty. If someone
difficulties 7, 8, 9, and 10.) spends a little Effort or has some skill or help,
If you’re talking about a task, ideally the it brings difficulty 7 (target number 21) into
difficulty shouldn’t be based on the character the range of possibility—difficulty 6 (target
performing the task. Things don’t get number 18). Now consider that they have
inherently easier or harder depending on who specialization, use a lot of Effort, and have
is doing them. The GM should consider only help. That might bring the difficulty down
an average human because the Task Difficulty to 1 or even 0 (reducing it by two steps from
table is based on the ideal of a “normal” training and specialization, three or four steps
person, a “trained” person, and so on. It’s from Effort, and one step from the asset of
humancentric. assistance). That practically impossible task
Most characters probably are willing to use just became routine. A fourth-tier character
one or two levels of Effort on a task, and they can and will do this—not every time, due to
might have an appropriate skill or asset to ease the cost, but perhaps once per game session.
the difficulty by a step. That means a difficulty You have to be ready for that. A well-prepared,
4 task will often be treated as difficulty 2 motivated sixth-tier character can do that even
or even 1, and those are easy rolls to make. with a difficulty 10 task. Again, they won’t
do it often (they’d have to apply six levels on. (Technically, this is not true. If a character
of Effort, and even with an Edge of 6 that adds 1 to a d20 roll for some reason, it
would cost 7 points from their Pool, and that’s changes a target number of 15 to 14. But this
assuming they’re specialized and have two is not worth much discussion.)
levels of assets), but it can happen if they’re Imprecision is good in this case. For example,
really prepared for the task (being specialized it would be false precision to say that one
and maxed out in asset opportunities reduces lock on a safe securing an artefact has a target
the difficulty by four more steps). That’s why number of 14 and another has a target number
sixth-tier characters are at the top of their of 15. What false precision means in this
field, so to speak. context is that it would be a delusion to think
we can be that exact. Can you really say that
FALSE PRECISION one lock is 5% easier to pick than another?
One way to look at difficulty is that each And more important, even if you could, is the
step of difficulty is worth 3 on the die. That difference worth noting? It’s better to interact
is to say, hinder the task by one step, and the with the world in larger, more meaningful
target number rises by 3. Ease the task by one chunks than to try to parse things so carefully.
step, and the target number is lowered by 3. If we tried to rate everything on a scale of 1 to
Those kinds of changes are big, meaty chunks. 30 (using target numbers and not difficulty),
Difficulty, as a game mechanic, is not terribly we’d start to get lost in the proverbial weeds
precise. It’s measured in large portions. You coming up with a meaningful distinction
never have a target number of 13 or 14, for between something rated as an 8 and
example—it’s always 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and so something rated as a 9 on that scale.
Far more important than that level of Sometimes the PCs will break down a door,
precision is consistency. If the PCs need to and you’ll realize that you rated it too low.
Blood money pouch, page 251 remove the influence of the blood money Or the PCs will try to paddle a raft down a
pouch over an ally, and the GM rules that fast-moving river, and you (and probably they)
it is a difficulty 6 task to prepare an ad hoc will quickly discover that the difficulty you
ritual using rare ingredients and appropriate gave the task was ridiculously high.
chanting, then it needs to be a difficulty 6 task Don’t fret.
if someone else is also affected and they have That door was already weakened by an
to try the ritual again (or there needs to be an earthquake, a structural flaw, or the fact that
understandable reason why it’s not). The same a while back some other people pounded on
is true for simpler tasks like walking across a it all day. That river was actually moving far
narrow ledge or jumping up onto a platform. faster than the PCs thought at first, or their
Consistency is key. The reason is that players raft was faulty.
need to be able to make informed decisions. The point is, mistakes are easy to cover up.
If they remember how hard it was to do that And sometimes, you can even tell your players
ritual yesterday, but it’s inexplicably harder it was just a mistake. They might even help
to do it today, they’ll get frustrated because provide an explanation if you do. It’s not the
they tried to apply their experience to their end of the world.
decision-making process, and it failed them. If More important, most of the time, no one
Encourage the players to give there’s no way to make an informed decision, will even know. For example, did you rate
feedback. Players should always then all decisions are arbitrary. a task to hide from a pursuing cultist of the
feel free to tell the GM what
they loved and what they didn’t Think about it in terms of real life. You need Lightless Flame as difficulty 4 but it really
love. This is the best way for to cross the street, but a car is approaching. should have been 3? Oh well. Unless the
a GM to grow and get even
better, and it ensures that You’ve crossed the street thousands of times player rolls a 9, 10, or 11—which would have
everyone is playing the game before, so you can look at the car and pretty succeeded for difficulty 3 but not difficulty
they want to be playing. easily judge whether you can cross safely or 4—it won’t matter. And even if they do roll
whether you have to wait for it to pass first. one of those numbers, who cares? Maybe the
If the real world had no consistency, you character was feeling the burns from an earlier
couldn’t make that decision. Every time you encounter with the cultist, and it hindered
stepped into the street, you might get hit by a their task.
car. You’d never cross the street. The thing to take away is this: don’t let the
Players need that kind of consistency, too. fear of making a mistake keep you from freely
So when you assign a difficulty to a task, note and quickly assessing the difficulty of a task
that number and try to keep it consistent the and moving on with the game. Don’t agonize
next time the PCs try the same task. “Same” over it. Give it a difficulty, call for a roll,
is the key word. Deciphering one weird riddle and keep the game moving. Hesitating over
in a book isn’t necessarily like deciphering a rating will be far more detrimental to the
another. Climbing one wall isn’t the same as game than giving something the wrong rating.
climbing another.
You’ll make mistakes while doing this, so
just accept that fact now. Excuse any mistakes
with quick explanations about “a quirk of fate”
or something along the lines of a surprisingly
strong wind that wasn’t blowing the last time.
This means that you use experience points as a never base their decisions on GM intrusions.
narrative tool. Whenever it seems appropriate, They don’t know when intrusions will happen
you can introduce complications into the or what form they will take. GM intrusions
game that affect a specific player, but when are the unpredictable and strange twists of fate
you do so, you give that player 2 XP (and that affect a person’s life every day.
they immediately give one of them to another When player modifications (such as skill,
player). The player can refuse the intrusion, Effort, and so on) determine that success is
but doing so costs them 1 XP. So by refusing automatic, the GM can use GM intrusion to
an intrusion, the player does not get the XP negate the automatic success. The player must
that the GM is offering, and they lose one roll for the action at its original difficulty level
that they already have. (This kind of refusal is or target number 20, whichever is lower.
likely to happen very rarely in your game, if
ever. And, obviously, a player can’t refuse an PLAYER-AWARDED EXPERIENCE POINTS
intrusion if they have no XP to spend.) Players who gain 2 XP as the result of GM
Here’s how a GM intrusion might work intrusion keep 1 XP and give 1 XP to another
in play. Say the PCs find a hidden console player for whatever reason they wish—maybe
with some buttons in The Artefact Dealer’s the other player had a good idea, told a
office. They learn the right order in which to funny joke, lent a helping hand, or whatever
press the buttons, and a section of the floor seems appropriate. The ability for a player
quickly opens to an otherwise inaccessible to award XP to their friends is empowering
basement. As the GM, you don’t ask the and interactive. It helps the players regulate
players specifically where their characters are the flow of XP so that no one is left out. It
standing. Instead, you give a player 2 XP and rewards good play that pleases the group as
say, “Unfortunately, you’re standing directly a whole, ensuring that everyone contributes
over this new hole in the floor.” If the player to everyone else’s enjoyment. It shouldn’t just
wanted, they could refuse the XP, spend one be the GM who decides which players have
of their own, and say “I leap aside to safety.” done well. Some groups will want to decide
Most likely, though, they’ll make the defense the criteria for player-awarded points ahead of
roll that you call for and let it play out. time. Some will just want to play it by ear.
There are two ways for the GM to handle Variant: Alternatively, the group could
this kind of intrusion. You could say, “You’re combine the player-awarded points and vote
standing in the wrong place, so make a at the end of a session to decide who gets how
roll.” (It’s a Speed defense roll, of course.) many XP. This might be the most egalitarian
Alternatively, you could say, “You’re standing way to do it, but it’s probably not as fun or
in the wrong place. The floor beneath your empowering to the individual players.
feet drops, and you descend down into the
darkness.” In the first example, the PC has USING GM INTRUSION AS A NARRATIVE TOOL
a chance to save themselves. In the second A GM can use this narrative tool to steer things.
example, they don’t. Both are viable options. That doesn’t mean railroad the players or direct
The distinction is based on any number of the action of the game with a heavy hand. GM
factors, including the situation, the characters intrusion doesn’t enable you to say “You’re all
involved, and the needs of the story. This might captured, so here’s your 1 XP.” Instead, the GM
seem arbitrary or even capricious, but you’re can direct things more subtly—gently, almost
the master of what the intrusion can and can’t imperceptibly influencing events rather than
do. RPG mechanics need consistency so players forcing them. GM intrusion represents things
can make intelligent decisions based on how going wrong. The bad guys planning well.
they understand the world to work. But they’ll Fortune not favoring the characters.
Consider this scenario: the GM plants an This is wonderfully empowering for the
interesting clue in a hospital, but the PCs GM—not in a “Ha, now I’ll trounce the PCs”
don’t stay there long enough to find it. Not way, but in an “I can control the narrative a
long after leaving, they run afoul of a vicious little bit, steering it more toward the story
gang of toughs that attack them. The GM I want to create rather than relying on the
uses intrusion to say that the knife wound dice” sort of way. Consider that old classic
a PC suffered will get infected and make plot development in which the PCs get
the character debilitated unless they get a captured and must escape from the bad guys.
large dose of penicillin, which the group In heroic fiction, this is such a staple that it
doesn’t have. Of course, they aren’t required would almost seem strange if it didn’t happen.
to go back to the hospital where the GM’s But in many roleplaying games, it’s a nearly
interesting clue lies, but they probably will. impossible turn of events—the PCs usually
Some players might find intrusion have too many ways to get out of the bad guy’s
heavy-handed, but the XP softens the blow. clutches before they’re captured. The dice have
And remember, they can refuse these narrative to be wildly against them. It virtually never
nudges. Intrusion is not meant to be a happens. With GM intrusion, it could happen
railroading tool—just a bit of a rudder. Not an (again, in the context of the larger encounter,
inescapable track, but a nudge here and there. not as a single intrusion that results in the
What’s more, the GM doesn’t need to have entire group of PCs being captured with little
a deliberate goal in mind. The complication explanation or chance to react).
you introduce could simply make things more For example, let’s say the PCs are surrounded
interesting. You might not know where it will take by people in a fishing village mesmerized by
the story, just that it will make the story better. the effects of an artefact used by the Avatar
of The Corruption. One character is badly climbing a burning rope, and everyone knows
injured—debilitated—and the rest are hurt. that it will break at some point, the game has
Some of the people produce a large weighted a mechanism to ensure that it breaks at just
net from a fishing boat. Rather than asking the right time.
for a lot of rolls and figuring the mechanics
for escape, you use intrusion and say that the USING GM INTRUSIONS IN HORROR MODE
net goes over the PCs who are still on their With the GM intrusions coming fast and
feet. The rest of the mesmerized people point furious toward the end of Horror Mode, it’s Horror Mode, page 122
knives menacingly. This is a pretty strong cue easy to run out of ideas. In combat, intrusions
to the players that surrender is a good (and might just mean that the monster or villain
possibly the only) option. Some players won’t gets a surprise extra attack or inflicts more
take the hint, however, so another use of damage. Perhaps a PC is thrown to the ground
intrusion might allow the assailants to hit one or nearer to the edge of a cliff. If the characters
of the trapped PCs on the head and render are running away, one might trip and fall. If
them unconscious while their friends struggle the PCs are exploring, a bookcase topples,
in the net. If the players still don’t surrender, potentially hitting someone. Think of all the
it’s probably best to play out the rest of the similar moments you’ve seen in horror films.
encounter without more GM intrusions— Sometimes, if the GM prefers, the
using more would be heavy-handed by GM intrusion can simply be something
anyone’s measure—although it’s perfectly frightening, like a moan or a whisper. These
reasonable to rule that a character rendered aren’t dangerous to the PCs, but they escalate
debilitated is knocked unconscious, since the the tension and indicate that something bad is
fisherfolk are trying to take the PCs alive. getting closer.
In fact, while in Horror Mode, GMs should
USING GM INTRUSION AS mostly refrain from doing anything bad,
A RESOLUTION MECHANIC ominous, or dangerous unless it’s an intrusion
This mechanic offers a way for the GM to (either from a die roll or through the awarding
determine how things happen in the game of XP). In a horror game, GM intrusions are an
without leaving it all to random chance. Bad indication that things are bad and getting worse,
guys trying to smash down the door to the and whenever possible, the GM should allow the Frankly, a lot of great GMs
room where the PCs are holed up? You could Horror Mode escalation to drive the action. over the years—even in the very
early days of the hobby—have
roll a bunch of dice, compare the NPCs’ stats Consider this example. The PCs have used their role to manipulate
to the door’s stats, and so on, or you could tracked something that probably committed their games on the fly to make
a better story. Sometimes they
wait until the most interesting time, have the a series of horrific murders to an old factory. rolled dice or pretended to roll
bad guys break in, and award an experience They enter the building to explore. The GM dice, but they were actually
point to the PC who tried their best to bar the knows where the creature is hiding in the using GM intrusions, even if
they didn’t use that term.
door. The latter way is The Magnus Archives factory, but decides that it doesn’t become
way. Intrusion is a task resolution tool for the aware of the characters until an intrusion
GM. In other words, you don’t base things is indicated. The only clue the PCs have is
on stats but on narrative choice. This method a mysterious noise off in the darkness. The
frees the GM from worrying about mechanics creature doesn’t move toward them until
and looking up stats and allows them to focus another GM intrusion occurs. Now they
on the story. hear something dragging across the factory
This isn’t cheating—it’s the rules of the floor, coming closer. But it’s not until a third
game. This rule simply replaces traditional intrusion occurs that the creature lunges out
dice rolling with good game mastering, logic, from behind an old machine at the PC who
and intelligent storytelling. When a PC is triggered the intrusion.
In some ways, the status quo doesn’t change example, the PCs are trying to bribe an
until an intrusion happens. This could be seen official for information, and the official
as limiting the GM and the need for pacing, reveals that what they really want isn’t
but remember that the GM can still have money but for someone to rescue their
an intrusion occur anytime they desire, in kidnapped son.
addition to waiting for the low die rolls.
(GMs may want to limit the number of GM INTRUSION THAT AFFECTS THE GROUP
intrusions to no more than one per round, no The core of the idea behind GM intrusion
matter what the dice indicate, but that should is that the player being adversely affected
be based on the situation.) gains an experience point. But what if the
intrusion affects the whole group equally?
USING (AND NOT ABUSING) GM INTRUSION What if the GM uses it to have an unstable
Too much of a good thing will make the game device overload and explode, harming all the
seem utterly unpredictable—even capricious. characters? In this case, if no PC is involved
The ideal is to use about four GM intrusions more than the others (for example, no single
per game session, depending on the length of PC was frantically attempting to repair
the session, or about one intrusion per hour of the device), you should give 1 XP to each
game play. This is in addition to any intrusions character but not give any of them an extra
that are triggered by players rolling a 1. XP to hand out to someone else.
However, this kind of group intrusion
INTRUSION THROUGH PLAYER ROLLS should be an exception, not the rule. GM
When a player rolls a 1, handle the GM intrusions are much more effective if they are
intrusion the same way that you’d handle an more personal.
intrusion you initiated. The intrusion could
mean the PC fumbles or botches whatever EXAMPLE GM INTRUSIONS
they were trying to do, but it could mean It’s not a good idea to use the same events
something else. Consider these alternatives: as GM intrusions over and over (“Gwen’s
• In combat, the PC’s foe is not as hurt as smartphone lost its connection again?”). Here
they thought. Give the foe 5 extra points are several different intrusions you can use.
of health.
• In combat, the PC drops their guard, and BAD LUCK
the foe gets a free attack. Through no fault of the characters, something
• In combat, reinforcements for the PC’s happens that is bad or at least complicating.
foes show up. For example:
• In combat (or any stressful situation), an • The floorboard beneath the PC gives way.
ally decides to flee. • The boat lists to starboard at just the
• In combat (or any stressful situation), an wrong moment.
ally doesn’t like the PCs as much as they • A gust of wind blows the papers out of
thought. The ally steals from them or the character’s hand.
betrays them. • The buckle of the PC’s pack snaps at an
• Out of combat, the PC’s pack falls open, inopportune time.
or the sole of their shoe tears open. • The NPC that the characters need to
• Out of combat, it begins to rain heavily. speak with is home sick today.
• Out of combat, a surprise foe appears, • A device malfunctions or gives the user
and the scene turns into a combat. a jolt.
• In an interaction, the GM introduces
a surprising motive for the NPC. For
PLAYER INTRUSIONS they are. The GM could say “You can hurl
Player Intrusion, page 121 Player intrusions give the players a small bit that stone pretty far,” but the rules provide
of narrative control over the world. However, a definition of “pretty far” that helps keep
the world still remains in the GM’s purview. things consistent, moderately realistic, and
You can always overrule a player intrusion, or understandable so the GM doesn’t have to
suggest a way to massage it so that it fits better repeat things over and over.
into the setting. Still, because it is indeed The rules do more than that, of course.
narrative control, a player intrusion should They determine success or failure for PCs
always involve a small aspect of the world and NPCs. They help define what resources
beyond the character. “I punch my foe really characters have to interact with the world
hard” is an expression of Effort or perhaps (although the best resource is the players’
character ability. “My foe slips and falls ingenuity, and that isn’t defined by the rules).
backward off the ledge” is a player intrusion.
Player intrusions should never be as big ADJUDICATING
as GM intrusions. They should not end an A lot of what we’re talking about here is
encounter, only (perhaps) provide the PC with what people sometimes call “adjudicating.”
the means to more easily end an encounter. Adjudicating is basically the difference
They should not have a wide-reaching or between a computer game and a game run by
even necessarily a long-term effect on the an actual, living human being. All a computer
setting. A way to consider this might be that can do (as of yet) is follow the rules. But
player intrusions can affect a single object (a a human can use their sense of logic (we’ll
floorboard snaps), feature (there’s a hidden discuss that in detail later) to determine
shallow spot in the stream to ford), or NPC whether the rules make sense for a given
(the vendor is an old friend). But not more situation, and they can do it on a case-by-case
than that. A player intrusion can’t affect a basis. Because there’s a human GM using
whole town or even a whole pub in that town. logic, the rules for how to play this game take
A rock can come loose, but a player intrusion up only a small part of this hefty book. If the
can’t create a landslide. rules had to cover every imaginable situation,
this would be a very different book.
For example, imagine that the PCs
THE REST OF THE RULES encounter a creature of pure darkness with
The rules exist to be used as tools to shape the a life-absorbing touch. It can’t exist within
game, the story, and the experience. When the light. One of the PCs has a flashlight and
you tell a player that the howling, bestial tries to shine the light on themself as a sort of
nonhuman things at the top of the cliff throw shield to rebuff the creature. Obviously, there’s
down heavy stones and their character gets no rules for using a flashlight like that. Should
hurt, the rules help explain just how hurt. it work? And how well? You could say that the
One way to look at it is this: the GM is flashlight is too weak to matter. You could also
the sensory input for the players. They can’t say it’s a foolproof way to counter the creature.
know anything about what’s going on in the Using light in that way makes some sense,
fictional reality of the game unless the GM since the creature’s essence is darkness, but the
Advanced Description, page 340 tells them (we’ll get to describing things later light probably doesn’t protect every area on
in this chapter). The rules, then, are one the PC’s body at every moment, as their hand
way to convey information to the players is likely to occasionally shake or get jostled.
in a manner that is meaningful to everyone It’s complex. Could you devise a rule to cover
sitting at the table. The GM could say “You’re exactly how well the PC protects themself?
quite hurt,” but the rules clarify how hurt Probably, but why bother? You can make a
decision based on the situation, and—just as you adjudicate that they don’t just take the
important—the story at that moment. (You injury, they also lose their next turn, giving
can also use GM intrusion and say that the the creature chasing them a chance to catch
creature slips in at the right moment to attack up. That’s harsh, and the player will really
in an area that wasn’t protected. GM intrusion feel it. But they should, and it will keep them
really does solve a lot of these issues.) from exploiting what might seem like a hole
Likewise, sometimes a character who falls in the rules in a way that no real person would
off a high ledge should be stunned and lose (and no one in a story would).
their next turn. That isn’t a rule, but it makes Remember, it’s your job to use the rules
sense—sometimes. And the key word is to simulate the world, even if the world is a
sometimes. Because sometimes the situation fictional place with all kinds of strangeness.
or the context means you don’t want that to You’re not a slave to the rules—it’s the other
happen, so you adjudicate. way around. If you come across a hole in the
A character falling from a 50-foot (16 m) rules or something that doesn’t make sense,
ledge probably takes a serious injury and don’t shrug your shoulders and say “Well,
moves one step down the damage track. that’s what the rules say (or don’t say).” Fix it.
That’s a lot, but a fresh character can take When talking about rules, sometimes
that and keep going. Sometimes that’s okay, people will toss around words like “game
but sometimes it stretches our suspension of balance” or refer to rules as “broken.” These
disbelief. If a player reads the rules on how concepts belong in games where players build
much damage is dealt by falling, they might characters using extensive rules and make a
even have their character jump off a rooftop lot of choices and then pit those characters
deliberately, knowing that they can take it. So against specific challenges to see how they
fare. In such a game, a challenge rated or to give them some protection against The
designed poorly, or a character option that Desolation one time but not the next, that’s
grants too much or too little power, can a problem—not only because it breaks the
throw everything completely out of whack. suspension of disbelief but also because it gives
Advancing and improving characters is the the players nothing to base their decisions on.
point of that kind of game, and the way that Without predictable consistency, they can’t
characters “win” is by overcoming challenges make intelligent decisions.
(often, by fighting). These rules are written with the assumption
Because this is not a game about matching that you don’t need to fall back on rules for
PC builds against specific challenges, nor a everything, either for your own sake or as a
game about advancing characters (at least defense against the players. “I’m going to run a
not solely, and in any event, characters do long distance and jump on my big friend’s back.
not advance due to fights or overcoming On their action, they will run a long distance. So
challenges), these concepts really don’t apply. I can move twice as far in one round. There’s
If something seems broken, change it. If a PC no rule against that, right?” It’s true that there
ability is too powerful, make it less so. Do it isn’t a rule against that, but it makes no sense.
either as part of the story, or—perhaps even The GM’s logic rules the day here.
better—just be upfront with the players. “Hey, You shouldn’t need pedantic rules to defend
guys, this new psychic power of Ray’s is just against the players. You and the players should
too good. It’s making every fight a pushover work together to create a logical, consistent,
and that’s not fun. So I’m going to tone down and believable world and story. Players who
its effect. Sound okay?” An honest discussion try to use the lack of pedantry in the rules
with the players is often the best way to to gain unrealistic and illogical advantages
handle just about any problem that crops up for their characters should revisit the basic
in a game. And if a player can’t handle that concept of The Magnus Archives RPG.
kind of interaction, maybe the issue isn’t with Further, the rules don’t say things like “The
the game. GM decides if the NPC knows the answer to
the question, or if they will answer, or how
LOGIC they will answer.” Of course that’s the kind of
Running a game requires a lot of logic rather thing you decide—that’s your role. The rules
than a careful reading of the rules. For example, don’t state that you decide if something is
some things give characters a resistance to fire. logical and appropriate to the story or setting
But there is no special rule for “fire damage” any more than they state that the player
as opposed to “slicing damage” or “lightning decides what actions their character will take.
damage.” Instead, you use logic to determine That’s just the way the game works.
whether the damage inflicted counts as fire. In Does this put more pressure on the GM?
these situations, there are only two times when Yes and no. It means that you need to
your answer is wrong. make more judgment calls—more of the
The first is when the answer breaks the adjudication described above—which can be
players’ suspension of disbelief. For example, challenging if you’re new at it. But being an
something that makes a PC fire resistant arbiter of what seems appropriate and makes
should probably provide some protection sense is something that we all do, all day long.
against a heat-based attack from a servant of Look at it this way: when you’re watching a
The Desolation. If it doesn’t, your answer will television show or a movie, at some point you
spoil the moment for the group. might say “That seems wrong” or “That seems
The second wrong answer is when you’re unrealistic.” There’s no difference between
inconsistent. If you allow a PC’s fire protection doing that and using logic as a GM.
In the long run, relying on logic frees the normally require die rolls. However, it’s easy
GM. No longer saddled with hundreds (or to think of exceptions where rolls might be
thousands) of individual rules, compatibility needed. How do you decide? There are two
issues, loopholes, and the like, you are free to rules of thumb.
move ahead with the story being told by the First, don’t ask for a roll unless it seems
group. You can focus more on the narrative like there should be a chance of failure and
elements of the game than on the mechanical a chance of success. If a PC wants to shoot a
ones. To look at it a different way, in other pistol and hit the moon, there’s no need to
games GMs sometimes spend a lot of time roll, because there’s no chance for success.
preparing, which is almost always rules-related Likewise, if they want to shoot that same gun
stuff: creating NPC stat blocks, memorizing at a large building from 10 feet (3.5 m) away,
rules subsystems that will come into play, there’s no chance for failure. You and logic run
carefully balancing encounters, and so on. the game, not the dice.
A GM of this game does very little of that. Second, if a creature (PC or NPC) or object
Prepping for the game means figuring out is affected in a harmful way—or, in the case of
cool storylines, weird new devices or foes, and a creature, in a way that it doesn’t want to be
the best way to convey the atmosphere. The affected, harmful or not—you need to involve
mechanical elements can be handled during a die roll. Whether the action is slashing with
the game, using logic at the table. a blade, using deception to trick someone,
intrusively reading an NPC’s mind, breaking
DICE ROLLING down a door, or applying poison, something
Using the rules involves rolling dice. If the is being harmed or affected in a way that it
dice don’t mean anything, then everything is doesn’t want to be, so a die roll is needed.
predetermined, and it’s no longer a game by Thus, someone using a power to become
any definition—just a story being told. So invisible likely doesn’t require a roll. It just
the dice need to matter. But that means that works. There’s really no chance of failure (unless
sometimes a PC will fail when they would the power comes from a faulty spell or some
succeed if it were a story, and vice versa. other extraneous force is at work), and it doesn’t
That’s not a flaw; it’s a feature. It’s what makes directly affect anyone or anything other than
roleplaying games so exciting. When we’re the character becoming invisible. However,
watching an action movie, we know that in using psychic powers to shape the emotions of
the third act the hero will defeat the villain at another creature would require a die roll.
just the right moment. But in an RPG, maybe Of course, sometimes a character can use
not. It’s not so predictable. That’s one of the Effort to reduce the difficulty so there’s no
things that makes them so special. need to make a roll. But you, as the GM,
On the other hand, things like GM can also waive the need for a roll. Consider a
intrusions sometimes trump the die rolls to character who uses a grenade to deal with a
help the story move along in a direction that room full of corrupted level 1 rodents. Each
is (hopefully) best for the game. How do you has 3 health, and the PC needs to roll only
manage it all? 3 or higher to affect each one, but there are
As you describe the action or as the PCs twenty-four rodents. You can simply say,
move about the world, the vast majority “With a powerful explosion, you incinerate
of things that happen shouldn’t involve the swarm of rodents, leaving little behind
dice. Walking around, buying things in a but scorch marks and the smell of burnt hair.”
supermarket, chatting with NPCs, crossing This keeps things moving and prevents the
the wilderness, looking for a specific grave game from coming to a dead stop while the
in the cemetery—these are not actions that player makes two dozen rolls. Frankly, most
OPTIONAL RULE: Sometimes, a GM will break away from the
ACTING WHILE UNDER ATTACK traditional model that governs task resolution
When a character is engaged in melee and allow for a graduated success. With this
combat, doing anything other than fighting method, you set a difficulty as usual, but if the
makes them more vulnerable. This is true player succeeds at a difficulty at least one step
for PCs and NPCs. If a character engaged higher, their success is better than normal.
in melee takes an action other than fighting, Likewise, if their roll indicates that they would
each of their opponents can make an have succeeded at one step (or more) lower,
immediate extra attack. The only exception they might have a partial success.
to this rule is moving. If the character’s For example, a PC tracking the people (or
only action is to move, they are assumed to things?) who broke into the farmhouse looks
be moving slowly and carefully out of the for tracks in the woods behind the house.
fight, safely withdrawing from combat. Given the terrain and the weather, the GM
For example, Tom has his back against a decides that the difficulty is 4, so the target
high-tech security door while fighting two number is 12. The player rolls a 10. This isn’t
guards. If he tries to open the door using enough to accomplish the task the PC set out
its control terminal, he is taking an action to do, but since they would have succeeded
other than fighting, and both guards get to if the difficulty had been 3, the GM decides
make an attack against him. that the character still learns that something
had moved through the woods recently—they
just aren’t certain what. The reason is that if
the PC had simply been looking for tracks of
any kind, the GM would have set a difficulty
of 3. Similarly, if the player had rolled a 15—a that a door has been rigged with an alarm.
success at least one step higher—the GM They search it but fail the roll. The GM
would have said that not only did they find a might still reveal something about the door.
trail leading away from the house, but there “You don’t find anything special, but you do
were five of them, and the tracks suggest that note that the door appears quite sturdy and
they weren’t . . . human. In other words, the is locked.” It’s the kind of information the
player would have received more information GM might give automatically (think of it as
than they asked for. difficulty 0), but it softens the blow of failure.
In a situation where there are more results Some information is better than none, and
than simply success or failure, you can convey it makes sense that the PC will learn at least
these results based on multiple difficulties. A something if they study an object for a few
player can state an action, and you can come minutes.
up with not one difficulty but two, three, or
more. For example, if the PCs try to persuade CYPHERS
a barista at a coffee shop to give them You should think of cyphers as character abilities.
information, the GM can predetermine that This means that it is incumbent upon you to
he gives them one minor bit of information make sure that players always have plenty of
if they succeed at a task with a difficulty of 2, cyphers to use. There should always be ample
a fair bit of information if they succeed at a opportunity to get new ones. And since the PCs
task with a difficulty of 3, and everything he are limited in the number of cyphers they can
knows on the topic if they succeed at a task possess, they will use them liberally.
with a difficulty of 4. The players don’t make As a rule of thumb, in any given adventure,
three different rolls. They make one roll with a a character should use at least as many cyphers
scaled, graduated success. as they can carry. This means they should have
As a rule of thumb, reverse-engineer the the opportunity to gain that many in that
situation. If the player rolls considerably higher same amount of time (give or take). They’ll
or lower than the target number (more than 3 need at least one and probably more often two
away), consider what a success at the difficulty such opportunities.
they did overcome would have gained them. If your players are typical, they will use
If creating a makeshift electronic keycard to combat-related cyphers liberally but hold onto
open a sealed door has a target number of 18, their utility cyphers. A smell of blood will be
what does the PC create if the player rolls 16? used, but a gut feeling or a panopticon will
Perhaps the answer is nothing, but perhaps it is linger longer on their character sheets.
a makeshift keycard that works intermittently. As with everything else in the game, it’s
This system is rarely (if ever) used in intentionally very easy for the GM to create
combat or situations where something either new cyphers. Just think of the effect and how
works or doesn’t. But when crafting an to express it as a game advantage. Two kinds
object, interacting with an NPC, or gaining of cyphers exist when it comes to effect: those
information, it can be very useful. Of course, that allow the user to do something better,
you are never required to use this model of and those that allow the user to do something
task resolution—sometimes success or failure they couldn’t do otherwise.
is all you need to know. Usually, graduated The first group includes everything that
success involves going only one step higher or reduces the difficulty of a task (including
lower than the original difficulty, but you can defense tasks). The second group includes
be as flexible about that as you wish. things that grant new abilities, such as flight, a
Finally, sometimes you can offer a new means of attack, the ability to see into the
“consolation prize” for trying. Say a PC fears past, or any number of other powers.
A few more important notes about devising Like cyphers, artefacts are simple for the
new cyphers: GM to create. Unlike cyphers, artefacts are
• Cyphers should be single-use. The PCs part of the world and the story. They should
use them up and get new ones. be tied to one or more Entities and should be
• Cyphers should be potent. A minor dangerous to use. But ultimately, they still give
ability isn’t worth the trouble. If a cypher a character an ability they wouldn’t normally
isn’t as good as something the character have.
can already do, why bother with it?
• Cyphers shouldn’t have drawbacks.
• Cyphers should be temporary. Typically, a HANDLING PLAYERS
power is used once. Abilities or advantages Part of being a GM is handling players. This
that have a duration last from ten minutes means a lot of things. For example, it’s partially
to twenty-four hours (at most). your job to make sure that everyone has a good
time. You need to ensure that all the players
ARTEFACTS get to do the kinds of things they like to do in
Mechanically, artefacts serve a very different games, and that no one is left out. If one player
purpose from cyphers. It’s assumed that really likes combat and another enjoys NPC
characters are exploring with some cyphers interaction, provide some of both. Before you
at their disposal. Artefacts, however, are can do that, you need to find out what the
added abilities that make characters broader, players want in the first place, so talk to them
deeper, and often more powerful. They aren’t and learn their expectations.
assumed—they’re extra. And there are often Another big part of handling players is
drawbacks and dangers involved. coping with disruptive players. Disruptive
The powers granted by artefacts are more players can be the death of a game. They can
like the abilities gained from a character’s hog all the attention, tell other players what
type or focus in that they change the way the to do, or challenge your rulings at every turn.
PC is played overall. The difference between A lot of GMs are tempted to deal with such
an artefact and a type or focus ability is that players during the game by punishing them or
almost all artefacts are temporary. giving them negative feedback. For example,
Like cyphers, then, artefacts are a way for they have the character get attacked more
the GM to play a role in the development often, lose experience points, or suffer similar
of the characters. Although artefacts that consequences. Resist this temptation. Instead,
harm foes (or protect PCs from harm) are speak with the player person to person
fine, special capabilities—such as movement (not GM to player) outside of the game
(instantaneous travel, walking through walls) and explain that their behavior is causing
or information (seeing the future, sensing problems. Be clear, direct, and firm, but also
lies)—can change the way the PCs interact be friendly.
with the world and how they deal with The bottom line, however, is don’t play games
challenges. Some of these abilities enable with jerks. One disruptive, rude, or offensive
the actions you want the PCs to take. For player can ruin the whole group’s fun.
example, if you’re hoping for a showdown A different problem player is one who just
with the billionaire head of a huge corporation doesn’t get the narrative focus of The Magnus
backing the efforts of The Slaughter, an Archives RPG. These kinds of players tend to
artefact that the PCs them to mystically see all games as competitive enterprises, and
bypass the veritable army of guards and they might try to “win” by exploiting what they
security systems gets them to that hopefully see as holes in the rules to create and play an
fun and dramatic encounter. unbeatable character. Although part of many
people’s RPG experience is the fun of playing a On the other hand, some players absolutely
powerful character, it shouldn’t be the ultimate will get it. They’ll understand that it’s the spirit
goal in this game because such a player will of the rules, not the letter, that’s important.
get frustrated and bored. This game is about They’ll get that the story being told is key.
investigating horror and coping with its dark Rather than poring over the description of
implications, not about figuring out how to a power and trying to twist the words to
inflict more damage than the other players. an unintended meaning, they’ll use their
This player will look for holes in the rules intelligence and creativity to figure out the best
to exploit. And considering the game is way to use the power to portray a character
designed for a more narrative style, they’ll find who fits the setting and is fun to play.
them. And when they find one, they’ll use People who try to exploit the rules don’t
it to their advantage, making their character understand The Magnus Archives RPG, but
super powerful or circumventing a challenge people who exploit the situations do. If a
because of the way a rule is worded. And player is smart and creative enough to turn the
when you try to object, they’ll hold up the tables on their foes in an unexpected way by
rules and say “Show me where I’m wrong!” using what’s around them, allow it (if it makes
When a player does that, point them here: sense). If the PCs find a pool of caustic fluid
“You’re wrong.” and lure their foes into it rather than fighting
They’re wrong because this isn’t a board them in a straightforward manner, that’s not
game where the rules are like a puzzle to be cheating—that’s awesome.
solved or beaten. The rules exist to facilitate Be certain you don’t accidentally penalize
the story and portray the world. If there’s players for not doing the obvious or
a “hole” in the rules or a rule that would straightforward thing. Be generous with
produce an illogical or unenjoyable result if people who take nonstandard actions or who
followed to the letter, change it, redefine it, or do something realistic (such as using their
just overrule it. It’s that easy. action to take stock of the situation rather than
attack—ease their next action). Don’t make
“attack” always the right choice. It’s a creative
game, so allow the players to be creative.
ENCOURAGING PLAYER CREATIVITY alarms, and roughly how long it will take for
The Magnus Archives RPG is a game that the police to come if called. But you don’t
places more importance on creativity than know if the PCs will fight the guard, bribe
on understanding the rules. The players them, or sneak past them. You don’t know
should succeed not because they’ve chosen how they’re going to deal with the cameras
all the “right” options when creating their and the alarms. That’s not the kind of thing
characters but because they come up with the you need to think about ahead of time, but
best ideas when facing challenges. This means you have to be ready when it comes up at the
that for every challenge, there should be a table. You should prepare for the most obvious
straightforward solution (destroy the security situations—for example, predetermine the
cams to sneak into the warehouse) and a level of the guard and the locks on the doors.
not-so-straightforward one (distract the guard But when a player states that their action is
watching the monitors while your allies walk to look around for spots where the camera
past the cameras). It’s not your responsibility cannot see because a wall blocks it or the angle
as the GM to come up with both. The players prevents it, that’s when you take a second to
will come up with the not-so-straightforward consider and (particularly if they roll well on
solutions. You just have to be willing to go an Intellect action) maybe say “Yes, as a matter
with their ideas. of fact, there is a spot,” even if no such thing
This doesn’t mean you have to let them had occurred to you before that moment.
succeed if they try something weird. On the
contrary, the not-so-straightforward solution SKILLS AND OTHER ABILITIES
might end up being as hard or harder than the Sometimes, the rules speak directly to
straightforward one. But you have to be ready character creativity. For example, you might
to adjudicate the idea no matter what. It’s allow players to make up their own skills Skills, page 15
tempting to say that there’s no way to get to the rather than picking from the list. The point
guard watching the monitors, so the PCs have is to let players create precisely the characters
to destroy the cameras the old-fashioned way. they want.
In some situations, that might be appropriate— This concept is supported not only with
perhaps the cameras are monitored from the open-ended skill system but also with the
somewhere far away. But a GM has to be ability to get an experience point advance to Character Advancement,
willing to say that sometimes it is possible and tailor a character further. Likewise, the GM page 144
to adjudicate the details on the fly. If you don’t, should be open to allowing a player to make
and you shut down the players’ outside-the-box small modifications to refine their character.
ideas, they will learn that the only thing to do is In many cases, particularly ones that don’t
charge into the fray and bash things every time. involve stat Pools, Stress, damage inflicted,
That the obvious solution is the only possible or the costs of Effort or special abilities, the
solution. Eventually, this will make for boring answer from the GM should probably be
play because things will seem repetitive and “Sure, why not?” If a PC ends up being really
too tightly structured. good at a particular skill—better than they
The best solution is not to develop “should” be—what’s the harm? If Dave can
preconceived notions of how the PCs might swim incredibly well, how does that hurt the
deal with the encounters in an adventure. If game in terms of the play experience or the
they’re going to break into a warehouse, you story that develops? It doesn’t. If Helen can
can note that the area has a security guard pick practically any mundane lock she finds,
making patrols and keeping an eye on the why is that a bad thing? In fact, it’s probably
camera monitors, where the cameras are good for the game—there’s likely something
located, which doors are locked and set with interesting on the other sides of those doors.
In a way, this is no different than a movie’s worth of story (or at least the story
adjudicating a not-so-straightforward solution of one character in the novel or movie). There
to a challenge. Sometimes you have to say should be a real feeling of accomplishment
“No, that’s not possible.” But sometimes, if it and closure at the end of an arc, but at the
makes sense, open yourself to the possibility. same time—assuming the narrative is going to
continue—a sense that there’s more to come.
CHARACTER ARCS One arc often leads right into the next.
Character Arcs, page 141 Character arcs encourage players to be Character arcs aren’t meant to be entirely
proactive and create their own goals, with solo affairs. PCs working as a group should
their own definitions of success and failure. help each other with their respective arcs from
Aid a Friend, page 145 Chapter 8 has more details about using time to time. The Aid a Friend arc helps to
character arcs and offers plenty of sample arcs encourage this. If one or two PCs use this arc
for the PCs. to help another character, suddenly it’s a group
It’s the spirit of character arcs that’s arc, and cohesion and cooperation will come
important, not the specific rules. Because naturally.
the arcs consist of broad sets of guidelines It’s worth noting, however, that some
for handling a potentially limitless number players will want one of their character arcs to
of stories, you’ll want to play fast and loose. be a solitary venture. They won’t want help.
Sometimes steps will be skipped. Sometimes They might not even want the other PCs to
they’ll be repeated. Sometimes you’ll go know about it. That’s okay too, but it might
straight to the climax after the opening (this require that you spend some time with them
should be rare, however). playing outside of regular sessions, even if it’s
Other times, no character arc in chapter 8 just through text or email.
will fit what a player wants to do. In that case,
it behooves you to work with the player to ENSURING PLAYER AGENCY
make an arc that fits. The player’s intention Players control their characters. This means
is what’s important. Players should think that they have real choices to make, and
of a goal for their character first and then no one else, including you, can make those
look through the sample arcs, rather than choices for them. This is referred to as player
browse the list and feel that those are the agency, and it’s vitally important. It’s why
only options. When in doubt, find the arc in forcing players to do something to make the
chapter 8 that most closely fits what the player story work (this is called railroading) is bad in
wants and then massage it in a few places games, and why it’s terrible to have a player
where needed. constantly trying to impose their ideas on
One thing to keep in mind: if the arc another.
doesn’t involve at least a few steps and at least The best way to ensure player agency is to
some time, it’s not really a character arc. If give them enough information that they can
a PC gets picked on in a bar one evening by make meaningful choices. If a player knows
a jerk NPC and says “My character arc is the possible consequences of two different
to punch that guy in the face,” that’s not a actions, when they choose to take one of
character arc. That’s just an action. Character those actions and not the other, they’ve made
arcs require depth, thought, and, most likely, a meaningful choice. For example, if they
change on the PC’s part. come to a fork in the path in the woods, and
Think of them in terms of the arcs of they can hear the sounds of snarling from
characters in your favorite novels or movies. one branch but not the other, they’ve got the
When a PC takes on and eventually completes opportunity to make a meaningful choice.
a character arc, that should feel like a novel or Choosing to investigate the scary noise or
Overall, though, leading questions aren’t the If, however, you don’t know the answer,
best way to interact with players. Instead, keep you’ve got two choices: look it up, or make it
your questions open-ended, such as a simple up. Sometimes, looking it up isn’t an option.
“What do you want to do now?” This is when you know there’s no answer
You also shouldn’t ask multiple-choice anywhere in a book. So you make it up.
questions. “Which way do you want to go?” If both are viable options, there are two
is okay, but “Do you go east or west?” is not. issues:
RPGs are open-ended, and maybe the players 1. How important is the answer, and how
want to do something different. Maybe they important might it be later?
want to stop and rest. Or dig down. Or climb 2. How long will it take you to find the
up. Or leave and go home. They may have all answer if you look it up?
sorts of interesting options, and it’s not your
job to catalog all of the possible choices, but If the answer to issue 1 is “not very,” just
if you give them only some of their options, make something up and move along. These
they will feel—even subconsciously—like kinds of questions are along the lines of
you’re shutting down the options you don’t “What color is the truck?” or “Are the lawyer’s
present. That’s why “What do you do?” is office and the bakery on the same street?” It
always the best question. It reinforces the almost certainly doesn’t matter. But the player
“You can do anything” vibe of an RPG, and it doesn’t know that, so they ask. Give them an
puts all the power over and responsibility for answer and move on.
the characters’ options in the players’ hands, If the answer to issue 1 is “might be
where it should be. important” and the answer to issue 2 is “a very
You’re going to ask a lot of questions during short time,” look it up in your notes or the
the game, so cut out any that are extraneous. rules. That’s no crime.
Don’t waste time confirming actions. If If the answer to issue 1 is “might be
someone says, “We go back to town,” and important” and the answer to issue 2 is
none of the other players immediately object, “probably a while,” you’ve got a hard decision
you don’t need to confirm with each player to make. You don’t want the game to come to
individually if going back is what they want a screeching halt for five minutes while you
to do. look up a rule or a bit of setting information.
If you know the answer to a question, don’t But you don’t want to make up an answer
ask it. Just narrate the answer as if you’d asked now that might cause problems in the future.
the question and gotten the answer you were If a player asks “Does it look like it would be
expecting. If you know the PCs want to keep difficult to climb to the roof of this building
exploring the old junkyard, keep describing it from the outside?” and you know that the
instead of asking the same question over and PCs will likely be climbing up to the roof
over. The players will stop you when they have a lot, you don’t want to make up an answer
a question or want to take a different action. on the spot and later find it contradicted by
the climbing rules or the notes you prepared,
ANSWERING QUESTIONS because that creates a confusing inconsistency.
Players will ask a lot of questions. Questions So maybe you should look it up.
about the rules, about the setting, about the There is a third option, though. Make it
situation around them. Each time, give them up, but write down what you make up. Then,
as clear and concise an answer as you can. when the same issue comes up later, you’ll
Most of the time, you’ll have the answer. remember what you came up with on the
Players rarely ask questions so far out of left spot and can ensure that it remains true going
field that you won’t know the answer. forward no matter what anything else says.
If the answer to issue 1 is “definitely “We turn on our flashlights and go inside
important,” look it up. the warehouse.” If that happens, just go with
When describing actions or events, you want it. If the other players don’t object, it makes
to be on top of the conversation. It shouldn’t be things a little easier and moves them along a
triggered by a player question. In other words, little faster. You don’t have to get confirmation
you want a player to say, “We walk down the from all the other players. It’s their duty to
hallway” with you replying, “When you get pay attention and interject with “Wait, I
halfway down its length, an alarm sounds! don’t want to go into the warehouse” or “I’ll
Suddenly a snarling dog with glowing red eyes stay outside while everyone else goes in” if
emerges from the now-open door.” that’s how they feel. In this way, you’re like
What you don’t want is for a player to say, a computer. You can only accept the input
“We walk 10 feet down the corridor. Does you’re given.
anything happen?” And then repeat that over
and over. Stay ahead of the players. Tell them
what they experience before they feel like they
have to ask.
You also don’t want character actions to
become the players asking for permission.
You don’t want them to ask, “Can I look in
the box?” They don’t need your permission.
You want them to say, “I look in the box.”
It’s not your job to say what they can do; it’s
your job to tell them what happens when
they take action.
Finally, sometimes a player will ask a
question that they shouldn’t know the answer
to. Questions like “Are the police in this
town corrupt?” or “Where do criminals fence
their stolen goods around here?” Rather than
saying, “You don’t know,” try instead asking
the player “How will you find the answer
to that question?” Doing that turns their
question into a forward-moving action. It
becomes something for them to do, and doing
things is more interesting than asking the GM
information to share, has something the PCs smart decisions, and a not-so-smart NPC
need, or wants something from them. shouldn’t. But every NPC wants to succeed
One-time NPCs also could be adversaries and survive. If the PCs have slain seven of the
they face, including nonhuman beings or even eight corrupted wolves they encounter, is that
beasts that see the PCs as food. They might last wolf really going to stand and fight, or will
have a name (but often don’t), they might it run off? It’s up to you to decide, but try to
have basic details of their personality defined make the decision on the wolf ’s behalf, not on
(but often don’t), and they probably have stats. the players’ behalf. Doing so will bring a lot of
Extras. These NPCs are background believability to the story.
characters. People walking by in the street. NPCs that the PCs spend more time with
The insurance salesman who just wants to should be even more fleshed out. Having an
get home. The mechanic in the garage. They NPC on an adventure with the PCs allows
probably don’t have a name, a personality, or the players to interact with them—and with
even stats. The PCs likely don’t talk to them each other—in character. If the group is
directly, but the GM and players might talk traveling from one location to another, you
about them. can have the NPC strike up a conversation
with the PCs about their past deeds, their
ROLEPLAYING NPCs current goals, their families, or anything else.
The trick with NPCs is that even if they’re It’s a great way to have calm or poignant
onstage for only ten minutes, for those ten moments that aren’t about adventure or
minutes you should try to roleplay them as action, but character.
if you were a player and that NPC was your A powerful tool in your GM’s toolbox is
character. A smart character should make making an NPC ally really likeable. In a way,
players grow accustomed to NPCs being foes However, you might want to give some
and sources of danger or betrayal. Letting NPCs more thought. You don’t have to give
them get to know a truly kind, sincere, and every member of the People’s Church of
friendly NPC becomes great story material, the Divine Host their own personality and
because the players will want to help that motivation, but you might at least think about
character if they’re in need. The things that them as people and not robots. They may have
character does and says will have more a strong desire to follow orders given to them
meaning. And if something bad befalls them, by the higher-ups, but they probably aren’t
it will be a moment of real drama. suicidal. Play them that way. In fact, showcase
Of course, if we’re just talking about an that kind of dichotomy sometimes. Are people
NPC extra, you don’t want to give them this who worship horrific inhuman forces so loyal
much thought. Or any thought at all, really. that they will give their lives for those forces?
If the PCs need to buy a backpack to carry Maybe for some fanatics, the answer is yes,
extra stuff on their investigation, and you but for others, likely not.
say, “Okay, you find a store where you can The point is, they don’t see themselves as
buy one,” there are certainly NPCs involved, cannon fodder.
even if they’re not explicitly mentioned. You Villains—bad guys that you’ve given a name
might even say, “The salesperson in the store and a personality—should be roleplayed like
is surprised when you come in covered in fully fleshed-out PCs. They should use every
blood and grime.” But most of the time, no resource and opportunity they have to get
one interacts with the NPC as part of the what they want, and if they’re smart, they
story, so don’t give that NPC a moment’s should do so wisely. They should have clever
thought. Sometimes, the PCs might try to contingency plans and a means of escape in
start up a conversation with them (or with a case things go wrong. If someone has spent
random person on the street or someone else their life collecting cursed magical artefacts,
unexpected), so you have to be prepared to for example, they likely have survived a few
suddenly take on the role of the NPC. They bad situations already and won’t easily be
don’t need a lot of detail, but it can be fun if caught off guard.
the random person the PCs ask for directions And it’s worth noting that the vast majority
has an interesting personality. of villains don’t see themselves as such. They
Last, while NPCs are the way you get to are the heroes of their own stories. They
have a voice in the story, don’t let an NPC have a reason for doing what they’re doing
become your mouthpiece. Don’t use an NPC (even if it’s selfish or sadistic) that they see
to say something you want to say or give clues as worthwhile. Perhaps the people who have
or insight they could never have just because to die at the hands of The Desolation are
you have them. expendable because those who survive (and
the human race in general) will be stronger.
THE MIND OF THE VILLAIN Or, alternatively, maybe humanity doesn’t
Magnus Archives stories involve lots of bad deserve to survive.
guys. It’s tempting to make most of them The goal they have in mind is worth
faceless goons who are there to be obstacles for whatever terrible thing they’re doing. They
the PCs. And sometimes that’s okay. A crowd might regret the horrible acts they commit but
of enraged townspeople chasing the PCs who do them anyway to get what they want. Or
are mistakenly blamed for some wrongdoing maybe they’re sadistic and love it. Or nihilistic
don’t need a lot of individualism—in fact, and just want to see the world burn.
giving them individualism might be the A truly horrible villain is the kind of
opposite of what the story needs. antagonist that players love to hate, and
phase down through the floor. If the foe is at not need help because that wouldn’t make
the extreme edge of low health, they inject much sense.
themselves with adrenaline that restores 15 If the entire group is caught in a landslide
points of health immediately. later in that same adventure, the GM can
do one of two things in regard to the NPCs.
NPCs AND DEATH Either decide what happens to them as seems
As explained in chapter 7, NPCs have a health most logical or fitting (perhaps using GM
NPC health, page 124 score rather than dealing with Stress or injury intrusion, since what befalls the NPCs also
like PCs. When an NPC reaches 0 health, affects the PCs), or have the players roll on
they are down. Whether that means dead, behalf of the NPCs and treat them just like
unconscious, or incapacitated depends on the player characters in every way possible.
the circumstances as dictated by you and the
players. Much of this can be based on logic. CREATURES, MONSTERS,
If the NPC is cut in half in a car accident, AND INHUMAN NPCs
they’re probably dead. If they’re mentally Not every NPC in a Magnus Archives campaign
Vampire, page 242 assaulted with a telepathic attack, they might is human. Vampires, perfect strangers, and creepy
Perfect stranger, page 231 be catatonic instead. If they’re hit over the clown dolls don’t have entirely understandable
Clown doll, page 206 head with a club, well, that’s your call. human motivations. We can sketch out vague
It depends on the intentions of those who desires or prescribed actions (for example,
are fighting the NPC, too. PCs who want vampires want to feed), but we probably can’t
Cosmic Horror, page 343 to knock out a foe rather than kill them understand them. That’s part of cosmic horror,
can simply state that as their intention and which we’ll discuss later in the chapter.
describe their actions differently—using the But usually that kind of basic drive is
flat of the blade, so to speak. sufficient to run the NPC well enough. You
The Anglerfish, page 197 don’t need to know The Anglerfish’s internal
NPC ALLIES monologue to place it in the scene. Frankly,
Because the players usually roll all the dice, it doesn’t even call itself “The Anglerfish,” so
NPCs who are not opponents raise unique we don’t know anything about it other than
issues. If a character gains an NPC ally who what it does. That lack of humanity, however,
accompanies the group, how are the ally’s makes it more terrifying. Humanizing such a
actions resolved? thing makes it less horrific and less alien.
Most of the time, the GM should decide Whenever possible, creatures should be
what makes the most sense in the context of handled like other NPCs. They don’t follow
the situation and the NPC. If the characters the same rules as the player characters. If
climb up a steep slope and must make rolls to anything, they should have greater latitude in
ascend, the NPC doesn’t make a roll. Instead, doing things that don’t fit the normal mold.
the GM quickly considers whether they could A many-armed beast should be able to attack
climb it and goes from there. A fit, able ally multiple foes. A charging rhino ought to be
should simply climb the slope. A feeble or able to move a considerable distance and
clumsy NPC will need assistance. In other attack as part of a single action.
words, the NPC doesn’t face the challenge
(that’s what the PCs do)—they remain a part CREATING NEW CREATURES
of the unfolding story. The old man the PCs It’s fun to pull creatures right out of the podcast
must escort through dangerous mountains to use in your game. It’s wonderful to give life
needs help climbing because that’s part of to The Anglerfish, NotThem, or The Man Who
the story of the adventure. His able-bodied Wasn’t There. However, your game will benefit if
daughter who also travels with the group does you also create original monsters of your own.
Likewise, many of the foes the PCs face they attack, and how they avoid attacks. A
should not have physical confrontation as successful Speed defense roll might mean
their goal. Think about characters like Oliver dodging, blocking with a weapon, or ducking
Banks or Michael Shelley. These interesting behind a pillar. A character who is struck
people are tied directly to the Entities (The in combat for 3 points of Stress might have The End, page 172
End and The Spiral, respectively), but neither dodged the weapon attack but fallen backward The Spiral, page 175
are about fighting. Stories with them or NPCs over the couch, landing hard on their head on
like them can be creepy or disturbing without the floor.
involving any kind of combat.
Don’t let the end of the encounter drag time, even in large chunks. If the PCs finish
out. When it’s clear how things are going a big scenario and some downtime makes
to turn out, and people might start to get sense, there’s nothing wrong with announcing,
bored, wrap it up. If the PCs were attacked “So three weeks later, you hear that . . .” and
in a basement by two dozen vicious rats but starting the next storyline (as long as the
defended themselves admirably and only three players are content with it). Books and movies
rats are left, there’s nothing wrong with saying do this kind of thing all the time. Skip the
that those last three run away or that the PCs boring bits.
handily dispatch them. Wrap things up and In addition, feel free to intrude on player
move along. discussions for the purpose of moving things
along. Sometimes players spin their wheels
PACING WITHIN A GAME SESSION or plan and plan their next move, never
Have many different encounters in a session— accomplishing anything. You can intrude
some long, some short, some complex, some by throwing an encounter or a surprise their
straightforward. One of the trickiest aspects way (“You get a phone call from the head
of game session pacing is deciding what to archivist”), or you can simply say “Let’s move
play out and what to skip. For example, the things along.”
PCs want to buy new gear before going on Keep a clock handy so you can see how
their next investigation. You could describe much time is left in the session. Never lose
the various stores nearby and roleplay each track of time. You want to end a session at
interaction with the clerks. You could even a good point—a place where everyone can
call for occasional rolls to see if the characters catch their breath, at a good cliffhanger, or as
get good deals or not. Alternatively, you everything in a story wraps up so you can start
could say “Okay, you can buy whatever you anew next time. These are all fine stopping
want” and move on. There are good cases to points, but you want to control which one
be made for both approaches, depending on you use. Next session, you’ll have to start
the context. Maybe one of the PCs became things up again, recap past events, and get
cursed on the last investigation and doesn’t everyone back into the swing of things.
realize it until they are interacting with people Try to ensure that at the end of any session,
in the market. Maybe a pickpocket in the the players can look back on what they did
mall attempts to steal from the PCs, or they and feel like they accomplished something.
notice a thief stealing from a store. Maybe the
players like interacting with NPCs and enjoy PACING WITHIN A STORY
your portrayal of minor characters. All of This aspect of pacing is similar to how fiction
these are good reasons to play out a shopping writers handle story creation, and it’s a huge Crafting Stories, page 327
encounter. But if there’s no compelling reason, subject, but consider the standard three-act
just advance through it. structure as a good starting point. In act
Sometimes, you should do this even if one one, the problem is introduced. In act two,
player wants to play out every moment of things get worse (or a new complication is
their character’s life and describe everything introduced). In act three, things are resolved.
in excruciating detail. Although you want There are many other ways to do it, but
everyone to be happy, you’re in charge of remember that the action needs to ebb
pacing. If you must err, make the players and flow. You need downtime between the
struggle to keep up, rather than letting them moments of action, horror, or high drama.
be bored and wonder when you’re going to
get on with it. Thus, if there’s no compelling
reason against it, don’t hesitate to advance
in silence, have a terrible time, and not want roll. You can almost count on it. This means
to play a game with you ever again. you can expect beginning characters to do
Now, if you’re thinking, “I want the players very well in whatever they set out to do, but
to be terrified, so I shouldn’t avoid the things they’ll have to rest more often because they’ll
that bother them. In fact, I should lean into deplete their stat Pools more quickly.
them!” remember that there’s a fun sense of
fear and creepiness, and then there’s trauma.
The first is desirable; the second, obviously, is CRAFTING STORIES
not. Better safe than sorry, really. The Magnus Archives RPG is all about
And don’t forget the most important aspect story—narrative. Your biggest job as the GM
of the consent checklist: using it as a tool is to provide the impetus for stories in the
when playing with new people. You may game. The Statement starts things off, and
know your friends, but you don’t want to that might come from you or from the group
accidentally traumatize a new player right out as a whole, but the stories themselves arise out
of the gate. of gameplay, as guided by you. You present the
events as they unfold because of what the PCs
With any game, GMs should consider Crafting a good story is a topic that could
running it a little differently the first few fill a book of this size. Interested GMs should
times, and The Magnus Archives RPG is read books or articles aimed at fiction writers
no different. There are a few things you can (many of which are available on the internet)
expect with a table full of new players. First that provide advice on plot. For that matter,
of all, they won’t get the terminology and the similar sources about characterization can help
jargon right—they’ll use the terminology and in the creation of NPCs as well.
jargon of the last game they played. And that’s For now, remember these foundational
fine. But you should try to get it right because concepts:
the players will follow your lead, and after a • Learn what motivates the players at
session or two, they’ll start getting it right. If your table. Exploration? Action?
you always call things by the wrong name, the Mystery-solving? Interacting with NPCs?
players will, too. However, don’t just spout Cater to these desires.
jargon. Each time you use a new term for • Learn what motivates the PCs that the
the first time, such as “damage track,” “GM players run beyond just investigating the
intrusion,” or even “difficulty,” explain what paranormal. What are the characters’ life
it means. Make sure everyone’s on the same goals? Hobbies? Ambitions? Who are
page, even with the basic stuff. their loved ones? Incorporate these things
The players won’t know what’s easy and into the stories.
what’s hard. Part of good play is knowing • Create stories that involve the PCs
when to use Effort and when to conserve, as directly as possible. If some sort of
but beginning players will have no frame of malignancy is plaguing people, have it
reference. In this case, the best way to give affect the PCs or their loved ones, too. If
them solid ground to stand on is to be fairly monsters are haunting people’s dreams,
transparent. Tell them the target number for haunt the PCs’ dreams too. Don’t let the
each task before they attempt an action. Guide players feel like they are separated from
them through the process. Remind them the story. Make them a part of the story.
that they can use Effort if need be, although • Remember that the players are your
they probably won’t forget. On the contrary, co-storytellers, and that the PCs are the
beginning players tend to use Effort on every main characters of the story, so their
decisions should have direct impact on • The Entities should be at the heart of
what happens. every story, but not every antagonist
• Weave multiple stories together. Have needs to be a cultist, a serial killer, or an
Leitner: see The Book Collector, the PCs learn about the beginning of Avatar. Think about Leitner or Salesa, for
page 202 one story while they’re still embroiled example. Neither is a servant of an Entity,
Salesa: see The Artefact Dealer, in another. Draw on the experiences but a story that involves them involves
page 199 (and characters and places) of past the Entities as well.
investigations for the current one. • Occasionally, create stories that are
• Vary your stories. Follow a grisly sequels to your previous stories. The
encounter involving The Slaughter with decisions that the players made in the past
a creepy but not physically threatening affect things in the present. Villains return
mission involving The Lonely. Create an for another try at reaching their goal, or
investigation that takes multiple sessions perhaps just for revenge.
to play through, then follow it up with • As this is a horror game, the monsters
another that wraps up in a single game and NPCs are supposed to be extremely
session. dangerous. Many found in chapter 12
• Vary the encounters within a story. Even can be taken down in a fight with PCs,
in the middle of a series of horrific scenes but many more likely cannot. That’s
of mayhem, there’s always room for okay. “Defeating the monsters” is not
investigation or interaction (and it breaks the goal. Fights should be about survival,
things up). not victory, so don’t worry about making
• Not every story needs to be about saving the encounters “balanced.” It’s hard to
the world. Sometimes the smaller stories be truly scared unless the opposition is
about helping one person can be the most superior to you.
• Twists and unexpected events are Plotting in an RPG isn’t like plotting a
wonderful and should be used often, but novel—in fact, to do them in the same way
sometimes the biggest twist is to have is to court disaster. This is because a novelist
things go exactly the way the players plots everything out from start to finish, but
think they will. in an RPG, what the characters do will change
• Don’t get bogged down justifying, the plot of the story you’re telling, and you
rationalizing, or explaining every detail. can’t know that ahead of time.
The players aren’t supposed to understand No, plotting in an RPG is more like coming
everything. up with story ideas that—once the PCs
• Stories that involve a lot of events the PCs engage with them—become plots. So it’s really
are unaware of will end up making little more like creating potential plots.
Fiction writers call figuring out sense to the players, and should probably But there’s even more to it than that because
what happens next “pantsing,” be avoided. between game sessions, you have to figure
as in “plotting by the seat of
your pants.” Fiction writing has • Base your stories on real human emotion. out what happens next. You’re plotting, but
almost as much jargon as RPGs. Antagonists can be driven by greed or plotting as you go.
power, but also by love, longing, curiosity, Let’s say you set things up so the governor
or misguided altruism. Don’t make your is secretly helping the cult, and the PCs
players just interact with the events— investigate. In the last session, they exposed
make them react to the emotions behind the governor’s dirty deeds. Now, before the
the events. Opponents should inspire next session, you have to determine what
actual hate and anger. The loss of a valued comes next. Does the cult retaliate? Do they
ally should inspire actual sadness and loss. go into hiding? Something else?
A lot comes down to story pacing. Perhaps window and got a good look at it. There are Pacing, page 324
you give the PCs a break for a while to catch tracks hidden in Mrs. Harris’s garden. The
their breath before the cult strikes back. Or front door of the abducted young man’s house
maybe you have them strike immediately to was smashed, various rooms contain tufts of
let the characters (and the players) know how hair (the police tested some of them and ruled
significant their actions against the governor that they came from an unidentified breed of
really were. dog), and hidden in his closet is a book about
mystic transformations.
MYSTERIES AND CLUES 2. Make notes about what actually
Since most adventures in The Magnus happened and extrapolate information and
Archives RPG involve investigations, often clues from that. You know that the timing of If the players think to look for
you’ll be dealing with mysteries and clues. the statement is backward. The young man a certain thing (signs of forced
entry) or search a particular
After reading a statement about a mysterious disappeared and then there were sightings of a area (around the office), and
beast that lurked in a neighborhood and beast, because he transformed into a creature there’s something interesting
to find, don’t make them roll
peered through windows before a young man of The Hunt using his book (now hidden in to find it. They’ve already
disappeared from his home, the PCs are likely the closet), smashed through the door, and ran “succeeded” by choosing the right
going to talk to people in the neighborhood around the neighborhood before vanishing thing or the right place.
and look for clues in places where the creature into the night. Armed with that, in the game,
was spotted. you can let the players decide where to look
You can handle this in multiple ways as the and who to talk to and logically fill in what
GM, but there are two common approaches: they learn without deciding ahead of time.
1. Make notes ahead of time of each clue.
Mr. Johnson saw the beast through his kitchen
If you choose method 1, note that it’s not But event-based adventures are only one
If the players think of a trail of clues. A trail where one clue leads type of story. You could also create one that
something reasonable that to the next, which leads to the next, is always is location based. In this case, you’d sketch
you hadn’t planned on—like
a doorbell camera that might risky because what if the PCs don’t find one? out a map of an area (maybe a creepy old
have captured evidence— Is the investigation over? Always have a web apartment building or a mysterious section
don’t say no just because you
didn’t think of it. Reward of clues, and if there is a trail of any sort, of woodlands) with locations marked on it.
them for smart thinking. have at least three opportunities for the PCs If the PCs go to a particular location, they’ll
at each step. find what’s there. If they don’t, they won’t.
Method 2 has the advantage of not This is great for when the PCs are exploring
requiring the PCs to go where you anticipated an important place, with foes, obstacles, and
they would go. In fact, they can go where you secrets located in specific areas.
never thought to plant a clue. They might Last, there are time-based stories. For these,
think of something you never would have, like you create a sort of timeline of things that
checking the doorbell camera on the house will happen. This method is uncommon in a
across the street. Magnus Archives campaign, but if you want
to use it, you’d do something like this:
TYPES OF ADVENTURES Say the PCs are after Niles, an Avatar of
Most investigations you’ll run will be event The Buried who wants to murder Emily in an
based. This means that you’ll prepare and run occult ritual. You might create this timeline:
the adventure with the idea that if the PCs 10 a.m. Thursday: The train leaves for Frankfurt.
do action X, event Y happens, and if they do 11:32 a.m. Thursday: Niles murders Emily on
action A, event B happens. For example, if the the train.
PCs talk to Edgar, he tells them that he has 11:45 a.m. Thursday: Niles begins the ritual
no knowledge of the occult. If they search his in the empty passenger car.
Having the PCs feel a lot of time garage, they find all sorts of mystical books as 12:10 p.m. Thursday: The ritual is complete.
pressure can be an interesting well as arcane symbols scrawled on the floor. 12:16 p.m. Thursday: Niles hides the body in
way to increase the tension,
but if overused, this technique The PCs can do either, both, or something the baggage car.
will become irritating. else entirely. 2:45 p.m. Thursday: The train arrives in Frankfurt.
3:50 p.m. Thursday: Emily’s body is
discovered and reported to the authorities.
4:15 p.m. Thursday: Niles checks into an
expensive hotel in Frankfurt.
9:30 a.m. Friday: Niles boards a train for Rome.
The disadvantage is that it’s more work for Include what the statement maker
you. And it’s best if the statement is written experienced, or perhaps what they were told
out so the players can refer to it during their secondhand, but nothing more. It’s unlikely
investigation. a person off the street has ever heard of The
Now, no one expects you to be Jonny Sims Buried, so they won’t name that Entity in
when you write this out. It doesn’t have to be the statement even if it is directly involved.
wonderfully written or contain fantastic prose Likewise, the statement won’t have the
or enthralling characterizations. motives of people other than the statement
It does have to contain all the pertinent maker or provide insight into actions taken
facts. These include: when the statement giver is not present.
• The location. Where did the events It’s a creepy story, told in first person. As
happen? The PCs will certainly be going long as that’s what you deliver, you’ve done it
there, so it’s helpful to include further correctly.
details about the location. You don’t have to write the statement
• Time. When did it happen? verbatim if you don’t feel you can do it justice
• The statement maker. Who is relating the or don’t have the time. Instead, you can put Recording the statements
events? The PCs will probably speak with together the highlights as bullet points with all you craft (on your phone or
whatever is handy) and then
them as part of the investigation, if possible. the pertinent details. playing them back for the
If the statement gives an idea of what And when in doubt (or desperate need), players saves you from having to
write it all out and adds a bit of
that person is like, it should be carried borrow a statement directly from the podcast. the podcast’s flavor to your game,
through to when the PCs meet them. Even if the players have listened to that but you might want to have
• Other people involved. If there are other episode, you can change things up in their a written copy for the players
to refer back to. Conversely, it
witnesses, victims, perpetrators, and investigation, or simply have the PCs follow might be easier to get a good
suspicious individuals, the PCs will want up on new information that goes beyond what reading/recording if you do
write it out, if only for yourself.
to interview them too, if possible. happened in the podcast.
• Specific details about the paranormal
events. The PCs need to know what THE GROUP-CRAFTED STATEMENT
they’re investigating, and that requires at Chapter 9 has a method for the group to
least a couple of specific details. It’s not create a statement together. This makes
enough that someone saw a ghostly figure. everyone feel involved and ties them to one of
The PCs need to know what it was doing the familiar touchstones of the podcast.
or other pertinent facts they can follow up In this method, the group is sort of “playing
on. Did it make a sound? What or who out” the instigating events. It can and should
did it look like? Were there other events be creepy or unsettling to be part of this
that seemed to precipitate the appearance? process. Even though it’s not happening to
characters the players are invested in, it’s still
To maximize the effectiveness, try to convey spooky to see the events arise out of a joint
the emotions involved as well as the important conversation. No one person is crafting this
details. If someone is describing something horror, so in a way it might seem like it has a
terrifying, they’ll do it in a terrified way. If life or existence of its own.
they’re mourning someone who has died as While the group is engaged in this activity,
a result of the events, that should be clear. If try to keep them in a serious mood. The
they’re skeptical, that will come through as statement sets the tone for the whole adventure.
well. (You don’t have to be subtle if you don’t For you, the difficult part about crafting the
want to.) statement this way is that you have to turn it
into an adventure. The investigation may probe
some or all of the details the players put into
the statement, but the adventure will likely know about or didn’t understand. Make the
include other things not in the statement at mysterious being mentioned in the statement
all. The PCs will go beyond what they already a monster or an Avatar of something else of
know and unravel more information, more your choosing. The statement doesn’t limit
NPCs, and more terrifying situations. you—it’s a springboard.
So how do you take what the group crafted And don’t forget that you play a role in
and turn it into the basis of a story that will thrill crafting the group statement too. If you want
The Distortion, page 216 and perhaps surprise them? How do you honor to involve The Distortion, insert a figure
what they created but give them even more? appropriate for that being (even though the
The statement provides the starting point. statement giver certainly wouldn’t know it
The first person the PCs will want to find is by that name) into the statement, even if it’s
Catalogue of the Trapped the statement maker. The first place they will subtle. If you want a copy of the Catalogue of
Dead, page 270 want to visit is the locale where the statement’s the Trapped Dead to be part of the mysterious
events took place. So in a way, the group has events, suggest that there’s a copy in the hands
done a lot of work for you. of someone mentioned in the statement. Plant
Key into who the people involved are, and the seeds you need, then allow them to bloom
prepare for them to be NPCs that the PCs when the PCs get involved.
interact with, if possible. Think about the
places mentioned and what they look like FROM STATEMENT TO PLAY AT THE GAME TABLE
when the PCs go there. What unanswered The biggest obstacle you have in dealing with
questions does the statement raise, and what a group-crafted statement is probably time.
are the most interesting answers to those The group gets together, creates the statement,
questions? and then turns to you, expecting the
Perhaps most important, think about what’s investigation to start. That’s a difficult position
not in the statement. If there’s a house that’s to be in. Some GMs have great affinity for
seemingly haunted, what lies in the rooms that improv and can come up with a story using
don’t get mentioned? What do the neighbors the statement as a springboard very quickly.
not noted in the statement say when the PCs Others might need a half hour of thinking
talk to them? and prep. Still others want a week. You should
And probe deeper. Just because the take whatever time you need. There is no right
statement maker believes that the house is or wrong method. Each, however, has its own
haunted, there might be something else going considerations.
The Vast, page 176 on. Perhaps the forces of The Vast have opened
some kind of doorway in the house, and the No prep. You’re ready at a moment’s notice
ghostly moaning that’s been heard is the wind and you make it up as you go along. You
howling through this door into a realm of improvise descriptions and portray characters
limitless space where one might fall forever. as needed, and for the events that happen in
And perhaps the statement giver’s sister, who the course of the investigation, either they
is only casually mentioned in the statement, come directly from the statement or you pull
is the practitioner who opened it. You haven’t them out of thin air. You might even (secretly)
contradicted anything in the statement, but rely on player ideas that come up during the
you’ve delivered a surprising twist to the investigation and incorporate them into your
players’ (and the characters’) expectations. plans (because you have no plans—you’re
Use the tools the setting provides you, winging it!). If you can do this, pat yourself on
even if they weren’t present in the statement. the back and get to it.
Introduce a book or artefact involved in The game session can begin with the group
the events that the statement giver didn’t statement creation and move directly into
gameplay. You might be able to make this stats for the monster that threatens the PCs to
a standard so that every game session starts be thoroughly thought out.
with a new statement and the investigation is This means that the group-crafted statement
completed by the end of the session. is the end of the session, not the beginning,
and the adventure it inspires happens next
A little prep. The group crafts the statement, time. You could schedule this so that’s just
then you take your notes and go sit by yourself how the campaign goes. Session 1 is crafting
for a bit. The rest of the group takes a break, the statement, session 2 is playing through
makes food or drinks, or maybe plays a quick the investigation, session 3 is crafting a
card game. You’ve built this break into the new statement, session 4 is conducting that
evening’s plans, so you don’t have to stress investigation, and so on.
about it. A half hour, an hour—use whatever Alternatively, you could craft the first
it takes to figure out how to transform the statement yourself, play out that investigation,
details in the statement into the people, and leave time at the end of the session for the
places, and things the PCs will experience. group to collaborate on a new statement. Then
Jot down a few levels of important NPCs or go from there, crafting next session’s horror at
obstacles that will come into play. Craft a the end of the current session each time.
few surprises that weren’t in the statement to
keep the players on their toes. Don’t worry
about preparing for every contingency, and HORROR
don’t feel like you have to prepare a complete It’s probably worth taking a moment to ask
story. Remember that the players are your ourselves the most basic question: why run
co-storytellers. As you get more experience a horror game? Why not stick with regular
creating an adventure, the time you need fantasy or maybe sci fi?
might get shorter, or it won’t get shorter but The answer is simple.
your adventures will be better. Horror is the best genre for evoking
If you choose this method, you probably emotion. You can evoke emotion with any
won’t complete the entire investigation in one well-crafted story, but horror triggers primal
session. Plan on the next session to be the feelings, both fear and anxiety, but also glee
one where the story is completed. Or make and relief (when you realize that it’s not real).
room for multisession investigations in your A good GM can make the players experience
campaign, because you’ve had a bit of time to actual unease or creepiness in the same way
craft a more in-depth story. that a horror movie makes the viewers feel that
Either way, you only have to prep for the way. You might not be able to evoke jump
first portion of the investigation. You can leave scares the way a movie might, but Magnus
the end reveals, the exciting climax, and so on Archives horror isn’t about jump scares. It’s
for the next session, which means you have a about slow, building creepiness.
lot more time to prepare for those events, and That said, it’s still a game. And games are
to incorporate the PCs’ actions from the first meant to be fun. But the fun of a horror game
session into the second. comes from (safe) fear, from uncovering a
mystery, and sometimes from experiencing
Lots of prep. You want to take your time. some sort of personal success. This is different
As with most RPGs, you want to have time from the “defeat the bad guy, save the town”
between sessions to prepare for what happens type of gaming. In another genre, the PCs
next. You want to breathe life into the NPCs might go up against a foe that is difficult to
and the terrors involved, you want to maybe defeat in combat, and thus it’s a real challenge.
make props or visual aids, and you want the In horror, that foe might be impossible to
giving them background exposition. “Folks either from having had a bad GM in the past,
have always been wary of Route 13 in the or from you inadvertently teaching them that
month of October” creates more intrigue than you don’t always do things for a reason.
“A man who murdered his wife six years ago That’s why the illusion of an answer is as
in October lived out by Route 13.” The latter good as an answer. Players don’t need to know
is just a fact. It’s a closed issue, and it might everything, but they need to believe that
be a logical explanation for why the locals feel you do, or that you can come up with what’s
weird about that stretch of road. needed when it’s needed.
A question is a quest (see how the words This ties into the twists we already
are related?). If something weird is going on discussed. Because sometimes something is
by Route 13, maybe the PCs investigate and unknown but we think it’s known. We don’t
learn that something is enticing people to think there’s anything dangerous on the
commit murder out there. But if everyone other side of the door, but when we open
has a logical explanation for people’s unease, it, a terrible monster is glaring. Subverting
there’s nothing to do. And doing things is the expectations is a fantastic tension-builder. As
very core of stories, RPG or otherwise. An soon as the players are absolutely convinced
answer is the end of a quest. When we have that they understand something, it might be
the answer, the quest—the thing that needs time to alter that thing.
doing—is over. And sometimes, you want to make
So fill your stories and sessions with things everything known to players (at least if they’re
that are unknown. Human nature makes the paying attention) and give them no twists.
players assume that the blank spots are filled Why? Three reasons. First, if the players
with things they might find interesting. discover the truth about a situation or a place
If you put questions in the setting or plot, (through reconnaissance, research, magic, or
you need to have answers. Or at the very least, whatever), they should be rewarded. Second,
the illusion of answers. You should know why if the players use that information to make a
people don’t like Route 13, or you should plan and it goes well, that in itself is a fun and
at least imply that there’s a reason, even if novel experience. It makes players feel smart.
you haven’t figured it out yet. From a GM’s Last, if there’s always a twist, they expect it.
point of view, you’ve decided that something They learn not to plan, because plans never
supernatural is going on out there, and if the work. Sometimes the best twist is that there’s
PCs investigate, they’ll find interesting things. no twist at all!
The metagaming danger is that if the
players think you don’t have answers for their LOOSE ENDS AND UNANSWERED QUESTIONS
questions, they won’t ask them. They won’t The Magnus Archives podcast leaves us with
even assume that the questions are questions a fair share of unresolved matters. While we
at all. You might, for example, place an old come away from the overall story feeling very
mirror in a spooky house that won’t show satisfied, not every loose end is tied up neatly.
the reflection of one of the PCs, hoping that This is a good thing.
the question it raises (why don’t they have a Matters left unresolved leave open doors for
reflection?) will intrigue the players and lead further investigations. They leave questions to
them to discover something strange about the answer and shroud your stories in a layer of
mirror and the house. But the players might mystery as well as the unknowable aspects of
Cosmic horror, page 343 never ask that question because they might cosmic horror.
think you just put something spooky or weird
into the adventure for flavor. That’s a lousy
assumption on their part, and it usually comes
important parts of a scene are more likely, sensory input. In this way, your description
perhaps, to draw their attention in the same does double duty. It conveys both information
way that Sherlock Holmes might go right to and tone. The difference between “You see a
the clock based on insight, observation, and withered old tree with branches swaying in
intuition. the wind” and “The dead tree, silhouetted by
In poker, players can detect when another the dying light of day, looks like an old crone,
player is bluffing by unconscious mannerisms beckoning you into a trap with her withered
they display called “tells.” Become aware of limbs” is huge without having to be so overt as
your own tells as a GM. If dark-haired men saying “You are creeped out by the tree.”
are always sinister, outgoing young women
are always trustworthy, or evil occultists DON’T PROVIDE SPECIFICITY UNLESS ASKED
always live in trailer parks, these are tells and You don’t need to tell the players how many
your players will pick up on them. Make crates are in the storeroom. In fact, you
sure that the information you convey with shouldn’t—not only because it’s almost
your descriptions is the information you certainly not important, but also because
want to convey. You can accidentally reveal the implication is that someone took the
the murderer in a mystery by dwelling on time and counted. An exact count of items
them too long, but sometimes you can do the or even people (if there are more than, say,
same thing by not focusing on them enough. five) should almost never be in your initial
Listening is an important GM skill, and description.
sometimes, that means listening to yourself. Even afterward, don’t provide an accurate
count unless a player asks for it. A player
DESCRIBE WITH EMOTION asking that question is actually stating an
This is a tricky subject because you don’t action. They’re basically saying, “I count the
want to tell the players how their characters number of people in the bar” or, perhaps more
feel, yet as humans we perceive the world appropriately, “I try to get a clear picture of
through a lens of emotion. Certain sounds are the situation.”
terrifying. Some sights delight us or give us To instill a little unease in your game,
hope (depending on the situation). Injecting consider how unsettling it can be to never give
emotions into your descriptions—again, done certain precise details. If you tell the players
carefully—can add a great deal of impact. that the monster has “too many legs,” that
Consider the following examples: conveys both information and mood in a way
“Then, over the hill, through the mist, you that telling them it has ten legs never would.
see a glimmer of light. Dawn arrives like a If a hulking, shambling thing looms over the
savior, bringing with it hope and relief as the players but you never give it a precise height,
creatures of darkness throughout the field slip each player will, in turn, conjure up their own
into the shadows.” mental image of what that means.
“The insidious psychic intrusion slips into You can do the same with things like
your mind like a serpent, slithering its way into direction and distance. It’s hard to know
the nooks and crannies of your consciousness, a precisely which direction a strange knocking
thing of pure revulsion and fear.” sound is coming from when you’re exploring
“The cozy warmth and light within the old a creepy old house. Did it come from upstairs
woman’s home, the smell of freshly baked cookies, or from the next room over? Realistically,
and the soft, well-worn chairs in her living it’s hard to tell. Narratively, it’s effective not
room bring a moment of calm to your heart.” to tell. The unknown quality of it is creepy.
These descriptions aren’t outright intrusive, Similarly, deep in a dark underground tunnel
but they convey emotions in addition to system, can the PCs really tell that the
menacing figure stands 35 feet (11 m) away? perceive, not necessarily what is there. “You
Distance is something that most people are see a shadow moving in the trees.” That’s
actually bad at estimating. Even if you give all you give them because that’s all they can
the PCs credit for being capable, the exact perceive, at least at that moment. In the
distance between two things might take them players’ minds, they each might see a different
some time to estimate. shape of shadow. One might imagine a lurking
Of course, you can vary your descriptions assailant while another might think it’s a deer.
based on the character. A scientist or a park That’s okay, because that’s actually the way it
ranger might be able to calculate that the top works. Ask three different people to give an
of the hill is 450 feet (137 m) away, but to a accounting of an event after the fact and you’ll
computer programmer it’s just “pretty far.” get three different descriptions.
Likewise, you might say to the person playing Play with the fact that we are all our
an automotive enthusiast that they see a 2023 own unreliable narrator. Characters might
Ford Mustang Mach-E, whereas everyone else mistake a house settling for something more
just sees a “recent-model two-door blue car.” dangerous. One PC might be sure that there
The additional information appropriate to are four foes, while another is aware of only
a character can come immediately, or it can three. Sometimes the snapping twig in the
come later. distance is never explained. Sometimes the
In other words, eschew the idea that you’re heroes don’t realize that the monster was a
describing an objective reality. Putting aside man in a mask until he’s lying unconscious at
the philosophical debate regarding whether their feet after they’ve beaten him up.
there even is such a thing, remember that the
description you provide is what the players
e fact
Play with th
or even understanding in the scope of the
all our
mindbogglingly infinite and the forces at play Although racism is sadly quite
that we are within—that’s the essence of cosmic horror. prevalent in early cosmic horror
own unreliab
stories—particularly those from
The Entities represent these cosmic forces. Lovecraft—it has no place in
narrator. While they prey upon humanity (and, in fact, the setting or stories of The
Magnus Archives.
all living things), they are as different and
removed from us as we are from the
USE THE SHARED EXPERIENCES single-celled organisms in the surface of a tidal
OF YOUR FRIENDS pool. And if you’re going to say, “Hey, wait a
Use any sort of common experience you minute, Jonathan Sims stopped them in his
have with one or more of your players. “This universe at the end of the podcast and he was
church looks a little bit like the big Methodist just a human,” remember that he was able to
church on Maple Street, except with a huge do so only because he had the powers of The
statue of an angel in front.” This is a sort Eye at his disposal, and thus was likely closer
of secret language that you and your close to the Entities at that point than he was to If you’re not familiar with
friends share, and you should use it. Your being human. And in the even larger picture, Lovecraft or Cthulhu, they’re
not that important to our
GM voice—the words you use to describe his success was really just him playing the purposes here, but if you want
and narrate—doesn’t need to be detached or part of a pawn in a plan by The Web. So yes, to learn more, everything
you’d ever want to know (and
authorial. Sometimes a description that’s more humanity in this setting remains insignificant much, much more) is just
casual or familiar conveys more details. in the cosmic sense. Nevertheless, if The an internet search away.
Magnus Archives podcast teaches us anything,
COSMIC HORROR it’s that we insignificant humans still have
As much as genre (and subgenre) labels are truly compelling stories to tell. And that’s
useful at all, The Magnus Archives can be where you and your group come in.
labeled not just as horror, but more specifically One of the keys to cosmic horror lies in
as cosmic horror. our inability to completely understand and
Obviously, the roots of cosmic horror come define the forces at play. You’re reading this
from writers like Lord Dunsany, Algernon in a rulebook, but honestly, there are no
Blackwood, and—most prominently—H.P.
Lovecraft and those who followed in his
wake. The Magnus Archives is not strictly
Lovecraftian, and it certainly is not a part
of the Cthulhu Mythos, but we can benefit Don’t
from looking at the icons of cosmic horror to
scenar a
understand the general milieu a bit better. io tha
come t c
to a d an
The horror of cosmic horror comes from
scary monsters, knife-wielding maniacs,
stop i ead
f the
spooky things in the dark, and so on—just
one ro
like it does in plenty of other types of horror.
Cosmic horror, however, places all these
There ll.
things within a larger canvas focused on one
always s h o uld
specific fear: the fear of the unknown. And
be mu
paths lt
to suc iple
not just the fear of not knowing what’s down
the dark alleyway, but the fear of not knowing
the true nature of reality. The fact that we
are mere specks in a vast universe, not just
insignificant, but incapable of significance
Magnus Archives
and categorizing them is not even appropriate.
For another matter, what is an Avatar? How
does a person become one? The exact process podcast teaches
seems unclear—and that’s the point. It’s
anything, it’s th
we insignificant
beyond full human comprehension.
just ally himself with The Lonely; he comes tissue is more esoteric, as with the Fairchilds,
from an entire family who serves that Entity. people who serve The Vast and adopt the same The Vast, page 176
This means that when the PCs encounter surname but aren’t actually related.
someone who is involved with the On the flip side, the concept of family arises
supernatural, it’s possible—perhaps even in a different way. The PCs will, over time,
likely—that they will discover someone related take on an aspect of found family that creates
to them who is involved as well. Perhaps the bonds difficult to sever. Even as one character
related character serves the same ends but in begins to change and become something
a different capacity. Perhaps they represent a slightly terrifying, the other characters should
succession of power. Or perhaps they serve feel both willing and obligated to stand by
a different Entity in a different manner them.
altogether. The point is, the supernatural Speaking of characters growing terrifying…
With some practice, you can take your GMing to the next level.
There’s a temptation to sit at the game table, perhaps half hidden by a GM screen, and
run the whole game from that sedentary position. But consider how much more dynamic
you can be if you stand up and move around. Your gestures become larger, you ensure
that everyone can see your face, and you’ll energize yourself in ways that will help bring
excitement to the game. If something happens to one player’s character in particular, get
up and walk over to them. Use your whole body to gesture, not just your hands. If the PCs
speak to a penitent monk, bow your head and don’t look anyone in the eye. If the military
commander is chewing them out, stand over them imperiously with your chest thrust
forward and your face grim. When they go into the old factory at night, lurk behind the
players as they sit at the table so that sometimes they’re not sure what you’re doing or where
you are. This is the very definition of dynamic GMing.
Of course, you don’t have to stand or walk around the whole time. In fact, you should do
it as a way to punctuate and convey the mood. When things happen with sudden action,
leap to your feet!
Not everyone can do an array of voices and accents. But practically everyone can make
their voice lower, higher, louder, softer, and so on. Attach a vocal quality to every major
and some not-so-major NPCs. Even if you have a range of only five different voices, use
them all. As long as you space them out and don’t have two low-speakers right after each
other, you’ll still be using your voice effectively to convey character.
Obviously, overblown, racist accents are never a good idea.
are symbols of a “devil cult.” Thinks the cult cool visuals, or important side plots. For
might be holed up in an old farmhouse east of example, your list might include:
town. • A music box from the 1800s with ornate
but slightly macabre decoration, currently
And so on. broken
Obviously, that’s just the beginning, but • A man with one side of his face horribly
you’ve covered a lot of the contingencies. burned long ago
Some of that material might not get used. The • Graffiti painted on the side of a building:
PCs might not go to her partner—only to the “I saw it. And worse, it saw me.”
store and then to the priest. Maybe they won’t • Dogs constantly barking in the distance,
go to the priest at all, and you’ll need to have then silence
someone else direct them to the farmhouse. • A trail of blood that leads to a door that
Or maybe the PCs will come up with a wholly won’t open
unexpected path of investigation.
These are all ideas that you can sprinkle
3. A list of ideas into the game when appropriate. You haven’t
Just like with the list of names, jot down a tied them to a specific encounter, so you can
bunch of random ideas. These are things you insert them whenever you want. You might
can throw into the game at a moment’s notice not use them all in the same adventure—
if needed or appropriate. They might be flavor, they’re just ideas.
Sometimes the best way to understand a game is to see it THEO (playing Ivan, a second-tier Fearless Occultist who
played. This section provides the next best thing: a script Would Rather Be Reading): I walk up to the shack.
depicting a group playing through an encounter in an
investigation in The Magnus Archives RPG. SUSAN: I cover him with my pistol.
GAME MASTER: Just as the original statement THEO: I’m going to check around the door—search for
suggested, there’s a wooden shack near the river. It looks anything strange or dangerous.
old, and the years have been unkind. The door is on the
side facing the river. GM: Okay, Theo. That’s going to be an Intellect task.
SUSAN (playing Audrey, a second-tier Cautious Protector THEO: I’m going to use a level of Effort. I have an
Who Carries a Gun): Does it look like it’s still used? Does Intellect Edge of 1, so it will cost me 2 points from my
anyone live there? Pool.
GM: It’s tough to know that without investigating further, The GM knows there’s nothing to find at the
but there’s no sign of anyone moving inside. doorway, but she muses for half a second as if
pretending to figure out a target number.
DOM (playing Chris, a second-tier Smart Investigator
who Helps Their Friends): So there are windows we can GM: Roll.
see into.
THEO: Rolled a 7.
GM: Yes, you see two.
The group is playing a modified version of “Liquify,” the adventure in chapter 16.
GM: You don’t find anything out of the ordinary. GM: You can make an Intellect-based roll. And I know
However, tracks on the ground indicate that someone goes you’re trained in perception.
through this doorway on a regular basis.
DOM: I ask Ivan to give me a hand.
Dom’s character Chris is the best in the group at
searching, but any character can try any action, and THEO: I was going to check out these bone things
by using Effort, they’ll even be pretty good at it. hanging everywhere. They might be part of some kind of
occult protection.
THEO: I’m going in. I really think that there’s some
occult knowledge or something in here. The statement DOM: Good call. You do that first before anyone pokes
mentioned a creepy old book. around too much.
Theo’s playing Ivan’s descriptor to the hilt. SUSAN: Don’t touch them if you don’t have to.
DOM: Hang on, you don’t know what’s in there. I go THEO: I am trained in occultism, of course, and I’m
with him. going to use Effort to see if these things ring any bells
from my previous studies.
SUSAN: I’ll go too, but I’m keeping my eye out for danger
from the outside as well. GM: Okay, as you know, that’s an Intellect-based task.
GM: The door opens with a creak, and it’s quiet and dimly THEO: 17! And it’s eased by two steps.
lit inside. The ceiling is already low, and small, delicate
pieces of art assembled from animal bones hang from it, so The GM anticipated this and had written in her notes
it’s tough to move in here without jostling one. that this task has a difficulty of 4. Theo reduces that to
2, so he only needed to roll a 6. He easily succeeds.
SUSAN: I don’t like this at all.
GM: Yeah, the objects are delicately assembled and held
DOM: I keep my eyes peeled. together with wire and twine. Most of the shapes resemble
mystic symbols you’re familiar with. Symbols that suggest
THEO: I’m looking for books or papers or something. an eye is watching you.
There must be some shelves or an old trunk or something.
THEO: This is like an alarm. An early warning system.
GM: Not that you perceive.
SUSAN: Is it an eye watching, or The Eye?
DOM: A table? Chairs? A bed?
The GM shrugs slightly with her eyebrows
GM: Not that you perceive. raised and a mysterious glint in her eye.
DOM: This can’t be right. The statement made it seem THEO: Could be both.
like someone lived here. It mentioned an old man.
DOM: The point is, someone probably knows we’re here.
THEO: And a book. Do we get out, or search?
DOM: Okay, let’s search around. Maybe the floor. Are SUSAN: [sighs] Fine. But I’m ready to shoot the first
there loose boards? dangerous thing I see.
Dom goes back to their original idea of searching, and Theo SUSAN: Oh fu— [sigh] This is not my day. I roll a 2.
assists. With Chris’s skill and Ivan’s help, they ease the task by
two steps. The difficulty is reduced to 3, and Dom rolls a 9. That’s a GM intrusion on top of a GM intrusion. Ouch. The
GM thought that Audrey would have time to look around
GM: You do indeed find some loose floorboards. Lifting before the danger made itself known, but she decides the roll
them off, there’s a hole going down into the cold, dark of 2 escalates things. Also, since 2 is in GM intrusione range,
earth, just big enough for a person to pass through. It Horror Mode heightens, and the intrusion range is now 1–3.
smells like wet dirt down there.
GM: You fall, but not all that far. The impact is jarring
DOM: I turn on my flashlight and look down. but likely nothing more than a bruise. You gain 2 points
of Stress. However, while you’re still on the ground, cold
GM: Old wooden planks have been hammered into one bony hands grab you by the shoulder and pull you into the
side of the shaft going down, making a crude ladder. chamber, out of the light from Chris’s flashlight.
There’s a dirt-covered floor at the bottom. Horror Mode
has come into play. Intrusions happen on a 1 or a 2 now. DOM: Something’s down there!
SUSAN: Oh, great. I come take a look, still being careful GM: Dom and Theo, your characters see this from above,
not to touch any of the bone things. Do the planks look so each of you should make Intellect defense rolls.
sturdy? How far down does it go?
They both fail and gain 1 point of Stress
Susan’s also taking her descriptor to heart. each from the shock of these events.
GM: The nails are rusty. The planks are splintered and SUSAN: I reduce the Stress I gain by 1, thanks to the
warped. The depth is maybe three times your own height. ability Scarred and Hardened.
SUSAN: I’ll go down first. I guess I’ll have to holster my THEO: My ability Seen Some . . . Stuff reduces my Stress
gun. You keep the flashlight pointed down here. from shock by 1 as well. But I’m still really worried about
Audrey! I’m going to get down there as fast as I can, even
GM: Okay. There’s no need to roll for climbing, especially if I get hurt.
since I assume you’re being careful and going slow.
However, about halfway down you hear a pained creaking GM: That’s going to be a Speed-based task. While Theo
sound, and the plank you’re hanging onto pulls from the rolls, Susan, you’re on your back in the dark, but whatever
wall! grabbed you isn’t still holding on. You can see the shaft
that you came down, but nothing else down here. What
The GM stands up when she says this. It’s a are you going to do?
GM intrusion, so Susan will get 2 XP.
SUSAN: I draw my gun and wave it around purposefully.
SUSAN: You said it was a tight fit down this shaft. I’ll Whoever it was doesn’t know I can’t see them, right?
brace myself on the other side.
GM: A voice says, “I knew you were coming.” It’s gravelly
GM: Sorry, but this happens about halfway down, where and strained, like it’s being pried out of a throat that hasn’t
the shaft descends into one side of a chamber of some spoken aloud in a very long time.
SUSAN: I try to make out where it’s coming from and
SUSAN: Crap. Well, I try to grab another plank. point the pistol in that direction. “Who are you?”
GM: “You put too much faith in that ridiculous weapon.” DOM: Do I reach the bottom?
Now it seems like the voice is coming from somewhere
else. But before you say anything else, Theo, how’s Ivan GM: Yes. You arrive just after he says that.
doing on the climbing rungs?
DOM: I tell him, “We’re here looking into the possible
THEO: I rolled a 10 and I used two levels of Effort. murder of a man named Timothy Dunn. We’re not
the police. Honestly, we’re mostly interested in the
GM: Susan, you hear a clatter and probably a grunt or two circumstances of his death.”
as Ivan climbs down to the chamber. It’s really more of a
desperate, controlled fall, but he lands on his feet. GM: He listens and seems to size you up, but convincing
him to help you is an Intellect-based task. Make a roll.
DOM: I’m right behind him. Actually, I yell to Ivan that
I’m going to drop the flashlight down to him, and then I’ll DOM: I wish Phillip was here. We need our Elocutionist
climb. Maybe a bit less dramatically than he did. for stuff like this. Anyway, I’ll use two levels of Effort. And
I roll . . . a 20!
GM: Susan, what do you do?
GM: That not only succeeds, but you get the points you
SUSAN: I say, “There’s someone down here. We need that spent back too. Plus, you get a major effect.
DOM: Hmm. Maybe there’s something he wouldn’t
THEO: Probably the old man from the statement. normally tell us that he’d be willing to share?
SUSAN: If so, he’s a strong old geezer. He manhandled me GM: The old man works his jaw as he considers the
pretty easily. situation. Finally, he says in a low voice, just above a
whisper, “Yeah, I knew Timothy Dunn. And I know how
GM: Theo, it’s going to be a pretty simple Speed-based he died too. I’ll answer every single question you have, but
task to catch the flashlight. I’ll just tell you it’s difficulty 2. first, you have to bring me my book.”
THEO: I roll a 7. I got it and shine it into the darkness. THEO: Finally! I knew there was a book!
I’m trying to find Audrey, but also maybe this guy that
grabbed her. SUSAN: What book?
GM: Theo and Susan, you see a cramped little cave-like GM: His voice gets even quieter. “It’s called The
room with a rough dirt floor. It’s damp and cold. Near the Boneturner’s Tale.”
entrance to a tunnel going off into darkness, you see an
old man wearing what looks to be a long grey nightshirt
streaked with dirt stains. He’s bony—almost skeletal—but
somehow gives you the impression that he’s more solid
and stronger than his frame would suggest. Maybe it’s the
confidence he exudes. He’s clearly not afraid of you in any
way, even though Susan’s got a gun.
SUSAN: “Who are you, old man? What are you doing
down here?”
he Resurrection Mound” is an Corruption. Destroying it would be a very
investigative scenario for beginning good thing.
characters. It assumes the PCs work Investigators might also run afoul of two
for the Magnus Institute (or something very mysterious, supernatural beings posing as
much like it). exterminators, Beacon and Howe, who
are interested in nurturing the insects and
harvesting the corrupt egg sac.
• Human remains
• Parasitic infection BACKGROUND
• Hornets/wasps A synthesis of two very different fears, the
• Animal remains Resurrection Mound and its attendant insects This adventure could be set
• Child welfare contain aspects of both The Corruption and The anywhere, but as written, it’s
presumed to be in a large town
End. They exist to return the dead to a state that or city in the UK.
can only be thought of as a mockery of life.
The mound is under the care of two servants Gardens in the United States
SYNOPSIS of The Corruption, who call themselves are typically called yards or
The Jeong family discovers strange insects Beacon and Howe and pose as exterminators.
building a nest in their garden. The nest grows The Jeongs are an extremely average family
very large and displays the ability to somehow in the wrong place at the wrong time.
resurrect the dead. When Tom Jeong dies, his
wife Karen sprinkles his cremated ashes on the
nest, restoring him to a semblance of life. THE STATEMENT OF
When the PCs arrive, Karen and her young KAREN JEONG
son Nicholas try to cover up Tom’s existence. The following is the statement of Karen Jeong,
Tom proves to be a fairly mindless horror, but made at the Magnus Institute following the
he generally wants to protect his home and standard procedures.
family. The paranormal insects want to protect Statement begins…
Tom, as well as the other creatures they have
resurrected: two squirrels and a cat. My name is Karen Jeong, and my family and You can find a completed
If the PCs reach the nest, they may find the I live out on Stonecrest Lane, on the southern statement form with the
following statement at the
queen is in the process of creating an egg-like outskirts of town. I’m here to tell you about the following link:
sac that would be central to the ritual of The thing in my garden.
About six months ago, we began to notice flying nest was, and no bugs to be seen. We thought we
bugs we couldn’t identify behind our house. They were done with it, although Tom worried that
were red and green and looked like hornets a little they hadn’t mentioned the charge nor given us an
bit. They would give you a painful sting if you invoice.
disturbed them, but otherwise they left us alone. About a week later, we started noticing the
About a week after we first noticed them, we red and green bugs were back. I checked the
found a nest in the grass toward the back corner of spot and the nest was back too. They’d already
our garden. It was hard and reddish-brown rebuilt it to the size it had been before. Maybe
in color, with little holes for the bugs to go in even a bit larger.
and out. I don’t mean to sound dramatic, but I called Beacon and Howe to tell them the job
it reminded me of the carcinoma my mother wasn’t finished. The man on the phone said they’d
developed before she died. It even had the sort of be out again in a week. I told them we wouldn’t
odor that I remember from her deathbed. pay unless they were really taken care of. “You
My husband Tom decided right then to call an need to guarantee your work if you’re going to
Beacon and Howe are exterminator. He phoned Beacon and Howe Pest stay in business,” I told him. He just replied “Uh
intentionally meant to evoke Control, but they couldn’t come out for almost huh” and hung up.
Breekon & Hope (see The
Deliverymen, page 212).. They a week. We told our son Nicholas to keep away While we waited, we kept an eye on the nest,
are not the same characters from the nest and waited. and every day it grew a little more, looking like a
but have a similar feel, and
the names hopefully creep out The two men they sent out were strange. Huge, mound or a little tower filled with tiny holes.
knowledgeable players. slow-moving men in grey uniforms, they went Even though I’d tried to keep him away from
straight into the garden like they knew where it, one evening Nicholas noticed small animal
they were going. Looking at the nest, which had bones protruding from it. The nest was almost
grown to be almost six inches high with many fifteen or sixteen inches high at this point. The
more of the hornet things buzzing around, one next morning, my husband wanted to take
of them asked, “Are you sure you don’t want to photos to show the exterminators when they
keep it?” returned. When we went out there, though,
What a strange question! We the bones were gone, and the mound looked
said we wanted it and the disturbed, like something had kicked it. Maybe
bugs dealt with and they an animal, we thought, but that was a sure way
agreed. The one that to get a lot of stings.
spoke (only one of them The exterminators didn’t show up the following
ever spoke) advised us to week, and my calls just went to a voicemail. The
go inside. We did, and mound stood about two feet high at this point,
they went and got some kind and Tom took some photos of the very strange
of hinged wooden box from moment when we saw that the insects were all
their van. Using shovels, swarming in a bundle. It turned out they were
they pried the nest up swarming over a dead squirrel. Dozens and
from the ground as a dozens of them. And they weren’t eating it like
single piece and put it we thought at first. They were dragging it toward
in the box. They didn’t wear the mound. I almost threw up.
any protective clothing, but No amount of searching the internet gave us
the insects didn’t seem to bother any answers about what kind of bugs these were.
them. They were very odd. I did find a photo of a nest very much like what
Without a word, they put the we had, from out near the Badlands in South
box in the van and drove off. Dakota.
We went out and there was That Saturday, Tom said he was going to drive to
just a shallow hole where the Beacon and Howe’s office to talk to someone directly.
End of statement.
• She tries to dismiss her statement, saying Extra room: While he was alive, Tom
that she was just distraught with grief used this as a home office. There’s also a large
and wasn’t thinking straight. Everything collection of LEGO brick building sets that
is fine. he and Nicholas enjoyed working on together,
• If nothing else works, she tries to slam the and a small craft table for Karen’s jewelry- GM intrusion: Karen attempts
door in the PCs’ faces. making hobby. to slam the door, and one of the
characters might get hit by it
• If the PCs manage to get inside, Karen Attic: Empty. if they fail a difficulty 3 Speed
continues to try to cover up what’s been Basement: Used for storage. It’s also where defense roll. If the PC is struck,
Karen feels bad about hurting
happening, but strange noises (Tom they keep the furnace, washer, and dryer. them, and the PC might be able
moving around and making weird moans) to use that to ease a persuasion
eventually cause her to break down, at TOM attempt—or hinder one if they
react poorly.
which point Tom shuffles in. Shuddering with tremors, a vaguely
human-shaped mass of ash, bone, and If Horror Mode is already
INSIDE THE HOUSE swarming insects moves slowly, leaving a active and the PCs encounter a
situation that would activate it
Entering the house activates Horror Mode. If fine bit of ash behind him. Just seeing Tom again, Horror Mode heightens.
an investigator uses the Careful Observation shamble in gives any PC 2 points of Stress
ability in the house, it is clear right away that immediately. If they realize that this is Tom, Horror Mode, page 122
Karen and Nicholas are doing their best to the husband who was dead, they must succeed Careful Observation, page 29
deal with a chaotic situation and have been for at an Intellect defense roll (difficulty 4) or gain
a while. The situation is around the clock, but 2 additional points of Stress. Tom: level 3, Speed defense and
other than sleep deprivation, neither of them Tom has only vague memories from his anything requiring intelligence
as level 1; inflicts 3 Stress per
is in any immediate physical danger. life—mostly just emotional connections. He attack; physical attacks against
The house is in disarray and there’s an loves and wants to protect his family. Other him inflict only 1 damage,
and attacking him results in a
odd, sour smell in the air. Tom’s presence is people are a threat and very likely warrant swarm of insects retaliating
disruptive, and his object handling skills are violence.
poor, so furnishings and decor have been Tom’s new body is mostly an empty shell
dropped, broken, or toppled, and there hasn’t with many thin layers, with the consistency Insect: level 1, Speed defense
been much time to clean or put things right. of a paper wasp nest. Damage to it is almost as level 3; inflicts 2 Stress per
attack; swarm can attack as a
Kitchen: Dirty dishes pile on the table and entirely superficial, but it always results in single level 3 creature
in the sink. Broken dishes cover the floor. a new swarm of insects emerging to attack.
Open to the dining room. Fire is very effective in destroying him, but it GM intrusion: If a fight
Dining room: A few chairs are knocked burns so fast and hot that it’s likely to ignite with Tom ensues, a character
is knocked backward into a
over. Some of the red and green insects crawl anything flammable nearby. display cabinet. It falls over
or fly about. Sliding glass doors here lead onto and threatens to land on
Nicholas. If a PC wants to try to
the back deck. INTERACTING WITH THE JEONGS save him, they must succeed at
Living room: In shambles. A few of the Once Tom makes an appearance, Karen can a Speed-based task (difficulty 3)
insects crawl or fly about. The front door is here. be convinced (difficulty 4) to calm him and or the boy is hurt and trapped
under the fallen cabinet.
Tom and Karen’s bedroom: This is where get him (and the insects) to stop attacking.
Karen tries to keep Tom. She closes the door if Otherwise he attacks.
strangers come over. Many of the insects crawl • If the PCs damage Tom, Karen screams
or fly about. for everyone to stop.
Nicholas’s bedroom (upstairs): Compared • If the PCs damage Tom, Nicholas tries to
to the rest of the house, this room is in good help his father against the “bad people.”
shape. Karen tries (and fails) to keep her son While he’s not really a threat, this may
here and away from Tom. put him in danger.
Guest room (upstairs): This is where Karen • At no point do Tom or the insects
tries (and fails) to sleep. intentionally harm Karen or Nicholas.
The detached two-car garage holds an
older, small car and various outdoor toys
for Nicholas. Tools and other things one
would expect are found here, but of possible
interest to the PCs, the garage has two pairs
of tough gardening gloves, some long lawn
tools, a small butane torch, and a small
chainsaw. A cabinet holds a can of
wasp spray and poison for killing
ants and other crawling pests.
THE QUEEN AND THE EGG SAC then use the power of the mound to bring
At the heart of the mound’s interior lies the them back to a semblance of life. Doing so
The queen: level 4, Speed queen. She is wingless, bloated, and almost adds power to the mound and hastens the
defense as level 1; attacks 12 inches (30 cm) long. If found, she’s coiled creation of the corrupt egg sac.
psychically by infusing a nearby
target with terror and dark around a bulbous, pale yellow mass that looks The corrupt egg sac is an artefact of the
thoughts of insects and crawling a bit like a moist, glutinous tumor the size of a dread power of The Corruption. All that
things, giving 3 Stress
large apple. This is the corrupt egg sac. follow that Entity seek and covet it.
The Corruption, page 170 In the process of building the Resurrection
Mound, the insects kill nearby creatures and
Should the PCs manage to get into the back The room has a dirty sink, a wooden
room, they find it full of strange junk. Grime cupboard (empty), and a built-in countertop
and filth cover most everything, and roaches on one wall that holds some of the junk as
and flies are common. The junk includes: well as a book bearing the name The Queen
• Unmarked canisters of poisonous and the Egg Sac.
• Nets of various sizes and types. THE TRUTH BEHIND BEACON AND HOWE
• A variety of tools, including many that Beacon and Howe are in fact inhuman beings
would seem to have nothing to do with that serve The Corruption. They use the
pest control. These are haphazardly spread cover of exterminators to find and capture
around the room. various unnatural types of insects, worms,
• About two dozen bottles of cheap beer, and similar creatures, hoping to nurture
a dozen or so cans of meat, and various them in service of their master. Both beings
biscuits/snack cakes and crisps in plastic are mostly free of emotion and can’t be
packaging. intimidated, shamed, or embarrassed. They
• Miscellaneous refuse, including paint have fondness for insects and other creatures
cans, lumber, lengths of lead pipe, broken in their purview, and these emotions do
kitchen appliances, and empty food bubble to the surface now and again.
containers. If attacked, they defend themselves, and
if they have to use force to reach a particular
goal, they will, but they prefer to avoid CONCLUDING THE INVESTIGATION
combat, probably by simply walking away. It’s There isn’t much potential for a happy ending
quite likely that they cannot be permanently here, but that’s likely something PCs (and
killed by any conventional means, and that players) will have to get accustomed to when
“death” is merely an inconvenience they can working for the Magnus Institute. Remember
overcome in a few weeks. that the players decide when the investigation
is over. Their mission is to find out as much
BEACON AND HOWE AT LARGE as possible about the situation and confirm
In addition to finding Beacon and Howe the facts in the statement. In other words,
at the office, the PCs might witness them they could talk to Karen through the door
observing the Jeong house—or rather, the and never go in, poke around the garden,
Resurrection Mound—from a distance. They and call it done. That’s not a very satisfying
have their company van with them, although job performance as far as the Institute is
they might park where it can’t be seen from concerned (because they didn’t confirm what
the house. The van, if investigated, is rather happened to Tom, ascertain the status of the
mundane (albeit filthy and smelly) and mostly rest of the family, or learn much about the
empty, with the exception of a few shovels and mound beyond confirming its existence).
a wheelbarrow. Characters who do learn that information
Beacon and Howe intervene should anyone gain 2 XP each. Destroying the corrupt egg
attempt to significantly harm the mound or sac is worth an additional 2 XP each.
harvest the corrupt egg sac. This intervention And of course character arcs may come into
might come in the form of an offer to help play as well.
iquify” is an investigative scenario The old man, a would-be sorcerer calling
suitable for beginning characters, himself “Osteros,” lives in a nearby shack a
but it might be better if they had few miles from a river—or rather, in some
some experience. It assumes the PCs work chambers beneath the shack. The PCs may
for the Magnus Institute (or something very follow the trail to the shack, but Osteros is not
much like it). The adventure makes use of the Dunn’s killer. The killer is an Avatar of The
The Boneturner’s Tale, book from the podcast called The Boneturner’s Flesh known as The Sculptor. If the PCs are
page 268 Tale but gives it a different background and smart and lucky, they won’t share the young
context. man’s fate.
his house, which kept the book safe for years. will. So why am I recording this? Justice? No, I
Fearing the ward would fail after his death, don’t think so.
Harold had the book secretly buried with him I just don’t want to be some notation on some
on a hill overlooking his farm. record in a file cabinet somewhere. A John Doe no
The Sculptor serves as an Avatar of The Flesh. one remembers. Someone should understand what
Presumably once a woman, this horrific being happened to me. That’s why I’m sending this to
appears to be more of an inhuman creature, with you people and not the police. Because they’ll just
the ability to reshape the flesh of any living thing assume I’m crazy and throw it all away. But you
she touches. She wants The Boneturner’s Tale people know about this kind of thing.
found so its dark power and knowledge can be I’m using the voice dictation thing on my phone
spread once again across the Earth. to record this while I lie here. Before I’m gone.
Enter the self-proclaimed “sorcerer,” But there’s no way you’ll read this before I . . . die.
Zachary Easton, who refers to himself as That’s why I’m saying this all like I’m already
“Osteros” and claims to be immortal. The dead. Because as far as you’re concerned, I am.
Boneturner’s Tale was once in his possession, All right then. I’ve been living out in
but it was stolen from him and he’s searched Hammond County, on a farm that my family’s
for it ever since. He long ago tracked it to held onto since my grandfather. You won’t find
Dunn’s farmhouse. The fact that there’s a ward my body, though. I don’t think there will be
keeping him out only makes him more certain anything left. I think that’s how it works.
it lies inside. He has no idea it’s been moved. I’m not a farmer. I didn’t really spend much
His years of attempts to get inside the time here before a few weeks ago. The place had
Dunn house to get the book have drawn the been boarded up and empty for I don’t know how
attention of The Sculptor, but the two are many years. But I was homeless—out of cash and
not allies. Osteros’s main goal in getting the out of options—so I hitched out here. I had to
book comes from the fact that it will keep break a window to get in, but I do honestly own
him safe from her (allowing him to undo the place, so that’s no crime. There’s no one else in
anything she might do to him). The Sculptor my family left to claim it.
can sense the book, but her methods are slow There’s no electricity, but there’s water. About
and methodical. Eventually she will find it in half the rooms were bare of furniture, but there
Harold’s grave. was a little. I made the best of things I could.
At least it was a roof over my head. I wasn’t
here more than a week, though, before I started
THE STATEMENT OF hearing noises outside. The house is way out here,
TIMOTHY DUNN so I figured it was just raccoons or something.
The following is the statement of Timothy Then one night I caught a glimpse of a person
Dunn, taken from a text file apparently outside the house. There’s a shed here, and they
created using dictation software on his were rummaging through it.
smartphone. The Magnus Institute received it The first thing that came to my mind when
as an attachment to an email. I saw this was that it was dark out there. No
electricity, remember? But this person didn’t have
Statement begins… any light with them, and they seemed to have no You can find a completed
problem rooting through all the junk with only statement form with the
following statement at the
My name is Timothy Dunn, and I’m dead. the stars providing any light. following link:
Not like “Oh man, my wife is going to kill me,” Obviously, I didn’t get a good look at them.
but like really dead. Couldn’t tell you if they were big, small, male,
Here’s the thing. I don’t know who killed me, female—anything. Just a person shape. Anyway,
or how. Knowing that won’t save me. Nothing I was scared. I stayed quiet and hid in the house.
Eventually, they were gone. A few hours wouldn’t come back. But if he did, maybe one of
passed, then finally I got to sleep. The next day, these books would satisfy him.
I cleaned the mess they’d made and tried to close He did, and they didn’t. He kicked those
up the old shed, but the door wouldn’t latch books into the weeds by the door and repeated
anymore. I didn’t much care. While I worked at his whispered demand. I holed up in the pantry
that, I felt like someone was watching me, but I off the kitchen because it had no exterior walls,
couldn’t see anyone. blocked the door with a chair, and got some sleep.
That night, though, I kept a nervous eye out. The next day, I went outside. I didn’t have
Sure enough, I saw someone in the yard again. a baseball bat, but I did have an old length
I’m not embarrassed to say that I’d already of pipe I found in the shed. I figured I needed
pushed an old bureau against the front door to confront him or I’d never get any real rest.
and a heavy table against the back door in case Maybe he just needed to be scared. I searched all
they came back. When I heard the banging over the property. He had to be nearby, I figured.
noise, I knew it was someone trying to force the And if I was going to get physical with him, I
front door. wanted it to be in the light of day.
I wanted to get a look at them, so I crept into I searched all that day, and by evening I
the front room and peered out the window. It reached the river about two miles from the farm.
was an old man. Didn’t look very frightening. Once again, from time to time I felt like someone
Instead, he looked withered. Frail. So I yell out, was watching me, but I caught no sight of him
“Get out of here, old man. This is my house. I’ve and I doubted anyone else was way out here.
got a baseball bat, and I’m calling the cops.” There was an old wooden shack on the
He came to the window and peered in. “The river bank, though, amid some trees. It looked
book,” he croaked out. “Give me the book.” abandoned, but I wanted to check it out. I
“Go to hell, I don’t have your book.” thought I saw movement inside and made to call
He left. out a warning. Probably something like, “Hey
I had no idea what he was talking about—I old man, I’m coming for you.” You’d think after
just had to hope he wouldn’t come back. having all day to think of it, I’d have come up
But he did. The next night. He just banged with something better.
on the door and said, very quietly, “Give me Anyway, it doesn’t matter, because I never got
the book.” And he did that for at least an hour, a chance to say anything. Just as I saw—I’m
ignoring me when I yelled at him to get lost. pretty sure I saw, anyway—the old man’s face in
For a minute, I thought there were two the window of the shack, I felt a slicing pain in
figures out there in the night, but my mind my back. So much pain. I don’t know if you’ve
was playing tricks. experienced that kind of thing, but it hurt so
Finally, the old codger left again. I didn’t sleep bad, and took so much out of me that I didn’t
that night. But after lying in the only bed still even have the energy to cry out. It felt—well, it
in the house, I got up and in the light of my felt like someone behind me was reaching into
flashlight I gathered up every single book I could my body and grabbing things. Moving them.
find. A couple of old kids’ books, a bible, a book Rearranging them. I blacked out.
in German holding up a broken leg of the couch. When I came to, I was back in the farmhouse,
I even found some old Life magazines from who in the bed I’d been using. The pain returned every
knows how long ago. I would have looked in the time I so much as moved, but I could only barely
cellar, but I knew it was way too damp down manage moving my arm. Otherwise, I was just
there to keep any books. And if I’m being honest, sort of stuck. I didn’t know how I got there, but
I didn’t really want to go down there in the it sure wasn’t under my own power. The bed was
middle of the night anyway. By morning’s light, soaked with blood. I called out, but there was no
I piled them all up on the front stoop. Maybe he one. I screamed my fool head off, but no one came.
I think I passed out again, and when I The nearest neighbor is almost 2 miles (3
woke up next the bed was so soaked that it sort km) away down an old country road, but if
of . . . sloshed. It wasn’t just blood. The pain was questioned, they’ll confirm that the Dunn
a lot less, and I mostly just felt numb, like the farm has been vacant for years. Of Harold
nerves in my back had stopped working. I pulled Dunn, they only know that he was a kind,
my arm around and felt under me—I don’t quiet man who died on the farm of natural
know why—and came away with not just blood causes. Of Nathan or Timothy Dunn, they
but something I wish I’d never seen. It was a know nothing.
pink and red sort of goop. I was liquifying. Timothy Dunn: A high-school dropout,
So now you get it. You see? I’m dead. Even Timothy has a criminal record for crimes like
now, I can’t move anything but my mouth. And petty theft, trespassing, narcotics possession,
even as I say that, my throat is clogged with, and vagrancy, but all such convictions are six
well, my throat. My teeth are coming loose. The years old or more. His current whereabouts
back of my arms and legs stick to the bed. I’m not are unknown.
going to tell you about the smell.
Please, if you can, figure out [cough] what this
is and know that I’m not just some nameless— THE FARMHOUSE
damn. There [cough] goes [cough] a tooth. I The driveway is long and unpaved. Large
didn’t just disappear [cough]—well, maybe I trees scatter across the landscape subdivided
did [cough]. Or will [cough]. Whatever [cough]. by seemingly random fences, most no longer
Somebody’s got to know my story [cough] [cough]. maintained. A rusted, wheel-less old truck
rots in the yard as characters approach the old
End of statement. two-story farmhouse, white paint peeling and
roof slightly sagging. A concrete stoop leads to
a simple front door. An old shed, boards grey
THE INVESTIGATION BEGINS with age, stands sturdy against the oppression
If an investigator uses the Missing Detail of time and neglect. Missing Detail, page 29
ability with regard to the statement, they
notice that the details in the statement suggest THE SHED
that perhaps the old man trying to get into the The lock on the door is broken. The inside
house wasn’t actually a threat to Dunn, but contains all manner of rusty junk and tools,
that there is another person involved who was. but little else.
Finding and talking to the mysterious old man
might be a crucial step in learning the truth of INSIDE THE HOUSE
what’s really going on. The front room has an old bureau pushed in The material here assumes the
front of the door, blocking it. The door has PCs are investigating within a
week of receiving the statement.
INITIAL INQUIRIES a window pane smashed, making it easy to
The PCs might do some research about the reach in and unlock the door, but the PCs
situation before going personally. still have to push the bureau with the door, a
The Dunn Property: It’s not too hard to difficulty 3 Might-based task. The back door is
find in courthouse records or even online that unlocked and unblocked.
there is a 25-acre property out in a particularly Other than Timothy’s short stay recently,
rural area of Hammond County registered to no one has lived here in years. Those entering
a Harold Dunn. Harold Dunn passed away find the expected odor of mildew and dust
fifteen years ago. His son, Nathan, inherited overwhelmed by the terrible stench of death.
the property but did not occupy it. Nathan The rooms are small, and most stand bare
passed away eight years ago. other than an old box, a single chair, or some
refuse in the corner. The stink comes from the history still includes a recent search for “The
only one of the small bedrooms with a bed. Sculptor” and a selected result to a website of
That bed holds a horrific scene. Anyone that urban legends, which talks about a woman
can stomach the stench finds a bare mattress that haunts lone country roads and can
on a steel spring frame. On top of the mattress reshape flesh like a sculptor. It mentions that
lies a threadbare blanket and a chair cushion she can cause a person’s body to slowly liquify.
Careful Observation, page 29 positioned like a pillow. The entire setup is An investigator using Careful Observation
coated in a dried morass of gore. Anyone in in the house notes that there is an entrance
the room gains 2 points of Stress from seeing to the cellar via a trap door in the kitchen (as
the liquified remains of Timothy Dunn. Bits well as through a cellar door on the outside of
Although he didn’t remember of teeth, bone, and hair sit in what otherwise the house), but neither door has been opened
doing so when making his would appear to be a large amount of dried in years.
statement, Timothy stumbled
back to the house and came in pink and red goo. Somewhere in there are
through the back door, leaving it Timothy’s clothes as well, but no good can THE CELLAR
unlocked and unblocked.
come from searching the mess. The house doesn’t really have a basement, but
On the floor next to the bed are Timothy’s it does have a low-ceilinged cellar. Searching
The Sculptor whispered in wallet and smartphone. The wallet contains it (assuming the searcher brings light) has a
Timothy’s ear “They call me The a few dollar bills and his driver’s license. The difficulty of 3. Success indicates the characters
Sculptor now,” but he didn’t
include it in his statement. phone’s battery is dead, and it’s locked with a find an old metal lockbox amid some rotting
password. Should someone break the password (mostly empty) wooden crates, scuttling house
(difficulty 7) once the phone is recharged, centipedes, and dead rats. Opening the box
they find the sent email to the Institute and has a difficulty of 4. It holds very old legal
a few personal messages. The web browser documents of Harold Dunn—the deed to the
THE SHACK BY THE RIVER symbols held together by wire and twine.
About 2 miles (3 km) from the farm, a gentle Should any of them be disturbed, Osteros, in
river—more of a stream, really—moves lazily the chambers below the shack, is alerted.
Careful Observation, page 29 along. Near its banks lies a wooden shack If an investigator uses Careful Observation
with small (intact) glass windows. The door amid the bone eyes, they can determine that
faces the river. The shack is old and a bit the only person to pass through this area is not
ramshackle, but there’s a sense that it is still careful about disturbing them, but is careful
in use, despite the fact that no one is around not to break them. (Osteros put them here
when the PCs arrive. and doesn’t care about setting off the “alarm,”
Horror Mode is activated (or heightened but he doesn’t want to break the sculptures
if already in effect) when the PCs enter the either.)
THE BONE EYES A fairly easy examination of the room
The interior of the shack is a bizarre occult (difficulty 2) reveals that near the wall
GM intrusion: About warning system. The ceiling is low, and small, opposite the door some of the floorboards
halfway down the vertical delicate pieces of art assembled from animal can be easily pulled up. Beneath them, a hole
tunnel, the character hears a
pained creaking sound, and bones hang from it. The hanging objects are drops down into the cold, dark earth, just big
the plank they’re hanging all unique, and so numerous that it’s tough to enough for a person to pass through. Wooden
onto pulls from the wall. A
Speed-based task is required to move through the shack without jostling one. planks have been hammered into one side of
keep from falling the rest of the To do so is a Speed-based task with a difficulty the shaft going down, making a crude ladder.
way and suffering 2 Stress. of 5. The bones are arranged into mystical
THE UNDERGROUND CHAMBERS This attack involves him chanting briefly and
At the bottom of the shaft is a small, cramped, gesturing with both hands. From his mouth,
cave-like room with a rough dirt floor. It’s damp he spits up a mass of black bile that he flings
and cold, and there’s little of note here. A tunnel with his hands in an arc, potentially striking
leads off into darkness, going to the chamber all within an immediate area who fail a Speed
where Osteros spends much of his time. defense roll. The bile burns and scars, giving
Osteros has rigged a trip wire in the tunnel those it touches 3 points of Stress and blinding
between the chambers. If triggered, loose rocks them for three rounds. Even those who succeed
in the ceiling fall and inflict a serious injury on at the defense roll gain 1 point of Stress. Zachary Easton/Osteros:
anyone below. A Speed defense roll (difficulty If the PCs are not immediately hostile, level 4, occultism as level 6,
stealth as level 5; health 16;
3) allows a character to duck back and out of he instead angrily demands why they are inflicts 3 Stress attacking with
the way of the deadfall. If a character says that invading his home. Almost regardless of what fists and teeth, or a serious
injury with an improvised
they’re carefully looking for such things, or they say, if he figures that they’re seeking weapon; can see in the dark
even checking the floor, they find the trip wire information, he tells them that there’s a book
without needing to make a roll.
The second chamber is drier but still has a
heavy earthen smell. It contains a cot, a variety
of personal items, some packages of snacks
and sweets, many liquor bottles (most empty),
and a battery-powered lantern. Books—all
occult in nature—lie scattered on the floor, on
the cot, and in piles here and there. Most are
not noteworthy, but someone with training
in the occult would recognize a few as being
somewhat rare, although in poor condition.
Horror Mode is heightened (or activated
if not yet already active) when the PCs
encounter Osteros.
Zachary Easton/Osteros is an old man
wearing what looks to be a long grey
nightshirt streaked with dirt stains. He’s
almost skeletal, but he’s more solid and
stronger than his thin frame would suggest.
He seems confident and lucid, but in truth he
lives in constant anxiety and fear.
Considering his diet of nothing but alcohol
and junk food, Osteros is extremely strong
and tough for a skinny old man. His study of
the occult has allowed him to greatly lengthen
his lifespan and gives him artificial vigor.
If the PCs triggered the bone eyes above
or the trip wire in the tunnel, Osteros is in
his chamber, waiting for the intruders. He’s
angry at the trespass and has prepared his one
sorcerous attack to use if they are at all hostile.
inside the farmhouse called The Boneturner’s Dunn did. (This should probably only be the
Tale. If the PCs bring it to him, he’ll tell them result of a GM intrusion.)
anything they want to know. If they refuse, The exception to this is if the PCs do
he kicks them out of his home, with force if something to draw a lot of attention to
necessary. themselves. If the farmhouse burns down, or
This is a summary of the useful information if Osteros dies through some action on their
Osteros can share with the PCs: part, or if they specifically go looking for her,
• Osteros has been hiding for years from they absolutely encounter The Sculptor. She
The Sculptor, a “servitor” of an Entity happily torments them with her powers, but if
called The Flesh. He used to own a book they have The Boneturner’s Tale or she suspects
called The Boneturner’s Tale, and he wants they are somehow preventing her from getting
it back because it can keep him safe from it, her actions become direct and lethal.
If the PCs have The The Sculptor. However, since Osteros is following the
Boneturner’s Tale, The Sculptor • The book will keep him safe because it PCs, if they encounter The Sculptor, he is
would spare their lives in
exchange for the book. This will allow him to undo anything The very likely nearby. If he sees any chance to use
is not done out of mercy, but Sculptor might do to him. the situation to get the book, get inside the
rather because the characters are
now of no importance to her. • The book is in Dunn’s house. He knows farmhouse, or destroy The Sculptor, he takes
this to be true because Dunn’s father, it. The old man is potent enough that he can
Harold, put a magical ward around the hold his own for at least three rounds against
house to keep Osteros out. (This, in fact, her, during which time the PCs could attempt
is not true, but he thinks it is.) to make good an escape.
• Dunn should never have followed
Osteros. Dunn should have given him the
• Dunn was killed by The Sculptor’s If the PCs get away, they probably do so
flesh‑shaping magic. Probably because he having solved the murder of Timothy Dunn.
was in the wrong place at the wrong time. They may have escaped with The Boneturner’s
• The Sculptor is nearby, also searching for Tale, but if they did, they can be certain that
the book. If the PCs encounter her, they The Sculptor will pay them a visit soon. (And
will die like Dunn, so they should be Osteros will as well, if he is still alive.)
very wary. If the PCs work for an organization like the
Magnus Institute, they can put the dangerous
OSTEROS FOLLOWS book into the Institute’s care. This likely draws
Whether the PCs agree to get him the book an attack from The Sculptor, rather than her
or not, Osteros follows them. He’s stealthy going after the PCs directly.
and very familiar with the area, so he’s hard Should the local authorities be alerted to the
to notice. His only motives are suspicion and location of Timothy’s remains, they investigate
curiosity. He wants to see if they go into the briefly and clean the place up. The house
house and if there’s some way for him to use likely will be condemned and demolished and
their actions to enter it himself (there isn’t). the land sold at auction. The authorities will
not find Osteros alive or dead, and the shack
THE SCULPTOR by the river is found empty.
The Sculptor would make an When the PCs arrive in the area, The Sculptor In addition to any awards earned through
excellent recurring villain for a is scouring every bit of the countryside story arcs, each PC who escapes with the truth
campaign, so she is written up
here in a more complete form. looking for the book. She’s in no hurry, and of what happened to Timothy Dunn gets 1
See chapter 12 for details on she fears no threat. The PCs are likely to run XP, and an additional 2 XP if they have The
how to read her stats.
across her only inadvertently, as Timothy Boneturner’s Tale.
4 5 7
4 7
• +1 Effort per level
• Ignore minor and major effect STRESS
results on rolls LEVEL
• Combat roll of 17-20 deals only
+1 damage
• Can move only an immediate
distance :
• Cannot move if Speed Pool is 0
+4 points into
+1 to the Edge
+1 to Effort
Train in a skill or
specialize in a
See page 141
stat Pools of your choice trained skill of The Magnus
Archives book
The Magnus Archives logo TM and © 2024 Rusty Quill LTD. | All Cypher System content © 2024 Monte Cook Games, LLC.
Permission granted to duplicate for personal use.
Looking for more inspiration for your next game beyond The Magnus Archives podcast (and its companion podcast The
Magnus Protocol)? Check out this list of media by The Magnus Archives creator Jonny Sims.
Collected Ghost Stories of M.R. James Lovecraftesque
The Complete Tales of H.P. Lovecraft Deadlands
House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski World of Darkness
The Grin of the Dark by Ramsey Campbell Duskhollow P.D. (from the Odd Jobs collection)
Books of Blood by Clive Barker Delta Green
The Shining by Stephen King Dread
Uzumaki by Junji Ito Monster of the Week
The Twisted Ones by T. Kingfisher
Tender is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica VIDEOGAMES
The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones Anatomy
Iron Lung
The Thing Alan Wake
The Lighthouse Resident Evil
Ravenous Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs
The BBC’s A Ghost Story for Christmas Silent Hill 2
Carnival of Souls (1962) Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem
The Endless Signalis
The Void Until Dawn
The Midnight Meat Train
Event Horizon Lost Themes – John Carpenter
Session 9 Gore Motel – Bohren und Der Club of Gore
In the Mouth of Madness Concrete Desert – The Bug vs Earth
Annihilation Prelude in C-Sharp Op. 3 No.2 – Sergei Rachmaninoff
Orphans: Brawlers, Bawlers & Bastards
TV SHOWS (Disc 3) – Tom Waits
Channel Zero F# A# ∞ – Godspeed You! Black Emperor
The Twilight Zone
Gravity Falls AUDIO DRAMAS
Lovecraft Country I Am in Eskew
Neon Genesis Evangelion The Silt Verses
Goosebumps Malevolent
Sweet Home Lights Out (1934-47)
Serial Experiments Lain Archive 81
SCP Archives
Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared
Marble Hornets
Midwest Angelica
Creepypasta Wiki
Witness Statement
Magnus Institute
Witness Name: Statement Date:
Other Witnesses:
Witnesses Contacted:
Incident Updates:
• +1 Effort per level
• Ignore minor and major effect STRESS
results on rolls LEVEL
• Combat roll of 17-20 deals only
+1 damage
• Can move only an immediate
distance :
• Cannot move if Speed Pool is 0
The Magnus Archives logo TM and © 2024 Rusty Quill LTD. | All Cypher System content © 2024 Monte Cook Games, LLC.
Permission granted to duplicate for personal use.
The Magnus Archives is a horror setting and thus contains harrowing and scary elements that are inherent to gameplay.
If going through this form makes you realize horror settings aren’t for you, it’s okay to step away and play a different type of game.
GM Name:
Player Name (or leave blank):
Planned Game Theme:
If this game were a movie, its movie rating would be: G PG PG-13 R NC-17 Other:
Mark the color that best illustrates your comfort level with the following plot or story elements.
Green = Enthusiastic consent; bring it on!
Yellow = Okay if veiled or offstage; might be okay onstage but requires discussion ahead of time; uncertain.
Red = Hard line; do not include.
HORROR .................................................. SOCIAL AND CULTURAL ISSUES ........
Animal endangerment .................................... Bullying.............................................................
Blood ................................................................. Cults ..................................................................
Body horror ...................................................... Gun violence ....................................................
Bugs ................................................................... Homophobia ....................................................
Child endangerment ....................................... Kidnapping .......................................................
Demonic possession ....................................... Racism...............................................................
Dismemberment .............................................. Real-world religion .........................................
Eyeballs ............................................................. Religious trauma .............................................
Gore ................................................................... Sexism ...............................................................
Mind control .................................................... Slavery ...............................................................
Mines/underground scenarios ....................... Transphobia .....................................................
Rats ....................................................................
Situations involving literal darkness ............
Snakes ............................................................... MENTAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH ....
Spiders .............................................................. Abuse ................................................................
Witchcraft......................................................... Cancer ...............................................................
Claustrophobia ................................................
Freezing to death.............................................
RELATIONSHIPS AND FAMILY ........... Gaslighting .......................................................
Romance ................................................ Genocide ...........................................................
Fade to black .............................................. Hanging/strangulation ...................................
Explicit ........................................................ Heatstroke ........................................................
Between PCs and NPCs .......................... Miscarriage ......................................................
Between PCs .............................................. Natural disasters..............................................
Sex ..................................................................... Paralysis/physical restraint ............................
Fade to black .............................................. Police, police aggression ................................
Explicit ........................................................ Pregnancy, miscarriage, or abortion.............
Between PCs and NPCs ........................... Self-harm ..........................................................
Between PCs ............................................. Severe weather .................................................
Between my PC and another PC/NPC ... Sexual assault ...................................................
Family ............................................................... Starvation .........................................................
Abandonment ............................................ Suicide...............................................................
Death of a caretaker/parent...................... Terrorism ..........................................................
Death of a child.......................................... Thirst.................................................................
Death of a spouse ...................................... Torture (physical).............................................
Torture (psychological) ...................................
Do you want the GM to follow up with you to clarify
any of these responses? If so, which ones?
The Magnus Archives logo TM and © 2024 Rusty Quill LTD. | All Cypher System content © 2024 Monte Cook Games, LLC. Permission granted to duplicate for personal use.