The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles (FTC 1)

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“ The Child and Adolescent

Learners and Learning Principles

(FTC 1)

College of Teacher Education
Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED-1)
Prepared by: Group 2
Lesson 15:
Development of Motivation
and Self-Regulation

● Abraham Harold Maslow (1908-1970) was an

American psychologist, who first introduced his hierarchy
of needs in a 1943 paper entitled, “ A Theory of Human

● Our actions are motivated by our desire to meet specific


● Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs identified five types of


● The five needs are satisfied in order.

● The five categories of human
needs dictate an individual’s

● It maps different motivations

onto a pyramid, with each level
representing a different human
2 Categories of Self-Esteem:

Reputation Self-esteem
- The perception of the - One’s desire for strength,
prestige, recognition, or for achievement, for
fame a person has achieved adequacy, for mastery, and
in the eyes of others. confidence.
Aesthetic Needs
- Need for beauty and aesthetically pleasing experiences.

Cognitive Needs
- Desire to know, to solve mysteries, to understand and to be

Transcendence needs
- Seeks to further a cause beyond the self and to experience a
communion beyond the boundaries of the self through
“peak experience”.

● Clayton Paul Alderfer (born September 1, 1940) is

an American psychologist who further developed
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs by categorizing the
hierarchy into his ERG Theory.

● The ERG Theory describes existence, relatedness and


● All the three needs must be satisfied simultaneously

in order for an employee to feel motivated.

● The theory suggests that these needs change their

position in the hierarchy as circumstances change.
● States that individuals can be
motivated by multiple levels of
need at the same time, and that
the level which is most
important to them can change
over time.
Difference between Maslow’s Theory
and Alderfer’s Theory

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory Alderfer’s ERG Theory

1. In Maslow’s theory, needs have been classified and 1. Needs have been classified and arranged into three
arranged into five levels. levels.
2. Needs are satisfied one at a time in a progression 2. Several needs can be satisfied at one time despite of
manner from lower to higher needs. their levels.
3. The order of the needs is universal. 3. The ERG theory assets that the order of the needs is
different from different people.
4. There is no such provision in Maslow’s Theory since
the needs are only achieved in a bottom to up trend. 4. Frustration regression is allowed whereby one can
regress to lower levels that may be easier to achieve if
5. The Maslow’s Theory assumes that individuals they are unsuccessful in attaining higher level goals.
attempt to satisfy each at this needs in isolation and in
sequence. 5. ERG Theory states that people may attempt to address
multiple needs simultaneously.
Similarities between Maslow’s
Theory and Alderfer’s Theory
 Both are content theories.
 The basic needs emphasized in both are the same.
 The overall structure of need categories is also the same;
Alderfer has grouped further the five needs enunciated by
 Both deal with upward movement of motivation
according to the hierarchy.

● David Clarence McClelland (May 20, 1917-

March 27-1988) was an American psychologist, noted for
his work on motivation “Need Theory”. McClelland has
introduced this theory during 1960’s.

● It was developed based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs


● Advocated the Need Theory in 1961, also popular as

Three Needs of Theory.

● He proposed that an individual’s needs are a result of

experience acquired through life.
● McClelland and colleagues
studied the behavioral effects of
three needs
- Need for Achievement
- Need for Power
- Need for Affiliation

● Emphasized the Need for

Achievement, although they
investigated all three needs.
● Individuals can have any mix
of these needs. Their motivations
and behaviors are shaped by the
strength and blend of their
specific needs.
McClelland’s Needs for Achievement,
Affiliation and Power

Need for Achievement Need for Affiliation Need for Power

- Wants to be liked, and
- Has a strong need to set
will often go along - Wants to control
and accomplish
challenging goals.
with whatever the rest and influence
of the group wants to
- Takes calculated risks do. others.
to accomplish their - Favors collaboration - Enjoys
goals. over competition.
- Doesn’t like high risk
competition and
- Often likes to work
alone. or uncertainty. winning.
Herzberg’s Two Factors Theory

● Frederick Herzberg ( 1923-2000) was a clinical

psychologist and is one of the major writers in management
and motivational theories.

● His approach focuses on content theories and explains

specific things that motivate an individual at work.

● From his research, he developed the motivation-hygiene


● Frederick Herzberg is recognized by his book The

Motivation to Work (1959) and by the Two Factor Theory.
Motivating factors
• Achievement
- A job must give an employee a sense of achievement.
• Recognition:
- A job must provide an employee with praise and recognition of their successes.
• The work itself:
- The job itself must be interesting, varied, and provide enough of a challenge to keep
employees motivated.
• Responsibility:
- Employees should “own” their work.
• Advancement:
- Promotion opportunities should exist for the employee.
• Growth:
- The job should give employees the opportunity to learn new skills.
Hygiene factors
• Company policies:
- These should be fair and clear to every employee.
• Supervision:
- Supervision must be fair and appropriate.
• Relationships:
- There should be no tolerance for bullying or cliques.
• Work conditions:
- Equipment and the working environment should be safe, fit for purpose, and
• Salary:
- The pay structure should be fair and reasonable.
• Status:
- The organization should maintain the status of all employees within the organization.
• Security:
- It is important that employees feel that their job is secure, and they are not under the
constant threat of being laid-off.
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs [Video].(2020)

McClelland, D. (2019) Theory of needs.

Herzberg’s Motivation Two-Factor Theory (2021)

Alderfer's ERG Theory Of Motivation With Examples


McClelland’s Theory - Alchemy Consultancy

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs - Simply Psychology

Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory | Organizational Behavior


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