Media Summative

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I ba la nc e my media

How m ight
te ra ct io n w ith others
usage and in
in my da ily life

Ryan Wilder
4 February 2019
Weekly Media Usage


Hours Spent



Music Reading Youtube Radio Games News

Types of Media
If I could only have access to one One of the things that surprised me when analyzing my audit was the amount
form of media for my entire life it of time I spent on YouTube. I don’t often watch television anymore and have
would be digital media. My passion used YouTube as a substitute for many years. This has resulted in finding many
for music and reading has been channels that I constantly watch when I am bored, and need a good laugh, this
something that has consumed my is why when looking back to my audit I was shocked that I had only spent 3
life since I was little, it has hours and 10 minutes. Although this seams like a lot of time, I know that I
continued to grow and flourish, usually spend much more time. Tracking my usage made me much more
becoming a huge part of who I am cautious, and resulted in lowering my time, spending more time doing
today. Luckily for me, I can access homework, and getting together with my family. Moreover, I was stunned by
both of these things through digital the 15 hours I spent listening to music. Knowing that music was passion of
media. Streaming and downloading mine before starting the audit, I was well aware that I was going to spend a lot
has become a quick way to music of time listening to it. However, when analyzing the different times I used music
and online books for free, giving the pieces started to fall into place. One of
me a quick and easy way to get the the times I use music a lot is before going
to bed because I often have trouble falling Media core concepts 5 and 7
music or books I am craving. state that all media has values
Moreover, we use digital media asleep and it helps relax my busy mind. I
also listen to music when I read, when I am and beliefs embedding within
everyday in our schooling system them and that they can influence
as an easy way to work eating, on the way to school, and when I
am spending time with my friends or family. our opinions and character.
collaboratively and find answers to Every ad we see is trying to sell
our constant questions. Digital Ultimately, I realized that I had
misinterpreted two big things in my life and us something or change the way
media has become somewhere I we look at the world. In addition,
can go for almost anything whether was astonished by my findings when taking
a closer look at my audit. (2) many shows and videos are also
it is playing games, feeding my trying to change our outlook on
curiosity, reading a good book, life. Everyone likes to believe
listening to my favourite movie, and what they are seeing is not
more. The possibilities of the things biased and will not change who
we can find on digital media are they are however, often when
continuing to expand helping us people become very attached to
with many things and making a show or media influencers we
difficult things much simpler and slowly adapt our lives and
easier for our day to day lives. (3) accept the things they say.
Furthermore, everyone has their
own beliefs making it very hard
to trust what we see on the news
Big Data marketing and mass media or hear about because we
organizations sometimes influence my sometimes do not know who/
choices, however it doesn’t happen often what was the primary source of
and I try my hardest not to let it change information. This has caused
my personality. I see ads and posters all many people to become
the time when online or outside, I am paranoid when around media,
constantly surrounded by influencers who use multiple sources, and
want to change and shape my opinions. double check all of producer(s)
However, the issue is that often the ads I they take their information from.
see have I do not relate to, making it When I realized I spend an average of 2 Although, media can be very
harder for me to sympathize or hours a day with media this seemed like helpful in getting word around
understand the meaning of the ad. a short amount of time, however I often these two core concepts have
Although online ads are supposed to multitask meaning that I am around proved that it is important to
target my interests I find that they are several types of media at once. For make sure we are not getting fed
inaccurate and often miss the mark, example, while watching YouTube I will biased information or lies
showing me things that I find completely play games, or listen to Music while I because of what the producer(s)
uninteresting or annoying. For example, I read. Therefore it would be around 4.5 wants us to believe. (5)
often see ads for clothes or beauty average hours of media a day if I
products online, both of which I prefer to separated all of my usage. This seemed
shop for in store and never look for while like a good amount of time because I can still spend time with my family
online. On the other hand, when I am when they come home, do my homework, and take a break from media on
listening to music and finish my playlists, my own or with friends. On the other hand, when I am on media I will often
song that are recommended or similar will be in my room with the door closed not paying attention to what is
be automatically added on to the queue. happening around me or interacting with others. This is an issue for me
Occasionally one of these songs will because I usually do not take breaks between my media usage, leading me
catch my attention and I will add it to a to be anti-social for at least 2 hours. In addition, I do not own any social
play list. Big Data rarely gets in the way of media, meaning I do not interact with others during this time. One way I think
my persona and will never change my I could resolve this issue is by setting timers for half an hour, this will let me
beliefs, but sometimes it will appeal to my have more breaks form media while not increasing the amount of time I
interests and add to my repertoire of spend on media. Over all, my daily media usage is not to large or small,
music or books. (4) allowing me to do what is needed and spend time with others (1)
When Andrew saw the media audit he
was pleasantly surprised by the amount of time that
was spent on the various forms of media, expecting the time to
be much higher. However, after explained that it excluded homework,
texting and FaceTime, he thought it to be more believable. One of the big
take aways Andrew had was how careful we need to be with media. He
agreed wholeheartedly, that it has become very important to check our
resources and make sure we are not being fed biased information. He explained
that it was very different from when he was younger because when he was at
home he did not have to worry about media’s influence. He claimed to believe
that media has started to make our society very anti-social and extremely
hard to interact with. In conclusion, Andrew has taken a new look to
the ways media can change our lives and has started to see
both the good and the bad things media can do if
we are not careful.
Unreliable and biased graphs are everywhere on the internet
today. This is why it very important to have proof of why a graph or
chart is unbiased. I choose to use a bar graph to represent my data,
this way it would be easier to see the difference between the
categories through the size in the bars. The main way to distort a
bar graph is to zoom in on the y axis, making the difference
between the bars inaccurate. However, in my bar graph, if you look
at the y axis, it starts a zero and keeps a consistent distance
between each number. This is also very important because if the
distance between the numbers is changed it can cause the bars to
look uneven. In addition, it is clear that I am not cherry picking a
time or event to do this assignment because many others are doing
it at the same time, it is not after a big event and I was not the
person to pick when the information should be recorded. It is very
important to look at all aspects of a graph or chart and when
looking at mine is becomes clear that the data is reliable and
trustworthy, giving only true, unbiased information.

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