Vulcanizates · Polymer-Filler Interac- Polymer Functionalization tion · Functionalised Rubber · Chain- End Functionalisation Novel Rubber for Tire Tread Application Rising oil and fuel prices and the threat of global warming increase the pres- sure on both automotive and tire industries to reduce a vehicle’s fuel consumption and CO2 emission. An optimized tire rolling resistance con- tributes to fuel efficiency. In this respect, steps of the developmental With the background of continuously rising were measured according to ASTM D 412- work leading to a new modified SSBR oil prices the pressure on automobile pro- 98A (reapproved 2002) on a Zwick Z010. grade are discussed. The new SSBR ducers and tire producers is increasing to Heat build up was measured according to enables a significant improvement of come up with long life, fuel saving and safe ASTM D 623, method A, on a Doli ‘Goodrich’- the tire rolling resistance, identified as solutions. Accordingly there is the need for Flexometer. 37 percent decrease of the tan E @ tires with low rolling resistance combined Measurement of un-vulcanized rheological 60 °C. In addition, beneficial heat built with excellent wet grip and abrasion per- properties according to ASTM D 5289-95 up, abrasion and ice grip characteristics (measured as tan E @ -10 °C) were formance characteristics. (reapproved 2001) were made using a rotor- found. While silica filled tires have already been less shear rheometer (MDR 2000 E) to meas- introduced in 1992 to reduce rolling resist- ure Scorch Time (TS) and Time to Cure (TC). ance there is still a considerable potential Tan E (60 °C) was measured using dynamic Polymer Modifisierung for further improvement of the rolling re- spectrometer Eplexor 150N manufactured sistance and thus for reduction of fuel con- by Gabo Qualimeter Testanlagen GmbH Rollwiderstand · Kautschuk sumption. Particularly for high performance (Germany) applying a compression dynamic Vulkanisate · Polymer-Füllstoff Wech- automobile tires functionalized solution strain of 0.2 % at a frequency of 2 Hz at selwirkung · Kautschuckfunktionalisie- butadiene-styrene rubber (SSBR) could of- 60 °C. Tan E (0 °C) & Tan E (-10 °C) were meas- rung · Kettenendfunktionalisierung fer significant improved rolling resistance ured using the same equipment and load Steigende Öl und Treibstoffpreise sowie with well balanced wet grip and wear. conditions at 0 °C or -10 °C. das steigende Risiko einer globalen The interaction of functionalized rubbers DIN abrasion was measured according to Erwärmung führen zu immer vehe- with carbon black filler has been investi- DIN 53516 (1987-06-01). menteren Forderungen die globalen gated very intensively in the eighties and CO2 Emissionen zu reduzieren. Die nineties and has led to the development of Results and Discussion Preisentwicklung bei Benzin und Diesel chain-end modified polymers. Efficient Based on the knowledge derived from typi- sowie erste gesetzlich fixierte Vorgaben chain-end modification was achieved for cal model reactions, using alternative mod- in einigen Industriestaaten fordern carbon black compounds with polymer ifier compounds, a number of modified sty- höhere Energieeffizienz in der Automo- bilindustrie. Eine Möglichkeit der chain-end attached amino or cyano groups, rene-butadiene copolymers were prepared. Treibstoffersparnis besteht in der alcohols, epoxides and other functional For example styrene-butadiene copolymers Anwendung von Automobilreifen mit groups [1-3]. were modified with amines, epoxides, si- reduziertem Rollwiderstand. Die Chain-end modified SSBR developed for car- lanes or siloxanes in our Synthetic Rubber Verwendung neuartiger modifizierter bon black containing compound vulcani- laboratory and investigated with respect to SSBR Typen in der Lauffläche der Reifen zates often turned out not to be ideal or their affinity to silica filler in rubber com- repräsentiert eine Variante der Rollwi- even insufficient for silica containing for- pounds. derstandsoptimierung. Die hier vorge- mulations. Thus, the silica particle distribu- Novel solution-styrene butadiene copoly- stellte SSBR Type ermöglicht eine tion reportedly remained relatively poor mers were compounded and vulcanized Verringerung des Kennwertes für den Rollwiderstand, tan E @ 60 °C, um 37 % and the improvement of the dynamic vul- and extensively characterized. und führt damit zu einer markanten canizate properties was limited. Accord- Reduktion des Rollwiderstandes. ingly, for the application in silica containing Weitere vorteilhafte Attribute der compounds novel polymers based on alter- neuen Polymertype sind ein abge- native modifiers are required. These modi- Authors senkter Wärmeaufbau, ein verbessertes fier molecules have to be linked to polymer Haftungsvermögen bei niedrigen S. Thiele, D. Bellgardt, M. Holzleg, chain ends under mild conditions. Schkopau Umgebungstemperaturen, repräsen- tiert durch einen höheren Wert des tan E @ -10 °C, und ein verbessertes Experimental Corresponding Author Abriebverhalten im Modified and unmodified styrene-butadi- Dr. Sven K.H. Thiele ene rubbers were compounded with silica Dow Olefinverbund GmbH Mischungsvulkanisat. according to test formulations listed in R&D Synthetic Rubber PF 1163 Table 1 below. A two stage mixing process 06201 Merseburg was applied. Tel.: 03461-49-2711 Tensile strength, elongation at break and Fax: 03461-49-3326 modulus at 300 % elongation (Modulus 300) E-Mail:
244 KGK · Mai 2008
As one result of our developmental work, 1 1 Rubber-Silica Com- modified polymers are available which en- pound Vulcanizate able an improvement of the tire rolling re- Properties sistance, identified as e.g. 34 percent de- (The higher the value crease of the tan E @ 60 °C in silica com- the better the prop- pound vulcanizates when compared with erty) non-modified SSBR grade properties (Ref. B). Particularly in case of silica based formula- tions the rolling resistance related tan E @ 60 °C of the vulcanizate was decreased by 37 % when compared with Ref A (SE SLR- 4601). Furthermore, the tan @ -10 °C often referred to tire ice grip properties was im- proved by 14 %, the DIN abrasion resistance was reduced by about 10 % and the Goodrich heat built-up decreased by 18 % (Fig.1 ). 2 2 Benefits of the novel SSBR grade Summary (Depicted values relate to Styrene-butadiene copolymers were appro- absolute values) priately modified, resulting in an efficient interaction with silica in silica formulations. The improved rubber – silica filler interac- tion is reflected by improved dynamic vul- canizate properties. The new modified SSBR grade provides an excellent balance in the most important tire properties low tire rolling resistance, low tire abrasion and grip on a wet road. The new polymer further improves silica compound vulcanizate properties, particu- larly the tan E @ 60 °C by about 37 % 1 Silica Containing Test Formulation* (Fig.2 ). Components Amount [phr] Research efforts are continuing to further decrease tire rolling resistance, which will SSBR 80.0 help to reduce automobile fuel consump- BR Buna cis 132-Schkopau 20.0 tion and CO2 emission. Silica U7000GR 80.0
Acknowledgements Silane NXTSilane 9.7
The authors are grateful to The Dow Chem- Stearic acid 1.0 ical Company for granting permission to Stabiliser system Antilux 1.5 publish this work. 6 PPD 2.0
References Zinc oxide 2.5
[1] R. P. Quirk, Comprehensive Polymer Science, Oil MES 20.0
First Supplement; Pergamon Press: Oxford, UK, Sulfur 1.4 1992, page 83. [2] H. L. Hsieh; R. P. Quirk, Anionic Polymerization: CBS** 1.5 Principles and Practical Applications; Marcel DPG*** 1.5 Dekker: New York, 1996. [3] E. J. Goethals, Ed. Telechelic Polymers: Synthesis * 2 stage mixing, Brabender 350S and Applications; CRC Press: Boca Raton, Fl, ** N-cycloliexyl-2-benzothiazylsulfenamid; Vulcacit CZ/EG , Lanxess AG) 1989. *** Diphenylguanidin, Vulkacit D, Lanxess Deutschland GmbH Bold: Second stage (vulcanization)