Chicha Research

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ID NO; PSY/R/015/11

AUGUST, 2021




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First of I would like to praised the almighty God for his restless assistance in
everything that I have needed.

In the next place, I have huge respect and honor to my advisor, masresha. who was
backing me in offering important comments and direction for the success of the

I also want to thank to wolaita sodo otona hospitall workers and all the participate
for their assistance.

Finally, my heartfelt gratitude goes to my family and my brother tr .burk reta their
support and appreciation throughout my life.

This endeavored to assess the contribution of drug use to the prevalence of

The study was conducted in wolaita sodo otona hospital sampling technique was
employed in selection of sample.forty-five samples were taken to explore the
contribution drug use have to the prevalence of HIV/AIDS Questionnaire was
dominant data collection tool used along with interview

Logical conclusion was reported inferences that indicate the relationship

between the subject and variables involved. Based on variables that lead
individuals to the vulnerability of HIV/AIDS, most respondents have affected by
their being drug abused. This paper also recommends on to solve the problem of
respondents caused by effect of the drug [s].


AIDS ---------------------- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

CDCP ----------------------Center for Disease Control Prevention

HIV ------------------- Human Immune Virus

NIDA ----------------------National Initiation on Drug Abuse

Table of Contents


Lists of


CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................................1

1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Background of the study....................................................................................................................1

1.2 statement of the problem--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2

1.3 Research questions................................................................................................................................2

1.4 objective of the study........................................................................................................................2

1.4.1 General objective........................................................................................................................2
1.4.2 specific objective........................................................................................................................2
1.5 significance of the study....................................................................................................................3
1.6 scope of the study.............................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................................4

2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITRATURE.............................................................................................................4

2.1 DRUG AND ABUSE.................................................................................................................................4

2.2 HIV/AIDS............................................................................................................................................5

2.3 Linkages between drug abuse and HIV/AIDS...................................................................................6
2.4 Theories of drug use..........................................................................................................................6
2.5 Drug Use and Sexual Behavior...............................................................................................................9

2.6 The Spread of HIV/AIDS Among Drug Users......................................................................................9

2.7 Ways for drug users to reduce their risks for HIV/AIDS...................................................................10
2.8 Prevalence of HIV/AIDS...................................................................................................................10
2.9 HIV/AIDS Prevention Strategies for Drug Users...............................................................................11
CHAPTER THREE........................................................................................................................................13

3. METHODOLOGY.....................................................................................................................................13

3. 1 Target Population...........................................................................................................................13
3.2 Location and Setting........................................................................................................................13
3.3 Instruments....................................................................................................................................13
3.4 Pilots Study......................................................................................................................................14
3.5 Questionnaire..................................................................................................................................14
3.6 Secondary Data Collection.............................................................................................................14
3.7 Analysis............................................................................................................................................14
CHAPTER FOUR..........................................................................................................................................15

4. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION.................................................................................................15

4.1 Background information of respondent..........................................................................................15

4.5 Consequence of Drug use................................................................................................................18
4.8 Tendencies of drug users (respondents)..........................................................................................20
CHAPTER FIVE............................................................................................................................................25

5. DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS................................................................................................................25

CHAPTER SEX.............................................................................................................................................27

6. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDTION.................................................................................................27

6.1 CONCLUSION.................................................................................................................................27
6.2 RECOMMENDATION........................................................................................................................28


1.1 Background of the study
Today entire generation of young adult has never known a world without HIV/AIDS early in the
epidemic drug abuse and HIV was typically connected with in section drug use and needle share
(alexander, 2012). However, this view greatly underestimates the impact that drug abuse can
have the spread of HIV/AIDS through the dangerous risk behavior it endangers (now pnski.
1990). Drug and alcohol in taxation affect judgment and lead to risk sexual behavior that put
people in dangers of contracting or transmitting HIV. In addition, substance abuse may facilitate
the progression of HIV infection substance abuse further deterion not the immune system (morse
and Flavin 1992) initially characterized by relatively localized out breaks. HIV/AIDS has now
become a pandemic that has literally put the world at risks, affecting diverse population in
different ways while all nations are affected by HIV/AIDS. Each faces differing underlying
causes requiring customized prevention and treatment strategies (schnall, 1986).

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) was first recognized as a new disease in 1981
where increasing numbers of young home sexual men succumbed to unusual opportunistic
infection and rare malignancies (CDC 1981, greene 2007),(july 2002) the HIV/AIDS epidemic is
acres is of enormous proportion that is rapidly wiping out many of the gains sub-saharan Africa
has achieved since the countries attained in dependence brining the epidemic under control is
now perhaps the foremast development imperative for this part of the world the adult prevalence
rate is calculated by dividing the estimated number of adults living with HIV/AIDS at young
peoples are people are participated in these activity and leading to unnecessary condition.

1.2 statements of the problem

Most professional in the area that professionals in the area that major patient cause of HIV AIDS
the addition of drugs use (jhonasr, 2008).therefore people are advice not use drug except in the
case of medical prescription and other kinds of risk condition, so that the individual can live

joyable (merry same 2021) however large amount of people motivated to use (alcohols drinking,
smoking, cigarettes chewing chat injection drugsetc.) for the purpose of social recreation, stress
reduction same other majority of them do not have adequate knowledge of the risk side using
such drugs (Robert, 2001)

The side effects of using drug for adults are participated in tunthical conduct like antisocial
personality disorder problems sexual activity economy and health

1.3 research questions

 1 What is the current intervention geared toward the reduction and eradication and
eradicationofsubstance abuse and HIV/AIDS? 2 2 what
are the risky behavioral addiction as I related in to drug and HIV/AIDS ? 3 what are
the major effect of drug can cause views of the current intervention project?
4 what assessment among relation to prevention strategies and make effective and
recommendation for implementation of project to provide positive participant attitudes
and behavior ?

1.4 objective of the study

1.4.1 General objective
The general objective of this study was to investigate the contribution of drug use to the
prevalence of HIV/A

No table of figures entries found.IDS in the case of wolaita sodo otona hospital
1.4.2 specific objective
 Identify and assess current intervention geared toward the reduction and eradication of
substance abuse and HIV/AIDS
 Provide an analysis of risky behavioral addiction as it related to drug use and HIV/AIDS
 To evaluate the major effect of drug can cause views of the current intervention project

 Conduct needs assessment among in relation to prevention strategies and make effective
and recommendation for implementation of project to positive participant attitudes and

1.5 significance of the study

The major contribution of the study is studying drug use and its major core patient cause of
HIV/AIDS the addition of the drug use (the case of wolaita sodo otona hospital. The study also
has presence to fill the gap that is created by the absence of research manual conducted on the
linkage between addiction of the drug and HIV/AIDS issues. Additionally, the research paper
would also help as a guide line for further investigation and study. It would also provide a
suitable condition to help students interested teachers and any other research and concerned
bodies to provide second hand information.

1.6 scope of the study

Focal area of research was to assess and reveal the level of drug user’s vulnerability to
HIV/AIDS and addition of drug. The study was conducted in wolaita sodo otona hospital




Drug can be defined differently in different arears. In social problem approach a drug is and
habit forming substance that affects the brain and nervous is a chemical substance that
affects mood, perception bodily function, consciousness, and has the potential to be miss used as
it may be harmful to the user (ONDCP, 1990).

Drug abuse is the regular or excessive use of drugs when a relationship with other people is
detrimental to person health. This definition identifying two key factors that determine the
societal notation drug use. The first is actual effect of the drug and the second is the groups
perception of the effect. In our society moderate use of alcohol is generally accepted yet
moderate use may cause serious accidents and health problem like ulcer, gastro intestinal
bleeding and other risky behavior like unsafe sex (haward, 1998).

The dominant social relation to a drug influenced by the actual drug of the drug but also the
social characteristics and motives of the groups that use it. A characteristic of habit forming drug
is that lead to dependence as the user develops recurring clawing for them. This dependence may
be physical, psychological or both physical dependence occurs when the body has advised to the
presence of a drug and then will suffer pain, discomfort, or illness (the symptom of with drawl) if
the user of the drug is discontinued (willion, et al, 1992).

With psychological the users face psychological discomfort if the use of drug is terminated users
also generally develops a tolerance for some in which case they have to take increasing amount
overtime to achieve a given level of effects. Tolerance partly depends on the type of drug as
some drug does not build tolerance for example aspirin (Wayne w and dae h 1979).

Human immune deficiency virus (HIV) is the virus that causes acquired immune deficiency
syndrome (aids) and is transmitted through with infected blood and bodily fluids such contact
can occur through unprotected sex through sharing of needles or other injection equipment
through mother to child transmission during pregnancy or breast feeding and through receipts of
infected blood transfusion and plasma product during medical careen some parts of the world
(fink 1990).

HIV infects immune cells in the body called CD4 positive (CD4+) cells which are essential for
fighting infection HIV converts these cells in to “factor’’ that produce more of the HIV virus to
infect other healthy cells eventually destroying the CD4 + cells. An infected person may look
and feel fine for many years and not even be awake of the infection. However, as the individual
loses CD4 + cells and the immune system weakness him or her become more vulnerable to
illness and other infections. Physicians make an ADIS diagnosis when a patient has one or more
of these illnesses and a cd4+ cell count of less than zoo. Treatment for HIV typically involves
highly active antiretroviral therapy better known as HAART however drugs against HIV include
anti-retroviral therapy. These prevent the replication of the HIV virus in the body. A combination
of several antiretroviral drug called highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has been very
effective in reducing the number of HIV particles in the blood stream preventing the virus from
replicating can improve T- cell counts or CD4 cell counts and help the immune system recover
from the HIV infection (McLellan and Dembo, 1992).

HIV which causes AIDS illness that leaves and multiplies primarily in white blood cells (CD4+
lymphocytes) which are part of the immune system. HIV ultimately causes severe depletion of
these cells. An HIV infected person may look and feel fine for many years and therefore
unawake of the injection. However, as the immune system weaken the individual become more
vulnerable to illness and common infection. Over time a person with untreated HIV is likely to
develop AIDS, and climb to multiple concurrent illnesses (Aliyord, 1990).

AIDS is caused by HIV infection. The virus attacks the immune system leaving the individual
susceptible to life threatening infections and cancers. Common bacterial yeast parasites and virus
that usually do not cause serious disease in people with healthy immune system can turn deadly
for AIDS patient (Macdonald, 1989).

2.3 Linkages between drug abuse and HIV/AIDS
Early in the epidemic it become apparent that the HIV virus was being spread not only through
sexual contact with infected people but also through sharing of infection equipment and drug
solutions by injection drug use effective prevention interventions were needed (national imitative
on drug abuse (NIDA/1998).

In addition to injection drug user drug abuse plays other less recognized role in the transmission.
First drug intoxication affects user mental status and judgment which in turn can increase the like
hood that will engage in high risk sexual behavior and injection further addition to drug
(especially cocaine) can further increase user’s exposure to unprotected sex a means to obtain
drug finally physiological consequences at drug abuse may alter susceptibility and interact with
HIV treatment drug (Jayners and rug, 1997).

2.4 Theories of drug use

Theories attempted to explain general classes of phenomena why people use drugs most theories
focus on particular feature of the phenomena of drug use these are: inject drugs, alcoholism,
addiction the drug experience (how, why) individual’s society and career (Pepper and
Ryglewicz, 1994).

The medical pathological perspective is a common organization them. It has the following
assumption on drug use. Use of drug is abnormal use of psychoactive drugs for leisure indicates
something wrong drug use is caused by some pathology and causes further problem when drug
user is seek, he/she needs treatment (Anthenell and Schvckit, 1992),

This perspective seeks to answer the “why’’ of drug use based on the idea that drug use is non-
normative (wrong bad immoral pathological) other perspectives and theories seek mainly to
understand social and psychological processes. According to Biss (1978), some of these theories
are the following.

 Genetictheory: - genetic makeup impacts the processing of a substance and/or the

does required taking in. It can vary from individual and group to group. Factor
influencing pattern of use are in combination with psychological and environmental
variables. Drug result in metabolic in balance specifically applied to narcotic
addiction. Vincent doles and Marie Nysewander depicts that certain addicts have

disease similar in action to diabetes no core rather than maintenance (methadone
maintenance) some addicts behave “as it’’ this was the case methadone has helped
certain (Coliceretal, 1978).
 Psychologicaltheory: - it tends to focus on compulsive continuous use basically the
theory explains that drug and above being because of un conscious motivation
within all of us we are aware of in to even motivation that reside us or our reactions
to events in our reactions to earn events in our lives that move a person toward
draggle. The motivation for drug use is within us and we and are not aware of them,
nor are were that those are reasons we are have chosen to turn to drug in this case,
the reasons may be weaker without self-esteem or even see themselves in the
opposite manner, as all important, drug use then becomes soft of crutch to make up
with all that is wrong with their lives and wrong with them self-eves (Wilson and
Drug user and abuser in the psychological theory find it include b/n difficult to fien some
sort of balance in their lives when the struggle to find that balance and that state of really
being okay with them laved it is or real, drugs become the ways they stop or lope the
pain of being unable to find that balance drugs become the way they stop telling badly
about themselves (Lam Bert, 2005).
Of course, these things only last shirt term, which is why the user must continue to use
thus, begins the cycle of addiction the longtime to use these drugs to stop feelings badly
about themselves, and lore with mental issues those they may be roughly unaware that
they even have.

 So Cytological theory: - the issue of drug above elicits much make of attention
from socials scientists, because it will be considered inappropriate same
sociological theories are the following.
The Anomic Theory
The anomic theory as explained by Emilee Durkheim is based on the assumption that,
lack of regulation or control of behavior in modern societies can lead to deviant or
criminal behavior (Collins, 2004). Built on the basic assumption of Durkheim Robert
natron classified anomie in to different levels: macro side and micro side anomie is

caused when society fails to enforce clear ambiguous limits on goals there causing
deviant behavior in the member of the society micro side anomie:- is caused when
changes within the society imposes press are on its members to commit crimes. It is
possible to alleviate the issue of drug above in both these perspectives, because it might
be seen that drug above mostly happen in response to social pressures. For example,
social factors like busy parents, lack of mentors and rare modals, lack of good advice,
and a highly materialistic philosophy of like that stresses on the need to gain more or
same of the factors that complete under achievers and disillusioned people to risk and try

 Differential Association Theory

It was developed by Edwin Sutherland applied to drug abuse differential association theory
asserts that people are apt to learn and take on the drug use norms of the small peer group with
the associate. These groups include family neighborhood and peer groups. Religious and social
group differential association theory has been used to explains differences in alcoholism rates
among ethnic groups and religious groups. It primarily explains the reason drug abuse varies
among groups other than identifying the numerous causes of drug abuse.

 Labeling Theory

It was developed by variety of theories who view drug abuse as due largely to the process in
which some occasionally user is labeled as “abusers” Occasionally users are drug users that are
disapproved by others. These users do not at this point view themselves as abusers. However, if
their use is discovered and made on issue by significant other (parent, police or teacher). And if
they are taken publicly labeled as “drunker” they are more closely watched under closely
surveillance if they continue using drugs the label is gradually confirms if these significant other
begin to identify with the label when this happen the occasional user is apt to embark on a
“career as habitual drug users’’. Labeling theory asserts drug abuse can be reduced by avoiding
labeling that is by refusing to re-use to treat occasional drug users as it they were abusers.

2.5 Drug Use and Sexual Behavior
Behavior associated with drug use is the largest factors in the speed of HIV infection. Adolescent
and young adult who use drugs and alcohols often take risk that endanger their health and the
health of others. One of the most harmful risk is they the use of alcohols and drugs is related to
the occurrence of unsafe sexual behavior that places adores events at risk for pregnancy and/or
contacted sexuality transmitted disease such ads HIV/Aids those they are potential targets for
intention (cdcp, 2000).

For a lot of people, drug and sex go together, drug user many trade sex for drugs for money to by
drugs. Some people connect having unsafe sex with their drug use drug use including alcohols or
methamphetamine increase the charnels that people will not protect themselves activity
(Gardner, 1992).

2.6 The Spread of HIV/AIDS Among Drug Users

HIV contracts it by infection with the blood or other body fluid of an infected person. In
addition, infected pregnant women can pass HIV to her infants during pregnancy delivery and
breast feeding (Watch and Steihm, 2003).

Among drug users HIV transmission can occur through sharing needles and other infection
paraphernalia as such as cotton swabs like water and coolers (Kwiatkowski:et at al -2000).

However, another war people at risk for HIV is simply by using drugs regardless of whether a
needle of syringe is involved. Drugs and alcohols can interfere with judgment and can leaf to
risky sexual behavior that put people in dangers of contracting or transmitting HIV/AIDS
pandemic (Goode, 1972).

2.7 Ways for drug users to reduce their risks for HIV/AIDS
Drug users can be advised that stopping all drug uses including drug injection which is the well
effective was to reduce their risks for contracting HIV/AIDS and other blood- borne disease
including hepatitis B and C however, not every user is ready to stop using drugs and many of
those who stop may release (NIDA 1993).

A variety of HIV/AIDS prevention strategies to protected against becoming infected are

available for individual who may be considering or already injecting drugs these are described
with the most effective behavior change that drugs users can make (CDC, 1993).

 Stop using and injection drugs

 Control relapsing
 If you continue to inject drugs take the following steps to reduce personal and
public health risks.
 Never reuse or share syringes water or any preparation equipment
 Use only sterile syringes obtained from a reliable source pharmacy or syringes
access program.
 If possible, use sterile water sterile ware to prepare drugs use new disinfected
container (cooker) and new filter (cotton) to prepare drug.
 Clean the infected side with anew alcohol swabs before injecting.
 Safety disposes of syringes after one

In addition to learning how to make the behavioral change described in the above procedures
drugs users and their sex partners should be counseled about sexual risks for his and sexually
transmitted disease and the importance of avoiding un-protecting sex.

2.8 Prevalence of HIV/AIDS

Early detection can help to prevent HIV transmission research indicates that routine HIV
screening in health care setting among population with a prevalence rate 1% as cost efficient as
screening for other conditions such as breast cancer and high blood pressure. These finding
suggest that HIV screening can lower heath care costs by preventing high risk and decreasing
virus transmission (NIDA, 1999).

For drug abuse population cumulative research have shown that drug abuse treatment
community out teach HIV testing and counseling and other infections and HIV treatment is the
most effective way to reduce the risk of HIV and blood borne infections (NIDA, 2000).

Combined pharmacological and behavioral treatment for drug abuse has a demonstrated impact
on the HIV risky behavior and acquisition of HIV infections these finding show great promise
for reduction in HIV risk behavior studies are now under way to improve the long term
effectiveness of each interventions (Botvin and or Land: 1991).

2.9 HIV/AIDS Prevention Strategies for Drug Users

Given the variety of drug users and their sex partners, no single HIV/AIDS prevention strategies
work effectively for everyone. A comprehensive approach is the most effective approach for
preventing HIV/AIDS and other blood born interaction in drug using population and their
communities (Center for disease control and prevention (Mirin and Weiss, 1993).

At every contract with the drug users’ outreach workers interventionist and counselor deliver
drug and sex related risk reduction messages and provide a means to reduce or eliminate their
risk for transmitting HIV and other blood born infections the comprehensive HIV/AIDS
prevention approach for drug users includes three complementary approaches. These are:

 Community based out reach

 Drug user treatment and
 Sterile syringes access programs

Community based outreach: morethan fifty years of research have shown that community
based outreach is effective fire all types of drug using risk group in the range of local setting
cumulative research from 23 sites study that followed 18. 144 drug users (13, 164 injected drug
users 4,980 non injecting crock users) report that 3 to 6 months after participating in the
intervention 72% of the injected drug users either stopped injecting drug or reduce their
frequency of their injection of those who continue to inject nearly 60% either stopped or reduce
revising or sharing syringes (CDCP, 1993).

Drug abuse treatments approach: drugabuse treatment is HIV prevention drug users who enter
and continue for treated are more likely than those who remain out of treatment to reduces risks

activates such as sharing needles and injection equipment or engaging in unprotected sex drug
abuse treatment can be conducted a variety of setting (example in patient the lapy, mediation or a
combination of both the best treatment program offer their clients HIV testing counseling and
referral to other services (CDCP, 1993).

Sterile Syringe access program: -itcomplements community based outreach and drug abuse
treatment by providing drug users will not or cannot seek treatments or who are in treatments but
continues to inject drug with access to syringes and other services.

The programs help to remove potentially contaminated needle from circulation they also serve as
a bridge to active and out of treatment drug users by providing them with HIV/AIDS materials
example:- bleach kit and condoms to reduce their risks by offering opportunities for HIV testing
and counseling and by proving referral for drug abuse treatments and other social services hence
it is important that drug abuse treatments and other services are available and accessible to drug
users relaters by sterile syringes access program (CDCP, 1993).


The research has been utilized in corporation relevant existing information with primary data
collected principally through as Questionnaires. This approach used to provide better
understanding of the perceived behavioral pattern and social meaning as it relates to drug use and
HIV/AIDS within the social content and it anticipate that this methodology would also give a
better grasp of the concept of the participant matter (Alexandr,2012).

It is vital to develop accurate clear and valid methodology that helps to meet the objectives of the
study. The method of data collection and method of data analyses (thamask,2008).

3. 1 Target Population
The target population of this study is the peoples of drug users are found at wolaita sodo otona
referral hospitals. The target population was both males and females whose age where all levels
of age in order to conduct this research I have used 45 respondents by using purposive sampling

3.2 Location and Setting

The group discussions is held in conference rooms, hospitals, patient class rooms at times that
allowed for privacy and confidentiality and sought to minimize distractions the focus group
setting in formal discussion, minimize tension and observe participants who was non-responsive-
the circular format have been used to allow all participants to be visible to the modern for.
Observer was also presented at discussion to provide additional assistant to the researcher
partners to the transcription and data analysis (NecolasK. 2005).

3.3 Instruments
An effective equipment’s is utilized and placed it what is consisted the best fill location to
optimize the recording of the entire discussion.

3.4 Pilots Study
A pilot study is conducted with group which helped test the understanding of the questions. This
proved benefit call as sum questions required rephrasing for the full understanding of every
participant given their varying backgrounds. However due to the diversity of group (case set,
occupation and religions).

3.5 Questionnaire
Pre designed SEM structured question helped to give the focus group discussion. These
questions covered them as and sought to achieve the underlying objectives and purpose of the
focus groups. At the end of each focus group discussion participations completed a short and
precise answers (see appendix).

This method provide researches with further relevant information for analysis is back ground
information regarding to the questionnaires

 Gender or sex
 Age
 Occupation
 Religions

3.6 Secondary Data Collection

Secondary data collection is used to identity similarities or differences in the primary
information obtained, south region statistical data office is collected from respective agencies/ in
situations responsible for drug related and HIV/AIDS incidents, such as the police treatment
centers and epidemiological units Existing report, studies and articles of previous work primarily
on drug use and HIV/AIDS were all sources of secondary data collection.

3.7 Analysis
The analysis is utilized to summarize the data provided by participants content analysis is
established the relative importance of the repented them by focus groups. The data was obtained
from questionnaires is stated by in table farm and percentage form.



4.1 Background information of respondent
Questionnaire were distributed for 45 respondents and returned with relevant data after
completion personal information about the respondents is presented below.

Table 4.1 background of information of respondents

Variable Respondent
No %
Sex Male 29 64.44
Female 16 35.10
Total 45 100
Age Below 21 9 20.0
22-24 17 37.8
25-27 14 31.10
Above 28 5 11.10
Total 45 100
Religion Orthodox 27 60.0
Muslim 2 4.44
Protestant 13 28.29
Catholic 3 6.67
Other - -
Total 45 100
Occupation Government 23 51.11
NGO worker 1 2.22
Merchant 4 8.89
Student 17 37.78
Other - -
Total 45 100

As we observe from the motivating factor distribution table, all respondent 45 or 100%
respondent that they had start to use drugs due to motivational factors listed below. Most of the
respondents 20 or 44.44% become to use drugs due to the need of belongingness to the group. 13
or 28.89% of the respondents start to use drug considering it is a means to feel happy when they
were under stressful situation. 7 or 15.56% of the respondent that began to their eager to study

Surprising 5 or 11.1% of the respondents responded that they star to use drug mainly because of
peer influence, culture value to during boredom and finally for study hard. No respondents
responded culture as their motivational factor for using in particular.

Table 4.2 respondents occasion of drug using

Item Option Respondent
No %
How often do you use Always 7 11.56
drug? Usually 22 48.89
Sometimes 15 33.33
Rarely 1 2.22
Never - -
Total 45 100

Most of the respondents 22 or 48.89% used drug usually. Next those respondents sometimes
were 5 or 33.33% 7 or respondents answered that as they use drug always whereas only 1 or
2.22% of respondents use drug rarely from the sample of fore five. The table clearly shows that
most of the 1 respondent use drug usually. Therefore, it is better forty those respondents

responded that they use drug always, sometimes and rarely to give up or decrease using drug so
that the risks for HIV/AIDS resulted formed from drug use could be minimized.

Table 4.3 typical the subject used

Item Response
No %
Do you use multiple Yes 31 68.88
abusing substances? No 14 31.11
Total 45 100
If yes, which Alcohol 3 9.68
substance abuse do Hashish 1 3.22
you use? Cigarette 4 12.90
Chat 16 51.61
All 10 32.26
Total 31 100

As one sees from table, majority of respondents 31 or 68.89% have responded that they use
multiple substances of abuse while 14 or 31.11% of the sample population respondents that they
use single drugs. As the table reveals from those who responded yes, (68.89%), 16 or 51.61% of
them chew chat, 10 or 32.26% use all hashish, drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes, whereas 4 or
12.9% of respondent’s smoke cigarette solely and the reaming 3 or 9.68% and 1 or 3.22% drink
alcohol and smokes hashish respectively. No respondents responded other than the option

In general, the numerical data entails that chat and cigarette are the most drug used by
respondents. Respectively for them, it is better to minimize their risky situations so that their
vulnerability to HIV/AIDS will is diminished.

4.5 Consequence of Drug use

Table 4.4 effect of drug using in individual income

Item Option Response
No %
How it seems your Increased 2 4.44
income before and Decreased 40 88.89
after using drugs? No charge at all 3 6.67
Total 45 100

As indicated on the above table, 88.89% or 40 respondents responded that their income after they
begin to use decreased while only 2 or 44.44% of the respondents from sample of population
responded their income increasing. 3 or 6.67% of respondents responded that as the result of
drug no change took place all on their income.

In general, from the perspective of the majority who responded drug using do have negative
impact on their regular or irregular income, it is easily understandable that drug affects ones
economic status. People who use drugs, therefore, should be recommended to stop or minimize
using drug so that their income progress positively than diminishing.

Table 4.5 major risky behaviors associated with respondent’s drug using
Item Response
No %
What is the major risky Latin at night club 5 11.11
behavior you ever Satisfying with prostitute 7 15.56
experiencing that may lead Substance abuse 9 20
you to the risk of Satisfying with sugar 3 6.68
HIV/AIDS? daddy or sugar mammy
Having multiple sexual 21 46.67

Total 45 100

The above table clearly shows that 46.67% or 21 respondents respond that the major risky
behavior associated with their drug use was having multiple sexual partnerships 9 or 20%
responded drug addiction, 7 or 15.56% responded that committing sex with prostitution, 5 or
11.11% agreed that lasting at night and the reaming 3 or 6.67% respondents responded that
satisfying with sugar daddy or sugar mammy were the major risky behaviors associated with
their drug use.

According these variable are very serious risky behaviors that lead individual to the infection of
HIV/AIDS. It is the responsibility of the respondents to restrict themselves from those risk
conditions. Risk reduction awareness could play a very determined role in the remarkable change
of their behavior even though they used change.

Table 4.6 consequence of drug using

Item Option Response

No %
Is there any limitation Yes 43 95.56
that you face during No 2 4.44
you use drug? Total 45 100
If “yes” what are Environmental 0 0
these problem? Cast 30 69.77
Social 2 4.65
Family/friend hate 7 16.78
Other 4 9.30
Total 43 100

As we observe from the table above, 43 or 95.56% of the respondents responded that they had
encountered certain limitation during their occasion of drug using while the reaming 4.44% or
only 2 respondents responded that they had not encountered any limitations. From those who
responded they had encountered certain limitation, 69.77% or 30 respondents responded that
they had faced financial limitation (cost) while 16.28% or 7 respondents and encountered social
marginalization 9.3% or 4 respondents had faced family/friend hate.

Therefore, it obvious that as the majority of respondent responded drug use consequences to
financial scarcity and develop unstable or quarrel with family members. So it is better for them
to minimize their risk for drug related issues in order to ensure fitness and to be independent
from drug use.

4.8 Tendencies of drug users (respondents)

Vulnerability to HIV/AIDS

Table 4.7 linkages of drug use and HIV/AIDS

Item Option Response
No %
Drug use contribution Yes 43 95.56
a lot of the risk of No 2 4.44
vulnerability to Total 45 100
If yes have you ever Yes 39 90.98
engaged in the risk No 4 9.30
situation to
Total 43 100
HIV/AIDS after
taking drug?
If yes, with whom? Friend 3 7.69
Causal acquaintances 30 76.97
Prostitutes 6 15.38

Total 39 100
From the above the majority of respondents 45 or95.56 % agreed that drug use contributes a lot
the risk 0f vulnerability to HIV/AIDS while only 2 or 4.44% of the respondents responded no
from those respondents who responded yes,around 39 or 90.98%responded that they were
engaged in risk situation to HIV/AIDS after taking drugs and 4 or 9.31%of the respondents
responded they had not engaged

Additionally, the table also describes that those who had engaged in risk situation committed
sexual intercourse with their friends, casual acquaintances and prostitutes. [7.69%,76.92% and
15.38% respectively]. Therefore, it is right to say those group might have been carrier of the
virus. If not, they were a great chance to have been infected by the virus because; they have
developed a very fearful risky behavior. It is crucial for them to be tested for HIV and show
immediate recovery from their activities so that their vulnerability to HIV/AIDS pandemic

Table 4.8 whether drug use leads to unsafe risky sexual behavior

Item option

NO %
Do you stay with your girl/boyfriend or Yes 40 88.89
casual acquaintances opposite sex where
No 5 11.11
sex where somebody nokt there after using
Total 45 100
substance of abuse
If yes, later how do you evaluate yourself? Celebrate 31 77.50
Depressed 6 15
Other 3 7.50
Total 40 100
As clearly indicated in the above table, 40 or 88.89% 0f the respondents have committed sex
after using substance of abuse while only 5 or 11.11% have not committed sex usually after
taking drugs 31 or 77.5 of respondents from who responded yea, has responded that they
celebrated of doing so,6 or15 %of has depressed and the remaining 5 or 7/5% of respondents
have not responded other specified feeling, even though they committed sex after taking drugs.
Therefore, one can conclude that majority of respondents celebrated the situation after
committing sex. They have a great tendency to repeat a situation and multiple their sexual
partners that increase the risk of vulnerability to HIV infections. Respondents should be advised
never to do so.

Table 4.9 factors motivated respondents to commit sex

Item Response

No %
Some people forget the risks Because they are addicted 27 60
of HIV/AIDS during sex, Personality matter 7 15.56
what do you think why do External quality of the sexual 9 20
they? partner
Others 2 4.44
Total 45 100

From the above table, we observe that most of the respondents 27 or 60% responded that due to
addition drug can affect judgment and shadow all the risky situations while 20%or 9 responded
that they have forgotten the entire risky situation that may occur due to external quality of the
sexual partner for instance. The remaining 7,15.56% and 2 or 4.44% responded due to
personality matters and other and group based situations respectively.

Table 4.10 means of stopping/minimizing risk of vulnerable to

Item Option Response
NO %
Which one do you think is the Online discussion with professional and 11 24.44
best means of developing your friends
right attitude towards Following drug and HIV treatment 21 46.67
stopping/minimizing your risk associated counseling service
of vulnerability to HIV/AIDS? Attending sustainable workshop on risky 13 28.89

Total 45 100

As indicated in the table above, 21 or 46. 67% of respondents responded that the best means of
developing their right attitude to minimize their risky of vulnerability to HIV/ AIDS is following
drug and HIV/AIDS treatment association with counseling service while 13 or 28.89% of
respondents from sample population of forty five responded that attending sustainable workshop
on the risky behavior and reaming 11 or 24.44% responded that online discussion with
professional and friends as best means of developing their right attitude to stopping / minimizing
the risk of vulnerability to HIV/ AIDS.

Based on the above responses from participants, one can conclude that presents of these
strategies more or less can enhance respondents level of awareness about risk related to drug
using and HIV/ AIDS in general.

Table 4.11 HIV/AIDS controlling mechanism

Item Option Response

NO %
Which one do you prefer Abstinence 4 8.89
among the HIV prevention Being faithful 31 68.89
methods/ Using condoms 10 22.22
Total 45 100

As we clearly observed from table 4.12those respondents who respond being faithful is the best
HIV controlling mechanism will 68.89% or 31 while those responded using condom is the best
controlling mechanism will 10 or 22.22%. the remaining selected abstinence (8.89%). From this,
we understand that the majority of respondents follow the mechanism being faithfulness.



Drug addiction vary widely according to the types of drugs involved, amount of drug used,
duration of the drug addiction, medical complications and the social needs of the individual.

Determining the best type of recovery program for an addicted person depends on a number of
factors including personality, drug(S) addiction, concept for spirituality, mental or physical
illness and local and affordability of the programs.

The result from respondents in detail indicates that almost all respondents stated to use drug(S)
due to motivational factors like needs for belongingness (44.44%), for relaxation (28.89%), for
study hard (15.56%) most of the respondents (48.89%) of the sample population use drug (S)
usually followed by those respondents responded sometimes (33.3%). Majority of those
respondents (68.89%) have also responded that they use multiple substance of abuse while the
remaining (31.11%) use single drug. As table 4.4 reveals, from those who responded yes

(68.89%), 60 or 51.61% of them chew chat while 10 0r 32.26 % use hashish, alcohol, cigarette
and chat. The remaining 9.68% and 3.27% drinks alcohol and smoke hashish respectively.

Drug use have several impact on individuals’ income, health, social life, mood and behaviors.

Accordingly, as indicated on table 4.5, 88.89% of the respondents respond that their income
after they began to use drug declined, at the same time, respondents also responded that they
developed major risky behavior that associated with their drug using. These and others lead the
drug users to vulnerability of HIV pandemic (table 4.5). As clearly indicated on the table,
46.67% of respondents responded that they engaged in sex with multiple sexual partners, 20 %
developed drug addiction, 15. 56% committed sex with prostitutions and the remaining 11.11%
responded they late at night. Additionally, as table 4.7 shows, respondents encountered certain
limitations during their occasion of using drug(S) of abuse. Accordingly, from respondents who
responded yes, (item on table 4.6), 69.77% responded financial scarcity while 16.28% family/
friends hate and 9.3% environmental, cost, family/friends rejection and social marginalization.
The remaining 4.65% responded social marginalization only. It is obvious that drug abuse
contributes a lot to the risk of vulnerability to HIV/AIDS. Therefore, the study tried to assess
how far drug users knew or agreed with terminology, as the result, 45 or 85.56% of sample
representatives responded yes (table 4.7) while the remaining 4.44% responded consequences of
drugs as well as HIV/AIDS. From respondents who responded yes, 90.98% of them engaged in
risky situations to HIV/AIDS after taking drugs. Table 4.8 also described that these respondents
described that these respondents engaged in risky situation to HIV/AIDS vary in their typical
engagements, 30 or 76.97% committed sexual intercourse with casual acquaintances while
15.38% with prostitutes and the remaining 7.69% with their friends after taking drug(S).

As clearly described in literature part, drug and HIV/AIDS are a very interdependent pandemic
social problem. Drug can affect one’s judgment and enable individual to have engaged in risky
behaviors that vulnerable to HIV/AIDS as illustrated above. Table 4. 9 reveals this concept in
advance. Most of the respondents, 27 or 60% of sample population responded that they commit
sex usually due to their drug use. This strengthens the fact that drug use significantly plays a role
for individual’s sex committing

Finally, a means of minimizing risk of vulnerability to HIV/AIDS and drug use described on the
table 4.10 and 4.11 above. Accordingly, respondents responded that following drug and HIV/

AIDS prevention associated with counseling service (46.67%) attending workshop on risky
behavior (28.89%) online discussion with professional and friend (24.44%) is the best means of
developing their right attitude towards stopping or minimizing their drug use or occasion of
using so that their risk of vulnerability to HIV/AIDS reversed. These strategies can also promote
anti-drug and HIV/AIDS program in general and saves individuals life from the danger of
pandemic in particular.




The researcher was conducted with the goal to assess the situation of drug users of wolaita sodo
otona hospital As per the general objective, the inquiry result has led to the conclusion that drug
user at the otona hospital have risky behavior associated with their drug using that can led to the
infection of HIV/AIDS pandemic. A number of factors has found for such individuals that enable
them to begun drug using. These include the need for belongingness to the group or peers,
engager to perform well in their tasks, to feel happiness and so forth.

The problem associated with their drug sing has also resulted in a lot of causalities both on
individual and community level. Effect on their income value, risky behaviors like lathing at
night, contact with prostitutions, addiction, contact with sugar daddy and sugar mammy, and
having multiple sexual partners are the major predicaments found that drug users confronted

The study also discovered that the occasion of using drug in amount and variety is aggravated
from one to other respondents. The general linkage drug users have with HIV/AIDS also
described. Respondents have performing the following risky conditions after they have used
drugs that has been worsening as these goes on forward for the infection of HIV/AIDS. These
risk conditions are: committing sex with friend’s casual acquaintances, prostitutes and so forth
even though their range of engagement vary.

Different risk reduction measures were chosen by respondents. Accordingly, the majority of
respondents’31 or 68.89% hosen being faithfulness as HIV/AIDS controlling mechanism
concerned. Finally, online discussion with friends and professionals, following drug and HIV
treatment / prevention associated with counseling service and attending workshop on risky
behaviors and so on are taken as a means of stopping or minimizing risk of vulnerability to
HIV/AIDS and other risk associated with drug use. Different effort should also be taken by
various organs of government and non-governmental organizations in order to minimize the risk
of drug users vulnerability to HIV/AIDS pandemic.

On the basis of research findings, the following recommendations have been suggested to
mitigate the prone of drugs vulnerability to HIV/AIDS at hospitals in specific and otona hospital
in general.

 Promotion of workshop on risky behaviors associated with drug use so that

they can incorporate the problem and raise the awareness capacity.
 Implementation of punishment on illicit drug trafficker, so that the appropriate
risk reduction strategies will be achieved.

 Encouraging long and short term illicit drug controlling strategy for users so
that they secure and safe their life from the pandemic HIV/AIDS.
 Creating strong collaboration among the government, NGO and the society in
combating the problem result due to drug using, thus the risk for vulnerability
to HIV/AIDS minimized.
 Developing efficient self-esteem for the risk group. In doing so, it is possible
to narrow the mismatch between the perception that drug using and
HIV/AIDS are interrelated pandemic social crisis.
 Health workers, counselors and other professionals in the area should
regularly assess drug users’ risky behavior and design appropriate copping
 All community should cooperate and stand for common goal in order to be
against the pandemic.


 Botvin and land (1991), medical treatment of drug abuse.

 CDCP, (center disease control and prevention). (2000), drug and sexual behavior.

 Colineretal (1978) genetic theory of drug use
 G.A.L: yod, ‘’AIDS and HIV: syndrome and virus’’ encyclopedia of social work;
national association of social workers.
 HawardAbdinsky, 1998-Druge, Abuse, An Introduction, ChicagoNatson Hall.
 Jaynes and drug, (1970 the linkage between drug abuse and HIV/AIDS.
 Khaitkowski, c: boot et al, 2000. The effect of offering free treatment to street
rectvistedopiod injection. Addiction 93(5) 697-704.
 Lambert, (1997) sociological theory.
 Mirin and Weiss (1993) HIV/AIDS oreventionstrateges for drug users.
 Merry James (2014) selection group criteria.
 National institute on drug abuse, sep 2000. A Manual to reduce risk of HIV and other
blood borne infection in drug users. The NIDA community based outreach model. NIH
publication no. 99-104, 180 Washington DCUSA.
 ONDCP, (1990) introduction of drug abuse.
 Pepper and ryglewicz, (1994), the theory pofdrug use and prevention and treatment.
 Tim bliss, 1978’’ drug use, abuse’’ introduction to social welfare institution (home wood,
IL: Dorsey), 301.
 Thomas Kingston, (2008) research methodology of proposal.
 Watch: and teim, (2003) the spread of HIV/AIDS Among drug users.
 Woyne, W. dunning and doe. H change, 1977’’. Drug facts and effect’’ in person
problem solver, (Charles Zotrow and DOEH. Change 9 ed )Englawoodvift, W: spectrum





The purpose of this questionnaire is to collect data about the contribution of drug use to the
prevalence of HIV/ADIS. Therefore, you are kindly requested to respond accordingly as the
success of this research highly depends on your genuine and honest completion of the
questionnaire. The research assure that your response will be kept confidential and it will be used
only for the purpose of the study.

Thank you

Part I. background information

Direction; answers the following question by putting X mark in the box that corresponding to
your response.

1. age____________________

2. sex A male B female

3. religion A orthodox B catholic C Protestant D muslim E other

4. occupation; A government worker B merchant

C NGO worker D student

Part II specific questions

Direction: for each of the following questions encircles the letter that corresponds to your

1. how often do you use drug?

A. always B usually C sometimes D rarely E never

2. is there something that pusher you to use drug?

A yes B no

3. if your response for question number 2 is yes, what is are the major pushing factors?

A Peer B culture C to feel happy D all

4. if your response for question number 2 is no specify factors that motivate you to use

5. do you use multiple abusing substance?

A yes B. no

6. if your response to the question number 5 is yes, which substance abuse do you use?

A alcohol D chat

B Hashish E all

C cigarette F other

7. how it seem your income before and after using drug?

A increased B decreased C no change at all

8. what is the major risky behavioral you ever experiencing that may lead you to the risk of HIV

A lathing at night club

B satisfying with prostitutions

C substance

D staying with sugar daddy/sugar mammy

E having multiple sexual partner

F other

9. drug use contributor a lot to risk of vulnerability to HIV/AIDS

A yes B no

10. if you answer for question number 9 is yes, have you ever engaged in the risk situation to
HIV/AIDS after taking drug?

A yes B no

11. if your response for question number 10 is yes, with whom?

A friend C prostitutions

B casual acquaintances D other

12. do you stay with your girl/boy friend or casual acquaintances opposite sex where some body
not there after using substance of abuse?

A yes B no

13. if your answer for question number 12 is yes, later how do you evaluate yourself?

A celebrating B depression C other

14. some people forget the risks of HIV/AIDS during sex, what do you think why do they?

A Because they are addicted

B personality matter

C external quality of sexual partner

D other

15. is there any limitation that you face during you use during?

A yes B no

16. if your answer for question number 15 is yes, what are those problems?

A environment B cost E other

C social marginalization D family/friends hate

17. which one do you prefer among the HIV/ADIS prevention methods?

A assistance B being faith fullness C using condoms

18. which one do you think is the best means of developing your right attitude towards stopping
or minimizing your risk of vulnerability to HIV/ AIDS?

A on line discussion with processional and friends

B following during and HIV treatment’s associated with counseling service

C affecting sustainable workshop on risky behavior

D other


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