Hundera Questionnaire

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The purpose of this questionnaire is to collect data about the contribution of drug use to the
prevalence of HIV/ADIS. Therefore, you are kindly requested to respond accordingly as the
success of this research highly depends on your genuine and honest completion of the
questionnaire. The research assures that your response will be kept confidential and it will be
used only for the purpose of the study.

Thank you

Questionnaire related to identify the association between socio-demographic variables in

drug users and non-users at Arba Minch General Hospital

1. Age____________________

2. Sex: A male B female

3. Religion: orthodox catholic Protestant Muslim Other (please specify)

4. What is your education level?

Less than high school diploma

High school diploma or GED

Some college or trade school

Bachelor's degree

Master's degree

Doctorate degree

5. What is your employment status?

Employed full-time
Employed part-time



Other (please specify)

Questionnaire related to examine the relationship between drug use and HIV/AIDS at
Arba Minch General Hospital

1. Do you use multiple abusing substances?

Yes No

2. If your response to the question number 1 is yes, which substance abuse do you use?

Alcohol chat

Hashish all

Cigarette other (please specify)

3. How often do you use drugs?

Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Less than monthly

4. How much do you use drugs each time?

A small amount

A moderate amount

A large amount

5. How long have you been using drugs?

Less than 1 year

1-5 years

5-10 years

More than 10 years

6. Have you ever been tested for HIV?

Yes No

7. If yes, what were your results?

Negative Positive

Questionnaire related to determine how drug use can be reduced to reduce the spread of
HIV/AIDS at Arba Minch General Hospital

1. What do you think are the main reasons why people use drugs?

To escape from reality

To relieve stress

To have fun

To fit in

To self-medicate for mental health problems

Other (please specify)

2. What do you think are the main barriers to reducing drug use?

The availability of drugs

The high cost of drugs

The social stigma associated with drug use

The lack of access to treatment for drug addiction

Other (please specify)

3. Which one do you prefer among the HIV/ADIS prevention methods?


Being faith fullness

Using condoms
Other (please specify)

4. Which one do you think is the best means of developing your right attitude towards stopping
or minimizing your risk of vulnerability to HIV/ AIDS?

On line discussion with processional and friends

Following during and HIV treatment’s associated with counseling service

Affecting sustainable workshop on risky behavior

Other (please specify)

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