Related Literature Local Teenage Mothers 4.0

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Review of Related Literature and Studies

To narrate the struggles of teenage mothers

According to the (World Health Organization, 2012) , Despite advances in medical
technology, girls under the age of 15 are five times more likely than women over the age of 20 to
die during pregnancy or childbirth. This is because their bodies are not yet fully developed, and
they are more susceptible to complications. Teenage pregnancy has become a global problem.
For girls between the ages of 15 and 19, the average global birth rate is 49 per 1000.

According to (Natividad et al., 2013) Teenage pregnancy has been a worldwide issue that
needs to be confronted to mitigate the problems of maternal adolescent childbearing, especially
in the third world countries. In fact, it has emerged to be one of the major public health problems
in South Asia. The percentage of teenage pregnancies is high in South Asian countries as
compared to the developed countries. Maternal mortality is also high in these countries. Teen
pregnancies carry extra health risks to both the mother and the baby. The most common risks for
the baby are low birth weight, preterm birth, and birth defects. for the mother are high blood
pressure, infection, and bleeding.

According to (Presler-Marshall & Jones, 2012) , adolescent pregnancy is risky and fatal,
with long-term effects that range from the young mother's and the child's health to more general
psychosocial disorders. Teenage mothers-to-be and their unborn children face unique medical

According to to (Maie Mangaoil et al., 2021) Teenage mothers generally do not have the
resources to care for a child and often they are not able to sustain healthy habits throughout
pregnancy to ensure they produce a healthy baby. As a result, their babies are at a higher risk for
health problems and developmental delays. In addition, teenage mothers are more likely to drop
out of school and have difficulty finding a job, which can lead to a cycle of poverty.

Though the studies by Natividad focus on different aspects of teenage pregnancy, the
studies draw similar conclusions about the potential health complications associated with teenage
pregnancy. These health complications can lead to significant struggles for teenage mothers. The
difference is that, to our study the listed research was quantitative in nature and fell short of
providing a comprehensive explanation for the phenomena of adolescent pregnancy. The
interactions of the various variables and tales that led to young motherhood were not properly
and adequately documented. Because of the quantitative comprehension of it, the richness of the
meaning of the teenage pregnant experience was diminished. This is the justification for the
necessity for a future investigation of this topic that is more sophisticated. In this study, we will
conduct a case study to narrate the real struggles of teenage mothers and the problems they face
in their daily lives. Teenage pregnancy is a global issue that has negative consequences for both
the mother and child. The mother faces many risks during pregnancy, including health risks,
social isolation, and poverty. The child is also at risk for poor health, developmental delays, and


According (PNC-ZDN Rowence F. Zorilla, 2021) to The Philippines has a high rate of
maternal deaths due to teenage pregnancies and later age pregnancies. In fact, the Philippines has
the highest incidence of teenage pregnancy in Southeast Asia. The high rate of teenage
pregnancy in the Philippines is due to several factors, including poverty, lack of access to
contraception, and early marriage. There is a need to address the problem of teenage pregnancy
in the Philippines as it is a major contributor to maternal mortality.

(Salvador et al., 2016a) explains the relationship between high birth rates and restricted
socioeconomic chances. Finding a job to support their families was one of the biggest obstacles
their participants mentioned. While others mixed their studies and employment, some of them
had difficulty returning to school since they had to work to earn enough money to support their
children's requirements. Most student mothers experience financial burden. They often run out of
budget because they need to provide for their schooling and their child. Particularly, student
mothers who are dependent on their parents, they often have a difficult time dealing with the
expenses. In addition, many student mothers also must juggle their time between school and
taking care of their child. (Cabaguing & Cabaguing, 2017) Moreover

According to (Parungao et al., 2014) Disadvantaged populations are reported to have

higher rates of early and non-marital childbirth. For those who are poorer, the past few years
have not been as prosperous as the late 1990s. As a result, they may believe that delaying
motherhood is not worth it given their bleak outlook for employment, money, marriage, and
home ownership.

According to (Parungao et al., 2014) In the Philippines, there is a strong relationship

between poverty and adolescent pregnancies. Teenage mothers in these groups come from
countries where the average family income is less than the federal minimum wage. Teenage
pregnancy rates vary by socioeconomic class of the woman, with the poorest having the highest
rates (Natividad et al., 2013).

A recent study has focused on maternal parenting styles and their effects on child
development. The study found that income is associated with parenting styles. Mothers with
lower monthly incomes are less likely to be authoritative. In comparison, the number of
household members has a negative effect on the mother’s communication with the child but has
a positive effect on the mothers' use of rewards and punishments. (Bermal et al., 2022)

In agreement of the study Salvador, relationship between high birth rates and restricted
socioeconomic chances that adolescent mothers have been experiencing financial hardship due to
their socioeconomic position. In relation to that to our study is we tend to expound and describe
and learn about the triumphs of women who have gone through teenage mothers. We attempted
to determine their lived experiences in this study and to narrate the struggles of being a teenage
mother. Their encounters, coping techniques, and the insights they have discovered in their


Unplanned pregnancies can have several negative consequences, especially for women
who are unprepared for the responsibilities of parenthood. Teenage pregnancy is a major factor
in these unplanned pregnancies. According to (DepEd, 2019) to Prevent Teen and Unplanned
Pregnancy, this is a problem because teenage mothers are more likely to drop out of school, have
lower incomes, and be more likely to live in poverty.

According to (Gregorio et al., n.d.) Wealth has a significant impact on high school
completion rates. Children from wealthier (upper quintile) homes are more likely to complete
high school than children from poorer (lower quintile) households. In fact, children from the
poorest households are nearly three times as likely to drop out of high school as children from
the wealthiest households. The relationship between income and high school completion rates is

In Accordance with (Tabei et al., 2021) adolescents who live with neither parent,
particularly those living in poor households, were found to be a high-risk population for teenage
pregnancy in the Philippines. Adolescents in the Philippines have the second highest rate of
teenage pregnancy in Southeast Asia, and the problem is exacerbated by poverty. Poor
households are often characterized by low levels of education, which can lead to early marriage
and pregnancy. In addition, poor households often lack access to adequate health care and family
planning services.

According to (Sherpa, n.d.)Teenage pregnancy denies women the ability to rise out of
poverty and increase their human development levels. Inadequate sex education, a lack of access
to birth control, rising cohabitation, and religious or stereotype-based prejudices all contribute to
an increased likelihood of these results.

In the study conducted by (Gregorio et al., n.d.) Wealth is a major issue for young
women who want to complete their education, and this fight will only serve to keep them away
to be trapped in a cycle of poverty. In this study, we'll use a case study approach to research to
hear from adolescent mothers about their “What is the live experience of teenage mothers” and
problems in life and recommend government initiatives to support them.


According to (Department of Health 2017) Early pregnancy and childbearing carries

inherent risks for the mother and her infant. The bodies of young mothers have not fully ready
for the rigors of pregnancy and childbirth, significantly raising the risks for complications.
Children of young mothers are more likely to be born prematurely and with low birth weight,
making them prone to infant death and other health issues like deafness and blindness.
According to (Hodgkinson et al., 2014) Teenage motherhood is linked to several
unfavorable consequences, including mental health issues like depression, substance addiction,
and posttraumatic stress disorder. Additionally, communities and families with low
socioeconomic status and those with teen moms are more likely to be poor. These conditions
may have a negative impact on the parenting, behavior, and mental health of the mothers.

According to (Mangeli et al., 2017) The results of this study demonstrated that young
moms face several social, psychological, mental, and physical difficulties. Therefore, it is
necessary for health care professionals to give them additional consideration and support.
Adolescent moms face unique difficulties and developing health promotion guidelines and
initiatives that are suitable for their culture will benefit from a thorough awareness of these

According to (UNFA, 2020)Adolescent pregnancy carries higher risks for the mother's
and the child's poor health outcomes; and the dangers increase with the age of the adolescent.
Adolescent pregnancy is connected to a greater chance of sexually transmitted diseases including
anemia postpartum bleeding, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), With negative effects on
mental health like depression, and even self-harm.

In agreement to study of Hodkinson investigated the social, psychological, mental, and

physical issues that adolescent moms face. Numerous social, psychological, mental, and physical
challenges confront young mothers. Because of this, health care workers must show them more
respect and assistance. A full understanding of these problems is necessary to create health
promotion recommendations and activities that are appropriate for adolescent parents' culture.
Adolescent moms confront challenges. In relation to this study, we carefully considered the
challenges faced by young mothers regarding their mental and physical health. We will now
describe a real-life scenario from one of these young mothers' daily lives.

According to (Statistics Authority, 2018) making it the only country in Asia Pacific with
a sizable increase in teen pregnancies. Adolescent childbearing and poverty go hand in hand
because prevents young mothers from going to school and getting decent jobs. Teenage
pregnancy is a problem that has a big social impact everywhere. around 16 Every year, million
girls between the ages of 15 and 19 give birth. According to (WHO, 2022)estimates, one in ten
Filipino teenagers in the Philippines become pregnant.

According to (Ragasa, 2022) in the study “Saying Yes to Whose Pleasures? According to
the non-governmental organization Oxfam Philippines' "A Feminist Study on the Acceptability
of Pregnancies for Young Women," the reasons for accepting the pregnancy ranged from
viewing it as a blessing to simply accepting it because it occurred. The survey also discovered
that respondents engaged in early sexual activity under duress. Rather than the circumstances
surrounding their sexual beginning, pregnancy acceptability is more influenced by thoughts and
expectations about parenting and the desire to make the best of an uncomfortable situation.

According to (Almendral, 2020)the main reasons for the high rate of teenage pregnancies
are inadequate sex education. some girls do not know that having sex can result in pregnancy or
fully consider the responsibility of having children and a lack of access to birth control.

In the study conducted by Almendral pointed out other reasons for high rates of teenage
pregnancy which is lack of education Inadequate sex education is one of the primary causes of
the high percentage of teenage pregnancies. Some females are unaware that having sex can result
in pregnancy or do not fully consider the responsibility of having children, as well as a lack of
access to birth control. In this study we will narrate the struggles of teenage mother which
include teenage mother face a lot of struggles in their life. Poverty is one of the major struggles
which teenage mother face. Low-income families often face financial difficulties and so they
cannot provide their children with basic needs. In addition, teenage mother also faces societal
expectation. Society expects teenage mother to be a good mother and to take care of their child.
However, teenage mother often finds it difficult to fulfill these expectations. Lastly, teenage
mother also faces difficulties in accessing health care. They often do not have health insurance
and so they cannot afford to go to the doctor.

According to (Salvador et al., 2016) Teenage pregnancy has been a worldwide concern,
prompting numerous campaigns and public awareness efforts to reduce its prevalence. This
phenomenon is becoming more common with each passing year. The Philippines is one of
several Asian countries in a similar scenario.

According to (Ray & Gatbonton, n.d.) the Teenage Mothers 'Experiences indicate that
need special care since they are vulnerable in the classroom. the right direction to reach their
greatest potential. And most of them struggle with discrimination where can lead to mental
depression. Moreover

In Accordance with (Garcia, 2022) Most teen moms in the Philippines are now not
receiving an education because of the pandemic-related school closures and the associated
expenditures of online learning, such as internet access. It also conveys the difficulty of
childbirth in their location due to the extreme poverty.

According to (Rosario et al., 2016) The difficulties that teen mothers face is exacerbated
by the fact that most of them come from disadvantaged backgrounds and thus cannot expect
financial support from their families. The participants expressed that they were not desperate
despite the difficulties that they faced from the time of their pregnancy to motherhood.

According to Rosario's research, the issue that adolescent mothers have is that they
cannot seek support for their families because they are on their own. In this study, we will
perform a case study style of research to highlight the difficulties that adolescent mothers face on
a daily basis and give emphasis to help them through their stories.
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