Altay (2022)
Altay (2022)
Altay (2022)
Sacha Altay
Department of Political Science, University of Zurich, Switzerland.
Efforts to combat misinformation have intensified in recent years. In parallel, our scientific
understanding of misinformation and of our information ecosystem has improved. Here, I
propose ways to improve interventions against misinformation based on this growing body of
knowledge. First, because misinformation consumption is minimal and news consumption is
low, more interventions should aim at increasing the uptake of reliable information. Second,
because most people distrust unreliable sources but fail to sufficiently trust reliable sources,
there is more room to improve trust in reliable sources than to reduce trust in unreliable sources.
Third, because misinformation is largely a symptom of deeper socio-political problems,
interventions should try to address these root causes, such as by reducing partisan animosity.
Fourth, because a small number of powerful individuals give misinformation most of its
visibility, interventions should try to target these ‘superspreaders’. Fifth, because false
information is not necessarily harmful and true information can be used in misleading ways,
misleadingness should take precedence over veracity in defining misinformation.
Policymakers, journalists, and researchers would benefit from considering these arguments
when thinking about the problem of misinformation and how to tackle it.
c) People distrust unreliable news outlets but fail to trust reliable C) There is much more room to improve trust in reliable sources than
People are overly news outlets enough. to reduce trust in unreliable sources.
skeptical d) People underuse social informaiton and are more likely to D) Instead of teaching laypeople to be more critical, it would be more
reject reliable information than to accept misinformation. fruitful to make them more trusting.
e) Counter-discourses fostered by misinformation attract people E) There will be misinformation as long as people do not trust
Misinformation is a with low trust in institutions or high partisan animosity. institutions and are affectively polarized.
symptom f) Misinformation is more prevalent in countries with weak F) Building trust in institutions and reducing partisan animosity could
democratic institutions and high political polarization. help address some of the root causes.
Misinformation often g) A small number of powerful individuals give misinformation G) Efforts to combat misinformation should not rest primarily on
comes from the top most of its visibility. laypeople’s shoulders and need to target superpreaders.
False information is not h) False information can be used in non-misleading ways while H) Interventions against misinformation should focus on misleading
necessarily harmful true information can be used in misleading ways. statemnet rather than false statements per se.
Table 1. The main arguments are laid out in column one, the rationale behind the
arguments in column two, and the implications of the arguments for interventions
against misinformation in column three.
2. Five arguments on misinformation
3.2. Nudges
One of the most widely used nudges against misinformation by social media companies in
recent years is friction. It has been implemented in various ways, but the core principle is to
increase the number of clicks required to share content, such as by asking users whether they
want to read the article they want to share before sharing it. Friction is very effective at deterring
sharing [52] and requires only minimal tweaks in the design of social media platforms. The
main problem is that friction risk reducing not only the sharing of misinformation, but also the
sharing of reliable information. And since people are more exposed to reliable information than
to misinformation, friction will mostly reduce the sharing of reliable information. This is
concerning given that, contrary to the negative effects of misinformation, the positive effects
of access to reliable information are well documented [66]. It is thus important to develop and
test forms of friction targeting specifically unreliable news. But since friction will inevitably
reduce sharing in general, efforts should be made to compensate for this decrease, notably by
promoting the sharing of news from reliable sources on social media—which might be
particularly important to reach the least interested in the news who get most of their news
incidentally when scrolling on social media [67].
The most famous nudge against misinformation in the scientific literature is the accuracy
nudge. Simply asking participants to rate the accuracy of headlines before sharing them reduces
their willingness to share false news and increases (to a smaller extent) their willingness to
share true news [68]. The accuracy nudge is easy to implement and has been shown to be
effective across countries [69]. Yet, to be effective outside of experimental settings, and in the
long run, it needs to be paired with other interventions to minimize habituation effects [70].
Finally, source labels providing information about the reliability of a source have been
developed by some companies (e.g. NewsGuard) and have been embraced by some search
engines (e.g. Microsoft Edge). Source labels are easy to implement but evidence for their
effectiveness is mixed [71]. Instead of labeling unreliable sources—which most people already
distrust—it could be more fruitful to label mainstream media sources—which people fail to
trust as much as fact-checkers do.
5. Conclusion
To be clear, I do not argue that efforts to curb the spread of misinformation should be reduced,
or that current interventions against misinformation are futile. In various experimental settings
fact-checking, nudges, and media literacy training have proven to be effective. The effect sizes
are rather small, and often short-lived. Their ecological validity is limited, and their
generalizability in the Global South is uncertain. Yet, I do not dispute that fact-checking,
nudges, and media literacy training can help. Instead, this contribution should be taken as an
invitation to think differently about the problem of misinformation. In particular, policymakers,
journalists, and researchers should not consider misinformation in isolation, e.g. as a purely
cognitive problem, but in the context of people’s overall low trust in the media and partisan
The main limitation of this article is that it mostly relies on evidence from Western
democracies. On the one hand, some arguments made in this article weaken when applied to
the Global South. In particular, many have expressed concerned that misinformation
consumption is higher in the Global South than in Western democracies. Thus, everything else
being equal, interventions against misinformation may be more effective in the Global South.
Moreover, increasing trust in the news would be vain in countries where access to high-quality
news is difficult or heavily restricted, and it would be counterproductive in countries with low-
quality media ecosystems.
On the other hand, some arguments strengthen when applied to the Global South. For
instance, promoting reliable information may be particularly fruitful in countries with low-
quality media ecosystems, where finding out the good stuff amidst of all the bad stuff may be
harder and require more skills. Importantly, the need for systemic solutions is greater in some
Global South countries, where people have good reasons to distrust institutions, believe in
conspiracy theories and adhere to counter-discourses, given, among other things, the higher
levels of corruption and lower levels press freedom [103].
In conclusion, I hope this article will help interventions against misinformation adapt to the
growing body of knowledge on misinformation and our information ecosystem. First,
misinformation consumption is minimal in western democracies, but many people around the
world avoid the news and are not interested in politics. Many hold false beliefs because they
are uninformed rather than misinformed, stressing the importance of promoting reliable
information. Second, people are not gullible – if anything, they tend to be overly skeptical.
Instead of trying to make people more critical, it would be more fruitful to build trust in reliable
sources. Third, in Western democracies people hardly ever share misinformation publicly
online, but the minority of active users who regularly share it have deep-seated motivations that
will be difficult to address. Similarly, individual-level interventions like digital literacy
programs will not be enough to fight misinformation in the Global South, systemic
interventions are needed to address the root causes of the problem. Fourth, harmful
misinformation often comes from powerful actors. Efforts to combat misinformation should
not rest primarily on laypeople’s shoulder and need to target superspreaders as well. Fifth, false
information is not necessarily harmful and true information can be used in misleading ways, it
is therefore paramount to tackle misleading information, regardless of its truthfulness. Overall,
more efforts should be devoted to promoting reliable information, building trust in reliable
sources, cultivating interest in news and politics, increasing elites’ accountability and reducing
partisan animosity.
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