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Lesson Plan SAU, Amazing Stadiums 9 GR

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Unit 1 "Hobbies and qualities"

Teacher name: Abilkhanova A.B.

Date: 17.10.23
Grade: 9 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Amazing Stadiums
Learning objectives recognize typical features at word, sentence and text level of a wide
growing range of spoken genres understand specific information and detail in texts on a range of
familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts;

Lesson objectives  Understand specific information and detail in the text

 Recognize typical features at word, sentence and text

Short Lesson Plan

Theme of the lesson: Amazing Stadiums

Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources
Time criteria

Organization moment Students greet the teacher Descriptor:

Start and each other and begin Pronounce
5 min -Good morning! I am glad to the lesson. Check your learned words
see you! How are you? What home work yourself and Student`s
date is it today? evaluate yourself Formal book
Checking-up of the home task assessment :
-What was your home task? - The aim:
ok, nice Develop skills of
independence and fair
Good job!

Summative T distributes work to students Ss complete the tasks of Worksheet

assessment and explains the conditions for SAU s
for Unit 2 completion and voices the goal
of the lesson.
20 min
Main part New lesson Our today topic Students repeat new words Descriptor:
“Amazing Stadiums” after the teacher and write Can pronounce Student`s
5 min them in the dictionary words correctly book
Vocabulary of our lesson
Critically Formal
thinking: To be located-располагаться assessment:
the first Demolish-сносить Well done!
Cost-стоимость Good job!
stage is to
arouse the Arch-арка
interest of Support-поддержка
the student Moveable-подвижный
through the Measure-мера
picture Spectators-зрители
Sliding roof-раздвижная
Host-принимающая сторона,

In order to-для того чтобы

So that-так,чтобы
Whereas-в то время как

Middle of Students listen carefully to Descriptor: Video

the lesson the text and complete the complete the https://you
missing words. missing words – tu.be/hcf4
Individual 1 point for each ELP9RRE
work correct answer

5 min Total: 6 points

Task 1.

Task 2 Ss complete with words. Descriptor: Whiteboar

Individual Complete with d
work corresponding Student`s
words – 1 point book
5 min for each correct
The third
stage of Total: 4 points
thinking is
the analysis
on of the
Connect the
with life. Ss talk about the qualities
of compassion and
What important education did respect. Tells about human
you understand from today`s qualities that have
topic? What education can be educational value learned
learned from the topic? from this lesson
Reflection of the lesson. Reflection:
End Let’s reflect on today’s lesson. - What are the most useful Total:10 points
If you enjoyed our lesson three things you have
5 min today, dance and repeat the learnt? Students answer
movements after me. If you - What two things do you the questions to
have something to say, you still want to know? show their
will tell about it when the - What one question do knowledge
music stops abruptly. you still have? according to the
Home task: Collect
information and pictures of Saying goodbye!
another stadium in your city.
Think about: name – location –
cost – features. Present them to
the class. Get feedback from
the class.
The lesson is over. Thank you
for your active participation in
the lesson. Good bye !

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