Advpub 18.20210120
Advpub 18.20210120
Advpub 18.20210120
Design of a Constant Loop Bandwidth Phase-locked Loop Based on
Artificial Neural Network
Rui Guo1, YuanCong Wu1, ShaoGang Hu1, Qi Yu1, TuPei Chen2 and Yang Liu1a
Abstract An LC-VCO based phase-locked loop (PLL) frequency bandwidth constant. Ref. [15] adjusts the current of charge
synthesizer which incorporates loop bandwidth tracking technique based on pump (CP) to be proportional to the current of CCO. The
neural network is presented in this work. In order to minimize loop
bandwidth variations, the proposed PLL employs an averaging varactor variation of the CCO gain (Kcco) decreases the loop
based split-tuned LC-VCO and a controllable phase error scaling module. bandwidth tracking ability. Ref. [16] adds the divider radio
Biasing voltages of varactor and the control word of the phase error scaling N to improve the tracking ability of the ring oscillator.
module are trained by the neural network and updated. The proposed Though both of these methods are effective to optimize the
technique can maintain a constant loop bandwidth over operating
frequencies from 1.6-2GHz with variation varying from -2.66~3%.
loop bandwidth, the application range is limited. Ref. [17]
utilizes Kvco calculator module to estimate the current of CP.
key words: Neural Networks; MLP; PLL; Bandwidth In [18], loop bandwidth is optimized from two aspects: (1)
Classification: Integrated circuits the linearity of the VCO tuning curve and (2) the ratio of the
CP current and divider radio N. The variation of the loop
1. Introduction bandwidth is limited to less than 4% for the whole lock range.
Artificial Neural Network (ANN), which is inspired by
To satisfy the growing demand of RF circuits especially for biological neural networks, can also be used in circuit design.
the multiband multimode transceiver, PLL is always hoped Reference [19] proposed an ANN to improve FOM of ADC.
to have a wide tuning range [1-4]. Compared with ring Reference [20] realized a Power-Efficient Transmitter based
oscillator, LC-VCO which has the characteristics of low on ANN to classify the input data. In [21], ANN also
phase noise and wide tuning ranges optimized by the enlightened RF Power Amplifier. And [22] utilized the
capacitor bank is always preferred [5-6]. The main challenge brain-like behavior of ANN to realize the gesture
of designing high performance PLL is the trade-off among recognition.
these parameters such as phase noise, lock time, tuning In this work, neural network algorithm is applied in a LC-
range and VCO gain (Kvco). When the tuning range is VCO PLL to keep the loop bandwidth being constant. Phase
divided into several sub-bands, the tuning range is widened error of PFD is widened to adjust current. The linearity of
and Kvco should be reduced to optimize the phase noise. the VCO and the final loop bandwidth are optimized by
However, PLL synthesizer bandwidth affects most of those ANN. The variation of the loop bandwidth is limited to less
parameters directly or indirectly [7-14]. A lower loop than 3%.
bandwidth suppresses the in-band phase noise but extend the
settling time. For LC-VCO, when the tuning range is 2. Analysis of LC-VCO PLL loop bandwidth
widened or Process, Voltage, and Temperature (PVT)
change, many parameters above may show variations. Fig. 1 shows the structure of LC-VCO based charge-pump
Keeping the loop bandwidth constant should be quite serious PLL optimized by the proposed ANN. When the PLL
in the PLL design. operates in the overdamped case, the closed loop bandwidth
Many efforts have benn made to keep the PLL loop can be approximated by
−3db cp R2 VCO , (1)
1 State
2 N
Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Films and
Integrated Devices, University of Electronic Science and where R2 is the resistor of the loop filter; Icp is the current
Technology of China of the charge pump; N is the divider ratio; and Kvco is the
2 School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, School of VCO gain.
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang
DOI: 10.1587/elex.XX.XXXXXXXX
Received XXXX 11,
Published April
X, 2021
Copyright ©
Copyright © 20XX TheInstitute
2021 The InstituteofofElectronics,
IEICE Electronics Express, Vol.xx, No.xx, xx-xx
Divider Divider
N 2
points [f0, f1, …, fn] and VCO gain [Kvcof0, Kvcof1, …,
Kvcofn] can be obtained. With the variation of [VB1, VB2,
Fig. 1 Schematic illustration of the proposed constant loop bandwidth PLL VB3], a mass data of Kvco and locking points are generated
with ANN for next training process.
L Cvar
KVCO = osc 3
, (2) fn
2 Vctrl
where L is the inductor; ω is the operating frequency; and
Vctrl Vtune Vtune
f1 Kvcof1
f0 Kvcof0
Vctrl is the control voltage. Considering (1) and (2),
−3db cp R2 osc 3
2 N 2 Vctrl (a) (b)
, (3) Fig. 2 The schematic of (a) varactor arrays and (b) sub-bands distribution
I cp L 2 Cvar
provided by split-tuned LC-VCO.
= R2 3
f ref N
2 2 Vctrl
The method of calibrating the current of the CP is replaced
where fref is the reference frequency of the PFD. To keep the by scaling the phase error. At the same time, individual
loop bandwidth constant, equations phase error scaling module is introduced in this design as
Cvar shown in Fig. 1. The width of phase error is counted and
= constant (4)
Vctrl enlarged by the factor M2/N2. According to the different M
and and N, the phase error could be widened and shrunken.
As shown in Fig. 3, when the value of N is higher than M,
I cp N 2 = constant (5) one extra period of reference frequency is needed to
should be maintained. calculate the scaling. In this design, the reference frequency
The variation of ΔVctrl on the control voltage caused by the is 10MHz. An extra period (0.1μs) is added in the locking
phase error Δϕ can be described as process. Compared with the locking time, the extra time cost
I cp could be accepted.
Vctrl = TPFD , (6)
2 C
where C is the capacitor of the loop filter. The variation of fdiv
the current Icp could be replaced by adjusting the width of
the phase error. In this work, numerator “M” is introduced fsample
to further calibrate the width of the phase error as following widen
M2 T
Vctrlscaling = 2 PFD I cp shrink
N 2 C Fig. 3 Timing diagram of phase error scaling module.
. (7)
= I cp Corresponding to the lock frequency points [f0, f1, …, fn],
2 C N 2 the numerator M is written as [M0, M1, …, Mn]. The value
The remaining of this paper focuses on achieving constant of M could be selected from
loop by improving the linearity of VCO and calibrating the M = M 0 , M 1 ,...M n
phase error width with the proposed ANN. , (8)
= m 1, m 1,...m 1
3. Design of MLP-based constant loop bandwidth PLL where m is an integer. The loop bandwidth for different
frequency points can be accurately compensated. Then the
Building varactor arrays is the most common way to balance neural network is used to provide not only the optimized
the VCO gain for the whole tuning range. Three sets of varactor bias voltages, but also a suitable set of M. Eqs. (1),
varactor pairs and biasing voltages are introduced into this (7) and (8) can be recombined as
IEICE Electronics Express, Vol.xx, No.xx, xx-xx
2 In this design, a 1.6-2 GHz LC-VCO PLL has been designed.
R2 (9) When the reference frequency is chosen as 10MHz, the
2 N N
value of loop bandwidth for twenty-one frequency points are
K I cp M utilized to assess the variation. Corresponding to the
fn R2 VCO f ref n f ref (10) frequency points, the divider ratio N varies from 80 to 100.
2 fn fn
To keep the expansion closed to contraction scaling, m is
The loop bandwidth of each frequency point in the lock
assigned to 90. Then each factor of M can only be set with
range can be obtained.
89 or 91. Then bias voltages VBIAS1, VBIAS2 and
Considering that the Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) algorithm
VBIAS3 are selected from {0, 0.15, 0.3, 0.45, 0.6, 0.75, 0.9,
takes advantage in solving the regression problem [24], it is
1.05, 1.2} to obtain the whole samples for training linearity.
introduced into the constant loop bandwidth design. The
At the same time, the capacitor array (5-bit) is utilized to
MLP consists of one input layer, at least one hidden layer
generate 32 sub-bands for bandwidth calculation and
and one output layer. As shown in Fig. 4, bias voltages and
different numerators are assigned to the input layer neurons.
Several hidden layers are included to transform the current
4. The detail of off-line training based on MLP
input into output based on the weights. This operation is also
known as forward propagation. As VCO linearity and
MLP is utilized to optimize the input voltage and M. The
constant loop bandwidth all should be considered in this
process can be described in two steps. Firstly, the network is
design, two neurons are utilized at the output layer. The loss
trained to fit labels containing information for linearity and
function is obtained by the label of the training dataset and
coefficient of variation. As shown in Fig. 5, network takes
the output of the forward propagation. In the backward
bias voltages and M as input and output corresponding to
propagation (BP), the layer weights are updated by reducing
linearity and coefficient of variation. Secondly, propagation
the loss [25-26]. In this work, two steps are needed to
is used to update the input voltage and M to keep the
complete the training. In Step A, a MLP is constructed to
bandwidth constant. The detail of these two steps is
learn the concept of linearity and loop bandwidth coefficient
described in Algorithm:
of variation. This operation is a kind of fitting process. When
Step A:
Step A is finished with all the weights and bias confirmed,
Initialize MLP with parameter W
input neurons are then updated in the Step B with all weights
Set learning rate α1
and bias fixed as show in Fig. 5.
for each epoch: do
if epoch mod 50 == 0
VBIAS1 do learning rate decay α1 α1/10
forward propagation to get output l and c
calculate MSE loss L1
VBIAS3 Lable:linearity
back propagate the gradient to update the parameter of
the network
M0 WW- α1*∂L1/∂W
end for
In step A, data are divided into training set and cross
M2 validation set at ratio of 4:1. The network is trained to fit the
coefficient of linearity and coefficient of variation with the guidance of
Mn relative error in cross validation set. Parameters such as
learning rate, batch size, the number of epochs and the
architecture of the network are updated continuously to
Input Hidden Output achieve the best PLL performance. By using the back-
Layer Layer Layer propagation algorithm with gradient descent [27]-[29], all of
Fig. 4 The structure of MLP in this design. weights and bias are updated. Finally, we set the learning
rate α1 to be 0.0008 and batch size to be 32. Two hundred
Step A
Label_ lin epochs are experienced until the final parameters are
Step B
Weights and bias are
determined. All of the labels and loss could be calculated by
fixed in Step A
Loss_ lin following equations:
yi +1 − yi
M1 Inputs MLP Output
gradi =
Inputs are updated by Weights and bias are (11)
xi +1 − xi
gradients in Step B unchanged in Step B
. Loss_M
Label_ CV
yn − yn −1
grad n −1 =
xn − xn −1
Fig. 5 The workflow of the MLP to train and update inputs. (12)
IEICE Electronics Express, Vol.xx, No.xx, xx-xx
n −1
E ( grad ) = gradi
n − 1 i =1 (13)
Labell = D( grad )
1 n −1 (14)
= gradi − E ( grad )
n − 1 i =1
1 21
E ( ) = i
21 i =1 (15)
S ( ) = [i − E ( )]2
21 i =1 (16)
S ( )
Lablec =
E ( ) Fig. 6 The evolution of the loss in the training process.
L1 = i =1
(18) TRA-R2
m 1800 OP-R2
Step B: 1780
achieve the minimum sum of output. In this step, we set the 105
reduced gradually and finally tend to be stable. At the 200th 75
epoch, there is no more improvement in loss. Then the MLP 70
can be used to update the input bias voltage in the second 65
step. 60
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Vcon (V)
Fig. 8 The Kvco of the tuning curve.
0.03 and 0.77V. Then R2 of the new tuning curve is 0.99931. 1.04
The linearity of the VCO tuning curve is kept and improved M constant
as shown in Fig. 7. Kvco of the tuning curve is shown as Fig. optimized
Normalized Bandwidth
Besides the bias voltage, the scaling and sampling error also
should be considered for VCO. When the numerator is 1.01
higher than denominator, the value of scaling is decreased.
On the other hand, the value of scaling is increased. The 1.00
value of scaling can be obtained from
Round 128
N f sample 0.98
Scaling = Round . (19)
128 f ref
1560 1600 1640 1680 1720 1760 1800 1840 1880 1920 1960 2000 2040
The area and power consumption of phase error scaling
Frequency (MHz)
module can be estimated by back-end tool. For 130 nm
Fig. 10 The improvement of constant bandwidth after updating M.
process, the area cost is 43237μm2. The power consumption
is 5.206mw at 1.2V power supply.
In this design, only a small digital circuit is used in the PLL
In this design, the sample clock is assigned with 370MHz.
to scale the phase error. Compared with other works in Table
Then the scaling and estimated scaling is shown in Fig. 9.
I, the variation of the loop bandwidth is quietly limited with
When M has been updated by the MLP network, the scaling
tiny cost. The tuning curve linearity of CCO and LC-VCO
is updated as “op-ac” and “op-est” as shown in Fig. 9.
are always different. The improvement is more apparent
50 when compared with work [18].
tra-ac Table 1 Comparison of bandwidth variation between references and this
tra-est work
reference [15] [17] [18] This
width ±7.5% ±2% ±4% ±3%
35 oscillator
Kvco VCO linearity Neural
30 control Adjusts
calculator & Network
algorithm CP
module divider radio Algorithm
1560 1600 1640 1680 1720 1760 1800 1840 1880 1920 1960 2000 2040
Frequency (MHz) frequency
0.9-2.2 1.9-3.8 3.1-3.9 1.6-2
Fig. 9 The generation of the scaling error. multiplica
-tion ratio
When the scaling and sampling error are count into the loop
bandwidth, the normalized bandwidth is shown in Fig. 10.
When scaling and sampling error are not considered, only 6. Conclusion
varactor bias voltages affect the linearity of VCO and loop
bandwidth as shown in red line in Figure 10. When M is a A technique based on MLP artificial neural network to
constant, the variation of the normalized bandwidth is maintain a constant loop bandwidth of an LC-VCO PLL
shown with “M constant” line in Fig. 10. The variation of frequency synthesizer is presented. Considering power
the bandwidth is controlled within -2.606~3.317 %. When consumption and chip area, only a small digital module is
M is updated by the MLP and assigned to scaling module, needed to calibrate the bandwidth. The use of MLP network
the optimized normalized bandwidth is shown as the yellow can maintain a constant loop bandwidth over operating
line in Fig. 10. Then the normalized bandwidth variation frequencies from 1.6-2GHz with variation varying from -
varies from 2.66~3%. 2.66~3%.
IEICE Electronics Express, Vol.xx, No.xx, xx-xx
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