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Acacia Proper, Buhangin District, Davao City


Topic: The Particle Nature of Matter Quarter: III - Chemistry

Grade and Section: Grade 8 - Sampaguita Teacher: Cherry Mae O. Suan

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates an understanding of the particle nature of matter as
basis for explaining properties, physical changes, and structure of substances and

B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to present how water behaves in its different states
within the water cycle.
C. Learning Competencies Explain the properties of solids, liquids, and gases based on the particle nature of
(Write the LC code for each) matter; S8MT-IIIa-b-8
D. Objectives At the end of sixty minutes, the learners shall be able to:
a. explain the properties of solids, liquids, and gases based on the particle
nature of matter,
b. perform an activity that shows these properties, and;
c. cite the relevance of the topic to real-life situations.

A. Lesson/Topic The Particle Nature of Matter
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages

2. Learning Materials Pages

3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Science Quarter 3 Module 2: The Particle Natre of Matter
Resource (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting Oral Recitation:
the new lesson
What is the definition matter? Cite examples.
What is non-matter? Cite examples.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Oral Recitation:

Enumeration: Give 3 examples of things around us for each state of matter.

Processing Question for Brainstorming:

Do you think they differ in terms of their nature as particles?
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the Picture Analysis
new lesson
*Photographs and pictures can be used as visual prompts in the classroom to
increase student's understanding of a concept.

D.Discussing new concepts and practicing


1. The learners will be divided into four.

2. Each will be given the necessary materials for the activity.
3. The groups shall work together in doing the following steps:
a. Read the text about the particle nature of matter.
b. Paste on the manila paper according to what is on the text.
c. Post the output on the board.
d. Select one representative to present the work according to the category given
by the teacher.
4. The rubrics is stipulated below:

4 3 2 1
Timeliness The output is The output is The output is The output is
done on time. done 1 done 2 done 3
minute after minutes after minutes or
the set time. the set time. more after
the set time.
Output The output is The output is The output The output is
shown somewhat contains erroneous.
correct. correct. many errors.
Teamwork All the Most of the Only few of Only two
members members the members persons did
participated. participated. participated. the job.
Oral The output is The output is The output is The output is
Presentation well presented presented presented
presented with however the however the
with clear explanation given guide given guide
and concise according to question is question is
explanation the given not fully not answered.
according to guide answered.
the given question.

This activity is done by groups to encourage open communication with learners.
Anchored on the idea that group work is a strategy used to generate ideas on a
certain topic from all students in a limited time. This is done to increase student –
student interaction and to encourage participation of every student, especially in
expressing ideas.
Learners are instructed to follow the instructions in doing the activity to articulate
the objectives of the tasks.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing Processing Questions for Brainstorming

new skills #2
What is the difference of the states of matter in terms of:
a. Spaces between the particles
b. Arrangement of particles
c. Movement of particles
d. Attraction between particles

*Group Work is useful for encouraging social interaction. It can be a means for
acknowledging and utilizing individual students' additional strengths and
*Small Group Discussion-a strategy used to generate ideas on a certain topic from
the students in a limited time within a smaller group. This is done to increase
student – student interaction and to encourage participation, especially in
expressing ideas.

F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative Analysis of the output is done after the presentation. The teacher will give the
Assessment) conclusion of the activity.

G. Finding practical applications of Oral Recitation:

concepts and skills in daily living Cite the importance of knowing the particle nature of matter.

Understanding the particle nature of matter is important because it helps us see

how everything is made up of tiny building blocks. It is like knowing that a big
LEGO castle is made of lots of small LEGO bricks. Scientists use this idea to
explain why things feel solid, why they change when heated or cooled, and even
how medicines work in our bodies. Knowing about these tiny particles helps us
understand how the world around us works.
H. Making generalizations and abstractions
about the lesson

I. Evaluating learning Direction: Fill in the idea wheel graphic organizer by writing the particle nature of
each state of matter.

*Idea wheel graphic organizer is a visual tool used to process ideas easily and
helps in remembering concepts effectively.
J. Additional activities for application or Make a 3D model that shows the properties of solids, liquids, and gases based on
remediation the particle nature of matter.

a. No of learners who earned 80% in

the evaluation

b. No. of learners who require

additional activities for
remediation who scored below
c. Did the remedial lesson work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson

d. No. of learners who continue to

require remediation
e. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?

f. What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

g. What innovation or localized

materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other

Prepared by: CHERRY MAE O. SUAN


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