Grade 11 Bonding and Physical Properties of Matter

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Bartolome R.

Luardo National High School

(Formerly Mulig National High School)

Mulig, Toril, Davao City

(School Year 2019 - 2020)

Subject: Science

Queenie Daquio Grade 11 – Einstein January 23, 2020

Teacher Level Date


The learners demonstrate an understanding of bonding and physical

A. Content Standards properties of matter. Covalent, Ionic and Metallic Bond.

B. Performance The learners shall be able to identify whether it is covalent, ionic and
Standards metallic bond.

C. Learning The l earners should be able to describe the Covalent, Ionic and
Competencies (LC) Metallic Bonding.

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

a.Identify ionic and covalent
D. Specific Objectives b. Differentiate between ionic and covalent bonding, and classify the
(SO) bonding in a compound as ionic or covalent
c. Describe the nature of ionic and covalent compounds

II. CONTENT Topic: Chemical Bonding: Ionic and covalent bonding


A. Reference Exploring Natural Science: Physical Science Senior High School by

Rocelia M. de Villa, Page 27 – 35.
B. Other Learning

C. Teaching Strategies Discussion, Oral Recitation, Activities, and Written Assessment

D. Values Cooperative, Critical Thinking

E. Materials Laptop, Projector, Chalk, Handouts

F. Time 60 minutes


1. The teacher will go over daily routine activities:

a.1. Prepare student and classroom
a.2. Prayer
a.3. Greetings
a.4. Checking of attendance
a.5. Recall/Short Review of past lesson
a.6. Motivation : Showing images on the screen


 The teacher will show pictures in the class.

 The teacher will ask the students what’s in the pictures all
 The student will answer based on their observations.
 The teacher will follow up the answer of the students.

(This is the preparation for the lesson for today which is
Bonding and Physical Properties of Matter.)

 The teacher will group the class into 5.

 The teacher will ask the students to prepare any paper to
Teacher’s classroom
record their observation.
preparation for the topic
of the day.  The student will perform the activity using provided materials
 The students will share their observation in the class.
B. Analysis  The teacher will asked the students, based on the activity what
Useful and meaningful is their topic all about?
integration of lesson  what is the purpose of ionic, covalent bond and metallic
• Covalent bonds form between two non-metals. Ionic bonds
are formed between metals and non-metals. Metallic bonds
are metal to metal bonds formed by the attraction between
positively charged metal ions and the electrons around them.
 The teacher will ask the students, why Covalent, Ionic and
Metallic bond is important in our daily living?
 The teacher will ask the students to give some examples of
ionic, covalent bond and metallic bonds?

C. ABSTRACTION  The teacher will discuss the lesson in the class

• Element = a pure substance that cannot be separated or broken
down into simpler substances by chemical means
• Atom = the smallest unit of an element that maintains the
chemical properties of that element
• Compound = a substance made up of atoms of two or more
different elements joined by chemical bonds

With the same group prepare a comic strip that explains the
importance of ionic, covalent, and metallic bond. The Comic strip will
Comic Strip!
be graded based on the given rubric.

Criteria Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs

4 3 2 Improvement
Content All needed Most of the Only a few of None of the
concepts needed the needed needed
concepts are concepts are
are concepts
included. included.
included in are
a included.
Clarity and All Most of the Few elements The elements
Neatness elements elements are clear and are unclear
are clear are clear the comic and the comic
and the and the strip is quite strip is very
cluttered. cluttered.
comic strip comic strip
is very is neat.
Spelling There are There are a There are There are so
and no spelling few many many
misspelled misspelled
Grammar or misspelled
words and words and
grammatica words and grammatical grammatical
l errors. grammatica errors. errors.
l errors.
Creativity Very Creative Design is Design is
and Design creative comic strip; satisfactory; unsatisfactory
shows some ; lacks
comic design is
degree of creativity.
strip; very creativy.
design is satisfactory
outstanding .

E. GENERALIZATION  The teacher will ask the students what is Ionic, Covalent and
Metallic Bond?
 The teacher will ask the students what is element.
 The teacher will ask the students what is compound.
 The teacher will ask the students what is bonding.
 The teacher will ask the students what are the things to
remember in determining whether it is ionic, covalent and metallic

F. Assessment


Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. From the list of elements given, select 2 elements that would likely
form an ionic bond. K, C, Br, Ar.

A. K nad Br C. K and Ar
B. Ar and C

2. The bond formed when Mg combines with O2 is _____________

A. Ionic C. Metallic

B. Covalent

3. Metals tend to ______________electrons to become ____________ions

A. lose, positive C. lose, neutral

B. gain, negative

4. Covalent bond is formed between atoms of ____________

A. Metals C. Metals and non-metals

B. Non-metals

5. Identify the following compounds whether ionic or covalent bond.

a. NaCl e. KI

b. NaBr f. NH4

c. NaF g. KNO4

d. KCl

Give 5 examples of ionic and covalent bond compounds.

Instruction: Answer the following questions in whole sheet of

 How will you describe the Ionic, Covalent and Metallic

 Give at least 5 examples of Ionic, Covalent and
Metallic Bond.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Marlon C. Antonio Quennie Daquio

Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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