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Enrolment Guide

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GUIDE 2024


03 Enrolment
Process 09 Getting Ready
for NP

04 Enrolment
Checklist 11 Financial

05 Course
Enrolment 12 Useful

Complete Course Registration
Go to My Enrolment and accept the course offer. Complete the course
registration by accepting the offer and filling in the other details before
the course registration deadline.

Download mStudent STEP 3
Download the mStudent app from App Store or Google Upload Photo
Play and install it on your smartphone or tablet. Tap on Go to My Enrolment and upload your photo for
Get Started in mStudent and follow the online instructions your Student EZ-Link card and NP Student Card.
to retrieve your login details.

Pay Course Fee
Pay your fees via PayNow, credit/debit card, bank
transfer or at OCBC bank by the due date stated
on your e-Fee Voucher found in My Enrolment.
Submit Financial Forms
Submit Applications for GIRO Deduction
and GIRO Direct Credit Application via My
Enrolment. Read about the financial schemes

available and apply, where appropriate.

Submit Relevant
Enrolment Forms
Complete and upload the relevant

enrolment forms via My Enrolment.

Undergo Colour Vision Test or

Medical Examination
Download the relevant medical form based on the
course enrolled and follow the instructions on the form.

STEP 9 Purchase Notebook
Prepare for Campus Life and Install Software
• Apply for a Student EZ-Link Card Depending on the course enrolled, purchase a
• Join the Freshmen Orientation notebook computer. Download the course-related
• Access your NP connect email and NPal software and install it on your notebook computer.
Student Self Service for other e-services
• Receive the NP Student Card
• View your Class timetable

For PR and International Students

• Apply for Tuition Grant
• Apply for Student Pass
Course Enrolment | Deadline

Download the mStudent App to retrieve your LOGIN details
By Course
Registration Deadline
Accept Course Offer, Register and Upload Photo

STEP 3 By Due Date stated

Pay Course Fees on your e-Fee Voucher

Submit Relevant Enrolment Forms
Download, complete and submit the Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement
Form via the eEnrol portal

Check out the other enrolment forms and submit them, where appropriate,
at the eEnrol portal Within 3 days from the Course
Registration deadline stated
in your ‘Acceptance of Offer’
STEP 5 letter
Submit Financial Forms
For DBS/POSB/OCBC account holders (with internet banking facility), Refer to ‘Acceptance of Offer’
complete and submit the Application for GIRO Deduction online via letter in mStudent App for your
My Enrolment assigned course registration
accounts without internet banking facility, please return the completed
form to Ngee Ann Polytechnic (FINANCE), 535 Clementi Road,
Singapore 599489

Complete GIRO Direct Credit Application via My Enrolment

Undergo Colour Vision Test or Medical Examination
(for selected courses only)
Within 2 weeks from the
Download the correct Medical Form based on your course via the Course Registration deadline
eEnrol portal stated in your ‘Acceptance of
Offer’ letter
Follow the instructions printed on your Medical Form for the selected
clinics to visit and the Mode of Submission

01 Download mStudent App

Tap on ‘Get Started’. Follow the online instructions to retrieve your login details, which are
necessary to complete the next steps.
Find your login details on your ‘Acceptance of Offer’ letter.

02 Accept Course Offer, Register & Upload Photo

IF using Laptop or
IF using Mobile Device
Desktop Computer

Sign in via the mStudent App to Login to My Enrolment via the

accept or defer your course offer, eEnrol Portal to accept or defer your
complete your course registration course offer, complete your course
and upload your photo. registration and upload your photo.

Complete this step before the Course Registration deadline

stated in your ‘Acceptance of Offer’ letter.

Upon successful login with your NP Email Address and Password.

Go to ‘Course Reg. & Fees Payment’ and begin your course acceptance and registration.
You will need to complete the course registration, which consists of up to 7 sections. If you are unable
to complete one of the sections, use the ‘Save as draft’ feature available to selected sections, so that
you can return to complete later.
Apply for Singpass to access the MySkillsFuture Portal at the eEnrol Portal. (applicable to Singapore
Citizens and Permanent Residents only)
Note: International students will receive the User-ID and Password via their NP connect email at the
start of the term.
Before signing out, submit your photograph to ‘Photo Upload’ in My Enrolment. Your photograph
must meet the guidelines before uploading. Click here for more details.

Check and verify all information before clicking ‘Confirm Registration’

to complete your course registration. A confirmation message will be shown.

Reservation of place due to National Service (NS):

If you are unable to commence studies in 2024 due to NS, please click ‘Defer’ on the ‘Course Offer & Acceptance’ page.

03 Pay Course Fees

i. Retrieve your e-Fee Voucher via My Enrolment > Course Reg. & Fees Payment > Fees Payment for
the fees payable. Click ‘View Fee Voucher’ and save a copy before paying.
ii. If you are NOT applying for financial schemes, please pay the total fees (which is the full/higher
amount shown on the fee voucher).
iii. If you are applying for financial schemes, please pay the other fees first (which is the lower amount
shown on the fee voucher). The tuition fee will be claimed from MENDAKI, PSEA, CPF or Tuition Fee
Loan when the semester commences.
If you wish to be assessed for a bursary (MOE-FAS), indicate so. More information about the application
process will be sent to your personal email address when applications open.
Pay your fees before the Due Date stated on your e-Fee voucher via PayNow, credit/debit card, bank
transfer or at the designated OCBC branches. Payment will be updated after 3 working days.


1. PayNow 3. Fund Transfer

PayNow QR Code Transfer to NP OCBC bank account

number 518-715297-001.
Set up your PayNow account by linking
your mobile number and/or Singapore Indicate your Student ID for reference.
NRIC/FIN to the bank account, if you have
not done so.
The maximum limit for PayNow transfers is 4. Cash/Cheque
the same as your daily local transfer limit.
Ensure the maximum limit for PayNow is
sufficient to make payment. Cash
Go to eEnrol Portal. Deposit the cash at any OCBC bank
Login with your NP Email Address and branch, into Ngee Ann Polytechnic’s
OCBC account 518-715297-001.
Indicate your Student ID for reference
Go to Course Reg. & Fees Payment > Fees
on the deposit slip, and retain the
Payment and follow on-screen instructions.
deposit slip as proof of payment.
Scan the PayNow QR code using your
mobile banking app.
Make cheque payable to
2. Debit or Credit Card “Ngee Ann Polytechnic”.
Indicate NP’s OCBC bank account
Debit/Credit Card number 518-715297-001, your
Student ID, and contact number
Go to eEnrol Portal. on the back of the cheque
Login with your NP Email Address and Drop the cheque into OCBC quick
Password. cheque deposit box.
Go to Course Reg. & Fees Payment >
Fees Payment and follow on-screen
instructions. Take note of the payment
reference as proof of payment.

You will be informed via your NP connect email in March to apply for financial (PSEA, Mendaki, CPF or
Tuition Fee Loan).
Please refer to the table on page 11 or visit the eEnrol portal for more details on the financial schemes

04 Submit Relevant Enrolment Forms

A. Submit Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement Form (Compulsory)

All students are required to submit the Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement Form if they are below 21 years
old as of 2 January 2024.
Please download the compulsory Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement Form and print a copy.
Thereafter, upload the signed form back to NP via My Enrolment within 3 days from the Course
Registration deadline stated in your ‘Acceptance of Offer’ letter.

B. Complete other relevant Enrolment Forms

Check out other optional forms. You may download your forms here. Alternatively, go to
My Enrolment > Optional Forms.

05 Submit Financial Forms

A. Submit Application for GIRO Deduction (Compulsory)

All students are required to pay their school fees through GIRO.
Even if you have successfully applied for financial schemes, you should join GIRO as the schemes may
not be able to cover your fees in full for your entire course of study at NP.
DBS/POSB/OCBC account holders (with internet banking facility) may submit an online Interbank GIRO
application. Go to My Enrolment > Compulsory Forms > Application for GIRO Deduction.
NON DBS/POSB/OCBC GIRO account holders or DBS/POSB/OCBC accounts without internet banking
facility must submit a hardcopy application. Go to My Enrolment > Compulsory Forms > Application for
GIRO Deduction to complete and print the form.
Mail the completed form to Ngee Ann Polytechnic (FINANCE) using the Brown Reply Envelope in your
Enrolment Package.

B. Complete the GIRO Direct Credit Application (Compulsory)

The GIRO Direct Credit Application is to allow the Polytechnic to reimburse or pay you via PayNow whenever
Go to My Enrolment > Compulsory Forms > GIRO Direct Credit Application and tick on the check box to
acknowledge that your PayNow is linked to your NRIC number.

C. Financial Schemes (Optional)

You may apply for one or more of the following financial schemes. To do so, please refer to page 11 or visit
the eEnrol portal.
MENDAKI Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy for Malay Students
SkillsFuture Credit – only for students aged 25 and above
Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA) Scheme
CPF Education Loan Scheme
Tuition Fee Loan

Information on application for financial schemes will be communicated via NP connect email to enrolled students
in March/April. For more details, you may wish to refer to the Guide to Fees and Financial Assistance for
Full-time Diploma Students.


06 Undergo Colour Vision Test/ Medical Examination

(Selected courses only)

For students who are enrolling in courses listed in the table below, you are required to undergo the following
test/examination. If not, you may be required to transfer to another course.

Colour Vision Test Medical Examination

Aerospace Engineering
Early Childhood Development &
Biomedical Engineering
Education (ECDE)
Common Engineering Programme

Common ICT Programme

Common Media Programme Tamil Studies with Early Education (TSE)

Common Science Programme

Electronic & Computer Engineering Nursing

Electrical Engineering

Engineering Science

Immersive Media

Mechatronics & Robotics

Media Post-Production

Pharmaceutical Science

For students who are enrolled in courses that require the colour vision test (CVT), you will receive an email to
take a CVT in Ngee Ann Polytechnic (free-of-charge).

Download one of the following medical forms and follow the instructions on the form.
Select the correct Medical Form based on the course you are offered.

i. Pre-Admission Colour Vision Test Form (for private clinic or family doctor)

ii. Pre-Admission Medical Examination Form (Nursing)

iii. NIEC Medical Form (ECDE and TSE)

For Nursing Medical Check, you may visit Raffles Medical Clinics (Recommended) or any other Singapore clinics.

For NIEC Medical Checks, you may visit a private clinic or your family doctor or any SATA clinic listed here.
Medical Checks must be completed within 2 weeks from the Course Registration deadline stated in your
‘Acceptance of Offer’ letter.

i. Check that the doctor has completed and endorsed your medical form before you leave the clinic.

ii. Collect the medical report (blood investigation report) and X-ray report from the clinic within 3-5 working days.

iii. FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ONLY: In addition to the medical form from our eEnrol Portal, do bring
along the ICA Medical Form.

Students who are posted to NP under EAE and EAE(I) need NOT go for
Colour Vision Tests as they have already completed in July/August 2023.


01 Freshmen Orientation

Join the orientation programmes to get to know NP and your new schoolmates before the
term starts on 15 April 2024. You can choose from a suite of programmes for Freshmen.
The academic school orientation programme is compulsory.
Please refer to Freshman Experience for more information on the ‘Freshmen
Orientation 2024’.

02 Notebook Computer/Software

Visit the Mobile eLearning website for more information on Notebook Computer needs for
your course.
If you already own a Notebook Computer, you are not required to purchase a new one;
at the Mobile eLearning website, select “MINIMUM SPECIFICATIONS” to check if your
existing Notebook Computer meets the minimum specifications for your course.
If you require financial assistance to purchase a Notebook Computer; at the
Mobile eLearning website, select “FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE” for details.
Download your course-related software from home at the Mobile eLearning website; select
“SOFTWARE” for details.
Nursing freshmen will also require mobile devices for mobile learning.
The school has prepared a suite of mobile applications for your learning needs. These
mobile applications are compatible with both:
• Apple devices running iOS 13 or later and
• Android devices running 9.0 Pie or later

You must use your own personal notebook computer and other IT device(s) for learning and
assessment at NP, as required by your Diploma course.

03 Class Timetable and other Student E-Services

You can check your class timetable at NPal Student Self Service from 12 April 2024.
Log in with your NP Email Address and Password.
You can also access your class or exam timetable, exam results and more via your
mStudent App.

04 Textbooks
Your lecturers will inform you of the textbooks to purchase and how to purchase them
during class at the start of the term.
You may purchase textbooks directly from physical/online retailers or publishers/

05 Student Card

You will receive your NP student card by mail if you have indicated a local mailing address.
Those without a local mailing address will receive an email with further instructions.

06 Student EZ-Link Card

Go to My Enrolment > Photo Upload and upload a recent passport-standard photo (colour
with white background) for your Student EZ-Link card.
Upon successful course registration, you will receive an email notification from the Student
& Alumni Services Office (SAS) on your EZ-Link card application status via NP connect
email. Please follow the instructions given in the email.
For more details, please refer to the NP-Diploma Student Concession Card Application

* For students who have successfully enrolled after mid-March, please check your eligibility status via
TransitLink about 15 working days after completing the course registration.
** For enquiries on concession card, please contact us at 6466 6555. Alternatively, you may email us at

07 Singapore Permanent Residents and International Students

Students eligible for the MOE Tuition Grant are required to attend a briefing in April 2024 to
find out more. Applications will commence in May 2024. You will receive more information
in your NP connect email when the dates are nearer.
All International Students are required to apply for the Student’s Pass (STP) upon
completion of course enrolment. Please refer to the STP application guide for more
Dependant’s Pass (DP) Holders are required to refer here for follow-up action.


Applications for financial schemes are open between March and April 2024.
All schemes listed may be used to for full-time diploma tuition fees. However, they do not cover other fees payable in the first
semester of each academic year (except the PSEA scheme). The approved scheme(s) will be effective throughout the course of
study at NP unless revoked by the applicant in writing, or if there is insufficient fund balance.
NP will notify all students in mid-June if any balance fees are payable after processing the various financial schemes.

PFP students are only eligible to apply for Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA). Other financial schemes listed
are NOT applicable for PFP students.
Permanent Residents and International students must execute the Tuition Grant deed with MOE before they are
eligible to apply for Financial Schemes.

Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy for Malay Students (Administered by Yayasan MENDAKI)
This scheme is for or all eligible full-time diploma Malay students with Per Capita Income (PCI) of $2,000 or less.
Only online applications will be accepted. Eligible students can apply at the My Mendaki Portal

SkillsFuture Credit (for students aged 25 and above)

This scheme is for for all full-time Singaporean diploma students aged 25 and above.
Singaporean students can apply online using Singpass. Submit your claims via MySkillsFuture within 60 days before the course
start date (date inclusive).

Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA)*

This scheme is for all Singaporean students or students with Singaporean siblings who have balances in their PSEA accounts.
For deduction from the student’s own PSEA during the course of study, refer to the guide and submit the compulsory online
form here.
Applicants using funds from their siblings’ PSEA accounts must submit their applications using this online form.
*PFP students, please note that the PSEA is the only financial scheme available for your PFP fees.

CPF Education Loan Scheme

This scheme is for all full-time diploma students. They can apply to use their own or their parents’ CPF Ordinary Account savings
(capped at 40% of OA savings).
Singaporeans and Permanent Residents can apply online at the CPF website using Singpass. Please ensure the CPF account
member endorses the application within 14 days of submission.

Tuition Fee Loan

This scheme is for all full-time diploma students. The loan covers up to 75% of tuition fees.
Apply online at the DBS website. Please refer to the DBS website for the list of required supporting documents and guide to
obtaining digitbank access.
The guarantor must be a Singapore Citizen (SC) for SC students; SC or Singapore Permanent Resident (PR) for PR and International
students, and is at least 21 years old but not more than 60 years old. The guarantor must not be an undischarged bankrupt.


Enrolment Helpdesk Hotline : (65) 6463 1233

@ Academic Affairs & Email : enrol@np.edu.sg
Planning Office Website : www.np.edu.sg/enrol

Fees & Financial Email : fin_student@np.edu.sg

Schemes Website : www.np.edu.sg/coursefees (Course Fees)
: www.np.edu.sg/financialaid (Financial Schemes)
@ Finance Office

GIRO Direct Credit Application

Email : fin_stupayment@np.edu.sg

Scholarships & Email

: askSAS@np.edu.sg
Bursaries Website
: https://www.np.edu.sg/admissions-enrolment/guide-for-
@ Student & Alumni prospective-students/scholarships-awards (Scholarships)
Services Office : www.np.edu.sg/financialaid (Bursaries)

Freshmen Hotline : (65) 6460 7734

Orientation Email : dept-sdo@np.edu.sg
Website : https://www.np.edu.sg/student-life/freshmen-experience/

MENDAKI Hotline : (65) 6245 5555

Website : https://www.mendaki.org.sg/

SkillsFuture Credit Hotline : (65) 6684 9020

Email : studentportal@myskillsfuture.sg
Website : www.myskillsfuture.gov.sg/content/portal/en/index.html

Post-Secondary Hotline : (65) 6260 0777

Education Website : https://www.moe.gov.sg/financial-matters/psea
Account (PSEA)

Central Provident Hotline : (65) 6227 1188

Fund (CPF) Website : https://www.cpf.gov.sg/member

Student EZ-Link card Hotline : 1800 225 5663

@ TransitLink Email : customerservice@ezlink.com.sg
Website : www.transitlink.com.sg/

National Service Hotline : 1800 367 6767

@ Central Manpower Base Email : contact@ns.sg
Website : https://www.cmpb.gov.sg/web/portal/cmpb/home

535 Clementi Road Singapore 599489

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