Rosyida Alfiyanti

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Submitted as a Partial Requirements for the Undergraduate Degree
in State Islamic Institute of Surakarta

SRN: 13.322.1.201



I relievedly dedicate this thesis to:

1. Allah SWT
2. My beloved father Mr Sujono and My beloved mother Mrs
3. My beloved sister Irsya Kholisatunnisa
4. My thesis advisor Rochmat Budi Santoso, S.Pd., M.Pd
5. My Almamater IAIN Surakarta.
6. All my friends.

“Learn from the past, live for today, and plan for tomorrow”

“Selalu ada harapan bagi mereka yang sering berdoa

Selalu ada jalan bagi mereka yang sering berusaha”

“If you believe in yourself anything is possible”


Alhamdulillah, all praises be to Allah, the single power, the Lord of

the universe, master of the day judgment, God almighty, for all blessings
and mercies so the researcher was able to finish the thesis entitled “A
KARTASURA IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2017/2018”. Peace be upon
for the Prophet Muhammad SAW, the great leader and good inspiration of
The researcher is sure that this thesis would not be completed
without the helps, supports, and suggestions from several sides. Thus, the
researcher would like to express her deepest thanks to all of those who had
helped, supported, and suggested her during the process of writing thesis.
This goes to:
1. Dr. Mudhofir, M.Ag., as the Rector of the State Islamic Institute of
2. Dr. H. Giyoto, M.Hum., as the Dean of Islamic Education and
Teacher Training Faculty of the State Islamic Institute of Surakarta.
3. Dr. Imroatus Sholikhah, M.Pd., as the Head of English Education
Department of Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty of
the State Islamic Institute of Surakarta.
4. Rochmat Budi Santoso, S.Pd., M.Pd., as the consultant for his
guidance, precious advices, and motivation for the researcher, also
help to revise the mistake during the entire process of writing this
5. All the lecturer of English Education Department and English
Letters program and also official employees of Islamic Education
and Teacher Training Faculty of the State Islamic Institute of
6. Mujibuddakwah, S.Pd., as the Headmaster of SMP Muhammadiyah
Al-Kautsar Program Khusus for allowing the researcher to do the
7. Irma Rahmawati, S.Pd., as the English Teacher of SMP
Muhammadiyah Al-Kautsar Program Khusus for hels and
participations for the researcher during the process of the research.
8. The researcher’s beloved parents, Sujono and Suswati and her
beloved sister Irsya Kholisatunisa, who always entertain the
researcher, for the everlasting spirits inspirations, motivations,
compassions and bliss among the family.
9. The researcher’s beloved family in “Happy Family” Mas umar,
Mbak ike, Dek fatsun, Dek reswara, Dek rafif, Mbak nap, Mbak
nana, Sri, Via, Arin, Fifah, Tusti for togetherness for almost 5 years,
for kindheartedness, and love.
10. Someone who always support in doing the research after finish and
all things. Ahmad Umar Rosidi
11. The researcher’s beloved friends in “Fantastic Class” of English
education 2013 for togetherness and kindheartedness which are
exceptionally meaningful for the researcher.
12. All people who give support and motivation during study and final
research that could not mention one by one.
The researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect.
The researcher hopes that this thesis is useful for the other in particular and
the readers in general.

Surakarta, October 10th , 2017

The Researcher,


A. Background of The Study

English is one of the international languages that use by many

people in countries. In this era, learning English is an important thing.

There are four skill to learning English, they are listening, reading,

speaking, and writing. One of skill is reading that define as an

understanding a message conveyed by the writer through visual and

nonvisual information. Reading is the most important academic

language skill for second language students which can lead to their

professional, social, and personal development. This skill, though, is a

complex and dynamic phenomenon and is often considered as an

important source of language input which involves a special interaction

between the reader, the author and text. Kennedy (1981: 5) explain that

reading is the ability of an individual to recognize a visual form,

associate the form with a sound and meaning acquired in the past, and,

on the basis of past experience, understand and interpret its meaning.

The fundamental goal for any reading activity is knowing enough

science concepts and knowing the language.

Learning to read is an important educational goal. For children

and adults, the ability to read opens up new worlds and opportunities. It

enables us to gain new knowledge, enjoy literature, and do everyday

things that are part of modern life, such as, reading the newspapers, job

list, instruction manuals, and maps. Many, but not all, learn to read as

children. Some children and adults need additional help. Yet others

learn to read a second, third or additional language, with or without

having learned to read in their first language.

Mickulecky (1986: 1) gives some of the reason why is reading

important to learning a new language. (1) Reading helps to learn to think

in the new language. (2) Reading helps build a better vocabulary. (3)

Reading makes to more comfortable with written English. (4) Reading

may be the only way to use English when live in a non-English speaking

country. (5) Reading can help to plan study in English speaking country.

Reading is very important for English learners because reading can

enlarge their knowledge, vocabulary, and information. From reading,

English learner also can learn about foreign language people’s habit and

culture. When learners want to learn about language, they have to learn

about the habit and the culture of those foreign peoples. It can help them

to learn about those foreign languages easily.

Patel (2008:113) also states that reading is most useful and

important skill for people. In the school, reading as the importance of

English. Sometimes, after reading a text, a student does not know what

topic of the text is. They are unable to understand the paragraph they

have read. In order to understand a paragraph they must have

appropriate meaning for the key words. Not only should they

understand the key words but also they should understand the meaning
of all words and their relationship within the paragraph. So their reading

comprehension problem with the paragraph involves some closely

related phenomena the lacks prior knowledge.

The teacher should be creative to apply teaching strategy in

order to help students for mastering the reading, so the student will be

interested in English class and understand the material easily during

teaching learning process. The goal of teaching and learning is to

produce and comprehend language that are spoken and written. Reading

is a written in the text in order to understand the contents. The

understanding that result is called reading comprehension.

Comprehension is the essence of reading because the goal of written

language is communication of messages (Duffy 2009:14). Some people

think that successful English learner is a person who can speak English

fluently. But, actually successful English learner is a person who a

master in all of English skills.

In teaching and learning process, most of the teachers in

Indonesia have a problem in teaching the English language, one of them

is the strategies. It is proven that many student does not interests to learn

in English because the teacher did not use the appropriate strategies yet.

There are many ways to make the student interested in learning

language which are using appropriate strategies but the important one

in apply the strategies is, the teacher should know the student

characteristic in the classroom. The teacher has an important role in

teaching English to the students. The way to make the students

understand about the lesson becomes a great challenge for the teachers.

The teacher must be able to encourage the students so they are able to

understand thoroughly. This can be done by giving them more practice

and exercise. The teachers give the material suitable with the syllabus

that is based on the curriculum. The method or technique must be

practical in class. Teaching materials and media used also must be

considered by the teacher. Managing classroom while the process of

teaching learning also must be attended by the teacher so the process of

teaching learning run well. Brown (2000:113) states that strategies are

a specific method of approaching a problem or task, modes of operation

for achieving a particular end, planned design for controlling and

manipulating certain information.

Teaching strategy is an activity in teaching and learning process

to achieve a purpose which has a plan. In other word, teaching strategies

are approaches to teaching students. The teachers have to apply the

strategy to balance between the method which the teacher used and the

way of the teacher used to apply the material. Nunan (1999:249) said

that Success in teaching depends on many factors, one of them is

teaching strategies. In fact, it is probably true to say that more time is

spent teaching reading than other skill. In teaching learning activities

sometimes, there are factors to affect students' reading English in class.

One of them is they fail in comprehension in reading. So the strategy

must be attended by the teacher in teaching learning process. Moreover,

for the next teacher generation must learn more to choose the
appropriate strategies to the students so they understand the material

given. In teaching process, it necessary for the teacher make students

interested in learning English and make them enjoy in the middle of

teaching learning process. It is the important one that the teacher as

possible makes students good achievement.

This study conducted in SMP Muhammadiyah Al - Kautsar

Program Khusus Kartasura. Located on Cendana II Street RT 02 RW

03 Gumpang, Kartasura, Sukoharjo. The Headmaster is Mr.

Mujibuddakwah, S.Pd. There about 16 teachers who teach the students

there. The facility are a laboratory, a library, a seventh classes, meeting

room and internet access. SMP Muhamadiyah Program Khusus uses

KTSP curriculum in teaching and learning process. The reasons why

the researcher chooses the school to do the research rather than the other

school. It is also based on some consideration. SMP Muhammadiyah Al

- Kautsar Program Khusus Kartasura built since 2010. Although it

include a new school, but in every years this school always get

championship in academic or nonacademic contest. Based on the

observation and interview with the English teacher the student’s

motivation of learning English is very advance. Although some of them

are not an active students in the class but, there are many students got a

great score in their English final exam. So, the researcher interesting to

know how the teaching and learning process there.

The researcher has already did observation there conducted on

August 7th 2017. Based on the observation, the researcher knew the
teaching learning process there. The way the teacher taught makes the

student enjoy in the class because when the teacher give the material

she always give motivation to the student and the technique used make

the situation is fun. The teacher use some technique in teaching reading.

The teacher taught them patiently and gave the instruction clearly. So

the students know what they should do in their next teaching learning

reading activity. The teacher's goal to make students understand about

the material. Based on observation, the teacher use collaborative

strategic reading and survey, question, read, recite, review technique in

teaching reading. It is make the student enthusiast in the teaching

learning process.

Mrs. Irma Rahmawati, S.Pd as an English teacher support the

researcher to do the research in SMP Muhammadiyah Al- Kautsar

Program Khusus Kartsura and she is also support to analyze her

teaching strategies on reading at ninth grade. The reason why the

researcher choose ninth grade because the students there is easy to

approve the material in teaching learning activity. Their ability in

understanding the material is more dominate than under the grade. So

the researcher interest to know the process of teaching learning

especially the teaching reading strategies in ninth grade.

By applying the correct strategies in teaching and learning

process, the teacher able to evoke the student’s confident to read

correctly. Finally, based on the phenomenon above, that strategy in

teaching and learning process is very important. In addition, teacher’s

strategy is the one of crucial factor which influences to the success in

teaching. Moreover, as the next teacher generation it necessary to know

the appropriate strategies in teaching the students. From this reason the

researcher carry out a research entitled “A STUDY ON TEACHING




B. Limitation of The Problem

The researcher had to limit the problems in order to make

explanation focus and understanding more. The limitation are stated as

the following:

1. The study is focused on the teaching English reading by the

teacher at ninth grade of SMP Muhammadiyah Al- Kautsar

Program Khusus Kartasura.

2. The teaching strategies that implemented by the teacher in

classroom. The strategies include the technique, a media used,

source of material, and classroom management.

3. The strengths and weakness of implementation the strategies.

4. The data taken from observation, interview with the teacher and


5. The research subject is the English teacher who teach in ninth

grade of SMP Muhammadiyah Al- Kautsar Program Khusus

Kartasura. She in Mrs. Irma Rahmawati.

C. Problem Formulation

1. What are the teaching reading strategies implemented by teacher

at SMP Muhammadiyah Al- Kautsar Program Khusus Kartasura

in academic year 2017/2018?

2. What are the strengths and weakness of implementation the

strategies that teacher used in SMP Muhammadiyah Al- Kautsar

Program Khusus Kartasura in academic year 2017/2018?

D. The Objective of the Study

According to the problem of statement, the objective of the study are:

1. To describe the strategies implemented by the teacher in

teaching English reading at SMP Muhammadiyah Al- Kautsar

Program Khusus Kartasura in academic year 2017/2018.

2. To describe the strengths and weakness of implementation the

strategies that teacher used at SMP Muhammadiyah Program

Khusus Kartasura in academic year 2017/2018.

E. The Benefits of the Study

The benefits of this study are as follow:

1. The theoretical benefits

a. The result of this research is expected to enrich the theory in

teaching strategy on English reading, especially in junior

high school
b. The result of this research can give contribution and

inspiration to increase the quality of teaching English


c. The result will increase the repertoire of the research finding

2. The practical benefit

a. For students

The student can improve their ability on reading and more

active in the teaching learning process. They will be able to

read well in reading.

b. For the reader

They will get knowledge and information about the teaching

reading strategies at ninth grade of SMP Muhammadiyah

Al- Kautsar Program Khusus Kartsura.

c. For the teacher

This research result can be used as reference for the teacher

about her performance, so that the teacher can improve her

performance in teaching during teaching-learning process

especially in English reading. The result of the study will

help English teacher to improve their skill in teaching

reading. It can give contribution to the success on teaching

learning English at SMP Muhammadiyah Al- Kautsar

Program Khusus Kartsura related the students in learning

English reading. The teacher can be able to select the most

appropriate strategy to overcome the problem and the

student can understand easily.

d. For the school

This research result can be used as resources in improving

teacher’s performance especially in teaching English


e. For the other researchers

This research can be used as references for a similar research

and as stimulation for other researcher.

F. The Definition of Key Terms

1. Teaching Strategy

Teaching can be defined as showing or helping someone to learn

how to do something, giving instruction, guiding in the study of

something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or

understand (Brown, 2000:7). Strategies are specific method of

approaching a problem or task, modes of operation for achieving

a particular end, planned design for controlling and

manipulating certain information. (Brown, 2000:113)

2. Reading

Reading is the ability of an individual to recognize a visual form,

associate the form with a sound and meaning acquired in the

past, and, on the basis of past experience, understand and

interpret its meaning Kennedy (1981: 5). Reading

comprehension is the ability to read text, process it and

understand its meaning.

3. SMP Muhammadiyah Al- Kautsar Program Khusus


SMP Muhammadiyah Al- Kautsar Program Khusus Kartsura is

located in Cendana II Street RT 11 RW III Gumpang,

Kartasura, Sukoharjo.

A. Theoretical Description

1. The Nature of Reading

a. The Definition of Reading

Reading is one of the language skill which need to

be taught in language classroom. Reading is not only a receptive

of information from word by word in a text but also an active

process to understand the text. Kennedy (1981: 5) explain that

reading is the ability of an individual to recognize a visual form,

associate the form with a sound and meaning acquired in the

past, and, on the basis of past experience, understand and

interpret its meaning. According Smith (1978) in Fauziati

(2002:139) reading more pragmatically as an understanding a

message conveyed by the writer through visual and non-visual

information. Reinking and Scheiner (1985) in Kustaryo

(1988:2) states that reading is an active cognitive process of

interacting with print and monitoring comprehension to

establish meaning. Therefore, Jhonson (2008: 3-4) give

explanation of reading as follows: (1) Reading is the practice of

using text to create meaning. The two key words here are

creating and meaning. If there is no meaning being created, there

is no reading taking place. (2) Reading is a constantly

developing skill. Like any skill, we get better at reading by

practicing. And conversely, if we do not practice, we will not

get better and our skills may deteriorate. (3) Reading integrates

visual and nonvisual information. During the act of reading, the

visual information found on the page combines with the

nonvisual information contained in your head to create meaning.

In that way, what’s in your head is just as important as what is

on the page in the process of creating meaning. (4) Reading is

the act of linking one idea to another. Putting ideas together to

create a sensible whole is the essential part of reading. It is not


From the definition above explains that reading is the

combination of word recognition, and intellect, and emotion

interrelated with prior knowledge to understanding the message

communicated. Reading is something that involves a lot of

thing, such as visual activity and process of thinking. As a

process of thinking reading include introduction of the word.

The reading activity needs a process by which people

comprehend what they read. The process happens when they

face written symbol, they look through their eyes then their mind

will process them. Since then, a process of viewing changes into

a process of comprehending. The process can be called a

cognitive process. In comprehending the message of the text,

reading can function as a communicative process between a

writer and reader. When the reader interact with print, his prior
knowledge with the print and the visual (written) information

result in this comprehending the message. The reader must also

recognize the sentence structure of the passage such as

questions, negations, coordination and subordination.

b. Types of reading

According Patel (2008:117-123) there are four types of reading:

1) Intensive Reading

Intensive reading is to read for detailed

information when the aim is to understand the material

in depth. In this reading the learner read the text to get

knowledge or analysis. The goal of this reading is to read

shorter text. This reading is done to carry out to get

specific information.

2) Extensive Reading

Extensive reading is another device used when the

readers read for pleasure with emphasis on

understanding the overall meaning. In intensive reading

speech habit are emphasized and accent, stress,

intonation and rhythm can be corrected. The purpose of

extensive reading will be to train the student to read

directly and fluently in the target language for

enjoyment, without the aid of the teacher.

3) Aloud Reading
It is a type of reading which very important in

teaching English. Reading aloud must be given at

primary level because it is the base of words

pronunciation. Reading aloud have advantages such as

to develop the skill of reading very well by speaking or

expressing ideas, to develop the skill of pronounce very

well, makes reading very enjoyable to student be active

in learning process.

4) Silent Reading

Silent reading is done to acquire a lot of

information. Here, the student read silently to

comprehend the information. The advantage of this

types are training the student’s concentration toward

subject matter and learns naturally, saves time because

this activity is done at a time. All students participate

together in this activity at a time.

c. Models of Reading

Arifin (2014: 4) states that there are three models of reading.

The models divided as follow:

1) Bottom up model, reading is viewed process of

decoding written symbols, working from smaller units

(individual letters) to larger one (word, clause, and

sentences). It means that readers have to understand

the passage word by word.

2) Top down model, the readers need to comprehend

meaning in order to identify words in order to identify

letters. It means the reader has known about passage.

Then, they want to know if there is any new

information in that passage.

3) Interactive models, the reading process of this model is

clues to meaning are taken up from the page by the eye

and transmitted to the brain. Then, the brain tries to

match existing knowledge to the incoming data in order

to facilitate the further processing of new information.

2. The Nature of Reading Comprehension

a. The Definition of Reading Comprehension

Reading is very importance for everyone who wants to

enlarge their knowledge and information. Sometimes some

learners feel difficult to comprehend the text that they have read,

so they get nothing from the text. So the teachers have to be

more concern about the problem. Kenedy (1981:192) states that

reading comprehension can be defined as a thought process

through which readers become aware of an ideas, understand it

in terms of their experiential background, and interpret it in

relation to their own needs and purpose. Comprehension is the

process of deriving meaning from connected text.

Comprehension is not a passive process, but an active one. The

reader actively engages with the text to construct meaning. This

active engagement includes making use of prior knowledge. It

involves drawing inferences from the words and expressions

that a writer uses to communicate information, ideas and


Comprehension is often difficult to teach directly,

however, because it encompasses so much and relies on so many

different skills. Reading comprehension is the ability to read

text, process it and understand its meaning. An individual's

ability to comprehend text is influenced by their traits and skills,

one of which is the ability to make inferences. If word

recognition is difficult, students use too much of their

processing capacity to read individual words, which interferes

with their ability to comprehend what is read. Reading without

comprehension of the written text is useless since the reader

cannot get information stated in the text, either implicitly or


Based on the definition of reading comprehension

above, it can be conclude that reading comprehension is an

activity of comprehending a text to get information that readers

need as efficiently as possible. In this process, the reader

emphasizes the important of prior knowledge, and reading skills

in order to find information from the text. In simply word, in

reading comprehension, the readers should understand the text

well. Brown (2004:188) states some principal strategies for

reading comprehension:

a. Identify purpose in reading a text

b. Apply spelling rules and convention for bottom-up


c. Use lexical analysis (prefixes, rots, suffixes, etc.) to

determine meaning.

d. Guess at meaning (of words, idioms, etc.) when you aren’t


e. Skim the text for the gist and for main ideas,

f. Scan the text for specific information (names, dates,


g. Use silent reading technique for rapid processing.

b. Kind of Reading Comprehension.

Kennedy (1981:199) states that there are three kinds of

reading comprehension. There are literal comprehension,

inferential comprehension and evaluative comprehension.

1) Literal comprehension,

It means reading to understand, remember or recall the

information explicitly, contained in a passage such as

identifying explicitly stated main ideas, details, sequence,

cause-effect relationship, and patterns. Mastering of the basic

of literal comprehension can be done through understanding

of vocabulary, sentence meaning and paragraph meaning. The

literal level is the easiest level of reading comprehension

because a reader is not required to go beyond what they

actually said. In this level readers know the word meaning,

able to paraphrase or recall if details directly in own words.

2) Inferential comprehension.

It means reading in order to find information, which is

not explicitly stated in passage. The reader uses his experience

and intuition. This activity includes inferring main ideas,

details, comparison, cause-effect relationship which is not

explicitly stated, drawing conclusion or generalization from a

text, and predicting outcome.

3) Critical comprehension

It means reading in order to compare information in a

passage with the reader’s own knowledge and values; for

example, distinguishing between fact and opinions, reacting to

a text’s content, characters, and use of language.

From the explanation above it can be conclude that

comprehending the text means, gain the main ides of the text,

find the explicit and implicit detail information of the text,

identify the contextual references from the text and analyze

the language used in the text.

c. The Process of Reading Comprehension.

Reading comprehension activity in classroom is

generally seen as the main of language teaching and learning.

The success of other language skill is influenced and dependent

upon reading. Therefore, teacher must be skillful in motivating

learners by selecting and selecting material, and choosing

appropriate method.

Comprehension skills are strategies readers use to

retrieve information and construct meaning from expository

text. They are the thinking processes, broken down into steps

that are used to comprehend. These must be taught explicitly.

Jhonson (2008: 110-117) mention the three types of

comprehension skills they are: Pre reading, during reading, and

post reading. These comprehension skills can be easily learned

and flexibly applied to a variety of reading situations.

1) Pre reading Comprehension Skills.

Pre reading comprehension skills are used primarily

to preview the structure of the text to be read or to connect

new information to knowledge readers might already know.

Three pre reading comprehension skills are

preview/overview web, brainstorm outline and brainstorm.

2) During-Reading Comprehension Skills

During-reading comprehension skills are used to

monitor comprehension, to evaluate ideas gleaned from each

paragraph, and to begin to organize ideas within the

structure of the text as students are reading. Two during-

reading comprehension skills are paragraph reread then read

and pause.

3) Post reading Comprehension Skill

Post reading skills are used to reconstruct important

ideas, organize those ideas, and evaluate those ideas after

reading a chapter or article. Two post reading

comprehension skills are article reread then webbing and


d. Micro Skills and Macro Skills

Brown (2004:187-189) states that there are micro and

macro skills of reading comprehension. They are:

1) Micro skills

a) Discriminate among the distinctive graphemes and

orthographic patterns.

b) Retain chunks of language of different lengths in

short-term memory.

c) Process writing an efficient rate speed to suit the


d) Recognize a core of words, and interpret word order

patterns and their significance.

e) Recognize grammatical word classes (nouns, verbs,

etc.), system (e.g., tense, agreement, and

pluralization), patterns, rules, and elliptical forms.

f) Recognize that a particular meaning may be

expressed in different grammatical forms.

g) Recognize cohesive device in written discourse and

their role in signaling the relationship between and

among clauses.

2) Macro Skills

a) Recognize the rhetorical forms of written discourse

and their significance for interpretation

b) Recognize the communicative function of written

texts, according to form and purpose

c) Infer context that is not explicit by using background


d) From described events, ideas, etc., infer links and

connection between events, deduce causes and

effect, and detect such relation as main idea.

Supporting idea, new information, given

information, generalization, and exemplification.

e) Distinguish between literal and implied meanings.

f) Detect culturally specific references and interpret

them in a context of the appropriate cultural


g) Develop and use a battery of reading strategies, such

as scanning and skimming, detecting discourse

markers, guessing the meaning of words form

context, and activating schemata for the

interpretation of text.

3. The Nature of Teaching Strategies.

a. The Definition of Teaching.

Teaching is a complex process, it does not only give the

information from the teacher to the students. Teaching can be

defined as showing or helping someone to learn how to do

something, giving instruction, guiding in the study of

something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or

understand (Brown, 2000:7). Teaching is not an easy job, but it

is a necessary one, and can be very rewarding when the teacher

see our students progress and know that we have helped to make

it happen (Harmer, 2007:23). It means that teaching is transfer

process of knowledge from teacher to the student.

To gain the goal of teaching and learning process, it

needed a strategies. Brown (2000:113) states that strategies are

specific method of approaching a problem or task, modes of

operation for achieving a particular end, planned design for

controlling and manipulating certain information. Strategy that

implemented by the teacher is depend on the approach that used,

while how is using strategy can be implemented by some

method. According Kemp in Hamnuri (2009:2) teaching

strategy is a teaching activities that must be done by the teacher

and the students so that the purpose of teaching reached

effectively and efficiently.

According Crawford et al (2005: 10) teaching well

means addressing a set of objectives, for a particular group of

students, at a certain point in the school year, with certain

resources, within a particular time frame, in a particular school

and community setting. It means finding a balance between

direct instructions and orchestrating the activities of individuals

and groups of students to developing students’ skills and

strategies for learning, at the same time they learn the content of

the curriculum.

Based on the definition above, these mean that strategy

that is used by the teacher is based on the approach that has been

used by the implementation of the method. And strategy used in

teaching learning to make the student understanding the goal of

material. There are many activities that can be doing especially

when the process of teaching and learning in the classroom. In

teaching process, there are some components to support

teaching learning process runs well and effective.

b. The Element of Teaching

Hamnuri (2009: 10-12) mention the components of

teaching and learning process into eight components: they are

teacher, students, purpose, the source of material, teaching

learning process, method, evaluation, the situation on


1) Teacher

Teacher is the most important factor. Teacher is manager

of teaching activities and the teaching arranger. Teacher also

has a big contribution to make the teaching learning runs

effectively. The teacher is the most powerful person in the

classroom. There are many ways for the teacher to use that

power. In planning the strategies in teaching learning

process, teacher should follow the rule of curriculum that

occur. According Edge (1993: 11) the most important things

that need to be taken care by the teacher as follows:

a) Organization

Learners must feel that their activity is purposeful,

that they are putting their efforts into a framework they

can trust. Learned need just enough structure so that they

feel supported. And just enough freedom so that they

have room for themselves to grow.

b) Security

If learners feel safe, they will be more able to take

part in the lesson, if they feel that everyone in class,

including the teacher, is on the same side they may risk

making mistakes that they can learn from.

c) Motivation
Some learners will be motivated to learn for external

reasons, which is big help, but all learners need to be

involved in classwork. This happens best when they are

motivated by interesting tasks, when they experience

success, and when they see the relevance of classwork to

their outside lives.

d) Instruction

Learners need to be told new things, and told how to

do new things.

e) Modeling

Learners to be shown new thing, and shown how to

do new thing.

f) Guidance

Learners need a helping hand to discover new things

and to practice new skills.

g) Information

Learners need sources of extra information about

what they are learning. Which they can call on as


h) Feedback

Learners need to know how close they are getting to

their targets. Was that meaning clear? Was the verb


i) Encouragement
Learners need to feel that the language is developing

inside them. Even if what they are producing at the

moment seems unlike Standard English

j) Evaluation

Some learners have external standards that must be

reached, important examination to pass and fail. They

need to know where they stand.

2) Students

Students are component that is doing teaching learning

process to develop their potential be real to get the purpose

of teaching learning process. The students is the seeker, the

receiver, and the saver of the subject materials needed to

achieve the goal. On teaching learning process, the students

are the one who seeks the knowledge which delivered by the


3) Purpose

This is the basic that is made to choose the strategy,

material, media and evaluation. 1) Strategies are specific

method of approaching a problem or task, modes of

operation for achieving a particular end, planned design for

controlling and manipulating certain information. 2)

Material is the amount of information about facts, principles,

and concepts which are needed to achieve the goal. The

material used in the process of teaching should be suited

with the subject being learned and also the students’

knowledge. Material has an important role in teaching

learning process. Instructional material is defined as all the

materials as support the language teaching learning process

it. 3) Media is a devise use for conveying the information to

the students so that they can achieve the goal easily. 4)

Evaluation is a certain way used for evaluating the process

and its result. It is given to all of the teaching and learning

components. It is also give the feedback to the teaching and

learning component.

4) The source of material

Source of material is the content of component in

teaching learning process.

5) Method

Method is the way in giving the chance to the students

to get information, which is needed to achieve the goal.

Method as an overall plan for the orderly presentation of

language material, no part of which contradicts, and all of

which is based upon the selected approach (Fauziati,


6) The situation on environment

It mean the situation and physical condition (such as;

climate, school, the location of school, etc.)

From the definition above, it can be concluded that

teaching is the activity that giving instruction and helping

the students to learn something (knowledge or skill). On

teaching process teacher should prepare the sources, media,

tools, lesson plan to make the learning process run well and

systematically done by teacher.

c. Classroom management

According Harmer (2007: 34 – 44) If the teacher want to

manage classrooms effectively, the teacher have to be able to

handle a range of variables. These include how the classroom

space is organized, whether the students are working on their

own or in groups and how to organize classroom time. The

teacher also need to consider how she appear to the students, and

how we use our most valuable asset our voice. The way we talk

to students and who talks most in the lesson is another key factor

in classroom management. The teacher also need to think about

what role, if any, there may be for the use of the students’ mother

tongue in lessons. Successful classroom management also

involves being able to deal with difficult situations. All teachers,

like all people, have their own physical characteristics and

habits, and they will take these into the classroom with them.

But there are a number of issues to consider which not just

matters of personality are or style and which have a direct

bearing on the students’ perception of us. According Harmer

(2007: 34 – 44) the teacher in the classroom should be:

1) Using the voice

The most important instrument as teachers is voice. How

the teacher speak and what the teacher’s voice sounds like

have a crucial impact on classes. Good voice projection is

more important than volume (though the two are, of course,

connected). Speaking too softly or unpleasantly loudly are

both irritating and unhelpful for students. It is important for

teachers to vary the quality of their voices - and the volume

they speak at - according to the type of lesson and the type

of activity. The kind of voice we use to give instructions or

introduce a new activity will be different from the voice

which is most appropriate for conversation or an informal

exchange of views or information.

2) Talking to students

The way that teachers talk to students - the manner in

which they interact with them - is one of the crucial teacher

skills, but it does not demand technical expertise. Though

the teacher-student relationship is not the same as that

between a parent and child, this subconscious ability to

rough-tune the language is a skill that teachers and parents

have in common. Rough-tuning is the simplification of

language which both parents and teachers make in order to

increase the chances of their being understood.

3) Giving instructions

This issue of how to talk to students becomes crucial

when we give them instructions. The best activity in the

world is a waste of time if the students don’t understand

what it is they are supposed to do. There are two general

rules for giving instructions: they must be kept as simple as

possible, and they must be logical. When teachers give

instructions, it is important for them to check that the

students have understood what they are being asked to do.

This can be achieved either by asking a student to explain

the activity after the teacher has given the instruction or by

getting someone to show the other people in the class how

the exercise works.

4) Student talk and teacher talk

There is a continuing debate about the amount of time

teachers should spend talking in class. Classes are

sometimes criticized because there is too much TTT

(Teacher Talking Time) and not enough STT (Student

Talking Time). Overuse of TTT is inappropriate because the

more a teacher talks, the less chance there is for the students

to practice their own speaking - and it is the students who

need the practice, not the teacher. If a teacher talks and talks,

the students will have less time for other things, too, such as

reading and writing. If teachers know how to talk to students,

if they know how to rough-tune their language to the

students’ level as discussed above, then the students get a

chance to hear language which is certainly above their own

productive level, but which they can more or less


5) Creating lesson stages

Teachers needs to provide variety, then clearly we have

to include different stages in our lessons. When the teacher

arrive in the classroom, we need to start the lesson off in

such a way that the students’ interest is aroused so that they

become engaged. Where possible and appropriate, we will

tell the students what they will be doing or, in a different

kind of lesson, discuss with them what they can achieve as a

result of what they are going to do. When an activity has

finished and/or another one is about to start, it helps if

teachers make this clear through the way they behave and

the things they say. It helps students if they are made clearly

aware of the end of something and the beginning of what is

coming next. Frequently, teachers need to re-focus the

students’ attention, or point it in some new direction. In

order for such changes of direction to be effective, the

teacher first needs to get the students’ attention. This can

sometimes be difficult, especially when teachers try to draw

a speaking activity to a conclusion, or when students are

working in groups.

6) Different seating arrangements

In many classrooms around the world students sit in

orderly rows. Sometimes, their chairs have little wooden

pallets on one of the arms to provide a surface to write on.

Sometimes, the students will have desks in front of them. At

the front of such classrooms, often on a raised platform (so

that all the students can see them), stands the teacher. In

contrast, there are other institutions where you can find

students sitting in a large circle around the walls of the

classroom. Or you may see small groups of them working in

different parts of the room. Sometimes, they are arranged in

a horseshoe shape around the teacher. Sometimes, in a class

of adults, it is not immediately obvious who the teacher is.

7) Different student groupings

Whatever the seating arrangements in a classroom,

students can be organized in different ways: they can work

as a whole class, in groups, in pairs or individually. Whole-

class teaching is less effective if we want to encourage

individual contributions and discussion, since speaking out

in front of a whole class is often more demanding - and

therefore more inhibiting - than speaking in smaller groups.

Groupwork and pairwork Groupwork and pairwork have

been popular in language teaching for many years and have

many advantages. They both foster cooperative activity in

that the students involved work together to complete a task.

They may be discussing a topic, doing a role-play or

working at a computer in order to find information from a

website for a webquest or they may be writing up a report.

Both pairwork and groupwork give the students chances for

greater independence. Because the students are working

together without the teacher controlling every move, they

take some of their own learning decisions.

d. Language Teaching Approach

1) Communicative Language Teaching

There is no single text or authority on

communicative language teaching. It is referred to as an

approach that aims to make communication the goal of

language teaching. Several models have evolved around this

principle. This chapter presents the communicative

Approach, Total Physical Response, Natural Approach,

Competency-Based Approach and Task – Based Approach.

As you will see, these approaches overlap. Communicative

activities particularly are impossible to pin down to only one

a) Communicative approach

This emphasis is placed on using the target

language to accomplish a function such as complaining,

advising, or asking for information (Peace Corps, 2009:29).

All four language skills are taught from the beginning. In

speaking skill the aim is to be understood, not to speak like

a native. In the sequence of lesson, priority is given to

learner interest and needs. Learners usually work in pairs or

groups for role play, information sharing, or problem

solving. Communicative approach is an approach, which

emphasizes the communicative potential of language and

which is compatible with a great variety of classroom

procedures and which according to Richard and Rodgers

(2007: 172) quoted in Kamhuber (2010: 41) can be best

described by the following principles. Learners learn a

language through using it to communicate, Authentic and

meaningful communication should be the goal of classroom

activities, Fluency is an important dimension of

communication, and Learning is process of creative

construction and involves trial and error

Form the explanation above communicative

Approach means language teaching method that usually

work in pairs or groups for role play, students listen and

information sharing.
b) Total Physical Response and The Natural Approach

TPR is a language teaching method built around the

coordination of speech and action. It attempts to teach

language through physical activity. The Natural Approach

shares with TPR an emphasis on exposing the learner to

hearing and understanding the language before requiring the

learner to speak. Language skills are taught in the natural

order of acquisition: listening, speaking, reading, and

writing. Both, The Natural Approach and TPR focus on the

importance of listening comprehension as the basis for

language acquisition. Both approaches believe that language

is acquired, not learned.

However, Richards & Rodgers (2007: 179), quoted

in Kamhuber (2010: 43) in the Natural Approach less

attention is given to:

“Teacher monologues, direct repetition, and

formal questions and answers, and less focus on
accurate production of the target-language

In other words learners acquire a language through

an unconscious process which involves using the language

for meaningful communication. Learning, on the other hand,

involves a conscious process which result in knowledge

about the rules of a language, but not necessarily in an ability

to use the language. The learner’s mother tongue is seldom

used. Meaning is made clear by mime, drawing, etc. the

natural approach stresses that self-confident learners with

high motivation are successful learners and the teachers

should create a learning environment which promotes self-


c) Content- Based Instruction

The Content- Based Instruction focuses on acquiring

life coping skills while developing the language to perform

these skills. Tis approach is based on theories of adult

learning which state that for effective learning to take place,

adults need to know that what they are studying will improve

their lives. Language is used to teach the subject matter and

the language itself is acquires “as a by-product of learning

about real-world content” (Richards & Rodgers 2007),

quoting (Kamhuber, 2010:47).

Language skills and grammar and vocabulary are

sequences according to the learner’s needs. Context is used

as much as possible to help the learner deduce meaning.

Authentic materials are used and the learner in encouraged

to practice the language by performing real task outside of

the classroom.

Content- based instruction can be used as the

framework for unit of work , as the guiding principle for an

entire course, as a course that prepares students for

mainstreaming, as the rationale for the use of English as a

medium for teaching some school subject in an EFL setting,

and as the framework for commercial EFL/ESL material.

Content-based instruction need not be the framework

for an entire curriculum but can be used in conjunction with

any type of curriculum. A variety of lesson are then

developed focusing on reading, oral; presentation skills,

group discussion, grammar, and report writing, all of which

are developed put of the themes and topics which form the

basis of the course.

From the explanation above the content-based

instruction means the way to teaching language that focus in

vocabulary used in daily activity.

d) The Task-Based Approach

The task-based approach to language teaching was

introduced in the 1980’s. in the Tsk Based Approach (TBA)

it is assumed that these principles can be best implemented in

class through tasks. Richard and Rodgers (2007), Cited in

Kamhuber (2010:54) argue that:

“Engaging learners in task work provides a

better context for the activation of learning
processed than from focused activities, and
hence ultimately provides better opportunities
for language learning to take place.” (Richard
and Rodgers, 223)
Task based approach describe any kind of learning

which involves the performance of a specified task or piece

of work. The application of this method in teaching English

to students are given task after they have taught material.

In this method, the students are given a task to

perform and only when the task is completed, the teacher

discuss the language that was used, making correction and

adjustment which the student’s performance of the task has

shown to be desirable. In other words, students are presented

with a task they have to perform or a problem they have to


2) Cooperative Language Learning (CLL)

Johnson et. al. (in Richards, 2001: 192) state that

cooperative learning is the instructional use of small groups

through which students work together to maximize their

own and each other’s learning. It may be contrasted with

competitive learning in which students work against each

other to achieve an academic goal such as a grade of “A”.

Brown (2000: 47) states that cooperative learning does not

merely collaboration. To be sure in a cooperative classroom

the students and teacher work together to pursue goals and

objectives. But cooperative learning is more structured,

more perspective to teachers about classroom techniques,

more directive to students about how to work together in

group than collaborative learning.

It can be say that cooperative learning is group

learning activity organized in such way that learning is based

on the socially structured to change informations between

learners which each learner is held accountable for his or her

own learning and is motivated to increase the learning of

others. From the explanation above, it can be concluded that

cooperative learning is one of communicative language

teaching that the application of method is dividing the

student into small group to work together as a team which

exchange information to accomplish the goal of learning.

e. Teaching Reading

1) The stage of teaching reading

Carrel and Eisterhold (1987) in Fauziati (2002:139)

states that teaching reading is a process interpretation is

guided by the principle that every input is mapped against

some existing schema and that all aspects of that schema

must be compatible with the input information. This

principles result in two basic modes of information

processing called bottom-up and top-down. Bottom-up is

the text based-based or data-driven mode of information

processing. While top-down, it is knowledge-based or

conceptually-driven mode of information procession

(Fauziati, 2002:139).

Teaching reading usually has at least two aspects.

First, it can refer to teaching learners who are learning to

read for the first time. A second aspect of teaching refers

teaching learners who already have reading skill in their

first language. In the classroom, reading is one of ways to

make the students understand in teaching – learning

process. Every student has different character, so the

teacher is expected to present some ways to make the

student interesting to conduct their lesson. According

William (1984: 37-39) there tree main phrases need to be

followed in teaching reading activity.

a) Pre-reading stage

The stage is carried out before the students begin

reading the texts. It plays an essential part in the whole

process of a reading lesson. According to William

(1984:37) the purpose of pre-reading stage are:

a. To introduce and arouse interest the topic

b. To motivate learners by giving a reason for reading

c. To provide some language preparation for the text

Normally, pre-reading phrase often lasts from two

to ten minutes depending on each lesson. Before

delivering activity for this stage, the teacher need to take

the objective of the lesson, the situation of teaching and

learning, the students’ needs into account.

b) While reading stage

William (1984:38) state that while reading stage is

the main part of a reading lesson with the following

specific aims:

a. To help understanding of the writer’s purpose

b. To help understanding of the text structure

c. To help clarify the text content

At this stage the teacher need to help the students

comprehend the text thoroughly while the students have

to apply to the best reading skills like skimming,

scanning guessing, etc. to understand the text as well as

the writers purposes conveyed through the reading text.

Apparently, time allocation for this is nearly two thirds

of the whole lesson.

c) Post-reading stage

Post-reading stage is the last step of reading lesson.

So it is the time for student’s production. What they

produce while reflect how well they comprehend the

text. The post reading stage is aimed at consolidating or

reflecting upon what has been read and relating the text

to the learner’s own knowledge interest of views

(William, 1984:39). Normally, its take ten to fifteen

minutes to complete all activities in this stages.

2) Kinds of Method in Teaching Reading

a) Coral reading (CR) Method

The first method is called Coral Reading

Method or frequently called “union reading”. Coral

Method provides many opportunities for repeated

readings of a particular piece and gives practice in oral

reading. Coral reading is particularly suitable for poetry

or rhymes. There for principles for selecting materials

that are planned to read in chorus or together.

The principles are:

a. Try to take short selection of stories or poems

b. Select the material that every students can read


c. Look for something with an attractive title that will

make imagination work.

d. Select a poem or story that will come alive when it’s

read aloud, words with charming sounds, contrast

of some sort that can be interpreted, mood that can

be improve through verbal interpretation or

dialogue that draws personality.

To prepare, each students reads the whole

selection that is going to be chorally read. One can read

it aloud with the other person following along silently.

Then the readers read the piece together. A few

repetitions are necessary to fix the piece in the students’

thought. Next comes the hottest part. An almost infinite

number of possibilities exist for choral reading. Try to

decide on the most fitting voice elements to strengthen

the sense of the selection. Dissimilarity is the key. Use

one or two simple classifications for the voices for

example, high and low, as well as strong and soft. Here

just a few of the possible strategies.

a. Alternate slow and fast lines, stanzas, or


b. Alternate loud and soft lines.

c. Alternate low and high voices.

d. Emphasize key words and phrases by reading them

in louder or softer voice.

e. Pause for specified number of silent “beats” before

the students join in and continue reading.

f. Clap or make a certain sound at the end of certain

lines, stanzas, or paragraphs.

Choral reading is like improvisational affected

behavior. The significance in choral method is that it

is an amusing way to put into practice reading.

Pleasure can easily be found during the practice. Don’t

worry about the excellence.

b) The Paired Reading (PR) Method

Paired reading is when a student reads a text

with another student in order to develop his or her

reading skills. The two students may have the same

reading ability or one may be higher than the other. The

purpose and methodology will differ based on who the

student is being paired with. The student may be paired

with the teacher, a senior student, a classmate with the

same reading level or even a parent.

But because of its advantages, the use of this

method then was modified to broader area. It has also

been utilized by school to conduct classroom action

research or to train tutors to read with students on a

regular basis in natural setting.

The technique allows the students to be

supported while reading texts of greater complicity

levels than they would be able to read individually.

Evaluation studies show that students involved in paired

reading, on the average, make three times the normal

progress in reading accuracy and five times the normal

progress in reading comprehension.

This method has been shown to be successful

with students at all levels of skill and ability, ranging

from the students in special class for slow learners, to

students who are beyond average in reading skills

competence. Studies indicate an increase in reading

fluency, comprehension and accuracy. In addition,

research indicates that students find the method easy to

use, and feel they becomes a competent readers as a

result of paired reading.

a. At the first reading Session.

(1) Make an agreement on reading times

(2) Make also an agreement about starting signal

(3) Teacher lecturer reviews how the method works

b. Before reading

(1) Students pick up reading material and can

exchange among them as they like

(2) Find a comfortable place that for away from


c) PORPE Method

Basically, PORPE method is aimed to

understand a reading, therefore, the writer uses it to

improve students’ reading comprehension. PORPE

sought determine whether students train to create and

rehearse their own explicit and implicit, and will

improve their understanding of content area concept in

reading comprehension.

The Statement above is supported by

Simpson and Stahl (1987:36) this comprehensive

study strategy prepares students for planning,

monitoring, and evaluating content area. PORPE is

study to assist students in learning content material.

Help students in the process constructing the

meaning, build knowledge. Students more active in

learning this process, automatically train students

more creative to understand reading material.

The teacher will give the students a PORPE

organizer handout to guide the activities they as


a. The students will predict at least two essay

questions that could possibly be on the test.

Teacher will provide students with key words

to use in forming their questions. (Explain,

discuss, compare and contrast).

b. The students will organize or highlight the

important points in the text. They will outline

answers to the predicted questions.

c. Students will recite (rehearse) key

information out loud and quiz themselves by

listing all of the facts they can remember.

d. Students will answer the questions they

developed during the prediction stage of

PORPE (practice). This can be done in

outline form or with complete answers.

e. Students will evaluate the answers to their

questions. They need to be sure they have

enough information and examples in their

answer. They should ask themselves: Am I

ready for the test? Is there anything else that

I need to study?

The activities PORPE method above that

challenge students to play with, discover,

remember, and develop word in reading, this

learning process important to elicit students how to

find factual information, main idea, meaning of

vocabulary, and reading for pleasure. This Method

supported in learning reading at junior high school

in standard competence of English Subject of KTSP

curriculum, Reading is one of prominent skill that

should be taught by teacher of English. In addition,

the students should be able to understanding the

meaning in short simple essay such as Recount and

Narrative sustained in daily life.

d) KWL Method

K-W-L is an instructional reading strategy

that is used to guide student trough a text. Students

begin by brainstorming everything they know

about a topic (Ogle, 1986: 564-570). This

information is recorded in the K column of a K-W-

L chart. Students then generate a list of questions

about what they want to know about the topic.

These questions are listed in the W column of the

chart. During or after reading, students answer the

questions that are in the W column. This new

information that they have learned is recorded in

the L column of the K-W-L chart.

Blaskowski (2010) defines that the KWL

(Know Want Learn) teaching technique is a good

method to help students activate prior knowledge.

Steps to a KWL:

a. Students will write the things they already know

and the things they wish to know before reading.

After reading they will complete the chart with

things they have learned.

b. Students have as an entire class or in small

groups outline their prior knowledge of the topic.

Write or have students write each idea on the

KWL chart.

c. Students ask to raise a question that they would

like to answer as they learn about the topic record

these on the KWL chart.

d. Students have to read the selection and take notes

on the things they learn. Emphasize new

information that relates to the “what I want to

know” questions.

e. Students ask to volunteer to write the things they

have learned to complete the chart. Discuss this

new information with the class. Note any

questions that were not answered in the reading.

e) SQ3R Method

SQ3R is a reading strategy that can be used

to increase the students’ reading ability and

comprehension of what they are reading. Since,

SQ3R provide some steps, it can make the reading

activity becomes less difficult, and perhaps, even

more interesting. Bowen, et. all (2004: 181) stated

that to teach students to increase retention of

reading material especially in content area can use

SQ3R as a study skill strategy. Meanwhile,

Cahyono (2010: 50) said that SQ3R strategy is a

useful strategy for extracting the maximum amount

of benefit from one’s reading time. There are five

steps in teaching reading by using SQ3R strategy,

namely: survey, question, read, recites also review.

Furthermore, SQ3R strategy is a meaningful

strategy where the students are recommended to

make a list about the important words in order to

help them in comprehending the text. Fraser (1996)

also states that SQ3R is a way to read academic

material such as textbooks, articles, research

studies or manuals that can increase the readers’

comprehension of what they are reading. From

those explanations, it is clear that SQ3R is a useful

strategy that can use to increasing the students’

reading ability and to help the students’ difficulties

in comprehending the texts. According to Cahyono

(2010:51) SQ3R strategy is a five steps study plan

to help students construct meaning. SQ3R strategy

uses the elements of questioning, predicting,

setting a purpose for reading and monitoring for

confusion. The procedures of SQ3R strategy are: a.

Survey b. Question c. Read d. Recite e. Review

these steps are explained in the steps bellow:

a. Survey

Students should skim and scan the chapter.

The purpose of surveying the chapter is to get the

general idea of the content, structure, organization,

and plan of the chapter. Surveying the chapter

gives “big picture” a framework of the main ideas,

which will help to hold the details together later,

look at:

(1) Titles, headings, and subheadings

(2) Caption under picture, charts, graph, or maps

(3) Review question or teacher made study guides

(4) Introduction and conclusion

(5) Bold or italicized print

(6) First and last sentence in paragraph

(7) Summary and footnote

b. Question

Having students develop question gives them

a purpose for reading. Reading for specific

purpose positively influences comprehension.

Setting a purpose also aids the students in

recalling information. developing questions prior

to reading result in spontaneous attempts to

answer the question based on information already

known, increased concentration and attention

while reading to find an answer to the question ,

and increased comprehension due to the main in

its attempt to find an answer to the question.

Before beginning to read, students should turn

each title and subtitle into a question.

c. Read

Reading promotes an active search for

answer to the specific question that students have

developed. It forces the students to concentrate for

better comprehension and aid in lengthening

attention span.

Students should read each section of the text

to answer question that were developed in the step

above. If a word meaning is not clear through its

use in the selection, reread. If it is still unclear,

underline the word or jot it down and look it up

when students finish reading.

d. Recite

Recite the main ideas, in other words, aloud

or to the students, after finishing a page. Check

the comprehension and make sure the students

have the correct information. Do the same for the

major points after reading each section or chapter.

By reciting what the students’ read, the students

are able to see how much information the students

absorbed, areas the students didn’t understand and

need to review, and answer to the question the

students generated for the student. If the students

cannot answer the question, go back the material

and reread

e. Review

Teacher should include regular review

periods as an effective strategy for retaining

information. Regular reviews help students

remember more of the information, thereby

changing the nature of studying done at exam

time. Rather than relearning material that has been

forgotten because students haven’t looked at it

since reading it or writing it down, preparing for

an exam can include a review of familiar material

and rehearsal. The volume of material to review

increases as the course continues, but the amount

of time needed to review older material decreases.

Students should study their outlines and

notes and be able to retell what was read in their

own words. Students should try to relationships

within the content. If they are unable to the

teacher may need to model for students how to

look for relationships. Students should be

checking their memory by trying to recall main

points and sub points.

f) Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR)


Klingner and Vaughn (1999) define

Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) as a practice

in which students of mixed reading and

achievement levels work in small, cooperative

groups to assist one another in applying four

reading strategies to facilitate their comprehension

of content area text. In general, CSR as a new

technique attracted students’ attention and was

evaluated as an interesting activity type. CSR

provides the opportunity for readers to apply most

of the strategies needed for the reading skill.

Through the collaborative approach emphasized

with CSR, student learning is supported by both

teachers and peer. CSR as a multi dimension

strategy that addresses both content learning

through teacher and student led conversation as well

as strategic enhancement. There are steps in

Collaborative Strategic Reading: (a) preview

(before reading), (b) click and clunk (during

reading), (c) get the gist (during reading), and (d)

wrap-up (after reading). The stage in the following


a. The step in Collaborative Strategic Reading

1) Before Reading

a) Preview.

Preview is used only before reading. Students

are taught to scan the material quickly, looking for

clues about the story, the context, the setting, the

main characters, and the critical features of what

they are going to read. The goals of Preview are for

students to (a) generate interest and enthusiasm for

what they are about to read; (b) stimulate their

background knowledge, previous experiences, and

vocabulary related to what they are about to read;

and (c) provide an opportunity for them to develop

hypotheses about what they will read and

predictions about what they will learn.

2) During reading

a) Click and clunk (get it - do not get it)

Click and clunk is used during reading with the

purpose of teaching students how to monitor what

they are reading, and to identify the information that

they know more about, and information that causes

students to experience difficulties in understanding.

Click refers to when the reader comprehends the

word and text and Clunk refers to comprehension

breakdown or when the reader doesn’t know the

words. When students find a word, concept, or idea

hard to understand, it is a clunk. It is designed for

readers to pay attention to their understanding or

their failure. Students monitor their understanding

and decide if they really understand what they read

or not during reading. When students read a passage

with understanding, they proceed smoothly through

the text. When the student get a clunk, they use the

following fix-up strategies to figure out what the

clunk means: (a) reread the sentence with the clunk

and the sentences before or after the clunk, looking

for clues. (b) Reread the sentence without the word.

Think about what would make sense. (c) Look for

a prefix or suffix in the word (d) Break the word

apart and look for smaller words (e) Use a picture

(f) Ask for help.

b) Get the gist.

Get the gist is used during reading with the

purpose to teach readers how to identify the main

idea of passage. The goal of getting the gist is to

teach students to reproduce in their own words the

most important point of the text. Students learn to

identify the most important ideas in the text during

reading. This strategy teaches students to use their

own words to explain the main ideas of every

paragraph or two using a few words to check for

understanding. The students get the gist after

reading each paragraph or section of a passage. To

get the gist means to summarize or restate the most

important idea. Do not include the supporting

details. State the gist in their own words using the

following cues: (a) Decide who or what the

paragraph is mostly about the topic. (b) Name the

most important idea about the topic.

3) After Reading

a) Wrap Up

Wrap Up is an after reading technique with the

purpose of providing an opportunity for students to

review what they read by formulating questions.

The benefits of this stage are to improve students’

understanding, knowledge and memory. After

reading, students identify the most important ideas

from the entire section they have read. They

generate questions and answers about the

information in the text. Encourage students to create

high order thinking questions and write down the

most important information in the text. The students

wrap up after finishing the day’s reading

assignment. Wrap-Up includes: (a) Asking teacher

like questions about the passage (b) Reviewing by

thinking about what was important that you learned

from the day’s reading assignment.

B. Previous Related Study

This part of reviews is about several previous studies conducted

by other researcher that have similar focus with this study. The first

previous study is “Teaching Reading by Using Discussion and Game

Methods To The Second Year Students Of SMP Al-Islam Kalijambe”

by Ratih Yuni Istiati, (2012) , from the state Islamic institute of

Surakarta, in this research, the subject conducted at the second year

students of SMP Al-Islam Kalijambe. In this research showed that using

discussion and game method to improve students reading

comprehension and the student enjoy to get interested in the classroom

situation. There are the differences of her thesis with this thesis. In her

research she is focused on the teaching reading by using discussion and

game methods but in this thesis the researcher analyzing about teacher

strategies that used by the teacher not only focused in one technique but

also the researcher try to found the technique, method, media, etc. that

used by the teacher in teaching reading. And the similarity was both of

the researchers used a descriptive qualitative research in teaching

reading comprehension.

The result of the study are (1) the implementation of teaching

reading by using discussion and game methods in teaching reading. She

shows the procedure of teaching reading by using discussion and game,

the activities of teacher and students in the classroom and the technique

of teaching reading using discussion and game method. (2) The

advantages of teaching reading using discussion and game. She shows

the students as subjects are more actively involved in the learning

process, the students may express their own language, and students are

enthusiast in the English teaching learning process. (3) The difficulties

of teaching reading using discussion and game for students, student

competence, the ability and competence of all students in the classroom

are different, for teacher, teacher must have extra time. (4) Beneficial

of feedback for teacher is it motivates their students to continue learning

and acquire more and more language skill based on the responses from

the instructor and for students is to progress from one place to another

in their language learning.

The second previous study is “A study on Teachers’ Strategies

in Teaching Reading Comprehension At the Second Grade Student’s

MTs Tarbiyatul Ulum Panggungasri Panggungrejo Blitar Academic

Year 2013/2014” by: Tiin, Nurlaili (2014). The study is conducted to

know how the teachers of second grade students at MTs Tarbiyatul

ulum Panggungasri Blitar learn reading. This study particularly focuses

on study teacher’s strategies in reading comprehension. To conduct

study, the researchers focus on what kinds of teaching strategies

employed by teacher in reading comprehension.

The differences of her thesis with this thesis. First, in her

research the subject that used is the teacher at the Second Grade

Student’s MTs Tarbiyatul Ulum Panggungasri Panggungrejo Blitar.

Therefore, the subject that used in this research is the teacher and

student in SMA N 1 Andong Boyolali. The similarity was both, the

researchers used a descriptive qualitative research in teaching strategies

reading comprehension.

The objective of her study are (1) To know the teacher’s

strategies in teaching reading comprehension in second grade of MTs

Tarbiyatul Panggungasri Panggungrejo Blitar. (2) To know the extent

of those strategies help the teacher in teaching reading comprehension

in second grade of MTs Tarbiyatul Panggungasri Panggungrejo Blitar.

And the result showed that teacher’s strategies in teaching reading

comprehension is use fourth strategy they are: memorizing strategy,

question answer strategy, game and discussion strategy. With those

strategies the students easily understand the text of reading

comprehension. Research method, the researcher used descriptive

qualitative research consisting of some data in the form of word, phrase

and sentences. In conducting the research, the researcher collected data

through observation. Then the research interviewed the English teacher

to get more information.


In this chapter, the researcher report the research procedure. The

discussion in this chapter is divided into several points. The first is

research design, the second is the sources of data, the third is the

technique of collecting the data, fourth is the data analysis, and the last

point is the trustworthiness.

A. Research Design

In this study, the researcher use qualitative research. Moleong

(2013: 4) states that the definition of qualitative research from Bogdan

and Taylor as a research procedure that produces the descriptive data

such written words or spoken words from people or activities that can

be observed. According Creswell (2004: 32) qualitative research is an

approach for exploring and understanding the meaning of individuals or

groups ascribe to asocial or human problem.

Considering the object of the research, the most appropriate type

of research employed here is descriptive qualitative. Descriptive

qualitative research is just describing what data are and explaining the

data or events with sentence as the data is in this research. A descriptive

qualitative research is focused on written forms or pictures than number

of data. Descriptive method according Nazir in Prastowo (2012: 186)

is a method used to examine the status of the human group, an object, a

set of conditions, a system of thought, or a current events class. By using

this method, the data were identified and described, and then the result

of problem analysis is found. It means that descriptive method is

collecting the data then analyzing them and after that drawing the

conclusion to make a description of the problem or situation.

The researcher uses descriptive design in this research because

this research is focused on a certain phenomenon in the school

environment. In this case the phenomenon is the activities of teaching

and learning English especially the strategies in teaching reading.

Therefore, the appropriate design can be used in conducting this

research is descriptive research. The design consists of two stages. The

first is observation. The researcher observes the class the school

condition and teaching learning process especially in teaching reading.

The second stage is doing the interview with the English teacher. This

interview happens after the researcher doing the observation. In the

process interview, the researcher ask deep inforation to the teacher

about the strategies that used in teaching reading comprehension and

the researcher. The researcher takes place in SMP Muhammadiyah

Program Khusus Kartasura.

B. Setting Of The Research

1. Place of the research

The research will be conducted in SMP Muhammadiyah Program

Khusus Kartasura. SMP Muhammadiyah Program Khusus

Kartasura is located in Cendana II Street RT 02 RW 03

Gumpang, Kartasura, Sukoharjo. The researcher observe in ninth

grade at Jendral soedirman and Ahmad dahlan classes.

2. Time of the research

The research was conducted in July 2017 until November 2017

Table 3.1 Time of the Research

No Activity July August Sep Oct Nov

3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3

1. Pre-research

a. Observation

b. Interview

2. Writing a proposal

chapter I, II, III

3. Seminar proposal

4. Research

5. Post research

analyzing the data

6. Report and Submit

chapter IV and V.

C. Subject of The Research

The subject of this study is the English teacher who teach at

ninth grade. In SMP Muhammadiyah Program Khusus Kartasura

there are two English teacher. The subject of this research is Mrs.

Irma Rachmawati, S.Pd as a teacher in ninth grade. There are two

classes in the ninth grade (Jendral soedirman and Ahmad dahlan

classes). The researcher observe in both of the classes.

D. Data and Data Sources

According Lofland in Moleong (2013:157) the main source of

data in qualitative research is the words and action, the rest is additional

data such as document and others. Thus qualitative researchers do not

usually collect the data in the forms of numbers. Rather, they frequently

conduct observation and in-depth interviews, and the data are usually in

the form of words. Source of the data in qualitative research are

informants, events, and document. In this research, the source of the

data was the implementations of teaching strategies used by the teacher

on teaching English reading at SMP Muhammadiyah Program Khusus


1. Events

In this research, the even which were observed are the teaching

learning process at ninth grade of SMP Muhammadiyah Program

Khusus Kartasura. Data in this research are in the form of written

text in the field notes, interview transcript and notes. In research, the

researchers analyzed data on the very rich, and as far as possible in

its original form. These data are important aspect conducting in the

qualitative research. From these data the researcher can get the

information about the teacher strategy in teaching reading

comprehension that used by the teacher in ninth grade of SMP

Muhammadiyah Program Khusus Kartasura and know the strength

and weakness in implementing the strategy.

2. Informant

Informant is an individual that has important role in giving

information which is the researcher should choose the subject that

will be an informant. The researcher took 1 English teacher who

teach in ninth grade of SMP Muhammadiyah Program Khusus

Kartasura as informants to be interviewed. The teacher is Mrs. Irma

Rachmawati, S.Pd.

3. Document

Document is the written material which related with certain

event or activities. In this research, the document as the source are

teaching material, syllabus and lesson plan.

E. Technique of Collecting Data

The next step is to choose the technique of data collection that

will be used. The technique of collecting data is the way the researcher

do for collecting the data in the research. An instrument is needed in a

research to collect the data in qualitative research, the researcher is as

an instrument of the research. Sugiyono (2010: 223) states that the

researcher is the key instrument. In this research, the researcher uses

some techniques, those are interview and observation. All of the data

are collected in the form of word arrangement.

1. Observation
Observation is the conscious noticing and detailed examination of

participant’s behavior in a naturalistic setting (Heigham, 2009:166).

The ways to doing observation were: (1) the researcher prepared the

materials to conduct the observation such as: paper, pen and camera.

(2) The researcher joined in the classroom, (3) the researcher

observed teacher’s strategies in teaching reading comprehension.

This method is used to get any information about the teacher

strategies in teaching reading at SMP Muhammadiyah Program

Khusus Kartasura. In this case, the researcher observed whatever

done by the English teacher related to the teacher strategies in

teaching reading in the classroom.

Table 3.2. Time and place of observation

Time Class observation

Monday, 7 August 2017 jendral soedirman class

Wednesday, 9 August 2017 jendral soedirman class

Wednesday, 9 August 2017 ahmad dahlan class

Thursday, 10 August 2017 ahmad dahlan class

Monday, 6 November 2017 jendral soedirman class

As the table above the researcher did observation in five time

of two classes at ninth grade of SMP Muhammadiyah Al-Kautsar

Program Khusus Kartasura.

2. Interview
Interview is a technique in collecting the data by make

conversation between interviewer and interviewee to achieve a

specific goal. The interview was done after finished the teaching

and learning process. This interview will conduct to gain a spoken

respond from the participants. The functions of interview in this

research were to cross-check the data and to make sure that the data

from the observation were really valid. The interview conducted in

order to determine the information about teaching strategies that

used by the teacher in the classroom.

The researcher used interview because one of the ways to

get deep and more information about teacher activity in the

classroom. The respondents of this research are the English teacher

that teach in ninth grade. The researcher does depth interview with

Mrs. Irma Rachmawati, S.Pd as the English teacher in ninth grade

about the strategies that used in teaching reading and to know the

strength and weakness about the implementation strategies in the


3. Document

Document in this research consist of the materials used in

the teaching and learning reading, lesson plan, and syllabus.

Document is used to get some information and to check the validity

of the data. So in this research, the researcher uses documentation

as technique of collecting the data.

F. Technique of Analyzing Data.

In this research, the researcher uses method of data analysis. It

is descriptive analysis. According Miles and Huberman (1984: 21-23)

there three kind activity of data analysis, they are reduction, data

display, and drawing conclusion/verification. The component cannot be

separated. They bond each other in the data collecting process. Once the

researcher makes a complete field note, the researcher does data

reduction, and continues to develop temporary data display. By

examining data displayed in matrices, table, or graphics, the researcher

attempt consideration to reach temporary conclusion.

1. Reduction of the data

Reduction of the data is the first components in this analysis. In

the process of the reduction, the researcher choosing, centering,

sampling and transforming the raw data from the field note. The data

reduction was done during the research activities. In this case, the

researcher reduced information during the research activities of the

data of the data that did not support the data of the researcher.

The researcher took the data about teaching strategies in reading

comprehension. After collecting the data, the data reduction was

done continuously. In the observation data collecting, there were

many things observed such as teaching reading activity in the

classroom and interview with English teacher.

2. Presentation / display of the data

Display of the data is a description of the data. As the second

component in analyzing the data, this technique was used in

arranging information. The data founds from interview and

observation with the teacher about teaching strategies in teaching

reading comprehension and interview with some student to know

the strength and weakness of implementation the strategies. The

strategies that will be analyzed include the technique, method,

media, curriculum, source of material, and classroom management.

By presenting the data, the researcher considered that we

should do in addition, we could make the analysis or take the order

action-based on her understanding. The researcher displayed the

data then describe it. After describing the data, the researcher made

analysis about the data. The researcher presented the data from

teaching and learning process in the reading section.

3. Verification/drawing conclusion.

The third activity was drawing conclusion and verification. In

this study, conclusions were drawn continuously throughout the

course of the study. The researcher was likely to write up not only

what she has seen each day, but also her interpretations of those

observation. The researcher took conclusion after presentation the

data and analyzing data.

G. Trustworthiness of The Data

A qualitative research needs the validity of the data. The

validation of the data determines the quality of the result of research.

Sugiyono (2013: 273) states that validity is accuracy degree between

the data that happens at research object with effort that can be reported

by researcher. The accuracy of data did not only depend on selecting

the source of data and technique of collecting data but also accuracy of

choosing the technique of developing the validity of the data. To get the

validity and reliability of the research, the researcher used triangulation.

Denzin in Prastowo (2012: 269) distinguish triangulation into

five kinds:

1. Source Triangulation: to test credibility of the data with checking

the data through some of sources.

2. Technique Triangulation: to test the credibility of data with

checking the data with the same source and different technique such

as observation, documentation, or etc. if the research produces the

different data, the researcher has to discuss to data sources that have


3. Time triangulation: time has effect to the credibility of data. If

collecting the data with interview technique in the morning will give

fresh data, not too many problems and giving more valid the data.

4. The investigator triangulation: that is how examination of the

credibility of the data is done by making use of other observes for

checking the degree of trust our data. Or alternatively by comparing

the results of the work of an analysis with other analysis.

5. Theory triangulation: that is way of examination of the credibility

of the data is done using more than one theory to examine the data

findings of the researcher.

In this research, the researcher used technique triangulation

to get the validity of the data that is checking the data through some

of sources. The data sources are observation, interview and

documentation. The researcher observation in ninth grade. Then, to

get deep and more information of the data the researcher do

interview with the English teacher in ninth grade and to get the data

more valid the researcher used documentation.


This chapter explores the findings of the research and discussion

related to the answer of the problem statements as mentioned in chapter

1. The first is strategies that used by the English teacher in teaching

reading. The second is the strength and weakness of implementation the

teaching strategies that teacher used.

A. The description of the setting

The researcher has already did the research in SMP

Muhammadiyah AL-Kautsar Program Khusus Kartasura located on

Cendana II Street RT 02 RW 03 Gumpang, Kartasura, Sukoharjo. The

Headmaster is Mr. Mujibuddakwah, S.Pd. SMP Muhammadiyah Al-

Kautsar Program Khusus uses KTSP Kurikulum. There about 16

teachers who teach the students. There are 224 students. This school is

very strategic and the public transportation is very available. The

facilities are a laboratory, a library, parking area, internet access and

meeting room. The observation focuses on the ninth grade students of

SMP Muhammadiyah Program Khusus Kartasura. There are two

classes at ninth grade that are Jendral soedirman and Ahmad Dahlan.

The facility in the classroom are 17 tables for students and 1 table for

the teacher, there are 33 chairs for students and 1 chairs for the teacher,

white boards, eraser, bookmaker, LCD in each class, a clock, a calendar,

a fan, a complete tool cleanness, and a shelf shoes. The classes are very

clean because every the student go to class they always remove their


B. Research Findings

1. The Implementation of strategy in teaching reading

comprehension at ninth grade of SMP Muhammadiyah AL-

Kautsar Program Khusus Kartasura

The activity which are provided by English teacher in SMP

Muhammadiyah Al-Kautsar Program Khusus Kartasura mostly

require the students to give their active participation. The activities

include group discussion, presentation, questions and answer also

exercise based on activity. Most of the activities on the other hand

also require the collaborated participation for the students. Here the

elements of teaching:

a. Teaching Preparation

In teaching learning reading the teacher prepare some

material such as objective of learning, syllabus, lesson plan,

teaching material and media.

1) Objective of learning

In education, learning objectives are brief statements

that describe what students will be expected to learn by the

end of school year, course, unit, lesson, project, or class

period. In many cases, learning objectives are the interim

academic goals that teachers establish for students who are

working toward meeting more comprehensive learning

standards. The objective of learning is started with

competency based teaching and learning assumption as: a

systematic approach to teaching and learning benefits

learners and self, learning is personal, teaching profile is first

than subject matter follows, teaching is rewarding process,

risks are worth taking the development takes courage and

flexibility process is the most desirable attributes in the


Then in basic competent the basic teaching English

in junior high school is that the students are able to response

meaning in transactional (to get things done) and

interpersonal conversation formally and informally using

simple spoken language accurately and acceptably in the

daily context in term of descriptive recount procedure,

narrative and report.

2) Syllabus

A syllabus has several functions. The first function is

to invite students to inform them of the objectives of the

course and to provide a sense of what the course will be like.

The second function is to provide a kind of contract between

instructors and students, to document expectations for

assignments and grade allocations. The third function is to

provide a guiding reference a resource to which students and

instructional staff can refer for logistical information such as

the schedule for the course and office hours, as well as the

rationale for the pedagogy and course content.

In SMP Muhammadiyah Al-Kautsar Program Khusus

Kartasura the English syllabus involves in school based

level curriculum which familiar with KTSP. It is operational

curriculum which designed and operated by each unit level

of education. It orients on the result and impacts coming out

from the students themselves by varieties of meaningful

experience that can be manifest in accordance to their needs.

The first indicator showing the quality of English

teaching and learning process in SMP Muhammadiyah Al-

Kautsar Program Khusus Kartasura is the teacher lesson

plan. An effective teaching and learning process usually

comes from a good planning. A careful planning is at the

same importance at the teaching and learning process in


3) Lesson plan

Arranging lesson plan is put at the same importance

as the teaching and learning process in the classroom in

order to make the teachers become aware of the importance

of arranging lesson plan. The lesson plan that teacher make

based on the KTSP syllabus used in SMP Muhammadiyah

Al-Kautsar Program Khusus Kartasura. The teaching and

learning in the classroom are based on the lesson plan that

has been arranged if there is unexpected thing happening in

the classroom the teacher have to adapt on the condition of

the classroom. In SMP Muhammadiyah Al-Kautsar

Program Khusus Kartasura, the teacher are arranging lesson

plan in every week in order to make them organize and

discipline. As the result of interview with Mr. Rifki as waka

kurikulum said that:

“Kalau kita, tahun ini dalam administrasi

pembelajaran diawal itu membuat rancangan
mulai dari akademiknya kemudian syllabus
kemudian kita buat prota promes sesuai dengan
minggu efektif kita kemudian untuk pembuatan
RPP atau lesson plan kita buatnya setiap
minggu. jadi kalau minggu ini berjalan senin
sampai kamis (karena pembelajaran kita
sampai kamis) itu hari seninya mereka
mngumpulkan RPP. jadi RPP dibuat perminggu
jadi setiap senin dibuat untuk satu minggu senin
depannya lagi dibuat untuk seminggu jadi
memang untuk RPP yang kita buat itu buatnya
ndak satu tahun langsung soalnya kalau satu
tahun langsung itu kita ndak bisa meramalkan
perkembangan nya nanti seperti apa kan untuk
tingkat keakuratannya ndak terlalu baik nah
jadi kita buat semacam itu supaya kalu ternyata
ada perubahan jam atau lain sebagainya itu
bisa kemudian kita evaluasi metode yang
digunakan bapak ibu guru. kalau ternyata
metodenya hanya konfensional saja nanti kita
ubah kita tambahi metode untuk bapak ibu guru
seperti itu. untuk tahun ini memng administrasi
bapak ibu guru lebih tertib sudah itu saja”
(Interview on Monday August 7th 2017)
4) Instructional material

Instructional material refers to any instrument

devices or material used to transfer and hard over the

knowledge, information, and skill, to learn from skill to

learn from teacher/ instructor to learners or students.

Material is the important role in teaching learning process.

Without the material, the process of teaching learning are

not run well. The teacher needs to choose the appropriate

source of material to teach the students. By appropriate

material, the students can be easy in receiving the material.

The material can lead to an interesting process of the

teaching. Students will enjoy and happy in teaching learning

process. There are many sources of material that can be used

in teaching learning activity.

The instructional material is used by the teacher to

teach the students, while the learning material are the ones

used by students to learn the subject being taught to them.

The more interesting the material the more the students will

devote their attention to it. The English teacher in SMP

Muhammadiyah Al-Kautsar Program Khusus Kartasura

uses printed material.

Printed material is the term to reveal material which

produced by printers or publisher such as hand book,

magazine, handout, worksheet and other publicity material.

The teacher takes the material from many sources such as:

book, internet, newspaper, and radio. The main source of the

material is a book entitled “Passport to the world; A fun and

easy English book for grade IX of junior high schools". Mrs.

Irma Rahmawati uses this book in their teaching and

learning process since she believes that is the most suitable

book for students. So this book used as the main source of

material. Besides, Mrs. Irma also uses some additional

sources of material such as internet and magazine in her

interview said:

“kalau saya ambil materi biasanya dari buku

paket kalau bahan bacaan itu banyak
sumbernya ya mbak salah satunya saya ambil
bacaan dari internet.” (Interview on Monday,
August 15th 2017)

Mrs. Irma takes the teaching material from the book

“Passport to the world; A fun and easy English book for

grade IX of junior high schools”, Then she develops the

material into various interesting activity. Besides, she also

stated that she also makes use of internet to look for any

other relevant material to the students.

5) Media used

Media is all of something that can be used to deliver

the message or information teaching learning process to

simulate the student's attention and they interest in the study.

Media is important in teaching learning process. It used to

support the teacher in teaching and help the students in

accepting the material. In teaching learning process, the

teacher often uses media to make the students easier in

accepting the teacher's explanations. The media will make

the teaching learning process become interesting. It also

helps the students for getting material easily and clearly.

There are many media that can be used to teach in

teaching and learning process such as LCD, picture, text, etc.

It depends on the material that given. Based on the

observation, Mrs. Irma Rahmawati used Laptop and LCD as

the media in teaching the students. She said:

Teacher: “jadi nanti materinya ibu jelaskan

lewat sini. Yang pertama bu irma akan
menayangkan sebuah video kita simak baik
baik” (Observation on Monday 6th November
Based on observation above, the teacher asked the
students to see a video in LCD. It is relate with the result
of interview Mrs. Irma said that:

“Kalau media saya sering pake leptop dan LCD

mbak jadi saya buat PPT supaya menjelaskan
ke siswanya lebih mudah. Saya menggunakan
gambar untuk materi tertentu seperti descriptive
text narrative dan kalau report text saya
menggunakan text saja juga ada gambarnya
kadang.” (Interview on Monday, 15th August

From the observation and interview above, media

used by Mrs. Irma Rahmawati in teaching are laptop and

LCD. She showed the material through power point. It helps

the teacher easily to explain the material.

b. Teaching Learning Process

In teaching and learning English the teacher used a

specific technique. During the observation in ninth grade the

researcher observe teaching learning activity in reading

skill. The material was report text and narrative text. The

researcher did observation in two classes at ninth grade. The

classes are Jendral Soedirman and Ahmad Dahlan. The way

Mrs. Irma Rahmawati taught reading is just little bit

difference between Jendral Soedirman class and Ahmad

Dahlan class. Mrs. Irma uses different technique in teaching

reading for every meeting. As the result of interview with

Mrs. Irma:

“Kalau kemarin, pas ngajar report dan

narrative teks itu saya menggunakan tehnik
yang berbeda mbak. ya biar ada variasi dan
siswa engak bosan. karena kan tujuannya itu
supaya menarik antusias siswa dalam belajar
sehingga mereka mau memperhatikan dan
paham dengan materi. pertama kita liat dulu
sebenarnya kalau pake tehnik ini cocok apa
enggak jadi ya sambil coba coba juga si mbak.
Memang kalau dalam penerapan tehnik kan
juga harus disesuaikan sama kondisi anak
anak dikelas. Kalau dari kemampuan mereka
dalam Bahasa inggris itu tidak terlalu
dihawatirkan mbak mereka antusias nya
tinggi. jadi saya juga menggunakan tehnik
yang cukup simple untuk
diterapkan.”(Interview on Monday 15th 2017)

Based on the statement above, in teaching reading the

teacher use a different technique because the goal of the

teaching learning is to make the student understand about

the material and they have enthusiastic to learn. In applying

the technique it should be seen the student's characteristic so

the process of teaching and learning is run well. According

to the teacher, the ability in English lesson for both of

Jendral Soedirman and Ahmad Dahlan classes are no

worried it is mean that they have ability in English lesson.

After the researcher did observation, the researcher

interview with the teacher. She said that she use

Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) and Survey,

Question, Read , Recite, Review (SQ3R) method or

technique in teaching reading. As the result of Interview:

“Kalau dalam mengajar khususnya reading

skill biasanya saya pakai CSR kalau enggak gitu
saya pake SQ3R itu biasanya si, karena lebih
seneng yang model model kaya gitu simple dan
mudah diterapkan. Kalau kemarin saya pake
CSR yang stepnya ada review clik and clunk get
the gist and wrap up itu masuknya ke
collaborative strategy reading dan saya juga
pake yang SQ3R yaitu dimulai dari survey,
question, read, recite, review. Saya pake itu
karena anak ya dapat mudah menerima
pelajaran dengan saya memberikan instruksi
yang tepat saja sih. ” (Interview on Monday,
15th August 2017)

There are three stages in the teaching and learning

process. The first step is opening activities, the second is the

main activity which includes exploration, elaboration,

confirmation, and the third is closing activities. By

observation, the researcher knows the process of teaching

and learning in Jendral Saoedirman Class and Ahmad

Dahlan class. The result of observation are:

1) Classroom Research 1

a) Opening activities

At the beginning, after the bell rang, the teacher

entered the classroom Firstly, she opened the class by

giving a greeting and checked attendance list. The

teacher told to the students the purpose of the teaching

learning that day that was report text. But before she

explains about report text. She told them the differences

between descriptive and report text.

b) Main activities

First, the teacher asks the students to make a

group. One group consist of 4 people. Then the teacher

ask the students to open handbook page 108 relate the

report text. The title of the text is "Roses". In the main

activity, the teacher and the students discuss the schema

of the text. Some of them are generic structure, purpose

and the vocabulary that used in the text. From the

vocabulary and the main idea of the text students will

easier knowing the text discussion. In report text, the

stages are general classification and description. In

teaching reading report text the steps include:

General Classification: Stating classification of general

aspect of thing; animal, public place, plant, etc. which

will be discussed in general. Here the activity involved

a. Deciding theme

The first activity is the students analyze the theme by

look at the title in the text in group.

b. Deciding general description / identification

The students read the text and then predict the

general description of the text.

Description: Describing the thing which will be

discussed in detail; part, customs or deed for living

creature and usage for materials. In this activity, the

teacher and the students start to descriptions. The teacher

asks the students to read and find the difficult words

individually. The teacher uses silent reading. The teacher

asks the students to translate the difficult words without

open the dictionary. The teacher asks the students to re-

read the text and find suffix or affix to predict the

meaning of the word. After the student predicts it the

teacher explain the report text together.

c) Closed activity

Five minutes before the bell rang the teacher give

the students homework. The homework are the teacher

should make the question relate the text. She also

reminded the student to study hard at home. She praised

the student active participation and then he said good bye

to them.

2) Classroom Research 2

a) Opening activities

At the beginning, after the bell rang, the teacher

entered the classroom. Firstly, she opened the class by

giving a greeting and checked attendance list. The

teacher told to the students the purpose of the teaching

learning that day that was report text. But before she

explains about report text. She told them the differences

between descriptive and report text.

b) Main activities

First, the teacher gives the students a text. The

title is “Cats”. In the main activity, the teacher and the

students discuss the schema of the text. Some of them

are generic structure, purpose and the vocabulary that

used in the text. From the vocabulary and the main idea

of the text students will easier knowing the text

discussion. In report text, the stages are general

classification and description. In teaching reading report

text the steps include:

General Classification: Stating classification of general

aspect of thing; animal, public place, plant, etc which

will be discussed in general. Here the activity involved.

a. Deciding theme

The first activity is the students analyze the theme by

look at the title in the text.

b. Deciding general description / identification

The students read the text and then predict the

general description of the text.

Description: Describing the thing which will be

discussed in detail; part, customs or deed for living

creature and usage for materials. In this activity, the

teacher asks the students to make a group. One group

consist of 4 people. The teacher gives the text in each

group. Then the teacher asks them to read. The teacher

gives the time. After 10 minutes. The teacher gives four

question to the students about the text. Then she asks

them to answer by a group. (The activity closed by

teacher and continue in the next day). In the next day,

the first activity is the teacher explain the text and give

some questions to the students.

The teacher asks the students to read and find the

difficult words individually. The teacher uses silent

reading technique. The teacher ask them to find the main

idea in each paragraph. She gives assignment which is

the student should make a question by their own word.

For about 15 minutes the teacher ask some students to

read aloud their question. Then they explain together

about the text.

c) Closed activity

Five minutes before the bell rang the teacher close

the activity and make the evaluation about that day. She

also reminded the student to study hard at home. She

praised the student active participation and then he said

good bye to them.

3) Classroom Research 3

a) Opening activities

At the beginning, after the bell rang, the teacher

entered the classroom. Firstly, she opened the class by

giving a greeting and checked attendance list. The

teacher told to the students the purpose of the teaching

learning that day that was narrative text.

b) Main activities

First, the teacher showed a video about

narrative text. Then the teacher explain the definition,

purpose, and generic structure of narrative text. But,

before it, she asked the student’s knowledge about

narrative text.

The teacher showed a picture and the tittle to

the students. The title is “A man and a little cat” By

looked for a picture and the title, she asked the students

to predict what the text about and she asked some

student to made a question based on the picture. She

also give an example of the question. Then, the teacher

asked the students to write two questions in their book

and the teacher give five second for them.

The teacher showed a narrative text in LCD

then the teacher asked the students to scanning the text.

After the students read quickly, the teacher asked the

students to find the answer of their question that have

made in the text. Then the teacher asked some students

to read their question and tried to found the answer in

the text.

The next activity, the teacher asked the

students to re-read and understanding the text. The

teacher ask the students whether there are difficult

words in the text. While the teacher help the students to

interpret the difficult words, she also explain the

meaning of the text.

The teacher explain about main idea and how

to know the main idea in each sentence. The teacher

also explain how to answer the question in narrative

text. Then she asked one of the student to read the text

and while the students read in one paragraph the teacher

interpret the sentence and discussed together to get the

gist of the text.

c) Closed activity

In the closing activity, the teacher make an

evaluation about lesson today. The teacher showed

an exercise in the LCD and asked the students to

answer the question in behind the paper of the text.

There are ten questions and the question is multiple

choice. The teacher make this evaluation aimed to

checking their understanding of the material. After

the students finished to answer the questions, the

teacher lead the students to discussed the answer of

those questions.

c. Classroom Management

Success in teaching learning depends on cooperation

between the English teacher and the students. The teacher

must have the ability to manage the classroom so the process

of teaching learning is run well. The teacher should be smart

in managing the class. Keep to control the situation of the

class it is the main key so that students pay attention in

teaching learning activity. On the other hand, if one of the

students make noise in the class than the other students are

disturbed and they also do not understand about the lesson

that is delivered.

Based on observation, when the students not pay

attention to the lesson and focus with other activities that do

not matter in class, the teacher action is look at students with

silent. Then, they will automatically be afraid to the teacher.

They are given two chance after it and the teacher will

continue to advise them and provide an educational

punishment. As the teacher said by interview:

“Salah satunya agar mereka kondusif dikelas

itu saya tidak hanya focus ke satu titik kalau
mengajar jadi saya keliling. Terus volume suara
juga penting mbak kadang saya terlalu pelan
mereka ngak gagas sama apa yang saya
sampaikan makannya sebisa mungin saya
menyampaian sampai belakang kedengaran
jelas. Saya juga berusaha memberikan instruksi
yang jelas sama siswa mbak supaya mereka
enggak bingung dan biasanya banyak tanya kan
mereka kalau bingung jd ndak kondusif juga.
Tapi kalau dalam diskusi bersama (sharing)
saya selalu memberikan kesempatan siswa
bicara tapi itu ada waktunya mbak kembali lagi
ke instruksi tadi yang penting etap tenang dan
tidak gaduh. Terus kalau missal ada anak rame
gojek terus ya paling saya pandang mbak nanti
dia ngrasa sendiri jadi tidak rame lagi tp kalau
diulang lagi ya saya ceramahi mbak kalau ada
yang tidur ya saya suruh cuci muka kemarin itu
kelas berapa itu ada yang gojek terus dia. jadi
saya suruh itu, kan biasanya anak anak kan
sholat duha ya lha nanti saya nyuruh dia sholat
duha sama anak anak dengan ro kaat yang
cukup banyak. Biasanya 2 saya tambah 8 gitu
tpi saya pantau” (Interview on Monday, 15
August 2017)

Based on the interview above the teacher are good in

managing the class. She tried to give attention to all the

students in the classroom. The way the teacher advisee’s the

students, make them submissive. She tried to explain the

material well by giving instruction clearly.

d. Teacher’s Role in Teaching English Reading


Teacher haves a role in teaching learning process.

Based on observation in Mrs.Irma Rahmawati’s class it

could be seen that in delivering a new material especially in

English reading comprehension she explain about that

material to the students which act as the center of

information. The teacher explains about the matter clear in

the study of report text. She guides the students from the

first, start from before reading activity. She gives

explanation about the differences between report text and

descriptive text. the goal of the teacher is to make the

students understand and know the differences between

descriptive and report text.

In during reading activity, Mrs. Irma Rahmawati

explains the text and ask the students to read aloud the text.

She helps the students in reading the text by telling the

correct pronunciation. If the student do not know the

meaning of each word she told them. In this activity, the

teacher is needed in the guide the students to understanding

the material.

In after reading activity Mrs. Irma Rahmawati give

chance to the students to improve their knowledge about the

text by asking to make questions. Here the teacher gives

chance the students to develop their knowledge.

2. The Strength and Weakness of Implementation The

Teaching Strategies in Teaching Reading Comprehension

The teacher should be selective to choose the best

strategy that appropriates with a condition of the students. Every

strategy has the strength and weakness. In SMP Muhammadiyah

Al-Kautsar Program Khusus Kartasura the English teacher has

strategies to teach the students especially in reading. Based on

observation and interview with the English teacher, the

researcher found the strength and the weakness strategies

implemented by Mrs. Irma Rachmawai, S.Pd as follows:

a. The Strength

The technique that used by the teacher in teaching

reading are Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) and

Survey, Question,
Read, Recite, Review (SQ3R). Those are a specific

technique to teaching reading and understand the text more.

Based on observation, there are many strength in

implementing the technique in the class.

a) The students do not feel bored in teaching and learning


Based on observation the researcher saw that, when

the teacher gives the material with use CSR and SQ3R

technique the students do not feel bored and enjoy in the

reading activity. In CSR technique, the students have to

cooperate by group discussion so when they do not

understand they can share each other. Collaborative

Strategic Reading has several steps start from previewing,

click and clunk, get the gist, and wrap up. This is not only

reading the text individually then translate it together. But

also through some step until the students understand the text.

In implementing Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review

(SQ3R) technique also there are some steps. Since, SQ3R

provide some steps, it can make the reading activity

becomes less difficult, and perhaps, even more interesting.

It is relate with the result of interview with Mrs. Irma


“Kelebihan yang pertama itu, jadi anak anak

kan kalau membaca terus kita ngasih model
tersendiri ya mba jadi ada stategy membacaya
yang enggak hanya dibaca trus cari artinya
anak anak tuh kalau kaya gitu bosen. Terus
kedua tehnik itu kan kaya specific technique
untuk reading ya mba jadi kaya gitu kaya ada
variasi sedikit tentu dalam membaca
menghilangkan kebosenanya. si tergantung
anaknya ya mba tapi kenapa kok saya pake
tehnik itu karena salah satunya ya membuat
anak tidak bosen karea bervariasi langkah
langkahnya. jadi mereka itu kaya merasa ada
kegiatannya o aku habis ini trus ini gini
gini……” (Interview on Monday, 15 August

If the students enjoy and not feel bored in the class.

They will get the point about the material and understand

what they learn.

b) The students were active and rehearsing to read


By using CSR and SQ3R technique the students is

more active in the class. It is based on observation when the

teacher use CSR technique, the teacher ask the students to

find a difficult words then try to translate it without open the

dictionary, the students have to predictand they are very

enthusiasm. They have curious to know the meaning of it.

In implementing SQ3R technique, the students also look

active. When the teacher ask them to predict a question, to

read quickly the text and to re-read the text so they can get

the point of the text they are look very active and enthusiast.

As the result interview with Mrs. Irma Rahmawati:

“…..kalau di CSR itu anak anak jadi aktif mbak

soalnya kalau saya meyuruh mereka mencari
kata yang sulit dan mengartikannya mereka
berlomba lomba apa lagi kalau saya ngasih
point bagi yang bisa mengartikan kalau di
SQ3R juga mereka juga jadi aktiv dalam
pembelajaran ketika mereka saya suruh
membaca cepat untuk menemukan jawban dari
pertanyaan yang mereka buat mereka tidak ada
yang tidak membaca dan aktif encari jawaban
mereka masing masing ..…” (Interview on
Monday, August 15th 2017)

Based on observation, the researcher saw that in

using this technique make the students have ability to read

carefully a text. Because, to know the meaning the students

must re-read the text and this train the students to careful in

understanding the text.

c) The student were courage to deliver their opinion

When the teacher ask a question with the students

about the material after she explained, by using CSR and

SQ3R technique they have courage to deliver their opinion

because wen the students understand and get the gist for the

text material they will be brave and confidence to speak and

present their opinion.

The statement above relate with observation in

implementing CSR on Wednesday, August 9th 2017 at

Jendral Soedirman class:

“Teacher:”Nanti yang miss tunjuk tolong

bacakan soal yang kalian buat kemarin, atau
ada yang mau bacakan soalnya . ayo siapa raise
your hand ?”
Students A:” Saya miss; comes from where are
the roses?”
Teacher:” (writing in the whiteboard) ayo siapa
lagi yang mau membacakan pertanyaannya?
Students B:” Saya miss; how many species of the
Students C:” salah ggak papa miss?”
Teacher:” Ya nggak papa nanti kita betulkan
bersama. Apa pertanyaanmu”
Students C:”what is purpose the text?”…..”

Based on the result of observation above, the

students look enthusiast in deliver their opinion. Although,

their question is not quite good but they are courage and

confident to speak.

b. The Weaknesses

Based on the research that have been done by the

researcher, the researcher found that in implementing the

strategies is more has strength than weaknesses. The weaknesses

are different student’s capability and in implementing SQ3R

technique is waste the time.

1) The different student’ capability

Each student had different capability in receiving the

material. Some of the students learned the material easily and

the other learned it with some difficulties. This situation made

the teaching learning process did not run well. For example,

when Mrs. Irma Rahmawati explained material to the students,

some of the slow learners did not understand what the material
which they got, but the other learners of the students could

understand it well. If the slow learners did not ask the teacher

about their difficulties, the teacher would not know about their

problems. Consequently, the teacher should recognize the

students well and know their capabilityies by giving much

attention to them rather than the easily learning students.

2) Took a long time

Based on observation, the researcher saw that in

implementing the SQ3R and CSR technique is need more time.

Because there are some steps and when the teacher used this

technique it is not enough to teach in one meeting. There were

several reasons. The first is lack of preparation. In preparing

tools that will be used in learning such as LCD and laptop took

a long time. So it spent the time that should have started in

teaching and learning process. The second is because of

different students' abilities. Not all students have the same

ability to understand the material. So not all the students can

quickly pass every step in using SQ3R and CSR techniques such

as in answer questions, looking for answers, reading

comprehension. So from the explanation above, the teacher's

solution is give homework to the students, and another solution

is continue the next step in the upcoming meeting.

The result of interview with Mrs. Irma Rahmawati as follows:

“So far kekurangannya mungkin lebih di waktu

ya mbak. Trus kalau saya menggunakan SQ3R
itu butuh waktu banyak di banding CSR. Karena
stepsnya lebih rumit yang SQ3R itu mbk.
Sebenarny sama ja sih tapi karena stepnya lebih
rumit dikit ya kalau SQ3R. Sebenarnya bisa
diajarkan dalam satu pertemuan dan selese
tepat waktu tapi karena kan kemampuan siswa
itu berbeda beda ya mbak jadi kalau pake
technique itu ya kendalanya diwaktunya itu
lebih lama soalnya juga kan sebisa mungkin
sampe semua siawa paham. (Interview on
Monday 15th August 2017)

Based on the result of the interview with Mrs.Irma

Rahmawati it can be concluded that in implementing both of

SQ3R and CSR technique, it is require many time because there

are some steps and also every students has different capability

so the teacher tried to make all the students understood what

they learn.

C. Research Discussion

On the basis of research finding above, the researcher

discusses the finding and underlying theory. In this section the

researcher will answer the problem statement that has been presented in

this research finding will be discussed with the relevant reference from

the expert to justify the research finding on teaching reading strategies

at ninth grade of SMP Muhammadiyah Al-Kautsar Program Khusus

Kartasura Academic year 2017/2018.

1. The Implementation of strategy in teaching reading

comprehension at ninth grade of SMP Muhammadiyah AL-

Kautsar Program Khusus Kartasura.

In the first meeting, the teacher started the lesson in Ahmad

Dahlan Class by reviewing about report text and descriptive text.

She explained the differences between report and descriptive text to

the students. In that meeting the teacher used Collaborative

Strategic Reading. There are forth steps in CSR: previewing, click

and clunk, get the gist, and wrap up. Afterwards, she began to model

those steps.

Firstly, she asked the students to previewing by looked at the

tittle of the text what the writer might tell about. Secondly, she asked

the students to read the text and find the difficult word. The teacher

ask the students to try translate these difficult word without open the

dictionary. After that she ask the students to re-read the text and

predict the meaning of the words. While the students re-read the text

the teacher ask them to get main idea in the text. Lastly, the teacher

ask the students to make a questions based on the text. The way of

how the teacher introduced CSR technique above showed that she

had followed the procedure of how to implement CSR technique as

explained by (Klingner et al., 1998) there are forth steps in teaching

reading using CSR. There are previewing, click and clunk, get the

gist, and wrap up.

In implementing CSR technique the method that used by the

teacher is Cooperative Learning Language that in learning process

the students work on group as the explained by (Richards, 2001)

that cooperative learning is the instructional use of small groups

through which students work together to maximize their own and

each other’s learning.

Every step of CSR strategy has different role. The first step

is previewing. Previewing, means to look over the whole chapter.

Where students read titles and headings to predict the content of the

text. Click and Clunk in which students monitor their

comprehension and use fix-up techniques to understand the text. Get

the Gist is requires the students to restate the main idea of the

passage, and Wrap-Up where students must summarize what was

learned. They can make questions for themselves because this way

helps them to know they understand the main points or not.

Overall the steps used by the teacher in implementing CSR

strategy, the observer concluded that during the teaching-learning

process, the aloud reading and silent reading as the types of reading

was used, since the teacher ask the students to reading loudly aimed

to develop the skill speaking and the teacher can correct their

pronunciations. While, reading silently to understanding the text. As

stated by Patel (2008) that Reading aloud have advantages such as

to develop the skill of reading very well by speaking or expressing

ideas, to develop the skill of pronounce very well, makes reading

very enjoyable to student be active in learning process. Silent

reading is done to acquire a lot of information.

In the next meeting, the teacher taught in Ahmad Dahlan

Class and introducing narrative text through laptop and LCD.

Firstly, she showed a tittle and picture relate with narrative text. She

asked the students to survey what the writer might tell about.

Secondly, she modeled how to generate a question. After that she

read the whole text. Then, she recite the questions. And lastly, she

asked the student to summarize the paragraph. After modeling those

steps, she instructed the students to practice the strategy. The way

of how the teacher introduced SQ3R strategy above showed that she

had followed the procedure of how to implement SQ3R strategy as

explained by Fraser (1996), there are five steps in teaching reading

using SQ3R. There are survey, question, read, recite and review.

Every step of SQ3R strategy has different role. The first step

is survey. Survey means to look over the whole chapter. What the

students need to survey are the title, headings, and subheadings;

captions under the pictures, charts, graphs, and maps; review

questions, introductory, and concluding paragraphs; and summary.

The second step is question. In this step, students have to focus on

the main points of reading material. They can make questions for

themselves because this way helps them to know they understand

the main points or not. The third step is read. Students can read the

reading passage carefully. In this step, the students should read the
whole text to find the important details and record the answer to

each self-generated question. The fourth step is recite. In this step,

the students try to answer the questions they have made in order to

remember the information or main points that they had learned from

the text. The last step is review. In this step, students summarize the

information learned by drawing flow charts or writing a summary

of big ideas in order to remember the information from the text.

Fraser (1996) stated that SQ3R provides a different method

of reading textbook that will most likely enhance understanding and

retention of material. It means that it helps the readers to organize

the structure of a subject in their mind, set study goals and focus on

essential information. Besides, it also helps the readers to be active

and selective in their reading and study, looking for answers to their

questions, and helping them to recognize what is important and what

is not.

Overall the steps used by the teacher in implementing SQ3R

and CSR strategy, the observer concluded some principal strategies

for reading comprehension as state by Brown (2004:188) star from

Identify purpose in reading a text, Apply spelling rules and

convention for bottom-up decoding, Use lexical analysis (prefixes,

rots, suffixes, etc.) to determine meaning, Guess at meaning (of

words, idioms, etc.) when you aren’t certain, Skim the text for the

gist and for main ideas, Scan the text for specific information
(names, dates, keywords), Use silent reading technique for rapid


2. The Strength and Weakness of Implementation the

Teaching Strategies in Teaching Reading Comprehension.

a. The Student’s different capability

When Mrs. Irma Rahmawati explained material to the

students, some of the slow learners did not understand what the

material which they got, but the other learners of the students

could understand it well. If the slow learners did not ask the

teacher about their difficulties, the teacher would not know

about their problems. Each student had different capability in

receiving the material.

Some of the students learned the material easily and the

other learned it with some difficulties. This situation made the

teaching learning process did not run well. Consequently, the

teacher should recognize the students well and know their

capabilityies by giving much attention to them rather than the

easily learning students. Is related with Harmer (2007) he state

that teaching is not an easy job, but it is a necessary one, and

can be very rewarding when the teacher see our students

progress and know that the teacher have helped to make it


b. Took a long time.

The researcher saw that in implementing the SQ3R and

CSR technique is need more time. Because there are some steps

and when the teacher used this technique it is not enough to

teach in one meeting. There were several reasons. The first is

lack of preparation. In preparing tools that will be used in

learning such as LCD and laptop takes a long time. So it spent

the time that should have started in teaching and learning

process. The second is because of different students' abilities.

Not all students have the same ability to understand the

material. So not all the students can quickly pass every step in

using SQ3R and CSR techniques such as in answer questions,

looking for answers, reading comprehension. From the

explanation above, the teacher's solution were give homework

to the students, and another solution is continue the next step in

the upcoming meeting. There must be some reason why in that

learning of the shortage of time. But the teacher must have

solution to deal whit it. As stated by Harmer (2007) If the

teacher want to manage classrooms effectively, the teacher

have to be able to handle a range of variables. These include

how the classroom space is organized, whether the students are

working on their own or in groups and how to organize

classroom time.

A. Conclusion

Teaching reading at ninth grade of SMP Muhammadiyah Al-

Kautsar Program Khusus Kartasura was process of giving instruction to

the students. Guiding the students to gain the knowledge. It also can by

defined as giving the students opportunity to learn and master in reading

comprehension as one of the part of English so that the student know

how to used English and applied English in the context of the text which

have may kinds of part that can be explore and developed properly in

real English. Based on the discussion on the previous chapter, it can be

conclude the strategy used by the teacher in teaching reading

comprehension and the strength and weakness of implementation the


The result of the research showed that there are two technique

used by the teacher in teaching reading. The teacher use Collaborative

Strategic Reading (CSR) and Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review

(SQ3R) technique in teaching Reading at Ninth grade of SMP

Muhammadiyah Al-Kautsar Program Khusus. CSR is a specific

technique to teaching reading or practice in which students of mixed

reading and achievement levels work in small, cooperative groups to

assist one another in applying four reading strategies to facilitate their

comprehension of content area text. There were silent reading and aloud

reading as the types of reading in implementing CSR technique. SQ3R

is a reading strategy that can be used to increase the students’ reading

ability and comprehension of what they are reading. In implementing

this strategy the teacher also used scanning skill. The teacher used laptop,

LCD, English book to explain the material. The source of material are

textbook and internet. In classroom management, the teacher were using

the voice, giving instruction and talk to the students.

The strength of implementation the strategy are the students do

not fell bored, they were active and creative in the class, they have

courage to deliver their opinion they also rehearsing to read carefully

the text. The weakness of implementation the strategies are the different

student’s capability and implementing the technique were took a long

time. There were several reasons. The first is lack of preparation. In

preparing tools that will be used in learning such as LCD and laptop

takes a long time. So it spent the time that should have started in

teaching and learning process. The second is because of different

students' abilities. Not all students have the same ability to understand

the material. So not all the students can quickly pass every step in using

SQ3R and CSR techniques such as in answer questions, looking for

answers, reading comprehension. From the explanation above, the

teacher's solution is give homework to the students, and another solution

is continue the next step in the upcoming meeting.

B. Suggestion

Based on the result of the research stated above, the researcher

draws some suggestion. The researcher hope that these suggestion will
be useful especially for English Teacher, for the student, for the school,

and the other researcher. They are as follow:

1. For the teacher

Teacher is a center figure for the students. The teacher is expected

to know the suitable strategy of teaching. It is important because

strategy in teaching learning process may influence the result of

student’s achievement on learning. The teacher has to be more

active, helpful, and can handle the students in the classroom well.

The teacher has to give other variations technique to the students

so they more enthusiast to join the English class.

2. For the student

The students should be more active during the teaching and

learning activity by asking about their difficulties and giving their

opinion. The students should pay attention to the lesson while the

teacher gives explanation about the texts based on genres,

vocabulary, grammar, etc. in order to support their reading


3. For the school

The school can be facilitating the teacher in developing the

strategy. So the teacher can improve their strategy includes using

techniques, method and media that will be implemented to the


4. For the other researcher

The researcher feels that her researcher is not perfect yet. The

researcher hopes that this research can be used reference for the

other researcher to be a better research.


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Day/Date : Monday, 7 August 2017

Time : 08.30 – 10.00
Place : In the classroom at Ninth grade (Jendral Soedirman
Teacher : Irma Rachmawati, S.Pd
Researcher : Rosyida Alfiyanti
Material : Report Text


10 minutes Opening The teacher comes to the class. Then in this apperception
section the teacher greets the students by saying :
Teacher: “Good morning students?”
Students: “Good morning miss”
Teacher: “How’s life?”
Students: “I’m fine and you?”
Teacher: “ I’m very good”
Then the teacher read the students attendance list, and ask the
students to prepare their book, dictionary pen, etc. in this
opening section the teacher review the material about
descriptive text and report text. She explained the difference
between descriptive and report text. And give the example of
each the text.
This activity taken 10 minutes to the opening class.

70 minute Activity After the teacher explain the differences between descriptive
text and report text. She focused on report text.
Teacher: “Okay, Sekarang kalian baca text yang ada di buku
paket kalian halaman 13 tentang “Roses”. menurut kalian itu
descriptive atau report text ?
Students : “Report miss”
Teacher: “Why? itu disebut report text ?”
Students: “Karena membahas sesuatu secara general”
Teacher: “Ya betul sekali karena itu masih umum ndak
menjelaskan spesifik rosenya”. “sekarang kalian membuat
kelompok kecil dan masing masing membaca dalam hati text
itu dan pahami kira kira text itu membahas tentang apa. lalu
temukan kata kata yang sulit dengan menggaris bawahi nya
menurut kalian“
The students make a group discussion and lets to read and
understand the text. Try to Findings some difficult words.
After the students read the text they find some difficult words.
The teacher ask them to predict the meaning of those words
without open the dictionary.
Teacher: “Sudah selesai belum membacanya?”
Students: ”Sudah miss”
Teacher: ”Jadi apakah kalian menemukan kata kata sulit?”
Students: ”Banyak miss”
Teacher: ”Nah memang dalam text report itu biasanya
menggunakan kata ilmiah jadi kalian bakal menemukan
koskata yang mungkin belum pernah kalian dengar”.
After that the teacher explain the text together about the
content, the difficult words and the grammatical structure of
the text. The teacher ask one of the student in each group to
read the sentence and try to translate it.
Teacher: ”Student A coba kamu baca kalimat pertama dan
coba artikan sebisamu”
Student A: ”(read loudly)”
After explain the text. The teacher wrote some difficult words
in white board and ask the students to translate each words.
Teacher: ”Semua kata yang miss tulis tolong cari artinya ya
nanti yang tau artinya maju dan tulis nomer absen
The students are race to translate one by one. And wrote in
the white board alternately.
10 minutes Closing In closing activity the teacher make evaluation about the
material and give motivation to the students. The teacher also
give a homework.
Teacher: ”Jadi kalian sudah paham belum dengan yang
namanya report text?”
Students: ”Paham miss”
Teacher: ”Sekarang siapa yang paham coba jelaskan
tentang pengertian report text dan perbedaannya dengan
descriptive text!”
Student B: ”saya miss. Jadi text report itu text yang berisi
suatu laporan biasanya masih umum tapi kalau descriptive
text itu menjelaskan sesuatu secara spesifik”
Teacher: ”Ya betul sekali. Jadi sekarang semua paham ya?
Jadi kalau report text itu menjelaskan sesuatu secara general
kalau descriptive text itu menjelaskan sesuatu secara
spesifik. Seperti contoh yang tadi miss berikan. Nah sekarang
miss mau memberikan PR. dari text tersebut coba buatlah
pertanyaan seputar text Roses sebanyak 5 soal.
Students: ”Pake Bahasa inggris atau Indonesia miss?”
Teacher: ”Pake Bahasa Indonesia nggak papa tapi better in
Students: ”iya miss”
Teacher: ”ok kita tutup pelajaran pada hari ini. See you next
time. Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahiwabarokaltuh.
Students:”Wa’alaikumsallam warahmatullohiiwabarakatuh.

Day/Date : Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Time : 09.00 - 09.40
Place : In the classroom at Ninth grade (Jendral
Soedirman class)
Teacher : Irma Rahmawati, S.Pd
Researcher : Rosyida Alfiyanti
Material : Report Text


5 Opening The teacher comes to the class. Then in this
apperception section the teacher greets the
students by saying :
Teacher :” Assalamu’alaikum
Teacher: “Good Morning students?”
Students:” Good morning miss”
Then the teacher read the student’s attendance
list, and ask the students to prepare their book,
dictionary pen, etc. in this opening section the
teacher review the material about report text.
She ask students to open their homework (the
homework are the questions about text report
that had been explained before)
30 Activity The teacher ask one by one students to read
their own question.
Teacher:”Nanti yang miss tunjuk tolong
bacakan soal yang kalian buat kemarin, atau
ada yang mau bacakan soalnya . ayo siapa
raise your hand ?”
Students A:” Saya miss; comes from where
are the roses?”
Teacher:” (writing in the whiteboard) ayo
siapa lagi yang mau membacakan
Students B:” Saya miss; how many species of
the roses?”
Students C:” salah ggak papa miss?”
Teacher:” Ya nggak papa nanti kita betulkan
bersama. Apa pertanyaanmu”
Students C:”what is purpose the text?”
The teacher write the student’s question in
whiteboard then ask the student the answer
of the questions
Teacher:” ya masih ada yang salah ya
penyusunnya katanya tapi ya bisa diterima
pertanyaanya . ayo siapa yang bisa jawab
soal nomor 1 ada diparagraf berapa?”
Then all the student try to answer. And the
teacher explain one by one the answer of
This activity taken 30 minutes because the
time in this class in Wednesday just one hour

10 Closing Before close the class the teacher give

assessment to the students.
Teacher:” Nah setelah kita bahas bersama
sekarang miss akan memberikan tugas sama
kalian. Nanti tolong dicatat. Miss buat 5 soal
tentang text report yang telah kita bahas.
tolong semuanya mencatat ya.
All the students note the questions in
The teacher left the class by saying:
Teacher:” okay see you next time.
Students:” wa’alaikumsallam

Day/Date : Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Time : 10.50 – 11.30
Place : In the classroom at Ninth grade (Ahmad Dahlan
Teacher : Irma Rahmawati, S.Pd
Researcher : Rosyida Alfiyanti
Material : text report


10 opening The teacher comes to the class. Then in this apperception

section the teacher greets the students by saying :
Teacher: “Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullohi
wabarokalatuh Good morning students?”
Students: “ wa’alaikumsallam warahmatullohi
wabarokatuh Good morning miss”
Teacher: “How are you today?”
Students: “I’m fine and you?”
Teacher: “ I’m very good”
Then the teacher read the students attendance list, and
ask the students to prepare their book, dictionary pen,
etc. in this opening section the teacher review the
material about descriptive text and report text. She
explained the difference between descriptive and report
text. Then the teacher give report text entitled “cats”

30 Activity The teacher ask the students to make a group.

Teacher:”sekarang buat kelompok. satu kelompok
terdiri dari 4 orang ya”
Students:”sudah miss”
Teacher:”ini ibu kasih satu lembar kertas yang berisi
text tentang “cats” sekarang kalian baca text nya
dengan seksama. Tapi karena satu grup text nya Cuma
dua nanti gantian ya biar semua paham jangan Cuma
satu anak yang membaca.
The teacher give the time. After 10 minutes the teacher
ask to the student about the text as follows:
1. What is the title of the text?
2. What is the text about?
3. Find some difficult words.
4. Find the main idea in paragraph 1,2,3,4.
The students try to find the answer of those questions by
their own word (individu).
Teacher:”setelah membaca kerjakan soal itu secara
kelompok. Find informations about “Cats”.

5 minutes closing Time is up. The teacher close the class.

Teacher:” Waktunya habis ya nanti jam setelah istirahat
miss ndk masuk kelas lagi kalian kerjaan soal tadi
berkelompok terserah mau dikerjakan dimana diluar
boleh di dalam boleh tapi jangan mengganggu yang lain
ya. Hari ini cukup itu. See you next time jangan lupan
dipelajari dibaca dan latihan memahami bacaan.
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh.
Students” iya miss. Wa’alaikumsallam wrohmatullohi

Day/Date : Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Time : 13.40 – 14.45
Place : In the classroom at Ninth grade (Ahmad Dahlan
Teacher : Irma Rahmawati, S.Pd
Researcher : Rosyida Alfiyanti
Material : Text Report


5 Opening The teacher comes to the class. Then in this
apperception section the teacher greets the
students by saying :
Teacher: “Good morning students?”
Students: “Good morning miss”
Teacher: “How’s life?”
Students: “I’m fine and you?”
Teacher: “ I’m fine too”
Then the teacher review the material.

Activity The teacher ask the students to preview the

text by read the title of the text.
Teacher: “kemarin kan kalian sudah ibu
kasih text tentang “cats”. sekarang coba
dari judulnya kalian sudah tau kan itu text
tentang apa dan membahas apa? Yang tau
raise your hand”
Students A:” saya tau bu itu text report
memberitahu infoemasi tentang kucing.”
Teacher:” nah betul sekali. jadi setalah
kalian paham jenis text dan mengetahui
tentang apa text itu sekarang baca lagi text
nya cari kata kata yang sulit dan ingat
selalu menulis vocab baru di buku vocab
nanti dia ahir pertemuan saya check lagi.
nanti kalau sudah tau artinya coba pahami
maksud textnya. Main idea per paragrafnya
apa. Nanti ada tugas buat kalian.
After the students read and try understand
the text the teacher ask to the students to
make the question about the text and then
find the answer. The students also try to
translate it.
Teacher:”kan kemarin ibu udh suruh
kalian nerjakan soal sekarang kalian coba
mengira ngira dengan membuat soal
sendiri dengan bahasamu sendiri dari
bacaan yang sudah kalian baca. tolong
baca kembali soalnya dan pahami isi teks
nya miss kasih waktu 15 menit”
After the students read the text and make a
questions. The teacher choose some student
to read the questions. And she wrote on the
white board.
Teacher:” ayo waktunya sudah habis. Ibu
nanti akan menunjuk salah satu dari kalian
yang ditunjjuk segera bacakaan soalnya ya
? ayo riski baca soalmu apa ?
Students (Riski):”what is purpose the
Teacher:”sekarang ilil”
Students (ilil): “what is the scientific name
of cats?”
Students (Rani):” how many types cats in
the world?”
Students (rizal):”how many number of pure
breed cats in the world?”
After the students read their questions they
are explain together by the teacher guided.
There same students ask questions to the
teacher about information that they not
understand and the teacher give feed back
to them.

Closing In the closing activity, the teacher make a

review about the material that had been
Teacher: ”see you next time”
wasalamu’alaikum warahmatullohi
Students: ”Wa’alaikumsallam
warahmatullohi wabarokatuh”

Day/Date : Monday, 6 November 2017

Time : 08.20 - 09.45
Place : In the classroom at Ninth grade (Jendral
Soedirman class)
Teacher : Irma Rahmawati, S.Pd
Researcher : Rosyida Alfiyanti
Material : Narrative Text


5 Opening The teacher comes to the class. Then in this
apperception section the teacher greets the
students by saying :
Teacher: “Good morning students?”
Students: “Good morning miss”
Teacher: “How’s life?”
Students: “I’m fine and you?”
Teacher: I’m fine too. Who is absent
students: “No one miss”
The teacher explain the material that will be

Main Activity In the beginning the teacher prepare the

material through laptop and LCD. The
teacher showed PPT there are video about
definition of narrative text, narrative text,
and exercise. In video showed definition,
purpose and generic structure of narrative
Teacher: “jadi nanti materinya ibu jelaskan
lewat sini (through laptop and LCD). yang
pertama bu irma akan menayangkan
sebuah video kita simak baik baik”
Here the teacher explain the definition,
purpose, and generic structure that consist
of orientation, complication, resolution and
re-orientation/coda of narrative text.
Teacher:”setelah kalian tau pegertian dari
apa itu narrative text sekarang kalian bisa
liat judul nya terlebih dahulu disini tteksnya
berjudul “A man and a little cat” ini bukan
legend bukan fairy tale. Mungkin kan
seringnya kalian tau fairy tale terus fable
cerita kancil seperti itu itu. Nah disini nanti
bu Irma akan mengajarkan kepada kalian
untuk membaca teks tapi nanti ya.sekarang
liat judulnya dulu.
dari judul ini kalian bisa menebak enggak
kira kira who are the character of the story?
Teacher:”Siapa ki”
Student:” A man a little cat”
Nah iya a man a cat. Itu sudah pastiada di
story karena judule wae udah itu. kira kira
kejadiannya dimana . What the story take
place? dimana kira kira kalau liat
gamarnya seperti itu?
sekarang gantian kalian yang bertanya .
Teacher:” ifan ifan coba make a simple
question kira kira nanti isinya apa teksnya
yang ingin kamu tahu karena kan teknya ini
belum mumcu ya. Apa fan? kamu bikin satu
pertanyaan yang specific contohnya tadi
who are the character of the sorty . kamu
apa ?
Student: “who name of the story?
Teacher: “o iya bisa” (write on the white
nayla buatlah pertanyaan nay ? pake
Bahasa indonesia enggak papa.
Student:”Bagaimana cara mengeluarkan
Teacher:” (write on the white board)” ayoo
zidan apa? contohnya tadi bagaimana bisa
kucingnya masuk kesitu. Itu tangannya
siapa dan itu siapa dan kenapa temboknya
bolon .
the teacher explain again
Nah jadi itu ya setelah kalian melihat
judulnya kalian coba buat dua pertanyaan
semacam tadi ditulis dibuku dengan hanya
melihat judul dangambarnya.
Student:”pake Bahasa Indonesia boleh bu?
Teacher: “boleh apapun any question” yes
no question boleh tapi jangan apakah
matanya dua atau apa gitu kan udah jelas
kalau itu dari gammbarnya.
after five second
Teacher:”setelah alian membuat dua
pertanyaan sekarang silahkan kalian
membaca text ini dengan cepat tapi ndak
usah dibaca semua yang benar benar
memahami semua. Cari saja di teks
inijawaban dari pertanyaan yang kalian
Teacher: adakah dari pertanyaan kalian
yang jawabannya ada di teks? sudah
ketemu? Sudah? ada jawabnnya di teks?
Student’s: tidak ada?
Teacher: “tidak ada semua? apa
pertanyaanmu ?
Students: apakah hanya ada satu kucing
yang terjebak di situ?
Teacher: jawabannya ada enggak kira
kira? ada no coba kita liat kalimat pertama
. There’s a little cat. A little cat itu
maknanya apa? satu kan berarti
jawabanmu ada. Yang kedua apa
pertanyaanmu ?
Student:”berapa lama kucing itu
Teacher:”berapa lama. Nah kalau berapa
lama enggak ada ya. sekarang coba ara
pertanyaanya apa ada jawabnnya enggak ?
Student: apakah kucingnya baik baik saja?
Teacher: ada enggak. enngak ada ya .
pertanyaan kedua .
Student: apakah laki laki itu menolong
kucing nya seorang diri?
Teacher: ada enggak itu jawabbanya. apa
itu enggk ada. Nah karena pertanyaan ara
engak ada jawabannya ini kan yang
pertama tadi yang kalian lakukan itu
adalah membaca untuk mengetahui
jawaban dari pertanyaan yang kalian buat.
misale kaya tadi pertanyannya berapa to
kusingnya ? Nah kalian membaca cepat
untuk mengetahui the answer of your
question. Ada beberapa pertanyaan yang
jawabannya ada di teks ada juga
pertanyaan yang tidak ada jawabannya.
Teacher: sekarang kalian baca lagi teksya
dan kalian pahami apa isinya. dibaca tapi
tujuannya utnuk memahami teksnya ya. Ayo
dibaca dulu.
Teacher: setelah kalian baca dan mencoba
memahaminya sekarang apakah adakata
kata sulit yang kalian temui dari teks?
The students asked the teacher some
difficult words such as: repairing, stuck,
pain, starched, screamed, surprise, tired,
instincts etc. then the teacher explain these.
After that activity the teacher explain to the
student about main idea.
Teacher: jadi pertama kali kalian membaca
kan tujuannya untuk memahami nah
didalam bahasa indonesia kan ada yang
namanya ide pokok. jadi ide pokok kan
terletak di kalimatutama iya gitu kan ? jadi
walaupun tidak selalu kalimat utama itu
biasanya ada di awal paragraph.
kebanyakan seperti itu . jadi kalian bisa liat
dulu dari first sentence. o kalimat
pertamanya adalah ini nanti selanjutnya
yaitu menjelaskan dari paragaraf itu .
Then the teacher help the students and
explain the text paragraph by paragraph.
The teacher also explain the students why
they must answer the question in order to
know the orientation complication,
resolution, and re orientation / coda. After
that the teacher asked the students to read
the text loudly.
Teacher: kalian sudah mempuyai teks
masing masing sekarang kalian tolong
dibaca bima fisrt paragraph dan silahkan
bima menunjuk siaa untuk the next
The teacher help the students to interpret the
meaning every sentence. While the students
read a text the teacher correct their
pronunciation. After the teacher explain and
the students understand about the text. the
teacher give exercise.
Closing In the closing activity, the teacher make an
evaluation about lesson today. The teacher
showed an exercise in the LCD and asked
the students to answer the question in
behind the paper of the text. There are ten
questions and the question is multiple
choice. The teacher make this evaluation
aimed to checking their understanding of
the material.
After the students finished to answer the
questions, the teacher lead the students to
discussed the answer of those questions.
in the closing activity
teacher:”thanks for your participation
today. Jangan lupa belajar dirumah dan
rajin membaca agar vocab kalian
bertambah lagi sehingga kalau ada soal
berbentuk teks contohnya kaya tadi
narrative kalian sudah berbekal banyak
vocb sehingga lebih mudah untuk
memahami isi bacaan . oke see you next
time and wassalamu;alaikum wr.wb.


Day/Date : Monday, 15 August 2017

Time : 13.30

Place : Meeting Room

The Object of Interview : Irma Rahmawati, S.Pd (I)

Researcher : Rosyida Alfiyanti (R)

The interview had been done by Rosyida Alfiyanti as the

researcher to Mrs. Irma Rahmawati, S.Pd as an English teacher in
ninth grade. She is an object of the research. The interview had been
done in the meeting room. The condition was so quiet because the
teacher and the students studied in the class. The interview was
about the teacher strategy in teaching Reading. The interview was
done in 30 minute as follow:

R : Selamat pagi Bu Irma maaf mengganggu waktu ibu.

Seperti yang saya sampaikan kemarin, setelah saya observasi
beberapa kali dikelas ibu. Saya juga membutuhkan data berupa
interview. Jadi apakah ibu bersedia untuk saya wawancarai?

I : Iya silahkan mbak.

R : Yang pertama ingin saya tanyakan adalah Bagaimana

minat belajar anak anak di Bahasa inggris?

I : Kalau minat belajar anak anak dalam Bahasa inggris

lumayan si dari pas saya pertama ngajar kalau tiap anak beda beda
biasanya kalau di kelas diam itu belum tentu dia nggak minat.
Sebenarnya kalau disini itu anak anaknya banyak yang Bahasa
inggrisya bagus cuma dia itu bukan tipe siswa yang aktif jadi dikelas
dia diam nanti dikelas ulangannya dapat seratus jadi kalau minatnya
ya si menurut saya masih tinggi termasuknya.

R : Kalau untuk kelas 9 sendiri minatnya bagaimana Bu?

I : Biasanya kalau udah kelas 9 udah bisa menata sendiri.

R : Bagaimana cara ibu agar anak anak semangat dalam

pelajaran Bahasa inggris?

I : Biar semangat ya. Sejauh ini kalau saya ngajarnya nggk

full pake Bahasa inggris soale anak anak nanti enggak paham kalau
saya full pake Bahasa inggris dan malah ngajak bercanda gurunya,
ya paling denga banyak ngobrolnya sih komunikasi sama anak jadi
ngajarinnya sambil gojek tapi tetep serius supaya anak anak tidak
ngantuk dan semangat.

R : Trus kalau dalam mengajar Bahasa inggris terutama dalam

mengajar reading itu kalau dikelas 9 yang A dan B ibu
menggunakan strategi yang sama atau berbeda?

I : Kalau kemarin, pas ngajar report dan narrative teks itu saya
menggunakan tehnik yang berbeda mbak. ya biar ada variasi dan
siswa engak bosan. karena kan tujuannya itu supaya menarik
antusias siswa dalam belajar sehingga mereka mau memperhatikan
dan paham dengan materi. pertama kita liat dulu sebenarnya kalau
pake tehnik ini cocok apa enggak jadi ya sambil coba coba juga si
mbak. Memang kalau dalam penerapan tehnik kan juga harus
disesuaikan sama kondisi anak anak dikelas. Kalau dari kemampuan
mereka dalam Bahasa inggris itu tidak terlalu dihawatirkan mbak
mereka antusias nya tinggi. jadi saya juga menggunakan tehnik
yang cukup simple untuk diterapkan

R : La kalau seperti kemarin ibu mengajar reading itu

menggunakan strategi apa bu?
I : Kalau dalam mengajar khususnya reading skill biasanya
saya pakai CSR kalau enggak gitu saya pake SQ3R itu biasanya si,
karena lebih seneng yang model model kaya gitu simple dan mudah
diterapkan. Kalau kemarin saya pake CSR yang stepnya ada review
clik and clunk get the gist and wrap up itu masuknya ke
collaborative strategy reading dan saya juga pake yang SQ3R yaitu
dimulai dari survey, question, read, recite, review. Saya pake itu
karena anak ya dapat mudah menerima pelajaran dengan saya
memberikan instruksi yang tepat saja sih

R : Strategi CSR itu strategi yang gimana bu?

I : Jadi reading strategy CSR itu gini stepnya anak anak yang
pertama liat judulnya dulu liat yang keliatan dulu misalnya ada
gambarnya trus dari situ biar anak anak mengira ngira dari judul itu
o apa si habis ini kira kira bacaannya tentang apa . jadi liat judul
dulu sambil baca text. kan kalau anak anak itu kesulitannya di kosa
kata nah makannya kalau mung diawang itu mesti kita susah jadi
biasanya saya suruh nyatet . kan kalau di kelas 9 itu mereka punya
buku khusus vocab . Kalau saya kemarin pa ngajar report text
cenderung pake CSR.

R : Kalau SQ3R yang bagaimana bu?

I : Kalau SQ3R nanti step nya jadi pertama saya enggak

langsung liatin teksnya sama anak anak tapi judul dulu. Setelah itu
gambar yang relevan seperti kemarin mbak e liat itu. Nah kalau di
SQ3R mereka langsung ke pertanyaan jadi dari melihat judul
mereka bisa mengira ngira pertayaan yang mungkin apa. lalu untuk
mencocokan apakah peranyaan yang mereka buat itu jawabbanya
ada di teks atu enggak saya liain mereka teksnya dan meminta siswa
untuk membaca teks secara cepat itu fungsinya bukan untuk
memahami jadi merekaengak harus membaca semua teksnya hingga
paham tapi fungsinya untuk mencocokan apakah pertanyaan yang
mereka buat itu jawabbanya ada di teks . nanti jua ada sesi mereka
harus membaca secara dalam hati dengan saksama tetapi tujuannya
untuk memahami teks. Dan yang tearhir untuk mengecek
kepahaman siswa saya memberikan beberapa soal yang
berhubungan dengan teks itu kaya evaluasi nanti setalh itu kita
diskusikan gitu.

R : Jadi seperti itu bu, berarti mereka setiap pertemuan selalu

mencatat vocab baru?

I : Ya kaya gitu tapi sing males biasanya nulisnya dibelakang

ya tapi biasanya ini bikin note book saja kecil itu diguntingi terus
kalau udah nyatet itu kan mereka baca lagi ya buat memahami
bacannya kalau udah gitu terus ini biasanya harusnya di baca
kalimat pertama aja buat menemukan ide pokoknya itu lho.

R : Jadi dalam penggunakan strategi SQ3R dan CSR itu kan

pasti ada kelebihan dan ada kekurangan nah yang kelebihan itu apa

I : Kelebihan yang pertama itu, jadi anak anak kan kalau

membaca terus kita ngasih model tersendiri ya mba jadi ada stategy
membacaya yang enggak hanya dibaca trus cari artinya anak anak
tuh kalau kaya gitu bosen. Terus kedua tehnik itu kan kaya specific
technique untuk reading ya mba jadi kaya gitu kaya ada variasi
sedikit tentu dalam membaca menghilangkan kebosenanya. si
tergantung anaknya ya mba tapi kenapa kok saya pake tehnik itu
karena salah satunya ya membuat anak tidak bosen karea bervariasi
langkah langkahnya. jadi mereka itu kaya merasa ada kegiatannya
o aku habis ini trus ini gini gini. kalau di CSR itu anak anak jadi
aktif mbak soalnya kalau saya meyuruh mereka mencari kata yang
sulit dan mengartikannya mereka berlomba lomba apa lagi kalau
saya ngasih point bagi yang bisa mengartikan kalau di SQ3R juga
mereka juga jadi aktiv dalam pembelajaran ketika mereka saya
suruh membaca cepat untuk menemukan jawban dari pertanyaan
yang mereka buat mereka tidak ada yang tidak membaca dan aktif
mencari jawaban mereka masing masing. Yang pasti mereka jadi
lebih mudan untk memahami bacaan mbak. Asal runtut aja di step

R : Kalau kekurangannya menggunakan kedua strategi itu apa


I : So far kekurangannya mungkin lebih di waktu ya mbak.

Trus kalau saya menggunakan SQ3R itu butuh waktu banyak di
banding CSR. Karena stepsnya lebih rumit yang SQ3R itu mbk.
Sebenarny sama ja sih tapi karena stepnya lebih rumit dikit ya kalau
SQ3R. Sebenarnya bisa diajarkan dalam satu pertemuan dan selese
tepat waktu tapi karena kan kemampuan siswa itu berbeda beda ya
mbak jadi kalau pake technique itu ya kendalanya diwaktunya itu
lebih lama soalnya juga kan sebisa mungkin sampe semua siawa

R : setelah ibu mengunakan strategi itu jadi penguasaan vocab

anak anak gimana bu ?

I : Penguasaan vocab sudah lumayan bagus disbanding kelas

dibawahnya kalau untuk penguasaan karena sudah kelas 9 ya.

R : Media yang ibu gunakan dalam pembelajaran kemarin itu


I : Kalau media saya sering pake leptop dan LCD mbak jadi
saya buat PPT supaya menjelaskan ke siswanya lebih mudah. Saya
menggunakan gambar untuk materi tertentu seperti descriptive text
narrative dan kalau report text saya menggunakan text saja juga ada
gambarnya kadang.

R : Lah kalau sumber materi ibu dari mana aja?

I : kalau saya ambil materi biasanya dari buku paket kalau

bahan bacaan itu banyak sumbernya ya mbak salah satunya saya abil
bacaan dari internet.
R : Bagaimana cara ibu memenejemen kelas agar kelas tetap
kondusif dan siswa mau memperhatikan pelajaran yang ibu

I : Salah satunya agar mereka kondusif dikelas itu saya tidak

hanya focus ke satu titik kalau mengajar jadi saya keliling. Terus
volume suara juga penting mbak kadang saya terlalu pelan mereka
ngak gagas sama apa yang saya sampaikan makannya sebisa
mungin saya menyampaian sampai belakang kedengaran jelas. Saya
juga berusaha memberikan instruksi yang jelas sama siswa mbak
supaya mereka enggak bingung dan biasanya banyak tanya kan
mereka kalau bingung jd ndak kondusif juga. Tapi kalau dalam
diskusi bersama (sharing) saya selalu memberikan kesempatan
siswa bicara tapi itu ada waktunya mbak kembali lagi ke instruksi
tadi yang penting etap tenang dan tidak gaduh. Terus kalau missal
ada anak rame gojek terus ya paling saya pandang mbak nanti dia
ngrasa sendiri jadi tidak rame lagi tp kalau diulang lagi ya saya
ceramahi mbak kalau ada yang tidur ya saya suruh cuci muka
kemarin itu kelas berapa itu ada yang gojek terus dia. jadi saya suruh
itu, kan biasanya anak anak kan sholat duha ya lha nanti saya nyuruh
dia sholat duha sama anak anak dengan ro kaat yang cukup banyak.
Biasanya 2 saya tambah 8 gitu tpi saya pantau.

R : Kalau sehabs pelajaran ada evaluasi nggak bu?

I : Enggk selalu tapi refleksi itu iya paling sih review sedikit

R : Mungkin itu saja yang saya tanyakan. Terimakasih untuk

waktunya bu maaf menganggu .

I : Sama sama mbak .


Day/Date : Monday, 5 March, 2018

Time : 11:10 AM
Place : Teacher’s office
The Object of Interview : Muhammad Rifki Nugroho, S.Pd (M)
Researcher : Rosyida Alfiyanti (R)
The interview had been done by Rosyida Alfiyanti as the researcher
to observe the place condition and to get permission from the school to be
came setting of the research. The interview has been done with Mr.
Muhammad Rifki Nugroho as waka kurikulum. The interview as follow:

Interview 1 with Mr. Muhammad Rifki Nugroho, S.Pd.

Place : Teacher’s office

R : Sebelumnya perkenalkan pak nama saya Rosyida Alfiyanti saya

dari IAIN Surakarta semester 8. Maksud kedatangan saya disini adalah
yang pertama untuk menyerahkan surat izin melakukan penelitian di SMP
Muhammadiyah PK ini dalam rangka penyusunan skripsi saya yaitu tentang
strategi guru mengajar Bahasa inggris terutama di reading. Yang kedua
dalam penyusunan ini tentulah saya membutuhkan informasi tentang
sekolahan yang akan saya teliti. jadi apakah bapak bersedia untuk menjadi
narasumber saya dalam wawancara melengkapi informasi tentang sekolah
pak ?

M : Iya silahkan. Sebelumnya saya perkenalkan diri saya dahulu nama

saya Muhammad Rifki Nugroho biasa dipaggil Pak rifki saya disini sebagai
waka bidang kurikulum. Monggo kalau mau wawancara.

R : Terimakssih pak, jadi langsung saja yang pertama ingin saya

tanyakan adalah jumlah guru disekolahan ini ada berapa pak?

M : Kita sampai sekarang guru ada 16 dengan pak kepala sekolahnya

sudah ditotal yang satu freelance yang 15 guru tetap.
R : Kalau guru Bahasa inggrisnya ada berapa pak?

M : Kita guru Bahasa inggrisnya punya dua yang satu Bu Irma dan
yang satunya Bu Niken. Bu Niken baru saja kemarin masuk disini satu
tahun ini kalau Bu Irma sudah dua tahun yang lalu. kita kalau guru bahasa
inggris sudah tiga kali ini mengalami pergantian.

R : Dengan guru dalam jumlah sekian menangani Jumlah murid ada

berapa pak dari kelas 7, 8 dan 9?

M : Kalau kelas 7 kita itu kalau tingkatan SMP maksimal satu kelasnya
itu 32 jadi kelas 7 32 siswa dikali 3 kelas jadinya 96 . untuk kelas 8 ada 64
siswa tapi kemarin pindah satu jadi 63 kalau kelas 9 ada dua kelas 65 siswa
total 224.

R : Lalu untuk ruang kelas yang digunakan pembelajaran ada berapa


M : Untuk sekolahan kita sekarang ada tiga tingkat. untuk kelas 7 ada
tiga kelas kemudian kelas 8 nya dua kelas dan kelas 9 nya juga dua kelas.

R : Jumlah keseluruhan ruang ada berapa pak?

M : Ruang kita sementara ini yang untuk kelas ada 7, kantor gurunya
ada dua, kantor kepala sekolah dan TU, kemudian kita punya Lab dan
perpustakaan. jadi total kita ada 12 ruang termasuk fasilitasnya.

R : Sementara itu, di SMP Muhammadiyah PK ini kurikulum yang

digunakan apa pak?

M : Kita masih menggunakan KTSP. karena memang sampai sekarang

kan kurikulum yang berlaku masih dua K13 dan KTSP. nanti untuk
kedepannya kita akan pakai K13 tapi untuk sekarang kita masih pake KTSP.

R : Kalau untuk akreditasi disekolah ini apa pak?

M : Kita sekarang masih B karena untuk akreditas fasilitas kita kan

masih kurang jadi masih B kemungkinan kita nanti akreditasi lagi masih
R : O iya pak lalu, disini kan SMP muhammadiyah Program khusus
ya pak Nah program khususnya apa saja nggih ?

M : Program khususnya yang jelas kita semuanya khusus kurikulum

kita juga khusus dan siswa kita juga khusus tapi yang di khususkan itu di
kesiswaan kita di pendampingan ke siswa nya. Tapi di kurikuum kita yang
di pembelajaran itu juga ada sedikit perbedaan kita membuat system sendiri
dalam kegiatan pembelajaran.

R : Iya pak, sedangkan prestasi yang sudah pernah diraih oleh siswa
apa saja pak?

M : Kalau itu banyak. tapi kalau tahun ajaran ini kan baru masuk dari
bulan kemarin jadi belum ada prestasi untuk tahun ini belum ada kejuaraan
tapi untuk tahun lalu banyak. satu tahun itu ada sekitar 30 perlombaan yang
mendapat piala itu ada datanya. ya nanti kalau memang panjenengan butuh
data minta saya nanti tak kasih.

R : Nggih pak terimakasih. Kalau tentang admistrasi sekolah

bagaimana pak?

M : Kalau kita, tahun ini dalam administrasi pembelajaran diawal itu

membuat rancangan mulai dari akademiknya kemudian syllabus kemudian
kita buat prota promes sesuai dengan minggu efektif kita kemudian untuk
pembuatan RPP atau lesson plan kita buatnya setiap minggu. jadi kalau
minggu ini berjalan senin sampai kamis (karena pembelajaran kita sampai
kamis) itu hari seninya mereka mngumpulkan RPP. jadi RPP dibuat
perminggu jadi setiap senin dibuat untuk satu minggu senin depannya lagi
dibuat untuk seminggu jadi memang untuk RPP yang kita buat itu buatnya
ndak satu tahun langsung soalnya kalau satu tahun langsung itu kita ndak
bisa meramalkan perkembangan nya nanti seperti apa kan untuk tingkat
keakuratannya ndak terlalu baik nah jadi kita buat semacam itu supaya kalu
ternyata ada perubahan jam atau lain sebagainya itu bisa kemudian kita
evaluasi metode yang digunakan bapak ibu guru. kalau ternyata metodenya
hanya konfensional saja nanti kita ubah kita tambahi metode untuk bapak
ibu guru seperti itu. untuk tahun ini memng administrasi bapak ibu guru
lebih tertib sudah itu saja . kalau nanti butuh apa apa bisa langsung hubungi
Bu Irma atau saya juga bisa.

R : Nggih pak terimakasih sebelumnya atas informasi nya maaf

mengganggu waktu bapak.

M : Iya sama sama.

Lesson Plan



Nama Sekolah : SMP Muhammadiyah Al Kautsar

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : 1X/1
Keterampilan Bahasa : Reading
Materi Pokok : Report Text
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit (1 pertemuan)

A. Standar Kompetensi
1. Mendengarkan : Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana
berbentuk descriptive dan report yang berkaitan dengan
lingkungan sekitar.
2. Berbicara : Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esai
pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan report untuk
berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator

1.2 Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional ( to get things done ) dan
interpersonal (bersosialisasi ) yang mengunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana
secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk beriteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang
melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan memberi informasi, mengucapkan terima kasih,
meminta maaf, dan mengungkapkan kesantunan.
1.2.1 Menjelaskan social function dari teks report
1.2.2 Mengidentifikasi generic structure dari teks report
1.2.3 mengidentifikasi language feature dari teks report
3.2 Melakukan interaksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur:
meminta dan memberi informasi, mengucapkan terima kasih, meminta maaf dan
mengungkapkan kesantunan.

3.2.1 Mengidentifikasi infomasi dari suatu teks report
3.2.2 Merespon isi makna teks report sederhana yang telah dibaca dengan
pertanyaan yang di berikan oleh guru berkaitan dengan teks tersebut
3.2.3 menyusun sebuah kaliamat secara acak menjadi sebuah teks berbentuk

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Siswa diharapkan mampu:
1. Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran peserta didik dapat
mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks monolog berbentuk
report dengan santun dan cerdas.
2. Mengidentifikasi generic structure dari teks report dengan benar.
3. Mengidentifikasi informasi dari suatu teks report.
4. Merespon makna isi teks report sederhana yang telah dibaca dengan
menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan oleh guru berkaitan dengan
teks tersebut.

D. Materi Pelajaran
1. Report text is factual text used to describe things as they are with
reference to a whole range of natural and social phenomena in our
2. The structure of report text :
a. Definition / classification in general
b. Description (behaviour & qualitie)
c. Summary (optional)
3. Grammar :
a. Simple present tense
b. Action verbs (run, eat, sleep, etc.)
c. Verbs (is/are, have/has)

E. Metode Pembelajaran
Strategi: Observing (mengamati), experimenting (mengolah informasi),
associating (mengasosiasi), communicating (mengkomunikasikan).
Cooperative learning.

F. Sumber Pembelajaran
1. Djatmika, Priyanto, A. D., Dewi, IK. (2015). Passport to the world:
A fun and easy English book. Surakarta: Tiga Serangkai.
2. Buku, Internet dan artikel yang relevan.

G. Media dan Alat Pembelajaran

a. Media
 Teks bergambar
b. Alat
 Spidol
 White Board

H. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Deskripsi
Pendahuluan 1. Guru mengecek kesiapan siswa belajar 10
baik secara fisik maupun psikologis. menit
2. Guru mengajak siswa untuk mengingat
kembali materi yang telah disampaikan
sebelumnya yang berkaitan dengan
materi yang akan dipelajari.
3. Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran
atau kompetensi yang akan dicapai.
4. Guru menyampaikan garis besar
cakupan materi dan penjelasan tentang
kegiatan yang akan dilakukan siswa
untuk menyelesaikan latihan-latihan dan
tugas dalam pembelajaran.
Inti Aktivitas 1 60
1. Guru memyuruh siwa membuat menit
kelompok kecil
2. Guru memberikan Text Report kepada
setiap kelompok
3. Guru menyuruh siswa untuk
mengidentifikasi dan mempredeksi apa
yang akan dibahas dari teks tersebut
dengan melihat judul dari teks secara
4. Siswa berdiskusi dengan bimbingan
guru mengidentifikasi informasi tentang

Aktifitas 2
1. Siswa membaca teks dan
mendengarkan instruksi guru.
2. Siswa mencoba mencari kata yang sulit
dari teks tersebut
3. Siswa mencoba mencari arti darikata
yang sulit tanpa membuka kamus.
4. Siswa membaca kembali teks dan
memprediksi ari dari kata yang sulit
5. Guru menujuk siswa untuk membaca
teks per paragraf dan menemukan main
idea dari paragraf tersebut
6. Guru menulis vocabulary di papan tulis
dan siswa mencoba mencari tau artinya
dengan membuka kamus
7. Guru memberikan soal pilihan ganda
yang berhubugan dengan teks
8. Siswa menjawab soal yang berhubugan
dengan teks

Aktifitas 3
1. Guru menyuruh siswa membuat
pertayaan berdasarkan teks yang telah
2. Siswa harus membuat pertanyaan serta
Penutup  Siswa dengan bimbingan guru 10
menyimpulkan pembelajaran hari ini. menit
 Guru memberikan instruksi kegiatan
lanjutan atau tugas yang harus
dilakukan siswa.

Kartasura, Agustus 2017

Kepala SMP Muh Al-Kautsar PK Guru Mata Pelajaran Bahasa

Mujibuddakwah, S.Pd. Irma Rahmawati, S.Pd.

NBM : 1088626

Cats also called the domestic cat or house cat (with

its scientific name: Felis silvestris catus or Felis catus) is a

type of carnivorous mammal of the family Felidae. The

word "cat" generally refers to a "cat" that has been tamed,

but can also refer to the "big cats" such as lions and tigers.

Cats are considered as "perfect carnivore" with teeth

and particular digestive tract. The first premolar and molar

teeth form a pair of fangs on each side of the mouth that

works effectively as a pair of scissors to tear the meat.

Although these features also exist in the Canidae or dog, but

these traits are better developed in cats. Unlike other

carnivores, cats eat almost non vegetable substance. Bears

and dogs sometimes eat berries, roots, or honey as a

supplement, while cats only eat meat, usually freshly killed

prey. In captivity, cats cannot adapt to a vegetarian diet

because they cannot synthesize all the amino acids they need

from plant material; it is in contrast with domesticated dogs,

which commonly are fed a mixture of meat and vegetables

and sometimes it can adapt to a completely vegetarian meal.

Cats have mingled with human life since at least

6000 BC, from the skeleton of the cat found on the island of

Cyprus. The ancient Egyptians of 3500 BC have used cats

to keep away the rats or other rodents from the barn where

the crops were saved. Currently, the cat is one of the most

popular pet in the world. Cats that his lines are recorded

officially as a cat breeds or pure breed are Persian, Siamese,

Manx, and the sphinx. These kinds of cat are usually bred in

official captivity animal. The number of purebred cat is only

1% of all cats in the world; the rest is a cat with mixed

ancestry such as wild cats or domestic cats.


1. The words “its” in “with its scientific name…” (par. 1, line 1)

refers to ….
A. carnivorous mammal C. big cat
B. domestic cat D. lion or tiger
2. According to what they eat, cats belong to ….
A. carnivores C. herbivores
B. omnivores D. mammals
3. What is the main idea of paragraph one?
A. The differences between cats and big cats.
B. Short introduction about cats.
C. The names of cats.
D. The big cats.
4. Cats use their … to tear meat.
A. scissors C. fangs
B. traits D. knife
5. What will happen if cats eat vegetables?
A. They only eat meat, usually freshly killed prey.
B. They will able to eat berries, roots, or honey.
C. They will not get the amino acids.
D. They will not be able to diet.
6. What can be eaten by dogs?
A. Meat only. C. Freshly killed prey.
B. Vegetables only. D. Meat and vegetables.
7. The word “diet” in “… cats cannot adapt to vegetarian diet …”
(Par 2, line 5-6) means ….
A. foods C. eat few foods
B. drinks D. eat only vegetables
8. “…cannot synthesize all the amino acids they need … “ (Par 2,
line 6)
The underlined word refers to ….
A. Cats C. Preys
B. Dogs D. Captivities
9. The last paragraph mainly tells us about …
A. Cats’ history C. How to breed cats
B. Kinds of cats D. Cats and human’s life
10. “Cats have mingled with human …” (Par. 3)
The underlined word has similar meaning with ….
A. be together C. mixed
B. combined D. lived

Nama Sekolah : SMP Muhammadiyah Al Kautsar

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : 1X/1
Keterampilan Bahasa : Reading
Materi Pokok : Report Text
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit (1 pertemuan)

A. Standar Kompetensi
1. Mendengarkan : Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana
berbentuk descriptive dan report yang berkaitan dengan
lingkungan sekitar.
2. Berbicara : Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esai
pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan report untuk
berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator

1.2 Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional ( to get things done ) dan
interpersonal (bersosialisasi ) yang mengunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana
secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk beriteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang
melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan memberi informasi, mengucapkan terima kasih,
meminta maaf, dan mengungkapkan kesantunan.
1.2.1 Menjelaskan social function dari teks report
1.2.2 Mengidentifikasi generic structure dari teks report
1.2.3 mengidentifikasi language feature dari teks report
3.2 Melakukan interaksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur:
meminta dan memberi informasi, mengucapkan terima kasih, meminta maaf dan
mengungkapkan kesantunan.

3.2.1 Mengidentifikasi infomasi dari suatu teks report
3.2.2 Merespon isi makna teks report sederhana yang telah dibaca dengan
pertanyaan yang di berikan oleh guru berkaitan dengan teks tersebut
3.2.3 menyusun sebuah kaliamat secara acak menjadi sebuah teks berbentuk

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Siswa diharapkan mampu:

1. Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran peserta didik dapat

mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks monolog berbentuk
report dengan santun dan cerdas.
2. Mengidentifikasi generic structure dari teks report dengan benar.
3. Mengidentifikasi informasi dari suatu teks report.
4. Merespon makna isi teks report sederhana yang telah dibaca dengan
menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan oleh guru berkaitan dengan
teks tersebut.

D. Materi Pelajaran
1. Report text is factual text used to describe things as they are with
reference to a whole range of natural and social phenomena in our
2. The structure of report text :
a. Definition / classification in general
b. Description (behaviour & qualitie)
c. Summary (optional)
3. Grammar :
a. Simple present tense
b. Action verbs (run, eat, sleep, etc.)
c. Verbs (is/are, have/has)

E. Metode Pembelajaran
Strategi: Observing (mengamati), experimenting (mengolah informasi),
associating (mengasosiasi), communicating (mengkomunikasikan).
Cooperative learning

F. Sumber Pembelajaran
1. Djatmika, Priyanto, A. D., Dewi, IK. (2015). Passport to the world:
A fun and easy English book. Surakarta: Tiga Serangkai.
2. Buku, Internet dan artikel yang relevan.

G. Media dan Alat Pembelajaran

a. Media
 Teks bergambar
b. Alat
 Spidol
 White Board

H. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Deskripsi
Pendahuluan 1. Guru mengecek kesiapan siswa belajar 10
baik secara fisik maupun psikologis. menit
2. Guru mengajak siswa untuk mengingat
kembali materi yang telah disampaikan
sebelumnya yang berkaitan dengan
materi yang akan dipelajari.
3. Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran
atau kompetensi yang akan dicapai.
4. Guru menyampaikan garis besar
cakupan materi dan penjelasan tentang
kegiatan yang akan dilakukan siswa
untuk menyelesaikan latihan-latihan dan
tugas dalam pembelajaran.
Inti Aktivitas 1 60
1. Guru memyuruh siwa membuat menit
kelompok kecil
2. Guru memberikan Text Report kepada
setiap kelompok
3. Guru menyuruh siswa untuk
mengidentifikasi dan mempredeksi apa
yang akan dibahas dari teks tersebut
dengan melihat judul dari teks secara
4. Siswa berdiskusi dengan bimbingan
guru mengidentifikasi informasi
tentang teks

Aktifitas 2
1. Siswa membaca teks dan
mendengarkan instruksi guru.
2. Siswa mencoba mencari kata yang sulit
dari teks tersebut
3. Siswa mencoba mencari arti darikata
yang sulit tanpa membuka kamus.
4. Siswa membaca kembali teks dan
memprediksi ari dari kata yang sulit
5. Guru menujuk siswa untuk membaca
teks per paragraf dan menemukan main
idea dari paragraf tersebut
6. Guru menulis vocabulary di papan tulis
dan siswa mencoba mencari tau artinya
dengan membuka kamus
7. Guru memberikan soal pilihan ganda
yang berhubugan dengan teks
8. Siswa menjawab soal yang berhubugan
dengan teks

Aktifitas 3
1. Guru menyuruh siswa membuat
pertayaan berdasarkan teks yang telah
2. Siswa harus membuat pertanyaan serta
Penutup  Siswa dengan bimbingan guru 10
menyimpulkan pembelajaran hari ini. menit
 Guru memberikan instruksi kegiatan
lanjutan atau tugas yang harus
dilakukan siswa.

Kartasura, 7 Agustus 2017

Kepala SMP Muh Al-Kautsar PK Guru Mata Pelajaran Bahasa

Mujibuddakwah, S.Pd. Irma Rahmawati, S.Pd.

NBM : 1088626

Nama Sekolah : SMP Muhammadiyah Al Kautsar

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : 1X/1
Keterampilan Bahasa : Reading
Materi Pokok : Narrative Text
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit (1 pertemuan)

A. Standar Kompetensi
1. Mendengarkan : Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana
berbentuk narrative dan report yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan
2. Berbicara : Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esai
pendek sederhana berbentuk narrative dan report untuk
berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator

1.2 Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional ( to get things done ) dan
interpersonal (bersosialisasi ) yang mengunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana
secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk beriteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang
melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan memberi informasi, mengucapkan terima kasih,
meminta maaf, dan mengungkapkan kesantunan.
1.2.1 Menjelaskan social function dari teks narrative
1.2.2 Mengidentifikasi generic structure dari teks narrative
1.2.3 mengidentifikasi language feature dari teks narrative
3.2 Melakukan interaksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur:
meminta dan memberi informasi, mengucapkan terima kasih, meminta maaf dan
mengungkapkan kesantunan.

3.2.1 Mengidentifikasi infomasi dari suatu teks narrative
3.2.2 Merespon isi makna teks narrative sederhana yang telah dibaca dengan
pertanyaan yang di berikan oleh guru berkaitan dengan teks tersebut
C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Siswa diharapkan mampu:

1. Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran peserta didik dapat

mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks monolog berbentuk
narrative dengan santun dan cerdas.
2. Mengidentifikasi generic structure dari teks narrative dengan benar.
3. Mengidentifikasi informasi dari suatu teks narrative.
4. Merespon makna isi teks narrative sederhana yang telah dibaca
dengan menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan oleh guru berkaitan
dengan teks tersebut.

D. Materi Pelajaran
1. Narrative is a story with complication or problematic events and it
tries to find the resolution to solve
2. The purpose of narrative text is to entertain or to amuse the reader
with a story
3. The structure of report text :
a. Orientation : Sets the scene where and when the story happen
and introduces the participants of the story, who and what is
involved in the story
b. Complication : tells beginning of the problem which leads to the
crisis (climax’ of the main participants)
c. Resolution : the problem (the crisis) is resolved, either in a
happy ending or in a sad (tragic) ending
d. Re-orientation/coda : this is a closing remark to the story and it
is optional. It consist of a moral lesson , advice or teaching from
the writer
4. Grammar :
Using simple past tense

E. Metode Pembelajaran
Penerapan metode Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review
Strategi: Observing (mengamati), experimenting (mengolah informasi),
associating (mengasosiasi), and communicating (mengkomunikasikan).

F. Sumber Pembelajaran
Buku, Internet dan artikel yang relevan.
G. Media dan Alat Pembelajaran
a. Media
 Laptop
 Gambar yang relevan
b. Alat
 Speaker
 Spidol
 White Board

H. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Deskripsi
Pendahuluan 1. Guru memberi salam 10
2. Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa dan
kesiapan siswa belajar baik secara fisik
maupun psikologis.
3. Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran
atau kompetensi yang akan dicapai.
4. Guru menyampaikan garis besar
cakupan materi dan penjelasan tentang
kegiatan yang akan dilakukan siswa
untuk menyelesaikan latihan-latihan dan
tugas dalam pembelajaran.
Inti Aktivitas 1 60
1. Guru menayangkan video tentang teks
2. Guru menjelaskan tentag perngertian
teks narrative
dengan siswa melihat video
(Pengertian, tujuan, generic structure)
3. Guru menanyakan kepada siswa
pengetahuan mereka tentang teks
Aktifitas 2

1. Guru mempertlihatkan judul dari teks

narrative yaitu “A Man and Little Cat”
2. Guru memperlihatkan gambar yang
berhubungan dengan teks dan meminta
siswa untuk mengira ngira tentang apa
isi dari text tersebut.
3. Guru menunjuk siswa untuk membuat
pertanyaan / mengira ngira pertanyaan
yang berhubungan denga teks
4. Guru memberikan contoh pertanyaan
5. Guru meminta semua siswa untuk
membuat dua pertanyaan setelah
melihat judul dan gambar.
Aktifitas 3

1. Guru memperlihatkan teks narrative

melalui lcd lalu guru menyuruh siswa
membaca cepat untuk mencari jawaban
dari pertanyaan yang sudah mereka
2. Guru menunjuk siswa untuk
mencocokan apakah jawaban mereka
ada dalam teks
3. Guru meminta siswa membaca kembali
didalam hati untuk memahami isi dari
4. Guru menanyakan kepada siswa apakah
ada kata kata yang sulit di dalam teks
5. Siswa bertanya kepada guru arti dari
kata sulit itu lalu guru menjelaskannya
Aktifitas 4

1. Guru menjelaskan tentang bagaimana

cara mengetahui main idea dari suatu
2. Guru menjelaskan tentang cara
menjawab pertanyaan dari suatu teks
3. Guru memberikan teks narrative
kepada masing masing siswa dan
meminta siswa membaca teks narrative
yang telah diberikan.
4. Siswa membaca teks per paragraf
5. Guru membantu siswa mengartikan per
kalimat dan membetulkan cara
membaca siswa.
Aktifitas 5
1. Guru memberikan sepuluh soal berupa
pilihan ganda sesuai dengan teks yang
telah dibahas untuk mengecek
kepahaman siswa
2. Siswa mencoba menjawab sesuai
dengan apa yang mereka pahami
tentang teks
3. Guru membahas jawaban dari soal yang
telah diberikan

Penutup 1. Siswa dengan bimbingan guru 10

menyimpulkan pembelajaran hari ini.
2. Guru mengevaluasi pembelajaran hari

Kartasura, 6 November 2017

Kepala SMP Muh Al-Kautsar PK Guru Mata Pelajaran Bahasa

Mujibuddakwah, S.Pd.
NBM : 1088626 Irma Rahmawati, S.Pd.

Exercise :
A man and a little cat

One day, an old man was repairing his house. Then he saw a little
cat stuck in wall. The poor animal was struggling to get out. So, he gave
him his hand to get him out. But the cat scratched his hand with fear. The
man pulled his hand screaming with pain. But he did not stop; he tried to
give a hand to the cat again and again.

The son of the old man came and then screamed with surprise, “For god’s
sakes! Stop helping this cat, Dad! He’s going to get himself out of there”.

The old man did not care about his son, he just continued saving that
animal until he finally succeeded. And then he walked to his son and said,
“Son, it is cat’s instincts that makes him scratch and to hurt, and it is my
job to love and care”.
1. What is the main idea of paragraph 1?
A. An old man who was repairing his house with his cat
B. An old man who gave his hand to help a little cat
C. An old man who was repairing his house screamed in pain
D. A little cat who scratched an old man’s hand because of fear

2. What is the character of the old man?

A. Hard worker and selfish
B. Lazy and caring
C. Hard worker and caring
D. Lazy and caring

3. ‘…came and then screamed with surprise,’ (Paragraph 2).

The underlined word means ….
A. Shouted angrily
B. Scared
C. Annoyed
D. Frightened
4. ‘He’s going to get himself...’ (Paragraph 2)
The underlined word refers to ….
A. The little cat
B. The old man
C. The young man
D. The old man’s son

5. What caused the little cat scratch and hurt the old man?
A. His struggle
B. His fear
C. His hurt
D. His instincts
6. Who was repairing the house?
A. A little cat
B. An old man
C. The son
D. A young man
7. What did the son want?
A. He wanted his father to repair the house
B. He wanted to help the cat
C. He wanted his father to stop helping the little cat
D. He wanted to give his father a surprise
8. What is the character of the son?
A. He was patient
B. He cared to his father
C. He was kind
D. He loved cat
9. What is the main idea of paragraph 5?
A. The old man continued to help the little cat
B. The old man did not care to his son.
C. The cat had instinct to hurt
D. The old man’s job is to love and to car
10. What can we learn from the story?
A. Care to animals as well as you care to humans
B. Talk to the elders politely in any condition
C. Treat the others like the way you want to be treated by them
D. It is not necessary listening to what younger people say
List of Students

Kelas IX Jendral Soedirman

Wali Kelas : Rose Dyah Setyowati, S.Pd.
2 ANNAS YONANDITO PUTRA 18215 L 0040110636
3 ANWAR SHOLEH ASH SHIDIQ 18315 L 0031631369
5 ARIA IQHSAN AJIE PANGESTU 18515 L 0022609148
6 ARRAHMAN BIMA RAMADHANI 18615 L 0024736050
7 ASYIFA' NUR ISTIQOMAH 18815 P 0031631269
9 AULIA HANNA SAYIDAH 18915 P 0025259275
10 AULIA RAHMAWATI 19015 P 0024719300
11 DIAH AYU SAHARANI 15115 P 0030877848
12 DIVANA YOGA LARAS PRATAMA 19315 L 0024730093
13 ELISA NOVA ARHAR 19415 P 0033235180
14 ERLYTA PERMATASARI 19515 P 0033235178
15 FRIDA LAIL NAFIRA 19615 P 0024730089
16 GANENDRA RIFQI JATMIKO 15215 L 0030879306
17 HILDA FAWNIA RAHMA 15615 P 0038655747
19 ILHAM MUZAKKI DARAS PUTRA 19715 L 0033817753
20 IMAM HANAFI 19815 L 0037503503
21 IVAN MAHSA RASYID SANTOSA 15815 L 0034683365
22 MUHAMMAD AZIZ HERLAMBANG 20015 L 0031631279
23 MUHAMMAD MIFTHAHUL HUDA 16415 L 0024730040
24 MUHAMMAD NAUFAL NIBRAS 16515 L 0030879287
26 MUHAMMAD RIZKY NUGROHO 20515 L 0033776196
27 MUHAMMAD ZIDAN ANSHARI 16715 L 0025259238
28 NABILAYASMIN NAILA PUTRI 16815 P 0038897242
29 NAUFAL JEDY ATHILLAH 17015 L 0032144865
30 NOVA FITRIA PARAMUDITA 20615 P 0027800340
31 NUR AINI KHOIRUNNISA 20715 P 0030879441
32 SANG MAHARAH BILQIS 17315 P 0030878653
Kelas IX Ahmad Dahlan
Wali Kelas : Ema Mahardhikawati, S.Pd.


2 AFNAN HADYAN NOOR 14515 L 0030879302
4 AHMAD SYARIF AL GHIFARI 18015 L 0042307992
5 AHZAR SETYA MARTANI 14615 L 0030877834
6 ANDIAWAN DWI ATMOJO 18115 L 0030879421
9 DANANG FIRMANSYAH 15015 L 0035124588
10 DELA AYU PUSPITA NINGRUM 19215 P 0025259272
11 HAFIDZ PUTRA KURNIAWAN 15315 L 0038893697
13 HARSYA AULIA IKHSAN 15515 L 0040055608
16 KHANZA LABIBAH LIANA 19915 P 0034508230
17 LUQMAN AZIZ 27716 L 0020444913
18 LUTHFI ASYROFI 16115 L 0030879303
19 MUHAMMAD ALYF AQILLA 16215 L 0030879297
20 MUHAMMAD FADHAL MUTTAQIN 20315 L 0037316476
21 MUHAMMAD IDHAM NOORSAID 20415 L 0031198231
23 NABILAH SHAFA ANNISA 16915 P 0039364681
24 QUISHA NOOR MAULIDA 20815 P 0030879032
25 RAHYA DANDIK PRAWITA 17115 L 0030879295
26 SALMA HAMIDAH 17215 P 0034501194
27 SHAFIRA AZ-ZAHRA 17415 P 0030879185
28 SIRAJ DANENDRA MUSHTHAFA 20915 L 0024730090
29 TIS'ATUN MUBAROKAH 17615 P 0031631250
30 UTAMI HIDAYANTI 21115 P 0030878648
31 YOGA FIRMAN MAULANA 17715 L 0030879304
32 ZABRINA ROFIK LAILA 21215 P 0030879308
Students and School’s Achievement


1 11 Agustus Lomba Pidato MGMP Basa Jawa Diah Ayu Juara 1
2016 Bahasa Jawa Sukoharjo Saharani
2 09 Oktober Lomba MGMP PAI Putri Juara 1
2016 Kaligrafi Sukoharjo Amelia
3 09 Oktober Lomba Pidato MGMP PAI Sang Juara 3
2016 Putri MAPSI Sukoharjo Maharah
Tingkat Bilqis
4 09 Oktober Lomba Tilawah MGMP PAI Chahya Juara 2
2016 Putri MAPSI Sukoharjo Adi
Tingkat Ningrum
5 11 Maret Olimpiade Sains Dinas Sukoharjo Hafshah Juara 1
2017 Nasional Mapel Nurqaidah
IPS Tingkat
6 14 Maret Lomba Sinopsis Dinas Sukoharjo Hafshah Juara 5
2017 Novel Tingkat Nurqaidah
7 20 Maret Lomba Popda Dinas Sukoharjo Nabilah Juara 2
2017 Cabang Renang Yasmin
Tingkat Naila Putri
8 27 Februari Lomba Kaligrafi MAN PK Surakarta Putri Juara
2017 Tingkat Se-Jawa Amilia Harapan 2
9 19 Februari Lomba Futsal Tim Futsal Juara 3
2017 Persahabatan Se- Alkapro
10 27 Maret Lomba Popda Dinas Sukoharjo Hafid Juara 1
2017 Cabang Lari 100 Putra
M Tingkat Kurniawan
11 27 Maret Lomba Popda Dinas Sukoharjo Hafid Juara 1
2017 Cabang Lari 200 Putra
M Tingkat Kurniawan
12 27 Maret Lomba Popda Dinas Sukoharjo Ilham Juara 3
2017 Cabang Cakram Muzzaki
Tingkat Daras
Kabupaten Putra
13 23 Maret Lomba Popda Dinas Sukoharjo Duffan Juara 2
2017 Cabang Indrawan
Taekwondo Munir
Tingkat Assegaf
14 23 Maret Lomba Popda Dinas Sukoharjo Dimas Juara 3
2017 Cabang Fikri
Taekwondo Ahmad
Tingkat Farizzi
15 29 Maret Lomba Dinas Sukoharjo Kalyana Juara 1
2017 PopdaCabang Falen
Karate Putri 45 Danaswara
Kg Kabupaten
16 29 Maret Lomba Popda Dinas Sukoharjo Ilham Juara 2
2017 Cabang Karate Muzzaki
Putra 55 Kg Daras
Kabupaten Putra
17 29 Maret Lomba Popda Dinas Sukoharjo Kalyana Juara 3
2017 Cabang Karate Falen
Kata Putri Danaswara
18 1-2 April Lomba Pentas Hizbul Wathon Tim HW Juara 1
2017 Seni Kemah Kartasura Alkapro
Besar HW
Kartasura Tingkat
19 1-2 April Lomba Wide Hizbul Wathon Tim HW Juara 1
2017 Game Putri Kartasura Putri
Kemah Besar HW Alkapro
Kartasura Tingkat
20 1-2 April Lomba Paduan Hizbul Wathon Tim HW Juara 1
2017 Suara HW Putri Kartasura Putri
Kemah Besar HW Alkapro
Kartasura Tingkat
21 1-2 April Lomba PBB Putri Hizbul Wathon Tim HW Juara 1
2017 Kemah Besar HW Kartasura Putri
Kartasura Tingkat Alkapro
22 1-2 April Lomba LCC Putri Hizbul Wathon Tim HW Juara 2
2017 Kemah Besar HW Kartasura Putri
Kartasura Tingkat Alkapro
23 1-2 April Lomba Tahfiz Hizbul Wathon Tim HW Juara 2
2017 Putri Kemah Kartasura Putri
Besar HW Alkapro
Kartasura Tingkat (Nabila
Kabupaten Shafa
Sukoharjo Annisa)
24 1-2 April Lomba Wide Hizbul Wathon Tim HW Juara 1
2017 Game Putra Kartasura Putra
Kemah Besar HW Alkapro
Kartasura Tingkat
25 1-2 April Lomba Paduan Hizbul Wathon Tim HW Juara 1
2017 Suara HW Putra Kartasura Putra
Kemah Besar HW Alkapro
Kartasura Tingkat
26 1-2 April Lomba PBB Putra Hizbul Wathon Tim HW Juara 1
2017 Kemah Besar HW Kartasura Putra
Kartasura Tingkat Alkapro
27 1-2 April Lomba LCC Putra Hizbul Wathon Tim HW Juara 1
2017 Kemah Besar HW Kartasura Putra
Kartasura Tingkat Alkapro
28 1-2 April Lomba Tahfiz Hizbul Wathon Tim HW Juara 3
2017 Putra Kemah Kartasura Putra
Besar HW Alkapro
Kartasura Tingkat (Naufal
Kabupaten Aulia
Sukoharjo Darojat)
29 1-2 April Kemah Besar Hizbul Wathon Tim HW Juara Umum
2017 Hizbul Wathon Kartasura Putri Putri
Kartasura Qobilah Alkapro
Putri Tingkat
30 1-2 April Kemah Besar Hizbul Wathon Tim HW Juara Umum
2017 Hizbul Wathon Kartasura Putra Putra
Kartasura Qobilah Alkapro
Putra Tingkat
31 30 April Lomba Da'i SMA 3 Surakarta Sang Juara 2
2017 SMAGA Maharah

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