Rosyida Alfiyanti
Rosyida Alfiyanti
Rosyida Alfiyanti
Submitted as a Partial Requirements for the Undergraduate Degree
in State Islamic Institute of Surakarta
SRN: 13.322.1.201
“Learn from the past, live for today, and plan for tomorrow”
There are four skill to learning English, they are listening, reading,
language skill for second language students which can lead to their
between the reader, the author and text. Kennedy (1981: 5) explain that
associate the form with a sound and meaning acquired in the past, and,
and adults, the ability to read opens up new worlds and opportunities. It
list, instruction manuals, and maps. Many, but not all, learn to read as
children. Some children and adults need additional help. Yet others
in the new language. (2) Reading helps build a better vocabulary. (3)
may be the only way to use English when live in a non-English speaking
country. (5) Reading can help to plan study in English speaking country.
English learner also can learn about foreign language people’s habit and
culture. When learners want to learn about language, they have to learn
about the habit and the culture of those foreign peoples. It can help them
English. Sometimes, after reading a text, a student does not know what
topic of the text is. They are unable to understand the paragraph they
appropriate meaning for the key words. Not only should they
understand the key words but also they should understand the meaning
of all words and their relationship within the paragraph. So their reading
order to help students for mastering the reading, so the student will be
produce and comprehend language that are spoken and written. Reading
think that successful English learner is a person who can speak English
is the strategies. It is proven that many student does not interests to learn
in English because the teacher did not use the appropriate strategies yet.
language which are using appropriate strategies but the important one
in apply the strategies is, the teacher should know the student
The teacher must be able to encourage the students so they are able to
and exercise. The teachers give the material suitable with the syllabus
teaching learning run well. Brown (2000:113) states that strategies are
strategy to balance between the method which the teacher used and the
way of the teacher used to apply the material. Nunan (1999:249) said
for the next teacher generation must learn more to choose the
appropriate strategies to the students so they understand the material
the researcher chooses the school to do the research rather than the other
include a new school, but in every years this school always get
are not an active students in the class but, there are many students got a
great score in their English final exam. So, the researcher interesting to
August 7th 2017. Based on the observation, the researcher knew the
teaching learning process there. The way the teacher taught makes the
student enjoy in the class because when the teacher give the material
she always give motivation to the student and the technique used make
the situation is fun. The teacher use some technique in teaching reading.
The teacher taught them patiently and gave the instruction clearly. So
the students know what they should do in their next teaching learning
learning process.
the appropriate strategies in teaching the students. From this reason the
the following:
4. The data taken from observation, interview with the teacher and
high school
b. The result of this research can give contribution and
a. For students
1. Teaching Strategy
2. Reading
Kartasura, Sukoharjo.
A. Theoretical Description
using text to create meaning. The two key words here are
practicing. And conversely, if we do not practice, we will not
get better and our skills may deteriorate. (3) Reading integrates
face written symbol, they look through their eyes then their mind
writer and reader. When the reader interact with print, his prior
knowledge with the print and the visual (written) information
b. Types of reading
1) Intensive Reading
specific information.
2) Extensive Reading
3) Aloud Reading
It is a type of reading which very important in
in learning process.
4) Silent Reading
c. Models of Reading
learners feel difficult to comprehend the text that they have read,
reading comprehension:
determine meaning.
e. Skim the text for the gist and for main ideas,
1) Literal comprehension,
2) Inferential comprehension.
3) Critical comprehension
comprehending the text means, gain the main ides of the text,
appropriate method.
text. They are the thinking processes, broken down into steps
and pause.
1) Micro skills
orthographic patterns.
short-term memory.
among clauses.
2) Macro Skills
interpretation of text.
see our students progress and know that we have helped to make
strategies for learning, at the same time they learn the content of
the curriculum.
that is used by the teacher is based on the approach that has been
1) Teacher
classroom. There are many ways for the teacher to use that
a) Organization
b) Security
c) Motivation
Some learners will be motivated to learn for external
d) Instruction
do new things.
e) Modeling
do new thing.
f) Guidance
g) Information
h) Feedback
i) Encouragement
Learners need to feel that the language is developing
j) Evaluation
2) Students
are the one who seeks the knowledge which delivered by the
3) Purpose
learning component.
5) Method
tools, lesson plan to make the learning process run well and
c. Classroom management
teacher also need to consider how she appear to the students, and
how we use our most valuable asset our voice. The way we talk
to students and who talks most in the lesson is another key factor
what role, if any, there may be for the use of the students’ mother
habits, and they will take these into the classroom with them.
the teacher speak and what the teacher’s voice sounds like
2) Talking to students
3) Giving instructions
more a teacher talks, the less chance there is for the students
the students will have less time for other things, too, such as
teachers make this clear through the way they behave and
the things they say. It helps students if they are made clearly
working in groups.
that all the students can see them), stands the teacher. In
a) Communicative approach
information sharing.
b) Total Physical Response and The Natural Approach
adults need to know that what they are studying will improve
the classroom.
are developed put of the themes and topics which form the
e. Teaching Reading
(Fauziati, 2002:139).
a) Pre-reading stage
specific aims:
c) Post-reading stage
reflecting upon what has been read and relating the text
b. Before reading
c) PORPE Method
reading comprehension.
I need to study?
d) KWL Method
Steps to a KWL:
KWL chart.
know” questions.
e) SQ3R Method
a. Survey
look at:
b. Question
c. Read
attention span.
d. Recite
and reread
e. Review
1) Before Reading
a) Preview.
2) During reading
the text. When the student get a clunk, they use the
3) After Reading
a) Wrap Up
by other researcher that have similar focus with this study. The first
situation. There are the differences of her thesis with this thesis. In her
strategies that used by the teacher not only focused in one technique but
also the researcher try to found the technique, method, media, etc. that
used by the teacher in teaching reading. And the similarity was both of
reading comprehension.
the activities of teacher and students in the classroom and the technique
process, the students may express their own language, and students are
are different, for teacher, teacher must have extra time. (4) Beneficial
and acquire more and more language skill based on the responses from
the instructor and for students is to progress from one place to another
research the subject that used is the teacher at the Second Grade
Therefore, the subject that used in this research is the teacher and
reading comprehension.
research design, the second is the sources of data, the third is the
technique of collecting the data, fourth is the data analysis, and the last
A. Research Design
such written words or spoken words from people or activities that can
qualitative research is just describing what data are and explaining the
this method, the data were identified and described, and then the result
collecting the data then analyzing them and after that drawing the
The second stage is doing the interview with the English teacher. This
3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3
1. Pre-research
a. Observation
b. Interview
2. Writing a proposal
3. Seminar proposal
4. Research
5. Post research
chapter IV and V.
there are two English teacher. The subject of this research is Mrs.
data in qualitative research is the words and action, the rest is additional
usually collect the data in the forms of numbers. Rather, they frequently
conduct observation and in-depth interviews, and the data are usually in
1. Events
In this research, the even which were observed are the teaching
text in the field notes, interview transcript and notes. In research, the
its original form. These data are important aspect conducting in the
qualitative research. From these data the researcher can get the
2. Informant
Rachmawati, S.Pd.
3. Document
will be used. The technique of collecting data is the way the researcher
some techniques, those are interview and observation. All of the data
1. Observation
Observation is the conscious noticing and detailed examination of
The ways to doing observation were: (1) the researcher prepared the
materials to conduct the observation such as: paper, pen and camera.
2. Interview
Interview is a technique in collecting the data by make
specific goal. The interview was done after finished the teaching
research were to cross-check the data and to make sure that the data
that teach in ninth grade. The researcher does depth interview with
about the strategies that used in teaching reading and to know the
3. Document
there three kind activity of data analysis, they are reduction, data
separated. They bond each other in the data collecting process. Once the
sampling and transforming the raw data from the field note. The data
reduction was done during the research activities. In this case, the
data of the data that did not support the data of the researcher.
data then describe it. After describing the data, the researcher made
analysis about the data. The researcher presented the data from
3. Verification/drawing conclusion.
course of the study. The researcher was likely to write up not only
what she has seen each day, but also her interpretations of those
the data that happens at research object with effort that can be reported
the source of data and technique of collecting data but also accuracy of
choosing the technique of developing the validity of the data. To get the
five kinds:
checking the data with the same source and different technique such
different data, the researcher has to discuss to data sources that have
collecting the data with interview technique in the morning will give
fresh data, not too many problems and giving more valid the data.
of the data is done using more than one theory to examine the data
to get the validity of the data that is checking the data through some
interview with the English teacher in ninth grade and to get the data
teachers who teach the students. There are 224 students. This school is
classes at ninth grade that are Jendral soedirman and Ahmad Dahlan.
The facility in the classroom are 17 tables for students and 1 table for
the teacher, there are 33 chairs for students and 1 chairs for the teacher,
a fan, a complete tool cleanness, and a shelf shoes. The classes are very
clean because every the student go to class they always remove their
B. Research Findings
also require the collaborated participation for the students. Here the
elements of teaching:
a. Teaching Preparation
1) Objective of learning
2) Syllabus
3) Lesson plan
teach the students, while the learning material are the ones
The more interesting the material the more the students will
The teacher takes the material from many sources such as:
interview said:
stated that she also makes use of internet to look for any
5) Media used
skill. The material was report text and narrative text. The
Mrs. Irma:
1) Classroom Research 1
a) Opening activities
learning that day that was report text. But before she
b) Main activities
a. Deciding theme
c) Closed activity
to them.
2) Classroom Research 2
a) Opening activities
learning that day that was report text. But before she
b) Main activities
used in the text. From the vocabulary and the main idea
a. Deciding theme
the first activity is the teacher explain the text and give
c) Closed activity
the activity and make the evaluation about that day. She
3) Classroom Research 3
a) Opening activities
b) Main activities
narrative text.
looked for a picture and the title, she asked the students
the text.
text. Then she asked one of the student to read the text
c) Closed activity
those questions.
c. Classroom Management
students make noise in the class than the other students are
that is delivered.
They are given two chance after it and the teacher will
the study of report text. She guides the students from the
explains the text and ask the students to read aloud the text.
the material.
a. The Strength
Survey, Question,
Read, Recite, Review (SQ3R). Those are a specific
the teacher gives the material with use CSR and SQ3R
click and clunk, get the gist, and wrap up. This is not only
also through some step until the students understand the text.
They will get the point about the material and understand
read quickly the text and to re-read the text so they can get
the point of the text they are look very active and enthusiast.
must re-read the text and this train the students to careful in
because wen the students understand and get the gist for the
their question is not quite good but they are courage and
confident to speak.
b. The Weaknesses
the teaching learning process did not run well. For example,
some of the slow learners did not understand what the material
which they got, but the other learners of the students could
understand it well. If the slow learners did not ask the teacher
about their difficulties, the teacher would not know about their
Because there are some steps and when the teacher used this
tools that will be used in learning such as LCD and laptop took
quickly pass every step in using SQ3R and CSR techniques such
are some steps and also every students has different capability
they learn.
C. Research Discussion
researcher will answer the problem statement that has been presented in
this research finding will be discussed with the relevant reference from
and clunk, get the gist, and wrap up. Afterwards, she began to model
those steps.
tittle of the text what the writer might tell about. Secondly, she asked
the students to read the text and find the difficult word. The teacher
ask the students to try translate these difficult word without open the
dictionary. After that she ask the students to re-read the text and
predict the meaning of the words. While the students re-read the text
the teacher ask them to get main idea in the text. Lastly, the teacher
ask the students to make a questions based on the text. The way of
how the teacher introduced CSR technique above showed that she
reading using CSR. There are previewing, click and clunk, get the
Every step of CSR strategy has different role. The first step
Where students read titles and headings to predict the content of the
the Gist is requires the students to restate the main idea of the
learned. They can make questions for themselves because this way
process, the aloud reading and silent reading as the types of reading
was used, since the teacher ask the students to reading loudly aimed
to develop the skill speaking and the teacher can correct their
Firstly, she showed a tittle and picture relate with narrative text. She
asked the students to survey what the writer might tell about.
read the whole text. Then, she recite the questions. And lastly, she
steps, she instructed the students to practice the strategy. The way
of how the teacher introduced SQ3R strategy above showed that she
using SQ3R. There are survey, question, read, recite and review.
Every step of SQ3R strategy has different role. The first step
is survey. Survey means to look over the whole chapter. What the
the main points of reading material. They can make questions for
the main points or not. The third step is read. Students can read the
reading passage carefully. In this step, the students should read the
whole text to find the important details and record the answer to
the students try to answer the questions they have made in order to
remember the information or main points that they had learned from
the text. The last step is review. In this step, students summarize the
the structure of a subject in their mind, set study goals and focus on
and selective in their reading and study, looking for answers to their
is not.
words, idioms, etc.) when you aren’t certain, Skim the text for the
gist and for main ideas, Scan the text for specific information
(names, dates, keywords), Use silent reading technique for rapid
students, some of the slow learners did not understand what the
material which they got, but the other learners of the students
could understand it well. If the slow learners did not ask the
CSR technique is need more time. Because there are some steps
material. So not all the students can quickly pass every step in
classroom time.
A. Conclusion
the students. Guiding the students to gain the knowledge. It also can by
how to used English and applied English in the context of the text which
have may kinds of part that can be explore and developed properly in
The result of the research showed that there are two technique
comprehension of content area text. There were silent reading and aloud
is a reading strategy that can be used to increase the students’ reading
this strategy the teacher also used scanning skill. The teacher used laptop,
LCD, English book to explain the material. The source of material are
not fell bored, they were active and creative in the class, they have
the text. The weakness of implementation the strategies are the different
preparing tools that will be used in learning such as LCD and laptop
takes a long time. So it spent the time that should have started in
students' abilities. Not all students have the same ability to understand
the material. So not all the students can quickly pass every step in using
B. Suggestion
draws some suggestion. The researcher hope that these suggestion will
be useful especially for English Teacher, for the student, for the school,
active, helpful, and can handle the students in the classroom well.
opinion. The students should pay attention to the lesson while the
researcher hopes that this research can be used reference for the
Education Association
Guilford Press
Edge, Julian. 1993. Essentials of English Language teaching. New
York: Longman\
Pearson Longman
Heighman, Juanita, and Robert A. Croker. 2009. Qualitative
institute of disabilities.
Bandung: Alfabeta
70 minute Activity After the teacher explain the differences between descriptive
text and report text. She focused on report text.
Teacher: “Okay, Sekarang kalian baca text yang ada di buku
paket kalian halaman 13 tentang “Roses”. menurut kalian itu
descriptive atau report text ?
Students : “Report miss”
Teacher: “Why? itu disebut report text ?”
Students: “Karena membahas sesuatu secara general”
Teacher: “Ya betul sekali karena itu masih umum ndak
menjelaskan spesifik rosenya”. “sekarang kalian membuat
kelompok kecil dan masing masing membaca dalam hati text
itu dan pahami kira kira text itu membahas tentang apa. lalu
temukan kata kata yang sulit dengan menggaris bawahi nya
menurut kalian“
The students make a group discussion and lets to read and
understand the text. Try to Findings some difficult words.
After the students read the text they find some difficult words.
The teacher ask them to predict the meaning of those words
without open the dictionary.
Teacher: “Sudah selesai belum membacanya?”
Students: ”Sudah miss”
Teacher: ”Jadi apakah kalian menemukan kata kata sulit?”
Students: ”Banyak miss”
Teacher: ”Nah memang dalam text report itu biasanya
menggunakan kata ilmiah jadi kalian bakal menemukan
koskata yang mungkin belum pernah kalian dengar”.
After that the teacher explain the text together about the
content, the difficult words and the grammatical structure of
the text. The teacher ask one of the student in each group to
read the sentence and try to translate it.
Teacher: ”Student A coba kamu baca kalimat pertama dan
coba artikan sebisamu”
Student A: ”(read loudly)”
After explain the text. The teacher wrote some difficult words
in white board and ask the students to translate each words.
Teacher: ”Semua kata yang miss tulis tolong cari artinya ya
nanti yang tau artinya maju dan tulis nomer absen
The students are race to translate one by one. And wrote in
the white board alternately.
10 minutes Closing In closing activity the teacher make evaluation about the
material and give motivation to the students. The teacher also
give a homework.
Teacher: ”Jadi kalian sudah paham belum dengan yang
namanya report text?”
Students: ”Paham miss”
Teacher: ”Sekarang siapa yang paham coba jelaskan
tentang pengertian report text dan perbedaannya dengan
descriptive text!”
Student B: ”saya miss. Jadi text report itu text yang berisi
suatu laporan biasanya masih umum tapi kalau descriptive
text itu menjelaskan sesuatu secara spesifik”
Teacher: ”Ya betul sekali. Jadi sekarang semua paham ya?
Jadi kalau report text itu menjelaskan sesuatu secara general
kalau descriptive text itu menjelaskan sesuatu secara
spesifik. Seperti contoh yang tadi miss berikan. Nah sekarang
miss mau memberikan PR. dari text tersebut coba buatlah
pertanyaan seputar text Roses sebanyak 5 soal.
Students: ”Pake Bahasa inggris atau Indonesia miss?”
Teacher: ”Pake Bahasa Indonesia nggak papa tapi better in
Students: ”iya miss”
Teacher: ”ok kita tutup pelajaran pada hari ini. See you next
time. Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahiwabarokaltuh.
Students:”Wa’alaikumsallam warahmatullohiiwabarakatuh.
Time : 13.30
I : Kalau kemarin, pas ngajar report dan narrative teks itu saya
menggunakan tehnik yang berbeda mbak. ya biar ada variasi dan
siswa engak bosan. karena kan tujuannya itu supaya menarik
antusias siswa dalam belajar sehingga mereka mau memperhatikan
dan paham dengan materi. pertama kita liat dulu sebenarnya kalau
pake tehnik ini cocok apa enggak jadi ya sambil coba coba juga si
mbak. Memang kalau dalam penerapan tehnik kan juga harus
disesuaikan sama kondisi anak anak dikelas. Kalau dari kemampuan
mereka dalam Bahasa inggris itu tidak terlalu dihawatirkan mbak
mereka antusias nya tinggi. jadi saya juga menggunakan tehnik
yang cukup simple untuk diterapkan
I : Jadi reading strategy CSR itu gini stepnya anak anak yang
pertama liat judulnya dulu liat yang keliatan dulu misalnya ada
gambarnya trus dari situ biar anak anak mengira ngira dari judul itu
o apa si habis ini kira kira bacaannya tentang apa . jadi liat judul
dulu sambil baca text. kan kalau anak anak itu kesulitannya di kosa
kata nah makannya kalau mung diawang itu mesti kita susah jadi
biasanya saya suruh nyatet . kan kalau di kelas 9 itu mereka punya
buku khusus vocab . Kalau saya kemarin pa ngajar report text
cenderung pake CSR.
I : Kalau media saya sering pake leptop dan LCD mbak jadi
saya buat PPT supaya menjelaskan ke siswanya lebih mudah. Saya
menggunakan gambar untuk materi tertentu seperti descriptive text
narrative dan kalau report text saya menggunakan text saja juga ada
gambarnya kadang.
I : Enggk selalu tapi refleksi itu iya paling sih review sedikit
M : Kita guru Bahasa inggrisnya punya dua yang satu Bu Irma dan
yang satunya Bu Niken. Bu Niken baru saja kemarin masuk disini satu
tahun ini kalau Bu Irma sudah dua tahun yang lalu. kita kalau guru bahasa
inggris sudah tiga kali ini mengalami pergantian.
M : Kalau kelas 7 kita itu kalau tingkatan SMP maksimal satu kelasnya
itu 32 jadi kelas 7 32 siswa dikali 3 kelas jadinya 96 . untuk kelas 8 ada 64
siswa tapi kemarin pindah satu jadi 63 kalau kelas 9 ada dua kelas 65 siswa
total 224.
M : Untuk sekolahan kita sekarang ada tiga tingkat. untuk kelas 7 ada
tiga kelas kemudian kelas 8 nya dua kelas dan kelas 9 nya juga dua kelas.
M : Ruang kita sementara ini yang untuk kelas ada 7, kantor gurunya
ada dua, kantor kepala sekolah dan TU, kemudian kita punya Lab dan
perpustakaan. jadi total kita ada 12 ruang termasuk fasilitasnya.
R : Iya pak, sedangkan prestasi yang sudah pernah diraih oleh siswa
apa saja pak?
M : Kalau itu banyak. tapi kalau tahun ajaran ini kan baru masuk dari
bulan kemarin jadi belum ada prestasi untuk tahun ini belum ada kejuaraan
tapi untuk tahun lalu banyak. satu tahun itu ada sekitar 30 perlombaan yang
mendapat piala itu ada datanya. ya nanti kalau memang panjenengan butuh
data minta saya nanti tak kasih.
A. Standar Kompetensi
1. Mendengarkan : Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana
berbentuk descriptive dan report yang berkaitan dengan
lingkungan sekitar.
2. Berbicara : Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esai
pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan report untuk
berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.
3.2.1 Mengidentifikasi infomasi dari suatu teks report
3.2.2 Merespon isi makna teks report sederhana yang telah dibaca dengan
pertanyaan yang di berikan oleh guru berkaitan dengan teks tersebut
3.2.3 menyusun sebuah kaliamat secara acak menjadi sebuah teks berbentuk
C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Siswa diharapkan mampu:
1. Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran peserta didik dapat
mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks monolog berbentuk
report dengan santun dan cerdas.
2. Mengidentifikasi generic structure dari teks report dengan benar.
3. Mengidentifikasi informasi dari suatu teks report.
4. Merespon makna isi teks report sederhana yang telah dibaca dengan
menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan oleh guru berkaitan dengan
teks tersebut.
D. Materi Pelajaran
1. Report text is factual text used to describe things as they are with
reference to a whole range of natural and social phenomena in our
2. The structure of report text :
a. Definition / classification in general
b. Description (behaviour & qualitie)
c. Summary (optional)
3. Grammar :
a. Simple present tense
b. Action verbs (run, eat, sleep, etc.)
c. Verbs (is/are, have/has)
E. Metode Pembelajaran
Strategi: Observing (mengamati), experimenting (mengolah informasi),
associating (mengasosiasi), communicating (mengkomunikasikan).
Cooperative learning.
F. Sumber Pembelajaran
1. Djatmika, Priyanto, A. D., Dewi, IK. (2015). Passport to the world:
A fun and easy English book. Surakarta: Tiga Serangkai.
2. Buku, Internet dan artikel yang relevan.
Kegiatan Deskripsi
Pendahuluan 1. Guru mengecek kesiapan siswa belajar 10
baik secara fisik maupun psikologis. menit
2. Guru mengajak siswa untuk mengingat
kembali materi yang telah disampaikan
sebelumnya yang berkaitan dengan
materi yang akan dipelajari.
3. Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran
atau kompetensi yang akan dicapai.
4. Guru menyampaikan garis besar
cakupan materi dan penjelasan tentang
kegiatan yang akan dilakukan siswa
untuk menyelesaikan latihan-latihan dan
tugas dalam pembelajaran.
Inti Aktivitas 1 60
1. Guru memyuruh siwa membuat menit
kelompok kecil
2. Guru memberikan Text Report kepada
setiap kelompok
3. Guru menyuruh siswa untuk
mengidentifikasi dan mempredeksi apa
yang akan dibahas dari teks tersebut
dengan melihat judul dari teks secara
4. Siswa berdiskusi dengan bimbingan
guru mengidentifikasi informasi tentang
Aktifitas 2
1. Siswa membaca teks dan
mendengarkan instruksi guru.
2. Siswa mencoba mencari kata yang sulit
dari teks tersebut
3. Siswa mencoba mencari arti darikata
yang sulit tanpa membuka kamus.
4. Siswa membaca kembali teks dan
memprediksi ari dari kata yang sulit
5. Guru menujuk siswa untuk membaca
teks per paragraf dan menemukan main
idea dari paragraf tersebut
6. Guru menulis vocabulary di papan tulis
dan siswa mencoba mencari tau artinya
dengan membuka kamus
7. Guru memberikan soal pilihan ganda
yang berhubugan dengan teks
8. Siswa menjawab soal yang berhubugan
dengan teks
Aktifitas 3
1. Guru menyuruh siswa membuat
pertayaan berdasarkan teks yang telah
2. Siswa harus membuat pertanyaan serta
Penutup Siswa dengan bimbingan guru 10
menyimpulkan pembelajaran hari ini. menit
Guru memberikan instruksi kegiatan
lanjutan atau tugas yang harus
dilakukan siswa.
Kepala SMP Muh Al-Kautsar PK Guru Mata Pelajaran Bahasa
but can also refer to the "big cats" such as lions and tigers.
because they cannot synthesize all the amino acids they need
6000 BC, from the skeleton of the cat found on the island of
the crops were saved. Currently, the cat is one of the most
popular pet in the world. Cats that his lines are recorded
Manx, and the sphinx. These kinds of cat are usually bred in
A. Standar Kompetensi
1. Mendengarkan : Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana
berbentuk descriptive dan report yang berkaitan dengan
lingkungan sekitar.
2. Berbicara : Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esai
pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan report untuk
berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.
3.2.1 Mengidentifikasi infomasi dari suatu teks report
3.2.2 Merespon isi makna teks report sederhana yang telah dibaca dengan
pertanyaan yang di berikan oleh guru berkaitan dengan teks tersebut
3.2.3 menyusun sebuah kaliamat secara acak menjadi sebuah teks berbentuk
C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Siswa diharapkan mampu:
D. Materi Pelajaran
1. Report text is factual text used to describe things as they are with
reference to a whole range of natural and social phenomena in our
2. The structure of report text :
a. Definition / classification in general
b. Description (behaviour & qualitie)
c. Summary (optional)
3. Grammar :
a. Simple present tense
b. Action verbs (run, eat, sleep, etc.)
c. Verbs (is/are, have/has)
E. Metode Pembelajaran
Strategi: Observing (mengamati), experimenting (mengolah informasi),
associating (mengasosiasi), communicating (mengkomunikasikan).
Cooperative learning
F. Sumber Pembelajaran
1. Djatmika, Priyanto, A. D., Dewi, IK. (2015). Passport to the world:
A fun and easy English book. Surakarta: Tiga Serangkai.
2. Buku, Internet dan artikel yang relevan.
Kegiatan Deskripsi
Pendahuluan 1. Guru mengecek kesiapan siswa belajar 10
baik secara fisik maupun psikologis. menit
2. Guru mengajak siswa untuk mengingat
kembali materi yang telah disampaikan
sebelumnya yang berkaitan dengan
materi yang akan dipelajari.
3. Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran
atau kompetensi yang akan dicapai.
4. Guru menyampaikan garis besar
cakupan materi dan penjelasan tentang
kegiatan yang akan dilakukan siswa
untuk menyelesaikan latihan-latihan dan
tugas dalam pembelajaran.
Inti Aktivitas 1 60
1. Guru memyuruh siwa membuat menit
kelompok kecil
2. Guru memberikan Text Report kepada
setiap kelompok
3. Guru menyuruh siswa untuk
mengidentifikasi dan mempredeksi apa
yang akan dibahas dari teks tersebut
dengan melihat judul dari teks secara
4. Siswa berdiskusi dengan bimbingan
guru mengidentifikasi informasi
tentang teks
Aktifitas 2
1. Siswa membaca teks dan
mendengarkan instruksi guru.
2. Siswa mencoba mencari kata yang sulit
dari teks tersebut
3. Siswa mencoba mencari arti darikata
yang sulit tanpa membuka kamus.
4. Siswa membaca kembali teks dan
memprediksi ari dari kata yang sulit
5. Guru menujuk siswa untuk membaca
teks per paragraf dan menemukan main
idea dari paragraf tersebut
6. Guru menulis vocabulary di papan tulis
dan siswa mencoba mencari tau artinya
dengan membuka kamus
7. Guru memberikan soal pilihan ganda
yang berhubugan dengan teks
8. Siswa menjawab soal yang berhubugan
dengan teks
Aktifitas 3
1. Guru menyuruh siswa membuat
pertayaan berdasarkan teks yang telah
2. Siswa harus membuat pertanyaan serta
Penutup Siswa dengan bimbingan guru 10
menyimpulkan pembelajaran hari ini. menit
Guru memberikan instruksi kegiatan
lanjutan atau tugas yang harus
dilakukan siswa.
Kepala SMP Muh Al-Kautsar PK Guru Mata Pelajaran Bahasa
A. Standar Kompetensi
1. Mendengarkan : Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana
berbentuk narrative dan report yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan
2. Berbicara : Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esai
pendek sederhana berbentuk narrative dan report untuk
berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.
3.2.1 Mengidentifikasi infomasi dari suatu teks narrative
3.2.2 Merespon isi makna teks narrative sederhana yang telah dibaca dengan
pertanyaan yang di berikan oleh guru berkaitan dengan teks tersebut
C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Siswa diharapkan mampu:
D. Materi Pelajaran
1. Narrative is a story with complication or problematic events and it
tries to find the resolution to solve
2. The purpose of narrative text is to entertain or to amuse the reader
with a story
3. The structure of report text :
a. Orientation : Sets the scene where and when the story happen
and introduces the participants of the story, who and what is
involved in the story
b. Complication : tells beginning of the problem which leads to the
crisis (climax’ of the main participants)
c. Resolution : the problem (the crisis) is resolved, either in a
happy ending or in a sad (tragic) ending
d. Re-orientation/coda : this is a closing remark to the story and it
is optional. It consist of a moral lesson , advice or teaching from
the writer
4. Grammar :
Using simple past tense
E. Metode Pembelajaran
Penerapan metode Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review
Strategi: Observing (mengamati), experimenting (mengolah informasi),
associating (mengasosiasi), and communicating (mengkomunikasikan).
F. Sumber Pembelajaran
Buku, Internet dan artikel yang relevan.
G. Media dan Alat Pembelajaran
a. Media
Gambar yang relevan
b. Alat
White Board
Kegiatan Deskripsi
Pendahuluan 1. Guru memberi salam 10
2. Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa dan
kesiapan siswa belajar baik secara fisik
maupun psikologis.
3. Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran
atau kompetensi yang akan dicapai.
4. Guru menyampaikan garis besar
cakupan materi dan penjelasan tentang
kegiatan yang akan dilakukan siswa
untuk menyelesaikan latihan-latihan dan
tugas dalam pembelajaran.
Inti Aktivitas 1 60
1. Guru menayangkan video tentang teks
2. Guru menjelaskan tentag perngertian
teks narrative
dengan siswa melihat video
(Pengertian, tujuan, generic structure)
3. Guru menanyakan kepada siswa
pengetahuan mereka tentang teks
Aktifitas 2
Kepala SMP Muh Al-Kautsar PK Guru Mata Pelajaran Bahasa
Mujibuddakwah, S.Pd.
NBM : 1088626 Irma Rahmawati, S.Pd.
Exercise :
A man and a little cat
One day, an old man was repairing his house. Then he saw a little
cat stuck in wall. The poor animal was struggling to get out. So, he gave
him his hand to get him out. But the cat scratched his hand with fear. The
man pulled his hand screaming with pain. But he did not stop; he tried to
give a hand to the cat again and again.
The son of the old man came and then screamed with surprise, “For god’s
sakes! Stop helping this cat, Dad! He’s going to get himself out of there”.
The old man did not care about his son, he just continued saving that
animal until he finally succeeded. And then he walked to his son and said,
“Son, it is cat’s instincts that makes him scratch and to hurt, and it is my
job to love and care”.
1. What is the main idea of paragraph 1?
A. An old man who was repairing his house with his cat
B. An old man who gave his hand to help a little cat
C. An old man who was repairing his house screamed in pain
D. A little cat who scratched an old man’s hand because of fear
5. What caused the little cat scratch and hurt the old man?
A. His struggle
B. His fear
C. His hurt
D. His instincts
6. Who was repairing the house?
A. A little cat
B. An old man
C. The son
D. A young man
7. What did the son want?
A. He wanted his father to repair the house
B. He wanted to help the cat
C. He wanted his father to stop helping the little cat
D. He wanted to give his father a surprise
8. What is the character of the son?
A. He was patient
B. He cared to his father
C. He was kind
D. He loved cat
9. What is the main idea of paragraph 5?
A. The old man continued to help the little cat
B. The old man did not care to his son.
C. The cat had instinct to hurt
D. The old man’s job is to love and to car
10. What can we learn from the story?
A. Care to animals as well as you care to humans
B. Talk to the elders politely in any condition
C. Treat the others like the way you want to be treated by them
D. It is not necessary listening to what younger people say
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