Reading Voyage PLUS 1 Workbook

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Unit 1 Adults Who Won’t Grow Up

Vocabulary Practice Writing Practice

A Write each word or phrase next to its correct definition. Then write its meaning in C Circle the correct words and translate the sentences into your language.
your language.
1. Kidults seek the things that keep them ( at touch / in touch ) with today’s teenagers.

quality innocent alter be suited to maintain 키덜트는 그들이 오늘날의 십대와 연결을 유지하게 하는 것을 추구한다.

attitude temptation relive keep in touch with degenerate

2. They still do activities ( what / that ) they did as teenagers such as skateboarding.
그들은 스케이트보드 타기와 같은 십대에 자신들이 했던 활동을 여전히 한다.

1. to keep doing something maintain 유지하다

3. They wear clothing that ( is / are ) more suited to a fourteen-year-old than a thirty-
2. one’s feelings toward something attitude 태도
3. to modify or change something alter 바꾸다
그들은 34살보다 14살에 더 적합한 옷을 입는다.

4. a high level of value or excellence quality 진가, 우수성

4. They play group activities such as the floor game Twister ( instead of / because of )
5. to become worse in state or condition degenerate 악화되다; 퇴화하다
having conversations.
6. to continue to talk or communicate with keep in touch with ~와 연결을 유지하다
그들은 대화를 하는 것 대신에 바닥 게임인 트위스터와 같은 단체 활동을 한다.

7. a strong feeling of wanting to do something temptation 유혹

8. to be appropriate for someone or something be suited to ~에 적합하다

9. not having experience with bad things in innocent 순진한; 천진난만한

life; pure More Reading Comprehension

10. to remember and experience again in your relive (상상 속에서) 다시 체험하다

D Read the passage and answer the questions.

Why do some adults become kidults? As adults, people have more responsibilities,
so life seems to be less fun. And adults are more aware that the human body
degenerates and people get old. They do this to forget the stress that comes with
being an adult.
The Irish writer Oscar Wilde said, “Youth is wasted on the young.” He meant that
B Use the words or phrases from A to complete the sentences. Change the forms if
necessary. those who are young do not appreciate its qualities. Kidults appreciate the
of being young, carefree, and full of energy. But they will never be young again.
1. The demonstration soon degenerated into a riot.

2. Games like Twister are suited to children and teenagers, not adults. 1. Which is the best place for the sentence?

There is a strong temptation for adults to relive a more innocent phase of their lives.
3. It’s been hard to keep in touch with my old friends after moving to a new town.
a. b. c. d.
4. If you want to maintain good grades, you need to keep your good study habits.
2. Which is the most appropriate for the blank?
5. People on diets often have a hard time avoiding the temptation of eating their
favorite junk foods. a. stress b. attractions c. activities d. responsibilities

2 Unit 1 3
Unit 2 Cosplay: Make Believe
for Adults
Vocabulary Practice Writing Practice
A Write each word or phrase next to its correct definition. Then write its meaning in C Circle the correct words and translate the sentences into your language.
your language.
1. Assuming another identity ( is / are ) not just for children.

show off dull dedicated assume dress up 또 다른 신분을 가장하는 것은 단지 아이들만을 위한 것은 아니다.

combination struggle convention costume replicate

2. Millions of adults today also enjoy ( to play / playing ) dress-up.
오늘날 수백만 명의 어른들도 변장하는 것을 즐긴다.

1. not exciting; boring dull 따분한, 지루한 _

3. Many young adults in America have difficulty ( to find / finding ) good jobs.
2. to wear special clothing dress up 변장을 하다 _
미국의 많은 젊은이들은 좋은 직업을 구하는 데 어려움을 겪는다.
3. to be doing something with difficulty struggle 힘겹게 나아가다

4. the result of joining or mixing two or more combination 조합 4. Dedicated cosplayers will spend months ( to make / making ) their costumes themselves.
things 코스프레에 전념하는 사람들은 자신들이 입을 의상을 직접 만드는 데 수개월이 걸릴 것이다.

5. to cause something to look or act a certain assume 가장하다, ~인 체하다 _

6. to cause something to be seen by many show off ~을 자랑하다

7. to make or do something again exactly; replicate 모사〔복제〕하다 _
to recreate
8. having strong enthusiasm for a group, dedicated 전념하는, 헌신적인 More Reading Comprehension
cause, activity, etc.
D Read the passage and answer the questions.
9. a large meeting for people to talk about convention 집회, 대회

their shared interests The term cosplay originally (A) comes from Japanese. It is a combination of the
English words “costume” and “play.” Cosplay is the most popular (B) with young
10. clothes worn by someone to make them costume 의상; 변장
adults. These include characters from sci-fi movies, American comic books, and
look like another person
Japanese anime. They (C) show off their costumes at fan conventions. Most of
B Use the words or phrases from A to complete the sentences. Change the forms if them (D) held in Japan and the United States. England, the Philippines, and many other
necessary. countries have large cosplay communities as well.

1. Roberta fell asleep during the movie since it was so dull .

1. Which is the best place for the sentence?
2. The thief assumed the identity of a security guard to break into the office. Cosplayers dress up as many types of characters.

3. Peanut butter and mayonnaise sound like a strange combination , but it is tasty. a. b. c. d.
4. A dedicated worker is more likely to be successful than someone who is not. 2. Which one is NOT grammatically correct in the passage?

5. Computers today make it easy to replicate famous works of art from the past. a. (A) b. (B) c. (C) d. (D)

4 Unit 2 5
Unit 3 Artificial Intelligence

Vocabulary Practice Writing Practice

A Write each word or phrase next to its correct definition. Then write its meaning in C Circle the correct words and translate the sentences into your language.
your language.
1. AI is simply the intelligence ( shown / showing ) by machines or software.

artificial foe mimic linguist intelligence 인공지능은 그저 기계나 소프트웨어에 의해 보여지는 지능이다.

calculate pose concern application human race

2. Most people believe that AI can be used to ( make / making ) human lives better.
대부분의 사람들은 인공지능이 인간의 삶을 더 좋게 만들기 위해 사용될 수 있다고 믿는다.

1. anxiety or worry concern 걱정, 우려

3. They are trying to make AI that is better at ( learn / learning ) from its mistakes.
2. to imitate or copy mimic 흉내 내다

그들은 자신의 실수로부터 배우는 것을 더 잘하는 인공지능을 만들려고 노력하고 있다.

3. a way that something can be used application 적용, 응용

4. made by human beings; not natural artificial 인공의 4. Scientists are using AI systems to help them ( solve / solved ) major problems that
are beyond human calculating abilities.
5. the ability to learn or solve problems intelligence 지능
과학자들은 인간의 계산 능력 밖에 있는 주요 문제를 그들이 해결하도록 도와주는 인공지능 시스템을 사용하고 있다.

6. all the people in the world; human beings human race 인류

7. to be or make a possible problem or danger pose (문제 등을) 제기하다

8. a person who studies language and grammar linguist 언어학자

9. someone who does not want to help you; foe 적

an enemy
10. to solve a problem using logic or math; calculate 계산하다; 추정하다

to figure out More Reading Comprehension

D Read the passage and answer the questions.

Although AI can be a powerful tool to improve our lives, many are worried
that it may become too intelligent. Physicist Stephen Hawking has said that a super-
intelligent AI could destroy the human race. Yet others argue that AI can only do what
B Use the words or phrases from A to complete the sentences. Change the forms if it is programmed to do. AI is designed to help humanity, it will not pose a
necessary. danger to us.

1. You should ask if she is a friend or foe .

1. Which is the best place for the sentence?
2. A toothbrush is made to clean your teeth, but it has other applications as well. Microsoft Technology Advisor Bill Gates has expressed similar concerns.

3. Susan’s greatest concern was whether she would get an A on her math test. a. b. c. d.
4. Young animals will mimic the behavior of their parents to learn how to hunt. 2. Which is the most appropriate for the blank?

5. Linguists believe that Korean and Japanese originated from the same language. a. Although b. Since c. Unless d. As long as

6 Unit 3 7
Unit 4 Foods of the Future

Vocabulary Practice Writing Practice

A Write each word next to its correct definition. Then write its meaning in your C Circle the correct words and translate the sentences into your language.
1. Producing enough food for everyone is ( increasing / increasingly ) difficult.

scarce pea estimate nutrient alternative 모든 사람들을 위한 충분한 음식을 생산하는 것은 점점 더 어려워진다.

essential starch appealing shortage substantial

2. Some foods of the future will ( be made / make ) to replace current dishes.
미래의 일부 음식들은 현재 음식을 대체하기 위해서 만들어질 것이다.

1. not enough of; insufficient scarce 부족한

3. ( Because / Although ) meat and dairy products are delicious, their production creates
2. necessary; very important essential 필수적인; 매우 중요한
substantial amounts of air pollution.
3. able to replace another thing alternative 대체의
육류와 유제품이 맛있긴 하지만, 그것의 생산은 상당한 양의 대기 오염을 일으킨다.

4. fairly large in amount; considerable substantial 상당한

4. Thanks to these foods of the future, everybody will have food ( that / who ) is healthier
5. a small, round vegetable that is usually green pea 완두콩
and better for the environment.
6. a substance that living things need to survive nutrient 영양소
이런 미래 음식 덕택에, 모든 사람이 더욱 건강하고 환경에 더 나은 음식을 먹게 될 것이다.

7. a substance found in bread, rice, and potatoes starch 탄수화물

8. easily getting one’s attention or interest; appealing 매력적인

9. a situation in which there is not enough of shortage 부족

something More Reading Comprehension

10. a guess about the size or amount of estimate 추정(치)
D Read the passage and answer the questions.
something using current information
Another food of the future will be meals that give us more nutrients than current
food does. Eating pancakes made out of crickets might not sound appealing. ,
crickets are high in protein and essential amino acids. This means that cricket
pancakes are healthier than typical flour ones. By some estimates, meat will be
B Use the words from A to complete the sentences. Change the forms if necessary. scarce within 20 years. A food that sounds like it comes from science fiction is
1. Oxygen is essential for human beings; we can’t survive without it. soylent. Made of various types of flour, proteins, and starches, soylent is a drinkable
meal replacement. It contains all the vitamins and minerals that a person needs to stay
2. If you want people to buy your product, you have to make it appealing . healthy.

3. The fundraiser collected a(n) substantial amount of money for the flood victims.
1. Which is the most appropriate for the blank?
4. One estimate by the UN states that the world population will reach 10 billion
a. For example b. In addition c. However d. As a result
in 2050.
2. Which sentence is NOT needed in the passage?
5. My brother had trouble studying in a traditional school, so he goes to a(n)
alternative school. a. b. c. d.

8 Unit 4 9
Unit 5 The 99-cent Strategy

Vocabulary Practice Writing Practice

A Write each word or phrase next to its correct definition. Then write its meaning in C Circle the correct words and translate the sentences into your language.
your language.
1. The prices of all items ( end / ends ) with a nine, such as $0.49 or $99.99.

pay off retailer appeal boost psychological 모든 상품의 가격은 49센트나 99달러 99센트처럼 9로 끝난다.

purchase founder persuade strategy sit on the shelf

2. The founder of the store realized that items ( price / priced ) at $0.98 sat on the shelves
for a long time.
1. to buy something with money purchase 구입하다
가게 창업자는 98센트로 값이 매겨진 상품들이 오랫동안 팔리지 않음을 깨달았다.

2. to be successful in the long run pay off 성공하다, 성과를 올리다

3. This is why he established the 99 Cents Only Stores, ( where / what ) every product sold
3. a plan or method for reaching a goal strategy 전략
for $0.99.
4. to increase or enhance something boost 신장시키다, 북돋우다 이것이 그가 ‘99센트 온리 스토어’를 설립한 이유이며, 그 가게에서는 모든 상품이 99센트에 팔렸다.

5. relating to the mind and how people think psychological 심리적인

4. Putting a lower number first ( make / makes ) a price more tempting than putting a
6. a person who creates a business, school, etc. founder 설립자 higher one.
7. to describe a product that does not sell sit on the shelf 팔리지 않다 낮은 숫자를 처음에 두는 것이 높은 숫자를 (처음에) 두는 것보다 가격을 더 매력적으로 만든다.

8. a person or business that sells products retailer 소매업자, 소매상

to customers
9. the quality that makes someone or appeal
More Reading Comprehension

something attractive
10. to make someone agree with or do persuade 설득하다 D Read the passage and answer the questions.
something; to convince
Online retailers also use the 99-cent price point. When the former CEO of Apple,
Steve Jobs, (A) established the iTunes music store in 2003, there was no way to legally (B)
downloading music online. For iTunes to succeed, Jobs needed to select a price point
that would persuade users (C) to purchase music rather than download it illegally. The
B Use the words or phrases from A to complete the sentences. Change the forms if
necessary. price he chose was $0.99. Currently, over 25 billion songs (D) have been downloaded
from iTunes.
1. The best strategy for losing weight is to exercise regularly.

2. Studying may seem like it’s a waste of time now, but it will pay off someday. 1. Which is the best place for the sentence?

His strategy paid off, and iTunes became the first successful paid music download service.
3. This product has been sitting on the shelf for years. I don’t think anyone will ever buy it.
a. b. c. d.
4. Retailers must choose a price point that will create a lot of sales and profits.
2. Which one is NOT grammatically correct in the passage?
5. I tried to persuade Gina to eat at the Italian restaurant, but she wouldn’t change
her mind. a. (A) b. (B) c. (C) d. (D)

10 Unit 5 11
Unit 6 Clickbait Advertising

Vocabulary Practice Writing Practice

A Write each word or phrase next to its correct definition. Then write its meaning in C Circle the correct words and translate the sentences into your language.
your language.
1. We must be aware ( to / of ) clickbait and be careful not to be taken advantage of.

fake actively have roots in sensationalist circulation 우리는 낚시글 광고를 알아차려야만 하고 이용당하지 않도록 조심해야 한다.

minor imaginary take advantage of pseudoscience eye-catching

2. You might be ( surprised / surprising ) how many advertisements you are exposed to
each day.
1. from the imagination; not real imaginary 상상의, 가상적인
당신은 매일 얼마나 많은 광고에 자신이 노출되는지에 놀랄지도 모른다.

2. pleasing to look at; appealing eye-catching 눈길을 끄는

3. In this competitive environment, many companies struggle ( to attract / attracting )
3. not very important or serious minor 사소한, 별로 중요하지 않은
4. getting people’s attention; shocking sensationalist 선정주의적인 이런 경쟁적인 환경에서 많은 기업들이 고객을 끌어들이려고 애를 쓴다.

5. meant to look real but not actually real; fake 가짜의, 거짓된
4. ( Since / While ) some marketers have developed new and creative forms of advertising,
others are relying on a less honest approach.
6. to use something in a beneficial or an take advantage of ~을 이용하다
일부 마케팅 담당자들은 새롭고 창의적인 광고 형태를 개발해온 반면, 다른 사람들은 덜 정직한 접근 방법에 의존하고 있다.

unfair way
7. to come from a place or source; to have roots in ~을 기반으로 하다

originate from
More Reading Comprehension
8. in a way characterized by constant work actively 활발하게, 적극적으로

or action D Read the passage and answer the questions.

9. information presented to be scientific but pseudoscience 사이비 과학
Clickbait advertising has its roots in yellow journalism. (A) Starting in 1895, two
not proven true
New York newspapers began running increasingly sensationalist headlines about the
10. the usual number of newspapers or circulation 판매 부수
Spanish-American War. Often, they (B) were written in yellow ink. The purpose of
magazines sold over a specific period of time these stories was to make readers (C) curiously enough to . This boosted
circulation. Eventually, other newspapers began using similar strategies. They wrote
stories about minor or even imaginary events with huge headlines. These stories
B Use the words or phrases from A to complete the sentences. Change the forms if (D) would contain little research or true information. A lot of them included fake
interviews and pseudoscience.
1. This car has a(n) eye-catching design. It is really nice to look at.
1. Which is the most appropriate for the blank?
2. Without evidence, your idea can only be considered pseudoscience .
a. write stories b. buy the papers
3. Jenny will encourage students to actively participate in the festival. c. click the links d. find out the rest of the stories
4. Many young children have a(n) imaginary friend that only they can see. 2. Which one is NOT grammatically correct in the passage?

5. Because of news websites, newspaper circulation has fallen in recent years. a. (A) b. (B) c. (C) d. (D)

12 Unit 6 13
Unit 7 Icons of Animation

Vocabulary Practice Writing Practice

A Write each word or phrase next to its correct definition. Then write its meaning in C Circle the correct words and translate the sentences into your language.
your language.
1. They had very different approaches ( to / of ) filmmaking.

notable star iconic retire protagonist 그들은 매우 다른 영화 제작 방식을 가지고 있었다.

beloved model villain legacy highly regarded

2. Its success enabled Miyazaki ( found / to found ) his own company, Studio Ghibli.
그 영화의 성공은 미야자키가 자신의 회사인 지브리 스튜디오를 설립할 수 있게 했다.

1. loved by many people beloved 인기 많은

3. ( Although / Unless ) Miyazaki retired in 2013, he said that he will begin making movies
2. very famous and admired iconic 상징적인, 매우 유명한
once again.
3. worthy of attention; remarkable notable 유명한, 주목할만한
비록 미야자키는 2013년에 은퇴했지만, 그는 다시 한 번 영화 제작을 시작할 것이라고 말했다.

4. the first of a kind copied by others model 모델, 본보기

4. ( Due to / In spite of ) their differences, Disney’s and Miyazaki’s movies are essential
5. considered high in quality; praised highly regarded 높이 평가되는
viewing for all animation lovers.
6. the main character in a movie, book, etc. protagonist 주인공
두 사람의 차이점에도 불구하고 디즈니와 미야자키의 영화들은 모든 애니메이션 애호가들이 반드시 관람해야 할 영화이다.

7. to feature as the most important performer star 주연을 맡기다

8. something from the past that still matters legacy 유산

today More Reading Comprehension

9. a character in a movie, book, etc. that does villain 악당
D Read the passage and answer the questions.
bad things
10. to quit your job forever, usually because of retire 은퇴〔퇴직〕하다
Walt Disney and his older brother Roy (A) founded Walt Disney Animation Studios in 1923.
old age
Snow White became a model for later Disney films. It featured detailed animation,
brave heroes, and scary villains. Disney directed many other (B) highly regarding
films until his death in 1966.
(2) Five years later, they released the short film Steamboat Willie. It was notable for
(C) being the first cartoon with synchronized sound. It also starred a new cartoon
B Use the words or phrases from A to complete the sentences. Change the forms if mouse, Mickey.
(3) In 1937, Disney released the first full-length animated color film, Snow White and the
1. My dad will retire from his job when he turns 65. Seven Dwarfs. It was (D) the most successful film that year.

2. This phone’s most notable feature is the screen on its back.

1. Which one is the correct order for the passage?
3. The king left behind a(n) legacy of helping the poor after his death. a. (1)–(3)–(2) b. (2)–(1)–(3) c. (2)–(3)–(1) d. (3)–(1)–(2)
4. He loves the movie especially because of the strong female protagonist . 2. Which one is NOT grammatically correct in the passage?

5. The Apple Macintosh served as a(n) model that later computers followed. a. (A) b. (B) c. (C) d. (D)

14 Unit 7 15
Unit 8 The Rise of Global Media

Vocabulary Practice Writing Practice

A Write each word next to its correct definition. Then write its meaning in your C Circle the correct words and translate the sentences into your language.
1. One of the most popular movies ever ( was / were ) the fantasy film Avatar.

top border clichéd export generate 가장 인기를 끈 영화들 중 하나는 판타지 영화인 <아바타>였다.

note overseas sweep surpass blockbuster

2. ( In / Since ) the late 1990s, American films have made most of their profits overseas.
1990년대 후반 이후로 미국 영화들은 수익의 대부분을 해외에서 만들어 냈다.

1. in other countries; abroad overseas 해외에서

3. They say the dramas could have a destructive influence ( on / at ) Chinese culture.
2. to create or produce something generate 발생시키다, 만들어내다

그들은 그 드라마가 중국 문화에 파괴적인 영향을 미칠 수도 있다고 말한다.

3. to go beyond an amount; to exceed surpass 뛰어넘다, 능가하다

4. the line that separates two countries border 국경 4. Some critics have noted that many recent American films ( made / are made ) to appeal
more to foreign audiences.
5. to move across an area quickly or easily sweep 휩쓸다
일부 비평가들은 최근의 많은 미국 영화들이 외국 관객들에게 더 흥미를 유발하기 위해 만들어지고 있다는 사실에 주목했다.

6. an item sent to another country for sale export 수출품

7. to notice or pay attention to something note 주의〔주목〕하다

8. based on frequently repeated phrases clichéd 상투적인 문구가 많은, 진부한

9. a very popular movie made with a big blockbuster 블록버스터, 대형 영화

10. to be at the highest part or position of top 1위를 하다

something More Reading Comprehension

D Read the passage and answer the questions.

But internationally popular media is not just from the United States. The Korean
wave, hallyu, has swept Asia for years. Now, hallyu is entering the West. The Korean
drama My Love from the Star was downloaded over 2.4 billion times in China alone.
Korean music also has global appeal. , Psy’s song Gangnam Style
B Use the words from A to complete the sentences. Change the forms if necessary. became the first video to surpass two billion views on YouTube.
1. That sounds like an old clichéd story, but it’s a historical fact.
1. Which is the best place for the sentence?
2. Most summer blockbusters feature famous actors and lots of special effects.
One of the most famous exports has been South Korean soap operas.
3. Only a few movies have generated more than one billion dollars in ticket sales.
a. b. c. d.
4. The border between the United States and Mexico is separated by a tall fence.
2. Which is the most appropriate for the blank?
5. South Korea sends many exports to other countries, including cars, phones, and
ships. a. For example b. Moreover c. Nevertheless d. Instead

16 Unit 8 17
Unit 9 The Lottery, Past and Present

Vocabulary Practice Writing Practice

A Write each word next to its correct definition. Then write its meaning in your C Circle the correct words and translate the sentences into your language.
1. The Netherlands state lottery has ( held / been held ) since the 17th century.

slip likelihood win gambling fate 네덜란드 국영 복권은 17세기 이래로 추첨되어 왔다.

vary millennium revenue silverware status

2. The revenue from these lotteries ( used / was used ) to help the poor and to build city
1. destiny; luck fate 운명
이러한 복권에서 벌어들인 수익은 가난한 사람들을 돕고 성벽을 쌓는 데 쓰였다.

2. a period of one thousand years millennium 천년

3. The money ( raised / raising ) by lotteries today is used mainly to pay for construction
3. to be different; to change vary 서로 다르다
4. to get a prize in a contest, game, etc. win 얻다, 따다 오늘날 복권으로 거둬들인 돈은 주로 건설 사업 자금에 쓰인다.

5. the chance of something occurring likelihood 가능성

4. For more than two ( millennium / millennia ), people have played the lottery with the
6. a piece of paper with information on it slip (작은 종이) 조각, 쪽지 hopes of winning a fortune.
7. forks, spoons, and knives made of silver silverware 은식기류 2천년이 넘게 사람들은 부를 얻으리라는 희망을 가지고 복권을 해왔다.

8. the official position of a person or thing status (법적) 신분, 자격

according to the law

9. the activity of betting money on a specific gambling 도박

outcome or result happening

10. money that a government or organization revenue 수익, 수입 More Reading Comprehension
receives; income D Read the passage and answer the questions.

The Roman Emperor Augustus Caesar (A) is believed to have been the first to sell
lottery tickets in Europe. He sold them to guests at his dinner parties. The money (B)
generated from the ticket sales was used for repairs in the city of Rome. cash
prizes, winners received items ranging from silverware (C) to clothing. In China, lottery
B Use the words from A to complete the sentences. Change the forms if necessary. slips (D) have found which date back to around 200 BCE during the Han Dynasty. The
1. These documents have no legal status in Britain. Chinese government used them as a means of paying for the construction of the Great
Wall of China.
2. Cooking times may vary sligtly, depending on your oven.

3. You can’t control your fate , so just accept what happens to you. 1. Which is the most appropriate for the blank?

a. In spite of b. Instead of c. Because of d. Without

4. People like to play gambling because it can be a fast way to make money.
2. Which one is NOT grammatically correct in the passage?
5. The company’s revenue was higher this year thanks to the release of its new
phone. a. (A) b. (B) c. (C) d. (D)

18 Unit 9 19
Unit 10 The History of Roller Coasters

Vocabulary Practice Writing Practice

A Write each word next to its correct definition. Then write its meaning in your C Circle the correct words and translate the sentences into your language.
1. The forerunners of today’s roller coasters ( called / were called ) ice slides.

dip thrill loop forerunner circuit 오늘날 롤러코스터의 초창기 모델은 얼음 미끄럼틀이라고 불렸다.

lock degree feature astonishingly adrenaline

2. Just seeing a roller coaster makes many children ( yell / to yell ) in excitement.
단지 롤러코스터를 보는 것만으로 많은 아이들이 흥분하여 소리를 지르게 한다.

1. a low point; a drop dip 급강하, 낙하 _

3. They sped down a fifty-degree drop along a wooden surface ( covered / covering )
2. an early model or type forerunner 선구자, 전신
with thick ice.
3. a course or path around something circuit 순환로
그들은 두꺼운 얼음으로 덮인 나무 표면을 따라 50도 경사를 빠르게 내려갔다.

4. the unit to measure the size of an angle degree 각도

4. ( Although / As long as ) thrill seekers want a greater adrenaline rush, roller coasters
5. to hold something to a surface; to attach lock 고정되다
will undoubtedly become longer and faster in the future.
6. to have or include something as a main part feature 특징으로 삼다
흥분을 추구하는 사람들이 더 많은 아드레날린이 분출되기를 원하는 한, 롤러코스터는 미래에 틀림없이 더 길고 빨라질 것이다.

7. something that causes great excitement or thrill 흥분, 전율

8. in a way that causes a feeling of great astonishingly 놀랍게도

surprise or wonder
9. a curved shape formed when something loop 고리

bends around itself

More Reading Comprehension
10. a substance released in the body when a adrenaline 아드레날린 _
person feels a strong emotion D Read the passage and answer the questions.

By the 19th century, the first true roller coasters existed in France. These were
made possible (A) thanks to the development of cars that locked onto a track. It was
shaped like a heart and was the first roller coaster (B) that completed a circuit. Paris
also hosted the first looping coaster. The coaster (C) is built in 1846 in the popular
B Use the words from A to complete the sentences. Change the forms if necessary. Frascati Gardens in Paris. It (D) featured a 13-meter drop and a 4-meter metal circle.

1. The corners of the square are all 90 degrees .

1. Which is the best place for the sentence?
2. Jeanne’s new earrings are two large gold loops . One of the earliest modern roller coasters was the Aerial Walk in Paris.

3. One circuit on this racecourse is 2.8 kilometers long. a. b. c. d.

4. The typewriter was a(n) forerunner to today’s computer. 2. Which one is NOT grammatically correct in the passage?

5. Skydiving is dangerous, but it gives me a great adrenaline rush. a. (A) b. (B) c. (C) d. (D)

20 Unit 10 21
Unit 11 Saving Endangered Species

Vocabulary Practice Writing Practice

A Write each word or phrase next to its correct definition. Then write its meaning in C Circle the correct words and translate the sentences into your language.
your language.
1. Many countries are taking steps to protect animals ( to / from ) becoming extinct.

act embryo extinct incubate conservation 많은 나라들이 멸종 위험으로부터 동물들을 보호하기 위한 조치를 취하고 있다.

captive recovery breeding pair endangered be prized for

2. Many animal species are endangered ( because / because of ) human activities.
많은 종의 동물들이 인간의 활동 때문에 멸종 위기에 처해 있다.

1. kept in a zoo or research center captive 포획된, 사로잡힌

3. Created in 1973, the act made it ( illegal / illegally ) to use dangerous pesticides such
2. a law made by a group of lawmakers act 법령
as DDT.
3. an animal that has not been born yet embryo 배아
1973년에 제정된 이 법은 DDT와 같은 위험한 살충제의 사용을 불법으로 만들었다.

4. when all animals in a species are dead extinct 멸종된

4. The ban on DDT along with captive breeding helped the bald eagle ( surviving /
5. to be highly valued because of something be prized for ~으로 귀하게 여겨지다
to survive ).
6. the act of protecting the natural environment conservation (자연 등의) 보호
포획 사육과 함께 DDT에 대한 금지는 흰머리독수리가 살아남는 것을 도왔다.

7. the act of returning to a normal place or state recovery 회복

8. to keep eggs warm to help them develop incubate (새가 알을) 품다

into a bird
9. describing an animal that might soon not endangered 멸종 위기에 처해 있는

More Reading Comprehension
10. a male and female animal that can have breeding pair 함께 새끼를 기르는 한 쌍(의 동물)

a baby D Read the passage and answer the questions.

One animal saved by the ESA is not the friendliest creature. Nevertheless, it is
important to ecosystems. It is the American alligator. Native to the Southeastern
United States, the alligator was prized for its leather, which was used to make shoes and
handbags. By the 1960s, it was nearly extinct. It made an amazing and
B Use the words or phrases from A to complete the sentences. Change the forms if was removed from the list of threatened animal populations in 1987. Today, millions of
necessary. alligators live in the wild.

1. Just like animals, human beings begin life as embryos .

1. Which is the best place for the sentence?
2. Following her surgery, Helen made an amazing recovery . To save the alligator, the ESA banned alligator hunting.

3. There are only about two breeding pairs of each species in the area. a. b. c. d.
4. One of the most famous animals to go extinct is the dodo bird. 2. Which is the most appropriate for the blank?

5. Environmental conservation is crucial for helping endangered species survive. a. creature b. habitat c. recovery d. reservation

22 Unit 11 23
Unit 12 Why Flowers Don’t
Smell Sweet
Vocabulary Practice Writing Practice
A Write each word or phrase next to its correct definition. Then write its meaning in C Circle the correct words and translate the sentences into your language.
your language.
1. We all know that air pollution makes it hard ( breathing / to breathe ).

ray ozone unaltered molecule break down 대기오염이 숨을 쉬기 힘들게 한다는 것을 우리 모두 알고 있다.

emit impact biodiversity pollination be in jeopardy

2. Ozone blocks the powerful rays of the sun ( to reach / from reaching ) the surface.
오존은 강력한 태양 광선이 지표면에 이르는 것을 막아 준다.

1. original or unchanged unaltered 변하지 않은

3. When there was no ozone, the amount of scent molecules in the air ( was / were )
2. a powerful or major effect impact (강한) 영향
3. to produce or give off something emit 내뿜다, 방출하다
오존이 전혀 없었을 때 대기 중 향기 분자의 양은 정상이었다.

4. a colorless gas that is a form of oxygen ozone 오존

4. Ozone breaks down the molecules that ( emitted / are emitted ) by flowers to create
5. the smallest possible amount of something molecule 분자
their scent.
6. to be at risk of a serious problem happening be in jeopardy 위험에 빠지다
오존은 꽃이 향기를 만들어 내기 위해 발산하는 분자들을 분해한다.

7. to separate something into simpler break down ~을 분해하다

8. a line of light produced by the sun, a light ray 광선

bulb, etc.
9. the act of spreading pollen from one plant pollination 수분 (작용)

to another More Reading Comprehension

10. the existence of many kinds of plants or biodiversity 생물의 다양성
D Read the passage and answer the questions.
animals in an environment
This might be a small difference, but it can have a huge impact (A) on the
ecosystem. Bumblebees are (B) most attracted to strong, unaltered flower scents. As
ozone levels increase, bees will find it increasingly difficult (C) to locating flowers. If they
cannot find any flowers, it will reduce levels of pollination. This could lead to .
B Use the words or phrases from A to complete the sentences. Change the forms if Around 80 percent of crops raised by humans require pollination from bees. If bees
cannot pollinate, then our food supply could (D) be in jeopardy.
1. A single ray of sunshine came through the storm clouds.
1. Which is the most appropriate for the blank?
2. Our bodies are mostly made of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon molecules .
a. a decrease in ozone levels b. a decrease in biodiversity
3. Eating too much fast food can have a huge impact on your overall health. c. an increase in pollination d. an increase in air pollution
4. Factories and automobiles emit carbon dioxide and other harmful chemicals. 2. Which one is NOT grammatically correct in the passage?

5. The ozone layer helps keep the planet cool by blocking most of the sun’s light. a. (A) b. (B) c. (C) d. (D)

24 Unit 12 25
Unit 13 A City on Two Continents:
Vocabulary Practice Writing Practice
A Write each word or phrase next to its correct definition. Then write its meaning in C Circle the correct words and translate the sentences into your language.
your language.
1. Istanbul is one of the most visited ( city / cities ) in the world.

strait conquer skyscraper attraction geography 이스탄불은 세계에서 가장 많은 사람들이 찾는 도시 중 하나이다.

settler build up captivating residential architecture

2. Most of them are in the European section, ( made / making ) it the city’s primary tourist
1. a very tall building skyscraper 고층 건물
그것들의 대부분은 유럽 지역에 있어서 그곳을 시의 주된 관광 중심지로 만들었다.

2. the way a land is shaped geography 지리〔지형〕

3. ( Crossed / Crossing ) the Bosphorus Strait will take you to the Asian half of Istanbul.
3. to develop; to make something grow build up ~을 개발하다
보스포루스 해협을 건너면 이스탄불의 반쪽인 아시아 지역으로 갈 수 있다.

4. to defeat an enemy and control their land conquer 정복하다

4. Istanbul is the only city in the world ( located / locating ) on two continents, Europe and
5. the specific design and style of a building architecture 건축; 건축 양식
6. a place of interest that people often visit attraction 명소
이스탄불은 세계에서 유일하게 유럽과 아시아라는 두 대륙에 위치한 도시이다.

7. having many homes; not a business area residential 주택지의

8. interesting in a way that gets your attention captivating 매혹적인

9. a person who moves to a new land to live settler 정착민

there More Reading Comprehension

10. a narrow waterway that connects two large strait 해협
D Read the passage and answer the questions.
bodies of water

The Greeks were the first known settlers of Istanbul.

(1) Later, the Romans conquered the Greeks. They built up the European side of the city
and changed the name (A) to Constantinople.
(2) In 1453, the Ottomans defeated the Romans and (B) establish the Istanbul as the
home of the Ottoman Empire. (C) Under their rule, the city became an important
B Use the words or phrases from A to complete the sentences. Change the forms if center in Islam.
(3) They came in 660 BCE, (D) developing the Asian portion of the city. They called it
1. The city’s geography is very mountainous. Byzantium.

2. I can’t stop reading this book. It’s so captivating .

1. Which one is the correct order for the passage?
3. This building has won awards for its unique architecture . a. (1)–(3)–(2) b. (2)–(1)–(3) c. (3)–(2)–(1) d. (3)–(1)–(2)
4. Living downtown can be fun, but residential areas are quieter and less stressful. 2. Which one is NOT grammatically correct in the passage?

5. Spanish explorers conquered many parts of South America during the 16th century. a. (A) b. (B) c. (C) d. (D)

26 Unit 13 27
Unit 14 Antarctica: A Land Without
a Nation
Vocabulary Practice Writing Practice
A Write each word next to its correct definition. Then write its meaning in your C Circle the correct words and translate the sentences into your language.
1. Antarctica is the best place ( to / for ) astronomers to find meteorites.

inhabit arid neglect forbid astronomer 남극 대륙은 천문학자들이 운석을 발견할 수 있는 최적의 장소이다.

meteorite treaty preserve disposal bone-chilling

2. ( Because of / In addition to ) the lack of rainfall, Antarctica is classified as a desert.
강우량이 부족하기 때문에 남극 대륙은 사막으로 분류되어 있다.

1. very dry arid 매우 건조한

3. The coldest temperature on Earth, a bone-chilling -89˚C, ( recorded / was recorded )

2. very cold bone-chilling 매우 추운
there in 1983.
3. to live in a place inhabit 거주하다
지구에서 뼈가 시릴 정도로 가장 추웠던 기온인 섭씨 영하 89도가 1983년에 그곳에서 기록되었다.

4. a scientist who studies the stars astronomer 천문학자

4. The reason is the land is covered with ice and snow, so the dark meteorites stand
5. getting rid of waste; dumping disposal 처리, 처분
( out / for ) clearly.
6. to not allow something; to ban forbid 금하다
그 이유는 땅이 얼음과 눈으로 덮여 있어 검은색 운석이 눈에 잘 띄기 때문이다.

7. to not give any attention to something neglect 방치하다

8. a piece of rock from outer space that has meteorite 운석

landed on Earth
9. to protect something for future use; preserve 지키다, 보호하다

to conserve
10. an agreement between nations on how to treaty 조약
More Reading Comprehension
solve a problem or issue
D Read the passage and answer the questions.

(A) In addition to its unique climate, Antarctica has a unique governmental status.
The continent does not (B) belong any country although some nations have made
(C) claims to the land. This is due to the Antarctic Treaty System. It (D) was created by
twelve countries in 1959. Currently, 53 nations have signed the treaty. At the same
B Use the words from A to complete the sentences. Change the forms if necessary. time, it promotes scientific research there.

1. If you neglect your pet, you can be sent to jail.

1. Which is the best place for the sentence?
2. Global warming is causing more climates to become arid . The treaty forbids military and mining activities and the disposal of nuclear waste in Antarctica.

3. The disposal of waste is allowed only between 6 and 10 p.m. a. b. c. d.

4. The two countries signed a(n) treaty to end the war between them. 2. Which one is NOT grammatically correct in the passage?

5. Taking pictures in the gallery is forbidden , so please put away your cameras. a. (A) b. (B) c. (C) d. (D)

28 Unit 14 29
Unit 15 The Development of
Modernist Art
Vocabulary Practice Writing Practice
A Write each word or phrase next to its correct definition. Then write its meaning in C Circle the correct words and translate the sentences into your language.
your language.
1. A new style of art was ( being / been ) created.

rural bizarre alien landscape subconscious 새로운 방식의 미술이 창조되고 있었다.

decay underway twisted interpretation have a resemblance to

2. Because of these developments, art also began ( change / to change ).
이러한 발전 때문에 미술 또한 변하기 시작했다.

1. bent out of shape twisted 뒤틀린

3. Modernism was different from earlier art movements in ( the number of / a number of )
2. strange or unusual bizarre 기이한, 이상한
3. happening currently underway 진행 중인
모더니즘은 그 이전의 미술 운동들과는 여러 면에서 달랐다.

4. relating to the countryside rural 시골의

4. This allowed modernist artists ( to create / creating ) artwork that expressed their
5. the process of natural destruction decay 부패
interpretations of the world.
6. to look similar to something else have a resemblance to ~을 닮다
이는 모더니즘 화가들이 자신들의 방식으로 해석한 세상을 표현한 작품들을 창조할 수 있게 했다.

7. very different from what you are used to alien 이질적인

8. an area of land with a certain appearance landscape 풍경

9. related to the part of the mind that a person subconscious 잠재의식의

is not aware of
10. a person’s unique understanding of an interpretation 해석
More Reading Comprehension
event, image, etc.
D Read the passage and answer the questions.

Another factor that helped create modernism was the psychologist Sigmund Freud.
His 1899 book The Interpretation of Dreams popularized the idea of the subconscious
mind. Many artists started to rely on dreams and symbols to inspire their artwork.
B Use the words or phrases from A to complete the sentences. Change the forms if
They created bizarre worlds that had little resemblance to . His 1931
painting The Persistence of Memory shows melting clocks in an alien landscape. Dali
1. His interpretation of the events did not match the facts. also uses ants throughout the painting as symbols of decay.

2. That movie was so bizarre . I’ve never seen anything like it!
1. Which is the best place for the sentence?
3. After many delays, construction on the new subway line is finally underway .
The works of Salvador Dali are prime examples of such art.
4. Some people might prefer life in a(n) rural area, but I would rather live in
a. b. c. d.
a big city.
2. Which is the most appropriate for the blank?
5. Although the accident left both cars badly twisted , fortunately, no one was
injured. a. dreams b. reality c. their mind d. painting techniques

30 Unit 15 31
Unit 16 Marcel Duchamp

Vocabulary Practice Writing Practice

A Write each word or phrase next to its correct definition. Then write its meaning in C Circle the correct words and translate the sentences into your language.
your language.
1. Everyday objects simply needed to ( present / be presented ) in a creative manner.

present conventional appreciate urinal curator 일상적인 사물은 그저 창의적인 방식으로 표현될 필요가 있었다.

engraver distinguish oneself ready-made exhibit brushstroke

2. By his 20s, Duchamp began to experiment by ( use / using ) objects in his art.
이십대에, 뒤샹은 자신의 예술에 사물을 사용하는 실험을 하기 시작했다.

1. a mark made by a paintbrush brushstroke 붓놀림

3. The work ( exhibited / was exhibited ) in a museum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

2. to show something in a formal way present 보여 주다

그 작품은 펜실베이니아 주 필라델피아의 한 미술관에 전시되었다.

3. usual or old-fashioned; traditional conventional 전통적인

4. already prepared; created before ready-made 이미 만들어져 있는, 기성품의 4. At a young age, Duchamp was showing that he was interested in ( being / been )
5. a toilet for men in a public restroom urinal (남자용) 소변기
어린 나이에 뒤샹은 자신이 현대적인 것에 관심이 있다는 것을 보여 주고 있었다.

6. to understand the importance of; to value appreciate 진가를 알아보다

7. to do something so well that people notice distinguish oneself 두드러지게 하다

8. a person who organizes art shows or curator 전시 책임자, 큐레이터

9. to show something so other people can exhibit 전시하다
More Reading Comprehension
see it; to display
D Read the passage and answer the questions.
10. a person who cuts designs or letters engraver 판화가

into metal, wood, etc.

In 1917, Duchamp (A) was preparing for a major exhibition in New York.

(1) When the curators opened it, they found a toilet. Duchamp was going to exhibit a
urinal. The curators debated (B) whether to showing the piece.
(2) Duchamp chose to show an unusual work to shock his audience. His piece, Fountain,
B Use the words or phrases from A to complete the sentences. Change the forms if was carefully (C) packed and transported to the exhibition.
(3) In the end, they rejected the work because they thought it was inappropriate (D) to
1. We had a(n) engraver write our names on our wedding rings. include in the exhibition.

2. The curator explained the meanings of all the works in the gallery.
1. Which one is the correct order for the passage?
3. Paintings by Keith Haring will be exhibited for the rest of the month. a. (1)–(3)–(2) b. (2)–(1)–(3) c. (2)–(3)–(1) d. (3)–(1)–(2)
4. My car has a(n) conventional gasoline engine, but her car has an electric engine. 2. Which one is NOT grammatically correct in the passage?

5. If you want to get a good job, you need to distinguish yourself from other applicants. a. (A) b. (B) c. (C) d. (D)

32 Unit 16 33

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