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Vehicle Tracking Using GPS

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Dogo Rangsang Research Journal UGC Care Group I Journal

ISSN : 2347-7180 Vol-09 Issue-03 September-December 2019

Vehicle tracking Using GPS

Sundram Kumar, Subhashree Subhasmita Sahoo, Debakanta Pradhan

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Gandhi Institute For Technolgy
College, Bhubaneswar. (Affiliated to All India Council For Technical Education (AICTE))
Dr.I.V.Prakash, Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Gandhi Institute For Technolgy College, Bhubaneswar. (Affiliated to All India Council For
Technical Education (AICTE))

Abstract: The research is about creating a system for tracking vehicle. Objective of the research is to
design and develop a GPS based Vehicle Tracking System in order to display location of vehicle on
Google Maps. This system used Arduino MEGA as a microcontroller and it will be used as the main
processing unit. Next, Ublox NEO-6m GPS module is used to routing the coordinate while SIM 900A
GSM module is used to connecting with the user. The product was successfully run at outdoor and
having some problem at indoor due to GPS module cannot extract the accurate coordinate when there is
a roof or obstructer that block the direct signal connection between the GPS and satellite. For the next
improvement, the researcher can use the high quality of GPS module to connect with satellite. An
example, GPS NEO-6P module where it can collect data more accurate and stay connect to the satellite.

Index Terms: GSM (Global Services for Mobile Communication), GPS (Global Positioning System),
Vehicle Tracking System.


Nowadays, crime rates in Malaysia are increasing rapidly, such as stolen vehicles cases. Various
devices have been invented to reduce the crime rate. This is because criminals are also become crafty
and they using various ways to commit crimes. Now the demand for the vehicle’s detection devices
increases from time to time, it is increasing in line with the growing number of vehicles in Malaysia.
Lot of tracking devices have been installed in vehicles, either by the car manufacturer or by third party
developer. Today's electronic technology is growing fast, making users more tend to using tools that
can be controlled directly through their phones or computer. Development of GPS based vehicle
tracking system is an electronic device project that allows owners of vehicles to know the exact location
of the vehicles [1]. This project can be positioned the location of vehicle and show it on Google Maps.
In general, this system will send the coordinates and Google Maps link to mobile phone user using
message. For the record, the theft case of vehicles in the first half of 2015 are as follows, 4,539 private
vehicles, 7,122 motorcycles and 751 commercial vehicles were reported missing by the Vehicle Theft
Reduction Council of Malaysia (VTREC). This due to the components in the car get high demand dark
market. Usually the percentage of getting back the lost vehicle is very low. In order to solve this
problem many GPS detectors have been build to reduce the rate of theft case. Namely, the GPS locator
is usually showing current location and do not update the vehicle location after that. Besides that, GPS
detectors only show the coordinates of longitude and latitude, so the user will waste their time to search

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ISSN : 2347-7180 Vol-09 Issue-03 September-December 2019
place based on longitude and latitude that show exactly their vehicle location [2].


2.1 Overview of Purpose System

Based on block diagram from Figure 1, Arduino MEGA is used to control the whole process between
GPS module and GSM module. GPS module is used to get the coordinates of the vehicle while GSM
module is used for sending coordinates to user by message. In order to track the vehicle location, first it
needs to find the coordinates of vehicle. GPS module will connect with satellite continuously to get the
coordinates. Then GPS will send the coordinates to Arduino UNO. Arduino MEGA will extract the
required data that received by GPS. When GSM module receive command from user by massage,
GSM module will cooperate with Arduino MEGA to reply the message and send it to user by using
GSM module. The message contains the coordinates of vehicle location.

Fig. 1. Block Diagram of GPS Based Vehicle Tracking


Figure 2 shows the flowchart of GPS Based Vehicle Tracking System. First, GPS will be connecting
continuously with satellite to routing the coordinate. Once the LED at GPS module was blinking, it
means the location was locked. Then, check the LED at GSM Module. It will blinking after get the
mobile communication line. After all LED was blinking, user can sent ―START‖ to GSM module via
massage. GSM will reply the message. The message will contain location of vehicle detail and URL
link to Google Maps. The location will be updated every one minute. In order to terminate the system,
user just need to sent ―STOP‖ to GSM. Then, the system will stop sending message to user’s phone.

Fig. 2. Flowchart of GPS Based Vehicle Tracking


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ISSN : 2347-7180 Vol-09 Issue-03 September-December 2019

2.2 Software Development

Figure 3 shows the software that used to develop the program, namely IDE software. The software is an
open-source Arduino Software, the code will be written on this software and it will be upload to
Arduino board.

Fig. 3. IDE Software.

2.3 Hardware Development

Arduino Mega 2560 is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560. As shown in Figure 4, it has
54 digital input/output pins (of which 15 can be used as PWM outputs), 16 analog inputs, 4 UARTs
(hardware serial ports), a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header,
and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller and simply connect it
to a computer with a USB cable or power it with an AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started [3].

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ISSN : 2347-7180 Vol-09 Issue-03 September-December 2019

Figure 5 shows SIM900A Module which is built with Dual Band GSM/GPRS based SIM900A module
from SIMCOM. It works on frequencies 900/ 1800 MHz. SIM900A can search these two bands
automatically. AT Commands can also set the frequency bands. The baud rate is configurable from
1200- 115200 through AT command. The GSM/GPRS module has internal TCP/IP stack to enable
connection with internet via GPRS. SIM900A is an ultra-compact and reliable wireless module [5].

Fig. 5. SIM900A GSM Module.

NEO-6 module is a series of family stand-alone GPS receivers featuring the high-performance UBLOX
6 positioning engines. These flexible and cost-effective receivers offer numerous connectivity options
in a miniature 16 x 12.2 x 2.4 mm package. Their compact architecture and power and memory options
make NEO-6 modules ideal for battery operated mobile devices with very strict cost and space
constraints [4]. As can see on Figure 6, this module has an external antenna and built-in EEPROM.

Fig. 6. NEO-6 GPS Module.

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ISSN : 2347-7180 Vol-09 Issue-03 September-December 2019

Figure 7 shows LM2596 series of regulators are monolithic integrated circuits that provide all the
active functions for a step-down (buck) switching regulator, capable of driving a 3-A load with
excellent line and load regulation. These devices are available in fixed output voltages of 3.3 V, 5 V, 12
V, and an adjustable output version.

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ISSN : 2347-7180 Vol-09 Issue-03 September-December 2019

Fig. 7. LM2596 DC-DC Buck Converter Step-Down

Power Module.

2.4 Circuit

The Figure 8 shows the schematic diagram for GPS based Vehicle Tracking System. The PWM pin
number 10 and 11 of Arduino will connect to RX and TX of GPS module.

Fig. 8. Circuit of GPS Based Vehicle Tracking System.

While GPS module Vcc and GND will connect to 5V and GND pins of Arduino. GSM module Vcc and
GND pins are connected to Step-Down Power Module before connect to Vin and GND of Arduino to

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avoid overflow. Tx and Rx pins of GSM are directly connected TX514 and RX315 of Arduino.
Software Serial Library is also used for all RX and TX to allow serial communication.


3.1 Prototype

A GPS Based Vehicle Tracking System prototype has been developed for the project. Figure 9 shows
the general view of the project prototype, while Figure 10 shows the picture of component in the

Fig. 10. Component of GPS Based Vehicle Tracking System.

3.2 System Development

The component in a blue box is DC-DC Stepdown, the yellow box is GSM Module while the green box
is GPS Module and the red box is an Arduino Mega.
Figure 11 shows the view of the project while been test. Firstly, the program will be upload to Arduino
MEGA. Then wait for the GPS for routing the coordinate and GSM for connecting a phone line. After
get the coordinate, GPS will blink every 3-4 second. Same with GSM, after get the line, it will blink 3-
4 second. In the figure, the LED for GPS and GSM indicators were blinking, which mean the
coordinate was already locked. Then it ready to send an information if it received a command from
The vehicle tracking system was test at outdoor and indoor. The result was depending at the
surrounding location. Figure 11 shows the general view of the project. First the program will be upload
to Arduino. Then wait for the GPS for routing the coordinate and GSM for getting a phone line. After

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ISSN : 2347-7180 Vol-09 Issue-03 September-December 2019
get the coordinate, GPS will blink every 3-4 second. Same with GSM, after get the line, it will blink 3-
4 second. In the Figure 11 the LED at GPS and GSM were blinking, which mean the coordinate was
already lock and it was ready to send an information if receive a command from user. The data of
coordinate also can be check at serial monitor at IDE program. It will show the longitude, latitude and
time taken. The user phone number will be exposed on the serial monitor. This program had been setup
with own term to cooperate between user and the vehicle tracking system. In this program two term
was used which is ―START‖ and ―STOP‖. The ―START‖ term is using to active the system,
meanwhile term ―STOP‖ for terminate the system. Figure 12 shows serial monitor when receive
―START‖ command from user via massage from the user. After receive ―STOP‖ command, the
system will terminate the connection with user but still routing the latest coordinate. Once the user sent
―START‖ to GSM module. GSM module will cooperate with Arduino and Arduino will extract data
that received by GPS module. The system will reply the massage to user.

3.2 Accuracy

Accuracy play the major role in the tracking system. Figure 14 shows how the accuracy of the
prototype are taken. The red pin is the dropped pin with the longitude and latitude that get track by GPS
Module. While the blue dot shows the real place that the device was located. In this test the coordinate
taken are at 30m from the real coordinate. The distance was measured automatically using the
application. If the distance between the real coordinate and the track coordinate
decrease, so the accuracy will be increase. The accuracy of this prototype was depending on the place,
indoors or outdoors. Table 1 shows the reading of accuracy test.


The purpose of this study is to develop a system that can track the location of vehicle when the car had
been stolen or loss. Otherwise, this project also perhaps to reduce the number of stolen vehicles in our
country. The idea is when the vehicle was stolen, the owner will send a massage to GSM module and
the massage will be reply by GSM module. The reply massage will contain coordinate and URL link to
Google Maps. Once the system was start, it will constantly updated the current location every one
minute. When the user clicks on the URL link, the link will bring to Google Map. There, the user can

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ISSN : 2347-7180 Vol-09 Issue-03 September-December 2019
see the location of vehicle with a marker. Using the satellite view at the map, the real location of
vehicle can be seen. User can see the road on the map, the time for searching the stolen car can be
reduced. Therefore, by using the method user can TABLE 1


Test 1 7m 30m
Test 2 10m 25m
Test 3 7m 27m

get the location of the vehicle and real-time vehicle location details. The system can be improved in
several ways. First, use the high quality of GPS module to connect with satellite. An example, GPS
NEO-6P module where it can collect data more accurate and stay connect to the satellite. Next, the
system need to be balanced with the latest technology and the project can be improved by sending data
to a server using IOT (Internet of Things). At the end, the location can be known by accessing the
website through internet.


[1] Sathe Pooja,‖Vehicle Tracking System Using GPS‖, International Journal of Science and
Research (IJSR), India Online ISSN: 2319-7064, 2013.
[2] Abha Damani, Hardik Shah, Krishna Shah, Manish Vala, Department of Computer Science
and Technology, Uka Tarsadia University,Bardoli, Gujarat ― Global Positioning System for
Object Tracking‖ International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 109
– No. 8, January 2015.
[3] Pankaj Verma, J.S Bhatia, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Mohali, Punjab,
India ―Design and Development of GPS-GSM Based Tracking System with Google Map Based
Monitoring‖ International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (IJCSEA)
Vol.3, No.3, June 2013.
[4] A. EI-Rabbany, Introduction to GPS: The Global Positioning System, Norwood, MA: Artech
House, 2006.
[5] Pham Hoang Oat, Micheal Drieberg and Nguyen Chi Cuong, ―Development of Vehicle
Tracking System using GPS and GSM Modem‖ Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department,
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia. 2013 IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS),

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