Modeling of PV Interconnected Distributi

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© 2018 IJSRST | Volume 4 | Issue 5 | Print ISSN: 2395-6011 | Online ISSN: 2395-602X

Themed Section: Science and Technology

Modeling of PV Interconnected Distribution System using

Pooja A. Bhonge*1, Kawita D. Thakur2
*1PG Scholar, Department of Electrical Engineering, GCOE, Amravati, Maharashtra, India
2Assistant Professor Department of electrical engineering, GCOE, Amravati, Maharashtra, India


Distribution system is a final link between power system and consumer. The distribution system are of three
types: ring main, radial, interconnected. In Radial distribution system power is received at the utility bus at
supply voltage level by a single distribution substation. In this paper, modeling of benchmarked example of
unbalanced radial distribution system is presented. The distribution system fed from single phase photovoltaic
in phase a as well as Three phase source to supply the load demand. The simulink model is built in MATLAB
software using simpower system toolbox.
Keywords : Single Phase Photovoltaic, Induction Machine, Distribution System, Maximum Power Point

I. INTRODUCTION There is a unique point on the V-I or V-P curve at

which power obtained are maximum called the
In today’s era solar energy is one of the most Maximum Power Point (MPP). At MPP PV system
important available resources of energy. It is available operates with maximum efficiency and produces its
in abundant amount and it is distributed all over the maximum output power. To operate the PV system at
world. Photovoltaic (PV) has shared a maximum its MPP, Maximum Power Point Techniques (MPPT)
amount of renewable energy penetration in is used. The perturb & observe (P&O) and incremental
microgrids where the PV power supplies electrical conductance (INC) method are the most widely used
loads for local communities. Also induction machine methods are available. In these methods the MPP is
loads are more dominant in distribution systems. The track by updating repeatedly the operating voltage of
unbalanced radial distribution system consists of the PV array by varying the duty cycle of the power
single phase PV, Power Factor correction Capacitor converter with a fixed step size. In P&O method,
(PFC), load and induction machine. Since PV system there are sustain oscillations around the maximum
is single phase it is connected to phase a and all other power point. The IC method is more accurate in
lines are three phase. Thus, the PV array supplies the maximum power tracking as it responds to the
single phase ac power into the grid. The electric irradiance changes more efficiently than perturb and
power generated using PV changes continuously with observe method. Thus, use of maximum power
weather conditions such as temperature and tracking algorithm allow the photovoltaic systems to
irradiance. This connection of PV system to grid transfer power at maximum efficiency and reliability
introduces the unbalance in the distribution system. and it can continuously maintain the operating point
of the solar panel at the MPP irrespective to that

IJSRST184555 | Received : 01 March 2018 | Accepted : 15 March 2018 | March-April-2018 [ (4) 5 : 365-370]
Pooja A. Bhonge et al. Int J S Res Sci. Tech. 2018 Mar-Apr;4(5) : 365-370

irradiation and temperature changes. The output Figure 1. Single phase PV connected to distribution
power of a PV cell becomes a function of maximum grid
power point corresponding to the particular value of
operating voltage indeed a non linear function of the
operating voltage. In order to operate at the MPP, an The single phase PV is installed in phase a of three
energy power converter must be connected at the phase system. All the elements of the system are
output of a PV array, such converter forces the output connected at point of common coupling. The PV
voltage of the PV array is equal to the optimal value. system generates DC Power which cannot be fed
directly to the distribution grid. It necessitates
The main objective of this paper is to model, analyze converting it into AC power which is then fed to
and simulate an unbalanced distribution system with distribution grid. The converter converts the DC
both complex loads such as induction machine (IM) power to AC power. The conversion of DC to AC is as
and renewable such as inverter interfaced PVs. This shown in fig. 2 which shows the basic configuration of
model can be used in micro grid studies such as power single phase PV system.
quality, harmonic mitigation or resonance issues. The
detailed PV model consists of a single phase
synchronizing phase locked loop (PLL), proportional
resonance (PR) controller, and maximum power point
tracking unit.
Figure 2. PV energy conversion system
The remaining part of the paper is described as follows.
In Section 2 the system description is described. PV Figure 2 shows that the DC power generated by PV
control composed of PR controller and MPPT and array is converted into AC using single phase IGBT
PLL are described in Section 3. In section 4 MATLAB inverter. The AC side of the inverter bridge is
simulink model and results are given. Section 5 is the connected to the filter circuit. Here the combination
conclusion. of series inductor with shunt capacitor is used as filter
II. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION circuit. The LCL filter removes the harmonics on AC
side of converter. This AC power is boosted to the grid
The study system which is used in this paper is an voltage Vg by using step up transformer [1].
unbalanced radial distribution system. It consists of a
three phase induction machine, a power factor III. CONTROL STRATEGY
correction (PFC) capacitor, a single phase PV and load.
The single line diagram of the study system is as The detailed control structure of single stage single
shown in figure 1. phase PV inverter is as shown in fig. 3. The main
elements of control structure are a MPPT unit, a
Proportional Resonance (PR) controller, a Pulse
Width Modulation (PWM), and Phase Lock Loop
(PLL). The output of PV array is given to the MPPT
block. The output of MPPT block is then compared
with the measured AC current from the grid and the
error will be sent to the PR controller.

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (

Pooja A. Bhonge et al. Int J S Res Sci. Tech. 2018 Mar-Apr;4(5) : 365-370

condition can track rapidly by incremental

conductance algorithm with higher accuracy than
perturb & observe. One disadvantage of this algorithm
is the increased complexities as compared with
perturb & observe. This will increases the
computational time and slows down the sampling
frequency of the array voltage and current.
Figure 3. Control structure.
In incremental conductance algorithm, the output
The output of the PR controller is sent to the pulse current and voltage of the photovoltaic panel are used
width modulation generator block to generate the to calculate the conductance and incremental
pulses for the PV inverter. A phase locked loop is used conductance. Then the conductance ( Idc/Vdc) are
to synchronize the PV reference current with the AC compared with the incremental conductance
grid. The detailed PV control structure is explained (dIdc/dVdc) to decide whether to increase or decrease
with MPPT control algorithm, PR controller, and PLL the PV current in order to reach the maximum power
[10]. point. The flowchart of incremental conductance
algorithm is as shown in figure 4.
Let us consider,
Maximum power point tracking technique increases P=V.I
the efficiency of the solar panel. A typical solar panel
converts only 30 to 40 percent of the incident solar At the maximum power point, the derivative of P
irradiation into electrical energy. According to with respect to V should be zero.
maximum power transfer theorem, the power output
of a circuit is maximum when the source impedance is
equal to the load impedance. In the source side a
buck-boost converter is connected to a solar panel in
order to increase the output voltage. By changing the
duty cycle of the boost converter appropriately the The above equation indicates that, the power captured
source impedance is become equal to that of the load by the PV is maximum when the conductance is equal
impedance. Different techniques have been used for to the incremental conductance [4].
tracking the maximum power point of PV curve.
Among these methods, the Perturb & Observe (P&O)
and Incremental Conductance methods (INC) are
widely used methods.

In this paper incremental conductance algorithm has

been chosen. This algorithm has advantages compared
to perturb & observe as it can determine MPP more
efficiently and accurately. When the MPPT has
reached the MPP, where perturb and observe
oscillates around the MPP. The change in irradiance

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (

Pooja A. Bhonge et al. Int J S Res Sci. Tech. 2018 Mar-Apr;4(5) : 365-370

( )

The PR controller provides an infinite gain in a very

narrow band width that is at the resonance frequency.
Thus, steady-state error is eliminated at the resonance
frequency resulting PR has reached to very high gain
around the resonance frequency. When the gain is
maximum at the resonance frequency, the steady state
error reaches zero. Therefore PR controller is used to
track designed frequency signals. So that the PR
controller for single phase PV has been designed to
reduce the higher order frequencies like 3rd, 5th, 7th
and 9th. The Proportional resonance controller
controls the grid side AC current. To achieve this
objective, the error of the reference PV current and
measured PV current will be used as the input for the
PR controller. The magnitude of the reference current
generated from the output of the MPPT block will be
Figure 4. Incremental conductance MPPT Flowchart. synchronized with the grid voltage before sending to
the PR controller. The synchronization steps will be
PHASE LOCK LOOP conducted in a single phase PLL block. The output
generated from the PR controller is the voltage
The PLL is used to provide a unity power factor reference which will be directly given to the pulse
operation. The PLL synchronizes the inverter output width modulation (PWM) generation unit [8].
current with the grid voltage and results in a clean
sinusoidal current reference. The PI controller
parameters of the PLL structure are calculated in such IV. MATLAB SIMULATION AND RESULTS
a way that the settling time and the damping
Figure 5 shows the simulation model of given study
operation. The PI controller parameters of the PLL
system in MATLAB using simpowersystem toolbox. In
structure are calculated in such a way that the settling
this model PV array of 2 kW is connected at the point
time and the damping factor of this PLL structure can
of common coupling. PV array are built with different
be set directly. The PLL structure is also used for grid
combination of series parallel combinations PV solar
voltage monitoring in order to get the amplitude and
cell. PV array output is given to IGBT inverter and
the frequency values of the grid voltage.
then it is filter out using filter circuit as shown in fig.
5. Also a 20 kVA three phase source is supplying the
distribution system. Different loads are connected to
The PR controller is used to track a sinusoidal signal
which the both three phase source as well as single
reference. The dynamics of PR controller is expressed
phase PV array supplies the power. A power factor
correction capacitor is connected at point of common

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (

Pooja A. Bhonge et al. Int J S Res Sci. Tech. 2018 Mar-Apr;4(5) : 365-370

coupling. A three phase induction machine is are as shown in fig. 6. At t=4 s, a step change of torque
connected as load. from 28 N.M. to 23 N.M. are applied to induction
In this model response for induction machine are machine and results are obtained for electromagnetic
obtained for dynamic event of step change in load torque and rotor speed as shown in figure 6.
torque of induction machine. The simulation results

Figure 5. Simulation model

array is presented. The effect of the dynamic event

such as step change in load torque of induction
machine are investigated. It shows that by changing
torque rotor speed of machine gets change. Reduction
in torque increases the rotor speed of induction


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