Modeling of PV Interconnected Distributi
Modeling of PV Interconnected Distributi
Modeling of PV Interconnected Distributi
Distribution system is a final link between power system and consumer. The distribution system are of three
types: ring main, radial, interconnected. In Radial distribution system power is received at the utility bus at
supply voltage level by a single distribution substation. In this paper, modeling of benchmarked example of
unbalanced radial distribution system is presented. The distribution system fed from single phase photovoltaic
in phase a as well as Three phase source to supply the load demand. The simulink model is built in MATLAB
software using simpower system toolbox.
Keywords : Single Phase Photovoltaic, Induction Machine, Distribution System, Maximum Power Point
IJSRST184555 | Received : 01 March 2018 | Accepted : 15 March 2018 | March-April-2018 [ (4) 5 : 365-370]
Pooja A. Bhonge et al. Int J S Res Sci. Tech. 2018 Mar-Apr;4(5) : 365-370
irradiation and temperature changes. The output Figure 1. Single phase PV connected to distribution
power of a PV cell becomes a function of maximum grid
power point corresponding to the particular value of
operating voltage indeed a non linear function of the
operating voltage. In order to operate at the MPP, an The single phase PV is installed in phase a of three
energy power converter must be connected at the phase system. All the elements of the system are
output of a PV array, such converter forces the output connected at point of common coupling. The PV
voltage of the PV array is equal to the optimal value. system generates DC Power which cannot be fed
directly to the distribution grid. It necessitates
The main objective of this paper is to model, analyze converting it into AC power which is then fed to
and simulate an unbalanced distribution system with distribution grid. The converter converts the DC
both complex loads such as induction machine (IM) power to AC power. The conversion of DC to AC is as
and renewable such as inverter interfaced PVs. This shown in fig. 2 which shows the basic configuration of
model can be used in micro grid studies such as power single phase PV system.
quality, harmonic mitigation or resonance issues. The
detailed PV model consists of a single phase
synchronizing phase locked loop (PLL), proportional
resonance (PR) controller, and maximum power point
tracking unit.
Figure 2. PV energy conversion system
The remaining part of the paper is described as follows.
In Section 2 the system description is described. PV Figure 2 shows that the DC power generated by PV
control composed of PR controller and MPPT and array is converted into AC using single phase IGBT
PLL are described in Section 3. In section 4 MATLAB inverter. The AC side of the inverter bridge is
simulink model and results are given. Section 5 is the connected to the filter circuit. Here the combination
conclusion. of series inductor with shunt capacitor is used as filter
II. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION circuit. The LCL filter removes the harmonics on AC
side of converter. This AC power is boosted to the grid
The study system which is used in this paper is an voltage Vg by using step up transformer [1].
unbalanced radial distribution system. It consists of a
three phase induction machine, a power factor III. CONTROL STRATEGY
correction (PFC) capacitor, a single phase PV and load.
The single line diagram of the study system is as The detailed control structure of single stage single
shown in figure 1. phase PV inverter is as shown in fig. 3. The main
elements of control structure are a MPPT unit, a
Proportional Resonance (PR) controller, a Pulse
Width Modulation (PWM), and Phase Lock Loop
(PLL). The output of PV array is given to the MPPT
block. The output of MPPT block is then compared
with the measured AC current from the grid and the
error will be sent to the PR controller.
( )
coupling. A three phase induction machine is are as shown in fig. 6. At t=4 s, a step change of torque
connected as load. from 28 N.M. to 23 N.M. are applied to induction
In this model response for induction machine are machine and results are obtained for electromagnetic
obtained for dynamic event of step change in load torque and rotor speed as shown in figure 6.
torque of induction machine. The simulation results