Training Manual Da40 (Engine) - Complete

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Diamond DA40 Series (Austro Engine)

May 2010
Printed in Austria

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY

Diamond Aircraft Industries / DAI is a worldwide operating composite aircraft manufacturer with offices in
major centres across North America, Europe, Asia and Australia.
There are 3 production facilities: One located in Wiener Neustadt (Austria), where head office, research and
development operations are conducted. One in London/Ontario (Canada) and the third in China which will supply
the entire Asian market.
At all facilities innovative aircraft solutions, of the highest level and quality are produced for flight schools, private
and business operators.
Known as an international specialist in composite technology, Diamond Aircraft Industries is actively involved in
many areas of material research, development and application. The company's expertise in advanced composite
technology is being used to develop products for aerospace and defence applications which are in use

Diamond Aircraft Industries - Austria is approved as a Design Organization under (DOA No. EASA.21J.052) and
is therefore authorized to largely independently develop internationally accepted aircraft design and

Diamond Aircraft Industries - Canada is the largest manufacturer of single engine aircraft in Canada, and number
3 in worldwide General Aviation.
Diamond Canada holds Canadian Manufacturing Approval.

As a manufacturer the corporation holds a „Production Organization Approval“ under (POA No. AT.21G.001) and
the authorization to produce and inspect new aircraft and to deliver these with an Aircraft Statement of
Conformity within the entire EASA area.

Diamond Maintenance Training Division is part of DAI and is an EASA part 147 approved Trainings
Organisation (approval AT.147.02).

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Intro-01
DAI – Wiener Neustadt / Austria

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Intro-02

How to use this training manual

This training manual and its syllabus are edited by the means of EASA-Part 66 and meet
the requirements of an EASA-Part 147 Type training. It is understood as a guide and link
between the authorized manuals of the aircraft.

This manual shows the warning “TRAINING USE ONLY” on each page and therefore it is
not subject to any revision service.

It is not permitted to use this manual as a guide for any maintenance task and is to
understand as information only.

Be advised that for any maintenance or operational task on the aircraft the use of the
appropriate manuals as there are Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM), Illustrated Parts
Catalogue (IPC), Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM), Vendor Manuals, is mandatory.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Intro-03

ATA 01 – Introduction page A02 - A06 ATA 20 – Standard Practices page C02 - C04
ATA 02 – Manual System page A07 - A12 ATA 21 – Air Conditioning page C05 - C10
ATA 22 – Auto Flight page C11 - C16
ATA 23 – Communications page C17 - C30
Group B: AIRPLANE GENERAL ATA 24 – Electrical Power page C31 - C50
ATA 25 – Equipment / Furnishings page C51 - C60
ATA 03 – General Description page B02 - B06 ATA 26 – Fire Protection page C61 - C64
ATA 04 – Airworthiness Limitations page B07 - B10 ATA 27 – Flight Controls page C65 - C86
ATA 05 – Time Limits / Maint. Checks page B11 - B26 ATA 28 – Fuel System page C87 - C104
ATA 06 – Dimensions and Areas page B27 - B32 ATA 31 – Indicating Systems page C105 - C128
ATA 07 – Lifting and Shoring page B33 - B34 ATA 32 – Landing Gear page C129 - C138
ATA 08 – Weighing and Leveling page B35 - B39 ATA 33 – Lights page C139 - C144
ATA 09 – Towing and Taxiing page B40 - B44 ATA 34 – Navigation page C145 - C156
ATA 10 – Parking and Mooring page B45 - B48
ATA 11 – Placards and Markings page B49 - B52
ATA 12 – Servicing page B53 - B64

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Intro-04

ATA 51 – Stand. Practices and Structures page D02 - D21 ATA 71 - Power Plant page F02 – F12
ATA 52 – Doors page D22 - D29 ATA 72 - Engines page F13 – F15
ATA 73 - Engine Fuel and Control page F16 – F18
ATA 53 – Fuselage page D30 - D35 ATA 75 - Engine Cooling page F19 – F22
ATA 55 – Stabilizers page D36 - D44 ATA 76 - Engine Controls page F23 – F28
ATA 56 – Windows page D45 - D47 ATA 77 - Engine Indication page F29 – F34
ATA 57 – Wings page D48 - D56 ATA 78 - Exhaust page F35 – F36
ATA 79 - Oil page F37 – F38
ATA 80 - Starting page F39 – F42
ATA 81 - Turbo Charger page F43 – F46

ATA 61 – Propeller page E02 – E06

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Intro-05


DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Intro-06

ATA-chapter 02 / MANUAL SYSTEM

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Introduction A-01

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Introduction A-02

General Revision Service

The Airplane Maintenance Manual contains the data The manufacturer provides a revision service for the Airplane
necessary to do the maintenance of the DA40NG. It contains Maintenance Manual. The revision shows design changes to
a full description of the systems, trouble shooting procedures, the airplane or changes in procedures. Each page of the
removal and installation procedures and maintenance manual shows the date of first issue. If the page has changed,
instructions. It does not contain maintenance data for it shows the date of the revision.
components removed from the airplane (maintenance shop
data). Warnings, Cautions and Notes
The Airplane Maintenance Manual contains wiring diagrams Obey all the usual safety precautions and maintenance
for the electrical system. instructions when doing maintenance.
This Airplane Maintenance Manual also contains warnings,
Use these manuals with the Airplane Maintenance Manual, cautions and notes before applicable instructions:
and the related Service Bulletins:
- The ELT Manufacturer’s Operator’s Manual. INSTRUCTIONS.
- The mt-Propeller Owner’s Manual.
- The Austro Engine Operation Manual, Doc. No. E4.01.01. CAUTION: A CAUTION TELLS THE PERSON DOING THE
- The Austro Engine Maintenance Manual, Doc.No. E4.08.04. MAINTENANCE THAT DAMAGE TO EQUIPMENT IS
- The Austro Engine Installation Manual, Doc.No. E4.02.01. POSSIBLE IF THEY DO NOT FOLLOW THE
- The mt-Propeller Operation and Installation Manual for the INSTRUCTIONS.
hydraulic constant speed governor.
- The Garmin G1000 Line Maintenance Manual. Note: A Note tells the person doing the maintenance how
- The Garmin GFC 700 Troubleshooting Reference. to make the task easier.
- The Garmin DA 40 NG Pilot's Guide (GFC 700).

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Introduction A-03

Manual Configuration A. The ATA100 Numbering System

This manual is written using the regulations of the Air The ATA100 numbering system uses 3 pairs of
Transport Association of America Specification 100 (ATA numbers, for example:
100). Each system is given a chapter number from the ATA
100. Where applicable, a chapter contains sections for each
The Specification AECMA Simplified English has been used
to write this Airplane Maintenance Manual. This is a
mandatory requirement of the Air Transport Association of
America Specification 100 (ATA 100).
There are only 3 sources of words available to use in
Simplified English (SE).

 Approved words from the SE Guide. These have defined The first pair of numbers shows the system. System 57 is the
meanings and selected parts of speech. wings. Chapter 57 contains the data for the wings.
 Technical names as defined in the SE Guide. Used only as
Adjectives or Nouns. The second pair of numbers shows the sub-system. Sub
 Manufacturing processes as defined in the SE Guide. system 50 is the Trailing Edge Flaps. Chapter 57, section 50
Always used as Verbs. contains the data for the trailing edge flaps installation.

To obtain a copy of the SE Guide contact ASD-STAN, The third pair of numbers shows a unit. A unit could be the
Avenue de Tervuren, B-1150 Brussels, Belgium. flap itself. Only complex systems use unit numbers.
Tel: +32-2775-81-26, Fax:+32-2763-35-65, Email: For simple systems, the main chapter has all of the data and
The AMM does not use the ATA iSpec2200 Airplane there are no section/sub-system break-downs.
Maintenance Task Oriented Support System (ATMOSS) or
the ATA iSpec2200 Production Management Data Base

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Introduction A-04

B. Groups of Chapters
The chapters are put together in these groups: Chapters 6 to 10 tell you about the dimensions of the
airplane and general procedures such as towing, parking and
 Group A Introduction Chapters 01-02 weighing.
 Group B Airplane General Chapters 03-12 Chapter 11 tells you about the placards and markings which
 Group C Airframe Systems Chapters 20-37 are important for the safe operation of the airplane.
 Group D Structure Chapters 51-57 Chapter 12 contains servicing tasks such as refuelling and
 Group E Propeller Chapter 61 lubrication. It also contains data about cleaning the airplane.
 Group F Engine (Power Plant) Chapters 71-81
Group C - Airframe Systems
A separation sheet divides each chapter. The separation Chapter 20 contains the standard practices for airframe
sheet shows the number of the chapter and the title. The maintenance. Chapters 21 to 37 tell you about the airframe
main contents of each group of chapters are given below: systems. They include the avionics systems (such as
communications (23)) and the mechanical systems (such as
Group A - Introduction flight controls (27)). Chapter 31 shows the location of the
Chapter 1 tells you about the Airplane Maintenance Manual, instruments. The chapter which is applicable to the system
and Chapter 2 tells you how to use the Airplane Maintenance gives the details. For example, Chapter 27 gives the details
Manual. for the flap position indicator.

Group B - Airplane General Group D - Structure

Chapter 3 gives you a general description of the airplane and Chapter 51 contains data about the design of the airframe. It
its systems. Chapter 4 gives you data about the also gives instructions for assessing damage to the airframe
Airworthiness Limitations and certification of the airplane. and how to do minor repairs. Chapters 52 to 57 tell you about
Chapter 5 contains the Scheduled Maintenance Checklist. each part of the structure.
Some tasks require a maintenance procedure. The
scheduled maintenance checklist identifies the Section in the
manual that gives the maintenance procedure for the task. It
also tells you where to find general information.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Introduction A-05

Group E - Propeller Page Numbering System

Chapter 61 contains the maintenance procedures for the The Airplane Maintenance Manual uses the ATA100 page
propeller. Refer to the propeller manufacturer’s manual for block-numbering system. The page number is at the bottom
other data. of the page at the outer edge. It is adjacent to the
chapter/section number.
Group F – Engine Each topic in a section has numbers from these page blocks:
This group of chapters describes the engine and its systems.
It contains the maintenance procedures for maintenance of • Description and Operation Pages 1 to 99.
the engine on the airplane. Refer to the engine • Trouble Shooting Pages 101 to 199.
manufacturer’s manual for other data. • Maintenance Procedures Pages 201 to 299.

Chapter Configuration Figures

The first page of each chapter shows the number of the Figures are given numbers in sequence. The first figure in a
chapter and the title. The second page shows the contents. chapter or section is figure 1.
Where applicable, each chapter and section contains the
topics that follow: Record of Revisions
Description and Operation. The Airplane Maintenance Manual has a Record of
Trouble-Shooting. Revisions. Use the Record of Revisions to show when
changes were included in the Airplane Maintenance Manual.
Maintenance Practices. Where applicable the Maintenance
Practices give data on these procedures:
List of Effective Pages
Servicing This Airplane Maintenance Manual has a List of Effective
Removal and Installation Pages. The List of Effective Pages shows you the number
Adjustment/Tests and effective date of each page contained in the Airplane
Checking/Testing Maintenance Manual.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Introduction A-06

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Introduction A-07
Organization and Handling of Manuals
General Temporary Revisions
For data about a system, look in the list of chapters and find Temporary revisions correct errors, or they give temporary
the chapter number. The first page of each chapter after the instructions. The manufacturer sends them to the airplane
title page shows the contents. owners quickly. The manufacturer uses yellow paper for
temporary revisions. The manufacturer usually puts the
contents of a temporary revision in the next approved
Data applicable to a series of airplane is marked with an
applicability note. For example:
Valid for S/N 40.N001 thru 40.N099. Service Bulletins
This shows that you can use this data for airplane with serial Service Bulletins get issued when necessary. They give the
numbers 40.N001 thru 40.N099 inclusive. operator more information on inspection, maintenance,
repairs or modifications.
The manufacturer makes changes to the Airplane Service Bulletins have 4 categories:
Maintenance Manual to show design changes, maintenance
procedure changes or other changes. Each group of changes A. Alert Service Bulletins
is called a ‘Revision’. Alert Service Bulletins are issued if there is an immediate
danger (risk of damage or total loss). They are sent
A manual revision contains these items: immediately by the fastest means to all known addresses of
• The changed pages. operators and service stations which are affected.
• The reason for the revision.
• Instructions for putting the revision into the Airplane B. Mandatory Service Bulletins
Maintenance Manual. Mandatory Service Bulletins include the description of a
• A new List of Effective Pages. problem and the solution. If you do not follow a mandatory
Service Bulletin, failures or malfunctions can result during
A vertical bar in the left margin of the page shows the further operation.
changes. Where a figure is changed, a small hand points to You must do the work given in a Mandatory Service Bulletin.
the change if necessary.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Introduction A-08

C. Recommended Service Bulletins Service Instructions

Recommended Service Bulletins give data about: A Service Instruction tells the operator about permitted
• A minor problem and its correction. installations or additional equipment. It also gibes the
• A better technical design. applicable technical data.

If you do not follow a Recommended Service Bulletin, it will

not cause a failure. But it may cause increased maintenance

If you do follow a Recommended Service Bulletin:

• The maintenance work may be reduced (for example,
reduced wear, increased life).
• The operational behavior will be improved (for example,
easier engine staring).

D. Optional Service Bulletins

Optional Service Bulletins give data abut optional equipment
that you can install in an airplane (for example, sailplane
towing device).

The airplane owner makes the decision to follow an Optional

Service Bulletin.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Introduction A-09
ATA 02 – MANUAL SYSTEM / Abbreviations
AC Alternating Current DISC Disconnect
ACL Anti-Collision Light DME Distance Measurement Equipment
ADC Air Data Computer ECU Engine Control Unit
ADF Automatic Direction Finder EIS Engine Instrumentation System
AH Artificial Horizon ELT Emergency Location Transmitter
AHRS Attitude, Heading and Reference Unit EM Electro Magnetic
ALT Altitude/Altimeter ENG Engine
A.M.E. Aircraft Maintenance Engineer ENT Enter
AMM Airplane Maintenance Manual F° Degree Fahrenheit
Amp Ampere FADEC Full Authority Digital Engine Control
AMTOSS Airplane Maint. Task Oriented Support System FCC Flight Control Computer
AP Auto Pilot FPL Flight Plan
A&P Airplane and Power Plant Mechanic FRP Fiber Reinforced Plastic
APR Approach GFRP Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic
appr Approximately GPS Global Positioning System
ASI Air Speed Indicator G/S Glide Slope
ATA Air Transport Association HDG Heading
AUX Auxiliary Hg inches of mercury
C° Degree Celsius hPa hectopascal
CAN Controller Area Network HPA Height, Pressure Altitude
CDI Course Deviation Indicator hr Hour
CG Centre of Gravity Hp Horse Power
CLR Clear HSI Horizontal Situation Indicator
CFRP Carbon-Fiber Reinforced-Plastic IAU Integrated Avionics Unit
COM Communication ICS Integrated Cockpit System
CWS Control Wheel Steering ID Identification
IFR Instrument Flight Rules
CSU Constant Speed Unit in Inch
DA Diamond Aircraft Inch pound
DC Direct Current
DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Introduction A-10
ATA 02 – MANUAL SYSTEM / Abbreviations
LCD Liquid Crystal Display qts Quarts
LDG Landing RAM Read And Memory
LED Light Emitting Diode RCPI Remote Control Panel Indicator
LH Left Hand RH Right Hand
LOC Localizer ROM Read Only Memory
LOEP List Of Effective Pages RPM Revolutions Per Minute
m Meter sec Second
mbar Millibar SB Service Bulletin
MAN Manuel SD Secure Digital
max Maximum SE Simplified English
MHZ Megahertz SEL Selector
MIC Microphone SI Service Instruction
MFD Multi Function Display S/N Serial Number
mm Millimetre SPKR Speaker
MKR Marker SQ Squelch
NAV Navigation TAS True Air Speed
OAT Outside Air Temperature TBO Time Between Overhaul
TSMOH Time Since Major Overhaul
PA Public Address TTSN Total Time Since New
PFD Primary Flight Display UHF Ultra High Frequency
PMDB Production Management Data Base US gal US Gallons
Press Pressure V Voltage
Proc Procedures VFR Visual Flight Rules
VHF Very High Frequency
psi. Pound Square Inch VOL Volume
PT Pitch Trim VOR Very high frequency Omni directional Ranging
PTT Push To Talk VOX Voice Operated
PU Poly Urethane VS Vertical Speed
VSI Vertical Speed Indicator

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Introduction A-11


DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Introduction A-12


ATA-chapter 07 / LIFTING & SHORING


ATA-chapter 09 / TOWING & TAXIING
ATA-chapter 10 / PARKING & MOORING
ATA-chapter 12 / SERVICING
DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-01

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-02

General The wings attach to the fuselage center section. Each wing
Diamond Aircraft Industries GmbH, N. A. Otto-Straße 5, A- has two stump-spars. Four large bolts attach each wing to
2700 Wiener Neustadt, Austria, is the manufacturer of the the fuselage main bulkheads. Standard ailerons and
DA40NG airplane. electrically operated flaps attach to the trailing edge of the
The DA40NG is a single-engine, four seat, low-wing The horizontal stabilizer is a semi-monocoque structure. It
monoplane. It has a cantilever wing and a ‘T’ tail. has top and bottom shells made of GFRP. The shells bond to
The airplane structure is fiber-reinforced plastic composite. GFRP spars and ribs. The trailing edge has a conventional
This gives a very strong but light structure. elevator and a trim tab.

The one-piece canopy has a large quantity of wrap-around

The semi-monocoque fuselage is a glass-fiber reinforced- glazing. This gives a good all-round view from the cockpit. A
plastic (GFRP) shell with GFRP bulkheads and stiffeners. glazed rear passenger door gives access to the rear seats
Uni-directional carbon fiber bands give extra strength and from the left side of the airplane.
stiffness in many areas. Left and right half-shells bond
together with a center section to make the fuselage. The A polyurethane paint finish protects the outside skin from
center section makes the bottom of the cockpit. It has the ultraviolet rays and humidity.
main bulkheads which connect to the spars in each wing.
The vertical stabilizer has two GFRP half-shells that are part The fixed tricycle landing gear has fairings attached to each
of the fuselage shells. leg. The main legs attach to the fuselage center-section. The
nose leg attaches to the forward fuselage. Each main wheel
The cantilever wing is a semi-monocoque structure. Each has a disc brake on the inside. Hydraulic pressure operates
wing has two I-shaped spars with webs made form each disc brake.
GFRP/rigid foam sandwich and caps made from CFRP The flight control system uses conventional ailerons, elevator
bands. Each wing has top and bottom shells made of and rudder. The DA40NG has two control sticks and two
CFRP/GFRP/rigid foam sandwich which bond to the spars. rudder pedal assemblies to operate the primary flight-
GFRP ribs and webs bond to the spars and shells to controls.
complete the structure.
DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-03

Push-pull rods operate the ailerons and elevator. Cables The airplane has two sources of electrical power. A 28 Volt
operate the rudder. An electric motor operates the wing flaps. battery supplies power when the engine is not running. An
A hand wheel and Bowden cable operate the elevator trim. alternator provides power when the engine is running.
Switches and circuit breakers control all electrical devices. A
The DA 40 NG is powered by an Austro Engine E4-A liquid- starter key controls the engine starter motor. It also controls
cooled, in-line four-stroke four cylinder engine with double the serves as ELECTRIC MASTER key switch.
overhead camshaft (DOHC) with four valves per cylinder.
The valves are actuated by the cam follower. The direct fuel The DA40NG has a full range of flight instruments. These
injection is realized by means of a common rail technique include Pitot/static instruments to show airspeed and altitude,
and the engine is charged by a turbo-charger in combination as well as electrically driven instruments to show direction.
with an intercooler. The propeller is activated by an Most indications are shown on the G1000 and only the
integrated gearbox with an integral torsional vibration backup instruments are installed on the instrument panel.
damper. All engine components are controlled by an EECU
system. The airplane has all the usual engine instruments, except a
load indication instead of a manifold pressure indication.
The airplane has an aluminum fuel tank in each wing. Each
tank consists of several chambers. The fuel tanks are The airplane also has radio and navigation aids installed.
inboard between the spars. The tank assemblies have fuel
fillers at or near the outboard end. Flexible hoses connect the
tanks to a fuel selector and shut-off valve under the cockpit
floor. An electrically driven pump supplies fuel to the engine.
The tanks have fuel quantity probes which operate the
cockpit indicating systems.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-04

Equipment Data Handling of Identification Data

The following table (AMM - Equipment Data) gives you No person shall remove, change, or place identification
information (name and address) of the manufacturers who information on any airplane, engine, propeller,
supply systems and/or equipment for the DA40NG. This will propeller blade, or propeller hub, without the approval of the
help you get more data on a system and/or equipment. competent national Airworthiness Authority.

If a deviation from the procedure above is necessary, any

person performing maintenance work may in consultation
with the competent national Airworthiness Authority:

• Remove, change, or place the identification plate on any

airplane, engine, propeller, propeller blade, or propeller hub.

• Remove an identification plate, when necessary during

maintenance operations.

• No person shall install an identification plate, removed in

accordance with the procedures above, on any aircraft,
engine, propeller, propeller blade, or propeller hub other than
the one from which it was removed.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-05


DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-06

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-07
1.Airworthiness Limitations
This AMM section is approved and shows the mandatory
limitations established by the airframe manufacturer.

Personnel must obey the limitations given in this Section.

A. Certification Maintenance Requirements

1.Component and System Checks

The component and system checks under this paragraph are
also included in AMM Section 05-10.

The following table lists airplane components and systems

which require monitoring through scheduled maintenance.

Where an interval is given in both flight time and calendar 2. Structure Checks
years, the limit which is reached first must be applied. The DA40NG has been designed and tested under a
'damage tolerant structure' philosophy.
VFR in the "Kind of Operation" column means that this limit
applies to day VFR, night VFR and IFR operation. NVFR in Therefore the structural inspections given in
the "Kind of Operation" column means that this limit applies to AMM Chapter 05 cover all required structure checks.
night VFR and IFR operation. IFR in the "Kind of Operation"
column means that this limit applies to IFR operation. There is no structural life limit.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-08

B. Replacement Requirements
The replacement requirements under this paragraph are also
included in AMM Section 05-10.

The following table lists life limited airplane components

which must be replaced at a specific time.

Where an interval is given in both flight time and calendar

years, the limit which is reached first must be applied.

VFR in the "Kind of Operation" column means that this limit

applies to day VFR, night VFR and IFR operation. NVFR in
the "Kind of Operation" column means that this limit applies
to night VFR and IFR operation. IFR in the "Kind of
Operation" column means that this limit applies to IFR

Note: The life limited airplane components listed in the

following table and further recommended intervals are
stated in Chapter 5 of the Airplane Maintenance Manual.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-09
2. Continued Airworthiness
C. Colour of Airframe
It is mandatory to paint the DA40 NG white as described in Regular inspections of the airplane including replacement
AMM chapter 51. This will prevent the temperature of the and overhaul of certain components are required to ensure
structure from becoming too high. Examples of approves Continued Airworthiness of the DA40NG.
shades are:
The time limits given in AMM chapter 04 should be applied to
-RAL 9016 ensure Continued Airworthiness of the DA40NG unless an
-Mercedes DB 147 alternate inspection program is agreed on with the competent
- BMW 218 National Airworthiness Authority.
- Volvo XG28
- Volvo BC76 The manufacturer recommends that you apply the time limits
- Saab 5AC6 and maintenance checklists given in AMM chapter 05.
- Alfa Romeo 230 National maintenance requirements must be complied with.

Before painting the DA40 NG in a different shade the

manufacturer must be contacted.

Only certain areas which are defined in chapter 51 of the

AMM (for example, registration markings, placards and
warning markings) may have a different colour.

D. Repairs
Repairs which are not described in chapter 51 of the AMM
may only be carried out in accordance with a repair scheme
which has been approved by the manufacturer or the
competent National Airworthiness Authority.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-10

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-11

General Chapter Configuration

This Chapter will help you to do the maintenance of the
DA40NG correctly. Refer to AMM Sections 04-00 and 05-00 A. Section 05-10
to help you when you do maintenance and inspections. AMM section 05-10 contains the recommended time limits for
maintenance checks. It also contains the recommended time
The times given in this Chapter are times recommended by between overhaul for components. Use the data in Section
the airplane manufacturer. Do the scheduled maintenance at 05-10 to find when to do the maintenance.
the given times, because they are the minimum required to
keep the airplane in a good technical condition. B. Section 05-20
Section 05-20 contains information about the Maintenance
These checks do not over-ride the requirements of the Checklist structure.
Airworthiness Authority of the country where the airplane is
registered. You must ensure that all Airworthiness Directives, C. Section 05-30
Service Bulletins and any other requirements of the Section 05-21 contains information about the Flight-Line
Airworthiness Authority are completed as required. Checks.
The airplane manufacturer can change the time between D. Section 05-25
checks. If this happens, the airplane manufacturer will Section 05-25 contains the Drain Holes Inspection Checklist.
publish the change as a revision to the Airplane Maintenance
Manual. E. Section 05-28
Section 05-28 contains the Maintenance Checklist for the
Time limits and maintenance checks were established for DA40NG airplane. The Section is subdivided into engine and
operation in a moderate climate and on paved runways. For airframe sections and provides checklists for the engines and
operation under rough conditions (extreme temperatures, the airframe and the corresponding reports.
saline air, wind-borne sand, operation on grass runways,
etc.) it may be necessary to make changes to the F. Section 05-50
maintenance requirements given in this Chapter. You can Section 05-50 contains the unscheduled maintenance
decrease the time between scheduled maintenance checks if checks. Do these checks after hard landings, propeller
the airplane's operation makes it necessary. You must not damage, engine fire and lightning strike.
extend the time between scheduled maintenance checks
without the Airworthiness Authority's approval..
DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-12

Words with Special Meanings Inspection The procedure which compares an object with its
In the Airplane Maintenance Manual, the words that follow standard or specification.
have special meanings:
Measure To find out the dimensions, capacity or quantity of
Adjust To put to a specified position or condition. For
example, adjust the clearance to 1 mm.
Monitor To look at something during a time. For example,
Check A technical name for a group of maintenance tasks.
monitor the engine speed indicator.
For example, the 100 hour check.
Record (1) Technical name for something that shows what
Examine To look carefully at an item. It includes steps
was done. For example, writhe the result of the test
such as these:
in the engine record.
- Make sure that the item:
(2) The act of making a record. For example, record
Is complete.
the result of the test in the Airplane Maintenance
Is correctly attached.
Has no loose parts.
Shows no signs of leaks.
Replace To remove an unserviceable item and install a
Is not cracked or damaged.
serviceable item in the same location.
Is not worn.
- Make sure that:
Set To put equipment into a given adjustment, condition
The surface protection is not damaged.
or mode. For example, set the altimeter scale to
All locking devices are installed correctly.
1013 mbar(= 1013 hPa).
- Make sure that items such as pipes and cables:
Look serviceable.
Task An assigned work or a procedure. For example,
Do not rub against other items.
each step of the task has an identification letter.
- For log books and other technical records:
To find outstanding faults.
Test That which you do when you operate or examine an
- For log books and other technical records:
item to make sure that it agrees with the applicable
To find outstanding faults.
specifications. For example, disconnect the systems
To make sure they are up-to-date and correctly
which are not necessary for the test. Or do an engine

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-13

Time Limits
1. General
All scheduled maintenance checks have time limits. You Scheduled Maintenance Do At These Times Maximum
must do the scheduled maintenance within the time limits. Check (Hourly) Tolerance
50 Hour Check At 50 hours since new and + 10%
Some components installed in the airplane have a fixed time every 50 hour intervals.
between overhaul (TBO),- (for example the engine). 100 Hour Check At 100 hours since new and + 10%
every 100 hour intervals.
2. Regulatory Authorities
200 Hour Check At 200 hours since new and + 5%
The recommended time limits given in this chapter were every 200 hour intervals.
created to meet the requirements of the Austrian
Airworthiness Authority, Austro Control GmbH (ACG). Other 1000 Hour Check At 1000 hours since new and + 5%
every 1000 hour intervals or
Regulatory Authorities can have different requirements. You 12 years, that which comes
must make sure that you meet the requirements of the first
Regulatory Authority of the country where the airplane is First Major Structural At 6000 hours or ± 50 hours
registered. Inspection (MSI). 12 years since new, ± 6 months
whichever comes first
3. Scheduled Maintenance Time Limits Subsequent Major At 4000 hours or ± 50 hours
The following recommended hourly and calendar time limits Structural Inspections. 12 years intervals, ± 6 months
apply to the scheduled maintenance checks which are whichever comes first
necessary to maintain the airplane in a good technical
condition. Do the scheduled maintenance at the intervals and
within the tolerances shown:

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-14

The intervals between the inspections must be adhered to Note: For maintenance of airplanes registered in the
within the tolerances shown. These tolerances must not be USA, do the items marked X and the items marked X* in
added up. For example: if the 100 hour inspection was done the Maintenance Checklist. For maintenance of airplanes
at 110 hours, the net inspection must be done at 200 +/-10 registered in other countries, do only the items marked X
hours, not 210 +/-10 hours. in the Maintenance Checklist.

If an inspection is carried out earlier than allowed by the Note: At this time, the DA40 NG engine is not type
specified tolerance, all subsequent inspection intervals are certified in the USA.
counted from that inspection. For example: If the 100 hour
inspection was done at 83 hours, the next inspection must be
done at 183 hours.

If the airplane was flown less than 200 hours

Scheduled Maintenance Do At These Times Maximum

Check (Calendar) Tolerance
Annual Inspection (for At 12 months since new
airplanes registered in the and every 12 month
USA). interval do a 100 Hour
Annual Inspection (for At 12 months since new 30 days
airplanes registered in other and every 12 month
countries). interval do a 200 Hour
Check, if no 200 Hour
Check was performed
during the last 12 month
due to flight time.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-15

4. Component Time Limits

A. Maintenance Requirements
The following table lists airplane components and systems
which require overhaul or specific checks.

Where an interval is given in both flight time and calendar

years, the limit which is reached first must be applied.

For engine parts refer to ´Operation and Maintenance

Manual’, in the latest approved revision and the
Austro Engines Service Documentation (e.g. Service Bulletin,
Service Instruction,…).

VFR in the “Kind of Operation” column means that this limit

applies to day VFR, night VFR and IFR operation. NVFR in
the “Kind of Operation” column means that this limit applies
to night VFR and IFR operation. IFR in the “Kind of
Operation” column means that this limit applies to IFR

Note: In the following lists the components marked with

an asterisk (*) are Airworthiness Limitation items.
The Airworthiness Limitation items are listed in chapter
04 and chapter 05 of the AMM.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-16

B. Airplane Life-Limited Components 5. Component Time Tracking

The following table lists life limited airplane components To make sure that components overhaul/replacement is done
which must be replaced at a specific time. at the correct time you must record the data that follows in
Where an interval is given in both flight time and calendar the Airplane Maintenance Log for each component requiring
years, the limit which is reached first must be applied. overhaul/replacement:

For Engine parts refer to ‘Operation and Maintenance - Serial Number.

Manual’, in the latest approved revision and - Flight hours and date at installation.
the Austro Engines Service Documentation (e.g. Service - Flight hours and date at removal.
Bulletin, Service Instruction, ...)

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-17

Scheduled Maintenance Checks

1. General The Maintenance Checklist is divided into the following
Do the scheduled maintenance checks in this section at the Sections:
intervals (flight hours and calendar time) stated in AMM
section 05-10, Paragraph 3. A. Engine Compartment:
All items forward of the firewall. It includes the cowlings and
Note: Only persons authorized by national regulatory the propeller.
authorities of the country where the airplane is
registered, (or a JAR-145 approved maintenance B. Airframe:
organization in Europe), may do these checks. The (1) Front Fuselage
inspection level for each item is a general visual All items on the outside of the front fuselage from the firewall
inspection unless differently specified. to the trailing edge of the wing.
It includes the nose landing gear, the main landing gear, the
Note: Only AE authorized maintenance organizations canopy and rear door.
may carry out maintenance and inspection work on the
AE engine. Any engine malfunction must be reported to (2) Cockpit
AE. All items inside the fuselage shell from the aft face of the
firewall to the aft face of the rear main
2. Maintenance Checklist bulkhead. It also includes the internal parts of the brake
Do the scheduled maintenance checks with reference to the system.
Maintenance Checklist. Do all the applicable tasks on the
checklist. (3) Center Fuselage, Internal
All items inside the fuselage shell below the rear seats from
All of the applicable items must be signed by authorized the aft face of the rear main
maintenance personnel. Record the completion of the check bulkhead to the baggage compartment. It includes the
in the airplane log book. Complete a copy of the Maintenance control systems on the aft main bulkhead
Report. and the baggage compartment.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-18
(4) Rear Fuselage
All items on the outside of the fuselage from the trailing edge
of the wing to the front of the
vertical stabilizer.

(5) Tail
All items of the fuselage aft of the rear fuselage, vertical
stabilizer and horizontal stabilizer.

(6) Wings
All items on the left and right wings. It includes the ailerons,
flaps and Pitot head.

(7) General
Those items which include more than one zone at the same
time. It includes items such as
control checks which need one person in the cockpit and
another person at the control surface.

3. Major Structural Inspection

The Major Structural Inspection (MSI) is an important part of
the infinite lifetime concept of the
DA 40 NG. It is required to prove the structural integrity of the
airframe. It must be carried out at the
intervals shown in AMM Section 05-20.
Since the MSI is intended to coincide with a 1000 hour
inspection, the inspection items are included
in the maintenance checklist, and are identified by the term
‘MSI' in the ‘time’ column.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-19

For the other Maintenance Checklist Zones as

Front Fuselage, Cockpit, Center Fuselage-Internal,
Rear Fuselage, Tail, Wings, General,
refer to AMM Chapter 05.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-20

Flight-line Checks Maintenance Report

General Maintenance Report
These checks include the pre-flight and post-flight checks. Complete a copy of the Maintenance Report after all of the
Do these checks each day the airplane is used. applicable maintenance task in the Maintenance Checklist
have been initiated.
Flight-Line Checks
The Daily Check must be done before the first flight of the Check Flight Report
day. It shows the pilot the general condition
of the airplane and the engine. It is important for flight safety.
Look in the airplane log-book for problems before doing the
daily check.



The schedule for the pilot's daily check is in the Airplane

Flight Manual for the DA 40 NG.

Post-Flight Check
Do the post-flight check after the last flight of the day. The
post-flight check includes all the steps of
the daily check. You must also:
-Refuel the airplane.
-Record in the log book each problem found in flight and
during the post-flight check.
-Park the airplane.
-If necessary, moor the airplane.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-21

Unscheduled Maintenance Checks

Unscheduled maintenance checks are necessary after any
incident that could cause damage to the airplane.

Hard Landing Check

You must do a hard landing check when the pilot makes a
report of a hard landing. Or when ground handling applies
unusual loads.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-22

Propeller Strike
A propeller strike can be a moving propeller (engine running)
which has hit a solid object. Or it can be a moving object that
hits a propeller that is not moving.

If the propeller has hit a solid object while the engine was
Remove the engine (Refer to AMM section 71-00 and
contact AE).
 Do an inspection of the engine mount (Refer to AMM
section 71-20).
 Do an inspection of the propeller (Refer to the propeller
Owner’s Manual).

If a propeller which is not moving is hit by a moving object:

 Do an inspection of the propeller (Refer to the propeller

Owner’s Manual).
 If the propeller must be removed to do a repair other than
minor dressing of the blades, you must do the inspection
procedure specified for a moving propeller strike.
 Inspect the airplane for damage.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-23

Engine Fire

WARNING: Before you do work on the airplane make

sure the fire has been extinguished. Let the engine cool
and disconnect the battery.

WARNING: Fire can seriously weaken GFRP. If you find

any damage to CFRP, do not operate the airplane. Ask
the Manufacturer for advice.

WARNING: Do not get fire extinguisher particles on you.

The chemicals used to extinguish a fire can be
caustic/poisonous. When you clean the engine refer to
the fire extinguisher manufacturer’s safety instructions.
Use safety mask and gloves as recommended.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-24

Lightning Strike
A lightning strike usually enters the airplane at one point and
leaves the airplane at another point. These points are called
“attachment points”. You usually find these points at the
extremities of the airplane. You will often find the most
damage to the airplane occurs at the attachment points.
There can be more than 2 attachment points.

When a lightning strike is reported you must do the

inspection procedure “Lightning Strike Inspection” before the
next flight.

Group 1 Damage
Group 1 damage is the direct damage caused by the
lightning strike. To find this damage you must carefully Group 2 Damage
examine all the external surface of the airplane. Look Group 2 damage is the indirect damage caused by the
specially for burn marks, holes, discoloration or other lightning strike. It is mostly caused by the electromagnetic
physical damage. If you find this damage you must remove fields associated with lightning strikes. The electromagnetic
panels or equipment to look for damage on the inside of the fields can induce temporary voltages into the wiring system.
airplane. Look specially around the area of the external
damage. These temporary voltages can cause damage to the
You must also examine the airplane lightning protection electrical and electronic components of the airplane.
system. Look specially for signs of heat damage or distortion
to the conduction tubes and bonding strips. Also look for heat Note: If you find any lightning damage you must make a
damage in the structures around the conduction tubes and record of the damage and ask Diamond Aircraft for
bonding strips. Refer to AMM section 51-80 for data about advice before you repair or operate the airplane.
the lightning protection system.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-25


DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-26

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-27

The DA 40 NG uses the System Internationale (SI) for
dimensions and areas. Imperial dimensions are also given in
brackets. For example:
Wing span 11.63 m (38.16 ft). Conversions between SI units
and imperial units are given in Chapter 02.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-28

Adjustment Values
The measurements of the DA40 are recorded on an
Adjustment Report at the factory when the airplane is built.
The report becomes part of the airplane records.
When you measure the dimensions, use the Adjustment
Report as a reference for deviations.

Note: You may use either the Control Surface

Adjustment Report, or the one that was used when the
airplane was delivered (stored in the maintenance log of
your airplane).

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-29

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-30

Weight and Static Moments of Control Surfaces

WARNING: If you repaint (or do repairs to) the control

surfaces, you must make sure that the weights and
static moments of the control surface balancing report.
This will prevent control surface flutter.

To measure the static moments you must remove the control

surface from the airplane. Refer to AMM section 51-60 for the
measuring procedures.

If the values are not within the limits in the Control Surface
Balancing Report, you must ask the manufacturer for advice
before you adjust the balancing weight.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-31


DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-32

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-33

The DA40 NG has 3 jacking points. There are main jacking 3 - Airplane jacks (800kg / 1764lb minimum lifting capacity)
points under each stub-wing. The tie-down hole in the lower 1 - Nose trestle
fin makes the tail jacking point. For maintenance lift the 2 - Wing trestles
fuselage with the 3 hydraulic jacks. Use a trestle with a
special former to hold the front of the fuselage. Use standard
trestles under the wings at the position where the tips
connect to the wing.

WARNING: If the wind speed is more than 10 KM/H

(6 knots), do not lift the airplane on jacks outdoors.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-34

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-35

Leveling Weighing
These procedures tell you how make the airplane level. See Only operate the airplane within the permitted range of
AMM section 07-10 for lifting the airplane with jacks. weight and center of gravity limits. This will give good flight
Make the airplane level with jacks unless you are weighing performance and good handling qualities. It is also necessary
the airplane. If you weigh the airplane, change the airplane for safety.
tire pressure or use blocks to make the airplane level.
If you make any changes to the airplane that will alter the
weight (or the center of gravity), then you must calculate the
new weight of the airplane. You must also calculate its center
of gravity.

Only an approved parson can weigh the airplane. The

National Airworthiness Authority of the country where the
airplane is registered gives approval for persons to weigh the
airplane. It also gives the time limits.

Use the Weighing Report when you do the weight and

balance calculations.

You can use mechanical scales or electronic weighing units

to weigh the airplane. Electronic weighing units give more
accurate results. They are also easier to use. You must obey
the manufacturers’ instructions on the scales or weighing

The reference plane for the DA 40 NG is a transverse,

vertical plane in front of the airplane. It is at right
angles to the horizontal reference line. The reference plane
lies 2194 mm (86.38 in) in front of the
stub-wing leading edge at the wing joint on each side.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-36

Weighing with Electronic Weighing Units at the Jacking

If you can use electronic weighing units to weigh the airplane,
you can use the jacks to make the airplane level. You must
obey the manufacturers’ instructions on the weighing units.

Before you weigh the airplane do these items:

- Make sure the airplane has all its equipment.

The equipment must be in the location shown in
the Equipment Inventory. The Equipment Inventory is
included in Section 6.5 of the Airplane Flight Manual.
- Defuel the airplane to the unusable fuel level.
The unusable fuel level is 1 US gal (approx.3.8 liter) per
wing tank. Refer to Section 12-10.
- Add engine oil and operating fluids up to the maximum Legend:
level. Refer to Section 12-10.
- Clean the airplane and dry it. X1 = Arm, Reference Plane to Center Line of Main Jacking
- Remove all objects which are not part of the Equipment Points.
Inventory (for example tools, baggage,etc.). The Equipment X2 = Arm, Reference Plane to Center Line of Tail
Inventory is included in Section 6.5 of the Jacking Point.
Airplane Flight Manual. G1 = G1LH + G1RH = Net Weight, main jacks LH and RH.
G2 = Net Weight, Tail Jack.
G = G1LH + G1RH + G2 = Empty Weight.
XCG = Arm – Empty Weight Center-of-Gravity (calculated).

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-37

Weighing with Mechanical Scales Under the Wheels

If you use mechanical scales to weigh the airplane, you must
also use wooden blocks under the wheels to level the
airplane. You must obey the manufacturers’ instructions on
the scales.

Note: If you use airplane jacks to lift the airplane onto

the ramps, you must move the airplane a small distance
back and forward to allow the landing gear to spread.
This will prevent side loads on the scales causing errors.

This procedure uses jacks because the main wheel

scales need approximately 52 mm (2 in) of blocks to
bring the airplane level.

Before you weigh the airplane do the same items as

listed under “Weighing with electronic Weighing Units at the Legend:
Jacking Points”!
X1 = Arm, Reference Plane to center line of main wheels
X2 = Arm, Reference Plane to center line nose wheel
G1 = G1LH + G1RH = Net Weight, main wheel scales LH
and RH.
G2 = Net Weight, Nose wheel scale
G = G1LH + G1RH + G2 = Empty Weight.
XCG = Arm – Empty Weight center-of-gravity (calculated).

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-38

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-39

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-40

General Towing
You can move the airplane on the ground by hand or by You can move the airplane without using a tow bar. You can
taxiing it. Use the procedures in the AMM section 09-10 and push or pull the DA40 NG at the wing tip, at the wing nose,
section 09-20 to move the airplane safely. Section 09-10 tells and at the propeller blades near the spinner.
you how to tow the airplane. AMM section 09-20 tells you
how to taxi the airplane. Towing Procedure

WARNING: You must not taxi the airplane unless you WARNING: Do not push on the spinner. If you push on
have been trained to taxi and have been authorized by the spinner you can damage the spinner which can
your airworthiness authority. cause vibration.

CAUTION: Never use force on the propeller tips or on the

control surfaces. You can damage the propeller and the
control surfaces.

CAUTION: Never apply weights to the tailplane to lift the

nose wheel. You can damage the tailplane.

CAUTION: Never tow the airplane if the wheels are

blocked by snow or mud. You can damage the landing

CAUTION: The nose wheel steering angle is 30° to the

left and right. If you turn the wheel more than 30° you
will cause damage to the nose gear.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-41

A. Forward Movement When you taxi the DA40 NG you use the toe operated brakes
Pull the airplane forward on the propeller blades near the to steer the airplane. To make the airplane turn operate the
spinner. The nose wheel will follow the movement of the left or the right toe brake.
airplane. You can change direction by pulling on the
appropriate propeller blade near the spinner. WARNING: You must not taxi the airplane unless you
have been trained to taxi and have been authorized by
B. Rearward Movement your airworthiness authority.
Push down the fuselage in front of the vertical stabilizer until
the nose wheel is clear of the ground while pushing the CAUTION: This section gives general data on taxiing
airplane in rearward direction. only. You must use the DA40 NG Airplane Flight Manual
when you taxi the airplane.
C. Turn the Airplane on the Ground
If you have a limited area to maneuver the airplane, you can WARNING: Make sure that there are no persons or
use 2 people to turn the airplane around the main wheels. objects near the airplane. The airplane can injure
One person must push down in front of the vertical stabilizer persons. Objects can damage the airplane.
until the nose wheel is clear of the ground. The other person
must push on the wing tip. WARNING: Make sure the brakes operate correctly when
you taxi the airplane. If the brakes should fail, you must
be able to stop the airplane before you hit persons or

CAUTION: Take care if you taxi on uneven ground. The

propeller must not touch the ground. Loose stones and
gravel can damage the propeller.

CAUION: Obey the safety range for taxiing shown in

figure below:

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-42

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-43


DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-44

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-45

General Short-Term Parking

Always park or moor the DA40 NG when it is not in use. Use CAUTION: Make sure that the nose wheel is aligned
the procedures in the AMM section 10-10 for parking the straight ahead when the airplane stops. This will prevent
airplane and the procedure in section 10-20 to moor the side loads which can damage the nose landing gear.
airplane. If the airplane is parked over-night, we recommend
that you moor the airplane. If strong winds are forecast, you CAUTION: Do not apply the parking brake when the
must always moor the airplane. brakes are over-heated. The brakes can seize on.

Parking and Storage Long-Term Parking

Use these procedures to protect the airplane when it is CAUTION: Make sure to perform the long term parking
parked. Use the short-term parking procedure when the procedure when the airplane is parked for a long time.
airplane will be parked for less than 5 days. Use the long term If the procedure is not followed correctly, damage to the
parking procedure when the airplane will be parked for 5 to 30 airplane can occur.
days. Use the storage procedure if the airplane will be parked
for more than 30 days. Storage
If the airplane is parked (or not operated) for more than 30
All pilots and all maintenance staff for the DA 40 NG must days, you must do the storage procedure according to the
know the procedures in this section. AMM.
If the airplane has been parked (or stored) for more than 5
CAUTION: Make sure that the airplane is correctly days, perform Return to Service procedure!
moored and protected if strong winds are forecast.
Strong winds can cause damage to an unprotected

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-46

CAUTION: If the airplane must be stored outside for a
long time, then you must moor it. Strong winds or gusts
can cause damage to an airplane which is not moored.

There are 3 mooring points: One below each wing and one
on the skid plat at the tail.

CAUTION: Moor the airplane at the mooring points only.

CAUTION: When using hemp ropes, do not make them

tight. If the ropes get wet they will tighten and damage
the airplane. This is most important when you use
secure ground anchor-point.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-47


DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-48

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-49

Placards are used for identification and indication. They show
the function, operation and operating limitations of systems
and equipment.

Note: Placards must not be removed, exchanged or

altered unless approved by the national airworthiness

This chapter shows you the location of these placards and


- Exterior placards.
- Exterior markings.
- Interior placards.

Self-adhesive plastic foil is used for all placards except for

the manufacturer`s placard. Metal makes the manufacturer`s
placard which is located on the vertical stabilizer, lower left

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-50

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-51

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-52

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-53

This chapter gives these servicing tasks which apply to the
whole airplane:

 Replenishing procedures for fluid systems.

 Lubrication data.
 Cleaning and snow and ice removal.

The procedures for preventive and corrective maintenance of

systems are given in the related chapter of the AMM.
Refer to chapter 05 for time limits and schedules.

Replenishing Each wing has a fuel filler cap located at the top wing side
General about midway between the wing root and the tip.
Use the procedures in this section to replenish the fluid The filler cap connects to the outboard end of the fuel tanks.
systems on the airplane. A fuel tank drain is located below each wing just outboard of
the wing root. A third drain is located below the front
1. Fuel System fuselage and is connected to the gascolator.
The fuel tanks are located in each wing between the two main
spars. They consist of one (Standard Tank configuration) or
two (Long Range Tank configuration) interconnected
chambers. Number of chambers and usable fuel capacity are
shown in the following table:

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-54

WARNING: Do not allow fire, sparks of heat near fuel. Fuel

burns violently and can cause injury to persons and
damage to the airplane.

WARNING: Do not get fuel on your skin. Fuel can cause

skin disease.

WARNING: Connect the airplane and the fuel supply

vehicle to electrical ground before refueling. If you do not
ground the airplane, static electricity can cause fire
during refuelling.

WARNING: Make sure that a fire extinguisher is available.

WARNING: Turn off all ground equipment in the refueling


WARNING: Do not operate electrical switches in the


CAUTION: Use only fuel types given in Chapter 2 of the

Airplane Flight Manual (AFM).

Fuel Contamination Test

Do this test each day you operate the airplane. Test fuel from
both the wing tanks.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-55

2. Engine Oil System 3. Gearbox Oil

WARNING: Engine operation with no engine oil (or very WARNING: Engine operation with no gearbox oil (or very
low oil level) will cause engine malfunction or failure. low oil level) will cause engine malfunction or failure.

The engines installed in the DA40 NG have a wet-sump oil The gearbox oil quantity is 2.1 liter (2.2 US qt).
system. The oil capacities are given in the following table The gearbox oil level can be checked through an oil level
(AMM): window at the front side of the engine.

CAUTION: If the gearbox oil level is low the reason must

be determined and the problem must be corrected by
authorized personnel.

CAUTION: Use only the correct gearbox oil. Refer to

chapter 2 of the Airplane Flight Manual for the correct
Use only oil specified by the engine manufacturer. gearbox oil specifications. If you do not use the correct
gearbox oil, the engine can be damaged.
The oil filler is located on the left side of the engine. There is
an access hole implemented in the top engine cowling LH
side. The oil filler has a dip-stick attached.

A marginal oil consumption of 0.1 liter/h is normal.

Measure the oil quantity before each flight (or engine ground
run-up). If necessary, replenish the oil system.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-56

4. Coolant CAUTION: Use only the correct coolant. Refer to chapter

2 of the AFM for the correct coolant specifications. If you
WARNING: Do not remove the expansion tank filler cap do not use the correct coolant, the engine can be
when the engine is hot. The tank is pressurized with hot damaged.
coolant. Hot coolant can cause injury to persons.

WARNING: During normal operation the AE E4 engine

should not consume coolant. Any coolant loss must be
investigated before further operation of the engine.
Operating the engine with a faulty cooling system can
damage the engine.

The DA 40 NG engine uses liquid coolant to cool the engine

and supply heating to the cabin. The coolant is circulated
around the engine in an integral water jacket.
When the coolant is at normal engine operating temperature
a thermostatic valve directs the coolant to flow through a heat
exchanger. The thermostatic valve controls the flow of
coolant through the coolant radiator in order to control the
temperature of the coolant.

A coolant expansion tank is located on the left side of the

engine. The expansion tank has a filler cap and a pressure
regulating valve to protect the system from over pressure.
Use the procedures in this Paragraph to replenish the coolant
system when the system has been drained for maintenance
or system repair.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-57

5. Brake System 6. Tires

The brake fluid reservoirs are located on the brake master The DA 40 NG has these tires:
cylinders on the co-pilot`s side. You get access in the cockpit
below the instrument panel. Main tires: 15.00x 6.0 - 6; 6PR, TT, 160 mph, TSO C62;
pressure: 3.3 bar (48 PSI).
WARNING: Do not get brake fluid on your skin or in your
mouth. Brake fluid is toxic and can cause internal injury. Nose tire: 5.00 - 5, 6PR, TT, 120 mph; TSO C62, pressure
3.1 bar (45 PSI).
CAUTION: Remove spilled brake fluid immediately, brake
fluid can cause damage to paint and other materials. Examine the tires and measure the pressure according AMM
section 12-10.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-58

Scheduled Servicing
General Lubrication Schedule
This section gives lubrication data. It tells your where Clean each lubrication point before lubrication.
components are located. It gives a list of approved lubricants. The center columns show the type of lubricant. The right
It also gives the components which MUST NOT be column shows the lubrication interval.
Table 2 – Lubrication Schedule
Location Type of Lubrication Interval
Most systems and components have maintenance-free
No. See Figures 1 and 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 (Hours)
bearings. These can be sealed ball/roller bearings or Teflon see Notes
bushes. These bearings MUST NOT be lubricated. (1), (2)
1 Brake pedal pivot X 200
2 Rudder cable S-tubes X 200
Table 1 – Items which MUST NOT be Lubricated 3 Flap actuator extension rod X 200
4 Passenger door safety hook (red) X 100
Rudder pedal sled. DO NOT LUBRICATE
5 Upper rudder pivot bearing X 200
Flap rod-end bearings. DO NOT LUBRICATE 6 Nose wheel bearing (see notes 3, 5 ,6) X 200
7 Wing main bolts X 1000
Aileron rod-end bearings. DO NOT LUBRICATE
8 Elastomer pack eye-end X 200

Elevator rod-end bearings. DO NOT LUBRICATE 9 Battery terminals X 1000

10 B-bolts. X 1000
Elastomeric spring. (See Note 7). DO NOT LUBRICATE 11 B-bolt spherical bearings X 1000
12 A-bolts X 1000
13 B-bolt spherical bearings X 1000
14 Brake pedal pivot shaft interior X 1000
15 Flap actuator universal pivot block X 1000
16 Brake caliper locating pins X 1000
17 Stick support pivot pins X 1000

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-59

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-60

Notes: Table 3 – Lubricant Specifications

(1) Lubricate at the time shown or at every
disassembly/assembly. Specification Product Manufacturer
(2) Lubricate more frequently in severe climates or TYPE 1
operating conditions.
(3) Lubricate at the time shown and at Annual MIL-G-3545 (obsolete) AeroShell Grease 5 Shell Oil Company
(4) Do not get grease on the threads. It will reduce
the friction of the lock-nut. MIL-L-7870 Royco 363 Royal Lubricants Co.
(5) The wheel manufacturer lubricates the main Inc.
wheel bearings with AeroShell grease 22. Type 1 Brayco 363 Bray Oil Co.
grease is completely compatible for the wheel
Warm climates only LPS 2 LPS
(6) On airplanes registered in the USA, lubricate the TYPE 3
wheel bearings at every annual/100 hour
inspection (see FAR 43, Appendix D). Greaseless Lubricant LPS 1
(7) The elastomeric spring is maintenance free. TYPE 4

VV-P-236 (petrolatum) Royco 1 Royal Lubricants Co.

DC 4 Dow Corning


MIL-C-16173 (grade 2) LPS 3 LPS


MIL-A-907 Loctite Antiseize 767 Loctite

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-61

Unscheduled Servicing
General 2. Canopy Cleaning
This section tells you how to clean the airplane. It also tells
you how to remove snow and ice from the airplane. CAUTION: Do not rub the canopy while it is dry. Do not
use dirty cloths or sponges. The acrylic canopy
1. Exterior Cleaning scratches very easily with even the smallest particles of
The outer surfaces of the DA40 NG must be kept clean to dust.
keep the good performance characteristics of the airplane.
The leading edges of the wings are specially important. Clean the canopy with large quantities of water. Use clean
sponges and a good chamois leather which is not used for
Protect all control surface bearings and other lubricated any other purpose.
components before cleaning the airplane.
Polish dull or scratched areas using a special acrylic cleaner.
Use large quantities of water to clean the airplane. If Remove scratches with special polishing emery cloth (e.g.
necessary, add a mild cleaning agent to the water. Remove Micro-mesh).
excess dirt or dead insects immediately after flight. Dried-on
dirt is difficult to remove. 3. Interior Cleaning
Clean the interior with a flame-proof vacuum cleaner.
CAUTION: Do not use cleaning or polishing agents
which contain silicone. If the airplane needs repair, CAUTION: The PFD and MFD displays of the Garmin
silicone can prevent repair materials from bonding G1000 use a lens coated with a special anti-reflective
correctly. coating that is very sensitive to skin oils, waxes, and
abrasive cleaners. Cleaners containing ammonia will
Approximately once a year, apply a silicone-free automotive harm the anti-reflective coating. It is very important to
polish to the outer surface. clean the lens using a clean, lint-free cloth and eyeglass
lens cleaner that is specified as safe for anti-reflective

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-62

4. Engine Cleaning
Use a cold cleaning agent to clean the engine
(e.g. Berner Cold Cleaner No.13618.0 or refer to the
AE Maintenance Manual, latest revision).

CAUTION: Do not let the cleaning agent get into

electrical components and engine intakes.

CAUTION: Do not start the engine until all of the

cleaning agent has evaporated.

Protect all electrical components and engine intakes with

polythene bags or other means. Obey the cleaning agent
manufacturer´s instruction. Refer to the engine
manufacturer`s Maintenance Instruction Manual for more

5. Snow and Ice Removal

Remove snow and ice as soon as possible to prevent melted
water from freezing later and causing damage.

CAUTION: Do not use sharp objects to remove snow or

ice. You can damage the airplane structure.

CAUTION: Do not use de-icing fluids. De-icing fluids can

damage the airplane.

Use soft brushes to remove snow from the surface.

If possible put the airplane in a heated hangar to remove ice.
DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-63


DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airplane General B-64


ATA-chapter 21 / AIR CONDITION
ATA-chapter 22 / AUTO FLIGHT


ATA-chapter 28 / FUEL
ATA-chapter 32 / LANDING GEAR
ATA-chapter 33 / LIGHTS
ATA-chapter 34 / NAVIGATION
DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-01

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-02

There are no maintenance practices which apply to the
DA40 NG airframe and its systems in general. This chapter
only has data about standard threaded fasteners.

Always tighten the nut or bolt to the torque shown in the

tables. Always use the correct locking device with the nut or

CAUTION: Discard self-locking nuts after removal. The

friction torque reduces with use.

Bolt and Nut Used in the Airplane

The DA40 NG uses 3 types of standard bolts: DIN 931 and
LN 9037 metric specifications and AN3 through AN20
American specifications. You can identify the bolt type by the
marking on the head and the surface treatment.

The DA40 NG uses these types of standard nuts: DIN 934,

DIN 985, AN364, AN365, MS21042, MS21044.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-03

Standard Torque Values

These tables show the correct torque values for bolts and
nuts to AN and DIN specifications. Use the following torque
values for all bolts, nuts and screws which meet the

Torque Measurement
For self-locking nuts, add the torque value of the locking
device (friction or brake torque) to the value in the table.
Read the friction value from the torque wrench before the nut

Where a bolt is tightened from the bolt-head, add the value of

the shaft friction (the friction of the bolt in the attached part)
to the value in the table. Read the friction value from the
torque wrench before the bolt seats.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-04

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-05
Air Conditioning

This Chapter describes the heating and ventilation system of
the DA40 NG. It provides information about the operation and
trouble-shooting of the heating and ventilation system. Refer
to Section 75-00 of AMM for more maintenance data of the
coolant heat-exchanger.

Description and Operation

The DA40 NG has two separate systems, one for heating
and one for cooling/ventilating the cabin.

A. Cabin Heating
A heat exchanger is attached to the engine mount and
provides the warm air for heating. Hot cooling liquid from the
engine's cooling system flows through the matrix of the heat
exchanger. Ambient air flows from an air inlet in the engine
nacelle through the heat exchanger. The temperature of the
air raises and flows from the heat exchanger through a
control valve to the airplane cabin. The heated air is then
used for cabin heating and windscreen defrosting.

Levers in the center control console of the cockpit connect to

the control valve with Bowden cable and control the flow of
heated air.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-06

A flap inside the heat valve has an opening either to the

atmosphere or to a distributor valve on the rear face of the
firewall. A lever in the cockpit controls the flap. The lever is

The distributor valve has also a flap. The flap connects to the
pilot and passenger floor areas or the front of the canopy. A
lever in the cockpit controls the flap. The lever is marked

If the heat valve is set to OFF, the hot air is released into the
bottom of the engine cowling. If it is
set to ON, the hot air is guided through the firewall to the
distributor valve. The valve can be set to
any position between OFF and ON. If the valve is set to a
middle position, only part of the airflow
will reach the distributor valve.

If the distributor valve is set to FLOOR, air flows to the pilots'

and passengers' footwells. If it is set to DEFROST, the air
flows to the front of the canopy. This prevents mist or frost
from forming at the canopy.
The valve can be set to any position between FLOOR and
DEFROST. If the valve is set to a middle position, part of the
airflow goes to the footwells and part to the canopy.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-07

Heat Valve

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-08

B. Cooling and Ventilation

C. Air Exit
Pilots` Cabin Air Both hot and cold air leave the cockpit through slots in the
Air enters the system through two NACA air inlets in the front baggage compartment frame. The air flows through the rear
fuselage on the left and right side. fuselage and leaves the airplane through the gap between
Hoses connect the air inlets to two adjustable outlets in the the fuselage and the rudder.
instrument panel.

Passengers` Cabin Air

Air enters the system through a NACA air inlet below the
leading edge of the left stub-wing. The front main spar and
the inner and outer closing ribs make a collector box. Air can
only leave the area through an opening in the closing rib.

The front of the rib connects to a hose across the fuselage to

the front closing rib of the right stub-wing.

The top part of the front closing rib on each side connects to
the fuselage side ducts. The side ducts connect to the roll
bar. The side ducts and roll bar have adjustable outlets.

The top part of the inner closing rib on each side connects to
the fuselage side ducts. The side ducts connect to the roll

Air from both front closing ribs can flow up through the
fuselage side ducts. Four adjustable outlets in the roll bar
give cool air to the passengers.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-09

Cabin Heat Schematic Diagram

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-10

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-11

Auto Pilot

The following keys are located on the bezel of the MFD:

AP Key Engages/disengages the autopilot

FD Key Activates/deactivates the flight director only
Pressing the FD Key turns on the flight director in default pitch and roll
Pressing the FD Key again deactivates the flight director and removes
the Command Bars. If the autopilot disengaged, the FD Key is disabled.

NAV Key Selects/deselects Navigation Mode

ALT Key Selects/deselects Altitude Hold Mode
VS Key Selects/deselects Vertical Speed Mode
YD Key This key is not active in the DA40 NG installation.

FLC Key Selects/deselects Flight Level Change Mode

HDG Key Selects/deselects Heading Select Mode
APR Key Selects/deselects Approach Mode
NOSE DN Key Control the active mode reference in Pitch
Hold, Vertical Speed and Flight Level Change

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-12

This Section tells you about the GFC 700 autopilot system
installed in the DA 40 NG.

The Garmin GFC 700 autopilot system is a digital flight
control system that provides roll, pitch, pitch trim with altitude
control. The system has the following components:

• Flight director (integral part of the Garmin G1000 system).

• GSA 81 roll servo.
• GSA 81 pitch servo.
• GSA 81 pitch trim servo.

The GFC 700 autopilot system is controlled via the MFD of

the Garmin G1000 integrated cockpit system (ICS).

The GFC 700 roll axis features includes wing leveller,

heading select, and VOR/LOC intercept and tracking. The
GFC 700 is also coupled to the ICS for navigation
information. Attitude information is derived from the AHRS.

Pitch axis features include vertical speed, flight level change,

glide slope and altitude hold along with the optional altitude
preselect. Pitch information is derived from AHRS and GDC.
Internal monitors keep constant track of the GFC 700's status
and provide for automatic shutdown of the autopilot or trim
system in the event of a malfunction.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-13

A. GFC 700 Flight Control C. GSA 81 Pitch Servo

For details about operation and the indications concerning The pitch servo is located aft of the baggage compartment
GFC 700 functions refer to Garmin DA 40 NG Pilot's Guide, frame. It is mounted on a mounting plate which is made from
latest revision. sheet aluminum. Two aluminum clamps connect a bridle
cable to the elevator push-rod.
B. GSA 81 Roll Servo
The roll servo is located behind the rear main bulkhead on
the right side. It is mounted on a mounting plate which is
made from sheet aluminum. Two aluminum clamps connect
a bridle cable to the aileron push-rod.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-14

D. GSA 81 Pitch Trim Servo

The pitch trim servo is located under the co-pilot's seat. It is
mounted on a mounting plate which is made from sheet
aluminum and mounting bracket which is made from GFRP.
Servo movement is transmitted to the trim wheel through a
chain gear on the servo, a cardan shaft, and a chain gear
next to the trim wheel on the right side.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-15


DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-16

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-17

Standard Equipment
General Description
This Chapter tells you about the communications system in The DA 40 NG communication system has these
the DA 40 NG. This Section tells you about the intercom components:
system which lets the pilots and passengers talk to each
other. It also tells you about the radio system which lets the - GMA 1347 audio panel.
pilots talk to the ground and other airplane. - NAV/COM transceivers (integral with the Garmin GIA 63
integrated avionics units).
This Chapter does not tell you about the communications - COM VHF antennas.
equipment. Refer to the equipment manufacturers' manual - NAV antenna (integral with the horizontal stabilizer).
for data about the equipment. - Push-to-talk (PTT) switches. A PTT switch is located in
Refer to AMM Chapter 92 for the wiring diagrams. each of the pilots control sticks.
- Head-set-sockets. Head-set-sockets are located on the
back of the center console for both the pilots and the
- Cabin speaker. A cabin speaker is mounted in the roof of
the cockpit.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-18
Speech Communication

This Section tells you about the speech communication
system in the DA 40 NG. It does not tell you about the
speech communication equipment.
Refer to the equipment manufacturers' manuals for more Active Frequency Stand-by Frequency
data about the equipment. (COM1) (COM1)
COM Volume Control
Automatic Squelch

Frequency Transfer Key/

Emergency Frequency

COM Selector Knob

Active Frequency

Stand-by Frequency

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-19

The DA 40 NG has dual VHF radio communications Pressing and holding the COM FREQUENCY TRANSFER
transceivers (COM 1 and COM 2) which are integral with the key for approximately 2 seconds will over-ride all previous
GIA 63 integrated avionics units. The No.1 GIA 63 and No.2 selections and select the EMERGENCY COM frequency of
GIA 63 units are remotely located in the aft fuselage avionics 121.5 MHz.
rack. The COM 1 antenna is located on the upper surface of
the fuselage, aft of the cockpit. The COM 2 antenna is You can only change the frequency that is currently selected
located on the lower surface of the fuselage, aft of the as the stand by frequency. You must rotate the large outer
cockpit. COM selector knob to select the MHz value of the frequency
Refer to AMM Section 31-40 for more data about the and rotate the small inner knob of the COM selector to select
Garmin 1000 ICS. the KHz value of the frequency.

The speech communication system is integral with the Above the COM knob is the VOL knob. You control the
Garmin 1000 integrated cockpit system (ICS). Power is volume level of the active radio receiver with the VOL knob.
supplied to the dual VHF communications transceivers when Press the knob to toggle the ON/OFF selection of the
the ICS is switched on. The COM selector knob is located at automatic squelch control.
the top-right corner of each ICS display panel. A digital
display in the top right corner of the primary flight display The pilots use the audio control panel to control all the audio
(PFD) screen shows which COM system and frequency is in systems of the DA 40 NG. Both speech and navigational
use. audio can be sent to the pilots or passengers headphones.
Or can be played on the cockpit loudspeaker.
Both the active and stand-by frequencies are shown for both Refer to Section 23-50 of the AMM, for more data about the
COM 1 and COM 2 systems. Pushing the inner knob of the audio control unit.
COM selector will toggle the active COM system between
COM 1 and COM 2.
Push the COM FREQUENCY TRANSFER key to toggle
between the active and standby frequency of the selected
communication system. A box is displayed around the stand
by frequency.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-20

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-21

Audio Integrating,
Garmin G1000 System
The DA 40 NG has a voice-operated (VOX) intercom. This
gives full hands-free intercom when head-sets are used. The
pilot controls the intercom system with the audio control
panel. The audio control panel is located in the instrument
panel between the integrated cockpit system (ICS) display PFD MFD

Description and Operation

The audio control panel is powered with the Garmin 1000
ICS and is an integral component of the integrated cockpit
system. The audio control panel makes an interface
between the audio systems of the integrated cockpit system
(ICS) and the pilots/crew headsets.

The audio control panel is located in the instrument panel

between the ICS displays. The control panel keys have LED
annunciator labels and has backlighting which is controlled
by the ICS. When a key is active the annunciator is lit by the
LED. The control panel performs a self-test when power is
applied to the panel which then re-sets the panel to the
operating condition that was set when the panel was last
powered-off. If the control panel fails the self-test the panel
switches to a fail-safe mode and all fail-safe audio output is
directed to the pilot’s headset.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-22

The control panel has these keys and selectors:

• COM 1 MIC key. Press this key to select COM 1 as the

active microphone source and to automatically de-select
any COM MIC key that may have been previously selected.
The COM 1 MIC key annunciator illuminated and the COM
1 caption on the ICS display screen is highlighted.

• COM 2 MIC key. Press this key to select COM 2 as the

active microphone source and to automatically de-select
any COM MIC key that may have been previously selected.
The COM 2 MIC key annuncitor illuminates and the COM 2
caption on the ICS display screen is highlighted.

• COM 3 MIC key. This key is not active in the DA40 NG


• COM 1/2 key. Press this key to toggle the selection of the
Split Com function. When COM 1/2 is selected COM 1
becomes the dedicated COM system for the pilot’s
Mic/Audio and COM 2 becomes the dedicated COM system
for the co-pilot’s Mic/Audio. When the split com function is
selected both the pilot and co-pilot can transmit
simultaneously using separate COM systems. The pilot can
also monitor all the NAV audio as selected. The co-pilot can
only monitor the COM 2 audio.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-23

• COM 1 Key. Press this key to select COM 1 as the active

audio source. Selecting COM 1 audio using this key
maintains COM 1 as an audio source independent of any
other selection. The annunciator illuminates when the COM
1 key is activated.

• COM 2 key. Press this key to select COM 2 as the active

audio source. Selecting COM 2 audio using this key
maintains COM 2 as an audio source independent of any
other selection. The annunciator illuminates when the COM
2 key is activated.

• COM 3 key. This key is not active in the DA 40 NG


• TEL key. This key is not active in the DA40 NG installation.

• SPKR key. Press this key to select the cabin speaker.

When select, the cabin speaker will broadcast all the
selected audio channels and all unswitched/unmuted audio
warning. The speaker will be muted when a COM
microphone is keyed. The annunciator illuminates when the
SPKR key is activated.

• PA key. This key is not active in the DA40 NG installation.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-24

• MKR/MUTE key. Press this key to select MKR audio.

When selected the key annunciator is illuminated. When a
marker beacon audio tone is generated it can be heard over
the headsets and the related caption will show on the ICS
primary flight display. Pressing the MKR/MUTE key while a
marker beacon tone is being generated will cause the audio
to be muted but the caption on the ICS display will remain.
When the next marker beacon signal is generated the it will
be heard over the headsets.
Pressing the MKR/MUTE key while the marker beacon
audio system is in the mute mode will cause the audio
signal to be deactivated and the key annunciator
will got out.

• Hi SENS key. Press this key to increase the sensitivity of

the marker beacon receiver. The annunciator illuminates
when the HI SENS key is activated.

• DME, ADF, NAV 1, NAV 2 keys. Press one of these keys to

select the related audio source. The related annunciator
illuminates when the key is activated.

• AUX key. This key is not active in the DA40 NG installation

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-25

• MAN SQ key. Press this key to make the Pilot/Co

Pilot/Pass ICS volume control knob a push toggle switch for
setting ICS squelch levels manually. The annunciator
illuminates when the MAN SQ key is activated.

• PLAY key. Press this key to replay the digital recording

make by the ICS. The digital recording of recent audio
activity will be heard over the headsets. The annunciator
illuminates when the PLA key is activated.

• DISPLAY BACKUP button. Pressing the red DISPLAY

BACKUP button at the bottom of the audio control panel
selects the backup mode for all the displays.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-26

• PILOT, COPLT keys. These keys control the intercom

system (ICS) isolation system. The ICS isolation system
has 4 modes of operation which can all be selected using a
combination of the PILOT and COPLT keys. The system
has these modes of operation:

- Pilot Mode. Pilot mode is selected when only the

PILOT key is annunciated. In PILOT mode the pilot
can hear the selected radios. The co-pilot and
passengers can only communicate with each other.

- Co-Pilot mode. Co-Pilot mode is selected when only

the COPLT key is annunciated. In CO-PILOT mode
the co-pilots headset is isolated. The pilot and
passengers can hear the selected radios, and
communicate with each other.

- Crew Mode. Crew mode is selected when both the

PILOT and CO-PILOT keys are annunciated. In crew
mode both the pilot and co-pilot can hear the selected
radios an communicate with each other.

- All Mode. All mode is selected when neither the

PILOT or CO-PILOT keys are annunciated. In ALL
mode both the pilots and the passengers can hear the
selected radios and are able to communicate with
each other.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-27

• VOLUME/SQ Knob. This knob has 2 functions depending

on the selection of the MAN SQ key.
- MAN SQ key deselected. When the MAN SQ key is
deselected the ICS squelch levels are set automatically.
The VOLUME/SQ knob acts as a volume control and the
VOL caption to the lower left of the knob illuminates. Rotate
the inner knob clockwise to increase the volume level of the
pilot’s ICS and rotate the inner knob counter-clockwise to
reduce the volume of the pilots ICS. Rotate the outer knob
clockwise to increase the volume level of the co-pilots and
passengers ICS. Rotate the outer knob counter-clockwise to
reduce the volume level of the co-pilot’s and passenger
- MAN SQ key selected. When the MAN SQ is selected the
ICS squelch levels can set manually and pressing the
VOLUME/SQ knob toggles the manual squelch ON/OFF.
Manual squelch is toggled ON when the SQ caption to the
lower right of the knob illuminates. Rotate the inner knob
clockwise to increase the squelch threshold of the pilot’s
ICS and rotate the inner knob counter-clockwise to reduce
the squelch threshold of the pilots ICS. Rotate the outer
knob clockwise to increase the squelch threshold of the co
pilots and passengers ICS. Rotate the outer knob counter
clockwise to reduce the squelch threshold of the co-pilot’s
and passengers ICS.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-28
Static Discharging
The static discharging system has two main parts, the
electrical bonding system and the surface static discharging
system. Refer to AMM Section 51-80 for the electrical
bonding system. Section 51-80 also describes the resistance
measurements for the static discharge wicks.

The build-up of static electricity can affect the quality of radio

communications on all COM and NAV equipment. It can also
affect the quality of all NAV indications.

Description and Operation

The static discharging system removes the electro-static
charge which collects on the airplane surfaces.
The composite structure of the DA 40 NG does not let
electricity flow through it. The airplane surfaces are covered
with a special conductive filler through which the electricity
flows to the static discharge wick.

Location and quantity of the static discharge wicks are given

in the following table.
Location Quantity

LH wing tip, trailing edge 1

RH wing tip, trailing edge 1

LH horizontal tail tip, trailing edge 1

RH horizontal tail tip, trailing edge 1

Rudder, trailing edge, bottom 1

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-29


DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-30

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-31

General Any Equipment which is not listed in Section 6.5 of the

The DA 40 NG has a 28 VDC electrical system. This Chapter Airplane Flight Manual is called “Additional Equipment”.
describes the complete system from the power supplies to The installation of Additional Equipment is a
the circuit-breakers or other interface with the consumers. modification which must be handled in accordance with
national regulations or a Service Bulletin.
This Chapter has only simplified schematic diagrams and
location diagrams. Refer to AMM Chapter 92 for the wiring
diagrams. Refer to the related Chapter for data about
systems. For example, refer to Chapter 80 for data about the
starter system.

For Trouble-Shooting and Maintenance Practices for this

system, refer to these Sections:

- Section 24-30. Electrical power generation.

- Section 24-31. Battery system.
- Section 24-32. Emergency battery system.
- Section 24-40. External power.
- Section 24-60. Power distribution.

Note: Equipment which is certified for installation in the

DA 40 NG is listed in Section 6.5 of the Airplane Flight
Manual. Such equipment may be installed in accordance
with the Airplane Maintenance Manual.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-32

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-33

28 VDC System Description and Operation

The alternator is located at the bottom, left rear of the engine.
A. Power Supplies
A flat multi-V belt with automatic tensioner turns the
Main Battery
alternator. The alternator is connected to an external
The main battery is located in the rear fuselage on the LH
side. It is a 24 V, 13.6 Ah sealed battery. It connects to the regulator, located under the pilot’s seat. The output connects
to the ECU bus bar via a 100 A fuse. The field can be
instrument panel ground point, the lightning protection
system, the hot battery bus and the battery relay. energized directly by the ECU backup battery if the main
battery fails.


Main Battery

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-34

Engine Control Unit (ECU) Backup Battery B. Power Supply Control

The ECU backup battery is located in the rear fuselage. It Battery Relay
consists of two 12 V, 7.2 Ah sealed batteries, connected in The battery relay is located in the relay junction box on the
series. The ECU backup battery connects directly to the baggage compartment frame. The output connects directly to
ECU B bus. the relay junction box bus bar. The coil + of the battery relay
is tied to the battery + connection to the relay. The
The ECU backup battery is also used as alternator excitation ELECTRIC MASTER key switch provides the coil ground
battery. when set to the ON or START position.
External Power Connector
The external power connector is located on the left side of External Power Relay
the rear fuselage, near the relay junction box. The external The external power relay is located in the relay junction box
power connector connects to the external power relay in the on the baggage compartment frame. The output connects
relay junction box on the baggage compartment frame. directly to the relay junction box bus bar.
If 28 VDC external power is connected, the +28 VDC on the
- The control pin connects to the relay coil through a diode to control pin energizes the relay. The relay connects the
prevent reverse connection. external power to the relay junction box bus bar.
- The + pin connects to the relay main input connection.
- The - pin connects to ground. Bus Structure
All buses are flat metal strips connecting rows of circuit-
breakers. The circuit-breakers are located on the instrument
panel on the right side.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-35

Relay Junction Box Bus

The relay junction box bus is located in the relay junction The ECU bus provides power for Engine Control Unit A (ECU
box on the baggage compartment frame. It is a flat metal A) and ECU B and their fuel pumps. Circuit-breakers protect
strip connecting these relays: each circuit.

- The external power relay. The ECU B and its fuel pump is connected to the ECU bus
- The battery relay. via a diode and a fuse. The ECU backup battery is also
- The starter relay. connected to ECU B and its fuel pump.

The bus has three outputs: Main Bus

- The battery bus in the instrument panel. The main bus provides power for the consumers. Each
- The glow plugs. consumer has a circuit breaker to protect the circuit. The
- The engine starter motor solenoid. main bus also connects to the switch contact of:

ECU Bus - The starter relay.

The ECU bus is located at the circuit breakers. The ECU
bus has power when the any one of the following are A circuit-breaker protects the supply to the relay.
connected to the ECU bus:

- The main battery.

- External power.
- The alternator.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-36

Power Relay
The power relay connects the battery bus in the instrument It also gives a ground to the coil of the essential tie relay. The
panel to the main bus. The essential bus switch controls the relay energizes to break the connection between the main
power relay. bus and the essential bus. At the same time, it connects the
battery bus to the essential bus.
Essential Tie Relay
In the usual (de-energized) condition, the essential tie relay There is a light emitting diode in the essential bus switch. If
connects the main bus to the essential bus. there is power on the battery bus, and the
ELECTRIC MASTER key switch is set to ON or START, the
In the emergency (energized) condition, the essential tie light emitting diode comes ON.
relay connects the battery bus in the instrument panel to the
essential bus.

The essential bus switch controls the essential tie relay.

Essential Bus Switch (Marked ESS BUS)
The ESS BUS switch is located in the switch panel at the
bottom left of the instrument panel.

In the OFF position, the ESS BUS switch gives a ground to

the power relay coil. The relay closes and connects the
battery bus in the instrument panel to the main bus. This is
the usual position when all systems are operating correctly.

In the ON position, the ESS BUS switch disconnects the

ground from the power relay coil. The power relay opens and
disconnects the main bus from the power supply (the battery

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-37

Starter Relay ENGINE MASTER Switch

The starter relay contacts and coil connect to the main bus. A The ENGINE MASTER switch is located on the left, center of
10A circuit-breaker protects the circuit. the instrument panel switch panel.
It has four sets of contacts. When set to ON, each set of
When the ENGINE MASTER switch set to ON and the contacts connects one input to one output as follows:
ELECTRIC MASTER key switch is set to START, they give a
ground to the relay coil. The relay connects the main bus to - ECU A power supply to ECU A.
the starter solenoid (part of the starter). The solenoid - ECU B power supply to ECU B. The ECU backup relay is
engages the starter and operates a heavy-current energized.
contactor to connect the relay junction box bus to the starter. - ECU backup battery to the alternator regulator enable
Avionics Master Relay - ELECTRIC MASTER key switch START connection to the
The avionics master relay connects the main bus to the starter relay.
avionics bus. The AVIONIC MASTER switch controls the


With the AVIONIC MASTER switch set to OFF:

- The avionic master relay is energized to disconnect the ENGINE MASTER Switch
avionics bus from the main bus.

With the AVIONIC MASTER switch set to ON:

- The avionic master relay is de-energized to connect the
avionics bus to the main bus.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-38
DC Generation
The DC generation system for the DA 40 NG has these

- Alternator.
- Alternator current sensor.
- Alternator fuse.
- Voltage regulator
- Alternator excitation battery (ECU backup battery)

This Section gives you only the simplified description,

trouble-shooting and maintenance practices for the
generating system.

Refer to AMM Section 24-00 for the full system description

and operation.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-39

Description and Operation

A. Alternator D. Alternator Fuse
The alternator is supplied as part of the engine. It is a A 100 A fuse is located in the instrument panel between the
28 VDC machine with a maximum output of 70 A. It attaches alternator cable and the ECU bus.
to the rear left of the engine. A multi-V flat belt turns the
alternator. An automatic system adjusts the belt tension. E. Alternator Regulator
The alternator regulator is located under the pilot’s seat. It
The alternator has an external voltage regulator. measures the alternator output voltage and controls the
current through the alternator field coils via a pulse-width
There is no approved maintenance possible on the alternator. modulated signal. To keep the output voltage stable in all
load and speed situations, the alternator field signal is
B. Alternator Excitation Battery (ECU Backup Battery) modulated accordingly.
The ECU backup battery is also used as alternator excitation
battery. It is located in the rear fuselage, behind the first ring The alternator regulator includes a comprehensive set of
spar. diagnostic functions that will warn the operator using a
CAUTION message (ALTERNATOR) on the annunciator
The ENGINE MASTER switch controls the circuit to the panel in case of over- or under-voltage as well as a couple
alternator regulator. of other internal warning levels.

C. Alternator Current Sensor There is no approved maintenance possible on the

An alternator current sensor is located in the instrument alternator regulator.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-40

Trouble-Shooting Electrical Safety

The table below lists the defects you could have with the The DA 40 NG has a low voltage DC electrical system. When
generating system. If you have the trouble detailed in the correctly maintained it is safe to work on. The battery can
Trouble column read across to the Possible Cause column. supply heavy current through low resistance circuits (for
Then do the repair given in the Repair column. example, if you ground the positive output with a wrench by

Always follow the usual safety practices for working on

electrical equipment. Allow only qualified persons to maintain
the electrical system.

CAUTION: Disconnect the battery before doing

maintenance on the electrical system. Make sure that
you disconnect the negative lead first.

CAUTION: After doing electrical maintenance always do

a confidence test of the system with a 24V power supply
that has over-current protection. Do this before
connecting the battery.

CAUTION: Make sure that you connect the cables to the

correct terminals. Incorrect connection can damage the
electrical and avionic systems.

CAUTION: Use only DA40 NG spare parts approved by

the manufacturer.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-41
Battery System
General Main Battery Description and Operation
This Section tells you about the battery systems for The main battery is a 24 V, 13.6 Ah sealed battery. A tray in
DA 40 NG airplanes. See AMM Sections 24-00 and 24-32 the fuselage holds the base of the battery. A strap holds the
for the description and operation of the battery in the battery in place. The positive and negative cables attach to
electrical generation system. terminals at the top of the battery. The usual rubber caps
protect the connections.
The airplane has three batteries:
When the alternator voltage is greater than the battery
 A main battery located in the rear fuselage behind the voltage, the alternator charges the battery.
baggage compartment frame. This battery provides the
usual airplane electrical services. When the alternator is operating, the digital voltmeter shows
the alternator voltage. When the alternator is off-line, the
 An ECU backup battery located in the rear fuselage digital voltmeter shows the battery voltage.
behind the first ring frame. The ECU backup battery
connects directly to the ECU backup relay. This battery The battery supplies current to the battery bus through the
provides power to the ECU B and its fuel pump if all other battery relay. The battery relay is in the
power supplies fail. relay junction box which is located on the baggage
compartment frame adjacent to the battery. There
 An emergency battery located on the instrument panel is no circuit-protection.
Refer to AMM Section 24-32 for information about this
battery. The battery also supplies the hot battery bus. A 5 Ampère
fuse protects the hot battery system.

The main battery is maintenance free..

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-42

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-43

ECU Backup Battery Description and Operation

The ECU backup battery consists of two 12 V, 7.2 Ah sealed
units connected in series. A tray behind the first ring spar
holds the battery. The positive and negative cables attach to
terminals at the top of the battery.

When the ECU B bus voltage is greater than the battery

voltage, the bus charges the battery.

The battery supplies current to the ECU B and its fuel pump
through the ECU backup relay. The relay is on the instrument
panel shelf. A 32 A fuse protects the circuit.
It also supplies power to the alternator regulator via a
10 A fuse and the ENGINE MASTER switch.

The usual rubber caps protect the connections.

CAUTION: Install only a battery which is approved by the

airplane manufacturer.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-44

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-45

Emergency Battery System

This Section tells you about the emergency battery system
for DA 40 NG airplanes. Regular maintenance of the
emergency battery system is necessary.

Refer to Chapter 92 for the wiring diagrams.

The emergency battery system consists of:

- An emergency battery pack.

- A sealed EMERGENCY switch.

The emergency battery pack consists of 10 lithium

manganese batteries, 3 V, 1,300 mAh. Refer to the
Equipment List in Section 6.5 of the Airplane Flight Manual
for the approved battery type.
CAUTION: The Batteries cannot be re-charged. Do not
The emergency battery pack is mounted behind the try to re-charge the batteries. If you try to recharge the
instrument panel, on the co-pilot's side. batteries, they can explode or leak.

When all other sources of electrical power fail during flight, CAUTION: Dispose of the batteries properly (ask your
the EMERGENCY switch on the left side of the instrument battery dealer for advise). Batteries contain poisons
panel is set to ON to use the emergency battery. It supplies which harm the environment. Do not throw the used
the attitude gyro (horizon) and the flood light with power for at batteries into the garbage. Do not expose batteries to
least 1 hour. fire. Do not dismantle batteries.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-46

External Power
General Description and Operation
The DA 40 NG has an external power socket located on the The external power system has these components:
left side of the fuselage, near the relay junction box. It is a
standard 28 Volt DC power socket. When you connect A. 28 Volt Socket
external power to the external power socket, the external The 28 VDC power socket is located on the left side of the
power control relay is energized and the external power fuselage, near the relay junction box.
comes on-line. The socket has 3 pins:

 A large negative pin.

 A large positive pin.
 A small positive pin.

A diode connected between the external power relay

solenoid and the small positive pin protects the system of
reverse polarity.

B. External Power Relay

The external power relay is located in the relay junction box
mounted on the baggage compartment frame. Heavy duty
cable connects the large positive pin to the input terminal of
the relay. Another heavy duty cable connects the large
negative pin to the negative pole on the main battery.

The small positive pin connects to the solenoid of the

external power relay via the diode.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-47

When you connect a 24 to 28 V DC power supply to the
external power socket these things happen:

- Current can flow from the small positive pin to the solenoid,
the solenoid operates and closes the relay.
- Current can flow from the large positive pin through the
external power relay to the battery bus system.
-The large negative pin is connected to ground.

If the polarity of the power supply is incorrect, then the diode

will prevent current from flowing through the solenoid. The
solenoid will not operate and current cannot flow through the
external power relay to the bus system.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-48

DC Electrical Load Distribution

This Section tells you about the system which supplies DC
electrical power for other systems. The DC electrical load
distribution system has these components:

- Main bus.
- Relay junction box bus.
- ECU bus.
- Avionic bus.
- Essential bus.
- Hot battery bus.
- Battery relay.
- Power relay.
- Avionics master relay.
- Essential tie relay.
- Switches.
- Circuit-breakers.
- Fuses.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-49

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-50

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-51

This Chapter tells you about the equipment and furnishing in
the flight compartment. AMM Section 25-10 includes the
cabin trim panels, pilots' seats, passenger’s seat and safety
belts. Section 25-60 gives the data for the Emergency
Location Transmitter (ELT).

Note: Equipment which is certified for installation in the

DA40 NG is listed in Section 6.5 of the Airplane Flight
Manual (AFM). Such equipment may be installed in
accordance with the Airplane Maintenance Manual

Any equipment which is not listed in Section 6.5 of the

Airplane Flight Manual is called “Additional
Equipment”. The installation of Additional Equipment is
a modification which must be handled in accordance
with national regulations or a Service Bulletin.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-52

Flight Compartment A padded seat cushion covers the GFRP/Carbon/Kevlar

General molding. Press-studs attach the forward part of the seat
The flight compartment contains fixed seats for two pilots and cushion to the seat pan. A flexible gaiter attaches to the seat
two passengers. Each seat has a safety belt. The fuselage pan with press-studs. The control stick passes through the
shell has fabric wall panels. Carpets cover the floor areas gaiter. A velcro seals the top of the gaiter to the stick.
and baggage compartment floor. Map pockets are located on
the cockpit side by each pilot.

The extended baggage compartment consists of the

standard baggage compartment behind the rear seats and
the optional baggage extension mounted in the rear

GFRP moldings make the instrument panel cover and the

center console.

A. Pilots` Seats
Each pilot’s seat is a GFRP/Carbon/Kevlar molding.
Rivets attach a metal plate to the bottom of the seat pan at
the back. Two bolts go through the seat pan and the metal
plate to hold the lap straps of the safety belt. These bolts also
hold metal anchor plates which attach to anchor nuts in the
large cut-out in the front main bulkhead.

The front of the seat pan curves down to locate over the rear
wall of the floor panel. Two bolts with washer plates attach
the front of the seat to the floor panel.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-53

B. Passenger Seat C. Crash Elements

The passenger seat has three main parts. It has a double Each seat rests on crash elements. Each crash element has
seat pan which is the full width of the cockpit. The rear part layers of carbon fiber composite and a special rigid foam
of the seat pan also makes the baggage compartment floor. bonded together. The crash elements compress under the
The passenger seat also has two seat-backs which attach to high loads which occur in accidents. They reduce the injury
the seat pan with hinges. A latch pin at the left side of each to the pilot or passenger in an accident.
seat-back locks the seat-back in the upright position. You
can lift the latch to fold the seat-back forward for access to The rear of each pilot’s seat rests on two crash elements.
the baggage compartment. They are located just outboard of the safety belt attachments.
The passenger seat pan rests on two crash elements. They
A padded seat cushion covers the GFRP/Carbon/Kevlar are located under the anchor plates on each side.
molding. Press-studs attach the forward
part of the seat cushion to the seat pan. Padded cushions
also cover the seat-backs.

Rivets attach a metal plate under each half of the seat pan
at the back. Two bolts go through each half of the seat pan
and the metal plate to hold the lap straps of the safety belt.
Three bolts with washer plates on each side of the seat pan
go through the seat pan and metal plate to anchor nuts
in metal anchor plates. The anchor plates are bolted to the
fuselage structure. Two bolts with washer plates attach the
front of the seat pan to ribs on top of the rear main bulkhead.
Five bolts with washer plates attach the rear of the seat pan
to the top face of the baggage compartment frame.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-54

D. Safety Belts
Each seat has a fixed lap belt and an inertia sensitive
shoulder strap. The lap belt has two straps. The outboard
strap has an adjuster to tighten the belt in use. It also has a
tongue to engage the buckle on the inboard belt. The inboard
strap has a fixed length. The buckle has a red button at the
outboard end to release the tongue of the outboard lap
strap. Push the tongue into the end of the buckle to lock them

Bolts with washer plates and self-locking nuts attach each lap
strap to the seat pan. You must remove the seat to remove
the lap belt.

The shoulder strap attaches to an inertia reel. The inertia reel

has a latch which senses acceleration. With the airplane
flying straight and level, the inertia reel lets the shoulder strap
pull out against a light spring. If the airplane is accelerated
(for example in turbulence), the latch stops the shoulder strap
from pulling out. The inertia reel for the pilot’s safety belt is
located on the fuselage wall behind the pilot’s seat. The
strap passes up through a guide attached to the roll-bar just
above the pilot’s shoulder and down to the tongue on the
outboard lap strap. The end fitting on the shoulder strap
hooks onto a stud on the tongue.
The inertia reel for the rear passenger's safety belt is located
above and to the rear of the passengers. It is on the fuselage
top-inner surface.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-55

E. Fabric Wall Panels F. Instrument Panel Cover

Fabric wall panels bond to the inside of the fuselage shell. A GFRP cover goes over the instrument panel. Screws
Each front panel has a map pocket. attach the cover to the instrument panel.
The instrument panel cover has a defrost manifold. Two
hoses connect the defrost manifold to the cabin heating
system. The manifold supplies warm air to the front of the
canopy to prevent misting.

G. Center Console Panel

A GFRP panel goes between the rear wall of the floor panel
and the front face of the front main bulkhead. The center
console panel covers the trim mechanism. It also seals the
gap between the pilots' seats.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-56

H. Baggage Extension and Baggage Tray

Baggage extension and baggage tray are optional

The baggage extension has a door that may be hinged up to

keep items from sliding aft or hinged down to carry long
items. The baggage extension also has a removable panel in
the bottom to allow access for inspection of the rear fuselage

The baggage tray may be installed in the bottom of the

standard baggage compartment. The lid of the baggage tray
and the bottom of the baggage extension form a flat loading
surface. The lid has mounting provisions for the tow bar. The
space under the lid may be used to carry small items
such as the gust lock and the fuel quantity measuring device.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-57
General Functional Test
This Section tells you about the optional Emergency Do regular functional tests (See the Maintenance Practices
Location Transmitter (ELT) Artex ME 406. It also tells you in AMM chapter 25).
about the Remote Control Switch (RCS) for
the Artex ME 406.
Refer to the manufacturer's Operator’s Manual for more

A. ELT Equipment
The ME 406 is located in the rear fuselage, below the aft
baggage compartment. A velcro strap attached to a
mounting bracket holds the ME 406 in position. The ELT
antenna is mounted on a bracket in the aft fuselage, above
the ELT. A Remote Control Switch (RCS) is mounted on the
instrument panel, right side.

Signal Transmission
The ME 406 transmit signals automatically after a crash on
the emergency frequencies of 121.5 and 406.028 Megahertz
(MHz). Every 50 seconds the transmitter transmits a signal
on the 406.028 MHz frequency to a satellite. The signal to
the satellite contains the serial number of the ELT
transmitter or the airplane ID, a country code and a unique
identity code. The satellite will also give the emergency
services a more accurate location for the airplane.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-58

B. ELT Batteries Operation

The ELT has its own battery pack to supply electrical power. A. ELT
When the ELT is ON and transmitting the batteries will keep
the ELT transmitting until battery power is gone on The ELT has a switch with these two positions:
the 121.5 MHz frequency and for up to 24 hours on the
406.028 MHz frequency. - ON
It is important to monitor the battery expiry dates for the - OFF/ARM
battery pack. The expiry date for the battery pack is shown
on the identity plate for the transmitter. The ON position is for ground test. When the airplane is in
The battery pack must be replaced: use the switch must be in the ARM position.

- After use in an emergency. (a) Emergency Operation

- After the transmitter has been accidentally switched ON for If the airplane crashes, then the accelerometer senses the
an unknown period of time. crash. The accelerometer sets the transmitter to ON. The
- After 1 hour of accumulated use (testing). transmitter transmits the international distress frequency and
- On or before the battery pack expiry date. on 406.028 MHz . The battery in the ELT supplies power to
the transmitter. The battery can operate the ELT for at least
You must do regular functional tests. Refer to the 50 hours.
Maintenance Practices in Section 25 of the AMM.
(b) Test
If you switch the RCS to ON, then the following occurs:

- A LED flashes in the RCS and the ELT unit.

- If you set the radio to 121.5 MHz, you can hear the audio
sweep tone from the ELT.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-59

Remote Control Switch (RCS) Maintenance Practices

The RCS is installed on the right side of the instrument panel Section 25 of the AMM tells you how to remove and install
and has a red LED to indicate the activation of the ELT. the ELT and the RCS. It tells you how to test the ELT in the
When it is switched to ‘ON’ it does a test of the ELT. When airplane. It also tells you how replace the batteries in the
you switch it back to ‘ARM’ the switch stops the test of the ELT. This Section also gives you the periodic maintenance
ELT. The red LED flashes when you test the ELT. If a necessary to maintain the ELT equipment in a serviceable
problem has been detected the LED provides a coded signal condition.
following the initial 1 second pulse. See the ELT manufacturer's Operator’s Manual for more

WARNING: If the ELT is moved to a different airplane

than which it was original registered with, the ELT must
be re-registered and the product label re-marked to
indicate the new programming and/or new country of

CAUTION: Do not allow the test duration to exceed

5seconds. The ELT will transmit a 406.025 MHZ signal
after the satellite system considers this transmission to
be a valid distress signal.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-60

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-61

This Chapter tells you only about the fire extinguisher The only on-airplane maintenance is:
installed in the airplane. See the fire extinguisher
manufacturer’s manual for more data about the extinguisher. - Monitor the pressure indicator. It must show in the green
Note: Equipment which is certified for installation in the
DA40 NG is listed in Section 6.5 of the Airplane Flight - Make sure that the seal wire is not broken.
Manual. Such equipment may be installed in accordance - Make sure that the extinguisher is correctly held in the
with the Airplane Maintenance Manual. mounting.

Any equipment which is not listed in Section 6.5 of the If the seal wire is broken, remove the extinguisher for
Airplane Flight Manual is called “Additional Equipment”. reweighing. Weight data is given on the label attached to the
The installation of Additional Equipment is a extinguisher body.
modification which must be handled in accordance with
national regulations or a Service Bulletin. You must replace the extinguisher (or return it to the
manufacturer for repair):
The fire extinguisher is located behind the co-pilot’s seat. - When the weight is incorrect.
Screws attach the extinguisher mounting bracket to the
closing rib between the front and the rear main bulkhead. - When the pressure is too low.
The extinguisher uses a liquid gas which is non-toxic and
does not have a residue. - When the extinguisher has been used.

- If the extinguisher is damaged.

- At the ‘Next Overhaul Date’ that is given on the label

attached to the extinguisher body.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-62

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-63


DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-64

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-65
This Section tells you about the operation and the adjustment The DA 40 NG has a control stick for each pilot. The pilot
of the flight controls. It also tells you about the assembly of can set the elevator trim with a control wheel in the center
the flight controls. Refer to the related Section for the data on console.
a specified system.
Each pilot has a rudder pedal assembly. The assembly
This Section tells you how standard parts are used to make attaches to the cockpit floor. The pilot can adjust the position
the flight controls for each system. of the rudder pedals with an adjuster handle on the rudder
pedal assembly.
Note: Equipment which is certified for installation in the
DA40 NG is listed in Section 6.58 of the Airplane Flight The pilot moves each primary control through a system of
Manual. Such equipment may be installed in accordance push-rods and bellcranks. Cables operate the rudder. An
with the Airplane Maintenance Manual. electric actuator operates the flaps.

Any equipment which is not listed in Section 6.5 of the

Airplane Flight Manual is called “Additional Equipment”.
The installation of Additional Equipment is a
modification which must be handled in accordance with
national regulations or a Service Bulletin.

The DA 40 NG has the usual flight controls. An elevator
attached to the horizontal stabilizer gives longitudinal control.
Ailerons attached to the trailing edge of each wing give lateral
control. The rudder attached to the vertical stabilizer gives
yaw control. Flaps attached to the trailing edge of each wing
give extra lift for landing and for take-off.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-66

Push-rods WARNING: If you do an adjustment of a push-rod, you

The push-rods used in the DA 40 NG have standard end must make sure that the push-rod is still safety. If you do
fittings. Also most rods use a standard diameter tube. Only not do this, the push-rod can disconnect. This can cause
the length of the rods is special. Some rods have one fixed death or injury to persons.
fork end and one adjustable eye-end fitting. Other rods have
two adjustable eye-end fittings.

The rod has one adjustable end fitting. The end fitting has an
eye-end with a threaded shaft. The eye-end has a spherical
bearing. A jam-nut on the threaded shaft locks the eye-end
in position. A toothed washer locks the nut. You can turn the
eye-end to adjust the length of the rod.

A steel tube connects the end fittings. A threaded insert is

welded into the steel tube to take the eye-end. A safety hole
is drilled in the end of the steel tube with the adjustable end
fitting. The safety hole shows you if the installation of the
eye-end to the insert in the steel tube is correct. If you can
push the safety wire through the hole to the other side, the
eye-end installation is not correct. But, if you cannot push
the safety wire through the hole, the eye-end installation is
Control Rigging
A fixed fork-end is welded to the steel tube. The flight controls of the DA 40 NG have been designed to
make correct rigging as easy as possible. All levers and
Refer to Maintenance Practices in this Section for the bellcranks have holes for rigging pins. The rigging pins lock
procedures for adjusting push-rods. the levers in the neutral position.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-67
Ailerons and Tabs
General Short push-rods connect the aileron bellcranks to the aileron
The DA 40 NG has two control sticks that operate the horns. You can adjust the short push-rods to move the range
ailerons. The aileron control system uses push-rods and up or down.
The aileron stop which limits the stick movement to the right
Description side (right aileron up, left aileron down) is located left of the
The DA 40 NG has a control stick for each pilot for the pilot's control stick. The aileron stop which limits the stick
aileron and elevator controls. Aileron push-rods connect to movement to the left side (left aileron up, right aileron down)
the bottom of the control sticks. The push-rods connect to the is located right of the co-pilot's control stick. Each aileron
aileron front bellcrank at the control bulkhead. The front stop consists of a nut which is welded to the torque tube
bellcrank at the control bulkhead connects to a short push- assembly, a bolt which is held by that nut, and a jam-nut
rod under the center console. which secures the bolt.

The push-rod under the center console connects to an idler Additional, non-adjustable stops are located in front of the
lever attached to the front main bulkhead. leading edge of the LH and RH aileron.
A push-rod connects the idler lever to the rear aileron Each stop consists of a GFRP block with rubber coating,
bellcrank on the rear face of the rear main bulkhead. bonded to the inside of the upper wing skin.
When the aileron is deflected fully downward, the aileron
The rear bellcrank connects to the two push-rods in the paddle is deflected fully upward and contacts the stop.
center section. Each rod connects to a long push-rod in the

Each long push-rod has three push-rod guides. The first

push-rod guide attaches to the root rib. The second attaches
to the flap-control rib. A small rib holds the third push-rod
guide. The two long push-rods connect to the two aileron
bellcranks, one in each wing.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-68

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-69

Operation WARNING: When you do work on the airplane controls,

If you move the control sticks to the left: you must make sure the area around the controls/control
surfaces are clear of personnel and equipment. If you do
- The push-rods connected to the stick move to the right. not do this, injury to personnel and damage to control
- The front bellcrank moves the push-rod below the center surfaces can occur.
console to the rear.
- The push-rod below the center console moves the idler WARNING: When you complete work on the controls,
lever and second short push-rod to the rear. make sure that you remove all loose items or tools from
- The second short push-rod moves the rear bellcrank so that that area. Loose items or tools can prevent full
the long push-rods in the wing move to the left. movement of the airplane controls. This can cause death
- The left aileron bellcrank in the left wing moves the short or injury to persons.
push-rod attached to the left aileron horn to the rear.
- The left aileron moves up.
- The push-rod in the right wing also moves to the left. It pulls
the aileron bellcrank in the wing which moves the push-rod
attached to the right aileron horn forward.
- The right aileron moves down.

If you move the control sticks to the right:

- The left aileron moves down.
- The right aileron moves up.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-70

The DA 40 NG has the usual rudder control system. Each
pilot has a rudder pedal assembly. The pilot can adjust the
pedal position. Control cables connect the pedal assembly to
the rudder. A fixed trim tab gives a small amount of
adjustment to the rudder trim. You can only adjust the fixed
trim tab on the ground.

The DA 40 NG has a set of rudder control pedals for each
pilot. The pedal assembly can be adjusted.

The system has these parts:

A rudder pedal assembly for each pilot at the front of the
cockpit. The forward part of each pedal connects to a brake
master cylinder (refer to AMM Section 32-40).
An adjuster handle for each pilot, attached to the aft face of
the rudder pedal assembly.
A yoke ( “T” –shaped lever) assembly in the fuselage
below the center console. The yoke attaches to the bottom
of the control bulkhead and to the fuselage shell.
A rudder pedestal at the rear of the fuselage. The rudder
lower mounting-bracket is attached to the rudder leading
edge. It connects the rudder pedestal.
Cable assemblies.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-71

Six bolts attach each rudder pedal assembly to the cockpit Two cable assemblies ('fuselage cables') attach to the rear of
floor. the yoke. Each cable assembly has a short front cable and a
long rear cable. All cables go through Teflon tubes.
Each rudder pedal assembly has two pedals. Each pedal has
a lever and a foot pad. The pedal has an "S" shaped tube. A turnbuckle connects the front and rear cables. The
The lower part of the "S" shaped tube aligns with the pivot of turnbuckle can adjust the tension in the fuselage cables and
the pedal. The upper part of the "S" shaped tube aligns with the neutral position of the rudder. The two fuselage cables go
the foot pad of the pedal. through Teflon tubes in the rear fuselage. The cables attach
to the rudder lower mounting-bracket. The cables cross over
Four control cables ('cockpit cables') go from the firewall to each other in the rear fuselage.
enter the bottom of each "S" shaped tube. A multi-hole fitting
at the firewall gives adjustment for each cable. Each cable The rudder stop which limits the rudder deflection to the left
goes through an “S” shaped tube and comes out at the top. side is located left of the rudder lower hinge. The rudder stop
Each cable goes from the pedal assembly to the yoke. which limits the rudder deflection to the right side is located
right of the rudder lower hinge.
Each outboard control cable goes through a Teflon tube in
the aft face of the floor panel. Each outboard control cable Each rudder stop consists of a nut which is welded to the
goes inboard through a guide pulley on the control bulkhead. rudder lower mounting-bracket, a bolt which is held by that
The cables connect each outer pedal to the front arm of the nut, and a jam-nut which secures the bolt.

Each inboard control cable goes through a Teflon tube in the

aft face of the floor panel. The cables connect each inner
pedal to the side arms of the yoke.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-72

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-73

You can adjust the position of the rudder pedals. When you
Manual Adjustment
pull on the adjuster handle, the latch disengages from the
If you move the left rudder pedal forward:
bottom sledge tube. If you pull further, the pedal assembly
moves along the sledge tubes towards you. Release the
 The top of the “S” shaped tube moves forward.
handle, then push with your feet on both pedals. The latch
 The “S” shaped tube pull the left cockpit cable. will lock.

 The left cockpit cable moves the yoke counter-clockwise If you push with both feet while you pull the handle, the pedal
(seen from above). assembly moves along the sledge tubes away from you.
Release the handle, then push with your feet on both pedals.
 The yoke pulls the fuselage cable attached to its right arm The latch will lock.
forward. This cable connects to the left of the rudder.
When you adjust the position of the pedals, the control
 The fuselage cable moves the rudder to the left. cables move through the “S” shaped tubes.
 The rudder movement pulls the other fuselage cable aft.

 This cable connects to the left of the yoke.

 The fuselage cable moves aft with the left side of the yoke.

 The left side of the yoke pulls both of the right cockpit
cables aft. And the cables pull the “S” shaped tubes on the
right rudder pedals aft.

If you move the right rudder pedal forward each part moves
in the opposite sense. The rudder moves to the right and
pulls the left pedals aft.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-74

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-75
General The elevator stop for the upward movement consists of a
The DA 40 NG has the usual elevator control system. An bolt/bush assembly which is installed in the
elevator attached to the horizontal stabilizer gives longitudinal trim actuator mounting bracket in transverse direction. When
control. The two control sticks operate the elevator. the elevator is deflected fully upward, the forward extension
of the elevator horn is deflected fully downward and
Description contacts the stop.
Each pilot has a control stick that attaches to a torque tube
assembly. The torque tube assembly has a lever which You cannot adjust the elevator stops.
attaches to a short push-rod. The short push-rod connects to
an idler lever on the front main bulkhead. The idler lever Operation
connects to a long push-rod. If you move the control stick forward:

The long push-rod has three guide bearings. The baggage  The torque tube assembly turns.
frame, ring frame 1 and ring frame 2 have push-rod guides.  The lever below the torque tube assembly pushes the
Each guide has three rollers. short push-rod aft.
 The short push-rod pushes the long push-rod aft.
The long push-rod attaches to a bellcrank at the bottom of  The long push-rod pushes the bellcrank rearward.
the vertical stabilizer. The bellcrank attaches to a vertical  The bellcrank pushes the vertical push-rod up.
push-rod in the vertical stabilizer. The vertical push-rod  The vertical push-rod moves the elevator horn.
connects to the elevator horn.  The elevator moves down.

The elevator stop for the downward movement consists of a If you move the control stick aft:
GFRP block which is bonded to the inside of the upper skin
of the horizontal stabilizer. When the elevator is deflected  The torque tube assembly turns.
fully downward, the forward extension of the elevator horn is  The short and long push-rods move forward.
deflected fully upward and contacts the stop.  The bellcrank pulls the vertical push-rod down.
 The elevator moves up.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-76

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-77

Elevator Trim
General A small gear wheel attaches to the handwheel. The small
The DA 40 NG has an elevator with a trim tab. The trim tab is gear wheel engages with a large gear segment with internal
mechanically operated. This lets you trim the airplane for teeth. The gear segment has a pivot bolt at the bottom of the
different speeds and center-of-gravity positions. mounting frame.
A ball-stud attaches the eye-end of a long flexible cable to
A handwheel on the center console controls the elevator trim. the gear segment. An extension to the mounting frame to the
An indicator tells the pilot the trim setting. A flexible cable rear makes the anchor point for the outer sheath of the cable.
moves the trim tab.
The gear segment is also the trim indicator. The top face of
Description the segment has a white line across it mid way between the
The trim installation has 3 main parts: front and back. The top face can be seen through a slot in
the cover plate.
- A hand wheel assembly with a trim indicator. The sides of the cover plate have markings to show the trim
- A flexible cable which connects the hand wheel to the trim position.
- The trim tab actuator assembly.

A. Trim Hand wheel Assembly

A handwheel assembly on the center console controls the
elevator trim system. The assembly has a metal mounting
frame. The frame attaches to the rear of the engine control
assembly and the top of the control bulkhead.

A long bolt through the mounting frame carries the

handwheel. The bolt also holds friction disks, plain washers
and spring washers against the handwheel. Two jam-nuts let
you adjust the friction.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-78

B. Flexible Cable
A long flexible cable connects the trim handwheel assembly
to the trim tab. The cable goes through holes in the front and
rear main bulkheads, the baggage frame and each of the ring
frames. It goes up the front face of the front web of the
vertical stabilizer and through a slot near the top. It goes
through a large hole at the top of the rear web of the vertical
stabilizer to the trim tab actuator assembly.

The cable has an inner core with threaded end fittings.

Spherical end fittings at each end connect to the gear
segment and trim tab actuator assembly.

Clamp blocks hold the outer core to the mounting frame at

the front and a bracket from the horizontal stabilizer at the

C. Trim Tab Actuator Assembly

The trim tab is a one-piece GFRP molding. The tab has two
integral levers. Two cranked actuating levers attach to the
integral levers. The left cranked actuating lever connects to
the long flexible cable. The right actuating lever connects to a
friction damper.

The friction damper has a clamp-block with a hole for a rod.

The rod connects to the right actuating lever on the trim tab.
You can adjust the friction of the rod in the clamp block.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-79

When you move the top of the trim hand wheel forward,
these things happen:

 The small gear wheel moves the top of the gear segment
 The gear segment pulls the inner core of the flexible cable
 The inner core of the flexible cable pulls the left cranked
actuating lever forward.
 The left cranked actuating lever pulls the trim tab lever
forward to move the tab up.
 The up movement of the trim tab pushes the elevator down
in flight giving nose-down trim.

When you move the top of the hand wheel aft, the gear
segment moves aft, the cable moves aft and the trim tab
moves down. This pushes the elevator up and gives nose-up

In each case, the pilot can see trim position from the white
mark on the gear segment.

Emergency Operation
In the event of failure of the trim control system between the
hand wheel and the trim actuator lever, the friction damper
will prevent trim tab flutter.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-80

Stall Warning System

General Indicated high at the moment Classification
The DA40 NG has a simple mechanical stall warning system. When it begins whistling

Description and Operation 0 ft to 50 ft reject

The stall warning horn is located in the instrument panel. A 51 ft to 100 ft A
flexible hose connects the stall warning horn to a hole in the 101 ft to 150 ft B
leading edge of the left wing. When the angle of attack of the 151 ft to 200 ft C
wing is just less than the stall angel, the airflow through the 201 ft to 250 ft D
hole operates the horn. A ball-valve in the tube stops air and > 251 ft reject
water flowing from the outside into the cockpit through the
stall warning system.

Stall Warning Horn Classification Test

The stall warning horn is attached to a suction pump via an

adjustable valve. The pressure is measured with an altitude
indicator, indicating feet. The test starts with the suction
pump operating and the adjustable valve in the closed
position. The adjustable valve is opened slowly and as soon
the stall warning horn starts whistling, the indication on the
altitude indicator is read.
The altitude indicator reading classifies the tested stall
warning according to the table.

Note:If the result of the classification test does not match the
labeling on the stall warning horn, the horn must be replaced
by a stall warning horn classified in the same class.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-81
The DA40 NG has flaps for landing and take-off. An electric
flap actuator moves the flaps. See AMM chapter 57-50 for
data about the flap structure.

A three-position toggle switch controls the flaps. The switch

is in the center section of the instrument panel.

The flap position indicator has marks for UP, T/O an LDG

A. Flap Actuator
An electric actuator operates the flaps. The electric actuator
is under the left passenger seat. A mounting bracket on the
left rear closing rib attaches the actuator to the structure.

The electric actuator has an electric motor. The motor has a

reduction gear which turns a spindle. The spindle operates a
push-rod. The push-rod connects to an idler lever attached to
the rear main bulkhead.

A cam attached to the push-rod operates five micro-switches.

The micro-switches are part of the flaps electronic control

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-82

B. Push-rods and Bellcranks

The idler lever on the rear main bulkhead connects to two
push-rods. The two push-rods connect to the inboard ends of
long push-rods at the wing root ribs. The long push-rods
connect to the flap bellcranks in the wings. A guide bearing
holds each long rod at the root rib. Two short push-rods
attach to the flap horns.

C. Torsion Tube
A cranked torsion tube connects to the inboard end of each
flap. The torsion tube has two parts. Bolts attach the two
parts of the torsion tube to each other in the fuselage.

A transfer lever attaches to the outboard end of each part of

the torsion tube. The transfer lever has two transfer pins. The
transfer pins engage with bushes in the root rib of the flap.

If there is a failure of the flap mechanical system, the torsion

tube transfers movement from one flap to the other flap. It
makes sure that the flaps are synchronized.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-83

D. Flap Electrical Control

The main bus or, if installed, the essential bus supplies
power for the flaps. A circuit-breaker protects the circuit

The flap electrical control system uses solid-state electronics.

It has an electronic control unit and a switchboard. The
electronic control unit is located on the instrument panel. The
switch board attaches to the flap actuator.

The electronic control unit has a 3-position selector switch

and a flap position indicator. The selector switch can be set

- UP (fully up). 0° + 1°
- T/O (take-off). 20° + 2°
- LDG (landing). 42° + 1°

The flap position indicator has three light-emitting diodes.

The top diode lights when the flaps are in the UP position.
The middle diode lights when the flaps are in the T/O
position. The bottom diode lights when the flaps are in the
LDG position.

The switch board attaches to the body of the flap actuator.

The switch board has five micro switches. It also has a solid-
state logic circuit board.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-84

The logic circuits monitor the outputs from the selector switch
and the micro-switches on the switch board. They control
four power transistors. Two of the power transistors can
connect the power supply to the flap motor. The other two
can connect the motor to ground.

Two screws attach each micro-switch to the switch board.

You can adjust the position of the switch board with three
worm-drive clamps. The micro-switches have these

- Micro-switch 1 – UP position
- Micro-switch 2 – UP indication an T/O position moving
- Micro-switch 3 – T/O indication.
- Micro-switch 4 – LDG position
- Micro-switch 5 – LDG indication T/O position moving up.

Cable harnesses with multi-pin connectors connect the


DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-85

Operation Fail-Safe Operation

If you operate the flap selector switch these thing happen: The flap control system has these safety properties:

• The switch energizes the related logic circuit. • If the LDG position micro-switch fails closed the flap
actuator push-rod will continue to travel for about 5 mm (0.2
• The logic circuit switches on the related transistors to in.) until it reaches an internal stop. This prevents damage
supply power/ground to the flap motor. to the flaps. The FLAP circuit-breaker opens.
• The flap motor turns the reduction gear and spindle. This
moves the push-rod towards the new set position. • If the UP position micro-switch fails closed, the actuator
push-rod contracts the end of the actuator body after about
• The push-rod turns the idler lever around its axis. 5 mm (0.2 in.) of movement. This prevents damage to the
flaps. The FLAP circuit-breaker opens.
• The idler lever moves the push-rods in the fuselage and
the wings. • If three is a mechanical failure in the controls to one flap,
• The push-rods move the bellcranks in the left and right the torsion tube prevents asymmetric flap movement.

• The two short push-rods move the flaps.

When the flaps come to the set position:

• The cam on the flap actuator operates the related position

and indication micro-switches.

• The logic circuit switches off the related transistors to de

energize the motor.

• The flap position indicator shows the new flap position.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-86

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-87

This Chapter describes the DA 40 NG airplane fuel system. It Refer to these Sections of the AMM for more data on these
does not include the fuel system for the engine. systems:
For more data on the engine fuel system refer to the AE
Operation Manual, latest revision. -Section 28-10. Fuel storage
-Section 28-20. Fuel distribution
The DA 40 NG has a fuel tank in each wing. Two different -Section 28-40. Fuel quantity indication
tank versions are provided. The total usable fuel capacity of -Section 73-00. Engine fuel system
the fuel system is 28 US gal (106 liter) in case of the
standard tank and 39 US gal (148 liter) in case of the long
range tank.

One engine-mounted pump and one electrically driven fuel

pump (a second parallel electric fuel pump is installed) supply
fuel to the engine. A fuel filter provides protection to sensitive
components. An electric transfer pump moves fuel from the
right wing fuel tank (aux) to the left wing fuel tank (main) as

The pilot controls the fuel transfer system with a switch which
activates the electrically driven fuel transfer pump. A fuel
valve provides a backup system for fuel transfer and
emergency operation. A fuel quantity indicator shows the
quantity of fuel in the fuel tanks.

Fuel Transfer Switch

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-88

A. Standard Tank Configuration The fuel quantity system measures the probe capacitance. It
A tank located inboard in each wing holds the fuel. Each tank uses the value as an analogue of fuel quantity. The value for
has a fuel filler assembly and a vent connection at the each tank is shown on the MFD of the G1000.
outboard end. Small diameter flexible hoses connect the top
outer corners of the tank to the top of the fuel filler just below A fuel temperature sensor is installed in each fuel tank. The
the cap. Two short hoses connect to the fuel filler. One LH and RH fuel temperatures are indicated on the MFD of
is a bleed type check valve. The other is a capillar (RH tank) the G1000.
or a relief valve (LH tank). Each wing tank has an usable fuel
capacity of 14.0 US gal (53 liter). To cool down the hot return fuel a fuel cooler is installed in
the return line from the right tank to the left tank direct at the
Each tank has a fuel drain and a finger-filter at the right tank.
connection to the fuel feed line. The fuel feed outlet of the
right tank connects to the fuel valve and the transfer pump. Flexible hoses connect the fuel tanks in the wings to the fuel
The outlet from the transfer pump connects to the fuel return valve and electrically driven fuel pumps in the center
line of the left tank. fuselage. A gascolator attaches to the fuel valve. The
gascolator has a filter and a fuel drain valve. A flexible hose
Fuel level sensors and fuel quantity probes are installed in connects the gascolator to the electrically driven fuel pumps.
both fuel tanks. The right tank has a transfer pump shut-off A fuel line with a bypass valve is installed at the electrically
switch (low fuel sensor) located at the bottom inner corner. driven fuel pumps to keep the fuel pressure constant at the
The left tank has a transfer pump shut-off switch (high fuel high pressure fuel pump inlet.
sensor) located at the top outer corner. The left tank also
has a switch for the LOW FUEL caution light (low fuel One engine-mounted high pressure pump supplies the fuel to
sensor) located at the bottom inner corner. the engine fuel injection system. A return line from the engine
connects to the right wing tank. A loop of pipe inside the right
The fuel quantity probes go from the bottom inner corner of tank functions as a heat exchanger to cool the return fuel. A
each tank to the top outer corner. The fuel level changes the flexible hose connects the outlet of the loop via a fuel cooler
probe electrical properties. to the left tank.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-89

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-90

B. Long Range Tank Configuration There are also two small adapters at the top of the outer face
(if OÄM 40-130 installed) of the outboard fuel tank chamber for vent hoses.
The airplane has two fuel tanks. Each tank is made of two
fuel chambers: the inboard fuel chamber and the outboard On the left side one vent hose includes a pressure relief vent
fuel chamber. Both fuel chambers are interconnected. The to protect the tank against high pressure due to overfilling
fuel chambers are made of aluminum. Baffles in the tank during the fuel transfer. The other hose includes a check
prevent the fuel from moving quickly from one end of the valve to let the air enter the tank.
chamber to the other during flight.
On the right side one hose includes the check valve and one
Each wing tank has an usable capacity of 19.5 US gal hose includes a capillary. The right tank has two adapters
(74 liter). which connect to a pipe loop inside the tank. This is the
cooling loop.
The tanks have supports welded in the inboard face for the
fuel quantity probe, the low fuel sensor, and the fuel A fuel quantity probe attaches to the inboard end of each fuel
temperature sensor. tank. Refer to Section 28-40 of the AMM for more data on the
fuel quantity indication system. Two ribs hold each fuel tank
A finger filter at the tank outlet prevents debris from entering chamber in position. Padded rubber strips go between the
the fuel system. A drain valve is located in the lower surface fuel tank chamber and each rib. The filler cap is attached to
of the tank. You can use the drain valve to defuel the fuel the upper skin of the wing with eight screws. It holds the tank
tank and for doing fuel contamination tests. assembly in position in spanwise direction.

The outer face of the inboard fuel tank chamber is connected

to the inner face of the outboard fuel tank chamber. The fuel
filler opening is integrated into the outboard fuel tank
chamber. A smaller adapter on the left tank inboard fuel
chamber holds a high fuel sensor.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-91

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-92

Operation B. Fuel Transfer

A. Normal Operation As the engine uses fuel, the fuel level in the left tank
Fuel flows through the finger filter of the left tank to the fuel decreases. The fuel level in the right tank does not change.
valve. From the valve it flows through the gascolator. The To balance the tank contents, the electric transfer pump
gascolator functions also as a water separator. From there moves fuel from the right tank to the left tank. It is operated
the fuel flows to the electrically driven fuel pumps and fuel through a switch (marked FUEL XFER ³) on the left of the
filter to the engine. instrument panel.
The high fuel sensor in the left tank outer top corner
The fuel pumps always supply more fuel than the fuel automatically switches off the fuel transfer pump when the
injection system can use. The residual fuel fuel level is high in the left tank. The low fuel sensor in the
flows back though the cooling loop in the right fuel tank. Heat right tank inner bottom corner automatically switches off the
transfers from the return fuel to the cold fuel in the right tank. fuel transfer pump when the fuel level is low in the right tank.
The return fuel flows from the cooling loop to the left tank via
an additional fuel cooler. C. Emergency Operation
In an emergency (for example, the transfer pump fails) you
This process keeps the fuel warm in both tanks when the can set the fuel valve to connect the right tank transfer line to
airplane operates in cold conditions. the fuel supply line. This is the EMERGENCY setting. The
engine takes fuel from the right tank. However, the return fuel
As the engine uses fuel, the fuel level in the left tank still flows through the cooling loop to the left tank.
decreases. A vent system allows to equalize tank and As fuel is used from the right tank, the level of fuel in the left
outside pressure. This prevents the tank pressure from tank will increase.
decreasing to less than atmospheric pressure, and allows the
fuel pumps to continue to take fuel from the tank.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-93
D. Shut-off Valve Function
During the usual operation, the shut-off function of the fuel
valve is used only to isolate the fuel system when the engine
is not operating. In an emergency, the shut-off valve function
is used to stop all fuel flow to the engine.
Gascolator - Drain Valve
E. Refueling
Add fuel to the system through the fuel fillers on top of each
wing. Fuel flows down the large filler tube to the related tank.
Air in the tank can escape back past the fuel. As the tank
becomes full, the air can also escape through the hoses
between the tank and the fuel filler.

F. Fuel Drains
You can use the fuel drain valve in each tank and the drain
valve in the gascolator (pull to drain) to defuel the airplane.
Also use it to drain a small quantity of fuel to test for water or
other contamination. Push the bottom part of the valve at the
fuel tanks up to release fuel. A spring inside the valve closes
it automatically. The gascolator drain has to be pulled down
to release fuel.

Fuel Drain Valve

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-94

General A. Standard Tank Description

A. Standard Tank Configuration The airplane has two fuel tanks. Each tank has a usable
This Section describes the following components of the fuel capacity of 14 US gal (53 liter). The tanks are located in the
storage system for the DA 40 NG airplane: inner part of each wing.

- Fuel tanks. Each tank is a welded aluminum structure. Baffles in the tank
- Fuel filler assembly. prevent the fuel from moving quickly from one end of the tank
- Fuel tank vents. to the other during flight. The tank has supports welded in the
inboard face for the fuel quantity probe, the low fuel sensor,
and the fuel temperature sensor.
B. Long Range Tank Configuration
(if OÄM-40-130 installed) Other welded installations provide connection points for
This Section describes the following components of the long hoses. A finger filter at the tank outlet prevents debris from
range tank fuel storage system for the DA 40 NG airplane: entering the fuel system.

- Inboard fuel tank chamber. A drain valve is located in the lower surface of the tank. You
- Outboard fuel tank chamber. can use the drain valve to defuel the fuel tank and for doing
- Fuel tank vents. fuel contamination tests. The outer face of the tank has a
large adapter for the fuel filler assembly. A smaller adapter
A finger filter at the tank outlet prevents debris from entering on the left tank holds a high fuel sensor.
the fuel system. A drain valve is located in the lower surface
of the tank. You can use the drain valve to defuel the fuel There are also two small adapters at the top of the outer face
tank and for doing fuel contamination tests. for vent hoses.

The right tank has two adapters which connect to a pipe loop
inside the tank. This is the cooling loop.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-95

A fuel quantity probe attaches to the inboard end of each fuel A finger filter at the tank outlet prevents debris from entering
tank. Refer to Section 28-40 of the AMM for more data on the the fuel system. A drain valve is located in the lower surface
fuel quantity indication system. of the tank. You can use the drain valve to defuel the fuel
Two ribs hold each fuel tank assembly in position. Padded tank and for doing fuel contamination tests.
rubber strips go between the tank and each rib. The filler cap
is attached to the upper skin of the wing with eight screws. It The outer face of the inboard fuel tank chamber has a large
holds the tank assembly in position in spanwise direction. adapter for the outboard fuel tank chamber. A smaller
adapter on the left tank holds a high fuel sensor. There are
B. Long Range Tank Description (if OÄM-40-130 also two small adapters at the top of the outer face for vent
installed) hoses.
The airplane has two long range fuel tanks. Each tank has a
usable capacity of 19.5 US gal (74 liter). Each wing tank The right tank has two adapters which connect to a pipe loop
consists of two tank chambers. inside the tank. This is the cooling loop.

Each tank chamber is a welded aluminum structure. Baffles A fuel quantity probe attaches to the inboard end of each fuel
in the chamber prevent the fuel from moving quickly from one tank. Refer to Section 28-40 of the AMM for more data on the
end of the tank to the other during flight. The inboard fuel fuel quantity indication system.
tank chamber has supports welded in the inboard face for the
fuel quantity probe, the low fuel sensor, and the fuel Two ribs hold each fuel tank chamber in position. Padded
temperature sensor. Other welded installations provide rubber strips go between the fuel tank chamber and each rib.
connection points for hoses. The filler cap is attached to the upper skin of the wing with
eight screws. It holds the tank assembly in position in
spanwise direction.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-96

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-97

Fuel Filler Assembly

It is a welded tubular aluminum component, approximately 75 A second short flexible hose connects to the other outer
mm (3 in) in diameter. The outboard end has a flange that adapter on the fuel filler flange. It has a restrictor (right wing)
attaches to the top skin of the wing. It also has slots that or relief valve (left wing) in it. It connects to an adapter in the
engage the fuel filler cap. outer fuel tank access panel at the bottom surface of the
The filler cap has a locking lever. You pull the locking lever
up and turn the filler cap counter-clockwise to release it. You Bonding strips connect the tank to the fuel filler assembly
turn the cap clockwise to install it and push down the locking and the airplane bonding system.
lever to lock it. The area just below the flange has four
adapters for the vent system hoses. For the long range tank installation the fuel filler assembly
function is identical to the standard tank. The two vent lines
Note: If the filler cap operates too easily, then it can be connect in the long range tank configuration directly to the
leaky. Leaking fuel can cause the paint finish to become outer fuel tank chamber and the filler assembly is integral
yellow. part of the outer fuel tank chamber.

A short flexible coupling attaches the fuel filler assembly to

the outer face of the fuel tank. Two worm drive clamps at
each end hold the flexible coupling to the tank and the fuel
filler assembly. Two small diameter flexible hoses connect
the vent adapters at the top of the tank to the two inboard
adapters on the fuel filler flange.

A bleed type check valve is screwed into one of the two outer
adapters on the filler flange. A short flexible hose connects
the bleed type check valve to an adapter in the outer fuel
tank access panel at the bottom surface of the wing.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-98

Fuel Distribution System

General Description
This Section describes the fuel distribution system of the DA A flexible fuel hose connects the left wing fuel tank to the fuel
40 NG airplane. The fuel distribution system supplies fuel valve. The fuel valve is located in the center fuselage, below
from the fuel tanks to the engine. The following components the cockpit floor. The fuel valve connects to the gascolator.
are part of the fuel distribution system:
Flexible hoses connect the outlet of the gascolator to the fuel
- Flexible fuel hoses. pump assy with the bypass loop. The outlet of the bypass
- Fuel valve. valve is connected to the bulkhead fitting via a flexible fuel
- Fuel gascolator with filter. line. A fuel line with fire sleeve connects then the fuel filter to
- Electric fuel transfer pump. the engine driven fuel pump.
- Electrically driven fuel pumps with bypass valve.
- Fuel cooler and check valve. The fuel return line from the engine is routed through the
firewall and connects to a check valve in the fuselage. From
there a fuel line connects to the cooling loop inlet of the right
wing tank. The cooling loop outlet from the right tank leads to
the fuel cooler and then via the return line to the return inlet
of the left fuel tank.

A flexible hose connects the right wing tank outlet to a

T-fitting which is attached to the emergency inlet of the fuel
valve. A flexible hose from the T-fitting connects to a check
valve and further to the inlet of the fuel transfer pump.
Another flexible hose leads from the outlet of the fuel transfer
pump to a T-fitting in the fuel return line.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-99

Fuel System Components

A. Flexible Hoses C. Fuel Gascolator and Filter
The fuel system uses (synthetic) flexible hoses. The flexible The gascolator connects to the fuel valve and is equipped
fuel lines firewall forward are equipped with integral fire- with a fuel filter and a fuel drain. The filter can be removed
protection sleeves. for cleaning/replacement. Use the fuel drain to drain the fuel
distribution system and to drain fuel to test for fuel
Only approved and pressure tested hoses are suitable for contamination.
the DA 40 NG fuel system.
D. Fuel Transfer Pump
B. Fuel Valve The fuel transfer pump is located in the LH wing stub
The fuel valve is located below the cockpit floor. It is a three- between the wing spars. Electrical power is supplied from
way valve. A shaft connects the valve to a control lever the main electrical bus.
which is located in the center console of the cockpit, aft of
the engine control assembly. The FUEL XFER ³ switch in the lower left side of the
instrument panel controls the fuel transfer pump. A 10
To move the control lever you must lift a safety lock on top Ampère circuit-breaker protects the fuel transfer pump
of the lever while you turn the control lever. electrical system.

If the control lever is set to NORMAL only the left wing tank The pump is a high-pressure rotary pump.
will supply fuel.
E. Fuel Cooler
If the control lever is set to EMERGENCY then only the right The fuel cooler is located in the RH wing stub between the
wing tank will supply fuel. wing spars. It is accessible through the RH main landing
gear cover on the bottom side of the RH wing stub.
If the control lever is set to OFF then fuel will not be supplied
from the tanks. The fuel return line incorporates a check valve which is
located in the RH wing stub upstream of the auxiliary fuel
tank cooling loop.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-100

Fuel Transfer System Operation

In the usual operation, fuel flows from the left tank, through
the fuel valve to the engine. Return fuel from the engine
passes through the cooling loop in the right tank and then
into the left tank.
If the FUEL XFER ³ switch is set to ON, the transfer pump
moves fuel from the right tank to the left tank until either:

 The fuel transfer pump shut-off switch (high fuel sensor) in

the left tank senses that the left tank is full. This shuts the
pump OFF.

The fuel transfer pump shut-off switch (low fuel sensor) in

the right tank senses that the fuel tank is empty. This shuts
the pump OFF.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-101
Fuel Quantity Indicating
This Section describes the fuel quantity indicating system of
the DA 40 NG. Refer to Section 28-00 of the AMM for
the general data on the fuel system.
Refer to Section 31-10 of the AMM for data on replacing the
fuel quantity indicator.

A. Standard Tank Configuration
The fuel quantity indication system is part of the engine
indicating system.

The fuel tank in each wing has a fuel probe with a Teflon
sleeve on the outboard end. The fuel quantity indicating
system cannot be calibrated in service.

Electric cables connect the fuel probes to the engine

indicating system. The system displays the fuel quantity.
Electric cables also connect the low fuel sensor in the left
tank to a low fuel caution light in the annunciator panel.

B. Long Range Tank Configuration

(if OÄM-40-130 installed)
In the DA 40 NG long range tank the fuel quantity indication
is the same as in the standard tank. The fuel probe is
installed in the inboard fuel tank chamber. This fuel probe
measures a fuel quantity of maximum 14 US gal (53 liter),
which is the maximum quantity of indicated fuel.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-102

A. Standard Tank Configuration
As the fuel level in the fuel tanks decreases, the area of the
fuel probe which is “wetted” with fuel will also decrease. The
amount of "wetted" area is converted into an electrical signal
which sets the fuel quantity reading at the fuel quantity
indicator. The fuel quantity indicator displays the quantity
of fuel in the left fuel tank and the right fuel tank. The fuel
quantity indicator is shown on the MFD of the G1000. The
display shows the fuel quantity in US gallons. The maximum
indicated fuel quantity is 14 US gal (53 liter) per tank.

The low fuel sensor in the left tank operates a caution light
on the annunciator panel. When the fuel level in the left tank
falls below 3 US gal (+2/-1 US gal) the caution light comes

B. Long Range Tank Configuration

(if OÄM-40-130 installed)
The total useable fuel quantity is 19.5 US gal (73.8 liter) per
tank. The indicated fuel quantity is 14 US gal (53 liter) per
tank. Thus the remaining 5.5 US gal (20.8 liter) per tank are
not indicated on the MFD of the G1000.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-103


DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-104

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-105

This Chapter tells you about the indicating systems installed
in the airplane. Refer to these AMM Sections for the related

31-10 The instrument and control panels for the DA 40 NG

31-40 The integrated cockpit system.

The DA 40 NG has these indicating systems:

- An instrument panel. The instrument panel is made in

several pieces with a shelf. The shelf goes between the
panel and the firewall.

- A control panel in the center console. This panel has the

engine controls, fuel controls, cabin heat control levers,
parking brake and trim. It has a forward part and an aft part.

- Integrated cockpit system (ICS). The airplane has an

integrated cockpit system with 2 displays which give the
airplane flight and navigation displays, engine instrument
displays and airplane systems indications. The ICS has
“softkeys” on the display screens for the option of selecting
which indications will be displayed on the screen.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-106

Instrument and Control Panel

The DA 40 NG has these instrument and control panels:

- An instrument panel. The instrument panel is made in

several pieces with a shelf. The shelf goes between the
panel and the instrument panel frame.

- A control panel in the center console. This panel has a

forward cover and an aft cover. The forward cover has the
cabin heat control levers, parking brake lever and rudder
trim control. The aft cover has the engine controls and fuel
transfer/shut-off valve.

Instrument Panel Description

Several pieces of aluminum alloy make the instrument panel.
The panel has a vertical face with instruments and a
horizontal 'shelf' with electrical components. The shelf goes
between the firewall and the vertical face of the panel.

The DA 40 NG has an integrated cockpit system (ICS). The

ICS has two large LCD display screens which are located in
the instrument panel.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-107

These two display screens can digitally display all of the

flight, navigation and airplane system data. An audio control
panel is located between the display screens. The audio
control panel integrates with the ICS and is used to control all
of the airplane radio and navigation audio systems. Refer to
Section 31-40 of the AMM for more data about the ICS.

An airspeed indicator, artificial horizon, altimeter and

magnetic compass are located along the top of the
instrument panel. These instrument provide the basic data
required to fly the airplane in the event of a power failure and
the loss of the ICS. The artificial horizon is a gyroscopic
instrument that can be powered from an emergency power
pack. An emergency switch is located near the artificial
horizon and has a guard installed to prevent accidental

The circuit-breakers for the electrical systems are all located

on the right side of the instrument panel.

The electrical system bus-bars are directly connected to the

rear of the circuit-breakers.

The shelf part of the instrument panel holds relays, junction

blocks, connectors and ground studs.

The instrument panel has a cover attached by screws.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-108

Center Console Description

The engine control assembly holds the parking brake and
heating controls. It also holds the engine power lever.

The engine control assembly has two aluminum alloy side

plates. Four brackets attach to the sideplates with rivets. The
front bracket has holes to anchor the outer sheaths of the
brake and heat control cables.

The top bracket has two anchor-nuts. Bolts engage the

anchor nuts to attach the engine control assembly to the top
of the floor panel.

The center bracket has two anchor nuts for the control cover
plates. The rear bracket attaches to the
elevator trim control assembly.

There are no user-maintainable parts in the engine control

assembly structure.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-109

Central Computers

The DA 40 NG has a Garmin G1000 Integrated Cockpit
System (ICS). The ICS integrates all the usual flight, avionic
and airframe system indications into one system. The system
displays the data on two display screens located in the
instrument panel. An audio control panel is located between
the two display screens. The audio control panel integrates
and controls the airplane radio, navigation and
intercom systems.

Electrical power is supplied to the ICS control and display

screens when the ELECTRIC MASTER key switch is set to
ON. Power is supplied to the audio control panel when the
AVIONIC MASTER switch is set to ON.

During normal operation the left display screen is referred to

as the primary flight display (PFD) and the right display
screen as the multi function display (MFD). Either display can
be used as PFD or MFD. If one display fails the remaining
screen can be switched to the reversionary mode.
Reversionary mode is a mode of operation in which both the
PFD and MFD are identically configured to display all of the
important flight parameters in the event of display failure.

For more detailed data about the ICS refer to the G1000
Cockpit Reference Guide for the DA 40 NG Airplane.
DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-110

A. Primary Flight Display (PFD)
The PFD is a 10.4” liquid crystal display. Bezels on the left
and right side of the PFD have the controls for the ICS. The
lower edge of the PFD has ‘soft keys’. The function of the
soft keys relates to the on-screen display and the display will
show the function from the key.

The PFD shows the basic primary flight display plus a

number of additional options that can selected manually.
Some other indications will be generated automatically for
example, alert captions.

The left side bezel has these controls:

• NAV Vol/Sq knob. This controls the NAV audio level. Press
the knob to toggle the ident filter OFF /ON.

• NAV Frequency Transfer Key. Press this key to make the

standby NAV frequency the active frequency.

• NAV Knob. This control has a large outer knob and a

smaller inner knob. Rotate these knobs to select the NAV
frequency. Rotate the large outer knob to select the MHz
and the inner knob to select the KHz. Pressing the smaller
inner knob will toggle the tuning cursor between the NAV1
and NAV2 frequency display.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-111

• HDG knob. You can manually select the heading with this
control. Pressing this knob will cause a heading window to
momentarily appear to the left of the heading indicator. This
window will show the airplane heading in a digital display
and the heading bug will align with the compass lubber line.

• ALT SEL knob. Sets the selected altitude in the window

over the altimeter tape display. The large outer knob sets
the thousands indication and the inner knob sets the
hundreds indication.

The right side bezel has these controls:

• COM VOL/SQ knob. Controls the COM audio level. Press

the knob to toggle the COM automatic squelch ON/OFF.

• COM Frequency Transfer Key. Press this key momentarily

to make the standby COM frequency active. Press and
hold this key to automatically make the emergency
frequency (125.5 MHz) the standby frequency.

• COM knob. This control has a large outer knob and a

smaller inner knob. Rotate these knobs to select the COM
frequency. Rotate the large outer knob to select the MHz
and the inner knob to select the KHz. Pressing the smaller
inner knob will toggle the tuning cursor between the COM 1
and COM 2 frequency display. CRS/BARO knob. This
control has a large outer knob and a small inner knob. The
outer knob sets the barometric pressure. The inner knob
sets the airplane course.
DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-112

• RANGE/PAN JOYSTICK knob. Rotate the knob to

increase/decrease the map scale. Use the knob as a
joystick to pan the map display.

• DIRECT TO Key. Press this key to activate the direct-o

function. This will give the direct course to a waypoint
selected from the active route or to a position indicated by
the map cursor.

• MENU Key. Press the key to display the menu. The menu
displays the options associated with the currently displayed

• FPL Key. Press this key to display the active flight plan
page. You can create or edit an existing flight plan using
the bezel controls and soft keys when this page is

• PROC Key. Press this key to display the procedures page.

If this page is used with a selected flight plan then the
procedures page will display the data associated with the
flight plan. If the page is not used with a flight plan then an
airfield and its related procedures can be selected from a

• CLR Key. Press this key to cancel an entry or delete

information. Press and hold this key to immediately display
the Default Navigation Map Page.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-113

• Secure Digital (SD) Cards: Secure digital cards can be

inserted into the slots in the right side bezel. These card
can contain data such as updated GPS navigation charts or
special-to-type airplane check-lists. The PFD window
displays the usual primary flight instruments in a standard
‘T’ configuration.

• ENT Key. Press to accept a menu selection or data entry.

Use this key to approve an operation or to complete a data

• FMS Knobs. Use these concentric knobs select the page to

be displayed. The outer large knob selects a page group
and the inner knob selects a specific page from within the
selected page group. Press the inner knob to activates an
on-screen cursor. When the cursor is activated the outer
knob can be used to move the cursor on the page and the
small inner knob can used to scroll the cursor through an
item or menu selected by the outer knob.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-114

The basic flight instrument are:

• Attitude Indicator (Artificial Horizon). The attitude indicator
is located in the center of the PFD, at the top. The attitude
indicator shows the pitch, roll and yaw situation of the
airplane. If the attitude indicator fails the display marks the
pitch attitude display area with a red ‘X’ and yellow text
spelling out ‘ATTITUDE FAIL’.

• Airspeed Indicator (ASI). The airspeed indicator is on the

left side of the display and indicates the airspeed on a
rolling number gauge using a moving tape. The airspeed
indicator also displays speed ranges for different airplane
configurations, airspeed trends and ‘V’ speeds. If the
airspeed indicator fails the display marks the airspeed
display area with a red ‘X’ and yellow text spelling out

• TAS. True airspeed is digitally displayed in a small window

below the airspeed indicator.

• Altimeter. The altimeter is located at the top right of the

PFD. The altimeter displays the airplane altitude in feet on
a rolling number gauge using a moving tape. The altimeter
also shows a altitude ‘bug’ at the selected altitude or the
edge of the tape, whichever is closest to the current
altitude If the altitude indicator fails the display marks the
tape display area with a red ‘X’ and yellow text spelling out

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-115

• Vertical Speed Indicator (VS). The vertical speed indicator

is located to the right of the altitude indicator. The indicator
displays the airplane vertical speed in feet/min. A numeric
pointer moves vertically up/down a fixed tape. The vertical
speed indication is also shown digitally on the pointer. A
negative sign is shown on the pointer to indicate negative
vertical speeds (airplane descending). If the VSI fails the
display marks the tape display area with a red ‘X’ and
yellow text spelling out ‘VERT SPEED FAIL’.

• Barometric Pressure Indicator. The barometric pressure

indicator is located immediately below the altitude indicator.
The indicator shows the barometric pressure that has been
set in either inches of mercury (Hg) or hectopascal number

• Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI). The HSI is located in

the center of the PFD at the bottom. The HSI displays a
rotating circular compass with heading markings.

The HSI shows the following information:

- Heading information. The heading is shown digitally in a

window at the top of the rotating compass.

- Turn Rate Indicator. A turn rate indicator is located

between the digital heading widow and the rotating

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-116

- Vertical Deviation (Glide slope) Indicator. The glide slope

indicator is located to the left of the vertical speed indicator.

- Corse Deviation Indicator (CDI). The CDI is a line with an

arrowhead that points to the airplane heading on the
rotating compass. The line can slide left or right of the
center marking to show the deviation of the actual course
being flown to the required course. Course data can be
supplied from the airplane VOR, LOC or GPS system. If
the heading data is invalid the digital heading display
window is marked with a red cross and yellow text spelling

- Alerts Window. The alerts window is located on the lower

right side of the PFD. This widow opens when an alert is
activated or when the WARNIGNS soft key is operated.

- NAV MAP. The NAV MAP window is located in the lower

left of the PFD. The window is activated by pressing the
INSET soft key and when activated shows a pictorial view
of the airplane on a moving map.

- Warnings and Cautions Window. The warnings and

cautions window is located above the alerts window. This
window opens when a warning or caution is activated or if
the WARNING soft key is operated.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-117

- Small windows in the top left corner of the PFD show

active and standby NAV frequencies. Small widows in the
top right of the PFD show active and standby COM
frequencies. A larger window in the top of the PFD flight
planning data when activated.

- A small widow in the bottom left of the PFD shows the

outside air temperature (OAT). A small windows on the
bottom right of the PFD shows the transponder settings
and operational state. Another small window in the right
bottom corner of the PFD shows a digital clock.

- A set of labels along the very bottom of the PFD identify

the function of the soft keys for the current page being
displayed on the PFD.

- The PFD has a self-monitoring system. If the self

monitoring system detects a fault the PDF enters
reversionary mode. In the reversionary mode the PDF is
configured to display the flight instrument symbology and
the basic engine parameter Monitoring indications. The
PFD reversionary mode can also be entered by pressing
selector is located on the bottom of the audio control panel.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-118

B. Multi-Function Display (MFD)

The MFD is a 10.4” liquid crystal display. Bezels on the left
and right side of the MFD have the controls for the ICS. The
lower edge of the MFD has ‘soft keys’. The function of the
soft keys relates to the on-screen display and if a key has a
function related to the current display the display will show
the function of the key.

The MFD displays engine and airplane pages on the left slide
of the screen. The remainder of the screen is used to display
navigational pages. The bezels on the left and right side of
the MFD have the same controls and functions as the bezels
on the PFD.

The MFD has these displays:

 Engine Instrument System Window (EIS). The engine

indication system window is on the left side of the MFD
displays a full-time dedicated display of these engine

• Engine Load. The engine load indicator is at the top of the

window. The engine loads are displayed as a percentage.
A Pointer show the engine load. If the system fails the
´ display shows a red cross.

• Engine RPM. The engine RPM indicator is located below

the engine load indicator. A Pointer show the engine rpm.
If the system fails the display shows a red cross.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-119

• Oil Temperature. The engine oil temperature is shown

blow the fuel flow indication. A pointer above a horizontal
range bar shows the engine oil temperature. The range bar
is color coded yellow at the cool end of the range bar, then
green to show the normal operating range and yellow in the
high range. The pointer moves from left to right to indicate
the temperature of the engine oil.

• Oil Pressure. The engine oil pressure indication is shown

below the engine oil temperature indication. A pointer
above a range bar indicates the oil pressure. The range bar
is color coded red/yellow at the low pressure (left) end of
the range bar, green to show the normal operating range,
yellow in the cautionary range and red in the high range.
The pointer moves from left to right to indicate the oil

• Coolant Temperature. The coolant temperature indication

is shown below the engine oil pressure indication. A pointer
above a range bar indicates the coolant temperature. The
range bar is color coded red/yellow at the low temperature
(left) end of the range bar, green to show the normal
operating range, yellow in the cautionary range and red in
the high range. The pointer moves from left to right to
indicate the coolant temperature.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-120

• Fuel Temperature. The fuel temperature indication is

located below the coolant temperature indication. Pointers
above and below a range bar indicate the fuel temperature.
The range bar is color coded red/yellow at the low
temperature (left) end of the range bar, green to show the
normal operating range, yellow in the cautionary range and
red in the high range. The pointers move from left to right to
indicate the fuel temperature. The pointer above the range
bar indicates the temperature of the fuel in the left fuel tank
and the pointer below the range bar indicates the
temperature of the fuel in the right fuel tank.

• Fuel Quantity. The fuel quantity indication is located at the

bottom of the EIS. Pointers above and below a range bar
indicate the fuel quantities. The pointers move from left
(low) to right (full) to indicate the fuel quantity. The pointer
above the range bar indicates the quantity of fuel in the left
fuel tank and the pointer below the range bar indicates the
quantity of fuel in the right fuel tank.

From this page you can use soft keys to enter data for the
fuel system. Refer to the Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference
Guide for more data about entering data into the ICS.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-121

• Volts. The Essential Bus voltage is displayed below

the RPM indicator. A pointer above a horizontal range bar
shows the Essential Bus voltage. The horizontal range bar
is color coded. The green central section of the bar
indicates that the voltage is within limits. The red section at
the left end of the range bar indicates too low a voltage. The
red section at the right end of the range bar indicates too
high a voltage. Above the range bar is a window displaying
the Essential Bus voltage digitally.

• Amps. The generator load is shown by an indicator located

below the Volts indicator. A pointer above a horizontal
range bar shows the generator load. The range bar is color
code, green in the normal load range and then red at the
high end of the range. The range bar is also marked
numerically at the 0 and 120 Amp indications. The pointer
moves from left to right to show the load on the generator. A
small window above the range bar shows the generator load

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-122

• Engine Gearbox Temperature. Below the Amps indication

is the engine gearbox temperature indication. A pointer
above a horizontal range bar shows the gearbox
temperature. The rang bar is color coded, green in the
normal temperature range, yellow in the caution range and
then red at the high end of the range. The pointer moves
from left to right to show the temperature of the gearbox. A
small window above the range bar shows the gearbox
temperature digitally. If the system fails the display shows a
red cross in place of the indications for the failed system.

• Coolant Temperature. Below the engine gearbox

temperature indication is the engine coolant temperature
indication. A small widow shows the engine coolant
temperature digitally. If the system fails a red cross is
displayed in place of the digital indication for the failed
• Oil Temperature. Below the engine coolant temperature
indication is the engine oil temperature indication. A small
window shows the engine oil temperature digitally. If the
system fails a red cross is displayed in place of the digital
indication for the failed system.

• Oil Pressure. Below the engine oil temperature indication is

the engine oil pressure indication. A small window shows
the engine oil pressure digitally. If the system fails a red
cross is displayed in place of the digital indication for the
failed system.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-123

Pressing the FUEL soft key at the bottom of the MFD will
change the display to the FUEL page in the EIS panel. The
display will now give the following indications:

• Fuel Flow. Below the engine load and RPM indications is

the fuel flow indication. A small window shows the engine
fuel flow digitally. If the system fails a red cross is displayed
in place of the digital indication for the failed system.

• Total time in service

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-124

C. GMA 1347 Audio Control Panel

The GMA 1347 audio control panel is located in the airplane
instrument panel between the two display screens. The audio
control panel integrates the NAV/COM digital audio, intercom
system and marker beacon controls. Manual display
reversion is also controlled from the GMA 1347. The GMA
1347 communicates with both IAUs using RS-232 digital

D. GIA 63 Integrated Avionics Unit (IAU)

The ICS has two GIA 63 IAUs. The two IAUs are identical
and independent. They are both installed in the avionics rack
in the rear fuselage, just aft of the rear baggage frame. The
IAU processes all the data that is displayed on the cockpit
display. Either IAU can supply data to either cockpit display.
You cannot service the IAU.

E. GTX 33 Transponder
The GTX 33 transponder is a solid state Mode-S
transponder. The transponder provides modes A, C and S
functions. The unit is operated directly through the PFD in the
cockpit. The transponder is linked to both IAUs via RS-232
digital interface. The transponder is installed in the in the
avionics rack in the rear fuselage, just aft of the rear baggage

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-125

F. GRS 77 Attitude, Heading and Reference Unit (AHRS)

The GRS 77 provides airplane attitude and related flight data
to the cockpit displays. The GRS 77 receives data from the
air data computer, the GMU 44 magnetometer and GPS
signals from the GIA 63. The GRS communicates with both
the GIA 63s and the cockpit displays via ARINC 429
digital interface. The GRS 77 is located next to the avionics
rack in the rear fuselage, just aft of the rear baggage frame.

G. GDC 74A Air data Computer (ADC)

The ADC receives data from the Pitot/static system and an
OAT sensor. The ADC uses this data to provide pressure
altitude, airspeed, vertical speed and outside air temperature
data to the G1000 system. The ADC communicates with the
GIA 63s, GDU 1040 display screens and the GRS 77
using ARINC 429 digital interface. Software and configuration
data is received through RS-232 digital interface with the GIA
63s. The ADC is located on the instrument panel shelf.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-126

H. GEA 71. I. GMU 44 Magnetometer

The GEA 71 is a microprocessor based unit that receives The magnetometer senses magnetic field information. Data
and processes signals from airframe and engine sensors. is sent to the GRS77 ARHS for processing. The
The GEA 71 communicates directly with both IAUs using RS magnetometer receives power form the GRS 77 and
485 digital interface. communicates with the GRS 77 using RS-485 digital
The GEA 71 is located on the instrument panel shelf. interface. The magnetometer is located in the right outer wing
and can accessed through a panel in the lower surface of the

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-127


DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-128

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-129

The DA 40 NG has a fixed tricycle landing gear and a castor The landing gear absorbs vertical loads (for example,
nose wheel. This Section gives you the general description landing loads). Each main gear strut is a leaf-spring which
and operation of the landing gear. See Section 32 of the deflects upwards as the load increases. The elastomer pack
AMM for Trouble-Shooting and Maintenance Practices for in the nose gear compresses as the load increases. In each
the landing gear. case, the spring returns to the original position when the
load is removed.
Description and Operation
Flat section steel leaf-springs make the main gear struts. Push on both toe-brake pedals at the same time to apply
Two mountings attach each main gear strut to the center both disk brakes. The airplane will stop in a straight line.
section of the fuselage. The bottom of each strut has an
axle, a brake torque plate and a mounting plate for the Push on one toe-brake pedal to apply the disk brake on that
GFRP wheel fairing. side only. The airplane will steer to that side.

The nose gear is a tubular strut. A strong pivot attaches it to Move the parking brake lever fully up. Then push on both
the forward fuselage. An elastomer spring pack (elastomer toe-brake pedals a few times to apply the parking brake.
pack) attaches the strut to the engine mount. A pivot at the Move the parking brake lever fully down to release the
bottom of the strut has a trailing fork for the wheel. It also parking brake.
holds the GFRP wheel fairing.

Both nose and main gear have single wheels with low
pressure tires. Each main gear strut has a disk brake. Toe-
brake pedals on the rudder pedals operate the disk brakes.
A parking brake valve allows the brakes to be set ON for

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-130

Main Landing Gear

Description and Operation

Each main gear strut is a steel alloy leaf spring. Two
strong mounts attach each spring to the center section of the
fuselage. Small panels with flexible centers seal the gaps
where each strut goes through the fuselage shell.

The inner mount is a large vertical bolt. The bolt goes

through a metal block which attaches to the center closing
rib of the fuselage center section. Spring washers separate
the top face of the spring from the block. A convex and a
concave washer separate the bottom face of the spring from
a castle nut. The castle-nut pre-loads the spring washers.

The outer mount has two parts. The upper part locates on
top of the main strut and the lower retaining bar locates
below the main strut. Two bolts attach the assembly to the
main landing gear rib. The main landing gear rib is bonded
into the fuselage center section. Reinforced synthetic rubber
inserts go between the leaf spring and the retaining bar to
prevent chafing damage and allow angular movement
of the leaf spring in the mount.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-131

Six bolts at the outer end of each strut attach

these components:

- An axle, made from steel or aluminum

- A brake torque-plate.
- A mounting plate for the GFRP wheel fairing.

When the airplane is on the ground, the inner end of the leaf
spring pulls down on the inner mounting. The outer end
pushes up against the outer mounting. When the airplane is
flying, the inner end of the leaf spring pushes up on the inner
mounting. And the outer end pulls down against the retaining
bar of the outer mounting.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-132
Nose Landing Gear

Description and Operation

The DA 40 NG has a fixed nose landing gear with
a castor wheel. The nose landing gear strut is a welded
tubular-steel component. The aft upper end has a transverse
tube which holds the main attachment journal bearings.
These journal bearings allow the strut to move only up and

Forward and below the attachment bearing is a welded

bracket which holds the bottom of an elastomeric spring pack
(elastomer pack). The upper end of the elastomer pack
attaches to the engine mount.

The forward bottom end of the nose landing gear strut has a
near vertical pivot for the nose-wheel fork. This lets the nose
wheel castor. Stops limit the castor movement to ±30°.

When the airplane is on the ground, the elastomer pack

pushes up against the engine mount. The journal bearings
pull down against the front fuselage. When the airplane is
flying, the elastomer pack pulls down against the engine
mount. And the journal bearing pushes up against the front

The journal bearings in the fuselage keep the nose landing

gear strut aligned fore and aft. A side load on the nose wheel
causes it to castor. The stiffness (steering friction) of the
nose-wheel fork pivot can be adjusted with the nose wheel
fork mounting screw. This prevents nose wheel shimmy.
DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-133

Wheels and Brakes

Description and Operation

Main Wheel
The main wheel hub has two aluminum alloy halves. Three
bolts hold the two halves together. The bolts also hold a
brake disk to the inner half of the hub.

The wheel has a tire with an inner tube. Snap rings hold
tapered roller bearings and grease seals in each half of the
hub. You can remove the bearings for maintenance. The
outer half of the hub has a hole for the valve stem.

Nose Wheel
The nose wheel has a similar construction to the main wheel
with tapered bearings.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-134

Wheels and Brakes

Brake System
The DA 40 NG has two separate brake systems. The pilot’s
and co-pilot’s left toe brake pedals operate the left system.
They supply pressure to the left brake caliper. The right toe
brake pedals operate the right brake system and
supply pressure to the right caliper.

Each system has a brake fluid reservoir. The reservoir

attaches to the master cylinder on the co-pilot’s rudder
pedal. The outlet from the master cylinder on the co-pilot’s
rudder pedal connects to the inlet of the master cylinder
on the pilot’s pedals. The outlet from the master cylinder on
the pilot’s rudder pedal connects to the parking brake valve.
The parking brake valve connects to the brake caliper.

The parking brake valve is located on the bottom flange of

the control bulkhead. It contains two valves which can seal
the brake pressure into the calipers. This keeps the brakes
ON. The pressure will reduce in time and the brakes will
slowly release. A serviceable parking-brake valve will keep
the brakes on for more than 1 day.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-135

Co-Pilot’s Brake Operation

When you press on the co-pilot’s right brake pedal these
things happen:
- The connection to the reservoir is cut off by the initial
- Further movement pushes fluid past the piston on the
pilot’s master cylinder.
- The fluid flows through the parking-brake valve to the right
brake caliper.
- The fluid pushes the piston and the pressure plate against
the brake disk.
- The reaction force on the caliper pulls the back-plate
against the brake disk.
- The right brake is applied.

In the same way, when you press on the co-pilot’s left brake
pedal, the left brake is applied.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-136

Pilot’s Brake Operation Parking Brake Operation

When you press on the pilot’s right brake pedal, these things To apply the parking brake:
• Press on both pedals.
• The connection from the co-pilot’s master cylinder is cut off • Move the parking brake lever to LOCK (fully up).
by the initial movement. (Note: Any hydraulic pressure • Release your foot pressure on the pedals.
from the co-pilot’s master cylinder pushes on the back • If necessary, pump the brake pedals.
of the piston in the pilot’s master cylinder. This
increases the brake pressure). To release the parking brake, move the lever to RELEASE
• The fluid flows through the parking brake valve to the right (fully up).
brake caliper.
• The fluid pushes the piston and the pressure plate against
the brake disk.
• The reaction force on the caliper pulls the back plate
against the brake disk.
• The right brake is applied.

In the same way, when you press on the pilot’s left brake
pedal, the left brake is applied.

Note: If one side of the system fails, one or both pilots

can loose braking on that side. For example, a leak in
the pipe between the co-pilot’s and the pilot’s right
master cylinder will cause a right brake failure for the
co-pilot. The pilot’s right brake will operate correctly. If
the leak is between the pilot’s right master cylinder and
the right brake caliper, both pilots will have right brake

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-137


DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-138

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-139
The DA40 has these exterior lights in one light unit at
each wing-tip:
This Chapter tells you about the cockpit and the exterior
lighting of the DA 40 NG. AMM Section 33-10 tells you about - Left and right position lights. The front part of the light unit
the flight compartment lighting and AMM Section 33-40 tells has a red (left) or green (right) lens. The light can be seen
you about the exterior lighting. from the front and the side.
- Rear position lights. The aft part of each wing-tip light unit
Description has a clear lens. The lights can be seen from the rear only.
The DA40 NG has these flight compartment lights: - Strobe Light. The middle part of each wing-tip light unit has
a clear lens. The filament gives a high-intensity flash. The
- Reading lights. strobe light can be seen from all directions. A separate
- Instrument lights. power unit for each strobe light is mounted in the wing-tip.
- Instrument panel flood light.
The DA40 has these exterior lights in one housing in the
Some avionics equipment has internal lighting. Refer to the outer leading edge of the left wing:
related Section and the equipment manufacturers handbooks
for the equipment in your airplane. Combined ON/OFF and - Landing light. It is located inboard in the housing. The
dimmer switches for the instrument panel flood lights and the landing light has a clear lens and a 35 Watt filament.
internal instrument lights are located in the Instrument panel,
top left. - Taxi light. It is located outboard in the housing. The taxi
light has an optic lens and a 35 Watt filament.

The switches for all the exterior lights are located in the
instrument panel, lower left.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-140

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-141
Lights – Flight Compartment
General B. Instrument Panel Flood Lighting
This Section tells you about the flight compartment lighting A 115 V AC foil type light strip makes the instrument flood
on the DA40 NG. Refer to AMM chapter 92 for the wiring light. The intensity of the light is controlled by a dimmer
diagrams. switch located on the left side of the instrument panel. Turn
the dimmer switch fully counter-clockwise to turn the flood
Description light off. Turn the dimmer switch clockwise to turn
The DA40 NG has these flight compartment lighting the flood light on and to set the level of lighting that you
systems: require. The light strip is held in place under the anti-glare
panel with double sided tape. A solid state inverter supplies
- Reading lights. the 115 V AC current.
- Instrument panel flood lighting. The system is protected by a circuit-breaker located on the
- Instrument lights. right side of the instrument panel.

A. Reading Lights
Reading lights are located in the roof of the cockpit. The two
lights at the front are directed towards the pilots' seats and
the light at the rear is directed towards the passenger seat.
Each reading light assembly has an integral switch and a
directional beam. The system is protected by a circuit-
breaker located on the right side of the instrument panel.
C. Instrument Lighting
The instrument lighting is controlled by a dimmer switch
mounted on the left side of the instrument panel. Turn the
dimmer switch fully counter-clockwise to turn the instrument
lights off. Turn the dimmer switch clockwise to turn the
instrument lights on and to set the level of lighting that you
require. The system is protected by a circuit-breaker located
on the right side of the instrument panel.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-142
Exterior Lights
The DA 40 NG has three exterior lights in one light unit at The power unit generates an electrical impulse of about 600
each wing-tip. It also has landing and taxi lights in a housing volts. The pulse ionizes the gas in the strobe light filament
in the leading edge of the left wing. which causes a bright flash. A second less powerful flash
occurs immediately after the main pulse.
A. Position Lights
The DA 40 NG has left and right position lights. The front
part of the light unit has a red (left) lens or green (right) lens.
The light can be seen from the front or the side of the

The light unit also has rear position lights. The aft part of
each light unit has a clear lens. The light can be seen from
the rear of the airplane only.

A switch on the left instrument panel controls the position

lights and the system is protected by a circuit-breaker.

B. Strobe Light (Anti Collision Light – ACL)

The middle part of each light unit has a clear lens for a
strobe light. The filament gives a high intensity flash. This is
followed immediately by a less-bright flash. The double
flashes occur about 50 times per minute. The strobe lights
can be seen from all round the airplane.
A separate power unit for each strobe light is mounted in the
wing tip. A switch on the left instrument panel controls both
the strobe lights and the system is protected by a circuit-

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-143

C. Landing Light
The landing light is located in a housing in the leading edge
of the left wing. The landing light has a clear lens and a 35
Watt filament. It is located inboard in the housing. A switch
on the left instrument panel controls the light and a circuit-
breaker protects the system.

D. Taxi Light
The taxi light is located in a housing in the leading edge of
the left wing. The landing light has an optic lens and a 35
Watt filament. It is located outboard in the housing. A switch
in the left instrument panel controls the light and a circuit-
breaker protects the system.

WARNING:Do not operate the Landing/Taxi Lights when

persons are close to the airplane and do not look at the
light when it operates. Strobe, Taxi and Landing Lights
can cause eye damage.

WARNING:After you set the power to off, make sure that

you wait a minimum of five minutes before you remove
the Landing/Taxi Light cover or attempt to work on any
part of the lightning system. The power supplies to
these components generate high voltage. High voltage
can cause death or injury.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-144

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-145

General Description
This Chapter tells you about the navigation systems in the A. Flight Environment Data
airplane. It only tells you about the installation in the The DA 40 NG has the usual flight environment data
airplane. Refer to the equipment manufacturers' manuals for systems. It has a Pitot system. The Pitot system has a Pitot
more data about the equipment and refer to the Wiring probe located under the left wing. The Pitot probe has an
Diagrams in the AMM Chapter 92 for more data about the electric heater. The heater is controlled by a switch on the
electrical wiring for the navigation system. left side of the instrument panel, at the bottom. Flexible
plastic hoses connect the Pitot probe to the airplane
The DA 40 NG can have these navigation systems. Refer to instruments. The static probe of the Pitot system is not used
these AMM Sections for data about the systems: in this installation.
The airplane has a static system. The normal static vents
Section 34-10 Flight Environment Data (Pitot-static, OAT, are located on the rear fuselage. An alternate static vent is
flight instrument). located in the cockpit, under the instrument panel, on the left
Section 34-20 Attitude and Direction (magnetic compass, side. The pilot opens the alternate static vent by turning a
artificial horizon). valve on the vent.
Section 34-30 Landing and Taxiing Aids (localizer, The Pitot system and the static system connect to these
glideslope, marker beacon receiver). flight instruments and systems:
Section 34-40 Independent Position Determining - Altimeter
- Airspeed Indicator (ASI)
Section 34-50 Dependent Positioning Determining - Garmin G1000 integrated cockpit system.
(VOR/LOC/GS, ADF, DME, transponder,
GPS). The DA 40 NG also has an electronic outside air
temperature (OAT) indicator. The indicator is integral with
the ICS. Refer to Section 31-40 for more data about the ICS.
The probe for the OAT is located on the right side of the
fuselage aft at the co-pilot's step.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-146
B. Attitude and Direction
The DA 40 NG has a magnetic compass mounted in the E. Dependent Positioning Determining
instrument panel, on the right side, at the top. The airplane is The DA 40 NG has these dependent position determing
also equipped with an attitude gyro (artificial horizon) systems that are integral with the ICS:
mounted at the top of the instrument panel, centrally
arranged. - VOR/LOC.
- Global positioning system (GPS).
C. Landing and Taxiing Aids - Transponder.
The DA 40 NG has a localizer system which is part of the - DME.
ICS. Refer to Section 31-40 of the AMM for more data about - ADF.
the landing and taxiing aids which are part of the ICS. - Marker beacon receiver.

D. Independent Positioning Determining Refer to Section 31-40 of AMM for more data about the
The DA 40 NG can have the following system: integrated cockpit system.

- Stormscope system, consisting of stormscope processor

and stormscope antenna.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-147

Flight Environment Data

General Both Pitot and static hoses have a water trap at the lowest
This Section tells you about the Pitot-static system and the part of the hose-run. T-pieces divide the hose into two-runs.
OAT sensor. It does not tell you about the OAT indication. The top run goes directly to the instruments. The bottom run
The OAT indication is integral with the ICS. forms a sump before re-joining the top-run at a tee-piece.

Pitot-Static System
The Pitot-static system supplies Pitot pressure and static
pressure to the air data instruments.

A Pitot probe mounted below the left wing senses Pitot

pressure. The static ports on the rear
fuselage sense the static pressure. The probe has a heater
element to prevent icing. A switch on the instrument panel
controls the Pitot heat. A circuit-breaker protects the system.

Flexible hoses connect the Pitot-static probe to the air data

instruments. Pitot hoses are green and static hoses are
blue/purple. Push-fit plastic connectors make the connections
in the flexible hoses.

T-pieces make junctions in the hoses.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-148

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-149

Attitude and Direction

General Description and Operation
This Section tells you about the attitude and direction A. Magnetic Compass
systems with the Garmin G1000 system installed. The main The magnetic compass shows the heading of the airplane
attitude and direction systems are integral with the Integrated related to magnetic north. Fluid in the compass bowl gives
Cockpit System (ICS). damping. Each graduation of the compass is 5°.
Refer to AMM Section 31-40 for more data about the ICS.
A compass deviation card is located next to the compass on
The DA 40 NG has the usual magnetic compass. The the instrument panel. You must do a test for the correct
magnetic compass is installed in the instrument panel at the operation of the compass (compass swing).
top, on the right-hand side. There is also an artificial horizon
installed in the instrument panel at the top, arranged - After replacing a major component.
centrally. - After replacing the compass.
- After a major modification to the airplane.
- After a lightning strike has been reported.
- If the airplane has been parked for more than 90 days.

CAUTION: Use only non-magnetic tools to adjust the


DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-150

B. Attitude Gyro (Artificial Horizon)

The artificial horizon is an electrically-powered gyroscopic
instrument. It operates when the essential bus is powered
and the HORIZON circuit-breaker is closed. It can also
receive power from the emergency battery, see AMM Section
24-32. A warning flag drops into view to indicate that the
gyro motor is not receiving sufficient power to operate.

The artificial horizon incorporates a moving display that

simulates the earth's horizon and provides the pilot with a
real time visual indication of the airplane pitch and roll
attitude relative to the indicator symbolic airplane. The
instrument can function as a primary or standby indicator.

The attitude gyro incorporates pitch and roll displays that are
mechanically linked to a spinning mass gyroscope. The
horizon bar moves behind the symbolic airplane. Precession
error is corrected by the internal erection system or by pulling
the PULL TO CAGE knob.

The artificial horizon employs an efficient electrically driven

internal vertical gyroscope assembly incorporating a special
air erection mechanism. This mechanism simultaneously
erects the pitch and roll axes of the gyroscope. Movement of
the airplane generates a reaction of the display that
simulates the visual reference seen by the pilot when looking
outside at the earth's true horizon line.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-151

Attitude & Direction with the G1000 System

Artificial Horizon Magnetic Compass

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-152

Landing and Taxiing Aids

This Section tells you about the landing and taxiing aids of
the DA 40 NG.
Refer to the equipment manufacturer’s manuals for more
data about other options of landing and taxiing aids.

The DA 40 NG has the following landing and taxiing aids:

- A marker beacon receiver which is part of the G1000

integrated avionics system.
- A glideslope system which is part of the G1000 integrated
avionics system.
- A localizer system which is part of the G1000 integrated
avionics system.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-153

Independent Positioning Determining A. Stormscope Processor

General The stormscope processor is tray mounted and is located
This Section tells you about the independent position under the passengers' seat.
determining system that can be installed in the DA 40 NG:.
The AVIONICS BUS power to the stormscope system. The
AMM Section 34-41. Stormscope system. ELECTRIC MASTER key switch and the AVIONIC MASTER
switch must be set to ON to supply power through the
Stormscope System WX-500 circuit breaker to the stormscope system.

1. General The processor houses the lightning data acquisition circuitry

This Section tells you about the stormscope system that can as well as the circuitry necessary to process heading
be installed in the DA 40 NG. Refer to the manufacturer´s information and communicate with the G1000 system. All
manual for more data about the equipment. WX-500 functions are controlled through the MFD of the
G1000 system.
The stormscope system consists of the following items:
B. Stormscope Antenna
- Stormscope processor. The NY-163 stormscope antenna is located on the horizontal
- Stormscope antenna. stabilizer. The antenna is a combined cross-loop and sense
antenna. The antenna is sealed against environmental
2. Description and Operation extremes and is non-repairable.
The WX-500 is a passive sensor that listens for
electromagnetic signals with a receiving antenna. The
antenna detects intra-cloud, inter-cloud, or cloud-to-ground
electrical discharges within a 200 nm radius of the airplane
and sends the resulting 'discharge signals' to the processor.
The processor digitizes, analyzes, and converts the
discharge signals into range and bearing data. This
information is stored in the storm buffer.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-154
Dependent Position Determining
General - Transponder.
The DA 40 NG has an integrated cockpit system (ICS). The - DME.
ICS has all the usual dependent position determining - GPS (x2).
systems. Refer to AMM Section 31-40 for more data about - ADF.
the dependent positioning determining systems that are - Marker.
integral with the ICS. This Section tells you how to replace -VOR.
the antennas for the dependent position determining
systems. Flexible co-axial cables connect the antennas to their related
equipment. You can replace the co-axial cables. The VOR
Description antenna is integral with the horizontal stabilizer and you can
The DA 40 NG has these dependent position determining not replace the VOR antenna. The other antennas are all
systems and antennas: attached to the surface of the airplane and can be replaced.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-155


DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Airframe Systems C-156


ATA-chapter 52 / DOORS
ATA-chapter 53 / FUSELAGE
ATA-chapter 55 / STABILIZERS
ATA-chapter 56 / WINDOWS
ATA-chapter 57 / WINGS

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-01

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-02
The DA40 NG is a single-engine, low-wing monoplane of The shear web has GFRP skins and a rigid from cor. Glass
composite construction. It has a ‘T’ tail and a fixed tricycle cloth fillets attach the spar caps to the shear web.
landing gear with a nose wheel that can caster.
A rear web closes the trailing edge of the wing. An end rib
The DA40 NG fuselage has a semi-monocoque structure. closed the outboard end of the wing. A removable GFRP tip
Two glass fiber reinforced plastic (GFRP) half-shells make attaches to the wing shells and outer rib with screws.
the fuselage skin. The fuselage shells have many layers of
glass cloth. Rigid foam inserts give stiffness to the fuselage The flaps and ailerons have top and bottom shells. Each
shells where necessary. All of the main structural shell has mixture of CFRP and GFRP cloth. The shells have
components are GFRP rigid moldings. Many layers of glass rigid foam cores and bond together.
cloth bond together to make each molding. Some
components have layers of carbon fiber cloth to give more The horizontal stabilizer has top and bottom shells. Each
strength and stiffness. shell. Has GFRP skins. The horizontal stabilizer has a front
spar and a rear spar. Three pairs of ribs give strength to the
The DA40 NG has a cantilever wing. The wing has top and center area. The elevator has top and bottom shells. Each
bottom shells. It has front and rear spars and a root rib made shell has GFRP skins with a rigid foam core.
in three parts. Each shell has a carbon fiber reinforced plastic
(CFRP) outer skin, a rigid foam core and a GFRP inner skin. The rudder has left and right shells. Each shell has GFRP
skins with a rigid foam core. The shells bond together at a
The vertical stabilizer is part of the fuselage. The aft part of flange.
the left and right fuselage shells make the left and right shells
of the vertical stabilizer. The canopy is a CFRP molding with inner and outer frames
which bond together. The canopy has a large one-piece
Each wing has two I-section spars. The front spar on one acrylic glass window. The passenger door is a CFRP
side is the same as the rear spar on the opposite side. Many molding with inner and outer frames. The frames bond
layers of uni-direcitonal carbon fiber make the spar caps. The together. The door has an acrylic glass window.
number of layers in the spar caps decrease from root to tip.
Each spar has a shear web. A polyurethane paint finish protects the outside skin of the
airplane from ultraviolet rays and humidity.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-03

Types of Structure Laminated Components

The DA40 NG is constructed from 2 main types of composite A laminated component has 2 or more layers of
structure. glass/carbon cloth. The direction of the fibers in the cloth
give the properties for each layer. Extra layers are bonded to
A. Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic (GFRP) areas to gibe more strength.
GFRP is very thin glass fibers bonded together by resin. The
glass fibers give most of the strength and the resin maintains Sandwich Structure
the shape. The resin also bonds to other structural Many of the components in the DA40 NG have a sandwich
components such as metal attachment brackets or metal of 2 skins and a core. GFRP or CFRP make the skins and
bushings. rigid plastic foam makes the core.
The glass fibers are woven to make glass cloth. The
The skins must bond to the core of a sandwich structure
orientation and weave of the glass in the cloth affects the
completely. If the skins do not bond to the core the
structural strength of the cloth. A component can have many
component can fail.
layers of cloth bonded together with resin. This is called
Bonded Components
GFRP has very good properties. It is strong and flexible. It is A number of components can bond together to make a
very resistant to chemical attack and very little maintenance larger component. Special thick resin bonds these
is necessary. components together and fills the gap in a joint.
These thick resin is called “Bonding Paste” and have to be
B. Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic (CFRP) mixed as follows:
CFRP is very thin carbon fibers bonded together by resin.
The carbon gives most of the strength and the resin
maintains the shape. The resin also bonds to other structural
components such as metal attachment brackets or metal

CFRP is very similar to GFRP. The main advantage of CFRP

is that it is stronger and more rigid than GFRP.
DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-04
Repair Limitations
Repair which are categorized as ‘Class 1’ in accordance with B. Class 2
Section 51-10, Paragraph 2, may only be carried out in Holes and cracks passing through both skins of a sandwich
accordance with a repair scheme which has been approved construction component. The core damage must be able to
by the manufacturer. Such repairs are not described in the be covered by a 75 mm (3 inches) diameter circle.
Airplane Maintenance Manual.
C. Class 3
Investigation Small holes or cracks in the outer skin where there is no
General internal damage to the component, the sandwich material, or
This Section tells you how to assess the class of the the inner skin.
damage. It also tells you how to inspect glass fiber reinforced
plastic (GFRP) and carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) D. Class 4
composite structures. Damage assessment and repairs must Minor scratches, abrasions or similar damage which is not a
be carried out by approved persons. crack or a puncture in the skin.

Damage Classification
Damage is divided into the classes described below. In
doubtful cases (i.e., if you are not sure about the
classification of a damage), you must contact the airplane

A. Class 1
- Major structural damage that requires the partial replacing
of a structural component, or
- damage to a large area, or
- damage to a highly stressed component or part.

This type of damage restricts or voids airworthiness.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-05

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-06

Types of Damage
There are 2 basic types of hidden failure in composite

• Disbonding.
• Delamination.

Disbonding is the failure of a bond between 2 components.

For example between the fuselage skin and a fuselage
frame. Or between a composite component and a metal
component. Or between a composite skin and a sandwich
core material.

Delamination is the failure of the bond between layers of

glass/carbon cloth in a component.

There are also 2 main types of cracks:

• Micro cracks which occur in the surface of the

• Major cracks with broken fibers. Major cracks
do not occur with normal flight loads or normal
landing loads. You must repair major cracks.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-07

Inspection Techniques
A. Examine Visually B. Light Test
Use this method to find all types of damage to composites. Use the light test to find delamination. Use this test on
Use a bright light to examine visually the inside of a components which do not have rigid foam inside.
component. GFRP must be green or brown. If the GFRP has
white areas, then it may be damaged. Look specially at areas CAUTION: Do not let the composite get hot. Heat can
where components bond to the GFRP. cause damage to the composite.

CFRP must be black or black/brown. If the CFRP has white Point a very bright light at the surface and look at the other
areas, then it may be damaged. Look specially at areas side of the surface. Damage shows as a dark area. You can
where components bond to the CFRP. point the light from the inside of a component or from the
Look carefully at the outer surface of a component. If the outside of a component.
paint has cracks or bubbles, then the composite may be
damaged. Refer to Paragraph 5 in this Section. Note: You can use the light test on thick GFRP but it is
difficult to use on CFRP.
Also look for dents. Look specially in areas where stones can
hit the airplane below the fuselage and the wings. Look
specially in the areas of the walkways.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-08

C. Coin Tap Test

Use the coin tap test to find delamination and disbonding.
Tap a coin on the laminate surface in the area you will test.
The sound of the coin tapping on the surface of the laminate
will change as you move the coin over damaged laminate.

Look specially at the area around the damage for secondary

damage, which can remain undetected.

Light Test

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-09

Further Inspection
If you find paint damage when you examine a composite
structure then do this further inspection.

Find a way to see the inside of a structure or a component. If

necessary, remove panels (or other components), or you can
use remote viewing equipment. For example, remove the
wing tip assembly to see inside the wing. If you can see
damage inside the component or structure you must do a

Remove the paint coat in the area that you think is damaged.
Remove the paint coat carefully, you must not damage the
cloth under the paint coat.

Look carefully at the surface. If you find cracks in the

composite you must repair the structure.

If you do not find cracks in the composite then do this test.

Push the middle of the area to be tested with your thumb. If
you can feel the skin hitting the core of a sandwich (or other
layer/component), then the skin is disbonded and you must
repair the structure.

In some cases you must cut inspection holes in the structure Damage to the paint
to do the test correctly. If you must cut inspection holes you
must seek advice from Diamond Aircraft Industries.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-10
Repair Processes
General WARNING: You must weigh and balance a control
This Section tells you how to repair composite structures. surface after repair or painting. Failure to balance a
Repairs must be carried out by approved persons. Refer to control surface may cause the airplane to fail in flight.
AMM chapter 51-00 for data about the types of structures,
the classification of damage, inspection techniques and for Drain/Vent Holes
data about approved repair materials. You must keep all drain and vent holes in the structure of the
DA40 NG open. If you close a drain or vent hole doing a
Center of Gravity Limits repair you must make a new hole in the same position.
When you repair an airplane, you can change the weight of
the airplane. If you change the weight of an airplane, you can Holding the Component
change the center of gravity. The further the distance of a You must hold a component in the correct position when you
repair from the enter of gravity, the greater the effect will be do a repair. If you do not hold a component correctly it may
on the center of gravity. You must always weigh the airplane move when you do the repair and cause further damage. It
after a large repair and calculate the center of gravity. Refer can also change the airplane alignment.
to AMM section 08-10 for data about weighing the airplane.
Hold the component in a special device (jig/fixture) before
Control Surface Balancing you cut the repair area. If necessary, lift the airplane on
When you repair a control surface it becomes heavier. Make jacks and level the airplane. Refer to AMM section 07-10 for
an estimate of the new weight of the control surface after data about jacking and AMM section 08-20 for data about
before you do a repair. If the control surface will be too heavy leveling the airplane.
then do not repair it. You must install a new item.
Safety Precautions
When you repair a control surface and/or apply a new paint Most resins can cause skin disease. When you use
coat you must weigh and balance the control surface. Refer resin/hardener use a protective barrier cream on your hands
to AMM chapter 06 for data about weights and balance. and exposed skin. You must always wear plastic gloves.
AMM section 51-60 tells you how to balance a control
surface. WARNING: Do not get resin on your skin. Resin can
cause skin disease.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-11

The resins, hardeners and solvents used for composite Workshop Conditions
repairs are poisonous. You must not take food into the work Keep the workshop clean and free from dust. Remove
area. Use a mask to protect your face and use eye- grinding dust as it occurs. The working area must not be
protection. affected by draughts.

WARNING: Do not get resins, hardeners or solvents in The temperature of the workshop should be maintained
your mouth or in your eyes. These chemicals can cause between 18 °C (65 °F) and 27 °C (77 °F) and must not fall
disease. below 15 °C (59 °F). The relative humidity during mixing,
applying or curing or resins must not be allowed to rise
When you grind composites you make small particles of above 80 %.
composite dust. These particles can irritate the skin and
eyes. If you breathe these composite particles, they can Maintain the workshop temperature as near to 25 °C (77 °F)
cause lung disease. as possible during curing.

When you grind composite you must always use a protective

cream on our hands and on all exposed skin. Wear overalls
which seal at the wrists, neck and ankles. You must always
wear gloves and if necessary, change them often. Use a
suitable mask to protect your face and lungs. Always wear
safety goggles to protect your eyes.

If your skin comes into contact with composite dust, then

wash it off with flowing water. Do not rub your skin while it
has dust on it.

WARNING: Do not get composite dust particles in your

eyes, or in your mouth, or on your skin. These particles
can cause disease.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-12

Maintenance Practices -Zone 1. No registration markings or warning markings

General may be applied here, except for the placards in
These Maintenance Practices tell you about composite accordance with AMM Section 11-20.
repair processes.
-Zone 1a. This zone has the same restrictions as Zone 1,
Refer to Section 51-20 for more Information about except that registration marks may be applied
Maintenance Practices. here which comply with the restrictions of
Zone 2.
Exterior Paint
-Zone 2. Registration markings and warning markings
A. Paint Color Scheme may be applied here. They may be any shape
and color, provided that the average
CAUTION: You must paint the airplane to the Paint absorption coefficient of each area measuring
Color Scheme. If you do not paint the airplane to the 200 mm by 200 mm (8 in by 8 in) does not
Paint Color Scheme, you may cause damage to the exceed 0.5. Examples which meet this
airplane structure. criterion are:
Registration markings and warning markings of any shape,
Since full strength of the fiber composite structure has only provided that colors with a solar absorptivity not exceeding
been shown up to a temperature of 54 °C (129 °F), the 0.5 (e.g. light yellow or light green) are used.
outer surface of the airplane must be painted white in Registration markings and warning markings of any color,
accordance with AMM Chapter 04 . provided that no area measuring 200 mm by 200 mm (8 in
by 8 in) is covered by more than 50%. One consequence is
Exceptions are registration markings and warning marks, that the width of decoration stripes must not exceed 100 mm
which are subject to the following restrictions : (4 in).

-Zone 3. Registration markings and warning markings of

any shape and color may be applied here
without restrictions.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-13

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-14

B. Painting a Large Repair Area

When the area, which must be painted, is larger than
200mm (8in) scarfing of the surface is necessary to ensure
that the existing anti-static filler is electrically connected to
the anti-static filler of the new paint.

Refer to AMM Section 51-20.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-15

C. Painting a Small Repair Area

This procedure must be followed when the diameter of the
area which must be painted is 200 mm (8 in) or less.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-16
Control Surface Balancing
General When you balance a control surface, the pivot angle of the
This Section tells you how to weigh and measure the control must be as shown in the Weights and Residual
residual moment of the control surfaces. Moments Report.

WARNING: You must weigh and balance a control We recommend that for balancing the flaps, aileron, elevator
surface after any work which could affect its weight or and elevator trim tab, you put a suitable size rod through the
its balance. Out of balance control surfaces can flutter hinge bearings. Support the rod at 2 points to keep it
and cause structural failure. horizontal.

To balance the rudder it must be supported at the top pivot pin

Correct control surface balance is critical to flight safety. You and the bottom mounting bracket. The center line of the rudder
must remove a control surface to weigh and balance it after: must be horizontal.
- Any repair to the control surface.
- Painting the control surface.
- Any report of control vibration or flutter in flight.

You can use any convenient method to weigh a control

surface. If you use anything to connect the control surface to
the weighing device, (for example, a sling) you must weigh it
separately. Then subtract its weight from the total value. For
example, you use a rope sling to lift an aileron with a spring

- Weight of the aileron and the rope sling = 3.8 kg

- Weight of the rope sling = 0.7 kg

- Weight of the aileron = 3.8 kg – 0.7 kg

= 3.1 kg

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-17

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-18
Electrical Bonding
The bonding system gives the airplane good lightning The following design features also give lightning protection:
protection. A special bonding system is necessary for the
composite structure of the DA40 NG. Without this special - The aluminum tubes of the lightning conductor system are
system, the composite structure would not sufficiently also used as conduits for electric wires.
conduct electricity.
- Carbon fiber material is used for the lower wing skin and parts
Refer to AMM section 23-60 for details about the static of the fuselage skin, canopy frame and rear door frame.
discharge wicks. Carbon fiber material is conductive.

Description - Carbon fiber material with interwoven aluminum fibers is used

The lightning conductor system is the main part of the for the upper wing skin and the engine cowlings. Carbon fiber
bonding system. High capacity aluminum alloy tubes and material with interwoven aluminum fibers is conductive.
strips make the lightning conductor system.
- The forward wing spar separates the lighting conductor
The lightning conductor system has a longitudinal branch system form the fuel tanks.
and a lateral branch. The longitudinal branch runs form the
engine block via engine truss, firewall, cabin, aft fuselage - A lightning conductor strip is integrated in the horizontal
and empennage to the elevator. The horizontal branch stabilizer.
connects the left wing tip with the right wing tip. It is
connected with the longitudinal branch at the cabin floor - The tail skid has an aluminum bar on the lower edge.
under the forward seats.
- The propeller is non-conductive (except for the erosion
Metal braiding and strips connect all conductive components sheath), therefore currents cannot flow in structural parts of
(for example: wing skin, fuel tanks, control systems, landing the propeller.
gear, engine, etc.) and antenna ground plates to the
lightning conductor system.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-19

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-20

Maintenance Practices

Test the Electrical Bonding System

The resistance measurements on the DA 40 NG are divided
into three categories:

- Very low resistance measurements for conduits in the

direct lightning path and electrical power grounds.
- Low resistance measurements for bondings of
- High resistance measurements for the static discharge

Do the low resistance bonding measurements with a

milliohmmeter and Kelvin probes. The test current must be
approximately 2 amps.

Do the high resistance measurements with a high voltage

megaohmmeter (250 V). Measure the static discharge wicks
and the precautions against static charge of the airplane.

All measurements are referenced to the negative pole

connection of the battery, except where noted.

The airplane must be in a serviceable condition during the

tests, except that the engine cowlings must be removed.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-21

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-22

The DA40 NG has two types of doors. This chapter tells you the center-line. A gas strut attaches to the rear of the door and
about the canopy and the passenger access door and the the fuselage. The gas strut holds the door open.
maintenance access panels.
A handle on the left of the door operates two locking bolts. The
Description handle is red. The locking bolts are at the bottom front and rear
The canopy is a CFRP molding with inner and outer frames. corners of the door.
The frames bond together. The canopy has a large one-piece
acrylic glass window. The window has an emergency window The DA40 NG has a small number of access panels. Panels
on the left side. Some airplanes also have an emergency which must be used often have quick-release fasteners. Other
window on the right side. You can open this windows in flight. panels have the usual screws.

The canopy attaches to a tubular steel frame at the front. The

frame attaches to two hinges on the rear face of the firewall.
The canopy moves up and forward to open.

A handle on the left of the canopy operates two locking bolts.

The indoor and outdoor handles are red. The locking bolts
are at the bottom rear corners of the canopy.

The passenger door is a CFRP molding with inner and outer

frames. The frames bond together. The door has a acrylic
glass window.

Two hinges attach the door to the top of the fuselage near

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-23
Canopy and Passenger Door
This Section tells you about the structure, operation and The canopy moves up and forward to open. The gas spring
maintenance of the canopy and the passenger door. strut holds the canopy open. A door unlocked warning light
(DOOR or DOORS) on the annunciator panel operates when
Canopy Description and Operation the canopy is unlocked .
The canopy is a CFRP molding with inner and outer frames. Canopy Attachment
The frames bond together with thickened resin. Each part of The canopy has two attachment plates on the front edge of the
the frame has layers of carbon cloth and one layer of glass canopy hinge frame. Two bolts attach each plate to the canopy
cloth. Areas of high stress have extra layers of carbon cloth. frame. You can remove the canopy by removing these four
Mounting bushes for the handle and locking bolts bond to bolts.
the inside of the frame with thickened resin.
Canopy Locking Mechanism
The canopy has a large one-piece acrylic glass window. A MÄM 40-139 Implemented
special flexible adhesive bonds the window to the canopy A handle on the left of the canopy operates two locking bolts.
frame. A flexible filler seals the small gap between the edge The handle has a spring assisted over-center lock which holds
of the window and the frame. the handle in the closed position. The locking bolts are at the
The window has an emergency window on the left side. bottom rear corners of the canopy.
Some airplanes also have an emergency window on the
right side. You can open the emergency windows in flight. The handle has two parts. The inner handle is red and has a
double lever. The outer handle is red and attaches to the inner
Canopy Hinge Frame handle with a roll pin. A connecting rod attaches to the rear of
The canopy attaches to a tubular steel frame at the front (the the double lever. The other end of the connecting rod attaches
hinge frame). The frame attaches to two hinges on the rear to the inside of the left locking bolt.
face of the firewall. A gas spring strut attaches to the hinge A teleflex cable attaches to the front of the double lever. The
frame and the bottom of the firewall. teleflex cable goes inside the front of the canopy frame to the
right locking bolt. It can be removed for servicing.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-24

It can be removed for servicing. If you pull the canopy handle

away from the canopy frame, these things happen:

- The double lever turns to pull the connecting rod and the
teleflex cable.
- The connecting rod pulls the left locking bolt forward.
- The teleflex cable pulls the right locking bolt forward. The
forward movement of the locking bolt operates the door
unlocked warning micro-switch in the right side fuselage
- The canopy can be pushed up and forward to open.

With the canopy fully closed, push the canopy handle

towards the canopy frame. This engages the locking bolts in
the fuselage holes. The spring assisted over-center lock
holds the handle in the closed position. The right locking bolt
operates the micro-switch for the door unlocked warning light
(DOOR or DOORS). When the handle is flush with the
canopy frame, the canopy is locked. Push up on the rear of
the canopy frame to make sure that it is locked

If MÄM 40-139 is not Implemented refer to

AMM Section 52-10

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-25

Passenger Door Description and Operation

MÄM 40-139 Implemented
The passenger door is a CFRP molding with inner and outer
frames. The frames bond together with thickened resin. Each
part of the frame has layers of carbon cloth and one layer of
glass cloth. Areas of high stress have extra layers of carbon
cloth. Mounting bushes for the locking bolts bond
to the inside of the frame with thickened resin.

The door has an acrylic glass window. A special flexible

adhesive bonds the window to the door frame. A flexible filler
seals the small gap between the edge of the window and the

Two hinges attach the door to the top of the fuselage near
the center-line. The hinges bolt to the door frame. The front
hinge can be removed from inside of the cabin in an
emergency. With the front hinge removed, the passenger
door can be forced open from the top. A gas strut attaches to
a bracket at the rear of the door and to the fuselage. The gas
strut holds the door open. A door unlocked warning light
(DOOR or DOORS) on the annunciator panel operates when
the door is unlocked.

A handle on the left of the door operates two locking bolts.

The locking bolts are at the bottom front and rear corners of
the door.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-26

The handle has two parts. The inner handle is red and has a With the door fully closed, push the door handle towards the
double lever. The outer handle is red and attaches to the door frame. This engages the locking bolts in the fuselage
inner handle with two roll pins. A long connecting rod holes. The forward locking bolt operates the door unlocked
attaches to the rear of the double lever. The other end of the micro switch. When the handle is flush with the door frame,
long connecting rod attaches to the inside of the rear locking the door is locked. Push outwards on the bottom of
bolt. A safety lock is fitted to prevent accidental movement of the door frame to make sure that it is locked.
the handle.
If MÄM 40-139 is not implemented refer to
AMM Section 52-10
You must lift the safety handle before you can operate the
red handle from inside the passenger compartment. To
operate the red handle from the outside you must push the
button next to the red handle to lift the inner safety lock.
A short connecting rod attaches to the front of the double
lever. The short connecting rod goes to the front locking bolt.
If you pull the canopy handle away from the canopy frame,
these things happen:

- The double lever turns to pull the both of the connecting

- The long connecting rod pulls the rear locking bolt forward.
- The short connecting bolt pulls the front locking bolt aft.
- The aft movement of the locking bolt operates a micro
switch for the door unlocked warning light (DOOR or
DOORS) located on the annunciator panel.

The door can be pushed up and out to open.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-27

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-28
Access Panels
The DA40 NG has a small number of access panels. Panels
which must be used often (for example the oil filler panel),
have quick-release fasteners. Other panels have the usual

Most panels are GFRP moldings. Screws hold the panels in
position. There are no special procedures for removing or
installing access panels.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-29

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-30
Fuselage Structure
General Description
This Section gives you the data about the fuselage structure. A. Fuselage Shells
It also includes the vertical stabilizer. Two GFRP shells make the outer skin of the fuselage. The
shells transmit structural loads. The shells bond to each other
All of the main structural components are GFRP rigid at the top and bottom of the fuselage. Each shell has many
moldings. Many layers of glass cloth bond together to make layers of glass cloth. Some areas have of the shell have
each molding. Some components have layers of carbon fiber more layers to give more strength and stiffness. Some areas
cloth. This gives more strength and stiffness. have rigid foam inserts to give more stiffness.

Most components have rigid GFRP inserts. The inserts give Thickened resin bonds all other structural components to the
strength and stiffness for attaching other components such fuselage shells. Many small components bond to the
as brackets for controls. fuselage shells, these include:

Bonding paste (thickened resin) bonds components to other • Air inlet and outlet ducts.
components. Most of the components in the fuselage also • Conduits for electrical wires, antenna cables and fuel
bond to the fuselage shell. pipes.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-31

B. Firewall
The firewall closes the front of the fuselage. It also holds the
attachments for the engine mount. It has holes for the
different systems that attach to the engine.

The firewall is a rigid GFRP molding. A special adhesive

bonds a fire-resistant ceramic blanket to the front face of the
firewall. The adhesive also bonds a stainless-steel sheet to
the front of the blanket. Components which go through the
firewall also hold the stainless-steel sheet and blanket to the
GFRP molding.

C. Top Hat Profile

The top hat profile bonds to the inner bottom skin of the
fuselage, behind the firewall. It gives strength and stiffness to
the front fuselage. It has the mounting for the nose landing
gear and channels for fuel pipes.

D. Floor Panel
The floor is a rigid GFRP molding. It bonds to the inner
bottom skin of the fuselage shell and the firewall. It goes over
the top of the top hat profile. The center part of the floor
panel makes the center console.

The rear part of the floor makes the front support for the
pilots’ seats. It also holds the front of the control stick support
brackets. The rudder pedal assembly for each pilot attaches
to the floor panel.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-32

E. Center Section
The center section has the mountings for the wings and the A rigid GFRP bottom shell bonds to the lower surface of the
main landing gear. It has a front main bulkhead and it has a center section and makes the bottom surface of the wing
rear main bulkhead. stubs and fuselage. Rigid GFRP top shells bond to the top-
outer surface of the center section and makes the to surface
The front main bulkhead is a rigid GFRP box-section of the wing stubs.
molding. It has layers of carbon cloth on the top and bottom
faces. The carbon cloth gives strength and stiffness to the

The rear main bulkhead has a similar structure. The control

bellcrank mounting-bracket is bonded to the rear face of the
rear main bulkhead, in the center.

Front, middle and rear outer ribs bond to the outboard ends
of the main bulkheads. The ribs are rigid GFRP moldings
which make the outer face of the wing stub.
Main landing gear ribs bond to the main bulkheads inboard of
the middle outer rib. The main landing gear rib has the outer
mounting for the main gear strut.

Front and rear closing ribs bond to the main bulkheads. They
are inboard of the main landing gear ribs. The ribs are rigid
GFRP moldings. The middle part of the front closing rib has
the inner mounting for the main landing gear. The rear
channels of the top hat profile bond to the front closing ribs
and the front main bulkhead. The rear channels also carry
fuel pipes.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-33

F. Roll Bar J. Ring Frame 3

The roll bar is a rigid GFRP molding. Carbon tape gives The ring frame 3 is a rigid GFRP molding. It bonds to the
strength and stiffness to the molding. The roll bar bonds to fuselage shells just forward of the vertical stabilizer. It has
the inner face of the fuselage shell and around the canopy, holes for the rudder control cables and trim control.
window and passenger door cut-outs.

G. Baggage Compartment Frame

The baggage compartment frame is a rigid GFRP molding. It
closes the rear of the cockpit and makes a support for the
passenger seat (rear seat plan). The frame bonds to the
Inner fuselage shells and the center section lower shell.

The lower part of the frame has holes for the rudder cables
and trim control. It also has a control rod guide for the
elevator control rod.

H. Ring Frame 1
The ring frame 1 is a rigid GFRP molding. It bonds to the
fuselage shells just aft of the baggage compartment frame. It
has holes for the rudder control cables and trim control. It
also has a control rod guide for the elevator control rod.

I. Ring Frame 2
The ring frame 2 is a rigid GFRP molding. It bonds to the
fuselage shells aft of ring frame 1. It has holes for the rudder
control cables and trim control. It also has a control rod guide
for the elevator control.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-34

K. Vertical Stabilizer Front Lower Rib

The vertical stabilizer front lower rib is a rigid GFRP molding.
It bonds to the fuselage shell at the bottom of the vertical
stabilizer. It also bonds to the vertical stabilizer front web. It
has a hole for the flexible control cable for the elevator

L. Vertical Stabilizer Rear Lower Rib

The vertical stabilizer rear lower rib is a rigid GFRP molding.
It bonds to the fuselage shell at the bottom of the vertical
stabilizer. It also bonds to the vertical stabilizer front and rear
webs. It has a large lost for the elevator control push-rod.

M. Vertical Stabilizer Front Web

The vertical stabilizer front web is a rigid GFRP molding. It
bonds to the fuselage shell. It also bonds to the vertical
stabilizer lower ribs and to the top of the rear web.
The top of the front web is a rigid channel section. GFRP
inserts give strength to the area where the horizontal
stabilizer mounts attach.

N. Vertical Stabilizer Rear Web

The vertical stabilizer rear web is a rigid GFRP molding. It
bonds to the fuselage shell and it bonds to the vertical
stabilizer front web. The top of the rear web has the top
mounting for the rudder. It also has a reinforcing rib bonded
to the rear face.
The vertical stabilizer rear web closes the rear of the vertical

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-35

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-36

The DA 40 NG has the usual stabilizers. The vertical
stabilizer is part of the fuselage. The aft part of the left and
right fuselage shells make the left and right shells of the
vertical stabilizer.

The horizontal stabilizer has top and bottom shells. Each

shell has GFRP skins. The horizontal stabilizer has a front
spar and a rear spar. Both spars have mounting brackets.
Three pairs of ribs give strength to the center area. Two
trailing edge webs hold the hinges for the elevator.

The elevator has top and bottom shells. Each shell has
GFRP skins with a rigid foam core. The bottom shell also
makes the leading edge spar. The hinges attach to the
bottom shell. A large horn with the mass balance weight
attaches to the bottom shell at the center. The trailing edge
carries a trim tab.

The lower fin is a GFRP molding. Bolts attach the lower fin to
the bottom of the fuselage. The rudder has left and right
shells. Each shell has GFRP skins with a rigid foam core.
The shells bond together at a flange. The hinges attach to
the top face of the rudder and a flat face near the bottom of
the leading edge. The horn near the top makes the rudder
mass balance.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-37

Horizontal Stabilizer
The DA 40 NG has the usual horizontal stabilizer. The Three pairs of ribs give strength to the center area on each
horizontal stabilizer attaches to the top of the vertical side of the access holes. All are rigid GFRP moldings. They
stabilizer. The elevator attaches to the trailing edge of the bond to the other components with resin. The rear 'box' ribs
horizontal stabilizer. make a box round the large cut-out in the bottom skin. A
short rear rib at mid-span gives strength to the area between
Description the rear spar and the trailing edge web.
The horizontal stabilizer has top and bottom shells. Each
shell has GFRP skins. The top shell has no cut-outs. The The rear box rib has sides with bends and a top face which
bottom shell has a large cut-out at the rear for the elevator joins the sides. It closes the sides of the large cut-out in the
horn and mass balance. It also has two smaller holes bottom shell. The aft part has three holes on each side for
forward and aft of the front spar. the anchor bracket for the trim-tab mechanism.

The horizontal stabilizer has two spars. The spars have Two trailing edge webs close the trailing edges of the top and
GFRP skins with rigid GFRP inserts at the main mounting bottom shells. The outboard end of each web is a 'J' shape
points. They also have top and bottom caps. The ends of the which goes round the outboard balance weight of the
front spar turn back to join the aft spar at mid span. The rear elevator. It extends aft at the outer side to close the elevator
spar goes almost to the tip of the horizontal stabilizer. The cut-out. The webs also holds the hinges for the elevator. The
spars bond to the top and bottom shells with resin. webs bond to the top and bottom shells and the rear box' ribs
with resin.
Each spar has four holes for a mounting bracket. You can
get access to the attachment bolts from below. The A rigid GFRP fairing goes around the joint between the
mounting brackets go down through the cut-outs in the horizontal stabilizer and the vertical stabilizer.
bottom shell. Four more holes in the bottom part of each
mounting bracket attach to the vertical stabilizer front web. Four screws attach the fairing to the vertical stabilizer.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-38

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-39

The DA40 NG has the usual elevator. The elevator attaches A small bearing rib at mid-span on each side holds an
to the rear web of the horizontal stabilizer. elevator hinge assembly. The hinge assembly has an eye-
end with a plain shank. The eye-end has a spherical bearing.
Description The shank engages in a bush in the trailing edge web.
The elevator has top and bottom shells. Each shell has
GFRP skins with a rigid foam core. The leading edge of each The outer end of the elevator on each side has an end
shell has a curve. The shells bond together where the curves bearing. A reinforcing block holds a bonded bush. The bush
overlap. The shells also bond together at the ends and at the aligns with a bonded bush in the horizontal stabilizer trailing
trailing edge. edge web. A pivot pin goes through both bushes to make the
outer bearing. A roll pin locks the pivot pin in the bonded
The elevator has a horn rib in the middle. It is a strong box bush.
with an open front. The elevator horn goes into the horn rib.
Two bolts attach the horn to the elevator. A GFRP trim tab attaches to the trailing edge of the elevator.
The trim tab has six GFRP hinges. The front half of each
The horn has a hole with a bush for the elevator push rod. hinge bonds to the trailing edge of the elevator. The rear half
The front of the horn has elevator mass balance weight. of each hinge bonds to the leading edge of the trim tab. Two
More mass balance weight is attached at the front of the hinge rods go through the hinges. Lock wires hold the hinge
elevator tips. rods in place.

Five bearings hold the elevator. The elevator horn has a plain
bearing. A bolt and spacer attach the elevator horn to the
trailing edge webs of the horizontal stabilizer.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-40

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-41

Lower Fin
The DA 40 NG has a removable lower fin. The lower fin is a
GFRP molding. Screws attach the lower fin to the bottom of
the rear fuselage.

The lower fin is GFRP molding. It has a left shell and a right
shell. The shells bond together with resin.

The lower fin has a hole at the rear for a tie down rope. It
also has a flat area at the bottom for a tail skid.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-42
The DA40 NG has the usual rudder. The rudder attaches to
the rear web of the vertical stabilizer.

The rudder has left and right shells. Each shell has GFRP
skins with a rigid foam core. The leading edge of each shell
has a curve and a flange. The shells bond together at the
flanges. The shells also bond together at the top, bottom and
at the trailing edge.

The rudder has a flat face at the bottom of the leading edge.
The flat face has two bonded bolts. The bolts attach the
rudder to the rudder lower mounting bracket.

The rudder has a mass balance weight bonded into the

leading edge near the top. You cannot adjust the mass

Two bearings hold the rudder. A pivot pin bonds into the
leading edge near the top. It engages with a bearing
installed in a bearing sleeve attached to the rear web of the
vertical stabilizer. On the pivot pin a bushing and if
necessary for adjustment a washer is bonded with
Loctite 680. This bushing is installed to adjust the clearance
between rudder and bearing.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-43

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-44

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-45

Flight Compartment Windows

The DA40 NG has 3 windows. All of the windows are
molded acrylic glass (plexiglass). The one-piece canopy
window covers the pilots’ cockpit. It is also the windscreen.
The passenger door has a window. The right side of the
fuselage has a window for the passenger compartment.

A high-performance elastic adhesive bonds each window to

the structure.

Description and Operation

The DA40 NG has 3 windows. Each window is polycast
molded acrylic glass (plexiglass). This material gives good
optical characteristics. It is also strong. It an be accurately
formed into 3-dimensional shapes. A high-performance
elastic adhesive bonds each window to the structure. A
flexible whit sealant fills the small gap between the edge of
the window and the structure.

Each window has a band of white paint over the area where
it bonds to the structure. The canopy window also has a
screened area above the pilots’ heads. This is a sun-shade.
New windows are painted by the manufacturer.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-46

Front Canopy and Emergency Windows

The one-piece canopy window covers the pilots’ cockpit. It is
also the windscreen. It has a small emergency window
(direct-vision panel) on the left side. Some airplanes also
have an emergency window on the right side. The
emergency windows have a hinge. You can open the
emergency windows in flight.

Pop out' Windows (OÄM 40-086)

The emergency windows can be furnished with optional small
'pop out' windows for ventilation (OÄM 40-086).

Rear Windows
The passenger door has a window for the left side of the
passenger compartment. The right side of the fuselage also
has a window for the passenger compartment.

Window Repairs
Damage Limit
Maximum crack length: 150mm (6inch)

Do not repair cracks which are more than 150mm (6inch)

from the edge of the window.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-47

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-48
Wing Structure
The DA 40 NG has cantilever wings. The wings are set low
on the fuselage. Each wing has a flap attached to the inboard
trailing edge. An aileron attaches to the outboard trailing

The wings have a monocoque structure. Each wing has top

and bottom shells. The shells have CFRP outer skins, a rigid
foam core and GFRP inner skins. Each wing has two
I-section spars. Uni-directional carbon fiber cloth makes the
spar caps. Each wing also has GFRP ribs and webs.

The flaps and ailerons have a mixture of CFRP and GFRP

cloth in the shells. The shells have rigid foam cores..

The wing has top and bottom shells. It has front and rear
spars and a root rib made in three parts. Four ribs hold the
fuel tanks between the spars. Flap and aileron control
ribs hold the bellcranks for the control systems.

A rear web closes the trailing edge of the wing. An end rib
closes the outboard end of the wing. A removable GFRP tip
attaches to the wing shells and outer rib with screws.

Bonding paste (thickened resin) bonds the wing components

to each other.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-49

The following section gives more data about the main parts: The inboard end of each spar (the ‘stub’) goes past the root
rib. The spar stub is a box-section with many layers of glass
A. Wing Shells cloth wrapped round the spar caps. Two large bushes bond
Each wing has top and bottom shells. Each shell has a CFRP into the spar stub. The wing main bolts engage these bushes
outer skin, a rigid foam core and a GFRP inner skin. The and attach the wing to the fuselage center section. The
fibers in the layers of cloth which cover the whole wing run at bushes and bolts transmit the wing bending loads into the
± 45° to the lateral axis of the wing. The outer layer is carbon center section.
fiber. The inner layer is glass fiber.
C. Root Rib
Some areas have more layers of cloth to give more strength. Each wing has a three-piece root rib. Each piece is a GFRP
For example, the area around each access hole has extra molding with many layers of glass fiber cloth. The front root
layers of carbon fiber cloth. rib bonds to the top and bottom shells and the front face of
The bottom shell of each wing has seven access holes. the front spar. It has a housing for the A-bolt. The A-bolt
These give access to the flap and aileron bellcranks and fuel transmits lift loads into the center section.
tanks. The top shell has a hole for the fuel cap of the outer
fuel tank. The middle part of the root rib bonds to the top and bottom
shells, the aft face of the front spar and the front face of the
B. Spars rear spar. It has a large oval access panel for removing the
Each wing has two I-section spars. The front spar on one fuel tanks.
side is the same as the rear spar on the opposite side.
The rear root rib bonds to the top and bottom shells, the aft
Many layers of uni-directional carbon fiber make the spar face of the rear spar and the rear web. It has a housing for
caps. The number of layers in the spar caps decreases from the B-bolt. The B-bolt transmits lift loads into the center
root to tip. section. It also has guide rollers for the flap and aileron push
Each spar has a shear web. The shear web has GFRP skins
and a rigid foam core. Glass cloth fillets attach the spar caps
to the shear web.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-50

D. Fuel Tank Ribs

Four ribs hold the fuel tanks in each wing. Each rib is a
GFRP molding with a large oval hole. The hole has a flat
inner flange to hold the tank. The ribs bond to the top and
bottom shells., the aft face of the front spar and the front
face of the rear spar.

E. Flap and Aileron Control Ribs

Each wing has two flap and one aileron control rib. The ribs
are GFRP moldings. Each rib has a bend with a solid insert.
The insert gives extra strength where the control bellcrank
attaches. The ribs bond to the top and bottom shells, the aft
face of the rear spar and the rear web.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-51

F. Rear Web
Each wing has a rear web. The web closes the trailing edge
of the wing. The web bonds to the top and bottom shells. It
also bonds to the rear faces of the rear root rib, the flap
control ribs and the aileron control rib. The rear web has
extra layers where the flap and aileron hinges attach. Rivets
hold anchor-nut plates to the forward face of the rear web
where the hinges attach.

G. Wing End Rib

Each wing has an end rib. The end rib is a GFRP molding.
The end rib has eight anchor-nuts which attach the wing tip.
It also has a threaded strong-point for a tie-down ring.

H. Wing Tip
The wing tip is a GFRP molding with top and bottom shells.
The wing tip holds the external lights.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-52
This Section tells you about the flap structure.

A. Bottom Shell D. Flap Horn
The bottom shell has inner and outer GFRP skins. It also The flap horn is an aluminum alloy component. Three bolts
has one layer of carbon fiber cloth in the outer skin. The attach the horn to the bottom surface of the flap. A small hole
skins bond to a rigid plastic foam core. The leading edge of in the leading edge of the flap gives access to the front
the shell bends up to form a web. It then curves forward to attaching nuts and washers. The horn also makes one of the
form a shroud which seals the gap between flap and wing flap hinges. Two flanged bushes in the front of the horn
when the flap is down. make the hinge.
The outboard end of the bottom shell also bends up to close E. Flap Hinges
the end of the flap. The leading edge, the ends, and the area Each flap has five hinges (as well as the flap horn). Two bolts
where the horn attaches have more carbon fiber cloth to give attach each hinge to the leading edge of the flap. A small
more strength and stiffness. hole in the middle of the hinge gives access to the attaching
nuts and washers. Each hinge has a flanged bush at the
B. Top Shell inboard end. A plastic plug seals the outboard end.
The top shell has inner and outer GFRP skins. It also has
one layer o carbon cloth in the outer skin. The skins bond to
a rigid plastic foam core. The top shell bonds to the bottom
shell and the inner end rib.

C. Inner End Rib

The inner end rib is a CFRP molding. The rib has two hole
with flanged bushes. The bushes engage with the transfer
pins on the transfer levers of the flap control system. The end
rib bonds to the top and bottom shells.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-53

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-54
This Section tells you about the aileron structure.

A. Bottom Shell D. Aileron Hinges
The bottom shell has inner and outer GFRP skins. A layer of Each aileron has three hinges (as well as the aileron horn).
carbon fiber cloth covers a large part of the inboard area of Two bolts attach each hinge to the leading edge of the
the outer skin. The skins bond to a rigid plastic foam core. aileron. A small hole in the middle of the hinge gives access
The leading edge of the shell bends up to form a web. It then to the attaching nuts and washers. Each hinge has a flanged
curves forward to form a shroud which seals the gap bush at the inboard end. A plastic plug seals the outboard
between aileron and wing when the aileron moves down. end.
The ends of the bottom shell also bend up to close the ends E. Aileron Mass Balance
of the aileron. The leading edge, the ends and the area Each aileron has a paddle on the outboard end. To balance
where the horn attaches have more carbon fiber cloth to give the mass of the aileron behind the hinge line, the leading
more strength and stiffness. edge of the paddle is made from heavy metal.
B. Top Shell
The top shell has inner and outer GFRP skins. A layer of
carbon fiber cloth covers a large part of the inboard area of
the outer skin. The skins bond to a rigid plastic foam core.
The top shell bonds to the bottom shell.

C. Aileron Horn
The aileron horn is an aluminum alloy component. Three
bolts attach the horn to the bottom surface of the aileron. A
small hole in the leading edge of the aileron gives access to
the attaching nuts and washers. The horn also makes one of
the aileron hinges.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-55


DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Structure D-56

ATA-chapter 61 / PROPELLER

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Propeller E-01
This chapter tells you about the propeller installed on the
DA40 NG.
Refer to AMM Section 61-10 for data about the propeller and
refer to AMM Section 61-20 for data about the propeller

For more data on the propeller refer to the propeller

manufacturers’ manuals.

Note: Equipment which is certified for installation in the

DA40NG is listed in Section 6.5 of the airplane Flight
Manual. Such equipment may be installed in accordance
with the Airplane Maintenance Manual.
Any equipment which is not listed in Section 6.5 of the
Airplane Flight Manual is called “Additional Equipment”.
The installation of Additional Equipment is a
modification which must be handled in accordance with
national regulations or a Service Bulletin.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Propeller E-02
Propeller Assembly
The DA 40 NG has a MTV-6-R/190-69 variable pitch
propeller installed. The propeller has three blades. The The engine has an electronic engine control system EECS
blades are made from wood and are covered with GFRP. which includes an electronic engine control unit (EECU). The
The blades have an acrylic lacquer painted finish. The EECU controls the propeller pitch via the governor
outboard leading-edges of the blades are protected from hydraulically. Gearbox oil flows through the constant speed
erosion by a stainless-steel sheath. The stainless-steel governor and controls the oil pressure in the propeller pitch
sheath is bonded into position. The inboard section of the change mechanism. The oil pressure is increased to obtain
leading-edge is protected by a self-adhesive rubber strip propeller blade pitch increase and reduced to lower
(PU tape). the blade pitch angles. The oil to govern the propeller blade
pitch flows through the hollow propeller and gearbox hub.
This Section describes how to remove and install the
propeller and how to do a propeller blade tracking test.
Refer to the propeller and governor manufacturer manuals
for more data.
The propeller hub has six studs on the rear face. The
propeller attaches to the engine gearbox flange with six nuts
and washers..

A spinner bulkhead (spinner backplate) attaches to the rear

of the hub with six bolts. The bolts are secured with lock-wire.
A front support plate attaches to the front of the hub with six
screws. The screws are also secured with lock-wire. The
spinner dome which is made from composite material
attaches to the front/aft bulkhead with screws.

When the engine is running, aerodynamic as well as spring

forces push the propeller blades towards fine pitch.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Propeller E-03

When the propeller is turning aerodynamic and spring forces
cause the blades to turn towards fine pitch.
High pressure oil is used to move the propeller blades to high
pitch. Oil from the engine gearbox is pumped to the governor.
The governor directs the oil to the propeller as necessary to
control the propeller pitch.

The propeller pitch control system is integrated into the

engine EECS system. The pitch is controlled automatically by
the EECU. Depending on the power setting the propeller
pitch is adjusted such that the required RPM will be obtained.

An adjustable pitch stop limits the amount of blade

movement towards coarse pitch.

If the oil pressure fails during normal flight aerodynamic

propeller blade forces and spring forces of the propeller pitch
change mechanism pushes the blades into fine pitch.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Propeller E-04
Propeller Control
The DA 40 NG has a MTV-6-R/190-69 variable pitch
propeller with an engine mounted constant speed governor The oil pressure at the governor is approximate 7 bar (100
P-853-16. The constant speed governor is controlled by the PSI). If the engine speed is too high, the constant speed
engine EECS system. The constant speed governor controls governor operates the pilot valve such that the oil flows in the
the propeller blade angle (pitch). propeller hub which increases the propeller pitch and reduces
the RPM.
For further information about the constant speed governor
unit refer to mt-Propeller Operation and Installation Manual, If the engine speed is too low, the governor releases oil flow
latest revision. out of the propeller hub. The piston moves aft to reduce the
blade angle which will increase engine RPM.
Description and Operation
The DA 40 NG has a MTV-6-R/190-69 variable pitch During normal operation a preset coarse-pitch-stop prevents
propeller. When the propeller is rotating the aerodynamic and the propeller blades from moving past a preset maximum
spring forces causes the blades to move towards fine pitch. blade angle. If the engine fails in flight, or if the propeller oil
The propeller uses oil pressure to increase the blade angle supply fails in flight, aerodynamic and spring forces will
(pitch). reduce the blade pitch angle which keeps the propeller
The constant speed governor is controlled by the engine rotating.
control units (EECUs). The pilot has only one lever to control
the engine performance. The propeller blade angle is For further information of the governor's working principles
adjusted automatically based on power lever position. refer to the mt-Propeller Operation and Installation Manual,
latest revision.
As with other constant speed propeller control systems, the
EECU senses engine performance and sets the governor to WARNING: Make sure that the engine is safe before you
regulate oil pressure to the propeller to change blade angle do any work on the propeller. If the engine is turned, the
as required. Depending on the power setting the propeller propeller can cause injury or death.
pitch is adjusted such that the required RPM will be

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Propeller E-05

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Propeller E-06

ATA-chapter 71 / POWER PLANT

ATA-chapter 72 / ENGINES


ATA-chapter 78 / EXHAUST
ATA-chapter 79 / OIL
ATA-chapter 80 / STARTING
ATA-chapter 81 / TURBO CHARGER
DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-01

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-02

General Refer to these Chapters for data about other engine systems:
This Chapter describes the power plant removal and
installation of the DA 40 NG. - Chapter 72 Engine. Refer to the AE Operation Manual,
latest revision for data on the engine.
For data on conducting an engine test after installation refer - Chapter 73 Engine fuel and control. Refer to the
to the Operation Manual for the E4-A engine. AE Operation Manual, latest revision for
data on the fuel injection system.
- Chapter 76 Engine controls.
- Chapter 77 Engine indicating.
- Chapter 78 Exhaust system.
- Chapter 79 Oil system. Refer to the AE Operation
Manual, latest revision for data on the engine
oil system.
-Chapter 80 Starter system control and installation. Refer
to the AE Operation Manual, latest revision
for data on the starter.
- Chapter 81 Turbo charger

Refer to the DA 40 NG Airplane Flight Manual for engine

start/stop procedures. For particular information on the
firmware refer to applicable DAI Service Bulletin.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-03

Description and Operation

The DA 40 NG has an Austro Engine E4-A liquid-cooled, in-
line four-stroke four cylinder engine with a double overhead
camshaft (DOHC) with four valves per cylinder. The valves
are actuated by the cam follower. The direct fuel injection is
realized by means of a common rail technique and the
engine is charged by a turbo charger in combination with an

The propeller is activated by a gearbox driven governor

which is controlled by the EECUs. All engine components are
controlled by an EECU system.

The power plant is protected by a top and bottom engine

cowling. The two halves attach to each other and to the
airframe with Camloc quick release fasteners.

The bottom cowling has air intakes one for engine liquid
cooling and one for the engine air intake. The top cowling has
air intakes for cabin heat, engine gearbox cooling and
intercooler air intake. The engine mount attaches to the
firewall at five locations. The engine attaches to the engine
mount with four oil-filled rubber elements which make the
engine shock-mounts. The wiring harness is lead through the
firewall to connect the engine to the ECUs and give electrical
supply to the engine sensors. Electrical cables from the main
battery and from the generator supply electrical power to the
airplane electrical system.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-04

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-05

WARNING: Do not stand within the danger area of the

propeller. If the engine starts, the propeller can cause
death or injury to persons.

WARNING: You must make sure that the engine is safe

before you turn the propeller. Disconnect the battery.

WARNING: Do not go below the engine when you lift the

engine with the hoist. The hoist can fail. This can cause
death or injury to persons.

WARNING: Do not get engine oil, gear oil or coolant on

you. This liquids can cause skin disease.

WARNING: Do not get fuel on you, fuel can cause skin

disease. Do not allow fire or sparks near fuel. Fuel burns
and burning fuel can cause injury to people and damage
to equipment.

CAUTION: You must attach caps to holes/pipes when

you remove the engine. If you do not this, contamination
can enter the holes/pipes. This can cause blockage to
the airplane systems.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-06
Engine Mounting
The engine mount is constructed from tubular steel which is
welded at the joints. Powder coating protects the frame from
corrosion. Welded brackets hold components such as the
coolant radiator and the intercooler in position. Rubber lined
P-clamps and cable ties hold electrical cables and other
equipment components to the engine mount.

The engine mounting-frame has five small mounting pads at

the rear of the frame. Bolts through the pads attach the
engine mount to the firewall.

The engine attaches to the engine mount at four mounting

pads. Oil-filled rubber shock-mounts are built between the
engine mounting arms and the engine mount pads and
isolate the airframe from engine vibrations.

Additionally there are safety ropes (steel wire ropes) at each

engine mounting pad installed.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-07

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-08
Engine Cowling
The DA 40 NG cowling is made of two carbon fiber reinforced
plastic (CFRP) halves. The cowling gives aerodynamic shape
to the nose of the airplane. The parts are very easy to
remove and give good access to the engine.

Camloc quick-release fasteners attach the cowling halves to
each other and to the fuselage. Both cowling halves are very
light and one person can hold them easily.

The top cowling has two air intakes, one on the front right
side and one on the front left side of the cowling. The left
opening supplies air to the intercooler and the right one for
the cabin heat and gearbox cooling.
The bottom cowling has an air intake at the front to supply air
for the coolant radiator.

The side-NACA-intake which is built into the bottom cowling

supplies air for the engine intake system.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-09
Air Intakes
General C. Air Filter
An air filter housing, air filter and alternate air valve assembly The air filter is a K&N RU high-flow air filter. The air filter is
make up the low pressure engine air intake system of the connected to the alternate air valve assembly via a worm-
DA 40 NG airplane. The air filter box is connected to the air drive clamp.
intake duct via by a flexible hose. The same sort of hose
feeds the air from the alternate air valve to the turbo-charger. Operation
A lever below the instrument panel, right-side of the pilot, When the pilot pulls the alternate air valve control lever
operates the alternate air valve. towards the rear of the airplane the alternate
air valve screen opens and air from the engine compartment
The air intake has three main parts: (unfiltered air) enters the engine induction system.
- Alternate air valve assembly. When the pilot moves the alternate air valve control lever
- Air filter housing. forward the alternate air valve moves back to the normal
- Air filter. (OFF) position.
A. Alternate Air Valve Assembly
The alternate air valve is attached to the RH face of the air
filter housing. The air filter attaches to the front of the
alternate air valve. The alternate air valve also has an intake
direct from the engine compartment. Rotary motion of the
outer ring opens different holes to the engine compartment
which allows unfiltered air to enter the engine induction

B. Air Filter Housing

The air filter housing is made of aluminum. A flexible hose
connects the housing to the air intake duct. Bolts attach the
air filter housing to the firewall.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-10

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-11
Engine Drains

The DA 40 NG has a breather for the oil separator. Refer to
AMM Chapter 72 for more data about the engine oil system
and refer to AMM Chapter 75 for more data about the engine
liquid cooling system.

The breather hose of the oil separator connects to an outlet
at the top of the oil separator. A wormdrive-clamp secures
the hose at the outlet. The other end of the breather hose
passes through the drain collector at the bottom of the

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-12

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-13

General Description
This Section provides background information about the The Austro Engine E4-A engine is a liquid-cooled, in-line
Austro Engine E4-A engine installed on the DA 40 NG four-stroke four cylinder engine with a double overhead
airplane and describes maintenance events of the oil system camshaft (DOHC). The valves are actuated by the cam
of the Austro Engine E4-A engine. follower. The direct fuel injection is realized with a common
Refer to these Chapters for more data about the engine rail technique and the engine is charged by a turbo charger.
systems: All engine components are controlled by an EECU system.
The engine is equipped with an electrical starter, an
- Chapter 73. Engine fuel and control. alternator, a water pump, an oil pump, a coolant system and
- Chapter 75. Liquid cooling system. an oil cooler. The propeller is powered by a directly
- Chapter 76. Engine controls. integrated gearbox with an integral torsional vibration
- Chapter 77. Engine indicating. damper.
- Chapter 78. Engine exhaust.
- Chapter 79. Oil cooling.
- Chapter 80. Engine starting.
- Chapter 81. Turbo charger.

Note: Only Austro Engine authorized maintenance

organizations may carry out maintenance and inspection
work on the AE E4-A engine. Any engine malfunction
must be reported to AE.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-14

Engine Oil System

The engine has a regular wet sump oil system. The sump
has a maximum capacity of 7 liter (7.4 US qt). Refer to the
Airplane Flight Manual Chapter 2 for data about the oil types
to be used in the engine.

The internal oil pump supplies oil to all bearings and other
components that require oil. Oil galleries inside the engine
crankcase and cylinder head supply oil to the internal

The engine has the following maintenance points:

- A oil filter located at the top left side of the engine adjacent
to the cylinder head. You must replace the filter at the times
specified in AMM Chapter 05.
- An engine oil drain plug at the rear left of the engine sump.
- An engine oil filler located at the top of the oil sump.
- A gearbox oil filler plug located at the top of the gearbox.
- A gearbox oil level window located at the LH side of the
- A gearbox oil drain plug located at the bottom of the
- A oil separator is located under the injector cover.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-15

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-16
Engine Fuel and Control

This Section describes the fuel system of the Austro Engine
E4-A engine and provides general data and trouble shooting
information of the system.

Refer also to the engine manufacturer’s Repair Manual for

the Austro Engine E4-A engine. You can replace
components in the air intake system and the fuel filter. Refer
to the engine manufacturer for data on the engine fuel

Description and Operation

The power generation system has two main parts:

- Air intake system. This system supplies air from the inlet to
the air filter to the engine intake manifold.

- Engine fuel system. The engine fuel system takes fuel from
the airplane fuel system and injects it into the cylinders.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-17

A. Air Intake System B. Engine Fuel System

The air intake system has an air filter which is located at the The fuel from the main tank flows through the fuel selector,
firewall in the engine compartment. The filter attaches to the gascolator (filter size 210 μm) to the electrically driven low
forward face of the alternate air valve. The alternate air valve pressure fuel pumps. These fuel pumps supply the high
inlet takes air direct from the engine compartment. The valve pressure pump with the required fuel pressure and flow. A
can be selected to provide filtered air or warm, unfiltered air fine fuel filter is installed upstream of the high pressure pump
to the engine. to assure clean fuel supply.

The outlet of the alternate air valve connects to the turboThe high-pressure pump supplies fuel to a common rail
connected to the injectors. A fuel metering unit at the engine
charger. The outlet of the turbo-charger connects then to an
intercooler and the engine intake manifold. driven high pressure fuel pump which ensures that only the
required quantity of fuel is compressed. The necessary rail
Refer to AMM Chapter 81 for more data on the turbo charger pressure, which is measured directly at the rail, is controlled
and intercooler. by the rail pressure valve. Surplus fuel returns to the airplane
main fuel system. The fuel returning from the engine is hot.
The hot fuel passes through a fuel cooler located in the
fuselage wing attachment area. From there the fuel returns
via a cooling loop through the auxiliary tank to the fuel
main tank.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-18

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-19
Liquid Cooling System
General B. Bypass Cooling Circuit
This Section describes the liquid cooling system of the The bypass cooling circuit is always active. Coolant
DA 40 NG airplane. It provides Maintenance Practices to circulates from the engine to the heat exchanger, to the water
remove/install the liquid cooling system components. pump and back to the engine.
Description C. Long Cooling Circuit
The engine has a water-based liquid cooling system. The This circuit starts opening at 80 °C (176 °F) and is fully
liquid coolant is a mixture of water and antifreeze. Refer to opened at 95 °C (203 °F). Coolant circulates post the
the Airplane Flight Manual for approved coolant types. thermostatic valve to the radiator (located below the engine
mount) back to the water pump and the engine.
The engine has an integral coolant pump. The coolant pump
is located at the rear of the engine and is powered by the v- A coolant expansion tank is located on top of the engine next
ribbed belt. An automatic tensioner keeps the belt tension at to thermostatic valve. This is the highest point in the system.
the correct value. A small diameter hose connects the highest point of the
system to the top of the coolant expansion tank. The tank
A temperature sensor at the engine coolant outlet connects has an over pressure valve which opens when max. coolant
to the engine control system. The integrated cockpit system system pressure is exceeded.
(ICS) displays the coolant temperature
(COOLING TEMPERATURE). A small diameter hose connects the bottom of the coolant
tank to the inlet to the coolant pump.
The cooling system has three circuits:
A coolant level sensor is installed in the coolant tank. It
A. Small Cooling Circuit operates the WATER LEVEL caution light in the ICS.
The circuit is active at cooling temperature below 80 °C
(176°F). Coolant circulates from the closed thermostatic On top of the coolant expansion tank a pressure relief valve
valve to the water pump and the engine. is installed. The pressure relief valve limits the over and
under pressure in the cooling circuit.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-20

WARNING: Do not remove the pressure cap from the

coolant tank if the engine is hot. The pressure in the
system can force hot coolant to come out and burn you.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-21

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-22

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-23
Engine Controls

This AMM Section describes the DA 40 NG engine controls.
The engine has one control (power) lever.
Electrical cables connect the power lever to the engine
control system.

Description and Operation

The system has an electronic engine control system (EECS).

The control system has two independent computers, either of

which can provide all control functions for the engine and
propeller. The system has these main parts:

- Two digital engine control units (ECU A and ECU B located

in one box in the fuselage compartment).
An electrical harness that connects the ECU's to the engine,
the power lever, the annunciator panel, control buttons and
some instruments.
- Sensors that measure engine parameters.
- An electrical power lever located in the center console.
- An ECU TEST button for testing the engine control system.
- An ECU VOTER switch for switching between AUTO,
ECU A and ECU B in emergency.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-24

A. Engine Control Units

The ECU A and ECU B are contained in one box located in
the fuselage compartment, below the pilot seat. A wire
harness connects the box to the engine, the power lever and
the integrated cockpit system (ICS).

During normal operation, the alternator supplies power for the

system. If the alternator fails, the ECU B automatically takes
over and the ECU backup battery provides power.

The annunciator panel of the ICS has two amber caution

lights for the engine control system (marked ECU A and

The ECU VOTER switch on the left hand side of the

instrument panel let you toggle between ECU A and ECU B.
For all normal operation, the VOTER switch is set to AUTO
and one automatic selected ECU controls the engine.

The ECU TEST button on the left hand side of the instrument
panel activates the test sequence of the system.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-25

B. Electrical Harness
The electrical harness is an engine component. The harness
connects the power lever and sensors to the ECU A and
ECU B. It also provides connections for the ECU buttons and
the ICS.

The electrical harness comes through the engine firewall.

P-clamps and tie-wraps attach the electrical harness to the

The repair of the electrical harness is limited to damage that

occurs near the ends of the cables, outside of the isolated
section. If a cable fails within the isolated section, then you
must replace the complete harness.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-26

C. Manifold Pressure
Manifold pressure is measured by two sensors for each ECU
located at the air intake manifold.

D. Power Lever
The power lever is located in the center console.
The power lever has two separate and independent electrical
systems. One system provides signals to the ECU A. The
other system provides signals to the ECU B. Either system
can control the engine.

The lever operates electrical sensors (HALL effect) that give

signals in proportion to the power lever position. The signals
are used by the engine control system to set the power
output. The control system also sets the propeller governor to
give best RPM for the power setting.
A push rod connects the power lever to the Hall-sensors. The
power lever can be calibrated by adjusting the installation
angle of the Hall sensors in the elongated hole and by
modification of the length of the push rod.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-27

D. Sensors
Both ECUs get data about engine performance from the following sensors mounted on the engine:

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-28

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-29

This Section describes the engine indicating system of the
DA 40 NG airplane. An integrated cockpit system (ICS) with
two large display screens located in the instrument panel
show all engine related indications.

The electronic engine control unit (EECU) provides most of

the indications for the engine. The ICS also shows airframe
fuel system data.

Description and Operation

The ICS gives all engine indications. The ICS displays are
located in the left and right sides of the instrument panel.
Each display has a combination of digital and analog

Either display can show all the engine indications.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-30
Engine Indicating System
This Section describes the engine indicating system of the The MFD also gives these auxiliary displays with the engine
DA 40 NG airplane. The integrated cockpit system (ICS) displays:
display screens which are located in the instrument panel
give all engine and related airplane system indications. For - Voltage.
normal operations the left display is the primary flight display - Generator output, in AMPS.
(PFD) and the right is the multi-function display (MFD). Both
displays are similar, except the autopilot control The MFD can also display the following fuel system
buttons. information:
- L and R fuel tank quantity.
The engine control unit (ECU) provides most of the - L and R fuel tank temperature in °C .
indications for the engine. The ICS also shows fuel and -Engine fuel flow in gal/hour.
systems data.
Engine alerts are given on the PFD screen. A flashing
Description and Operation warning annunciator appears in the PFD when an alert is
The ICS displays the engine indications on the MFD screen. activated. Pressing the WARNING softkey at the bottom of
The MFD gives the following engine indications: the PFD opens an alert window on the PFD. The alerts
window gives more details of the alert. The ICS alert system
- Load. Indicates the engine loads from 0 to 100%. gives alerts and warning captions for engine and airplane
- RPM. Indicates the engine RPM from 0 to 2500 RPM. systems.
- Gearbox temperature in °C.
- Coolant temperature in °C.
- Oil temperature in °C.
- Oil pressure in bar.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-31

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-32

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-33

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-34

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-35

The DA 40 NG engine has a simple 1-piece exhaust system.
The exhaust pipe flange attaches with four bolts to the turbo-
charger outlet and is supported at two locations to the engine
mount. The exhaust exits through the bottom cowling
opening the cowling outside.


No maintenance can be done on the exhaust pipe.

WARNING: Make sure that the exhaust system is cool

before you touch it. The exhaust system can be very hot,
this can cause injury to persons.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-36

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-37
Oil System
The engine has a regular wet-sump lubrication system. The
bottom part of the engine crankcase makes up the oil sump.
An oil filler tube with a screw cap connects to the crankcase
on the left of the engine.

The oil cooler is an integrated oil water heat exchanger

which is located under the oil filter case.

The oil breather system has an oil separator located under

the injector cover. A flexible hose at the rear of the oil
separator vents blow-by gases and any remaining oil mist to
the outside of the cowling.

A small hose drains accumulated oil underneath the injector


To protect the breather system from blockage due to icing of

moist blow by gases an engine integrated
over pressure valve is provided below the injector cover.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-38

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-39
General A START warning light on the annunciator panel comes ON
This Section tells you about the system that cranks the when there is power to the starter. If this light stays on after
engine for starting. the engine has started, set the ELECTRIC MASTER key
switch and the ENGINE MASTER switch to OFF.
Description and Operation If necessary during starting, the engine control unit operates
The system operates off a 24 VDC supply. The engine has a the glow plugs to heat intake air for the engine.
small, high-powered electric starter. The starter motor is
located on the left side of the engine near the front. It has an
integral solenoid to connect the starter motor to the relay
junction box bus. Either the airplane battery or the external
power system can supply the starter.

The ELECTRIC MASTER key switch (marked OFF ON

START) is located on the bottom center of the instrument
panel. Turn the key clockwise against the spring to operate
the starter. Release the key when the engine starts. The
spring returns the key to the ON position.

A starter relay located on the instrument panel floor controls

the current to the starter solenoid. The ENGINE MASTER
switch located on the center left of the instrument panel
controls the ground connection for the starter relay. This
switch must be set to ON for the starter system to operate.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-40

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-41


DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-42

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-43

This Chapter describes the turbo-charger system of the
Austro Engine E4-A engine.

The air intake system has an air filter located downstream of
the NACA inlet and air intake duct. Aft of the air filter is the
alternate air valve which has an alternate air inlet from the
engine compartment. A rotating cage in the alternate air
valve can be set to take air into the air intake system through
the filter or it can be set to take unfiltered air directly from the
engine compartment.

The outlet from the alternate air valve connects to the turbo
charger inlet. The turbo charger compresses and therefore
heats up the air. The outlet from the turbo charger connects
to the intercooler, which cools down the hot compressed air.
The intercooler is located on the top left rear section of the
engine. The outlet of the intercooler connects to the engine
intake manifold. A manifold pressure and air temperature
sensor is attached to the engine intake manifold.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-44

When the engine is running the exhaust gases from the
engine flow through a manifold to the turbo charger turbine. A
waste gate in the turbo charger turbine inlet can open to
allow some of the exhaust gases from the engine to bypass
the turbine and flow directly in to the engine exhaust pipe.
The waste gate opening is controlled by the engine EECU.

Ambient air flows through the air filter (normal operation) or

from the fuselage compartment (alternate air operation) into
the turbo charger compressor. The air gains heat while being
compressed in the turbo charger. The hot compressed air
flows through a flexible hose to the intercooler.

The hot compressed air flows through the matrix of the

intercooler. Cooling air is guided from the left side of the
cowling duct to the intercooler and flows around the
intercooler matrix. This will cool the compressed air. The
cooled compressed air from the intercooler matrix flows
through a flexible hose and a charge air duct to the engine air
intake manifold.

DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-45


DA40 Series (Austro Engine) Issue: May 2010 TRAINING USE ONLY Engine F-46

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