Gned 15 Mod 3 Summary

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MODULE 3: Creation of the World, The Earliest Olympians often engaged in petty acts of cruelty and vengeance on

mortals as well as heroes and other gods. Zeus was also infamous
Deities, and The Olympians
for his lust of mortals, indeed the all-powerful Zeus transcended
male or female and even species when it came to his many affairs.
Part 1: Creation of the World and The Earliest Deities
His lascivious actions in bed always left a very positive mark on the
First, Chaos was born, then Gaea (Earth) and the dark underworld
mortals he slept with -which enraged Hera to no end (who was also
of Tartarus, then Eros (Love). Night was born from Chaos; then
Zeus' sister - despite being consorts)
Night gave birth to Day. Gaea bore Uranus, or Sky, to be her equal
and to provide a home for the gods.With Uranus she bore the
Cyclopes, who later made the thunderbolts for Zeus. She also bore
Parents: Cronus and Rhea
the Titans, including Oceanus, Iapetus, Rhea, Themis, and
Dominion: Marriage, fertility
Favorite Place: Argos
Symbols: Crown, scepter, cow, peacock, pomegranate
Gaea also gave birth to monsters. Three of her sons, Cottus,
Archetype: Traditional, marriage-minded; fierce opponent of any
Briareus, and Gyes (the “Hundred-handed Ones”), each had a
threat to family
hundred hands and fifty heads. Their father hated them and hid
them in a secret part of Gaea when they were born. He never let
Hera, who appears in art as a lovely and dignified queen, is the
them see the light and was very pleased with what he had done.
ancient Greek goddess and protectress of marriage and woman-
Gaea groaned within and plotted revenge. She made the element of
hood. In addition to her inherent roles as a goddess she
flint and formed a sickle out of it.
was also the wife and sister of Zeus, making her queen of Mount
Olympus after their marriage. Although as a goddess she was not
That night, as Uranus came to Gaea, Cronus emerged from his
outright malevolent, she was known to be a vengeful being and was
hiding place and castrated* his father with the sickle. From the blood
especially cruel towards those who crossed her.
of Uranus, Gaea bore the Erinyes, or Furies, the race of Giants, and
the Nymphs. Cronus threw Uranus’ genitals into the sea. They
floated for a long time, and white foam spread around them. POSEIDON (NEPTUNE)
Parents: Cronus and Rhea
Cronus had learned from his parents that one of his children would Dominion: Sea, earthquakes, horses
one day overthrow him, as he had overthrown his own father. He Favorite Place: Sounion
therefore kept close watch, and when his children were born, he Symbols: Trident (three-pronged spear), horse
swallowed them, devouring the first five: Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Archetype: Emotionally intense, impulsive; can be angry and
Hades, and Poseidon. vengeful and troubled by sense of inferiority

When she was about to deliver her sixth child, Zeus, Rhea could Poseidon is the god of the sea and known as the protector of those
stand no more and asked Gaea and Uranus for help. They sent her who sailed in Greek mythology. He is the older brother of both Zeus
to Crete, and when Zeus was born, Gaea took him and hid him in and Hades and second oldest of his siblings behind Hestia.
a remote cave. She then wrapped a huge stone in a blanket and Poseidon functioned as an antagonist of other gods usually not
gave it to Cronus. He gulped it down, unaware that his youngest son through direct malevolence but rather as a result of egotism and
was still alive and growing stronger by the day. uncontrollable fits of anger. He competed with the goddess Athena
to become the patron god of Athens.
Later authors have added details about Zeus’ babyhood in the cave.
They say that he was fed by bees and nursed on the milk of a goat DEMETER (CERES)
named Amalthea. Her horns were magical, filled with ambrosia Parents: Cronus and Rhea
and nectar, the food and drink of the gods. The Latin name for this Dominion: Crops, motherhood
horn, cornucopiae, or “horn of plenty”, remains a symbol of Favorite place: Eleusis
abundance. Symbols: Stalk of wheat, torch
Archetype: Motherly, nurturing, deeply spiritual
In the movie "The Hunger Games", cornucopia was the center of all food and survival weapons for the victors.
This was inspired by the cornucopia in the story of Zeus and Amalthea.
Demeter is a sister and consort of Zeus (the king of the gods), and
Moreover, its meaning "horn of plenty" was the National Anthem of Panem, the wealthiest city in the movie,
goddess of agriculture. Her name indicates that she is a mother. She
and served as one of the original soundtracks as well . is closely associated with her daughter, Persephone, also known as
“the maiden.” The best-known myth about them explains the change
When Zeus was fully grown, Gaea tricked Cronus into disgorging all in the seasons. Her distress at her daughter’s disappearance was
of the children that he had swallowed. The first thing he vomited up said to have diverted her attention from the harvest and caused a
was the stone that he had swallowed. Zeus then released his other famine.
brothers whom Cronus had buried, the Hundred Handed Ones and
the Cyclopes, who in gratitude gave him power over thunder and HADES (PLUTO)
lightning. Together they all made war upon Cronus and banished Parents: Cronus and Rhea
him. Dominion: The Underworld
Favorite Place: The Underworld
Part 2: The Olympian Deities Part 1:The Children of Cronus and Symbol: Magical helmet of invisibility, bident (2-pronged staff),
Rhea chariot
Archetype: Dark, secret, imaginative; can become depressed
Parents: Cronus and Rhea Hades is the god of wealth and king of the Underworld in Greek
Dominion: Sky, weather, especially thunderstorms and winds. mythology. He is synonymous with death, doom and fate, although
Favorite Places: Olympus, Dodona, Crete he is not the actual god of death. He is the older brother of Zeus,
Symbols: Thunderbolt, eagle, aegis (goatskin shield), oak tree god of the sky and Poseidon god of the sea. Though today we might
Archetype (characteristics of personality): Ambitious, decisive, associate him more as a necessary factor and a part of life, the
competitive; “networker” ancient Greeks used him as an epitome of fear and dreaded him so
much his name was rarely spoken aloud.
Zeus was the chief deity of the Olympian pantheon and was
considered the omnipotent master of the universe by the ancient
Greeks. There is no denying the fact that Zeus and his fellow
According to Vergil and others, souls were accompanied to the bank called Pallas Athena. Because Metis remained inside Zeus’ body,
of the River Styx by Hermes. There they were met by a dirty and the prophecy that a son would later be born to them never was
surly ferryman named Charon, who demanded payment to row them fulfilled. So Zeus remained the king of gods and men.
across the river and into the Underworld. Anyone who did not have
the money was doomed to wait at the riverbank forever. APOLLO (PHOEBUS APOLLO)
Parents: Zeus and Leto
All newcomers had to pass by the three-headed dog, Cerberus. He Dominion: Music, poetry, healing, the woods, medicine, grazing
left them alone on their way in but would turn vicious if any tried to animals, herds
escape. Each one is brought before three judges, Rhadamanthus, Favorite Places: Delphi, Parnassus, Delos
Minos and Aeacus, who pass sentences to the souls .They drank Symbols: Sun, silver or golden bow and arrows, laurel tree, dolphin
from the River Lethe, the river of forgetfulness, which erased their Archetype: artistic, rational, orderly; “favorite son”; can be arrogant
memories of their earthly lives. A few of those especially dear to the
gods were sent to the Elysian Fields, a paradise of eternally perfect ARTEMIS (DIANA)
weather, balmy ocean breezes, and fragrant flowers. Parents: Zeus and Leto
Dominion: Hunters and hunting, young children, youth
The underworld had several famous inhabitants, including Tantalus, Favorite Places: Woods and forests
Sisyphus and Ixion, each condemned for heinous crimes against the Symbols: Moon, silver bow, deer, stag, dog
gods: Tantalus killed his son, cooked him into a meal, and then tried Archetype: Athletic, fond of nature and animals, close to other
to trick the gods into eating it. Sisyphus likewise mocked and females; can be violent
deceived the gods, and Ixion attempted to rape the goddess Hera.
Apollo and Artemis were two twins, born of Zeus, king of the gods,
HESTIA (VESTA) and Leto, a daughter of Titans s Coeus and Phoebe. Leto was a
Parents: Cronus and Rhea very kind and loving deity but was hated by Hera, Zeus' wife, for
Dominion: The home seducing her husband. So, when Leto got pregnant and Hera found
Favorite Place: Rome (as Vesta) out, she specifically forbade any place under the sun to harbor the
Symbol: Hearth fire sinful woman. She even held her daughter Eileithyia, the goddess of
Archetype: Home-loving, unassuming childbirth, tightly in her arms to prevent her from assisting Leto in her
According to the Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite, she was the firstborn
child of Cronus and Rhea and the last to be disgorged from her Zeus took pity on Leto and transformed her into a quail (ortyx) to
father’s belly. Both Poseidon and Apollo wanted to marry her, but bear her children. For nine days and nine nights, Leto suffered
she swore upon Zeus’ head that she would never marry. The intense pain, until on the tenth day she went near a small lake,
Romans had an important cult of Vesta, presided over by six leaned against a palm tree, loosened her belt, and gave birth to
priestesses known as Vestal Artemis, the Greek goddess of the hunt. Artemis then acted as a
Virgins. midwife for her mother to give birth to her brother Apollo.

Part 3: The Olympian Deities Part 1:The Children of Zues APHRODITE (VENUS)
Parents: Zeus and Dione (according to Homer) or born from Cronus’
ATHENA (MINERVA) severed sexual member (according to Hesiod)
Parents: Zeus (and Metis) Dominion: Love and beauty
Dominion: The arts and crafts, wisdom, training, taming horses Favorite Places: Cyprus, Corinth, Cythera
Favorite Place: Athens Symbols: Rose, dove
Symbols: Helmet, spear and shield, aegis decorated with the head Archetype: Emotionally open, appreciative of beauty and luxury;
of the Gorgon Medusa, thunderbolt, owl, olive tree can be vain
Archetype: Intelligent, creative; identifies with males
With her name that means “one born from the foam”, Aphrodite is
The poet Hesiod elaborates on how this most unusual birth came known in Greek Mythology as the goddess of love, beauty, and
about. Zeus had taken the Titan goddess Metis, the wisest of all the fertility. She is also associated with pleasure, passion, and
gods then living, as his first wife. The name “Metis” means “common procreation. There are only three she cannot move: Hestia, Athena,
sense” or “practical wisdom.” Soon Zeus and Metis conceived a and Artemis. Even the mighty Zeus time and again proves unable to
child. Just as Metis was about to give birth, Zeus was given a resist her power and falls in love with mortal women. Aphrodite was
prophecy from his grandparents, Uranus and Gaea. The prophecy married to Hephaestus, the god of fire, blacksmiths and
foretold that Metis would bear two children. Her second child would metalworking. Aphrodite was frequently unfaithful to him and had
overthrow his royal father, Zeus, just as Zeus had overthrown his many lovers; in the Odyssey, she is caught in the act of adultery
own father, Cronus, and in turn, Cronus had overthrown his father, with Ares, the god of war.
Metis had the power to magically transform herself at will into Parents: Zeus and Maia
anything, animal, shape, or figure. Zeus continued to taunt her so Dominion: Liars, thieves, travelers, merchants and commerce;
that she quickly morphed into the shapes of a fire, river, boar, a domesticated herds (cattle, sheep), dogs, boars, lions; weights and
snake, and last of all, a small insect, perhaps a housefly. Suddenly, measures; pipers; guiding dead souls in transit to the Underworld
Zeus swallowed the insect, which was, of course, his goddess wife, Favorite Places: Roads
Metis, pregnant with Athena! Metis stayed inside Zeus, continuing to Symbols: Caduceus or wand, winged sandals, winged traveler’s
advise him and dispense common sense and right judgment that helmet (petasus), lyre, syrinx
Zeus so needed as king of the gods and humans. Archetype: Mischievous, fun-loving, communicative with all;
Shortly after swallowing Metis, Zeus developed a throbbing migraine
headache. One of the gods (some say it was Hephaestus, others, Hermes, also known as Mercury in Roman mythology, is the son of
Prometheus) rushed to help him by splitting open Zeus’ godly head Zeus and Maia. In infancy, he stole the twelve cattle of the sun god
with an axe. To the shock of all the heavenly deities, out leaped the Apollo out of craving for meat. Hermes is considered the herald of
bright-flashing, gray-eyed goddess Athena, fully armored, the gods, and functioned as the emissary and messenger of the
brandishing her spear! She became Zeus’ favorite child, because it gods. He is able to move quickly and freely between the worlds of
was from his head that she was born. Athena is also sometimes the mortal and the divine, aided by his winged sandals.
Parents: Zeus and Hera
Dominion: War
Favorite Places: Thebes, Thrace
Symbols: Helmet, sword, shield, spear
Archetype: Angry and violent, intensely competitive

Ares, the god of war, was the least loved and most despised of all
the Greek gods. He is known for more barbaric parts such as
slaughter and bloodlust. Ares stood as Athena’s opposite: one who
engages in reckless passion, vengeance, the horror of bloodshed,
uncontrolled chaos, the worst in human—or godly—nature. Ares
was also a marriage wrecker and disloyal brother: he was the lover
of his brother’s wife, Aphrodite.

Parents: Zeus and Hera or Hera alone
Dominion: Smithing and crafts of the forge, metalworkers, artisans
Favorite Places: Lemnos, Mount Etna in Sicily, other volcanoes in
the Mediterranean region
Symbols: Hammer and anvil
Archetype: Earthy, gentle, creative, kindly, even when mocked or

According to myth, Hephaestus was born lame and was cast from
heaven in disgust by his mother, Hera, and again by his father,
Zeus, after a family quarrel. He was brought back to Olympus by
Dionysus and was one of the only gods to have returned after exile.
A blacksmith and craftsman, Hephaestus, the god of fire, made
weapons and military equipment for the gods and certain mortals,
including a winged helmet and sandals for Hermes and armor for

Parents: Zeus and Semele
Dominion: The vine, wine
Favorite Places: Asia Minor, Thebes
Symbols: Wine cup; vine leaves; thyrsus (a staff topped with a pine
cone); many wild animals, especially panther, lion, tiger, leopard,
dolphin, and snake.
Archetype: Moody, mystical, friendly to women, passionate; may
develop substance abuse problems

Dionysus was the god of fertility and wine, later considered a patron
of the arts. He created wine and spread the art of viticulture. He had
a dual nature; on one hand, he brought joy and divine ecstasy; or he
would bring brutal and blinding rage, thus reflecting the dual nature
of wine. It was believed that Dionysus was the result of an affair
between Zeus and a human woman, Semele. He was born from
Zeus' thigh.

Parents: Zeus and Demeter
Dominion: The Underworld
Favorite Place: Eleusis
Symbols: Torches, sheaf of grain
Archetype: Compliant, girlish

Persephone was the goddess queen of the underworld, and the wife
of the god Hades, which happens to be his uncle as well. In the
Underworld, Persephone had grown to love Hades, who treated her
with compassion and loved her as his Queen. As she would have
ended up in Olympus, she remained eternally beautiful in the
Underworld. Hades admired her kind and nurturing nature. She was
also the goddess of spring growth, who was worshiped alongside
her mother Demeter in the Eleusinian Mysteries.

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