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Academic Rules & Regulations w.e.

f the Academic Year 2021 – 22

Released on 25-6-2021


for the Four Year



(Affiliated to Osmania University)
(Accredited by NAAC with "A" Grade, Accredited by NBA)

With effect from the

(Academic Year 2021-22)

Academic Rules & Regulations w.e.f the Academic Year 2021 – 22
Released on 25-6-2021

(Full – time)


S.No Contents Page No

I Admissions 3
II Duration and Programs of study 5
III Rules and Regulations of Attendance 8
IV Scheme of Instruction and Examination 9
V Rules of Promotion 12
VI Grading System 13
VII Award of Degree 16
VIII Award of Gold Medal 16
IX Improvement of Overall Score 17
X General Rules of Examinations 17
XI Transitory Regulations 17
XII Range of Credits 18
XIII Malpractice and Award of Punishment 18
XIV Rules of Conduct of Students 21
Academic Rules & Regulations w.e.f the Academic Year 2021 – 22
Released on 25-6-2021


(Affiliated to Osmania University)
(Accredited by NAAC with "A" Grade, Accredited by NBA)
ABIDS, HYDERABAD-500001, Telangana




Stanley College of Engineering and Technology for Women – a temple of

learning was established in the year 2008 on a sprawling 6-acre campus of historic
Stanley College campus at Abids, Hyderabad. The college provides a serene and
tranquil environment to the students, boosting their mental potential and
preparing them in all aspects to face the global competition with a smile on the
face and emerge victorious. Stanley College of Engineering and Technology for
Women has been established with the Executive board of Methodist Church of
India that has been gracious and instrumental in making the vision of an
Engineering College on this campus a reality. The College is affiliated to the
prestigious Osmania University, Hyderabad. It has been approved by AICTE,
New Delhi, recognized by the Government of Telangana. The College is
Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade & All eligible Under Graduate (UG) Courses
by NBA. It has been sanctioned with six UG-Courses: B.E. in Computer Science
& Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering ,Electrical and
Electronics Engineering, Information Technology Computer Engineering and
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science as well as three PG Courses: M.Tech in
CSE, M.E in Embedded Systems and Masters Degree in Business Administration.

Preliminary Definitions and Nomenclature

These rules are applicable to the students who are admitted to B.E (Eight
Semesters) programme from the academic year 2021-22. The preliminary
definitions and nomenclature are furnished in the following table.

S.No Keywords Definition

Programme An educational programme leading to award of Degree B.E
2 As prescribed by Government of Telangana
Academic Two consecutive (one odd + one even) semesters constitute
Year One academic year.
Each semester will consist of 16 weeks of academic work
Semester equivalent to 90 actual teaching days. The odd semester
may be scheduled from July to December and even semester
Academic Rules & Regulations w.e.f the Academic Year 2021 – 22
Released on 25-6-2021

from January to June.

A course usually covers an individual subject. All Courses
5 Course
need not carry the same weight. The Courses should define
learning objectives and learning outcomes.
6 Course Course content comprises of lectures/ tutorials/ laboratory
Content work / Project work / seminars/
Internships /Field Works etc. or a combination of some
of these. The medium of instruction, examinations and
project report will be in English
7 Credit A unit by which the course work is measured. It determines
the number of hours of instructions required per week.
8 Credit Point It is the product of grade point and number of credits for a
9 Letter It is an index of the performance of students in a said
Grade course. Grades are denoted by letters like S,A,B,C,D, E etc.
10 It is a numerical weight allotted to each letter grade on a
Grade Point
10-point scale.
11 Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA), it is a measure of
performance of work done in a semester. It is the ratio of
total credit points secured by a student in various Courses
registered in a semester and the total course credits taken
during that semester. It shall be expressed up to two
decimal places.
12 Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA), it is a measure
of overall cumulative performance of a student overall
semesters. The CGPA is the ratio of sum of product of
SGPA in a semester and credits of that semester to the total
of credits of all semesters. It is expressed up to two decimal
13 Grade Based on the grades earned, a grade sheet shall be issued to
Sheet all the registered students after every semester. The grade
sheet will display the course details (Course title, number of
credits, grade secured) along with SGPA of that semester
and CGPA earned till that semester.
14 STLW Stanley College of Engineering and Technology for


STLW offers a 4-year (8 semesters) Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) degree
programme with effect from the academic year 2021 - 22 onwards, in the branches
as shown in the following table.

Table - B.E. Programmes of study on offer

S. No. Branch Code Sanctioned

1. Computer Science and Engineering CSE 180
2. Electronics and Communication Engineering ECE 120
Academic Rules & Regulations w.e.f the Academic Year 2021 – 22
Released on 25-6-2021

3. Electrical and Electronics Engineering EEE 60

4. Information Technology IT 120
5. Computer Engineering CME 60
6. Artificial Intelligence and Data Science ADS 60


 The eligibility criteria for admission into engineering programmes

offered at STLW shall be as prescribed by the Government of
Telangana. The criteria are given below:
 The candidate shall be an Indian National / NRI.
 The candidate should have completed 16 years of age as on 31st
December of the academic year for which the admissions are being
 The candidate should have passed the qualifying examination (10+2)
or equivalent as on the date of admission recognized by Board of
Intermediate Education (BIE), Telangana State.
 Seats in each programme in the Institute are classified into two
categories i.e., Category – A and Category – B as per the GOs.

Category – A Seats

These seats shall be filled through counseling as per the rank secured by
a candidate in the Common Entrance Test (TSEAMCET) conducted by
the Government of Telangana and as per other admission criteria laid
down in the GOs.

Category – B Seats

These seats shall be filled by the Institute as per the GOs issued by the
Government of Telangana from time to time.

Direct Admission to Second Year: (Lateral Entry Scheme)

A candidate shall be admitted into the third semester based on the rank
secured by the candidate in the Engineering Common Entrance Test
TSECET (For Diploma Holders)] by the Government of Telangana and
as per other admission criteria laid down in the Gos of the Government of


The medium of instruction shall be English for all the Courses including
their content delivery and examinations, seminars, presentations and
project evaluation as prescribed in the programme curriculum.


The structure of the B.E. programmes on offer at STLW are based on the
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Credit Based Semester
System (CBSS) as defined by the UGC and the curriculum / course
Academic Rules & Regulations w.e.f the Academic Year 2021 – 22
Released on 25-6-2021

structure as suggested by the AICTE in its Model Curriculum.

Semester Scheme:
The B.E. programmes offered at STLW follow semester scheme pattern.
The duration of a B.E. programme shall be of 4 academic years
Each academic year shall have 2 semesters i.e., odd and even semesters
and shall be counted as first semester, second semester, third semester
and so on upto eighth semester.
Each semester shall consist of 16 weeks of academic work excluding
external examination and evaluation.
Each semester is structured to provide credits totaling to 160 credits for
the entire B.E. programme.
Each semester shall have ‘Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE)’ and
‘Semester End Examination (SEE)’.
Each student shall secure a total of 160 credits with a CGPA ≥ 4.5
required for the completion of the UG programme and the award of the
A student after securing admission into a B.E. programme at STLW
shall pursue and acquire the B.E. degree in a minimum period of four
academic years i.e., 8 semesters and a maximum period of six academic
years i.e., 12 semesters starting from the date of commencement of First
year First semester, failing which the student shall forfeit the seat in B.E.


Semester Duration: The duration of the program is eight semesters (four

years) such as I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII and VIII semesters. Each academic
year shall comprise two semesters. Instruction per semester 16 weeks
and Each semester of study shall normally consist of 90 working days. A
student is expected to complete the B.E.. programme in eight semesters
for regular programme and in 6 semesters under lateral entry scheme.
S.No Duration Particulars
1 16 weeks Class Work including CIE
2 2 Weeks Preparation Holidays and Practical examinations
3 2 Weeks From Commencement of Theory Examinations
4 6 Weeks Break / Supplementary / make-up examination /
Mini Project / Internship
No admission / readmission / promotion are entertained after four
weeks of the commencement of instruction.

In case there are any court cases consequent to which the authorities are
compelled to admit any candidate after the announced last date of
admissions, the admission (seat) of such a student would be reserved for
the subsequent year on a supernumerary basis. No refund of Tuition fee
will be made after the commencement of instruction for students who
wish to cancel their admission. The schedules of study of all programmes
Academic Rules & Regulations w.e.f the Academic Year 2021 – 22
Released on 25-6-2021

are regulated by the Academic Council of the Stanley College of

Engineering and Technology for Women.

Each candidate will be allotted to one of the programs at the time of

admission, strictly depending on the merit secured at the Entrance
Examination, and subject to the rules in force regarding reservations of
seats. Under CBCS, programme duration shall be defined by the period in
which a student earns the prescribed credits for the award of B.E. degree.

Normal Duration:

 The duration of the B.E. degree programme shall be four years.

 The duration of the B.E. lateral entry scheme (LES) degree

programme shall be three years.
Maximum Duration:

 Candidate who fails to fulfill all the requirements for the award of the
degree as specified here in after within N+2 academic years from the
time of admission, will forfeit her seat in the program and her
admission will stand cancelled, where ‘N’ is the no. of years of
program of study (4 years for B.E).
 The maximum period for a programme shall also be dictated by the
fact that a student has to demonstrate the prescribed minimum
academic performance by registering for the prescribed minimum
number of credits in every semester, for continuing in the programme.
This period can be equal to or lesser than the maximum period
indicated as above.

Industrial Training / Internship

The student has to undergo Industrial Training/Internship and the earned will
be indicated in the Mark Sheet. The student is allowed to undergo a three
Industrial Training / Internship during the entire duration of study.
Duration of Training / Credits
2 Weeks 1
4 Weeks 2
6 Weeks 3
Types of Courses in the Programme
Courses in a programme will be of the following kinds:
Course Work and Subject Area
HS Humanities, Social Sciences and Management
BS Basic Sciences including Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
ES Engineering Sciences including Workshop, Drawing, Basic
Electrical/ Electronics
PC Professional Core Subjects
Academic Rules & Regulations w.e.f the Academic Year 2021 – 22
Released on 25-6-2021

PEProfessional Elective Subjects relevant to be chosen

OE Open Elective Subjects from other technical subjects
PW Project Work, Seminars, Internship in industry or elsewhere
MC Mandatory (non-credit) Courses

Contact hours and credits (Courses and Credit Structure)

The norms for course credits are as follows:
Lecture (L) / Tutorials (T): One (1) hour per week is assigned one (1) credit (C)
Practical (P): Two (2) hours session per week is assigned one (1) credit(C).
For example, a theory course with a L-T-P schedule of 2-1-0 will be assigned
three (3) credits.

2 1 0 3
A laboratory practical course with a L-T-P schedule of 1-0-3 will be assigned
two and half (2.5) credits.

1 0 3 2.5

Every B.E. programme of study shall be designed to have theory and laboratory
Courses. In addition, a student shall carry out internship, industry oriented
mini-project, project, design sensitization, design thinking and other Courses as
prescribed in the curriculum of the programmes.
➢ Every admitted student shall be assigned to a Faculty advisor who shall
advise and counsel the student about the details of the academic programme,
rules and regulations and the choice of Courses considering the students’
academic background and career objectives.
➢ Each student on admission shall register for all the Courses prescribed in a
semester of study including open electives.
➢ Every student shall enroll for the Courses of the succeeding semester at the
end of the current semester. However, the student shall confirm the
enrolment by registering for the Courses before the three working days of the
commencement of the concerned semester. Online registration of Courses
including open electives, extracurricular and co- curricular Courses will be
provided and students should visit the college website for details.

➢ The registration of the Courses (such as professional electives, open electives

etc) by the students in each semester apart from the compulsory Professional
Academic Rules & Regulations w.e.f the Academic Year 2021 – 22
Released on 25-6-2021

Courses as prescribed by the department concerned shall be completed within

the stipulated period and on or before the due date prescribed. Change of
professional electives and open electives will not be entertained after the due
➢ No course shall be offered by a Department unless a minimum of 20 students
for elective course. After registering for a course, a student shall attend the
classes, to satisfy the academic requirements for attending the semester end
➢ The enrolment for all the Courses of the even Semester will commence 15
working days prior to the last working day of odd Semester. The student shall
confirm the enrolment by registering for the Courses before the three working
days of the commencement of the even semester. However, the student can
register for Courses for which the student has not enrolled, if these are the
Courses in which the student has failed. No change of course under any
circumstances will be entertained once registration of Courses is completed.
1. Candidates admitted to a particular program of study are required to
pursue a “Regular program of study” before they are permitted to appear
for the Semester End Examination.
2. “A regular program of study” means putting in attendance of not less than
75% in each semester.
3. a) In special cases and for sufficient cause shown, the Chairman Academic
Council may, on the specific recommendations of the Principal / Head of
the Department, condone the deficiency in attendance to the extent of 10%
on medical grounds subject to submission of medical certificate and
payment of condonation fee.
b) However, in respect of candidates who seek condonation of attendance
due to pregnancy, the chairman Academic Council may condon the
deficiency in attendance to the extent of 15% (as against 10% condonation
for others) medical grounds subject to submission of medical certificate to
this effect. Such condonation shall not be availed twice during the program
of study.
4. The fee for condonation of attendance on medical grounds shall be Rs.
2000/-(Rupees Two Thousand only) payable through Demand Draft
drawn in favour of the” Principal, Stanley College of ENGG.. & TECH
for Women.”
5. “Attendance of N.C.C / N.S.S Camps or Inter collegiate or Inter
University or Inter State or International matches or debates or
Educational Excursions or such other Inter University activities as
approved by the authorities involving journeys outside the city in which
the college is situated will not be counted as absence. (i) Such ‘absence
shall not exceed four (4) weeks per semester of the total period of
instructions. (ii) Such leave should be availed with prior permission from
the Principal and not be availed more than twice during the program of
study. (iii) Without any prior permission, such leave shall be treated as
absence. (iv) While calculating the attendance, the no. of classes not
attended in each subject should be deleted in the denominator.
Academic Rules & Regulations w.e.f the Academic Year 2021 – 22
Released on 25-6-2021

6. The attendance shall be calculated on the aggregate of the papers /

Courses from the date of commencement of classes / date of readmission
in case of detained candidates as per the almanac communicated by STLW.
7. In case of the candidates who fail to put in the required attendance in a
program of study, she shall be detained in the same class and will not be
permitted to appear for the Semester End Examination. Such candidates
shall have to seek readmission into the same class during the subsequent
year in order to appear for the examination after fulfilling the attendance
requirements and on payment of requisite tuition fee.
8. a) Candidates admitted to the first year through an entrance test and do
not have the requisite attendance but have not less than 40% attendance
can seek readmission without once again appearing for the entrance test.
b) In respect of candidates of such programs where the admissions are
governed through an entrance test, candidates of First semester who do
not have the minimum 40% attendance would lose their seat and they
will have to seek admission afresh by appearing at the entrance test once
Enhancement Courses. Employability Enhancement Courses include Project All
B.E. programmes consist of Theory Courses, Laboratory Courses and
Employability Work, Seminar, Professional Practices, Case Study and
Industrial/Practical Training.
Appearance in End Semester Examination is mandatory for all Courses including
theory, laboratory and project work. Performance in each course of study shall be
evaluated based on (i) Continuous Assessments throughout the semester and (ii)
End Semester Examination at the end of the semester. The evaluation shall be
based on Outcome Based Education (OBE). For Theory Courses out of 100
marks, the maximum marks for continuous assessment is fixed as 40 and the end
semester examination carries 60 marks. For Laboratory Courses out of 100
marks, the maximum marks for continuous assessment is fixed as 40 and the end
semester examination carries 60 marks. The proposed Project Credits will be
distributed as follows.
Course Credits
First Summer Internship 1
Second Summer Internship 2
Third Summer Internship 2
Seminar-1&2 2
Technical Paper writing 1
Major Project 8
Each course shall be evaluated for a maximum of 100 marks as shown below:
S.No Category of course Continuous End-Semester
Assessments Examinations

1. Theory Courses / Theory 40 Marks 60 Marks

Courses with Laboratory
2. Laboratory Courses 40 Marks 60 Marks
Academic Rules & Regulations w.e.f the Academic Year 2021 – 22
Released on 25-6-2021

3. Project 80 Marks 120 Marks

The performance of a student in each semester shall be evaluated course wise
with a maximum of 100 marks for theory and 100 marks for practical Courses. In
addition, design sensitization, design thinking, internship, industry oriented
mini-project, project stage-I and project stage-II Courses shall be evaluated for
100 marks each.

Theory Courses:

- The syllabus for the theory Courses shall be divided into FIVE units
and each unit carries equal weightage in terms of marks distribution.

- For theory Courses, the distribution of marks shall be 40 marks for

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) and 60 marks for the
Semester End Examination (SEE).
Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE - 40 M):

- Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) shall consist of sessional

examination (Internal Exam– 25 M), Quiz (Q-5M), Assignment
(A-5M) Class Assessment (CA- 5 M).
Internal Examination (25 M):
- For theory Courses, three sessional examinations shall be
conducted in each semester as per the academic calendar. Each
sessional examination shall be evaluated for 25 marks.
- Question paper pattern for sessional examination (25 Marks)
shall be as follows:
PART-A: 5 X 2 M = 10 M
All questions are compulsory.
PART-B: 3 X 5 M = 15 M

a. In Part-B three out of four questions have to be answered.

Average of best two SEs shall be calculated and used as the final

sessional marks for each course.

Class Assessment (CA -5M):

The CA marks of each subject will be acquired by performing any

one of the following activity during the semester.

Activity Max.Marks(5M)
Technical Participations in inter College 5 Per Activity
Competitions / Paper Presentations / Publications
Certification Courses (SWAYAM,NPTEL or 5 Per Activity
Relevant online Recommended Course etc)
Course Project/Project Based Learning (PBL) 5 Per Activity
Academic Rules & Regulations w.e.f the Academic Year 2021 – 22
Released on 25-6-2021

(Group of three Students )

The valuation and verification of answer scripts of CIE shall
be completedwithin a week after the conduct of the examination.

Semester End Examination (SEE - 60 M):

- The SEE shall be conducted at the end of semester for a total of 60

marks of 3 hours duration.
- The syllabus for the theory Courses shall be divided into FIVE
units and each unit carries equal weightage in terms of marks

- Question paper pattern for SEE (60 Marks) shall be as follows:

PART-A: 5 X 2 M = 10 M
a. There shall be one question from each unit.
b. All questions are compulsory.
PART-B: 5 X 10 M = 50 M
a. There shall be one question from each unit with internal
choice i.e.,‘either’ ‘or’ choice.
b. The student shall answer one question from each UNIT.
c. There could be a maximum of two sub divisions in a question
i.e., (a)and/or (b).
The evaluation of BE project (Project –II/ Fulltime Internship) for semester end
examination consists of a maximum of 200 marks which will be distributed as per
the guidelines given below:


S.No. Semester / Class Conditions to be fulfilled

From I-Semester
toII-Semester Regular Program of study of BE I Semester
Regular program of study of B.E. II-Semester and
From II-Semester must have earned at least 50% of credits (rounded
2. toIII-Semester to the next nearest integer) prescribed for B.E. I-
Semester and II-Semester.
From III-Semester Regular program of study of B.E. III-Semester.
3. to IV-Semester
Regular program of study of B.E. IV-Semester
4. From IV- No. of backlog credits, if any of B.E. I, II, III and
Semesterto V- IV-Semester put together shall not exceed 50%
Semester (rounded to the next nearest integer) of the
total number of credits prescribed for the B.E. III
& IV-Semester
Academic Rules & Regulations w.e.f the Academic Year 2021 – 22
Released on 25-6-2021

5. From V-Semester Regular program of study of B.E. V-Semester

to VI- Semester
Regular program of study of B.E. VI-Semester
From VI- Semester No. of backlogs, if any of B.E. I to VI-Semester
6. to VII- Semester put together shall not exceed to 50% (rounded
to the next nearest integer) of the total number of
credits prescribed for the B.E. V & VI-
7. From VII-Semester Regular program of study of B.E. VII-Semester
to VIII-Semester

1. If a candidate has more than permitted number of credits as backlogs,
she will be detained.
2. The candidate who wishes to take readmission into the year in which
she is detained have to pay the total tuition fee of that year and all the
credits earned during that year shall become null and void.
1. Candidates who have passed all the examinations of the B.E. Degree Program
shall be awarded CGPA in accordance with the grade secured by them in all
eight Semesters taken together, including the sessional marks secured in
those semesters.
The grade secured shall be shown in the memorandum of marks as per the
performance in SEE and CIE.
A minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 4.5 is required for
the award of Degree. The consolidated memorandum of marks will reflect the
credits / grade scored in each subject.

SGPA = Σ(Letter Grade Pointi X Crediti)/Σ(Crediti)

where i ranges over all Courses in that semester

CGPA = Σ(SGPAjX Creditsj)/Σ(Creditsj)

where j ranges over all semesters upto
which the CGPA is computed.

a. SGPA is calculated upto second decimal point and it is calculated only

when all subjects in that semester are cleared / passed.
b. CGPA at a given point of Semester is calculated upto second decimal point.
It is calculated only when total credits earned are equal to total credits
prescribed as per scheme upto a semester in which the candidate has last
appeared for SEE.
Academic Rules & Regulations w.e.f the Academic Year 2021 – 22
Released on 25-6-2021

Illustration of calculation of SGPA:

Cours Course Letter Grade GradePoint Credit Point
e Credits (GP) (CP = C x GP)
Name (C)
Course 1 3 S 10 3 x 10 = 30
Course 2 4 A 9 4 x 9 = 36
Course 3 3 B 8 3 x 8 = 24
Course 4 3 C 7 3 x 7 = 21
Course 5 3 D 6 3 x 6 = 18
Course 6 4 E 5 4 x 5 = 20
Thus, SGPA = 149/20 = 7.45
Illustration of calculation of CGPA upto II semester:

Sem- Course Course Letter Grade Credit Point

ester Name Credits Grade Secured Point (CP = C x GP)
(C) (GP)
I Course 1 4 S 10 40
I Course 2 4 A 9 36
I Course 3 4 B 8 32
I Course 4 1.5 C 7 10.5
I Course 5 1.5 D 6 9
I Course 6 3 E 5 15
I Course 7 1 S 10 10
II Course 8 4 A 9 36
II Course 9 4 B 8 32
II Course 10 2 C 7 14
II Course 11 3 D 6 18
II Course 12 1.5 E 5 7.5
II Course 13 1 S 10 10
II Course 14 2 A 9 18
II Course 15 2.5 B 8 20

SGPA of I Sem = 152.5/19 = 8.03

SGPA of II Sem = 155.5/20 = 7.78
CPGA upto II Sem = (8.03X19+7.78X20)/39 =7.9
The above illustrated process of calculation of CGPA shall be followedfor each
subsequent semester until eight semester.
The CGPA obtained at the end of eight semester shall be the final CGPA
Academic Rules & Regulations w.e.f the Academic Year 2021 – 22
Released on 25-6-2021

secured by the student for the entire B.E. programme.

The grade card issued shall contain the following:
a. The credits for each course offered in that semester.
b. The letter grade and grade point awarded in each course.
d. Total number of credits earned by the student up to the end of that
a. Student can register for the revaluation by paying a prescribed fee.
b. The Controller of Examinations (CoE) shall arrange for the
revaluation and declare the results.
c. Revaluation shall not be permitted to the Courses other than
Credit transfer of a student from other Institution to STLW is
permitted for under- graduate programme as per the GOs from the
Government of Telangana.
Credit transfer from another Institution to STLW:
a. A student studying in another Institution can take transfer to STLW
against notification and orders issued by the Government of Telangana,
under the following conditions:
b. When a student seeks transfer, equivalent credits shall be assigned to the
student based on the Courses studied earlier by the student.
c. The student, when transferred from other Institution, must follow the
rules and regulations of STLW.
d. To graduate from STLW, a transferred student must study at least
half of the minimum duration prescribed for a programme at STLW.
a. If a student has not paid the pending dues to the institute/if any case
o f indiscipline/malpractice is p e n d i n g a g a i n s t h i m , t h e results of
such student shall be withheld.
The issue of the award of the provisional certificate and the B.E. degree
is liable to be withheld in such cases.


The degree of bachelor of engineering will be conferred on candidate
who has pursued a regular program of study of four academic years as
hereinafter prescribed in the scheme of instruction and has passed all the
examinations as prescribed in the scheme of examinations. Credits
should get 160 for a student to be eligible to get Under Graduate degree in
To obtain degree, the student shall have passed in all the Courses and
secured the number of credits as prescribed in the course structure of
Academic Rules & Regulations w.e.f the Academic Year 2021 – 22
Released on 25-6-2021

program offered by department concerned and should obtain a CGPA of at

least 4.5 and shall not have any disciplinary actions pending against
him/her. The award of division secured in the degree on 10-point scale is
given below:


7.50 and above (7.50-10.00) First Division with distinction
Above 6.50 and below 7.50 First Division
Above 5.50 and below 6.50 Second Division
Above 4.50 and below 5.50 Pass division
Below 4.50 Fail


a. A student securing highest CGPA in single attempt is eligible for
awardof Gold Medal.
b. A readmitted student is not eligible for Gold medal.


A student with distinction division will be eligible to get Under Graduate

degree with Honours or additional Minor Engineering, if he/she completes
an additional 20 credits. These could be acquired through MOOCs. (A
Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is a free Web-based distance learning
program that is designed for the participation of large numbers of
geographically dispersed students. A MOOC may be patterned on a college or
university course or may be less structured). If a student fails in one subject
and attended supplementary exams those students are not eligible for
awarding Honors Degree.

IX. Improvement of Overall Score

1. A Candidate who wishes to improve his/ her Overall score may do so within
one academic year immediately after having passed all the examinations of the
B.E. Degree program, by reappearing in not more than two semester ( all
subjects pertaining to the semester taken together) examinations.
2. For the award of the Overall score, he/she will have the benefit of the higher of
the two aggregates of marks/grade secured in the corresponding semester(s).

X. General Rules of Examination

➢ Procedures and the conduction of Exams will be as per Osmania
➢ The three mid exams in a semester and the average marks of best two
Academic Rules & Regulations w.e.f the Academic Year 2021 – 22
Released on 25-6-2021

exams will be taken as final Mid marks.

➢ The Mid marks will be divided as 25M-Exam, 5M-Assignment, 5M-
Quiz, 5M-CA. In Mid exam, the Part-A all questions to be answered and
choices will be given in Part-B.
➢ The Practical Examination marks distribution is followed as 40M
(Internal), 60M (External) and there will be three internal Exams in a

➢ The distribution of Lab internal Marks as 10M (Continuous

Assessment), 10M (Record), 20M (Exam (10M Write up+10M for
➢ The grading and Malpractice system will be same as Osmania
➢ The procedure for detention and rejoining of students can be changedby
case to case by approval of Academic Council/ CAS.
➢ The rankers of each department will be given upto Top 10 ranks.

➢ The attendance system as per Osmania University.

1. Whenever a Course or Scheme of Instruction is revised / modified in a
particular semester/year, two more examinations immediately following
thereafter shall be conducted according to the old syllabus/regulations,
provided the content in the course has changed more than 40%.
2. Candidates not appearing at the examinations or failing in them shall take
the examination subsequently according to the revised syllabus and
Credit system will be implemented in each semester. The credit hours for
each theory course, laboratory sessions, Skill Development Courses and project
work are clearly mentioned in the scheme of instruction.
Absolute / Relative grading system is adopted in awarding the letter grades.
The marks are converted to grades based on pre-determined class interval.
As per the UGC recommendations a 10-point grading system with the
following letter grades are used:

Academic Performance (%) Letter Grade Grade Points

90 ≤ Marks ≤ 100 S Outstanding 10
80 ≤ Marks < 90 A Excellent 9
70 ≤ Marks < 80 B Very Good 8
60 ≤ Marks < 70 C Good 7
50 ≤ Marks < 60 D Average 6
40 ≤ Marks < 50 E Pass 5
Academic Rules & Regulations w.e.f the Academic Year 2021 – 22
Released on 25-6-2021

0 ≤ Marks < 40 F Fail 0

O Absent 0


S.No Malpractice Award of Maximum
1. Possession of the prohibited Shall be debarred from
(writtenor printed) papers, books, appearing at thesubsequent
notes during the examination papers of the examination
period but which were not used. apartfrom cancelling theresult
of theexamination in which
he/she had indulged in
2. Matter relevant to the examination
being written on any part of the
body or on the clothes worn, or in -do-
the instruments, wrappings, etc.
3. Attempting to take help from any
prohibited papers, notes, written or -do-
printed matter, writings on the
walls, furniture and attempting to
take help from or giving help to
other regardinganswer to any
question or questions of the
examination paper.
4. Taking help from or consulting of
prohibited written or printed
material;consulting and/or taking
help from or helping other
examinee during the examination -do-
period inside the examination hall
or outside it; with or without their
consent, or helping othercandidate
to receive help from anyone else.
S.No Malpractice Award of Maximum
An examinee who attempts to
disclose his/her identity to the paper
valuer by writing his/her roll
number at a place other than the
5 place prescribed for it, or by Cancelling the resultof that
writing his/her name or any paper
coded message or an examinee who
makes an appeal to the paper
in the answer book
Academic Rules & Regulations w.e.f the Academic Year 2021 – 22
Released on 25-6-2021

6 Writing such as invocation of To be ignored

name in any form.
Writing on the question paper or
other papers; the answer to To be
7 questions, rough work, etc., with no warned not todo so
intention of passing it on to another
8 Using abusive and obscene Cancellation of the
language in the answer book. result of that paper
Examinee allowing or destroying Cancellation of theresult of all
prohibited material found in his Examinations taken or
9 Possession or acting in any other proposed to be takenduring
manner with a view to destroy that session andprohibiting
evidence. his/her admission to or
continuation in any course of
the University for a period of
one year
10 Refusing to obey instructions of the Cancelling the result of
Chief Superintendent/Invigilator that paper
Smuggling an answer book / Cancellation of the resultof
11 additional answer book/matter into all examinations taken or
orout of the examination hall. proposed to be taken during
that sessionand prohibiting
his / her admission to or
continuation in any course of
the Institution for a period of
the year.
12 Inserting in or removing from the
answer book/additional answer -do-
book of any sheet.
13 Substituting wholly or partly an
answer book / additional answer book.

S.No Malpractice Award of Maximum

14 Impersonation even at a single To be dealt with asper law
15 Cases of examinees when Cancellation of the result of
conspiringto interchange in Roll allexaminations taken or
Nos. proposed to be taken
during that session and
Prohibiting their Admission
or constitution in any course
of the University for a period
of one year
Academic Rules & Regulations w.e.f the Academic Year 2021 – 22
Released on 25-6-2021

Creation of disturbance or otherwise Cancelling the results of all

16 misbehaving in and around the examinations taken or
examination hall during or before the proposed to be taken during
examination that session andprohibiting
admissioninto or continuation
in any course of study for a
period of two years.
Guilty of assaulting/abusing Cancelling the result of all
17 intimidating any person connected examinations takenor
with the examination work any time proposed to be takenduring
before, during or after the that session and the next
examination session and prohibiting
admissioninto or
continuation in any course
for a period of two years.
Punishments for malpractices not
18 defined here would be recommended
on the merits of the individual cases
by the Malpractices committee.


➢ The college premises and buildings shall be kept clean; writing and sticking
posters and notices on the building walls is strictly prohibited.

➢ Students are not permitted to resort to strikes and demonstrations within the
college. Participation in any such activity shall automatically result in their
dismissal from the college.
➢ No student unions, except professional associations, are permitted in the
➢ Any student responsible for bringing outsiders into the college campus for
settling student disputes will be expelled from the college.
➢ The students may go on Industrial Tours on their own expense. The college
will not defray any expenses of the tour.
➢ The students are expected to be regular in their class work and should
conduct themselves in a disciplined manner. They should abide by such rules
of discipline and conduct as stipulated by the college from time to time.
➢ Fees must be paid in one installment within two weeks of 1st Semester in the
➢ The principal of the college is the final authority as regards the discipline in
the institution and has full powers to suspend, fine, rusticate and take any
other action, which is deemed necessary.
➢ The conduct of the students should be exemplary, not only within the
premises of the college but also outside.
➢ The students are informed that they should furnish the latest addresses of
Academic Rules & Regulations w.e.f the Academic Year 2021 – 22
Released on 25-6-2021

their parents/guardians in the Principal’s Office. Any change of address of the

parents/guardian should also be informed immediately, in the college office.
➢ Ragging is prohibited. Any student participating in ragging is liable to be
summarily expelled from the college without any enquiry. Ragging on
campus and off campus is strictly prohibited and it is a cognizable offence.
The college has constituted Anti-Ragging Committee, vigilance teams, anti-
ragging squads involving the police officers, senior faculty, etc., as per the

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