melwood opportunities
PS: We all benefit from opportunities. Share your opportunity with us on Facebook at or on our blog at
vision mission
Janice Frey-Angel, MSW
Vice Chair
Reginald M. Harris Proprietor, State Farm Insurance
Stanley J. Botts, DLLR Frank O. Coombs Restaurant Franchisee Marty DErasmo, MPH Independent Consultant Donald A. Donahue, Jr., MBA PhD Independent Consultant Christina Eaglin Director, Childrens Hospital
Creating jobs and opportunities for people with differing disabilities so they can have a good quality of life.
Melwood provides employment opportunities for adults with disabilities through a partnership with the AbilityOne Program and community employers.
Jessica Rosado
Employed 821 people with disabilities through the AbilityOne Program. 139 people with disabilities found competitive jobs in the community. 16 people with disabilities employed at Melwood Recreation Center. 7 Melwood workers earned Goddard Peer Awards. Over 160 workers logged 9,400 hours of snow removal following the February 2010 blizzard.
ra ed, she hoped fo hen she first appli ch Laboratory. W sear e at the Naval Re led to work full tim . her ilityOne Program ica Rosado is thril Jess Institute and with ood in the Ab Kennedy Krieger working for Melw part-time job SS) after attending s. ices (E care job yee Support Serv stodial and child cided to seek cu Melwoods Emplo and sado enrolled in er options and de Ro e care is eager to learn identified possibl sponsibilities and counselors help, tered her work re mas Bailey said Jessica manager Brenda ow something. Melwood project nt kn her entering the tions if she does skyrocketed with willing to ask ques ependence have of ind teem and sense , Rosados self-es money. Just as important to earn her own opportunity e and having the workforc . job, said Rosado hers by doing my I enjoy helping ot
s one can ents the challenge Greg Posey repres da e right support an overcome with th n a new job attitude. He bega ive determined, posit neral Services stodian at Ge rtunity as a Melwood cu , but his real oppo ation in February Administr the job. on fore his first day came months be ned ESS to m seizures and joi Posey suffered fro onths, he actively force. For six m re-enter the work d searched for the community an volunteered in Tashayla m case manager jobs with help fro oactive with id, Greg was pr Williams, who sa resumes and s and preparing finding opening termined to find uld tell he was de applications. I co employment. ks highly of borah Moore spea Site supervisor De h easier. Soon muc , my job would be ore Greg Poseys . If I had fifteen m ilding ce, saying, tire wing of the bu his job performan nd ned to clean an en d from the Maryla ng, he was assig after starti achievement awar , he received an In May ccesses. ed others as well. d professional su Posey has inspir r his personal an unity Services fo mm Association of Co
Greg Posey
Jason Wise
s Albert William
HUD Heroes
Ricardo Valentin and Alonzo Brown are two of Melwoods self-described HUD Heroes who, like other Melwood employees with disabilities, take the opportunity to perform when situations require. During the February blizzard in the Washington, DC area, they were two of 19 Melwood employees who worked and slept in shifts to keep the US Department of Housing and Urban Development open for essential personnel. For more than a week during and after the storm, 160 Melwood employees worked around the clock to keep HUD and several other federal sites open for essential personnel. People still compliment us on our work, said Brown, so we still call ourselves HUD Heroes when it comes to snow removal! Valentin, a Melwood employee at HUD since 2003, said, I like that our jobs give us the opportunity to work with people and enhance our people skills. Valentin and Brown work year-round as custodians. They are two of 821 employees with disabilities in the past year that had opportunities to be independent and work in stable, well-paid custodial, landscaping and recycling jobs because of Melwoods affiliation with the AbilityOne Program. Those Melwood employees earned $13 million through the program and paid $2.6 million in taxes. AbilityOne is a federal program that pairs government agencies with approved nonprofits across the country to provide employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
part-time job ks forward to his , Maryland, Albert Williams loo staurant in Clinton ning the Arbys re maintai onths. rked for seven m where he has wo ection, said I ask with little dir lbert does anything A ather Tyer. store manager He termined strong-minded, de er. Albert is a very ESS case manag iana Johnson, For 15 ividual, said Qu ind ll known. d diligence is we His hard work an e Georges Melwood at Princ for up crew. years, he worked a roadside clean se and on County Courthou e, S program. Ther ily, entered the ES vacation with fam uld help him find that wo rnings to rned to set goals who used his ea ct ended, Albert, w etiquette and lea When the contra hed up on intervie us new job skills, br . , Albert developed in the community d I know I do too excellent job, an , a competitive job what he wanted ss knows I do an st. My bo doing his very be ving a job means Williams says ha he said.
to his determination s tenacity, and son Wise embodie well. He lost his Ja off opportunities paid t like make the most of ion and said, I fel job in the recess wntown mailroom do fell on me. the whole world rtation to get on public transpo nd ilepsy and relies mer 2009 and fou Wise has ep iving ESS in sum porary nd. He began rece arou hen a tem as a custodian. W s needed at a a short-lived job room employee wa d it ment for a mail replace ended Jason, an ESS staff recomm ality Melwood contract, id Joy Morris, qu ct match, sa tenants took ed he was a perfe appear job and the er. He loved the assurance manag . to him right away . Wise took a did not deter him temporary status jobs that better The jobs while looking for ed up where he ferent custodial job dif ailroom job open e. skills. When a m d for me by nam suited his The tenants aske ped, Jason said, tem time, permanent, hired for the fullll. applied and was Wise has done very we en position, where he Metro-accessible ls like Ive been giv son says, It fee time suffering. t the new job, Ja Abou ste my rt over and not wa another shot to sta
Melwood supports opportunities for people with disabilities to maximize their independence and inclusion in the community.
ny Cunningham Stepha
/// 176 Crossroads participants worked on life skills, employee development and horticulture therapy. /// 30 older adults with disabilities enjoyed recreation and community activities through the Personal Enrichment Program (PEP). /// 20 people progressed in their goals to more independent activities. /// Community Support Services provided case management and direct support services for 120 children and adults with disabilities.
home, and e in her parents had private spac independent. In gham never d become more Stephany Cunnin her own home an ort Services. to move into m Employee Supp was determined th assistance fro st that wi tments, 2010, she did ju for available apar worker searched oved into her her ESS case y deposit, and m Cunningham and ments and securit her job skills to ssary docu s on ESS to hone prepared the nece er. She also relie e summ new home over th rce. tter in the workfo y parents are compete be arming party. M rew her a housew r household her family th , who manages he After moving in, for her n, said Stephany on my ow able her to care g jobs that will en so proud that Im enin ile looking for ev responsibilities wh y. e da leader here and children during th , Stephany is a se manager said doubt that y, ESS ca s, and I have no Shaunda McCread rs with their dutie ining othe assists me in tra the corner. ent will be around employm
mon McIntyre Da
d es with his wife an his June and now liv rvices to manage , who married in Support Se Damon McIntyre d on Community 03. 20 ild, has relie ty disorder since three-year old ch deficit hyperactivi er and attention anage bipolar disord helps McIntyre m m his caseworker le events that d coaching fro r, and better hand Regular dialog an rations and ange m live and work al with frust e services help hi mood swings, de e depressed. Thes able him to help to becom about how they en could cause him school on prefers to talk t Dam aide in a middle independently, bu rks as a teachers ies and lities. McIntyre wo pmental disabilit others with disabi ildren with develo ices myself. classroom for ch ceiving these serv special education removed from re couple years says, Im only a ges Community from Prince Geor logy degree sociates degree his as ity with a psycho McIntyre earned wie State Univers d I want to graduate from Bo ion does work, an College and will uct of how educat standpoint. . Im a prod m a professional in December 2011 out my future fro lps me map give back. CSS he
Gary Alpern
Will Lampe
Will Lampe works hard and is taking control of his life. He joined Melwood in 2004 after graduating from high school. His father wrote that, six years ago, his prospects didnt look that bright, but a lot has gone right in the last few years. Lampes opportunity for a brighter future came when he began a part-time job in Melwoods greenhouse. Working alongside Melwood staff, he developed the confidence and skills he needed to organize his work on the job, set goals and work toward them. Now, Will works full-time on a Melwood landscaping crew and loves his job. He rises at 5:30 each morning, earns a respectable income, saves for retirement and pays taxes. He pays his own living expenses, and uses his earnings to play golf, take piano lessons, watch movies and eat at restaurants. Lampe is proud of his achievements, especially his newfound independence. He recently began taking the metro home from work by himself, and enjoys seeing more of the world. Lampe took part in the making of Melwoods new commercial at Utahs Bonneville Salt Flats, where many new car ad campaigns are filmed. Afterward, he and a Melwood staff member drove back to Maryland in the car used for filming, pausing to stop at sports stadiums along the way. It was Wills firstever road trip.
at social lf to new friends sroads introduces himse Skills area of Cros and eagerly pern is outgoing g place in the Life Gary Al tivities takin hers. lar events and ac interaction with ot gatherings. Regu s to improve his of opportunitie ract art project give him plenty ed a dazzling abst g, Life Skills complet about the paintin rn and others in d quickly spread In the spring, Alpe se manager. Wor m Visek, CSS ca with help from Ki s lobby. in mmunity Service t, Gary and others hanging in the Co th Viseks suppor canvas that ect grew, and wi long other, larger proj thtaking 46-foot Enthusiasm for an e touch to a brea their own creativ d ay. Crossroads adde ract Services hallw ced himself to ngs from the Cont ha ry proudly introdu rt. Me! s installation, Ga em, I did that pa the piece work, and told th ception following At a re ions to the ed to his contribut attendees, gestur
Children and adults of all abilities have opportunities to enjoy recreational activities on site and in the community through Melwood Recreation Center.
500 children of all abilities attended Camp Accomplish. 233 people enrolled in the Equestrian Program. Access Adventures provided vacation and travel trips to 319 adults with disabilities. The Terrific Teen Program at Melwood Recreation Center received the Innovative Program Award from Maryland Recreation & Parks Association.
Paula Barnes
Caroline Graf
Caroline Graf was certain that summer camp was right for her after touring Melwood Recreation Center with her mother in the spring, saying, When I saw it I realized it had everything I liked, and this camp looked a lot better than the other camps I had been to. After seeing the swimming pool, visiting the horses in the field and peeking inside one of the air conditioned cabins, Caroline started to get excited about spending time at Camp Accomplish, said assistant director Marisa Cucuzzella. Caroline enjoyed it so much she spent seven weeks at camp as both a day and overnight camper. Carolines mother Jill looked forward to stories about camp when arriving home, saying, before we got out of the park and ride lot, she spilled the beans about trail rides on Scooter the horse, going to the pool, making friends and meeting others who like teen star Selena Gomez. To know that she is not only safe, but HAPPY, means the world to me, said Carolines mother.
tion Centers Melwood Recrea riding lessons at Spring Dell arriving early for ternoons. Staff at Paula Barnes likes a on Thursday af en Jr. Equestrian Ar lessons all day. Alfred H. Smith, ard to upcoming say she looks forw a ons, she said. Center in La Plat fore and after less hing the horses be e t is brus g, she needed th What I like mos , first started ridin d use of one arm ount her horse in m o has limite rs. Now, she can When Paula, wh and two sidewalke steps. pport of a leader physical su out help for 50 utes and ride with rmined to less than five min reserved but dete 10, and she was sson for s in 20 during her first le rtunity to ride wa e than 15 minutes Paulas first oppo ok mor fused to give up. Even though it to and calm and re become a rider. e stayed patient sh id Doria horse, Applebee, g and tacking, sa her to mount her her time groomin and likes to take & Education. Paula is focused, ctor of Programs er, Assistant Dire Fleish
Robert Young
bers when more senior mem often one of the ns young at Robert Young is ntures, yet remai with Access Adve as, Myrtle he vacations World, the Baham travels to Disney heart as he sburg. Beach, and William e because the having a good tim actly when hes ce, said LeighYou know ex mes across his fa tiful big smile co most beau Travel Host. cess Adventures Anne Hodgetts, Ac day Bahamas s first cruise, a 7Young enjoyed hi Canaveral, In 2010, Mr. d stopped in Port from Baltimore an rt experienced trip that left in Nassau, Robe d Freeport. While dolphins. Nassau an nity to swim with r first, the opportu anothe
Fay Carroll
ed for several 1998 and return and Camp overnight camp in cess Adventures st attended counselor for Ac portunity. She fir p season as a cam t every possible op entering her third Center from almos selor, and is now wood Recreation ce un joyed Mel came a junior co tant director. Sin said Carroll. Fay Carroll has en ria Fleisher, assis ed to give back, Teen Program, be tered the Terrific ng else, and want ound her, said Do ar summers, en more than anythi e days of people joyed the people who brightens th Accomplish. I en fun-loving person g and g job skills and f here. s who are gainin to be on the staf thetic, hard-workin tor for adolescent being old enough ys been an empa fe and exciting a men d to her Fay has alwa ick campers and lities enjoy fun, sa ve looked forwar adults with disabi unselor for homes years old, we ha co ing Fay was 12 Adventures, help e her an excellent Host for Access Terrific Teen mak y is also a Travel as a camper and Fa Her experience is not in session, n summer camp Caribbean. ey World and the dependence. Whe in r away as Disn es as fa vacation experienc
Management & General 2.79% Recreational Services 1.77% Community Services 8.94% Vocational Training & Consumer Support 3.58%
Fundraising 3.74%
Other 1.36%
Disability Type
Neurological 323
Developmental 1324
Melwoods fund development efforts had further opportunities to grow with the fourth Melwood Prince Georges County Open presented by Under Armour, held May 31June 6 at the University of Maryland Golf Course and broadcast worldwide on The Golf Channel. The tournament is a great event on the Nationwide Tour, said tournament director Teo Sodeman. The support we received from the university, club members and local business community is remarkable. At Media Day before the event, Sodeman and Leon Duncan Under Armour Brand Director of Golf, announced that Under Armour agreed to be presenting sponsor for the 2010 and 2011 events. The event generated over $10 million total economic impact for the local community, and event proceeds help Melwood continue to help and support people with disabilities. Maryland mens basketball coach Gary Williams served as tournament host and will also host the 2011 event, to be held at University of Maryland Golf Course May 30June 5, 2011 and broadcast on The Golf Channel. Opportunities to volunteer, purchase tickets, or sponsor the event are available at
Services Provided
Day Habilitation (Personal Enrichment Program) 30 Supported Employment Day Habilitation (Crossroads) 204 176 Day Camp 293 Autism Services 2 Overnight Camp 207
*341 people without disabilities, or about one third of people who attend Melwood Recreation Center, received services through inclusive program offerings for people with disabilities.
2010 Donors
Melwood is grateful to the individuals, agencies, corporations and foundations whose financial and in-kind support benefited people with disabilities during 2010.
Presidents Circle:
$50,000 +
Clark Construction EMCOR Prince George's County Under Armour
$2,500 - $4,999
Accenture Mr. Steven Joseph Alexander Ms. Tracy Avant Mr. Kevin Barry Mr. Michael Barry Mr. Jules Bernstein Mr. Jeffrey Billett Mrs. Helen E. Breitbart Mr. & Mrs. Mary Deanna Briody Ms. Christine Brown Mrs. Denise B. Brown Mr. Thomas Brown, Jr. Mr. Tracey Brown Ms. Penelope A. Brummitt Mr. John Michael Buckley Ms. Stacy Anita Burrows Mr. & Mrs. Jefferson Byers Mr. Skipwith Calvert Capital Auto Auction Mr. Philip M. Capron Mr. Andrew W. Carter Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Jacobo Castillo Catholic Charities Mr. Kevin George Chambers Mr. Mark Wesley Chambre Mr. Pablo Chavez Mr. James Paul Chernega Mr. William Howard Clark Mr. John Cleary Mr. Howard Cohen Ms. Delores Colclough Mr. Isaac Coleman Ms. Kathleen Coleman Ms. Margaret Leary Creveling Mr. William David Croff Ms. Anna Crowley Mr. Steven Cummings Mr. David Clay Cummins Ms. Thelma E. Davis Ms. Carrie Ann Dayton Ms. Donna Dimke Ms. Cara Dinn Downtown College Park Merchant Assoc. Mr. & Mrs. James M. Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Edward Durkin Mr. Calvin Eaton Mr. Lisa L. Eaton Ms. Ken Eiriksson Ms. Christine Elizabeth Engle Mr. Efrain Estrada Ms. Evelyn Walker Evans Mr. & Mrs. William Clarke Ewart Ms. Dana Fehlberg Mr. David Fernandez Mr. Douglas Frye Ms. Meri J. Gabbard Ms. Khatchik Galladian Mr. Saiid Ganjalizadeh Ms. Janet Garrett Mr. Robert Eric Gaul Mr. Derek Gaunt Mr. & Mrs. James Matthew Gerber Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Gerard Gex Mr. Anthony Dwayne Gillum Mr. Rawley Gilmore Mr. John R. Gregory
$25,000 - $49,999
BB&T FCE Benefits UMD Marketing
$10,000 - $24,999
Acme Bob Hall Distributors Bolana Colevas Group Constellation Energy Daycon DuPont Fabros EADS HD Mechanical Holder Construction iCore Yatning Lee Lockheed Martin Meltzer Group Mr. & Mrs. George Moffat Namingona PSA Financial Reznick Group Mr. & Mrs. Shalonda Scott-Boyd UMD Business School Washington Gas
$5,000 - $9,999
Mr. James Arthos AT&T Best Buy Mr. Stephen Boston Carrollton Enterprises Cooke & Bieler Mr. Wendell Cox Hair Cuttery Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Edward Harvey Ms. Michelle Renee Madison Marymount University Mr. Joseph Mays MBC Color Graphics Mr. Kevin McConville Michael Companies Offit Kurman PEPCO Pitney Bowes Mr. Harol E. Price Mr. Leon Brian Scoratow Stromberg Metal Works UMD Hospital For Children Mr. E. Burke Wilford Mr. Thomas J. Yoder Mr. James Byron Zink
$1,000 - $2,499
A.S. Johnson Company Ms. Munira A. Abadiko Mr. Roosevelt Abney ACPT Mr. Joseph Walter Adamik Ms. Bertina Adams Mr. Ravi Ramakrishna Aharam Ms. Brenda Russel Albritton Ms. Sarah Ann Allen Mr. William Allen Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Altimus Mr. Foad Alvandi Mr. & Mrs. Tia Marie Alvarez Mr. John Paul Ambrose, III Mr. Henry Vandyke Ames, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Luis Anaya Mr. Derrick Ty-Ree Anderson Mr. James Robert Anderson Mr. Robert Anthony Andracsek Ms. Karen Andrews Mr. Keron Francis Angall
Mr. Timothy Dixon Mr. William Djinis Ms. Doreen Afi Dogbe Mr. Charles Gordon Dotson, Sr. Ms. Lily E. Doudou Ms. Doris H. Douglass Mr. Miles Drake Mr. James N. Dresser Mr. Daniel Dreyer Mr. Francis Anthony Dubas Ms. Amanda S. Dubin Mr. Charles D. Duke Mr. Robert E. Dulli Mr. Harry Lee Dunn Ms. Lisa Marie Dutt Mr. Lester Franklin Duvall, Jr. Mr. Keith Dwyer E Systems, Melpar Division Mr. David Earley Mr. Leonides Ebba Mr. David Eby Mr. Mark Eckenrode Mr. Owen Joseph Eddy Ms. Linda Edmonds Ms. Arlene Irvine Edwards Ms. Linda S. Ellinwood Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Ellis Mr. & Mrs. Clarence R. Embrey Mr. & Mrs. Nancy Lee Endres Mr. Leonard Ogbonnaya Enendu Mr. Peter England Ms. Eliette Estenor Mr. & Mrs. Norberto Estevef Ms. Amy Estrain Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Eure Mr. Richard Allen Evans
Ms. Margie Virginia Gross-Pollard GS Proctor Mr. & Mrs. Scott Gutherie Ms. Darcy J. Hansen Ms. Tina Marie Harley Mr. Bobby Harris Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Hart Ms. Jean Harvey Mr. Eric Charles Haseltine Hendricks Art Collection Ltd. Ms. Michelle Hoehne Mr. & Mrs. Mendel Holt Ms. Sylvia Holy Ms. Barbara Carter Hopkins Mr. & Mrs. Emma Nell Horton Mr. & Mrs. Robert Horwitz Mr. Floyd D. Houston Mr. & Mrs. David Isaac Ms. Joy Singleton Jackson Mr. Bruce Elliot Johnson Ms. Joan Lynetta Johnson Mr. Lonnie Lee Johnson, Jr. Ms. Maria Lavinia Jones Kaiser Permanente Mr. & Mrs. Medaris Ann-Marie Kasuda Mr. & Mrs. Wilford Kent, Jr. Mr. Michael Keppler Mr. Joseph Koenig Mr. Sunil Kololgi Mr. & Mrs. Toru Konishi Mr. John Kulik Mr. & Mrs. Sergio Lainez Lake Presidential Golf Club Mr. Michael J. Laliberte Mr. Arturo Lanting Mr. & Mrs. Ralph M. Lee Mr. Conor Lewellyn Mr. Michael G. Littlejohn Mr. Donnie Lee Love Mrs. Jeri N. Love Mr. Kenya Makeeba Lucas Ms. Hoa Tri Ly Mr. Christopher Howard Marraro Mr. Steve Martin Mr. Ralph Masino Mr. Johnny Lee May Ms. Patricia Anne McCabe Ms. Sherry McCullough Mr. & Mrs. Vincent McDonald Mr. Kenneth Brian McGill Mr. John Gordon McNeil Mrs. Helen Swayne Mertz Ms. Virginia Mittereder Ms. Lorilyn Maria Montford Mr. & Mrs. Daryl Moore Mr. Lance Morgan Mr. Michael Joseph Murray Mr. Samuel Haines Murray, Jr. Nationwide Insurance Ms. Deborah Nelson Mr. Steven Nelson Ms. Victoria Ann Nichols Mr. Robert Wayne Novack Mr. & Mrs. Novlette R. O'Connor Mr. Cornelius Ope Ms. Melissa Ratherdale Otero Mr. John Willie Paige, Jr. Mr. John Park
Mr. James Payne Mr. James Alfred Pederson Mr. & Mrs. James Perlmutter Mr. & Mrs. Kimchi Pham Mr. & Mrs. Saul Pilchen Mr. Rodger Pinder Mr. John Planchart Mr. & Mrs. William Potts Power Windows & Siding Rainbow Transportation Services Mr. & Mrs. Razi Rizvi Mr. Joseph Henry Roberts Mr. Ray Anthony Robinson Ms. Beatrice Mae Rodgers Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Rollins Royal Cup Coffee Ms. Oksana Vladimirovna Rozental Ms. Maria D. Russell Mr. Dominick John Salemi SA-Tech Mr. Vasant Narain Savsani Mr. Stanley R. Schnippel Mr. & Mrs. Joanne Michelle Emlet Scribner Mr. Kirk Douglas Simms Ms. Laura L. Smith Mrs. Betty May Smith Chambers Mr. Howard Sparks Mr. Peter King Stackhouse Staples Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Dean Stephens Ms. Patricia Stotler Swann Mr. Gary Wayne Taylor Tech Painting Company Inc. T-Mobile Mr. Maurice A. Tobias Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Francios Toft Mr. John E. Valliere Waste Management Mr. Tony Williams Mr. Nicholas J. Wilson Ms. Judith K. Wise Ms. Lisa E. Witt Mr. Gregory Young Ms. Joana Elizabeth Zalubas
We feel blessed and grateful that Melwood provided the structure for Bruce to Grow. -The Dehaven Family
We are very pleased to be able to contribute to such a worthwhile program. We hope to include Melwood in future charitable projects we may undertake.
-The Greenstones
Mr. John Malechek Ms. Chanda Felice Malik Mr. Ravi Manage Mr. Philip Gino Mangano Mr. Brett Mangum Mr. Ghulam Manj Mr. & Mrs. Philip James Mantua Ms. Marie Marcu-El Mr. Donald Markus Manpower Mr. & Mrs. Valerie Marquez Mr. Joseph Arthur Marston Mr. Melvin Martin Mr. Michael Martin Mr. & Mrs. Michael Martin Ms. Sharron Veoris Martin Ms. Alisa Martine Mr. John Martyniuk Mr. Julius Mascarenhas Mr. Makendy Massillon Mr. Todd Mastric Mr. & Mrs. Apurve Mathur Mr. Edmond Mattar Mr. Terence Lorenzo Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Jennifer Isham Maxwell Mr. Terry Lee McCain Mr. James H. McCall Mr. Richard Joseph McCarthy Mr. Kenneth McCauley Ms. Jennifer McConnell-Gilbertson Mr. Kelvin McCormick Mr. Roderick S. McCray Ms. Gwen Marie McCreey Mrs. Jeanette D. McDaniel Mr. & Mrs. William McGovern Mr. Brian M. MaCgregor Mr. Jerry J. McIntosh Ms. Ann Stewart McKenney Mr. Johnny E. McKenzie Mr. & Mrs. Robert McKinley, 3rd Mr. Edward McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. Elijah Mclean Ms. Mary A. McMahon
-Daniel Estrada
Ms. Gladys Barnwell Mr. Mario G. Barr Mr. Migdonio Ramon Barreto Mr. & Mrs. Francis Bartels Mr. Byron Anthony Bascoe Ms. Gretchen Melinda Basdon Ms. Kathryn Karusaitis Basham, Ph.D Mr. Muneer Bashir Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Batselos Mr. Va'Nesha Shermice Battle Ms. Warlene Battle-Williams Mr. Paul Joseph Bautista Ms. Charlene T. Baxter Mr. & Mrs. Christina Beach Ms. Claudia Lorane Beach Mr. David Beach Ms. Mary Whitmore Beahm Ms. Teresa Beal Ms. Khendall Bealle Mr. Bruce Lee Beauvard, Jr. Mr. Ryan Beckjord Mr. Robert Beecher Mr. Joseph A. Behun, Jr. Mr. Cesar Somera Belisario Mr. Calvin L. Bell Mr. Melvin Lorenza Bell, Jr. Ms. Vida Pascua Beltran Ms. Francis Margaret Bendu Mr. Wallace E. Benham Ms. Maria L. Benicio Mr. Daniel Benissan Mr. Brian Norman Benjamin Ms. Alice Patricia Benner Haynie Mr. Alphonso Bennerson Mr. David H. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Richard Charles Bennett Ms. Angela Benson Ms. Courtney Lynne Benson Mr. Clarence Lee Berger Mr. & Mrs. Frances Bergmann Mr. William A. Bergstrom Ms. Mignote Berhanu Mr. & Mrs. William Stanley Berkeley, III Mr. Ismeal Bermudez Mr. Jay W. Berry Ms. Patricia Berry Mr. & Mrs. Karen Bertrand Ms. Mesode L. Betanga Mr. Shahid Younis Bhatti Mrs. Rosangela B. Bieler
Ms. Janet Kazuko Abe Mr. Michael Abreu Mr. & Mrs. Gozalo Accame Mr. Joseph Raymond Adams Addison-Herring Inc. Mr. Clement Adegbehingbe Mr. Dennis Adelson Mr. Houssein Barre Aden Ms. Jacqueline R. Aden Edwards Ms. Ester Morenike Adepetu Mr. Evans Adjei-Boakye Mr. Michael Lonzell Adkins Mr. & Mrs. Misrak T. Admasu Ms. Alice Aguehounde Mr. David Ahinful Mr. Abdullahi Ahmed Mr. Karim Ahmed Ms. Stella Odworitse Ajilore Mr. Cameron Akbari Mr. Joseph Patrick Akers Mr. Folasele Akinnubi Mr. Vincent Cofi Akpo Mr. Garrett Alexander Mr. Gary Alexander
The Melwood employees are wonderful. Keep up the good work! -Amy Sareeram
Mr. Hesro H. Johnson, Jr. Mr. John Edward Johnson Mr. Kevin Tyrone Johnson Mr. Kevin Jerome Johnson Ms. Lakisha A. Johnson Mr. Michael Lynn Johnson Mr. Ray Johnson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Roy Dean Johnson Ms. Sherry Denise Johnson Mr. Terry Lee Johnson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ralph Johnson, 3rd Mr. William Franklin Johnston Ms. Diane Thomas Jones Ms. Dorthy Mae Jones Mr. & Mrs. James Jones Mr. Kenneth Aubrey Jones Ms. Lauri Jones Ms. Marta S. Jones Mr. Melvin Jones Mr. Paul N. Jones Ms. Ricarda E. Jones Mr. Robert Lindell Jones Ms. Rochelle S. Jones Mr. Ryland Edward Jones Ms. Theresa Morris Jones Mr. & Mrs. Toby Robertson Jones Mr. Ural Jones Ms. Ann Jordan Mr. John Yohannan Joykutty Mr. & Mrs. Richard Walker Judson Mr. Robert E. Kahler Mr. David Kahrnoff Ms. Gloria Monger Kaizea Mr. & Mrs. Kimberly Ann Kaleyias
In Kind Donations:
Mr. & Mrs. Tom and Chelsea Anglin Mr. Robert Keith Bagley California Tortilla CC Creations Clarion Inn Waldorf Mr. & Mrs. Donald and Angela Cucuzzella DuClaw Brewing Company Ms. Martha Edwards FatCat Studios Foxgloves Giant Food Harley Davidson of Washington Jasper's Kerri's Kakes McCormick & Schmick's Ms. Dorian Miller Ms. Joann Mohler Ms. Joy Morris Ms. Susan O'Malley Outback Steakhouse Panera Bread Mr. & Mrs. Amanda Pierce Rip's Country Village Dr. Douglas Risk Ms. Elizabeth Rivas Safeway Ms. Regina Sollers Topolinos Restaurant Mr. David Allen Vennemann Mr. Bob Walsh Washington Capitals Washington Nationals WildesSpirit Ms. Stacy Wilson
Your support gives thousands of people, each with stories like Will, opportunity to reach their fullest potential. -the Lampe Family
Mr. Woldenamlake Woldeyohanmes Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Wolf Mrs. Jean Yvette Womack Mr. & Mrs. Philip Wong Ms. Betty J. Wood Ms. Patricia Ann Woodberry Ms. Priscilla H. Woodford Mr. Randall A. Woods Mrs. Charles Henry Wright Mr. Raymond Wright Ms. Tonya Lashaell Wright Ms. Jeanie Wang Wu Ms. Carolyn Ann Wurm Mr. Myron Wyche Ms. Concepcion Wynn Mr. Jonathan Wynn Ms. Doris Wai-Nin Yaen Mr. Ted K. Yamashita Mr. Steve Yang Mr. Frank B. Yanick Mr. Kweku Yankson Mr. Abdiaziz Sharif Yassin Mr. Jeffrey Yeager Ms. Gwendolyn Lawson Yeargin Mr. Belay Abebe Yimer Mr. Brian Keith Young Mr. Dominic D. Young Mr. James Edward Young Mr. Todd Allen Young Ms. Vivian R. Young Ms. Ciara Lavell Young-Thomas Ms. Patricia Darlene Yowell Mr. Luis F. Zavala Mr. & Mrs. Albert Gerard Zdilla Ms. Dina Zelaya Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Zerbe Mr. Solomon Zewdie Ms. Xiaoling Zhou Ms. Johnnia Ziglar-Gaines
We have made every attempt to include each donor. If you do not see your name listed, please accept our sincere apology and contact our development office at 301-599-8000.