Ap 4739
Ap 4739
Ap 4739
Motor Dealers and Repairers Act 2013
Use this form to apply for a new Motor Vehicle Tradesperson Certificate. To add a class to an
existing certificate, complete the Add a Class of Repair Work Application
Am I eligible?
To be eligible to proceed with this application:
• You must be a fit and proper person to hold a licence
• You must have the relevant qualifications
• You cannot be an apprentice or trainee and apply for a Motor Vehicle Tradesperson Certificate
under the Motor Dealers and Repairers Act 2013
In person
Complete this form and apply in person at any Service NSW Centre. To find your nearest Service
Centre, use the service centre locator or phone 13 77 88.
If you are having difficulty submitting this application, contact NSW Fair Trading on 13 32 20.
What happens next?
Your application and supporting documents will be assessed to ensure you meet the requirements
for a Motor Vehicle Tradesperson Certificate.
We will endeavour to complete the assessment of your application within our service standards,
however, please note that if we need to contact you for additional information this may increase the
time, we take to assess your application.
How will I know the outcome of my application?
If your application is approved, we will send your Tradesperson Certificate to your nominated postal
address. If your application is refused, you will be notified of the reasons in writing including what
action you can take if you disagree with the decision.
What do I need to complete this form?
☐ One form of photo identification (e.g., current driver licence or passport)
☐ Copy of relevant qualification/s
☐ Application fee paid online, and receipt number provided
Make sure the applicant’s name on this application form is identical to the one shown on the
identification document and on the qualification documents.
fairtrading.nsw.gov.au | 13 32 20 | ABN 81 913 830 179 | V15112022
SECTION 1 – Prerequisites
Are you currently an apprentice or trainee? ☐ No ☐ Yes
Do you have the required qualification to be granted a Tradesperson
Certificate? ☐ No ☐ Yes
Do you currently hold a Motor Vehicle Tradesperson Certificate in NSW? ☐ No ☐ Yes
Are you applying under Mutual Recognition? ☐ No ☐ Yes
Are you subject to any disciplinary action in any Australian state or Territory
related to your Motor Vehicle Repairers Tradesperson Certificate (or
equivalent)? ☐ No ☐ Yes
If you answered Yes to any of the above prerequisite questions, please provide details
Postal address including postcode If an email address is not provided, all correspondence will be sent here
fairtrading.nsw.gov.au | 13 32 20 | ABN 81 913 830 179 | V15112022
SECTION 3 - Background information
Have you been known, or are you known by any other name? ☐No ☐Yes - If yes, provide details.
Name used (1)
SECTION 6 – Disclosures
1. Have you been found guilty of any offence within the previous ten (10)
years? ☐ No ☐ Yes
2. Do you have proceedings pending against you for any offence? ☐ No ☐ Yes
3. Have you been convicted of an offence against the Motor Dealers and
Repairers Act 2013 (or previous Acts) or regulations? ☐ No ☐ Yes
4. Have you been convicted under any Act administered by the Minister for
Fair Trading? ☐ No ☐ Yes
5. Have you failed to pay any contribution or other payment required to be
paid by you to the compensation fund under the Motor Dealers and
Repairers Act 2013? ☐ No ☐ Yes
fairtrading.nsw.gov.au | 13 32 20 | ABN 81 913 830 179 | V15112022
If you answered Yes to any of the previous disclosure questions, please provide details
NSW Fair Trading will conduct a criminal history check in respect of the applicant.
Making a false or misleading statement, giving false or misleading information, or producing false or
misleading documents is a serious offence which may render you liable to prosecution for offences
including under the Crimes Act 1900 which may result in penalties including a fine or imprisonment.
Signature Date
This document must not be relied on as legal advice. For more information refer to the relevant Act and Regulation which can be
viewed or downloaded from www.legislation.nsw.gov.au.
fairtrading.nsw.gov.au | 13 32 20 | ABN 81 913 830 179 | V15112022
Privacy Collection Notice
The Department of Customer Service on behalf of the Commissioner for Fair Trading (NSW Fair
Trading), gives priority to protecting the privacy of your personal information. We do this by handling
personal information in a responsible manner and in accordance with the Privacy and Personal
Information Protection Act 1998 (PPIP Act). Service NSW acts as a shopfront for us and performs
transactions for you, on our behalf.
The personal information contained in your application is collected and held by NSW Fair Trading and
Service NSW will collect and hold person information on our behalf as part of the application process.
The information contained in this form is supplied voluntarily. The consequence of not providing it is
that your application may not be able to be processed and your licence may not be able to be renewed
or restored. We may use the personal information contained in your application to confirm your details
if you make any subsequent applications in relation to any licence or authority issued by NSW Fair
Trading. We may also use it to administer/update our customer database including to send you
information that we consider important such as reminders to renew licences.
We will store and manage your personal information in accordance with provisions under the PPIP
If required, we may make enquiries and exchange information with other NSW government agencies
(including the NSW Police Force), or other States, Territories and/or the Commonwealth for the
purpose of assessing your application and for compliance purposes. We may disclose your personal
information for these purposes.
We will not disclose your personal information to anybody else unless you have given consent, or we
are authorised or permitted to do so by law. Our Privacy Statement describes when this may occur.
You can also find this information and our Privacy Management Plan on the Department of Customer
Service website.
Please see the Fair Trading Privacy Code of Practice for more information about how we handle your
personal information, how you can request access to or correct the personal information we hold
about you (if the information is inaccurate, incomplete, not relevant or out of date) and who to contact
if you have a privacy enquiry or complaint, or email brdprivacy@customerservice.nsw.gov.au.
For more information about how Service NSW handles personal information please visit the Service
NSW website.
fairtrading.nsw.gov.au | 13 32 20 | ABN 81 913 830 179 | V15112022