Applied Chemistry Unit 1 Notes - Water Technology
Applied Chemistry Unit 1 Notes - Water Technology
Applied Chemistry Unit 1 Notes - Water Technology
Water Technology: Impurities of water, Hardness & its determination (EDTA method), Boiler
Troubles & their removal, water softening methods -Lime soda (both hot lime and cold lime),
Zeolite & Ion exchange, Desalination of water — Electro dialysis & Reverse osmosis method,
Chemical analysis of water; chloride and fluoride estimation.
Impurities of water
The application of water in industries depends on the quality of water; therefore direct use of water
sources for industrial applications may not be appropriate. It is necessary to detect and estimate the
amount of impurities in water. Such an analysis is going to help in deciding methods to decrease the
amount of impurities to an optimum leve levell so that water is render fit for use. Natural water carries
different kinds of impurities in dissolved, suspended and colloidal form.
1. Dissolved Minerals: The various properties caused by different minerals are discussed below.
a. Alkalinity: Alkalinity is caused by the dissolved hydroxide, carbonates and bicarbonate salts of
2+ 2+
Na+, Ca and Mg . All natural waters contain some quantity of alkalinity. Alkalinity contributes to
scale formation of calcium carbonate.
b. Hardness: It is the property by
y virtue of which, water does not easily produce lather with soap.
soap The
2+ 2+
sulphates, chloride and nitrate salts of Ca , Mg ions are reason for hardness. Hardness causes
scale deposit in equipments.
c. Iron, Manganese, and Alumina: These dissolved or suspended d metallic elements are present in
water supplies in varying quantities. They are objectionable because they cause metallic taste and
react with oxygen in water exposed to the atmosphere, form oxides which precipitate and cause
cloudiness, or “red water.” This red color, particularly from iron, causes staining of plumbing
fixtures, sinks, and porcelain china and is a cause of common laundry discoloration.
d. Silica: Silica is dissolved sand or silica
bearing rock (such as quartz) through which the water
flows. Silica is the cause of very hard and tenacious scales that can form in heat-transfer.
heat It is
present as silicate or suspended in very fine, invisible form as colloidal silica.
e. Chlorides: Chlorides are the sum total of the dissolved chloride salts of sodium,
sodium potassium,
calcium, and magnesium present in water. Sodium chloride, which is common salt, and calcium
chloride are the most common of the chloride minerals found in water. Chlorides do not ordinarily
contribute to scale since they are very soluble. Chlorides are corrosive and cause excessive
corrosion when present in large volume, as in seawater.
f. Sulfates. Sulfates are the dissolved sulfate salts of sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium in
the water. They are present due to dissolution of sulfate-bearing rock such as gypsum. Calcium and
magnesium sulfate scale is very hard and difficult to remove and greatly interferes with heat
2. Dissolved Gases
a. Oxygen: Oxygen makes up approximately 20 percent of air. However, it is one of the essential
elements in the corrosion process of metals. Therefore, dissolved oxygen in water is important to
us in the study of corrosion.
b. Carbon Dioxide: Carbon dioxide to smaller extent comes from the atmosphere and larger amounts
of carbon dioxide come from the decomposed organic matter in water. Carbon dioxide contributes
significantly to corrosion by making water acidic. This increases its capability to dissolve metals.
Carbon dioxide forms the mild carbonic acid when dissolved in water, as follows:
CO2 + H 2O H2CO3
Carbon di oxide Water Carbonic acid
c. Sulfur Oxides: Sulfur oxide gases are the consequences of combustion of fuels containing sulfur,
such as coal and fuel oil. When dissolved in water, sulfur oxides form acids which create a corrosive
SO3 + H2O H2SO4
Sulphur trioxide Water Sulphuric acid
d. Nitrogen Oxides: Nitrogen oxides are also present in the atmosphere both naturally and from
combustion of fuels. When absorbed by water, they form acids leading to the corrosion problem.
3NO2 + H2 O 2HNO3 + NO
Nitrogen dioxide water Nitric acid Nitric oxide
e. Hydrogen Sulfide: Hydrogen sulphide gas comes from decaying organic matter and from sulfur
deposits, which possess rotten eggs odor. Hydrogen sulfide is formed when acidic water reacts with
sulfide minerals such as pyrite (FeS), an iron sulfide commonly called “fool’s gold”.
2. Permanent or non-carbonate hardness is due to the presence of chlorides, nitrates and sulphates
of calcium, magnesium, iron and other heavy metals. Permanent hardness can be removed by ion
exchange, lime soda, zeolite, reverse osmosis and electrodialysis methods. The sum of both
temporary and permanent hardness is known as total hardness.
Estimation of total hardness: 25 mL of given hard water is pipetted out into a clean 250 ml
conical flask. 5 mL of NH4OH – NH4Cl buffer and 2 drops of Eriochrome Black – T indicator are
added. The resulting wine red coloured solution is titrated with EDTA until clear blue solution is
obtained. Titration is conducted slowly near the end-point. Titration is repeated until agreeing value
is obtained. From the volume of EDTA obtained, calculated total hardness of given water sample.
EDTA (Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid) forms colorless stable complexes with Ca 2+ and Mg2+
ions present in water at pH = 9-10. To maintain the pH of the solution at 9-10, buffer solution
(NH4Cl + NH4OH) is used. Eriochrome Black-T (E.B.T) is used as an indicator.
The sample of hard water must be treated with buffer solution and EBT indicator which forms
unstable, wine-red colored complex with Ca2+ and Mg2+ present in water.
Burette : Standard disodium EDTA salt solution
Conical flask: 25 mL of hard water + 5 mL NH4OH – NH4Cl buffer
Indicator : 5 drops of Eriochrome black T
End point : Change of colour from wine red to blue
Wt. of weighing bottle with solid EDTA salt (W1) = --------- g
Wt. of empty weighing bottle (W2) = --------- g
Wt. of EDTA salt dissolved / 250 mL (W1-W2) = -------- g
Trial Final B.R (ml) Initial B.R (ml) Volume of EDTA consumed
b. Calculation
1000 cm3 of 1 M EDTA = 100 g of CaCO3 (Mol. wt of CaCO3 is 100)
= --------- g (Y)
Unit of hardness
Parts per million (ppm): It is defined as the number of parts by weight of CaCO3 present in million
parts by weight of water.
1 ppm = 1 part of CaCO3 equivalent hardness in 106 parts of water 1ppm = 1 part hardness /106 parts
of water
Both temporary and permanent hardness is expressed in ppm as CaCO 3. The choice of CaCO3
because is due to the fact that it is the most insoluble salt in water. It is expressed in terms of
calcium carbonate, because it is the primary component contributing t o hardness.
Boiler Troubles
Natural water contains different kinds of impurities and creates a variety of boiler problems.
The major boiler troubles due to untreated/unsuitable water are;
Scale and sludge formation
Priming and foaming (Carry over)
Boiler Corrosion
Caustic embrittlement
Loose scales can be removed by using scrapper, wire brush often.
By thermal shock- heating and cooling suddenly with cold water for brittle scales.
By using chemical treatment with 5-10% HCl and by adding EDTA.
b. Sludge
The precipitated salts exist as loose and separate mass in the water body, is known as sludge. These
are easily separable and non-adherent deposits. Sludge generally formed by the salts such as;
MgCO3, MgSO4, MgCl2 and CaCl2 and can be removed by scrapping with brush. These salts
are more soluble in hot water.
Sludge is a poor conductor of heat and thus decreases the rate of heat transfer. Therefore it
leads to wastage of fuel and reduction in boiler efficiency.
Sludge leads to clogging of cooler parts of boiler. Clogging of pipe lines slowdown of
water circulation.
Cleaning process also becomes expensive.
By using soft water.
Removal of concentrate water time to time to avoid sludge deposit.
Carry over
When water is boiled, the steam generated may be associated with small droplets of water, known as
‘wet steam’. These droplets of water generally carry some suspended impurities present in the water
along with them and the phenomenon is known as ‘carry over’. The carry over problem is mainly
attributed to priming and foaming.
“The rapid boiling of water in boiler during which water particles are carried along with steam in the
form of spray into the steam outlet” is known as priming. It is a consequence of feeding improperly
softened water into boiler.
Causes of priming
Higher the velocity of steam, greater the ability to carry water droplets.
High water level.
Presence of excess foam on water surface.
Sudden demand for steam leading to drop in the pressure.
Improper boiler design.
Disadvantages of Priming
Dissolved salt in boiler water are carried out by the wet steam to turbine blades - which
reduces their efficiency.
Dissolved salts may enter the parts of other machinery may decrease the life of the
Actual height of the water column cannot be judge properly; Thereby making the
maintenance of the boiler pressure becomes difficult.
Prevention of priming
Good boiler design with proper water evaporation and uniform heat distribution system.
Low water level maintenance.
Proper control over steam flow rate.
Minimizing foaming.
“It is the formation of minute and persistent bubbles on the surface of water”
Causes of Foaming
It is due to the presence of oily and fat substances in water.
The presence of dissolved salts in water.
Sudden increase in steam production rate.
Presence of organic matter, alkalis' and suspended matter.
Disadvantages of foaming
Dissolved salts in water carried by the wet steam may damage turbine blades or machinery
parts thereby decreases their working efficiency.
Boiler pressure cannot be maintained.
Prevention of foaming
Addition of antifoaming agents (castor oil, polyamide) to reduce surface tension of the
surface film and to destabilize the bubbles
Removing oil from boiler water by adding compounds like sodium aluminate (NaAlO 2).
Removal of silica using ferrous sulphate.
Removal of clay and suspended matter using coagulating agent like Al (OH) 3.
3. Boiler corrosion
The various parts of boiler are prone to corrosion due to the presence of dissolved gases and salts.
Here we discuss to some extent corrosion due to the following factors and mainly the boiler tubes,
plates, pipe lines are often suffer from corrosion.
Dissolved gases such as; O2, CO2, H2S are responsible for corrosion
Presence of salts like MgCl2 directly attack the metallic parts in boiler
1. Corrosion due to dissolve oxygen (DO)
Dissolved oxygen at high pressure corrodes metallic parts of the boilers and the relevant reactions
2Fe + 2H2O + O2 → 2Fe (OH) 2
4Fe (OH) 2 + O2 + 2H2O → 2 [Fe2O3. 3H2O] Rust
The above reaction indicates the corrosion in boilers due to DO. When water containing DO is
heated, it liberates oxygen which in turn causes corrosion as mentioned in the above reactions.
Raw water and calculated quantities of chemicals (Lime + soda + coagulant) are fed from the top in
to the inner vertical circular chambers, fitted with a vertical rotating shaft carrying a number of
paddles, as shown in the Fig. 2. Raw water and chemicals subjected to vigorous stirring and
continuous mixing for effective softening of water. As the softened water enters into the outer
chamber reaches top, during which the softened water passes through a filtering media (usually
made of wood fibers) for the complete removal of sludge. Finally filtered soft water tapped out
continuously through an outlet and the sludge settled at the bottom of the chamber.
The different reactions that occur during water softening by lime-soda method are mentioned
Lime removes temporary hardness;
Ca (HCO3)2 + Ca (OH) 2 → 2CaCO3↓ + 2H2O
Mg (HCO3)2 + Ca (OH) 2 → Mg (OH) 2 ↓ + CaCO3 + 2H2O
Lime removes permanent magnesium hardness
MgCl2 + Ca (OH) 2 → Mg (OH) 2 + CaCl2
MgSO4 + Ca (OH) 2 → Mg (OH) 2 + CaSO4
Soda removes permanent calcium hardness
CaCl2 + Na2CO3 → CaCO3 + 2NaCl
CaSO4 + Na2CO3 → CaCO3 + Na2SO4
Lime soda also eliminates dissolved mineral acids, gases (CO 2, H2S) and dissolved salts of iron
and aluminium.
Advantages of lime soda Process
It is a very economical
Increase in pH value of the treated water, thereby corrosion of the distribution pipes is
Besides the removal of hardness, the quantity of minerals in the water is reduced.
Due to alkaline nature of treated- water, amount of pathogenic bacteria’s in water is
considerably reduced.
Disadvantages of lime soda Process
For efficient and economical softening, careful operation and skilled supervision is
Disposal of large amounts of sludge (insoluble precipitate) poses a problem.
This can remove hardness only up to 15ppm, which is not good for boilers.
2. Zeolite method
Zeolites are also known as permutits and are denoted as Na2Z, where Z is an insoluble radical
framework. Zeolites are capable of exchanging basic radicals (Ca2+, Mg2+), hence known as base
exchangers. When hard water is passed through zeolite bed, all the hardness causing basic radicals
like Ca2+, Mg2+ are held by the zeolite releasing equivalent amount of Na+ ions as mentioned in the
following reactions;
Ca(HCO3)2 CaZ + 2NaHCO3
MgSO4 + Na2Z → MgZ + Na2SO4
CaCl2 CaZ + 2NaCl
The following Fig. 4 explains how water becomes soft after passing through zeolite chamber,
during which the above reactions take place leading to soft water.
Regeneration of Zeolite
After several use, the zeolite becomes deactivated due to the complete exchange of Na + with
calcium and magnesium of water. Hence activation of zeolite is done by feeding NaCl solution,
where all Ca2+ and Mg2+ are replaced by Na+. Thus the activated zeolite is ready for further water
treatment and is represented by the following reaction.
CaZ / MgZ + 2NaCl Na2Ze + CaCl2 / MgCl2
Hardness is removed almost completely.
Equipment installation requires little space.
Requires less time.
Treated water contains more sodium salts than obtained from lime soda process.
The method only replaces Ca+2 and Mg+2 ions by Na+ ions leaving all the acidic ions.
Desalination of water
The process of removal of salts present in water using suitable ion permeable membrane is known as
desalination process.
There are two methods
1. Electrodialysis
2. Reverse osmosis
“The process of decreasing the concentration of salt in saline water using ion selective
membrane under the influence of an EMF is called as electrodialysis.”
The electrodialysis is a separation process, where ions are removed from aqueous solution with the
application of potential.
There are generally two kinds of membranes for electrodialysis: cation selective membranes which
allow the passage of positively charged ions; anion selective membranes that allow the passage of
negatively charged ions. Cation selective membranes contain negatively charged groups like
sulphonic or carboxylic acid groups on the surface of a polymer. Hence negatively charged anions
are repelled by the membrane and vice versa for anion selective membranes. A number of cationic
and anion selective membranes are placed in an alternating sequence between a cathode and an
anode. When an ionic feed solution is pumped through the cell pairs together with an applied direct
current, the positive ions migrate to the cathode and the negative ions migrate to the anode. The
main application of electrodialysis is to remove ions from an aqueous solution. Electrodialysis can
be used either to concentrate the salt or to produce potable water from sea water. The following Fig.
6 explains the separation of ions from saline water via electrolysis.
Reverse Osmosis
Fig. 7 Reverse Osmosis process
Determination of chloride
Chlorides are present in all types of water resources at a varying concentration depending on the
geo-chemical conditions in the form of CaCl2, MgCl2 and NaCl. Chlorides are introduced into the
water resources from the discharge of effluents from chemical industries, sewage disposal and
seawater intrusion in coastal region. The concentration of chloride ions more than 250 ppm is not
desirable for drinking purpose. The total chloride ions can be determined by argentometric method
(Mohr’s Method).
Estimation of chloride by argentometric method (Mohr’s Method)
In this method Cl‒ ion solution is directly titrated against AgNO3 using potassium chromate
(K2CrO4) as the indicator.
AgNO3 + Cl‒ AgCl ↓ + NO3 ‒
(White precipitate)
At the end point, when all the chloride ions are removed. The yellow colour of chromate changes
into reddish brown due to the following reaction.
2AgNO3 + K2CrO4 Ag2CrO4 ↓ + 2KNO3
(Yellow) (Reddish brown)
20 ml of the given water sample is pipette out into a clean conical flask. 1 ml of freshly prepared
potassium chromate solution is added as an indicator and titrated against standard AgNO3 solution
taken in the burette. The end point is the change of colour from yellow to reddish brown colour. Repeat
the titration for concordant values.
Determination of Fluoride
Fluorides are naturally occurring minerals. In some hard rock areas, fluoride minerals like Fluorospar
(natural calcium fluoride, CaF2) and Apatite [natural phosphate and fluoride of calcium,
CaF2.3Ca3(PO4)2] occur abundantly. Ground water acquires large quantity of fluoride ions.
Fluoride is an important water quality parameter, as low concentrations (less than 1.0 mg/l) give rise to
dental caries (decay) usually in children, where excessive amount (more than 1.5 mg/l) may cause
dental and skeletal fluorosis. It can produce incorrect dental enamel formation, reduce the functionality
of joints and even affect the bone structure.
Provision of safe drinking water (1 ppm of fluoride) and creating awareness among people of the
dangers of fluorosis are the urgent needs of the hour for prevention of fluorosis.