Topic 6 Conflict Resolution

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Life Orientation

Unit 6 :Conflict resolution

Faeeza Adam

Grade 12

Definition: a struggle or an opposition; it is a normal

part of life. It happens when there are disagreements
or opposing views, or a struggle for power.

The basis of conflict may vary but, it is always a part of

society. Conflict is a normal part of life. Conflict
happens when there are disagreements, or opposing
viewpoints or struggles for power.

An interpersonal conflict is a disagreement in some
manner which can be emotional, physical, personal, or
professional between two or more people.

Such disagreements are common place in families,

workplaces, and society in general and are not
necessarily physical or violent.
Intrapersonal conflict occurs within an

•The experience takes place in the person’s

•It is a type of conflict that is psychological
involving the individual’s thoughts, values,
principles and emotions.

Consolidation activity:
What is the difference between interpersonal
and intrapersonal conflict?

Sources of interpersonal conflict

● Differences in values: Conflicts may happen

because we view situations in different ways
and hold different values. The difference in
values could be due to differences in
upbringing, cultures, education and

● Misunderstanding: A lot of conflicts are the

result of communication problems and
misunderstandings. For example, you might
misinterpret someone’s comment and take
offence as a result of it.
● Differences in method: People may have
different views on the best way to do something.
For example, two people may work on the same
project but cannot agree on how to lead the

● Differences in priorities: People with different

priorities may not consider another person’s point
as important. They may end up in conflict.

● Bias or prejudice: Prejudice against a group of

people can cause conflict. For example, a male
engineer who believes that women are not good
at science might not take his female colleagues
seriously and so come into conflict with them.
Conflict Resolution:
People react to conflict in different ways. Study
the following styles and decide which one is
your style:

● Avoidance or denial: You prefer to pretend

that there is no problem and try to avoid the
conflict instead of facing it. You disregard your
own concerns as well as those of the other
person by not dealing with the conflict
problem. This approach will not solve the
problem; the tension will still be present during
interactions and will affect the relationship.

● Accommodating: You will try to satisfy the

other person’s needs at the expense of your
own. You might later feel victimised and
regretful since you made the sacrifice.

● Competing: You work towards achieving

your own interest at whatever expense to the
other person.

● Compromising: You want to come to a

mutual agreement and middle-ground position
in order to be fair to both parties.

● Collaborating: You offer to work with the

other party to find a solution that is agreeable
to both parties.
Steps in resolving interpersonal

Most experts suggest these steps to

resolve conflict:

Step 1: Listen to the other person’s side

of the story until you ‘experience the other
side’. This requires you to empathise with
the other person and see things from their
perspective (put yourself in their shoes).

Step 2: Clarify what the disagreement is

about and state the problem, for example,
‘We have a problem over ...’

Step 3: Brainstorm and list all possible

solutions without assessing them.

Step 4: Select solutions that are

acceptable to both of you. Agree who will
do what.

Step 5: Implement the solution and

evaluate the results.
Extended Activity:
Now that you have studied conflict resolution
skills, analyse the scenarios below carefully.

Make use of the steps to resolve conflict

listed on the previous page and note down
how the conflicts in each of these situations
can be resolved.

1. Safiya is so worried.
She wants to become a 2. Nabeel is trying to
teacher. However, her keep the peace. His
father wants her to mother belongs to the
become a medical ANC and his dad to the
doctor and her mother is DA. His parents often
pushing for her to end up shouting at each
become a pilot. How other over supper. How
can Safiya deal with her can Nabeel help?

3. Zaynab wants to tell her best

friend that she cannot borrow her
cell phone for the weekend. What is
the best way for her to say ‘no’?

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