Conflictmanagement3 PDF
Conflictmanagement3 PDF
Conflictmanagement3 PDF
Websters Dictionary defines conflict as a battle, contest of opposing forces, discord, antagonism
existing between primitive desires, instincts and moral, religious, or ethical ideals. Conflict occurs
when two or more people or organizations disagree because their needs, wants, goals, or values are
different. Hurt feelings, anger, bruised egos, and poor communication are all the precursors to
conflict. However, conflict is NOT the end of the world, or your team or group. Some tools have
been developed that will help us all recognize conflict and deal with it so that our group or team can
move on, stronger than before.
Lesson Objectives
By the end of the lesson a learner should be able to:
1. Discuss red flags of conflict
2. Talk about why conflict can be both positive and negative
3. Discuss conflict management styles
4. Talk about the ways that individuals analyze conflict
5. Discuss ways that an individual can positive deal with difficult people while managing
Lesson Content
Most all of us have been in a conflict at some point in our lives. But did we know that conflict was
coming? Could we have seen it, and headed it off at the pass? The National School Board
Association has developed a Toolkit for Educational Leadership
( that talks about conflict and what might be some
red flags to look out for.
Body language
Disagreements, regardless of issue
Withholding bad news
Strong public statements
Airing disagreements through media
Conflicts in value systems
Desire for power
Increasing lack of support
Open disagreement
Lack of candor on budget problems or other sensitive issues
Lack of clear goals
No discussion of progress, failed goals, and inability to evaluate leaders fairly, thoroughly, or at
Many people think of conflict as negative. But conflict can be both negative AND positive. The
National School Board Association in their Toolkit for Educational Leadership
( tells us that . . .
Style 1- Collaborating
o Why should I collaborate?: Cooperation will help everyone achieve their goals and
keep relationships healthy.
o A Collaborators Attitude: Talking through the conflict will help us find creative
ways to solve our problems where everyone is satisfied in the end.
o When should I collaborate?:
Everyone trust each other
No one wants total decision or resolution power
Everyone needs to have a part in the decision
Everyone involved will change their thinking as more information is available
People need to work through personal hurts and disappointments
o When should I choose another method?:
When you need a resolution that wont take a lot of time and money
When some may take advantage of others trust
o Why should I compromise?: Winning something while losing a little is sometimes
o A Compromisers Attitude: We should all meet halfway to do what is best for the
group and each of us can still get part of what we want.
o When should I compromise?:
No one at the table has more position or power than anyone else and everyone is
equally committed to the groups goals.
Time can be saved by agreeing on a situation that works for everyone for now
Achieving all of your goals are only somewhat important
o When should I choose another method?:
Things that are important to you may be lost in the fray
Someones demands are too great for the rest of the table
o Why should I accommodate?: Our commonalities are more important than other
issues and facing differences may hurt relationships.
o An accommodators attitude: I will please others by playing down how important
the issue or conflict is in order to protect relationships.
o When should I accommodate?:
Issues not as important to you as it is to others
You know you cant win
Everyone agreeing is the most important thing
The things people have in common are more important than their differences
o When should I choose another method?:
Some ideas dont get attention
Credibility and influence can be lost
o Why should I compete?: Resolving a conflict is associated with competition and
o A competitors attitude: I must use all of my power to win the conflict.
o When should I compete?:
You know youre right
A quick decision is necessary
Strong personalities are overshadowing other people
Defending your rights or position
o When should I choose another method?:
Can make conflict worse
Those on the losing end may attempt to get back at the winners
o Why should I avoid?: Not the right time or place to address this issue.
Sherman Tanks- These intimidators get in your face to argue and state opinions as facts.
1. Get their attention by using their first name to begin a sentence.
2. Maintain eye contact; give them time to wind down.
3. Stand up to them without fighting; dont worry about being polite.
4. Suggest you sit down to continue discussions.
Snipers- These individuals take potshots in meetings but avoid one-on-one confrontations.
1. Expose the attack; draw them out in public and dont let social convention stop you.
2. Get other opinions--dont give in to the snipers views.
3. Provide the sniper with alternatives to a direct contest.
Negativists- These individuals know that nothing new will work; theyll disrupt group
brainstorming sessions.
1. Acknowledge their valid points.
2. Describe past successes.
3. Avoid youre wrong, Im right arguments.
Steps must be taken for discussion to begin. This to think about include:
Someone has to start the conversation! If neither party is willing to do so, bring in
an outsider who will remain neutral to begin discussions.
Everyone must be ready to come to the table, to work together, and resolve the
The group must agree on rules for the discussion. Some ideas of things to include
are: ways well communicate and how well make the final decision.
BE ORGANIZED! Location, time, place and materials must all be in order for conflict
management to work.
Everyone at the table must agree on what information is put on the table, relevant
to the conflict, and how the group will get answers to questions.
Negotiations should be discussions that include:
Reasons, needs, concerns and motivations for differing positions
Current options
Evaluation of all the current options
Written agreement that documents what everyone understands
Everyone must be confident that all parties will follow through with their parts of
the agreement. Make sure everyone is on the same page and understands the
Once negotiation is complete, the group should take the actions they decided upon.
Individuals should get support from outside parties who may have been involved in
some way. Outsiders must be on board with the terms of the agreements reached
during Step 4.
Identify a time when youve been in a conflict. How did you behave? Did you escalate or deescalate the situation? If you could replay the situation, what would you do differently?
Identify times when you have behaved like one of the conflict problem people listed in the
brochure. How can we keep ourselves in check so that we dont repeat past mistakes?
How can you implement the strategies contained in this lesson in your club or group?
National School Board Association. Toolkit for Educational Leadership. Retrieved electronically
from on October 5, 2003.
Ohio Commission on Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management. Choosing a Conflict Management