East Sulawesi Ophiolite
East Sulawesi Ophiolite
East Sulawesi Ophiolite
The 30th HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition
Department of Geology, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB)
Department of Earth Resources Engineering, Kyushu University, Japan
Some representative specimens of two different mudrocks, namely Ikeshima shale and Subang claystone,
were selected for laboratory testing of unconfined swelling test. A modified device enable measurement
of unconfined strain in various shapes of specimens was fabricated to comfortably allow a measurement
of time dependent swelling displacement at three axial directions. Besides, the investigation was also
petrographical aspects by means of XRD and SEM in order to determine any inherent factors which
possibly affecting in swelling processes. The test results indicated that the relationship between axial
swelling strain buildups versus time exhibited non-linear and anisotropic. There were significant
differences in the swelling characteristics between the shales and the claystones. The tested specimens of
the shales generally demonstrated higher in the anisotropic index than did the claystones, even until the
peak of strain was reached. In this case, the anisotropy index of the shales ranged from 2.97 to 3.75, while
the claystones ranged from 2.35 to 3.13. Meanwhile, the development of volumetric swelling strains of
the shales and the claystones were 5.95%-9.04% and 8.79%-12.12%, respectively. It was evidenced that
the main petrographical factors controlled in swell-ability of the rocks were expandable clay mineral
smectites and non-clay mineral pyrites. Moreover, there was a quite importance of inherent bonding
material and stress release energy in the swelling process.
The development of axial swelling strains in the indexes within time are presented in Figure 6. It is
Ikeshima shale was mostly fairly steady leveled interesting to note that the ratio of vertical to
off after 8-20 days, and then there was still lateral swelling strain (av) is always high and the
sequentially little increase in swelling magnitude highest values occur within the first minutes of the
through the periods of 30 days. The maximum test in the Ikeshima shale, while in the Subang
magnitude of swelling strain in the vertical and claystone these appear within the first hours. The
lateral directions was 5.27% and 2.19%, value of av ranges from 2.54 to 3.75 with an
respectively. Meanwhile, the observed maximum average of 3.07. These values mean that the
magnitude of swelling strain of the Subang swelling strain in vertical direction is always
claystone specimens was 7.16% of the vertical much greater than those in other two directions.
strain and 3.06% of the lateral strain, which most Moreover, it can be suggested that the
of them took place within the first of 5-16 days deformability of the stratified structure planes
immersion and were almost steady along the possibly play as an important role in the swelling
periods of 20-30 days. process. For the two lateral swelling strains, it can
be noticed that the anisotropy between the two
Since the parameter of volumetric swelling strain lateral strains is quite small expressing by the
could express the whole swelling displacement value of al is occasionally nearly equal to 1. It
occurred, it was convenient to use the volumetric means that the value of two lateral swelling strains
strain instead of the vertical and lateral strains as measured by four dial gauges on two different
variable. Volumetric swelling strains of all tested side directions are nearly identical. This implies
specimens were computed, and the trends of that the swelling behavior of argillaceous rocks
volumetric swelling strain versus duration time of parallel to the stratified structure planes is quite
immersion of representative specimens from both homogeneous. However, the anisotropy of the two
Ikeshima shale and Subang claystone were lateral swelling strains is also occasionally high
graphically illustrated (Figure 5). The maximum obtained up to 2.23 which generally occurs within
volumetric swelling strain of Ikeshima shale the first minutes of the test and appears
found in this experiments fell within a range of significantly in Subang claystone. These
5.95% to 9.04%, while the maximum volumetric phenomena confirm that the argillaceous rock
swelling of Subang claystone was in a range of behavior is anisotropy in nature.
9.51% to 12.12%.
Inherent factors affecting the swelling process
Anisotropy of swelling process It has been noted by Wong (1998) that that
The swelling behavior of almost all specimens interpretation of swelling test results is not as
was found to anisotropy (see Table 2). In this test, simple as the conventional analysis method
vertical and lateral strains increased suggests, and requires a well-designed swelling
simultaneously with inconstant ratio. The typical test and improvement of the analysis method. In
results of anisotropy analysis of both anisotropy fact, inherent factors affecting the swelling
The 30th HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition
process are difficult to measure individually in the as the dominant factor controlling the swelling
laboratory. Accordingly, the interpretations from process revealing by a closure phase of initial
an analysis of test data were performed in this hairline cracks at the beginning of the test.
Since it is widely known that smectite is the main
expandable clay mineral, it is interesting to An experimental program has been conducted to
evaluate the variation of swelling strain as a investigate the characteristics of swelling strain in
function of smectite content. It can be identified two different mudrocks, which are Ikeshima shale
that the vertical swelling strain is a function of and Subang claystone, by means of modified test
smectite content. In this case, the observed device. Extensive experimental results of the shale
vertical swelling strain increased with the increase and the claystone during unconfined swelling test
of the smectite content. Meanwhile, another have been presented offering an original database,
mineral that can generate an expandable process is which is necessary to establish swelling
non-clay mineral pyrite. Pyrite is stable only characteristics of mudrocks. Finally, since
under strongly reduced oxygen condition. behavior of mudrocks is usually dominated by its
Generally, when the pyrite is exposed, it will stratified structure planes in some field cases,
oxidize to ferrous sulphate and free sulphuric acid. further studies are encouraged to investigate the
If any calcium carbonate present, as found in the effects of rock structure and its orientation on the
samples of Subang claystone, pyrite may alter to swelling characteristics.
sulphate (gypsum) resulting in a slow increase in
volume and, hence, in rock cracking. REFERENCES
The rock fabrics and the microstructures release Hillier, S., 2000. Accurate quantitative analysis of
strain energy (dissipation energy) resulting from clay and other minerals is Sandstone by XRD:
the diagenetic process through their geological Comparison of a Rietveld and a reference
history is another prosible significant factor in the intensity ratio (RIR) method and the important of
controlling of the rock to potentially increase sample preparation. Clay Minerals, 35: 291-302.
volume. The relative differences in diagenetic
maturity estimated from the illite-smectite ratio ISRM 1979. Suggested method for determining
were confirmed that there was a rebound effect water content, porosity, density, absorption and
due to the increase of swelling strain generated by related properties, and swelling and slake
the inherent stress release of the rock, which was durability properties. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci.
also indicated by high value of the vertical to & Geomech. Abstr., 16: 143-156.
lateral anisotropy index in the most of Ikeshima
shale specimens. In this case, the extension or Klug, H. P. and Alexander, L. E., 1974. X-Ray
release of the stratified structural planes seemed Diffraction Procedures, 2nd ed., Wiley, New York,
The 30th HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition
The 30th HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition
FIGURE 1 : Ideal XRD patterns of Ikeshima shale (IKS-3, top) and Subang claystone (SC-7, bottom).
The 30th HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition
FIGURE 2 : Very thin stratified fabric patterns of Ikeshima shale (IKS-1, top) and typical flocculated
structures of wavy smectites of Subang claystone (SC-5, bottom)
The 30th HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition
6.0 6.0
5.0 5.0
A xial S w elling S train (%)
A xial S w elling S train (%)
2.0 2.0
1.0 1.0
0.0 0.0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0.0 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0
FIGURE 4 : Typical result of axial swelling strain of Ikeshima shale (IKS-3, top)
and Subang claystone (SC-7, bottom).
The 30th HAGI, The 34th IAGI, and The 14th PERHAPI Annual Conference and Exhibition
IK S -1
V olum etric S w elling S train (%)
12 IK S -2
IK S -3
10 S C -2
S C -5
8 S C -7
0.0 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0
Elapsed T im e (hour)
FIGURE 5 : Volumetric swelling strain indexes of Ikehima shale and Subang Claystone.
7.0 3.5
6.0 3.0
V ertical to lateral
A nisotropy Index
5.0 2.5
A nisotropy Index
Lateral to vertical
4.0 2.0
3.0 1.5
2.0 1.0 V ertical to lateral
1.0 0.5 Lateral to lateral
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0 0.0 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0
Elapsed T im e (hour) Elapsed T im e (hour)
FIGURE 6 : Typical anisotropy indexes within time for Ikeshima shale (IKS-3, left)
and Subang claystone (SC-7, right).