Online Harmonic Extraction and Synchronization Algorithm Based Control For Unified Power Quality Conditioner For Microgrid Systems

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Energy Reports 8 (2022) 962–971

2021 8th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Engineering (CPESE 2021),
10–12 September 2021, Fukuoka, Japan

Online harmonic extraction and synchronization algorithm based

control for unified power quality conditioner for microgrid systems
Kamrul Hasana , Muhammad Murtadha Othmana ,∗, Sheikh Tanzim Merajb , Nor Farahaida
Abdul Rahmana , Siti Zaliha Mohammad Noora , Ismail Musirina , Izham Zainal Abidinc
a Solar Research Institute (SRI), College of Engineering Studies, School of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40450 Shah
Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
b Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, 32610 Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia
c College of Engineering, Department of Electrical Power Engineering, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Jalan

IKRAM-UNITEN, 43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia

Received 22 October 2021; accepted 1 November 2021
Available online 26 November 2021

This manuscript proposes an Adaptive Linear Neural Network (ADALINE) based control for the unified power quality
conditioner to protect the critical loads from voltage related power quality problems and mitigate the current related power
quality problems produced by nonlinear loads. Due to parallel computing feature and simple algorithm, ADALINE is utilized
widely in parameter estimation. In this manuscript, unified ADALINEs based current harmonic extractor for the shunt active
power filter is utilized, and an ADALINE based control technique is utilized to produce reference voltages for load voltage
compensation. Due to ADALINE control, the necessity of a phase locked loop and conventional filters are omitted, therefore,
enabling the system to extract the fundamental components more accurately. Besides, the ability of self-regulating transition
from islanded mode to grid-connected mode has ensured that uninterrupted power supply is provided to the critical loads. The
system performance is validated through simulation results utilizing MATLAB-Simulink software considering several dynamic
conditions, namely unbalanced grid voltage, self-regulating transition, and grid unavailability.
© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 8th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Engineering, CPESE

Keywords: Battery energy storage; Microgrid; Neural network; Power quality; Solar photovoltaic; Unified power quality conditioner

1. Introduction
In recent times, the term ‘Power Quality’ has earned great interest from researchers, especially in power
system engineering. The issues related to power quality can significantly affect both the utility and the consumer.
Various sensitive power electronic equipment such as multilevel inverters [1], Flexible AC Transmission Systems
∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.M. Othman).
2352-4847/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 8th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Engineering,
CPESE 2021.
K. Hasan, M.M. Othman, S.T. Meraj et al. Energy Reports 8 (2022) 962–971

(FACTS) [2], etc., are getting utilized rapidly in the power industries to cope up with the demand of the consumers.
These sophisticated power industries and equipment require better power quality generation systems which can be
accurately regulated and are highly reliable.
To maintain the distribution system standards regarding power quality issues, custom power devices with different
features have been proposed, such as DVR, DSTATCOM, TVSS, UPS, UPQC [3]. Among all capacity and range
of custom power devices, multipurpose features are shown by unified power quality conditioners that can remove
several power quality issues concurrently [4,5]. Several kinds of custom power devices and UPQCs have been
proposed for the numerous issues of the power system.
In order to protect the sensitive loads, a dynamic voltage restorer model is proposed in [6]. Here, a 12-switch
voltage source inverter circuit is utilized along with a sliding mode control method comprising an Adaptive Notch
Filter (ANF). The ANF circuit exempts the requirement of utilizing low-pass filter, frequency-lock loop, and phase-
lock loop circuit. However, only voltage sensitive loads are considered in the above-mentioned literature when in
fact, the existence of current sensitive loads is widespread in the distribution system.
Two PV-UPQC models are proposed by Devassy S. [7,8] to solve both the voltage and current related power
quality issues, wherein a modified p–q theory in [7] and a synchronous reference frame theory in [8] is applied
for the extraction of the harmonic component. Considering the issue of supplying continuous power to the sensitive
loads, a battery and PV integrated UPQC is proposed in [9] scrutinizing the standalone application of UPQC,
wherein continuous power is supplied to the sensitive loads irrespective of grid accessibility. However, the above-
mentioned kinds of literature have some pitfalls in the control algorithm as they utilized low pass filter in [7] and
phase locked loop in [8,9]. Firstly, detection of the fundamental component by LPF is generally not accurate, and it
is reported that the fundamental component bears high ripple quantity [10,11]. Secondly, although PLL is a popular
synchronization mechanism howbeit, the frequency estimation is slow [12].
The efficacy of UPQC in voltage disturbances compensation and current harmonics compensation is highly
dependent on the reference voltage and current generation algorithm. Besides, the source current synchronization
with the source voltage is also necessary, which is achieved through accurate supply frequency estimation. In this
regard, a considerable amount of study has been performed to estimate the frequency and/or to extract the harmonics,
which are Kalman filtering techniques [13], p–q theory [14], Synchronous Reference Frame (SRF) theory [15],
and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) [16].
In [12], the harmonic extractor algorithm is proposed utilizing the unified ADALINE for shunt active power
filter. Three ADALINEs are utilized in the control algorithm; wherein, two ADALINEs are used for source voltage
synchronization and frequency estimation. At the same time, the third ADALINE extracts the fundamental load
current component. In this work, the ADALINEs algorithm extracts the harmonics, and at the same time, the
synchronization is also performed, which significantly reduces the computational burden. Although the paper showed
excellent results on computation burden reduction, the power quality related to voltage distortions is not considered
while voltage related power quality is a great concern for the load. In [17], considering both the voltage and current
related power quality problems, two ADALINEs algorithms are utilized. However, the PLL circuit is still utilized
for the synchronization operation, which deteriorates the performance of the UPQC. The full capacity of ADALINE
has not been studied to control the UPQC system.
This manuscript presents a feasible solution for all the above-mentioned power quality problems considering
the critical loads. Encouraged from the concept of PV-Battery-UPQC [9], unified ADALINE shunt active power
filter (SAPF) [12], and unified ADALINE UPQC [17], this manuscript presents PV-Battery integrated UPQC
configuration based on unified ADALINE control algorithm. The control of series APF mainly needs phase
synchronization with the supply, and the shunt APF mainly requires accurate synchronization with the grid voltage,
accurate load harmonics extraction, and load voltage phase information during the islanded mode. Each function (a
total of three) is accomplished utilizing one ADALINE. Moreover, the proposed ADALINE-based control algorithm
uses the same input vector for all the three ADALINEs, and hence reduces the overall computational burden.
The control methodology of the ADALINE-UPQC system is subdivided into five major sections: implementation
of ADALINE algorithm, ADALINE based SAPF, ADALINE series filter (SEF), implementation of the transition
K. Hasan, M.M. Othman, S.T. Meraj et al. Energy Reports 8 (2022) 962–971

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the proposed three-phase UPQC system.

control circuit (TCC), and integration of battery and PV. The schematic diagram of the proposed system is illustrated
in Fig. 1.

2. Implementation of ADALINE algorithm

The generalized control diagram of an ADALINE module can be understood from (1), (2), and (3). The weight of
the neural network is simultaneously updated utilizing a modified Widrow–Hoff (W–H) algorithm. The mechanism
of the W–H is defined by two weight values (W 1 and W 2 ). Because of using only two weight values, ADALINE
control shows high adaptability, faster response, and highly accurate error elimination. The ADALINE weight
updating algorithm can be expressed by the following equations;
W (new) = W (old) + T ′ (1)
[ ] Y Y
W = (2)
[ ]
Y = (3)
Here, Y represents fundamental sine and cosine components. The control algorithm functions by computing the
error signal (e) generated from the difference between the estimated signal (sest ) and the measured signal (s) in
each operating loop W(old). By using (e), the weight values are updated accordingly, which is then applied in the
next loop W(new). In this manner, the updated value of sest gradually becomes similar to s, and thus, the resultant
error (e) is decreased. To stabilize the error calculation, a learning rate (α) is applied, having a range of 0 < α < 1.
Using a trial-and-error method, the best value of α for the proposed UPQC system is estimated to be 0.0001 [18].
Therefore, the estimated signal can be expressed by the following equation;
sest = W1 sin (ωt) + W2 cos (ωt) (4)
where the magnitude of the updated signal (S) is determined by;

S = W12 + W22 (5)
K. Hasan, M.M. Othman, S.T. Meraj et al. Energy Reports 8 (2022) 962–971

2.1. ADALINE based shunt active power filter

The control operation of ADALINE based SAPF is shown in Fig. 2. During the grid-connected mode, the SAPF
operates as a current modulator. The estimated load current (i L f und(est) ) in this control is generated by ADALINE.
One ADALINE is utilized to extract the fundamental component from the harmonic polluted three-phase load current
(i L ). Therefore, (4) and (5) can be written as:
i Lfund(est),x = W1 sin (ωt) + W2 cos (ωt) (6)

ILfund(est),x = W12 + W22 (7)
Here, x is the phase of the three-phase load current. Furthermore, to enhance the performance of ADALINE,
the mean magnitudes of the three-phase estimated load current (I L f und(est) ) are given to an average function to
eliminate any additional ripples. The averaging function can be realized as follows;
∫ TS
1 ( )
ILfund(est),avg = ILfund(est),a + ILfund(est),b + ILfund(est),c dt (8)
3TS 0
Where I L f und(est),a , I L f und(est),b , and I L f und(est),c represent the fundamental load current component from each phase,
and T S represents the sample time of the proposed control system.

Fig. 2. Control diagram of ADALINE based SAPF.

To maintain the reference current phase with regards to the three-phase voltage source’s phase, a similar
operation is conducted to extract the magnitude (Vs f und(est) ) of the fundamental voltage component (vs f und(est) ).
This fundamental magnitude is divided by the supply voltage (v S ) to extract the sine function (sin(ωt + θ)), which
is then multiplied with the average value of fundamental load current (I L f und(est),avg ). Here, θ symbolizes the phase
angle. This sine function will perform the synchronization operation between the reference current and the supply
voltage. The sine function is generated as follows;
vSfund(est),x = W1 sin (ωt) + W2 cos (ωt) (9)

VSfund(est),x = W12 + W22 (10)
v S,x
sin (ωt + θx ) = (11)
In order to generate the accurate reference current, the fundamental load current is carefully integrated with other
available currents in the system, for instance, the DC-link charging current (I DC ) and capacitor balancing current
I Bl . To regulate I DC , and balancing the split capacitor voltages (VC1 and VC2 ), Direct Voltage Error Manipulation
(DVEM) approach is followed. The DVEM strategy is implemented by manipulating the voltage difference or
K. Hasan, M.M. Othman, S.T. Meraj et al. Energy Reports 8 (2022) 962–971

error (eV 1 ) between a given desired DC reference voltage (V DCr e f ) and the capacitor voltages by utilizing a simple
proportional–integral (PI) controller to generate the DC charging current. The DVEM strategy can be realized by;
∫ t
I DC = K p(DC) ev1 + K i(DC) ev1 dt (12)
∫ t
I Bl = K p(Bl) ev2 + K i(Bl) ev2 dt (13)
eV 1 = VDCref − (VC1 + VC2 ) (14)
eV 2 = VC2 − VC1 (15)
i Lr e f,x = (ILfund(est),average + I DC ) × sin (ωt + θx ) + I Bl (16)
During the islanded operation, SEF is bypassed to SAPF. In this mode, SAPF compensates the voltage indirectly
by injecting accurate reference current, which maintains the load voltage at a fixed magnitude and phase, irrespective
of any disturbances or variations from the PV cells or load current. In this instance, the fundamental voltage
component is calculated from load voltage (v L ) instead of source voltage (v S ) using (9), (10), and (11). After
that newly generated sine function is multiplied by the reference magnitude (V*) and compared with the sensed
load voltage (v L ) to generate the reference load voltage (v Lr e f ). Thus, the reference load current (i Lr e f ) is generated
from the reference load voltages by means of simple PI controllers. The mathematical expressions can be expressed

= V ∗ × sin (ωt + θx ) (17)
v Lr e f,x = vLfund(est),x

− v L ,x (18)
∫ t
i Lr e f,x = K p(V D) v Lr e f,x + K i(V D) v Lr e f,x dt (19)
Hysteresis control circuit produces the gate signals for the shunt inverter (SHI). The gate pulses for both operation
modes (g(A)) and (g(B)) are then passed through a logic switch which decides whether the system is operating in
grid-connected mode or islanded mode based on the decision by the Transition control circuit (TCC) which will be
discussed in the upcoming section.

2.2. ADALINE based series filter

The ADALINE module is only functional in SEF during the grid-connected operation. The schematic diagram
of this control methodology is shown in Fig. 3. SEF regulates the load voltage at a fixed magnitude during any grid
voltage fluctuations (i.e., voltage sags or swells). The ADALINE enables the SEF to maintain the load voltage in a
similar phase with the source voltage by injecting an appropriate reference voltage (v Lr e f ) throughout the operation.
The sine function extracted by the ADALINE is multiplied with the reference magnitude (V*) and subsequently
compared with the load voltage (v L ). The difference between these two voltages gives the desired reference voltage
(v Lr e f ), which is then given to a logic switch which passes through a pulse-width modulator (PWM) based on the
output from TCC to generate the required switching pulses for the series inverter (SEI). The mathematical relation
can be represented as follows;

= V ∗ × sin (ωt + θx ) (20)
v Lr e f,x = vSfund(est),x

− v L ,x (21)

2.3. Implementation of transition control circuit (TCC)

TCC is utilized in the proposed system to generate an accurate decision based on the UPQC’s two-mode
operations. The principle operation of the circuit is generally based on some conditional parameters, and it can
decide whether the UPQC is operating in grid-connected mode or islanded mode. The conditional parameters are
developed as follows;
• The difference in frequency between the grid voltage and reference voltage.
K. Hasan, M.M. Othman, S.T. Meraj et al. Energy Reports 8 (2022) 962–971

Fig. 3. Control diagram of ADALINE based SEF.

• The difference in amplitude between the grid voltage and reference voltage.
• Mode of operation as a feedback command.
If the proposed system is running in islanded mode and suddenly the source voltage becomes available, TCC verifies
whether the difference in frequency is lower than 0.3 Hz and also if the difference in amplitude is less than 0.05pu.
The decisions from these conditional analyses are then given to an AND block. On the contrary, if the circumstances
are reversed, and suddenly the grid becomes unavailable, the TCC again examines the whole conditions. Only in
this case, the tolerance of the amplitude difference is 0.3pu rather than 0.05pu since the UPQC is operating in grid-
connected mode. The decisions from these conditional analyses are again given to another AND block. Finally,
the outputs from these two AND blocks are given into an OR block through which the TCC can display its final
decision. If the output of the TCC is Csync = 1, it means the ADALINE-UPQC is operating in grid-connected
mode, whereas if Csync = 0, it indicates that the ADALINE-UPQC is operating in islanded mode.

2.4. PV and battery integration

The combination of PV [19,20], and battery with UPQC is a significant segment of the proposed methodology.
The entire integration procedure is done in two principal steps. In the initial step, a simulation model of PV is
integrated with a Perturb and Observe (P & O) control based Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) charged
controller [21]. In the final step, the battery is integrated with the PV and UPQC by means of a boost DC–DC
converter and a bidirectional DC–DC converter, respectively. The boost converter is used for stepping up the voltage
harvested from the PV cell, whereas the bidirectional DC–DC converter is used to regulate the DC-link voltage of
the UPQC under all conditions. The bidirectional converter is implemented in this manuscript, following a dual-loop
control using two conventional PI controllers [22].

3. Performance analysis of ADALINE-UPQC

The performance of the ADALINE-UPQC is investigated by obtaining the simulation results from MATLAB-
Simulink under several dynamic conditions experienced in the operation of both the grid-connected and islanded
modes. The simulation parameters utilized to build the entire control system are tabulated in Table 1.

3.1. Characteristics of ADALINE-UPQC during grid disturbances

The response of the ADALINE-UPQC is presented during the grid voltage disturbances in Fig. 4. From Fig. 4,
the three-phase ADALINE-UPQC performance can be seen in the measured salient signals.
During the voltage sag condition, it can be noticed from Fig. 4(a) that the grid voltage has reduced from 326
V to 163 V at 0.2 s. Nonetheless, the load voltage is sustained at the rated voltage 326 V, as shown in Fig. 4(b)
even during the grid disturbances. Fig. 5(a) confirms that Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) of the load current is
approximately 28.3% before the compensation. In this case, the ADALINE based SAPF does the main operation to
K. Hasan, M.M. Othman, S.T. Meraj et al. Energy Reports 8 (2022) 962–971

Table 1. Simulation Parameters of ADALINE-UPQC.

No Parameters Value No Parameters Value
1. Voltage source (V S ) 400 V 10. PV open circuit voltage 326 V
2. Reference voltage (V*) 326 V (rms) 11. PV short circuit current 10 A
3. Fundamental frequency (f*) 50 Hz 12. Battery nominal voltage 400 V
4. Line inductance (L I ) 1 mH 13. Battery rated capacity 100 Ah
5. Load (R−L) 50 –5 mH 14. Reference voltage (V DCr e f ) 880 V
6. Ripple filter 1 (RF1 −CF1 ) 1 −100 µF 15. Capacitor (C1 , C2 ) 3600 µF
7. Passive filter 1 (LF1 ) 5 mH 16. PI controller (K p(DC) , K i(DC) ) 0.3, 2
8. Passive filter 2 (LF2 ) 5 mH
17. Balancing PI controller (K p(Bl) , K i(Bl) ) 0.02, 0.1
9. Ripple filter 2 (RF2 −CF2 ) 10 −50 µF

Fig. 4. Simulation results of ADALINE-UPQC under voltage sag include three-phase: (a) source voltage (vs ) and (b) load voltage (v L ).

Fig. 5. Harmonic spectrums of the ADALINE-UPQC (a) load current (i L ) and (b) source current (i S ).

mitigate the grid current harmonics. Thus, it can be seen from Fig. 5(b) that the THD is decreased to only 1.15%.
Therefore, it can be stated that the proposed UPQC system has profoundly maintained the IEEE-519 standard for
the grid current harmonics.
The ADALINE-UPQC characteristic in the swell conditions is demonstrated in Fig. 6. In this case, it can be seen
from Fig. 6(a) that at 0.2 s, the grid voltage has increased from 326 V to 489 V. The instantaneous grid voltage is
tracked dynamically by the SEF, and the appropriate voltage is injected at 0.2 s out of phase with the grid voltage,
to regulate the load voltage and keep the load voltage balanced which can be noticed from Fig. 6(b).

3.2. Characteristics of ADALINE-UPQC during grid discontinuity

Considering the dynamic condition in the course of the transition period between islanded and grid-connected
mode, the performance of the ADALINE is depicted in Fig. 7 in terms of grid deactivation. The measured outputs
are grid voltage (v S ) and load voltage (v L ). It can be seen from Fig. 7(a) that the grid is disconnected at 0.2 s due
to fault conditions, the system starts operating in islanded mode. It can be noticed from Fig. 7(b) that whether the
grid is present or not, the load voltage is always maintained at the rated voltage. When the conditions given for the
K. Hasan, M.M. Othman, S.T. Meraj et al. Energy Reports 8 (2022) 962–971

Fig. 6. Simulation results of ADALINE-UPQC under voltage swell include three-phase: (a) source voltage (v S ) and (b) load voltage (v L ).

Fig. 7. Simulation results of ADALINE-UPQC under transition from grid connected mode to islanded mode (grid deactivation) which include
three-phase: (a) source voltage (v S ) and (b) load voltage (v L ).

TCC for the criteria of the grid deactivation (Csync = 0) are fulfilled and matched, the circuit breaker is open, and
the ADALINE-UPQC starts performing in the islanded mode.

3.3. Characteristics of ADALINE-UPQC during unbalanced condition

In this section, the performance of ADALINE-UPQC is analysed under both unbalanced source and unbalanced
load conditions. The source is unbalanced by creating an amplitude difference between the grid voltage phases. The
operation is conducted following the equations given below;
v S,a = 220 sin (ωt) (22)
v S,b = 326 sin(ωt − 120 ) ◦
v S,c = 270 sin(ωt + 120 ) ◦
The unbalanced grid voltage condition is demonstrated in Fig. 8. It can cause severe consequences for the power
grid as a higher amount of THD is produced, and the grid becomes vulnerable to unnecessary tripping and failure.
However, because of the accurate operation of ADALINE-UPQC, it can be observed from Fig. 8(b) that source
current has been compensated effectively by the SAPF by injecting the required current throughout the operation.

Fig. 8. Simulation results of ADALINE-UPQC under unbalanced grid conditions including (a) source voltage (v S ), (b) source current (i S ).

The response of the ADALINE-UPQC is analysed under unbalanced load and illustrated in Fig. 9. The measured
signals are load current for phase a (i L ,a ), the grid current for phase a (i S,a ), and DC-link voltage (V DC ). The signals
K. Hasan, M.M. Othman, S.T. Meraj et al. Energy Reports 8 (2022) 962–971

Fig. 9. Simulation results of ADALINE-UPQC under unbalanced load condition which include: (a) load current (i L ,a ), and (b) source current
(i S,a ), and (c) DC-link voltage (V DC ).

are measured when the load for phase a is removed at 0.25 s and shown in Fig. 9(a). However, the source current
is always preserved closer to sinusoidal, which means the source current is almost unaffected by the changes in
the load condition. Put it differently, a constant power is supplied to the source, which verifies the stability of the
proposed ADALINE-UPQC system. The DC-link voltage is likewise retained at the desired value, as depicted in
Fig. 9(c). Whilst the load voltage of phase a is absent, the grid currents are sinusoidal, which can be seen from
Fig. 9(b).

4. Conclusion
A control algorithm based on unified ADALINE for the UPQC is proposed in this manuscript. Minimized
computation burden, estimation optimality, and control universality are the main features of the proposed control.
The control algorithm performs the subsequent operations: synchronization for both SEF and SAPF, current
harmonic extraction for SAPF, and load voltage phase information done by SAPF. Each operation is achieved
by one ADALINE. Since same input vectors are utilized for the ADALINE configuration, therefore, the control
is more efficient computationally. The supremacy of the proposed control method has been verified by simulation
results utilizing Matlab-Simulink under several case studies. The proposed control adjusts the variation in the system
parameters (load and phase) effectively due to its neural feature. Besides, the PV and battery allow the proposed
UPQC to operate in standalone mode during grid unavailability. Thereby, constant power is provided to the critical
loads, particularly in infirmaries, power plants, and industries. The IEEE-519 standard is maintained for the THD of
the grid current. In case of critical and sensitive loads, where a constant distribution of power is the utmost priority,
the battery PV integrated ADALINE-UPQC system is highly suitable.

Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could
have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

This work was supported by the Long-Term Research Grant (LRGS), Ministry of Education Malaysia for the
programme titled “Decarbonization of Grid with an Optimal Controller and Energy Management for Energy Storage
System in Microgrid Applications” with project code 600-IRMI/LRGS 5/3 (001/2019); and also by the Research
Management Centre (RMC), Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia with project
K. Hasan, M.M. Othman, S.T. Meraj et al. Energy Reports 8 (2022) 962–971

code 600-IRMI 5/3/GIP (049/2019). The authors would also like to acknowledge RMC, UiTM for the facilities
provided to support on this research.

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