Inference (Multiple Choices)

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1) Because of the recent transformation of the market, Quore Inc.

must increase
productivity 10 percent over the course of the next two years or it will certainly go
bankrupt. In fact, however, Quore's production structure is such that if a 10 percent
productivity increase is possible, then a 20 percent increase is attainable.
Which choice can reasonably be inferred from the text?
A) It is only Quore's production structure that makes it possible for Quore to survive the transformation of the
B) Quore will not go bankrupt if it achieves a productivity increase of 20 percent over the next two years.
C) If the market had not been transformed, Quore would have required no productivity increase in order to avoid
D) If a 20 percent productivity increase is unattainable for Quore, then it must go bankrupt.

(nếu tăng được 10%  tăng đc 20%)

2) The stated goal of the government's funding program for the arts is to encourage the creation of works of artistic
excellence. Senator Beton claims, however, that a government-funded artwork can never reflect the independent
artistic conscience of the artist because artists, like anyone else who accepts financial support, will inevitably try to
please those who control the distribution of that support. Senator Beton concludes that government funding of the
arts not only is a burden on taxpayers but also cannot lead to the creation of works of true artistic excellence.
Which choice can reasonably be inferred from the text?
A) Most taxpayers have little or no interest in the creation of works of true artistic excellence.
B) Government funding of the arts is more generous than other financial support most artists receive.
C) Once an artist has produced works of true artistic excellence, he or she will never accept government funding.
D) A contemporary work of art that does not reflect the independent artistic conscience of the artist cannot be a
work of true artistic excellence.

(fund của government không thể phản ánh đc artistic conscience  họa sĩ sẽ cố làm hài lòng ng
cấp cái support đó
Conclude: fund sẽ làm burden lên ng dân và không thể dẫn đến nghệ thuật thật sự)

3) The number of North American children who are obese, that is who have more body fat than 85 percent of North
American children their age, is steadily increasing according to four major studies conducted over the past 15 years.
Which choice can reasonably be inferred from the text?
A) when four major studies all produce similar results those studies must be accurate.
B) North American children have been progressively less physically active over the past 15 years.
C) The number of North American children who are not obese increased over the past 15 years./
D) Over the past 15 years, the number of North American children who are underweight has declined./

(trẻ béo thì có >85% body fat  đang tăng dần trong 15 năm qua)

Text 1
Those who advocate replacing my country's private health insurance system with nationalized health insurance
because of the rising costs of medical care fail to consider the high human costs that consumers pay in countries
with nationalized insurance: access to high-technology medicine is restricted and kidney transplants and open-heart
surgery is rationed. People are denied their right to treatments they want and need.

Nationalized insur  make ppl denied their right to treatments they want and need

Text 2
Your country's reliance on private health insurance denies access even to basic, conventional medicine to the many
people who cannot afford adequate health coverage. With nationalized insurance, rich and poor have equal access to
life-saving medical procedures, and people's right to decent medical treatment regardless of income is not violated.
Private health insurance  deny access to basic medicine
Nationalized insurance  equal between rich and poor

What statement would authors of Text 1 and Text 2 disagree about?

A) People's rights are violated less when they are denied an available medical treatment they need because they lack
the means to pay for it than when they are denied such treatment on noneconomic grounds. (auth 2)

B) Where health insurance is provided by private insurance companies, people who are wealthy generally receive
better healthcare than do people who are unable to afford health insurance.

C) In countries that rely primarily on private health insurance to pay for medical costs, most people who would
benefit from a kidney transplant receive one.

D) In countries with nationalized health insurance, no one who needs a familiar medical treatment in order to stay
alive is denied that treatment. (author 1)

5) Nursing schools cannot attract a greater number of able applicants than they currently do unless the problems of
low wages and high-stress working conditions in the nursing profession are solved. If the pool of able applicants to
nursing school does not increase beyond the current level, either the profession will have to lower its entrance
standards, or there will soon be an acute shortage of nurses. It is not certain, however, that lowering entrance
standards will avert a shortage. It is clear that with either a shortage of nurses or lowered entrance standards of the
profession, the current high quality of health care cannot be maintained.

Nursing school: need to solve prob of low wage & high-stress working condi

Which choice can reasonably be inferred from the text?

A) The nursing profession will have to lower its entrance standards if the pool of able applicants to nursing school
does not increase beyond the current level.
B) If the nursing profession solves the problems of low wages and high-stress working conditions, high quality
health care will be maintained.
C) If the nursing profession fails to solve the problems of low wages and high- stress working conditions, there will
soon be an acute shortage of nurses.
D) The current high quality of health care will not be maintained if the problems of low wages and high-stress
working conditions in the nursing profession are not solved.

6) There are about 75 brands of microwave popcorn on the market; altogether, they account for a little over half of
the money from sales of microwave food products. It takes three minutes to pop corn in the microwave, compared to
seven minutes to popcorn conventionally. Yet by weight, microwave popcorn typically costs over five times as
much as conventional popcorn. Judging by the popularity of microwave popcorn, the majority of people are willing
to pay a high price for just a little additional convenience.

If the statements are true, which choice can reasonably be inferred from the text?

A) No single brand of microwave popcorn accounts for a large share of microwave food product sales.
B) There are more brands of microwave popcorn on the market than there are of any other microwave food product./
C) Of the total number of microwave food products on the market, most are microwave popcorn products.
D) More money is spent on microwave food products that take three minutes or less to cook than on microwave
food products that take longer to cook.
7) All students at Pitcombe College were asked to label themselves conservative, liberal, or middle-of-the-road
politically. Of the students, 25 percent labeled themselves conservative, 24 percent labeled themselves liberal, and
51 percent labeled themselves middle-of-the-road. When asked about a particular set of issues, however, 77 percent
of the students endorsed what is generally regarded as a liberal position.
If the statements are true, which choice can reasonably be inferred from the text?

A) All students who labeled themselves liberal endorsed what is generally regarded as a liberal position on that set
of issues.
B) More students who labeled themselves middle-of-the road than students who labeled themselves liberal opposed
what is generally regarded as a liberal position on that set of issues.
C) The majority of students who labeled themselves middle-of-the-road opposed what is generally regarded as a
liberal position on that set of issues.
D) Some students who labeled themselves conservative endorsed what is generally regarded as a liberal position on
that set of issues.

8) For democracy to survive, it is imperative that the average citizen be able to develop informed opinions about
important policy issues. In today's society, this means that citizens must be able to develop informed opinions on
many scientific subjects, from ecosystems to defense systems. Yet, as scientific knowledge advances, the average
citizen is increasingly unable to absorb enough information to develop informed opinions on many important issues.

To Democ survive  need citizen develop opi abt * policy issues

Which choice can reasonably be inferred from the text?

A) Scientists have a duty to educate the public.

B) The survival of democracy is threatened by the advance of scientific knowledge.
C) Every citizen has a duty to and can become scientifically literate.
D) The most effective democracy is one that is the most scientifically

9) Using clean-coal technologies to "repower" existing factories promises ultimately a substantial reduction of
polluting emissions, and will affect the full range of pollutants implicated in acid rain. The strategy of using these
technologies could cut sulfur dioxide emission by more than 80 percent and nitrogen oxide emissions by more than
50 percent. The emission of a smaller quantity of nitrogen pollutants would in turn reduce the formation of noxious
ozone in the troposphere.

Which choice can reasonably be inferred from the text?

A) Sulfur dioxide emissions are the most dangerous pollutants implicated in acid rain.
B) Noxious ozone is formed in factories by chemical reactions involving sulfur dioxide.
C) Twenty percent of the present level of sulfur dioxide emissions in the atmosphere is not considered a harmful
D) The choice of technologies in factories could reduce the formation of noxious ozone in the troposphere.

10) Much of what we know about the physical and mental toll of chronic stress stems from seminal work by Robert
Sapolsky beginning in the late 1970s. Sapolsky, a neuroendocrinologist, was among the first to make the connection
that the hormones released during the fight-or-flight response-the ones that helped our ancestors avoid becoming
dinner-have deleterious effects when the stress is severe and sustained. Especially insidious, chronic exposure to one
of these hormones, cortisol, causes brain changes that make it increasingly difficult to shut the stress response down.

Which choice can reasonably be inferred about long-term stress?

A) It inhibits the production of cortisol.

B) It can create a sense of excitement.
C) It becomes progressively harder to reduce.
D) It produces a heightened antibody response.

11) Dhabhar likens the body's immune cells to soldiers. Because their levels in the blood plummet during acute
stress, "people used to say: 'See, stress is bad for you; your immune system's depressed,"' he says. "But most
immune battles are not going to be fought in the blood." He suspected that the immune cells were instead traveling
to the body's "battlefields"-sites most likely to be wounded in an attack, like the skin, gut and lungs. In studies where
rats were briefly confined (a short-term stressor), he showed that after an initial surge of immune cells into the
bloodstream, they quickly exited the blood and took up positions precisely where he predicted they would.

Which choice can reasonably be inferred about short-term stress?

A) It stimulates an immune response in vulnerable areas of the body.

B) It forces cortisol to collect in the bloodstream.
C) It produces an antibody response more powerful than that produced by exercise.
D) It causes the body's natural defenses to weaken.

12) Citrus greening, the plague that could wipe out Florida's $9 billion orange industry, begins with the touch of a
jumpy brown bug on a sun-kissed leaf. From there, the bacterial disease incubates in the tree's roots, then moves
back up the trunk in full force, causing nutrient flows to seize up. Leaves turn yellow, and the oranges, deprived of
sugars from the leaves, remain green, sour, and hard. Many fall before harvest, brown necrotic flesh ringing failed
stems. Thus, citrus greening affects trees by ____

Which choice would most logically complete the text?

A) flooding them with particles of virus.

B) depriving them of key nutrients.
C) destroying the groves where they are planted.
D) altering their genetic structure.

13) The world is complex and interconnected, and the evolution of our communications system from a broadcast
model to a networked one has added a new dimension to the mix. The Internet has made us all less dependent on
professional journalists and editors for information about the wider world, allowing us to seek out information
directly via online search or to receive it from friends through social media. But this enhanced convenience comes
with a considerable risk: that we will be exposed to what we want to know at the expense of what we need to know.
While we can find virtual communities that correspond to our every curiosity, there's little pushing us beyond our
comfort zones to or into the unknown, even if the unknown may have serious implications for our lives. There are
things we should probably know more about-like political and religious conflicts in Russia or basic geography. But
even if we knew more than we do, there's no guarantee that the knowledge gained would prompt us to act in a
particularly admirable fashion.

Which choice can reasonably be inferred about the internet-users?

A) They tend to seek information impulsively.

B) They tend to seek information unadventurously.
C) They tend to seek information creatively.
D) They tend to seek information recklessly.

14) Among humans, even thinking about yawning can trigger the reflex, leading some to suspect that catching a
yawn is linked to our ability to empathize with other humans. For instance, contagious yawning activates the same
parts of the brain that govern empathy and social know-how. And some studies have shown that humans with more
fine-tuned social skills are more likely to catch a yawn. It’s therefore probable that people most likely to catch
yawns are ____
Which choice would most logically complete the text?
A) detail oriented.
B) easily persuaded.
C) attuned to others.
D) chronically fatigued.

15) Chimpanzees, baboons and bonobos often yawn when they see other members of their species yawning. Chimps
(Pan troglodytes) can catch yawns from humans, even virtual ones. At least in primates, contagious yawning seems
to require an emotional connection and may function as a demonstration of empathy. Beyond primates, though, the
trends are less clear-cut. One study found evidence of contagious yawning in birds but didn't connect it to empathy.
A 2008 study showed that dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) could catch yawns from humans, and another showed that
dogs were more likely to catch the yawn of a familiar human rather than a stranger. But efforts to see if dogs catch
yawns from each other and to replicate the results have so far had no luck. The text implies that the connection
between empathy and yawning in birds and dogs, in comparison to humans, is ____

Chimp catch yawn from human

contagious yawning require an emotional connection  demonstration of empathy

Which choice would most logically complete the text?

A) more uncertain
B) less uncertain.
C) impossible to establish.
D) a controversial topic.

16) Willowbed Road, NW, was dingy and depressing, although it contrived to keep up a kind of mingy decency.
There was even a dentist's brass plate on one of the houses. In quite two-thirds of them, amid the lace curtains of the
parlor window, there was a green card with 'Apartments' on it in silver lettering, above the peeping foliage of an
aspidistra. The gaslight shone yellow through the frosted transom above the door of Number 31. Gordon took out his
key and fished about in the keyhole - in that kind of house the key never quite fits the lock. The darkish little
hallway - in reality it was only a passage - smelt of dishwater and cabbage. Gordon glanced at the japanned tray on
the hall-stand.

According to the text, what’s true about that kind of house?

A) It’s large and rambling.

B) It’s gloomy and rundown.
C) It’s tidy and cheerful.
D) It’s haunted.

17) On the left of the hall was the never-used parlor (phong khach), then came the staircase, and beyond that the
passage ran down to the kitchen and to the unapproachable lair inhabited by Mrs. Wisbeach herself. As Gordon
came in, the door at the end of the passage opened a foot or so. Mrs. Wisbeach's face emerged, inspected him briefly
but suspiciously, and disappeared again. It was quite impossible to get in or out of the house, at any time before
eleven at night, without being scrutinized in this manner. Just what Mrs. Wisbeach suspected you of it was hard to
say. She was one of those malignant respectable women who kept lodging-houses.

According to the text, what’s true about the encounter between Gordon and Mrs. Wisbeach?

A) It’s inevitable.
B) It’s drawn out.
C) It’s cordial.
D) It’s unexpected.

18) Up against this, under the window, there was a kitchen table with an ink stained green cloth. This was Gordon's
'writing' table. It was only after a bitter struggle that he had induced Mrs. Wisbeach to give him a kitchen table
instead of the bamboo 'occasional' table - a mere stand for the aspidistra - which she considered proper for a top
floor back. And even now there was endless nagging because Gordon would never allow his table to be 'tidied up.'
The table was in a permanent mess. It was almost covered with a muddle of papers, perhaps two hundred sheets,
grimy and dog-eared, and all written on and crossed out and written on again - a sort of sordid labyrinth of papers to
which only Gordon possessed the key. There was a film of dust over everything. Except for a few books on the
mantelpiece, this table, with its mess of papers, was the sole mark Gordon's personality had left on the room.

According to the text, what’s true about the papers in Gordon’s room?

A) They’re an unrecognized masterpiece.

B) They’re hidden from view.

C) They’re a source of embarrassment.

D) They’re comprehensible to Gordon alone.

19) Indeed, studies have shown that in many places - where signs and traffic lights have been removed and where
each and every one is responsible for their own actions in ungoverned space - the rate of accidents goes down. The
reason: the traditional strict separation between cars, cyclists, and pedestrians encourages clashes at crossings. And
although shared space requires cars to lower their speed, it also cuts down on journey times since it encourages a
continuous flow of traffic instead of bringing it to a halt through traffic signals.

According to the text, what’s the effect of removing traffic signals?

A) Traveling becomes safer and less time consuming.

B) Traveling becomes safer and more time consuming.

C) Traveling becomes more dangerous and less time consuming.

D) Traveling becomes more dangerous and more time consuming.

20) At the same time, the threat of looming idiocy is not the most pressing reason for a future traffic management
rethink. Recent city planning, for example, has evolved along the same lines around the world: think highways and
flyovers dissecting the city's natural fabric, dedicated pedestrian zones, and large shopping malls. Clear-cut
boundaries between driving, work, life, and shopping are emphasized by a thicket of signs. The result: ultimate,
well-ordered bleakness. At night, you might find yourself in an empty, soulless pedestrian zone. A lot of the time,
urbanization simply translates as uniformity.

According to the text, what’s true about recent city planning?

A) It has resulted in isolated neighborhoods.

B) It has resulted in a lack of variety.

C) It has resulted in stylistic incoherence.

D) It has resulted in urban revitalization.

21) Experimental scientists occupy themselves with observing and measuring the cosmos, finding out what stuff
exists, no matter how strange that stuff may be. Theoretical physicists, on the other hand, are not satisfied with
observing the universe. They want to know why. They want to explain all the properties of the universe in terms of a
few fundamental principles and parameters. These fundamental principles, in turn, lead to the "laws of nature,"
which govern the behavior of all matter and energy.

According to the text, what’s true about theoretical physicists' primary goal?

A) It’s to identify all of the objects that exist in the universe.

B) It’s to learn to control the laws of nature.

C) It’s to understand the universe at its most basic level.

D) It’s to observe the cosmos in great detail.

22) I wish to speak to-day, not as a Massachusetts man, nor as a Northern man, but as an American, and a member
of the Senate of the United States. It is fortunate that there is a Senate of the United States; a body not yet moved
from its propriety, not lost to a just sense of its own dignity and its own high responsibilities, and a body to which
the country looks, with confidence, for wise, moderate, patriotic, and healing counsels. It is not to be denied that we
live in the midst of strong agitations, and are surrounded by very considerable dangers to our institutions and

According to the text, what’s true about the Senate?

A) Its role has begun to shift in recent years.

B) It may not survive the threat to its existence.

C) It remains fully aware of its obligations.

D) It underestimates the challenges faced by the United States.

23) This text is from a 1950 speech by Dean Acheson, who served as Secretary of United State (1949 - 1953) and
strongly influenced United States foreign policy during the Cold War.

With regard to the whole group of countries which we are accustomed to thinking of as the satellite area,
the Soviet leaders could withdraw their military and police force and refrain from using the shadow of that
force to keep in power persons or regimes which do not command the confidence of the respective peoples,
freely expressed through orderly representative processes. In this connection, we do not insist that these
governments have any particular political or social complexion. What concerns us is that they should be
truly independent national regimes, with a will of their own and with a decent foundation in popular
According to the text, what’s true about regimes in the satellite area?

A) Their leaders are susceptible to outside influences because they lack confidence.

B) The United States would not dictate their policies as long as they were elected freely.

C) They should model themselves directly on successful democracies.

D) They should refrain from behaving aggressively toward neighboring countries.

24) However much we may sympathize with the Soviet citizens who for reasons bedded deep in history are obliged
to live under it, we are not attempting to change the governmental or social structure of the Soviet Union. The Soviet
regime, however, has devoted a major portion of its energies and resources to the attempt to impose its system on
other peoples. In this attempt it has shown itself prepared to resort to any method or stratagem, including subversion,
threats, and even military force.

According to the text, what’s true about the Soviet Union as a regime?

A) It’s flexible.

B) It’s corrupted.

C) It’s ruthless.

D) It’s loyal.

25) Using an airborne imaging system for the first time in Antarctica, scientists have discovered a vast network of
unfrozen salty groundwater that may support previously unknown microbial life deep under the coldest, driest desert
on our planet. "These unfrozen materials appear to be relics of past surface ecosystems and our findings provide
compelling evidence that they now provide deep subsurface habitats for microbial life despite extreme
environmental conditions," says lead author Jill Mikucki, an assistant professor at UTK.

According to the text, what’s true about the unfrozen salty groundwater?

A) It was contained in isolated lakes.

B) It was locked in glaciers.

C) It was devoid of any life.

D) It was found at the earth's surface.

26) Researchers found at McMurdo Dry Valleys, the largest ice-free region in Antarctica, unfrozen brines forming
extensive, interconnected aquifers deep beneath glaciers and lakes and within permanently frozen soils. The brines
extend from the coast to at least 7.5 miles inland in the McMurdo Dry Valleys. The brines could be due to freezing
and/or deposits. The findings show for the first time that the Dry Valleys' lakes are interconnected rather than
isolated; connectivity between lakes and aquifers is important in sustaining ecosystems through drastic climate
change, such as lake dry-down events. The findings also challenge the assumption that parts of the ice sheets below
the pressure melting point are devoid of liquid water.

According to the text, what’s a novel finding of the researchers?

A) shifting plates below the Antarctic surface can create major earthquakes.

B) certain regions of Antarctica bear a similarity to the surface of Mars.

C) interconnected lakes and aquifers create hardy ecosystems.

D) biodiversity in Antarctica is decreasing rapidly as a result of climate change.

27) No one who had ever seen Catherine Morland in her infancy would have supposed her born to be a heroine. Her
situation in life, the character of her father and mother, her own person and disposition, were all equally against her.
Her father was a clergyman, without being neglected, or poor, and a very respectable man, though his name was
Richard. Her mother was a woman of useful plain sense, with a good temper, and, what is more remarkable, with a
good constitution. Catherine has nine siblings born before her. A family of ten children will be always called a fine
family, where there are heads and arms and legs enough for the number; but the Morlands had little other right to the
word, for they were in general very plain, and Catherine, for many years of her life, as plain as any.

* According to the text, what was true about Catherine’s mother?

A) She was weak and sickly. B) She was sturdy and practical.

C) She was short-tempered and irritable. D) She was creative and enthusiastic.

* According to the text, which choice would best describe the Morlands' appearance?

A) unremarkable B) intimidating

C) uncommonly attractive D) somewhat peculiar.

29) Catherine’s taste for drawing was not superior; though whenever she could obtain the outside of a letter from her
mother or seize upon any other odd piece of paper, she did what she could in that way, by drawing houses and trees,
hens and chickens, all very much like one another. Writing and accounts she was taught by her father; French by her
mother: her proficiency in either was not remarkable, and she shirked her lessons in both whenever she could. What
a strange, unaccountable character!-for with all these symptoms of profligacy at ten years old, she had neither a bad
heart nor a bad temper, was seldom stubborn, scarcely ever quarrelsome, and very kind to the little ones, with few
interruptions of tyranny; she was moreover noisy and wild, hated confinement and cleanliness, and loved nothing so
well in the world as rolling down the green slope at the back of the house.

* According to the text, what was true about Catherine?

A) She was charming. B) She was heroic.

C) She was rambunctious. D) She was gifted.

* According to the text, how did Catherine respond to her parents’ lessons?

A) She participated eagerly. B) She turned them into games.

C) She avoided them if possible. D) She refused to pay attention.

31) This is the question which the United States must answer in 1976: Are we to be one people bound together by
common spirit, sharing in a common endeavor; or will we become a divided nation? For all of its uncertainty, we
cannot flee the future. We must address and master the future together. It can be done if we restore the belief that we
share a sense of national community, that we share a common national endeavor. There is no executive order; there
is no law that can require the American people to form a national community. This we must do as individuals, and if
we do it as individuals, there is no President of the United States who can veto (bac bo) that decision.

According to the text, what was true about the common endeavor?

A) It represents an impossible ideal.

B) It has the potential to be destroyed by uncertainty.

C) It cannot be realized through legislation.

D) It represents a combination of public and private interests.

32) Every time a car drives through a major intersection, it becomes a data point. Magnetic coils of wire lie just
beneath the pavement, registering each passing car. This starts a cascade of information: Computers tally the number
and speed of cars, shoot the data through underground cables to a command center and finally translate it into the
colors red, yellow and green. On the seventh floor of Boston City Hall, the three colors splash like paint across a
wall-sized map. To drivers, the color red means stop, but on the map it tells traffic engineers to leap into action.
"Most people don't think there are eyes and ears keeping track of all this stuff," says a center's engineering director.
But in reality, engineers literally watch our every move, making subtle changes that relieve and redirect traffic.

What is true about improvements in traffic flow?

A) They are more difficult to achieve at certain hours of the day.

B) They occur near traffic control centers.

C) They can be attributed to pre-set systems.

D) They are the result of intervention by traffic engineers.

33) The text is from Willa Cather, My Antonia, 1918. The narrator recounts his life on the Nebraska plains as a boy.
On the afternoon of that Sunday I took my first long ride on my pony, under Otto's direction. After that
Dude and I went twice a week to the post-office, six miles east of us, and I saved the men a good deal of
time by riding on errands to our neighbors. When we had to borrow anything, I was always the messenger.
All the years that have passed have not dimmed my memory of that first glorious autumn. The new country
lay open before me: there were no fences in those days, and I could choose my own way over the grass
uplands, trusting the pony to get me home again. Sometimes I followed the sunflower-bordered roads.

What is true about access to the land during the narrator’s youth?

A) It’s reserved for a small group of settlers.

B) It’s less restricted than it later became.

C) It’s prohibited by the narrator's neighbors.

D) It’s controlled by Antonia Shimerda's family.

34) After the one-way front door, the first supermarket feature you inevitably encounter is the produce department.
There's a good reason for this: the sensory impact of all those scents, textures, and colors makes us feel both upbeat
and hungry. The message we get right off the bat is that the store is a welcoming place, fresh, natural, fragrant, and
healthy, with comforting shades of grandma's kitchen. The cruel truth is that the produce department is less garden
and kitchen than stage set. Lighting is chosen to make fruits and veggies appear at their brightest and best; and -
according to book author Martin Lindstrom - the periodic sprays of fresh water that douse the produce bins are all
for show. Though used to give fresh foods a deceptive dewy and fresh-picked look, the water actually has no
practical purpose. In fact, it makes vegetables spoil faster than they otherwise would.

What is an unstated assumption of the author about vegetables?

A) Their appearance is not a reliable indicator of their freshness.

B) Their nutritional qualities are often exaggerated.

C) Their fragrance is off-putting to some customers.

D) Their location within a supermarket depends on their popularity.

35) Knowledge of the intense heat and pressure in the mantle led researchers to hypothesize in the late 1960s that
ocean crust originates as tiny amounts of liquid rock known as melt almost as though the solid rocks were
"sweating." Even a minuscule release of pressure (because of material rising from its original position) causes melt
to form in microscopic pores deep within the mantle rock. Explaining how the rock sweat gets to the surface was
more difficult. Melt is less dense than the mantle rocks in which it forms, so it will constantly try to migrate upward,
toward regions of lower pressure. But what laboratory experiments revealed about the chemical composition of melt
did not seem to match up with the composition of rock samples collected from the mid-ocean ridges, where erupted
melt hardens.

Which choice is a hypothesis the author suggests was tested in those experiments?

A) Melted rock contains lower levels of orthopyrexene than of olivine.

B) Melt is composed exclusively of olivine and orthopyrexene.

C) Orthopyrexene only dissolves at depths greater than 45 kilometers.

D) Rock sweat and hardened erupted melt have similar chemical compositions.

36) Psychologist Brian Nosek of the University of Virginia says that the most common and problematic bias in
science is "motivated reasoning": We interpret observations to fit a particular idea. Psychologists have shown that
"most of our reasoning is in fact rationalization," he says. In other words, we have already made the decision about
what to do or to think, and our "explanation" of our reasoning is really a justification for doing what we wanted to
do-or to believe-anyway. Science is of course meant to be more objective and skeptical than everyday thought-but
how much is it, really?

Which choice would Nosek most likely agree with?

A) The empirical sciences are less vulnerable to bias than are other scientific fields.

B) Scientists should attempt to become aware of their preconceptions.

C) The majority of false findings are the result of deliberate distortion.

D) Science is a fundamentally irrational pursuit.

37) Conservationists have historically been at odds with the people who inhabit wildernesses. During the last half of
the 20th century, millions of indigenous people were ousted from their homelands to establish nature sanctuaries
free of humans. Most succumbed to malnutrition, disease and exploitation. Such outcomes- coupled with the
realization that indigenous groups usually help to stabilize ecosystems by, for instance, keeping fire at bay-have
convinced major conservation groups to take local human concerns into account. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
now describes indigenous peoples as "natural allies," and the Nature Conservancy pledges to seek their "free,
informed and prior" consent to projects impacting their territories.

What is true about conservation groups?

A) They were initially unaware that indigenous groups helped maintain ecosystems.

B) They have helped millions of indigenous people remain in their homelands.

C) They have gradually become more radical in their demands.

D) They have reduced outbreaks of disease among indigenous peoples.

38) Chronic stress, it turns out, is extremely dangerous. While stress doesn't cause any single disease - in fact, the
causal link between stress and ulcers has been largely disproved - it makes most diseases significantly worse. The
list of ailments connected to stress is staggeringly diverse and includes everything from the common cold and lower-
back pain to Alzheimer's disease, major depressive disorder, and heart attack. Stress hollows out our bones and
atrophies our muscles. It triggers adult-onset diabetes and may also be connected to high blood pressure. In fact,
numerous studies of human longevity in developed countries have found that psychosocial factors such as stress are
the single most important variable in determining the length of a life. It's not that genes and risk factors like smoking
don't matter. It's that our levels of stress matter more.

What is true about the effects of genes on human longevity?

A) They are not yet fully understood.

B) They can be altered by certain medications.

C) They are less significant than the effects of stress.

D) They are entirely irrelevant when compared to the effects of stress.

39) Her mother wished her to learn music; and Catherine was sure she should like it, for she was very fond of
tinkling the keys of the old forlorn spinner; so, at eight years old she began. She learnt a year, and could not bear it;
and Mrs. Morland, who did not insist on her daughters being accomplished in spite of incapacity or distaste, allowed
her to leave off. The day which dismissed the music-master was one of the happiest of Catherine's life.

What would Catherine's mother respond to her daughter's behavior with?

A) frequent irritation.

B) general indifference.

C) easy indulgence.

D) utter perplexity.

40) She was fond of all boy's plays, and greatly preferred cricket not merely to dolls, but to the more heroic
enjoyments of infancy, nursing a dormouse, feeding a canary-bird, or watering a rose-bush. Indeed she had no taste
for a garden; and if she gathered flowers at all, it was chiefly for the pleasure of mischief-at least so it was
conjectured from her always preferring those which she was forbidden to take. Such were her propensities.

What was the character strongly motivated to do?

A) Unusually difficult things.

B) Things she was taught by her parents.

C) Things that were not permitted.

D) Things others weren’t able to accomplish.

41) It has been charged time and again that were we to have more hours of leisure we would merely devote it to the
cultivation of vicious habits. They tell us that the eight-hour movement can not be enforced, for the reason that it
must check industrial and commercial progress. I say that the history of this shows the reverse. I say that is the plane
on which this question ought to be discussed-that is the social question. As long as they make this question an
economic one, I am willing to discuss it with them. I would retrace every step I have taken to advance this
movement did it mean industrial and commercial stagnation. But it does not mean that. It means greater prosperity;
it means a greater degree of progress for the whole people. They say they can't afford it. Is that true? Let us see for
one moment. If a reduction in the hours of labor causes industrial and commercial ruination, it would naturally
follow increased hours of labor would increase prosperity, commercial and industrial. If that were true, England and
America ought to be at the tail end, and China at the head of civilization.

What is true about workers in China, compared to workers in the United States?

A) They enjoy greater prosperity. B) They are more industrious.

C) They spend more hours at work. D) They are less fairly compensated.

42) Why, when you reduce the hours of labor, just think what it means. Suppose men who work ten hours a day had
the time lessened to nine, or men who work nine hours a day have it reduced to eight; what does it mean? It means
millions of golden hours and opportunities for thought. Some men might say you will go to sleep. Well, the ordinary
man might try to sleep sixteen hours a day, but he would soon find he could not do it long. He would probably
become interested in some study and the hours that have been taken from manual labor are devoted to mental labor,
and the mental labor of one hour produces for him more wealth than the physical labor of a dozen hours.

What is one of the main consequences of long working hours?

A) Civic participation is reduced.

B) Important discoveries go unmade.

C) Workers are too exhausted to perform their jobs.

D) The quality of work declines.

43) A hackerspace is described by as a "community-operated physical space where people with
common interests, often in computers, technology, science, digital art or electronic art, can meet, socialize, and/or
collaborate." Such spaces can vary in size, available technology, and membership structure (some being completely
open), but generally share community- oriented characteristics. Indeed, while the term "hacker" can sometimes have
negative connotations, modern hackerspaces thrive off of community, openness, and assimilating diverse viewpoints
- these often being the only guiding principles in otherwise informal organizational structures.

What is true about the way in which hackerspaces are organized?

A) It’s strictly regulated.

B) It’s wild and chaotic.

C) It’s informal and accommodating.

D) It’s rigid and hierarchical.

44) In recent years, the city of Detroit has emerged as a hotbed for hackerspaces and other DIY ("Do-It-Yourself')
experiments. Several hackerspaces can already be found throughout the city and several more are currently in
formation. Of course, Detroit's attractiveness for such projects can be partially attributed to cheap real estate, which
allows aspiring hackers to acquire ample space for experimentation. Some observers have also described this kind of
making and tinkering as embedded in the DNA of Detroit's residents, who are able to harness substantial
intergenerational knowledge and attract like-minded individuals.

What is one potential challenge for new hackerspaces?

A) Zoning restriction. B) Lack of publicity.

C) Local protests. D) Property costs.

45) The nutrient foramen are tiny holes on the shaft that supply blood to living bone cells inside. New research has
shown that the size of those holes is directly related to the maximum rate that a person can be active during aerobic
exercise. Professor Seymour wondered whether the size of the nutrient foramen might indicate how much blood was
necessary to keep the bones in good repair. For example, highly active animals might cause more bone
'microfractures,' requiring more frequent repairs by the bone cells and therefore a greater blood supply. "My aim was
to see whether we could use fossil bones of dinosaurs to indicate the level of bone metabolic rate and possibly
extend it to the whole body's metabolic rate," he says. "One of the big controversies among paleobiologists is
whether dinosaurs were cold-blooded and sluggish or warm-blooded and active. Could the size of the foramen be a
possible gauge for dinosaur metabolic rate?"

What would a creature with a small foramen (lỗ) most likely be?

A) Cold-blooded B) Warm-blooded

C) Smaller than average D) Bigger than average

46) Psychologist Brian Nosek of the University of Virginia says that the most common and problematic bias in
science is "motivated reasoning": We interpret observations to fit a particular idea. Psychologists have shown that
"most of our reasoning is in fact rationalization," he says. In other words, we have already made the decision about
what to do or to think, and our "explanation" of our reasoning is really a justification for doing what we wanted to
do-or to believe-anyway. Science is of course meant to be more objective and skeptical than everyday thought- but
how much is it, really?

To which of the following situations would Nosek most likely object?

A) A team of researchers knowingly publishes misleading information in an attempt to obtain funding.

B) A team of researchers publishes a study based on statistics that were not independently verified.

C) A researcher deliberately publishes a study whose results conflict with those obtained by experts in the field.
D) A researcher who is known to believe in paranormal activity publishes a study that supports its existence.

47) For science fiction aficionados, Isaac Asimov anticipated the idea of using massive data sets to predict human
behavior, coining it "psychohistory" in his 1951 Foundation trilogy. The bigger the data set, Asimov said then, the
more predictable the future. With big-data analytics, one can finally see the forest, instead of just the capillaries in
the tree leaves. Or to put it in more accurate terms, one can see beyond the apparently random motion of a few
thousand molecules of air inside a balloon; one can see the balloon itself, and beyond that, that it is inflating, that it
is yellow, and that it is part of a bunch of balloons en route to a birthday party. The data/software world has, until
now, been largely about looking at the molecules inside one balloon.

Which situation is most analogous to the impact of big-data analytics?

A) A scientist makes a groundbreaking discovery and receives an award.

B) A classical musician successfully releases an album of contemporary songs.

C) A tourist is able to observe an entire city and the surrounding region from a skyscraper.

D) A private company partners with a local government to build a new shopping district.

48) Every time a car drives through a major intersection, it becomes a data point. Magnetic coils of wire lie just
beneath the pavement, registering each passing car. This starts a cascade of information: Computers tally the number
and speed of cars, shoot the data through underground cables to a command center and finally translate it into the
colors red, yellow and green. On the seventh floor of Boston City Hall, the three colors splash like paint across a
wall-sized map. To drivers, the color red means stop, but on the map it tells traffic engineers to leap into action.
Traffic control centers like this one-a room cluttered with computer terminals and live video feeds of urban
intersections- represent the brain of a traffic system. The city's network of sensors, cables and signals are the nerves
connected to the rest of the body.

Which of the following is most like the sensors, cables, and signals?

A) Magnetic coils of wire B) The colors red, yellow, and green

C) The brain of a traffic system D) Computer terminals

49) Why is the connection between smells and memories so strong? The reason for these associations is that the
brain's olfactory bulb is connected to both the amygdala (an emotion center) and to the hippocampus, which is
involved in memory. And, because smells serve a survival function (odors can keep us from eating spoiled or
poisonous foods), some of these associations are made very quickly, and may even involve a one-time association.

Which choice is most like the connection between smells and memories?

A) a driver has an accident at an intersection and refuses to drive past it again.

B) a child insists on wearing clothes of a particular color every day.

C) a young woman inexplicably develops an allergy to a common household item.

D) a food manufacturer develops a technology to prevent its products from spoiling.

50) Critics of genetically modified (GM) foods often disparage U.S. research on the safety of genetically modified
foods, which is often funded or even conducted by GM companies, such as Monsanto. But much research on the
subject comes from the European Commission, the administrative body of the E.U., which cannot be so easily
dismissed as an industry tool. The European Commission has funded 130 research projects, carried out by more than
500 independent teams, on the safety of GM crops. None of those studies found any special risks from GM crops.

Based on the text, a study of GM food safety conducted by which of the following would be most likely to reassure

A) A group of researchers who are not affiliated with the agricultural industry.

B) A private institute whose clients also include producers of GM foods.

C) A food corporation that wants to expand its distribution of GM foods.

D) A pharmaceutical company that produces medications derived from GM plants.

51) In 2010, a staggering trend emerged: In the span of just 15 seasons, the date on which Esaias‘s Mink Hollow
bees brought home the most nectar had shifted by two weeks - from late May to the middle of the month. "I was
shocked when I plotted this up," he says. "It was right under my nose, going on the whole time." The epiphany
would lead Esaias to launch a series of research collaborations, featuring honey bees and other pollinators, to
investigate the relationships among plants, pollinators, and weather patterns. Already, the work has begun to reveal
insights into the often unintended consequences of human interventions in natural and agricultural ecosystems, and
exposed significant gaps in how we understand the effect climate change will have on everything from food
production to terrestrial ecology.

Based on the text, to which of the following hypothetical outcomes would research into the bees' disappearance most
likely lead?

A) The cultivation of hybrid fruits and vegetables.

B) Larger-scale production of the most profitable crops.

C) More sophisticated tools for studying insect behavior.

D) A heightened awareness of how shifts in the climate impact crop growth.

52) Mystery stories feature a brilliant detective and the detective’s dull companion. Clues are presented in the
stories, and the companion wrongly infers an inaccurate solution to the mystery using the same clues that the
detective uses to deduce the correct solution. Thus, the author’s strategy of including the dull companion gives
readers a chance to solve the mystery while also diverting them from the correct solution.
Which choice is most logically inferred from the text?

(A) Most mystery stories feature a brilliant detective who solves the mystery presented in the story.

(B) Mystery readers often solve the mystery in a story simply by spotting the mistakes in the reasoning of the
detective’s dull companion in that story.

(C) Some mystery stories give readers enough clues to infer the correct solution to the mystery.

(D) The actions of the brilliant detective in a mystery story rarely divert readers from the actions of the detective’s
dull companion.

53) A recent research study of undergraduate students analyzed the effects of music on human emotions. Each of the
200 participants attended at least 1 two-hour concert of classical music per week over the course of 12 weeks of
their spring semester. At the end of the experiment, all of the students filled out a questionnaire assessing their
emotional state. Based on the results of the questionnaires, all of the 10 students who attended the greatest number
of concerts reported lower stress levels and higher satisfaction with their lives. Also, most of the 20 students who
attended the fewest number of concerts reported below-average levels of emotional comfort.

Which of the following must be true based on the evidence presented above?

(A) Most of the 200 participants improved their emotional state and lowered their stress levels.

(B) During each week of the experiment, the participants spent at least 2 hours less on their academic work as a
result of concert attendance.

(C) Listening to classical music for at least 2 hours per week improves the emotional well-being of the majority of
young adults.

(D) More than 6 participants attended at least 14 concerts during the course of the experiment.

54) Everyone who has graduated from TopNotch High School has an intelligence quotient (IQ) of over 120. Most
students with an IQ of over 120 and all students with an IQ of over 150 who apply to one or more Ivy League
universities are accepted to at least one of them.

Which choice is most logically inferred from the text?

(A) Every graduate of TopNotch High School with an IQ of 150 has been accepted to at least one Ivy-League

(B) If a person is a high-school graduate and has an IQ of less than 100, he or she could not have been a student at
TopNotch High School.

(C) If a person has an IQ of 130 and is attending an Ivy-League school, it is possible for him or her to have
graduated from TopNotch High School.
(D) At least one graduate from TopNotch high school who has applied to at least one Ivy-League university has
been accepted to one of them.

55) From 1973 to 1989 total energy use in this country increased less than 10 percent. However, the use of electrical
energy in this country during this same period grew by more than 50 percent, as did the gross national product—the
total value of all goods and services produced in the nation.

If the statements above are true, then which one of the following must also be true?

(A) Most of the energy used in this country in 1989 was electrical energy.

(B) From 1973 to 1989 there was a decline in the use of energy other than electrical energy in this country.

(C) From 1973 to 1989 there was an increase in the proportion of energy use in this country that consisted of
electrical energy use.

(D)! In 1989 electrical energy constituted a larger proportion of the energy used to produce the gross national
product than did any other form of energy.

56) Ditrama is a federation made up of three autonomous regions. Korva. Mitro, and Guadar, Under the federal
revenue-sharing plan, each region receives a share of federal revenues equal to the share of the total population of
Ditrama residing in that region as shown by a yearly population survey. Last year the percentage of federal revenues
Korva received for its share decreased somewhat even though the population survey on which the revenue-sharing
was based showed that Korva's population had increased.

Share of federal reve = share of total popul of Ditrama in that region

If the statements above are true, which one of the following must also have been shown by the population survey on
which last year's revenue-sharing in Ditrama was based?

(A) Of the three regions Korva had the smallest number of residents

(B) The population of Korva grew by a smaller percentage than it did in previous years

(C) The populations of Mitro and Guadar each increased by a percentage that exceeded the percentage by which the
population of Korva increased.

(D) Korva's population grew by a smaller percentage than did the population of at least one of the other two
autonomous regions.

57) Students from outside the province of Markland, who in any given academic year pay twice as much tuition
each as do students from Markland, had traditionally accounted for at least two-thirds of the enrollment at Central
Markland College. Over the past 10 years academic standards at the college have risen and the proportion of
students who are not Marklanders has dropped to around 40 percent.
Which choice is most logically inferred from the text?

(A) If it had not been for the high tuition paid by students from outside Markland, the college could not have
improved its academic standards over the past 10 years.

(B) If academic standards had not risen over the past 10 years, students who are not Marklanders would still account
for at least two-thirds of the college’s enrollment.

(C) Over the past 10 years the number of students from Markland increased and the number of students from outside
Markland decreased.

(D) If the college’s per capita revenue from tuition has remained the same, tuition fees have increased over the past
10 years.

58) According to the shipping clerk, the five specially ordered shipments sent out last week were sent out on
Thursday. Last week, all of the shipments that were sent out on Friday consisted entirely of building supplies, and
the shipping department then closed for the weekend. Four shipments were sent to Truax Construction last week,
only three of which consisted of building supplies.

5 sent last week (Thursday): consist building supply

If the shipping clerk’s statements are true, which of the following must also be true?

A) At least one of the shipments sent to Truax Construction last week was specially ordered.

B) At least one of last week’s specially ordered shipments did not consist of building supplies.

C) At least one of the shipments sent to Truax Construction was not sent out on Thursday of last week.

D) At least one of the shipments sent to Truax Construction last week was sent out before Friday.

59) Calorie restriction, a diet high in nutrients but low in calories, is known to prolong the life of rats and mice by
preventing heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other diseases. A six-month study of 48 moderately overweight
people, who each reduced their calorie intake by at least 25 percent, demonstrated decreases in insulin levels and
body temperature, with the greatest decrease observed in individuals with the greatest percentage change in their
calorie intake. Low insulin level and body temperature are both considered signs of longevity, partly because an
earlier study by other researchers found both traits in long-lived people.

If the above statements are true, they support which of the following inferences?

Low insulin & body temp  longevity <-- both traits found in long-lived ppl (partly)

(A) Calorie restriction produces similar results in humans as it does in rats and mice.

(B) Humans who reduce their calorie intake by at least 25 percent on a long-term basis will live longer than they
would have had they not done so.
(C) Calorie intake is directly correlated to insulin level in moderately overweight individuals.

(D) Some individuals in the study reduced their calorie intake by more than 25 percent.

60) Parasitic wasps lay their eggs directly into the eggs of various host insects in exactly the right numbers for any
suitable size of host egg. If they laid too many eggs in a host egg, the developing wasp larvae would compete with
each other to the death for nutrients and space. If too few eggs were laid, portions of the host egg would decay,
killing the wasp larvae.

Nhieu egg laid in host egg  compete to death for nutri va space; too few eggs laid  host egg decay

Which of the following conclusions can properly be drawn from the information above?

(A) The size of the smallest host egg that a wasp could theoretically parasitize can be determined from the wasp's
egg-laying behavior.

(B) Host insects lack any effective defenses against the form of predation practiced by parasitic wasps.

(C) Parasitic wasps learn from experience how many eggs to lay into the eggs of different host species.

(D) Failure to lay enough eggs would lead to the death of the developing wasp larvae more quickly than would
laying too many eggs.

61) Federal efforts to aid minority businesses began in the 1960's when the small business administration (SBA)
began making federally guaranteed loans and government-sponsored management and technical assistance available
to minority business enterprises. While this program enabled many minority entrepreneurs to form new businesses,
the results were disappointing, since managerial inexperience, unfavorable locations, and capital shortages led to
high failure rates. Even 15 years after the program was implemented, minority business receipts were not quite two
percent of the national economy's total receipts.

Which of the following statements about the SBA program can be inferred from the passage?

(A) The maximum term for loans made to recipient businesses was 15 years.

(B) Business loans were considered to be more useful to recipient businesses than was management and technical

(C) The anticipated failure rate for recipient businesses was significantly lower than the rate that actually resulted.

(D) Recipient businesses were encouraged to relocate to areas more favorable for business development.

62) Ben Joson, a well-known playwright and seventeenth-century contemporary of John Donne, wrote that while
“the first poet in the world in some things,” Donne nevertheless “for not keeping of an accent, deserved hanging.”
Donne’s generation admired the depth of his feeling, but was puzzled by his irregular rhythm and obscure
references. It was not until the twentieth century and modern movements that celebrate emotion and allusion that
Donne really began to be appreciated. Writers such as Eliot and Yeat admired the psychological intricacies of a poet
who could one moment flaunt his earthy dalliances with his mistress and the next, wretched, implore God to “bend
your force, to break, blow, burn, and make me new.”

What was true about Yeat?

A) He was uninterested in meter and rhythm.

B) He was a modern writer.

C) He was close to Eliot.

D) He was interested in intimidating Donne’s technique.

63) In 1782, philosopher J. Hector became the first to apply the word “melting” to a population of immigrants:
“Here individuals of all nations are melted into a new race of men.” Hector idealized a nation built from individuals
who have transcended their origins and embraced a common American ethos: “From involuntary idleness, servile
dependence, penury, and useless labor, he has passed to toils of a very different nature, rewarded by ample
subsistence. This is an American.” While debate raged as to what exactly “melting” meant - diverse people
coexisting peacefully while maintaining their differences or refashioning themselves to blend indistinguishably into
a new, common substance - Hector’s term was here to stay: America, settled by immigrants, was to have a unified

According to the text, debate raged over what?

A) Whether immigrant groups had the ability to push aside their differences and coexist peacefully.

B) Whether immigrant groups understood what Hector originally meant by the term “melting.”

C) Whether immigrant groups needed to change their identity to match a common American identity.

D) Whether immigrant groups transcended their origins merely by moving to the United States.

* What does the phrase “common substance” refer to?

A) A new, distinct American cuisine.

B) Hector’s use of the term “melting pot.”

C) A culture and identity shared by all Americans.

D) A unified populace made of many diverse and distinct groups.

65) Robert Schumann’s orchestral music has been underappreciated and misunderstood for many years by critics
and audiences alike. The nineteenth-century virtuoso’s works for the piano are acknowledged as brilliant
masterworks. However, his large scale orchestral works have always suffered by comparison to those of
contemporaries such as Brahms. Perhaps this is because Schumann’s works should be measured with a different
yardstick. His works are often considered poorly orchestrated, but they actually have an unusual aesthetic. He treats
the orchestra as he does the piano: one grand instrument with a uniform sound. This is so different from the
approach of most composers that, to many, it has seemed like a failing rather than a conscious artistic choice.

What would the author of the text attribute the underappreciation of Schumann’s orchestral music to?

A) The poor orchestration of the work.

B) Comparisons of Schumann to the greater genius of Brahms.

C) Schumann’s failure to make the best use of instruments other than the piano.

D) The difference between Schumann’s approach to the orchestra and that of many other composers.

(Schumann’w works : underapreciated  compared to other of Brahms  need to use diff

yardstick to assess his valu)

66) The Tower’s three parts correspond to three stages of life, or three modes of relating to the world, but not in a
scheme as simple as youth, adulthood and old age. Rather, the first and third parts—or the first and third poems in a
three-poem sequence—chart the internal experiences of an accelerating mind within a decelerating body. The
second part is a more external reminiscence, passing elegiacally over the lore of the land. The dying poet is taking a
nostalgic survey of his works. The first and third parts take place within a dreaming mind, while the second takes
place within the dream.

* What does “three stages of life” refer to?

A) youth, adulthood, and old age. B) baby, teenager, and adult.

C) the life cycle of a poem. D) three ways of being in the world.

* How do “The first and third poems” differ from the second?

A) They are nostalgic.

B) They catalog the poet’s inner experience.

C) They are enthusiastic.

D) They are part of a cremation ceremony.

* What does the phrase “passing elegiacally (mournful) over the lore of the land” indicate?

A) The poet was a slow runner.

B) The poet was taking stock of his life’s work.

C) The poet was working for the Census Bureau.

D) The poet was speaking at a funeral.

69) The following passage is adapted from a scholarly paper that examines Yeats’ poem “The Tower.”

If we think of The tower as a ceremony, the first part senses that the end is near, but is not ready to face it; the
second part is a preparation ritual, and the third arrives at readiness and passes into nothing. If this passing is to have
any meaning, the poet must propel himself enthusiastically into the next world rather than fall, withered (diminish)
and bedraggled (rũ rượi), out of this one. To do so, he must find the memories in which he was most alive, maybe
the ones that still hurt the most. These moments were truly his, and so are truly his to leave behind.

* Why must the poet “find the memories . . . alive”?

A) To leave this world with significance. B) To not die.

C) To regain memories. D) To become alive.

* What does the author compare the poem as a whole to?

A) folklore. B) a dying person.

C) a ceremony. D) a memory.

71) The concept of biological stress refers to the body’s response to any real or perceived threat to equilibrium. This
stress response produces changes in the body in preparation for engaging or running from a physical threat. These
changes can include increased heart rate and blood pressure, muscle tension, and suspended digestive activity. In a
physically threatening situation, this response is essential and can be life-saving. However, after the threat has
passed, the changes should abate and the body should return to normal.

Why can the “changes…activity” be life-saving?

A) They allow a person to tense up at the possibility of danger.

B) They allow a person to avoid a heart attack.

C) They allow a person to deal with work deadlines./

D) They allow a person to deal with material danger.

72) The stress response can also be triggered by threats that are not solved by physical readiness: traffic, work
deadlines, or thinking of difficult future events. These threats are not solved by the stress response, and can persist
for long periods or occur repeatedly. Thus, the stress response that is intended to turn on and then off can become
chronically activated. In this case, when the physiological changes of the stress response persist, the changes can
lead to disease. Chronic stress has been linked to suppression of the immune system, rises in blood-cholesterol
levels, calcium loss from bones, long-term increases in blood pressure, increased muscle tension, diarrhea or
digestive organ spasms, and risk of arrhythmia.

Why are “traffic . . . events” not solved by the stress response?

A) They require physical readiness, not thinking.

B) They persist too long.

C) Traffic and work deadlines are worsened by stress.

D) The stress response does not solve these concerns.

Chronic stress  gây nhiều bệnh

73) As a result of long-term stress’s potential problems, people have explored ways of managing stress so it does not
become chronic. The goal of stress management is not to avoid all stress, as some stress is inevitable and even
stimulating, but to experience the stress response only when it is relevant and helpful. Scientists studying stress and
its management have found that stressors and stress management modalities affect individuals differently. A stressor
that brings distress to one person may be pleasant for another. Similarly, a stress management technique might work
for one person, but be ineffective or even distressing for another.

(Goal của managing stress: ko avoid hết stress mà chỉ experience the stress response only when it is relevant and

* What does the text imply about the aim of stress management?

A) To avert the stress response when it cannot solve a problem.

B) To affect individuals differently.

C) To avoid all stress.

D) To raise one’s heart rate.

* What is the author’s attitude toward stress management?

A) qualified disapproval. B) resentment.

C) ambivalence. D) unbiased appreciation.

75) Polarity is more complicated than many seem to understand. Indeed, I myself was surprised by the depths to
which we may pursue any case of opposites. One astonishing example of this complexity is that one opposite may,
at an extreme, become the other. As a child in Waldorf kindergarten, I remember marveling with my friends at the
water in which we washed the dishes from lunch, and how it was so hot that it felt cold. We have all had the
experience of laughing so hard that we cried, or feeling so happy that it hurt. In optics we see the color orange at the
point where the top of a poorly lit window-frame meets the bright sky. At the bottom of the window, where dark and
light meet, we see its complementary color, blue.

* What does the author assume in the first sentence?

A) No one can understand the true meaning of polarity.

B) Many people misunderstand polarity’s implications.

C) Others are not as intrigued as he is about polarity’s depths.

D) One opposite may become another.

(Polarity: complex

* What does “polarity” most nearly mean in the first sentence?

A) complications. B) magnetism.

C) apex. D) opposites.

77) Albert Einstein once stated that “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Einstein’s fame as a scientist
gives this quote tremendous meaning. In one of the greatest minds of the modern world, one might expect a
preference for knowledge over creativity, or hard work over play. Einstein, however, tells us not to discredit original
thought, intuition, and the power of our own minds.

What does “In one of the . . . play” indicate about people’s assumption about Einstein?

A) Einstein favored assiduous logical inquiry. B)? Einstein was pensive.

C) Einstein hated intellectualism. D) Einstein favored religion over science.

78) Einstein said, “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.” It is interesting to think that
the two might go hand in hand, since we often think of science and religion as being at war. Einstein obviously
believed in the idea of these two polar opposites being complementary, rather than clashing.

What is a major assumption in the text?

A) Science and religion go hand in hand.

B) Science and religion are considered opposites.

C) Einstein’s experiments were invalid.

D) Einstein was devout.

79) The following is a monologue delivered in a 1998 movie. The speaker is about to scatter the ashes of his friend.

Donny was a good bowler, and a good man. He was one of us. He was a man who loved the outdoors . . . and
bowling, and as a surfer he explored the beaches of Southern California, from La Jolla to Leo Carrillo and . . . up to .
. . Pismo. He died, like so many young men of his generation, he died before his time. In your wisdom, Lord, you
took him, as you took so many bright, flowering young men at Khe Sanh, at Lang-dok, at Hill 364. These young
men gave their lives. And so would Donny. Donny, who loved bowling. And so, Theodore Donald Karabotsos, in
accordance with what we think your dying wishes might well have been, we commit your final mortal remains to the
bosom of the Pacific Ocean, which you loved so well. Good night, sweet prince.
* What is the speaker’s attitude toward Donny?

A) mournful eulogy. B) unbiased detachment.

C) clear hostility. D) elated nostalgia.

* What is the speaker’s attitude toward bowling?

A) respect. B) disregard.

C) contempt. D) indifference.

* What is the tone of the tone of “In your wisdom . . . Hill 364”?

A) anxious. B) impatient.

C) baffled. D) resigned.

* What does “bright” most nearly mean?

A) light. B) intelligent.

C) vivid.

D) dazzling. (đáp án này bị ambiguous tức có 2 nghĩa còn ý B chỉ có 1 nghĩa và là phù hợp nhất.)

* What does the reference to Khe Sanh, Langdok, Hill 364 suggest?

A) Donny will be buried at Hill 364.

B) Donny died in combat.

C) The speaker misses these places.

D) Many people lost their lives at these places.


Text 1

Medicinal systems can be examined by using three models: biochemical, bioenergetic, and biospiritual. The
biochemical model is the dominant approach used in the United States. Scientists using this approach analyze the
chemical constituents of things. It views the human body as a chemical factory that can be adjusted according to the
intake of the right chemicals. This model tends to employ medicinal drugs, called pharmaceuticals. These drugs are
made by identifying therapeutic substances and isolating their active ingredients. These drugs often have a stronger
potency and a more immediate effect on the body than non-isolated and natural remedies, but often, later, it is found
that they have unanticipated side effects or that the pathogenic factors change, rendering the drug less effective.

Text 2
Ayurveda is a 5000-year-old natural healing system from India. The word “Ayurveda” translates from Sanskrit as
“the science of life or longevity.” It can be described as a natural holistic medical system. Dr. Andrew Weil
describes natural medical systems as having a philosophy of healing based on the notion that the body has innate
mechanisms of self-repair — for example, that a cut on the human body will naturally heal itself. The aim in
Ayurveda is to observe and then encourage the self-repair process: to empower the body’s natural healing potential.
Ayurveda is also a type of holistic medicine, as it considers the effect of a whole substance on the whole of a person,
rather than only a body part or system.

* In Text 1, the author cites which of the following as an example of a biochemical medicine?

A) Nonisolated remedies/ B) Pharmaceuticals

C) Holistic medicine D) Natural remedies

* The author of Text 2 makes use of all of the following except what?

A) generalizations./ B) refuting a hypothesis.

C) defining a term./ D) citing an authority.

* What would the author of Text 1 most likely regard the system of Ayurveda as described in “Ayurveda . . .
system.” in Text 2 as?

A) a biochemical system. B) inactive.

C) either bioenergetic or biospiritual. D) inferior to the dominant approach.

* What is true about both texts?

A) They serve to encourage the body’s self-repair.

B) They serve to encourage consideration of the whole effect of medicines on the body.

C) They serve to encourage the need for medical reform.

D) They serve to encourage the lack of continuity in medical systems.

* What is the primary difference between the two texts?

A) The first begins to set up a basis for analyzing any medical system, whereas the second begins to detail one
specific system.

B) The first is specific and the second is general.

C) The first encourages holistic health and the second discourages it.

D) The first discusses one system and the second discusses several.
89) Until recently, with the advent of the brownie that beat the system and messed everything up. Now, our
neurotransmitters are lying to us. Worse, we’ve become hooked on these processed sugars. Increasing evidence
suggests that sugar, like nicotine, cocaine, and heroin, hijacks the natural reward pathway, making users dependent.
Regular sugar consumption leads to prolonged dopamine signaling, causing increased tolerance and the need for
more sugar to activate the natural reward high. Conversely, that’s why, if you give up sugar for a few weeks,
suddenly an apple tastes as sweet and delicious as a brownie and an actual brownie tastes way too sweet.

Why is sugar addictive?

A) Humans care more for their young than for their own survival.

B) Sugar is found in great concentration in wild berries.

C) Humans are meant to eat only meat and vegetables.

D) Eating a lot of sugar causes the need for an increased amount of sugar before the dopamine reaction is triggered.

90) Current thinking in neuroscience suggests that, evolutionarily, the natural reward loop for food primarily
reinforces sweet tastes. When Og was scavenging for berries, a sour taste meant “not yet ripe,” while a bitter flavor
indicated “Stop! Potential poison!?” But a sweet taste said, “Hey, here are some readily digestible carbs for good
clean energy!”

Why did Og and Zog eat sweet foods?

A) They were not yet able to use fire to cook meat.

B) The sweet taste told them that the foods were safe to eat.

C) Other, more complex foods were not yet available.

D) This was the recommendation of neuroscientists.

91) The media makes you think that you have to be skinny or buff. The media makes you think that you have to get
rich and own lots of things. But you don’t. I see a whole generation; no, I see generations working as slaves to
consumption. Working, working too hard to buy disposable things they’re told they need. Go sit by a tree in a calm
place for two hours, maybe by a stream. You’ll see what I mean. It’s free and it’s more joy than that new designer
watch can possibly give you. Why is everyone depressed? Their latte is not making them happy. Two-and-a-half
hours of TV per day is not satisfying. People are confused by TV; their expectations of life get skewed (nghiêng
lệch). No, there’s a void. Relax, open, and let it fill up.

* Which of the following individuals best exemplifies the narrator’s assertion in the two first sentences?

A) A man who saves up to buy a new designer suit B) A man who hates his job and quits

C) A man who finds a job that he loves D) A slave in chains

* Which of the following is the narrator likely to do next?

A) Teach more about designer watches

B) Give Latin names for specific trees

C) Describe more about how individuals can take action to effect change

D) Describe jobs that are available

* Which of the following, if true, would LEAST undermine the assertion in “Two and . . . skewed.”?

A) Most people do not try to model what they see on television.

B) Most people do not realize that what they see on television is unreal.

C) Most people watch far less than 2.5 hours of television per day./

D) A study showed that most people are very minimally affected by the values expressed on television.

* What is the general tone of the passage?

A) humorous contempt. B) worried vexation.

C) relieved acknowledgment. D) muted anger.

95) Among the most important themes in The Little Mermaid are those of questioning conventional thinking and
pursuing a dream. Not only is Ariel, the little mermaid, demonstrating original thought (something that many seem
to think she is lacking), but she is rebelling against her speciesist father. When Ariel expresses her love for the
human prince, King Trident is furious. When Ariel points out angrily that he does not understand her, or even knows
the man whom she loves, Trident retorts, “Know him? I don’t need to know him! He’s a human!” In a very real way
Disney is encouraging children to question preconceived ideas that we may have against a certain group.

* What is the main point of the text?

A) Ariel should not have been allowed to marry Prince Eric.

B) Only Prince Eric truly understood Ariel.

C) Ariel demonstrated original thought.

D) The Little Mermaid teaches children to follow their hearts.

* Why does the author use parentheses around the comment in the second sentence?

A) To indicate a side comment to the reader B) To indicate that it is unimportant

C) To indicate a humorous tone D) To indicate a shift in meaning

* Why is Ariel’s father called “speciesist”?

A) He does not know Eric.

B) He is king of his people and pursuing what he loves.

C) He is rebelling against preconceived notions.

D) He opposes Ariel’s love based only on Eric’s being human.

* Which fictional plot line would best illustrate the assertion made in the last sentence?

A) A movie about a boy who hates donkeys

B) A movie about the development of the iPod

C) A movie about a girl who overcomes her fear of snakes

D) A movie that details the horrors of war

* What is the author’s attitude toward The Little Mermaid?

A) frustration. B) stoicism.

C) wonder. D) respect.

100) At the end of The Little Mermaid, when Ursula has forced King Trident to sacrifice his kingdom for his
daughter’s soul, the Sea Witch rises out of the water, gigantic and terrifying, wearing the king’s crown and holding
his magic trident. She laughs evilly and declares that she is the ruler of all mermen and women. “So much for true
love!” she screams victoriously. Eric, however, succeeds in piloting the prow of his ship straight through her belly,
vanquishing her. The moral here is that while we all make mistakes, what is truly important is how we right the
wrongs we may do to others.

What Ursula’s quote “So much for true love!” primarily suggest?

A) The marriage was unacceptable to her. B) She is mocking true love.

C) She is a speciesist. D) She was hurt in a prior relationship.

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