DBMS - Bba Uni 3
DBMS - Bba Uni 3
DBMS - Bba Uni 3
Data warehousing
A data warehouse is a subject oriented, integrated, time-variant, and
non- volatile collection of data. This data helps analysts to take
informed decisions in an organization.
It stores huge amount of data, which is typically collected from multiple
heterogeneous source like files, DBMS, etc.
A Data Warehouse is a Relational Database Management System
(RDBMS) designed specifically to meet the needs of transaction
processing systems.
It can be loosely defined as any centralized data repository which can
be queried for business benefit.
It provides data that is already transformed and summarized, therefore
making it an appropriate environment for more efficient DSS (decision
support system).
Financial services
Banking services
Consumer goods
Retail sectors
Controlled manufacturing
Integrate data from multiple sources into a single database and data model.
Maintain data history, even if the source transaction systems do not.
Improve data quality, by providing consistent codes and descriptions,
flagging or even fixing bad data.
Present the organization's information consistently.
Provide a single common data model for all data of interest regardless
of thedata's source.
Restructure the data so that it makes sense to the business users.
Restructure the data so that it delivers excellent query performance,
even forcomplex analytic queries, without impacting the operational
Add value to operational business applications, notably
customerrelationship management (CRM) systems.
Make decision–support queries easier to write.
Organize and disambiguate repetitive data
Data Mining:
Mobile Database: Mobile databases are separate from the main database and
can easily be transported to various places. Even though they are not
connected to the main database, they can still communicate with the database
to share and exchangedata.
It is a database that can be connected to by a mobile computing device
overa mobile network.
The client and server have wireless connections.
A cache is maintained to hold frequent data and transactions so that
they arenot lost due to connection failure.
Mobile Database are the database that allows the development and
deployment of data base applications for hand held devices, thus,
Enabling relational database based applications in the hand of mobile
The database technology allows employees using hand held to link to
their corporate networks, download data, work offline and then connect
database. To the network again to synchronize with the corporate
Security –The data which is left at the fixed location is more secure as
compared to mobile data. That is mobile data is less secure. Data are also
becoming more volatile and techniques must be able to compensate for its loss.
Replication issues –There is increase of costs for updates and signalling due
to increase in number of replicas. Mobile hosts can move anywhere and
Mobile databases typically involve three parties: fixed hosts, mobile units,
andbase stations.
Simplicity: They are easy to develop, as HTML upon which they are
basedis easy to learn and use.
Cross Platform support: Being web-based, they are not confined to
anyparticular OS platform as they are accessible via web browsers.
Standardization: With HTML being a standard on all browsers,
HTMLdocuments can be read from any machine in the world.
Reliability: The internet is currently an unreliable and slow
communication medium. At times servers can be down and a message
may be delayed to be sent.
Security: Security is of great concern especially when the organisation
makes its databases accessible on the web.
Cost- Cost of meeting the demands and expectations of customers is high.
Limited Functionality of HTML: Some highly interactive database
applications may not be converted easily to web based applications.
Digital Libraries:
Digital Library is a combination of traditional and media collections, so
theyencompass both paper and electronic materials.
The Digital Library in a broad sense is a computerized system that
allows users to obtain a Coherent means of access to an organized,
electronically stored repository of information and data.
Spatial Databases:
Multimedia Databases:
It is a kind of database like any other databases containing
Multimedia is defined as the combination of more than one media.
Multimedia database contains text, image, animation, video, audio,
moviesound etc.
Types –