College&Hospital, Kolkatavidt'Memorandumno - Hflo/Ma (Mes) /2, O/Hfw. To

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Gov,-'rnrnent of West Bengal

Health & Family Welfare Department, M.A. (M.E.S.) Branch

Swasth)'a Bhavan, GN-29, Sector- V
Salt lake CitY, Kolkata 700091

No. HFIO/MA(MEs)/324lHFw-46011(9 9)/:is3 /202r'Mc, Dated - 27 /01/2024


Dr. Ramanuj sinha, Ex-Professo r & H.o.D., Department of ENT, Medical college, Kolkata
retired on superannuation on 3l/L2/2019.

Lastly he has been re-employerl of ENT, Medical

f'rr a year as Professor, Department
46oLL(99)tts3 /2023-Mc, dated 07l03/.102'1.

The undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to say that, the Finance
Department has concurred to this re -entployment order by Providing their u.o. No. being
Gr ou p - P 2 / 2023 - 2024 / L3OO, d ate d 2D I O.l / 2024.

All concerned are being informe'1. n -

OSD & Special Secretary to the Govt. of W' B'

No. HFlO/MA(MES)/324lHFW-46011(!'9)/:153 / 2023 -MC /t(41, Dated - 27lOl/2O24

Copy forwarded for information and neces: ary action/ record to:

1. The Principal Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal'

2. The Accountant General (Audit), wast Bengal, Treasury Buildings, Kolkata-700001.
3. The Accountant General (Local Eodies Audit), west Bengal, c.G.o. complex. salt Lake city,
4. The Pay & Accounts officer, Kolkata Pay & Accounts office, 8u212, Phears Lane, Kolkata-

OSD & Speci a Secretary to the Govt. of W. B.


No. HFlo/MA(MES)/324/Hrw-46011(r,9)/:_53 /2023_Mc/2(B), Dated - 27 /O3/2O24

Copy forwarded for information and ne<:ess ary action/ record to:

1. Director of Medical Edur:ation, West Bengal.

2. Principal, Medical Colleqe, Kolkata.
3. Deputy Director of Medical Erjucation, H. & F.W. Directorate.
4' Dr. Ramanuj sinha, Ex-p'ofe;sor on Re-emproyment, Department of ENT, Medicar
College, Kolkata.
5 Sr. P.A. to Pr. Secy., De[,ari.ment of Health & Family Welfare.
6 A.S. (ME), Departmenr of Health & Family Welfare.
7 I.T. Cell for hoisting the or<ler in website.
8 Guard File.

& Special Secretary to the Govt. of W. g.


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