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Abundant Apocryphal Adversaries - Daemonic Legions v1

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An Abundance of Apocryphal

Adversaries: Daemonic Legions

Unofficial Rules for Chaos Daemon threats in Warhammer 40,000: Wrath & Glory
Written and Compiled by Nathan Dowdell

Due to matters of timing and the main Abundance of Apocrypha document growing so large and unwieldy, I’ve
chosen to break the bestiary sections off into their own smaller, more manageable supplements.

This bestiary deals with the Daemons of Chaos, immortal and terrifying beings that lurk in the Warp and plot the
downfall of the entire universe.

First Complete Version: 30/01/2023

GW, Games Workshop, Citadel, Black Library, Forge World, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, the ‘Aquila’ Double-
headed Eagle logo, Space Marine, 40K, 40,000, Necromunda, Space Hulk, Battlefleet Gothic, Inquisitor, Epic,
Gorkamorka, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons,
characters, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are either ® or ™, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably
registered around the world. All Rights Reserved. Used Without Permission.
Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Contents ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Daemonic Legions ............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Common Daemonic Legion Rules ................................................................................................................................. 7
Daemonic Aura.......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Daemonic Manifestation........................................................................................................................................... 7
Daemonic Terror ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Warp Storm ............................................................................................................................................................... 7
Storm of Change ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
Storm of Excess ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Storm of Pestilence ................................................................................................................................................... 8
Storm of Blood .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Legions of Khorne ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Bloodletter, Lesser Daemon of Khorne....................................................................................................................... 10
Flesh Hounds of Khorne .............................................................................................................................................. 11
Bloodcrusher of Khorne .............................................................................................................................................. 12
Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne .................................................................................................................................. 13
Skullmaster, Herald of Khorne .................................................................................................................................... 14
Rendmaster, Herald of Khorne ................................................................................................................................... 15
Bloodthirster, Greater Daemon of Khorne ................................................................................................................. 16
Karanak, the Hound of Vengeance ............................................................................................................................. 17
U’zuhl the Skulltaker, Sacred Executioner of Khorne ................................................................................................. 18
Skarbrand, The Exiled One .......................................................................................................................................... 19
Doombreed, The Skull Lord, Daemon Prince of Khorne ............................................................................................. 20
Khornate Adversaries .................................................................................................................................................. 21
Adversary Traits ...................................................................................................................................................... 21
Exalted Greater Daemons ....................................................................................................................................... 21
Relics of Khorne ...................................................................................................................................................... 22
Legions of Nurgle ............................................................................................................................................................ 23
Warprot Discipline .................................................................................................................................................. 24
Plaguebearer, Lesser Daemon of Nurgle .................................................................................................................... 26
Nurglings ..................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Beasts of Nurgle .......................................................................................................................................................... 28
Plague Drones ............................................................................................................................................................. 29
Poxbringer, Herald of Nurgle ...................................................................................................................................... 30
Sloppity Bilepiper, Herald of Nurgle ........................................................................................................................... 31
Spoilpox Scrivener, Herald of Nurgle .......................................................................................................................... 32
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Daemonic Legions
Great Unclean One, Greater Daemon of Nurgle......................................................................................................... 33
Epidemius, Tallyman of Nurgle ................................................................................................................................... 34
Rotigus, The Generous One, Greater Daemon of Nurgle ........................................................................................... 35
Nurgle Adversaries ...................................................................................................................................................... 36
Adversary Traits ...................................................................................................................................................... 36
Exalted Greater Daemons ....................................................................................................................................... 36
Relics of Nurgle ....................................................................................................................................................... 37
Legions of Slaanesh ......................................................................................................................................................... 39
Soulstain Discipline ................................................................................................................................................. 40
Daemonettes, Lesser Daemons of Slaanesh ............................................................................................................... 42
Seekers of Slaanesh..................................................................................................................................................... 43
Chariots of Slaanesh.................................................................................................................................................... 44
Fiends of Slaanesh....................................................................................................................................................... 45
Tormentbringer, Herald of Slaanesh........................................................................................................................... 46
Tranceweaver, Herald of Slaanesh ............................................................................................................................. 47
Infernal Enrapturess, Herald of Slaanesh.................................................................................................................... 48
Keeper of Secrets, Greater Daemon of Slaanesh........................................................................................................ 49
The Masque of Slaanesh ............................................................................................................................................. 50
Shalaxi Helbane, Greater Daemon of Slaanesh .......................................................................................................... 51
Slaanesh Adversaries .................................................................................................................................................. 52
Adversary Traits ...................................................................................................................................................... 52
Exalted Greater Daemons ....................................................................................................................................... 52
Relics of Slaanesh .................................................................................................................................................... 53
Legions of Tzeentch ........................................................................................................................................................ 55
Pandaemoniac Discipline ........................................................................................................................................ 56
Pink Horrors, Lesser Daemons of Tzeentch ................................................................................................................ 58
Blue Horrors, Lesser Daemons of Tzeentch ................................................................................................................ 59
Brimstone Horrors, Lesser Daemons of Tzeentch ...................................................................................................... 60
Flamers of Tzeentch .................................................................................................................................................... 61
Exalted Flamer of Tzeentch......................................................................................................................................... 62
Screamers of Tzeentch ................................................................................................................................................ 63
Disc of Tzeentch .......................................................................................................................................................... 64
Changecaster............................................................................................................................................................... 65
Fateskimmer ............................................................................................................................................................... 66
Fluxmaster................................................................................................................................................................... 67
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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Lord of Change, Greater Daemon of Tzeentch ........................................................................................................... 68
The Blue Scribes .......................................................................................................................................................... 69
The Changeling............................................................................................................................................................ 70
Kairos Fateweaver....................................................................................................................................................... 71
Tzeentch Adversaries .................................................................................................................................................. 72
Adversary Traits ...................................................................................................................................................... 72
Exalted Greater Daemons ....................................................................................................................................... 72
Relics of Tzeentch ................................................................................................................................................... 73
Legions of the Warp ........................................................................................................................................................ 75
Disciples of Be’Lakor ............................................................................................................................................... 75
Daemon Prince of Chaos ............................................................................................................................................. 76
Furies ........................................................................................................................................................................... 77
Be’Lakor, The Dark Master.......................................................................................................................................... 78
Noctic Discipline ...................................................................................................................................................... 79

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Daemonic Legions
A Chaos Daemon, or simply Daemon, also known as a Great Game. It is only when the mortal world is
"Neverborn" amongst the forces of Chaos, is an involved that Daemons tend to band together and
intelligent and usually malevolent entity of the Warp cooperate, and even then, such alliances are short-
comprised of purely psychic energy. Daemons are lived, as each of the four Chaos powers seeks to
sentient embodiments of Chaos and collectively the prevent the other from gaining any sort of advantage.
greatest servants of the Chaos Gods and of Chaos itself
Daemons have no physical presence within the Warp.
as a universal force.
The Realm of Chaos is anathema to the laws of physics
Daemons are created at the whim of one of the four and the starships that navigate its depths do so by
major Chaos Gods from a fraction of the god's own taking a skin or bubble of "reality" with them when
power within the Immaterium and act as an extension they enter using their Warp-Drive.
of its will. A Daemon's appearance and intrinsic
Instead of possessing a true physical form, Daemons
character reflect the god's own nature. These Daemons
project a form conjured from raw psychic energy that
may be reabsorbed into the god's psychic signature in
is essentially a lesser interpretation of their master's
the Warp at their whim.
fundamental nature. Hence, the bizarre and inhuman
The Chaos Gods are not alone in Warpspace. They appearances projected by Daemons indicate their
have created servants from their own essences -- the presence, status, and allegiance to a Chaos God.
creatures that mortals have named "Daemons"
Though it may appear to be made of normal matter
based on their ancient legends and
when it materialises in realspace, a
religious mythologies -- who are not so
Daemon's form is no more physical than
closely bound to the Warp. Daemons are
it is in the Realm of Chaos. In fact, they
entities of a somewhat different
are beings of pure Warp energy
nature to their masters and are
given shape and depth.
the most numerous of the
creatures to be found in the When manifested in the material
Empyrean. universe, Daemons have particular
invulnerabilities and weaknesses, as well
A Daemon is "born" when a Chaos God
as many strange powers derived from
expends a portion of its own power to
their Warp-born nature as psychic
create a separate being. This psychic
beings. Slaying a Daemon's physical projection does
power binds a collection of senses, thoughts, and
not kill it, but only severs its presence in reality; its
purposes together, creating a personality and
true essence in the Warp remains unharmed.
consciousness that can move within the Warp.
As creatures of pure emotion and psychic energy that
The Chaos God can reclaim the independence it has
are native to the twisted mirror dimension of the
given to its Daemon children at any time, thus ensuring
Empyrean, Daemons cannot survive for long in the cold
their loyalty. It is only though the loss of this power that
reality of the material universe. They need some
a Daemon can truly be destroyed, its mind dissolving
manner of focal point, some channel through which
into the whirls and currents of Warpspace.
they can transfer their uncanny power from the
As minions of the Chaos Gods, most Daemons lack self- Immaterium and make themselves manifest in the
will, at least as Humanity understands it. Instead, they worlds of flesh and blood.
serve only to spread the aims of their masters. For
Over the span of the Imperium's history, the Warp rifts
example, a Daemon of Khorne seeks only battle, and
that have led to a daemonic assault have usually been
wages war upon other Daemons with the same fervour
the result of untrained psykers opening their minds to
as it does upon mortals.
the baleful whispers of the Warp.
Daemons seemingly spend much of their existence in
Such an intrusion starts with the possession of the host,
conflict with other Daemons, as each of the Chaos Gods
but can end with the psyker being turned body and soul
seeks to expand its power and influence as part of the
into a hideous, shrieking gateway, a wound in reality
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Daemonic Legions
that can allow hosts of Daemons to come pouring galaxy, that same vision of ultimate torment -- of an
through. eternity beneath the lash of Daemons -- has spread.
Across untold star systems, countless life forms read
Such small-scale invasions usually peter out as the flow
the portents and prepare for the dark days ahead.
of Chaos energy dries up, the Daemons fading away to
nothing. The exceptions are when the Chaos Space Premonitions of disaster are now rife amongst the
Marines or other servants of the Ruinous Powers, Imperium of Man, by far the largest of the galaxy's
having much the same goals as the Daemons of their interstellar empires, but few understand the true
patron gods, summon the legions of the Warp into nature of the Warp and the threat its denizens
realspace. represent to all life. Yet even distant, technologically-
backwards Imperial planets have marked the telltale
Through acts of voluntary possession, ritual sacrifice,
signs of impending apocalypse -- the proliferation of
psychic machination and sustained blasphemy, they
mutants, the rise of Chaos Cults who worship the Dark
weaken and shred the veil that holds the horrors of the
Gods and the ever-increasing number of psykers in the
Warp hidden from the worlds of mortals. All too often,
Human population.
when the Chaos Space Marines attack, hosts of
Bloodletters, Horrors, Daemonettes and Plaguebearers The Inquisition sees the warning signs, but there are
burst from the ether to revel in the carnage. simply too many Imperial planets in peril for them to
halt many of the deadly chain reactions caused by
When a Daemon is "killed" in the material universe, it
daemonic possession. As psykers implode, small tears
is banished back to the Warp. If not simply re-absorbed
in the fabric of reality usher in bloody reigns of terror
by its creator, it must remain there to regain its
across thousands of planets, and in their attempts to
strength that it eventually might manifest itself again.
suppress the truth and forestall mass panic, the
Legend has it that a Daemon banished in this way
Inquisitors adopt ever-more ruthless methods.
cannot return for a thousand Terran years and a day,
though it is of course impossible to prove such a belief Yet for every Warp rift sealed, more holes are opened,
through study, and the concept of time itself is and the barrier between reality and the Realm of Chaos
meaningless within the Warp. is left shattered and gaping in a dozen new locations.

The slight to a "slain" Daemon's pride is considerable, Should the weakness of Mankind prove too great, one
however, and the Daemon is forced to endure the only needs to look at the Fall of the Aeldari to see the
mockery of its fellows until it can return to corporeal consequences of failure. On their glittering craftworlds,
form and avenge itself. The most powerful Daemons the remnants of the Aeldari species do not need the
will call upon any servants and tributary Lesser rune-casting of their Farseers to tell them of the
Daemons to help them achieve their revenge. imminent threat.

If it has many allies, it may also request their aid, More psychically attuned than Humans, each Aeldari
though all Daemons are cautious in doing so. Such feels every new rent torn in realspace and cringes.
favours must inevitably be returned, and no Daemon Although utterly self-serving and cruel beyond Human
welcomes the dominion of another creature, be it measure, even the Drukhari shudder at the thought of
mortal or daemonic. realspace engulfed by raw Chaos, for if that happened,
their hidden city of Commorragh within the Webway
Across the stars, Warp Storms rage and the galaxy
would not stay so for long.
stands on the precipice of a new age as the 41st
Millennium ends. Prophets and augurs proclaim the Even the horrifying alien Tyranids recognize the threat
End Times for Mankind, and the number of instances from the Warp -- several hive fleets have altered their
of daemonic possession across the Imperium of Man is invasion courses in order to avoid Warp Storms gaping
rising. before them. There are scattered records of splinter
fleets drifting into Warp rifts, most notably after the
Each psyker so accursed is granted an epiphany; in their
near-destruction of Hive Fleet Kraken at the Fall of
last grasping death, the victims glimpse the horrific
Iyanden, though the results of such a galactic accident
doom that awaits them -- an abyss of Chaos, absolute
are mercifully hard to catalogue.
in its finality, unending in its despair. Now, across the

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Common Daemonic Legion Rules
Chaos Daemon Threats share a few common special roll once for each DAEMON. Rather, take the highest
abilities. Chaos Daemons with these abilities will list Fear or Terror DN from amongst all the Daemons
them in their entries, and some Chaos Daemons have present, and increase it by +1 for each of the following:
special abilities which refer to or alter these abilities in
Each DAEMON Adversary or Elite after the
some way.
Daemonic Aura Every 10 DAEMON Troops within Mobs.
The denizens of the warp do not have a true physical
Characters must take a Fear Test, with that adjusted
form; they are beings of energy, given fell shape and
DN at the start of the scene.
terrible purpose. Such a creature defies the natural
laws of the universe, and many of the most powerful If any DAEMON present in the scene causes Terror,
weapons are all but useless against them. then the characters must take a Terror test instead.

All DAEMON Threats with this ability have two Warp Storm
Resilience values, one which applies against melee When daemons pour into realspace, maelstroms of
attacks, the other of which applies against shooting warp energy spill through in their wake. Manifest
attacks. These Resilience values are not modified by an emotion and unbridled nightmarish energies twist all
attack’s AP but may be replaced by other armour. that they touch, reshaping the landscape into bizarre
forms and tormenting mortal beings.
In addition, DAEMONS may roll Determination against
Mortal Wounds, and any Wounds negated by Some encounters with DAEMONS occur within a Warp
Determination are ignored instead of being converted Storm—a situation where the barriers between the
to Shock. warp and realspace are thin and the warp bleeds into
reality, emboldening and empowering the DAEMONS.
Daemonic Manifestation
In game terms, this takes the form of additional ways
Daemonic Legions tear through the fabric of realspace,
to spend Ruin which affect the entire scene rather than
malevolent beings flickering into being like phantasms
single enemies.
from a nightmare. Worse still, as terror and panic take
hold, so their mortal souls become ever easier prey for One of more of these options may be purchased by
the entities pouring through from the warp. spending the listed Ruin at the start of each round.

Whenever a scene contains at least one HERALD, or DARK INVIGORATION: (4 Ruin) All DAEMONS
GREATER DAEMON, (or a unique named DAEMON) regain Tier Wounds. Mobs instead regain a
you may spend Ruin to have additional DAEMONS number of dead members equal to Tier.
manifest in the battle. DESCENDING SHADOW: (2 Ruin) All DAEMONS
gain +2 Defence against ranged attacks this
Manifesting DAEMONS may appear anywhere on the
round, as if in full cover.
battlefield, but they cannot manifest within 3+Resolve
meters of an enemy.
within 12m of a DAEMON suffer Complications
The number and type of DAEMONs which can on any Wrath die which rolls 1, 2, or 3 when
manifest, and how much Ruin they cost to summon, is making Psychic Mastery tests this round.
described in the statblocks of DAEMONs with this MUSK OF THE WARP: (1 Ruin) All non-
ability. DAEMONS within 12m of a DAEMON count
their Resolve as 1 lower this round.
Daemonic Terror OTHERWORLDLY TREAD: (1 Ruin) All
To encounter a creature of the warp is to face a being DAEMONS ignore the effects of difficult terrain
utterly anathema to the fundamental laws of reality. this round.
Even the most emotionless warrior feels an unnatural PRIMEVAL TERROR: (2 Ruin) All non-DAEMON
primal terror while in their presence. characters must take a Fear test as per
All DAEMONs cause Fear (though some cause Terror Daemonic Terror (above), as if it were the start
instead). Where multiple Daemons are present, do not of the first round.
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Daemonic Legions

Storm of Blood Storm of Pestilence

If all the DAEMONS present in a scene are aligned to If all the DAEMONS present in a scene are aligned to
KHORNE, then the following additional options may NURGLE, then the following additional options may be
be purchased during a Warp Storm (page 7). purchased during a Warp Storm (page 7).
FURY OF KHORNE: (3 Ruin) This round, all SWARMING INSECTS: (3 Ruin) This round, all
KHORNE DAEMONS may re-roll up to Tier dice creatures other than NURGLE DAEMONS
on melee attacks. reduce their Defence by 2 against melee
BURNING TERROR: (1 Ruin) All non-DAEMON attacks.
characters within 25m of a KHORNE DAEMON PLAGUE OF RUST: (1 Ruin) All NURGLE
must roll a d6: on a 1, they suffer 1d3 Mortal DAEMONS improve the AP of their melee
Wounds and are On Fire. attacks by 1 against vehicles this round.
OVERWHELMING RAGE: (3 Ruin) This round, WAVE OF SICKNESS: (1 Ruin) All non-
any character engaged with a KHORNE DAEMONS within 14m of a NURGLE DAEMON
DAEMON must pass a DN3 Willpower test in must pass a DN3 Toughness test or suffer 1d3
order to Fall Back. Mortal Wounds and the Poisoned 5 condition.

Storm of Excess Storm of Change

If all the DAEMONS present in a scene are aligned to If all the DAEMONS present in a scene are aligned to
SLAANESH, then the following additional options may TZEENTCH, then the following additional options may
be purchased during a Warp Storm (page 7). be purchased during a Warp Storm (page 7).

MESMERISING DANCE: (3 Ruin) This round, DELUGE OF FIRE: (3 Ruin) This Round, all
SLAANESH DAEMONS do not have to spend TZEENTCH DAEMONS may re-roll up to Tier
Ruin to act first or keep the initiative. dice on ranged attacks.
LIGHTNING SPEED: (2 Ruin) This round, all SORCEROUS WINDS: (2 Ruin) This round, all
Speed if they Run, Sprint, or Charge. bonus dice to Psychic Mastery tests.
DARK HALLUCINATIONS: (1 Ruin) All non- RAMPANT MUTATION: (2 Ruin) This round,
DAEMONS within 12m of a SLAANESH all melee attacks from TZEENTCH DAEMONS
DAEMON must pass a DN3 Willpower test or gain the Mortal (1) and Corrupting qualities.
become Pinned. Wrath Complications on this
roll also inflict 1d3 Mortal Wounds.

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Daemonic Legions
Legions of Khorne
Of all the Chaos Gods' daemonic armies, it is the Blood led by a Herald of Khorne or a Daemon Prince. The
Legions of Khorne that are the most martial. Though exact composition of these cohorts, and the auxiliary
they are savage and unrestrained creatures, Daemons formations and creatures that may fight alongside
of the Blood God occupy a strict hierarchical structure them, will often depend on the type of Blood Legion
based on sheer might. they belong to.

Khorne's belief that the strongest of his followers For instance, the heart of Red Tide Legions is made of
should dominate has proven to be a simple but highly Bloodletter cohorts that overrun the foe with waves of
efficient organisational methodology. infantry attacks; such is the scale of death around them
that they will often be followed by packs of carrion-
The legions of the Blood God have carved out the
feeding Furies.
largest of all domains in the Immaterium through
incessant war. In the brutal press of melee on the In contrast, the Hellfire Legions are siege specialists
battlefield, Khorne's forces are unmatched by those of that prefer to engage the foe at range, and go to war in
any other god, and the strength and ferocity each of his the shadows of Skull Cannons, Soul Grinders and, in the
Daemons exhibits there greatest of conflicts, the
decides where they rank in massive Daemon Engines
his armies. known as Lords of Skulls.

Highest in order are the The Brazen Thunder Legions

Bloodthirsters. Clad in are the most mobile of
baroque armour, wielding Khorne's armies; the ground
fearsome brass axes and shakes beneath their Blood
whips, each is a demigod of Thrones and the
war. Were they simply Bloodcrushers they lead, while
warriors and nothing more, Flesh Hound packs chase
Khorne's Greater Daemons down any that attempt to
would be terrifying enough. flee. Exactly how many types
of Blood Legion exist is known
His foes are not so fortunate,
only to Khorne himself.
however, for the
Bloodthirsters are tasked with At full strength, each Blood
leading the Lord of Skull's Legion is typically formed of
Blood Legions on the eight cohorts, and each cohort is
battlefield; there they bark guttural orders to composed of eight packs of Daemons. These
the ranks of Lesser Daemons around them and assert formations can vary for many reasons, although most
their dominance and dedication to Khorne by defeating commonly it is through the addition of auxiliaries or an
the mightiest of the enemies' combatants. Figures of influx or decrease in Warp energies upon the
awe amongst the servants of the Blood God, they often battlefield.
attract an entourage of daemonic champions that
It is also not unusual amongst the minions of Khorne
follow them into glorious battle.
for a cohort to subjugate the Daemon packs of another
Each Blood Legion is divided into eight cohorts, which such formation, bringing them to their side by force
are individually comprised of eight packs of Daemons during savage, and sometimes ritualized, infighting.

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Daemonic Legions
Bloodletter, Lesser Daemon of Khorne
A Bloodletter, also known as a "Chosen of Khorne," a
"Warmonger of Khorne," "Slaughter-kin" and the
"Crimson Death," is a Lesser Daemon (Khak'akamshy'y BLOODLETTER OF KHORNE
in the Dark Tongue) that serves as one of the eager
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
daemonic foot soldiers of the Chaos God Khorne's
Blood Legions. As a host, they march as one, in KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, LESSER DAEMON,
formations with supernatural precision, but in battle, KHORNE
they try to outdo each other in ruthless acts of cruelty S T A I WIL INT FEL
and savagery. 8 6 4 4 4 3 3
The daemonic hordes of Khorne are largely made up of
Melee: 10 (Daemonic Aura: *3 AR)
ferocious Bloodletters. These Lesser Daemons are
Ranged: 11 (Daemonic Aura: *4 AR)
deadly warriors believed to have been foremost
amongst the Blood God's followers in mortal life and
3 10 —
whose will is as implacable and blood-hungry as that of SKILLS: Default 6, Awareness 8 (Passive 4), Weapon
Khorne himself. Skill 10
Sharp, needle-like teeth stud a Bloodletter's slavering BONUSES
BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD: The Threat becomes
jaws. Its serpentine tongue constantly flickers to taste
Frenzied when within 8m of an enemy who is
the spilled blood of those it slays. Rippling muscles lie
barely concealed beneath the Bloodletter’s scaly red DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
hide, knotted sinews that give the strength sufficient ABILITIES
for its jet-black claws to pierce the most unyielding BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
armour. this Threat must make a DN3 Fear Test. See page 7.
ACTION: Hellblade: 13 +4ED / AP -3 / Brutal, Parry
This might is guided by a killing instinct that surpasses
WRATH: From Whence the Blood Flows: If this
that of mortal men. A Bloodletter is unburdened by any
Threat rolls a Wrath Critical as part of an attack, the
other thought or compulsion than to reap the lives of target suffers the Bleeding condition in addition to
Khorne's foes and claim skulls in the name of its divine any other effects.
lord. They carry RUIN: Frenetic Bloodlust: At the start of a
massive Warp-metal Bloodletter’s turn, you may spend 1 Ruin. If it is not
swords known as engaged, it adds +2 to its Speed that turn. If it is
Hellblades, great two- engaged, it reduces the DN penalty for a Multi-
handed weapons Attack by 2DN.
that cut DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
effortlessly roll 6d6. See page 7.
armour 4 3 6 Average
crafted by

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Daemonic Legions
Flesh Hounds of Khorne
A Flesh Hound of Khorne is a powerful and bloody-
minded daemonic beast in service to the Blood God
Found by the hundreds and thousands on the bone- TIER 1 2 3 4 5
littered plains surrounding Khorne's demesne in the THREAT A E E T T
Realm of Chaos, Flesh Hounds are great wolf-like KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, BEAST, KHORNE
beasts that hunt down and destroy the enemies of the S T A I WIL INT FEL
Blood God. They are often unleashed into realspace 8 6 6 5 5 1 1
when possible, to pursue those who have earned RESILIENCE
Melee: 10 (Daemonic Aura: *3 AR)
Khorne's wrath.
Ranged: 11 (Daemonic Aura: *4 AR)
Flesh Hounds are implacable when on the hunt and DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
pursue their target across vast—even interstellar— 4 10 —
distances. Constantly closing in, their howling often SKILLS: Default 6, Awareness 10 (Passive 5), Survival
drives their target to madness before the Hound's own 8, Weapon Skill 10
razor-sharp teeth sink into flesh. BONUSES
BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD: The Threat becomes
What remains of their victims, especially their skulls, Frenzied when within 8m of an enemy who is
are brought back to their unholy master, to add to the Bleeding.
uncountable others that make up his massive throne. DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
The babbling tales of maniacs who have been exposed BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
to the unshielded horrors of the Warp speak of the this Threat must make a DN4 Fear Test. See page 7.
blood-red hounds of Khorne, whose howls of rage ACTION: Gore-drenched fangs: 11 +3ED / AP -2 /
haunt their sleep and the memory of which stalks their Brutal, Inflict (Bleeding)
every waking moment. The baying of the hounds chills Burning Roar: 10 +1ED / AP -1 / Range 6-12-18 /
the heart, spreading icy tendrils of fear through mortal Salvo 0 / Flamer, Inflict (Fear)
souls. REACTION: Collar of Khorne: If this Threat is
targeted by a Psychic Power, or a Psychic Power is
With twisted used within 16m of the Threat, it may attempt to
crimson frames, Deny the Witch as a Reflexive Action. Its dice pool is
these beasts lope equal to its Willpower plus the game’s Tier.
across the Warp and RUIN: Savage Pounce: When the Flesh Hound
the blighted lands of makes a Charge action, it may spend 1 Ruin to
reality both, Pounce. The attack inflicts additional ED equal to
tracking the terror- the game’s Tier and enemies hit are knocked Prone
unless they are larger than the Flesh Hound.
spoor of their prey,
DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
driven by the
roll 6d6. See page 7.
of their kind. They 5 4 12 Large
are the Flesh
Hounds, the attack
beasts of Khorne,
and they are
created to endlessly
hunt down cowards,
traitors and other
fools who have
dared to offend the Blood God.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Bloodcrusher of Khorne
Bloodcrushers are the shock cavalry of Khorne's
daemonic legions, a deadly combination of battle-
frenzied Bloodletter and the unstoppable crushing TIER 1 2 3 4 5
mass of a Juggernaut. When the Khornate daemonic THREAT A E E T T
legions go to war, bellowing hordes of Bloodcrushers KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, BEAST, KHORNE
stampede across the battlefield, trampling the Blood S T A I WIL INT FEL
God's foes into unrecognisable pulp. 8 8 5 4 5 1 1
The Juggernaut is neither beast nor machine, but a 13 (Daemonic Aura: *4 AR)
daemonic amalgamation of both, a creature of living DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
metal whose flesh is brass and whose body is pure fire. 3 10 —
They are four-legged, as are many daemonic steeds, SKILLS: Default 6, Awareness 10 (Passive 5), Survival
with broad bodies, powerful legs, the heads of warped 8, Weapon Skill 10
bulldogs, and heavy, wide mouths. Their skins are BONUSES
riveted with Khorne's skull-rune and their flesh is cut to BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD: The Threat becomes
form a saddle while their faces vary from a fierce, near- Frenzied when within 8m of an enemy who is
human visage to metal-plated boars or dogs and more.
CAVALRY: A Juggernaut is ridden by a Bloodletter
When battle begins, Bloodcrushers relentlessly hurl (page 10) or a Skullmaster (page 14). The
themselves at the strongest point of an enemy's lines. Juggernaut and rider take a single shared turn in
Here they hack, maim, and gore their way through the combat, with one set of actions between them. The
strongest troops the foe can muster, exulting Khorne's rider may be targeted separately with a Called Shot,
requiring +2 DN. If the rider is slain, the Juggernaut
name with savage joy for each enemy slain. After this
becomes Frenzied, and can only be calmed by
initial charge, the Bloodcrushers become totally
overwhelmed by their burning need to claim yet more DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
skulls for the Blood God. The Daemons often quarrel at ABILITIES
this point, with both Bloodletter and Juggernaut trying BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
to charge towards a different chosen foe. Such contests this Threat must make a DN4 Fear Test. See page 7.
of wills are commonly brief. The need to spill blood ACTION: Bladed Horn: 11 +4ED / AP -1 / Inflict
overwhelms any attempt at rational selection and (Prone), Spread
sends the Bloodcrushers rampaging towards the When the Juggernaut charges, its Bladed Horn
nearest foe. inflicts +2ED and gains the Brutal trait.
A Bloodletter rider is armed with a Hellblade
Hellblade: 13 +4ED / AP -3 / Brutal, Parry
RUIN: Brass Stampede: When the Juggernaut
makes a Charge action, it may spend 1 Ruin to
perform a Brass Stampede. The Juggernaut’s Bladed
Horn gains the Mortal (1) quality, and the rider (if
any) may make an attack as well.
DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
roll 8d6. See page 7.
5 4 8 Large

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Daemonic Legions
Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne
A Herald of Khorne is an elite form of Bloodletter, a
Lesser Daemon of Khorne. Leading the cohorts of the
daemonic Blood Legions are the Heralds of Khorne, TIER 1 2 3 4 5
leering visions of damnation brought to life. THREAT A A A E E
The Heralds of Khorne are the strongest and most S T A I WIL INT FEL
brutal of the Bloodletters, chosen from the ranks of 10 8 5 5 5 4 4
their brethren by the Blood God himself. It is said that RESILIENCE
upon selection they are set against other aspiring 13 (Daemonic Aura: *4 AR)
Heralds in a vast arena of the Brass Citadel in the Realm DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
of Chaos known as the Skullpit, forced to participate in 4 16 —
a contest of champions to wean out the undeserving. SKILLS: Default 8, Awareness 11 (Passive 6),
Leadership 10, Weapon Skill 13
The energies of those who fall are reclaimed by Khorne BONUSES
and given to those that remain. Thus, the victor BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD: The Threat becomes
becomes swollen with power, and their Hellblade, Frenzied when within 8m of an enemy who is
having leeched a measure of this new strength, Bleeding.
becomes known henceforth as a Blade of Blood. Its CHAMPION: This Threat may take Ruin Actions and
wielder too is given a title, one that befits their has 3 personal Ruin.
achievements and preferred method of warfare. DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
Those Heralds who have performed particularly DAEMON Troops are within 6m, it may re-roll any
noteworthy acts of violence are given the title of ED which roll a 1.
Bloodmaster. Rampaging masters of combat, each ABILITIES
delights in decapitating their prey and plunging their BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
wailing Blade of Blood this Threat must make a DN4 Fear Test. See page 7.
deep into the beating ACTION: Blade of Blood: 15 +6ED / AP -3 / Brutal,
hearts of their enemies. Parry, Inflict (Bleeding)
Bloodmaster: As a Simple Action, the Bloodmaster
A Bloodmaster cannot may choose a single mob of Bloodletters within 6m.
simply give in to its Until the start of the Bloodmaster’s next turn, the
desire for slaughter, chosen Bloodletters add +2ED to melee damage per
however, for the Exalted Icon shifted.
Herald's primary role on Daemonic Manifestation: See page 7.The
the battlefield is as a Bloodmaster may spend 1 Ruin as a Simple Action
to summon 1d3 Bloodletters (page 10).
director of the massacre.
WRATH: Skulls for the Skull Throne: If this Threat
To this end, these
rolls a Wrath Critical as part of an attack, the critical
champions imbue their hit inflicted is improved as if 3 Glory had been
cohort with a portion of spent.
their own eternal malice, RUIN: Glorious Decapitation: After killing an enemy
heightening the inherent Player Character or Adversary, the Bloodmaster
bloodlust of the minions may spend 1 Ruin: For the rest of the scene all
of Khorne to fever pitch. KHORNE LESSER DAEMONS within 6m of the
Bloodletter gain Mortal (1) on melee attacks.
DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
roll 8d6. See page 7.
5 4 6 Average

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Daemonic Legions
Skullmaster, Herald of Khorne
There are those amongst the Heralds of Khorne that RESILIENCE
favour the headlong charge of daemonic cavalry, that 13 (Daemonic Aura: *4 AR)
relish the sensation of skulls shattering beneath brazen DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
hooves, and will thunder into the thick of battle to seek 4 16 —
out the worthiest opponents. SKILLS: Default 8, Awareness 11 (Passive 6),
Leadership 10, Weapon Skill 13
These champions are known as Skullmasters, and are BONUSES
forces of utter devastation on the battlefield. Mounted BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD: The Threat becomes
atop a Juggernaut—a steed of living brass and boiling Frenzied when within 8m of an enemy who is
blood—a Skullmaster is most often found in Khorne's Bleeding.
daemonic armies leading a cohort of a Brazen Thunder CHAMPION: This Threat may take Ruin Actions and
Legion, and in battle is always at the forefront of a has 3 personal Ruin.
Bloodcrusher cavalry charge. DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
What foes their daemonic mount does not gore or DAEMON Troops are within 6m, it may re-roll any
crush underfoot are quickly dispatched by the ED which roll a 1.
Skullmaster's blade of blood, which lashes out with MOUNTED: A Skullmaster is mounted upon a
spiteful ferocity. Juggernaut of Khorne (page 12)
BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
this Threat must make a DN4 Fear Test. See page 7.
ACTION: Blade of Blood: 15 +6ED / AP -3 / Brutal,
Parry, Inflict (Bleeding)
Skullmaster: As a Simple Action, the Skullmaster
may choose any number of Bloodletters on
Juggernauts within 6m. Until the start of the
Skullmaster’s next turn, the chosen Bloodletters
add +2ED to their melee damage for each Exalted
Icon shifted.
Daemonic Manifestation: See page 7.The
Skullmaster may spend 1 Ruin as a Simple Action to
summon 1 Bloodcrusher (page 10).
WRATH: Skulls for the Skull Throne: If this Threat
rolls a Wrath Critical as part of an attack, the critical
hit inflicted is improved as if 3 Glory had been
RUIN: Glorious Decapitation: After killing an enemy
Player Character or Adversary, the Skullmaster may
spend 1 Ruin: For the rest of the scene all KHORNE
SKULLMASTER LESSER DAEMONS within 6m of the Bloodletter
gain Mortal (1) on melee attacks.
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
roll 8d6. See page 7.
5 4 6 Average
10 8 5 5 5 4 4

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Daemonic Legions
Rendmaster, Herald of Khorne CHAMPION SLAYER: A Rendmaster may re-roll any
A Rendmaster is a Herald of Khorne who stands so high ED which roll failures on a melee attack against a
in the favour of the Blood God that they have been Player Character, Adversary, or Monster.
granted the right to ride atop a Blood Throne of DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
DAEMON Troops are within 6m, it may re-roll any
From atop his macabre perch, the Herald searches for ED which roll a 1.
those foes whose plundered skulls will make the most MOUNTED: A Rendmaster is mounted upon a Blood
audacious offerings to the Blood God. Then the Herald Throne (see opposite), with two Bloodletters as
spurs his Blood Throne forward, howling with crew.
unspeakable joy as he readies his Hellblade for the kill.
BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
When the Blood Throne arrives at the enemy lines, the this Threat must make a DN4 Fear Test. See page 7.
hurtling mass of brass and spikes ploughs through ACTION: Blade of Blood: 15 +6ED / AP -3 / Brutal,
entire formations, leaving only mangled flesh behind. Parry, Inflict (Bleeding)
Rendmaster: As a Simple Action, the Rendmaster
may choose a Bloodletter mob within 6m. Until the
start of the Rendmaster’s next turn, the chosen
Bloodletters add +2ED to their melee damage for
each Exalted Icon shifted.
Daemonic Manifestation: See page 7.The
Rendmaster may spend 1 Ruin as a Simple Action to
summon 1d3 Bloodletters (page 10), which may
appear individually, or add to a mob
WRATH: Skulls for the Skull Throne: If this Threat
rolls a Wrath Critical as part of an attack, the critical
hit inflicted is improved as if 3 Glory had been
RUIN: Glorious Decapitation: After killing an enemy
Player Character or Adversary, the Rendmaster may
spend 1 Ruin: For the rest of the scene all KHORNE
LESSER DAEMONS within 6m of the Bloodletter
gain Mortal (1) on melee attacks.
DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
RENDMASTER roll 8d6. See page 7.
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 6 Average
10 8 5 5 5 4 4
13 (Daemonic Aura: *4 AR) 10 5 15 13 Huge
SKILLS: Default 8, Awareness 11 (Passive 6), Crew Complement
Leadership 10, Pilot 10, Weapon Skill 13 1 Pilot, 2 Crew
BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD: The Threat becomes Bike, Gyro-Stabilised, Open-Topped
Frenzied when within 8m of an enemy who is Weapons Wargear
Bleeding. None Daemonic Machine
CHAMPION: This Threat may take Ruin Actions and Spirit
has 3 personal Ruin.

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Daemonic Legions
Bloodthirster, Greater Daemon of Khorne
A Bloodthirster is the Greater Daemon of Khorne, and BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD: The Threat becomes
each is a manifestation of the unreasoning rage and Frenzied when within 8m of an enemy who is
savagery of total war. Bleeding.
CHAMPION: This Threat may take Ruin Actions and
It is said that there are no more powerful masters of has 8 personal Ruin.
battle in the entire galaxy than the Greater Daemons of DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
the Blood God and that none may stand before them. LORD OF KHORNE: While friendly KHORNE
They are the very essence of brutality, every blow ever DAEMON Troops are within 6m, they may re-roll
struck and life ever taken in anger distilled into a single, any die which rolls a 1 on any attack they attempt.
towering form of iron and sinew. MONSTROUS CREATURE: This Threat is immune to
the Fear, Terror, Pinned, and Staggered conditions.
As the living RELENTLESS CARNAGE: At the end of the
embodiments of Bloodthirster’s turn, anyone within 3m of it suffers
war, rage and a hit dealing 13 +3ED damage.
Bloodthirsters BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
represent the this Threat must make a DN5 Terror Test. See page
bloodiest side of 7.
warfare and are ACTION: Axe of Khorne (Strike): 19 +6ED / AP -4 /
Range 2
renowned as the
Axe of Khorne (Sweep): 16 +4ED / AP -3 / Range 2 /
greatest warriors
amongst Hellfire Breath: 12 +1ED / AP -2 / Range 6-12-18 /
daemonkind. Only Salvo 0 / Flamer, Inflict (Terror)
the boldest and Daemonic Manifestation: See page 7.The
most heroic of Bloodthirster may spend 1 Ruin as a Simple Action
mortal champions to summon a mob of 10 Bloodletters, a mob of 5
would even stand Flesh Hounds, or 3 Bloodcrushers.
the slimmest chance ACTION OPTIONS: A Bloodthirster may also carry a
of survival in combat Bloodflail or a Lash of Khorne, or it may replace its
with a Bloodthirster, and an even smaller chance of Axe of Khorne with a Great Axe of Khorne.
victory. Bloodflail: 21 +5ED / AP -4 / Range 6 /
Overwhelming, Reaping
Lash of Khorne (Sweep): 16 +3ED / AP -1 / Range 9
BLOODTHIRSTER / Inflict (On Fire), Inflict (Restrained)
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 Great Axe of Khorne (Strike): 21 +6ED / AP -4 /
KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, GREATER DAEMON, Great Axe of Khorne (Sweep): 16 +5ED / AP -3 /
KHORNE, MONSTER Brutal, Reaping
S T A I WIL INT FEL REACTION: Collar of Khorne: If this Threat is
13 13 6 5 8 7 6 targeted by a Psychic Power, or a Psychic Power is
RESILIENCE used within 16m of the Threat, it may attempt to
18 (Daemonic Aura: *4 AR) Deny the Witch as a Reflexive Action. Its dice pool is
DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK equal to its Willpower plus the game’s Tier.
4 23 — DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
SKILLS: Default 10, Awareness 13 (Passive 7), roll 13d6. See page 7.
Leadership 13, Weapon Skill 16 CONVICTION RESOLVE SPEED SIZE
BONUSES 8 7 12 Flight Gargantuan
AVATAR OF CARNAGE: At the start of each of the
Bloodthirster’s turns, add 1d3 to Ruin.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Karanak, the Hound of Vengeance
For those that incur the wrath of Khorne, there is but DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
one fate. Those who insult his pride, warriors that 6 14 —
break his creed, cowards that refuse to shed blood -- SKILLS: Default 8, Awareness 16 (Passive 8), Survival
Khorne's anger reaches them all. From the ends of 12, Weapon Skill 12
realspace to the depths of the Immaterium, across BONUSES
space and time, Karanak is Khorne's favoured hound, ASPECT OF DEATH: When an enemy fails a Resolve
the incarnation of the Blood God's vengeance. test within 6m of Karanak, they suffer 1d3+Tier
Relentless, vicious, and single-minded, Karanak is an BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD: The Threat becomes
implacable hunter who tracks his prey across the Frenzied when within 8m of an enemy who is
warped daemon realms and through the depths of Bleeding.
realspace. No army can defend against him, and no wall CHAMPION: This Threat may take Ruin Actions and
can bar his path. has 3 personal Ruin.
DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
When not hunting, Karanak prowls the shadows of the PACK LEADER: While friendly Flesh Hound are
Blood God's throne room. Karanak is vigilant above all within 6m, they may re-roll any ED which roll a 1. If
other Flesh Hounds, for he has no less than three heads they are attacking a PSYKER, they may instead re-
above his brass collar. While one feeds on the bones of roll any ED which roll a failure.
those sacrificed to his master, the other two keep WITCH-BANE: When Karanak makes an attack
against a PSYKER, it may re-roll any ED which roll
This restless ABILITIES
guardianship is oft BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
interrupted, for this Threat must make a DN5 Fear Test. See page 7.
Khorne's ire is In addition, nominate a Player Character or
eternal, and when Adversary on the battlefield as Karanak’s prey.
ACTION: Soul-Rending Fangs: 13 +5ED / AP -2 /
he is particularly
Brutal, Inflict (Bleeding).
offended by a
Against Karanak’s prey, Soul-Rending Fangs gains
mortal, he will seal Mortal (2).
their doom by Daemonic Manifestation: See page 7. Karanak may
unleashing Karanak spend 1 Ruin as a Simple Action to summon 1d3
upon them. The Flesh Hounds (page 11).
beast can sense his REACTION: Brass Collar of Bloody Vengeance: If
master's rage, and this Threat is targeted by a Psychic Power, or a
lopes to his side. Psychic Power is used within 16m of the Threat, it
Then, with a roar, the Blood God unleashes Karanak, may attempt to Deny the Witch as a Reflexive
and the great hound lifts his heads, nostrils flaring as Action. Its dice pool is equal to its Willpower plus
he catches the scent of his prey. twice the game’s Tier.
RUIN: Savage Pounce: When the Flesh Hound
makes a Charge action, it may spend 1 Ruin to
Pounce. The attack inflicts additional ED equal to
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 the game’s Tier and enemies hit are knocked Prone
THREAT A A A A A unless they are larger than the Flesh Hound.
S T A I WIL INT FEL roll 6d6. See page 7.
RESILIENCE 7 6 12 Large
Melee: 12 (Daemonic Aura: *3 AR)
Ranged: 13 (Daemonic Aura: *4 AR)

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
U’zuhl the Skulltaker, Sacred Executioner of Khorne
Skulltaker, also known as U'zuhl, is an infamous SKILLS: Default 10, Awareness 13 (Passive 7),
Bloodletter and Herald of Khorne who has been Leadership 12, Weapon Skill 16
anointed as the Blood God's own Sacred Executioner. BONUSES
BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD: The Threat becomes
Skulltaker often goes to war at the head of the Cohort Frenzied when within 8m of an enemy who is
of Blood, an assemblage of the greatest Bloodletters Bleeding.
selected from amongst the daemonic legions' ranks. CHAMPION: This Threat may take Ruin Actions and
The Sacred Executioner's mere presence on the field of has 5 personal Ruin.
battle drives Khorne's Lesser Daemons to impossible DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
heights of frenzy, as all Bloodletters regard him as the HERALD OF KHORNE: While friendly KHORNE
pinnacle of their kind and an exemplar of all that their DAEMON Troops are within 6m, it may re-roll any
bloodthirsty god demands. ED which roll a 1.
MOUNTED: Skulltaker is sometimes mounted upon
Whether battling against the armies of realspace, the a Juggernaut (page 12) named Khul’tyran, whose
legions of Khorne's rivals, or even against fellow Strength and Toughness are both increased by +2.
warriors of the Blood God, Skulltaker will always seek Increase damage, Resilience, Wounds, and
out the greatest champions of the enemy. Upon Determination accordingly.
sighting one worthy of his skills, Skulltaker will strike SKULLS FOR KHORNE: Against an enemy Player
down all who stand between it and its quarry, Character or Adversary, Skulltaker may re-roll any
failures on melee attacks or melee damage rolls.
contemptuously hacking its way through the press of
Each time Skulltaker slays a Player Character or
melee so that it may confront its chosen opponent and
Adversary, add 1 to Ruin.
offer them the rite of ABILITIES
single combat. BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
Those that flee are this Threat must make a DN4 Fear Test. See page 7.
ACTION: The Slayer Sword: 15 +8ED / AP -3 /
cut down or
Brutal, Parry, Mortal (1)
beheaded without
Melee attacks made by Skulltaker cannot have their
thought, not worthy damage reduced by someone rolling
of any greater Determination.
ceremony. Those Lord of Decapitations: As a Simple Action,
brave or foolhardy Skulltaker may choose a single mob of Bloodletters
enough to accept the within 6m. Until the start of Skulltaker’s next turn,
Champion of the chosen Bloodletters add Mortal (1) to their
Khorne's bellowed melee attacks.
challenge suffer an Daemonic Manifestation: See page 7. Skulltaker
even worse fate. may spend 1 Ruin as a Simple Action to summon
1d3 Bloodletters (page 10).
WRATH: Skulls for the Skull Throne: If this Threat
rolls a Wrath Critical as part of an attack, the critical
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 hit inflicted is improved as if 3 Glory had been
THREAT A A A A A spent.
S T A I WIL INT FEL roll 10d6. See page 7.
10 10 5 5 6 4 4 Cloak of Skulls: When Skulltaker rolls
RESILIENCE Determination, reroll any dice which roll 1.
4 16 —

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Skarbrand, The Exiled One
Skarbrand the Exiled One, often simply called DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
Skarbrand, is a Bloodthirster, a Greater Daemon of the 4 24 —
Blood God Khorne. Skarbrand is wrath incarnate, a SKILLS: Default 10, Awareness 13 (Passive 7),
creature of murderous violence unleashed from the Leadership 11, Weapon Skill 16
Realm of Chaos to reap skulls and souls for his lord in a BONUSES
storm of rage. AVATAR OF CARNAGE: At the start of each of the
Bloodthirster’s turns, add 1d3 to Ruin.
Once Skarbrand was the greatest of Khorne's generals, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD: The Threat becomes
the mightiest of all Bloodthirsters, until, due to the Frenzied when within 8m of an enemy who is
machinations of Tzeentch, the Lord of Change, his rage Bleeding.
was stoked to uncontrollable levels and he had the CHAMPION: This Threat may take Ruin Actions and
temerity to actually strike at the Blood God himself. For has 8 personal Ruin.
such a betrayal, Khorne exiled his Bloodthirster from DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
DEEPENING FURY: Skarbrand does not suffer the
the Blood God's Domain for all time.
normal penalty for being wounded; instead, he
Frustrated by his exile, Skarbrand has now embarked adds +Tier to all melee attacks while wounded.
upon a campaign of bloodshed and slaughter that MONSTROUS CREATURE: This Threat is immune to
dwarfs any that he engaged in before. Yet though he the Fear, Terror, Pinned, and Staggered conditions.
now serves Khorne more loyally than ever, the Lord of RAGE INCARNATE: Skarbrand and all creatures,
whether friend or foe, within 8m of Skarbrand are
Skulls has no mercy in his heart and Skarbrand is no
Frenzied. A creature may attempt to resist this
closer to returning to his home.
frenzy as normal. While Frenzied, affected creatures
add +1 to their Speed when they Sprint or Charge.
BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
this Threat must make a DN5 Terror Test. See page
ACTION: Slaughter & Carnage (Strike): 20 +9ED /
AP -4 / Range 2
Slaughter & Carnage (Sweep): 17 +4ED / AP -3 /
Range 2 / Reaping.
When making a Multi-Attack with Slaughter &
Carnage, reduce the DN penalty by an amount
equal to the game’s Tier.
Bellow of Endless Fury: 12 +3ED / AP -1 / Range 6-
12-18 / Salvo 0 / Flamer, Inflict (Terror)
Daemonic Manifestation: See page 7. Skarbrand
SKARBRAND may spend 1 Ruin as a Simple Action to summon a
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 mob of 10 Bloodletters, a mob of 5 Flesh Hounds,
THREAT A A A A A or 3 Bloodcrushers.
KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, GREATER DAEMON, REACTION: Witchbane: If this Threat is targeted by
KHORNE, MONSTER a Psychic Power, that psychic power fails, and 1 is
S T A I WIL INT FEL added to Ruin.
DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
14 14 6 5 9 5 5
roll 14d6. See page 7.
22 (Brass Armour of Khorne: 7 AR)
9 8 8 Gargantuan

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Daemonic Legions
Doombreed, The Skull Lord, Daemon Prince of Khorne
Khorne was the first of the Chaos Gods to truly awaken ANCIENT ENMITY: Doombreed hates Slaanesh and
within the Warp, and Doombreed was one of the Blood all servants of the Dark Prince. On any attack any
God’s first servants. A warlord on Ancient Terra, long creature with the SLAANESH keyword, Doombreed
before the Imperium was even a dream, he spread such may re-roll any dice which result in failures.
slaughter and carnage that Khorne could not help but AVATAR OF CARNAGE: At the start of each of the
grant the murderous mortal apotheosis. With that Bloodthirster’s turns, add 1d3 to Ruin.
BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD: The Threat becomes
Doombreed became Khorne’s first Daemon Prince.
Frenzied when within 8m of an enemy who is
Or so legend would have it. Doombreed is so ancient Bleeding.
that even myths of his origin and mortal name are lost CHAMPION: This Threat may take Ruin Actions and
to time, and his power is such that he rivals even has 8 personal Ruin.
mighty Angron, Daemon Primarch of the World Eaters, DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
in might and fury. He and Be’lakor are comparable in
DAEMON Troops are within 12m, it may re-roll any
age and might, but the timeless nature of the Warp
die which rolls a failure on any attack they attempt.
means that neither can prove which of them achieved GLORY OF BATTLE: Doombreed reduces the DN for
daemonhood first. a multi-attack by an amount equal to the number of
Regardless, Doombreed has been Khorne’s loyal enemies within 3m.
MONSTROUS CREATURE: This Threat is immune to
servant for untold millennia, and even stood alongside
the Fear, Terror, Pinned, and Staggered conditions.
Horus during the Siege of Terra, fighting aboard the
PRAISE OF KHORNE: Doombreed cannot suffer
Vengeful Spirit as Horus battled the Emperor. Though
more than 8 Wounds in a single turn.
imprisoned for millennia after the 5th Black Crusade, he RELENTLESS CARNAGE: At the end of the
has recently returned to plague the galaxy. Bloodthirster’s turn, anyone within 3m of it suffers
a hit dealing 16 +3ED damage.
Doombreed takes the form of a giant Bloodthirster,
wreathed in black smoke which becomes red muscle as
BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
he grows ever larger feeding on slaughter. Hooved and
this Threat must make a DN7 Terror Test. See page
winged, his teeth are the size of swords and scraps of 7.
flayed fur and skin hang from his wet muzzle. He wears ACTION: Axe of Khorne (Strike): 22 +6ED / AP -4 /
brazen Chaos armour resistant to psychic attack, a Range 2
Collar of Khorne, and a cloak woven with the skulls of a Axe of Khorne (Sweep): 19 +4ED / AP -3 / Range 2 /
thousand Space Marines. Alongside a mighty Axe of Reaping
Khorne he carries the Rod of Khorne, a massive staff of Rod of Khorne: 19 +3ED / AP -1 / Range 3 / Brutal
twisted bone bearing the icon of the Blood God. Against PSYKERS, the Rod of Khorne gains the
Mortal (1d3) trait.
DOOMBREED Daemonic Manifestation: See page 7.Doombreed
may spend 1 Ruin as a Simple Action to summon a
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 mob of 10 Bloodletters, a mob of 5 Flesh Hounds,
THREAT A A A A A or 3 Bloodcrushers.
KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, DAEMON PRINCE, REACTION: Brass Collar of Spite: If this Threat is
KHORNE, MONSTER targeted by a Psychic Power, or a Psychic Power is
S T A I WIL INT FEL used within 16m of the Threat, it may attempt to
16 16 8 8 10 8 8 Deny the Witch as a Reflexive Action. Its dice pool is
RESILIENCE equal to its Willpower plus the game’s Tier. If the
24 (Brass Armour of Khorne: 7 AR) power is negated, the Psyker immediately suffers
7 26 — DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
SKILLS: Default 12, Awareness 15 (Passive 8), roll 16d6. See page 7.
Leadership 15, Weapon Skill 18 CONVICTION RESOLVE SPEED SIZE
BONUSES 10 9 12 Flight Gargantuan

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Khornate Adversaries
Khorne Daemon Adversaries are deadly, ruinous beings, seeking only to inflict death and destruction upon the material
universe. Naturally, this means that Player Characters will be required to foil their plots, and the beings behind these
plots are likely to take numerous forms as murderous and brutal as their god. This section provides several powerful
relics and a few additional abilities which can be applied to Khorne Daemon Adversaries to make them more distinct
and memorable in your campaign.

Adversary Traits Rage Incarnate

The following abilities can be applied to a KHORNE The fury with which this daemon hurls itself at the
DAEMON Adversary. Only one such trait should be enemy serves as a beacon of wrath to its like-minded
applied to any given Adversary. The first three of these minions.
abilities—Aspect of Death, Brazen Hide, and This Adversary is Frenzied and adds +1 to Speed when
Devastating Blow—are suitable for any KHORNE it Sprints or Charges. Further, all KHORNE DAEMONS
DAEMON, while the others are suitable only for within 8m are also Frenzied and also add +1 to their
GREATER DAEMONS and DAEMON PRINCES. Speed when they Sprint or Charge.
Aspect of Death
Exalted Greater Daemons
Such is the palpable aura of dread this daemon
The mightiest of Greater Daemons are entities as
emanates that its enemies may die of sheer terror.
infamous and dreaded as the Gods they serve. These
While an enemy is within 6m of this Adversary, they Exalted Greater Daemons are amongst the deadliest
suffer 1d3+Tier Shock when they fail a Resolve test. and most terrifying of Daemons.
Brazen Hide A KHORNE GREATER DAEMON may be given one of
This daemon’s warpflesh is infused with rune-wrought these abilities, becoming an Exalted Greater Daemon.
brass that shatters blades and turns aside even the
Indomitable Onslaught
most powerful enemy blows.
Hate and bloodlust bind this daemon’s corporeal form
The Adversary may re-roll up to Tier dice when it rolls together with such furious vehemence that its victims
Determination. struggle to banish it with even the most powerful
Devastating Blow
So monstrous is the strength behind this daemon’s The Exalted Daemon cannot suffer more than 8
blows and so unstoppable is their hatred that they can Wounds in a single turn. Excess damage is ignored.
lay victims low with a single strike.
Master of the Blood Tide
Each time this Adversary makes a melee attack, the The bloody tides of battle fill this daemonic warrior
target cannot roll Determination to reduce that with surging might, every fresh charge and counter
damage. charge sending infernal vitality coursing through its
limbs and lending renewed ferocity to its blows.
Glory of Battle
The more foes that surround this daemon, the faster Each round, the first melee attack made after the
and more eagerly it fights. Exalted Daemon charges or is charged, add +Tier dice
to the Exalted Daemon’s Weapon Skill.
This adversary reduces the DN for a multi-attack by an
amount equal to the number of enemies within 3m. Rage Unchained
No matter the hurts done to it, this blood-spattered
Immense Power
abomination continues to slaughter its foes without
The molten fury of the Lord of Battle rages within this
seeming even to register the desperate blows of its
daemon, and its body is swollen with unholy might.
This Adversary’s melee attacks gain the Brutal trait. If
This Exalted Daemon suffers no penalty for being
they already have the Brutal trait, add +2ED instead.
Wounded, and it adds +Tier bonus dice to its melee
attacks while it is wounded.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Relics of Khorne malign murderlust, drinking in the blood that sprays its
These mighty artefacts are often gifted to Khorne’s host’s flesh during battle and channelling the stolen
favoured servants. These mighty artefacts in turn are life-force to reknit the corporeal form of the daemon
often made from those of Khorne’s champions who within which it resides.
have failed in some way, earning the ignominy of
For each Exalted Icon rolled on the bearer’s ED during
being bound into an inanimate form to serve another.
melee attacks, the bearer heals 1 Wound.
Only one item from the list below should be given to
A’rgath, the King of Blades
any given Adversary under most circumstances, though When a Daemon is bound within a weapon by its
the ultimate Adversary of a Tier 4 or higher campaign infernal master, it rarely submits willingly to this
might justifiably have more than one. terrible incarceration. The same cannot be said for
Armour of Scorn A’rgath. A lifetime of slaughter and zealous dedication
Though this armour was forged in the Brass Citadel, it saw this butcher granted daemonhood. Such was his
was the Blood God’s contempt that gave it life. Aeons devotion to Khorne that instead of accepting
after its creation, it is this same burning scorn that immortality as a Daemon Prince, he instead chose to
shield its wearer in battle. take the form of a deadly blade so that he could spill
the lifeblood of Khorne’s greatest enemies. Their hand
KHORNE MONSTER only. The Daemon’s AR from its guided by A’rgath’s spirit, the sword’s wielder becomes
Daemonic Aura is replaced by armour providing 7 AR. nigh unstoppable. Countless are the rival champions
Further, when this Daemon rolls Determination against and mortal heroes that have fallen to his power.
damage from a psychic power, it may re-roll any dice
which roll a 1. This replaces a Hellblade, Blade of Blood, or Hellforged
The Crimson Crown
It is said this crown was created from a single drop of The King of Blades: S+5 +8ED / AP -3 / Brutal, Parry,
Khorne’s blood. A measure of the Blood God's endless Inflict (Bleeding)
wrath is bound within the crown and its effects upon
Against an enemy Adversary or Player Character,
his daemonic servants is palpable. Fuelled by the
attacks with The King of Blades may re-roll any ED
artefact’s fell presence, Khorne’s daemons are driven
which roll failures.
to ever greater heights of savagery and slaughter.
Each time the bearer slays an enemy Elite or Adversary,
Carved with runes of death and ruin, the edge of this
or a Player Character, add +1 to Ruin.
ebon blade glows with barely contained power. The
Rune of Brass Bloodthirster bound within this mighty axe channels
Etched into the daemon’s armour—or embedded into every iota of its hate and rage into these runes until
its flesh—the Rune of Brass retains the infernal heat of they glow with molten heat, and the greater the foe the
its creation. The glare of its still-molten form is agony wielder faces, the hotter the runes burn.
to witches, for it conjures the all-consuming blaze of
This replaces an Axe of Khorne, Great Axe of Khorne, or
the pyre, and twists their powers against them.
Hellforged Axe.
PSYKERS within 12m of the bearer suffer treat both 1s
Skullreaver (Strike): S+6 +6ED / AP -4 / Range 2 /
and 6s on their Wrath Dice as Complications when
rolling Psychic Mastery tests. Further, whenever a
PSYKER within 12m suffers Perils of the Warp, the Against MONSTERS and Vehicles, the Skullreaver
PSYKER additionally suffers 1d3 Mortal Wounds and is (Strike) attack inflicts +Tier ED damage.
On Fire.
Skullreaver (Sweep): S+3 +4ED / AP -3 / Range 2 /
Blood-Drinker Talisman Reaping
Seized from the blasted surface of a crone world, this
sentient gemstone resides within the warp-wrought
body of its daemonic master. There is pulses with

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Legions of Nurgle
To those subjected to their loathsome assaults, the cultivates the ground for the Garden of Nurgle to
legions of Nurgle seem like an amorphous mass, but spread.
amidst the shambling anarchy there is purpose and
The Morbidus Legions are the reapers, the toll-takers,
design. Like the stages of the diseases they carry, each
and the bringers of death.
Plague Legion is part of an overarching cycle of
fecundity and decay and exists only to see Nurgle's The Necroticus Legions are the most resilient; they use
garden flourish and his gifts bestowed. hopelessness and despair as a weapon and can absorb
terrific punishments.
From the Garden of Nurgle lumber the Plague Legions,
the dreaded armies of the Great Corrupter. When they And on it goes, each of the Daemon legions of the
go to war, be it in the Realm of Chaos or realspace, they Plague God specialising in some grotesque aspect of
bring the boundless generosity of their master and the Nurgle's cycle of birth, decay, death, and rebirth.
products of his endless labours with them, and leave
contagion, anguish, and death in their wake. Each Plague Legion is led by a Great Unclean One, a
Greater Daemon of Nurgle that acts as its general. They
All Plague Legions are Nurgle's creations, and so dote over their charges in the manner of a loving
carry pestilence and propagate their master's foul parent, cajoling each of their Plague Legion's
will, yet each is associated with seven Tallybands upon its appointed
specific stages of the Fly Lord's tasks.
cycle of decay and
regeneration. Ever eccentric, Nurgle
encourages the same aberrations
The Fecundus Legions are tasked amongst the most powerful of its
with the making of diseases; it is shepherds. These unusual traits go
they that travel across reality and as far towards colouring the
unreality to gather the raw composition and tactics of the
ingredients that will be added army they lead as does the
to the cauldron of their foul Daemon legion type itself.
god, and the worst ills
suffered by the mortal races Some Great Unclean Ones, for
can be attributed to their example, favour entirely
diligence. airborne assaults, going to battle
with clouds of Plague Drones that darken
The Infecticus Legions are the harbingers of the skies and excel at aerial strikes. Others enjoy seeing
infection, the carriers of new diseases that lay the their victims buried in slavering Beasts of Nurgle, or
groundwork for the greater virulence to follow. ground slowly into the dirt by wave after wave of
mumbling Plaguebearers.
The Pathogenus Legions are disease fully bloomed,
sickness made manifest, the very height of contagion; Great Unclean Ones cycle through phases over the
they are equally capable in both attack or defence and course of their immortal lifespans, assuming new
will often be deployed to guard key sites within mantles with each new legion they take command of;
Nurgle's Garden or spearhead an assault. for example, they may lead an Epidemic Legion to
spread diseases before moving on to command a Rot
The Epidemic Legions contain the most Daemons, for
Legion in order to bask in such maladies.
they expand, proliferate, and regenerate; it is they that
spread outwards, ensuring initial gains turn into When the cycle nears its end, a Great Unclean One will
rampaging outbreaks. scab over with necrotic patches, and in his state of
advanced decay will lord over a Necroticus Legion. It is
The Rot Legions revel in decay, their festering powers,
not long before his body will shed the rotting husk of
and potent blessings able to break down anything;
its old skin to reveal the new blooms of fresh disease,
more than any other daemonic legion, their presence
and it is then he will once again lead a Fecundus Legion.
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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Beneath the Great Unclean One are the leaders of the The Tallybands can vary in size, swelling to epidemic
Tallybands, either Daemon Princes or daemonic proportions as Nurgle's power waxes in the Realm of
Heralds of Nurgle such as Poxbringers, Sloppity Chaos or contracting into small, elite warbands when it
Bilepipers and Spoilpox Scriveners. wanes. At its peak, however, a Tallyband is composed
of seven packs of the Lesser Daemons known as
Each receives a grandiloquent title of the general's
Plaguebearers or Plague Drones.
invention, selected to match the bearer's skills,
proclivities, or war tasks. Examples include the Lords of Depending upon the predilections of its leader, and the
Fulsome Filth, the Almighty Bringer of Rancid Decay, or ebb and flow of the cycle, a Tallyband may also include
the Sloptoxic Master of Bubbling Buboes. Beasts of Nurgle or swarms of Nurglings, although such
anarchic beasts rarely remain with the formation
beyond the duration of a single battle.

Warprot Discipline
Stream of Corruption Fleshy Abundance
DN: 5 DN: 6
Activation: Full Action Activation: Action
Duration: Instant Duration: Sustained
Range: 12m Range: 18m
Multi-Target: No Multi-Target: No
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the DAEMON and Prerequisite: Psyker must have the DAEMON and
NURGLE keywords NURGLE keywords
Effect: The daemon’s jaws stretch impossibly Effect: The daemon blesses their allies with
wide. Its rotten body convulses, heaving out Nurgle’s bountiful energies, swelling them into
clouds of rancid gas and flies before at last it even more grotesquely resilient and corpulent
ejects a jetting river of foulness that those not forms. Select up to 7 NURGLE LESSER
drowned by it are often dissolved into organic DAEMONs, or a single mob of NURGLE
gruel or left stricken by supernatural sickness. DAEMONS, within range. While this power
This ability affects all enemies within a Blast remains in effect, the mob’s Resilience is
(10) that the daemon can see within range. increased by +2.
Each enemy affected suffers 3d3 Mortal Potency:
Wounds, and the Poisoned 3 condition. [2] Increase the Toughness bonus by +1.
*[2] Increase the size of the Blast by +2.
[2] Increase the number of Mortal Wounds
inflicted by +1.
[1] Increase the rating of the Poisoned
condition by +1.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Nurgle’s Rot Virulent Blessing
DN: 6 DN: 5
Activation: Action Activation: Action
Duration: Instant Duration: 1 Round
Range: 6m Range: 18m
Multi-Target: No Multi-Target: No
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the DAEMON and Prerequisite: Psyker must have the DAEMON and
NURGLE keywords NURGLE keywords
Effect: Gurgling praise to its god, the daemon Effect: As you chant in a phlegm-choked
exudes a wave of soul-pox that eats away the drone, a dark cloud of filth and flies shrouds
spiritual essence of those who lack Nurgle’s your allies from view. Select up to 7 NURGLE
blessings. Victims’ eyes become glassy, their LESSER DAEMONS within range (or a single
flesh sinks upon their bones and their limbs fall mob of NURGLE DAEMONS). The affected
slack before they collapse and begin to rot allies add +2ED to the damage of their melee
before their horrified comrades’ eyes. Each weapons.
enemy within range must pass a DN5 Potency:
Toughness Test or suffer 1d3 Mortal Wounds [1] Melee weapons inflict an additional +1ED.
and the Poisoned 3 condition. Any enemy who [1] Weapons with Inflict (Poisoned X) increase
rolls a Complication on this test suffer 1d3+3 X by +1.
Mortal Wounds instead.
Potency: Malodorous Pall
[2] Increase the number of Mortal Wounds DN: 7
inflicted by +1. Activation: Action
*[3] Enemies Poisoned by this effect suffer 1d3 Duration: Sustained
Mortal Wounds at the start of each of their Range: 18m
turns. Multi-Target: No
Shrivelling Pox Prerequisite: Psyker must have the DAEMON and
DN: 5 NURGLE keywords
Activation: Action Effect: Chanting in a phlegm-choked drone,
Duration: Sustained the daemon conjures forth a dense cloud of
Range: 18m occluding corpse-gas and biting, blinding flies
Multi-Target: Yes to engulf the enemy and leave them nauseated
Keywords: CHAOS, NURGLE, PSYCHIC and reeling. This creates a cloud which fills a
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the DAEMON and Blast (8) anywhere within range and sight of
NURGLE keywords the daemon. Creatures which lack the NURGLE
Effect: Muttering an unholy chant in a keyword that start their turn in the cloud suffer
blighted tongue, the daemon calls down a foul the Blinded and Staggered conditions. The
malignancy that races through the enemy’s cloud itself blocks all line of sight.
ranks like wildfire and chews away at their Potency:
flesh and organs like a tide of ravenous [2] Increase the size of the Blast by +2.
maggots. Select an enemy within range and
line of sight. While the power remains in effect,
that enemy may not roll Determination.
[2] Attacks against the affected enemy inflict

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Plaguebearer, Lesser Daemon of Nurgle
Plaguebearers are the foot soldiers of Nurgle's In battle, Plaguebearers shamble purposefully towards
daemonic legions. These loathsome creatures are their foes. Packs of these Lesser Daemons -- often up
crafted from the blighted souls of mortals who have to seven of them -- are known as the "Tallybands," and
been slain by the virulent plague known as Nurgle's form the core of many of Nurgle's daemonic Plague
Rot. Legions.

These Lesser Daemons of the Lord of Decay are

shambling, pustulent creatures. Plaguebearers have
gangling, bony limbs, their bodies swollen with decay, TIER 1 2 3 4 5
so much so that glistening innards are exposed through THREAT A E E T T
They possess a single, cyclopean eye and a single horn S T A I WIL INT FEL
rising above their haggard, drawn faces, their bodies 7 7 3 4 4 3 3
covered in filth and parasites. Despite the RESILIENCE
Plaguebearer's unusual appearance, they are Melee: 11 (Daemonic Aura: *3 AR)
supernaturally resilient to harm, the gifts of their Ranged: 12 (Daemonic Aura: *4 AR)
master having inured them to all pain. DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
3 10 —
Plaguebearers are constantly surrounded by clouds of SKILLS: Default 6, Awareness 8 (Passive 4), Weapon
droning flies and chant monotonous hymns, their gait Skill 10
a staggering lope. Their sonorous voices attempt to BONUSES
keep count of the number of noxious plagues DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
unleashed by Nurgle; an impossible task, for the PESTILENTIAL: Any character Poisoned by a Daemon
Grandfather of Plagues constantly invents new strains of NURGLE suffers 1 Mortal Wound at the start of
of viruses. each of their turns.
They also serve as the "Tallymen of Nurgle," eternally BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
bound to record all their Dark God's this Threat must make a DN3 Fear Test.
pestilential creations. Many ACTION: Plague Sword: 10 +3ED / AP -2 / Inflict
believe that Plaguebearers are in (Poisoned 5), Mortal (1), Parry
fact created by such diseases, RUIN: Cloud of Flies: When a Plaguebearer is
incubating within plague attacked, it may spend 1 Ruin to become wreathed
victims and feeding in swarming, fat-bodied flies, interfering with any
upon their dying who would attack the daemon. The Plaguebearer,
and all other Plaguebearers within 7m, add +2 to
energies, only to
Defence (as if from cover) until the start of its next
emerge from their
heaped bodies DETERMINATION: Disgustingly Resilient Daemonic
later. Aura. Roll 7d6; you do not need to spend Ruin. See
page 7.
4 3 5 Average

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Daemonic Legions
Nurglings, also known as "Mites of Nurgle," "Gleeful and cavort around their larger fellow Daemons,
Castoffs", "Tiny Plagues" or by their daemonic name amusing them with their jolly antics.
Khan'gurani'i in the Dark Tongue, are tiny, mischievous
As befit servants of the God of Decay, Nurglings are
Lesser Daemons of Nurgle.
also quite mischievous, biting, clawing, pulling and
They are surely some of the most numerous and tearing at anything that catches their fancy.
among the most favoured children of Grandfather
Mortal servants of the Plague God quickly learn not to
Nurgle. Even their appearance is pleasing to the Plague
entrust anything they deem valuable to the guard of
God, for each Nurgling is like a minute copy of the
Nurglings, for they inevitably will return to find the
dread master himself.
item utterly destroyed, torn to pieces and covered in
These pernicious and capricious Daemons erupt from filth.
the boils and pustules that pock the fleshy hide of Great
Unclean Ones. They caper and dance about the Greater NURGLING
Daemons, causing mischief whenever possible,
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
constantly giggling as they play.
some of the least of S T A I WIL INT FEL
Nurgle's minions, they 1 3 3 4 3 2 2
are some of the most RESILIENCE
Melee: 6 (Daemonic Aura: *2 AR)
numerous, and among
Ranged: 7 (Daemonic Aura: *1 AR)
the most favoured of
the Lord of All's
5 5 —
daemonic pantheon.
SKILLS: Default 4, Awareness 3 (Passive 2), Weapon
Much smaller than the Skill 6
Plaguebearers who BONUSES
serve as the Plague DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
Lord's daemonic PESTILENTIAL: Any character Poisoned by a Daemon
footsoldiers or the of NURGLE suffers 1 Mortal Wound at the start of
Greater Daemons each of their turns.
known as Great ABILITIES
Unclean Ones, BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
Nurglings barely reach this Threat must make a DN1 Fear Test.
over a foot in height. ACTION: Disgusting Claws and Teeth: 4 +2ED /
Their appearance Inflict (Poisoned 3)
RUIN: Mischievous: When a Nurgling attacks, spend
resembles Grandfather
1 Ruin to give the Nurgling’s attack the Inflict
Nurgle himself, perhaps not surprising, given that
(Hindered) trait.
Nurglings are formed within the innards of Great
DETERMINATION: Disgustingly Resilient Daemonic
Unclean Ones, who themselves physically reflect Aura. Roll 3d6; you do not need to spend Ruin. See
Nurgle's repulsive magnificence. page 7.
Nurglings serve the Filth-father in which they were CONVICTION RESOLVE SPEED SIZE
3 2 5 Tiny
formed, often pretending that their progenitor is
Nurgle himself. They play within the folds of his flesh,
MISCHIEVOUS SWARM: This mob’s melee attack
fetch morsels for him to consume, pick at his sores or
gains a range of 3m and inflicts 7 +3ED damage.
give him new ones, and otherwise seek his approval, INNUMERABLE: 1d3 Nurglings are added to the
giggling all the while. mob at the start of each of its turns.
Like Nurgle and most of their fellow Nurglish Daemons,
Nurglings are jovial and playful in nature. They will hop
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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Beasts of Nurgle
Immense slug-like monstrosities, Beasts of Nurgle most rudimentary sense of intelligence it never
crawl across the ground on their bellies, weakly anticipates the result of its boisterous behaviour, and
propelled by clawed flippers, leaving a layer of stinking registers only a slight sense of disappointment as each
slime in their wake. While slow, the Beast is implacable new friend goes still and boring.
in its advance, undeterred by all but the most fearsome
of weapons, as relentless as the decay it embodies. BEASTS OF NURGLE
Each is a nightmarish conglomeration of parts, with a
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
lengthy neck holding a wide-eyed face of almost blissful
idiocy. The gaping tooth-filled mouth houses a lolling KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, BEAST, NURGLE
tongue dripping with putrid saliva. Clusters of writhing S T A I WIL INT FEL
tubes sprout from the Beast's neck and back, each one 9 9 4 4 5 1 4
spewing forth swarms of buzzing flies, clouds of vomit- RESILIENCE
inducing gases, flesh-eating fluids capable of finding Melee: 13 (Daemonic Aura: *3 AR)
gaps in even the most secure of armour, or other foul Ranged: 14 (Daemonic Aura: *4 AR)
3 15 —
The Beast of Nurgle is no less deadly than it is ugly, for
SKILLS: Default 6, Awareness 10 (Passive 5),
its touch causes paralysis and its slimy secretions rot Weapon Skill 8
everything they cover. The very proximity of a Beast is BONUSES
sufficient to kill small animals and plants, and even DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
larger creatures may age and decay perceptibly in its GROTESQUE REGENERATION: At the start of a
presence. Indeed, the Beast is the very embodiment of Beast of Nurgle’s turn, it heals Wounds equal to
the universe's mindless decay. Despite its fearsome twice the game’s Tier.
appearance and deadly attributes, the Beast is an PUTRID SLIME: Any character Poisoned by a Beast of
affectionate creature that behaves in all respects Nurgle is Staggered and suffers 1d3 Mortal Wounds
exactly like an over-friendly and easily excited puppy. It at the start of each of their turns.
craves attention, greeting newcomers by slobbering all ABILITIES
over them with its slimy tentacles. Once they get BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
this Threat must make a DN4 Fear Test.
thoroughly worked up, they can rarely (if ever) contain
ACTION: Putrid Appendages: 12 +4ED / AP -2 /
themselves and leave little piles of acrid slime in their
Inflict (Poisoned [5]), Mortal (1)
wake. All this attention is not a problem to other
RUIN: Slime Trail. When a Beast of Nurgle moves,
creatures and servants of Nurgle but tends to kill spend 1 Ruin to exude a paralytic slime trail,
mortals fairly rapidly. Unlike most Daemons, a Beast covering an area 3m wide and as long as the Beast
kills not with rending claws and ripping teeth, but with of Nurgle’s movement, which lasts until the Beast’s
a strange form of kindness. Victims are caressed, next turn. Any non NURGLE creature which moves
petted, and stroked with the Daemon's multiple into that area must pass a DN 5 Toughness Test or
tentacles, while the long tongue delivers slobbery and become Poisoned (5).
slimy licks. REACTION: Attention Seeker. When an enemy
moves within 5m of the Beast, the Beast may spend
In very short order, the victim is sickened, infected, 1 Ruin to immediately Charge that enemy as a
dissolved, and then crushed, ground under the Beast’s reflexive action.
vast bulk. The Beast, for its part, feels a touch of DETERMINATION: Disgustingly Resilient Daemonic
sadness at the inability of its now-dead friend to join in Aura. Roll 9d6; you do not need to spend Ruin. See
on the merriment, but quickly forgets about him as page 7.
something (or someone) new attracts its attention. ANNIHILATION: Gooey Demise. Roll 1d6 when this
Once the Beast's new friend stops moving, its interest Threat dies. On a roll of a 6, it explodes, inflicting
quickly shifts to another target, and in this way the 1d3 Mortal Wounds and the Poisoned (5) condition
on all non-NURGLE creatures within 3m.
creature excitedly and lovingly poisons and kills just
about everything it touches. As the Beast has only the
5 4 6 Large

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Plague Drones
A terrible thrum of insectile wings fills the air as the
Plague Drones descend. High-ranking Plaguebearers
riding atop monstrous Rot Flies, these daemonic TIER 1 2 3 4 5
airborne cavalry hit the enemy lines like hard-swung THREAT E E E E T
wrecking balls, bowling warriors over with their sheer KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, BEAST, NURGLE
stinking bulk. S T A I WIL INT FEL
8 9 5 4 5 1 4
Hairy limbs scrabble, ripping through flesh and cracking RESILIENCE
bone. Needle proboscis punch through armour joints Melee: 13 (Daemonic Aura: *3 AR)
and eye lenses to inject diseased acids into their Ranged: 14 (Daemonic Aura: *4 AR)
3 15 —
Revolting mouthparts gape and suck as they envelop SKILLS: Default 6, Awareness 10 (Passive 5),
the heads of screaming warriors, slurping them down Weapon Skill 8
like sweetmeats. Meanwhile, the daemonic riders hack BONUSES
at their victims with Plagueswords, and hurl infernal DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
death's heads into the foe's ranks to engulf them in CAVALRY: A Plague Drone is ridden by a
billowing clouds of plague spores and sickness. Plaguebearer (page 29). The Plague Drone and rider
take a single shared turn in combat, with one set of
Such an onslaught is enough to break the spirit of even actions between them. The rider may be targeted
the most well dug-in opponents and has been known separately with a Called Shot, requiring +2 DN. If
to turn the flank or break the centre of entire enemy the rider is slain, the Plague Drone becomes
battle-lines. Frenzied, and can only be calmed by another
These foul beings can fly at prodigious speeds, absorb PESTILENTIAL: Any character Poisoned by a
ferocious amounts of firepower, and dole out hurt in Daemon of NURGLE suffers 1 Mortal Wound at the
great measure. They are greatly valued by the Death start of each of their turns.
Guard, who offer up rich sacrifice in the hopes of ABILITIES
conjuring these monsters to their side. BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
this Threat must make a DN5 Terror Test.
Speed and manoeuvrability are one of the few
ACTION: Foul Mouthparts: 12 +5ED / AP -2 / Range
weaknesses the Death Guard suffer, and their ruling 2m
champions can find many strategic roles for a pack or A Plaguebearer rider is armed with a Plaguesword
two of Plague Drones. and Death’s Heads
Plague Sword: 10 +3ED / AP -2 / Inflict (Poisoned 5),
Intercepting and destroying enemy flanking forces or
Mortal (1), Parry
scouts, launching swift strikes against vulnerable foes,
Death’s Head: 10 +4ED / AP -1 / Range 28m
intercepting airborne threats or rushing to reinforce (Thrown) / Blast (7), Inflict (Poisoned 5)
weaknesses in the Death Guard lines, Plague Drones ACTION: A Plague Drone may have a Prehensile
make for versatile and powerful allies. Proboscis instead of Foul Mouthparts:
Prehensile Proboscis: 10 +3ED / AP -2 / Range 2m /
Their riders are haughty, however, for they are highly
placed amongst Nurgle's daemonic legions, while their
DETERMINATION: Disgustingly Resilient Daemonic
steeds hate all mortals no matter their origins. As such, Aura. Roll 9d6; you do not need to spend Ruin. See
the Death Guard can only hope that the Plague Drones page 7.
they have summoned will act according to their plans, CONVICTION RESOLVE SPEED SIZE
rather than following their own whimsy wherever they 5 4 10 (Fly) Large

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Poxbringer, Herald of Nurgle
A mortal who resists the ravages of Nurgle's Rot for a
significant time transforms into an unusually resilient
Plaguebearer, resulting in a larger, tougher individual TIER 1 2 3 4 5
destined to one day reach the rank of Herald as a THREAT A A A E E
Poxbringer. Such warriors are testament to the futility KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, HERALD, NURGLE,
of denying Nurgle's embrace but speak volumes about PSYKER
how much the Lord of Decay values determination and S T A I WIL INT FEL
the most obstinate perseverance. 9 10 4 5 7 5 4
Through their will and defiance, the Heralds-to-be Melee: 14 (Daemonic Aura: *3 AR)
stand taller and broader than the Plaguebearers that Ranged: 15 (Daemonic Aura: *4 AR)
surround them. Upon proving themselves in battle or DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
service, each is rewarded by Nurgle himself. The first 4 18 —
sign is a lengthening of the single horn that juts out of SKILLS: Default 10, Awareness 12 (Passive 6),
their misshapen heads, followed by the sprouting of a Weapon Skill 11
magnificent set of rotting antlers as if to crown such BONUSES
CHAMPION: This Threat may take Ruin Actions and
malformed glory.
has 3 personal Ruin.
Further engorged by the touch of blessed diseases, DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
Poxbringers grow stronger and tougher still, becoming HERALD OF NURGLE: While friendly NURGLE
true champions of their kind. With their newfound DAEMON Troops are within 6m, it may re-roll any
strength, a Poxbringer can hack down multiple ED which roll a 1.
Bloodletters with a single swing of their Balesword. PESTILENTIAL: Any character Poisoned by a Daemon
of NURGLE suffers 1 Mortal Wound at the start of
The change undergone by Poxbringers is more than just each of their turns.
a physical one. Imbued with a generous portion of the ABILITIES
unnatural vitality of Nurgle, Poxbringers project an BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
aura of disease. This vile atmosphere is sometimes this Threat must make a DN4 Fear Test.
visible as a hazy fog that surrounds them. So noxious ACTION: Foul Balesword: 13 +5ED / AP -3 / Inflict
(Poisoned 7), Mortal (1), Parry
are these emanations that they can empower fellow
Poxbringer: As a Simple Action, the Poxbringer may
minions of Nurgle.
choose a single mob of Plaguebearers within 6m.
This ability makes Poxbringers the ideal lieutenants to Until the start of the Poxbringer’s next turn, the
lead a unit of Plaguebearers into battle, for the Herald's chosen Plaguebearers add +2ED to melee damage
energies invest his charges' Plagueswords with further per Exalted Icon shifted.
Daemonic Manifestation: See page 7.The
virulent might, allowing for a greater spread of disease.
Poxbringer may spend 1 Ruin as a Simple Action to
With a single bale-eye glowing, Poxbringers can also
summon 1d3 Plaguebearers (page 26).
tap into psychic powers, using them to vomit forth Warprot: The Poxbringer may attempt to activate
diseases or smite down the foe with horrific viruses. any psychic power it knows. It knows Smite,
Unlike the jolly Great Unclean Ones, Poxbringers are Psyniscience, Deny the Witch, and one power from
the Warprot discipline (page 24).
closer in temperament to Plaguebearers, but even less
RUIN: Pestilent Inspiration: Spend 1 Ruin to use
morose. As they are filled with a greater portion of the
any Warprot Discipline psychic power, Smite, or
curdled energies of Nurgle, Poxbringers are gifted with Deny the Witch as a Ruin Action.
far more personality than any of the droning Lesser DETERMINATION: Disgustingly Resilient Daemonic
Daemons they lead, most typically expressed in their Aura. Roll 10d6; you do not need to spend Ruin.
gallows sense of humour. See page 7.
7 6 5 Average

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Sloppity Bilepiper, Herald of Nurgle
Not all of the plagues created by Nurgle turn out as
planned, many of them being just a minor
inconvenience rather than a world-sweeping TIER 1 2 3 4 5
contagion. Some attempts prove even more THREAT A A A E E
disastrous, such as the pox that was meant to gnaw KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, HERALD, NURGLE
flesh but instead proved to be something of a S T A I WIL INT FEL
disinfectant. 9 10 4 5 7 4 5
That catastrophe was never spoken of again, not even Melee: 14 (Daemonic Aura: *3 AR)
by the boldest of Great Unclean Ones. The disease that Ranged: 15 (Daemonic Aura: *4 AR)
eventually became known as the Chortling Murrain DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
was at first believed to be a damp squib, but, when it 4 18 —
was re-purposed as a punishment, it swiftly became SKILLS: Default 10, Awareness 12 (Passive 6),
one of the Lord of Plagues' favoured creations. Persuasion 12, Weapon Skill 11
The Chortling Murrain becomes truly infectious when CHAMPION: This Threat may take Ruin Actions and
it settles into a Plaguebearer. Ever the most organised has 3 personal Ruin.
and glum of Nurgle's creations, a Daemon infected with DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
Chortling Murrain -- usually as a result of failing in his HERALD OF NURGLE: While friendly NURGLE
counting -- abandons his characteristic shuffling gait DAEMON Troops are within 6m, it may re-roll any
and steady, measured droning as he falls into what can ED which roll a 1.
only be described as a comedic fever. PESTILENTIAL: Any character Poisoned by a Daemon
of NURGLE suffers 1 Mortal Wound at the start of
So infected, he capers and quips, jabbering light- each of their turns.
heartedly at any who will listen. Amidst the dour, ABILITIES
endless counting of Plaguebearers it is only too obvious BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
to pick out one who is so afflicted. this Threat must make a DN4 Fear Test.
ACTION: Marotter: 12 +3ED / Inflict (Poisoned 5),
Once the symptoms of the Chortling Murrain fully Mortal (1)
manifest, its victim is given the title of "Sloppity Jolly Gutpipes: As a Simple Action, select one
Bilepiper" and a new task. Gifted with a gutpipe and NURGLE DAEMON or a mob of Nurglings or
marotter, these budding Heralds of Nurgle are sent to NURGLE LESSER DAEMON Troops. Until the start of
amuse Nurgle's Tallybands as they march to war. the Sloppity Bilepiper’s next turn, the selected
DAEMONs add +1 to Speed.
Admittedly, the antics of the Bilepipers wholeheartedly Disease of Mirth: The Sloppity Bilepiper makes a
fail to impress the gloom-ridden Plaguebearers, but Persuasion Interaction Attack, and may target up to
Great Unclean Ones and Nurglings find the steady seven enemies within 12m. Enemies affected are
stream of jokes and nonsense-songs hilarious. also Poisoned (5) and are Staggered while they
remain Poisoned.
Unfortunately for Nurgle's foes, daemons with the Daemonic Manifestation: See page 7.The Sloppity
Chortling Murrain are infectious, and the Warp-borne Bilepiper may spend 1 Ruin as a Simple Action to
disease can cause mortals and the daemons of other summon 1d3 Plaguebearers (page 26).
gods to laugh with ever-growing hysterics until their RUIN: Chortling Murrain: Spend 1 Ruin and use the
hearts burst or their sides split open. Despite their Disease of Mirth action as a Ruin Action. Each
augmentative roles, Bilepipers themselves are enemy affected suffers Mortal Wounds equal to the
doomed, for the Chortling Murrain always gets the last game’s Tier.
laugh – or not. DETERMINATION: Disgustingly Resilient Daemonic
Aura. Roll 10d6; you do not need to spend Ruin.
See page 7.
7 6 5 Average

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Daemonic Legions
Spoilpox Scrivener, Herald of Nurgle
The Heralds known as Spoilpox Scriveners are given a
specific task by Grandfather Nurgle. It is their lot to tally
the Tallyband, to audit their ceaseless counting, and to TIER 1 2 3 4 5
ensure that their calculations are accurate. THREAT A A A E E
To accomplish their role, Scriveners are equipped with S T A I WIL INT FEL
endless hidebound scrolls upon which they use special 9 10 4 5 7 5 4
quills made from the plucked tail feathers of a Lord of RESILIENCE
Change. Melee: 14 (Daemonic Aura: *3 AR)
Ranged: 15 (Daemonic Aura: *4 AR)
They record the number of diseases counted by the
Plaguebearers -- to double-check later -- and scribble 4 18 —
down the names of any Plaguebearers that lose count. SKILLS: Default 10, Awareness 12 (Passive 6),
All the while, Scriveners verbally browbeat those Scholar 11, Weapon Skill 11
around them, their nasal voices amplified by their BONUSES
distended jaws, which can bite a man in half. CHAMPION: This Threat may take Ruin Actions and
has 3 personal Ruin.
Such constant abuse has a strange motivational effect
DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
upon the Plaguebearers, forcing them to concentrate HERALD OF NURGLE: While friendly NURGLE
upon their chanting count and move with all the haste DAEMON Troops are within 6m, it may re-roll any
their swollen, fluid-ridden joints can muster. ED which roll a 1.
PESTILENTIAL: Any character Poisoned by a Daemon
Spoilpox Scriveners themselves are sullen and spiteful
of NURGLE suffers 1 Mortal Wound at the start of
creatures; they long to catch their fellows out with a
each of their turns.
mistake or, even better, to record enough wrongdoing ABILITIES
to actually punish them. Those found to make repeated BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
mistakes are slated for the dread fate of the Chortling this Threat must make a DN4 Fear Test.
Murrain, and transformation in Sloppity Bilepipers. ACTION: Plaguesword: 12 +3ED / AP -2 / Inflict
(Poisoned 5), Mortal (1), Parry
Distended Maw: 13 +6ED / AP -1 / Careful
The Spoilpox Scrivener can make one attack with
the Plaguesword and one with the Distended Maw
as a single combat action.
Disgusting Sneezes: 10 +2ED / Range 3-6-9 / Salvo 0
/ Flamer, Inflict (Poisoned 3)
Keep Counting! As a Simple Action, the Spoilpox
Scrivener may choose a single mob of
Plaguebearers within 6m. Until the start of the
Poxbringer’s next turn, the chosen Plaguebearers
add +2 bonus dice to any skill test they attempt,
and +2 to their Resolve.
Daemonic Manifestation: See page 7.The Spoilpox
Scrivener may spend 1 Ruin as a Simple Action to
summon 1d3 Plaguebearers (page 26).
RUIN: Pestilent Inspiration: Spend 1 Ruin to use
any Warprot Discipline psychic power, Smite, or
Deny the Witch as a Ruin Action.
DETERMINATION: Disgustingly Resilient Daemonic
Aura. Roll 10d6; you do not need to spend Ruin.
See page 7.
7 6 5 Average

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Great Unclean One, Greater Daemon of Nurgle
A Great Unclean One is a grotesquely corpulent MULTITIUDE OF NURGLINGS: At the start of each
Greater Daemon of the Plague God Nurgle, the Chaos round, roll a number of dice equal to the current
God of disease, death and decay. These loathsome Ruin. For each Icon rolled, a single Nurgling is
Daemons are the harbingers of the lord of rot and ruin, spawned within the Great Unclean One’s guts.
and amongst Grandfather Nurgle's greatest servants, These Nurglings are counted as a single mob.
bearers of his most sacred plagues and poxes. EMBODIMENT OF PESTILENCE: A character
Poisoned by a GREATER DAEMON of NURGLE suffers
To the mortal eye, a Greater Daemon of Nurgle is 1d3 Mortal Wounds at the start of each of their
undoubtedly the foulest of all the daemonic servants of turns.
the Ruinous Powers. Their forms are squat and ABILITIES
mountainous, covered in rotting flesh and open sores BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
that weep foul rivulets of pus. Hot ropes of intestines this Threat must make a DN5 Terror Test.
ACTION: Plague Flail: 14 +4ED / AP -3 / Range 7 /
dribble out of huge tears in their enormous, bloated
Salvo 0 / Spread (No Range modifiers apply to this
and distended bellies. This horrific girth is supported by
ranged attack)
two impossibly small and atrophied-looking legs, and Bilesword (Strike): 16 +6ED / AP -3 / Range 3 (M) /
their inordinately large, bulbous heads are crowned by Inflict (Poisoned 7), Brutal, Mortal (1)
enormous stag-like antlers. Bilesword (Sweep): 14 +3ED / AP -3 / Range 3 (M) /
Inflict (Poisoned 5), Reaping
Flyblown, maggot-ridden innards spill into view
Putrid Vomit: 12 +2ED / AP -2 / Range 6-12-18 /
through the tears and gashes in his swollen belly as he
Salvo 0 / Flamer, Inflict (Poisoned 7)
lumbers forwards. Clusters of pustules and weeping
Daemonic Manifestation: See page 7.The Great
buboes erupt from his hide, birthing small swarms of Unclean One may spend 1 Ruin as a Simple Action
giggling Nurglings. Noxious juices seep from dozens of to summon a mob of 10 Plaguebearers or a mob of
infected sores, leaving a glistening trail of mucus in the 3 Plague Drones.
Great Unclean One's wake. Warprot: The Great Unclean One may attempt to
activate any psychic power it knows. It knows
GREAT UNCLEAN ONE Smite, Psyniscience, Deny the Witch, and two
powers from the Warprot discipline (page 24).
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 ACTION OPTIONS: A Great Unclean One may
THREAT A A A A A replace its Bilesword with a Doomsday Bell. Its
KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, GREATER DAEMON, Plague Flail may be replaced with a Bileblade.
NURGLE, PSYKER, MONSTER Doomsday Bell: 16 +4ED / AP -1 / Range 3 (M) /
S T A I WIL INT FEL Inflict (Staggered)
11 14 3 6 8 7 7 The Bell Tolls: As a Simple Action, a Great Unclean
RESILIENCE One with a Doomsday Bell may select one mob of
Melee: 18 (Daemonic Aura: *3 AR) NURGLE LESSER DAEMONS within 12m. Roll 7d6.
Ranged: 19 (Daemonic Aura: *4 AR) For each Icon rolled, a new member of that mob
5 24 — Bileblade: 14 +3ED / AP -1 / Inflict (Poisoned 5)
SKILLS: Default 12, Awareness 13 (Passive 7), Vile Offering: When a Great Unclean One with a
Leadership 14, Psychic Mastery 13, Weapon Skill 13 Bileblade attempts to activate a Psychic Power, it
BONUSES may suffer 1d3 Mortal Wounds (Determination may
AVATAR OF PESTILENCE: At the start of each of the not be rolled) to add bonus dice equal to the
Great Unclean One’s turns, add 1d3 to Ruin. game’s Tier to that Psychic Mastery test.
CHAMPION: This Threat may take Ruin Actions and RUIN: Pestilent Inspiration: Spend 1 Ruin to use
has 7 personal Ruin. any Warprot Discipline psychic power, Smite, or
DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7 Deny the Witch as a Ruin Action.
LORD OF NURGLE: While friendly NURGLE DETERMINATION: Disgustingly Resilient Daemonic
DAEMON Troops are within 6m, they may re-roll Aura. Roll 14d6; you do not need to spend Ruin.
any die which rolls a 1 on any attack they attempt. See page 7.
the Fear, Terror, Pinned, and Staggered conditions. 8 7 7 Gargantuan
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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Epidemius, Tallyman of Nurgle
Epidemius, also called the "Tallyman of Nurgle," is a RESILIENCE
powerful Herald of Nurgle and one of the seven Melee: 14 (Daemonic Aura: *3 AR)
masters of the Plague God's foot soldiers in his Ranged: 15 (Daemonic Aura: *4 AR)
daemonic legions. DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
6 18 —
The task of cataloguing the potency of Nurgle's many SKILLS: Default 10, Awareness 12 (Passive 6),
diseases falls to Epidemius, the Lord of Decay's chosen Scholar 11
Tallyman. Epidemius is one of the seven "Proctors of BONUSES
Pestilence" who preside over the massed legions of CHAMPION: This Threat may take Ruin Actions and
Plaguebearers that answer Nurgle's call. has 5 personal Ruin.
DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
Borne aloft on a rotten palanquin by a horde of HERALD OF NURGLE: While friendly NURGLE
Nurglings, Epidemius moves amongst the Daemons of DAEMON Troops are within 6m, it may re-roll any
Nurgle, making note of all the varied afflictions and ED which roll a 1.
poxes unleashed into the universe. It is a never-ending PALANQUIN: This Threat is carried upon a throne
task, for Nurgle is constantly creative and his anarchic borne aloft by a swarm of Nurglings. This counts as
hordes are ever-keen to spread new and wonderful Heavy Cover (included in Defence, above), and
diseases. there are 21 Nurglings. If the Nurglings are all slain,
this Threat’s speed is reduced to 0, but 2d6 new
Epidemius can be found wherever Nurgle's pestilent Nurglings appear at the start of each turn.
gifts are most bountiful. His corpulent frame -- PESTILENTIAL: Any character Poisoned by a Daemon
resembling that of an extremely bloated Plaguebearer of NURGLE suffers 1 Mortal Wound at the start of
-- is often seen each of their turns.
upon the TALLY OF PESTILENCE: While this Threat is present
battlefields of on the battlefield, keep a tally of the number of
realspace, for enemies slain by NURGLE DAEMONS. If this total
infected ever reaches 7, add +1 to Ruin.
VIRULENT TOUCH: Each time this Threat makes a
injuries and
melee attack, if the attack hits, then the target will
fresh corpses
suffer a minimum number of Wounds equal to the
are fecund game’s Tier, regardless of the attack’s damage or the
breeding target’s Resilience.
grounds for ABILITIES
contagion, and BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
the stench this Threat must make a DN5 Fear Test.
attracts ACTION: Foul Balesword: 13 +5ED / AP -3 / Inflict
Epidemius like (Poisoned 7), Mortal (1), Parry
a fly to a rotten Daemonic Manifestation: See page 7. Epidemius
wound. may spend 1 Ruin as a Simple Action to summon
1d3 Plaguebearers (page 26).
RUIN: Revolting Constitution: Spend 1 Ruin when
you roll Determination; you gain bonus dice equal
EPIDEMIUS to the attack’s ED.
DETERMINATION: Disgustingly Resilient Daemonic
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 Aura. Roll 10d6; you do not need to spend Ruin.
THREAT A A A E E See page 7.
S T A I WIL INT FEL 7 6 5 Large
9 10 4 5 7 5 4

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Rotigus, The Generous One, Greater Daemon of Nurgle
Rotigus, also called "Rotigus Rainmaker", "Rainfather" Ruin. For each Icon rolled, a single Nurgling is
and "the Generous One," is a powerful Great Unclean spawned within the Great Unclean One’s guts.
One, a Greater Daemon of Nurgle. Rotigus is the These Nurglings are counted as a single mob.
epitome of Nurgle's generosity and fecundity. None, EMBODIMENT OF PESTILENCE: A character
save for the Lord of Decay himself, is more attuned to Poisoned by a GREATER DAEMON of NURGLE suffers
the woes of the world. 1d3 Mortal Wounds at the start of each of their
In their despair, the most defiant of mortals vow to DELUGE OF NURGLE: Each time Rotigus scores one
endeavour onwards, despite the utter hopelessness of or more Wrath Criticals when attempting to activate
their situation. Thus do the barren pray for fertility, the a Warprot Psychic Power, add 1 to Ruin. While
growers of crops plead for rain, the starving beg for Rotigus is present, you may spend Ruin on a unique
sustenance. Warp Storm effect (page 7): a Deluge of Nurgle.
Spend 1-3 Ruin, and place a Blast with a rating of 4 +
Rotigus listens to each supplication, and to those twice the Ruin spent anywhere on the battlefield.
desperate enough to pledge anything in exchange for Enemies in that Blast suffer 1d3+Ruin spent Mortal
life, he promises salvation. And the Rainfather always Wounds from toxic, acidic rain.
delivers. PESTILENT MIASMA: Any creature engaged with
Rotigus at the start of its turn must roll 7d6. For each
Effect rolled, they suffer 1 Mortal Wound.
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
THREAT A A A A A this Threat must make a DN5 Terror Test.
NURGLE, PSYKER, MONSTER Inflict (Restrained)
S T A I WIL INT FEL Gnarlrod (Strike): 16 +6ED / AP -3 / Range 3 (M) /
11 14 3 6 9 7 7 Inflict (Poisoned 5), Mortal (1)
RESILIENCE Gnarlrod (Sweep): 14 +3ED / AP -2 / Range 3 (M) /
Melee: 18 (Daemonic Aura: *3 AR) Inflict (Poisoned 3), Reaping
Ranged: 19 (Daemonic Aura: *4 AR) Streams of Brackish Filth: 14 +2ED / AP -3 / Range
DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK 6-12-18 / Salvo 3 / Flamer, Inflict (Poisoned 7)
5 24 — Daemonic Manifestation: See page 7. Rotigus may
SKILLS: Default 12, Awareness 13 (Passive 7), spend 1 Ruin as a Simple Action to summon a mob
Leadership 14, Psychic Mastery 14, Weapon Skill 13 of 10 Plaguebearers or a mob of 3 Plague Drones.
BONUSES Warprot: The Great Unclean One may attempt to
AVATAR OF PESTILENCE: At the start of each of the activate any psychic power it knows. It knows
Great Unclean One’s turns, add 1d3 to Ruin. Smite, Psyniscience, Deny the Witch, and two
CHAMPION: This Threat may take Ruin Actions and powers from the Warprot discipline (page 24).
has 7 personal Ruin. RUIN: Pestilent Inspiration: Spend 1 Ruin to use
DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7 any Warprot Discipline psychic power, Smite, or
LORD OF NURGLE: While friendly NURGLE Deny the Witch as a Ruin Action.
DAEMON Troops are within 6m, they may re-roll DETERMINATION: Disgustingly Resilient Daemonic
any die which rolls a 1 on any attack they attempt. Aura. Roll 14d6; you do not need to spend Ruin.
MONSTROUS CREATURE: This Threat is immune to See page 7.
the Fear, Terror, Pinned, and Staggered conditions. CONVICTION RESOLVE SPEED SIZE
MULTITIUDE OF NURGLINGS: At the start of each 9 8 7 Gargantuan
round, roll a number of dice equal to the current

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Nurgle Adversaries
Nurgle Daemon Adversaries are vile, pestilential beings, who exist only to spread decay and despair across the cosmos.
Naturally, this means that Player Characters will be required to foil their plots, and the beings behind these plots are
likely to take numerous forms as fecund and foetid as their god. This section provides several powerful relics and a
few additional abilities which can be applied to Nurgle Daemon Adversaries to make them more distinct and
memorable in your campaign.

Adversary Traits Pestilent Miasma

The following abilities can be applied to a NURGLE Those who venture too close to this daemon find their
DAEMON Adversary. Only one such trait should be injuries blackening in seconds and their infected flesh
applied to any given Adversary. The first three of these swiftly turning to rancid soup.
abilities—Acidic Ichor, Heaving Mass, and Virulent Any creature engaged with the Adversary at the start
Touch—are suitable for any NURGLE DAEMON, while of its turn must roll 7d6. For each Effect rolled, they
the others are suitable only for GREATER DAEMONS suffer 1 Mortal Wound.
Plague Fly Hive
Acidic Ichor This daemon’s hole-riddled hide supports a colony of
Those that pierce this daemon’s straining flesh are plague flies that crawl busily in and out of its flesh, and
sprayed with sizzling bile that melts through armour, swarm forth to bedevil the foe.
flesh and bone.
Any enemy who begins their turn within 6m of this
Whenever this Adversary suffers one or more Wounds Adversary suffers the Hindered (2) condition until the
from a melee attack, roll 1d6 for each Wound suffered start of their next turn.
from that attack: for each Icon rolled, the attacker
suffers 1 Mortal Wound. Exalted Greater Daemons
The mightiest of Greater Daemons are entities as
Heaving Mass
infamous and dreaded as the Gods they serve. These
Saturated with corruption and fatted upon a diet of
Exalted Greater Daemons are amongst the deadliest
mortal souls, this daemon’s swollen frame seethes
and most terrifying of Daemons.
with unclean vitality.
A NURGLE GREATER DAEMON may be given one of
Increase the Adversary’s Maximum Wounds by an
these abilities, becoming an Exalted Greater Daemon.
amount equal to half their Toughness (round up).
Bountiful Gifts
Virulent Touch
Deep in this daemon’s unnatural innards is a captive
So saturated with noxious toxins and poisons is this
warp rent that leads to a near-infinite ocean of
daemon that its merest touch causes its victims to
supernatural foulness. The Great Unclean One holds
erupt into spreading masses of buboes and sores that
this tide of filth within itself, occasionally burping forth
burst and redouble until their bodies collapse under
pure warp energy, invigorating its fellows with the
the repugnant strain.
noisome stench.
Each time this Adversary makes a melee attack, if the
While this Exalted Daemon is present on the
attack hits, then the target will suffer a minimum
battlefield, the maximum number of Ruin points is
number of Wounds equal to the game’s Tier, regardless
increased by +2.
of the attack’s damage or the target’s Resilience.
Hideous Visage
Overflowing Fecundity
To look upon this creature is to see the fate of all flesh,
This daemon’s hurts are swiftly unmade amidst swift-
rotting and sloughing off the bone. Even the sternest
clotting filth and rotten regrowth.
warrior is shaken by the inevitability of decay.
Each time an attack is made against this Adversary, the
Enemies within 6m of this Exalted Daemon fail any
maximum number of Wounds inflicted is equal to the
Corruption or Resolve test where the Wrath die rolls 1,
total rolled on the attack’s ED.
2, or 3.

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Daemonic Legions
Revoltingly Resilient
Between the foul gases that belch from every rent in
this daemons diseased form, the swarms of biting
Within the hanging skulls of this accursed flail, there is
plague-mites that engulf its victims, and the slick of
a rancid rot-hole burrowing through reality itself. Down
fever-sweat and curdled pus that coats its hide, it is
these vile channels rush torrents of liquid warp-filth,
nigh on impossible for its enemies to land a clean blow.
the raw and seething slops of the Garden of Nurgle.
When rolling Determination against a melee attack, the With every ponderous swing and bludgeoning impact,
Exalted Daemon may re-roll a number of dice equal to Effluvior’s skulls spray fans of this lethal slime, causing
the game’s Tier. victims to contort as flesh, metal and bone putrefy.
Those not pulverised by the daemon’s attacks are
Relics of Nurgle
instead reduced to a slick of slime that seeps back into
These mighty artefacts are often gifted to Nurgle’s Nurgle’s metaphysical realm.
favoured servants. These mighty artefacts in turn are
often made from those of Nurgle’s champions who This replaces an Adversary’s Plague Flail.
have failed in some way, earning the ignominy of
Effluvior: (S) +4 +5ED / AP -3 / Range 7 / Salvo 0 / Blast
being bound into an inanimate form to serve another.
(3d3), Inflict (Poisoned 5)
Only one item from the list below should be given to
No Range modifiers apply to a ranged attack made with
any given Adversary under most circumstances, though
Effluvior. It cannot hit its wielder in its own Blast.
the ultimate Adversary of a Tier 4 or higher campaign
might justifiably have more than one. Horn of Nurgle’s Rot
A daemon crowned with this repulsive horn can, with
but a single touch, infect mortal victims with Nurgle’s
This fabled weapon is the physical manifestation of
Rot. Even as the afflicted lay dying, their bodies and
corruption. Constantly dripping with foul ooze, the
souls decay and deform, despair curdling their last
merest scratch from its edge is enough to lay low the
moments. What were once enemy soldiers rise anew
hardiest foe, and its toxins can effortlessly overcome
as Plaguebearers of Nurgle, and shamble to take their
even the resilience of a Space Marine.
place in the festering ranks of their fellows.
Select one melee weapon the bearer is equipped with.
For each Troop enemy this Adversary kills in melee, roll
• That weapon adds +2 ED to its damage. 1d6. On an Icon, the slain enemy is transformed into a
• If it did not already have the Inflict (Poisoned X) Plaguebearer, and will move to join the nearest
quality, it gains Inflict (Poisoned 5). Plaguebearer mob. For each Elite enemy this Adversary
• While a creature suffers from the Poisoned kills, roll 1d6. If an Exalted Icon is rolled, the slain
condition inflicted by this weapon, they cannot enemy is transformed into a Poxbringer.
roll Determination.

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Daemonic Legions

The Endless Gift Tome of a Thousand Poxes

Only the most accomplished plague daemons are How this rotten volume found its way out of the
granted the Endless Gift. A disease of unutterable diseased libraries of the scholar Ku’gath may never be
malignancy and repulsive beneficence, it changes form known, but within its foetid daemon-hide pages are the
constantly from plague to infestation to malaise. The secrets of many of that daemon’s most ruinous
one constant is its ability to reknit its sufferer’s plagues. Even the simplest infection can bloom into
corporeal form from even the most catastrophic of new and vibrant potency by using the arcane
wounds. One moment, infernal bacteria may multiply incantations it contains, each inscribed in divine ichor.
like wildfire until their gelid mass fills a fleshy rent with
fresh daemon-flesh. The next, pestilential vapours may
billow from the daemons yawning maw, veiling its The Adversary knows one additional psychic power
ravaged bulk before tattering away to reveal a form from the Warprot discipline. In addition, if the bearer
healed of its recent hurts. However it happens, the attempts to manifest a psychic power from the
longer the enemy must watch their efforts to fell the Warprot discipline and they score exactly 7 Icons on
daemon falter, the more their despair feeds into the the Psychic Mastery test, then that power cannot be
gift and increases its supernatural potency until its countered by Deny the Witch.
vessel is all but immune to banishment.

At the start of each round, the Adversary regains a

number of lost wounds equal to the number of points
of Ruin the GM possesses.
The Entropic Knell
To hear the grim tolling of this great bell upon the
winds is a death sentence, for its sound heralds the
arrival of the Plague Legions. Such is its dread power
that a single peal reverberates for long minutes,
spreading despair even over the clangour of battle.

As a simple action, the Adversary may unleash this

effect, and select enemies within a Blast (10) within
12m. Until the start of the Adversary’s next turn,
affected enemies cannot benefit from any ability or
bonus granted to them from one of their allies, and
cannot gain or spend Glory.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Legions of Slaanesh
Slaanesh's Legions of Excess strike with a sinuous they are ideal for tracking down specific quarry, for
grace, hitting the foe in a whirling blur of lithe and Slaanesh always collects its due.
bladed limbs. As they do so they are at once horrific
The flamboyant Glamiatrix Legions are the most
and alluring, mesmerising and loathsome. Slaanesh's
sorcerous, relying heavily upon psychic powers and
daemonic legions vary in composition and purpose, but
all desire to spread their lord's corruption.
The Terror Legions are a shock force, specialising in
Slaanesh uses temptation and the promise of pleasures
elaborate, gory displays of combat; they are infamous
to seduce mortals and Daemons alike, and thus are
for unleashing a barrage upon the senses that can
many brought into submission by the Dark Prince.
overwhelm weak-willed enemies.
These insidious tactics take time, however, and often a
less subtle approach is required to fulfil Slaanesh's The Legions of Eternal Punishments have no specialty,
whims. but rather call upon all the damnations of Slaanesh,
intermixing facets of magics and temptation alongside
When the souls of mortals need to be forcibly cut from
their finely honed battle-craft.
their bodies rather than given willingly, or a territory
within the Immaterium must be fought over, Slaanesh Perhaps strangest of all the
calls upon his daemonic armies -- the Legions of Excess. Legions of Excess, however,
Although Slaanesh's forces cannot match the raw are the Courante Legions. To
power of Khorne's cohorts, the resiliency of Nurgle's them, battle is but a dance;
Tallybands, or the eldritch might of their garish Daemons whirl
Tzeentch's hosts, they are possessed about one another as they slay
of a speed and lethality that is the foe in bizarrely choreographed
unequalled in the Immaterium manoeuvres. While they lack the speed
and realspace both. and pursuit of the other types of Legion of
Excess, the elegance and creativity with
A god of whims and bizarre
which each kill is carried out often capture
fancies, the Dark Prince
the favour of their divine master in a way
encourages such personal
that more practical assaults could never
fulfilment in his generals, the
hope to emulate.
Keepers of Secrets -- the dark
heart of a Legion of Excess. Beneath the Keepers of Secrets in hierarchy are the
Heralds of Slaanesh or Daemon Princes that each lead
There are also noted instances of
one of the legion's subunits, known as "cavalcades." Of
Legions of Excess being led by Daemon Princes, for
these formations there are six in total in each legion,
Slaanesh lauds the greatest of his once-mortal
for that is the sacred number most often associated
champions perhaps more so than any of his brothers.
with Slaanesh.
While some of the Dark Prince's generals are obsessive
in commanding a single type of daemonic legion, the The main body of troops in most cavalcades are the
majority will change formations as mood or need suits Lesser Daemons known as Daemonettes, the
them. handmaidens of the Lord of Pleasure. The cavalcades
of those legions with a predilection for speed or hitting
Each type of Legion of Excess varies greatly in both
power, such as Hunter or Terror Legions, will often
composition and the tactics they employ. The Flayer
include a large number of Seeker cavalry, Seeker
Legions are given over to wanton destruction, and their
Chariots and Hellflayers in support of Daemonette
many Daemonettes take great pleasure in the act.
The Hunter Legions are masters of the quick kill and are
built primarily around fast-moving cavalry and chariots;

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Soulstain Discipline
Cacophonic Choir Hysterical Frenzy
DN: 6 DN: 6
Activation: Action Activation: Action
Duration: Instant Duration: 1 Round
Range: 18m Range: 18m
Multi-Target: No Multi-Target: No
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the DAEMON and Prerequisite: Psyker must have the DAEMON and
SLAANESH keywords SLAANESH keywords
Effect: The daemon emits an ear-piercing Effect: The daemon sends a barbed lash of
chorus of warp-infused screams that erupt deranged fervour and furious bliss uncoiling
from its distended maw and shatter the sanity across the battlefield to goad its allies to
of its foes. Centre a Blast (6) on the nearest greater efforts. Select one allied mob of
enemy within range; enemies within the Blast SLAANESH LESSER DAEMONS which is visible
must pass a Resolve test (DN 4) or suffer 1 and within range. Until the start of your next
mortal Wound for each success less than the turn, the selected mob gains +2 bonus dice on
DN they scored. all melee attacks. Further, each Exalted Icon
Potency: rolled on a melee attack allows them to roll
*[2] Increase the Blast to Blast (10) one additional die (these extra dice cannot
[1] Increase the DN by +1. themselves generate extra dice).
Symphony of Pain [1] The number of bonus dice on melee attacks
DN: 6 increases by +1.
Activation: Action
Duration: 1 Round Delightful Agonies
Range: 18m DN: 5
Multi-Target: No Activation: Action
Keywords: CHAOS, SLAANESH, PSYCHIC Duration: 1 Round
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the DAEMON and Range: 18m
SLAANESH keywords Multi-Target: No
Effect: Drawing in all the screams of pain and Keywords: CHAOS, SLAANESH, PSYCHIC
pleasure from across the battlefield, the Prerequisite: Psyker must have the DAEMON and
daemon melds them into a disorienting and SLAANESH keywords
otherworldly music that beguiles even as it Effect: Manipulating the very stuff of its allies’
torments. Select all enemies within a Blast (6) corporeal manifestations, the daemon turns
within range. Until the start of your next turn, their physical hurts to euphoric stimuli,
those enemies suffer Hindered (2). allowing them to fight on even with their
Potency: physical selves in tatters. Select one allied mob
*[2] Increase the Blast to Blast (10) of SLAANESH LESSER DAEMONS which is
[2] Increase the Hindered condition by +1. visible and within range. Until the start of your
next turn, the selected mob may roll
Determination without spending Ruin.
[1] The affected mob rolls +1 die when rolling

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Pavane of Slaanesh Phantasmagoria
DN: Target’s Resolve DN: 6
Activation: Action Activation: Full Action
Duration: Sustained Duration: 1 Round
Range: 18m Range: 18m
Multi-Target: Yes Multi-Target: No
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the DAEMON and Prerequisite: Psyker must have the DAEMON and
SLAANESH keywords SLAANESH keywords
Effect: Compelled by this daemons plaintive Effect: Fixing its malevolent gaze upon its
urging, its victims begin an ever-more- chosen victims, the daemon floods their minds
desperate dance, flailing and contorting with with rapturous visions of delight and horror.
wild abandon until flesh tears and bones snap These escalate to such overwhelming heights
from the unnatural contortions. Affected that soon those foes not tearing themselves or
enemies are Restrained (unable to move but to one another to pieces instead simply drop
dance in place) and suffer 1d3 Mortal Wounds dead from insupportable sensory overload.
at the start of each of their turns they are Select enemies within Blast (10) who are visible
affected. and within range. Affected enemies must pass
Potency: a DN 5 Terror test. Those who fail, roll 1d6: on
*[2] Affected enemies become Exhausted for a 1-2, the target suffers Terror and inflicts 1d3
one round after the effect ends. Mortal Wounds on themselves, on a 3-4, the
[2] Affected enemies suffer +1 Mortal Wound. target suffers Terror and is Restrained, on a 5-
6, the target instead becomes Frenzied and
cannot tell friend from foe.
[2] Add +1 to the size of the Blast.
[2] Increase the DN of the Terror test.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Daemonettes, Lesser Daemons of Slaanesh
A Daemonette, also known as a "Maiden of Ecstasy," is
a Lesser Daemon of Slaanesh, the Prince of Pleasure.
Known as "Bringers of Joyous Degradation," DAEMONETTE OF SLAANESH
"Harbingers of Endless Delights," and "Seekers of
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
Decadence," Daemonettes are all these things and
Their physical appearance is confounding. At once SLAANESH
impossibly twisted and shamefully intriguing, the S T A I WIL INT FEL
hermaphroditic form of a Daemonette is both repulsive 6 4 6 6 4 3 5
and nearly impossible for a mortal to turn away from.
Melee: 8 (Daemonic Aura: *3 AR)
In battle, Daemonettes are lithe, dexterous killers,
Ranged: 9 (Daemonic Aura: *4 AR)
whose claws can tear their opponents to shreds, or
allure their mortal victims into their clutches.
5 8 —
Daemonettes can gift their victims with a mixture of SKILLS: Default 6, Athletics 11, Awareness 9
excruciatingly painful caresses and the most delicate (Passive 5), Persuasion 10, Weapon Skill 10
and tender of killing strokes. Even in the most BONUSES
SHE WHO THIRSTS: The Threat may re-roll any dice
gruesome of conflicts, the Daemonettes smile in secret
which roll Failures on attacks and ED against targets
ecstasy as they go about their deadly work, delighting
of the AELDARI or DRUKHARI species.
in the waves of emotion emanating from their
DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
enemies. ABILITIES
Sometimes Slaanesh is more delicate in his BATTLECRY: Swift Daemonic Terror. Anyone who
machinations, seeking to undermine the will of his can see this Threat must make a DN3 Fear Test. See
page 7. After this is resolved, the Daemon makes a
foes, tempting them from their chosen path and
normal move.
removing their opposition to his cause. Slaanesh will
ACTION: Piercing Claws: 9 +3ED / AP -2 / Rending
also despatch Daemonettes to corrupt those he wishes (1)
to enslave. Using their seductive spells, the Dance of Death: The Threat makes a Multi-Attack,
Daemonettes whisper into the dreams and nightmares reducing the DN penalty by 2.
of their victims, fuelling their darkest desires with RUIN: The Endless Dance: When the Threat makes
promises of glory and fulfilment. a Multi-Attack, it may spend 1 Ruin to reduce the
DN penalty by 4, increases its Speed by +3, and may
The warriors of the Chaos Space Fall Back as a free action so long as it is moving to
Marines are especially engage another enemy.
susceptible to this. Many a DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
would-be conqueror has roll 4d6. See page 7.
Slaanesh's handmaidens 4 3 10 Average
in the mistaken belief
they will clinch a lasting
victory, only to find it is
he who is the pawn, and
that his actions have a
terrible cost...

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Seekers of Slaanesh
Seekers, also known as the Steeds of Slaanesh, are the
daemonic mounts of Slaanesh, the Chaos God of
amoral pleasure. TIER 1 2 3 4 5
Hidden within the circles of Slaanesh's domain within KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, BEAST, SLAANESH
the Realm of Chaos are great meadows of gold and S T A I WIL INT FEL
silver that crest into rolling hills and idyllic dales. Here 6 5 7 6 5 1 2
roam herds of Steeds of Slaanesh, running uninhibited RESILIENCE
across the iridescent plains. They are incarnations of Melee: 9 (Daemonic Aura: *3 AR)
the Dark Prince's free spirit, allowed to flit and gallop Ranged: 10 (Daemonic Aura: *4 AR)
as they please. Like birds on the wing, they migrate DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
across the arcane pastures, changing direction at the 5 9 —
blink of an eye. SKILLS: Default 6, Athletics 11, Awareness 9
(Passive 5), Survival 10
A Steed of Slaanesh is a swift and powerful bipedal BONUSES
creature, with a serpentine body propelled on two SHE WHO THIRSTS: The Threat may re-roll any dice
long, muscular legs. The colour of its hide eternally which roll Failures on attacks and ED against targets
shifts from soft blues to pastel purples and gentle of the AELDARI or DRUKHARI species.
ochres. Its head is extremely narrow, little more than a CAVALRY: A Seeker is ridden by a Daemonette
slender snout with eyes, from which a tongue several (page 42). The Seeker and rider take a single shared
metres long darts. turn in combat, with one set of actions between
them. The rider may be targeted separately with a
The Steed's tongue can taste the desires of mortals, Called Shot, requiring +2 DN.
and so swollen are their sensoriums that they can trace DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
fear, joy and lust on the breeze from a kilometre away. ABILITIES
Their eyes glint with the energies of the god that BATTLECRY: Swift Daemonic Terror. Anyone who
created them. can see this Threat must make a DN3 Fear Test. See
page 7. After this is resolved, the Daemon makes a
Sometimes a Daemonette or, rarer still, a mortal normal move.
Champion of Chaos, will steal into Slaanesh's glorious ACTION: Lashing Tongue: 9 +3ED / Agonizing
pastures to secure themselves a Steed from amongst Unholy Speed: When a Seeker makes a Charge
the herds. Such an endeavour is arduous, for the beasts action, it increases its Speed by +2.
do not tire and can run at great speed for an eternity if A Daemonette rider has Piercing Claws
required, outpacing any pursuer. To succeed, the Piercing Claws: 9 +3ED / AP -2 / Rending (1)
hunter must be wily and exploit the creature's RUIN: The Endless Dance: When the Threat makes
a Multi-Attack, it may spend 1 Ruin to reduce the
insatiable curiosity.
DN penalty by 4, increases its Speed by +3, and may
Fall Back as a free action so long as it is moving to
engage another enemy.
DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
roll 5d6. See page 7.
5 4 16 Average

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Daemonic Legions
Chariots of Slaanesh
A Seeker Chariot of Slaanesh, also known as a
"Machinery of Blissful Pain," is a daemonic construct in
the form of a great war chariot used by the daemons Spd Man Res W Size
who serve Slaanesh, the Prince of Pleasure. Pulled by 14 7 13 12 Huge
the daemonic beasts known as Steeds of Slaanesh and Keywords
driven by Daemonettes, these creations have often CHAOS, DAEMON, SLAANESH, CHARIOT
seen battle in the Great Game played by the Ruinous Crew Complement
Powers for dominance within the Realm of Chaos. 1 Pilot, 1 Crew, 2 Seekers
Seeker Chariots are not subtle creations. The metal Bike, Gyro-Stabilised, Open-Topped
axles screech in disharmony akin to the wailing of Weapons Wargear
tormented souls, a terrible cacophony that ululates Scythes Daemonic Machine
between the chanting of the Daemonettes and the Spirit
lilting hoots of the Steeds. When the chariot finally
crashes home, the Daemonettes dance from yoke to
spar, laughing as their every disembowelling strike EXALTED SEEKER CHARIOT
weaves bloody trails in the air. Spd Man Res W Size
14 6 14 16 Gargantuan
The Dark Prince of Chaos prides himself on the
splendour of his decadent realm. Alas, the constant
warfare that defines the Realm of Chaos has ever Crew Complement
worked against Slaanesh's pursuit of perfection by 1 Pilot, 3 Crew, 4 Seekers
leaving corpses littering his lands. Traits
Bike, Gyro-Stabilised, Open-Topped
Thus, the variants of the Seeker Chariot known as
Weapons Wargear
Hellflayers ride across the plains of his realm, their
Exalted Scythes Daemonic Machine
blades cutting and slicing flesh into small pieces to be Spirit
devoured by the otherworldly flora.

Both the Seeker Chariot of Slaanesh and the Hellflayer

of Slaanesh are brutal, barbed creations that only the HELLFLAYER
most wicked minds could have created. They are a Spd Man Res W Size
mixture of eye-wateringly sickening spokes, claws, 14 5 13 12 Huge
threshing blades and hooked whips. Garbed in very Keywords
little, horned or blade-armed Daemonettes stand atop CHAOS, DAEMON, SLAANESH, CHARIOT
the Chariot, or on top of their great steeds. Crew Complement
1 Pilot, 2 Crew, 2 Seekers
The heads of the beasts that pull the Slaanesh Chariot Traits
and Hellflayer are armoured and horned, and their Bike, Gyro-Stabilised, Open-Topped
vicious tongues are always extended in an attempt to Weapons Wargear
capture every wisp of sensation. There exists an even Bladed Axle Daemonic Machine
more potent variant of the Seeker Chariot, known as an Spirit
Exalted Seeker Chariot, an immense construct carrying
four Daemonettes and pulled by four Seekers, not to
Name Dam ED AP Qualities
mention even more threshing blades.
Scythes 11 4 -1 Spread
Chariots of Slaanesh are normally crewed by Exalted 12 6 -1 Spread,
Daemonettes, each of which is additionally armed with Scythes Reaping
a Lash of Torment: Bladed 13 6 -2 Spread,
Axle Reaping
Lash of Torment: 11 +3ED / AP -1 / Range 3 (M) /
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Daemonic Legions
Fiends of Slaanesh
A Fiend of Slaanesh is a Daemonic Beast of Slaanesh, Even worse than this is the overwhelming sense of
the Dark Prince of Chaos. Also known as "Harbingers of sweet suffocation that haunts their every waking
Deadly Fragrance" and the "Rams of Slaanesh," Fiends moment -- a cloying, seductive scent that sends dark
of Slaanesh appear as an unholy mixture of creatures, desires into their heart and an irresistible urge that
chimerical beings from Warp-induced nightmares beckons their soul to certain destruction.
given physical shape.
Such a collage of forms should by all rights repulse the
sane mind, but Fiends exude an unnatural soporific TIER 1 2 3 4 5
musk, a heady fragrance that attracts and immobilises THREAT A E E T T
their prey. The narcotic pleasures they exude are KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, BEAST, SLAANESH
reserved only for their enemies, lacing mortal thoughts S T A I WIL INT FEL
with the most rapturous of dreams. 9 6 7 7 5 2 5
As a mortal succumbs to the pervasive sweet state of Melee: 10 (Daemonic Aura: *3 AR)
euphoria, their limbs grow heavy and their minds drift Ranged: 11 (Daemonic Aura: *4 AR)
dreamily elsewhere. It is then that Fiends close, moving DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
like a wafting breeze given form until the daemon's 6 12 —
razor-sharp claws sweep down and rend its unresisting SKILLS: Default 6, Athletics 11, Awareness 9
victim apart with luxurious care. (Passive 5), Survival 10, Weapon Skill 12
Only a superhuman feat of willpower has any hope of SHE WHO THIRSTS: The Threat may re-roll any dice
fighting through a Fiend of Slaanesh's bewitching aura, which roll Failures on attacks and ED against targets
and a mortal who somehow emerges from the of the AELDARI or DRUKHARI species.
nightmare alive will never truly be the same again. SOPORIFIC MUSK: Any non-SLAANESH creature
who begins their turn within 3m of a Fiend of
Though they recall little of the experience -- their mind Slaanesh suffers the Hindered (2) condition until the
unable to recollect the Fiend's dreams without inviting start of their next turn.
insanity -- they are left with dim impressions of DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
writhing limbs and long, lashing tongues, of inhuman ABILITIES
squeals of delight and impossible faces contorted with BATTLECRY: Swift Daemonic Terror. Anyone who
the ecstasy of pain. can see this Threat must make a DN3 Fear Test. See
page 7. After this is resolved, the Daemon makes a
normal move.
ACTION: Dissecting Claws: 12 +5ED / AP -2
If a Fiend of Slaanesh makes a multi-attack using
Dissecting Claws, it reduces the DN penalty by 2.
Barbed Tail: 12 +6ED / AP -3 / Brutal, Inflict
(Poisoned 6), Careful
REACTION: Melodic Delirium: When an enemy
PSYKER within 12m attempts to activate a psychic
power, spend 1 Ruin as a Reflexive Action; the DN
of the PSYKER’s Psychic Mastery test increases by
an amount equal to the game’s Tier.
DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
roll 6d6. See page 7.
5 4 14 Large

Page 45 of 80
Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Tormentbringer, Herald of Slaanesh
Of all the Chaos Gods, it is Slaanesh whose desires and SHE WHO THIRSTS: The Threat may re-roll any dice
practises are most like those of a mortal ruler, and to which roll Failures on attacks and ED against targets
this end it surrounds itself with a court to attend and of the AELDARI or DRUKHARI species.
entertain it. Made up of the immortal and the immoral CHAMPION: This Threat may take Ruin Actions and
alike, only those in great favour are given the honour has 3 personal Ruin.
of basking in Slaanesh's presence. DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
The more privileged a Daemonette is – the more she DAEMON Troops are within 6m, it may re-roll any
pleases the Dark Prince – the closer to its throne she is ED which roll a 1.
allowed to approach, and the most favoured of all such EVASIVE SPEED: Any ranged attack against this
Lesser Daemons of Slaanesh are instilled with a greater Threat, or any vehicle it is piloting, suffers +2 DN.
measure of divine power. These are the handmaidens, MOUNTED: A Tormentbringer is mounted upon a
Seeker Chariot, Exalted Seeker Chariot, or
fastest and most deadly of Slaanesh's courtesans,
Hellflayer, replacing one of the normal crew and
creatures of impossible grace and horrifying cruelty.
acting as the vehicle’s PILOT.
These Heralds of Slaanesh go by many names and take
many forms. BATTLECRY: Swift Daemonic Terror. Anyone who
Tormentbringers who ride the many and varied can see this Threat must make a DN4 Fear Test. See
Chariots of Slaanesh, are Daemonettes of ghastly page 7. After this is resolved, the Daemon makes a
normal move.
beauty and ecstatic cruelty. Should a foe even be able
ACTION: Ravaging Claws: 11 +4ED / AP -2 / Rending
to fire upon the Herald’s mount, they would have little
chance of landing a hit, as the Tormentbringers ride Dance of Death: The Threat makes a Multi-Attack,
these hurtling and swerving vehicles with joyous reducing the DN penalty by 4.
abandon. These Heralds are known to whoop with wild Lash of Torment: 11 +3ED / AP -1 / Range 3 (M) /
exhilaration, as they slam their Chariots into their Agonizing
enemies' ranks, which cause ecstatic eruptions of gore. Tormentbringer: As a Simple Action, the
Tormentbringer may choose a single mob of
TORMENTBRINGER Daemonettes within 6m. Until the start of the
Tormentbringer’s next turn, the chosen
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 Daemonettes add +2 dice to all melee attacks they
THREAT A A A E E attempt.
KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, HERALD, Daemonic Manifestation: See page 7.The
SLAANESH, PSYKER Tormentbringer may spend 1 Ruin as a Simple
S T A I WIL INT FEL Action to summon 1d3 Daemonettes (page 42).
7 5 7 7 6 5 6 Soulstain: The Tormentbringer may attempt to
RESILIENCE activate any psychic power it knows. It knows
Melee: 8 (Daemonic Aura: *3 AR) Smite, Psyniscience, Deny the Witch, and one
Ranged: 9 (Daemonic Aura: *4 AR) power from the Soulstain discipline (page 40).
DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK RUIN: Muse of Agony: Spend 1 Ruin to use any
6 13 — Soulstain Discipline psychic power, Smite, or Deny
SKILLS: Default 8, Athletics 13, Awareness 11 the Witch as a Ruin Action.
(Passive 6), Persuasion 12, Pilot 13 DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
BONUSES roll 5d6. See page 7.
6 5 10 Average

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Daemonic Legions
Tranceweaver, Herald of Slaanesh
Of all the Chaos Gods, it is Slaanesh whose desires and SHE WHO THIRSTS: The Threat may re-roll any dice
practises are most like those of a mortal ruler, and to which roll Failures on attacks and ED against targets
this end it surrounds itself with a court to attend and of the AELDARI or DRUKHARI species.
entertain it. Made up of the immortal and the immoral CHAMPION: This Threat may take Ruin Actions and
alike, only those in great favour are given the honour has 3 personal Ruin.
of basking in Slaanesh's presence. DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
The more privileged a Daemonette is – the more she DAEMON Troops are within 6m, it may re-roll any
pleases the Dark Prince – the closer to its throne she is ED which roll a 1.
allowed to approach, and the most favoured of all such ABILITIES
Lesser Daemons of Slaanesh are instilled with a greater BATTLECRY: Swift Daemonic Terror. Anyone who
measure of divine power. These are the handmaidens, can see this Threat must make a DN4 Fear Test. See
fastest and most deadly of Slaanesh's courtesans, page 7. After this is resolved, the Daemon makes a
normal move.
creatures of impossible grace and horrifying cruelty.
ACTION: Ravaging Claws: 11 +4ED / AP -2 / Rending
These Heralds of Slaanesh go by many names and take
many forms. Dance of Death: The Threat makes a Multi-Attack,
Tranceweavers are raw manifestations of sensory reducing the DN penalty by 4.
excess and wilful cruelty. These Daemonettes flow Tranceweaver: As a Simple Action, the
Tranceweaver may choose a single mob of
across the battlefield with inhuman grace, keening
Daemonettes within 6m. Until the start of the
gleeful war cries as they exhort their fellows to greater
Tranceweaver’s next turn, the chosen Daemonettes
acts of sadistic bliss-giving and lay enemies low with add +2 dice to all melee attacks they attempt.
the razor caress of their talons. Daemonic Manifestation: See page 7.The
Tranceweaver may spend 1 Ruin as a Simple Action
TRANCEWEAVER to summon 1d3 Daemonettes (page 42).
Soulstain: The Tranceweaver may attempt to
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
activate any psychic power it knows. It knows
Smite, Psyniscience, Deny the Witch, and one
power from the Soulstain discipline (page 40).
RUIN: Muse of Agony: Spend 1 Ruin to use any
Soulstain Discipline psychic power, Smite, or Deny
7 5 7 7 6 5 6
the Witch as a Ruin Action.
REACTION: Impossible Elegance. When targeted by
Melee: 8 (Daemonic Aura: *3 AR) an enemy melee attack, spend 1 Ruin to use this
Ranged: 9 (Daemonic Aura: *4 AR) Reflexive Action. The Threat’s Defence increases to
DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK a score equal to half (rounding up) the total
6 13 — Weapon Skill dice pool of the attacker, unless it
SKILLS: Default 8, Athletics 13, Awareness 11 would normally be higher.
(Passive 6), Persuasion 11, Weapon Skill 12 DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
BONUSES roll 5d6. See page 7.
6 5 10 Average

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Infernal Enrapturess, Herald of Slaanesh
An Infernal Enrapturess, also called a "Muse of Agony," HERALD OF SLAANESH: While friendly SLAANESH
a "Bringer of Discord" and a "Herald of the Choir DAEMON Troops are within 6m, it may re-roll any
Infernal," are Heralds of Slaanesh who play harps made ED which roll a 1.
from their victims' bodies. Playing the harp during DISCORDANT DISRUPTION: While an enemy
battles allows an Enrapturess to bolster the PSYKER is within 24m of this Threat, they suffer a
summoning of her brethren and send out sonic waves complication on Psychic Mastery tests for each
Wrath die which rolls 1, 2, or 3.
that shred her enemies.
BATTLECRY: Swift Daemonic Terror. Anyone who
INFERNAL ENRAPTURESS can see this Threat must make a DN4 Fear Test. See
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 page 7. After this is resolved, the Daemon makes a
THREAT A A A E E normal move.
7 5 7 7 6 5 6 Heartstring Lyre (Cacophony): 12 +2ED / AP -1 /
RESILIENCE Range 9-18-27 / Salvo 6 / Cacophony
Melee: 8 (Daemonic Aura: *3 AR) Heartstring Lyre (Euphonic Blast): 18 +4ED / AP -3 /
Ranged: 9 (Daemonic Aura: *4 AR) Range 12-24-36 / Salvo 0 / Cacophony
DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK Melodic Desolation: Ranged attacks made by this
6 13 — Threat are made using Persuasion instead of
Ballistic Skill.
SKILLS: Default 8, Athletics 13, Awareness 11
Harmonic Alignment: As a Simple Action, an
(Passive 6), Persuasion 11, Weapon Skill 12
Infernal Enrapturess may select one SLAANESH
SHE WHO THIRSTS: The Threat may re-roll any dice
DAEMONS within 12m. Roll 6d6. For each Icon
which roll Failures on attacks and ED against targets
rolled, a single target heals one wound, or a mob
of the AELDARI or DRUKHARI species.
gains a new member.
CHAMPION: This Threat may take Ruin Actions and
REACTION: Impossible Elegance. When targeted by
has 3 personal Ruin.
an enemy melee attack, spend 1 Ruin to use this
DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
Reflexive Action. The Threat’s Defence increases to
a score equal to half (rounding up) the total
Weapon Skill dice pool of the attacker, unless it
would normally be higher.
DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
roll 5d6. See page 7.
6 5 9 Large

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Keeper of Secrets, Greater Daemon of Slaanesh
The loathsome yet beguiling entity of the Warp known MONSTROUS CREATURE: This Threat is immune to
as a Keeper of Secrets, also sometimes referred to as a the Fear, Terror, Pinned, and Staggered conditions.
"Bringer of Temptation," or a "Feaster of Pain," is a MESMERISING FORM: The Threat’s Defence is
Greater Daemon of Slaanesh, the Chaos God of amoral increased by +2, included above.
pleasure. SHE WHO THIRSTS: The Threat may re-roll any dice
which roll Failures on attacks and ED against targets
The appearance of a Keeper of Secrets, more than any of the AELDARI or DRUKHARI species.
of the other Greater Daemons, can vary wildly. Each of ABILITIES
these huge and powerful creatures are created by the BATTLECRY: Swift Daemonic Terror. Anyone who
capricious whims of its master – a unique statement of can see this Threat must make a DN5 Terror Test.
the Prince of Chaos' particular mood and muse at the The Threat then makes a normal move.
time of the Daemon's creation. ACTION: Witstealer Sword: 15 +5ED / AP -3 / Range
2 [M] / Parry, Inflict (Hindered 2)
All of these loathsome creatures are several times the Snapping Claws: 12 +4ED / AP -4 / Rending (2),
height of an ordinary Human being. They possess Reaping
jewel-like eyes, their heads are crowned by a splendid Ritual Dagger: 11 +2ED / AP -1 / Careful, Mortal
outcrop of horns and they slither forward using the (d3)
most sinuous and seductive of movements. Dance of Death: The Threat may make one attack
with its Witstealer Sword, one attack with Snapping
Embodiments of the alluring power of pleasure, the Claws, and one with one other weapon it carries, all
very presence of a Keeper of Secrets is enough to bring as one Combat Action, without counting as a Multi-
even the most stalwart warrior to their knees in Action. It may make a Multi-Attack with one of
anguish and ecstasy. Pain is simply another sensation these weapons.
to be bestowed upon others, or to be enjoyed when Daemonic Manifestation: See page 7. The Keeper
of Secrets may spend 1 Ruin as a Simple Action to
others inflict it, for all sensation is a blessing to a
summon a mob of 10 Daemonettes or a mob of 3
Keeper of Secrets.
Seekers of Slaanesh.
Soulstain: The Keeper of Secrets may attempt to
KEEPER OF SECRETS activate any psychic power it knows. It knows
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 Smite, Psyniscience, Deny the Witch, and two
THREAT A A A A A powers from the Soulstain discipline (page 40).
SLAANESH, PSYKER, MONSTER its Ritual Knife with a Living Whip, a Shining Aegis,
S T A I WIL INT FEL or a Sinistrous Hand.
9 12 9 9 8 7 10 Living Whip: 12 +4ED / AP -2 / Range 6 (M) /
RESILIENCE Agonizing, Inflict (Restrained)
Melee: 16 (Daemonic Aura: *3 AR) Shining Aegis: The Threat’s Defence and Resilience
are both increased by +1.
Ranged: 17 (Daemonic Aura: *4 AR)
Sinistrous Hand: 11 +2ED / AP -1 / Careful
Life Leech: If an enemy is slain by the Keeper of
10 22 —
Secrets’ Sinistrous Hand, it regains 1d3+2 Wounds.
SKILLS: Default 12, Awareness 13 (Passive 7),
RUIN: Dark Temptations: Spend 1 Ruin to make a
Insight 16, Leadership 14, Persuasion 16, Psychic
Persuasion Interaction Attack as a Ruin Action. Any
Mastery 14, Weapon Skill 13
target affected must also pass a DN6 Corruption
AVATAR OF TEMPTATION: At the start of each of
DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
the Keeper of Secrets’ turns, add 1d3 to Ruin.
roll 12d6. See page 7.
CHAMPION: This Threat may take Ruin Actions and
has 6 personal Ruin.
8 7 16 Gargantuan
DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
DAEMON Troops are within 6m, they may re-roll
any die which rolls a 1 on any attack they attempt.
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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
The Masque of Slaanesh
The Masque of Slaanesh, also known simply as The CHAMPION: This Threat may take Ruin Actions and
Masque, is the most infamous Daemonette and Herald has 5 personal Ruin.
of Slaanesh to have ever plagued the sentient DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
creatures of the galaxy. HERALD OF SLAANESH: While friendly SLAANESH
DAEMON Troops are within 6m, it may re-roll any
Once the Chaos God Slaanesh's favoured dancer and ED which roll a 1.
chief handmaiden, she was cast out by her master, and DAZZLING ACROBATICS: This Threat ignores
cursed to forever difficult terrain, and they may ignore obstacles of
dance through the up to 2m when moving. It may stand from prone as
Materium and a free action, and uses Agility rather than Strength
Immaterium alike. to determine jump distances. It may Fall Back as a
Free Action at the start of their turn.
The Masque has THE MURDERDANCE: Each time this Adversary takes
turned this curse the Charge action, if they make a Multi-Attack,
into a potent reduce the DN penalty by twice the game’s Tier.
weapon, forcing any ABILITIES
being she manages BATTLECRY: Swift Daemonic Terror. Anyone who
to seduce with her can see this Threat must make a DN4 Fear Test. See
hypnotic dance to page 7. After this is resolved, the Daemon makes a
normal move.
join her
ACTION: Ravaging Claws: 11 +4ED / AP -2 / Rending
performance until
the unfortunate The Dance Eternal: When The Masque makes a
soul drops dead melee attack, reduce the DN penalty of a Multi-
from exhaustion. Attack by 2, and select one of the following:
• Enemies hit by The Masque’s attack suffer
the Vulnerable condition.
• Enemies hit by The Masque’s attack suffer
THE MASQUE OF SLAANESH the Hindered condition.
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 Daemonic Manifestation: See page 7. The Masque
THREAT A A A E E may spend 1 Ruin as a Simple Action to summon
KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, HERALD, SLAANESH 1d3 Daemonettes (page 42).
S T A I WIL INT FEL RUIN: The Endless Dance: When the Threat makes
7 5 8 8 6 5 6 a Multi-Attack, it may spend 1 Ruin to reduce the
RESILIENCE DN penalty by 4, increases its Speed by +3, and may
Melee: 9 (Daemonic Aura: *4 AR) Fall Back as a free action so long as it is moving to
Ranged: 9 (Daemonic Aura: *4 AR) engage another enemy.
DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK REACTION: Impossible Elegance. When targeted by
7 13 — an enemy melee attack, spend 1 Ruin to use this
SKILLS: Default 8, Athletics 13, Awareness 11 Reflexive Action. The Threat’s Defence increases to
(Passive 6), Persuasion 11, Weapon Skill 12 a score equal to half (rounding up) the total
BONUSES Weapon Skill dice pool of the attacker, unless it
SHE WHO THIRSTS: The Threat may re-roll any dice would normally be higher.
which roll Failures on attacks and ED against targets DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
of the AELDARI or DRUKHARI species. The Masque roll 5d6. See page 7.
of Slaanesh adds +2 bonus dice on all attacks CONVICTION RESOLVE SPEED SIZE
against HARLEQUINS. 6 5 10 Average

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Shalaxi Helbane, Greater Daemon of Slaanesh
Shalaxi Helbane, called the "Monarch of the Hunt," is a QUICKSILVER DUELLIST: Each time this Adversary
Keeper of Secrets, a Greater Daemon of Slaanesh. makes a melee attack, it may re-roll any dice which
Hellbane is a peerless hunter whose favoured prey is roll 1 on the attack. If the attack is made against a
nothing less than the greatest champions of the other Player Character or an Adversary NPC, the Adversary
Dark Gods. may also re-roll the attack’s ED.
Shalaxi is the embodiment of Slaanesh's eternal, BATTLECRY: Swift Daemonic Terror. Anyone who
furious feud with the Blood God, Khorne, and was in can see this Threat must make a DN5 Terror Test.
many ways created by Slaanesh from its own essence The Threat then makes a normal move.
to slay Bloodthirsters with contemptuous ease. ACTION: Soulpiercer: 15 +5ED / AP -3 / Range 2 [M]
/ Parry, Inflict (Hindered 2)
To Slaanesh, defeating a rival deity in their own Snapping Claws: 12 +4ED / AP -4 / Rending (2),
obsession is to secure an unforgettable victory. Reaping
Living Whip: 12 +4ED / AP -2 / Range 6 (M) /
Shalaxi has slain countless Greater Daemons, as well as Agonizing, Inflict (Restrained)
warrior kings, tyrants and any other Chaos warlords Dance of Death: The Threat may make one attack
who have grown powerful enough to spark the with Soul piercer, one attack with Snapping Claws,
irritation of the Dark Prince. and one with its Living Whip, all as one Combat
Action, without counting as a Multi-Action. It may
SHALAXI HELBANE make a Multi-Attack with one of these weapons.
Daemonic Manifestation: See page 7. Shalaxi
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 Helbane may spend 1 Ruin as a Simple Action to
THREAT A A A A A summon a mob of 10 Daemonettes or a mob of 3
SLAANESH, PSYKER, MONSTER Soulstain: Shalaxi Helbane may attempt to activate
S T A I WIL INT FEL any psychic power it knows. It knows Smite,
9 12 9 9 8 7 10 Psyniscience, Deny the Witch, and two powers from
RESILIENCE the Soulstain discipline (page 40).
Melee: 16 (Daemonic Aura: *3 AR) ACTION OPTIONS: Shalaxi Helbane may replace its
Ranged: 17 (Daemonic Aura: *4 AR) Living Whip with a Shining Aegis.
DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK Shining Aegis: The Threat’s Defence and Resilience
10 22 — are both increased by +1.
SKILLS: Default 12, Awareness 13 (Passive 7), RUIN: Dark Temptations: Spend 1 Ruin to make a
Insight 16, Leadership 14, Persuasion 14, Psychic Persuasion Interaction Attack as a Ruin Action. Any
Mastery 14, Weapon Skill 16 target affected must also pass a DN6 Corruption
AVATAR OF PRIDE: At the start of each of the REACTION: Monarch of the Hunt. When an enemy
Keeper of Secrets’ turns, add 1d3 to Ruin. takes the Charge action and concludes their move
CHAMPION: This Threat may take Ruin Actions and within 6 metres of Shalaxi Helbane, it may spend 1
has 6 personal Ruin. Ruin as a Reflexive Action to move up to its Speed
DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7 towards that enemy to engage them and make a
LORD OF SLAANESH: While friendly SLAANESH melee attack before the enemy makes their attack.
DAEMON Troops are within 6m, they may re-roll It is considered to be charging for the purposes of
any die which rolls a 1 on any attack they attempt. this attack.
MONSTROUS CREATURE: This Threat is immune to DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
the Fear, Terror, Pinned, and Staggered conditions. roll 12d6. See page 7.
MESMERISING FORM: The Threat’s Defence is Cloak of Constriction. Re-roll any dice which roll 1
increased by +2, included above. on the Daemon’s Determination rolls.
which roll Failures on attacks and ED against targets 8 7 16 Gargantuan
of the AELDARI or DRUKHARI species.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Slaanesh Adversaries
Slaanesh Daemon Adversaries are beings of temptation and excess, who exist only to corrupt and defile all they
encounter. Naturally, this means that Player Characters will be required to foil their plots, and the beings behind these
plots are likely to take numerous forms as disturbingly alluring as their god. This section provides several powerful
relics and a few additional abilities which can be applied to Slaanesh Daemon Adversaries to make them more distinct
and memorable in your campaign.

Adversary Traits Savage Hedonist

The following abilities can be applied to a SLAANESH This daemon is a glutton for violence, striking ever
DAEMON Adversary. Only one such trait should be harder to maintain the thrill of combat.
applied to any given Adversary. The first three of these At the start of the second, and each subsequent, round
abilities—Warp Mists, Fatal Caress, and The of combat, add +1 to the Adversary’s Strength, and to
Murderdance—are suitable for any SLAANESH the Damage rating of its melee attacks.
DAEMON, while the others are suitable only for
Even the most disciplined warriors succumb to this
Warp Mists daemon’s beguilement, all thoughts lost in a haze of
The stuff of the warp clings to this daemon’s form, hallucinatory desire.
swirling around it like iridescent silks.
Any non-SLAANESH creature which begins its turn
While this Adversary is present on the battlefield, the within 6m of this Adversary suffers the Hindered and
maximum number of Ruin points is increased by +2. Vulnerable conditions until the start of their next turn.
Fatal Caress
Exalted Greater Daemons
With a swift flick of a blade or razor-sharp claw, this
The mightiest of Greater Daemons are entities as
daemon can inflict agonising pleasures that drive the
infamous and dreaded as the Gods they serve. These
victim instantly insane.
Exalted Greater Daemons are amongst the deadliest
Each time this Adversary makes a melee attack, if the and most terrifying of Daemons.
attack scores a Wrath Critical, the target may not roll
A SLAANESH GREATER DAEMON may be given one of
Determination against any damage inflicted.
these abilities, becoming an Exalted Greater Daemon.
The Murderdance
Diaphanous Panoply
A performer in the maniacal dance of death, this
Though the smooth flesh and flowing silken finery of
daemon hacks and cavorts its way through the enemy
this daemon appear almost delicate, they are as
ranks without ever missing a step.
impenetrable as a mind lost to the deepest throes of
Each time this Adversary takes the Charge action, if addiction. Even the largest calibre shots rebound from
they make a Multi-Attack, reduce the DN penalty by them as though the blows were no more than the kiss
twice the game’s Tier. of a perfumed breeze.
Quicksilver Duellist Each time a ranged attack is made against this Exalted
A corporeal embodiment of arrogance, this daemon Daemon, the number of ED rolled for that attack’s
redoubles its efforts when humbling an enemy damage is halved (rounding up).

Each time this Adversary makes a melee attack, it may

re-roll any dice which roll 1 on the attack. If the attack
is made against a Player Character or an Adversary
NPC, the Adversary may also re-roll the attack’s ED.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Epicurean of Agonies The Mark of Excess
It is in this daemon’s gift to know the innermost A daemon favoured with Slaanesh’s own mark of
secrets, the most desperate desires and deeply excess faces an existence of constant, desperate
harboured fears of all those it looks upon. It delights in addiction. Whenever the cursed recipient sheds the
exploiting such stolen insights to maximise the lifeblood of a worthy foe it is rewarded by a sensory
torments of its victims, dissecting their bodies with explosion of bliss so all-consuming that the daemon
precise, nerve-shredding blows even as it drowns their will fight harder than ever to feel such sensations again.
minds in sadistic illusions that leave them all but unable
The Daemon’s Weapon Skill is increased by +2. Each
to resist.
time it makes a melee attack which kills a Player
Each time this Exalted Daemon makes a melee attack, Character, Adversary NPC, Monster, or which destroys
each Exalted Icon rolled grants the Daemon a bonus die a Vehicle, it adds a further +1 Weapon Skill; this is
on the attack. These bonus dice cannot themselves cumulative.
generate extra dice.
Insatiable Onslaught This gluttonous blade gulps down the souls of its
The unfulfilled desires of myriad desperate souls surge victims before invigorating the corporeal form of its
through this daemon, filling it with a ravenous appetite wielder. Its greed stems from the starving Keeper of
for cruelty and slaughter that drives it on with ever- Secrets bound within - an arrogant entity that sought
greater urgency. to devour enough Aeldari souls to challenge Slaanesh
itself. As punishment for the daemon’s monstrous
Add +2 to the Exalted Daemon’s Speed when it runs,
hubris, Slaanesh trapped it within Soulstealer,
sprints, or charges.
condemning the Keeper of Secrets to sustain other
Relics of Slaanesh daemons with its frenzied appetite while retaining
These mighty artefacts are often gifted to Slaanesh’s nothing for itself.
favoured servants. These mighty artefacts in turn are This replaces the Daemon’s Witstealer Sword or
often made from those of Slaanesh’s champions who Hellforged Sword.
have failed in some way, earning the ignominy of
being bound into an inanimate form to serve another. Soulstealer: S+6 +6ED / AP -3 / Range 2 [M] / Parry,
Inflict (Hindered 2)
Only one item from the list below should be given to
any given Adversary under most circumstances, though Each time a creature is slain by an attack with this
the ultimate Adversary of a Tier 4 or higher campaign weapon, the bearer heals 1d3 Wounds. Each time the
might justifiably have more than one. bearer makes an attack with this weapon against an
AELDARI or DRUKHARI character, the attack gains the
The Forbidden Gem
Mortal (1) quality as well.
This gem was the purest diamond in the Aeldari empire
in the time before the Fall. It was a source of jealous Slothful Claws
pride to its keeper, a noble by the name of Ydrisyll, who Formed from the essence of a Keeper of Secrets, these
spent increasing amounts of time transfixed by its claws have taken many guises and been bound to the
beauty. One of Slaanesh’s first deeds after his corporeal forms of countless daemons. The slightest
apocalyptic birth was to capture Ydrisyll’s soul and cage scratch from them imparts a smothering lethargy that
it within the very gem he once so coveted. Gazing upon weighs heavy on limbs, mind and soul alike, leaving
this corrupted diamond now inspires uncontrollable victims mired in blissful lassitude.
jealousy, leaving mortal senses hopelessly addled.
This alters the Ravaging Claws or Snapping Claws of the
When the bearer makes a Persuasion Interaction Daemon.
Attack, if the attack is successful then the target is also
The Daemon’s claws inflict +2ED damage and gain the
Exhausted until the start of your next turn.
Agonizing quality.

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Daemonic Legions
Silverstrike Whip of Agony
The blinding speed with which this blade flicks out This twitching lash coils lazily and deceptively around
makes it appear as if it does not even occupy the space its master’s limbs, lurking innocently like a hidden
between thrust and strike. This swiftness makes the compulsion until willed into a serpentine strike. The
weird languor the blade inflicts on its victims seem all Whip of Agony exudes a psychic poison, linking its
the more grotesque by comparison, those struck sentience with the nerves of any it touches. With the
responding with slow and witless smiles even as their connection made, the whip’s febrile imagination pours
flesh peels apart or their limbs thump heavily to the pain and horror into the sensoria of its victims.
This alters a Living Whip or Lash of Torment wielded by
This replaces the Daemon’s Witstealer Sword. the Daemon.

Silverstrike: S+7 +6ED / AP -3 / Range 2 [M] / Parry, The weapon gains the Fleshbane and Reaping qualities.
Inflict (Hindered 3)

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Legions of Tzeentch
The air fills with kaleidoscopic bursts of magical energy Others favour the Legions Anarchus, which are far less
as the convocations of the Great Conspirator predictable in composition and specialise in sudden
materialise for battle. To mortal eyes, the different and wholly unexpected incursions.
daemonic legions of Tzeentch are impossible to
Those Greater Daemons who are masters of duplicity
distinguish, each one as bizarre as the next, yet there is
will lead one of the Veiled Legions; the most
method within the madness -- although none save the
mysterious of Tzeentch's forces, these surface rarely
Architect of Fate himself could truly comprehend it.
and are almost never brought to battle and slip off
While Tzeentch prefers to further his ends through unseen after their plan's culmination.
sorcery or schemes, there will often be no better
Each of Tzeentch's daemonic legions is divided into
alternative than force to achieve his goals. Thus are
nine hosts, and these are directed in battle by Daemon
Tzeentch's Daemon legions deployed, armies unlike
Princes and Heralds such as Changecasters,
anything seen in realspace.
Fluxmasters and Fateskimmers. The leaders of the
These convocations go to war in a capering, bounding, hosts compete to attract more praise from the Lord of
spell-wielding carnival of violence, obliterating foes Change that commands them, and even between the
with hellfire and change-magics. Unlike the militant legions, there is no end to the machinations as rival
cohorts of Khorne or the cyclical forces that serve Lords of Change plot against one another and sabotage
Nurgle, Tzeentch's legions are often in flux, shifting each other's plans.
composition or altering tactics to better serve their
It is another game within the Great Game, and one
beloved most by the Great Schemer himself, who
Each Scintillating Legion is commanded by one of frequently weighs the tributes paid to him and
Tzeentch's Greater Daemons, a Lord of Change, each proclaims his judgement. Thus do the sigils of each
utterly dedicated to their master's cause. A Lord of Daemon legion dance across the Pyramid of Yrch deep
Change is granted great independence to operate, and in the Crystal Labyrinth, blazing into a new order of
with the help of their advisers and champions, they will countenance.
command a legion suited to their own proclivities.
It is a hierarchy that moves often, but the nine most
Those that love to bask in the glow of destruction might favoured daemonic legions are each granted control of
head a Conflagration Legion—a force centred around one of the Fractal Fortresses that tower over the
formations of Flamers, capable of wielding the most Crystal Labyrinth, an honour all Tzeentch's servants
powerful of Warp-flames. desire to attain.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Pandaemoniac Discipline
Boon of Change Gaze of Fate
DN: 5 DN: 6
Activation: Action Activation: Action
Duration: 1 Round Duration: Instant
Range: 18m Range: Self
Multi-Target: No Multi-Target: No
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the DAEMON and Prerequisite: Psyker must have the DAEMON and
TZEENTCH keywords TZEENTCH keywords
Effect: As the daemon chants, its minions Effect: Using its powers of precognition to
begin to twist and new forms take shape as the unravel the strands of destiny, this daemon
will of Tzeentch demands. Select a number of extracts secrets from the sea of souls and
allies with the TZEENTCH keyword within range channels them through its own potent form.
equal to your Willpower. The affected allies Immediately add 2 to Ruin.
gain a random boon until the start of your next Potency:
turn: roll 1d3 to determine the effect. On a 1, [3] Add a further +1 to Ruin.
gain extra limbs: +2 Speed and reduce Multi-
Action DN penalty by 2. On a 2, gain mystical Treason of Tzeentch
strength: +1 Strength and +1 Damage to melee DN: Target’s Resolve
attacks. On a 3, gain a resilient hide: add +1 to Activation: Action
Toughness, which adds +1 to Resilience, Duration: 1 Round
Wounds, and Determination. Range: 18m
Potency: Multi-Target: Yes
*[3] Choose the result rather than rolling 1d3. Keywords: CHAOS, TZEENTCH, PSYCHIC
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the DAEMON and
Bolt of Change TZEENTCH keywords
DN: Target’s Toughness Effect: The psyker reaches into the mind of its
Activation: Action victim, subverting their will and turning them
Duration: Instant upon their own allies. Target one enemy within
Range: 18m range. If the power is effective, the target
Multi-Target: No either suffers 1d3 Mortal Wounds or takes an
Keywords: CHAOS, TZEENTCH, PSYCHIC action under the Psyker’s control immediately.
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the DAEMON and The affected creature can only take actions as
TZEENTCH keywords if Exhausted.
Effect: The daemon unleashes a bolt of warp Potency:
energy that afflicts the foe with sickening and [2] The number of Mortal Wounds inflicted is
uncontrollable mutations. Target one visible increased by +1.
enemy within range. If the power is effective, [1] Any test made by the target creature when
roll 9d6. For each Icon rolled, the target suffers controlled gains +1 bonus dice.
1 Mortal Wound, and must pass a Corruption
Test with a DN equal to the number of Wounds
*[2] If the target is slain, they mutate into a
Chaos Spawn.
[1] If any Exalted Icons are rolled, one other
enemy within 3m of the target suffers 1 Mortal

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Daemonic Legions
Infernal Flames Infernal Gateway
DN: 6 DN: 7
Activation: Action Activation: Action
Duration: 1 Round Duration: Sustained
Range: 18m Range: 18m
Multi-Target: No Multi-Target: No
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the DAEMON and Prerequisite: Psyker must have the DAEMON and
TZEENTCH keywords TZEENTCH keywords
Effect: Cackling madly, the psyker’s minions Effect: Opening a portal to the warp, this
are wreathed in pink and blue flames that leap daemon creates a tear in the fabric of the
forth to consume their foes. Select a number of mortal plane that sucks foes into certain
allies with the TZEENTCH keyword within range oblivion. Select a visible location within range.
equal to your Willpower, or a single mob of A rift opens centred on that point. Any enemy
TZEENTCH Troops. Until the start of the within 3m of that rift when this power is
Psyker’s next turn, the affected allies add +2ED activated, or at the start of their turn, must
to the damage of any ranged attacks they pass a DN 3 Strength test or be dragged 1d3m
attempt. towards the centre, and suffers the Staggered
Potency: condition until the end of their next turn. An
*[2] Add the Brutal quality to any ranged enemy at the centre of the rift suffers 1d3
attacks the target allies use. Mortal Wounds instead of being dragged
[1] Target allies’ ranged attack inflict an extra closer.
+1ED. Potency:
[2] Enemies at the centre of the rift suffer +1
Mortal Wound.
[1] +1 DN to Strength test.
[2] Add +1m to distance the rift affects people.

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Daemonic Legions
Pink Horrors, Lesser Daemons of Tzeentch
To describe a daemonic Horror is all but impossible, for high-pitched merriment as the eldritch energy
they are pure Chaos unbound, given capering and screeches from their upraised hands.
energetic form by the will of Tzeentch. The Lesser
When wounded, a Pink Horror exhales a final lunatic
Daemons called Horrors are often used as daemonic
cackle before rapidly decomposing into an ectoplasmic
slaves by the Greater Daemons called Lords of Change.
blob of gyrating magic. With a characteristic whoop of
They do not have static material bodies, sometimes satisfaction, this residue swiftly alters colour and
taking on a discernible form, at others blurring into a divides into two Blue Horrors.
frantic mass of colour as they dash and scramble across
the battlefield. PINK HORROR
The principal weapon of the Lesser Daemon of TIER 1 2 3 4 5
Tzeentch is not its scrabbling claws or the gaping, fang- THREAT A E E T T
lined maw that sits amidst its rubbery torso, though KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, LESSER DAEMON,
one bitten or scratched by a Horror will be forever TZEENTCH, PSYKER
changed by the experience. Instead, it is the raw Warp S T A I WIL INT FEL
energy that flows in the creature's veins. With a 4 4 4 4 4 4 2
cackled word or gibbered phrase, the Horror throws
Melee: 7 (Daemonic Aura: *2 AR)
balls of multicoloured flame at the enemy. Where
Ranged: 10 (Daemonic Aura: *5 AR)
these strike home they do not merely burn, but also
wreak the most disturbing and peculiar changes,
3 8 —
turning enemies to statues of screaming glass, to SKILLS: Default 6, Awareness 9 (Passive 5), Psychic
clouds of butterflies with anguished human faces, to Mastery 9
strains of maddening music, mewling infants or horrific BONUSES
mounds of tentacled flesh. Only Tzeentch can know FLAMES OF TZEENTCH: The Threat uses Psychic
what strange fate awaits those kissed by Warpfire; Mastery instead of Ballistic Skill when making
even the Horrors themselves are oblivious and take ranged attacks.
great joy in each sanity-shattering change as it is DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
wrought. ABILITIES
BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
Pink Horrors are identified by their luminescent pink this Threat must make a DN3 Fear Test. See page 7.
skin and their high-pitched squeals of laughter. ACTION: Claws and Teeth: 6 +2ED
Coruscating Flames: 10 +1ED / AP -1 / Range 9-18-
They whirl about in a frantic and barely controlled
27 / Salvo 2 / Assault, Corrupting, Inflict (On Fire)
ecstasy, all the while giggling insanely. Flashes of Psychic Minions: The Pink Horror attempts to use
energy dart from the Pink Psyniscience.
Horrors' fingertips as they RUIN: Minions of Magic: When the Threat makes a
leap across the battlefield, ranged attack, it gains the Rending (3) quality.
consuming the enemy ANNIHILATION: Exploding Horrors. When this
in Warp-fire. The Threat is defeated, roll 1d6: if an Icon is rolled, two
casting of these spells Blue Horrors appear in its place. If an Exalted Icon is
fills Pink Horrors with rolled, an Engaged enemy suffers 1 Mortal Wound,
increased joy, and and then two Blue Horrors appear.
4 3 6 Average

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Daemonic Legions
Blue Horrors, Lesser Daemons of Tzeentch
Blue Horrors are diminutive
replicas of their parent Daemon,
though their temperament is BLUE HORROR
quite different. They are sullen
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
and malicious, like evil-
tempered children, and wear KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, LESSER DAEMON,
perpetual scowls as they sneer TZEENTCH, PSYKER
and grumble their way through a S T A I WIL INT FEL
battle. 2 3 5 4 3 3 1
Once spawned, Blue Horrors swiftly
Melee: 6 (Daemonic Aura: *2 AR)
re-join their fellows, adding a
Ranged: 8 (Daemonic Aura: *4 AR)
deeper whining note to the
incessant chortling of the group as
4 5 —
they attempt to grapple with SKILLS: Default 4, Awareness 7 (Passive 4), Psychic
enemies and squeeze the life from Mastery 7
FLAMES OF TZEENTCH: The Threat uses Psychic
Mastery instead of Ballistic Skill when making
ranged attacks.
DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
this Threat must make a DN3 Fear Test. See page 7.
ACTION: Claws and Teeth: 4 +2ED
Coruscating Flames: 8 +1ED / AP -1 / Range 9-18-27
/ Salvo 2 / Assault, Corrupting, Inflict (On Fire)
Psychic Minions: The Blue Horror attempts to use
RUIN: Minions of Magic: When the Threat makes a
ranged attack, it gains the Rending (3) quality.
ANNIHILATION: Exploding Horrors. When this
Threat is defeated, roll 1d6: if an Icon is rolled, two
Brimstone Horrors appear in its place. If an Exalted
Icon is rolled, an Engaged enemy suffers 1 Mortal
Wound, and then two Brimstone Horrors appear.
3 2 6 Small

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Daemonic Legions
Brimstone Horrors, Lesser Daemons of Tzeentch
Just as a dying Pink Horror splits into two lesser
incarnations, a slain Blue Horror will split once more
into a pair of Brimstone Horrors. Named for a stench so BRIMSTONE HORROR
strong it offends even other Daemons, these
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
diminutive Warp creatures may look bright and
whimsical, but they are in truth spiteful and vindictive. KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, LESSER DAEMON,
They realize that the glories of authority and TZEENTCH, PSYKER
prominence are forever beyond them. S T A I WIL INT FEL
To make themselves feel better, they burn everything 1 3 5 4 2 2 1
they come across by hurling magical flame -- to a
Melee: 6 (Daemonic Aura: *2 AR)
Brimstone Horror, Warpfire is the great leveller. Those
Ranged: 7 (Daemonic Aura: *3 AR)
that try to extinguish them or stamp them out are
quickly surrounded, the Brimstone Horrors joining
5 1 —
hands in an incandescent ring around them and singing SKILLS: Default 2, Awareness 5 (Passive 3), Psychic
mocking songs as they turn their victims into blazing Mastery 6
pillars of flame. BONUSES
FLAMES OF TZEENTCH: The Threat uses Psychic
Mastery instead of Ballistic Skill when making
ranged attacks.
DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
this Threat must make a DN3 Fear Test. See page 7.
ACTION: Claws and Teeth: 3 +2ED
Coruscating Flames: 6 +1ED / AP -1 / Range 9-18-27
/ Salvo 2 / Assault, Corrupting, Inflict (On Fire)
Psychic Minions: The Brimstone Horror attempts to
use Psyniscience.
RUIN: Minions of Magic: When the Threat makes a
ranged attack, it gains the Rending (3) quality.
2 1 6 Tiny

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Daemonic Legions
Flamers of Tzeentch
A Flamer, also called the "Pyrodaemons of Tzeentch,"
"Keepers of the True Flame of Change," "Bearers of the
True Flame of Change," or "Candelabra Mutationi" are FLAMER OF TZEENTCH
Lesser Daemons of Tzeentch.
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
Flamers are amongst the strangest and most disturbing THREAT A A E E T
of all Tzeentch's Daemons, and their absurd KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, TZEENTCH, PSYKER
physiologies are more than most mortals can stand. S T A I WIL INT FEL
9 5 6 5 5 4 1
The body of a Flamer is a headless conical torso. It has RESILIENCE
two long arms, both terminating in fingerless stumps, Melee: 8 (Daemonic Aura: *2 AR)
which are adorned with razor-sharp teeth and Ranged: 11 (Daemonic Aura: *5 AR)
flickering tongues, and continuously belching acrid and DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
sulphuric smoke. 4 11 —
SKILLS: Default 6, Awareness 9 (Passive 4), Psychic
In spite of their unnatural, awkward appearance, Mastery 9
Flamers are agile creatures. They have no feet, but BONUSES
instead move by bumping and hopping around, leaping FLAMES OF TZEENTCH: The Threat uses Psychic
high in the air in a disturbing and gravity-defying Mastery instead of Ballistic Skill when making
fashion. ranged attacks.
DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
This unusual method of locomotion allows the Flamers ABILITIES
to bound over low obstacles or even bounce across BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
bodies of water with little effort. this Threat must make a DN4 Fear Test. See page 7.
ACTION: Pseudopods: 11 +2ED
They may even appear amusing to the unknowing
Coruscating Flames: 12 +1ED / AP -2 / Range 6-12-
observer, but laughter soon turns to panic as the
18 / Salvo 3 / Assault, Corrupting, Flamer
Flamers suddenly close in at unexpected speed, the Psychic Minions: The Flamer attempts to use
multi-coloured Warpflames that dribble constantly Psyniscience.
from their outstretched arm-stumps roaring to life like RUIN: Burning Warpfire: When the Threat makes a
living blowtorches as the Daemons attack. ranged attack, it may make a second ranged attack
immediately after.
DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
roll 5d6. See page 7.
5 4 12 Flight Average

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Daemonic Legions
Exalted Flamer of Tzeentch
Exalted Flamers are champions of their kind and exude
Warp energies and change-magic from every pore of
their fungoid flesh. They are far more capable of EXALTED FLAMER OF TZEENTCH
independent thought than their lesser kin, and often
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
lead other Flamers or Horrors into battle.
The fires of Tzeentch manifested by these beings are KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, TZEENTCH, PSYKER
more powerful and varied than those of typical S T A I WIL INT FEL
Flamers, coming in two distinct varieties, each with its 11 6 6 5 6 5 1
own corresponding colour: singular blasts of blue that RESILIENCE
Melee: 9 (Daemonic Aura: *2 AR)
have greater range and striking force, and gouts of pink
Ranged: 12 (Daemonic Aura: *5 AR)
that cover a wider area and can slay more creatures at
4 14 —
Should any foe survive these ranged attacks and draw SKILLS: Default 6, Awareness 9 (Passive 4), Psychic
close, the Exalted Flamer will attempt to bite them with Mastery 9
its fire-ringed maw, lashing out with its formidable BONUSES
tongue of flame. BLAZING WARPFIRE: Any Flamers of Tzeentch
within 6m of an Exalted Flamer add +2ED to the
Some Exalted Flamers are found operating Burning damage of their ranged attacks.
Chariots of Tzeentch, serving either as the sole crew- CHAMPION: This Threat may take Ruin Actions and
being, or accompanied by a trio of Blue Horrors. has 1 personal Ruin.
FLAMES OF TZEENTCH: The Threat uses Psychic
Mastery instead of Ballistic Skill when making
ranged attacks.
Spd Man Res W Size DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
14 6 13 12 Huge ABILITIES
Keywords BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
CHAOS, DAEMON, TZEENTCH, CHARIOT this Threat must make a DN4 Fear Test. See page 7.
Crew Complement ACTION: Pseudopods: 11 +2ED
1 Pilot, 3 Crew, 2 Screamers Blue Fire of Tzeentch: 18 +3ED / AP -4 / Range 9-
Traits 18-27 / Salvo 3 / Assault, Corrupting
Bike, Gyro-Stabilised, Hover, Open-Topped, Turbo Pink Fire of Tzeentch: 14 +1ED / AP -2 / Range 6-12-
Boost (9) 18 / Salvo 2 / Assault, Corrupting, Flamer
Weapons Wargear Psychic Minions: The Flamer attempts to use
None Daemonic Machine Psyniscience.
Spirit RUIN: Burning Warpfire: When the Threat makes a
ranged attack using Pink Fire of Tzeentch, it may
make a second ranged attack with Pink Fire of
Tzeentch immediately after.
DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
roll 5d6. See page 7.
6 5 10 Flight Large

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Daemonic Legions
Screamers of Tzeentch
A Screamer, often referred to as a Screamer of
Tzeentch or Sky-shark, is a daemonic beast of Tzeentch
who resembles the mythical rays and skates that once SCREAMER OF TZEENTCH
inhabited the oceans of ancient Terra.
TIER 1 2 3 4 5
How these Daemons remain aloft is something of a THREAT E E T T T
mystery, and they can navigate planetary KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, BEAST, TZEENTCH,
atmospheres, the void of space, and the Immaterium PSYKER
with equal ease and speed. Some have theorised that S T A I WIL INT FEL
they fly upon or swim through ambient Warp energy 6 5 9 6 5 3 1
rather than upon actual air or water.
Melee: 8 (Daemonic Aura: *2 AR)
As they fly, Screamers leave behind contrails of multi- Ranged: 11 (Daemonic Aura: *5 AR)
coloured sparks, and they emit the piercing, high- DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
frequency whine that gives these creatures their name. 5 7 —
The few who have fought these creatures and survived SKILLS: Default 6, Awareness 9 (Passive 4), Weapon
explain that the scream of the Sky-sharks has a Skill 8
profoundly disconcerting psychological effect. They BONUSES
DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
soar through the skies of the Warp in predatory groups
in a constant search for souls to devour and deliver to
BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
their master.
this Threat must make a DN4 Fear Test. See page 7.
ACTION: Lamprey Bite: 12 +3ED / AP -3
Slashing Dive: As a Full Action, the Screamer makes
a Charge move, and then immediately Falls Back
from engagement range with any remaining
Rider of the Immaterial Winds: As a Full Action, the
Screamer vanishes into the Warp, and reappears
anywhere within 100m and more than 9m from an
Psychic Minions: The Screamer attempts to use
RUIN: Warp Jaws: When the Threat makes a melee
attack, add +2ED to the attack’s damage.
DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
roll 5d6. See page 7.
5 4 16 Flight Average

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Daemonic Legions
Disc of Tzeentch
Among the devotees of the Master of Magic, there are
few possessions more prized than the daemonic mount
crafted from a Screamer, known as a Disc of Tzeentch. DISC OF TZEENTCH
An amalgam of daemonic flesh, flashing blades, and TIER 1 2 3 4 5
burnished metal, a powerful Chaos Sorcerer mounted THREAT E E T T T
on a Disc is lethally fast and manoeuvrable, gaining an KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, BEAST, TZEENTCH,
edge over almost any foe. PSYKER
Screamers are notoriously difficult to summon and 6 5 9 6 5 3 1
break to the Disc, however. Rarely, the fickle god of RESILIENCE
change may grant a particularly favoured disciple with Melee: 8 (Daemonic Aura: *2 AR)
a Disc, fully formed and willing to serve. However, for Ranged: 11 (Daemonic Aura: *5 AR)
most adherents to the Changer of the Ways, a more DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
difficult path is required. 5 7 —
SKILLS: Default 6, Awareness 9 (Passive 4), Weapon
A Disc of Tzeentch can be forged from the daemonflesh Skill 8
of a Screamer if the practitioner is powerful enough BONUSES
and masters the proper rites and ceremonies. Those CAVALRY: A Disc of Tzeentch is ridden by a
sorcerers eager to obtain a Screamer for this purpose Fluxmaster (page 67). The Disc and rider take a
hunt the creatures down on the Flaming Tomb in the single shared turn in combat, with one set of
Realm of Chaos, there to perform the rituals and spells actions between them. The rider may be targeted
necessary to force the change and subservience upon separately with a Called Shot, requiring +2 DN.
them. DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
It is a dangerous undertaking, and more fail than BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
succeed. But for the prestige and tactical advantage of this Threat must make a DN4 Fear Test. See page 7.
a Disc of Tzeentch, many and more of the servants of ACTION: Disc Blades: 11 +2ED
Tzeentch are willing to assume the risks. Psychic Minions: The Disc attempts to use
DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
roll 5d6. See page 7.
5 4 12 Flight Average

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Daemonic Legions
In the case of such deeply magical beings as the DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
Daemons of Tzeentch, power directly equates to a 4 14 —
superior knowledge of their master's great art of SKILLS: Default 8, Awareness 11 (Passive 5), Psychic
sorcery. Mastery 11, Scholar 9
The most intelligent, devious and skilled amongst the FLAMES OF TZEENTCH: The Threat uses Psychic
Pink Horrors are chosen by the Changer of Ways to lead Mastery instead of Ballistic Skill when making
the hosts of his daemonic legions, and by the blessings ranged attacks.
of their patron, they are raised higher still in arcane CHAMPION: This Threat may take Ruin Actions and
knowledge and ability. has 3 personal Ruin.
DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
So elevated, they radiate the eldritch might of their HERALD OF TZEENTCH: While friendly TZEENTCH
master, and uniquely amongst Horror-kind, they are DAEMON Troops are within 6m, it may re-roll any
able to reform their two halves should they be dealt a ED which roll a 1.
mortal blow. Each is also gifted a ritual dagger, an ABILITIES
ensorcelled weapon that can transfer a slain foe's BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
psychic energies into the wielder. this Threat must make a DN4 Fear Test. See page 7.
ACTION: Claws and Fangs: 7 +2ED
While there are a number of specific titles for these Ritual Dagger: 7 +2ED / AP -1
daemonic lieutenants, they are collectively known as Changecaster: As a Simple Action, the Changecaster
the Heralds of Tzeentch. may choose a single mob of TZEENTCH LESSER
DAEMONS within 6m. Until the start of the
The most common type of Herald is the Changecaster, Changecaster’s next turn, if the Horrors make a
named for the mutating magics they wield. They can melee attack, the attack inflicts minimum damage
often be found leading packs of Horrors within a host equal to the number of Exalted Icons on the
of a Scintillating Legion, a task much akin to herding attack’s ED.
beasts, for the Horrors are wont to caper off at any Daemonic Manifestation: See page 7.The
moment. Changecaster may spend 1 Ruin as a Simple Action
to summon 1d3 Pink Horrors (page 58).
Other Changecasters serve in more mundane and less Pandaemoniac: The Changecaster may attempt to
frustrating roles, guarding sources of magical power or activate any psychic power it knows. It knows
overseeing repairs within Tzeentch's Crystal Labyrinth Smite, Psyniscience, Deny the Witch, and two
in the Realm of Chaos. powers from the Pandaemoniac discipline (page
CHANGECASTER ACTION OPTIONS: A Changecaster may replace its
Ritual Dagger with a Staff of Change
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 Staff of Change: 13 +2ED / AP -4 / Range 9-18-27 /
THREAT A E E T T Salvo 3 / Corrupting, Inflict (On Fire)
KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, HERALD, RUIN: Magical Boon: Spend 1 Ruin to use any
TZEENTCH, PSYKER Pandaemoniac Discipline psychic power, Smite, or
S T A I WIL INT FEL Deny the Witch as a Ruin Action.
5 6 4 5 6 6 2 DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
RESILIENCE roll 6d6. See page 7.
Ranged: 12 (Daemonic Aura: *5 AR) 6 5 6 Average

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
In the case of such deeply magical beings as the 4 14 —
Daemons of Tzeentch, power directly equates to a SKILLS: Default 8, Awareness 11 (Passive 5), Psychic
superior knowledge of their master's great art of Mastery 11, Scholar 9
sorcery. BONUSES
FLAMES OF TZEENTCH: The Threat uses Psychic
The most intelligent, devious and skilled amongst the Mastery instead of Ballistic Skill when making
Pink Horrors are chosen by the Changer of Ways to lead ranged attacks.
the hosts of his daemonic legions, and by the blessings CHAMPION: This Threat may take Ruin Actions and
of their patron, they are raised higher still in arcane has 3 personal Ruin.
knowledge and ability. DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
So elevated, they radiate the eldritch might of their DAEMON Troops are within 6m, it may re-roll any
master, and uniquely amongst Horror-kind, they are ED which roll a 1.
able to reform their two halves should they be dealt a MOUNTED: A Fateskimmer is mounted upon a
mortal blow. Each is also gifted a ritual dagger, an Burning Chariot, replacing the Exalted Flamer and
ensorcelled weapon that can transfer a slain foe's acting as the vehicle’s PILOT. The crew of Blue
psychic energies into the wielder. Horrors grant the Fateskimmer +3 dice on Psychic
Mastery tests.
While there are a number of specific titles for these ABILITIES
daemonic lieutenants, they are collectively known as BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
the Heralds of Tzeentch. this Threat must make a DN4 Fear Test. See page 7.
ACTION: Claws and Fangs: 7 +2ED
Those Tzeentch Heralds that acquire a Burning Chariot Ritual Dagger: 7 +2ED / AP -1
of Tzeentch – usually through trickery – are known as Fateskimmer: As a Simple Action, the Fateskimmer
Fateskimmers. may choose a single mob of TZEENTCH LESSER
DAEMONS within 6m. Until the start of the
These Daemons will swoop and dive across the
Fateskimmer’s next turn, if the Horrors make a
battlefield, cackling madly as they unleash fearsome melee attack, the attack inflicts minimum damage
sorceries from their lofty perches before smashing equal to the number of Exalted Icons on the
their bizarre contraption into the enemy lines. attack’s ED.
Daemonic Manifestation: See page 7.The
The most cautious and controlling of the Fateskimmers
Fateskimmer may spend 1 Ruin as a Simple Action
lurk upon the battle's edge, moving along the back lines
to summon 1d3 Pink Horrors (page 58).
of their host and yelling orders amidst the madness and Pandaemoniac: The Fateskimmer may attempt to
change-fire. There have been several instances of activate any psychic power it knows. It knows
Fateskimmers leading entire formations of Burning Smite, Psyniscience, Deny the Witch, and two
Chariots to war. powers from the Pandaemoniac discipline (page
FATESKIMMER ACTION OPTIONS: A Fateskimmer may replace its
Ritual Dagger with a Staff of Change
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 Staff of Change: 13 +2ED / AP -4 / Range 9-18-27 /
THREAT A E E T T Salvo 3 / Corrupting, Inflict (On Fire)
KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, HERALD, RUIN: Magical Boon: Spend 1 Ruin to use any
TZEENTCH, PSYKER Pandaemoniac Discipline psychic power, Smite, or
S T A I WIL INT FEL Deny the Witch as a Ruin Action.
5 6 4 5 6 6 2 DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
RESILIENCE roll 6d6. See page 7.
Ranged: 12 (Daemonic Aura: *5 AR) 6 5 6 Average

Page 66 of 80
Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
In the case of such deeply magical beings as the Melee: 9 (Daemonic Aura: *2 AR)
Daemons of Tzeentch, power directly equates to a Ranged: 12 (Daemonic Aura: *5 AR)
superior knowledge of their master's great art of DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
sorcery. 4 14 —
SKILLS: Default 8, Awareness 11 (Passive 5), Psychic
The most intelligent, devious and skilled amongst the Mastery 11, Scholar 9
Pink Horrors are chosen by the Changer of Ways to lead BONUSES
the hosts of his daemonic legions, and by the blessings FLAMES OF TZEENTCH: The Threat uses Psychic
of their patron, they are raised higher still in arcane Mastery instead of Ballistic Skill when making
knowledge and ability. ranged attacks.
CHAMPION: This Threat may take Ruin Actions and
So elevated, they radiate the eldritch might of their has 3 personal Ruin.
master, and uniquely amongst Horror-kind, they are DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
able to reform their two halves should they be dealt a HERALD OF TZEENTCH: While friendly TZEENTCH
mortal blow. Each is also gifted a ritual dagger, an DAEMON Troops are within 6m, it may re-roll any
ensorcelled weapon that can transfer a slain foe's ED which roll a 1.
psychic energies into the wielder. MOUNTED: A Fluxmaster is mounted upon a Disc of
While there are a number of specific titles for these ABILITIES
daemonic lieutenants, they are collectively known as BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
the Heralds of Tzeentch. this Threat must make a DN4 Fear Test. See page 7.
ACTION: Claws and Fangs: 7 +2ED
The title of Fluxmaster is borne by those Heralds who Ritual Dagger: 7 +2ED / AP -1
ride a Disc of Tzeentch, so named because as they fly Fluxmaster: As a Simple Action, the Fluxmaster may
across the battlefields at great speed, reality reshapes choose a single mob of TZEENTCH LESSER
itself in their wake. DAEMONS within 6m. Until the start of the
Fluxmaster’s next turn, if the Horrors make a
They are often used as messengers and outriders
ranged attack, the attack inflicts minimum damage
within the Scintillating Legions, and will frequently use equal to the number of Exalted Icons on the
their speed to dash into cover before unleashing their attack’s ED.
psychic powers to hurl changebolts to smite the foe, Daemonic Manifestation: See page 7. The
the energies of change rapidly mutating their enemies' Fluxmaster may spend 1 Ruin as a Simple Action to
bodies uncontrollably into hideous new forms. summon 1d3 Pink Horrors (page 58).
Pandaemoniac: The Fluxmaster may attempt to
Some will lead packs of Screamers in charges on the activate any psychic power it knows. It knows
enemy's flanks, while others take charge of groups of Smite, Psyniscience, Deny the Witch, and two
Horrors, using their speed and advantageous position powers from the Pandaemoniac discipline (page
to better augment and direct their charges or confound 56).
their foes. ACTION OPTIONS: A Fluxmaster may replace its
Ritual Dagger with a Staff of Change
FLUXMASTER Staff of Change: 13 +2ED / AP -4 / Range 9-18-27 /
Salvo 3 / Corrupting, Inflict (On Fire)
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 RUIN: Magical Boon: Spend 1 Ruin to use any
THREAT A E E T T Pandaemoniac Discipline psychic power, Smite, or
KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, HERALD, Deny the Witch as a Ruin Action.
TZEENTCH, PSYKER DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
S T A I WIL INT FEL roll 6d6. See page 7.
RESILIENCE 6 5 6 Average

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Lord of Change, Greater Daemon of Tzeentch
A Lord of Change, also called a "Supreme Mutator," and AVATAR OF SORCERY: At the start of each of the
one of the "Eyes of Tzeentch," is an insidious Greater Lord of Change’s turns, add 1d3 to Ruin.
Daemon of Tzeentch, the Chaos God of change and CHAMPION: This Threat may take Ruin Actions and
sorcery. has 9 personal Ruin.
DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
Lords of Change are creatures born from some LORD OF TZEENTCH: While friendly TZEENTCH
impossible nightmare, immense bird-like Daemons DAEMON Troops are within 6m, they may re-roll
with shimmering skin, wicked curved beaks and multi- any die which rolls a 1 on any attack they attempt.
coloured, spectrum-shattering wings. MONSTROUS CREATURE: This Threat is immune to
the Fear, Terror, Pinned, and Staggered conditions.
Those who gaze upon these twisted prisms of pure MASTERY OF MAGIC: The Threat’s may re-roll any
magic begin to feel their sanity shred and reason slip dice which roll a 1 on Psychic Mastery tests.
away. Faced by a being of change incarnate, bedrock FLAMES OF TZEENTCH: The Threat uses Psychic
beliefs crumble and twist, and the mind seeks firm Mastery instead of Ballistic Skill when making ranged
purchase in vain. attacks.
Treachery, deceit, capriciousness: these are the BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
hallmarks of the Lords of Change. Tzeentch's greatest this Threat must make a DN5 Terror Test.
servants weave scheme upon scheme, a dense tangle ACTION: Staff of Tzeentch: 17 +5ED / AP -3 / Range
of intermingling threads, so convoluted and eon- 2 [M] / Brutal, Corrupting, Force
spanning that none can grasp their true purpose. Curved Beak and Talons: 11 +3ED / AP -1
Daemonic Manifestation: See page 7. The Lord of
A confrontation with a Lord of Change is likely to occur Change may spend 1 Ruin as a Simple Action to
when and where the creature wills it. Few have ever summon a mob of 10 Pink Horrors or a mob of 3
managed to get the drop on these servants of Flamers of Tzeentch, or a mob of 3 Screamers of
Tzeentch, for the Changer of Ways is the master of Tzeentch.
destiny itself, and his greatest servants possess a Pandaemoniac: The Lord of Change may attempt to
portion of that power. activate any psychic power it knows. It knows
Smite, Psyniscience, Deny the Witch, and two
LORD OF CHANGE powers from the Pandaemoniac discipline (page
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 ACTION OPTIONS: A Lord of Change may also take a
THREAT A A A A A Baleful Sword or a Rod of Sorcery.
KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, GREATER DAEMON, Baleful Sword: 14 +5ED / AP -3 / Range 3 (M) /
TZEENTCH, PSYKER, MONSTER Corrupting, Inflict (On Fire), Parry, Warp Weapon
S T A I WIL INT FEL Rod of Sorcery: 12 + 3ED / AP -1 / Range 6-12-18 /
9 12 7 7 9 9 6 Salvo 0 / Blast (6), Inflict (On Fire)
RESILIENCE RUIN: Magical Boon: Spend 1 Ruin to use any
Melee: 16 (Daemonic Aura: *3 AR) Pandaemoniac Discipline psychic power, Smite, or
Ranged: 18 (Daemonic Aura: *5 AR) Deny the Witch as a Ruin Action.
6 22 — roll 12d6. See page 7.
SKILLS: Default 12, Awareness 15 (Passive 8), CONVICTION RESOLVE SPEED SIZE
Leadership 14, Psychic Mastery 16, Scholar 15 9 8 12 Flight Gargantuan

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
The Blue Scribes
The Blue Scribes, also known as the "Azure
Arcanologists," the "Wandering Wizardkin" and
"Tzeentch's Quaestors," are a pair of Blue Horrors TIER 1 2 3 4 5
named P'tarix and Xirat'p, created by their master, the THREAT A E E T T
Great Conspirator Tzeentch, to travel throughout the KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, TZEENTCH, PSYKER
dimensions of reality to find and record every known S T A I WIL INT FEL
spell and scrap of forbidden knowledge. 5 6 4 5 6 6 2
They seek to recover these items, for contained within Melee: 10 (Daemonic Aura: *3 AR)
them is the essence of the power that Tzeentch lost Ranged: 12 (Daemonic Aura: *5 AR)
many millennia ago when he was supreme amongst all DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
of the other Dark Gods. If the Blue Scribes' quest ever 4 14 —
proves successful, Tzeentch will regain his position as SKILLS: Default 8, Awareness 11 (Passive 5), Psychic
the most powerful being in all of Creation. Mastery 11, Scholar 11
DUALISTIC ENTITY: Despite being two beings,
P’tarix and Xirat’p function as a single character in
game terms.
CHAMPION: This Threat may take Ruin Actions and
has 6 personal Ruin.
DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
MOUNTED: The Blue Scribes are mounted upon a
Disc of Tzeentch.
is within 12m of The Blue Scribes must add +2 to
the DN of any Psychic Power they attempt to
activate. Further, if they fail to activate that power,
that power has been Syphoned, and cannot be used
again by that PSYKER until they take a Respite or
BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
this Threat must make a DN4 Fear Test. See page 7.
ACTION: Sharp Quills: 7 +2ED
Xirat’p’s Sorcerous Barrage: The Blue Scribes may
attempt to activate a psychic power they know.
They may activate any one powers from the
Pandaemoniac discipline (page 56), or any power
which had been Syphoned (see above) since The
Blue Scribes’ previous turn.
DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
roll 6d6. See page 7.
Incorporeal Form: This Threat may re-roll any dice
that roll 1s when rolling Determination.
6 5 6 Average

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Daemonic Legions
The Changeling
The Changeling, also known as the "Trickster of DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
Tzeentch," is a daemonic Horror of Tzeentch who 5 17 —
epitomises the Lord of Change's love of sowing discord SKILLS: Default 9, Awareness 11 (Passive 5),
and distrust, and his perverse sense of humour. Deception 18, Psychic Mastery 11
Tzeentch long ago bestowed upon the Changeling a CHAMPION: This Threat may take Ruin Actions and
doppelganger's ability to assume any shape, from that has 6 personal Ruin.
of the tiniest insect to the largest Greater Daemon. DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
FORMLESS HORROR: When engaged with one or
The Changeling carries out practical jokes in both the more enemies, the Changeling can select a single
Realm of Chaos and realspace, always intended to one of those enemies, and use their Strength,
bring about the constant change so beloved of his Defence, and Skills in place of its own.
patron. HERALD OF TZEENTCH: While friendly TZEENTCH
DAEMON Troops are within 6m, it may re-roll any
The only shapes that the Changeling cannot assume is
ED which roll a 1.
that of Tzeentch and his own, for he has long forgotten WARP TETHER: Friendly TZEENTCH DAEMONs
his original form, and desperately seeks to regain this within 12m may use The Changeling’s Resolve
knowledge through any means necessary. instead of their own.
Only the
BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
this Threat must make a DN4 Fear Test. See page 7.
ACTION: Trickster’s Staff: Each time the bearer
knows the makes an attack, select one melee weapon of an
Changeling's enemy engaged with The Changeling. Use that
true form, weapon’s profile for the attack.
and he will Daemonic Manifestation: See page 7. The
never reveal it Changeling may spend 1 Ruin as a Simple Action to
so as to keep summon 1d3 Pink Horrors (page 58).
his favoured Shapeshifter: As a simple action, The Changeling
pawn under can assume the appearance of any other creature.
his control. It requires an Awareness or Insight test opposed by
The Changeling’s Deception test in order to see
through this guise. The Changeling may create a
Stealth Score using a Deception Test rather than a
Stealth Test, by assuming a suitable appearance.
Pandaemoniac: The Changecaster may attempt to
activate any psychic power it knows. It knows
Smite, Psyniscience, Deny the Witch, and two
powers from the Pandaemoniac discipline (page
THE CHANGELING RUIN: Warp Portal: Spend 1 Ruin as a Ruin Action
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 for The Changeling to vanish and reappear
THREAT A E E E E anywhere on the battlefield within 100m but more
KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, HERALD, than 9m from an enemy.
TZEENTCH, PSYKER DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
S T A I WIL INT FEL roll 9d6. See page 7.
RESILIENCE 8 7 6 Average
Melee: 13 (Daemonic Aura: *3 AR)
Ranged: 15 (Daemonic Aura: *5 AR)

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Kairos Fateweaver
Kairos Fateweaver, also known simply as Fateweaver MONSTROUS CREATURE: This Threat is immune to
and the Oracle of Tzeentch, is a two-headed Lord of the Fear, Terror, Pinned, and Staggered conditions.
Change, a Greater Daemon of Tzeentch. Fateweaver is MASTERY OF MAGIC: The Threat’s may re-roll any
the mightiest of the Lords of Change that serve dice which roll a 1 on Psychic Mastery tests.
Tzeentch and is blessed with access to all of his FLAMES OF TZEENTCH: The Threat uses Psychic
knowledge concerning the nature of fate and destiny. Mastery instead of Ballistic Skill when making ranged
Fateweaver has THE TWO HEADS OF FATE: Kairos Fateweaver
gained infallible receives two turns in each round.
knowledge of both ONE HEAD LOOKS FORWARD: Kairos may borrow
the past and the power from the near future: whenever Kairos
future but cannot see spends Ruin, it may spend from the future, gaining
the effects immediately. On the following round,
what will occur in the
reduce the number of available points of Ruin by one
present. As with all
for each “future” point spent.
the gifts of Chaos, ONE HEAD LOOKS BACK: Kairos may shape the
however, there is present with past events. On any skill test, when
always a catch. Kairos shifts one or more Exalted Icons, it may take
one of them and save it for future use. On a test in
One of Kairos' two
any subsequent round, Kairos may use one or more
heads will always
of those saved Exalted Icons, changing a die in that
answer with the truth. Unfortunately, the other head test to a 6. Kairos may only save 9 Exalted Icons in
simultaneously responds with a contradictory answer, this way.
the falsehood being as believable as the truth. TYRANT OF THE WARP: Kairos never suffers Perils of
the Warp, and may re-roll any dice which roll 1s on
Determination rolls against damage from Psychic
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
THREAT A A A A A this Threat must make a DN5 Terror Test.
TZEENTCH, PSYKER, MONSTER Range 2 [M] / Brutal, Corrupting, Force, Warp
9 12 7 7 9 9 6 Curved Beak and Talons: 11 +3ED / AP -1
RESILIENCE Daemonic Manifestation: See page 7. Kairos may
Melee: 16 (Daemonic Aura: *3 AR) spend 1 Ruin as a Simple Action to summon a mob
Ranged: 18 (Daemonic Aura: *5 AR) of 10 Pink Horrors or a mob of 3 Flamers of
DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK Tzeentch, or a mob of 3 Screamers of Tzeentch.
6 22 — Pandaemoniac: Kairos may attempt to activate any
SKILLS: Default 12, Awareness 15 (Passive 8), psychic power it knows. It knows Smite,
Leadership 14, Psychic Mastery 16, Scholar 15 Psyniscience, Deny the Witch, and all powers from
the Pandaemoniac discipline (page 56).
RUIN: Magical Boon: Spend 1 Ruin to use any
AVATAR OF PROPHECY: At the start of each of
Pandaemoniac Discipline psychic power, Smite, or
Kairos’ turns, add 1d3 to Ruin.
Deny the Witch as a Ruin Action.
CHAMPION: This Threat may take Ruin Actions and
DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
has 9 personal Ruin.
roll 12d6. See page 7.
DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
9 8 12 Flight Gargantuan
DAEMON Troops are within 6m, they may re-roll
any die which rolls a 1 on any attack they attempt.

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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Tzeentch Adversaries
Tzeentch Daemon Adversaries are beings of trickery and witchcraft, who exist only to distort and unravel all they
encounter. Naturally, this means that Player Characters will be required to foil their infinite schemes, and the beings
behind these plots are likely to take numerous forms as twisted and incomprehensible as their god. This section
provides several powerful relics and a few additional abilities which can be applied to Tzeentch Daemon Adversaries
to make them more distinct and memorable in your campaign.

Adversary Traits Friendly TZEENTCH DAEMONs within 12m may use this
The following abilities can be applied to a TZEENTCH Adversary’s Resolve instead of their own.
DAEMON Adversary. Only one such trait should be
Tyrant of the Warp
applied to any given Adversary. The first three of these The sheer ensorcelled might of this daemons presence
abilities—Born of Sorcery, Incorporeal Form, and in the warp is enough to dissuade rival entities and
Fractal Mind—are suitable for any TZEENTCH predatory sentiences from attempting to assail it on
DAEMON, while the others are suitable only for the metaphysical battleground.
This Adversary never suffers Perils of the Warp, and
Born of Sorcery
may re-roll any dice which roll 1s on Determination
Tapping into the infinite power of the warp comes as
rolls against damage from Psychic powers.
easily to this daemon as breathing air does to a mortal.
Exalted Greater Daemons
When attempting to activate a psychic power, the
The mightiest of Greater Daemons are entities as
Adversary may re-roll a number of dice equal to the
infamous and dreaded as the Gods they serve. These
game’s Tier.
Exalted Greater Daemons are amongst the deadliest
Incorporeal Form and most terrifying of Daemons.
This daemon’s body flickers constantly in and out of
reality, making it difficult for adversaries to land a A TZEENTCH GREATER DAEMON may be given one of
telling blow against it. these abilities, becoming an Exalted Greater Daemon.
Architect of Deception
When this Adversary rolls Determination, it may re-roll
No foe, be they mortal or daemonic, can trust their
any dice which roll 1s.
perceptions around this most cunning of daemons. A
Fractal Mind veil of sorcerous illusion wreathes it so densely that its
This daemon’s consciousness is a many-faceted tangle enemies may not discern the daemon’s true location
of infinite complexity that allows it to divide its even should they stand in its very shadow.
perceptions and attention in a way that would drive
mortal minds to madness. This Exalted Daemon’s Defence is increased by +2
against ranged attacks.
The Adversary may attempt to activate multiple
Master Mutator
psychic powers as a single Multi-Action, adding +2 to
The merest touch of this daemon’s magicks causes the
the DN of each test for every power after the first. Each
fabric of realspace to twist and distort. Screaming
power activated must be different.
victims find their bodies and wargear erupting into
Lorekeeper of Tzeentch grotesque mutant growth that soon reduces even the
Like some malevolent arachnid, this daemon extends most stoic or magnificent warrior to a mewling heap of
its web ever further, ensnaring mortal wisdom and fleshy ruination.
arcane lore and devouring it.
Any creature which suffers one or more Wounds from
Each time this Adversary activates a Pandaemoniac one of this Exalted Daemon’s psychic powers must pass
psychic power, increase the range by +6m. a Corruption Test with a DN equal to the Wounds
Warp Tether
This daemon embeds its essence into realspace like a
thorn, then exudes tendrils of energy that anchor its
minions within corporeal reality.
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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
Nexus of Fate Once per round, when the bearer of this item rolls
Orbited by glowing runes that dance through the air Determination, they may use this ability instead of
like will-o’-the-wisps, the fates of all its allies and foes rolling. The attack inflicts 0 damage.
play out before the bottomless wells of this daemon’s
The Everstave
unblinking eyes.
This staff blazes with vibrant warpflame. As soon as its
This Exalted Daemon replaces its Avatar of Sorcery master takes up the eldritch weapon, they too are
ability with the following: wreathed in the same daemonic fire. From within this
magenta inferno, the Everstave’s daemonic bearer
NEXUS OF FATE: At the start of each of the Lord of
hurls searing gouts of Tzeentch’s pink fire, turning
Change’s turns, add 1d3+1 to Ruin.
armour to ash and immolating or irrevocably mutating
Relics of Tzeentch the flesh beneath.
These mighty artefacts are often gifted to Tzeentch’s TZEENTCH PSYKER only.
favoured servants. These mighty artefacts in turn are
often made from those of Tzeentch’s champions who Each time the bearer attempts to activate Smite or any
have failed in some way, earning the ignominy of Psychic Power which inflicts damage or Mortal
being bound into an inanimate form to serve another. Wounds, it gains one additional Potency option:

Only one item from the list below should be given to *[3] This power cannot be stopped by Deny the
any given Adversary under most circumstances, though Witch.
the ultimate Adversary of a Tier 4 or higher campaign
might justifiably have more than one. Warpfire Blade
Existing in nine times nine dimensions, the Warpfire
The Endless Grimoire Blade flickers with its bearer’s sorcerous power. Every
Within the pages of this magical tome lie the secrets of iteration of the blade strikes in differing forms and at
every cantrip, incantation and spell ever conceived. varying angles - a plane of sharpened will, an
Though the bearer of this grimoire has access to the outstretched hand of friendship, a wave of stellar fire -
infinite knowledge bound within, they must battle the seeking a route through every sub-existence to sever
temptation simply to fall into the flickering pages of the the soul of those it strikes.
tome and drink in endless reams of knowledge until
they lose all grasp or influence upon the events Select one melee weapon the bearer is equipped with.
transpiring around them. • The weapon inflicts +2ED damage
TZEENTCH PSYKER only. • The weapon gains the Mortal (1) quality

The bearer can spend a Combat Action studying the Soulbane

Endless Grimoire and must make a Scholar test with a This incorporeal blade inflicts no harm upon its victim’s
DN equal to the number of psychic powers the bearer physical body, instead carving its way through the stuff
knows. If this is successful, the bearer learns one of their very soul. So ephemeral and unreal is this
additional power of your choice from the strange weapon that it is impossible to cross blades
Pandaemoniac discipline. with Soulbane, for its ghostly edge will pass straight
through any guard. Those struck by Soulbane collapse
The Impossible Robe in agony, writhing and screaming as their lacerated
The wearer of this robe exists between several realities essences slowly bleed away into the immaterium.
at once. Thus can a daemonic commander potentially
control Tzeentch’s interests in multiple times and This replaces a Rod of Sorcery, and has the following
places simultaneously to further multiple aspects of profile:
the Great Plan. This effect makes it hard for foes to Rod of Sorcery: 13 + 4ED / AP -2 / Range 6-12-18 / Salvo
truly harm the wearer, who flickers between planes of 0 / Agonizing, Blast (9)
reality in an unpredictable fashion. However, the robe
is capricious, and has been known to rip its wearer out Soul-Eater Stave
of reality altogether should they lose control of its Invisible to those without witch-sight, ethereal
powers. pseudopods, grasping talons and maws of non-matter
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Abundance of Apocryphal Adversaries
Daemonic Legions
surround this twisted staff, ever alert to the cry of a
soul newly torn from its body. Riding the power
channelled by the staff’s bearer, they hungrily devour
every scrap of life essence they can catch before it is
lost to the maelstrom of the warp’s myriad predators.
This unholy feast serves to infuse the stave’s daemon
wielder with stolen vigour, which flows from the
weapon into its master through its nightmarish web of
tendrils and parasitic tethers.


The bearer heals 1d3 Wounds each time it kills an

enemy with a psychic power.

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Daemonic Legions

Legions of the Warp

This following section covers a handful of daemonic • The Threat must have already had the CHAOS
entities which do not fall within the legions of the four keyword.
Great Powers of the Warp. • The Threat cannot have any of the following
Disciples of Be’Lakor
It pleases the Dark Master to be worshipped as a
daemonic deity, and to have his devotees fight and die
on his behalf. There is no shortage of heretics willing to
• HERETIC ASTARTES Threats cannot have any
do so. After all, Be’lakor promises great rewards to
[MARK OF CHAOS] keyword other than
those who serve him, and he has had millennia to
perfect his lies...
• The Threat gains the DISCIPLE OF BE’LAKOR
Heretic Astartes, mortal cultists and nightmarish keyword.
daemons - all serve Be’lakor and fight amongst the • If the Threat is a PSYKER, they may use powers
ranks of his Disciples. These fanatical heretics have from the Noctic discipline (page 79).
forsaken the Dark Gods in favour of worshipping their • HERETIC ASTARTES Threats do not gain any
first and greatest champion, whom many of them view additional rules from their [LEGION] keyword,
as at least a demigod in his own right. Be’lakor’s but instead gain the Disciples of Shadows
servants manifest echoes of his own supernatural effect, below.
powers, exuding terrifying auras or flickering in and out
Disciples of Shadows
of reality amidst cowls of animate shadow. Yet the
Fanatical worship of Be’lakor affords his disciples a
price of power is eternal servitude, for Be’lakor will
fragment of his unnatural obfuscatory powers.
suffer no rival.
This Threat may re-roll any failures on Resolve tests. In
A Threat which has become a Disciple of Be’lakor may
addition, each time a ranged attack is made against this
change in the following ways:
Threat, if the attacker is 12m or more away, the
Threat’s Defence is increased by +2.

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Daemonic Legions
Daemon Prince of Chaos
A Daemon Prince is a mortal Champion of Chaos who DAEMONIC ALLEGIANCE: The Daemon Prince must
has been elevated to daemonhood as a reward for replace its [MARK OF CHAOS] keyword with
their actions on the behalf of one of the major Chaos KHORNE, NURGLE, TZEENTCH, or SLAANESH.
Gods or by the will of Chaos Undivided. TOUCHED BY THE WARP: If the Daemon Prince does
not have the KHORNE keyword, it gains the PSYKER
Daemon Princes have chosen to trade their souls for keyword and a Psychic Mastery skill of 13, and knows
the god-like power and immortality of a creature of the the Smite, Psyniscience, and Deny the Witch powers,
Warp. plus any determined by its [MARK OF CHAOS].
CHAMPION OF KHORNE: If the Daemon Prince has
A Daemon Prince is a living extension of the force of the KHORNE keyword, add +2 to its Strength, and +2
Chaos. To ascend to the rank of Daemon Prince is the to its Weapon Skill.
ultimate goal of the most powerful Champions of CHAMPION OF NURGLE: If the Daemon Prince has
Chaos, as it gives them immortality and power beyond the NURGLE keyword, add +2 to its Toughness
the reckoning of mortals. (which also increases Resilience, Wounds, and
Determination), and it no longer has to spend Ruin
For the devotees of the Ruinous Powers, this is far from to roll Determination. It knows one power from the
an impossible goal. Those few who climb the path of Warprot discipline
the Champion to its apex are granted the prize of CHAMPION OF SLAANESH: If the Daemon Prince has
eternal life. the SLAANESH keyword, add +2 to its Initiative
(which affects Defence) and Speed. It knows one
Only those who further the causes of their infernal power from the Soulstain discipline.
masters are given the precious gift of daemonhood. CHAMPION OF TZEENTCH: If the Daemon Prince has
They are raised up to become demigods, roaring their the TZEENTCH keyword, add +2 to its Willpower
triumph into the night as their new bodies swell and (which increases Resolve and Conviction), adds +2 to
bulge with the energies of the Warp. Psychic Mastery, and knows two powers from the
Pandaemoniac discipline.
BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
TIER 1 2 3 4 5 this Threat must make a DN5 Terror Test.
THREAT A A A A A ACTION: Hellforged Sword: S+5 +5ED / AP -3 /
[MARK OF CHAOS], MONSTER Malefic Talons: S+2 +3ED / AP -1 / Reaping
S T A I WIL INT FEL Daemonic Manifestation: See page 7. The Daemon
11 8 6 6 8 7 7 Prince may spend 1 Ruin as a Simple Action to
Melee: 12 (Daemonic Aura: *3 AR) DAEMONS.
Ranged: 13 (Daemonic Aura: *4 AR) Psyker: The Daemon Prince may attempt to
DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK activate any psychic power it knows.
5 18 — ACTION OPTIONS: A Daemon Prince may replace its
SKILLS: Default 10, Awareness 11 (Passive 6), Hellforged Sword with a Daemonic Axe, or an extra
Leadership 13, Weapon Skill 13 set of Malefic Talons.
BONUSES Daemonic Axe: S+6 +5ED / AP -2 / Range 3 (M) /
CHAMPION: This Threat may take Ruin Actions and Brutal
has 8 personal Ruin. Malefic Talons: If an extra set of Malefic Talons are
DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7 selected, they gain the Paired quality.
PRINCE OF CHAOS: While friendly [MARK OF The Daemon Prince may have Wings, which
CHAOS] DAEMON Troops are within 6m, they may changes its Speed to 12 (Fly).
re-roll any die which rolls a 1 on any attack they DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
attempt. roll 8d6. See page 7.
the Fear, Terror, Pinned, and Staggered conditions. 9 8 8 Huge

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Daemonic Legions
A Fury, also known as a Crow of Chaos, is a winged, They are doomed to spend eternity in a grotesque,
gargoyle-like Daemonic Beast of Chaos Undivided gargoyle-like state, drifting like a leaf through the
formed from scraps of Warp energy and emotion that chaotic eddies of the Immaterium, forever exposed to
coalesce together. its unpredictable nature. Such is the punishment for
indecisiveness and selfishness amongst the Dark Gods.
Usually, these winged and clawed creatures can be
summoned in the same nature as other Chaos The only respite from this fate for a Fury are the rare
Daemons. Furies are amongst the lowliest denizens of daemonic incursions into realspace which allows them
the Realm of Chaos, making their home in the Formless to vent their impotent wrath upon unfortunate
Wastes that lie outside the domains of the Ruinous mortals.
It is said amongst Imperial savants of the Inquisition
particularly versed in the dark secrets of daemonology TIER 1 2 3 4 5
that Furies are actually created from the souls of those THREAT T T T T T
Humans and other sentient beings who selfishly served KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, [MARK OF CHAOS]
Chaos for their own personal gain, rather than devoting S T A I WIL INT FEL
themselves heart and soul to a single Chaos God. 6 4 5 4 3 1 1
When they finally fall or die in battle, no Chaos God will Melee: 8 (Daemonic Aura: *3 AR)
claim them, and their tragic fate means they can never Ranged: 9 (Daemonic Aura: *4 AR)
enter any of the Ruinous Powers' personal kingdoms DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
within the Realm of Chaos. 3 6 –
SKILLS: Default 5, Awareness 6 (Passive 3), Weapon
Skill 7
MARK OF CHAOS: This Threat has a Mark of Chaos
(Wrath & Glory corebook, p. 136)
DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
PREY ON THE WEAK: This Threat inflicts +2ED
damage to any enemy affected by Fear, Terror, or
BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
this Threat must make a DN3 Fear Test. See page 7
ACTION: Daemonic Claws: 7 +3ED / Rending (1)
DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
roll 4d6. See page 7.
3 2 12 (Fly) Average

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Be’Lakor, The Dark Master
Be'lakor, also called the "Dark Master" and the "First-
Damned," is the first Daemon Prince ever raised up
from mortality by combined will of the Ruinous TIER 1 2 3 4 5
Powers. Ancient beyond imagining, Be'lakor was the THREAT A A A A A
very first of his kind. Granted his dark apotheosis by the KEYWORDS: CHAOS, DAEMON, DAEMON PRINCE,
combined will of the Chaos Gods as Chaos Undivided, KHORNE, NURGLE, TZEENTCH, SLAANESH,
he was given a portion of each of their power. MONSTER, PSYKER
Be'lakor's fate has ever been influenced by the endless
13 11 7 9 9 9 9
struggle between the gods, as he is beholden to each
of the Dark Gods equally.
16 (Daemonic Aura: *4 AR)
At first, Be'lakor used the jealousy of the Ruinous DEFENCE WOUNDS SHOCK
Powers to gain their favours, never completely 8 21 —
swearing his allegiance to any one of them. For a time, SKILLS: Default 12, Awareness 15 (Passive 8),
the gods fought over Be'lakor as children might Deception 13, Psychic Mastery 13, Weapon Skill 13
squabble over a favoured toy. However, they soon BONUSES
CHAMPION: This Threat may take Ruin Actions and
realised the folly of combining their might into a single
has 8 personal Ruin.
vessel, as Be'lakor proved nearly uncontrollable.
DAEMONIC AURA: see page 7
They soon began to raise up new Daemon Princes, each THE DARK MASTER: While friendly DAEMON or
god choosing only Chaos Champions that would be DISCIPLES OF BE’LAKOR Troops are within 6m, they
loyal to them, and them alone. Be'lakor remained the may re-roll any die which rolls a 1 on any attack
they attempt. Be’lakor counts as having the
strongest of the Daemon Princes, though his might was
DISCIPLES OF BE’LAKOR keyword, though he is
diminished as the gods spread their power among their
obviously not his own disciple.
other servants. Nevertheless, Be'lakor remains a MONSTROUS CREATURE: This Threat is immune to
master of shadows, moving behind the veil of history the Fear, Terror, Pinned, and Staggered conditions.
to exert the will of the Chaos Gods upon the universe. SHADOW FORM: Each time an attack is made
against Be’lakor, the attacker cannot re-roll any
dice on the attack roll, or any ED.
LORD OF TORMENT: Enemies within 6m of Be’lakor
reduce their Resolve and Conviction by 1, to a
minimum of 1.
BATTLECRY: Daemonic Terror. Anyone who can see
this Threat must make a DN5 Terror Test.
ACTION: The Blade of Shadows (Sweep): 15 +3ED /
AP -3 / Range 3 (M) / Parry, Reaping
The Blade of Shadows (Pierce): 21 +6ED / AP -4 /
Range 3 (M) / Enemies cannot roll Determination
against the Blade of Shadows (Pierce).
Noctic: Be’lakor may attempt to activate any
psychic power he knows. He knows Smite,
Psyniscience, Deny the Witch, and all powers from
the Noctic discipline (page 79).
DETERMINATION: Daemonic Aura. Spend 1 Ruin to
roll 11d6. See page 7.
Shadow Form: Be’lakor may re-roll any dice that
roll 1 when he rolls Determination.
9 8 12 (Fly) Gargantuan

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Daemonic Legions
Noctic Discipline
Shrouded Step Pall of Despair
DN: 5 DN: 6
Activation: Action Activation: Action
Duration: Instant Duration: 1 Round
Range: 18m Range: 18m
Multi-Target: No Multi-Target: No
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the CHAOS and Prerequisite: Psyker must have the CHAOS and
Effect: A black fume envelops the psyker’s Effect: The psyker draws forth every bleak
allies. It flows across the battlefield before imagining and hopeless terror their victims
coalescing into a roiling darkness from which have ever felt, drowning their enemies’ minds
they then emerge. Select a number of allies in misery until they barely have the will to keep
with the DISCIPLE OF BE’LAKOR keyword breathing. Place a Blast (10) over one or more
within range equal to your Willpower. The visible enemies within range. Affected enemies
affected allies vanish and reappear anywhere suffer the Fear and Pinning conditions until the
within 100m but which is more than 9m from start of the psyker’s next turn.
an enemy. Potency:
Potency: *[2] Increase the Blast to Blast (16)
*[2] Affect an additional number of affected
allies equal to your Willpower Voidslivers
DN: 4
Wreathed in Shades Activation: Action
DN: 6 Duration: Instant
Activation: Action Range: 12m
Duration: 1 Round Multi-Target: No
Range: 18m Keywords: CHAOS, PSYCHIC
Multi-Target: No Prerequisite: Psyker must have the CHAOS and
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the CHAOS and Effect: Reaching with their mind into the
DISCIPLE OF BE’LAKOR keywords. darkest depths of the void, the psyker draws
Effect: The psyker draws from the warp a forth crystallised slivers of terror, misery and
churning mass of damned shades, abandoned loss before hurling them in a storm at the foe.
worshippers of Be’lakor now doomed to The darts rip through soul-matter, while
conceal and protect his current servants. leaving the enemy’s corporeal forms lifeless
Select a number of allies with the DISCIPLE OF but seemingly unharmed. Draw a straight line
BE’LAKOR keyword within range equal to your between the psyker and one visible enemy in
Willpower. Until the start of the psyker’s next range. Each enemy along that line suffers 1d3
turn, the affected allies cannot be the target of Mortal Wounds.
a ranged attack unless they are the closest Potency:
visible target. [2] Add +1 to the number of Mortal Wounds
Potency: inflicted.
*[2] Affect an additional number of affected
allies equal to your Willpower

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Daemonic Legions
Penumbral Curse Betraying Shades
DN: 6 DN: 6
Activation: Action Activation: Action
Duration: 1 Round Duration: Instant
Range: 18m Range: 18m
Multi-Target: No Multi-Target: No
Prerequisite: Psyker must have the CHAOS and Prerequisite: Psyker must have the CHAOS and
Effect: The psyker curses the blades of the Effect: Falling to the psyker’s whispered
enemy, causing them to become as blandishments, the enemy’s very shadows turn
insubstantial as shadows, and to pass upon them, clawing and ripping at the mortal
harmlessly through the very foes they should forms that cast them. Place a Blast (6) over one
have hewn in two. Place a Blast (6) over one or or more visible enemies within range. Affected
more visible enemies within range. Until the enemies immediately suffer a melee attack,
psyker’s next turn, affected enemies’ melee using their own Weapon Skill and the damage
attacks reduce their number of ED by 1 and qualities of their own weapon.
(minimum 1), and their AP worsens by 1 (i.e., Potency:
from -1 to 0, minimum 0). *[2] Increase the Blast to Blast (10)
[1] Reduce the number of ED by a further 1.
[1] Worsen the AP by a further 1.
*[2] Increase the Blast to Blast (10)

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