J Arihs 5 103857
J Arihs 5 103857
J Arihs 5 103857
1. Introduction
This paper studies a set of tables from the fourteenth century that has two
peculiarities : (1) in contrast to usual practice, it does not list a degree sequence
for planetary positions, and (2) it is not found in a zƯj, the most common place for
numerical tables.
Our set of tables is an astrological test to evaluate the aptitude of the planets
and to choose the Ruler Planet, which is an indicator in horoscopes. The tables
appear in the Book of the chapters on the collection of the principles [of astrol-
ogy] (KitƗb al-fuιnjl fƯ jam‘ al-uιnjl) (hereafter, Book of the chapters) by the
Maghribi astrologer Ibn ‘Azznjz (d. Constantine, 1354)1. His tables show a change
in astrological opinions, since they follow a Ptolemaic notion and are an example
of the astronomer’s aim to reduce astrology to its simplest expression.
Below, I present a translation, edition and commentary of Ibn ‘Azznjz’s tables
and canons (instructions) and a comparison of the meaning of the Ruler Planet in
the astrological treatises2 of Ptolemy (fl. Alexandria, ca. 100-ca. 175), al-QabƯցƯ
(Mosul, fl. second half of the tenth century), KnjshyƗr ibn LabbƗn (GƯlƗn, ca. 971-
ca. 1029) and Ibn ‘Azznjz. For that purpose, I will deal with the following topics :
the definition of the Ruler Planet, the kind of horoscope in which it was used, the
horoscope’s indicators and the method for the Planet’s determination.
2. Ptolemy
The Ruler (Tetrabiblos, III, 23) is the planet that has the strongest relationship
with the degree of conjunction or opposition of the Sun and Moon preceding
1. On Ibn ‘Azznjz, see Djebbar 1988 ; Samsó 1997 ; Samsó 1999; Casulleras 2007 ; Samsó 2007.
2. Those of Abnj Ma‘shar (fl. Baghdad, ca. 787-ca. 886) and al-BƯrnjnƯ (KhwƗrizm, 976-1052) do
not mention this subject. Ramsay-Wright 1934; Burnett, Yamamoto and Yano 1994; Lemay 1995.
3. Robbins 1940, reprinted 1980, 231-233.
* Universitat de Barcelona
Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 585
08007 Barcelona
542 Montse Díaz-Fajardo
birth. The sign corresponding to the Ruler Planet at the time of birth was consid-
ered the ascendant in horoscopes in which the hour of birth was uncertain.
The Ruler Planet was used in natal horoscopes with another indicator : the
degree of conjunction or opposition of the Sun and the Moon preceding birth.
Ptolemy takes the degree of both luminaries if the Sun is in conjunction with the
Moon, and the degree of the luminary placed above the horizon if there is oppo-
To establish the connection between the planet and the degree of syzygy,
Ptolemy considers five astrological elements (the triplicity4, the domicile, the
exaltation, the term and the aspect)5. The planet related to one, several or all of
these elements will be the Ruler.
3. Al-QabƯցƯ
As stated in the first chapter of his introduction to astrology6, the Ruler is the
planet with the most shares (i.e. the most belongings) in the ecliptical degree in
which the house concerning the requested matter begins. The other indicators to
be used with the Ruler Planet are the lot of the requested matter, the lot Part of
Fortune7 and the planet that is related by its nature to the requested matter. Al-
QabƯցƯ applied the Ruler Planet in interrogational horoscopes. This is a different
branch of astrology from the genethlialogy of Ptolemy. The Ruler Planet became
an independent topic that was not necessarily associated with natal horoscopes.
The scale of strength from 1 to 5 in accordance with an arithmetic progression
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) is another noteworthy distinction. Al-QabƯցƯ classifies the astrolog-
ical elements as follows8 : 5 strengths (quwƗ) for the lord of the domicile ; 4 for
the lord of the exaltation ; 3 for the lord of the triplicity ; 2 for the lord of the
term ; and 1 for the lord of the decan9.
Al-QabƯցƯ proposes a horoscope where the question is about property, a matter
associated with the second house which began in Aries 5º. The Sun had the great-
4. The English translation is trine instead of triplicity, but the trine is just an aspect (see the next
footnote), and Ptolemy mentions the aspect as the fifth astrological element.
5. I give a short definition of these elements. For further explanation see al-BƯrnjnƯ, al-TafhƯm,
Ramsay-Wright 1934, 230, 259 (triplicities), 256 (domiciles), 258 (exaltations), 265 (terms), 225
(aspects). The triplicities are groups of three signs whose qualities are identical. The domicile is the
sign which belongs to a planet. The exaltation is the sign regarded as the planet’s place of joy. There
are different opinions on this subject. For instance, some consider the exaltation the whole sign and
others a certain degree of the sign. The term is an unequal division of the sign. The aspects are sextile
(two signs 60º distant from each other), quartile (90º distant), trine (120º) and opposition (180º).
6. Burnett, Yamamoto and Yano 2004, 58-61 [77].
7. A lot is a certain degree of the zodiac circle, for the method of its calculation see al-BƯrnjnƯ, al-
TafhƯm, Ramsay-Wright 1934, 279-295.
8. Burnett, Yamamoto and Yano 2004, 32-33 [22].
9. Decans are thirds of a sign, according to the method of the Persians and Greeks (al-BƯrnjnƯ,
al-TafhƯm, Ramsay-Wright 1934, 262). Al-QabƯցƯ differs from Ptolemy in using the decan instead of
the aspect.
The Ptolemaic concept of the Ruler (al-MustawlƯ) Planet in Ibn ‘Azznjz’s astrological writing 543
est number of shares (7) in Aries 5º and became the Ruler Planet according to the
following qualification : Aries is the domicile of Mars = 5 strengths (Mars is the
lord of Scorpio and Aries), the exaltation of the Sun = 4 strengths (the place of
exaltation of the Sun is Aries 19º), the triplicity of the Sun = 3 strengths (Aries,
Leo and Sagittarius form the first triplicity or fiery triplicity. The Sun is its lord
by day), the term of Jupiter = 2 strengths (the term of Aries from 1º to 6º belongs
to Jupiter) and the decan of Mars = 1 strength (the lord of the first ten degrees of
Aries is Mars).
KnjshyƗr explains a slightly different tradition in the first part of his introduc-
tion (Chapter Twenty-Two)10. The definition of the Ruler Planet is the same as
al-QabƯցƯ’s (the planet with the most shares in a house), but KnjshyƗr’s scale of
strength follows the gradation 1, 1, 2, 3, 4. He also modifies the five elements
under consideration in this manner : 4 witnesses (shahƗdƗt) for the lord of the
domicile ; 3 for the lord of the exaltation ; 2 for the first lord (the lord by day) of
the triplicity ; 1 for the second lord (the lord by night) of the triplicity and 1 for
the lord of the term. Neither the kind of horoscope nor the indicators are men-
5. Ibn ‘Azznjz
5.1. Text
I worked with manuscript number 1110 of the al-պasaniyya Library in Rabat11
that keeps the second treatise of Ibn ‘Azznjz’s Book of the chapters. The second
chapter, ‘Knowledge of the settlement of the universal and individual indicators’,
contains the numerical tables and their canons in folios 67 verso-70 recto. The
following sections present the translation (5.1.1) and edition (5.1.2) of the canons,
as well as the commentary (throughout Section 5.2) and the edition (5.2.1 and
Appendix) of the tables.
5.1.1 Translation
[1] You operate analogously to find out the indicator of the changes to come,
according to the yearly horoscopes, regarding cheapness, a rise in prices, illness,
health, weather and so on, with the degree of the conjunction of the Sun and the
Moon preceding the yearly anniversaries, according to the latitude of the place for
which you want to know this.
[2] If you have obtained the degree of the conjunction or the opposition of the
Sun and the Moon previous to the entry of the Sun in the first second of Aries, at
the mentioned times, pay attention to the following :
[3] If a conjunction of the Sun and the Moon occurs before the entry of the
Sun in Aries, you take the degree of the conjunction. However, if an opposition
of the Sun and the Moon occurs, you take the degree of the luminary that is
placed above the horizon
[4] and [take] the Ruler of this degree, which has the most shares.
[5] Knowledge of the Ruler.
[6] If you want to obtain the number of shares of the powers of a planet,
[7] first, you enter this set of tables in the Domain of the Dignities table and
take the strengths placed in front of the domicile, the exaltation, the triplicity, the
term, the decan, the twelfth and the Hindu decan, and the other shares that these
planets have in that sign. You also keep the amounts of weakness, and those cor-
responding to the detriment and the fall.
[8] If the planet is in one of its shares, take them from the Domain of the
Shares table and keep the amounts of strengths and weaknesses.
[9] Next, see if the planet is placed to the east of the Sun. Take the distance
between the Sun and the planet by subtracting the position of the Sun from the
position of the planet. The result of this is the eastern distance to the Sun. Enter
the eastern distance column of the Solar Domain table with this result, and take
the amounts of strengths and weaknesses you find in front of it [the argument],
keep it.
[10] If the planet is placed to the west of the Sun, take the distance between
the Sun and the planet by subtracting the position of the planet from the position
of the Sun. The result is the western distance to the Sun. Enter the western dis-
tance column of the Solar Domain table with this result and take the amounts of
strengths and weaknesses you find in front of it [the argument].
[11] Next, enter the Natural Domain table and the Temporal Domain table and
take the amounts of strengths and weaknesses you find in front of it [the argu-
[12] Add what each planet has.
[13] If the planets have an equal number of shares, this planet will not have
any power.
[14] If the shares are different, subtract the smaller from the bigger and keep
the remainder, whichever number was in the domain of strength or in the domain
of weakness.
[15] The Ruler of the situation will be [the planet] that has most power. Put it
ahead of the other planets. We will rely on it to establish the astrological judg-
ments. God gives success.
[16] This is the table of the quantities of the balance between strength and
weakness for the planets in the transfer of the year.
The Ptolemaic concept of the Ruler (al-MustawlƯ) Planet in Ibn ‘Azznjz’s astrological writing 545
[17] This is the table of the quantities of the balance between strength and
weakness for the planets.
[18] Celestial Positional Domain. Solar Domain of the Moon.
[19] This procedure is universal for the extraction of the Ruler of each one of
the degrees of the sphere, in every position in which knowledge of the Ruler is
5.1.2 Edition
546 Montse Díaz-Fajardo
5.2. Commentary
Paragraphs [4], [6] and [15] define the Ruler as the planet which possesses
most power, that is to say, it has the most shares in the degree of the conjunction
or opposition of the Sun and the Moon preceding the entry of the Sun in Aries. It
is called al-Kawkab al-MustawlƯ.
Judging by paragraphs [1] and [2], the horoscope is cast yearly on the occa-
sion of the taγwƯl al-sana (transfer of the year). The Arabic expression refers to
the entry of the Sun in the vernal equinox or the beginning of the astronomical
year. The yearly horoscopes concern most people. The sort of events mentioned
in the text, such as cheapness, a rise in prices, illness, health and weather, involve
two main divisions of astrology : natural and judicial astrology. The former con-
cerns natural elements and the second, human destiny.
The Ptolemaic concept of the Ruler (al-MustawlƯ) Planet in Ibn ‘Azznjz’s astrological writing 547
Ibn ‘Azznjz keeps the relationship of the Ruler Planet to the syzygies, as
Ptolemy did. According to paragraphs [1]-[4], he uses as indicators the degree of
the last syzygy of the Sun and the Moon preceding the entry of the Sun in the
vernal equinox, and the Ruler Planet of this degree.
5.2.1 Tables
The instrument intended to determine the power of a planet is the set of tables
called ‘Table of the quantities of the balance between strength and weakness for
the planets’.
In the manuscript, this set of tables is found in folios 68 verso and 69 recto.
The latter contains the Celestial Positional Domain and the Solar Domain of the
Moon tables. Folio 68 verso contains the rest of the tables.
For convenience, the edition of the tables appears in the Appendix and the
commentary in the following sections. I have identified each table with the letter
T and a number between brackets.
Ibn al-KammƗd (fl. Cordova, 1116) also used tables of the strength and weak-
ness of the planets in his non-extant zƯj al-Kawr ‘alƗ-l-dawr, according to the
anonymous compiler12 (fl. Tunis, 1266-1281) of Ibn IsջƗq’s zƯj. Thus, these
tables were known in al-Andalus at the beginning of the twelfth century and con-
tinued to be used in the Maghrib up to the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries,
even though the Andalusian astronomer was not the source of Ibn ‘Azznjz’s work.
Ibn ‘Azznjz’s set of tables is a sort of visual introduction to astrology that is
focused on three topics :
a) The shares of the planets in the divisions of the zodiac, i.e. in its essential con-
ditions13. This is illustrated in the Domain of the Dignities (T2), Domain of
the Shares (T3) and Natural Domain (T5) tables.
b) The indications of the planets in the divisions of the zodiac related to the posi-
tion of the horizon, i.e. in the accidental conditions of the zodiac. These are
represented in the Celestial Positional Domain (T1) and Natural Domain (T5)
tables. The Temporal Domain (T6) table displays one of the accidental shares
of the planets.
c) The indications of the planets in relation to the Sun. This is described in the
group of Solar Domain tables (T4, T7, T8 and T9).
Paragraphs [12]-[15] state that, after the addition of all the strengths and
weaknesses of the planet, the smaller amount (of strength or weakness) is sub-
tracted from the larger one. Obviously, the planet has no power if the amounts of
strengths and weaknesses are equal. The Ruler is the planet with the most shares
in either strengths or weaknesses14. This differs from the previous kind of influ-
12. Mestres 1999, Chapter 38, Tables 207, 209 and 210.
13. This terminology is used by al-QabƯցƯ, see Burnett, Yamamoto and Yano 2004, 46-47 [55].
14. The distinction between strength and weakness is not always consistent. For instance, both
are considered strength in the Solar Domain of Venus and Solar Domain of the Planets tables,
although it is deduced that the values of the second column have to be regarded as weaknesses accord-
ing to the disposition of the other tables.
548 Montse Díaz-Fajardo
ence we saw in Ptolemy, al-QabƯցƯ and KnjshyƗr, as Ibn ‘Azznjz takes into consid-
eration weakness as well as strength. The former power has a negative meaning
because of its relation to the astrological conditions regarded as malefic or weak. Domain of the Dignities (T2) and Domain of the Shares (T3)
The Domain of the Dignities is dedicated to the luminaries, and the Domain
of the Shares to the planets. These Domains test a planet’s association with the
signs (the domicile, the exaltation and the triplicity) and with the divisions of the
signs (the term, the twelfth, the Hindu decan17 and the decan). In the manuscript,
these tables were named with two different Arabic adjectives of attribution,
muzƗ‘imƯ (of the dignities) and γaοοawƯ (of the shares). Nevertheless, the fact that
exactly the same elements are listed in both tables implies that these terms are
synonymous in an astrological context and they refer to the astrological elements
of the zodiac circle.
The canon (Paragraph [7]) related to the Domain of the Dignities table instructs
the reader to write the amounts of the detriment and the fall18, whereas the canon
of the Domain of the Shares table (Paragraph [8]), indicates that the amounts of
weakness have to be considered, in spite of the fact that both tables only include
15. House VI is related to sickness and loss of property and house XII to adversity and tumults
according to al-BƯrnjnƯ, al-TafhƯm, Ramsay-Wright 1934, 275.
16. House I is related to soul and life and house X to the government and success in business. Al-
BƯrnjnƯ, al-TafhƯm, Ramsay-Wright 1934, 275.
17. The twelfths of a sign are twelve parts, each of two degrees and a half, which are the result
of the division of the sign by twelve. The Hindu decans are the thirds of a sign according to the
method of the Hindus. Al-BƯrnjnƯ, al-TafhƯm, Ramsay-Wright 1934, 267-268 (twelfths), 263 (Hindu
18. The detriment is the opposite sign to the domicile of the planet and the fall the opposite sign
to the exaltation. The detriment and the fall are malefic conditions. Al-BƯrnjnƯ, al-TafhƯm, Ramsay-
Wright 1934, 257 (detriments), 258 (falls).
The Ptolemaic concept of the Ruler (al-MustawlƯ) Planet in Ibn ‘Azznjz’s astrological writing 549
amounts of strength. Such indications suggest that Ibn ‘Azznjz took a set of tables
with similar characteristics to the one described in the canon, but not the original
set (see Sections and Although Ibn ‘Azznjz’s explanatory text
may seem inadequate to us, it was perhaps sufficient at a time in which the astrol-
ogers were used to handling this kind of tables and they did not depend on the
canon (see the prolonged use of these tables for centuries in Section 5.2.1).
19. Al-BƯrnjnƯ, al-TafhƯm, Ramsay-Wright 1934, 234 (male and female planets), 211 (male and
female signs).
20. Al-QabƯցƯ, al-Madkhal, Burnett, Yamamoto and Yano 2004, 48-49 [56].
21. Al-BƯrnjnƯ, al-TafhƯm, Ramsay-Wright 1934, 308 (γalb), 234 (diurnal and nocturnal planets).
550 Montse Díaz-Fajardo Solar Domain of Mercury (T4) and Solar Domain of Venus (T7)
According to the Solar Domain of Venus table, it may be inferred that Ibn
‘Azznjz divides the motion of Venus22 into four stages (see Figure 1).
First : between 0º and 5º in the east, and between 360º and 355º in the west.
Venus is powerful in weakness. This condition is related to the conjunction with
the Sun.
Second : between 10º and 25º in the east, and between 350º and 335º in the
west. Venus is powerful in strength. This state is possibly associated with the
planet’s separation from the Sun when its visibility increases.
Third : Venus is placed in 30º in the east or in 330º in the west. In these posi-
tions, Venus has no power.
Fourth : between 35º and 45º in the east, and between 325º and 315º in the
west. Venus is powerful in weakness again. This condition is related to the max-
imum elongation23 of Venus from the Sun.
no power
West East
Figure 1.
There are several oversights and copy errors in the Solar Domain of Mercury
This table has almost the same distribution of western distance as the table of
Venus : Mercury is powerful in weakness in conjunction with the Sun (between
12 signs and 11 signs 5º) ; next, it is powerful in strength (between 11 signs 25º
and 11 signs 10º) ; and finally, Mercury is again powerful in weakness in its west-
ern maximum elongation (between 11 signs 5º and 11 signs 3º).
Nevertheless, Mercury has no power in the zone of its eastern maximum elon-
gation (between 25º and 27º)24, which may be due to transmission slips.
22. For the motion of the inferior planets, see al-BƯrnjnƯ, al-TafhƯm, Ramsay-Wright 1934, 62.
23. In the table, Venus reaches its largest elongation at 45º. This longitude does not agree with
the value of Ptolemy in the Almagest : 47 ;15º. Pedersen 1974, 425-426 ; Neugebauer 1975, 230-234 ;
Toomer 1984, 456, 471 ; Samsó 2001, 218-223.
24. According to Ptolemy in the Almagest, the largest elongation of Mercury takes place at
23 ;53º. Pedersen 1974, 425-426 ; Neugebauer 1975, 230-234 ; Toomer 1984, 456, 471 ; Samsó 2001,
The Ptolemaic concept of the Ruler (al-MustawlƯ) Planet in Ibn ‘Azznjz’s astrological writing 551
25. For the motion of the superior planets, see al-BƯrnjnƯ, al-TafhƯm, Ramsay-Wright 1934, 62.
26. In the table of the Moon, there is no constant formation between the numbers.
552 Montse Díaz-Fajardo
In the starting point (the mean value of the scale), the strength and weakness
are equal. From here, while the power increases progressively in 1, the difference
between strength and weakness doubles. The increase is directly proportional to
the difference between strength and weakness : the greater the increase, the bigger
the difference.
In order to know the weakness of a strength, double its distance to the starting
point is subtracted from the value of the strength. For instance, since strength 10
is 2 points away from the starting point (= 10 – 8) and double 2 is 4, then strength
10 has a weakness of 6 (= 10 – 4).
Thus, Ibn ‘Azznjz made use of the mathematical relationship among several
quantities as a practical procedure in his craft. This kind of technique was applied
in the field of astrology to ease the task of examining the celestial elements. This
was the aim of other medieval scholars like Ramón Llull27 (ca. 1233-ca. 1315),
who gave simple rules in his De Nova Astronomia to find the predominant planet
in an astrological situation. In addition, one should remember that there are certain
similarities between Ibn ‘Azznjz’s technique to establish the Ruler Planet and al-
KindƯ’s28 (Knjfa, ca. 801, Baghdad, ca. 870) method to determine the intensity
(quwƗ) of a drug in his pharmacological work. According to al-KindƯ, the efficacy
of a drug compound by a pair of qualities (hot-cold, and dry-moist) increases in an
arithmetical progression (1, 2, 3, 4) if its main quality is increased in geometrical
progression (2, 4, 8, 16). Thus, a drug is hot in the 1st degree when its composition
is 2 hot parts to 1 cold ; hot in the 2nd degree when its composition is 4 hot parts
to 1 cold ; hot in the 3rd degree when its composition is 8 hot parts to 1 cold, and
finally, hot in the 4th degree when its composition is 16 hot parts to 1 cold.
6. Concluding remarks
7. Acknowledgements
al-γayyiz al-waί‘Ư al-falakƯ
1º 5º 10º 15º 20º 25º 30º
I Strengths 15 14a 13 12 11 10 9
Weakness 1 2 3 4 5 6 7b
II Strengths 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
Weakness 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
III Strengths 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Weakness 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
IV Strengths 11 10 9 8 7 6 5
Weakness 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
V Strengths 10 9 8 7 6 5 4
Weakness 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
VI Strengths 5 4 3 2 1 0 0
Weakness 11 12 13 14 15 16 16
VII Strengths 13 12 11 10 9 8 7
Weakness 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
VIII Strengths 9 8 7 6 5 4 3
Weakness 7 8 9 10 11c 12 13
IX Strengths 12 11 10 9 8 7 6
Weakness 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
X Strengths 16 15 14 13 12 11 10
Weakness 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
XI Strengths 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Weakness 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
XII Strengths 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Weakness 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
a. 16 in the ms.
b. 5 in the ms.
c. 10 in the ms.
[T2] [T3]
al-γayyiz al-muzƗ‘imƯ Strengths al-γayyiz al-γaοοawƯ Strengths
the luminaries are in : the planet is in :
the first triplicity 36 its domicile 36
the second triplicity 30 its exaltation 30
the third triplicity 20 the first triplicity 20
their domiciles 12 the second triplicity 12
their exaltations 10 the third triplicity 10
their terms 6a its term 6
their twelfth 4 its twelfth 4
their Hindu decans 3 its Hindu decan 3
their decans 2 its decan 2
a. In the ms, the term and its mark of strength are in the last row.
556 Montse Díaz-Fajardo
al-γayyiz al-shamsƯ li-‘UλƗrid
signs degrees
00 00 0 16 12d [00] 0 16
00 03 4 12 11 [27] 5 11
00 05 6 10 11 [25] 10 6
00 10 10 6 11 [20] 12 4
00 15 16 0b 11 [15] 14 2
00 20 12a 4c 11 [10] 10 6f
00 25 8 8 11 05e 5 11g
00 27 8 8 11 [03] 0 16
[T5] [T6]
al-γayyiz al-λabƯ‘Ư al-γayyiz al-zamƗnƯ
Strengths Strengths
Male planet : Diurnal planet :
in a male quadrant 8 above the horizon in the day 8
in a male sign 8 below the horizon at night 6
Female planet : Nocturnal planet
in a female quadrant 6 Above the horizon at night 8
in a female sign 6 Below the horizon in the day 6
a. 27 in the ms.
b. 16 in the ms.
c. 14 in the ms.
d. 11 in the ms.
e. 3 in the ms.
f. 5 in the ms.
g. 10 in the ms.
The Ptolemaic concept of the Ruler (al-MustawlƯ) Planet in Ibn ‘Azznjz’s astrological writing 557
a. 16 in the ms.
b. 17 in the ms.
c. 11 in the ms.
The Ptolemaic concept of the Ruler (al-MustawlƯ) Planet in Ibn ‘Azznjz’s astrological writing 559
Amounts Amounts
Eastern distance Western distance of of
strengh weakness
0 00 12a 00 0 16
0 10 12 20 0 15
0 20 12 10 1 13
1 00 11 00 2 12
1 10 11 20 3 11
1 20 11 10 4 11
2 00 10 00 5 10
2 10 10 20 6 10
2 20 10 10 7 7
3 00 09 00 10 6
3 10 09 20 10 5
3 20 09 10 10 4
4 00 08 00 11 3
4 10 08 20 12 1
4 20 08 10 13 1
5 00 07 00 14 0
5 10 07 20 16 0
5 20 07 10 16 0
6 00 06 00 16 0
a. 11 in the ms.