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Role of Modern Teaching Methods For Prov

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Vol. VII, Issue 10/ January 2020

Impact Factor: 3.4546 (UIF)

ISSN 2286-4822 DRJI Value: 5.9 (B+)

Role of Modern Teaching Methods for Providing

Quality Education at Higher Level

Institute of Agri. Extension and Rural Development
University of Agriculture, Faislabad, Pakistan

Teacher’s way of teaching has a significance effect on students
learning. The major aim of the research was to find out that How to
improve the quality education through modern teaching methods. The
purpose of study was to investigate which method is the best for the
teaching learning process. The present study has pointed out the value
of modern technologies in the teaching learning process. The concept of
modern teaching is interactive and technology oriented. Modern
teaching has necessary component of presenting ideas by students,
through group discussion, cooperative learning, open discussion and
self-study which is included in this study to furnish the students
abilities in learning environment. Data was collected by two public’s
universities i.e. university of agriculture and university of education
Faisalabad using a survey questionnaire. Convenient sampling
technique was used for the selection of sample for the study. Thus, the
sample size of the study was consisted of 50 respondents. The findings
showed that teachers prefer the modern teaching methods for
providing the quality education. Modern education is providing these
all benefits to the society as whole as also it is reasonable by any class
of people.

Key words: Modern Teaching, Quality Education, Learning

environment, Faisalabad

The most important purpose of education is to improve the quality of
teaching learning processes. There are several modern teaching

Farhana Khokhar- Role of Modern Teaching Methods for Providing Quality
Education at Higher Level

methods that can be used in teaching and learning (Renata,2000).

Modern teaching means to teach the students with the use of electric
devices such as multimedia power point computer tablets. The concept
of modern teaching is new. The students and teacher role are too
active in this method. Computers are being used to provide up to date
information. The computer in the classrooms are enhancing students'
capability and understanding towards education. Teaching profession
can be made attractive through modern devices (Lee, 2000).
Now society moves in 21st century where the education
system has rapidly changed with the passage of time. Education is
given with different modern IT tools which is helpful in teaching
learning process. (Zazaleena, 2005). Many universities and higher
secondary schools in the world use technology to increase the students
learning tools like an internet access, email, interactive whiteboard,
LCD, computers, multimedia projectors, laptop and course software
that are according to the curriculum. (Honey, 2005). There are several
modern teaching methods and These teaching methods are focused on
students´ active work. In this paper we studied some of these
methods, i.e. problem–based learning (IBL), Project-based learning
(PBL), Brainstorming, Self-learning, Free Online Learning Tool and
Social Media(Goodison, 2005).
Teachers used computer in teaching learning process and try
to improve their teaching techniques. Teachers save office work,
students and teachers’ attendance record, students’ bio-data
information and students’ performance record. They often used
computer to set their curriculum and update latest information.
(Passey, 2006). Mostly teachers used computer as an attractive
teaching tool during lecture, they engage the students with different
creative activities in classroom whether students happily done their
work. Teacher make lesson easy, interesting and meaningful with the
help of computer (Scrimshaw, 2007). Use of multimedia improves the
students self-learning ability. Multimedia makes student from passive
learners to active learners. It also develops the student’s innovative
ability. Usage of multimedia in class saves a lot of time which teacher
spent on writing on board (Tolstoy, 2008). With a single click teacher
can share information in many forms like audio video, text, graphs
because it increases the output information. Large number of students
can easily be handled by using multimedia in classroom
(Balasubramanian, 2009).
EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. VII, Issue 10 / January 2020
Farhana Khokhar- Role of Modern Teaching Methods for Providing Quality
Education at Higher Level

Project-based learning (PBL) is the most common method. It is an

instructional methodology in which students learn important skills by
doing several projects (Gursul, 2010). Problem based learning is often
referred to as a form of inquiry-based learning (IBL), which describes
an environment in which learning is driven by a process of inquiry
owned by the student. The problem can be presented in various forms
– question, task, experiment. (Costa, 2011). Teacher is a key element
in a teaching learning process. Such teachers who come in classroom
without any preparation may cause of poor learning and they must
face problems. A teacher should be master in his work to perform all
types of tasks. Teacher teaching style also affects the student learning
and performance. (Al-amarat, 2011).
The teacher plays various roles. The teacher is a facilitator, a
timekeeper, mentor and motivator. Brainstorming is a group
creativity technique designed to generate many ideas for the solution
of a problem. In 1953 the method was popularized by Alex Faickney
Osborn in a book called Applied Imagination. The most important
outcome of brainstorming is to improving team work in students.
(Klimova, 2012). The 84% students learn through e-learning and 16%
learn through traditional methods. Information communication
technology improves our educational system day by day (Klimovo
2012). There is an array of free online learning tools available which
teachers can use to encourage engagement, participation and a sense
of fun into the classroom. Teachers can create an interactive and
dynamic classroom environment using, for example, online quizzes to
test student’s knowledge. (Eady, 2013).
Modern teaching is used to get better the competence of
educational system. Modern and traditional teaching is very effective
to each other both are used to increase the quality of system (Xuan,
2014). the concept of e-learning has been started since 1999. In the
early 90s many educational institutions are set up to delivery online
education for students. Learning management system (LMS) has been
started in 90s in Pakistan. Some educational institutions develop
their own LMS system while some started with taking system from
market. LMS is the best way of interaction between students and
teachers. In 2000s e-learning concept has increased in business. In
modern learning, (MOOCs) and (SOOCs) courses is used to give a new
concept for students in 2010. (Gogos 2014).

EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. VII, Issue 10 / January 2020

Farhana Khokhar- Role of Modern Teaching Methods for Providing Quality
Education at Higher Level

The learning percentage of students through lecture method is only

5% and the learning outcome of students by using audiovisual method
20%. Similarly, demonstration method increased the learning of
students 30% and discussion increased the learning level of students
50%. The learning through practice doing students learned 75% and
also has a long-term effect on student’s mind. modern teaching
develops the student abilities of thinking and cognitive senses (Amit
2015). The trend of modern learning increased day by day as compare
to traditional learning. The use of technology in the classroom is more
beneficial for students because students actively participate in the
classroom (Muayad and Hadithy 2015).
Modern teaching has become the important part of every filed
like, commerce, researchers, management and education. E-learning
provide us deep knowledge and help us to identify weakness and
strength of every educational system. (Rehman et al.2016).
Traditional teaching concept is very old and one-way communication.
Online teaching is latest education concept by using internet and
technologies includes many types of media that projector, multimedia,
web learning as well as computer-based teaching. Online learning and
teaching environment are very effective than traditional environment.
In past people of rural areas shifted to urban places for quality
education (Leach and Emerson 2016). modern teaching is more
effective for self-education. Online teaching and learning are the new
approach that used in modernized schools especially in a private
sector. Learning through practices doing has long term effects in
student’s mind and 75% students learn by practice (Drozdova 2017).

Figure:1 Learning Pyramid

Source: National Training Laboratories, Bethel, Maine

EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. VII, Issue 10 / January 2020

Farhana Khokhar- Role of Modern Teaching Methods for Providing Quality
Education at Higher Level


The present study entitled “Role of Modern Teaching Methods for

Providing Quality Education at Higher Level” was conducted in public
universities of Faisalabad. Faisalabad is the third most populous city
in Pakistan. University of Agriculture is the public sector university
in Faisalabad. It is ranked 4thin Pakistan and 1st among agricultural
universities. It was also ranked in QS worktops 800 universities in
2015. Data were collected from two public universities, University of
Agriculture, Faisalabad (UAF) and University of Education,
Faisalabad (UE). All teachers and students of both universities were
the population of the study.


Figure 2: Methodology flow chart

EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. VII, Issue 10 / January 2020

Farhana Khokhar- Role of Modern Teaching Methods for Providing Quality
Education at Higher Level

Data and its resources

Methodology is a system of methods used in a specific area of study
and provides us the theoretical analysis of the study. Convenient
sampling technique was used for the selection of sample for the study.
The study employed a descriptive survey design to investigate the
importance of modern teaching methods at higher level.

All the students and teacher of University of Agriculture Faisalabad
(UAF) and University of Education Faisalabad (UE) were the
population of this study.
The sample size consisted of (50) respondents. Twenty-five
teachers were selected from University of Education and twenty-five
teachers were selected from University of Agriculture, Faisalabad for
the purpose of data collection. The sample size of (50) respondents
were determined by the convenient sample techniques. A well-
structured questionnaire which was used for data collation from
teachers. The data were carefully recorded according to the procedure.
The purpose of data collection and procedure was explained
completely to all the members before filling up of questionnaires. The
copies of questionnaires were distributed among the students.
Statistical Packages for Social Sciences was used to analyze the data.
The inter-station of raw data is very difficult task. It’s important that
first data is analyzed and then interpretations are done through it. It
is the main element of whole research procedure based on results and
the researcher concluded the research.


Table: 1) Modern Teaching Method
Weighted Rank
Modern Teaching Method Mean Std. Deviation
score order
Teacher’s roles as a facilitator 4 0.286 200 1
Teachers encourage students to generate their own
3.98 0.654 199 2
Modern teaching plays an important role in the
3.78 1.036 189 3
learning process
Students easily access the learning material in short
3.68 0.819 184 4
Modern teaching provides flexible learning 3.67 1.077 185 5
Provide information’s to students in variety of
3.66 1.099 183 6
The learn Most of the learning process takes place in
group or by the individual students learning takes 3.6 1.212 182 7
place with no fixed location

EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. VII, Issue 10 / January 2020

Farhana Khokhar- Role of Modern Teaching Methods for Providing Quality
Education at Higher Level

Findings of Modern Teaching Methods

Majority of the respondents (4.00) were agreed that the teacher role
as a facilitator was prominent as indicated by majority of the
respondents (with mean value 4.00).Most of the respondents (3.98)
were agreed that teachers encourage the students to generate their on
tasks was prominent as indicated by majority of the respondents (with
mean value 3.98). Most of the respondents (3.87) were agreed that the
modern technology play an important role in the learning process was
prominent as indicated by majority of the respondents (with mean
value 3.87).Most of the respondents (3.68) were agreed that students
access the learning metrical in short time was prominent as indicated
by majority of the respondents (with mean value 3.87). Most of the
respondents (3.66) were that provide the information’s in variety of
formats was prominent as indicated by majority of the respondents
(with mean value 3.66). Most of the respondents (3.60) were that the
learn most of the learning process takes place in group or by the
individual students learning takes place with no fixed location was
prominent as indicated by majority of the respondents (with mean
value 3.60).

Table: 2) Effective Teaching Strategies of Modern Teaching

Std. Weighted Rank
Effective Teaching Strategies Mean
Deviation score order
Learn from students 4 0.639 200 1
Work together as a Team work 3.96 0.533 198 2
Welcome new ideas 3.92 0.724 196 3
Clarify goals and available intellectual
3.9 0.463 195 4
Build interest 3.8 0.969 190 5
Independence, control and active
3.76 0.916 188 6
Appropriate assessment and feedback 3.42 0.906 171 7

Majority of the respondents were agreed that good teacher got

learning from the students. Teacher provides the students plethora of
information, but they also learn from students with new ideas. Most
respondents (4.00) were agreed that teacher learn from students was
prominent as indicated by majority of the respondents (with mean
value 4.00).Most respondents (3.96) were agreed that both teacher
and students worked together as a team work was prominent as
indicated by majority of the respondents (with mean value 3.96).The

EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. VII, Issue 10 / January 2020

Farhana Khokhar- Role of Modern Teaching Methods for Providing Quality
Education at Higher Level

majority of the respondents (3.92) were agreed that teacher should be

motivated and encouraged the students to participate in the
classroom was prominent as indicated by majority of the respondents
(with mean value 3.92).The majority of the respondents (3.90) were
agreed that clarify the goals and available intellectual challenges
were prominent as indicated by majority of the respondents (with
mean value 3.90).Most of the respondents (3.80) were agreed that it’s
very compulsory for a teacher to teach in co-operative environment
was prominent as indicated by majority of the respondents (with
mean value 3.80).


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EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. VII, Issue 10 / January 2020


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