Definition of Types of Industrial Accidents Causes of Accidents
Definition of Types of Industrial Accidents Causes of Accidents
Definition of Types of Industrial Accidents Causes of Accidents
Submitted by
This is to certify that the project work entitled “Engineering Metrology.” is a bonfide work
carried out by following students in partial fulfillment for the award of “Diploma in
Mechanical Engineering” during the year 2023-24 as required by the Maharashtra State Board
of Technical Education, Mumbai. The project report has been approved as it satisfies the
academic requirements in respect of project work prescribed by MSBTE, Mumbai.
An industrial injury is defined as “a personal injury to an employee which has been caused
by an accident or an occupational disease and which arises out of or in the course of
employment and which could entitle such employee to compensation under Workers’
Compensation Act, 1923”.
The mechanical properties are those which affect
the mechanical strength and ability of a material to be molded in suitable shape. Some of
the typical mechanical properties show huge applications in space and automobile
industries. These properties are associated with the capability of the materials to resist
mechanical forces and load and they are measured in terms of the behavior of the material
when subjected to a force. Mechanical properties may be determined to provide either
design data for the engineer or as a check on the standard of raw materials
[1]. Mechanical properties may be changed by heat treatment process and the working
temperature. Mostly, the strength, toughness and hardness of materials are to be measured
after the metal forming process
[2]. The main objective of the paper is to give the overview of the importance of
mechanical properties of the materials, testing. This paper,includes the concepts of
strength, plasticity, malleability, stiffness, elasticity, brittleness, ductility, toughness,
resilience, fatigue, creep and shown how improper understanding of properties can lead to
have confusion. The engineering concepts of mechanical properties dominate the
teaching in the technological universities over natural sciences.
orce (tensile, compression, shear) without rupture. Simply, the strength is a maximum
resistance by the material to the deformation. Similarly, tenacity is the ability of a material
to resist rupture due to a tensile force
.2. Stiffness
It is the ability of a material to resist deformation under stress. Modulus of elasticity is the
measure of stiffness. Material which suffers slight deformation under load has a high
degree of stiffness or rigidity. Steel beam is stiffer or more rigid than aluminium beam.
Finally, it means that the ability of material to resist elastic deflection is known as stiffness.
2.3. Elasticity
It is the property of materials to regain its original shape after deformation when the
external forces are removed. Example is the extension or compression of a spring. This
property is desirable for materials used in tools and machines. Steel is more elastic than
rubber. Elasticity is a tensile property of the material. Proportional limit and elastic
limit indicate elasticity. It is also known as Non-permanent deformation. It consists
of two sub properties within this elastic region. They are proportional limit and elastic
limit. Proportional limit is the maximum stress under which a material will maintain a
perfectly uniform rate of strain to stress. Proportional limit applications are precision
instruments, springs etc... The greatest stress that a material can endure without
taking up some permanent set is called elastic limit. Beyond the elastic limit, material
does not regain its original form and permanent set occurs.
2.4. Plasticity
It is the ability of material to undergo some degree of permanent deformation without
rupture or failure [12]. That means, this is the property of a material to deform
permanently under the application of a load. Plastic deformation will take place only
after the elastic range has been exceeded by the process of slipping when the shear stress
on the slip plane reaches a critical value.
Displacement caused by slipping is permanent and the crystal planes do not return to their
original positions even after the removal of the stresses. Applications are forming, shaping,
extruding, hot & cold working process, forging, ornamental work, stamping, rolling,
drawing, pressing, etc.. Aluminium is a good plasticity material.
2.5. Ductility
It is the property of a material which enables it to draw out into thin wire with the
application of a tensile force. Ductile material must be both strong and plastic. Ductile
materials are gold (most ductile material), mild steel, copper, aluminium, nickel, zinc, tin.
Ductility usually measured by the terms, percentage elongation and percentage reduction in
area. Ductility is thought of as a tensile quality. Ductile material combines the properties
of plasticity and tensile strength. It is also 6mentioned as a
capacity of a material to undergo deformation under tension without rupture or the
ability of a material to withstand cold deformation without fracture. Ductility of a material
is to stretch under the application of tensile load and retain the deformed shape on the
removal of the load. If subjected to a shock load the material would yield and become
deformed. Ductile material can be worked into a shape without loss of strength. All
materials which are formed by drawing are required to be ductile,
e.g.- drawing into wire form.
2.6. Brittleness
Breaking of a material with little permanent distortion simply states the property of
brittleness. Brittle materials when subjected to tensile loads snap off without giving any
sensible elongation [5]. Usually the tensile strength of brittle materials is only a fraction of
their compressive strength. Examples of brittle materials are glass, bricks, cast iron etc… It
is also a tendency of a material to fracture when subjected to shock loading or a blow.
Material that shatters is also a brittle material.
2.7. Malleability
It is the ability of materials to be rolled, flattened or hammered into thin sheets without
cracking by hot or cold working. Malleable material should be plastic but it is not
essential to be strong and malleability is considered as a compressive quality. Examples
for malleability Al, Cu, Sn, Pb, soft steel, wrought iron. This is the property of a material
to deform permanently under the application of a compressive load. A material which is
forged to its final shape is required to be malleable. Forging,
Rolling processes are malleability.
2.9. Resilience
The property of a material to absorb energy and to resist shock and impact loads are
known as resilience. Generally, it is mentioned by the amount of energy absorbed per unit
volume within elasticlimit. This is essential for spring materials. Two kind of resilience
are available. Proof resilience: Maximum energy which can be stored in a body up to
elastic limit is called the proof resilience. But the Proof resilience per unit volume is called
modulus of resilience. 2.10. Creep When a part is subjected to a constant stress at high
temperature for a long period of time, it will undergo a slow and permanent
deformation called creep. Property is considered in designing IC engines, boilers,
turbines. Simplest type of creep deformation- viscous flow Plastics, rubber and
amorphous materials are very temperature sensitive to creep. Stress for a specified rate of
strain at a constant temperature is called creep strength. When a material sustains steady
loads for long periods of time, the material may continue to deform until they may tend to
fracture under the same load. This is called creep. If a load is applied and left on the sample
for months or years, the sample will slowly extend. In metals with high melting
temperatures, creep becomes a problem at higher temperatures. e.g.- gas turbines that
operate at the highest temperature. ASTM E139 is the standard specimen test procedure for
creep strength. Creep and Stress Rupture Testing are designed to analyze the amount of
stress a material can safely withstand until failure and elongation. These are important
indications for products in the aerospace,9automotive, power generation, medical, oil
& gas and many other industries. The three stages of classical creep curve is shown in
figure 6. The primary Creep starts at a rapid rate and slows with time. But the secondary
creep has a relatively uniform rate. While in the third stage, in the Tertiary Creep, creep
rate has been accelerated and terminates when the material breaks or ruptures. It is
associated with both necking and formation of grain boundary voids.
2.2. Stiffness
It is the ability of a material to resist deformation under stress. Modulus of
elasticity is the measure of stiffness. Material which suffers slight deformation under
load has a high degree of stiffness or rigidity. Steel beam is stiffer or more rigid than
aluminium beam. Finally, it means that the ability of material to resist elastic deflection is
known as stiffness.
2.3. Elasticity
It is the property of materials to regain its original shape after deformation
when the external forces are removed. Example is the extension or compression of a
spring. This property is desirable for materials used in tools and machines. Steel is more
elastic than rubber. Elasticity is a tensile property of the material. Proportional limit and
elastic limit indicate elasticity. It is also known as Non-permanent deformation. It
consists of two sub properties within this elastic region. They are proportional limit
and elastic limit. Proportional limit is the maximum stress under which a material will
maintain a perfectly uniform rate of strain to stress. Proportional limit applications are
precision instruments, springs etc... The greatest stress that a material can endure
without taking up some permanent set is called elastic limit. Beyond the elastic limit,
material does not regain its original form and permanent set occurs.
2.4. Plasticity
It is the ability of material to undergo some degree of permanent
deformation without rupture or failure [12]. That means, this is the property of a
material to deform permanently under the application of a load. Plastic deformation
will take place only after the elastic range has been exceeded by the process of
slipping when the shear stress on the slip plane reaches a critical value. Displacement
caused by slipping is permanent and the crystal planes do not return to their original
positions even after the removal of the stresses. Applications are forming, shaping,
extruding, hot & cold working process, forging, ornamental work, stamping, rolling,
drawing, pressing, etc.. Aluminium is a good plasticity material.
2.5. Ductility
It is the property of a material which enables it to draw out into thin wire with
the application of a tensile force. Ductile material must be both strong and plastic. Ductile
materials are gold (most ductile material), mild steel, copper, aluminium, nickel, zinc, tin.
Ductility usually measured by the terms, percentage elongation and percentage reduction in
area. Ductility is thought of as a tensile quality. Ductile material combines the properties
of plasticity and tensile strength. It is also mentioned as a capacity of a material to
undergo deformation under tension without rupture or the ability of a material to
withstand cold deformation without fracture. Ductility of a material is to stretch under the
application of tensile load and retain the deformed shape on the removal of the load. If
subjected to a shock load the material would yield and become deformed. Ductile material
can be worked into a shape without loss of strength. All materials which are formed by
drawing are required to be ductile, e.g.- drawing into wire form.
2.6. Brittleness
Breaking of a material with little permanent distortion simply states the
property of brittleness. Brittle materials when subjected to tensile loads snap off without
giving any sensible elongation [5]. Usually the tensile strength of brittle materials is only a
fraction of their compressive strength. Examples of brittle materials are glass, bricks, cast
iron etc… It is also a tendency of a material to fracture when subjected to shock loading or
a blow. Material that shatters is also a brittle material.
2.7. Malleability
It is the ability of materials to be rolled, flattened or hammered into thin
sheets without cracking by hot or cold working. Malleable material should be plastic but
it is not essential to be strong and malleability is considered as a compressive quality.
Examples for malleability Al, Cu, Sn, Pb, soft steel, wrought iron. This is the property of a
material to deform permanently under the application of a compressive load. A material
which is forged to its final shape is required to be malleable. Forging, Rolling processes are
malleability. 11
2.8. Toughness and Testing
It is the ability of a material to withstand bending without
fracture due to high impact loads. Toughness of material decreases when it is heated
[16]. It is also measured by the amount of energy that a unit volume of the material has
absorbed after being stressed up to failure point and is the area under stress strain curve.
For example, if a load is suddenly applied to a piece of mild steel and then to a piece of
glass, the mild steel will absorb much more energy before failure occurs. Thus mild steel is
said to be much tougher than a glass. This property is desirable in parts subjected to shock
and impact loads. Notch toughness is the measure of the metal‘s resistance to brittle
fracture in presence of flaw or notch and fast loading conditions [17]. Examples are Mn-
steel, wrought iron, MS, etc…it can be also defined as property of absorbing energy
before fracture. To the opposite of brittleness, the ability of a material is to resist fracture
under shock loading. Basically, two main impact tests for measuring the toughness of
material in Joule are available namely Izod and Charpy test. Figure 2 shows the three types
of Notches used for fracture study. U type notch specimens can also be used for testing. In
case of ductile materials, when the material is stressed, it plastically deforms by absorbing
high energy and then the material fractures. But in the case of brittle materials, the cohesive
strength of the material exceeds before getting plastically deformed and hence absorbs less
energy before getting fractured. There are factors responsible for brittle behaviour; they
are notch, low temperature, thickness and microstructure. When temperature falling, the
failure mode of certain materials changes from ductile to brittle. For FCC materials, if the
temperature increases, the energy absorbed also slightly increases. The factors responsible
for the Charpy impact test are ductility, yield strength, notch, temperature, and fracture
mechanism. Figure 3, shows the working procedure of impact testing. The pivoting arm is
raised to a specific height, which is the potential energy and then this arm gets released.
The arm swings down hitting a notched sample, available on the specimen holding
vise, and breaking the specimen. The energy absorbed by the sample is measured from the
height the arm swings to after hitting the sample. The fracture energy (Joule) is determined
from the swing-up angle of the hammer and its swing-down angle. A notched sample is
generally used to determine impact energy and notch sensitivity. Some of the standards are
followed worldwide for the test they are ASTM D6110, ASTM E23, and ASTM D256
etc..., Figure 4 depicts the difference between Izod and Charpy test. In Charpy test (figure 4
a), a test specimen having a V-shaped notch (figure 5) is placed on the holder in such
position that the notched section is in the center of the holder and the specimen is broken
by striking the back of the notched section with the hammer. The Charpy impact value
(kJ/m2) is calculated by dividing the fracture energy by the cross-section area of the
specimen. If a test specimen having a V-shaped notch is fixed vertically, and the specimen
is broken by striking it from the same side as that of the notch by the use of the hammer,
this is called Izod test (figure 4 b). The Izod impact energy value (J/m,) is calculated by
dividing the fracture energy by the width of the specimen.
An endeavor over long period can be successful only with advice and guidance of many well-
My sincere thanks to the management and Prof. Pathre.A.M. Principal, of Shree Samarth
Polytechnic, Mhasane Phata, Ahmednagar for providing me the opportunity to conduct my
project work.
I am highly indebted to Prof. Shelar.R.G., Head of Department, Mechanical Engineering, for his
assistance and constant source of encouragement. I wish to express my profound and deep sense of
gratitude of Prof. Katore.S.S Project coordinator for sparing his valuable time to extent helps in
every step of my project work.
I would also like to thank the staff of Mechanical department for their generous guidance.
Last but not the least we would like to thank our friends and for their help in every way for the
success of this project report.
Teachers Evalution sheet
Name of Student…………………………………………….......
Enrollment No……………………………………………………...
Name of Programmed………………………………………..
Course Title:…………………………………………………………
Title of Micro-project:…………………………………………
………………………………………………………Evaluation As Per
14 Characterestics to Poor Average Good Excellent
be assessed (marks1- (Marks4- (Marks6- (Marks9-
3) 5) 8) 10
1 Relevance to the
2 Literature
3 Project Proposal
4 Completion of the
Target as per
Project Proposal
5 Analysis of Data
6 Quality of
7 Report Preparation
8 Presentation
9 Defense
Micro-Project Evaluation Sheet