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Asignnent2 Sc23 Mo33
AERos pArE
( 0 Descibe the method ot tinding lution of lireal
systemu o equations Az-b using the to0-ecluct,
of opryirng ERob (Etlemanay Rao
The pares veducedJ
-tansfotrm a matie into
called "o-Teduction
Sow echelon foirn s
faus- Jordlan elinintton,
Coomonly sejesedas
Elementaxy Roo opetions:
an ERo kis
Given a tneaz system,o} equattons,
Hhree kinds.
opea-ton o ooe of the folong
eguat ond of row) may k
@Ondeing tun
mutplied by a Don gero scaaY
may be
hoadded to
0A muHit ple o ore oquatton might
djesent esuato,
denote ERO
uohich ma Hipies rooiby
) ol /2) dorole tRo
denote tRo ohich ados
Ar i
imes oo ito o
-to be
form, it
fiast nonze40
A Coumn fhat Contalns such
sthes eties ae Beso
loadtng , all
nen zero

vight ot the lencdings o soio obove t

any gei0 appea belouo the nor georo
Salaing Systens
let alb) be male in PRE foin othch epTees
linea? aystern tx=b oof meguatons in voiebe,
has no &olrtiens i andiony it the
last nono
he denity
-he nonzeo
matiz. Io (posible coly } m), , (alb)
has innetty many solehons
o A and evey
a leàding 1, he set
Colum of A Contans
&olutioas anbe descai bet ioh k parameteg P
Sho that Roo ank o roatriz is cque o he
Calumn Tank
tonlt ol a roahi
ket A be a matiz uoth mtows and n

Row Rank A
Nozimurn 'rnam be lineay hdopondet
( dimension o noo pae)

coluimin Rask A :
indgondor Colmns
Naninumnumbe of treaslys
(dimensom colurnn apa)
( matia
os echelan fome
Let Rhe the veducd

often alying ERda .

-Then -the on zeo jouws of R lam bas fo
Cpace of R 'and iolumns o e oith
ith leadina

(a)= colron fank(e)

Colamn kank
Rous Rank()-(olumn Rark(a) 'Rant (à)

et yecto and yefm the ectr aqushon

eguatn has atleast

C0, alledtaiviaJ solaton
-This souton is
the arly kolutonto this
fhe taivial solutonis
vectos Io set s
eguatan then the
andaet, i alld the ineaty
lineaay ndependent
independrt st. Vecto 'h
then the ve
angthes tdurio
’ 1 these 's an d set 's
are Calle d
set s
binsaly dpendant set
Calle d beljeen the coluron pace of a d'
B shoothe relatop sdor
oitong of
irali ond
wohese AeR
Solutien exists
be coumn spae(a) Combinaton ot
wsittenaas lineag
i.e b
b Can be

Aet an

Columns Vectes e A
ohe a a, nd Ic k

A. a., a2 an|

b ¬ colunn spuce (4)

te uncsn shraine hacima and
6 Deive Conditon
- . Note hai x is a
mfnirma al a funeton
nrdimen[i o9al ve ctef,
opstiroigaton seloas to paoban of
Uheomstrained fancton uotod
mimunm eRoR minimum e a
on Value of vesiabe
vectoi 6tems:
Avectes ysten mvaves muiple Vari ahles.
Let f) be a ve ctef fureton wheie

’ Necesey comditon Vf)

>suffieient condton:

has inimum at
positie, then )
Values ane
that polnt. alleiyen
anmgetie defnite ha,
} r(Dis maocimu
thenf ) has
Values are nguthe
at that point.
} has both positve md negetve ean voie
then uncton may have maxi mun, nini mum

} H4) ndelinite f() nay heve natimum,

minimum, sadele pot maybel k deteiminel.
ditons ot Constained rnaximaand
Deiive the Con
f() witth Constrairts gl .
minima a tunto
a n-dimeniomal vecte.
Note the z s

Necesa Conditory:

Suicient Conditon

ncgatre de jnte ’ maxima t that poit,

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