Assign 2
Assign 2
Assign 2
Asignnent2 Sc23 Mo33
AERos pArE
( 0 Descibe the method ot tinding lution of lireal
systemu o equations Az-b using the to0-ecluct,
of opryirng ERob (Etlemanay Rao
The pares veducedJ
-tansfotrm a matie into
called "o-Teduction
Sow echelon foirn s
faus- Jordlan elinintton,
Coomonly sejesedas
Elementaxy Roo opetions:
an ERo kis
Given a tneaz system,o} equattons,
Hhree kinds.
opea-ton o ooe of the folong
eguat ond of row) may k
@Ondeing tun
mutplied by a Don gero scaaY
may be
hoadded to
0A muHit ple o ore oquatton might
djesent esuato,
denote ERO
uohich ma Hipies rooiby
) ol /2) dorole tRo
denote tRo ohich ados
Ar i
imes oo ito o
-to be
form, it
fiast nonze40
A Coumn fhat Contalns such
sthes eties ae Beso
loadtng , all
nen zero
Row Rank A
Nozimurn 'rnam be lineay hdopondet
( dimension o noo pae)
coluimin Rask A :
indgondor Colmns
Naninumnumbe of treaslys
(dimensom colurnn apa)
( matia
os echelan fome
Let Rhe the veducd
Aet an
Columns Vectes e A
ohe a a, nd Ic k
A. a., a2 an|
’ Necesey comditon Vf)
>suffieient condton:
has inimum at
positie, then )
Values ane
that polnt. alleiyen
anmgetie defnite ha,
} r(Dis maocimu
thenf ) has
Values are nguthe
at that point.
} has both positve md negetve ean voie
then uncton may have maxi mun, nini mum
Necesa Conditory:
Suicient Conditon
ncgatre de jnte ’ maxima t that poit,