Butler, Ryan Dinneny Can you give examples of what good etiquette and protocal would look like in the classroom?
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submit your answer!!! What does etiquette mean? The customary code of polite behaviour in society or among Defining members of a particular profession Etiquette and or group. Protocol What does protocol mean? A protocol is a set of rules and guidelines for communicating data. Can you think of any examples of Professional Etiquette in the School Environment?
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your answer!!! Example: Professional dress code Can you think of any examples of Professional Protocol in the School Environment? Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers
• The Code of Professional Conduct for
Teachers is a document created by the Teaching Council to give a guideline to teachers to base their values and standards on. • It was also created to maintain public trust and confidence in the teaching profession as this document is open for all members of public to read. Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers The Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers is a good guideline for you as student teachers to become familiar with how to build good professional practices early in your career.
Can anyone share the 4 core values
outlined in the Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers? These 4 ethical values can be used to ensure professional protocol and • Acting in your etiquette is achieved in the classroom students' best interest. • Building important By having Respect, Trust, Integrity relationships. and Care teachers can reach certain • Being explicit etiquette goals such as: about rules and expectations. •Being prepared.
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Observe Professional & Unprofessional Etiquette and Protocols Video on Professional Etiquette and Protocals Please feel free to ask any questions