ISO2867 - 2006 Earth Moving Machinery - Access Systems

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Sixth edition

Earth-moving machinery — Access

Engins de terrassement — Moyens d'accès

Reference number
ISO 2867:2006(E)
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ISO 2867:2006(E)

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Contents Page

Foreword............................................................................................................................................................ iv
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ v
1 Scope ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Normative references ........................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions........................................................................................................................... 1
4 General requirements for access systems ........................................................................................ 4
5 Walking and standing surface criteria................................................................................................ 5
6 Step requirements ................................................................................................................................ 5
7 Ladders .................................................................................................................................................. 8
8 Stairs and stairways ............................................................................................................................. 8
9 Handrails and handholds ..................................................................................................................... 8
10 Platforms, passageways, walkways, guardrails and foot barriers ................................................ 10
11 Enclosure openings............................................................................................................................ 12
Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................................... 16

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ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

ISO 2867 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 127, Earth-moving machinery, Subcommittee SC 2,
Safety requirements and human factors.

This sixth edition cancels and replaces the fifth edition (ISO 2867:1994), which has been technically revised.

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The structure of safety standards in the field of machinery is as follows.

a) Type-A standards (basis standards) give basic concepts, principle for design and general aspects that
can be applied to machinery.

b) Type-B standards (generic safety standards) dealing with one or more safety aspect(s) or one or more
type(s) of safeguards that can be used across a wide range of machinery:

⎯ type-B1 standards on particular safety aspects (e.g. safety distances, surface temperature, noise);

⎯ type-B2 standards on safeguards (e.g. two-hands controls, interlocking devices, pressure sensitive
devices, guards).

c) Type-C standards (machinery safety standards) dealing with detailed safety requirements for a particular
machine or group of machines.

This International Standard is a type-C standard, as stated in ISO 12100-1.

When provisions of this type-C standard are different from those which are stated in type-A or type-B
standards, the provisions of this type-C standard take precedence over the provisions of the other standards
for machines that have been designed and built according to the provisions of this type-C standard.

NOTE ISO 14122 is a series of type-B standards that provides general requirements for access to stationary and
mobile machines and that can be used as a general reference for the design of access systems for earth-moving

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Earth-moving machinery — Access systems

1 Scope
This International Standard specifies criteria for access systems (steps, ladders, walkways, platforms, grab
rails/handrails, grab handles, guardrails and enclosure entrance and exit openings) as they relate to aiding the
operator, maintenance personnel and service personnel in performing their functions on earth-moving
machinery. It is applicable to systems giving access to the operator platform and to routine maintenance
points on earth-moving machinery, as defined in ISO 6165, parked in accordance with the manufacturer’s

NOTE This document is based on the 5th to 95th percentile operator dimensions, as defined in ISO 3411.

This International Standard deals with the following significant hazards, hazardous situations and events:
slip, trip and fall of persons, and unhealthy postures or excessive effort.

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.

ISO 3411:1995, Earth-moving machinery — Human physical dimensions of operators and minimum operator
space envelope

ISO 6165:2001, Earth-moving machinery — Basic types — Vocabulary

ISO 12508:1994, Earth-moving machinery — Operator station and maintenance areas — Bluntness of edges

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

access system
system provided on a machine for entrance to and exit from an operator, inspection or routine maintenance
platform from and to the ground

primary access system
access system normally used for ingress and egress

alternative exit path
access route from the operator platform used during anticipated emergency situations, when the primary
access system cannot be used

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basic dimension
dimensional value that takes into account ergonomics criteria based on comfort

NOTE Acceptable values are within the specified range (from minimum to maximum).

enclosure opening
opening leading to or from an access system, large enough for a person to pass through

primary opening
opening normally used for access

alternative opening
opening for use during emergencies when the primary opening is not usable

service opening
opening for use during maintenance, service or inspection

device along the open sides of walkways or platforms to protect a person from falling

handrail and handhold
parts of an access system that may be grasped by the hand as an aid to body support and balance

device that permits hand movement to a different location without removing the hand from the device

device for single hand placement

slip-resistant surface
access system surface having qualities that improve the grip of footwear

3.7 Ladders

inclined ladder
ladder with angle of inclination from the horizontal greater than 50°, but not more than 75°

vertical ladder
ladder with angle of inclination from the horizontal greater than 75°, but not more than 90°

ladder fall-limiting device
any device that minimizes the risk of fall from a ladder system

EXAMPLE Ladder cage.

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access system, or part of an access system, inclined from the horizontal at an angle greater than 20° but not
more than 50°, consisting of three or more steps

device for placement of one or both feet, either as part of a ladder or stairway, or installed (placed) individually

flexible step
step that is mounted with a material which moves when it contacts an obstacle and returns to the original
location (acts to minimize damage to the step)

riser height
height between two consecutive steps, measured from the tread surface of one step to the tread surface of
the next step

tread depth
distance from the leading edge to the back of the step

stride distance
horizontal distance from the leading edge of one step to the leading edge of the next step

part of an access system that permits walking or moving between locations on the machine

boom walkway
walkway used mainly on long booms inclined at an angle of up to 20° from the horizontal

walkway with confining barriers on both sides for erect walking

horizontal surface for the support of persons engaged in operation, routine maintenance or inspection work

operator platform
area from which an operator controls the travel and work functions of the machine

rest platform
platform used between parts of a ladder system on which a person may rest while standing

foot barrier
device to prevent a person’s foot from slipping off the edge of a platform or walkway

plane inclined at an angle of 20° or less from the horizontal

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device added to a walkway or ramp surface to improve traction

three-point support
feature of an access system that enables a person to use simultaneously two hands and one foot or two feet
and one hand while ascending, descending or moving about on the machine

two-point support
feature of an access system that enables a person to use simultaneously two feet or one hand and one foot
while ascending, descending or moving about on the machine

4 General requirements for access systems

4.1 Primary access systems

4.1.1 Correct use of the access system for hand and foot placement shall be self evident without special

4.1.2 Protruding devices of the access system that could create a hazard by catching or holding body
appendages or wearing apparel shall be minimized.

4.1.3 Protrusions that could create a trip hazard to the user or increase the severity of injury in case of a fall
shall be minimized.

4.1.4 User contact with potential hazards such as extreme differences in heat or cold, electrical hazards,
moving parts and sharp corners shall be minimized.

4.1.5 All surfaces of the access system used for walking, stepping or crawling (including any device or
structural component thereof used as part of an access system) shall be slip-resistant.

4.1.6 Proper placement of components of the access system shall permit and encourage a person to use
three-point support while ascending, descending or moving about the access system, when more than 1 m
above the ground. Two-point support is acceptable for stairs, stairways, ramps, walkways and platforms.
Three-point support should be used for all ladder systems. Track shoe and track pad surfaces are accepted
as access steps if three-point support is provided.

4.1.7 If the operator or a service person needs to carry items to the operator station or to a routine
maintenance point, a system such as one of the following examples shall be provided (and instructions
provided if not obvious):

a) stairway or ramp to provide access so that only two-point support is needed and one hand can be
available for carrying items;

b) platforms or surfaces every 2 m where items can be temporarily placed so that three-point support can be
maintained when moving on the access system;

c) system to move items to the operator station or routine maintenance point so that three-point support can
be used on the access system at all times.

4.2 Moveable primary access systems

Primary access system devices may be moveable for convenient storage on the machine but shall be capable
of being positively secured when in use or in the stored position. Machines equipped with a power-actuated
access system shall have a secondary means of egress in case of power failure (see 4.3).
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4.3 Alternative exit path

An alternative exit path shall be provided on a different location of the machine than the primary access path
from the operator platform. If the alternative exit path is not obvious, it shall be identified. The alternative exit
path is intended for emergency situations (e.g. machine tip-over) and therefore does not need to meet the
primary access requirements, according to 4.1.

5 Walking and standing surface criteria

5.1 The walking and standing surfaces of access systems shall not be permanently deformed with the
following perpendicular forces applied.

a) A force of 2 000 N concentrated through a 125 mm diameter disc applied at any location on the surface.

b) A force of 4 500 N uniformly distributed per square metre of surface area, with a proportional load
permitted to be used if the surface area is less than 1 m2.

The forces specified in a) and b) shall be applied consecutively, but not simultaneously.

Enclosure roofs such as cab and canopy roofs used for support of personnel during inspection need only meet
the requirement of a).

5.2 Openings in walkways and platform surfaces shall not permit the passage of a spherical object of
diameter 40 mm or larger. The opening in walkway and platform surfaces shall not permit the passage of a
spherical object of diameter 20 mm or larger above an area where persons will be walking, standing or
working. Surfaces without openings shall be used when necessary to prevent the passage of material that
could result in personal injury to a person above or below the surface. For boom walkways and other similar
areas that are used only for inspection or routine maintenance, the standing or stepping surface openings may
be increased to twice the aforementioned values.

5.3 Handrails, handholds and guardrails shall be capable of withstanding a minimum force of 1 000 N
applied at any point from any direction without visible permanent deformation. Flexible devices shall not
deflect under the applied test load more than 80 mm from their normal undeflected position.

6 Step requirements
6.1 Steps shall conform to the dimensions given in Figure 1 and Table 1. All steps should be wide enough
to accommodate both feet, reference dimension C for ladders and single or multiple steps. For steps that are
susceptible to damage during machine operation, steps that accommodate one foot are permitted.

6.2 Where lateral body movement is necessary from the top or bottom step of a ladder to the next stepping
surface, the distance between the step and the nearest edge of the bearing surface shall be within a spherical
radius R u 300 mm. See Figure 1.

6.3 The following general considerations apply.

a) Where the possibility exists that a foot could protrude through the step and contact a moving part, a shield
shall be provided between the step and the moving part.

b) Step design shall minimize the risk of the foot slipping laterally off the step.

c) The step tread surface shall not be intended for use as a handhold.

d) Step design shall minimize accumulation of debris and aid in the cleaning of mud and debris from the
shoe sole.

e) Step design shall provide the user with natural foot placement, or the steps shall be clearly visible to the
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Dimensions in millimètres

1 platform
See Table 1.

Figure 1 — Steps, ladders and stairways

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6.4 Flexibly mounted steps (or series of steps) should be avoided unless the step is susceptible to damage
during machine operation. A single flexibly mounted step shall not move more than 80 mm in any plane when
a horizontal force of 250 N is applied, centered on the outer edge of the flexible step and pushing inward. For
a series of two or more flexible steps, the combined arrangement shall not move more than 30° negative
inclination when the same horizontal force is applied to any one of the flexible steps.

6.5 Stairway step proportion shall be such that two times the riser height plus the stride distance shall
conform to the dimensions specified in Table 1 (see J).

6.6 A single step can be recessed as specified in Figure 1 and Table 1, letter Q. In such a case, due to the
limited view during egress, the step width shall be at least as wide as the recommended width for two feet.

Table 1 — Dimensions of steps, ladders and stairways

Dimensions in millimetres, except where otherwise indicated

Symbol Dimension
(see Figure 1) Min. Max. Basic
A Height of first step above ground or platform — 700 d 400
B Riser height — 250 180
C Step width 320 — 400
F1 Tread depth 240 400 300
G Stride distance 130 — —
H Tread projection from riser — 25 0
I Head clearance above step leading to walkway 2 000 — > 2 000
J Step proportion a — 800 600
Ladders and single or multiple steps
A Height of first step above ground or platform — 700 d 400
B Riser height 230 b 400 c 300
Step width
C For one foot 160 — 200
For both feet 320 — 400
D1 Tread depth — Circular 19 60 —
D2 Tread depth — Square or rectangular 6 — 50
D3 Tread element depth — Multiple element step 3 — —
D4 Tread element spacing — Multiple element step — 50 e 50 e
E Instep clearance 150 — 190
Toe clearance (free space behind front edge of step or
F2 150 — 200
centreline of circular step)
I Head clearance above step leading to walkway 2 000 — > 2 000
Q Maximum inclination of 1 step/stair — 15 —
R Radius from ladder to next step placementf — 300 0
a Calculation formula: J = G + 2B.
b 150 mm from top step of ladder to platform.
c If track systems are used as steps, the riser height may be increased to 500 mm from the track to the platform.
d Wherever practical, the dimension should not exceed 600 mm.
e 40 mm if the foot will be positioned parallel to the tread elements.
f See 6.2.

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7 Ladders
7.1 Ladder steps shall meet the general step requirements specified in Clause 6 and Table 1.

7.2 Ladders that extend more than 5 m vertically above ground level shall be equipped with a ladder
fall-limiting device, preferably of the passive type (e.g. ladder cage). Such a device shall not require continual
manipulation for the user to ascend or descend the ladder.

The lower end of a ladder cage or other similar device, if used, shall be a maximum of 3 m and a minimum of
2,2 m above ground or platform level.

The internal surface of a ladder cage on a ladder shall not extend more than 700 mm from the steps nor shall
its internal width be more than 700 mm.

7.3 A rest platform shall be provided at every 6 m maximum, except in the case of a single flight ladder,
where the flight height cannot exceed 10 m.

7.4 Winding or spiral ladders of vertical height greater than 2 m shall be provided with open-side guardrails.

7.5 Ladder riser heights shall be uniform on a specific ladder.

8 Stairs and stairways

8.1 Stairs and stairway steps shall be in accordance with Clause 6 and Table 1.

8.2 Step tread depth on stairways shall be greater than or equal to the riser height. Successive riser heights
and successive step tread depths shall be uniform.

8.3 Stairs and stairways shall be provided with at least one handrail.

8.4 Stairs and stairways with a vertical distance above the ground or a platform greater than 3 m shall be
provided with guardrails on the open side or sides.

9 Handrails and handholds

9.1 Handrails and handholds shall conform to the dimensions specified in Figure 2 and Table 2.

9.2 Handrails and handholds shall be appropriately placed along the access system to provide continuous
support to a moving person and to enable users to maintain their balance.

9.3 The preferred cross-section of a handrail and handhold is circular. A square or rectangular
cross-section with rounded corners in accordance with ISO 12508 is permissible.

9.4 Any handrail or handhold on which the hand grasp surface extends beyond the support shall have a
change of shape at the end of the hand grasp surface to help prevent the hand from slipping off the end.

9.5 The use of handrails on a ladder system is preferred to handholds. Handrails or handholds may be an
integral part of, or separate from, the ladder.

9.6 The handhold shall be so designed and positioned that the risk of damage to the handhold is minimized.

9.7 Handrail and handhold surfaces shall be free of roughness, sharp corners or protrusions that could
cause injury to the hand.

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See Table 2.

Figure 2 — Handrails and handholds

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Table 2 — Dimensions of handrails and handholds

Dimensions in millimetres

Symbol Dimension
(see Figure 2) Min. Max. Basic
Width (diameter or across flats)
A Ladder, step or walkway 38 25
15 a
Stairway and ramp handrails 80 50
B Length between bend radii for support legs of handholds 150 — 250
C Hand clearance to mounting surface 50 — 75
D Distance above standing surface — 1 700 900
Vertical distance of handrail continuation above step,
E 850 960 900
platform, stairway or ramp
Offset distance of handrail or handhold from edge of
F 50 200 150
ladder (if ladder and hand rail are separate parts)
Width between parallel handrails
G Ladder — 600 b 400 c
Stairway and ramp 460 — 700
Distance above walkway, passageway, step or stairway
H 850 1 400 d 900
a 19 mm if orientation is vertical and the standing position for the handrail or handhold is greater than 3 m above the ground.
b Up to 950 mm maximum when the handrails/handholds are an integral part of a door opening.
c 600 mm if hip clearance is required.
d May be increased to 1 700 mm for handrails and handholds located above the cab door.

10 Platforms, passageways, walkways, guardrails and foot barriers

10.1 Platforms, passageways, walkways, guardrails and foot barriers shall conform to dimensions specified
in Figure 3 and Table 3.

10.2 A rail shall be placed midway between the top rail of a guardrail and the walkway or platform.

10.3 Platforms and walkways shall be provided with guardrails if the vertical distance from the open side of a
platform or walkway surface is greater than 3 m above the ground or another platform.

10.4 Walkways used only for access to routine maintenance points may have a minimum width of 230 mm if
three-point support can be maintained.

10.5 Where an opening has been provided in a guardrail, other than to provide access to a ladder or to steps,
a device that meets the requirements specified in 5.3 shall be provided across the opening.

10.6 Wherever a foot could slip from a walkway or platform, a foot barrier shall be provided.

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See Table 3.

Figure 3 — Platforms, walkways and guardrails

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Table 3 — Dimensions of platforms, walkways and guardrails

Dimensions in millimetres

Symbol Dimension
(see Figure 3) Min. Max. Basic
Width a

A ⎯ Platform 300 — 600

⎯ Walkway 300 b — 600
Head clearance
⎯ Standing 2 000 — —
⎯ Kneeling c 1 500 — —
⎯ Crawling c 1 000 — —
C Guardrail height 1 000 1 100 1 100
D Foot barrier height 50 — 100
E Foot barrier to floor clearance 0 10 0
Passageway width
⎯ Forward-facing passage of user d 550 — 650
⎯ Sideways passage of user 330 — 450
⎯ Users passing from opposite directions 900 — 1 300
a The width is dependent on head clearance, as defined in Figure 3.
b See 10.4
c For inspection and routine maintenance only.
d Use basic dimension as minimum for crawling.

11 Enclosure openings
11.1 Enclosure openings shall conform to the dimensions specified in Figure 4 and Table 4 or shall meet the
requirements given in 11.2 and 11.3.

11.2 Machines that by design require front entrance or step-down into the operator enclosure, such as skid
steer loaders, shall, as a minimum, comply with the following requirements, when it is not feasible to comply
with the dimensions as specified in Figure 4 and Table 4.

a) Primary opening: width of opening (A) shall be greater than 550 mm and height of opening (B) above sill
shall be greater than 875 mm.

b) Alternative opening: dimensions shall permit passage of a rectangle 380 mm × 550 mm.

These requirements also apply to compact excavators and minimum swing radius excavators (MSRX).

11.3 If a rectangular opening is not possible, the minimum opening area may be reduced to the minimum
dimensions indicated in Figure 4. Alternatively, the vertical distance from the floor of the lower (narrower) area
of the minimum opening can be increased from 460 mm to 770 mm maximum, in conjunction with an increase
in the minimum width from 250 mm to 300 mm.

11.4 The primary opening shall be accessible directly from the access steps or from a platform, walkway or
the ground.
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11.5 The door of the enclosure shall be able to be opened with the person opening it still maintaining the
requirement for support according to 4.1.6. Contact with the door shall not be considered one of the points of
support while opening the door.

11.6 The force needed to open or close a hinged primary enclosure door shall not exceed 135 N. The force
to open and close all other hinged access doors or covers should not exceed 245 N. This requirement applies
to the opening and closing of the door, not the activation of the latch.

11.7 An enclosure door that could be left open during machine operation shall be provided with a means to
secure it in the open position and shall be able to withstand a closing force of 300 N.

11.8 Hinged doors shall normally open outward. Sliding doors shall be designed to prevent hazardous door
movements due to inertial force caused by machine operations.

11.9 A minimum of 50 mm hand clearance shall be provided:

a) between the outer vertical edge of a hinged door and any fixed object other than its door frame, and

b) where required, for opening or removing other types of enclosure doors or covers.

11.10 Removable enclosure opening covers held in place by gravity shall be designed to prevent the
possibility of their falling through the opening.

11.11 A hand-removable enclosure opening cover shall not exceed 25 kg.

11.12 The corner radius of primary and alternative openings shall not exceed 150 mm.

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Dimensions in millimetres

a) Primary opening b) Service opening

1 minimum opening

Taper for head permitted on stand-up cabs only.

Changes in shape of the minimum opening need not be symmetrical.

NOTE Dimensions are minimum unless otherwise noted. See Table 4.

Figure 4 — Enclosure openings

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Table 4 — Dimensions of enclosure openings

Dimensions in millimetres

Symbol Dimension
(see Figure 4) Min. Max. Basic
Primary opening

A Width 450 — 680

B ⎯ Sit-down cab 1 300 — > 1 300

⎯ Stand-up cab 1 800 — > 1 800

Height of internal door handle from floor
C ⎯ Sit-down cab 350 850 > 350
⎯ Stand-up cab 800 1 000 > 800
D Height of external door handle above standing surface 500 1 500 a 900

Alternative opening (preferably same size as primary opening)

Round (diameter) 650 — > 650
⎯ Square 600 × 600 — > 600 × 600
⎯ Rectangular 450 × 600 — > 450 × 600
Service opening

H Width 450 — 680

I Height b 760 — 1 100
J Bottom edge to floor — 500 250
K Corner radius — 0,5H 150
a 1 700 mm if distance from the ground.
b If H is less than 680 mm and J is greater than 250, then I shall be > 1 100.

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[1] ISO 2860:1992, Earth-moving machinery — Minimum access dimensions

[2] ISO 12100-1:2003, Safety of machinery — Basic concepts, general principles for design — Part 1:
Basic terminology, methodology

[3] ISO 14122-1:2001, Safety of machinery — Permanent means of access to machinery — Part 1:
Choice of fixed means of access between two levels

[4] ISO 14122-2:2001, Safety of machinery — Permanent means of access to machinery — Part 2:
Working platforms and walkways

[5] ISO 14122-3:2001, Safety of machinery — Permanent means of access to machinery — Part 3: Stairs,
stepladders and guard-rails

[6] ISO 14122-4:2004, Safety of machinery — Permanent means of access to machinery — Part 4: Fixed

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