Afnor: ISO/TR 20172:2006
Afnor: ISO/TR 20172:2006
Afnor: ISO/TR 20172:2006
Février 2006
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Boutique AFNOR
REPORT 20172
First edition
Reference number
ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
© ISO 2006
Boutique AFNOR pour : BUREAU VERITAS - DCF le 14/6/2006 - 13:39
ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
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ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
Contents Page
Foreword............................................................................................................................................................ iv
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ v
1 Scope ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 International grouping system for European materials.................................................................... 2
2.1 Types of steel in accordance with the grouping system of ISO/TR 15608:2005, Table 1 ............. 2
2.2 Types of aluminium and aluminium alloy in accordance with the grouping system of
ISO/TR 15608:2005, Table 2 ............................................................................................................... 18
2.3 Types of copper and copper alloy in accordance with the grouping system of
ISO/TR 15608:2005, Table 3 ............................................................................................................... 22
2.4 Types of cast iron in accordance with the grouping system of ISO/TR 15608:2005, Table 7 .... 24
Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................................... 27
ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
In exceptional circumstances, when a technical committee has collected data of a different kind from that
which is normally published as an International Standard (“state of the art”, for example), it may decide by a
simple majority vote of its participating members to publish a Technical Report. A Technical Report is entirely
informative in nature and does not have to be reviewed until the data it provides are considered to be no
longer valid or useful.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO/TR 20172 was prepared by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) Technical Committee
CEN/TC 121, Welding, in collaboration with Technical Committee ISO/TC 44, Welding and allied processes,
Subcommittee SC 10, Unification of requirements in the field of metal welding, in accordance with the
Agreement on technical cooperation between ISO and CEN (Vienna Agreement).
ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
This Technical Report reflects the situation as of June 2004. Changes in European material standards will be
taken into account at the next revision of this Technical Report.
1 Scope
This Technical Report provides a European grouping system for materials for welding purposes, classified in
accordance with the grouping system of ISO/TR 15608.
It may also apply for other purposes as heat treatment, forming, non destructive testing. Types of steels in
accordance with the grouping system of ISO/TR 15608:2005, Table 1.
This Technical Report covers grouping systems for the following standardized materials:
⎯ steel;
⎯ cast iron.
ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
2.1 Types of steel in accordance with the grouping system of ISO/TR 15608:2005, Table 1
See Table 1.
ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
Table 1 (continued)
ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
Table 1 (continued)
ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
Table 1 (continued)
ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
Table 1 (continued)
S355N1 —
S355N2 —
S355M1 —
1.2 S355M2 —
EN 10225
S355N3 —
S355M3 —
S355N3Z —
S355M3Z —
S320GP 1.0046
EN 10248-1
S355GP 1.0083
P285NH 1.0477
P285QH 1.0478
EN 10222-4
P355NH 1.0565
P355QH 1.0571
ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
Table 1 (continued)
P460NH 1.8935
EN 10028-3
P460NL1 1.8915
P460NL2 1.8918
S420N 1.8902
S420NL 1.8912
EN 10113-2
S460N 1.8905
S460NL 1.8915
EN 10149-3 S420NC 1.0981
EN 10208-2 L415NB 1.8972
EN 10216-2 8MoB5-4 1.5450
P460N 1.8905
P460NH 1.8935
EN 10216-3
P460NL1 1.8915
P460NL2 1.8918
P460N 1.8905
P460NH 1.8935
EN 10217-3
P460NL 1 1.8915
P460NL2 1.8918
S390GP 1.0522
EN 10248-1
S430GP 1.0523
ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
Table 1 (continued)
ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
Table 1 (continued)
ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
Table 1 (continued)
ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
Table 1 (continued)
Group Reference Designation
standard Name Number
10CrMo9-10 1.7380
EN 10028-2
11CrMo9-10 1.7383
EN 10213-2 G17CrMo9-10 1.7379
EN 10222-2 11CrMo9-10 1.7383
10CrMo9-10 1.7380
EN 10216-2
11CrMo9-10 1.7383
EN 10213-2 GX15CrMo5 1.7365
X11CrMo5+L 1.7362+L
5.3 EN 10216-2 X11CrMo5+NT1 1.7362+NT1
X11CrMo5+NT2 1.7362+NT2
EN 10222-2 X16CrMo5-1 1.7366
5.4 EN 10216-2 X11CrMo9-1+L 1.7386+L
X11CrMo9-1+NT 1.7386+NT
EN 10213-2 G12MoCrV5-2 1.7720
EN 10216-2 14MoV6-3 1.7715
6.2 EN 10213-2 G17CrMoV5-10 1.7706
EN 10222-2 X10CrMoVNb9-1 1.4903
EN 10222-2 X20CrMoV12-1 1.4922
6.4 EN 10213-2 GX23CrMoV12-1 1.4931
X10CrMoVNb9-1 1.4903
EN 10216-2
X20CrMoV11-1 1.4922
ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
Table 1 (continued)
ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
Table 1 (continued)
ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
Table 1 (continued)
ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
Table 1 (continued)
X1CrNiMoCuN20-18-7a 1.4547a
X1NiCrMoCuN25-20-7 1.4529
a Patented steel grade.
ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
Table 1 (continued)
ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
Table 1 (continued)
ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
2.2 Types of aluminium and aluminium alloy in accordance with the grouping system of
ISO/TR 15608:2005, Table 2
Group Designation
Numbera Chemical symbolb
EN AW-1098 EN AW-Al 99,98
EN AW-1198A EN AW-Al 99,98A
EN AW-1090 EN AW-Al 99,90
EN AW-1085 EN AW-Al 99,85
EN AW-1450 EN AW-Al 99,5Ti
21 EN AW-1050A EN AW-Al 99,5
EN AW-1060 EN AW-Al 99,6
EN AW-1070A EN AW-Al 99,7
EN AW-1080A EN AW-Al 99,8(A)
EN AW-1100 EN AW-Al 99,0Cu
EN AW-1200 EN AW-Al 99,0
EN AW-3003 EN AW-Al Mn1Cu
EN AW-3103 EN AW-Al Mn1
22.1 EN AW-3004 EN AW-Al Mn1Mg1
EN AW-3005 EN AW-Al Mn1Mg0,5
EN AW-3105 EN AW-Al Mn0,5Mg0,5
EN AW-5005 EN AW-Al Mg1(B)
EN AW-5050 EN AW-Al Mg1,5(C)
EN AW-5052 EN AW-Al Mg2,5
EN AW-5251 EN AW-Al Mg2
EN AW-5149 EN AW-Al Mg2Mn0,8(A)
EN AW-5249 EN AW-Al Mg2Mn0,8Zr
EN AW-5454 EN AW-Al Mg3Mn(A)
EN AW-5754 EN AW-Al Mg3
EN AW-5154 A EN AW-Al Mg3,5(A)
EN AW-5154 B EN AW-Al Mg3,5Mn0,3
EN AC-51000 EN AC-Al Mg(b)
EN AC-51100 EN AC-Al Mg(a)
ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
Table 2 (continued)
Group Designation
Numbera Chemical symbolb
EN AW-5083 EN AW-Al Mg4,5Mn0,7
EN AW-5086 EN AW-Al Mg4
EN AW-5456A EN AW-Al Mg5Mn1(A)
EN AW-5056A EN AW-Al Mg5
22.4 EN AC-51200 EN AC-Al Mg9
EN AC-51300 EN AC-Al Mg5
EN AC-51400 EN AC-Al Mg5(Si)
EN AW-5186 EN AW-AL Mg4Mn0,4
EN AW-5383 EN AW-AL Mg4,5Mn0,9
EN AW-6005 A EN AW-Al SiMg (A)
EN AW-6060 EN AW-Al MgSi
EN AW-6061 EN AW-Al Mg1SiCu
EN AW-6013 EN AW-Al Ag1Si0,8Cu
EN AW-6063 EN AW-Al Mg0,7Si
EN AW-6081 EN AW-Al Si0,9MgMn
EN AW-6082 EN AW-Al Si1MgMn
EN AW-6106 EN AW-Al MgSiMn
EN AW-7020 EN AW-Al Zn4,5Mg1
EN AW-7003 EN AW-Al Zn6Mg0,8Zr
EN AC-44000 EN AC-Al Si11
EN AC-44100 EN AC-Al Si12(b)
EN AC-44200 EN AC-Al Si12(a)
EN AC-44300 EN AC-Al Si12(Fe)
EN AC-44400 EN AC-Al Si9
EN AC-47000 EN AC-Al Si12(Cu)
EN AC-42000 EN AC-Al Si7Mg
EN AC-42100 EN AC-Al Si7Mg0,3
EN AC-42200 EN AC-Al Si7Mg0,6
EN AC-43000 EN AC-Al Si10Mg(a)
EN AC-43100 EN AC-Al Si10Mg(b)
EN AC-43200 EN AC-Al Si10Mg(Cu)
EN AC-43300 EN AC-Al Si9Mg
EN AC-43400 EN AC-Al Si10Mg(Fe)
ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
Table 2 (continued)
Group Designation
Numbera Chemical symbolb
EN AC-45000 EN AC-Al Si6Cu4
EN AC-45100 EN AC-Al Si5Cu3Mg
EN AC-45200 EN AC-Al Si5Cu3Mn
EN AC-45300 EN AC-Al Si5Cu1Mg
EN AC-45400 EN AC-Al Si5Cu3
EN AC-46000 EN AC-Al Si9Cu3(Fe)
EN AC-46100 EN AC-Al Si11Cu2(Fe)
EN AC-46200 EN AC-Al Si8Cu3
EN AC-46300 EN AC-Al Si7Cu3Mg
EN AC-46400 EN AC-Al Si9Cu1Mg
EN AC-46500 EN AC-Al Si9Cu3(Fe)(Zn)
EN AC-46600 EN AC-Al Si7Cu2
EN AC- 47100 EN AC-Al Si12Cu1(Fe)
EN AC-48000 EN AC-Al Si12CuNiMg
EN AC-21000 EN AC-Al Cu4MgTi
EN AC-21100 EN AC-Al Cu4Ti
a In accordance with EN 573-1.
b In accordance with EN 573-2.
ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
Group Designation
Numbera Chemical symbolb
EN AC-51000 EN AC-Al Mg3b
EN AC-51100 EN AC-Al Mg3a
EN AC-51200 EN AC-Al Mg9
22.4 EN AC-51300 EN AC-Al Mg5
EN AC-51400 EN AC-Al Mg5(Si)
23 EN AC-71000 EN AC-Al Zn5Mg
EN AC-44000 EN AC-Al Si11
EN AC-44100 EN AC-Al Si12(b)
24.1 EN AC-44200 EN AC-Al Si11(a)
EN AC-44300 EN AC-Al Si12(Fe)
EN AC-44400 EN AC-Al Si9
EN AC-42000 EN AC-Al Si7Mg
EN AC-42100 EN AC-Al Si7Mg0,3
EN AC-42200 EN AC-Al Si7Mg0,6
EN AC-43000 EN AC-Al Si10Mg(a)
EN AC-43100 EN AC-Al Si10Mg(b)
EN AC-43200 EN AC-Al Si10Mg(Cu)
EN AC-43300 EN AC-Al Si9Mg
EN AC-43400 EN AC-Al Si10Mg(Fe)
EN AC-45000 EN AC-Al Si6Cu4
EN AC-45100 EN AC-Al Si5Cu3Mg
EN AC-45200 EN AC-Al Si5Cu3Mn
EN AC-45300 EN AC-Al Si5Cu1Mg
EN AC-45400 EN AC-Al Si5Cu3
EN AC-46000 EN AC-Al Si9Cu3(Fe)
EN AC-46100 EN AC-Al Si11Cu2(Fe)
EN AC-46200 EN AC-Al Si8Cu
EN AC-46300 EN AC-Al Si7Cu3Mg
EN AC-46400 EN AC-Al Si9Cu1Mg
EN AC-46500 EN AC-Al Si9Cu3(Fe)(Zn)
EN AC-46600 EN AC-Al Si7Cu2
EN AC-47000 EN AC-Al Si12(Cu)
EN AC-46710 EN AC-Al Si12Cu1(Fe)
26 EN AC-21100 EN AC-Al Cu4Ti
a In accordance with EN 1780-1.
b In accordance with EN 1780-2.
ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
2.3 Types of copper and copper alloy in accordance with the grouping system of
ISO/TR 15608:2005, Table 3
See Table 4.
Table 4 — European grouping system for copper and copper alloys in accordance with EN 1652,
EN 1653, EN 1654
Group Designationa
Number Chemical symbol
31 Cu-OF CW008A
CuZn5 CW500L
CuZn10 CW501L
CuZn15 CW502L
CuZn20 CW503L
32.1 CuZn30 CW505L
CuZn33 CW506L
CuZn36 CW507L
CuZn37 CW508L
CuZn40 CW509L
CuZn20Al2As CW702R
CuZn23Al2Co CW703R
32.2 CuZn38AlFeNiPbSn CW715R
CuZn38Sn1As CW717R
CuZn39Sn1 CW719R
CuSn4 CW450K
CuSn5 CW451K
33 CuSn6 CW452K
CuSn8 CW453K
CuSn3Zn9 CW454K
CuNi25 CW350H
CuNi9Sn2 CW351H
CuNi10Fe1Mn CW352H
CuNi30Mn1Fe CW354H
CuAl8Fe3 CW303G
35 CuAl9Ni3Fe2 CW304G
CuAl10Ni5Fe4 CW307G
ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
Table 4 (continued)
Group Designationa
Number Chemical symbol
CuNi10Zn27 CW401J
CuNi12Zn24 CW403J
CuNi12Zn25Pb1 CW404J
CuNi12Zn29 CW405J
CuNi18Zn20 CW409J
CuNi18Zn27 CW410J
CuBe1,7 CW100C
CuBe2 CW101C
CuCo2Be CW104C
37 CuFe2P CW107C
CuNi2Be CW110C
CuNi2Si CW111C
CuZn0,5 CW119C
a In accordance with EN 1412.
ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
2.4 Types of cast iron in accordance with the grouping system of ISO/TR 15608:2005,
Table 7
See Table 5.
ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
Table 5 (continued)
ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
Table 5 (continued)
ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
Table 6 (continued)
EN 10025-4:2004 ISO 4950-1:1995 High yield strength flat steel products — Part 1: General
ISO 4950-2:1995 High yield strength flat steel products — Part 2: Products
supplied in the normalized or controlled rolled condition
ISO 4996:1999 Hot-rolled steel sheet of high yield stress structural quality
EN 10025-5:2004 ISO 4952:2003 Structural steels with improved atmospheric corrosion
ISO 5952:2005 Continuously hot-rolled steel sheet of structural quality with
improved atmospheric corrosion resistance
EN 10025-6:2004 — Hot rolled products of structural steels — Part 6: Technical
delivery conditions for flat products of high yield strength
structural steels in the quenched and tempered condition
EN 10028-2:2003 ISO 9328-2:2004 Steel flat products for pressure purposes — Technical delivery
conditions — Part 2: Non-alloy and alloy steels with specified
elevated temperature properties
EN 10028-3:2003 ISO 9328-3:2004 Steel flat products for pressure purposes — Technical delivery
conditions — Part 3: Weldable fine grain steels, normalized
EN 10028-4:2003 ISO 9328-4:2004 Steel flat products for pressure purposes — Technical delivery
conditions — Part 4: Nickel-alloy steels with specified low
temperature properties
EN 10028-5:2003 ISO 9328-5:2004 Steel flat products for pressure purposes — Technical delivery
conditions — Part 5: Weldable fine grain steels,
thermomechanically rolled
EN 10028-6:2003 ISO 9328-6:2004 Steel flat products for pressure purposes — Technical delivery
conditions — Part 6: Weldable fine grain steels, quenched
and tempered
EN 10028-7:2000 ISO 9328-7:2004 Steel flat products for pressure purposes — Technical delivery
conditions — Part 7: Stainless steels
EN 10088-1:1995 — Stainless steels — Part 1: List of stainless steels
EN 10120:1996 ISO 4978:1983 Flat rolled steel products for welded gas cylinders
EN 10137-3:1995 — Plates and wide flats made of high yield strength structural
steels in the quenched and tempered or precipitation
hardened conditions — Part 3: Delivery conditions for
precipitation hardened steels
EN 10149-2:1995 ISO 6930-1:2001 High yield strength steel plates and wide flats for cold
forming — Part 1: Delivery conditions for thermomechanically-
rolled steels
ISO 6930-2:2004 High yield strength steel plates and wide flats for cold
forming — Part 2: Delivery conditions for normalized,
normalized rolled and as-rolled steels
ISO 5951:2001 Hot-rolled steel sheet of higher yield strength with improved
EN 10149-3:1995 ISO 5951:2001 Hot-rolled steel sheet of higher yield strength with improved
ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
Table 6 (continued)
ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)
ICS 25.160.20
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