Rabdega To Naudhi CWRM Eco Design

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Rising Main - Clear Water Design

1 Water Supply Scheme to be pumped 300 Input Data for Pipe
Year Discharge
Initial 2024 4.633 MLD Dia of pipe (mm) Class Base Price/m Wt. Quantity Labor Rate Sum CP+OH Total Cost
Intermediate 2039 5.305 MLD
Ultimate 2054 6.500 MLD a b c=bx366 d=a+c e=15% of d f=d+e
100 DI K-9 1164.58 0.163 59.66 1224.24 183.64 1407.87
2 Length of Rising main 36,500 meter 150 DI K-9 1687.63 0.248 90.77 1778.40 266.76 2045.16
3 Static head including residual head 0.00 meter 200 DI K-9 2171.00 0.333 121.88 2292.88 343.93 2636.81
4 Design Period 30 Years 250 DI K-9 2892.01 0.438 160.31 3052.32 457.85 3510.17
5 Combined efficiency of Pumping set 75 % 300 DI K-9 3659.48 0.555 203.13 3862.61 579.39 4442.00
6 Cost of Pumping Unit Rs. 16500 Per KW 350 DI K-9 4474.58 0.693 253.64 4728.22 709.23 5437.45
7 Interest rate of Capitalisation Factor 10 % 400 DI K-9 5340.58 0.828 303.05 5643.63 846.54 6490.17
450 DI K-9 6327.03 0.988 361.61 6688.64 1003.30 7691.93
8 C Value of Pipe 140 500 DI K-9 7462.77 1.150 420.90 7883.67 1182.55 9066.22
9 Class DI K-9 600 DI K-9 9596.19 1.520 556.32 10152.51 1522.88 11675.39
10 Life of electrical motor & Pump 15 Years 700 DI K-9 12651.84 1.938 709.31 13361.15 2004.17 15365.32
11 Energy charges 5 Rs.per unit 750 DI K-9 14220.06 2.175 796.05 15016.11 2252.42 17268.53
12 Hours of Pumping Average 800 DI K-9 15679.97 2.408 881.33 16561.30 2484.19 19045.49
20 Hours 900 DI K-9 18891.57 2.928 1071.65 19963.22 2994.48 22957.70
13 Stand by KW 1 Stage 50.00% % 1000 DI K-9 22809.83 3.498 1280.27 24090.10 3613.51 27703.61
14 Stand by KW 2 Stage 50.00% % 1100 DI K-9 27276.72 3.498 1280.27 28556.99 4283.55 32840.54
1200 DI K-9 31211.69 3.498 1280.27 32491.96 4873.79 37365.75

1st 15 year 2nd15 years

1) Discharge at installation MLD 4.6328 5.3054 Mld
2) Discharge at the end of 15 years 5.3054 6.5 Mld
3) Average discharge (MLD) 4.9691 5.9027 Mld
4) Hours of pumping for discharge at the end of 15 years 20 20 hrs
5) Average hours for pumping for average discharge 18.42 18.54 hrs
Discharge in pumping hours 6.37 7.80 Mld
Discharge in pumping in m3/sec 0.0737 0.0903 m3/sec
6) KW required 0.96 H1 1.18 H2
7) Annual cost of electrical energy 33638.60 KW1 33857.75 KW2
= 32401.28 H1 39955.58 H2
Table1 showing velocity and loss of head for different pipe size
Sr no Pipe size in Frictional head loss per 1000 Velocity in m/sec 1st stage flow 2nd stage flow
mm meter
1st stage flow 2nd stage flow 1st stage 2nd stage flow Frictional loss Other lossses Total losses H1 Frictional Other lossses (in mt.) Total losses H1 including
flow (in mt.) including static head loss static head
0.0737 0.0903 10% 0 10% 0%
m3/s m3/s (in mt.) of friction loss (in mt.) (in mt.) of friction loss (in mt.)
1 100 670.40 976.50 9.38 11.49 24469.57 2446.96 26916.53 35642.15 3564.22 39206.37
2 150 93.05 135.53 4.17 5.11 3396.19 339.62 3735.80 4946.85 494.69 5441.54
3 200 22.92 33.38 2.35 2.87 836.55 83.65 920.20 1218.51 121.85 1340.36
4 250 7.73 11.26 1.50 1.84 282.16 28.22 310.38 411.00 41.10 452.09
5 300 3.18 4.63 1.04 1.28 116.11 11.61 127.72 169.12 16.91 186.03
6 350 1.50 2.19 0.77 0.94 54.80 5.48 60.28 79.82 7.98 87.81
7 400 0.78 1.14 0.59 0.72 28.60 2.86 31.46 41.66 4.17 45.82
8 450 0.44 0.64 0.46 0.57 16.11 1.61 17.73 23.47 2.35 25.82
9 500 0.26 0.38 0.38 0.46 9.65 0.96 10.61 14.05 1.41 15.46
10 600 0.11 0.16 0.26 0.32 3.97 0.40 4.37 5.78 0.58 6.36
11 700 0.05 0.07 0.19 0.23 1.87 0.19 2.06 2.73 0.27 3.00
12 750 0.04 0.05 0.17 0.20 1.34 0.13 1.47 1.95 0.20 2.15
13 800 0.03 0.04 0.15 0.18 0.98 0.10 1.08 1.42 0.14 1.57
14 900 0.02 0.02 0.12 0.14 0.55 0.06 0.61 0.80 0.08 0.88
14 1000 0.01 0.01 0.09 0.11 0.33 0.03 0.36 0.48 0.05 0.53
Sr no Pipe size in 1st stage flow 2nd stage flow
mm H1 total head Kw required Cost of H2 total head Kw required with Cost of Pump
loss (in m) with stand by Pump ( loss (in m) stand by ( Rs. In
Rs. In thousand)
1 100 26916.53 38889.69 641680 39206.37 69401.25 1145121
2 150 3735.80 5397.59 89060 5441.54 9632.35 158934
3 200 920.20 1329.53 21937 1340.36 2372.63 39148
4 250 310.38 448.44 7399 452.09 800.28 13205
5 300 127.72 184.53 3045 186.03 329.30 5434
6 350 60.28 87.10 1437 87.81 155.43 2565
7 400 31.46 45.45 750 45.82 81.11 1338
8 450 17.73 25.61 423 25.82 45.70 754
9 500 10.61 15.33 253 15.46 27.36 451
10 600 4.37 6.31 104 6.36 11.26 186
11 700 2.06 2.98 49 3.00 5.31 88
12 750 1.47 2.13 35 2.15 3.80 63
13 800 1.08 1.55 26 1.57 2.77 46
14 900 0.61 0.88 14 0.88 1.56 26
15 1000 0.36 0.52 9 0.53 0.94 15
Sr no Pipe size in Total head in (m) Cost of Cost of Pump Annual cost of Energy charges Total Cost of Annual cost of Energy Initial capital Grand total
mm Pipeline of energy charges capitalized capitalized Pump energy charges investment for of
length mts. cost charges capitalized pumpset & capitalized
Total Cost
annual cost for 30
electrical years
1st stage 2nd stage 36500 36500
1 100 26916.53 39206.37 42507 51388 641680 872130 6633490 7326558 1145121 1566513 11915022 3126494 10453052
2 150 3735.80 5441.54 61598 74649 89060 121045 920678 1084387 158934 217420 1653714 433933 1518321
3 200 920.20 1340.36 79242 96244 21937 29816 226783 344964 39148 53555 407344 106887 451851
4 250 310.38 452.09 105558 128122 7399 10057 76494 212016 13205 18064 137396 36053 248068
5 300 127.72 186.03 133571 162134 3045 4138 31474 196653 5434 7433 56536 14835 211488
6 350 60.28 87.81 163322 198467 1437 1953 14855 214759 2565 3508 26682 7001 221760
7 400 31.46 45.82 194931 236892 750 1019 7751 245393 1338 1831 13927 3654 249047
8 450 17.73 25.82 230937 280756 423 574 4366 285544 754 1032 7849 2060 287604
9 500 10.61 15.46 272391 330918 253 344 2616 333787 451 618 4701 1233 335021
10 600 4.37 6.36 350261 426152 104 141 1072 427329 186 254 1932 507 427836
11 700 2.06 3.00 461792 560835 49 67 510 561394 88 120 913 239 561633
12 750 1.47 2.15 519032 630302 35 48 365 630702 63 86 654 172 630874
13 800 1.08 1.57 572319 695161 26 35 266 695453 46 63 479 126 695579
14 900 0.61 0.88 689542 837957 14 20 152 838124 26 35 266 70 838193
15 1000 0.36 0.53 832559 1011182 9 12 91 1011282 15 21 160 42 1011324

Table 3 shows that the most economical size of Main is 300 mm costing Capitalised Rs. 211487679
Dia of economical size of rising main 300 mm

DESIGN FOR ECONOMIC SIZE OF PUMPING MAIN 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000

Total Cost

100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000
Pipe Dia in mm

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