CIS Chapter 1
CIS Chapter 1
CIS Chapter 1
*Example: MQC (grades -> teacher process grades -> store (registrar) -> online portal)
1. Meaning
*Practice Set
2. Recording
*You cannot record a transaction without the books at hand vs Quickbooks (mobile app/laptop)
3. Calculation
*Quickbooks/Xero/SAP others
Lack of Visible Transaction Trail - one of the reason why auditors having a hard time
1. Manual (physical paper) vs CIS virtual documents ( pdf invoice)- cannot be read without a
• Auditors need pdf reader and other software to read the documents)
Consistency of Performance
Concentration of Duties
1. Manual – info are destroyed by fire or deterioration but there are much more safer and not easy
to alter
- Prevent something from happening (safeguard) frauds, errors (factory :quality control)
*segregation of duties
General Controls
- CIS/IT dept separated to users and all departments (sales, purchasing department, etc)
- To avoid fraud – user want to commit fraud , he can do it if he has duties as well in the CIS Dept
While systems analysts design and develop software and computer systems,
Computer Programmers are responsible for implementing designs by writing computer programs.
- any changes in the system should be approved by the users and management
- PILOT TESTING is defined as a type of Software Testing that verifies a component of the system
or the entire system under a real-time operating condition.
- User’ Manual
- Flowchart
Documentation Control
The collection of documents that describes the requirements, capabilities, limitations, design, operation,
and maintenance of a system, such as a communications, computing, or information processing system
Access Control
• Password (Show QB log in)
Data Recovery Control – back up files and off site storage procedures
- Computer files are copied Daily and store them OFF SITE (USB disket)
- Cloudbased technology (online) google drive , dropbox , built in system (quickbooks online)
In the traditional GFS approach, a full backup is completed on the same day of each month (for example,
the last day of each month or the fourth Friday of each month—however you want to define it). This is
the “grandfather” cycle. It’s best practice to store this backup off-site or in the cloud. This also helps
satisfy the off-site requirement of a 3-2-1 strategy.
Next, another full backup is set to run on a more frequent basis, like weekly. Again, you can define when
exactly this full backup should take place, keeping in mind your business’s bandwidth requirements.
(Because full backups will most definitely tie up your network for a while!) This is the “father” cycle, and,
ideally, your backup should be stored locally and/or in hot cloud storage, like Backblaze B2 Cloud
Storage, where it can be quickly and easily accessed if needed.
Last, plan to cover your bases with daily incremental backups. These are the “son” backups, and they
should be stored in the same location as your “father” backups.
Monitoring Controls
- Automatic posting to the journal ,ledger, sub ledger (as programmed by the system analyst)
2. You should have “controls” – safeguards in of these 3 processes. (completeness and accuracy ,
1. Input Control
- reasonable assurance that the data submitted for processing are complete, authorized accurate
A. Key Verification
- Data are entered twice (usually by different person) to secure that there are no key entry committed.
B. Field Check - a certain field is designed to contain only specific data (numbers
- field size
C. Validity Check – Comparison with valid information in the master file to determine
“authenticity” of the input.
- look up check
D. Self Checking Digit - mathematically calculated Digit which is usually added to a document
number to detect error
F. Control Totals - totals are automatically calculated by the system to ensure completeness
Hash Totals - A method for ensuring that data have not been altered
(manually comparison), sum of document number/meaningless for
financial purposes
Batch Total Input Control – The sum of a particular field in a collection of items used as a control total to
ensure that all data has been entered into the computer (completeness)
Processing Controls
Why do we need processing controls? if input controls fails or not detected errors, hoping it be caught
on the processing controls
Where these processing controls embedded in the system, during the development stage of the system
(programmer)/incorporated in the system
Processing Controls – provide reasonable assurance that the input data are processed accurately , and
that the data are not lost , excluded , duplicated, or improperly changed. Almost all Input controls are
also processing controls
All input controls are processing controls as well.
1. Integrity test/ Validity Check (input control) - is the transaction appropriate to process? (is this
employee existing?)
2. Sequence test – Transactions are in a correct and complete sequence (check #)\
3. Input Control totals verification - Has a built in software that recalculates totals in the in input
5. Limit and Reasonable checks – if the amount is unreasonable or beyond the predetermined
limit. The application will not process
6. Matching control – they system will not process unless all documents are in the system (3 way
matching . PO + Rec Report + Vendor Invoice)
Output Controls – provide reasonable assurance that the results of processing (FS or other reports) are
If we did not caught the errors in the input and processing controls
2. Output comparison to original documents - random comparison (sales invoices vs sales in PL),
number of docs processed vs submitted for processing (sampling, no error should be seen)
General Controls - Physical Observation, systems documentation checks, checking access controls etc.
Auditing around the computer (testing from the outside) – Used in Less Complex IT
Environment/Simple IT (not reliant to IT)
- 3 main phases (Input , Process, Output)
• Input data are simply reconciled with the computer output to verify the accuracy of processing. (Data
(Input) > System > Output)
• Assumption: If the input reconciles with the output, then the computer program must have processed
the transaction accurately. (without testing the actual system)
• Blackbox approach/testing – visible input documents (paper) and detailed output that will enable the
auditor to trace individual transactions back and forth.
- Focus : If the Input and Process is good you assume that the output is good
Program Testing
Program Analysis
- Possible (beginning), Continuous audit techniques, real time audit (every transaction are audited AS IT
HAPPENS) by the use of embedded softwares
Data = valid and invalid > fictitious data (dummy/has intentional errors) created by the auditors
(Expectation/Behavior on the output already) (NO REAL CLIENT DATA Involved)
Expectation vs Reality
- Auditor should think scenarios a (realistic) like fraud or error based on his understanding of the
80 hours a week
Invalid: 81 hours, 82 Hours (if processed, weak internal system, extensive testing)
- Is it the same with Blackbox approach?? No because we are using Auditors data own data.
1. Live testing is dangerous as it may contaminate client files/ Do not forget to ELIMINATE or REVERSE
the data
Integrated test facility is a variation of test data technique. The main difference is that instead of
checking the system is not in use, simulated data are added to client's real data and processed
simultaneously during the actual processing.
This is automated and ongoing technique that enables the auditor to test an applications logic and
controls during normal operations
Similar with test data but this time integrated in the program (embedded)
Data = both auditor and client (sabay) (valid and invalid fictitious transactions)
2. Testing without interrupting the client operations and without the intervention of client
Parallel Simulation
System = Auditor system (work the same based on logic - develop by the auditor or a programmer)
Auditor’s system:
- Recalculating amounts
Reconcile your findings to their actual result (since you know what it should look like)
Controlled Reprocessing