Dantas 2015
Dantas 2015
Dantas 2015
Abstract—Large cities face growing mobility problems, due to This paper submits an evaluation method for quantifying
the major traffic jams that result from high numbers of vehicles the probability metrics of a BRT system. This method consid-
on the roads. In response, city and national governments have ers the system from the vehicle perspective, and the results pro-
invested in alternative means of urban passenger transit, such as vide important indicators for improving BRT system planning.
subways, trains, as well as Bus Rapid Transit (BRT). This article A CTMC model is created to describe the system and calculate
aims to analyze the BRT system, by attempting to calculate the the probability of reaching a particular destination at a given
probability of reaching a destination at a specific time, thereby
providing a tool that can be employed to improve the system and
time. From this model, two case studies are developed: the first
increase passenger confidence in it. To this end, a Continuous employs existing data from the literature to serve as a data
Time Markov Chain (CTMC) model is proposed to represent source for model verification; after achieving verification of
the bus stations and compute the probability metric for arrival the model, the second case study employs random information
at the destination within the specified time frame. The model from an actual BRT system in order to provide information for
allows a mathematical function to calculate the probabilities for improving the planning of that system.
the corresponding architecture. Two case studies were conducted
in order to verify the model and illustrate its potential value in
the planning of BRT systems. There are works in the literature which propose evaluation
techniques for BRT systems. Lopez et. al employ Stochastic
Keywords—Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), CTMC, Probability.
Petri Nets (SPN) to rearrange the stations of a BRT system
[4]. This rearrangement is undertaken in order to improve the
I. I NTRODUCTION system; and is based on passenger displacement time in the
Transmilenio BRT of Bogota, Colombia. The Petri net was
Rapid urbanization and growing traffic volumes create built according to stations on a specific route, and changes
problems such as congested roads and difficult mobility. It were made in the model to propose improvements. However,
is a recurrent theme in large cities that much time is wasted the work does not develop specific metrics that could be
by citizens moving between locations, whilst taking children employed in system planning. In [5] the authors address urban
to school, or going to and returning from work, as well as transport modeling with the Geographic Information System
performing all the other necessary daily activities that eventu- (GIS) method. This methodology considered the topographic
ally become troublesome for those living within a metropolitan and geographic aspects in order to analyze the aspects of time
area [1]. and space.
Beside the impact in terms of time wasted, heavy traffic
also creates environmental problems, such as noise pollution The current work offers a different approach to those
and excessive greenhouse gas emissions. There is also a described above. Here the modeling of the system is proposed
negative economic repercussion; the cost of congestion in the through the employment of CTMC, and a probability metric
U.S. in 2012, measured in terms of lost working hours and is developed for destination arrival. Additionally, study results
extra fuel consumption, was estimated at $120 billion [2]. are verified through a mathematical model, thereby creating a
tool which is directly relevant to arrival time planning in BRT
As an alternative to heavy traffic scenarios, governments
have invested in improvements to public transport systems,
in an attempt to create quality systems that enable citizens
to migrate away from private vehicle use, thereby reducing The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: section
the number of vehicles on the roads. A solution that has II introduces the fundamental concepts of BRT systems and
shown satisfactory results is Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) [3]. CTMC modeling; section III presents the proposed architec-
BRT operates on exclusive routes, with an off-board method ture; section IV discusses the CTMC model; section V presents
of charging customers, so the promise of greater reliability and the case study and highlights the results; and section VI draws
speedier transit make it an attractive proposition. some conclusions and indicates the direction of possible future
Fig. 2: Architecture proposal.
on a daily journey were extracted from [18] and adapted to TABLE II: Input parameters for each peak time.
the proposal.
Average Waiting Average time on Value
Period of the day Parameters
Time (min) the vehicle (min) (min)
k λtt
1 Early Time
λttw 1 to 6
MTTA = (3) λtt – 3.07 3.07
i=1 i
AM Peak Time
λttw 1 to 6 0.31 3.07 3.38
λtt – 2.70 2.70
Inter-Peank Time
λttw 1 to 6 0.68 2.70 3.38
Table I describes the travel times for five different intervals λtt – 2.48 2.48
PM Peak Time
λttw 1 to 6 0.94 2.48 3.42
in particular route [18]. The travel ranges are: Early, AM Peak, λtt – 3.10 3.10
Evening Time
Inter-Peak, PM Peak and Evening. The maximum journey time λttw 1 to 6 0.96 3.10 4.06
for each travel time interval are considered as the sum of wait
time and travel time, where, the origin stop headway (Hi) is
the cumulative wait time for all stations and, In-vehicle travel
time (Ti) is the cumulative travel time in a pathway.
A. Case Study I
Based on the dataset taken from [18] as given in Table
II, the probability of vehicle arrival time in the final lane in
a particular time period was calculated. Figure 4 illustrates
these probabilities. It can be seen that Early and Evening
demonstrate the worst behavior. This probably occurs as a
result of the fact that fewer buses are released at these times,
and the bus takes a longer route, thereby taking longer to
reach its destination. The AM peak, Inter-peak, and PM peak,
demonstrate practically identical behavior, reflecting the fact
that at peak times the number of buses on the route is greater,
given the increased demand, which results in a shorter arrival Fig. 5: Probability of arrival in a range.
This relationship indicates that a transit planning process
is a fundamental requirement to assist in reducing the journey Table III compares the Mean Time To Absorption as
time by improving the probability of arrival at the destination, calculated by equation 3 with the actual data extracted from
in other words ensuring that the passenger arrives at his [18]. The very low figures for mean error suggest that the
destination on time. model is accurate and cannot be refuted.
TABLE III: Average Error for Mean Time To Absorption. words, increasing the bus speed by a factor of 2 does not mean
that the bus will arrive in half the time.
Max. Journey Time Mean Time To Mean
(Hi + Ti) Absorption (by model) Error
Early 29.95 29.96 0.00033
AM Peak 23.39 23.39 0.00005
TABLE V: Relationship Between Mean Time To Absorption.
Inter-Peak 22.95 22.95 0.00011
Relationship Mean Time to Relationship
PM Peak 23.00 23.05 0.00200 TRIP
Between Trip Absorption (MTTA) Between MTTA
Evening 27.45 27.45 0.00080 23 Km/h 1 31.78 1.00
31 Km/h 1.35 24.72 0.78
39 Km/h 1.70 20.55 0.64
B. Case Study II
In Figure 6, which illustrates the probability of arrival at
Since there were no grounds for refuting the model, a a given time (t), it can be seen that for a time interval of 20
second case study was implemented based on a system cur- minutes the probability rises from less than 0.03 at 23 km/h to
rently being implemented in the city of Recife, North-East almost 0.5 at 39 km/h. This categorically confirms the impact
Brazil. Data was sourced from [20] regarding the number of of bus speed on arrival probabilities. Another important point
stations planned for the operation (22) and the average distance to note is that at a time interval of 40 min, the probability of
between them (500 meters). arrival at a vehicle speed of 23 km/h is 0.87, whilst at speeds
The scenario also took into account the average speed of 31 and 39 km/h, the probability is already at 0.99.
of the vehicle according to [21], which states that efficient
BRT systems have approximate average speeds between 23
and 39 km/h. Another important factor considered in the
scenario was the average stop time for passenger boarding and
disembarking. In this case the figure adopted was 22 seconds,
which is the given stop period for an articulated four-door
vehicle [21].
With this data three scenarios were examined, relating
to the minimum speed (23 km/h), the median average (31
km/h) and the maximum (39 km/h), hereafter referred to as,
respectively, scenario 1, scenario 2, and scenario 3. Table
IV,gives transition times for each scenario. Note that, as in the
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