Teach Yourself Pali in English

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Ven. Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero

Adapted from materials in

“The New Pali Course”
by the late Ven. Prof. A. P. Buddhadatta Maha Nayaka Thera,
with a sense of respect and gratitude.

Published by
The Singapore Buddhist Meditation Centre

Ven. Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero

Adapted from the materials in

"The New Pali Course" by the
late Ven. Prof. A. P. Buddhadatta Maha Nayaka Thera,
with a sense of respect and gratitude.

The Singapore Buddhist Meditation Centre

No. 1, Jalan Mas Puteh
Singapore 128607
Tel: 65-67783330 Fax: 65-67730150
ISBN: 981-05-4719-6

Section No. Page No.

RUA CEIOH TOME CDG. ssscccs cccciectstinnstavsecianssddnonsiseansaensveosseaisenions ¥

|| a ee ae eee Renee ee Ne MeL ene VI
We 1G Ie WE osc rena ti eee eornan eee ae ona ceca 9
3... (PPOIUNCIAROI acc eeccre cross dernterencentcucienaicaramnnnins 10
MRO SPCRC canna, ee ee 13
5; Gender. Numberiand Case iasicciccisccssecasensssantnactsccncsticttccatnee 14
S: (DWeclensinn Ol NOUNS a iinccinitcocconnntiennsneetenuinan 16
IEE (a Ree ae eee eee oe SoC ne Sede oe ee 18
|De 1 | oh ec a eeee eee aeree19
LO, CORIURRUOIOL WIS ssiisesssccsraisivesmzcecciectitiesnitievsirecrenroredecsnatites 20
12. Conjugation of the Root "paca” (tO COOK)... 21
PRCT so icdnedein dedi enlaces asta tncone 22
14... Dikletent Connon a ccscinicaninisinnnmanonaietwoumnmnnacntine 24
Dig. TMS SSAAGTaCia ca secsascssentsareavenecbrceentnecortienstormsvertitones 26
ROR S aer atts Gas Santo tedeuneamrab ae baieiet 28
1}... Wieescuiline Seenras Erin 00 0 eis ieetsecsteascccrencericcmsesnncemeinattvenen 30
ee oie ethene nba ae teneree 32
D-RAM ert cass tcveswventavg-nceeariatausatesaet
anaanarabetviaviecied senna nasil34
os oraarctnonigde oeearinnineinies
eee tOREaannONd 36
UR 27) Was a 7 | 38
| 5! ine cacao Senn tTse Oman ne 40
Ph TRE TCR Gre serosa teres atiacess eererea meen aaemennccannniees 42
22. Declension of Masculine Nouns Ending 111i .........eeeeeseeeesseeeee 43
Pe ES OW evssa oes scbaaca cana paces snares aeala coed ese 44
23 Declension of Masculine Nouns Ending in U ..........ce.eeseeeseeeees 46
DNS aires ciesctesautiansoecsAminonsemeconihinoen 48
27.. Adjectival Nouns BACs 00 W sssssccssssssosssscssessnovseesnsinsaaasavaress 50
29. Declension of the Masculine Nouns Ending in =... 52
CE SAWCT ONE DING acs nixed ea eetecdaen tied ad eee 53
PeOTTas WN casei ctec cessed cei gee etic 54
BL, .Dewlemsicricel Ferirititene NOB isos cscaecceseesiccsecessonaniotvansteniatainn 56
BP. “Wike TST Cocchioes 58
33. TERS CpaGe OF POTN i sosccnsoseacnnsixtcrseaceaeemrrancticisioomienes 59
[oo Skat od0 Sane aa ee see Nee atie eeieeite terre a teetinrae meer REET rE Te 60
34. Declension of Feminine Stems Ending in =i... eee 62
35. Peminninie Sterns Exit 100... 5-...snsscessaciscanetesonessnecaceeasaieacancarsooniens 63
36. Absolutives or so-called Indeclinable Past Participles .............. 64
Ete Ca enicconace ee it 66
31. Feminine Noutis Ending i—t .........:ccssscesscsssecessssneresseseonessnnsssnseesns 68
39. PIV OTE OE DACP 5 haste ocean oasatnoanieeaaanmes 69
ye waite vinscescssecstasraredneenien
eau renee werent ein 70
40. 1SCEEC=)ofG or016(=)CR ee er Nee pe en a We
43. gl
Bee) Sa OTTVhis seem eee erreSent ner re NOS ren tS nS UE rt Oey oo 73
PSS A ioisiseraniron trance amen ener 74
42. Pe Usber INO UnRS Ere TI Bsa cccasecseswvensinvnrecrrorcccotverieosinsveenrere 76
43. INetiter Notisis Beek 18 Weisnernstcrsscantecasainnisiviminiiomanateeanerises ae
44. Reine Aen PEtOS 6 rcorsess reruns eovonianonaianaesamee 78
PCB 1D rors Serectrsnioere en ees See a e 80
45. (SRE CRNON Ol NOUNS isiciscrrcimionmmnannnnmneiain 82
46. PROGINS cca eau Mica Neeaae 84
47. Adjectives (Pionontitial)siccccovapscnncummnnaninimanuannsenns 85
Te Pe since to canstseiopacgriincateeeseanerre one ute 86
48. Declension of the Demonstrative Pronoum...........cceecseeseeseennees 88
49. Declension of Demonstrative Promoun...........cccccssessecsesneeseeeenee 89
PRGGCISE 7 cence tem erncanmnionmemnnnns 90
50. The Verbal Adjectives or Participile scisesevccccseccsrsceosssossussstsacesecsascoes 92
a1. Declension of the Present PATiCi Oleic issssivnassicssicannonenienccess 94
PROIRE US cicconsncsiemnienameaie mnaenereece 96
33: |g] Aage 0c |) [a Cae en nn nen 98
54. “To” in the Sense of Ablative of Separation... eee 99
IC I VO se ssccsricinvcinten tema eaxemiesnaraacorntoentnaitaeas 100
39: PA OIG csocecenasehaass tertaxearomteareuacdiinien Daeataseoinbmties 102
CVC IOS 202 cicrcipessinscrci ae ae ee eg eneee 104

Dh INUIT AIS as once eee ee ee eee ee ee 106
A Bogor scacentzsscnaricmpaeeicoenaaienncamneey 108
|SLhe 4 Oy ee en ee ee ae 110
61. MEANT UU ooo verter a en ore ee eo 112
|eCool 2S: | acne ce eo omen Ce ee ee ae ee eer 114
62. SAREE siccSos ce ncaerzcoeteoes deetasssalainein Seca adnan ehareran cadence 116
Bei festa ots iscotarcrre maces ina esas a someones 118
63. Beaters pce rama aig aaemeecehanciermaanS 120
64. Siciligi hail 1. eae re121
Re secre 122
66. How to Enlarge and Analyse a Sentence.........cccscsssssssssessssseesssees 124
RP rans ess samsanateaiannsnecnunAaeecatiaiioae 126
67. Le) ieee a a er nese 128
GL, he ce a ce a ae ee ee eer? 130
71. PLS FeIOs coerce otictsecronstdocenarsea
ca nmceannannmehinaee 132
I NSS coca es eae cg ceca oe eeeoee ot reo ene ee 134
74, MAUL OE CAUSANINS VETIGsasoscinniessracisapasssonencuoinivastedeustienseseanesseceus 136
[01-8 Sa en De 138
Wocabislaty Pali— English icissicocsssescsvanissvasvisesn covnescasssetibuasianareencs 140
Ries loih tai Did ttn) |! ee a ee ee aan 157
SONS TO. ERCTCIRER: «ciccssssecscatescececetesseuesisacisscronsannsnnanmreae 171

Ven Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero

I n today's context, those who yearn to acquire a skill in Pali, have no access
to that language, through English. The present book and the audio CD is
created to fill that hiatus. I experienced this general need when I started initiating
Rev. Sunanda into Pali studies as an approach to the learning of deeper areas
of Buddhist Thought. This work addresses everyone who is in that identical

Utilizing the facilities provided by this book and audio CD, those who know
their English will be able to acquire a comprehensive grasp of Pali. While
viewing the text the user will be able to hear how the Pali words are exactly
pronounced. The exercises in the book are worked out at the end of the book,
to enable the user to test his efficiency. We are extremely grateful to all those
who contributed at a variety of levels to make this work possible.

We must respectfully acknowledge our debt, to the late Ven. Agga Maha
Pandita, A.P. Buddhadatta Maha Thero, who, hailing from my neighbouring
village, made a pioneering effort to teach Pali in English. The Ven. Maha
Thero realized farsightedly, that teaching Pali in English will fill a universally
felt need. The primary advantage of this creation is that anyone, with a grasp
of English, will be able to study Pali, by one's own self, without the guidance
of a teacher. It is my earnest hope that the world of English-educated persons
will utilize this work to learn the Pali language, making use of their efficiency
in English.
May all beings be happy!

Ven Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero

Chief Monk/Chief Administrator
The Singapore Buddhist Meditation Centree


Paii is the original language used during Buddha life time and although it is
not use in present-era. Many serious scholars and devout laymen make an
effort to learn Pali as it is the key to the understanding of what the Supremely
Enlightened Buddha taught and all the main Sutta of Buddhism.

This book and audio CD (e book) is brought out by The Singapore Buddhist
Meditation Centre, under the wise guidance of Ven. Weragoda Sarada Nayaka
Maha Thero, Chief Monk, to teach Pali in English to all those interested in
such a study, world-wide. The Pali text is sonorously intoned by Ven.
Weragoda Sarada Nayaka Maha Thero, assisting those who utilize this work
to understand the exact pronunciation of Pali words. The English text is
spoken by Ms. Margaret Rajarathnam.

As the President of SBMC, I would like to thank all those whose efforts
resulted in the publication of this book. While extending our grateful thanks to
Ven. Weragoda Sarada Nayaka Maha Thero, I consider it my duty to offer my
special gratitude to all those who made this work of great merit, possible.

May all beings be happy and well.

With Metta,

Knee kK
Koh Beng Tee
The Singapore Buddhist Meditation Centre

31. 08. 2016


“ Sabba Danam Dhamma Danam Jinati ”’

“ The Gift of Truth Excels all other Gifts’’

The printing of this book and CD is made possible

through the generosity of the following:


TACTICS System Engineering Pte Ltd

Ho Family in memory of our parents/grandparents the late

Mr Ho Wee Lee & Mdm Chua Mok Eng

Tan Family in memory of our parents/grandparents the

Mr Tan See Gek & Mdm Wee Kim Buay

In memory of the late Brother Lim Poh Cheng

In memory of the late Sis Ch’ng Siew Cheng

May the Great Blessings of the Triple Gem

be with them Always.

Ven. Weragoda Sarada Nayaka Maha Thero



1. The Pali alphabet consists of 41 letters, eight vowels and thirty-

three consonants.

a 8. i th GB, 6 8


k, kh, g, gh, n

ce ch, % boot

t, th, d, dh, n

t, th, d, dh, n

p, ph, b, bh, m

VE LAaoh
i mw

2. Of the vowels a, i, u, are short; the rest are long.

Although e and 0 are included in long vowels they are often sounded
short before a double consonant, e.g. metta, setthi, okkamati,

1 Vide Book II for further treatment of letters.


is pronounced like a in what or

in hut

a in father

i in mint

ee in see

u in put

oo 86in pool

a in cage

oO in no

k in kind

kh in blackheath

g in game

gh in big house

ng in singer

ch ‘in chance

ch chh in witch-hazel

jh dge h in sledge-hammer

a 7. ie gn in signore

t %9 . t in cat

ee es a th in ant-hill

¢ © «= d in bad

an 2 dh in red-hot

n ” 0 kn in know

t 2 ss th in thumb

th se = th in pot-herb

d as * th in then

a « 6g dh in adherent

ne ph in uphill

bo » e bh in abhorrence

o ” 9 y in yes

s ‘a ‘i S in sight

ms, ‘9 ng in _— sing

j. 0, p, b, m, r, 1, v and h are pronounced just as they are pronounced

in English.

4. In English there are 8 parts of speech. They are all found in

Pali, but the Pali Grammarians do not classify them in the same
way. Their general classification is:

L. Nama = noun

2. Akhyata = verb

3: Upasagga = prefix

4. Nipata = indeclinable particle.

Pronouns and adjectives are included in the first group.

Adjectives are treated as nouns because they are declined like nouns.

Conjunctions, prepositions, adverbs and all other

indeclinables are included in the fourth group.

Gender, Number and Case

5. There are in Pali as in English three genders and two numbers.

(1) Pullinga = Masculine
(2) Itthilinga = Feminine
(3) Napurhsakalinga es Neuter

(1) Ekavacana = Singular
(2) Bahuvacana = Plural

6. Nouns which denote males are masculine; those which

denote females are feminine; but nouns which denote inanimate
things and qualities are not always neuter, e.g. Rukkha (tree), Canda
(moon) are masculine. Nadi (river), Lata (vine), Paina (wisdom)
are feminine. Dhana (wealth), Citta (mind) are neuter.

Two words denoting the same thing may be, sometimes, in

different genders; Pasana and Sila are both synonyms for a stone,
but the former is masculine, and the latter is feminine. Likewise
one word, without changing its form, may possess two or more
genders e.g.Geha (house) is masculine and neuter, Kucchi (belly)
is masculine and feminine.

Therefore it should be remembered that gender in Pali is a

grammatical distinction existing in words. It is called grammatical
a There are eight cases, namely:

1. Pathama = Nominative

2. Dutiya = Accusative

3. (a) Tatiya =a Ablative of agent and

(b) Karana = Ablative of instrument

4. Catuttht = Dative

5. Paficami = Ablative of separation

6. Chatthi = Possessive or Genitive

7. Sattami = Locative

8. Alapana = Vocative

The Ablative in English is here divided into Tatiya, Karana

and Paficami.

But, as Tatiya and Karana always have similar forms both of

them are shown under “Instrumental”.

Where only the “Ablative” is given the reader must

understand that all 3 forms of the Ablative are included.


8. Nouns in Pali are differently declined according to

their gender and termination.
Nara is a masculine stem, ending in — a. It is to be declined
as follows: —
Nom. Naro = man Nara = men
Acc. Naram = man Nare = men
Ins. Narena = by, Narebhi; narehi = by
with or through man with or through men
Dat. Naraya; narassa = to or Naranam = to or
for man for men
Abl. Nara; naramha; narasma = Narebhi; narehi =
from man from men
Gen. Narassa = of man Naranam = of men
Loc. Nare; naramhi; narasmim = Naresu =
on or in man on or in men
Voc. Nara; nara = Oman Nara = Omen

Some of the stems similarly declined are: —

Purisa = man
Manussa = human being
Hattha = hand
Pada = leg; foot
Kaya = body
Rukkha = ttee
Pasana = rock; stone
Gama = village
Buddha = the Enlightened One
Dhamma = doctrine
Sangha the community Deva = god; deity
Aloka light Vanara = monkey
Loka world Vihara = monastery
Akasa sky Dipa = island; lamp
Suriya sun Mafica = bed
Canda moon Ahara = food
Magga path Siha = lion
Putta son Miga = deer; beast
Kumara boy Assa horse
Vanija = merchant Gona = OX

Cora thief Sunakha = dog

Mitta = friend Varaha = pig
Dasa = slave Sakuna = bird
Bhipala = king Aja = goat
Kassaka = farmer Kaka = Crow

Lekhaka clerk

a: Inflections or case-endings of the above declension are:



Nom. e) a
Acc. m é
Ins. ena ebhi; ehi
Dat. aya; ssa anam
Abl. a, mha; sma ebhi; ehi
Gen. ssa anam
Loe, e; mhi; smim esu
Voc. aya a
The last vowel of the stem should be elided before an inflection
which begins with a vowel.
Exercise 1

—. Manussanam. 1. The dogs.

Purise. > Of the hand.
Hattham. si On the men.
Padamhi. 4. From the tree.
Kayena. 5. In the islands.
Buddhesu. 6. With the foot.
Dhammam. 7. By the hands.
Sanghamha. 8. To the lion.
Dn Suriye. 9. Of the oxen.
Rukkhassa. 10. From the birds.
Akasena. 11. By the king.
12. Odeity.
Deva. 13. To the sun.
Candam. 14. In the sky.
Gamasma. 15. Through the body.
Gonaya. 16. On the bed.
Sihanam. 17. Of the moons.
Asso. 18. In the world.
Sakuna. 19. The monkey.
Maficasmin. 20. Through the light.
Exercise 2
1. The body of the ox.
lf Purisassa gono.
2. The bird on the tree.
2. Manussanam hattha.
3. The island of the world.
3. | Akasamhi sakuna.
4. With the feet of the man.
4. Buddhassa dhammo.
5. By the hand of the monkey.
*5. | Maficesu manussa.
6. Of the birds in the sky.
6. Assanam pada.
7. In the doctrine of the
ve Rukkhe sakuno. Buddha.

8. Pasanamhi gono. 8. The villages of the king.

9. Lokasmim manussa. 9. The birds from the tree.

10. Bhupalassa dipa. 10.The horse on the path.


In translating these into Pali, the articles should be left out. There
are no parallel equivalents to them in Pali. But it should be noted
that the pronominal adjective “ta” (that) may be used for the definite
article, and “eka” (one) for the indefinite. Both of them take the
gender, number, and case of the nouns they qualify.


10. There are three Tenses, two Voices, two Numbers, and three
Persons in the conjugation of Pali verbs.

1. Vattamanakala — Present Tense
2. Atitakala = Past Tense
3. Anagatakala = Future Tense


1. Kattukaraka = Active Voice

2. Kammakaraka = Passive Voice


1. Pathamapurisa = 3" Person

2. Majjhimapurisa = 2™ Person
3. Uttamapurisa = 1‘* Person

The first person in English is 3" in Pali.

Numbers are similar to those of nouns.

11. There is no attempt to conjugate the Continuous, Perfect, and

Perfect Continuous Tenses in Pali; therefore only the indefinite forms
are given here.

Conjugation of the Root “paca’”(to cook)



3% (So) pacati = (Te) pacanti = they cook

2™ (Tvam) pacasi= thou cookest (Tumhe) pacatha = you cook
1* (Aham) pacaémi = I cook (Mayam) pacama = we cook

13. The base bhava (to be) from the root bhi is similarly

3 =~ (So) bhavati (Te) bhavanti = they are

2™ (Tvam) bhavasi (Tumhe) bhavatha = you are
1° (Aham) bhavami = Iam (Mayam) bhavama = we are

The following are conjugated similarly : —

Gacchati = goes Harati = carries

Titthati = stands Aharati = brings
Nisidati = sits Kilati = plays
Sayati = sleeps Vasati = lives
Carati = walks Hanati = kills
Dhavati = runs Aruhati = ascends
Passati = sees Hasati = laughs
Bhufjati = eats Yacati = begs
Bhasati = says
Exercise 3


Nara suriyam passanti.

Gona pasane titthanti.

Manusso game carati.

Sakuno rukkhe nisidati.

Buddho dhammam bhAasati.

Aham dipam aharami.

Mayam gone harama.

Sangho gamam gacchati.

eaeTvam siham passasi.

Bhupala asse aruhanti.

Deva akasena gacchanti.

Assa dipesu dhavanti.

Tvam padehi carasi.

Tumhe hatthehi haratha.
Mayam loke vasama.
Sunakha vanarehi kilanti.

Puriso maiice sayati.

Varaha ajehi vasanti.

Siha sakune hananti.

Ss Sunakha game caranti.


—. The horse stands on the rock.

The goats walk in the village.

You see the sun.

The moon rises in the sky.

The men sleep in beds.

The oxen run from the lion.

People live in the world.

Thou bringest a lamp.

eS We live in an island.

Thou art a king.

You see the bird on the tree.

The monkey plays with the pig.

The king kills a lion.

The deity walks in the sky.

Trees are in the island.

He carries the lamp.

We see the body of the man.

eS We eat with the
a hands.

Different Conjugations

14. There are seven different conjugations in Pali; they

are called dhatugana (= groups of roots). The Pali grammarians
represent roots with a final vowel, but it is often dropped or changed
before the conjugational sign. Each dhatugana has one or more
different conjugational signs, which come between the root and
the verbal termination.

The seven conjugations and their signs are:

1“ — conjugation = Bhuvadigana : a

2 Be = Rudhadigana : —rh-a

a = = Divadigana : ya

4% ” = Svadigana_ : no, nu, una

Se . = Kiyadigana : na

6" ss — Tanadigana : Oo, yira

is 3s = Curadigana : e, aya

A great number of roots are included in the first and the

seventh group. The roots paca and bhi, given above, belong to the
first conjugation. The last vowel of “paca” is dropped before the
conjugational sign a.

The monosyllabic roots like bhi do not drop their vowel. It
is gunated or strengthened before the conjugational sign:

i or I strengthened becomes’ e

u or wu 29 ” 0

Ni + a becomes Ne + a;

Bhi + a 8 Bho + a

Then e followed by a is changed into ay

a ” a 9 av

Ne + a becomes _naya:

bho + a +5 bhava

It is not necessary for a beginner to learn how these bases

are formed. But the bases will be given very often for the
convenience of the students. The base is the root with its
conjugational sign combined.

The Seventh Conjugation

15. The special feature of the first conjugation is that the last
vowel of the base is lengthened before the First Personal endings.

The same rule is applied for the bases ending with a of the
24, 3", 6 and 7" conjugations, in addition to their special features.

The bases of the seventh conjugation are of two kinds as it

has two conjugational signs, e.g. from the root pala two bases pale
and palaya are formed.

Conjugation of Pala (to protect or govern)



3% —sPaileti Palenti
2 Palesi Paletha
1* ~=Palemi Palema


3%“ Palayati Palayanti

2 ~—“~Palayasi Palayatha
I* = Palayami Palayama

Some of the similarly conjugated are:

Jaleti = kindles Uddeti = flies

Mareti = kills Pileti = oppresses
Oloketi = looks at Udeti = (the sun or moon)
Coreti = steals rises
Deseti = preaches Pateti = fells down
Cinteti = thinks Thapeti = keeps
Pijeti = offers; respects

16. The conjugational sign na of the fifth group is shortened in

the Third Person plural:


3% = Vikkinati Vikkinanti

2% ~—s-Vikkinasi Vikkinatha

1“ = Vikkinami Vikkinaéma

The following are similarly conjugated: —

Kinati = buys Ganhati = takes

Janati = knows Ugganhati = learns
Sunati = hears Ocinati = gathers (together);
Jinati = wins collects
Minati = measures

Exercise 4


Putta dhammam ugganhanti.

Stho migam mareti.

Vanijassa putto gone vikkinati.

Mayam vanijamha majice kinama.

Lekhako mittena magge gacchati.

Dasa mittanam sunakhe haranti.

Kassako gone kinati.

Kaka akase uddenti.

Vanija Buddhassa dhammam sunanti.

10. Cora mayire! corenti.

Li, Aham Buddham piijemi.

12. Tvam dipam jalehi.

13 Daso gonam pileti.

14. Tumhe magge kassakam oloketha.

1S. Mayam dhammam janama.

'Maytira = peacock.


The robber steals an ox.

The clerk’s son buys a horse.

Merchants sell lamps.

He knows the friend’s son.

Boys learn in the village.

Peacocks are on the road.

The slave lights a lamp.

Lions kill deer.

The king governs the island.

10. Birds fly in the sky.

11. We see the sons of the merchant.

iz. Look at the hands of the man.

13, You hear the doctrine of the Buddha.

14. They respect (or make offerings to) the community.

13. The monkey teases (or oppresses) the birds.

Th Masculine Stems Ending in i


Nom. / Voc. Aggi Aggi; aggayo

Acc. Aggim Aggi; aggayo

Inst. Aggina Aggibhi; aggihi

Dat/Gen. Aggino; aggissa Agginam

Abl. Aggina; aggimha; aggisma. Aggibhi; aggthi

Loc. Aggimhi; aggismim Aggisu

The following are similarly declined : —

Muni = monk Atithi = guest

Kavi = poet Vyadhi = sickness

Isi = sage; hermit Udadhi = ocean

Ari = enemy Vihi = paddy

Bhipati = king Kapi = monkey

Pati = husband; master Ahi = serpent

Gahapati = householder

Adhipati = lord; leader

Dipi = leopard Asi = sword

Ravi = sun Rasi = heap

Giri = mountain Pani = hand

Mani = gem Kucchi = belly

Yatthi = stick Mutthi = first, hammer

Nidhi = hidden treasure Bodhi = Bo-tree


Khanati = digs Ahindati = wanders

Chindati = cuts Vandati = bows down

Likhati = writes Paharati = beats

Labhati = gets Dasati = bites

Agacchati = comes

Exercise 5

Muni dhammam bhasati.

Gahapatayo vihim minanti.

Ahi adhipatino hattam dasati.

Isi panina manim ganhati.

Dipayo girimhi vasanti.

Ari asina patim paharati.

Kavayo dipamhi nidhim khananti.

Tvam atithinam aharam desi.

Tumhe udadhimhi kilatha.

10. Vyadhayo loke manusse pilenti.

iI. Kapi ahino kucchim paharati.

re Kavino mutthimhi manayo bhavanti.

1S: Ravi girimha udeti.

14. Aham vihinam rasim passami.

13. Mayam game ahindama.


Leopards kill deer.

The sage comes from the mountain.

There is! a sword in the enemy’s hand.

There are? gems in the householder’s fist.

We give food to the guest.

The farmer’s sons measure a heap of paddy.

The serpent gets food from the poet.

The monks kindle a fire.

The householder gets a gem from the leader.

10. The monkeys on the tree strike the leopard.

iL. The leader strikes the enemy with a sword.

12. The sages look at the sun.

13. We get paddy from the husband.

The sickness oppresses the sons of the guest.

1s: I see the sun upon the sea.

1 There is = bhavati. 2 There are = bhavanti.

18. Conjugation of Paca (to cook)


3 ~~ (So) apaci; pact; apaci; paci = he cooked

2™ ~—-(Tvam) apaco; paco thou didst cook

1* (Aham) apacim; pacim = I cooked


34 (Te) apacimsu; pacimsu; apacum; pacum = = they cooked

2™ ~~(Tumhe) apacittha; pacittha = you cooked

1* (Mayam) apacimha; pacimha; apacimha pacimha = we

The following are similarly conjugated : —

Gacchi = went Dhavi = ran

Ganhi = took Kini = bought
Dadi = gave Vikkini = sold
Khadi = ate Nisidi = sat
Hari = carried Sayi = slept
Kari = did Aruhi = ascended; climbed
Ahari = brought Acari = walked; travelled

The prefix a is not to be added to the bases beginning with
a vowel.

19. The verbs of the seventh group are differently conjugated:

Pala (to protect)



3 ~~ Palesi; palayi Palesum; palayum; palayimsu

2 ~—-Palayo Palayittha

1“ — Palesim; palayim Palayimha; palayimha

The following are similarly conjugated : —

Maresi = killed Nesi = carried

Jalesi = kindled Thapesi = kept

Desesi = preached Cintesi = thought

Anesi = brought bist = coped

Coresi = stole
Kathesi = told

Pijesi = offered; respected

Patesi = dropped down or
Exercise 6


Munayo majficesu nisidimsu.
Aham dipamhi acarim.

Cora gahapatino nidhim coresum.

Mayam bhipatino asim olokayimha.

Tvam atithino odanam adado.

Adhipati vanijamha manayo kini.

Pati kassakam vihim yaci.

Isayo kavinam dhammam desesum.

SS Kapayo girimha rukkham dhavimsu.
Vanija udadhimhi gacchimsu.
Mayam maggena gamam gacchimha.
Dipi kapim miresi.
Tumhe patino padipe ganhittha.

Aham Buddhassa pade pijesim.

Kavayo kapinam odanam dadimsu.
Arayo asi anesum.
Ahi kapino panim dasi.
Mayam girimha candam passimha.
Tumbe muninam aharam adadittha.

SS Bhupati nidhayo palesi.



The slave struck the enemy with a sword.

We got food from the householder.
He carried a monkey to the mountain.
The merchants went to the village by the road.
Birds flew to the sky from the tree.
The thieves stole the gems of the king.
I gave food to the sages.
The sons of the poet heard the doctrine from the monk.
renI saw the leopard on the road.
The lion killed the deer on the rock.
They saw the mountain on the island.
The boy went to the sea.
The dogs ran to the village.
The merchant bought a horse from the leader.
The guest brought a gem in (his) fist.
The monkey caught the serpent by (its) belly.
The householder slept on a bed.
We dwelt in an island.
The boy struck the monkey with (his) hands.
LO I saw the king’s sword.

N. B. — The verbs implying motion govern the Accusative;

therefore “to the mountain” in the 3", and “to the village” in the
13" must be translated with the Accusative as: girim, gamam.

But “to the sages”, in the 7 must be in the Dative, because the
person to whom some thing is given is put in the Dative.

Personal Pronouns

20. Two personal pronouns Amha and Tumha are declined here
because of their frequent usage. These are of the common gender
and have no vocative forms.



Nom. Aham Mayam;

= J amhe
= we

Acc. Mam; Amhe;

mamam amhakam;
= meé no
= us

Ins. Maya; Amhebhi;

me amhehi;

/Gen. Mama; Amham;
mayham amhakam;
me; no

Abl. Maya Amhebhi; amhehi

Loc. Mayi Ambhesu



Nom. Tvam; Tumhe

tuvam = you
= thou

Acc. Tam; Tumhe;

tavam; tumhakam;
tuvam vo
= thee = you

Ins. Tvaya; Tumhebhi;

taya; tumhehi;
ic vo

Dat. / Gen. Tava; Tumham;

tuyham; tumhakam;
te vo

Abl. Tvaya; Tumhebhi;

taya tumhehi

Loc. Tvayl; Tumhesu


N. B. — Te, me and vo, no should not be used at the beginning

of a sentence.

Exercise 7
Note. — The word for “not” in Pali is na or no; the word for
“is not” or “has not” is natthi.


Aham mayham puttassa assam adadim.

Tvam amhakam gama agacchasi.
Mayam tava hatthe passama.
Mama putta girim aruhimsu.
Tumhakam sunakha magge sayimsu.
Amham mitta coram asina paharimsu.
Tumham dasa arinam asse harimsu.
Coro mama puttassa manayo coresi.
PHTIsayo mayham gehe na vasimsu.
Kavi tava puttanam dhammam desesi.
Amhesu kodho! natthi.
Tumhe vanijassa mayire kinittha.
Mayam bhipatino mige vikkinimha.
Gahapatino putto mam pahari.
Adhipatino dasé mama gone paharimsu.
Aham tumhakam vihi na ganhim.
Dipi gamamha na dhavi.
Tumhe ahayo na maretha.
Lan Mayam atithinam odanam pacimha.
20. Kapayo mam aharam yacimsu.
'Kodha = anger, m

— I sold my gems to a merchant.

We gave our oxen to the slaves.

You bought a sword from me.

(You) don’t beat monkeys with your hands.

The leader brought a lion from the mountain.

The monk preached the doctrine to you.

We gave food to the serpents.

The slaves of the householder carried our paddy.

Se You did not go to the sea.

There are no gems in my fist.

The poet’s son struck the dog with a stick.

Our sons learnt from the sage.

Your monkey fell down from a tree.

My dog went with me to the house.

A serpent bit my son’s hand.

The leopard killed a bull on the road.

My friends looked at the lions.

We did not see the king’s sword.

I did not go to the deer.

Pe Thou buyest a peacock from the poet.



zl Conjugation of “Paca” (to cook)



ae (So) pacissati (Te) pacissanti

= he will cook = They will cook

Paws (Tvam) pacissasi (Tumhe) pacissatha

= thou wilt cook = you will cook

1s (Aham) pacissami (Mayam) pacissama

= I shall cook = we shall cook

The following are conjugated similarly: —

Gamissati = he will go Dadissati = he will give

Bhufijissati = he will eat Karissati = he will do

Harissati = he will carry Passissati = he will see

Vasissati = he will live Bhayissati = he will fear

All verbs given in the Present Tense may be changed into

Future by inserting issa between the base and the termination, and
dropping the last vowel of the base, e.g.

Bhufija + ti = Bhufj + issa +ti = Bhufijissati.

Bes Declension of Masculine Nouns Ending in 7



Nom. / Voc. Pakkhi Pakkhi; pakkhino

Acc. Pakkhinam; pakkhim Pakkhi; pakkhino

Ins. Pakkhina Pakkhibhi; pakkhihi

Dat. / Gen. Pakkhino; pakkhissa Pakkhinam

Abl. Pakkhina; pakkhimha; Pakkhibhi; pakkhihi


Loc. Pakkhini; pakkhimhi; Pakkhisu


Some of the similarly declined are:

Hatthi = elephant Mantt = minister

Sami = Jord Kari = elephant
Kutthi = leper Sikhi = peacock
Dathi = tusker Bali = a powerful
Bhogi = serpent person
Papakari = evil-doer Sasi = moon
Dighajivi = possessor of a Chatti = possessor of an
long life umbrella
Setthi = millionaire Mali = one who has a
Bhagi = sharer garland
Sukhi = receiver of Sarathi = charioteer
comfort; happy Gani = one who has a
Exercise 8


Manti hatthinam aruhissati.

Mayam setthino geham gamissama.

Tvam samino puttassa kapim dadissasi.

Ganino sukhino bhavissanti.

Amhakarn samino dighajivino na bhavanti.

Papakari yatthina bhogim maresi.

Mama putta setthino game vasissanti.

Kutthi sarathino padam yatthina pahari.

Sikhi chattimha bhayissati.

10. Sarathi asse gamamha harissati.

3, Tumhe mialihi sasinam olokessatha.

i, Bali dathino kayam chindissati.

13. Amhakam mantino balino abhavimsu.

14. Setthino malino passissanti.

15. Mayam gehe odanam bhunjissama.


Our lord went to the minister.

The millionaire will be the possessor of a long life.

Evil-doers will not become! receivers of comfort.

The tusker will strike the leper.

The minister will get a peacock from the lord.

The charioteer will buy horses for the minister.”

My peacocks will live on the mountain.

The serpents will bite the powerful.

The lord’s sons will see the lions of the millionaire.

We will buy a deer from the guest.

The elephant killed a man with (its) feet.

You will not be a millionaire.

The king’s sons will eat with the ministers.

14. The monkeys will not fall from the tree.

1; I will not carry the elephant of the charioteer.

1 “Will not become” = na bhavissanti.

2 Dative must be used here.

2a: Declension of Masculine Nouns Ending in u

GARU (teacher)
Nom. / Vac. Garu Gari; garavo
Acc. Garum Gari; garavo
Abl. Garuna Gartbhi; garithi
Dat./ Gen. Garuno; garussa Gartinam
Lee. Garumhi; garusmim Gariisu

Some of the similarly declined are : —

Bhikkhu! = monk Ucchu = sugar-cane
Bandhu = relation Velu = bamboo
Taru = tree Katacchu = spoon
Bahu = arm Sattu = enemy
Sindhu = sea Setu = bridge
Pharasu = exe Ketu = banner
Pasu = beast Susu = young one
Akhu = rat
Some nouns of the same ending are differently declined:

24. BHATU (brother)

Nom. Bhata Bhataro
Acc. Bhataram Bhatare; bhataro
Abl. Bhatara Bhatarebhi; bhatarehi;
bhatubhi; bhatuhi
Dat./Gen. Bhatu; bhatuno; Bhataranam;
bhatussa bhatanam; bhatinam
Loc. Bhatari Bhataresu; bhatusu
Voc. Bhata; bhata Bhataro
! Bhikku has an additional form “Bhikkhave” in the Vocative plural.
Pitu ( = father) is similarly declined.

25. NATTU (Grandson)

Nom. Natta Nattaro

Acc. Nattaram Nattare; nattaro
Abl. Nattara Nattarebhi; nattarehi
Dat. / Gen. Nattu; nattuno; Nattaranam;
nattussa nattanam
Loc. Nattari Nattaresu
Voc. Natta; natta Nattaro

Some of the similarly declined are: —

Satthu = adviser; teacher Vattu = sayer

Kattu = doer; maker Jetu = victor
Bhattu = husband Vinetu = instructor
Gantu = goer Vinnatu = knower
Sotu = hearer Datu = giver
Netu = leader


26. The prepositions saha (with) and saddhirh (with) govern the
Instrumental Case and are usually placed after the word governed
by them. The Instrumental alone sometimes gives the meaning

The equivalent to the conjunction “ and” is ca in Pali. Api or pi also

is sometimes used in the same sense.

The equivalent to “or” is va.

Exercise 9

Bandhavo susthi saddhim amhakam geham Agamissanti.

Sattu pharasuna tava taravo chindissati.

Garu mayham susiinam ucchavo adadi.
Bhikkhavo nattaranam dhammam desessanti.

Tvam bandhuna saha sindhum gamissasi.

Assa ca gona ca game ahindissanti.

Tumhe pasavo va pakkhi va na maressatha.

Mayam netarehi saha sattharam ptijessama.

FS Bhata veluna pakkhim miresi.

Amhakam pitaro satttinam ketavo aharimsu.

Jeta dataram bahuna pahari.

Sattha amhakam neta bhavissati.

Mayam pitara saddhim velavo aharissama.

Ahino akhavo bhufjanti.

Mama sattavo setumhi nisidimsu.

Amham bhataro ca pitaro ca sindhum gacchimsu.

Aham mama bhatara saha sikhino vikkinissami.

Susavo katacchuna odanam aharimsu.

Gamam ganta tariisu ketavo passissati.

Pe Setum katta gamamha velavo ahari.


. I shall cut bamboos with my axe.

. The teachers will look at the winner.
. They carried sugar-canes for the elephants.
. Hearers will come to the monks.
. Leopards and lions do not live in villages.
. I went to see the adviser with my brother.
. Our fathers and brothers were merchants.
. My brother’s son killed a bird with a stick.
. Our relations will buy peacocks and birds.

Monkeys and deer live on the mountain.

He struck my grandson’s arm.
Enemies will carry (away) our leader’s banner.
Builders of the bridges! bought bamboos from the lord.
Rats will fear from the serpents.
I gave rice to my relation.
The giver brought (some) rice with a spoon.

My father’s beasts were on the rock.

aw Our brothers and grandsons will not buy elephants.
The teacher’s son will buy a horse or an ox.
Noe My brother or his son will bring a monkey for the young
! Builders of the bridges = setum kattaro or setuno kattaro.


Adjectival nouns ending in — vantu and — mantu are differently

declined from the above masculine nouns ending in — u.

(1) They are often used as adjectives; but they become

substantives when they stand alone in the place of the person or
the thing they qualify.

(2) These are declined in all genders. In the feminine they

change their final vowel, e.g. gunavati, silavati; gunavanti, silavanti.

28. Declension of Gunavantu (virtuous)



Nom. Gunava Gunavanto; gunavanta

Acc. Gunavantam Gunavante

Ins. Gunavata; gunavantena Gunavantebhi; gunavantehi

Dat. / Gen. Gunavato; gunavantassa Gunavatan; gunavantanam

Abl. Gunavata; gunavantamha; Gunavantebhi; gunavantehi


Loc. Gunavati, gunavante; Gunavantesu

gunavantamhi; gunavantasmim

Voc. Gunavam; gunava; gunava; Gunavanto;gunavanta


The following are declined similarly : —

Dhanavantu = rich
Balavantu = powerful
Bhanumantu = sun
Bhagavantu = the Exalted One; fortunate
Pafifavantu = wise
Yasavantu = famous
Satimantu = mindful
Buddhimantu = intelligent
Pufifavantu = fortunate
Kulavantu = of high caste
Phalavantu = fruitful
Himavantu = the Himalaya; possessor of ice
Cakkumantu = possessor of eyes
Silavantu = virtuous; observant of precepts
Bandhumantu = with many relations

Those ending in — mantu should be declined as: cakkhuma,

cakkhumanto, cakkhumata and so on.




Nom. / Voc. Vidi Vidi; viduno

Acc. Vidum Vidt; viduno

Ins. Viduna Vidibhi; vidthi

Dat. / Gen. Viduno; vidussa Vidinam

The rest are similar to those of garu.

The following are declined similarly : —

Pabhi = over-lord

Sabbafiiti = the Omniscient One

Sabbaffiti = the Omniscient One

Vadanft = charitable person

Vinnt = wise man

Mattanni = temperate; one who knows the measure


kada when?

Tada then

Sada ever; always

[dani now

Ajja today

Suve tomorrow

Hiyo yesterday

Yada when; whenever

Ekada one day; once

Paccha afterwards

Pura formerly; in former days

Sayarm in the evening

Pato in the morning

’ Parasuve day after tomorrow

Parahiyo day before yesterday

Exercise 10

Bhagava ajja sotaranam dhammam desessati.

Bhikkhavo bhagavantam vandimsu.

Cakkhumanto sada bhanumantam passanti.

Tada balavanto velihi ari paharimsu.

Kada tumhe dhanavantam passissatha?

Suve mayam silavante vandissama.

Bhagavanto sabbafifiuno bhavanti.

Viduno kulavato geham gacchimsu.

Himavati kapayo ca pakkhino ca isayo ca vasimsu.

10. Pufiavato natta buddhima bhavi.

li, Kulavatam bhataro dhanavanto na bhavimsu.

i. Aham Himavantamhi phalavante rukkhe passim.

LS. Pura mayam Himavantam gacchimha.

14. Hiyo sayam bandhumanto yasavatam gamam gacchimsu.

Vififuno paccha pabhuno gehe vasissanti.


. Sons of the wealthy are not always wise.

. One who has relations does not fear enemies.

. The brothers of the virtuous will bow down to the Exalted One.

. Your grandsons are not intelligent.

. Tomorrow the wise men will preach to the men of high caste.

. Today the rich will go to a mountain in the Himalayas.

. There are fruitful trees, lions and leopards in the garden of the
rich man.

8. When will the famous men come to our village?

a, The sons of the powerful will always be famous.

10.Once, the wise man’s brother struck the virtuous man.

11.Formerly I lived in the house of the over-lord.

12. Yesterday there were elephants and horses in the garden.

13.Now the man of high caste will buy a lion and a deer.

14.Our fathers were mindful.

15.Once we saw the sun from the rich man’s garden.


There are no nouns ending in — a in feminine.

a1, VANITA = woman


Nom. Vanita Vanita; vanitayo

Acc. Vanitam Vanita; vanitayo

Abl. Vanitaya Vanitabhi; vanitahi

Dat./ Gen. Vanitaya Vanitanam

Loc. Vanitayam; vanitaya Vanitasu

Voc. Vanite Vanita; vanitayo

The following are declined similarly : —

Kanna = girl Bhariya = wife

Ganga = river Vasudha = = _earth
Nava = ship Vaca = word
Amma = mother Sabha = society
Disa = direction Darika = girl
Sena = army; multitude Lata = creeper
Sala = hall Katha = speech

Panfha = wisdom Chaya = shadow; shade
Valava = mare Tula scale; balance
Lanka = Ceylon Sila = stone
Pipasa = thirst Valuka sand
Khuda = hunger Manjisa = box
Nidda = sleep Mala = garland
Puja = offering Sura liquor; intoxicant
Paris = following; retinue Visikha = street
Giva = neck Sakha branch
Jivha = tongue Sakkhara gravel
Nasa = nose Devata deity
Jangha = calf of the leg shank Dola palanquin
Guha = cave Godha = iguana

32. The Imperative

The Imperative Mood is used to express command, prayer,

advice or wish. This is called Paficami in Pali and includes the

PACA = to cook



3% ~~ (So) pacatu (Te) pacantu

= let him cook = let them cook

2! (Tvam) paca; pacahi (Tumhe) pacatha

= cookest thou = you cook

hi (Aham) pacaémi (Mayam) pacama

= let me cook = let us cook

The following are conjugated similarly : —

Hotu = let it be
Pivatu = let him drink
Jayatu = let him conquer
Rakkhatu = let him protect
Thapetu = let him keep
Bhavatu = let it be
Gacchatu = let him go
Pakkhipatu = let him put in
Bhasatu = let him say

33. The Optative or Potential

The Potential Mood — called “Sattami” in Pali — expresses

probability, command, wish, prayer, hope, advice and capability. It
is used in conditional or hypothetical sentences in which one
statement depends upon another.

Verbs containing auxiliary parts may, might, can, could,

should and would are included in this mood.

PACA = to cook

3 = (So) paceyya (Te) paceyyum
= if he (would) cook = if they (would) cook

24 (Tvam) paceyyasi (Tumhe) paceyyatha

= if thou (wouldst) cook = if you (would) cook

1st (Aham) paceyyami (Mayam) paceyyama

= if I (would) cook = if we (would) cook

The following are conjugated similarly: —

Bhunjeyya (if he eats)

Nahayeyya (if he bathes)
Katheyya (if he says)
Ahareyya (if he brings)
Thapeyya (if he keeps)
Bhaveyya (if it becomes; if he would be)

Note. — Equivalents to “if” are sace, yadi and ce; but ce should
not be used at the beginning of a sentence.

Exercise 11

Vanitayo navahi gangayam gacchantu.

Tvam salayam kafifianam odanam pacahi.

Sace tumhe nahayissatha, aham pi nahayissami.

Yadi so sabhayam katheyya, aham pi katheyyami.
Lankaya bhipatino senayo jayantu.

Devata vasudhayam manusse rakkhantu.

Sace te valukam ahareyyum aham (tam) kinissami.

Tumhe darikaya hatthe malam thapetha.

PeeSalaya chaya vasudhaya patati.
Cora mafijisayo guham harimsu.

Kannayo godham sakkharahi paharimsu.

Hatthi sondaya taruno sakham chindi.

Sace mayam guhayam sayeyyama pasavo nohaneyyum.

Tumhe mittehi saha suram ma pivatha.!

Mayam parisaya saddhim odanam bhufijissama.
Bhanumato pabha sindhumhi bhavatu.
Darika kafifiaya ndsdyam sakkharam pakkhipi.
Tumhe parisahi saddhim mama katham sunatha.
eS Amhakam
PP amma dolaya gamam agacchi.

20. Sace tvam valavam kineyydsi, aham assam kinissami.

‘Ma pivatha = do not drink. Particle ma should be used in such a place instead of


The robber carried the box to the cave.

Go to your village with your mothers.
Let the women go along the river in a ship.
If he buys a deer I will sell my mare.
We heard the speech of the girl at the meeting.
We utter words with our tongues.
Do not strike the iguana with pebbles.
May my following be victorious in the island of Lanka.
FreMay our offerings be to the wise.
Adorn! the maiden’s neck with a garland.
The shadow of the creeper falls on the earth.
The woman brought a scale from the hall.
Do not drink liquor with girls and boys.
If you will cook rice I will give food to the woman.
May the deities protect our sons and grandsons.
The girls brought sand from the street.
My following cut the branches of the tree.
Let the elephant bring a stone to the street.
SP The beasts will kill him if he will sit in the cave.
20. There are gems in the maiden’s box.

' Adorn — alankarohi.

34. Declension of Feminine Stems ending in — i

BHUMI = earth, ground or floor


Nom. / Voc. Bhiimi Bhimi; bhimiyo

Acc. Bhimim Bhtimi; bhimiyo

Abl. Bhimiya; bhimya Bhimibhi; bhiimihi

Dat./Gen. Bhiimiya Bhiminam

Loc. Bhimiyam; bhiimiya Bhumisu

The following are declined similarly: —

Ratti = night Anguli = finger

Atavi = forest Patti = infantry

Doni = boat Vutthi = rain

Asani = thunder-bolt Yatthi = (walking) stick

Kitti = fame Nali = corn-measure

Yuvati = maiden Dundubhi = drum

Sati = memory Dhili = dust

Mati = wisdom Vuddhi = increase; progress

Khanti = patience
0 Feminine Stems ending in - i

KUMARI = girl; damsel

Nom. / Voc. Kumari Kumari; kumariyo

Acc. Kumarim Kumari; kumariyo

Abl. Kumariya Kumiaribhi; kumarthi

Dat./Gen. Kumariya Kumarinam

Loe. Kumariyam; Kumiarisu


The following are declined similarly: —

Nari = woman Sthi = lioness

Taruni = young woman Kukkuti = hen
Rajini = queen Kaki = she-crow
Ittht = woman Nadi = river
Sakhi = woman-friend Vapi = tank
Brahmani = Brahman woman Pokkharani = pond
Bhagini = sister Kadali = plantain
Dasi = slave woman Gavi = cow
Devi = queen; goddess Mahi = earth; the river of

Sakuni = bird (female) that name

Migi = deer (female) Hatthini = she-elephant

36. Absolutives or so-called Indeclinable Past Participles

The words ending in tva, tvana, tiina and ya, like katva
(having done), gantvana (having gone), and adaya (having taken),
are called Absolutives, which cannot be declined. All other
participles, being verbal adjectives, are declined.

Some European Pali scholars have called them “gerunds”;

but, as the P.Ps may be used in their place without affecting the
sense, they resemble more the Active Past Participle, e.g.,
In the sentence:
So gamarh gantva bhattarh bhufji
(having gone to the village, he ate rice).

“‘gantva” may be replaced by P.P. gato.

In analysing a sentence these go to the extension of the

predicate, which fact shows that they are neither gerunds nor


Pacitva = having cooked

Bhufjitva) = having eaten

Pivitva = having drunk

Sayitva = having slept

Thatva = having stood

Pacitina = having cooked

Adaya = having taken

Vidhaya § = having commanded or done

Pahaya = having left

Nahatva = having bathed

Kilitva = having played

Okkamma = having gone aside


A. Tva, tvana and tina may be optionally used, and they

are added to the base by means of a connecting vowel i, when the
base is not ending in a long 4.

B. “Ya” is mostly added to the roots compounded with

e.g., 4 + da + ya = Adaya,

vi + dha + ya = vidhaya.

In other cases it is sometimes assimilated with the last

consonant of the base or sometimes interchanged with it, e.g.,

(1) Assimilated:
a+ gam + ya = agamma (having come).
ni + kham + ya = nikkhamma (having come out).

(2) Interchanged:
a + ruh + ya = aruyha (having ascended).
pa + gah + ya = paggayha (having raised up).
o + ruh + ya = oruyha (having descended).

Exercise 12


— Brahmani kumariya saddhim nadiyam nahatva geham agami.

Nariyo odanam pacitva bhufjitva kukkutinam pi adamsu.

Kumiariyo sakhthi saha vapim gantva nahayissanti.

Rajini dipa nikkhamma navaya gamissati.

Vanari itthiyo passitva tarum aruyha nisidi.

Tertiny hatthehi sakham adaya akaddhi.!

Tumhe vapim taritva? atavim pavisatha.3

Dipayo atavisu thatva migi maretva khadanti.

Ser Yuvatinam pitaro ataviya 4gamma bhufjitva sayimsu.

Hatthini pokkharanim oruyha nahatva kadaliyo khadi.

Sthi migim maretva susiinam dadissati.

Gaviyo bhimiyam sayitva utthahitva* atavim pavisimsu.

Mama matulani puttassa dundubhim 4nessati.

Sakuni mahiyam ahinditva aharam labhati.

a Kaki taruno sakhasu nisiditva ravitva? 4kasam uddessanti.

‘Pulled; dragged. Having crossed. 3(you) enter “Having risen."Having

crowed or having made a noise.

Having killed a deer in the forest the lioness ate it.
Having gone to the village the brahman woman bought a
hen yesterday.
The damsels went to the tank, and having bathed and played
there, came home.

The she-monkey, having climbed the tree, sat on a branch.

The brothers of the girl, having played and bathed, ate rice.
Sisters of the boys, having bought garlands, adorned the neck
of the queen.
Having crossed the river, the she-elephant ate plantain (trees)
in the garden of a woman.

Having brought a boat, our sisters will cross the tank and
enter the forest.

Having cooked rice for the father, the maiden went to the
pond with her (female) friends.

10. Having come from the wood, the damsel’s father fell on the
i. The cows and oxen of the millionaire, having drunk from
the tank, entered the forest.

2. Having bought a drum, the woman’s sister gave (it) to her

13. Having gone to the forest along the river, our brothers killed
a lioness.
14. The queen, having come to the king’s tank, bathed there!
with her retinue and walked in the garden.
IS. The she-crow, having sat on the branch slept there! after
1 There = tattha. 2.“‘ravitva” may be used for “after crowing”.

aT. Feminine Nouns ending in — u

DHENU = cow (of any kind)

Nom. / Voc. Dhenu Dhent; dhenuyo
Acc. Dhenum Dheni; dhenuyo
Abl. Dhenuya Dhenibhi; dhenthi
Dat./Gen. Dhenuya Dhentinam
Loc. Dhenuyam; dhenuya Dhentsu

Some of the similarly declined are: —

Yagu = rice gruel Sassu = mother-in-law

Kasu = pit Kacchu = itch
Vijju = lightning Kaneru- = she-elephant
Rajju = rope Dhatu) = element
Daddu = eczema

38. Matu is differently declined from the above.

MATU = mother

Nom. Mata Mataro
Acc. Mataram Matare; mataro
Abl. Matara; (matuya) Matarebhi; matarehi;
matibhi; matihi
Dat./Gen. Matuya Mataranam; matanam;
Loe. Matari Mataresu; matusu
Voc. Mata; mata; mate Mataro

Dhitu (daughter) and duhitu (daughter) are declined like


3%. Adverbs of Place

Tattha = there

Ettha here

Idha here

Upari up; over

Tiriyam = across

Kattha = where?

Tatra = there

Kuhim where?

Anto = inside

Antara = between

Sabbattha = everywhere

Ekattha = in one place

Kuto = from where?

Exercise 13

Dasiya mata dhenum rajjuya bandhitva dnesi.

Mayham matulani yagum pacitva dhitaranam dadissati.

Kaneruyo ataviyam ahinditva tattha kadsiisu patimsu.

Dhanavatiya sassu idha 4gamma bhikkhii vandissati.

Rajiniya dhitaro aramam gantva sattharam malahi piijesum.

Kaffianam pitaro dhitaranam vuddhim icchanti.

Kuto tvam dhenuyo kinissasi?

Kattha tava bhaginiyo nahayitva pacitva bhufijimsu?

Te gehassa ca rukkhassa ca antara kilimsu.

10. Nariya duhitaro gehassa anto maficesu sayissanti.

ge Dhituya janghayam daddu atthi.

Er. Yuvati mala pilandhitva sassuya geham gamissati.

13. Amhakam mataranam gaviyo sabbattha caritva bhuiijitva

sayam ekattha sannipatanti.!

14. Dhanavatiya nattéro magge tiriyam dhavitva atavim

pavisitva niliyimsu.?

i. Asani rukkhassa upari patitva sakha chinditva tarum maresi.

‘, Sannipatati = assembles; comes together. 2. Niliyati = hides oneself.


. The girl’s mother gave a garland to the damsel.

. Having tied the cows with ropes the woman dragged (them) to
the forest.

. Having wandered everywhere in the island, the damsel’s sister

came home and ate (some) food.

. Where does your mother’s sister live?

. My sister’s daughters live in one place.

. When will they come to the river?

. The queen’s mother-in-law came' here yesterday and went back?


. Having bathed in the tank, the daughters of the rich woman

walked across the garden.

a Our aunts will cook? rice-gruel and drink it with women friends.
10.The cows of the mother-in-law walk between the rock and the

11.When will your mothers and daughters go to the garden and

hear the words of the Buddha?

12.From where did you bring the elephant?

13.Sons of the queen went! along the river® to a forest and there
fell in a pit.

14.There is itch on the hand of the sister.

15.The thunder-bolt fell! on a rock and broke it into two.*

' Use Absolutives like gantva. 7Went back = patinivatti or paccagami.

3Along the river = nadim anu or nadipassena.*Breaks into two = dvidha bhindati.
40. Declension of Nouns ending in —a
NAYANA = eye
Nom. Nayanam Nayana; nayanani
Acc. Nayanam Nayane; nayanani
Ins. Nayanena Nayanebhi; nayanehi
Dat. Nayanaya; nayanassa Nayananam
Abl. Nayana; nayanamha; nayanasma Nayanebhi; nayanehi
Gen. Nayanassa Nayananam
Loc. Nayane; nayanamhi; nayanasmim Nayanesu
Voc. Nayana; nayana Nayanani

The following are declined similarly:

Dhana = wealth Pulina = sand
Phala = fruit Sopana = stair
Dana = charity; alms Hadaya = heart
Sila = precept; virtue Arafifia = forest
Pufiia = merit; good action Vattha = cloth
Papa = sin Suvanna = gold
Rupa = form; image Sukha = comfort
Sota = ear Dukkha = trouble; pain
Ghana = nose Mila = root; money
Pitha = chair Kula = family; caste
Vadana = face; mouth Kula = bank (of a river, etc.)
Locana = eye Bala = power; strength
Marana = death Vana = forest
Cetiya = shrine Puppha = flower
Paduma = lotus Citta = mind
Panna = leaf Chatta = umbrella
Susana = cemetery Anda = egg
Ayudha = = weapon Karana = reason
Amata = ambrosia Nana = wisdom
Tina = grass Khira = milk
Udaka = water Nagara = city
Jala = water
41. The Infinitive

The sign of the infinitive is — tum.

It is used as in English:

Pacitum = to cook

Pivitum = to drink

Bhottum or Bhufjitum = to eat

Laddhum or Labhitum to get

Datum = to give

Patum = to drink

Gantum = to go

Katum = to do

Haritum = to carry

Aharitum = to bring

Tum is simply added to the roots of one syllable to form

the infinitive.

An extra i is added before tum in the case of the bases

consisting of more than one syllable.

Exercise 14

Dhanavanto bhataranam dhanam datum na icchanti.

Danam datva silam rakkhitva sagge! nibbattitum? sakkonti.?
Kumari alatam anetva bhattam pacitum aggim jalessati.
=N et
yy nagara nikkhamma udakam patum vapiya kilam
Nattaro arafifia phalani aharitva khaditum arabhimsu.*
Silava isi dhammam desetum pithe nisidi.
Coro ayudhena paharitva mama pituno aigulim chindi:
Yuvatiyo padumani ocinitum? nadim gantva kile nisidimsu.

PSMayam chattani adaya susanam gantva pupphani
10. Kafifia vattham anetum apanam gamissati.
i. Tumhe vanam gantva gavinam datum pannani aharatha.
12, am locanehi ripani passitva sukham dukkham ca
Mb ama.
13; Tvam sotena sunitum ghanena ghayitum® ca sakkosi.

14. Kukkutiya andani rukkhassa mile santi.

Si Viduno amatam labhitva maranam na bhayanti.
16. Manussa cittena cintetva’ pufifiani karissanti.
Li, Tumhe dhammam sotum aramam gantva puline nisidatha.

£8; Dhanavanto suvannam datva fanam laddhum na sakkonti.

19. Darako chattam ganhitum® sopanam aruhi.
20. Mama bhagini pufifam labhitum silam rakkhissati.
1Sagga = heaven. ?To be born. 3Are able “Began. °To gather; to collect. °To smell.
7Having thought. ®To take.

The boys went to the foot of the tree to eat fruits.
The maiden climbed the tree to gather flowers.
I went into the house to bring an umbrella and a cloth.
The girl asked for a fire-brand to make a fire.
We are able to see objects ( = forms) with our eyes.
You smell with your nose and hear with your ears.
Having gone to hear the doctrine, they sat on the sand.
People are not able to purchase wisdom with (their) gold.
SerHaving divided! his wealth the rich man gave (them) to his
sons and daughters.
_ © The maidens went out of the city (in order) to bathe in the
BIE There were umbrellas in the hands of the women on the road.
12. Having struck her with a weapon, the enemy wounded? the
hand of my mother-in-law.
13. Having gone to the garden they brought flowers and fruits
for the boys.
14. He will go to the forest in order to bring leaves and grass for
the cows.
15. The girls and boys brought lotuses from the pond (in order)
to offer to the shrine.
16. Having bathed in the tank, our sisters and brothers came home
to eat and sleep.
We Havele seen a leopard the boy ran across the garden and
crossed? the river.
18. You get merit through charity and virtue.
19. Having grazed (eaten yess) in the cemetery, my aunt’s cows
went to the tank in order to drink water.
20. The maidens bought flowers in order to make? garlands for
(their) sisters.
'Bhajetva. ?Vanitam akasi. 3Tari. *Katum; patiyadetum.

42. Neuter Nouns ending in — i

ATTHI = (bone; seed)


Nom. / Voc. Atthi Atthi; atthini

Acc. Atthim Atthi; atthini

Ins. Atthina Atthibhi; atththi

Dat./Gen. Atthino; atthissa Atthinam

Abl. Atthina; atthimha; atthisma Atthibhi; atththi

Loe. Atthini; atthimhi; atthismim Atthisu; atthisu

The following are similarly declined:

Vari = water

Akkhi = eye

Sappi = ghee

Dadhi = curd

Acci = flame

Satthi = thigh

43. Neuter Nouns ending in — u

CAKKHU (eye)


Nom. / Voc. Cakkhu Cakkht; cakkhini

Acc. Cakkhum Cakkhi; cakkhini

Ins. Cakkhuna Cakkhubhi; cakkhihi

The rest are similar to those of garu.

The following are declined similarly: —

Ayu = age
Dhanu = bow (and arrow)

Madhu = honey
Assu = tear
Janu; Jannu = knee

Daru = firewood
Ambu = water
Tipu = lead
Vasu = wealth
Vapu = body
Vatthu = ground; base
Jatu = sealing wax

44. Some More Particles

Particles, named avyaya in Pali, consist of adverbs,

conjunctions, prepositions, indeclinable past participles ending in
tva, tvana, tina and ya, and infinitives.

Ama = yes
Evarh = thus; yes

Addha = certainly

Va; athava = or

Puna = again

Tatha = in that way

Sakirh = once

Sanikamh = slowly

Sigharh = quickly; soon

Purato = in the front of; before

Yava; tava = till then; so long

Nana = separately

Vina = without

Katham = how?

Kasma = why?

Exercise 15

Mayam gaviya khiram, khiramha dadhim, dadhimha

sappif ca labhama.

Mata dhituya akkhisu assiini disva (tassa)' vadanam

varina dhovi.

Kasma tvam ajja vapim gantva puna nadim gantum


Katham tava bhataro nadiya padumani ocinitva


Addha te dhaniini adaya vanam pavisitva migam maretva


Amhakam pitaro tada vanamha madhum aharitva dadhina

saha bhufjimsu.

Mayam suve tumhehi? vind arafifiam gantva darini


Kumara sigham dhavitva vapiyam kilitva sanikam gehani


Tumhe khiram pivitum icchatha, athava dadhim


10. Yava mayham pita nahayissati tava aham idha titthami.

11. Yatha bhipati anapeti tatha tvam katum icchasi?

12. Ama, aham bhipatino vacanam atikkamitum* nasakkomi.

'Of her. *Ablative must be used with “vina” *Bhajfijati — breaks. ‘To surpass.


. Do you like to drink milk or to eat curd?

. First! I will drink gruel and then eat curd with honey.

. Go quickly to the market to bring some ghee.

. Having bathed in the sea why do you like to go again there


. Do you know how our fathers gathered honey from the forests?

. I will stay on the river bank till you cross the river and come

. My mother-in-law went to the city without her retinue and

returned with a sister.

. The millionaire fell on (his) knees? before the king and bowed
down at his feet.

9. Is your horse able to run fast?

10. Yes, certainly it will run fast.

11.Having gone to the forest, with bows in hands, our brothers

killed an elephant and cut its tusks.

12.Why does your father walk slowly on the sand?

'Pathamam, adv. *Januhi patitva (don’t use the locative).


45. Nouns are divided into 5 classes, viz: —

1. Namanadma = substantives and proper nouns

2. Sabbanama = pronouns

3. Samasanama = compound nouns

4. Taddhitandma = derivatives from nouns or substantives

5. Kitakandma = verbal derivatives

Compound nouns are formed by the combination of two or more

words, e.g.,

Niluppala = blue water-lily

Rajaputta = king’s son

Hattha-pada-sisani = hands, feet and the head

Verbal derivatives, otherwise called Primary Derivatives, are

formed from the verbal root itself by adding suffixes, e.g.,

Paca (to cook) + na = paka (cooking)

Da (to give) + aka = dayaka (giver)

Ni (to lead) + tu = netu (leader)

Taddhita nouns or Secondary Derivatives are formed from a
substantive or primary derivative by adding another suffix to it,

Nava (ship) + ika (in the meaning of engaged)

= navika (sailor).

The first group of this classification includes concrete,

common, proper, and abstract nouns other than that of Primary and
Secondary Derivatives.

46. Pronouns admit of all genders as they stand for every person
or thing which are in different genders. They become adjectives
when they qualify other nouns. They have no vocative forms.

Declension of Relative Pronoun

YA = which; who
Nom. Yo Ye
Acc. Yam Ye
Ins. Yena Yebhi; yehi
Dat./Gen. Yassa Yesam; yesanam
Abl. Yamha; yasma Yebhi; yehi
Loc. Yamhi; yasmim Yesu

Nom. Ya Ya; yayo
Acc. Yam Ya; yayo
Abl. Yaya Yabhi; yahi
Dat./Gen. Yassa; yaya Yasam; yasanam
Loc. Yassam; yayam Yasu

Nom. Yam Ye; yani
Acc. Yam Ye; yani

The rest is similar to that of masculine. Similarly declined are:

Sabba = all
Katama = which (of the many)
Pubba = former; eastern
Apara = other; western
Itara = the other
Ubhaya = both
Afifatara = certain
Para = other; the latter
Afifia = other; another
Ka (kim) = who; which
Katara = which (of the two)
47. Adjectives (Pronominal)

Adjectives in Pali are not treated separately from nouns, as

they take all the inflections of the nouns. Almost all pronouns
become adjectives when they are used before a substantive of the
same gender, number and case. They are pronouns when they stand
alone in a sentence. This difference will become clear from the
following exercise.

Exercise 16


Sabbesam nattaro paffavanto na bhavanti.

Sabba itthiyo vapiyam nahatva padumani pilandhitva


Afifio vanijo sabbam dhanam yacakanam datva geham

pahaya pabbaji.'

Mata ubhayasam pi dhitaranam vatthani kinitva dadissati.

Ko nadiya vapiya ca antara dhenum harati?

Kassa putto dakkhinam disam gantva vihim aharissati?

Ye papani karonti te niraye? nibbattitva dukkham labhissanti.

Kasam dhitaro vanamha darini aharitva odanam pacissanti?

Katarena maggena so puriso nagaram gantva bhandani’* kini?

10. Itara darika vanitaya hattha pupphani gahetva cetiyam pujesi.

HH. Paresam dhanam dhafifiam va ganhitum ma cintetha.

12. Aparo afiftissam vapiyam nahatva pubbaya disaya nagaram

‘Left the household life; became a monk. 7Niraya = hell, m.
3Bhanda = goods, n.*Entered.


bs All entered the city (in order) to see gardens, houses and

Zs The daughters of all the women in the village walked along

the path to the shrine.

a Another maiden took a lotus and gave (it) to the former.

4. Which man will bring some milk for me?

5. Who stands on the bank of the river and looks in the southern

6. Sons of all rich men do not always become wealthy.

1 Whose grandsons brought the cows here and gave (them)

grass to eat?

8. Tomorrow, all women in the city will come out from there
and wander in the forest.

9. The other woman, having seen a leopard on the street, ran

across the garden.

10. Whosoever'acquires merit through charity will be born in


11. Accertain man brought lotuses from the pond, another man
carried (them) to the market to sell.

12. My brother’s son broke the branches of the other tree (in
order) to gather flowers, leaves and fruits.

®Yo koci.

48. Declension of the Demonstrative Pronoun

TA (that)

Nom. So (he) Te (they)
Acc. Tam; nam (him) Te; ne (them)
Ins. Tena (by, with or Tebhi; tehi (by, with
through him) or through them)
Dat. / Gen.Tassa (to him; his) Tesam; tesanan
Abl. Tamha; tasma Tebhi; tehi
Loc. Tamhi; tasmim Tesu

Nom. Sa (she) Ta; tayo (those women)
Acc. Tam; nam (her) Ta; tayo (them)
Abl. Taya Tabhi; tahi
Dat. / Gen.Tassa; tayo Tasam; tasanam
Loe: Tassam; tayam Tasu

Nom. Tam (it) Te; tani (those things)
Acc. Tam (it) Te; tani (those things)

The rest is similar to that of the masculine.

Eta (that or this) is declined like ta. One has only to prefix an “e” to

the forms of ta, e.g., Eso, ete, etarn, enarh, and so on.

49. Declension of Demonstrative Pronoun

IMA = (this)

Nom. Ayam = this (man) Ime = these (men)
Acc. Imam Ime
Ins. Anena; imina Ebhi; ehi; imebhi; imehi
Dat. / Gen.Assa; imassa Esam; esanam; imesam;
Abl. Asma; imamha; Ebhi; ehi; imebhi; imehi
Loe, Asmim; imamhi; imasmim Esu; imesu

Nom. Ayam = this (woman) Ima; imayo= these (women)
Acc. Imam Ima; imayo
Abl. Imaya Imabhi; imahi
Dat. / Gen. Assa; assaya; Asam; asanam; imasam;
imissa; imissaya; imaya imasanam
Loc. Assam; imissam; imayam Imasu

Nom. Idam; imam = this (thing) Ime; imani = these (things)
Acc. Idam; imam Ime; Imani

The rest is similar to that of the masculine.

Exercise 17

Ayam siho tamha vanamha nikkhamma imasmim magge

thatva ekam itthim maresi.

So tasam yuvatinam tani vatthani vikkinitva tasam santika!

milam? labhissati.

Imissa dhitaro tamha vanamha imani phalani dharimsu,

affia nariyo tani khaditum ganhimsu.

Ima sabba yuvatiyo tam aramam gantva dhammam

sutva Buddham padumehi pijessanti.

Ime manussa yani pufifiani va papani va karonti tani te


Tassa kafiiaya mata dakkhinaya disaya imam gamam

agantva idha ciram* vasissati.

Tassa natta imassa bhatara saddhim Kolambanagaram*

gantva tani bhandani vikkinissati.

Ta nariyo etasam sabbasam kumarinam hatthesu

padumani thapesum,'ta tani haritva cetiyam piijesum.

Tassa rajiniya eta dasiyo imehi rukkhehi pupphani

ocinitva ima malayo karimsu.

10. Kesam so imam dhanam datva sukham labhissati?

I, Yo magge gacchati, tassa putto suram pivitva ettha


12. Ke tam khettam’gantva tinam dharitva imasam

gavinam datva khiram labhitum icchanti?
'Santika= near (but here: tasam santika= from them). 7Miila =money; cash n.
3Anugacchati = follows. *Ciram= for a long time m..Kolambanagara = Colombo.
63 person plural of the Past Tense. "Khetta = field, n.


. A certain man having gone to that cemetery gathered those

flowers and brought them here.

. This lioness having come out from that forest killed a cow in
the place.

. The husband of that woman bought these clothes from that

market and gave them to his grandsons.

. Whose servants will go to Colombo to buy goods for you and


. Tomorrow his brothers will go to that forest and collect honey

and fruits.

. Her sisters went to that field (in order) to bring grass for these

. I got these lotuses and flowers from a certain woman of that


. Today all maidens of this city will go to that river and will bathe
in it.

. They brought those goods to a merchant in that market.

10. Having sold those cows to the merchants, they bought clothes,
garlands and umbrellas with that money.

BIS Who are those men that killed a lion yesterday in this forest?

Lz, Which woman stole her garland and ran through this street?

Place = thana, n. Use the relative pronoun “ya”.

l 2 Ly “ss, ”

The Verbal Adjectives or Participles

50. _ Participles are a kind of adjectives formed from the verbal


Like verbs they are divided into Present, Past and Future;
and each group is again divided into Active and Passive.

Being adjectives they are declined in all the genders.

The Present Active Participles are formed by adding “nta”

or “mana” to the verbal base, e.g.,

Gaccha + nta = gacchanta = going

Gaccha + mana = gacchamana = going

Paca + nta = Pacanta = cooking

Paca + mana = Pacamana = cooking

aL. Declension of the Present Participle

GACCHANTA (= going)

Nom. Gaccham; gacchanto Gacchanto; gacchanta

Acc. Gacchantam Gacchante

Ins. Gacchata; gacchantena Gacchantebhi;


Dat./Gen. Gacchato; gacchantassa Gacchatam; gacchantanam

Abl. Gacchata; gacchantamha; Gacchantebhi;

gacchantasma gacchantehi

Loc. Gacchati; gacchante; Gacchantesu

gacchantamhi; gacchantasmim

Voc. Gaccham; gaccha; gaccha Gacchanto; gacchanta

Nom./voc. Gacchanti Gacchanti; gacchantiyo
Acc. Gacchantim Gacchanti; gacchantiyo
Abl. Gacchantiya Gacchantibhi; gacchantihi

And so on like kumari.


Nom. Gaccham Gacchanta; gacchantani

Acc. Gacchantam Gacchante; gacchantani

The rest is similar to that of the masculine.

Here one should note that these participles change their
endings in the feminine.

The following are declined similarly: —

Pacanta = cooking Nisidanta = sitting

Karonta = doing Haranta = carrying
Caranta = walking Kinanta = buying
Dhavanta = running Titthanta = standing
Nahayanta = bathing Aharanta = bringing
Hasanta = laughing Viharanta = living; residing
Bhufijanta = eating Vikkinanta = selling
Sayanta = sleeping Dadanta = giving
Passanta = looking at; seeing Rodanta = crying

52. A. Allof these have another form ending in — mana, like

gacchamana. In that form they are declined like nara in the
masculine, vanita in the feminine, and nayana in the neuter.

B. These participles take the gender, number and case of the

substantive in forming sentences, e.g.,
Tittharn gono tinarh khadati
= The bull which is standing eats grass or

Gono titthanto tinarh khadati

= The bull eats grass standing.

C. Active Participles formed from the transitive bases often

take an object, e.g.,
Bhattam bhufijanto = eating rice.

Exercise 18

Gamam gacchanto darako ekam gonam disva bhayi.

Darika rodanti ammaya santikam gantva pithe nisidati.
Vanija bhandani vikkinanté nadiyam nahayante manusse
Kannayo hasamana nahayantiyo gacchantim vanitam

Puriso hasanto rukkham aruhitva phalani khadanto!

sakhayam nisidi.
Bhagava Savatthiyam’viharanto devanam manussanan ca
dhammam desesi.

Sa sayantim itthim utthapetva* hasamana tamha thana

Tumhe bhimiyam kilamanam imam darakam ukkhipitva®
majice thapetha.
Siham disva bhayitva dhavamana te miga asmim vane
avatesu patimsu.

10. Imasmim game vasantanam purisanam eko pharasum adaya

vanam gacchanto ekaya kasuyam pati.
11. Nisidantiya nariya putto rodamAno tassA santikam gamissati.
12. Yacaka bhattam pacantim itthim disva tam aharam yacanta®
tattha nisidimsu.
He 8 Vanamha dariini aharanti kaiiia ekasmim pasane udakam
pivamana’ nisidi.
14. ane bhandani kinanta vikkinanta ca gamesu nagaresu ca
15. Danam dadanto so dhanava silavante gavesati*
‘Khada = to eat hard food. “Bhuiija” is used in eating soft food. “In the city of
Savatthi. “Having awakened or raised. ‘Went away; moved aside. “Having raised
up. “Begging. "Drinking. *Seeks.


. Going to the river the slave sat at the foot of a tree, eating (some)
2. The mother, having raised the crying girl, gave her (some) milk.
. Walking on the river-bank we saw (some) people bathing in the
4. Seeing us there, a deer began to run and fell in a pit.
. Coming out of the forest the lion saw a cow eating grass on that
. Bringing firewood from this forest the maiden drank water from
that tank.
. A certain man living in this village saw a leopard running to
that mountain.
. Our fathers and brothers will wander through villages and towns,
(while) selling and buying goods.
. Standing on the mountain that day, I saw a lioness sleeping in a
10. The boy came to me, laughing and running.
Wy Carrying a drum for his aunt, the farmer sat on this rock,
looking at these trees and fields.
12. The Buddha, living in Savatthi for a long time, preached His
doctrine to the people of that city.
| While cooking (some) rice, his sister sat singing! on a chair.
14. Giving alms to the beggars the millionaire spent? all his
TS. Playing on the road the boys saw a man running from there.
'\(Gitam) gayanti. ?Vissajjesi

ne Past Participles

The Past Participles are formed in many ways. Their

formation will be shown in the second book; only a few examples
are given here.

Gata = gone Thita = stood

Agata = come Nisinna = sat

Kata = done; made Vuttha = lived

Vutta = told; said Dattha = bitten

Bhinna = broken Pakka; Pacita = cooked

Otinna = descended Laddha = received

Ahata = brought Kita = bought

Pahata = beaten Bhutta = eaten

Hata = carried Vandita = worshipped

Mata = dead Hata = killed

Sutta; Sayita = slept Chinna = cut

Kuddha = enraged

N.B. — These Participles are often used as complements of

verbs, e.g.,
So kalakato (hoti) = he is dead.

Sometimes the verb is understood.

54. “To” in the Sense of Ablative of Separation

Suffix to is sometimes added to the nominal bases to denote

the ablative of separation. There is no distinction between the
singular and the plural in that form. These are included in the

Rukkhato = from the tree or trees

Gamato = from the village or villages

Purisato = from the man or men

Tato = from there; (therefore)

Kuto = from where?

Sabbato = from everywhere.

Exercise 19


Hiyo arafifiam gato so puriso ahina dattho mari.
Rukkhato otinna pakkhi darakena sakkharahi hata honti.
Purisena pharasuna chinno so rukkho tassa gehassa upari
Gamato nikkhanta' ta gaviyo khette tinam khaditva vapito
jalam pivissanti.
Vanijehi nagarato ahatani bhandani imesu gamesu manussehi
kitani (honti).

Taya kafiiaya pakkam odanam atavito Agata tassa bhataro

bhunjitva sayissanti.
Pitara vuttam anussarant? sa yuvati taya laddham dhanam
ganhitum na icchi.
Ekena hatthina chinnam sakham aififia hatthiniyo gahetva

Kuto tumhehi imani vatthani tani padumani ca kitani?

10. Kuddho so bhipati tasmim nagare vutthe sabbe manusse
tato nthari.?
ibe Sappena dattho vanijassa putto tassa dasehi ekassa vejjassa*
santikam nito> hoti.
12. Idha imasmim pithe nisinnam kumarim gehato agata
anfa darika pahari.
La, Taya pahata sa kaa tassa matuya santikam gata rodanti

14. Magge gacchanta te purisd taya dhenuya bhinnam ghatam®

15. a tehi manussehi katani gehani passitva tesam miilam
'That have come out. *Remembering. *Ejected. *Vejja = doctor; physician,
m. *Carried. °Water-pot, m.


. The peacock, having descended from the tree, has gone now to
the rock.

. Having been bitten by a serpent the boy was carried to a


. This woman does not like to take the money received from her

. The man who has come! from that village bought (some) goods
from this market.

. Remembering his mother’s words the boy did not go to the dead

. My aunt’s cows will come out of the forest and will eat the
grass mowed and brought by the slave woman.

. Having seen a man sleeping on the bed the householder told his
boys not to go near him.

. A deer was seen by the maiden who was cooking rice’ for her

9. The rice that was cooked by her is given to beggars and crows.
10.The house made by them was broken by an elephant.

11.The enraged king killed all men who came to the city.

12.The branch broken by the elephant fell on the ground, and

afterwards your cows ate its leaves.

13.The garland received from the queen by that girl is given to

another girl.
14.The rice given to them was eaten by the slaves and the beggars.

15.The horse bought by the millionaire is carried by a charioteer.

'Has come = Agata. 7Who was cooking rice = bhattam pacantiya.

bs 8 Adjective

Pronominal and verbal adjectives are shown above. Ordinary

adjectives are Seta ( = white), Rassa ( = short), Mahanta ( = big),
and so on. As the adjectives qualify nouns, which are of different
genders and numbers, they must agree with their substantives in
gender, number and case.

Adj. Noun Adj. Noun

I Ratto gono rassani tindni khadati

( = The red ox eats some short grasses).

2. Seta kanna nilarh vattham paridahati

( = The fair girl wears a blue cloth).

Here is a list of adjectives which are frequently used:

Khuddaka = small Seta = white

Mahanta = big; large Nila = blue
Digha= long Ratta = red
Rassa= short; dwarf Kala = black
Ucca = high; tall Pita = yellow
Nica = low; vulgar Uttana = shallow
Majjhima = medium Gambhira = deep
Appaka = few; a little Khara= rough; coarse
Bahu; bahuka = many; much Mudu= soft
Ama = unripe Bala = foolish; young
Pakka = ripe Pandita = wise
Dahara = young Balavantu = powerful
Mahallaka = elderly; old Dubbala = feeble
Vitthata = wide; broad Surtipa; Dassaniya = beautiful;

56. The declension of adjectives will present no difficulties to
the student who has mastered the declension of nouns.

The declension of verbal and pronominal adjectives and those

of ending in — vantu and — mantu is given above. The others are
declined like nouns (in various genders) according to their endings.

For instance: digha, rassa and others ending in — a of the

above list are declined in the masculine like nara, and in the neuter
like nayana. In the feminine they lengthen their last vowel, and are
declined like vanita.

Those ending in — u, such as bahu and mudu are declined

like garu, dhenu and cakkhu. Sometimes these ending in — u, add
ka to their feminine stem, and then they are declined like vanita,
e.g., mudu = muduka, bahu = bahuka.

The words ending in i, like mali (one who has a garland),

take — ini instead of i in forming feminine stems, e.g.,

Mas.: Malt. Fem.: Malini.

Malini and such others are declined like kumari.

Exercise 20
Ratta gaviyo khette ahindantiyo bahum tinam khadimsu.

Ucca kumari nilam vattham paridahitva! mahantam

nagaram gamissati.

Bahavo manussa dighahi rajjiihi seta dhenuyo bandhitva

gambhiram nadim harimsu.

Amhakam bahiinam bandhavanam putta dubbala honti.2

Panditassa purisassa sa bala bhagini pakkani phalani

ocinitva appakanam darakanam adasi.

Tassa mahallikaya itthiya daharo natta uttane jale

Tasmim ucce rukkhe thito vanaro imasmim nice tarumhi
nisinne pakkhino oloketi.
Malini nari rassena maggena khuddakam gamam gacchi.
Dahara kafiia
muduna hatthena rattani padumani ganhiti.
10. Balavanto appakam pi dhanam labhitva dubbale manusse
LH. Balavanta kala gona uccesu girisu ahinditva bahini tinani
12. Bahunnam’ balanam putta tassa nadiya gambhire jale
patitva marimsu.

13. Mama bhataranam majjhimo nice pithe nisiditva 4mam

phalam khadati.
14. Mayam suve majjhimam vapim gantva setani padumani
nilani uppalani* ca purise disva ma hasatha.

'Paridahati = wears. *Hoti = is. There are two forms: “bahtinam” and
“bahunnam’”. *Uppala = lily, m.


1. A white cow drank much water from that big tank.

2. Wearing red clothes many girls are going to the big market in
that large city.
3. The sons of that elderly woman are neither powerful nor rich.'

4. Our young ones always like to eat many unripe fruits.

5. That foolish woman went to that long river and fell in its deep
6. Water in this pond is not deep but shallow.

7. My old (elderly) aunt brought a long rope to bind that red cow.

8. The powerful man cut many tall and dwarf trees in that small

9. Sitting on a low chair the young girl eats a ripe mango’ got
from her mother.
10. Much grass is brought by the slaves from that small field on
the bank of that wide river.
11. | White lotuses and blue lilies are bought by that feeble maiden
from the elderly man.
12. The black oxen are sleeping on the rough ground near that
high mountain.
13. The young boy’s soft hand is burnt by the flame of that small
14. Many people will cross the great ocean and come to see this
beautiful little island.
15. In this beautiful city there are big houses, wide streets, long
paths, and many gardens.
' Neither nor = “va na” : = Balavanto va dhanavanto va na honti. *Mango =
amba, m.n.


57. Cardinals

Eka (= ekam) 28. Atthavisati

Dvi ( = dve) 29. Ekinatimsati
Ti (= tayo) 30. Timsati; timsa
Catu ( = cattaro) 31. Ekatimsati
Pafica 32. Dvattimsati; battimsati
Cha i Tettimsati
Satta 39. Ekunacattalisa
Attha 40. Cattalisati; cattalisa
a Nava 49. Ekunpafifiasi
Dasa 50. Panfasa; pannasa;
Ekadasa pafiasati; pannasati
Dvadasa; barasa 39, Ekunasatthi
Telasa; terasa 60. Satthi
Cuddasa; catuddasa 62. Dvesatthi; dvasatthi;
Pannarasa; paficadasa dvisatthi
Solasa 69. Ekunasattati
Sattarasa; sattadasa 70. Sattati
Attharasa; atthadasa 79. Ekunasiti
Ekinavisati 80. Asiti
Visati 82. Dveasiti; dvasiti;
Ekavisatidviyasiti dviyasiti
Dvavisati; bavisati 83. Teasiti; tiyasiti,
Tevisati 84. Caturasiti
Catuvisati 89. Ekiinanavuti
Pajicavisati 90. Navuti
Chabbisati 92. Dvenavuti; dvanavuti;
Sattavisati dvinavuti

99 = Ekiinasatam
100 = Satam
1000 = Sahassam
10000 = Dasasahassam
100000 = Satasahassam; lakkham
1000000 = Dasalakkham
10000000 = Koti
100000000 = Dasakoti
1000000000 = Satakoti

58. Some of these numerals take all the genders, and some have
their own.

A. The stems eka, ti, catu are of all genders and declined differently
in each gender.

B. The stem dvi and those from pajica to attharasa do not show
different inflections in different genders though they take all the

C. From Visati to Navuti the numbers are feminine. So is Koti.

D. Stems sata, sahassa and the compounds ending with them

are neuter.

E. Eka (one) has only singular forms. The plural forms of it are
used to express the meaning “some” e.g.,
Eke manussa = some people

F The stems from dvi to attharasa have only the plural forms.
From visati upwards to navuti and from sata upwards to koti are in
singular. But they take the plural form when it is required to show
separate quantities, e.g., cattari satani = four (quantities) of

G. Numerals are more often used as adjectives.


59. “Eka” is declined like the relative pronoun “ya”

given above.
Declension of Dvi ( = two)
(Common to all genders)
Nom. / Acc. Dve; duve
Abl. / Ins. Dvibhi; dvthi
Dat. / Gen. Dvinnam; duvinnam
Loc. Dvisu

Declension of Ti ( = three)

Masculine Feminine Neuter

Nom. / Acc. Tayo Tisso Tini

Abl./Ins. Tibhi; tthi Tibhi; tthi Tibhi; tihi

/ Gen. Tinnam; Tissannam Tinnam;
tinnannam tinnannam

Loc. Tisu Tisu Tisu

Declension of Catu ( = four)

Nom. / Acc. Cattaro; Caturo _Catasso Cattari

Abl./Ins. Catiibhi; Catihi ©Catihi; - bhi Catiihi; - bhi
Dat. / Gen. Catunnam Catassannam Catunnam
Loc. Catusu Catusu Catusu

Declension of Pajica ( = five)
(Similar in all genders)

Nom. / Acc. Pafica

Abl. / Ins. Paficabhi; paficahi
Dat. / Gen. Paficannannam
L6c. Paficasu

Cha, satta, attha and all up to atthadasa are declined like

pafica, e.g.,

Nom. Acc. Abl. Dat. Gen. Loc.

Cha Cha Chahi Channam Chasu

60. Visati and other numerals ending in — i are declined

like bhiimi. Tirnsa and others ending in —4 are declined like vanita.
Visati itself has another form ending in — 4, i.e., visa.

“Sata” (100) and “‘sahassa” (1000) are declined like nayana.

Exercise 21


Cattaro purisa catihi pharasthi cattari rukkhani chinditva
TA tisso itthiyo imehi tihi magpet tam atavim gantva
tissannam kaffianam tini phalani adamsu.
Ekissam salayam satam purisa, pafifiasa itthiyo ca
el ito navahi divasehi'paficahi kumarehi saddhim
Kolambanagaram gamissama.
Pafica dasa dasannam assanam bahum tinam, appakam
udakafi ca aharimsu.
Visati purisa dasahi gonehi cattari khettani kasanti.
Vanijo kahapananam? dvihi satehi* attha asse kinitva te
catunnam dhanavantanam vikkini.
Tasam channam itthinam cha bhataro mahantam pabbatam
aruhitva cha kapayo anesum.
Tasam mata dasa ambe kinitva catassannam dhitaranam
10. Idani Lankayam pajica-cattalisa-satasahassam manussa
H, Pubbe Savatthinagare manussanam satta kotiyo* vasimsu.
12. Tumhe ito dvihi vassehi Anuradhapuram? gantva tattha
nava divase vasanta mahante cetiye passissatha.
13. Daso ekena hatthena dve nalikere® itarena ekam panasaii’
ca harati.
14. Aham cattari vassani* nagare vasitva tato paccha tayo
mase”’ game vasissami.
' After nine days. *“Kahapana” is a square coin extensivelly used in former days, the purchasing
power of which is said to have been about that of a florin (2s). “With two hundreds (of
kahapanas). “Seven crores of people. *The sacred city of the Buddhists in Ceylon. ‘Coconut,
m.n. "Jak-fruit, m.n. * Vassa = year, m.n.°Masa = month, m.


Four women bought eight mangoes and gave them to the

two daughters.

Tomorrow five men will go to the forest and cut ten trees
with their five axes.

Three a went separately! to three tanks and each” brought

thirty flowers.
In this hall there are five hundred men and three hundred

There are five thousand people, one thousand cattle* and

five hundred houses in this town.

The seven brothers of the five girls went to that forest and
killed eight deer.
We lived in Colombo for eight years and nine months.
They will go to live there again three years and two months
Having bought three clothes the father gave them to his three
10. Ten men with twenty oxen are ploughing these five fields.
Lk. Sixty elephants came out of the city and thirty of them entered
the forest.
12. Of the twelve horses bought by me one is sold to another
13. The slave having brought 25 coconuts sold 20 of them to a
14. Two merchants bought two horses for three hundred* pieces
(of kahapanas).

15. Five million people live in the island of Ceylon.

!'Visum. 7Ek’ eka. *Gavo. “Use the instrumental.

61. Ordinal Numerals

Pathama = first
Dutiya = second
Tatiya third
Catuttha fourth
Paficama fifth
Chattha sixth
Sattama seventh
Atthama eighth
Navama ninth
Dasama tenth
Ekadasama eleventh
Dvadasama twelfth
Terasama thirteenth
Cuddasama fourteenth
Visatima twentieth
Timsatima thirtieth
Cattalisatima fortieth
Pannasatima fiftieth
Satthima sixtieth
Sattatima seventieth
Asitima eightieth
Navutima ninetieth
Satama hundredth

All these are treated as adjectives.

In the masculine they are declined like nara.

In the feminine their last vowel is changed into 4 ori and are
declined like vanita and kumari respectively.

Their declension in the neuter is like that of nayana.


“The first among the eight men” and such other phrases
should be translated with the locative or genitive forms, as:

(1) Atthasu purisesu pathamo or

(2) Atthannam purisanam pathamo.

Exercise 22

Gacchantesu dasasu purisesu sattamo vanijo hoti.

Tassa sattama dhita atthamaya ekam vattham adasi.

Catassannam yuvatinam tatiyaya bhata pafica asse

Mayham pita sattatime vasse paficame mise kalam
Mayam ito chatthe divase catihi purisehi saddhim
dutiyam nagaram gamissama.
Idani atthamo Edwardnamo bhipati rajjam karoti.’

Pubbe chattho Parakkamabahu-bhipati

Jayavaddhanapure rajjam kari.

Pathasalaya’ asitiya sissesu paficavisatimo hiyo gambhire

udake pati.
Amhakam pitaro ito paficame vasse bahthi manussehi
Anuradhapuram gamissanti.
10. Dvisu pathasalasu pathamaya ti-satam sissa* ugganhanti.
i, Dvinnam dhanavantanam dutiyo timsatiya yacakanam
danam adasi.

12. Nahayantisu paficasu narisu tatiyaya bhatta dhanava hoti.

13. Bhattam pacantinam tissannam itthinam dutiya nahayitum
14. Bhagava pathamam vassam Baranasiyam Isipatanarame

1S. Tada so paficannam bhikkhinam bahunnam manussanafi

ca dhammam desesi.
'Kalam karoti = dies. *Rajjam karoti = reigns. *School, f. “Student, m.


The fifth of the ten merchants will buy the gem.

On the third day the four rich men will give alms to a hundred

There are eight hundred students in the first of the three


My fourth brother lives in the sixth house of the fifth street

in Colombo.

We will go to the city in the third month of the second year.

His tenth son will come here on the 25" day of this month.

The sixth of the seven women wears a red cloth, and the
fifth a blue one.

King Edward VII died 26 years ago.'

His son, King George V reigned for 25 years and 10 months.

10. I will buy the second of these ten horses with one hundred

if. Out of the eighty students in this school the 20" died yester

12. His dead body was carried to the cemetery by 15 students.

13. My sixth brother will come here with the fourth one.

14. His third brother’s second daughter learns at this school.

15; The first sister of the queen will visit Anuradhapura after
three months.

‘Ago = upari, ni. Use the genitive with this.


62. The adverb proper in Pali is stated to be in the

accusative singular of the neuter, e.g.,

“Sukharh sayati’” = sleeps comfortably.

“Sadhukarh karoti” = does (it) well.

But many other indeclinables like tada (then) may be taken

under this heading.

Of the numerical adverbs ordinals take the form of the neuter

singular, e.g.,

Pathamarm = at first; for the first time.

Dutiyarh = for the second time.

Cardinals form their adverbs by adding suffixes — kkhatturh and


Catukkhattum = four times

Catudha in four ways.

A List of Adverbs

Visurh severally;separately

Dukkham with difficulty

Samar evenly

Sanikarh slowly

Sigharh quickly

Evarh thus; so

Sahasa suddenly

Dalham tightly; strictly

Ekadha in one way

Dvikkhatturh twice

Sakim once

Paficadha in five ways

Katham how?

Tatha in that way

Sadhukarh well

Abhinharm constantly

Ekamantarn aside

Exercise 23

I; Imesam dasannam dhanavatanam paficamo sukham jivati.

2. Ayam dipi sanikam agantva sahasa gaviya upari pati.

a Atthannam kafiianam chattha gavim dalham bandhitva

vapim nesi.

4. Ime pafica daraka abhinham magge dhavanta kilanti.

= Imesu navasu sissesu sattamo sadhukam ugganhati.

6. Bhikkht Bhagavato santikam A4gantva tam vanditva

ekamantam nisidimsu.

Ves So setthi (attano') dhanam paficadha vibhajitva

paficannam dhitaranam adadi.

8. Tassa chatthaya dhituya putto dvikkhattum imam nagaram


9. Pathamam te assa ratham samam akaddhimsu, dutiyam

sigham dhavimsu.

10. Mama atthannam bhataranam catuttho dukkham jivati.

11. Katham te cattaro vanija tattha vasanti?

12. So dhitaram evam vatva sahasa tato afifam thanam gacchi.

' His own.


Those ten boys are constantly playing at this place.

The fifth of these seven merchants lives happily (or


The king twice came out of the city and once bathed in this

The horses will run quickly drawing evenly the carriages

after them.

The fourth of the seven monks does not observe! the

precepts: well.

These twelve merchants went to the Buddha and sat aside to

hear His preaching”.

Suddenly a thief came to me and tried’ to take my umbrella.

Slowly they went together* to the bank of the river and came
back separately.

The third of the five sons of my friend learns with difficulty.

10. How did he enter the city and come out of it so quickly?

i, The second daughter of his sixth brother lives (with difficulty

or) miserably.

i2; Thus he spoke to his third sister and went aside.

'Na rakkhati. ?Silani or sikkhapadani. *Desanam. *Ussahi. *Ekato.


63. A sentence may contain any number of words; but

one cannot make a sentence without a verb.

Even the shortest sentence must have two portions: the

subject (katta) and the predicate (kriya). (One may so “Go”! without
any subject, but there the subject is understood.

(1) “Puriso sayati (the man sleeps)”, is a complete

sentence. Here “puriso” is the subject and “sleeps” is
the predicate.

(2) The above sentence has no object as intransitive verbs

do not take an object. But transitive verbs always take
an object; therefore a sentence formed with a transitive
verb consists of three portions, viz.:— katta (subject),
kammam (object), and kriya (predicate), e.g.,

Subject Object Predicate

Puriso rukkham chindati

= the man cuts a tree.

Order of Sentences

64. In the sentence, “Puriso rukkham chindati”, the

subject comes first, the object second, and the predicate last. (In an
English sentence the object must come after the predicate).

This is the general way of forming sentences which a

beginner must follow. But there are no definite rules about the
order of the words in a Pali sentence. The above sentence may be
written in four ways: —

(1) Puriso rukkham chindati.

(2) Rukkham puriso chindati.
(3) Chindati puriso rukkham or
(4) Puriso chindati rukkham.

In any way the meaning is the same; and one has no difficulty
in finding the subject and the object as they are always in different

65. (1) The predicate must agree with the subject in number
and person.

(2) An adjective (participle included), must agree with

the noun it qualifies in gender, number and case, e.g.,
Balava puriso sayantam gonam bandhati.

(3) A relative pronoun must agree with its antecedent in

gender, number and person, e.g.,

A. Ye pufifiam karonti te sagge nibbattanti.

B. Yo magge gacchati tassa pita hiyo mari.

Exercise 24

Point out subjects, objects and predicates in the following


1. Bhata vapim gacchanto ekassa rukkhassa mile _nisidi.

2. Tassa pita pato geha nikkhamitva vanam gamissati.

3. Te pakkhino tesam rukkhanam sakhasu nisiditva ravanti.

4. Catasso kumariyo pupphani ocinitum ekam rukkham aruhimsu.

5. Dasa hatthino imassa taruno attha sakha bhafijitva khadimsu.

6. Sa yuvati dve mala pilandhitva hasanti titthati.

7. Suve mayam tam nagaram gantva bahiini bhandani kinissama.

8. Magge dhavanta pafica daraka ekasmim Avate patimsu.

9. Pannarasa vanija dasa asse aharitva setthino vikkinimsu.

10. Dve kassaka cattaro kale gone haritva tassam nadiyam


Insert suitable subjects, objects and predicates where necessary.

| ne eT rukkham aruhitva phalani ocinati.

2. Magge gacchanto ............ GHAVAMNG cs wiisicnesens passi.

3. Tuyham bhagini darakam adaya hasantt............

Bh TIRES wcscaenweass rajjuya bandhitva nahapeti.

Dh, shawidbipinarsitiaie apanamha vatthani kinitva anetha.

6. Mayam nahatva agantva bhattam............

7. Aham suve taya saddhim gamam............

Bs PUVA GOocsossens OCU. .is0cesasa gamissanti.

9. Amhakam............ tasmim nagare bhandani vikkinanti.

10, Cathe s sicccesanaet padumani adaya viharam gamissanti.

[heer errrrrtTsuve Apanam gantva............ aharissama.

12. Tvam sakkharahi godham mia............

13. WERSEcncamienssi Ct: re bhafjanti.

How to Enlarge and Analyse a Sentence

66. It is stated that a sentence consists of two parts, the

subject and the predicate, or sometimes three parts: the subject,
the object and the predicate. (Note that the object belongs to the

In enlarging a sentence one must enlarge the subject or the

object, or both of them. They may be enlarged with one or more
adjectives, adjectival phrases, or clauses, or with a noun in the
genitive, which is in the nature of an adjective, as it separates the
thing possessed, from others.

The enlargement of a predicate is called its extension. It may

be done by adding one or more adverbs or adverbial phrases, or
words in the Instrumental Ablative (of separation) or Locative

Now let us enlarge the sentences:

A. Puriso rukkharn chindati.

B. Gono tinarm khadati.

Enlargement Extension
of the Object of

ahantam ukkham pharasuna


(2) puriso uccam, rukkham hatthehi

balava mudum pharasum

Pafifiava, puriso |pupphehi phalehi} rukkham |tasmim vane,} chindati

(3) dhanava, ca yuttam, tam

— hal

Balava khette jatam, tattha

(2) seto bahum thatva,

Catuppado,! khuddaka tinam

singi? khettamha
balo, dasena
rukkhe anitam

'Quadruped or that which has four feet.

That which has horns; or possessed of horns.

Exercise 25

Enlarge the following sentences: —

— Kumari bhattam pacati.

Darako magge kilati.

Vanara rukkhe nisidanti.

Kassaka khettam kasimsu.

Stho vanamhi vasati.

Bhipati nagare carati.

Pita gehe sayati.

Dhitaro nadiyam nahayanti.

SS Bhatuno putto ugganhati.


Vanitayo padumani aharanti.

Tumhe pakkhino ma maretha.

Tvam cetiyam vandahi.

Aham silam rakkhissami.

Bhikkhavo dhammam desenti.

ed Mayam Anuradhapuram gamissama.

Analyse the following sentences: —

Cattaro purisa balavante attha gone tam mahantam khettam


Imasmim game atthasu gehesu paficatimsati manussa

dukkham vasanti.

Te dhanavanta mahantesu majicesu sukham sayissanti.

Paficannam dasanam dasa putt visatiya balavantehi gonehi

khettam kasanti.

Eka itthi dvinnam puttanam rattani vatthani dharitva adasi.

Dhanavanto vanija sakatehi bhandani adaya game gantva tani

sigham vikkinissanti.

Bhipatino pathamo putto bahthi manussehi saddhim suve

uyyanam gamissati.

Mayham matulani rattam gavim dighaya rajjuya dalham

rukkhe bandhi.

Setthino balavanto attha putta kakkhalam coram asihi

paharitva tatth’eva' maresum.

10. Gamam gacchanti vanita afifiissa balam dhitaram disva tassa

tayo ambe adasi.

'Tatth’eva = on the spot.

67. The verbs given so far in this book are of the Active Voice.
To form the passive one must add “ya”, sometimes preceded by i
or i, to the root before, the verbal termination, e.g.,
Paca + ti = Paca + Iya + ti = pactiyati (is cooked).
Kara + ti = Kara + iya + ti = kariyati (is done).
Often the “ya” is assimilated by the last consonant of the base, e. -.
Pac + ya + ti = Paccati (is cooked).
Vuc + ya + ti = Vuccati (is told).

68. In forming a sentence with a verb in the passive voice the

subject stands in the Ablative of Agent and the object in the
Nominative. The verb takes the number and the person of the
Nominative (object).

This is the way Pali Grammarians state it. But in English the subject
always takes the Nominative form; therefore the object becomes
the subject when a sentence is turned from active to passive.
Vanita odanarh pacati turned into passive, becomes:—
Vanitaya odano paciyati or paccati.

Here “vanitaya” is named anuttakatta (the agent, subject) and

“odano” uttakamma (the object in the Nominative) in Pali.

69. Conjugation of pahara = to beat


3 (So) pahariyati (Te) pahariyanti
= he is beaten = they are beaten
2° (Tvam) pahariyasi (Tumhe) pahariyatha
= thou art beaten = you are beaten
1* — (Aham) pahariyami (Mayam) pahariyama
= I am beaten = we are beaten

Conjugation of paca = to cook

(So odano) paccati = that (rice) is cooked.
(Tvam) odano) paccasi = thou (rice) art cooked.

(Aham odano) paccami = I (rice) am cooked.

(Te odana) paccanti = those (rice) are cooked.
(Tumhe odana) paccatha = thou (rice) art cooked.
(Mayan odana) paccama = we (rice) are cooked.

The following are conjugated like “Pahariyati”: —

Kariyati = is done or made Destyati = is preached

Ganhiyati = is taken Mariyati = is killed
Hariyati = is carried Vandiyati = is wo shipped
Ahariyati = is brought Kiniyati = is bought
Bandhiyati = is tied Vikkiniyati = is sold
Bhunjiyati = is eaten Rakkhiyati = is protected or
Akaddhiyati= is dragged drawn
Diyati = is given Bhasiyati = is told
Kasiyati = is ploughed Dhoviyati = is washed

70. The past and the future forms of the Passive Voice are formed
by adding “i + ya” to the root before the verbal termination, e.g.,

Past 3" singular

— Pahara + 1 = pahara + Iya + i = pahariyi
= he was beaten.

Future 3" singular — Paca + issati = paca + Tya + issati = paciyissati

= (it) will be cooked.

Exercise 26

. Kafifiaya odano pactyati.

. Te Gona dasehi pahariyanti.
. Tvam balina purisena akaddhtyasi.
. Mayam amhakam arithi mariyama.
. Te miga taya dasiya bandhiyanti.
. Imina vaddhakina! imasmim game bahini gehani kariyanti.
. Tumhe tasmim game manussehi bandhiyatha.
NY. Amhakam
NA bhandani tesam dasehi gamam hariyanti.
9. Atthahi vanijehi cattaro assa nagaram ahariyanti.
10. Mayam amhakam dhitarehi nattarehi ca vandiyama.
11.Tam mahantam khettam paficahi kassakehi kastyati.
12. Vanitaya bahini vatthani tassam pokkharaniyam
13.Setthina bahunnam yacakaénam danam diyati.
14.Tasmim arame vasantehi bhikkhihi silani rakkhiyanti.
15. Chahi bhikkhihi paficasatanam manussanam dhammo
16. Pafifidsaya manussehi tasmim apane bahitini bhandani
17. Dasahi vanitahi dvisatam ambanam vikkiniyati.
18.Dasiya pakko odano gahapatina bhufijiyati.
19. Magge thito darako tassa matuya hatthehi ganhiyati.
20. Buddhena devanam manussanafi ca dhammo

'Vaddhaki = carpenter, m.


. The cows are tied with long ropes by the slaves.

. Two black horses are bought by the two rich men.
. You are beaten by four men.
. This house is built (made) by eight carpenters.
. Nine cows are killed by two tigers in that forest.
. Thou art dragged to the field by those powerful men.
. Many goods are sold in this village by those two merchants.
. You are tied fast by the people of the city.

9. The baby is carried to a physician by his mother.

10.The rice is well cooked by the second daughter of the merchant.
11.The doctrine is preached to the people of this village by the
monks residing in that monastery.'
12.The rice cooked by the slave woman is eaten by her son and
13.Many red clothes are washed in the tank by those women.
14.Three hundred mangoes are sold by six tall women.
15.Much wealth is given to his relations by that rich man.
16.All grass in this field is eaten by eight oxen and four cows.
17.The Buddha is worshipped everywhere in this island.
18.Two fields are ploughed by 12 farmers and six oxen.
19.Those who went by that path are killed by a lion.
20.The son of the man who walks on the road is beaten by that
powerful man.

'Vihara = monastery, m.


71. The participles, like verbs, are divided into two classes, that
of Active and Passive. The Active Present Participles are shown
above. The Passive Present Participle is formed by adding“ + ya”
to the root before the active terminations, e.g.,

(1) Paca + mana = Paca + I-ya + mana = Paciyamana

(being cooked).

(2) Pahara + nta = Pahara +1-ya + nta = Pahariyanta

(being beaten).

Forms like paccamana (being cooked) and vuccamana (being

told) also are formed by assimilating “‘ya’” with the last consonant
of the root. (The rules of assimilation will be given in the Second

72. The Declinable Active Past Participles are very few.

The Passive P.Ps. are formed in various ways; the commonest way
to form them is to add “‘ta” or “ita” to the root or the verbal base,
Paca + ita= pacita— cooked
Hara + ita = harita— carried
Naha + ta = nahata— bathed
Ni + ta = nita-—carried
Na + ta = iidta— known
Bhi + ta = bhiita— become; been
Su + ta = suta—heard

Here one notices that ita is added to the roots ending in a, and ta is
added to the roots ending in vowels other than a. But this rule is
not without exceptions.

A list of some P. P. Ps. is given above. The words therein
are formed in various ways; but the student should not bother at
present about their formation.

Another form of P.P.Ps. much common in use is formed by

adding inna to the root and by dropping the last syllable or the
vowel of the root, e.g.,

Chida + inna = chinna — cut

Bhida + inna = bhinna — broken
Da + inna = dinna
— given
Tara + inna = tinna— crossed; gone ashore
Ni + sida + inna = nisinna — sat

73. The Potential (or Future) Passive Participles are

formed by adding “tabba” and “‘aniya” to the verbal base, e.g.,

Katabba / Karaniya = must be, fit to be, or should be done

Haritabba / Haraniya = must be, fit to be, or should be carried
Pacitabba / Pacaniya = must be, fit to be, or should be cooked
Bhunjitabba fit to be or should be eaten
Dhovitabba fit to be or should be washed
Bhavitabba fit to be or should become or happen
Nisiditabba fit to be or should be sat
Vattabba fit to be or should be told
Vanditabba fit to be or should be worshipped
Databba fit to be or should be given
Chinditabba fit to be or should be cut
Rakkhitabba = fit to be or should be observed or protected
Ugganhitabba fit to be or should be learnt.

Exercise 27

Kannaya bhufjiyamanam bhattam sunakhassa databbam


Purisena chindiyamano rukkho gehassa upari patissati.

Purisehi khettani kasitabbani, vanitahi tesam bhattam


Puttehi dhitarehi ca pitaro mataro ca vanditabba honti.

Dasena hariyamano asso vanijanam vikkinitabbo hoti.

Corehi pahariyamana purisa afiiam kattabbam adisva!

atavim dhavimsu.

Sarathina pahartyamano asso ratham akaddhanto sigham

dhavati. ‘

Tumhehi danani databbani, silani rakkhitabbani, puffani

katabbani (honti).

Sissehi dhammo sotabbo’ satthani*? ugganhitabbani.

10. Maya diyamanam* bhufijitabbam bhufijitum bahii yacaka


i. Vanita dhovitabbani vatthani adaya vitthatam nadim


a Yuvatiyo vandaniyani cetiyani disva ekaya kafifiaya

ociniyamanani padumani yacimsu.

13. Mama bhata tasmim vane ahindanto chindaniye bahi rukkhe


14. Maya ovadiyamano balo vattabbam apassanto khinno? nisidi.

'Not seeing. "Should be heard. *Sciences. *Given by. *Dejected.


The fruit that is being eaten by the boy should not be given
to another one.

The field should be ploughed by the farmers with their oxen.

Being beaten by an enemy and not knowing what should be

done,' the man ran across the field.

Many beggars came to receive the alms given by the rich


Your parents? are to be worshipped and protected by you.

Being admonished? by the teacher the student began to learn

what should be learnt.

The horses that are being carried by the merchants are to be

sold tomorrow. :

The horse being beaten by the slave ran quickly to the field.

Precepts should be observed and alms should be given by


10. Many clothes are to be washed by our friends.

Hi. Ten men cut many trees that should be cut in that garden.

12. The trees which are being cut by them will fall on other

13. The merchants did not get any food that should be eaten by

14. What should happen will happen‘ to us and the others.

15. The rice is to be cooked and carried to the field by us.

'Kim katabbanm ti ajananto. 7Matapitaro, (is a compound noun). *Ovadito. “Will
happen = bhavissati.

Causal or Causative Verbs

74. Causative verbs are formed by adding to the root the suffixes.

(1) e, (2) aya, (3) ape, or (4) dpaya

before the verbal termination. The radical vowel of the root is

lengthened or changed before these suffixes, when it is followed
by one consonant, and remains unchanged if it is followed by a
double consonant, e.g.,

Pac + e + ti = paceti causes to cook

Pac + aya + ti = pacayati = causes to cook

Pac + ape + ti = pacapeti = causes to cook

Pac + apaya + ti = pacapayati = causes to cook

N.B. — There is a similarity between “‘paceti’, “pacayati’” and

<2) ‘66

“coreti”, “corayati’”; but the former are causal and the latter are
simple verbs.

75. The group of verbs “coreti’”, etc., called “Curadi Group” ,

always take “e” and “aya” in their simple forms and their causal
bases are formed with “ape” and “apaya” eg.,

Simple: Coreti, Corayati = steals

Causal: Corapeti, Corapayati = causes to steal

76. A. Intransitive verbs become transitive when they
take causal forms, e.g.,

Darako sayati .
(the baby sleeps).

Mata darakarh sayapeti.

(the mother makes her baby sleep).

B. _ Transitive verbs take one or two more objects in

their causal forms, e.g.,

Simple: Gono tinam khadati.

Causal: Daso gonarm tinarh khadapeti

(the slave causes the ox to eat grass).

cae A List of Causatives

Karapeti = causes to (or make one) do

Ganhapeti = causes to (or make one) take

Nahapeti = causes to (or make one) bathe

Bhojapeti = causes to (or make one) eat

Nisidapeti = causes to (or make one) sit

Harapeti = causes to (or make one) carry

Aharapeti = causes to (or make one) bring
Gacchapeti = causes to (or make one) go
Chindapeti = causes to (or make one) cut

Marapeti = causes to (or make one) kill.

Exercise 28

Setthi vaddhakim geham karapeti.

Mata darakam pokkharaniyam nahapessati.

Amhakam pitaro bhikkhi bhojapesum.

Vanitayo dasim bhattam pacapesum.

Papakarino dasehi' bahi mige marapenti.

Gahapatayo purisehi!' darini ganhapenti.

Garu sisse dhammam ugganhapesi.

Adhipati purisehi rukkhe chindapessati.

Aham kanfahi bhandani aharapessami.

10. Tumhe bhatarehi kapayo gamam harapetha.

ii. Mayam dasahi gonehi khettam kasapessama.

12. Mata puttam pithe nisidapetva bhattam pacitum tandule?


‘Instrumental is also used with the casual forms. *Tandula = rice (uncooked), m.n.


The sinner causes his brothers to kill birds.

The rich men make their sons give alms.

The king makes the carpenters build five houses.

The charioteer makes the slave bring two horses near the

The women get their daughters to cook rice for the guests.

The carpenter gets the work' done by the servants.

The leader gets his men to cut many trees in his garden.

They will get the field ploughed by 20 oxen.

I will make my son eat some food.

We will cause our slaves to go to the town.

They make the cows eat grass.

12, Do not allow him to do that work.!

'Work = kamma, n; kammanta, m.



m. Masculine in. Infinitive

f. Feminine pr.p. Present Participle
n. Neuter p-p. Past Participle
ind. Indeclinable pt.p Potential Participle
ad. Adverb abs. Absolutive
V. Verb ger. Gerund
adj. Adjective mh. Of the three genders

Akkhiz eye Atthasiti /f eighty-eight

Agacchi v went Atthi 2 bone; seed
Aggi m fire
Anda egg
Anguli f finger Atikkamitum in to surpass
Acari v walked; traveled Atithi m guest
Acci a flame
Atthi v is; has
Aja m goat Atha ind then; after that
Ajja ind to-day Atthainiti m knower of the
Afiiia adj another; other meaning
Afifiatara adj certain Adasi v gave
Atavi f forest
Addha ind certainly
Attha 3, eight
Adhipati mm lord; leader
Atthama adj eighth Anugacchati v follows
Atthavisati f twenty-eight
Anussarati v remembers
Atthasata n 800 Anussaranta prp
Atthadasa 3, eighteen remembering
Attharasa 3, eighteen
Antara ind between
Atthasi v stood
Anto ind in; inside Akasa m sky
Apagacchati v goes away Akhu m rat
Apaci v cooked Agacchati v comes
Apara adj another; Agacchi v came
western Agata p.p come
Apassanta prp not seeing Agantva abs having come
Api ind and ; also Agantum into come
Appaka adj few; a little Agamma abs having come
Abhavi v was Adaya abs having taken
Abhinham ad constantly; Aneti v brings
often Anesi v brought
Amata 2 ambrosia; the Anetva abs having brought
supreme bliss Apana m shop; market
Amba m mango Ama adj unripe
Ambu 7 water Ama ind yes
Amma f mother Ayu n age
Amhe = we Ayudha 2 weapon
Amhakam = to us; our Arabhati v begins
Ayam m2. f this (man); Arabhi v began
this (woman) Arama m grove; monastery
Arafifia a forest Aruyha abs having ascended
Ari m enemy Aruhati v ascends
Alankaroti v decorates; adorns Aruhi v ascended
Asani f thunderbolt Aruhitva abs having ascended
Asi m sword Aloka m light
Asiti f eighty Avata m pit
Assa m horse Ahata pp brought
Assa = his; to him Aharati v brings
Assa = of her; to her Aharanta prp bringing
Assu 7 tear Aharapeti v causes to bring
Ahi m serpent Ahari v brought
Aham = I Aharitum in to bring
Akaddhati v drags; pulls Ahariyati v is brought
Akaddhiyati vis dragged; is Ahara m food
pulled Ahindati v wanders
Udaka n water
I Udadhi m ocean
Icchati v wishes
Udeti vrises up
Itara adj the other Upari ind above
Ito ind hence
Uppala a water-lily
Ittht £ woman
Ubhaya 3, both
Idam n this thing Ussahati vtries
Idani ind now
Idha ind here
Ima adj this
Ima = these (women) Eka adj one; certain
Ime = these (men) Ekakkhattum ad once
Isi m sage Ekacattalisati f forty-one
Isipatanarama m the grove of Ekatimsati f thirty-one
Isipatana (at Sarnath) Ekato ind together
Ekada ad one day; once
Ekadha ad in one way
U Ekattha ad in one place
Ekamantam ad aside
Ekavisati f twenty-one
Ukkhipitva abs having raised Ekasatthi f sixty-one
up Ekadasa 3 eleven
Ugganhati v learns Ekadasama adj eleventh
Ugganhitabba pt.p that should Ekasiti f eighty-one
be learnt Ekinacattalisati f 39
Ucca adj high ;tall Ekinatimsati f 29
Ucchu m sugar-cane Ekiinapaniasati f 49
Utthahati v rises up Ekiinanavuti f 89
Utthahitva abs having risen Ekinavisati f 19
up Ekinasatthi f 59
Utthapetva abs having Ekinasattati f 69
awakened Ekiinasata n 99
Uddeti v flies Ekinasiti f 79
Uttara adj northern Eta 3, that; this
Uttana adj shallow
Ettha ad here Kattha ad where
Evam ind thus; yes Katva abs having done
Esa f that woman. (Stem. eta) Katham ind how
Eso m that man. (Stem. eta) Katha f speech; talk
Katheti v says
Kathesi v said; told
O Kadali f plantain
Kada ad when?
Okkamma abs having moved Kapi m monkey
aside Kamma 2” work
Ocinati v gathers; collects Kammanta m work
Ocinitva abs having gathered Kammakara m worker
Ocinitum in to gather; to Karaniya ptp. that should be
collect. done
Otarati v descends Kari v did
Otaritva abs having de Karissati v will do
scended Kari m elephant
Odana m.n. (boiled) rice Kariyati v is done
Otinna pp. descended Karoti v does
Oruyha abs having descended Karonta prp. doing
Oruhati v descends Kavi m poet
Oloketi v looks at Kasati v ploughs
Olokenta prp. looking at Kasiyati v is ploughed
Kassaka m farmer
Kaka m crow
K Kaki f she-crow
Katabba ptp. that should be
Kacchu f itch done
Kanna fF girl Katum in to do
Katacchu m spoon Karana 7 reason
Kaneru f she elephant Karapeti v causes to do
Kata pp. made; done Kaya m body
Katama 3, which of the many Kala m time
Katara 3, which of the two Kalam karoti v dies
Kattu m doer; compiler
Kasu fF pit Khira 2 milk
Kala adj black Khuddaka adj small
Kinanta prp. buying Khuda f hunger
Kinati v buys Khinna, pp. dejected
Kini v bought Khetta a field
Kinitva abs having bought
Kiniyati v is bought
Kitti £ fame G
Kim 3, what?
Gacchati v goes
Kilati v plays
Gacchanta prp. going
Kilitva a7 having played
Gacchapeti v causes to go
Kukkuti f hen
Gacchi v went
Kucchi m2.g. belly
Gacchissati v will go
Kutthi m leper
Ganga f river
Kuto ind from where?
Gani m one who has a fol
Kuddha pp. enraged; angry
Kumara m boy
Ganthi m knot
Kumari fF girl
Ganhati v takes
Kula a family; caste
Ganhapeti v causes to take
Kulavantu adj of the high
Ganhi v took
Ganhitum in to take
Kuhim adv where?
Ganhiyati v is taken
Kula a (river) bank
Gata pp. gone
Ketu m banner
Gantu m goer
Ko m who? (Nom.)
Gantum in to go
Kodha m anger
Gantva abs having gone
Kolambanagara a city of
Gamissati v will go
Gambhira adj deep
Khanati v digs
Garu m teacher
Khanti f patience
Gavesati v seeks
Khara adj rough; coarse
Gahapati m householder
Khadati v eats
Gahita pp. taken
Khadanta prp. eating
Gahetva abs having taken
Khadi v ate
Gama m village
Khaditva abs having eaten
Gayati v sings Cinteti v thinks
Gayanta prp. singing Cintetva abs having thought
Gavi f cow Cintesi v thought
Giri m mountain Ciram ad (for a) long time
Giva f neck Cuddasa 3, fourteen
Gunavantu adj virtuous Cuddasama adj fourteenth
Guha f cave Cetiya a shrine; pagoda
Geha m.n. house Cora m thief
Gona m ox Coreti v steals
Godha / iguana Coresi v stole
Ghata m water-pot Cha 3, six
Ghana 7 nose Chattha adj sixth
Ghayitum in to smell Chatthi f£ Genitive
Chattha 2 umbrella
Chattimsati /f thirty-six
C Chatti m one who has an
Ca ind and
Channavuti f ninety-six
Cakkhu 27 eye
Chabbisati f twenty-six
Cakkhumantu adj possessor
Chaya f shade; shadow
of eyes
Chasiti f eighty-six
Canda m moon
Chindati v cuts
Cattalisati £ forty
Chindanta prp. cutting
Catu 3, four
Chindapeti v causes to cut
Catuttimsati f thirty-four
Chinditabba 3, that should be
Catuttha adj fourth
Catutthi f Dative
Chinna 3, cut
Catuddasa 3 fourteen
Catuppada m quadruped
Caturasiti f eighty-four
Catuvisati f twenty-four
Carati v walks
Caranta prp. walking Jangha f shank; calf of the
Caritva abs having walked leg
Citta m mind Jannu m knee
Jatu a sealing wax
Jayatu v let him conquer Ta
Jala nm water
Janu m knee Ta 3, that
Janati v knows Tandula 2m rice (uncooked)
Jaleti v kindles Tatiya adj third
Jalesi v kindled
Tato ind thence; from there
Jinati v wins
Tattha ad there
Jivha f tongue Tatra ad there
Jetu m victor Tatha ind so; likewise; in that
Tada ad then
Tarati v crosses
Nana 7 wisdom
Taritva abs having crossed
Taru m tree
pp. known Taruni £ young woman
Natu m knower Tava = thine; your
Tassa = his
T Tassa = of her; to her
Tahim ad there
Ta f those women
Thatva abs having stood
Tani = those things
Thapita 3, kept
Ti 3, three
Thapeti v keeps
Titthati v stands
Thapetu v let him keep
Titthanta prp. standing
Thapesi v kept
Tina 2 grass
Thana a place
Tinna pp. crossed; gone
Thita pp. stood
Tinavuti f ninety-three
D Tipu 2 lead
Tiriyam ad across
Dasati v bites; stings Timsati f thirty
Dasitva abs having bitten or Timsatima adj thirtieth
stung Timsa fF thirty
Tumhe = you Dasasata n thousand
Tuyham = to you; your Dasasahassa 7 ten thousand
Tula f scale; balance Dassaniya adj handsome;
Te m they beautiful
Te-asiti f eighty-three Dalham ad tightly
Tettimsati f thirty-three Dathi m tusker; serpent
Tenavuti f ninety-three Databba ptp. that should be
Tepannasa fF fifty-three given
Terasa 3, thirteen Datu m giver
Terasama adj thirteenth Datum in to give
Tevisati f twenty-three Dana 2 alms; charity
Tesatthi f sixty-three Dayaka m giver
Tesattati £ seventy-three Daraka m young one; boy
Telasa 3, thirteen Darika fF girl
Tvam = thou Daru a firewood
Dasa m slave
Dasi f slave woman
Dinna pp. given
D Divasa m day
Diva ind day-time
Dakkhina adj southern Disa f direction
Dattha pp. bitten Disva abs having seen
Datva abs having given Digha adj long
Dadanta prp. giving Dighajivi m possessor of
Dadamana prp. giving long life
Dadati v gives Dipa m island; lamp
Dadi v gave Dipi m leopard
Daddu f eczema Diyati v is given
Dadhi a2 curd Diyamana prp. being given
Danti m tusker; elephant Dukkha a pain; misery;
Dasa 3, ten trouble
Dasakoti f hundred million Dukkham ad with difficulty;
Dasama adj tenth miserably
Dasalakkha n million Dutiya adj second

Dundubhi f drum Dhanu 2 bow (arrow)
Dubbala adj feeble Dhamma m doctrine
Deti v gives Dhatu f element; relic
Deva m rain; deity Dhavati v runs
Devata f deity Dhavanta 3, running
Devi f queen; goddess Dhavi v ran
Desana fF preaching Dhavitva abs having run
Desita pp. preached Dhitu f daughter
Deseti v preaches Dhili f dust
Desesi v preached Dhenu f cow (of any kind)
Desiyati v is preached Dhovati v washes
Doni fF canoe; boat Dhovitabba ptp. that should
Dola f palanquin be washed
Dvattimsati f thirty-two Dhoviyati v is washed
Dvadasa 3 twelve
Dvadasama adj twelfth
Dvanavuti f ninety-two
Dvavisati £ twenty-two
Dvasatthi sixty-two
Dvasattati f seventy-two Na ind not; no
Dvasiti £ eighty-two Nagara 7 city
Dvi 3, two Nattu m grandson
Dvikkhattum ad twice Natthi v is not
Dvicattalisati £ forty-two Nadi Ff river
Dvidha ind in two ways; into Nayana 7 eye
two Nara m man
Dvinavuti f ninety-two Nava 3, nine
Dvisattati f seventy-two Navama adj ninth
Dvisata 2 two hundred Navasata 7 nine hundred
Dveasiti f eighty-two Navuti f ninety
Dvepannasa fF fifty-two Na santi = are not
Dvesattati f seventy-two Nahata pp. bathed
Dhana 2 wealth Nahatva abs having bathed
Dhanavantu adj rich Nahapeti v causes to bathe
Nahayati v bathes
Nahayanta prp. bathing
Nama 7 name
Pakka pp. cooked; ripe
Nari £ woman
Pakkhipati v puts in
Nava f ship
Pakkhi m bird
Nasa f nose
Paggayha abs having raised
Nali f corn measure; tube
Nalikera m coconut up
Pacati v cooks
Nikkhanta pp. got out
Pacatu v let him cook
Nikkhamati v goes out
Pacanta prp. cooking
Nikkhamma abs having
Pacamana prp. cooking
come out
Pacaniya prp. that should be
Nidda f sleep
Nidhi m hidden treasure
Paci v cooked
Nibbattitum in to be born
Pacita pp. cooked
Nibbattitva abs having born
Pacitabba ptp. that should be
Niraya m hell
Niliyati v hides
Pacitum in to cook
Nisinna pp. sat
Pacitva abs having cooked
Nisidati v sats
Paccha ind afterwards
Nisidanta prp. sitting
Pajica 3, five
Nisidapeti v causes to sit
Paficadasa 3, fifteen
Nisidi v sat
Paficama adj fifth
Nisiditabba ptp. should be sat
Paficatimsati f thirty-five
Nisiditva abs having sat
Paficadha ind in five ways
Nica adj low; vulgar
Paficavisati f twenty-five
Nita pp. led; carried
Paficasata a five hundred
Nila adj blue
Pafifiavantu adj wise
Niharati v ejects
Paihia f wisdom
Neti v leads; carries
Paffasati f fifty
Netu m leader
Pannasa f fifty
Nesi v led; carried
Patinivatti v went back
Patiyadetum in to make; to

Pathama adj first Paka m cooking; boiling
Panna 2 leaf Pacayati v causes to cook
Pannarasa 3, fifteen Pacapayati v causes to cook
Pannasati Ff fifty Pacapeti v causes to cook
Pandita m wise man Paceti v causes to cook
Patati v falls Pathasala f school
Pati m husband; master Pani m hand
Pati v fell down Pateti v fells; makes to fall
Patti f infantry Patesi v felled
Paduma 2 lotus Patum Jn to drink
Panasa m jack-fruit Pato ind in the morning
Pabbata m mountain Pada m foot; leg
Pabbajati v becomes a monk; Papa 27 sin
renounces Papakari m sinner; evil-doer
Pabhii m overlord Paleti v protects; governs
Para adj other; latter Palesi v protected
Parasuve ind day after Pavisi v entered
tomorrow Pasana m stone; rock
Parahiyo ind day before Pitu m father
yesterday Pipasa Ff thirst
Paridahati v wears Pivati v drinks
Parisa f retinue; following Pivatu v let him drink
Pavisati v enters Pivamana prp. drinking
Pavisitva abs having entered Pivitum in to drink
Pasu m beast Pivitva abs having drunk
Passati v sees Pilandhitva abs having
Passanta prp. seeing; looking donned
at Pitha a” chair
Passitum in to see Pita pp. drunk
Pahata pp. beaten Pita adj yellow
Paharati v beats Pilita pp. oppressed
Paharitva abs having beaten Pileti v oppresses
Pahariyati v is beaten Pilesi v oppressed
Pahaya abs having left Puffa 4 merit; fortune
Pufifavantu adj fortunate; Baranasi f Benares (city)
meritorious Bala adj young; foolish
Putta m son Bahu m arm
Puna ind again Buddha m the Enlightened
Puppha 2 flower One
Pubba adj former; eastern Buddhi f wisdom
Purato ind in front Buddhimantu adj wise
Pura ind before; formerly Bodhi mf Bo-tree
Purisa m man Brahmani f Brahman woman
Pulina a sand Bhagavantu m the Buddha;
Puja f offering the Exalted One; adj the
Pijeti v offers; honours fortunate
Pijesi v respected; offered Bhagini Ff sister
Pijetva abs having offered Bhanjati v breaks
Pokkharani f£ pond Bhanda a goods
Pharasu m axe; hatchet Bhattu mm husband; supporter
Phala a fruit; nut Bhariya f wife
Phalavantu adj fruitful Bhavati v is; becomes
Bhavatu v let it be
Bhavitabba ptp. that should
B happen
Bhagi m sharer
Battimsati f thirty-two Bhajetva abs having divided
Bandhati v binds; ties Bhatu m brother
Bandhiyati v is bound Bhanu m sun
Bandhu relation Bhanumantu m sun
Bandhumantu adj one who Bhayati v fears
has relations Bhayitva abs having feared
Bala n power Bhasati v says
Balavantu adj powerful; Bhasiyati v is told; is said
strong Bhikkhu a Buddhist monk
Bali m powerful Bhindati v breaks
Bahu adj many Bhinna pp. broken
Bahuka adj many Bhufijati v eats
B Mahanta prp. big; large; great
Mahallaka adj elderly; old
Mahi fearth; the river of that
Bhufijanta prp. eating name
Ma ind (do) not
Bhunjitabba ptp. that should
be eaten Matu fmother
Bhunjitum in to eat Marapeti v causes to kill
Bhunjiyati v is eaten Marita pp. killed
Bhutta pp. eaten
Martyati v kills
Mareti v kills
Bhupati m king
Bhupala m king Maresi v killed
Bhimi / earth; ground Mala fgarland
Bhogi m serpent Mali m possessor of a garland
Masa m month
Bhojapeti v feeds
Miga m deer; beast
Bhottum Jn to eat
Migt fshe-deer
M Minati v measures
Mitta m friend
Magga m path Mutthi mm fist; hammer
Majjhima adj medium; central Mudu adj soft
Majica m bed Muni m monk
Manjiisa fbox Mila 7 root; money
Mani m gem
Mata pp. dead Y
Mati fwisdom
Ya 3, which (relative)
Mattannt adj temperate; one
Yattihi m.f£ stick; walking
who knows the measure
Madhu z honey
Yattha ad where; (relative)
Manussa m man; human being
Yada ad whenever
Mayam = we
Yasavantu adj famous
Mayham = to me; my
Yagu frice; gruel
Mayira m peacock
Yacaka m beggar
Marana a death
Yacati v begs
Marati v dies
Yacanta prp. begging
Yaci v begged Laddhum in to get
Yava ind as far as Labhati v gets; receives
Yava ... tava ind until Labhitum Zn to get
Yuvati /maiden Likhati v writes
Yojeti v harnesses; joins; Lekhaka m clerk
composes Loka m world
Locana 7 eye
Rakkhati v protects
Rakkhatu vlet him protect
Rakkhitabba pip. that should
be observed or protected Vanita pp. wounded
Rakkhiyati v is protected Vanitamakasi v wounded
Rajja 2 kingdom Vaddhaki m carpenter
Rajju frope Vattabba pt.p. that should be
Ratta adj red told
Ratti fnight Vattu m sayer
Ratha m chariot Vattha 2 cloth
Ravi msun Vatthu 7 base; site; ground
Ravitva abs having crowed Vadannti adj charitable
Rassa adj short Vadati v says
Rasi m heap Vadana n face; mouth
Rukkha m tree Vana n forest
Ripa a form; image Vanita /woman
Rodati v cries Vandati v bows down;
Rodanta prp. crying worships
Vandita p.p. worshipped
L Vanditabba pip. that should
be worshipped
Lakkha 7 hundred thousand Vandiyati vis worshipped
Lanka f(island of) Ceylon Vapu 7 body
Lata fcreeper Varaha m pig
Laddha pp. got Vasati v dwells
Laddha abs having got Vasanta prp. living
Vasu 2 wealth Vutta pp. said
Vasudha fearth Vuttha pp. dwelt; lived
Vassa m.n. year; rain Vuddhi f increases; progress
Vassati v rains Ve ind certainly
Valava fmare Vejja m doctor; physician
Va ind or; either — or Venu m bamboo
Vaca fword Velu m bamboo
Vanija m merchant Vyadhi m sickness
Vanara m monkey
Vapi ftank
Vari 2 water S
Valuka fsand
Vikkinanta prp. selling Sakim ad once
Vikkinati v sells Sakuna m bird
Vikkini v sold Sakuni fshe-bird
Vikkiniyati vis sold Sakkoti vis able
Vijju flightning Sakkhara sugar; gravel
Vininatu m knower Sakhi fwoman-friend
Vinitu m wise man Sagga m heaven
Vitthata pp. broad; wide Sangha m community
Vidi m wise man Sace ind if
Vidhaya abs having done or Satthi fsixty
commanded Sata 7 hundred
Vina ind except; without Satakoti fthousand million
Vinetu m instructor Satama adj hundredth
Visikha fstreet Satalakkha 7 ten million
Visum ind severally; Satasahassa 2 hundred
separately thousand
Viharanta prp. residing; living Sati fmemory
Vihara m monastery Satimantu adj mindful
Visati ftwenty Satta 3, seven
Visatima adj twentieth Sattadasa 3, seventeen
Vihi m paddy Sattati fseventy
Vutthi frain Sattatimsati /thirty-seven
Sattama adj seventh
Sattamt fLocative Sakha fbranch
Sattarasa 3, seventeen Sadhukam ad well
Sattavisati /twenty-seven Sami m master; lord
Sattasiti feighty-seven Sayam ind in the eveing
Sattu m enemy Sarathi m charioteer
Sattha m science; m caravan Sala fhall
Satthi 272.2. thigh Savatthi fcity of that name
Satthu m teacher; adviser Sikkhapada 2 precept
Sada ind ever; always Sikhi m peacock
Saddhim ind with Sindhu m sea
Sanikam ad slowly Sila fstone
Santi v are Sissa m student
Santi fpeace; relief Sigham ad quickly
Santika adj near Sila 7 virtue; precept
Sannipatati v assembles Silavantu adj observant of
Sappi 7 ghee precepts; virtuous
Sabba adj all; every Siha m lion
Sabbattha ad everywhere Sthi flioness
Sabbafifii m the Ommiscient Sukha 2 comfort
One Sukham ad comfortably
Sabbada ad ever; always Sukhi m receiver of comfort;
Sabha fcommittee; society happy
Samam ad equally; evenly Sunati v hears
Sayati v sleeps Suta pp. heard
Sayanta prp. sleeping Sutta pp. slept
Sayita pp. slept Sutva abs having heard
Sayi vslept Sunakha m dog
Sayitva abs having slept Sura fliquor; intoxicant
Sasi m moon Suriya m sun
Sassu f mother-in-law Suriipa adj handsome;
Saha ind with beautiful
Sahasa ad suddenly Suvanna 7 gold
Sahassa 7 thousand Suve ind tomorrow
Sa = she Susana 7 cemetery

Susu m young one Hoti vis; becomes
Setthi m millionaire Hotu vlet it be
Seta adj white
Setu m bridge
Sena farmy; multitude
So = he. (Stem : ta)
Sota 7 ear; stream
Sotabba pt.p. that should be
Sotu m hearer
Sopana a stair
Solasa 3 sixteen

Hata pp. carried
Hata pp. killed
Hattha m hand
Hatthini fshe-elephant
Hatthi m elephant
Hadaya 7 heart
Harati v carries
Harantya pt.p. that should be
Haranta prp. carrying
Harapeti v causes to carry
Hari v carried
Harita pp. carried
Haritum i to carry
Hariyati vis carried
Hasati v laughs
Hasanta prp. laughing
Himavantu m the Himalayas
Hiyo ind yesterday


Bathing nahayanta. pr.p.
Beast pasu; miga. m.
Across tiriyam. ad
Beaten pahata. p.p.
Adorns alankaroti. v.
Beats paharati. v.
Adviser satthu. m.
Beautiful dassaniya; surtipa.
Afterwards paccha. ad.
Again puna. ind.
Becomes hoti; bhavati. v.
Age ayu. n.
Becomes a monk pabbajati. v.
All sabba. adj.
Bed maijica. m. sayana. n.
Alms dana. n.
Been bhita. p.p.
Always sada; sabbada. ad.
Before pura; purato. ind.
And ca; api. ind.
Begging yacanta. pr.p.
Anger kodha. m.
Begs yacati. v.
Another afifia; apara. adj.
Begins arabhati. v.
Arm bahu. m.
Began arabhi. v.
Army sena. f.
Belly kucchi. m.f.
Ascended 4ruhi. v.
Benares (city) Baranasi. f.
Ascends aruhati. v.
Between antara. ind.
Aside ekamantam. ad.
Big mahanta. adj.
Assembles sannipatati. v.
Bird sakuna; pakkhi. m.
Ate khadi. v.
Bitten dattha. p.p.
Axe pharasu. m.
Black kala. adj.
Blue nila adj.
B Boat doni. f.
Body vapu. n., kaya. m.
Balance tula. f.
Boiled rice odana. m.n.,
Bamboo venu; velu. m.
bhatta. n.
Bank (of a river) kula. n.
Bone atthi. n.
Banner ketu. m.
Bo-tree bodhi. m.f.
Base vatthu. n., bhumi. f.
Bow dhanu. n.
Bathed nahata. p.p.

Box manijiisa. f. Causes to go gacchapeti. v.
Boy daraka; kumara. m. Causes to kill marapeti. v.
Brahman woman brahmani. f. Causes to sit nisidapeti. v.
Branch sakha. f. Causes to take ganhapeti. v.
Breaks bhafjati. V. Cemetery susana. n.
Bridge setu. m. Certainly addha; ve; ekantam.
Bringing aharanta. pr.p. ind.
Broad vitthata. p.p. Ceylon Lanka. f.
Broken bhinna. p.p. Charitable vadafii. adj.
Brother bhatu. m. Charioteer sarathi. m.
Brought ahata. p.p. Charity dana. n.
Brought ahari; anesi. v. City nagara; pura. n.
Buddha Bhagavantu; Clerk lekhaka. m.
Buddha. m. Climbed aruhi. v.
Buying kinanta. pr.p. Climbs aruhati. v.
Buys kinati. v. Coarse khara. adj.
Coconut nalikera. m.
Collects ocinati. v.
C Colombo (city of)
Kolambanagara. n.
Carpenter vaddhaki. m. Come agata. p.p.
Carried hari; nesi. v. Comes agacchati.
Carried hata; harita; nita. p.p. Comfort sukha. n.
Carries harati; neti. v Comfortably sukam. ad.
Carring haranta. pr.p. Community sangha. m.
Cash mila. n. Constantly abhinham. ad.
Caste kula. n. Cook stida. m.
Cave guha. f. Cooked pakka; pacita. p.p.
Causes to bathe nahapeti. v. Cooked apaci; paci. v.
Causes to bring dharapeti. v. Cooking pacanta. pr.p.
Causes to carry harapeti. v. Cooking paka. (gerund). m.
Causes to cook pacapeti; Cooks pacati. v.
paceti; pacayati. v. Corn dhafifia. n.
Causes to cut chindapeti. v. Corn measure nali. f.
Causes to do karapeti. v.
Cow gavi. f. Direction disa. f.
Cow (of any kind) dhenu. f. Doctor vejja. m.
Creeper lata. f. Doctrine dhamma. m.
Cries rodati. v. Doer kattu. m.
Crossed tinna. p.p. Does karoti. v.
Crow kaka. m. Dog sunakha. m.
Crying rodanta. pr.p. Done kata. p.p.
Curd dadhi. n. Doing karonta. pr.p.
Cut chinna. p.p. (Do) not ma. ind.
Cutter chettu. m. Drags akaddhati. v.
Cutting chindanta. pr.p. Drinking pivamana. pr.p.
Cuts chindati. v. Dropped patesi. v.
Drum dundubhi. f.
Dust dhili. f.
D Dwarf rassa. adj.
Dwells vasati. v.
Dwelt vuttha. p.p.
Daughter dhitu. g.
Day divasa. m.
Day after tomorrow parasuve.
Day before yesterday Ear sota n.
parahiyo. ind. Earth vasudha; bhiimi; mahi. f.
Day time diva. ind. Eastern pubba. adj.
Dead mata. p.p. Eaten bhutta; khadita. p.p.
Death marana. n. Eating khadanta;
Decorates alankaroti. v. bhufjanta .pr.p.
Deep gambhira. adj. Eat khadati; bhufjati. v.
Deer miga. m. Eczema daddu. f.
Deity deva. m., devata. f. Egg anda. n.
Descended otinna. p.p. Eight attha. 3.
Descends oruhati; otarati. v. Eighteen attharasa;
Did kari; akari. v. atthadasa. 3
Dies marati; kalam karoti. v. Eighth atthama. adj.
Digs khanati. v.
Eighty asiti. f. Famous yasavantu. adj.
Eighty-eight atthasiti. f. Farmer kassaka. m.
Eighty-four caturasiti. f. Father pitu. m.
Eighty-nine ekiinanavuti. f. Feeble dubbala. adj.
Eighty-one ekasiti. f. Feeds bhojeti; bhojapeti. v.
Eighty-six chasiti. f. Felled patesi. v.
Eighty-three teasiti. f. Fells pateti. v.
Eighty-two dvasiti; dveasiti. f. Few paritta; appaka. adj.
Ejects ntharati. v. Field khetta. n.
Elderly mahallaka. adj. Fifth paficama. adj.
Elephant danti; hattht; kari. m. Fifteen pannarasa;
Eleven ekadasa. th. paficadasa. 3.
Eleventh ekadasama. adj. Fifty pannasa; pafifiasa;
Enemy ari; sattu. m. pannasati. f.
Enlightened One Buddha; Fifty-nine ekinasatthi. f.
Bhagavantu. m. Fifty-one ekapafiiasa. f.
Enraged kuddha. p.p. Finger anguli. f.
Enters pavisati. v. Fire aggi. m.
Entered pavisi. v. Firewood daru. n.
Evening (in the) sayam. ind. First pathama. adj.
Ever sada; sabbada. ad. Five pajfica rh.
Evenly samam. ad. Flame acci. n.
Every sabba. adj. Flies uddeti. v.
Everywhere sabbattha. ind. Flower puppha. n.
Evil-doer papakari. m. Follows anugacchati. v.
Exalted One Bhagavantu. m. Food ahara. m., bhojana. n.
Eye akkhi; nayana; locana; Foolish bala. adj.
cakkhu. n. Foot pada. m.
For a long time ciram. ad.
F Forest vana; araiifia. n.,
atavi. f.
Face vadana; mukha. n. Form ripa. n.
Fame kitti. f. Formerly pura. ind.
Family kula. n. Fortunate pufifiavantu;
bhagavantu. adj.
Forty cattalisati; cattarisati. f. Gone gata. p.p.
Forty-nine ekinapafnasa. f. Gone ashore tinna. p.p.
Forty-one ekacattalisati. f. Got laddha. p.p.
Four catu. 3. Got out nikkhanta. p.p.
Fourteen cuddasa; catuddasa. Grandson nattu. m.
3. Grass tina. n.
Friend mitta. m. Gravel sakkhara. f.
From there tato. ind. Ground bhimi. f., vatthu. n.
From where kuto. ind. Grove of Ispatana
Fruit phala. n. Isipatanarama. m.
Fruitful phalavantu. adj. Gruel yagu. f.

Garland mala. f. Hall sala. f.
Gathers ocinati. v. Hand hattha; pani. m.
Gave dadi; adAsi. v. Handsome dassaniya; surupa.
Gem mani. m. adj.
Ghee sappi. n. Happy sukhi. m.
Girl darika; kafifia; kumari; Having awakened utthapetva.
kumarika. f. abs.
Given dinna. p.p. Having born nibbattitva. abs.
Giver datu; dayaka. m. Having climbed druyha. abs.
Gives deti; dadati. f. Having come 4gamma. abs.
Giving dadanta. pr.p. Having come out nikkhamma.
Goat aja. m. abs.
God deva. m. Having commanded vidhaya.
Goddess devi. f. abs.
Goes gacchati. v. Having cooked pacitva. abs.
Goes away apagacchati. v. Having crossed taritva. abs.
Goes out nikkhamati. v. Having crowed ravitva. abs.
Going gacchanta; Having divided bhajetva. abs.
gacchamana. pr.p. Having done katva; vidhaya.
Gold suvanna. n. abs.
Having donned pilandhitva. Horse assa. m.
abs. House geha. n.
Having drunk pivitva. abs. Householder gahapati. m.
Having eaten bhunjitva; Human being manussa. m.
khaditva. abs. Hunger khuda. f.
Having got laddha; labhitva. Husband pati; bhattu. m.
abs. How katham. ind.
Having left pahaya. abs.
Having moved aside I
apakkamma. abs.
Having raised up paggayha;
ukkhipitva. abs. I aham.
Having risen up utthahitva. Iguana godha. f.
abs Image rupa. n.
Having slept sayitva. abs Increase vuddhi. f.
Having stood thatva. abs Infantry patti. f.
Having taken adaya; ganhitva Instructor vineti; satthu. m.
abs. In that way tatha. ind.
He so. (Stem ta).m. In front purato. ind.
Heap rasi. m. In one place ekattha. ind.
Heard suta. p.p. Intelligent buddhimantu. adj.
Hearer sotu. m. In two ways dvidha. ad.
Hears sunati. v. Intoxicant majja. n., sura. f.
Heart hadaya. n. Is hoti; bhavati. v.
Heaven sagga. m. Is able sakkoti. v.
Hell niraya. m. Is beaten pahariyati. v.
Hen kukkuti. f. Is bought kintyati. v.
Here idha; ettha. ad. Is brought ahariyati. v.
Hermit isi; tapassi. m. Is carried hariyati. v.
Hidden treasure nidhi. m. Is done kariyati. v.
Hides niliyati. v. Is drawn akaddhtyati. v.
High ucca. adj. Is eaten bhufijiyati. v.
Himalayas Himavantu. m. Is given diyati. v.
Honey madhu. n. Is killed mariyati. v.
Island dipa. m.
made kariyati. v.
not natthi. v.
Is ploughed kasiyati. v.
Lamp dipa; padipa. m.
Is preached desiyati. v.
Large mahanta. adj.
Is protected rakkhtyati. v.
Laughing hasanta. pr.p.
Is sold vikkintyati. v.
Laughs hasati. v.
Is taken ganhiyati. v.
Lead tipu. n.
Is tied bandhiyati. v.
Leader netu; adhipati. m.
Is told bhasiyati. v.
Leads neti; nayati. v.
Is worshipped vandiyati. v.
Leaf patta; panna. n.
Is washed dhoviyati. v.
Learns ugganhati; sikkhati. v.
It tam. n.
Leg pada. m.
Itch kacchu. f.
Leopard dipi. m.
Leper kutthi. m.
J Let him conquer jayatu. v.
Jack (fruit) panasa. m. Let him cook pacatu. v.
Let him drink pivatu. v.
K Let
go gacchatu. v.
keep thapetu. v.
Let him protect rakkhatu. v.
Keeps thapeti. v.
Let him say bhasatu. v.
Kept thapesi. v.
Let him put in pakkhipatu. v.
Killed maresi. v.
Let it be bhavatu; hotu. v.
Kills hanati; mareti. v.
Light aloka. m.
Kindled jalesi. v.
Lightning vijju. f.
Kindles jaleti. v.
Lion siha. m.
King bhiipala; bhipati. m.
Lioness sihi. f.
Knee janu; jannu. m.
Liquor sura. f.
Knot ganthi. m.
Little appaka; paritta. adj.
Known fiata. p.p.
Lived vuttha. p.p.
Knower atu. m.
Living vasanta. pr.p.
Knower of the meaning
Long digha. adj.
atthanni. m.
Looks at oloketi; passati. v.
Knows janati. v.

Looking at passanta; olokenta. Mountain giri. m.
pr.p. Mouth mukha; vadana. n.
Lord adhipati; sami. m. Multitude parisa. f.
Lotus paduma. n.
Low nica. adj.
Near santika. adj.
Maiden yuvati; taruni; kumari. Neck giva. f.
E. Night ratti. f.
Man nara; purisa; manussa. m. Nine nava. 3.
Many bahu; bahuka. adj. Nineteen ekiinavisati. f.
Mare valava. f. Ninth navama. adj.
Market apana. m. Ninety navuti. f.
Measures minati. v. Ninety-nine ekinasata. n.
Medium majjhima. adj. Ninety-six channavuti. f.
Memory sati. f. Nose nasa.n., ghana. f.
Merchant vanija. m. Not na. ind.
Merit pufifia. n. Not seeing apassanta. pr.p.
Meritorious pufifiavantu. adj. Now idani. ind.
Milk khira. n.
Million dasalakkha. n.
Millionaire setthi. m.
Mind citta. n.
Mindful satimantu. adj. Observer of precepts silavantu.
Minister manti. m. adj.
Monastery vihara; arama. m. Ocean udadhi; jalanidhi;
Money mila. n. sindhu. m.
Monk bhikkhu; muni. m. Of the high caste kulavantu.
Monkey vanara; kapi. m. adj.
Month masa. m. Offered pijesi. v.
Moon canda; sasi. m. Offering puja. f.
Morning (in the) pato. ind. Offers ptijeti. v.
Mother amma; matu. f. Old mahallaka. adj.
Mother-in-law sassu. f. Omniscient sabbafni. adj.
One eka.1n. Power bala. n.
Once sakim; ekakkhattum. ad. Powerful balavantu; bali. adj.
One day ekada. ad. Preached desita. p.p.
One who has a following gant. Preached desesi. v.
m. Preaches deseti. v.
Oppressed pilesi.v., pilita. p.p. Preaching desana f.
Oppresses pileti. v. Precept sikkhapada. n.
Or va; atha va. ind. Progress vuddhi. f.
Other afifia; apara; para. adj. Protects paleti; rakkhati. v.
Over upari. ad. Pulls akaddhati. v.
Over-lord pabhi. m.
Ox gona. m.
P Queen devi; rajini. f.
Quickly sigham; khippam. ad.
Paddy vihi. m.
Palanquin dola. f.
Path magga. m.
Patience khanti. f.
Rain vutthi. f., deva. m.
Peacock mayira; sikhi. m.
Rains vassati. v.
Physician vejja. m.
Ran dhavi. v.
Pig varaha. m.
Rat akhu. m.
Pit dvata. m., kasu. f.
Reason karana. n.
Place thana. n.
Received laddha. p.p.
Plantain kadali. f.
Reigns rajjam karoti. v.
Poet kavi. m.
Relation bandhu. m.
Pond pokkharani. f.
Remembering anussaranta.
Possessor of eyes
cakkhumantu. adj.
Renounces pabbajati. v.
Possessor of long life
Residing vasanta. pr.p.
dighajivi. m.
Respects pijeti. v.
Possessor of garlands mali. m.
Retinue parisa. f.
Possessor of an umbrella
Rice tandula. n.
chatti. m.
Rice (boiled) odana. m.n., Sells vikkinati. v.
bhatta. n. Sends peseti. v.
Rice gruel yagu. f. Separately visum; nana. ind.
Rich dhanavantu. adj. Serpent ahi; dathi; sappa;
Ripe pakka. p.p. bhogi. m.
Rises up udeti; uddeti. v. Seven satta. m.
River ganga; nadi. f. Seventeen sattarasa; sattadasa.
Rock sela; pasana. m. m.
Root mila. n. Seventh sattama. adj.
Rope rajju. f. Seventy sattati. f.
Rough khara. adj. Seventy-nine ekinasiti. f.
Running dhavanta. pr.p. Seventy-two dvesattati;
Runs dhavati. v. dvisattati. f.
Severally visum. ind.
Shade chaya. f.
S Shadow chaya. f.
Shallow uttana. adj.
Said vutta; kathita. p.p. Shank jangha. f.
Sand pulina. n., valuka. f. Sharer bhagi. m.
Sat nisinna. p.p. She sa. f.
Sat nisidi. v. She-bird sakuni. f.
Sayer vattu. m. She-crow kaki. f.
Says vadati; bhasati; katheti. v. She-deer migi. f.
Scale tula. f. She-elephant hatthini;
School pathasala. f. kaneru. f.
Science sattha. n. Ship nava. f.
Sea sindhu; udadhi. m. Shop apana. m.
Sealing wax jatu. n. Short rassa. adj.
Seat asana. n. Shrine cetiya. n.
Second dutiya. adj. Sickness vyadhi. m.
Seeks gavesati. v. Sin papa. n.
Seeing passanta. pr.p. Sinner papakari. m.
Sees passati. v. Sister bhagini. f.
Selling vikkinanta. pr.p. Sitting nisidanta. pr.p.
Sits nisidati. v. Stole coresi. v.
Six cha. 3. Stone sila. f., pasana. m.
Sixteen solasa. 3. Stood thita. p.p.
Sixteenth solasama. adj. Stood atthasi. v.
Sixth chattha. adj. Street visikha; vithi. f.
Sixty satthi. f. Strength bala. n.
Sixty-nine ekinasattati. f. Strictly dalham. ad.
Sixty-two dvasatthi; Strong balavantu. adj.
dvisatthi. f. Student sissa. m.
Sky akasa. m. Suddenly sahasa. ad.
Slave dasa. m. Sugar sakkhara. f.
Slave woman dasi. f. Sugar-cane ucchu. m.
Sleep nidda. f. Sun suriya; ravi; bhanu;
Sleeping sayanta. pr.p. bhanumantu. m.
Sleeps sayati. v. Sword asi. m.
Slept sutta; sayita. p.p.
Slept sayi. v.
Slowly sanikam. ad.
Small khuddaka. adj.
Takes ganhiati. v.
Society sabha. f.
Tall ucca. adj.
So evam; tatha. ind.
Tank vapi. f.
So far tava. ind.
Teacher garu; satthu; acariya.
Soft mudu. adj.
Sold vikkini. v.
Tear assu. n.
Some eka. (plur.) m.
Temperate mattafiit' adj.
Son putta. m.
Ten dasa. 3.
Soon sigham; khippam. ad.
Ten million koti. f.
Speech katha. f.
Ten thousand dasasahassa. n.
Spoon katacchu. m.
Tenth dasama. adj.
Stair sopana. n.
That ta; eta. adj.
Standing titthanta. pr.p.
The other itara. adj.
Stands titthati. v.
Then tada. ad.
Steals coreti. v.
Thence tato. ind.
Stick yatthi. m.f., danda. m.
There tattha; tatra; tahim. ad.

They te. m. To drink pivitum; patum. in.
Thief cora. m. To eat bhottum; bhufjitum. in.
Thigh satthi. m.n. To gather ocinitum. in.
Thinks cinteti. v. To get laddhum. labhitum. in.
Thine tava; tuyham. Together ekato. ind.
Third tatiya. adj. To give datum. in.
Thirst pipasa. f. To go gantum. in.
Thirteen terasa; telasa. rm Told vutta; kathita. p.p.
Thirteenth terasama. adj. Told kathesi. v.
Thirty-nine ektinacattalisati. f. Tomorrow suve. ad.
Thirty-three tettimsati. f. Tongue jivha. f.
Thirty-two battimsati; Took ganhi.
dvattimsati. f. To prepare patiyadetum. in.
This ima; eta. adj. To smell ghayitum. in.
This person ayam. m.f. To surpass atikkamitum. in.
This thing idam. n. To take ganhitum. in.
Those things tani. n. Travelled acari. v.
Thou tvam. Tree rukkha; taru. m.
Thought cintesi. v. Tries ussahati. v.
Thousand sahassa. n. Trouble dukkha; kasira. n.
Thousand million satakoti. f. Tusker dathi. m.
Tiree i. 3. Twelve dvadasa. tm.
Three hundred tisata. n. Twelfth dvadasama. adj.
Thunderbolt asani. f. Twentieth visatima. adj.
Thus evam. ind. Twenty visati. f.
Tightly dalham. ad. Twenty-eight atthavisati. f.
Till then tava. ind. Twenty-five pajficavisati. f.
To be born nibbattitum. in. Twenty-four catuvisati. f.
To bring aharitum. in. Twenty-nine ekiinatimsati. f.
To carry haritum. in. Twenty-one ekavisati. f.
To collect ocinitum. in. Twenty-six chabbisati. f.
To cook pacitum. in. Twenty-three tevisati. f.
To-day ajja. ind. Twenty-two bavisati;
To do katum. in. dvavisati. f.
Twice dvikkhattum. ad. Weapon ayudha. n.
Two dvi. m. Well sadhukam. ad.
Two hundred dvisati. n. Went agacchi; gacchi; agami;
gami. Vv.
Went back patinivatti. v.
U When kad. ad.
Whenever yada. ad.
Umbrella chatta. n. Where kattha; kuhim? ad.
Unripe ama. adj. Wherever yattha. ad.
Up upari. ind. Which ya. (relative). rh.
Us amhe. Which of the many katama. m.
Which go gamissati;
V gacchissati. v.
White seta. adj.
Who ko? (Stem ka). m.
Victor jetu. m. Whose kassa?
Village gama. m. Why kasma? ind.
Virtue sila. n. Wide vitthata. adj.
Virtuous silavantu; gunavantu. Wife bhariya. f.
adj. Wins jinati. v.
Vulgar nica. adj. Wisdom fiana. n., mati; pana;
buddhi. f.
Wise pajifiavantu; pandita. adj.
W Wise man vidi; vinnit. m.
With saha; saddhim. ind.
Walked acari. v. With difficulty dukkham. ad.
Walking caranta. pr.p. With many relations
Walking stick yatthi. f. bandhumantu. adj.
Walks carati. v. Woman itthi; nari; vanita;
Water jala; udaka ambu; vadhia. f.
vari. n. Woman friend sakhi. f.
Water-lily uppala. n. Word vaca. f.
Water-pot ghata. m. Work kamma; kammanta. n.
We mayam; amhe. World loka. m.
Wealth dhana. n.
Worshipped vandita. p.p.
Wounded vanita. p.p.
Wounded vanitam akasi. v.
Writes likhati. v.
Written likhita. p.p.

Yellow pita. p.p.
Yes ama; evam. ind.
Yesterday hiyo. ad.
You tumhe.
Young taruna; bala; dahara. adj.
Young one susu. m.
Young woman taruni; yuvati. f.
Your tumhakam.

Exercise 1


Manussanam. 13. Deva.
To men / Of men. The deities / O Deities.

Purise. 14. Candam.

Men/ on man. The moon.

Hattham. ey Gamasma.
Hand. From the village.

Padamhi. 16. Gonaya.

On the foot. To the ox.

Kayena. We Sthanam.
By body. To the lions / Of the lions.

Buddhesu. 18. Asso.

In the Buddhas. The horse.

Dhammam. 19. Sakuna.

The Doctrine. O Bird.

Sanghamha. 20. Majficasmin.

From the Sangha In the bed.

Suns / In the sun.

To the tree. / Of the tree.

I. Akasena.
By the sky.

12: Bhipalebhi.
By the kings/From the kings..


1. The dogs. 11. By the king.

Sunakha Bhipalena

2. Of the hand. 12. Odeity.

Hatthassa Deva

3. On the men.
13. To the sun.
Suriyaya / Suriyassa

14. In the sky.

4. From the tree.
Akase / Akasamhi/
Rukkha / Rukkhamha / Rukkhasma Akasasmim

5. In the islands. 15. Through the body.

Dipesu Kayena

6. With the foot. 16. On the bed.

Padena Maijice / Majicamhi / Maficasmim

7. By the hands. 17. Of the moons.

Hatthehi / Hatthebhi Candanam

8. To the lion. 18. In the world.

Sthaya /Sithassa Loke / Lokamhi / Lokasmim

9. Of the oxen. 19. The monkey.

Gonanam Vanaro

10. From the birds. 20. Through the light.

Sakunehi / Sakunebhi Alokena
Exercise 2
Purisassa gono. The body of the ox.
The ox of the man. Gonassa kayo

Manussanam hattha. The bird on the tree.

The hands of the men. Rukkhe sakuno

Akasamhi sakuna. The island of the world.

The birds in the sky Lokamhi dipo

Buddhassa dhammo.
With the feet of the man.
The Doctrine of the
Buddha. Manussassa padehi /
Majicesu manussa.
The men in the beds. By the hand of the
Assanam pada. Vanarassa hatthena
The feet of the horses.
Of the birds in the sky.
Rukkhe sakuno. Akasamhi sakunanam
The bird in the tree. /The
bird on the tree.
In the doctrine of the Buddha.
Buddhassa Dhamme
Pasanamhi gono.
The ox on the stone.
The villages of the king.
Lokasmim manussa. Bhipalassa gama
Men in the world.

The birds from the tree.

10. Bhipalassa dipa.
Rukkhamha sakuna
The Islands of the King.

10. The horse on the path.

It. The body of the ox.
Magge asso
Gonassa kayo

Exercise 3

Nara suriyam passanti.

The men look at the sun.

Gona pasane titthanti.

The oxen stand on the rock.

Manusso game carati.

The man walks in the village.

Sakuno rukkhe nisidati.

The bird sits on the tree.

Buddho dhammam bhasati.

The Buddha preaches the Dhamma.

Aham dipam aharami.

I bring the lamp.

Mayam gone harama.

We take away (carry) the oxen.

Sangho gamam gacchati.

The Community (The Sangha) goes to the village.

Tvam stham passasi.

You see the lion.

10. Bhupala asse aruhanti.

The Kings ascend the horses.

1. Deva akasena gacchanti.

The Deities go through the sky.

12. Assa dipesu dhavanti.
The horses run in the Islands.

13. Tvam padehi carasi.

You walk with the legs.

14. Tumhe hatthehi haratha.

You carry with the hands.

Mayam loke vasama.

We live in the world.

16. Sunakha vanarehi kilanti.

The dogs play with the monkeys.

17. Puriso maifice sayati.

The man sleeps on the bed.

18. Varaha ajehi vasanti.

The pigs live with the goats.

19. Siha sakune hananti.

The lions kill the birds.

20. Sunakha game caranti.

The dogs walk in the village.


The horse stands on the rock.

Asso pasane titthati.

The goats walk in the village.
Aja game caranti.

You see the sun.

Tvam suriyam passasi.

The moon rises in the sky.

Cando akase udeti.

The men sleep in beds.

Manussa maificesu sayanti.

The oxen run from the lion.

Gona sihamha dhavanti.

People live in the world.

Manussa loke vasanti.

Thou bringest a lamp.

Tvam dipam aharasi.

We live in an island.
Mayam dipe vasama .

10. Thou art a king.

Tvam bhipalo bhvasi.

Lf. You see the bird on the tree.

Tvam rukkhe sakunam passasi.

12. The monkey plays with the pig.

Vanaro siikarena saddhim kilati.

13. The king kills a lion.

Bhipalo siham hanati.

14. The deity walks in the sky.
Devo akase carati.

15. Trees are in the island.

Rukkha dipe bhavnti.

16. He carries the lamp.

So dipam harati.

ive We see the body of the man.

Mayam narassa kayam passama.

18. We eat with the hands.

Mayam hatthehi bufijama.

Exercise 4

Puttaé dhammam ugganhanti.

The sons learn the Doctrine.

Siho migam miareti.

The lion kills the deer.

Vanijassa putto gone vikkinati.

The son of the merchant sells the oxen.

Mayam vanijamha mafice kinama.

We buy the beds from the merchant.

Lekhako mittena magge gacchati.

The clerk goes on the road with the friend.

Dasa mittanam sunakhe haranti.

The slaves (carry) take away the dogs to the friend.

Kassako gone kinati.
The farmer buys the oxen.

Kaka akase uddenti.

The crows fly in the sky.

Vanija Buddhassa dhammam sunanti.

The merchants listen to the Doctrine of the Buddha.

10. Cora mayire! corenti.

The robbers steal the peacocks.

11. Aham Buddham pijemi.

I honour the Buddha.

12; Tvam dipam jalehi.

You kindle the lamp.

13; Daso gonam pileti.

The slave oppresses the ox.

14. Tumhe magge kassakam oloketha.

You look at the farmer on the road.

15. Mayam dhammam janama.

We know the Doctrine.


The robber steals an ox.

Coro gonam coreti.

The clerk’s son buys a horse.

Lekhakassa putto assam kinati.

Merchants sell lamps.
Vanija padipe vikkinanti.

He knows the friend’s son.

So mittassa puttam janati.

Boys learn in the village.

Daraka game ugganhanti.

Peacocks are on the road.

Mayiura magge bhavanti.

The slave lights a lamp.

Daso padipam jaleti.

Lions kill deer.

Siha mige hananti.

The king governs the island.

Bhipalo dipam paleti.

10. Birds fly in the sky.

Sakuna akase uddenti.

LL. We see the sons of the merchant.

Mayam vanijassa putte passama.

12. Look at the hands of the man.

Manussassa hatthe olokehi.

You hear the doctrine of the Buddha.

Tvam Bhuddhassa Dhammam sunasi.

They respect (or make offerings to) the community.

Te Sangham pijenti.

1d. The monkey teases (or oppresses) the birds.

Vanaro sakune pileti.
Exercise 5

Muni dhammam bhasati.

The monk (says) preaches the Dhamma.

Gahapatayo vihim minanti.

The householders measure the paddy.

Ahi adhipatino hattam dasati.

The serpent bites the hand of the lord.

Isi panina manim ganhati.

The Sage takes the gem with the hand.

Dipayo girimhi vasanti.

The leopards live in the mountain.

Ari asina patim paharati.

The enemy beats the husband with the sword.

Kavayo dipamhi nidhim khananti.

The poets dig the hidden treasure in the Island.

Tvam atithinam aharam desi.

You give the food to the guests.

Tumhe udadhimhi kilatha.

You play in the ocean.

10. Vyadhayo loke manusse pilenti.

The sicknesses oppress the men in the world.

Tk. Kapi ahino kucchim paharati.
The monkey hits the belly of the serpent.

12; Kavino mutthimhi manayo bhavanti.

There are gems in the fist of the poet.

13. Ravi girimha udeti.

The Sun rises from the mountain.

14. Aham vihinam rasim passami.

I see the heap of paddy.

15. Mayam game ahindama.

We wander in the village.


Leopards kill deer.

Dipi mige marenti.

The sage comes from the mountain.

Muni girimha agacchati.

There is a sword in the enemy’s hand.

Arino hatthe asi bhavati.

There are gems in the householder’s fist.

Gahapatino mutthimhi manayo bhavanti.

We give food to the guest.

Mayam atithim aharam dema.

The farmer’s sons measure a heap of paddy.

Kassakassa putta vihinam rasim minanti.

The serpent gets food from the poet.

Ahi kavimha aharam labhati.

The monks kindle a fire.
Muni aggim jaleti.

The householder gets a gem from the leader.

Gahapati adhipatina manim labhati.

10. The monkeys on the tree strike the leopard.

Rukkamhi kapayo dipim paharanti.

A: The leader strikes the enemy with a sword.

Adhipati asina arim paharati.

12. The sages look at the sun.

Munayo ravim olokenti.

13. We get paddy from the husband.

Mayam patimha vihim labhama.

14. The sickness oppresses the sons of the guest.

Vyadhi atithino puttam pileti.

15. I see the sun upon the sea.

Aham udadhimhi suriyam passami.

Exercise 6

Munayo maficesu nisidimsu.

The monks sat on the beds.

Aham dipamhi acarim.

I walked in the Island.

Cora gahapatino nidhim coresum.

The robbers stole the hidden treasure of the householder.

Mayam bhipatino asim olokayimha.

We saw the sword of the King.

Tvam atithino odanam adado.
You gave the food to the guest.

Adhipati vanijamha manayo kini.

The lord bought the gems from the merchants.

Pati kassakam vihim yaci.

The husband begged paddy from the farmer.

Isayo kavinam dhammam desesum.

The sages preached the Doctrine to the poets.

Kapayo girimha rukkham dhavimsu.

The monkeys ran to the tree from the mountain.

Vanija udadhimhi gacchimsu.

The merchants went on the ocean.

Li. Mayam maggena gamam gacchimha.

We went to the village by the road.
12, Dipi kapim miaresi.
The leopard killed the monkey.

13: Tumhe patino padipe ganhittha.

You took the husband’s lamp.

14. Aham Buddhassa pade pijesim.

I honour the feet of the Buddha.

15. Kavayo kapinam odanam dadimsu.

The poets gave the rice to the monkeys.

16. Arayo asi anesum.

The enemies brought the swords.

Ahi kapino panim dasi.

The serpent bit the hand of the monkey.

Mayam girimha candam passimha.

We saw the moon from the mountain.

19. Tumbe muninam aharam adadittha.
You gave the food to the monks.

20. Bhipati nidhayo palesi.

The King governed the hidden treasures.


The slave struck the enemy with a sword.

Daso asina arim pahari.

We got food from the householder.

Mayam gahapatimha aharam alabhimha.

He carried a monkey to the mountain.

So kapim girim hari.

The merchants went to the village by the road.

Vanija maggena gamam agamimsu.

Birds flew to the sky from the tree.

Sakuna rukkhamha akasam uddemsu.

The thieves stole the gems of the king.

Cora bhipalassa manayo coresum.

I gave food to the sages.

Aham isinam aharam adadim.

The sons of the poet heard the doctrine from the monk.
Kavino putté munimha Dhammam sunimsu.

I saw the leopard on the road.

Aham magge dipim apassim.

10. The lion killed the deer on the rock.

Stho pasane migam miaresi.

Ll; They saw the mountain on the island.

Te dipamhi girim passimsu.

12. The boy went to the sea.
Kumiaro udadhim gacchi.

13. The dogs ran to the village.

Sunakha gamam dhavimsu.

14. The merchant bought a horse from the leader.

Vanijo adhipatimha assam kini.

The guest brought a gem in (his) fist.

Atithi mutthimhi manim 4nesi.

16. The monkey caught the serpent by (its) belly.

Kapi kucchina ahim ganhi.

7. The householder slept on a bed.

Gahapati maiice sayi.

We dwelt in an island.
Mayam dipe vasimha.

19. The boy struck the monkey with (his) hands.

Kumiaro hatthehi kapim pahari.

20. I saw the king’s sword.

Aham bhipatino asim apassim.

Exercise 7

Aham mayham puttassa assam adadim.

I gave the horse to my son.

Tvam amhakam gama agacchasi.

You come from our village.

Mayam tava hatthe passama.

We see your hands.
Mama putta girim aruhimsu.
My sons climbed the mountain.

Tumhakam sunakha magge sayimsu.

Your dogs slept on the road.

Amham mitta coram asina paharimsu.

Our friends hit the robber with the sword.

Tumham dasa arinam asse harimsu.

Your slaves carried the horses to the enemies.

Coro mama puttassa manayo coresi.

The robber stole the gems of my son.

Isayo mayham gehe na vasimsu.

The sages did not live in my house.

10. Kavi tava puttanam dhammam desesi.

The poet preached the Doctrine to your sons.

Amhesu kodho natthi.

There is no anger in us.

Tumhe vanijassa mayire kinittha.

You bought the peacocks of the merchants.

13: Mayam bhipatino mige vikkinimha.

We sold the deer of the King.

14. Gahapatino putto mam pahari.

The son of the householder hit me.

15. Adhipatino dasa mama gone paharimsu.

The slaves of the lord hit my oxen.

Aham tumhakam vihi na ganhim.

I did not take your paddy.

ile Dipi gamamha na dhavi.
The leopards did not run from the village.

18 Tumhe ahayo na maretha.

(You) Do not kill the serpents.

19, Mayam atithinam odanam pacimha.

We cooked the rice for the guests.

20. Kapayo mam aharam yacimsu.

The monkeys beg me (for) food.


I sold my gems to a merchant.

Aham vanijaya mama manim vikkinim.

We gave our oxen to the slaves.

Mayam amhakam gone dasanam adadimha.

You bought a sword from me.

Tvam maya asim kino.

(You) don’t beat monkeys with your hands.

Tavam tumhehi hatthena kapim na paharasi.

The leader brought a lion from the mountain.

Adhipati girimha siham 4nesi.

The monk preached the doctrine to you.

Muni tuyham Dhammam desesi.

We gave food to the serpents.

Mayam ahinam aharam adadimha.

The slaves of the householder carried our paddy.

Gahapatino dasa amham vihim harimsu.

You did not go to the sea.
Tvam udadhim na agamo.

10. There are no gems in my fist.

Mayham mutthimhi manyo natthi.

The poet’s son struck the dog with a stick.

Kavino putto yatthina sunakham pahari.

12. Our sons learnt from the sage.

Ambhakam putta isimha ugganhimsu.

13. Your monkey fell down from a tree.

Tuyham kapi rukkhamha pati.

14. My dog went with me to the house.

Mayham sunakho maya saddhim geham agacchi.

15. A serpent bit my son’s hand.

Ahi mayham puttassa hattham dasi.

16. The leopard killed a bull on the road.

Dipi magge gonam maresi.

iWe My friends looked at the lions.

Mayham mitta sihe olokayimsu.

18. We did not see the king’s sword.

Mayam bhipatino asim na passimha.

19. I did not go to the deer.

Aham migam na gacchim.

20. Thou buyest a peacock from the poet.

Tvam kavina maytram kinasi.

Exercise 8

Manti hatthinam aruhissati.

The minister will climb the elephant.

Mayam setthino geham gamissama.

We will go to the house of the millionaire.

Tvam samino puttassa kapim dadissasi.

You will give the monkey to the son of the lord.

Ganino sukhino bhavissanti.

Those who have the followers will be happy.

Amhakarh samino dighajivino na bhavanti.

Our lords are not the possessors of long life.

Papakari yatthina bhogim maresi.

The evil doer killed the serpent with the stick.

Mama putta setthino game vasissanti.

My sons will live in the village of the millionaire.

Kutthi sarathino padam yatthina pahari.

The leper hit the foot of the charioteer with the stick.

Sikhi chattimha bhayissati.

Peacock will fear (will be afraid of) the possessor of an

10. Sarathi asse gamamha harissati.

The charioteer will carry the horses from the village.

Tumhe malihi sasinam olokessatha.

You will look at the moon with those who have the garlands.

iz, Bali dathino kayam chindissati.

The powerful man will cut the body of the tusker.
13. Amhakam mantino balino abhavimsu.
Our ministers were powerful men.

Setthino malino passissanti.

The millionaires will see those who have garlands.

Mayam gehe odanam bhufijissama.

We eat the rice in the house.


Our lord went to the minister.
Amhakam sami mantim agamasi.

The millionaire will be the possessor of a long life.

Setthi dighajivi bahavissati.

Evil-doers will not become receivers of comfort.

Papakari sukhino na bhavissanti.

The tusker will strike the leper.

Dathi kutthim paharissati.

The minister will get a peacock from the lord.

Manti samimha sikhim labhissati.

The charioteer will buy horses for the minister.

Sarathi mantino asse kinissati.

My peacocks will live on the mountain.

Mayham sikhino girimhi vasissanti.

The serpents will bite the powerful.

Ahayo balim dasissati.

The lord’s sons will see the lions of the millionaire.

Samino putta setthino sthe passissanti.

We will buy a deer from the guest.

Mayam atithimha migam kinissami.

A. The elephant killed a man with (its) feet.
Hatthi padehi naram maresi.

12. You will not be a millionaire.

Tvam setthi na bhavissasi.

13, The king’s sons will eat with the ministers.

Bhipatino putta mantihi saddhim bhufijissanti.

14. The monkeys will not fall from the tree.

Kapayo rukkhamha na patissanti.

ey I will not carry the elephant of the charioteer.

Aham sarathino hatthim na harissami.

Exercise 9

Bandhavo susthi saddhim amhakam geham agamissanti.

The relatives will come to our house with the young ones.

Sattu pharasuna tava taravo chindissati.

The enemy will cut your trees with an axe.

Garu mayham susinam ucchavo adadi.

The teacher gave sugar canes to my young ones.

Bhikkhavo nattaranam dhammam desessanti.

The monks will preach the Doctrine to the grandsons.

Tvam bandhuna saha sindhum gamissasi.

You will go to the sea with the relative.

Assa ca gona ca game ahindissanti.

The horses and oxen will wander in the village.

Tumhe pasavo va pakkhi va na maressatha.

You do not kill the beasts or the birds.

Mayam netarehi saha sattharam piijessama.
We will respect the teacher with the leaders.

Bhata veluna pakkhim maresi.

The brother killed the bird with the bamboo.

Amhakam pitaro sattiinam ketavo aharimsu.

Our fathers brought the flags of the enemies.

Li. Jeta dataram bahuna pahari.

The winner hit the giver with the hand.

12. Sattha amhakam neta bhavissati.

The teacher will be our leader.

13. Mayam pitara saddhim velavo aharissama.

We will bring the bamboos with the father.

Ahino akhavo bhufijanti.

The serpents eat rats.

15, Mama sattavo setumhi nisidimsu.

My enemies sat on the bridge.

16. Amham bhataro ca pitaro ca sindhum gacchimsu.

Our brothers and fathers went to the sea.

iW Aham mama bhatara saha sikhino vikkinissami.

I will sell peacocks with my brother.

18. Susavo katacchuna odanam aharimsu.

The young ones brought rice with the spoon.

Gamam ganta tariisu ketavo passissati.

The goer to the village will see the flags on the trees.

20. Setum kattaé gamamha velavo ahari.

The builder of the bridge brought the bamboos from the


1. I shall cut bamboos with my axe.

Aham mayham pharasuna velavo chindissami.

2. The teachers will look at the winner.

Garavo jetaram olokessanti.

3. They carried sugar-canes for the elephants.

Te hatthinam ucchavo harimsu.

4. Hearers will come to the monks.

Sotaro bhikkhi agamissanti.

5. Leopards and lions do not live in villages.

Dipayo ca stha ca game na vasanti.

6. I went to see the adviser with my brother.

Aham mayham bhatara saddhim sattharam dassanaya agacchim.

7. Our fathers and brothers were merchants.

Amhakam pitaro ca bhataro ca vanija ahesum (bhavimsu).

8. My brother’s son killed a bird with a stick.

Mayham bhatuno putto yatthina sakunam maresi.

9. Our relations will buy peacocks and birds.

Amhakam fiatayo sikhino ca pakkhino ca kinissanti.

10. Monkeys and deer live on the mountain.

Kapayo ca migo ca pabbate vasanti.

11. He struck my grandson’s arm.

So mayham nattuno bahum pahari.

12. Enemies will carry (away) our leader’s banner.

Sattavo amhakam netuno ketum harissanti.

13. Builders of the bridges! bought bamboos from the lord.

Setum kattaro simimha veli kinimsu.

14. Rats will fear from the serpents.
Akhavo ahihi bhayissanti.

15. I gave rice to my relation.

Aham mama bandhuno odanam adadim.

16. The giver brought (some) rice with a spoon.

Data katacchuna odanam ahari.

17. My father’s beasts were on the rock.

Mayham pituno pasavo pasane abhavimsu.

18. Our brothers and grandsons will not buy elephants.

Ambhakam bhataro ca nattaro ca karino na kinissanti.

19. The teacher’s son will buy a horse or an ox.

Garuno putto assam va gonam va kinissati.

20. My brother or his son will bring a monkey for the young ones.
Mayham bhata va tassa putto va balakanam kapim 4Anessati.

Exercise 10

ie Bhagava ajja sotaranam dhammam desessati.

Today the Buddha will preach the Doctrine to the listeners.

Qe Bhikkhavo bhagavantam vandimsu.

The monks worshipped the Buddha.

3. Cakkhumanto sada bhanumantam passanti.

The possessors of eyes will see the sun always.

4. Tada balavanto velihi ari paharimsu.

Then the powerful men hit the enemies with the bamboos.

2: Kada tumhe dhanavantam passissatha?

When will you see the rich one?

Suve mayam silavante vandissama.
Tomorrow we will worship the virtuous.

Bhagavanto sabbafifiuno bhavanti.

The Exalted ones are omniscient.

Viduno kulavato geham gacchimsu.

The wise men went to the house of the man of high caste

Himavati kapayo ca pakkhino ca isayo ca vasimsu.

Monkeys, the birds and the sages lived on the Himalayas.

10. Pufifiavato nattaé buddhima bhavi

The grandson of the meritorious man was wise.

ML. Kulavatam bhataro dhanavanto na bhavimsu.

The brothers of the high caste person were not rich.

12. Aham Himavantamhi phalavante rukkhe passim.

I saw the fruitful trees in the Himalayas.

13: Pura mayam Himavantam gacchimha.

In the past we went to the Himalayas.

14. Hiyo sayam bandhumanto yasavatam gamam gacchimsu.

Yesterday evening, the possessors of relatives went to the
village of the famous man.

iS. Vififiuno paccha pabhuno gehe vasissanti.

Afterwards the wise men will live in the house of the over-lord.


Sons of the wealthy are not always wise.

Dhanavato putta sada pafifiavanto na bhavanti.

One who has relations does not fear enemies.

Bandhava sattthi na bhayati.

The brothers of the virtuous will bow down to the Exalted One.
Silavato bhataro Buddham namassanti.

Your grandsons are not intelligent.

Tuyham nattaro buddhimanto na bhavanti.

Tomorrow the wise men will preach to the men of high caste.
Suve pafifiavanto kulavantanam desissanti.

Today the rich will go to a mountain in the Himalayas.

Ajja dhanava himavante girim gamissati.

There are fruitful trees, lions and leopards in the garden of _the rich
Dhanavantassa uyyane phalavanto rukkha ca siha ca dipayo
ca bhavanti.

When will the famous men come to our village?

Kada yasavanto manussa amhakam gamam agamissanti?

The sons of the powerful will always be famous.

Balavato putta sada yasavanto bhavisanti.

10. Once, the wise man’s brother struck the virtuous man.
Ekada buddhimato bhata silavam pahari.

LA, Formerly I lived in the house of the over-lord.

Pura aham pabhuno gehe avasim.

12. Yesterday there were elephants and horses in the garden.

Hiyo hatthino ca assa ca uyyane bhavimsu.

13. Now the man of high caste will buy a lion and a deer.
Idani kulava stham ca migam ca kinissati.

Our fathers were mindful.

Amhakam pitaro satimanto abhavimsu.

1S: Once we saw the sun from the rich man’s garden.
Ekada mayam dhanavato uyyanamha suriyam apassimha.

Exercise 11

Vanitayo navahi gaigayam gacchantu.

Let the women go (sail) in the river in a ship.

Tvam salayam kafifianam odanam pacahi.

You cook the rice for the women in the hall.

Sace tumhe nahayissatha, aham pi nahayissami.

If you will bathe, I also will bathe.

Yadi so sabhayam katheyya, aham pi katheyyami.

If he would speak at the meeting, I also would speak.

Lankaya bhipatino senayo jayantu.

May the armies of the King of Lanka win.

Devata vasudhayam manusse rakkhantu.

May the deities protect the men on earth.

Sace te valukam ahareyyum aham (tam) kinissami.

If they would bring the sand, I will buy it.

Tumhe darikaya hatthe malam thapetha.

You may keep the garland on the hand of the girl.

Salaya chaya vasudhaya patati.

The shadow of the hall falls on earth.

10. Cora mafijiisayo guham harimsu.

The robbers carried caskets to the cave.

ils Kafifiayo godham sakkharahi paharimsu.

The girls beat the iguana with gravels.

12. Hatthi sondaya taruno sakham chindi.

The elephant broke the branch of the tree with the trunk.

13. Sace mayam guhayam sayeyyama pasavo no haneyyum.
If we would sleep in the cave, the beasts would kill us.

14. Tumhe mittehi saha suram ma pivatha.

You do not drink liquor with the friends.

15. Mayam parisaya saddhim odanam bhufijissama.

We will eat rice with the retinue.

Bhanumato pabha sindhumhi bhavatu.

Let the light of the sun be over the sea.

17. Darika kafifiaya nasayam sakkharam pakkhipi.

The girl put gravel in the nose of the maiden.

18. Tumhe parisahi saddhim mama katham sunatha.

You listen to my speech with the retinue.

19. Amhakam amma dolaya gamam agacchi.

Our mother went to the village by the palanquin.

20. Sace tvam valavam kineyyasi, aham assam kinissami.

If you would sell the mare, I will buy the horse.


The robber carried the box to the cave.

Coro mafijisam guham hari.

Go to your village with your mothers.

Tumhakam Matithi saddhim Tumhakam gamam gacchatha.

Let the women go along the river in a ship.

Vanitayo navaya gangayam gacchantu.

If he buys a deer, I will sell my mare.

So migam kineyya aham mayham valavam vikkinissami.

We heard the speech of the girl at the meeting.
Mayam kumariya katham sabhayam sunimha.

We utter words with our tongues.

Mayam jivhahi vacayo bhanama.

Do not strike the iguana with pebbles.

Godham sakkharehi ma pahara.

May my following be victorious in the island of Lanka.

Mayham anugamika lankayam vijitavi bhavantu.

May our offerings be to the wise.

Amhakam pijayo buddhimantanam bhavantu.

10. Adorn the maiden’s neck with a garland.

Kumarikaya givam malaya alankarohi.

i. The shadow of the creeper falls on the earth.

Lataya chaya bhiimiyam patati.

2. The woman brought a scale from the hall.

Vanita salaya tulam Anesi.

13. Do not drink liquor with girls and boys.

Kafifiahi ca balakehi ca saddhim suram ma pivatha.

14. If you will cook rice I will give food to the woman.
Sace tvam odanam paceyyasi aham vanitaya aharam

1d: May the deities protect our sons and grandsons.

Devatayo amhakam putte ca nattaro ca rakkhantu.

The girls brought sand from the street.

Kajfifiayo visikhaya valukam anesum.

17, My following cut the branches of the tree.

Mayham anugamika rukkhassa sakhayo chindimsu.

18. Let the elephant bring a stone to the street.
Dathi visikhaya pasanam anetu.

19. The beasts will kill him if he will sit in the cave.
Sace so guhayam nisidissati pasavo tam maressanti.

20. There are gems in the maiden’s box.

Kumarikaya maiijiisayam manayo bhavanti.

Exercise 12

Brahmani kumariya saddhim nadiyam nahatva geham agami.

The Brahmana woman having bathed in the river with the
damsel went home.

Nariyo odanam pacitva bhufijitva kukkutinam pi adamsu.

The women having cooked rice and eaten, gave (it) to the
hens too.

Kumariyo sakhihi saha vapim gantva nahayissanti.

Damsels having gone to the tank with woman- friends will

Rajini dipa nikkhamma navaya gamissati.

The queen having gone from of the island will go (sail) by a

Vanari itthiyo passitva tarum aruyha nisidi.

The she-monkey having seen the women, climbed the tree
and sat (on it).

Taruni hatthehi sakham adaya akaddhi.

The young woman having taken the Branch by the hands
pulled (it).

Tumhe vapim taritva atavim pavisatha.

You having crossed over the tank, enter the forest.

Dipayo atavisu thatva migi maretva khadanti.
The leopards having being (stood) in the forests killed the
female deer and eat (them).

Yuvatinam pitaro ataviya 4gamma bhufijitva sayimsu.

The fathers of the young women having come from the forest
and having eaten slept.

Hatthini pokkharanim oruyha nahatva kadaliyo khadi.

The she-elephant having descended to the pond and having
bathed ate bananas.

ie Sihi migim maretva sustinam dadissati.

The lioness having killed a female deer will give to young ones.

iz, Gaviyo bhimiyam sayitva utthahitva atavim pavisimsu.

The cows having slept on the ground and having risen, entered
the forest.

13. Mama matulani puttassa dundubhim anessati.

My aunt will bring a drum for the son.

Sakuni mahiyam ahinditva aharam labhati.

The she- bird having wandered on the ground gets food.

15. Kaki taruno sakhasu nisiditva ravitva akasam uddessanti.

She-crows having sat on the branches of the tree and having
crowed will fly to the sky.


Having killed a deer in the forest the lioness ate it.

Sihi vane migam hantva tam khadi.

Having gone to the village the brahman woman bought a hen yesterday.
Brahmani gamam gantva hiyo kukkutim kini.

The damsels went to the tank, and having bathed and played
there, came home.
Kafifiayo vapim gantva tasmim nahatva, kilitva ca geham

The she-monkey, having climbed the tree, sat on a branch.

Makkati rukkham aruhitva sakhayam nisidi.

The brothers of the girl, having played and bathed, ate rice.
Kumiarikaya bhataro kilitva ca nahatva ca odanam bhufijimsu.

Sisters of the boys, having bought garlands, adorned the neck

of the queen.
Balakanam bhaginiyo malayo kinitva deviya givam

Having crossed the river, the she-elephant ate plantain (trees)

in the garden of a woman.
Hatthini gangam taritva vanitaya uyyane kadaliyo (taravo)

Having brought a boat, our sisters will cross the tank and
enter the forest.
Amhakam bhaginiyo donim anetva vapim taritva vanam

Having cooked rice for the father, the maiden went to the
pond with her (female) friends.
Kumarika pituno odanam pacitva sakhiya saha pokkharanim

10. Having come from the wood, the damsel’s father fell on the ground.
Ataviya agamma karffaya pita bhimiyam pati.

11. The cows and oxen of the millionaire, having drunk from the tank,
entered the forest.

12. Having bought a drum, the woman’s sister gave (it) to her friend.
Vanitaya bhagini dundubhim kinitva tassa mittassa adasi.

13. Having gone to the forest along the river, our brothers killed a
Anugangam vanam gantva amhakam bhataro sthim maresum.

14. The queen, having come to the king’s tank, bathed there with
her retinue and walked in the garden.
Devi bhipatino vapim agamma tattha nahatva parisaya
saddim uyyane acari.

15. The she-crow, having sat on the branch slept there after
Kaki sakhayam nisiditva paccha ravitva tattha sayi.

Exercise 13

Dasiya mata dhenum rajjuya bandhitva 4nesi.

The mother of the female slave having tied the cow with the
rope brought (it).

Mayham matulani yagum pacitva dhitaranam

My aunt having cooked the rice gruel will give to daughters.

Kaneruyo ataviyam ahinditva tattha kastisu patimsu.

She-elephants having wandered in the forest fell into the pits

Dhanavatiya sassu idha 4gamma bhikkhi vandissati.

The mother-in-law of the rich woman having come here will
worship the monks.

Rajiniya dhitaro 4ramam gantva sattharam malahi pijesum.

The daughters of the queen having gone to the monastery
offered the teacher with garlands.

Kafifianam pitaro dhitaranam vuddhim icchanti.

The fathers of the girls wish the progress of the daughters.

Kuto tvam dhenuyo kinissasi?
Where will you buy the cows from?

Kattha tava bhaginiyo nahayitva pacitva bhufijimsu?

Where did your sisters eat having bathed and cooked?

Te gehassa ca rukkhassa ca antara kilimsu.

They played between the house and the tree.

Nariya duhitaro gehassa anto maficesu sayissanti.

The daughters of the woman will sleep on the beds inside
the house.

Dhituya janghayam daddu atthi.

There is an eczema on the shank of the daughter.

Yuvati mala pilandhitva sassuya geham gamissati.

The maiden having donned the garland will go to the house
of the mother in-law.

Amhakam mataranam gaviyo sabbattha caritva bhufijitva

sayam ekattha sannipatanti.
Our mothers’ cows having wandered everywhere and having
eaten, gather together in the evening.

Dhanavatiya nattaro magge tiriyam dhavitva atavim pavisitva

The grandsons of the rich woman having run across the
road entered the forest and hid (themselves).

15: Asani rukkhassa upari patitva sakha chinditva tarum maresi.

The thunderbolt having fallen on the tree, broke the branch
and killed the tree.


1. The girl’s mother gave a garland to the damsel.

Kumarikaya mata taruniya malam adasi.

Having tied the cows with ropes the woman dragged (them) to the forest.
Dhenuyo rajjihi bandhitva vanita (tayo) vanam akaddhesi.

. Having wandered everywhere in the island, the damsel’s sister came home
and ate (some) food.
Dipe sabbattha ahinditva taruniya bhagini geham agantva (thokam)
aharam bhufiji.

. Where does your mother’s sister live?

Kattha tuyham matuya bhagini jivati?

My sister’s daughters live in one place.

Mayham bhaginiya dhitaro ekasmim thane jivanti.

When will they come to the river?

Kada te nadim agamissanti?

The queen’s mother-in-law came here yesterday and went back to-day.
Deviya sassu hiyo idha agantva ajja paccagami.

Having bathed in the tank, the daughters of the rich woman walked across
the garden.
Dhanavantiya dhitaro vapiyam nahatva uyyane tiriyam ahindimsu.

Our aunts will cook? rice-gruel and drink it with women friends.
Amhakam matulaniyo yagum pacitva sakhihi saddhim tam pivissanti.

10. The cows of the mother-in-law walk between the rock and the trees.
Sassuya dhenuyo pasanassa ca rukkhanam ca antare vicaranti.

Ls When will your mothers and daughters go to the garden and hear the words
of the Buddha?
Kada tuyham mataro ca dhitaro ca uyyanam gantva Buddhassa vacanam

12. From where did you bring the elephant?

Kuto tvam hatthim anesi?

13. Sons of the queen went along the river to a forest and there fell in a pit.
Rajiniya putta anunadim vanam gantva tattha avate patimsu.

14. There is itch on the hand of the sister.
Bhaginiya hatthe kacchu atthi.

aS. The thunder-bolt fell on a rock and broke it into two.

Asani pasanssa upari patitva tam dvidha bhijji.

Exercise 14

Dhanavanto bhataranam dhanam datum na icchanti.

Rich people do not wish to give wealth to the brothers.

Danam datva silam rakkhitva sagge nibbattitum sakkonti.

Having given alms and having observed the virtues (people) are able to
be born in heaven.

Kumari alatam anetva bhattam pacitum aggim jalessati.

The girl having brought the firebrand to cook rice will kindle the fire.

Nariyo nagara nikkhamma udakam patum vapiya kilam

The women having gone out of the city went to the bank of the tank
to drink water.

Nattaro arafifia phalani aharitva khaditum arabhimsu.

Grandsons having brought the fruits from the forest began to eat.

Silava isi dhammam desetum pithe nisidi.

The virtuous sage sat on the chair to preach the Dhamma.

Coro ayudhena paharitva mama pituno angulim chindi.

Having attacked with the weapon the thief cut the finger of my father.

Yuvatiyo padumani ocinitum nadim gantva kile nisidimsu.

Young women having gone to the river to collect the lotuses sat on the

Mayam chattani adaya susanam gantva pupphani ocinissama.

We taking the umbrellas and having gone to the cemetery will collect
the flowers.

10. Kafifia vattham anetum apanam gamissati.
The girl will go to the market to bring a cloth.

UL. Tumhe vanam gantva gavinam datum pannani aharatha.

Having gone to the forest, you bring the leaves to give the cows.

12. Mayam locanehi riipani passitva sukham dukkham ca labhama.

We having seen the forms with the eyes receive the comfort and the

Tvam sotena sunitum ghanena ghayitum ca sakkosi.

You are able to hear with the ear and to smell with the nose.

Kukkutiya andani rukkhassa mile santi.

There are eggs of the hen at the foot of the tree.

Viduno amatam labhitva maranam na bhayanti.

The wise having received ambrosia, do not fear death.

16. Manussa cittena cintetva pufifiani karissanti.

People having thought with the mind will do merits.

17. Tumhe dhammam sotum aramam gantva puline nisidatha.

Having gone to the monastery to hear the Dhamma you sit on the sand.

18. Dhanavanto suvannam datva fianam laddhum na sakkonti.

Rich men are not able to receive knowledge having given gold.

Darako chattam ganhitum?*? sopanam aruhi.

The boy climbed the stair to take the umbrella.

20. Mama bhagini pufifiam labhitum silam rakkhissati.

My sister will observe the virtues to receive merit.


The boys went to the foot of the tree to eat fruits.

Balaka phalani khaditum rukkhassa milam agamimsu.

The maiden climbed the tree to gather flowers.
Yuvati pupphani ocinitum rukkham aruhi.

I went into the house to bring an umbrella and a cloth.

Aham chattam ca vattham ca anetum geham agamim.

The girl asked for a firebrand to make a fire.

Kumarika aggim jaletum alatam yaci.

We are able to see objects ( = forms) with our eyes.

You smell with your nose and hear with your ears.
Tvam tava ghanena ghaysi, tuyham sotehi sunasi.

Having gone to hear the doctrine, they sat on the sand.

Dhammam soturh gantva te valukayam nisidimsu.

People are not able to purchase wisdom with (their) gold.

Manussa (tesam) suvannena fidnam kiniturh na sakkonti.

Having divided! his wealth the rich man gave (them) to his
sons and daughters.
Dhanava tassa dhanam bhajetva tassa puttanam dhiteranam
ca adadi.

The maidens went out of the city (in order) to bathe in the river.
Yuvatiyo gangayam nahayitum nagaramha bahi agamimsu.

I, There were umbrellas in the hands of the women on the road.

Magge vanitanam hatthesu chattani ahesum.

12. Having struck her with a weapon, the enemy wounded? the hand of
my mother-in-law.
Ayudhena tam paharitva ari mayham sassuya hattham vanitam akasi.

13; Having gone to the garden they brought flowers and fruits for the boys.
Te uyyanam gantva balakanam pupphani ca phalani ca anesum.

He will go to the forest in order to bring leaves and grass for
the cows.
So dheniinam pannani ca tinani ca 4netum vanam gamissati.

5. The girls and boys brought lotuses from the pond (in order) to offer
to the shrine.
Balikayo ca balaka ca cetiyam piijetum pokkharaniya padumani

Having bathed in the tank, our sisters and brothers came home to eat
and sleep.
Amhakam bhaginiyo ca bhataro ca vapiyam nahatva bhufijitum ca
sayitum ca geham agamimsu.

Having seen a leopard the boy ran across the garden and crossed? the
Darako dipim disva uyyane tiriyam dhavitva nadim tari.

You get merit through charity and virtue.

Tvam danena ca silena ca pufifiam labhasi.

19. Having grazed (eaten grass) in the cemetery, my aunt’s cows went to
the tank in order to drink water.
Susane tinam khaditva mayham matulaniya dhenuyo udakam
pivitum vapim agamimsu.

20. The maidens bought flowers in order to make” garlands for

(their) sisters.
Yuvatiyo (taésam) bhagininam malayo katum pupphani kinimsu.

Exercise 15

Mayam gaviya khiram, khiramha dadhim, dadhimha sappifi ca

We receive milk from the cows, curd from milk and ghee
from curd.

Mata dhituya akkhisu assiini disva (tassa) vadanam varina dhovi.
Mother having seen the tears in the eyes of the daughter washed her
face with water.

Kasma tvam ajja vapim gantva puna nadim gantum icchasi?

Why do you having gone to the tank today, again like to go to the river?

Katham tava bhataro nadiya padumani ocinitva aharissanti?

How do your brothers will bring the lotuses, having collected (them)
from the river?

Addha te dhaniini adaya vanam pavisitva migam maretva

They will certainly, having taken the bows, entering the forest kill a
deer and bring it.

Amhakam pitaro tadé vanamha madhum aharitva dadhina saha

Our father having then brought honey from the forest ate it, with

Mayam suve tumhehi vind arafifiam gantva darini

Tomorrow having gone to the forest without you we will break
the fire woods.

Kumara sigham dhavitva vapiyam kilitva sanikam gehani

The boys having run quickly played in the tank and slowly
came home.

Tumhe khiram pivitum icchatha, athava dadhim bhufijitum?

Do you like to drink milk or to eat curd?

10. Yava mayham pita nahayissati tava aham idha titthami.

Until my father will bathe, I stand here.

ht. Yatha bhiipati anapeti tatha tvam katum icchasi?

Do you like to do as the King orders?

12. Ama, aham bhipatino vacanam atikkamitum nasakkomi.
Yes, I am not able to surpass the word of the King.


Do you like to drink milk or to eat curd?

Kim tvam khiram pivitum va dadhim bhufijitum va icchasi?

First I will drink gruel and then eat curd with honey.
Aham pathamam yagum pivissami atha madhuna saha
dadhim bhufijissami.

Go quickly to the market to bring some ghee.

Sappim anetum sigham apanam gaccha.

Having bathed in the sea why do you like to go again there now?
Udadhimhi nahatva kasma tvam idani tattha gantum icchasi?

Do you know how our fathers gathered honey from the forests?
Kim tvam janasi katham amhakam pitaro atavimha madhum

I will stay on the river bank till you cross the river and come back.
Yava tvam nadim taritva paccagamissasi tava aham nadiya
tire nivattissami.

My mother-in-law went to the city without her retinue and

returned with a sister.
Mayham sassii parisaya vind nagaram gantva bhaginiya
saddhim paccagami.

The millionaire fell on (his) knees: before the king and bowed
down at his feet.
Setthi bhipatino purato janihi patitva tassa pade namassi.

Is your horse able to run fast?

Kim tuyham asso sigham dhavitum sakkoti?

10. Yes, certainly it will run fast.

Ama, addha so sigham dhavissati.

Pd ti|
Having gone to the forest, with bows in hands, our brothers
killed an elephant and cut its tusks.
Amhakam bhataro hatthehi dhanuyo gahetva vanam gantva
dathim maretva dathayo chindimsu.

12. Why does your father walk slowly on the sand?

Kasma tuyham pita sanikam valukayam ahindati?

Exercise 16

Sabbesam nattaro pafifiavanto na bhavanti.

Grandsons of all are not wise.

Sabba itthiyo vapiyam nahatva padumani pilandhitva

All women having bathed in the tank and donned lotuses and came.

Afifio vanijo sabbam dhanam yacakanam datva geham pahaya

Another merchant having given all the wealth to the beggars
left the household life and became a monk.

Mata ubhayasam pi dhitaranam vatthani kinitva dadissati.

The mother having bought cloths will give them to both daughters.

Ko nadiya vapiya ca antara dhenum harati?

Who does carry the cow between the river and the tank?

Kassa putto dakkhinam disam gantva vihim aharissati?

Whose son will bring the paddy having gone to the southern

Ye papani karonti te niraye nibbattitva dukkham labhissanti.

Whosoever commits sins, will receive pain having born in hell.

Kasam dhitaro vanamha darini aharitva odanam pacissanti?

Whose daughters will cook rice having brought the firewoods
from the forest?

Katarena maggena so puriso nagaram gantva bhandani kini?
Along which path did that man having gone to the city buy
the goods.

10. Itara darika vanitaya hattha pupphani gahetva cetiyam pijesi.

Other /girl /having taken flowers from the hand of the woman
offered (them to) the shrine.

LL. Paresam dhanam dhafifiam va ganhitum ma cintetha.

Do not think to take either wealth or the grain of others.

12. Aparo afifiissam vapiyam nahatva pubbaya disaya nagaram pavisi.

Another having bathed in another tank entered the city from the eastern


All entered the city (in order) to see gardens, houses and streets.
Sabbe uyyanani gehani visikhayo ca passitum nagaram pavisimisu.

The daughters of all the women in the village walked along the path
to the shrine.
Game sabbasam vanitanam dhitaro cetiyassa magge gacchimsu.

Another maiden took a lotus and gave (it) to the former.

Afifia kumari padumam ganhitva purimaya (tam) adasi.

Which man will bring some milk for me?

Katamo puriso yam kifici khiram mayham aharissati?

Who stands on the bank of the river and looks in the southern
Ko gangaya tire thatva dakkhinam disam olokessati?

Sons of all rich men do not always become wealthy.

Sabbesam dhanavantanam putta sada dhanavanta na bhavanti.

Whose grandsons brought the cows here and gave (them) grass to eat?
Kassa nattaro idha gaviyo anetva (tasam) khaditum tinani adamsu?

ya ie}
Tomorrow, all women in the city will come out from there and
wander in the forest.
Suve nagare sabba vanitayo tato nikkhamitva arafifie ahindissanti.

The other woman, having seen a leopard on the street, ran across the
Itara vanita visikhayam dipim passitva uyyanassa tiriyam dhavi.

Whosoever acquires merit through charity will be born in heaven.

Yo koci danena pufifiam labhti (so) sagge nibbattissati.

1BKe A certain man brought lotuses from the pond, another man carried
(them) to the market to sell.
Ajifitaro puriso pokkhraniya padumani ahari, aparo puriso tani
vikkinitum apanam hari.

12. My brother's son broke the branches of the other tree (in order) to
gather flowers, leaves and fruits.
Mama bhatuno putto pupphani, pannani, phalani ca ochinitum
aparassa rukkhassa sakhayo bhanji.

Exercise 17

Ayam stho tamha vanamha nikkhamma imasmim magge thatva ekam

itthim maresi.
This lion having come out from that forest, stood in this path and killed
a woman.

So tasam yuvatinam tani vatthani vikkinitva tasam santika milam

He having sold those clothes to those young girls will receive
money from them.

Imissa dhitaro tamha vanamha imani phalani aharimsu, afifia

nariyo tani khaditum ganhimsu.
The daughters of this woman brought these fruits from that forest
and some other women took them to eat.

Ima sabba yuvatiyo tam aramam gantva dhammam sutva
Buddham padumehi pijessanti.
All these young girls having gone to that monastery and having heard
the Dhamma will offer the Buddha with the lotuses.

Ime manuss4 yani pufifiani va papani va karonti tani te

Whatever merits or sins (demerits) these men do those will follow

Tassa kafifidya mata dakkhinaya disdya imam gamam Agantva idha

ciram vasissati.
The mother of that girl having come to this village from southern
direction will live here for a long time.

Tassa natta imassa bhatara saddhim Kolambanagaram gantva

tani bhandani vikkinissati.
The grandson of that man having gone to the city of Colombo
with the brother of this man will sell those goods.

Ta nariyo etasam sabbasam kumarinam hatthesu padumani

thapesum, ta tani haritva cetiyam pijesum.
Those women kept the lotuses in the hand of all these girls and they
having carried them offered the shrine.

Tassa rajiniya eta dasiyo imehi rukkhehi pupphani ocinitva ima

malayo karimsu.
These female slaves of that queen having collected the flowers
from these trees made these garlands.

Kesam so imam dhanam datva sukham labhissati?

To whom having given this wealth he will receive comfort?

14: Yo magge gacchati, tassa putto suram pivitva ettha sayati.

Whoever goes on this path, the son of that man having drunk
liquor sleeps here.

12. Ke tam khettam gantva tinam aharitva imasam gavinam datva

khiram labhitum icchanti?
Having gone to the field, having brought the grass and giving
to these cows who like to receive milk?


A certain man having gone to that cemetery gathered those flowers

and brought them here.
Eko manusso tam susanam gantva tani pupphani ocinitva ettha anesi.

This lioness having come out from that forest killed a cow in this place.
Ima sthi tamha vanamha agantva imasmim thane dhenum miaresi.

The husband of that woman bought these clothes from that market
and gave them to his grandsons.
Tassa vanitaya pati tamha apanamha etani vatthani kinitva tassa
nattaranam adasi.

Whose servants will go to Colombo to buy goods for you and me?
Kassa sevaka (kammakara) tuyham ca mayham ca_bhandani
kinitum Kolambanagaram gamissanti?

Tomorrow his brothers will go to that forest and collect honey and
Suve tassa bhataro tam vanam gantva madhum ca phalani ca

Her sisters went to that field (in order) to bring grass for these cows.
Tassa bhaginiyo emasam dhentinam tinani 4netum tam khettam

I got these lotuses and flowers from a certain woman of that village.
Aham imani padumani ca pupphani ca tassa gamassa ekissaya
vanitaya alabhim.

Today all maidens of this city will go to that river and will bathe in it.
Ajja imasmim nagare sabba yuvatiyo tam nadim gantva
tasmim nahayissanti.

They brought those goods to a merchant in that market.

Te tasmim apane ekassa vanijassa tani bhandani anesum

10. Having sold those cows to the merchants, they bought clothes,
garlands and umbrellas with that money.
Ta dhenuyo vanijanam vikkinitva te tena milena vatthani ca
malayo ca chattani ca kinimsu.

i. Who are those men that: killed a lion yesterday in this forest?
Ke te manussa hiyo imasmim vanasmim vanamhi stham maresum?

Which woman stole her garland and ran through this street?
katara vanita tassa malam coretva imaya visikhaya dhavi?

Exercise 18

Gamam gacchanto darako ekam gonam disva bhayi.

The boy going to the village got afraid having seen a bull.

Darika rodanti ammaya santikam gantva pithe nisidati.

The girl who is crying having gone to (near) the mother sits on the

Vanija bhandani vikkinanta nadiyam nahayante manusse passimsu.

The merchants selling the goods saw men bathing in the river.

Kannayo hasamana nahayantiyo gacchantim vanitam akkosimsu.

Girls laughing and bathing insulted the passing (walking) woman.

Puriso hasanto rukkham 4ruhitva phalani khadanto sakhayam nisidi.

Man who is laughing having climbed the tree and sat on the branch
eating fruits.

Bhagava Savatthiyam viharanto devanam manussanam ca dhammam

The Buddha living in the city of Savatthi preached the Doctrine to
men and deities.

Sa sayantim itthim utthapetva hasamana tamha thana apagacchi.

She having awakened the sleeping woman went away smiling from
that place.
Tumhe bhimiyam kilamanam imam darakam ukkhipitva matfice
Having risen up this child playing on the ground, you keep him on
the bed.

Siham disva bhayitva dhavamana te miga asmim vane avatesu patimsu.

Those running deer got frightened having seen the lion and fell into
the pits in this forest.

10. Imasmim game vasantanam purisanam eko pharasum adaya

vanam gacchanto ekaya kasuyam pati.
One of the men living in this village having taken an axe and
going to the forest fell into a pit.

i. Nisidantiya nariya putto rodamano tassa santikam gamissati.

The son of the seated woman will go to her crying.

Yacaka bhattam pacantim itthim disva tam aharam yacanta tattha

The beggars having seen the woman who is cooking sat there
begging that food.

13, Vanamha darini aharanti kafifia ekasmim pasane udakam pivamana

The girls bringing firewood from the forest sat on a rock drinking

14. Vanija bhandani kinanta vikkinanta ca gamesu nagaresu ca ahindanti.

The merchants buying and selling goods wander in village
and cities.

15. Danam dadanto so dhanava silavante gavesati.

That wealthy man giving alms seeks the virtuous.


Going to the river the slave sat at the foot of a tree, eating (some) fruits.
Nadim gacchanto daso rukkhassa mille phalani khadanto nisidi.

The mother, having raised the crying girl, gave her (some) milk.
Mata rudantim balikam ussapetva tassa khiram adasi.

Walking on the river-bank we saw (some) people bathing in the river.

Nadiya tire caranta mayam nadiyam nahayante manusse apassimha.

Seeing us there, a deer began to run and fell in a pit.

Amhakam passanto migo dhavitum arabhitva avate nipati.

Coming out of the forest the lion saw a cow eating grass on that
Vanamha agacchanto siho tasmim khette tinam khadantam
dhenum addasa.

Bringing firewood from this forest the maiden drank water from that
Imamha vanamha darum anayanti yuvati tassa pokkharaniya udakam

A certain man living in this village saw a leopard running to that

Imasmim game vasanto eko manusso tam pabbatam dhavantam
dipim apassi.

Our fathers and brothers will wander through villages and towns, (while)
selling and buying goods.
Amhakam pitaro ca bhataro ca gamehi nagarehi ca bhandani
vikkinanta ca kinanta ca ahindanti.

Standing on the mountain that day, I saw a lioness sleeping in a cave.

Tasmim divase pabbate titthanto aham guhayam sayantim
sthim apassim.

10. The boy came to me, laughing and running.

Balako hasanto dhavanto ca mam agami.

11. Carrying a drum for his aunt, the farmer sat on this rock, looking at
these trees and fields.
Tassa matulaniya dundubhim aharanto kassako te rukkhe tani
khettani ca passanto imasmim pasane nisidi.

a The Buddha, living in Savatthi for a long time, preached His doctrine
to the people of that city.
Buddho ciram Savatthiyam viharanto tasmim nagare manussanam
dhammam desesi.

13. While cooking (some) rice, his sister sat singing on a chair.
Odanam pacanti tassa bhagini gayanti pithe nisidi.

14. Giving alms to the beggars the millionaire spent: all his wealth.
Yacakanam danam dadanto setthi tassa sabbam dhanam vissajjesi.

15. Playing on the road the boys saw a man running from there.
Balaka magge kilanta tasma dhavantam manussam apassimsu.

Exercise 19

Hiyo arafifiam gato so puriso ahina dattho mari.

That man who has gone to the forest yesterday died having been
beaten by a serpent.

Rukkhato otinna pakkhi darakena sakkharahi hata honti.

The birds that have descended from the tree were killed by a boy with

Purisena pharasuna chinno so rukkho tassa gehassa upari pati.

That tree which has been cut with the axe by the person fell on that

Gamato nikkhanta ta gaviyo khette tinam khaditva vapito jalam

Those cows that have come out from the village having eaten the grass
in the field will drink water from the tank.

Vanijehi nagarato ahatani bhandani imesu gamesu manussehi kitani

The goods, which have been brought by the merchants, are bought
by the people in these villages.

Taya kafifaya pakkam odanam atavito agata tassa bhataro bhufjitva
Brothers of that girl who came from the forest will sleep having eaten
the rice cooked by her.

Pitara vuttam anussaranti sa yuvati taya laddham dhanam ganhitum

na icchi.
That young girl remembering what is said by the father did not like
to take the wealth received by her.

Ekena hatthina chinnam sékham anfa hatthiniyo gahetva khadimsu.

Other she-elephants ate the branch broken by an elephant.

Kuto tumhehi imani vatthani tani padumani ca kitani?

From where these clothes and those lotuses were bought by you?

10. Kuddho so bhipati tasmim nagare vutthe sabbe manusse tato nihari.
That enraged King ejected all the men who lived in that city.

li. Sappena dattho vanijassa putto tassa dasehi ekassa vejjassa santikam
nito hoti.
The son of the merchant who has been bitten by the serpent has
been carried to a physician by his slaves.

12: Idha imasmim pithe nisinnam kumarim gehato agata afifia darika
Another girl who came from the house hit the damsel who sat here
on this chair.

13, Taya pahata sa kafifia tassa matuya santikam gata rodanti atthasi.
That girl beaten by her went (near) to her mother and stood crying

14. Magge gacchanta te purisa taya dhenuya bhinnam ghatam passimsu.

Those men going on the road saw a pot broken by that cow.

15. Bhipati tehi manussehi katani gehani passitva tesam milam adasi.
The King having seen the house made by those men gave
them money.


The peacock, having descended from the tree, has gone now to the
Sikhi rukkhato oruyha idani pasanam gato hoti.

Having been bitten by a serpent the boy was carried to a physician.

Ahina datto balako vejjassa santikam 4nito ahosi.

This woman does not like to take the money received from her sister.
Ima vanita bhaginiya laddham dhanam ganhitum na icchati.

The man who has come from that village bought (some) goods
from this market.
Tasma gamamha agato manusso imamha apanamha bhandani kini.

Remembering his mother’s words the boy did not go to the dead
Matuya vacanarh anussaranto balako kalakatassa purisassa santikam
na agamasi.

My aunt’s cows will come out of the forest and will eat the grass
mowed and brought by the slave woman.
Mayham matulaniya gaviyo vanato agantva dasiya chinditva

Having seen a man sleeping on the bed the householder told his boys
not to go near him.
Majicake sayantam manussam disva gahapati tassa santikam ma
gacchatha’ ti tassa darakanam abhasi.

A deer was seen by the maiden who was cooking rice for her mother.
Matuya odanam pacantiya yuvatiya migo dittho ahosi.

The rice that was cooked by her is given to beggars and crows.
Taya pacito odano yacakanam kakanam ca dinno hoti.

10. The house made by them was broken by an elephant.

Tehi katam geham ekena hatthina bhinnam ahosi.

il. The enraged king killed all men who came to the city.
Kuddho narapati nagaram agate sabbe manusse maresi.

12. The branch broken by the elephant fell on the ground, and afterwards
your cows ate its leaves.
Hatthina bhinna sakha bhiimiyam pati paccha tuyham gaviyo tassa
pannani khadimsu.

13; The garland received from the queen by that girl is given to another
Deviya kafifidya laddha mala afifiam kafifiam dinna hoti.

14. The rice given to them was eaten by the slaves and the beggars.
Tesam dinnam odanam dasehi yacakehi ca bhuttam ahosi.

15. The horse bought by the millionaire is carried by a charioteer.

Settina kito asso sarathina hato hoti.

Exercise 20

Ratta gaviyo khette ahindantiyo bahum tinam khadimsu.

Wandering on the field red cows ate much grass.

Ucca kumari nilam vattham paridahitva mahantam nagaram gamissati.

Tall damsel having dressed the blue cloth will go to the big city.

Bahavo manussa dighahi rajjihi seta dhenuyo bandhitva gambhiram

nadim harimsu.
Many people having tied the white cows with long ropes brought them
to the deep river.

Amhakam bahinam bandhavanam putta dubbala honti.

The sons of our many relatives are weak.

Panditassa purisassa sa bala bhagini pakkani phalani ocinitva

appakanam darakanam adasi.
That foolish sister of the wise man having collected ripe fruits gave
them to a few children.

Tassa mahallikaya itthiya daharo natta uttane jale nahayati.
The young grandson of that old woman bathes in the shallow water.

Tasmim ucce rukkhe thito vanaro imasmim nice tarumhi nisinne

pakkhino oloketi.
The monkey that stood in that tall tree looks at the birds that sat on the
low tree.

Malini nari rassena maggena khuddakam gamam gacchi.

The woman who is the possessor of garland went to the small village
by the short path.

Dahara kafifia muduna hatthena rattani padumani ganhati.

The young girl takes red lotuses by soft hand.

10. Balavanto appakam pi dhanam labhitva dubbale manusse pilenti.

The powerful men having received even a little wealth oppress
the feeble.

The strong black oxen having wandered on high mountains eat much

12. Bahunnam balanam putta tassa nadiya gambhire jale patitva marimsu.
The sons of many foolish men died having fallen into the deep water
of that river.

13. Mama bhataranam majjhimo nice pithe nisiditva 4mam phalam khadati.
The middle one of my brothers having sat on the low chair eats the
unripe fruit.

14. Mayam suve majjhimam vapim gantva setani padumani nilani

uppalani ca aharissama.
Tomorrow having gone to the medium tank we will bring white
lotuses and blue lilies.

15: Tumhe mahallake dubbale ca purise disva ma hasatha.

You do not laugh having seen the elderly and feeble men.

A white cow drank much water from that big tank.

Wearing red clothes many girls are going to the big market inthat
large city.
Rattani vatthani acchadentiyo bahukayo kafifiayo tasmim mahante
nagare mahantam apanam gacchantiyo honti.

The sons of that elderly woman are neither powerful nor rich.
Tassa mahallikaya vanitaya putta balavanto va dhanavanto va na

Our young ones always like to eat many unripe fruits.

Amhakam dahara bahtni apakkani phalani khaditum sada _ icchanti.

That foolish woman went to that long river and fell in its deep water.
Ta bala vanita tam digham nadim gantva tattha gambhire udake pati.

Water in this pond is not deep but shallow.

Imsmim pokkharaniyam udakam gambhiram na bhavati tatha’pi
uttanam hoti.

My old (elderly) aunt brought a long rope to bind that red cow.
Mayham mahallika matulani rattim gavim bandhitum digham rajjum

The powerful man cut many tall and dwarf trees in that small garden.
Balava puriso tasmim khuddake uyyane bahavo ucce ca rasse ca taravo

Sitting on a low chair the young girl eats a ripe mango got from her
Nice pithe nisidanti taruni tassa matuya laddham pakkam ambam

Much grass is brought by the slaves from that small field on the bank
of that wide river.

khettamha dasehi anitani honti.

LT. White lotuses and blue lilies are bought by that feeble maiden from
the elderly man.
Setani padumani ca nilani uppalani ca mahallakamha purisamha taya
dubbalaya yuvatiya kitani honti.

LD: The black oxen are sleeping on the rough ground near that high
Kala gona tassa uccassa pabbatassa santike kharayam bhimiyam
sayanta honti.

13. The young boy’s soft hand is burnt by the flame of that small lamp.
Tarunassa darakassa muduko hattho tassa khuddakassa padipassa
accina daddho hoti.

14. Many people will cross the great ocean and come to see this beautiful
little island.
Bahavo manussa mahantam sagaram taritvaimam ramaniyam
khuddakam dipam dassanaya agamissanti.

15. In this beautiful city there are big houses, wide streets, long paths,
and many gardens.
Asmim ramaniye nagare mahantani gharani vitthatayo visikhayo digha
pantha bahiini uyyanani ca santi.

Exercise 21

Cattaro purisa catuhi pharasthi cattari rukkhani chinditva

Four men will bring four trees having cut (them) with four axes.

TA tisso itthiyo imehi tthi maggehi tam atavim gantva tissannam

kafifianam tini phalani adamsu.
Those three women having gone to that forest by these three roads
gave three fruits to three girls.

Ekissam salayam satam purisa, pafifiasa itthiyo ca nisidissanti.

One hundred men and fifty women will sit in one hall.

Mayam ito navahi divasehi paficahi kumarehi saddhim
Kolambanagaram gamissama.
We will go to city of Colombo with five boys after nine days from

Pafica dasa dasannam assanam bahum tinam, appakam udakafi ca

Five slaves brought much grass and little water to ten horses.

Visati purisa dasahi gonehi cattari khettani kasanti.

Twenty people plough four fields with ten oxen.

Vanijo kahapananam- dvihi satehi attha asse kinitva te catunnam

dhanavantanam vikkini.
The merchant having bought eight horses with two hundred florin
sold (them) to four rich men.

Tasam channam itthinam cha bhataro mahantam pabbatam

aruhitva cha kapayo anesum.
Six brothers of those six women having climbed the big mountain
brought six monkeys.

Tasam mata dasa ambe kinitva catassannam dhitaranam dadissati.

Their mother having bought ten mangoes will give them to four

10. Idani Lankayam pafica-cattalisa-satasahassam manussa vasanti.

Now forty five hundred thousand people live in Lanka.

11. Pubbe Savatthinagare manussanam satta kotiyo vasimsu.

In the past, there lived seven crore of people in the city of Savatthi.

12. Tumhe ito dvihi vassehi Anuradhapuram gantva tattha nava divase
vasanta mahante cetiye passissatha.
Having gone to Anuradhapura after two years living there for nine
days you will look at the big shrines.

13. Daso ekena hatthena dve nalikere itarena ekam panasafi_ ca harati.
The slave carries two coconuts by one hand and one jackfruit by the

14. Aham cattari vassani nagare vasitva tato paccha tayo mase game
I having lived four years in the city after that will live in the village
for three months.

ee Pafifiasa satasahassam manussa lankadipamhi vasanti.

Five million people live in the island of Ceylon.


Four women bought eight mangoes and gave them to the two daughters.
Catasso vanitayo attha ambani ahritva dvinnam dhitaranam tani

Tomorrow five men will go to the forest and cut ten trees with their
five axes.
Suve paiica manussa vanam gantva tesam paficahi pharasthi dasa
taravo chindissanti.

Three girls went separately to three tanks and each brought thirty
Tisso balikayo tisso vapiyo visum gantva ekeka timsati pupphani

In this hall there are five hundred men and three hundred women.
Imayam salayam pafica satam purisa ca tisatam itthiyo ca santi.

There are five thousand people, one thousand cattle and five hundred
houses in this town.
Imasmim nagare pafica sahassam manussa ekasahassam gavo pafica
sahassani gehani ca bhavanti.

The seven brothers of the five girls went to that forest and killed eight
Paficannam kafifianam satta bhataro tam vanam gantva attha mige

We lived in Colombo for eight years and nine months.

Mayam Kolambe attha vassani nava mase ca vasimha.

They will go to live there again three years and two months hence.
Te puna tini vassani duve mase ca tattha vasitum gamissanti.

Having bought three clothes the father gave them to his three
Pita tini vatthani kinitva tassa tissannam dhitaranam adasi.

10. Ten men with twenty oxen are ploughing these five fields.
Dasa manussa visatihi gonehi saddhim imani pafica khettani kasanta

Sixty elephants came out of the city and thirty of them entered the
Satthi hatthino nagarato 4gantva tesam timsati vanam pavisimsu.

Of the twelve horses bought by me one is sold to another man.

Maya kitanam dvadasannam assanam eko afifiassa purisassa vikkinito

The slave having brought 25 coconuts sold 20 of them toa woman.

Daso pafica visati nalikere anetva tesam visati vanitaya vikkini.

14. Two merchants bought two horses for three hundred! pieces (of
Dve vanija tisatehi kahapanehi duve asse kinimsu.

Five million people live in the island of Ceylon.

Pajfifidsa satasahassam manussa lankadipamhi vasanti.

Exercise 22

Gacchantesu dasasu purisesu sattamo vanijo hoti.

The seventh of the ten people who are walking (going) is a merchant.

Tassa sattama dhita atthamaya ekam vattham adasi.

His seventh daughter gave (one) a cloth to the eighth.

Catassannam yuvatinam tatiyaya bhata pafica asse anesi.

The brother of the third of four young girls brought five horses.

Mayham pita sattatime vasse paficame mase kalam akasi.
Our father died in the fifth month in the seventieth year.

Mayam ito chatthe divase catthi purisehi saddhim dutiyam nagaram

We will go to the second city with four persons after the sixth day from

Idani atthamo Edwardnamo bhipati rajjam karoti.

Now King Edward VIII reigns.

Pubbe chattho Parakkamabahu-bhipati Jayavaddhanapure rajjam

In the past King Parakkamabahu VI reigned in Jayavaddhanpura.

Pathasalaya asitiya sissesu paficavisatimo hiyo gambhire udake pati.

The twenty-fifth of the eighty students of the school yesterday fell in
to deep water.

Amhakam pitaro ito paficame vasse bahthi manussehi

Anuradhapuram gamissanti.
Our fathers hence five years will go to Anuradhapura with many people.

Dvisu pathasalasu pathamaya ti-satam sissa ugganhanti.

Three hundred students learn in the first of the two schools.

Dvinnam dhanavantanam dutiyo timsatiya yacakanam danam adasi.

The second of the two rich men gave alms to thirty beggars.

Nahayantisu paficasu narisu tatiyaya bhatta dhanava hoti.

The husband of the third of five bathing women is rich.

13. Bhattam pacantinam tissannam itthinam dutiya nahayitum gamissati.

The second of the thirty women who are cooking rice will go to bathe.

14. Bhagava pathamam vassam Baranasiyam Isipatanarame vihari.

The Buddha lived first year at Isipatanarama in Benaras.

15. Tada so paficannam bhikkhinam bahunnam manussanafi ca dhammam

At that time, he preached the Dhamma to five monks and tomany

The fifth of the ten merchants will buy the gem.

Dasasu vanijesu paficamo manim kinissati.

On the third day the four rich men will give alms to a hundred
Tatiye divase caturo dhanavanta yacaka satanam danam dadissanti.

There are eight hundred students in the first of the three schools.
Tisu pathasalasu pathame attha sata sissa bhavanti.

My fourth brother lives in the sixth house of the fifth street in

Mayham catuttho bhata Kolambanagare paficamiya visikhaya chatte
gehe nivasati.

We will go to the city in the third month of the second year.

Mayam dutiyassa vassassa tatiye mase nagaram gamissama.

His tenth son will come here on the 25" day of this month.
Tassa dasamo putto imasmim mise paiica visatime divase idha

The sixth of the seven women wears a red cloth, and the fifth a blue
Sattasu vanitasu chatti rattam vattham ca paficami nilam vattham ca

King Edward VII died 26 years ago.

Sattamo Edward bhipati chavisati vassanam upari kalakato.

His son, King George V reigned for 25 years and 10 months.

Tassa putto paficamo George bhipati paficavisati vassam cadasa
masam Ca rajjam akasi.

10. I will buy the second of these ten horses with one hundred florins.
Aham imesam dasa assanam dutiyam satehi kahapanehi kinissami.

I, Out of the eighty students in this school the 20" died yesterday.
Imissayam pathasalayam asitisu sissesu visatimo hiyo kalamakasi.

12; His dead body was carried to the cemetery by 15 students.

Tassa mata kalebaram pajica dasehi sissehi susanam anitam ahosi.

13. My sixth brother will come here with the fourth one.
Mayham chattho bhata catutthena saddhim idha agamissati.

14. His third brother’s second daughter learns at this school.

Tassa tatiyassa bhatuno dutiya dhité imasmim pathalayam ugganhati.

15. The first sister of the queen will visit Anuradhapura after three months.
Rajiniya pathama bhagini tinnam masanam accayena Anuradhapuram

Exercise 23

Imesam dasannam dhanavatanam paficamo sukham jivati.

The fifth of these ten rich men lives happily.

Ayam dipi sanikam agantva sahasa gaviya upari pati.

This leopard having come slowly fell upon the cow quickly.

Atthannam kafifianam chattha gavim dalham bandhitva vapim nesi.

The sixth of eight girls having tied the cow tightly led it to the tank.

Ime pafica daraka abhinham magge dhavanta kilanti.

These five boys play constantly running on the road.

Imesu navasu sissesu sattamo sadhukam ugganhati.

The seventh of these nine students learns well.

Bhikkhi Bhagavato santikam agantva tam vanditva ekamantam

The monks having come (near) to the Buddha worshiped Him and sat

So setthi (attano) dhanam paficadha vibhajitva paficannam
dhitaranam adadi.
That millionaire having divided his wealth fivefold gave it to five

Tassa chatthaya dhituya putto dvikkhattum imam nagaram agacchi.

The son of his sixth daughter twice came to this city.

Pathamam te assa ratham samam akaddhimsu, dutiyam sigham

At first, these horses pulled the cart evenly and secondly ran fast.

10. Mama atthannam bhataranam catuttho dukkham jivati.

The fourth of my eight brothers lives with difficulty.

11, Katham te cattaro vanija tattha vasanti?

How do these four merchants live there?

12; So dhitaram evam vatva sahasi tato afifiam thanam gacchi.

He having said this to the daughter went suddenly to another place
from there.


Those ten boys are constantly playing at this place.

Ime dasa balaka imasmim thane abhinham kilanta honti.

The fifth of these seven merchants lives happily (or comfortably).

Tesu sattasu vanijesu paficamo sukharh jivati.

The king twice came out of the city and once bathed in this tank.
Bhipati dvikkhatturh nagarato bahi agantva sakirh immyam
vapiyam nahayi.

The horses will run quickly drawing evenly the carriages after them.
Assi sigharh rathe samarn akaddhanta tesam paccha dhavissanti.

The fourth of the seven monks does not observe the precepts well.
Sattasu bhikkhiisu catuttho sikkhapadani sadhukarh na samadiyati

These twelve merchants went to the Buddha and sat aside to
hear His preaching.
Ete dvadasa vanija Buddham upasankamitva tassa desanam
soturh ekamantarn nisidimsu.

Suddenly a thief came to me and tried to take my umbrella.

Eko coro sahasa mam agantva mayham chattam ganhiturh ussahi.

Slowly they went together to the bank of the river and came
back separately.
Te sanikarh nadiya tiram ekato gantva visurh paccagamimsu.

The third of the five sons of my friend learns with difficulty.

Mayham mittassa paficasu puttesu tatiyo dukkharh ugganhati.

How did he enter the city and come out of it so quickly?

Katharh so nagaram pavisitva sigharh tato nikkhami?

Bis The second daughter of his sixth brother lives (with difficulty or)
Tassa chatthassa bhatuno dutiya dhita kiccharn jivati.

12. Thus he spoke to his third sister and went aside.

So tassa tatiyam bhaginim evatn vatva ekamantarh agami.

Exercise 24
Point out subjects, objects and predicates in the following

Subjects objects predicates

i, Bhata vapim gacchanto ekassa rukkhassa mille nisidi.
ata misidi

2 Tassa pita pato geha nikkhamitva vanam gamissati.

pita gamissati.

3; Te pakkhino tesam rukkhanam sakhasu nisiditva ravanti.

Te pakkhino _ ravanti,

4. Catasso kumariyo pupphani ocinitum ekam rukkham aruhimsu.
Catasso kumariyo _ ekam rukkham aruhimsu.

5. Dasa hatthino imassa taruno attha sakha bhafijitva khadimsu.

Dasa hatthino attha sakha khadimsu

6. Sa yuvati dve mala pilandhitva hasanti titthati.

sa yuvati titthati.

he Suve mayam tam nagaram gantva bahini bhandani kinissama.

mayam_ bahiini bhandani kinissama

8. Magge dhavanta pafica daraka ekasmim Avate patimsu.

dhavanta pafica daraka _ pitimsu

9. Pannarasa vanija dasa asse aharitva setthino vikkinimsu.

Pannarasa vanija _ dasa asse vikkinsu.

10. Dve kassaka cattaro kale gone haritva tassam nadiyam nahapesum.
Dve kassaka _ cattéro kale gone nahapesum.

Insert suitable subjects, objects and predicates where necessary.

thy scimsstomewet rukkham aruhitva phalani ocinati.


2. Magge gacchanto ............ GhavaNntess<50<9--00 passi.

vanijo mige

3. Tuyham bhagini darakam adaya hasanti............


4. DasOss.cacnscses rajjuya bandhitva nahapeti.


iD) ais:wlawalsieucie apanamha vatthani kinitva anetha.


6. Mayam nahatva agantva bhattam............

7. Aham suve taya saddhim gamam............

8. Yuvatiyo............ OCMICOMs 5 caccesecne gamissanti.

9. Amhakaitiiissisicssccd tasmim nagare bhandani vikkinanti.


10) BaD ANG iosascasces padumani adaya viharam gamissanti.


Mb siciissconeatees suve apanam gantva............ aharissama.

Mayam bhandani

12. Tvam sakkharahi godham mi............

14, Daraka rodanta gantva tesam pitiinam............


TDs, A ADIVO siesta pacitva bhufijitva............

odanam sayanti.

Exercise 25

Enlarge the following sentences: —

il Kumari bhattam pacati.

Kumari geham pavisitva bhattam pacati.

2. Darako magge kilati.

Daliddo darako magge mittehi saddhim kilati.

Vanara rukkhe nisidanti.
Mahallaka vanara vanasmim rukkhe sukham nisidanti.

Kassaka khettam kasimsu.

Balavanto kassaka mahantam khettam_sadhukam kasimsu.

Siho vanamhi vasati.

Dubbalo siho ekako vanamhi vasati.

Bhipati nagare carati.

Tejava bhupati nagare rathena carati.

Pita gehe sayati.

Dukkhito pita attano gehe maficake sayati.

Dhitaro nadiyam nahayanti.

Dhanavantanam dhitaro dighaya nadiyam nahayanti.

Bhatuno putto ugganhati.

Mayham bhatuno dutiyo putto pathasalayamhi uggamhati.

10. Vanitayo padumani aharanti.

Saddhavantiyo vanitayo setani padumani_viharam aharanti.

LL. Tumhe pakkhino ma maretha.

Papakarino thumhe dubbale pakkhino ma maretha.

12. Tvam cetiyam vandahi.

Tvam tumhakam game cetiyam sadhukam vandahi.

15. Aham silam rakkhissami.

Gunava aham_pajica silam rakkhissami.

14. Bhikkhavo dhammam desenti.

Sambuddhassa putta bhikkhavo dhammam garavena desenti.

15. Mayam Anuradhapuram gamissama.

Upasaka mayam_lankadipe Anuradhapuram dassanaya suve

Exercise 25

Analyse the following sentences: —

1. Cattaro purisa balavante attha gone tam mahantam khettam

Imasmim game atthasu gehesu pajficatimsati manussa

dukkham vasanti.

Te dhanavanta mahantesu majicesu sukham sayissanti.

Paficannam dasanam dasa putta visatiya balavantehi gonehi

khettam kasanti.

Eka itthi dvinnam puttaénam rattani vatthani aharitva adasi.

Dhanavanto vanija sakatehi bhandani adaya game gantva

tani sigham vikkinissanti.

Bhupatino pathamo putto bahihi manussehi saddhim suve

uyyanam gamissati.

Mayham matulani rattam gavim dighaya rajjuya dalham

rukkhe bandhi.

Setthino balavanto attha putta kakkhalam coram asthi

paharitva tatth’eva maresum.

10. Gamam gacchanti vanita afifiissa balam dhitaram disva tassa

tayo ambe adasi.

Enlargement} Subject Object |Extension | Predicate
of the

purisa alavante gone harimsu.

attha, tam khettam

pm| | pf
dhanavanta majficesu | Sayissanti.
Paficannam visatiya
dasanam khettam balavanteh i) kasanti.
dasa gonehi
itthi puttanam vatthani i | gharitva
adaya game
bhandani .
6. tani gantva

; bahthi
7. | Bhipatino . manussehi =e:
pathamo | Putto uyyanam | caddhim |@missati.
8. rajjuya,
Mayham | matulani rattam gavim dalham | bandhi
Setthino asthi siiinaii
kakkhalam | COT? paharitva x
9.) balavanto
attha tattha’eva
afinissa balam = foun
10. Gamam +45 tas, tayo | dhitaram
sae : disva

Exercise 26

Kafifiaya odano paciyati.

The rice is cooked by the girl.

Te Gona dasehi pahariyanti.

Those oxen are beaten by the slaves.

Tvam balina purisena akaddhiyasi.

You are pulled by the powerful (strong) man.

Mayam amhakam arihi mariyama.

We are killed by our enemies.

Te miga taya dasiya bandhiyanti.

Those deer are tied by that female slave.

Imina vaddhakina imasmim game bahini gehani kariyanti.

Many houses are made by this carpenter in this village.

Tumhe tasmim game manussehi bandhiyatha.

You are tied by the people in this village.

Amhakam bhandani tesam dasehi gamam hariyanti.

Our goods are carried by their slaves.

Atthahi vanijehi cattaro assa nagaram ahariyanti.

The four horses are brought to the city by the eight merchants.

10. Mayam amhakam dhitarehi nattarehi ca vandiyama.

We are worshiped by our daughters and grandsons.

I. Tam mahantam khettam pajicahi kassakehi kasiyati.

That big field is ploughed by five farmers.

IPA Vanitaya bahini vatthani tassam pokkharaniyam dhoviyanti.

Many clothes are washed by the woman in that pond.

33: Setthina bahunnam yacakanam danam diyati.
The charity is given by the millionaire to many beggars.

Tasmim arame vasantehi bhikkhihi silani rakkhiyanti.

The virtues are observed by the monks dwelling in that monastery.

15. Chahi bhikkhihi paficasatanam manussanam dhammo desiyati.

The Doctrine is preached by the six monks to the five thous and

16. Pafifidsaya manussehi tasmim Apane bahini bhandani kiniyanti.

In that market many goods are bought by fifty men.

I: Dasahi vanitahi dvisatam ambanam vikkiniyati.

Two hundred mangoes are sold by ten women.

18. Dasiya pakko odano gahapatina bhufijiyati.

The rice cooked by the female slave is eaten by the house holder.

Magge thito darako tassa matuya hatthehi ganhiyati.

The boy stood on the road is taken by his mother in his hand.

20. Buddhena devanam manussanafi ca dhammo bhasiyati.

The Doctrine is preached by the Buddha to the deities, and to men.


The cows are tied with long ropes by the slaves.

Dhenuyo dasahi dighehi rajjihi bandhiyanti.

Two black horses are bought by the two rich men.

Dve kalaka assa dvihi setththi ahariyanti.

You are beaten by four men.

Tvam catihi purisehi pahariyasi.

This house is built (made) by eight carpenters.

Imam geham atthahi vaddhakthi kariyati.

Nine cows are killed by two tigers in that forest.
Nava dhenuyo tasmim vane dvihi dipthi mariyanti.

Thou art dragged to the field by those powerful men.

Tumhe imina balavantena purisena khettam akaddhiyatha.

Many goods are sold in this village by those two merchants.

Bahini bhandani imasmim game tehi dvihi vanijehi

You are tied fast by the people of the city.

Tvam nagare manussehi dalham bandhiyasi.

The baby is carried to a physician by his mother.

Daharo tassa matuya vejjam hariyati.

10 The rice is well cooked by the second daughter of the merchant.

Odanam vanijassa dutiyaya dhituya sadhukam paciyati.

11 The doctrine is preached to the people of this village by the

monks residing in that monastery.(
Dhammo tasmim vihare nivasantehi bhikkhthi imasmim
game manussanam desiyati.

12 The rice cooked by the slave woman is eaten by her son and
Dasiya pacitam odanam tassa puttena ca bhatihi ca

13 Many red clothes are washed in the tank by those women.

Bahini rattani vatthani tehi ittthi vapiyam dhoviyanti.

14 Three hundred mangoes are sold by six tall women.

Tini satani ambani chahi uccahi vanitahi vikkiniyanti.

Much wealth is given to his relations by that rich man.

Bahum dhanam tena dhanavantena purisena tassa fidtinam

All grass in this field is eaten by eight oxen and four cows.
Imasmim khette sabbani tinani atthahi gonehi ca cattthi dhenthi ca

17 The Buddha is worshipped everywhere in this island.

Buddho imasmim dipe sabbattha vandiyati.

18 Two fields are ploughed by ad farmers and six oxen.

Dve khettani dvadasahi kassakehi ca chahi gonehi ca kasiyanti.

19 Those who went by that path are killed by a lion.

Ye keci gata imina panthena te sihena mariyanti.

20 The son of the man who walks on the road is beaten by that
powerful man.
Magge gacchantassa manussassa putto tena balavantena
puisena pahariyati.

Exercise 27

Kajfifiaya bhufijiyamanam bhattam sunakhassa databbam (hot).

The rice that is been eaten by the girl should be given to the dog.

Purisena chindiyamano rukkho gehassa upari patissati.

The tree which is been cut by the man will fall over the house.

Purisehi khettani kasitabbani, vanitahi tesam bhattam pacitabbam.

The fields should be ploughed by the men, the rice for them should
be cooked by the women.

Puttehi dhitarehi ca pitaro mataro ca vanditabba honti.

The fathers and the mothers should be respected by the sons and

Dasena hariyamano asso vanijanam vikkinitabbo hoti.

The horse that is been taken by the slave should be sold to the

Corehi pahariyamana purisa afifiam kattabbam adisva atavim
The men who are been beaten by the robbers not seeing anything
that should be done ran to the forest.

Sarathina pahariyamano asso ratham akaddhanto sigham dhavati.

The horse who is been beaten by the charioteer runs fast dragging
the chariot.

Tumhehi danani databbani, silani rakkhitabbani, pufifiani katabbani

Charities should by given, virtues should be observed and the
merits should be done by you.

Sissehi dhammo sotabbo( satthani( ugganhitabbani.

The Doctrine should be heard and the sciences should be learned by
the students.

10. Maya diyamanam( bhufijitabbam bhufijitum bahi yacaka

Many beggars come to eat what should be eaten and what is given
by me.

Lh. Vanita dhovitabbani vatthani adaya vitthatam nadim gamissati.

The women will go to the wide river having taken the clothes, which
should be washed.

12. Yuvatiyo vandaniyani cetiyani disva ekaya kafifiaya

ociniyamanani padumani yacimsu.
The young girls having seen the shrines which should be respected
requested the lotuses that are been collected by a girl.

Mama bhata tasmim vane ahindanto chindaniye bahi rukkhe passi.

My brother going in that forest looked at many trees that should be

14. Maya ovadiyamano balo vattabbam apassanto khinno nisidi.

The fool who is been instructed by me sat dejected.


The fruit that is being eaten by the boy should not be given to
another one.
Darakena khadiyamanam phalam afifiass na databbam.

The field should be ploughed by the farmers with their oxen.

Khettam gonehi saddhim kasskehi kasitabbam.

Being beaten by an enemy and not knowing what should be done, the
man ran across the field.
Puriso arina pahariyamano kim katabbm iti ajananto khettamhi

Many beggars came to receive the alms given by therich merchant.

Bahavo yacaka dhanavantena vanijena dinnam danam labhitum

Your parents( are to be worshipped and protected by you.

Tava matapitaro tvaya vanditabba ca rakkhitabba ca bhavanti.

Being admonished( by the teacher the student began to learn what

should be learnt.
Acariyena ovadito sisso ugganhitabbam ugganhitunm arabhi.

The horses that are being carried by the merchants are to be sold
Vanijehi niyamana assa suve vikkiniyamana bhavissanti.

The horse being beaten by the slave ran quickly to the field.
Dasena pahariyanto asso sigham khettam dhavi.

Precepts should be observed and alms should be given by you.

Tvaya silani rakkhitabbani danani databbani.

10. Many clothes are to be washed by our friends.

Amhakam mittehi bahiini vatthani dhoviyamanani bhavanti.

11. Ten men cut many trees that should be cut in that garden.
Dasa purisa tasmim uyyane chinditabbe bahavo rukkhe chindimsu.

12. The trees which are being cut by them will fall on other trees.
Tehi chindiyanta rukkha afifianam rukkhanam matthake patissanti.

13. The merchants did not get any food that should be eaten by them.
Vanija tehi bhufijitabbam kifici aharam na labhimsu.

What should happen will happen to us and the others.

Amhakam ca afifianam ca bhavitabbam bhavissati.

15: The rice is to be cooked and carried to the field by us.

Ambhehi odanam paciyamanam ca hariyamanam ca_bhavati.

Exercise 28

Setthi vaddhakim geham karapeti.

The millionaire causes the carpenter to make the house.

Mata darakam pokkharaniyam nahapessati.

The mother will cause the child to be bathed in the pond.

Amhakam pitaro bhikkhii bhojapesum.

Our fathers got the monks to eat.

Vanitayo dasim bhattam pacapesum.

The women caused the female slave to cook the rice.

Papakarino dasehi bahi mige marapenti.

The evil-doers get the slaves to kill many deer.

Gahapatayo purisehi( darini ganhapenti.

The householders get the men to take firewood.

Garu sisse dhammam ugganhapesi.

The teacher made the students to learn the Doctrine.

Adhipati purisehi rukkhe chindapessati.

The lord will get the men to cut the trees.

Aham kafifiahi bhandani aharapessami.
I will cause the maidens to carry the goods.

10. Tumhe bhatarehi kapayo gamam harapetha.

You make the brothers to bring the monkeys to the village.

11. Mayam dasahi gonehi khettam kasapessama.

We will get ten oxen to plough the field.

12. Mata puttam pithe nisidapetva bhattam pacitum tandule aharapesi.

The mother having caused the son to sit on the chair to bring the rice
to cook.


The sinner causes his brothers to kill birds.

Papakari tassa bhatarehi sakune marapeti.

The rich men make their sons give alms.

Dhanavanta purisa tesam puttehi danani dapenti.

The king makes the carpenters build five houses.

Bhiipati vaddhakihi pafica gharani karrapeti.

The charioteer makes the slave bring two horses near

the chariot.
Rathi dasena dve asse rathassa santikarh harapeti.

The women get their daughters to cook rice for the guests.
Vanitayo tasam dhitarehi atithino bhattam pacapenti.

The carpenter gets the work done by the servants.

Vaddhaki sevakehi kiccam karapeti.

The leader gets his men to cut many trees in his garden.
Adhipati tassa purisehi tassa uyyane bahavo rukkhe
They will get the field ploughed by 20 oxen.
Te visati gonehi khettam kasapessanti.

I will make my son eat some food.

Aham mayham puttena kifici bhattam bhufijapemi.

We will cause our slaves to go to the town.

Mayam amhakam dasehi nagaram gacchapessama.

11. They make the cows eat grass.

Te dhenthi tinam khadapenti.

12, Do not allow him to do that work.

Tam kammam katum tassa okasam na detha.

The Singapore Buddhist Meditation Centre
No. 1, Jalan Mas Puteh Singapore 128607
Tel: (65) 6778 3330, Fax: (65) 6773 0150
Email: weragodas 1941 @gmail.com
URL: wsarada@msn.com

ISBN: 981-05-4719-6

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