Esc 12 Topic 1
Esc 12 Topic 1
Esc 12 Topic 1
Learning Outcome: Enhance map reading and interpretation skills by locating and
understanding the geography of local government units within the region.
Assessment: Students will be given maps to analyze, identifying the locations of
barangays, municipalities/cities, and provinces. They will answer questions related to
the geography of their local area.
5. Reflect on Citizenship and Civic Values
Learning Outcome: Reflect on the importance of citizenship and civic values in
contributing to a well-functioning local community.
Assessment: Students will write a reflective essay or create a visual representation
(e.g., poster or artwork) expressing their understanding of citizenship, civic
responsibilities, and the impact of individual actions on the community.
This example aligns with the
principles of Outcomes-Based
Education by focusing on
specific, measurable outcomes
and employing various
assessment methods that
promote active participation,
critical thinking, and real-world
application of knowledge in the
context of Araling Panlipunan.
Focus on Real-World Application. OBE in Araling
Panlipunan emphasizes the application of knowledge to
real-world situations. It moves beyond rote memorization
of facts and encourages students to understand the
relevance of social studies concepts in their daily lives
and the broader community.