Low-Power Decimation Filter Design For Multi-Standard Transceiver Applications

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Low-Power Decimation Filter Design for Multi-Standard

Transceiver Applications
Carol J. Barrett

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering

University of California, Berkeley

Professor Paul R. Gray, Advisor


Recent efforts in the design of wireless RF transceivers focus on high

integration and multi-standard operation. Higher integration can be obtained by using

receiver architectures, such as wide-band IF with double conversion (WIF), that

perform channel select filtering on-chip at baseband. Performing this baseband channel

select filtering in the digital domain allows for the programmability necessary to adapt

to the different channel bandwidths, sampling rates, and CNR requirements of multiple

communication standards. At the back of a wide-dynamic range sigma-delta modulator,

a decimation filter can select a desired channel in the presence of both strong adjacent

channel interferers and quantization noise from the digitization process.

A low-power decimation filter that performs channel select filtering for the

GSM (European cellular) and DECT (European cordless) standards is presented.

Automatic gain control is used within the filter to reduce the dynamic range and power

consumption. Since the two standards have different blocking profiles and CNR

requirements, the filter can adapt to each standard and reduce its power consumption by

powering down unused circuitry. For a 3.3V power supply, the filter consumes 4.4mW

in GSM mode and 16.4mW in DECT mode, for input sampling rates of 12.8MHz and

44.8MHz respectively.
Acknowledgments iii

I would like to thank my advisor, Professor Paul Gray, for his guidance throughout this

project. I would also like to thank Professor Bernhard Boser for answering numerous technical

questions, especially at the beginning of this project, and for reading my thesis. I am especially

grateful to Arnold Feldman for mentoring me throughout this project. He was always available

to answer my questions, listen to my ideas, and give advice. Without his help, this project

would not have gone as smoothly as is did.

There are many others whom I appreciate for taking the time to discuss research and

answer questions. Some of these are Chris Rudell, for helping me understand receiver

architectures and for answering dozens of questions, Jeff Weldon, Keith Onodera, Sekhar

Narayanaswami, and Andy Abo for many interesting technical and non-technical discussions,

Arthur Abnous for giving advice on my project from a digital perspective, Dave Lidsky for help

with Power Play, and Herb Huang for being a sounding board for all of my ideas.

Lastly, I would like to thank my mother and the rest of my family for their support,

and several others, some mentioned above and some unmentioned, for their friendship.

This work was supported by the National Science Foundation and AT&T Bell

Laboratories Fellowships. The standard cells used in this project were provided by SGS-

Thompson Microelectronics, with help from Marco Sabatini.


Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction ............................................................................................ 1
1.1 Motivation ............................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Research Goals........................................................................................................ 2
1.3 Thesis Organization ................................................................................................ 2

Chapter 2: System Description and Specifications ......................................... 4

2.1 Introduction............................................................................................................. 4
2.2 Receiver Architecture ............................................................................................. 5
2.3 Baseband Channel Select Filtering ......................................................................... 9
2.4 GSM and DECT Specifications ............................................................................ 10
2.5 Sigma-delta Modulator ......................................................................................... 12
2.6 Decimation Filter .................................................................................................. 14
2.7 Summary ............................................................................................................... 16

Chapter 3: Decimation Filter Architecture and Design .............................. 17

3.1 Introduction........................................................................................................... 17
3.2 Decimation in Stages ............................................................................................ 17
3.3 Comb Filter ........................................................................................................... 19
3.4 Halfband Filters .................................................................................................... 22
3.5 Power Comparison of Architectures ..................................................................... 23
3.5.1 The First Stage: Comb Filter ............................................................................................. 25
3.5.2 Remaining Filters .............................................................................................................. 28
3.5.3 Power Metric Calculation.................................................................................................. 31
3.6 Power Reduction with Automatic Gain Control ................................................... 33
3.7 FIR and Halfband Filter Design............................................................................ 35
3.7.1 Tap Quantization and Encoding ........................................................................................ 36
3.7.2 Nested Multiplication ........................................................................................................ 37
3.8 Modifying the Filters for DECT Operation .......................................................... 38
3.9 Summary ............................................................................................................... 40
Chapter 4: Decimation Filter Implementation ............................................... 43
4.1 Introduction........................................................................................................... 42
4.2 Fixed Implementation ........................................................................................... 43

4.2.1 Comb Filter ....................................................................................................................... 43

4.2.2 Halfband and FIR Filters................................................................................................... 44
4.2.3 AGC................................................................................................................................... 46
4.2.4 Clock Dividers and Peripheral Circuits............................................................................. 46
4.2.5 Summary of Fixed Multi-Standard Implementation ......................................................... 47
4.3 ROM Programmable Implementation................................................................... 47
4.3.1 Arithmetic Unit ................................................................................................................. 48
4.3.2 ROM Operation ................................................................................................................. 50
4.3.3 RAM Partitioning and Multi-Rate Addressing ................................................................. 52
4.3.4 Summary of ROM Programmable Implementation .......................................................... 55
4.4 Comparison of Implementations........................................................................... 56
4.5 Simulation Results ................................................................................................ 57
4.6 Summary ............................................................................................................... 60

Chapter 5: Multi-Standard Issues ..................................................................................... 62

5.1 Introduction........................................................................................................... 61
5.2 Choosing an Implementation ................................................................................ 62
5.3 Future Work .......................................................................................................... 65

Chapter 6: Conclusions ........................................................................................... 66

Appendix 1: Noise Figure and Decimation Filter CNR Calculations .... 67

Appendix 2: DSP Controlls ................................................................................... 71
Appendix 3: Filter Design and Implementation ............................................ 75
Refrences ...................................................................................................................... 83
1.1 Motivation 1

Chapter 1


1.1 Motivation

Current research on radio frequency (RF) communication transceivers emphasizes

both higher integration, to meet consumer demand for low-cost, low-power, small-form factor

personal communication devices, and the ability to adapt to multiple communication standards.

Higher integration can be obtained by using receiver architectures and circuit techniques that

eliminate the need for external components. Utilizing a receiver architecture that performs

channel select filtering on chip at baseband allows for the programmability necessary to adapt

to multiple communication standards. [1]

Wireless telecommunication standards currently used throughout the world have

channel bandwidths ranging from 6.25 kHz to 1.728 MHz. [2] A multi-standard receiver that

performs baseband channel select filtering in the digital domain must have an analog-to-digital

converter (ADC) with a wide dynamic range that can accommodate undesired channels as well

as the desired. It must also be able to adapt to the various dynamic range requirements and

sampling rates of the standards that are implemented. A wide dynamic range sigma-delta

modulator can be used to meet these requirements for multiple standards.

1.2 Research Goals 2

Following the sigma-delta modulator, a lowpass digital decimation filter can select a

desired channel in the presence of both strong adjacent channel interferers and quantization

noise from the digitalization process. The decimation filter also reduces the sampling rate from

the oversampled rate of the sigma-delta to the Nyquist rate of the channel. Including

programmability in the filter, allows it to adapt to the different channel bandwidths, worst case

interferers, and bit error rate (BER) requirements of the different standards, while keeping the

power consumption at a minimum.

1.2 Research Goals

The focus of this project is to design a power-optimized decimation filter that can

perform digital channel selection for the GSM (cellular) and DECT (cordless) communication

standards. A secondary goal is to identify possible approaches to decimation filter design for

more general multi-standard RF communications receivers. The results of this work are

summarized below.

• Designed a decimation filter that meets the GSM and DECT specifications without signifi-
cantly degrading the receiver noise figure. Estimated power consumption is 4.4mW and
16.4mW for GSM and DECT modes respectively.

• Showed that automatic gain control can be used within a decimation filter that performs chan-
nel filtering to reduce power consumption and area.

• Developed a power saving technique for a fixed multi-standard implementation, where filter
blocks and sub-blocks can be powered down, enabling the filter to adapt to each standard
with reduced power consumption.

1.3 Thesis Organization

The second chapter introduces the application and specifications for this project,

including a brief discussion of receiver architectures, emphasizing high-integration and multi-

standard capability, the GSM and DECT telecommunication standards as they pertain to the

decimation filter design, and a description of the sigma-delta analog-to-digital converter. The
1.3 Thesis Organization 3

chapter is concluded with a summary of the decimation filter operation and specifications.

Chapter 3 describes the method used to design a decimation filter architecture for a low-power,

transceiver application. System level issues including automatic gain control, tap encoding,

and quantization are included here. The hardware implementation of the decimation filter is

discussed in Chapter 4. Two possible multi-standard implementations are described, and power

and area estimates are given. Chapter 5 discusses issues related to multi-standard decimation

filter design, and proposes future work in this area. Conclusions from this work are given in

Chapter 6, and the appendices provide more detailed information on the noise figure

calculation, the control signals from the DSP, and the filter taps.
2.1 Introduction 4

Chapter 2

System Description and


2.1 Introduction

The performance of a receiver is measured by its ability to select a desired channel in

the presence of strong adjacent channels, selectivity, and by its minimum detectable signal,

sensitivity. Each wireless communication standard defines the sensitivity and selectivity that a

receiver must meet while maintaining a certain bit error rate (BER). To implement more than

one wireless standard, the transceiver must be able to meet the performance requirements of

each standard and adjust to the different channel bandwidths and carrier frequencies. This

chapter discusses receiver architectures and channel select filtering with emphasis on

integration, and potential for multi-standard operation. A description of the GSM and DECT

standards implemented in this project are next, followed by a brief discussion of the sigma-

delta modulator used for analog-to digital conversion. The basic operation of a decimation

filter is explained, and the specifications for this project are given.
2.2 Receiver Architecture 5

2.2 Receiver Architecture

A low-power receiver for portable applications should be as highly integrated as

possible. The conventional super-heterodyne receiver architecture shown in Figure 2.1 has very

good performance due in part to its discreet components. It uses an external image reject (IR)

filter and an external, narrow-band, IF channel filter within the receive path. Recent examples

Fig. 2.1: Super-Heterodyne Receiver

of super-heterodyne receivers can be found in [3][4][5][6].

The direct-conversion homodyne approach shown in Figure 2.2, has no external

components within the receive path. Since its local oscillator (LO) is at the radio frequency

(RF), a DC offset is created at the output of the mixer, reducing the dynamic range of the

receiver. Baseband circuitry and the mixer also contribute 1/f noise, which further reduces the

sensitivity. Because the LO must be a high-frequency, low-phase-noise, channel select



Fig. 2.2: Direct-Conversion Homodyne Receiver

synthesizer, it will be difficult to implement with low-Q elements that are available on chip.[7]

Recent examples of homodyne receivers can be found in [8][9]. Because the channel filtering is

performed at baseband, unlike the super-heterodyne, it is possible to design baseband circuits

2.2 Receiver Architecture 6

for the homodyne receiver that are multistandard capable, however, the noise and DC offset

must be reduced to achieve adequate dynamic range.

A recently proposed low-IF architecture [10] shown in Figure 2.3 has no external

components in the receive path, but unlike the homodyne receiver, it mixes the signal to a low-

IF, avoiding the DC offset problem. This architecture can be used to effectively implement

standards with a relatively small channel bandwidth. For a wide-bandwidth standard such as

DECT, it would be extremely difficult to implement a low-power multi-standard baseband

section using current technology since the clock rate of the A/D would be very high.[11].



Fig. 2.3: Low-IF Architecture

The Wide-Band Intermediate Frequency With Double Conversion (WIF) architecture

[12] shown in Figure 2.4 has no discreet components within the receive path. Because the

channel filtering is done at baseband instead of at IF, a wide-band IF filter can be used,

eliminating the need for an off-chip IF filter. With this architecture, channel filtering can be

done digitally, allowing the receiver to adapt to multiple communication standards. This

approach requires a high dynamic range A/D converter that can adapt to the different channel

bandwidths and sampling ratios that the different standards require. In contrast to the super
RF Sigma-Delta
LNA A/D Filter
I Q Anti-Alias
LO1 Filter

Fig. 2.4: Wide-Band IF Double Conversion Receiver

2.2 Receiver Architecture 7

heterodyne, the WIF has a fixed LO1 and a variable LO2. A fixed LO1 can use a higher

reference frequency, and therefore have a higher phase-locked loop (PLL) bandwidth and lower

phase noise. This allows the phase noise requirement for LO2 to be relaxed.[7] This

architecture uses image-reject mixers, eliminating the off-chip IR filter. The frequency

synthesizers use on chip spiral inductors and varactors, so the only other off-chip component

needed is the crystal.

The wide-band IF architecture as it appears in Figure 2.4 has 1/f noise in the baseband

section that significantly degrades the noise figure of the receiver when it is operating under

the GSM standard. To combat this problem, the receiver includes the programmability

necessary to translate the spectrum to a very low-IF, one channel away from DC. This spectrum

passes through the anti-alias filter and the ADC, and is then filtered by a simple digital low-

pass filter to prevent quantization noise aliasing when it is translated to baseband by a digital

image-reject mixer. When the receiver is operating in DECT mode, the 1/f noise is tolerable, so

the digital mixer section is bypassed as shown in Figure 2.5.

2.2 Receiver Architecture 8

Desired Channel From Mixer Desired Channel


Desired Channel

Quantization Noise
Quantization Noise

Digital Anti-Alias

I Bypass
Digital Image-Reject
200KS/s Mixer Low-IF


Desired Channel Desired Channel


Fig. 2.5: Multi-Standard Baseband Architecture

2.3 Baseband Channel Select Filtering 9

2.3 Baseband Channel Select Filtering

The previous discussion on RF receivers, indicates that architectures that perform

channel selection at baseband can be highly integrated and are amenable to multi-standard

operation. For a channel select filter to be multi-standard, it must be able to adapt to different

channel bandwidths and dynamic range requirements, implying some programmability. In

general, channel select filtering can be divided into analog and digital. Analog filtering can be

performed by continuous time R-C filters and by switched-capacitor filters. References [13]

and [14] are examples of analog channel select filtering for DECT and IS-95 CDMA


Figure 2.6 and Figure 2.7 show how channel selection is performed in the analog and

digital domains. In the analog case, a high dynamic range, highly linear channel select filter is

needed to remove the large undesired signals. The input to the A/D is simply the desired

channel, so the dynamic range can be much lower. Using automatic gain control (AGC) after

the channel select filter can further reduce the ADC dynamic range. In the digital case, the

scenario is reversed; the sigma-delta ADC must have a large dynamic range to accommodate

the undesired channels. The decimation filter then removes the adjacent channels and noise.

For this application, the digital approach using a sigma-delta modulator and decimation filter

was chosen because it can be made programmable more easily than an analog solution.[11]

Filter S-C Filter ADC

From Mixer To DSP

Desired Channel Desired Channel

Fig. 2.6: Analog Channel Select Filtering

2.4 GSM and DECT Specifications 10

Anti-Alias Sigma-Delta Decimation

Filter ADC Filter

From Mixer To DSP

Desired Channel Quantization Noise Desired Channel

Fig. 2.7: Digital Channel Select Filtering

2.4 GSM and DECT Specifications

Before the specifications of the decimation filter can be determined, it is necessary to

define some of the receiver specifications and blocking profiles. Table 2.1 gives the receiver

specifications for GSM and DECT that are relevant to the decimation filter.[15] The sensitivity

Table 2.1:

Sensitivity Input SNR Required CNR

Standard Input Noise (dBm) Required NF (dB)
(dBm) (dB) (dB)

GSM -102 -120.8 18.8 9 9.8

DECT -83 -112.3 29.3 10.3 19.0

is the minimum detectable signal at the input of the receiver. The input noise is the thermal

noise from the antenna (-173.8 dBm) times the channel bandwidth, which is 200kHz for GSM

and 1.728MHz for DECT. The input SNR is the ratio of the input signal to the input noise and

the required CNR is the ratio of the carrier to noise at the output of the receiver that is needed

to meet the minimum BER requirement. The noise figure is the ratio of the input SNR to the
2.4 GSM and DECT Specifications 11

output SNR, and is a relative measure of how much noise is added by the receiver components

to the desired signal. Appendix 1 discusses the calculation of these numbers in more detail.

Figure 2.8 and Figure 2.9 show the worst case blocking profile and adjacent channel

interferers for GSM.[16] Blockers are large undesired signals within the same cell. A cell is

composed of a cellular base station and the physical area that is within its transmit range.

Adjacent channel interferers are large undesired signals from neighboring cells. All channels

used within the same cell must be separated by two channels. For example, cell A may contain

dBm -26 dBm



0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.6 3 MHz
offset from carrier
Fig. 2.8: GSM Blockers


0 .2 .4 MHz
offset from carrier

Fig. 2.9: GSM Adjacent Channel Interferers

channels 1, 4, and 7. Cell B, a cell next to cell A, can contain channels 2, 5, and 8. If channel 1

is the desired channel, channels 4 and 7 would be blockers and channel 2 would be an adjacent

channel interferer. This example is further illustrated in Figure 2.10 which shows four cells and
2.5 Sigma-delta Modulator 12

the corresponding channels that may be used in each. The distinction between blockers and

1 4 8
7 5 2

Fig. 2.10: Cell Reuse Scheme

adjacent channel interferers in the GSM specification occurs because the worst case undesired

signals are referenced to different desired signal levels. The blocking profile for DECT [17] is

shown in Figure 2.11.


0 1.7 3.4 5.2 6.9 MHz

offset from carrier

Fig. 2.11: DECT Blockers

2.5 Sigma-delta Modulator

If the proposed WIF radio architecture is to be multi-standard, an analog to digital

converter (ADC) that can accommodate GSM and DECT must be used. Since the resolution for

GSM is 16 bits, a high-resolution ADC is needed. A sigma-delta modulator is very attractive

for this application for several reasons. The same modulator architecture, differing only in the

oversampling ratio, 64x for GSM and 32x for DECT, can be used to meet both specifications.

The OSR, and therefore the dynamic range, can be easily lowered for DECT so that the
2.5 Sigma-delta Modulator 13

minimum power solution for each standard is obtained. Because the data is oversampled, the

requirements for the anti-alias filter are relaxed compared to an analog solution. [11]

The sigma-delta modulator coarsely quantizes the input at a high rate, trading

accuracy in the analog circuitry for speed. The quantization noise is effectively pushed out of

the desired band into higher frequencies, so that when the signal is decimated, a higher

resolution can be obtained. The dynamic range of the modulator depends on the oversampling

ratio (OSR), which is the sampling rate divided by twice the nyquist rate, and the order of the

modulator. Increasing the order results in more complexity, while increasing the OSR requires

faster op-amp settling.

For this work, a 4-th order sigma-delta using a 2-2 cascade architecture is assumed.

Simulations are performed using the architecture in Figure 2.12. with non-idealities such as

finite op-amp gain, and capacitor mismatch. Using (Eq 2-1), where L is the order and M is the

oversampling ratio, it can be seen that if an OSR of 64 is used, the GSM dynamic range

3 2L + 1 2L + 1
DR = --- ---------------- M
2 π 2L (Eq 2-1)

requirement of 98 dB can be achieved. An OSR of 32 will meet the DECT requirement of 85

dB. The design of the modulator is beyond the scope of this project; more in-depth discussions

can be found in references [19], [20], and [21].

.2 .5 Y1

Σ ∫ .25
Σ • •

• • D/A Y
.4 Y2
.1 Σ ∫ .2
Σ •

• D/A

Fig. 2.12: Sigma-Delta Architecture

2.6 Decimation Filter 14

2.6 Decimation Filter

The function of a decimation filter is to remove all of the out-of-band signals and

noise, and to reduce the sampling rate by M, where M is the over-sampling ratio (OSR). By

averaging M values of the coarsely quantized sigma-delta output, the filter gives a high-

resolution output at the low rate. The decimation filter in this project is designed to meet the

GSM and DECT specifications for the receiver architecture described in section 2.2 and the

sigma-delta modulator described in section 2.5 .

The input to the decimation filter is a six bit data stream with three components: the

modulator quantization noise, the desired signal, and the blockers. The worst case blockers

were described in section 2.4 and shown in Figure 2.8 and Figure 2.9 for GSM and Figure 2.11

for DECT. The worst case quantization noise can be obtained by exercising the sigma-delta

with a large low-frequency tone. The FFT of the output is shown in Figure 2.13.

0 0






0 0 1 2
3 4 5 6
6.4MHz 7
0 0 1 2 3 4 5
Frequency 6 7 8
x 10 x 10

(a) (b)

Fig. 2.13: Worst Case Quantization Noise at the Sigma-Delta Output (a) entire spectrum
(b) zooming in on bandwidth of interest.
2.6 Decimation Filter 15

Now that the receiver specifications have been described and the worst case filter

inputs have been determined, the specifications of the decimation filter can be calculated.

Table 2.2 contains the important specifications. The filter contribution to the receiver noise

figure should be negligible, so a maximum addition of 0.01 dB is the design goal. Assuming a

receiver gain of 46 dB, the necessary carrier to noise ratio at the output of the filter is 21dB for

GSM and 10.2dB for DECT. The noise figure and output CNR analysis is given in Appendix 1 .

Table 2.2:

Specification GSM DECT Specification GSM DECT

CNR 21dB 10.2dB Input Rate 12.8MS/s 44.8MS/s

Dynamic 16 bits 14 bits Input Bits 6 6


OSR 64 32 Phase linear linear

Nyquist Rate 200kS/s 1.4MS/s Area under 2mm x under 2mm x

2mm 2mm

Power minimize minimize

The dynamic range, determined by the minimum and maximum receiver input power,

is 16 bits for GSM and 14 bits for DECT. The modulation schemes used, GMSK for GSM and

GFSK for DECT, require linear phase. The input rate of the filter is the Nyquist rate times the

oversampling ratio. For GSM, the Nyquist rate is equal to the channel bandwidth. For DECT,

the Nyquist rate is taken to be the information bandwidth times two. In GMSK and GFSK

systems, the signal is Gaussian filtered, making the information bandwidth equal to 0.82 times

the channel bandwidth. Obviously, using the information bandwidth results in an input rate

18% lower, and is therefore lower power.

It is possible to use the information bandwidth of 82kHz to determine the sampling

clock frequency for GSM. In this implementation, however, LO2 mixes the signal down to a

low IF of 200kHz. This is done to combat the large 1/f noise at DC. After the A/D, a digital

image-reject mixer is used to bring the signal down to baseband, as shown inFigure 2.5. Having

the desired channel at low-IF prevents significant reduction in the A/D clock. The filter clock
2.7 Summary 16

can still be reduced to multiples of 82kHz, but it will not be a multiple of the A/D clock and the

increased complexity in the synthesizers is not worth the power savings in the baseband.

2.7 Summary

The WIF receiver architecture is used for this application because it has no external

components within the receive path, and is therefore smaller and lower-power, and because it

can accommodate multiple telecommunications standards. The DECT (cordless) and GSM

(cellular) telecommunication standards are chosen as a test vehicle for this project in order to

demonstrate standards with significantly different channel bandwidths, carrier frequencies, and

sensitivity requirements. Channel select filtering is performed at baseband in the digital

domain because the sigma-delta ADC and the decimation filter can both adapt to a range of

channel bandwidths and dynamic range requirements.

3.1 Introduction 17

Chapter 3

Decimation Filter
Architecture and Design

3.1 Introduction

The first step in designing a decimation filter is to decide which types of filters will be

used and where decimation will occur. This chapter explores the issues involved in choosing a

filter architecture for a low-power receiver application. The relative power of several

architectures is compared, resulting in the four-stage architecture that is chosen to implement

this filter. Due to the linear phase constraint of the DECT and GSM standards, this discussion

will be limited to FIR filters. To further reduce the power consumption, automatic gain control

is included in the filter. The final section discusses choosing and encoding the filter taps.

3.2 Decimation in Stages

It is possible to remove the undesired channels and noise with a single filter, and then

decimate to the output rate. An example filter is shown in figure 3.1 for a given transition band,

stop band rejection, and decimation ratio, M. As shown in [21], the number of taps in an FIR

filter is proportional to the stopband rejection and to the sampling rate divided by the transition

band. This means that if the transition band is a small percentage of the sampling rate, the filter
3.2 Decimation in Stages 18

will have many taps, in this example, 100. The power is proportional to the number of taps and

the rate at which they operate. By decimating in stages, the total number of taps in the filters is

reduced, and subsequent filters operate at lower sampling rates, further reducing the power

consumption.[22] Figure 3.2 shows decimation in two stages for the same overall transition

band and oversampling ratio. Each filter only needs to reject the part of the undesired signal

that will alias into the desired band or baseband. For a review of downsampling and aliasing,

100 t
fs M fs/M P ~ 100fs

Fig. 3.1: Decimation in One Stage

refer to [21] and [34]. This allows the transition band of the first filter to be a much wider

percentage of the sampling rate. As a result, the first filter only has 5 taps. The second filter

decimates from the intermediate rate to the output rate, so it’s transition band must be the same

as the filter in 3.1. Because it is operating at a lower frequency, however, the transition band is

a larger percentage of the sampling rate and the number of taps is smaller, in this example, 50.

5t M 50 t
fs M M fs/M

P ~ 5fs + 50fs/M

Fig. 3.2: Decimation in Two Stages

Assuming that the power consumed by a filter is proportional to the number of taps

(capacitance) and the frequency, the power consumed by the multi-stage implementation would

be between 8% and 15% of the power consumed by the single filter implementation for
3.3 Comb Filter 19

oversampling ratios ranging from 32 to 128. If the filter is implemented such that the area is

also proportional to the number of taps, there would be a savings of more than 60%.

In the example presented above, significant power savings was obtained by increasing

the number of filter stages. The next step in the architecture design is to identify which types of

filters would be amenable to a low-power solution, and then determine the possible

combinations of filters and decimation ratios that could be used to meet the specifications.

3.3 Comb Filter

It has been shown in [26] that the comb filter is an efficient way to decimate the output

of the sigma-delta modulator to four times the Nyquist rate. The comb filter is a running

average of M c input samples, where M c is the decimation ratio of the comb filter. The

magnitude response is given in (Eq 3-1) and the z-transform in (Eq 3-2), where k is the number

of cascaded comb filters and T=1/fs is the input sampling period. [20]

 sin πf M c T 
H ( f ) =  --------------------------  (Eq 3-1)
 M c sin π fT 

–M k
 1 1 – z c
H ( z ) =  ------- ⋅ --------------------  (Eq 3-2)
Mc 1 – z–1 

For a sigma-delta modulator of order L, a cascade of k=L+1 comb filters is needed

to adequately attenuate the quantization noise that would alias into the desired band. [26] For a

desired bandwidth fb, the out of band signal that will alias into that band is located at multiples

of the decimated output frequency, fs/M c , with a bandwidth equal to two times fb.

For this application, a 4th order modulator is used, so a 5th order comb filter is

needed. Since the OSR is 64 for GSM, M c is 16, and the output rate of the comb filter is
3.3 Comb Filter 20

0.8MHz. The bandwidth of interest is 100KHz, so the out of band signals surrounding

multiples of 0.8MHz with a bandwidth of 200KHz will alias into the desired band after

decimation occurs. It can be seen from Figure 3.3, a plot of (Eq 3-1), that the comb filter

provides a notch at each of the frequencies that will alias to baseband. The remaining

frequencies will alias outside of 100KHz, and must be removed by subsequent filtering.

fs= 12.8 MHz
-60 Mcomb = 16
.8 1.6 2.4 3.2 4.0 4.8 5.6 6.4

Fig. 3.3: Comb Filter Magnitude Response (GSM)

Comb filters can be efficiently implemented by separating (Eq 3-2) into numerator and

denominator sections and by moving the numerator section after the resampling operation. (Eq

3-2) can be written as

1 k –Mc k  1 k
H ( z ) =  -------  ⋅ ( 1 – z ) ⋅ -----------------
M   –1  .
(Eq 3-3)
c 1–z

The numerator section followed by downsampling by M c is equal to the same downsampling

operation followed by a differentiator, (1-z -1 ), as shown in Figure 3.4.(a) and (b). [22] The

denominator is a delay free integrator. If a cascade of comb filters is used, it can be replaced by

an integrator with delay, which pipelines the integrators so that the filter can run at a higher

clock speed. Using integrators with delay as in (Eq 3-4) adds latency to the filter, but does not

affect the magnitude response of the filter.

3.3 Comb Filter 21

 z–1 
 ----------------
- (Eq 3-4)
1 – z  – 1

fs 1 k 1 k fs Mc
 ------- –Mc k  ----------------
M  (1 – z )  –1
- M (a)
c 1–z

fs fs
------- -------
fs 1  k fs Mc 1 k Mc
 ---------------- –1 k  -------

–1  M (1 – z ) M 
1–z c

Fig. 3.4: (a) Direct implementation of (Eq 3-3). (b) Comb filter implementation with numerator
section after the resampling operation.

Comb filters can be efficiently implemented without multipliers, using adders and

registers. A hardware implementation of a 2nd order comb filter is shown in Figure 3.5.

Moving the numerator section after the decimation reduces the amount of computation at the

high rate, so that the power is minimized. The integrators have the tendency to grow without

bound, which would eventually overflow the registers used in the implementation shown in

Figure 3.5. In [22], it is shown that if 2’s complement wrap-around arithmetic is used, the

overflow problem can be avoided as long as the register width is greater than or equal to the

value given by (Eq 3-5), where B in is the number of input bits from the sigma-delta. For this

application, Bin=6, M c =16, and k=5, so the register width is 26 bits.

RegisterWidth = k ⋅ log 2 ( M c ) + B in (Eq 3-5)

3.4 Halfband Filters 22

fs fs/Mc
+ register
+ register + +
- register
Fig. 3.5: Implementation of 2nd order Comb Filter

3.4 Halfband Filters

The remaining 4 x of decimation can be performed in one stage by an FIR filter or in

two stages by FIR and/or halfband filters. Halfband filters are a subset of symmetric FIR

filters. All of their odd coefficients are equal to zero except for the center one, which is equal

to 1/2. This results in fewer taps, less hardware, and lower power. Halfband filters are

constrained to be equiripple filters with the property that their frequency response has a value

of 0.5 at the frequency fs/4, where fs is the sampling rate. Because of this restriction, they are

not suitable for decimation by more than two. An idealized halfband filter is shown in Figure

3.6, where t is the transition band. Note that noise in the second half of the transition band is

only slightly attenuated by the filter before it aliases into the first half. The signal contained in

the stop band aliases into the pass band.

magnitude t/2


fs/4 fs/2
Fig. 3.6: Magnitude Response of a Halfband Filter
3.5 Power Comparison of Architectures 23

Halfband filters can be efficiently implemented with a polyphase direct-form filter,

which allows the filter to run at the decimated rate instead of the input rate, reducing the power

consumption by approximately one-half. [21] The polyphase structure of a 14th order halfband

filter is shown in Figure 3.7. In this implementation, the effective number of taps, five in this

example, is much less than the filter order. As with any FIR filter, the number of taps in a

halfband filter depends on the stop band rejection and the relative transition bandwidth.

z-1 z-1 z-1 z-1

even coefficients
-1 -1
z z z-1

a0 a2 a4 a6

odd coefficients
z-1 z-1 z-1

Fig. 3.7: Polyphase Direct-Form Implementation of a 14-tap Halfband Filter

3.5 Power Comparison of Architectures

Decimation filters used in audio applications are generally designed for a worst case

out of band rejection that is not defined by large undesired blocking signals, as in [24] and

[25]. This results in a uniform stopband attenuation for all of the filters following the comb

filter. As explained in Section 2.4, the worst case out of band signals for a radio transceiver are

more clearly specified. Since the goal is to meet the carrier to noise requirement with the

minimum number of taps, the stop band should be tailored to the blocking specs, which may

yield a non-uniform response.

3.5 Power Comparison of Architectures 24

Several possible filter architectures are compared to find the lowest power solution. In

this calculation, it is assumed that the power is directly proportional to the number of filter

taps, and that any overhead not proportional to filter length is negligible. It is also assumed that

all architectures operate at the same voltage supply, so the supply is normalized to one. The

operating frequency of each filter is also taken into account, so that the power equation P=CV 2 f

[23] is modeled as in (Eq 3-6).

Power ∝ ∑ ( taps × frequency × wordlength

. ) (Eq 3-6)

The design specifications given in Table 2.2 must be met for each of the worst case

blockers, applied separately to the receiver. The blocking specifications shown in Figure 2.8,

Figure 2.9, and Figure 2.11 are given in dBm, which is power, for GSM and DECT. The

blocking specifications in Figure 3.8 are given in dBFS, which is the magnitude relative to the

full scale of the sigma-delta converter. At the decimation filter input, the blockers in Figure 3.8

will remain the same, with the addition of quantization noise. It is assumed that the 3MHz

blocker is attenuated by 3dB by the anti-alias filter.

dBFS -3


0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.2 1.6 3 MHz

(a) GSM Blockers

dBFS -14 dBFS -9
-46 -28
-56 -43

0 .2 .4 MHz 0 1.7 3.4 5.2 6.9 MHz

(b) GSM Adjacent Channel Interferers (c) DECT Blockers
Fig. 3.8: Blocking Specifications at Sigma-Delta Input
3.5 Power Comparison of Architectures 25

3.5.1 The First Stage: Comb Filter

A comb filter is used for the first stage for the reasons discussed in Section 3.3. Figure

3.9 shows the GSM blocking profile including quantization noise at the output of a fifth-order

comb filter that decimates by 16. The magnitude of the quantization noise power within each

channel is shown above an arrow. In Figure 3.9 (a), it can be seen that the 600kHz blocker has

aliased to the channel adjacent to baseband. It has been attenuated by the comb filter from -18

dB to -49.6 dB. Many other blockers also alias into this band, but the magnitude of the aliased

component is smaller than the 600kHz blocker. Since the worst case blockers are applied

independently to the receiver along with the smaller desired channel, only the worst case must

be considered. Figure 3.9 (a) also shows an undesired signal in the band between 300kHz and

400kHz. The blocker that causes the largest aliased component in this band is the 1.2MHz

blocker. The adjacent channel interferers shown in Figure 3.9 (b) are slightly attenuated by the

comb filter. The total noise budget is the maximum noise power, including quantization noise

and finite word length effects, that can be added to the desired channel and still meet the CNR


Total Noise Budget -94 dB Total Noise Budget -77 dB

-49.6 dB

-48.1 dB
-73 -59
-84.6 -84.6
-100.3 -89.3 -100.3 -89.3

0 100 300 400 kHz 0 100 300 400 kHz

(a) Blockers (b) Adjacent Channel Interferers

Fig. 3.9: Worst Case GSM Blockers and Noise at Comb Filter Output

In order to implement the DECT standard, the decimation ratio of the comb filter must

be changed from 16 to 8, since the DECT OSR is 32. The DECT implementation uses the

information bandwidth instead of the channel bandwidth to determine the sampling rate, as
3.5 Power Comparison of Architectures 26

explained in Section 2.6. This makes the calculation of the aliased components more difficult

than to the GSM case. The bandwidth of interest is 700kHz and the output sampling rate is

5.6MHz, so the four bands of width 700K up to 2.8MHz must be considered. The two major

contributors to undesired signal power in this region are the 1.7MHz blocker and the 3.4MHz

blocker. These are shown in Figure 3.10(a) and (b), where the arrows represent the quantization

noise power. Since the CNR requirement for DECT is 10.2dB, the maximum noise power added

by the quantization noise and aliased blocker components is -53.2dB.

Total Noise Budget -53.2 dB

-37.3 dB -49.2 dB
-43 -43
-46.3 -33.2
-89.2 -89.2
-87.9 -95 -100.3 -89.7 -95

0 .7 1.4 2.1 2.8 MHz 0 .7 1.4 2.1 2.8 MHz

(a) Aliasing Due to 1.7 MHz Blocker (b) Aliasing Due to 3.4 MHz Blocker

Fig. 3.10: Worst Case DECT Blockers and Noise at Comb Filter Output

The out of band components in Figure 3.9 and Figure 3.10 must be removed by

subsequent filters with 4x decimation. If for GSM, a comb filter that decimated by 32 were

used, later filtering would only be required to remove energy in the band from 100kHz to

200kHz. This approach will not work, however, because too much of the quantization noise and

blocker power aliases into the desired band, degrading the overall receiver noise figure.

In (Eq 3-6) the power is dependent on the word length, the frequency, and the number

of taps, which is five in the numerator and five in the denominator for a fifth order comb filter.

The word length for the comb filter was given by (Eq 3-5) as klog 2 (M c ) + Bin. Reducing any of

these parameters will reduce the word length, and therefore, the power. Bin from the sigma-

delta is fixed at 6 bits. k cannot be reduced because the filter would not provide enough

quantization noise rejection. It is possible, however, to reduce M c . If Mc is reduced to 8, the

3.5 Power Comparison of Architectures 27

word length can be reduced from 26 bits to 21. The differentiators of this implementation will

run at twice the rate of those in the original implementation, but the overall comb filter power

is lower. At the output of this filter, the remaining decimation is 8x instead of 4x. The comb

filter with decimation by 8 provides less rejection of the lower frequency blockers, so there is

more noise power to be rejected by the subsequent filters. This results in higher power

consumption of the remaining stages and the net power of the entire filter is higher.

One way to reduce the word length without reducing the overall comb filter

decimation ratio is to separate the comb filter into two filters, each with an M c of 4. The first

comb filter has a word length of 16 bits, with the integrators running at 64x and the

differentiators running at 16x. The second comb filter has a word length of 26 bits, which is the

same as the original filter, but the integrators are running at 16x instead of 64x. This is

illustrated in Figure 3.11. A power comparison between this filter and the original comb filter

is given in Table 3.1. The two-stage implementation is more power than the single cascaded

comb filter due to the added integrators and differentiators running at 16x.

6 Comb 16 Comb 26
From Σ∆ To Remaining Filters
k=5 Mc=4 k=5 Mc=4
64x 16x 4x
Data Rate

Fig. 3.11: Comb Filter With Two-Stage Implementation

Table 3.1:Power Comparison of Comb Filter Implementation

Single Comb
Type Number Word Length Rate Power Metric
Integrator 5 26 64x 8320
Differentiator 5 26 4x 520
Total: 8840
3.5 Power Comparison of Architectures 28

Table 3.1:Power Comparison of Comb Filter Implementation

Two-Stage Comb
Type Number Word Length Rate Power Metric
Integrator 5 16 64x 5120
Differentiator 5 16 16x 1280
Integrator 5 26 16x 2080
Differentiator 5 26 4x 520
Total: 9000

Another implementation of comb filters uses a bit-serial approach, which breaks the

comb filter into several stages. [35] There is one stage for each 2x of comb filter decimation,

and each stage operates at a progressively lower rate. The word length for the first stage is

equal to Bi plus k. Each stage has a word length of k more bits than the last. For certain values

of M c , Bi, and k, this structure results in lower power. For a large Bin of 6, k=5, and M c =16,

however, this approach consumes more power than the conventional comb filter.

3.5.2 Remaining Filters

The worst case blockers in Figure 3.9 include four different interfering signals.

Because the blockers are applied to the receiver separately, it is necessary to separate the

profile into four cases. Figure 3.12 shows the desired and undesired signal powers for the 200k,

400k, 600k, and 1.2MHz blockers. Note that the quantization noise has been lumped with the

blockers if they fall into the same channel. The remaining filters must reject all four of these

scenarios so that the CNR is within the required level. The total allowable noise to meet this

specification is given in the figure above each profile.

3.5 Power Comparison of Architectures 29

Total Noise -97 dB Total Noise -97 dB

-49.3 dB

-73 -73
-89.3 -79.8
-100.3 -84.6 dB
0 100 300 400 kHz 0 100 300 400 kHz
(a) 600 k Blocker (b)1.2 M Blocker

Total Noise -80 dB Total Noise -80 dB


-48.0 dB
-56 -56
-89.3 -84.6 dB
-100.3 -100.3

0 100 300 400 kHz 0 100 300 400 kHz

(c) 200 k Interferer (d) 400 k Interferer

Fig. 3.12: Worst Case Second-Stage Inputs (GSM) From (a) 600kHz, (b) 1.2MHz, (c) 200kHz,
and (d) 400kHz Channels

There are several possible filter combinations that can be used to achieve the last 4x of

decimation. Recent low-power decimation filters [24] [25] have used an architecture consisting

of a comb filter followed by two halfband filters. The solution with two halfbands consumes

significantly less power than one using a single FIR followed by decimation by 4x. For this

application, however, using two halfband filters is still very costly. Remember from Section 3.4

that the halfband filter has an attenuation of -6dB at fs/4. This means that some of the energy

above 100kHz will remain after filtering and will be counted as part of the noise budget. In

order to meet the specification with two halfbands, a very narrow transition band is needed in

the second filter, resulting in a large number of taps.

Figure 3.13 illustrates the problem with using two halfband filters of a reasonable

length. It can be seen in the figure that there is a large undesired signal at 200kHz at the output

of the comb filter. The signal is only slightly attenuated by the first halfband, and must
3.5 Power Comparison of Architectures 30

therefore be removed by the second halfband. At 100kHz, the filter attenuates the blocker by

6dB. A transition band from 100k to 107kHz, contains a noise power that is greater than the

total allowable noise for the entire filter. The transition band of the second halfband would

have to be 3kHz in order to reject enough of the neighboring blocker, which results in a filter

with 371 taps!

Comb OSR/4 Halfband 2 Halfband 2 Droop


fs= 800k fs= 400k fs= 200k

dBm dBm dBm

-73 -73 -73 Large Noise Power

0 200k 400k 0 200k 0 100k 200k

Fig. 3.13: Problem With Two-Halfband Architecture

This problem can be overcome by several methods. If an FIR is used in place of the

second halfband, the transition band need no longer be symmetric about 100k. The transition

band can be shifted lower in frequency to reject undesired signal power above 100kHz.

Another possible solution is to add an FIR filter after the two halfbands to reject the transition

band power. Recall from Section 2.6 that the information bandwidth of the desired signal is

82kHz. The un-rejected noise power in the second halfband filter’s transition band (see Figure

3.13) will alias between 93k and 100kHz. Because this is above the information bandwidth, it

can be removed with a FIR filter.

Another possibility is to reduce the power of the 600kHz blocker before it aliases to

the 200k channel by using a sixth order comb filter. Increasing the order of the comb filter adds
3.5 Power Comparison of Architectures 31

an extra integrator and differentiator, increasing the number of adders and registers from 10 to

12. It also increases the required word length according to (Eq 3-5) from 26 to 30. The rest of

the filter can be implemented with two halfbands, with about one-fourth the taps in the second

halfband as compared to the fifth order comb, two halfband filter implementation.

It can be seen from Figure 3.3 that the comb filter is not flat in the passband, but has

some droop. This droop must be corrected by an FIR filter. If an FIR filter is used in the design,

it can include the frequency response necessary to correct the droop. If there is no FIR, an

extra droop-correct filter must be added to the end of the filter. As can be seen from the

following comparison, the droop-correct filter contributes negligible power consumption to the

overall filter.

The FIR and droop-correct filters are designed using the Remez exchange algorithm.

The halfband filters are designed using the Remez algorithm and a technique from [27]. The

stopband of each filter is chosen so that the overall filter can meet the CNR requirement. Each

filter within the decimation filter will contribute some noise to the total. In the architecture

comparisons, the total noise is distributed to the individual filters such that the power of the

overall filter is minimized. In order to do this, some iteration is required.

3.5.3 Power Metric Calculation

The power of all of the filter architectures mentioned in Section 3.5.2 can be

compared using (Eq 3-6), as in Section 3.5.1, where the power of two comb architectures was

compared. For the filters after the comb filter, a word length of 13 bits is assumed. It is also

assumed that each tap can be implemented with three adders instead of a multiply. A halfband

filter of length 15, for example, has nine non-zero taps. Because the filter is symmetric, four of

those nine taps are identical to another tap, resulting in 5 unique taps that must be

implemented. In this comparison, only the effective number of taps is used since that more

closely emulates the actual hardware. For a comb filter, each tap is one adder and one register.
3.5 Power Comparison of Architectures 32

To make the comparisons consistent, the number of taps should be multiplied by the number of

adders per tap. This yields a slightly different power metric, given in (Eq 3-7).

Power ∝ ∑ ( taps × adds/tap × frequency × wordlength

. ) (Eq 3-7)

The power metric of the sixth order comb filter is calculated as follows. There are 6

integrators operating at 64x and 6 differentiators operating at 4x. Both have a word length of

30 bits, resulting in a power proportional to 11,832. The fifth order comb filter was calculated

to be 8840. The sixth order comb is approximately one-third more power.

Table 3.2 shows the five architectures that are compared, the power metric for each,

and the normalized value relative to the lowest power architecture. The first architecture

consists of a comb filter and an FIR followed by decimation by 4x. The FIR operates at it’s

input rate, which is four times the output rate, and therefore consumes a lot of power. The

second architecture uses a sixth-order comb filter to attenuate the large 600kHz blocker before

it aliases into the adjacent channel. The extra comb stages and increased word length consume

much more power than is saved in the later halfband stages. The third architecture is the

commonly used comb filter followed by two halfband stages. It’s power is 17% higher than the

lowest power solution. Architecture 4 replaces the second halfband with an FIR filter. While

the total number of taps is reduced, the FIR must run at the input rate of 2x, unlike the second

halfband, which operates at the decimated rate of 1x. The power of these two architectures is

approximately the same, although the one with fewer taps will have a smaller area. The final

architecture uses an FIR to filter out the undesired signal that has aliased into the region

between the information bandwidth of 82k and the channel bandwidth of 100kHz. This solution

has the lowest power of the five and is therefore used in this work.

Because this comparison makes several simplifying assumptions and does not take

clock distribution and other overhead circuitry into account, the normalized power numbers

given in Table 3.2 are very approximate. A more accurate analysis was not performed because,
3.6 Power Reduction with Automatic Gain Control 33

in addition to potential power savings, Architecture 5 can be easily adapted from the GSM

specification to DECT. This adaptation is further explained later in the chapter.

Table 3.2:Power Comparison of Filter Architectures

Power Normalized
Metric Power

1 Comb 16 FIR 4 22,228 2.03

8500 13,729

2 Comb 6 16 hb1 2 hb2 2 droop 13,353 1.22

5@2x 26@1x 3@1x
11,832 390 1014 117

3 Comb 16 hb1 2 hb2 2 droop 12,637 1.17

5@2x 94@1x 3@1x
8500 390 3666 117

4 Comb 16 hb 2 FIR 2 12,556 1.15

5@2x 47@1x
8500 390 3666

5 Comb 16 hb1 2 hb2 2 FIR 10,957 1

5@2x 26@1x 27@1x
8500 390 1014 1053

3.6 Power Reduction with Automatic Gain Control

Recall that the smallest desired channel that the decimation filter sees is -73dBFS. For

this case the total allowable noise is -94 dbFS. An equation for the truncation error is given in

(Eq 3-8) where b is the number of bits retained. [27]

3.6 Power Reduction with Automatic Gain Control 34

error < ± 2 (Eq 3-8)

In the above power comparison, it was assumed that all of the filters following the comb filter

had 13 bits. This yields an error of -78.3dB according to (Eq 3-8), which is obviously not

below the total allowable noise requirement. To meet this requirement, 21 bits would be

needed, assuming a 5 bit accuracy, 2 bits for error, and 13 bits to meet the -73dB dynamic

range for the worst case input. If gain is applied to the desired signal, the total allowable noise

will scale with the signal. This allows a reduced dynamic range, requiring fewer bits to be

used, resulting in a lower power implementation.

Under worst case conditions, the desired channel for GSM is -73dBFS and the largest

blocker is -3dBFS at the input of the decimation filter. Gain cannot be applied to the signal

because it is already close to full scale. At the output of the comb filter (see Figure 3.9),

however, the largest blocker is -25.5dB for a desired signal of -56dB. If the desired signal is

greater than -56dB, the worst case blocker is -30.6dB higher. For a desired signal smaller than

-56dB, it can be assumed that the adjacent channel interferer specification no longer applies. In

the blocking profile, the worst case blocker is 23.4dB larger than the desired signal. Since, for

small desired signals, the largest blockers are well below full scale, gain can be applied until

the largest signal approaches full scale.

To minimize overhead, it is assumed that the gain is provided by a programmable bit-

shifter, which is controlled by the DSP based on the received signal strength (RSSI) of the

desired channel. Therefore, the gain is applied in steps of approximately 6dB. The worst case

dynamic range needed will be 30.6dB, the difference between the desired signal and the largest

blocker, plus 6dB, the gain step, plus 3dB to keep the largest signal 3dB below full scale.

Suppose a blocker is 26.9dB. A bit-shift of 4 provides 24dB of gain, which would make the

signal above full scale minus 3dB. So, a bit-shift of 3 must be used, resulting in a magnitude of

-8.9dB. The worst case desired signal is 30.6 dB below this, or -39.5dB. Now, just over 6 bits
3.7 FIR and Halfband Filter Design 35

are needed to achieve the necessary dynamic range. Adding the 21dB CNR and 2 bits for error,

gives a 13 bit word length.

Using the same method as in Table 3.2, it can be calculated that the power of filter

architecture 5 would be 14% higher with 21 bit word lengths in the final filters. This

comparison neglects the power consumed by the AGC, which is only a few percent of the entire

filter if standard cell muxes are used, and less if a logarithmic shifter is used.

Because the worst case difference between the desired signal and the largest blocker is

small for DECT, resulting in a nine bit word length, the implemented word length is set by the

GSM specifications. Appendix 2 gives the DSP controls needed to operate the AGC in GSM

and DECT modes.

3.7 FIR and Halfband Filter Design

The FIR and halfband filter taps are designed in MATLAB using the Remez-exchange

algorithm. The halfband filter program also utilizes the method explained in [28]. In order to

meet the CNR specified in Table 2.2, the total noise allowed is -94dB for the out of band

blockers and -77 dB for the adjacent channel interferers. This includes the ADC quantization

noise, remaining transition band noise, and the signal power that aliases into baseband after

decimation. To meet this specification and minimize the number of taps needed, the stopband

rejection of the first halfband is -55dB, the second halfband is -50dB, and the fir is -26dB. The

frequency response for the filters is given in Figure 3.14.Given these rejections, the filter

lengths are 11, 75, and 26 respectively. The effective number of taps, as explained in Section

3.5.3, are 4, 20, and 13. The tap values are listed in appendix3.
3.7 FIR and Halfband Filter Design 36

10 20

Attenuation (dB)

Attenuation (dB)

-20 -20


-40 -50 dB
-50 -55 dB -60




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 -120
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Normalized Frequency Normalized Frequency
(a) (b)

Attenuation (dB)




-26 dB



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

Normalized Frequency

Fig. 3.14: GSM Filters (a) First Halfband, (b) Second Halfband, (c) FIR

3.7.1 Tap Quantization and Encoding

Multipliers are expensive in terms of both power and area. One way to implement taps

without using multipliers is to use cannonic signed digit encoding (CSD). Cannonic signed

digit encoding quantizes each tap to a finite number of powers of 2, and takes advantage of the

fact that multiplication by a power of two is simply a bit shift. For example, 0.47045898 = 2 -1

-2 -4 + 2 -5 + 2 -9 - 2 -12 . Instead of using a multiplier, this tap can be implemented with five shift
3.7 FIR and Halfband Filter Design 37

and add operations. To save even more power, the list of powers of 2 can be truncated. The

amount of truncation depends on how much quantization error can be tolerated in the taps and

how much degradation of the filter frequency response can be tolerated. Complex algorithms

have been proposed to optimize the number of CSD’s used in a filter for a given frequency

response. [30] For this work, a simple MATLAB program was written to expand the filter taps

into powers of 2, and quantize the number of CSD’s to within a given error for each tap. The

amount of error was then made as large as possible, reducing the number of CSD’s, without

degrading the frequency response of the filter too much. The net result was an average of 2.5

CSD’s per tap for the halfband and FIR filters. According to the rule-of-thumb given in [30],

each tap should have one CSD for each 20dB of rejection, plus, one extra for large tap values.

Using this rule, the first halfband filter quantized with the MATLAB program has 2 extra

CSD’s. The second halfband has 8 extra, and the fir has 6 extra CSD’s. So, it may be possible

to eliminate 16 of the 93 CSD’s if a complex local search algorithm were designed, resulting in

12.7% fewer adders (16/126 adders). Designing such an algorithm is complex, and though it

would be useful, it is beyond the scope of this project.

The Goodman filters [31], a collection of hardware efficient decimation and

interpolation filters, were considered as a possibility for the first halfband. The F8 filter has a

frequency response that is closest to the specification, but its stopband rejection is over-

designed by 5dB. As a result, it has more registers and more CSD’s than the filter generated by


3.7.2 Nested Multiplication

Nested Multiplication reduces roundoff noise by combining smaller partial products

and then shifting the result instead of shifting completely before adding. [24] For example,

multiplying a number x by 0.3125, where 0.3125 = 2 -2 + 2 -4 , would normally be written as

3.8 Modifying the Filters for DECT Operation 38

–2 –4
0.3125x = 2 x + 2 x , (Eq 3-9)

which requires shifts of 2 and 4. The multiplication can also be performed as

–2 –2
0.3125x = 2 ( x + 2 x ) , (Eq 3-10)

which requires a maximum shift of 2. For a given word length, the nested multiplication in (Eq

3-10) will have less roundoff noise than the multiplication in (Eq 3-9). Using nested

multiplication also reduces hardware complexity by reducing the maximum adder word length

and largest shifter needed.

3.8 Modifying the Filters for DECT Operation

The filters discussed in the last few sections were for the GSM specification. If the

filter is operating in DECT mode, the requirements are much less stringent. Rejections of only

-26dB and -28dB are needed in the first and second halfband filters to reject the blockers and

quantization noise. Recall that halfband filters are equiripple filters. For this application, the

signal is phase modulated, so a large degree of ripple can be tolerated. The filter is constrained

to 0.6dB of ripple, so each halfband is limited to 0.2dB. This causes the design to be limited by

the ripple, not by the blockers as is the GSM case. Therefore, the stopband rejections for the

DECT halfbands is set to -33dB. The FIR filter is not needed at all, so a droop-correct filter

must be added. There are several options for designing the DECT filters, depending on the

implementation used.

The first option is to simply use the GSM filters for DECT operation. This requires no

additional area, but consumes excess power. Another option is to design new halfband filters
3.8 Modifying the Filters for DECT Operation 39

for the above rejections. This yields the lowest power consumption, but can have a large impact

on the area, depending on the implementation chosen. A third option is to use the GSM filters,

eliminating the excess CSD’s so that the stopband rejections just meet the DECT

specifications. This can be done by using a separate power supply, and shutting off the un

necessary hardware, resulting in the filters shown in Figure 3.15. This will not reduce the

number of registers as a custom solution would, but it does reduce the number of adders in the

halfband filters by approximately 50%. Similarly, the effective word length for the halfband

filters can be reduced to the nine bits needed to meet the DECT dynamic range requirement.

This solution has minimal impact on area, and its power consumption is within 2% of a custom

solution. The best choice for the DECT filters is implementation dependent and will be

discussed in Chapter 4.

10 10

0 0

-10 -10
Attenuation (dB)

Attenuation (dB)

-20 -20

-33 dB -33 dB
-40 -40

-50 -50

-60 -60

-70 -70

-80 -80

-90 -90
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

Normalized Frequency Normalized Frequency


Attenuation (dB)




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

Normalized Frequency

Fig. 3.15: DECT Filters (a) First Halfband, (b) Second Halfband, (c) Droop-Correct
3.9 Summary 40

3.9 Summary

This chapter discusses decimation filter architecture design for a low-power receiver

application. The important conclusions are summarized below.

• Decimation in stages saves both power and area.

• The filter architecture should be tailored to the worst case blocking profile, which can

result in a non-uniform stopband rejection, and non-traditional filter architectures.

• Automatic gain control should be used as early in the filter as possible to reduce the word

length, and therefore the power, of later stages.

• Cannonic signed digit tap encoding should be used to avoid power hungry multipliers.

• Nested multiplication should be used to reduce the amount of truncation noise and the

maximum adder and shifter widths.

• If a multi-standard solution is needed, the power used in each mode can be minimized by

powering down all unused hardware blocks.

Figure 3.16 shows the architecture chosen to implement the low-power decimation

filter. The filter operates in two modes, GSM and DECT. Several controls from the DSP

determine what mode the filter is in and how much AGC is needed. In GSM mode, 16x of

decimation follows the comb filter. The amount of AGC is based on the RSSI and the worst

case blocking profile, and is given in Appendix 2. Following the AGC are two halfband filters

and an FIR filter. In DECT mode, the amount of decimation after the comb filter is changed to

8x. The amount of AGC is set by the RSSI and the DECT blocking profile. In the halfband

filters, unnecessary hardware is shut down, reducing the word length from 13 bits to 9, and

degrading the stopband rejection of both filters to the values shown in brackets in Figure 3.16.

The FIR filter is replaced by a droop-correction filter.

3.9 Summary 41

From Sigma-Delta


16 [8]


HB1 [-31dB]

2 Control Signals
From DSP

HB2 [-34dB]


FIR droop

GSM Output DECT Output

Fig. 3.16: Decimation Filter Architecture for GSM and DECT Standards
4.1 Introduction 42

Chapter 4

Decimation Filter

4.1 Introduction

The implementation of a decimation filter should be chosen based on requirements

such as power, area, performance, and, depending on the application, multi-standard operation

and substrate noise. For example, a filter requiring extremely high performance will be

implemented differently than one in which minimizing area is important. This chapter presents

two implementations suitable for a multi-standard decimation filter and explains why a fixed

multi-standard implementation is used to implement the GSM/DECT decimation filter.

The three general categories for decimation filter implementation are hard wired,

reconfigurable, and programmable. [32] A hard wired implementation uses dedicated

hardware, and will therefore have lower power and higher performance. In a reconfigurable

implementation, the filter coefficients can be changed with the ROM mask. In general, this

implementation has a smaller area and higher power than the hard wired implementation. A

programmable implementation can be advantageous if a fast enough DSP is already available.

The filter in this project is to be implemented with the receiver, so the programmable

implementation is not considered. Both the ROM programmable (reconfigurable) and the fixed

(hard wired) implementations are considered in this chapter. Several blocks in the receiver
4.2 Fixed Implementation 43

architecture, such as the AGC, comb filter, and clock dividers, are the same for both

implementations. They will, therefore, be discussed only once in Section 4.2 where the hard

wired implementation is described.

4.2 Fixed Implementation

The fixed implementation uses dedicated hardware and is therefore specific to the

GSM and DECT standards. The only programmability included in the filter is that which is

necessary to switch between the GSM and DECT modes, and to operate the AGC. In this

implementation, each tap has its own adder(s) to implement the cannonic signed digits, and all

of the shifts within the individual filters are hard wired. Hardware is re-used between the GSM

and DECT modes, but not within or between the filters. So, although the implementation is

fixed, one filter can effectively implement both standards, keeping the area reasonably small.

4.2.1 Comb Filter

The comb filter is implemented as a cascade of five integrators followed by

decimation (performed by the shaded register) and five differentiators as shown in Figure 4.1.

It is possible to replace an integrator, a differentiator, and the resampling switch with an

accumulate-and-dump circuit as explained in [32]. This replaces the resampling switch and a

low-rate adder and register with some simple logic, slightly reducing the power and area of the

comb filter. In order to use the accumulate-and-dump circuit, a non 50% duty cycle clock is

needed at fs/M c , the output rate of the comb filter. For simplicity, the accumulate-and-dump

circuit will not be used in this implementation.

4.2 Fixed Implementation 44

Cs Cs Cs Cs Cs
IN + Reg. + Reg. + Reg. + Reg. + Reg. Reg.

+ + + + + OUT
Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg.
Cd Cd Cd Cd Cd

Fig. 4.1: Comb Filter Implementation

The input sampling rates for GSM and DECT are 12.8MHz and 44.8MHz respectively.

Since the bandwidth and the sampling rate for DECT are higher, it will determine the worst

case timing requirements for the filter. Because the integrators are pipelined, the worst case

delay of a 26 bit register and a 26 bit adder must be completed in 22.3ns. Ripple carry adders

are extremely slow and the standard cell adders in a 0.5um and a 0.35um process could not

meet the DECT speed requirement. For the 0.35um process, a cascade of 2-bit standard cell

adders and a D-flip flop were fast enough to meet the specification. If standard cell adders with

sufficient speed are not available, a logarithmic adder as described in [23] could be used.

4.2.2 Halfband and FIR Filters

The halfband filters are implemented using the polyphase structure described in

Section 3.4. The FIR filters are implemented using the simple direct form structure. For a fixed

implementation, the shifters and adders needed to implement the taps are hard wired as shown

in Figure 4.2, a diagram of the first halfband filter. CSD tap encoding and nested multiplication

can both be seen in the figure. The input rate for the first halfband filter is 800kHz for GSM

and 5.6MHz for DECT. The effective filter rates are 400kHz and 2.8MHz respectively, so the

filter can easily meet the timing requirements using the same standard cells as the comb filter.

The commutator shown in the figure can be implemented using two standard cell D-flip flops,

each clocked on every other input sample. For rising edge triggered flip flops, the clock need
4.2 Fixed Implementation 45

only be inverted for one of the latches. As described in Section 3.8, some of the adders in the

halfband filters are connected to different power supplies that can be shut down when the filter

is operating in DECT mode. This degrades the stopband rejection of the filter to meet the less

stringent DECT specification. The adders that are powered down in DECT mode are shaded in

Figure 4.2. The dashed arrows show where an adder needs to be bypassed. This can be done by

adding a pass gate or a mux, that is set to adder or bypass mode, depending on which standard

is being used. Seven adders can be shut down, leaving eight in operation in DECT mode. The

over head for this programmability is four muxes and the extra power supply line. The muxes

consume very little power because they follow the input and do not switch. Using this

technique results in approximately 30% less power in the first halfband and 36% in the second.

h10 h8 h6
Register Register

h0 h2 h4
Register Register Register

+ + +
<<2 <<6 <<2
+ +
<<3 <<1
- -+
<<2 -+ <<2 +
h1 h3 h5
Register Register +
<<1 OUT

Fig. 4.2: First Halfband Filter Implementation

4.2 Fixed Implementation 46

4.2.3 AGC

The AGC is implemented as a logarithmic shifter as described in [23]. Since this filter

is implemented with standard cells, the pass transistors are replaced by an array of muxes. The

output word length is 13 and the largest shift value is 7, so three levels of muxes are needed.

The shift value, and therefore the four select values, are controlled by the DSP, based on the

RSSI as explained in Section 3.6. The AGC structure is shown in Figure 4.3, where several of

the interconnections in the third row are left out for clarity. Note that input bits 5 through 0 are

not seen on the diagram because they are not found in the output for shifts of 7 or less. Each of

the select values controls the entire row of muxes. It can be seen from the diagram that if sel_1

selects the right path, no shift is performed by the first row. If sel_1 selects the left path, a shift

of one bit occurs. The second and third rows perform shifts of two, and four bits respectively,

or no shift at all. In this way, shifts can be performed using combinations of the three rows to

achieve overall shifts with values from zero to 7.

b6 b7 b8 b9 b10 b11 b12 b13 b14 b15 b16 b17 b18 b19 b20 b21 b22 b23 b24 b25




a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12

Fig. 4.3: Partial Diagram of Mux-Based AGC

4.2.4 Clock Dividers and Peripheral Circuits

It is assumed that the input clocks will be generated by the frequency synthesizer for

the sigma-delta and the decimation filter. So, the remaining 50% duty cycle clocks needed by

the decimation filter can be generated using a simple divide by 2 circuits described in [23].
4.3 ROM Programmable Implementation 47

After the comb filter, the clock must be divided by 16 for GSM and 8 for DECT. If four divide

by 2 circuits are cascaded, the correct output can be chosen using a mux as shown in Figure

4.4. The select is set by the DSP, and will only switch if the mode of operation changes. The

shaded divide by 2 circuit can be powered down in DECT mode to conserve power.

φ .. 2 .. 2 .. 2 .. 2

.. 2 .. 2

Cs Cd C1 C2

Fig. 4.4: Clock Dividers

4.2.5 Summary of Fixed Multi-Standard Implementation

The fixed implementation uses dedicated hardware for low-power consumption, and

good performance. The filter that implements the GSM standard is used as a template for the

DECT filter. The filter requirements for GSM are more stringent than those for DECT, so

several blocks can be powered down, degrading the filter response and further reducing the

power consumption in DECT mode.

4.3 ROM Programmable Implementation

In this implementation, the filter coefficients for the halfband and FIR filters are

stored in a read only memory (ROM), and implemented in an arithmetic logic unit (ALU). The

output data of each filter is stored in random access memory (RAM), and is read into the ALU

when it is needed by the subsequent filter. In addition to specifying the filter coefficients and

order of operations, the ROM codes also control the read and write functions of the RAM. With

a ROM-based implementation, the ROM can be broken into blocks for each standard. A signal
4.3 ROM Programmable Implementation 48

from the DSP is needed to choose the block corresponding to the mode that the receiver is

operating in. With this architecture, new filters can be implemented by simply changing the

ROM mask, and ensuring that the counters, clock multipliers, and RAM can accommodate the

new filter. A block diagram of the ROM programmable implementation is shown in Figure 4.5.

Counter 8b Counter 7b
Base Address
Clock Address +
Actual Address

Data Ram
22b 13b

13b 13b
From Comb ALU DSP
and AGC

Fig. 4.5: Architecture of ROM Mask-Programmable Implementation [24]

4.3.1 Arithmetic Unit

The ALU performs all of the arithmetic needed to implement the halfband and FIR

filters. It stores data in and reads data from the RAM, shifts, negates, adds numbers, and

delivers output data to the DSP. A block diagram of the ALU is given in Figure 4.6. [24] In the

figure, data_in is the input data from the AGC. When the data is available, it is read into the

RAM through mux1. Input data to the filter can be read into reg2 and reg3 through mux2 and

mux3 respectively. The contents of reg1 and reg2 can be inverted, shifted, and added or

subtracted from the contents of reg3. The result can then be stored in reg1, reg2, or reg3 for

further computation, or in reg4, where it is read by the DSP as the filter output. If the result is

an intermediate output, for example of the first halfband, it is latched into reg1 and then stored

into the RAM through mux1. Bits b0 through b12 in the diagram are control bits from the ROM
4.3 ROM Programmable Implementation 49

that set the ALU to the correct configuration for each operation. The shift requires three

control bits in order to perform logarithmic shifts of seven or less.

As an example, consider implementing h = 2 -3 (x 1 + 2 -1 x 2 ), where x 1 and x 2 are data

stored in the ROM. First x1 and x2 must be loaded into reg3 and reg2 respectively. x2 is passed

from reg2 through mux4 and mux5 where it is shifted by 1 bit. From reg3, x1 passes through

mux6 where it is added to the output of the shifter. Now, (x 1 + 2 -1 x 2 ) is at the output of the

adder. This value can be stored in reg1 and then shifted by 3 on the next cycle. The result, h, is

then located at the input to the adder. It can be added to another value, or added to zero and

either stored in the RAM or latched into reg4 as an input to the DSP.

out 13b in

mux1 b0

Cin (b8)
b8 b10 b11 b12
reg1 b7
mux5 shift b4
b5 b2 mux4 inv
mux2 adder reg4
b6 b3
‘0’ mux6
mux3 reg3

Fig. 4.6: Block Diagram of Arithmetic Unit [24]

4.3 ROM Programmable Implementation 50

4.3.2 ROM Operation

The ROM contains a series of 22b codes that, when accessed cyclically, implement the

final stages of the decimation filter. Each cycle results in a single output at the Nyquist rate. In

Figure 4.6, it can be seen that bits 0 through 12 are used for controlling the ALU. Bit 13 is used

to update the base address by incrementing the 7-bit counter in Figure 4.5. Bit 14 controls the

RAM write operation, and bits 15 to 21 are the virtual RAM address. It can be seen from Figure

4.5 that the base address, at the output of the 7-bit counter, is added to the virtual address to

form the actual RAM address. In this way, the RAM is written to and accessed in a circular

fashion. The RAM is described in more detail in the following section.

The clock that increments the 8-bit wrap around counter in Figure 4.5 is determined

by the number of ROM instructions and by the filter output rate. For an output rate of 200kHz,

and N ROM codes, the clock must be N times 200kHz, since one complete cycle of the ROM is

needed for each filter output. To implement the GSM filter, the ROM must include instructions

for the two halfband filters and the FIR filter. These require 19, 86, and 47 instructions

respectively. The FIR filter has no decimation, so for each input, one output is produced. Each

of the halfband filters decimate by two, so two inputs are needed for one output. Thus, the first

halfband requires four inputs for one filter output, and must operate twice during each cycle.

The total number of instructions becomes 19(2) + 86 + 47 = 171. This results in a clock rate of

171 times 200kHz for GSM, or 34.2MHz for DECT. To make the clock design easier, the clock

should be 34.4MHz, a multiple of 800kHz, the comb filter output rate. It seems easiest to

operate the first halfband twice, then the second halfband, and then the FIR as shown in Figure

4.7. But, since an input arrives every 43 instructions, three inputs, numbers 2, 3, and 4, are

received in between halfband 1 operations. The halfband only has room for two inputs, so the

third input will overwrite relevant data and give an erroneous response.
4.3 ROM Programmable Implementation 51

Filter operation: hb1 hb1 hb2 fir next hb1

19 19 86 instructions 47

43 43 43 43
Inputs Received

1 2 3 4 5
Fig. 4.7: Incorrect ROM Ordering of Filter Operations

Figure 4.8 shows the correct ordering of the filters. In order for each operation of

halfband1 to receive the correct input data, the filter operation must be spread out in time and

staggered with other filter cycles. Suppose filter cycles x, y, z, and a occur consecutively. At

the beginning of Figure 4.8, the first halfband 1 operates. Before the second halfband 1 can

operate, two more inputs are needed. The time before the inputs arrive can be used for the

operation of the FIR from cycle x, the previous cycle. After halfband 1 operates both times, the

inputs to halfband 2 are available. When halfband 2 is finished, two new inputs have arrived

from the AGC. To make sure that these inputs are not overwritten, the first operation of

halfband 1 for the next cycle, z, occurs. The operation of halfband 1 does not affect the FIR

filter at all, so the FIR for cycle y can be implemented after the first operation of halfband 1 for

cycle z. A complete filter cycle (cycle z) is shown in italics in Figure 4.8. Note that this is

different from a ROM cycle, which is simply the instructions which must be cyclically repeated

in order to implement the filter. Appendix 3 gives a list of the ROM instructions needed to

implement the filter.

4.3 ROM Programmable Implementation 52

hb1y firx hb1y hb2y hb1z firy hb1z hb2z hb1a firz

in3y in4y in1z in2z in3z in4z in1a in2a in3a

One ROM Cycle

Fig. 4.8: Correct Ordering of ROM Coefficients

4.3.3 RAM Partitioning and Multi-Rate Addressing

The RAM stores all of the relevant data for each of the filters. This data corresponds

to what would be stored in registers in a fixed implementation. But, unlike a fixed or direct-

form implementation, each data word is stored in the RAM once, and remains in the same

location until it is no longer needed. After the data is no longer needed, it is replaced by new

data. It is possible to implement a ROM programmable filter using registers instead of a RAM,

however, it has been shown in [25] that the power dissipated in the registers is significantly

greater than the power dissipated by the RAM. This is because the register based filter must

shift data between registers on every clock cycle, instead of simple storing and reading them


The RAM in this application is circularly addressed as shown in Figure 4.9. The RAM

is divided into blocks for each filter. The block boundaries and the base address are

incremented once for each filter output, moving circularly throughout the RAM. As data at the

top of each block becomes obsolete, it is replaced by new data from the block above. In Figure

4.5, it can be seen that the actual RAM address is the base address plus the fixed virtual

address that is stored in the ROM.

4.3 ROM Programmable Implementation 53

FIR Base Address

HB 1
12 locations

HB 2
58 locations

27 locations
Total: 97 storage locations

Fig. 4.9: Circularly Addressed RAM

Each block must increment once for each overall filter output, regardless of the filter

rate. So, the first halfband should only move one location for every four inputs, and the second

halfband moves once for every two inputs. In order to prevent the blocks that run at higher

sampling rates from overwriting the blocks that run at slower rates, they must be separated into

sub-blocks, with the number of sub-blocks corresponding to the amount of oversampling. The

first halfband, for example, runs at four times the output rate. Therefore, it is partitioned into

four sub-blocks. The second halfband runs at twice the output rate and the FIR runs at the

output rate, so they will have two sub-blocks and one block respectively.

One sub-block increments for each filter input. To prevent data from one sub-block

from overwriting current data in another sub-block, the filter block must be partitioned into

even and odd sub-blocks. These sub-blocks can be further divided into even and odd blocks

until the correct number of sub-blocks are obtained. As an example of this, the first halfband is

shown in Figure 4.10 in its direct-form, polyphase implementation. An input data stream of a1,

a2, a3... is assumed, and ki represents the filter coefficients.

4.3 ROM Programmable Implementation 54

Halfband 1
h10 h8 h6
Reg. Reg.
h0 h2 h4
Reg. Reg. Reg.
+ + +
k0 k2 k4
+ + + + OUT
IN h1 h3 h5 k5
Reg. Reg.

Input stream: a1 a2 a3...

Fig. 4.10: Direct-Form Polyphase Implementation of Halfband 1

Figure 4.11 shows the RAM contents of the first halfband filter for a ROM

programmable implementation, corresponding to the direct-form implementation shown in

Figure 4.10. The filter has been divided into even and odd blocks 1 and 2. Each of these has

been further divided into even and odd blocks, as shown on the left side of the figure. The

corresponding register locations are listed to the right. The third column shows the contents of

the registers for an input stream of a1, a2, a3, etc. Note that the register location furthest from

the input (h14) contains the oldest input datum a1. Suppose that a15 has just been stored in the

location corresponding to h0. The filter computes an output, which is stored as an input to the

second halfband. The data stored in h14 and h7 are no longer be needed for future computation,

so they can be overwritten. It is assumed that the address just below the bottom of the block is

also replaceable. So the next inputs a16, and a17, can be placed in these locations. The right

most column shows how the boundary has shifted by one address. Now, the datum that

corresponded to h4, for example, has “moved” to h8. Another output can be computed for the

second halfband, and the data that was previously stored at locations h5 and h12 are now

obsolete. The even_1 sub-block has moved down by one address, replacing a10 with a18. The
4.3 ROM Programmable Implementation 55

datum at the top of the block, a3, can be replaced by the an input to the block above. Appendix

3 gives the RAM partitioning in more detail.

h12 a3 a3 is no longer
h8 a7 h12 needed and
even_1 will be replaced
h4 a11 h8 by block above
h0 a15 h4
h5 a10 a18 h0
h1 a14 h5
h14 a1 a19 h1
h10 a5 h14
even_2 h10
h6 a9
h2 a13 h6
h7 a8 a16 h2
h3 a12 h7
a17 h3 replaces entry
from block below

register locations corresponding to data

Fig. 4.11: RAM Contents for Halfband 1

4.3.4 Summary of ROM Programmable Implementation

The ROM programmable implementation is mask programmable, and is therefore easy

to change or add to. The hardware in the ALU is reused for each tap and each filter. As a result

the area is very small, but the clock rate is substantially higher than a fixed implementation.

The comb filter and AGC circuits are the same as for the fixed implementation. In the clock

generation circuitry, the last two dividers are replaced by a multiplier. The structure of the

ALU and the operation of this implementation are based on [20] and [24]. See these references

for further information.

4.4 Comparison of Implementations 56

4.4 Comparison of Implementations

For this project, the most important factor in determining which implementation to use

is the power consumption. Issues of secondary importance are area and adaptability to other

standards. The power and area numbers in this section were calculated using the power and

area numbers from a 0.35um standard cell library. The power estimates do not take the activity

factor into account, and are therefore pessimistic. The library is not designed for low power, so

significant power savings could be obtained if the cells were re-designed for low-power and

low-voltage. The area estimates ignore the routing overhead since there are five layers of metal

and all of the routing can be done on top of the cells. [33]

Table 4.1: Power Comparison of Filter Architectures

Power - GSM Power - Comparison to This

Mode DECT Mode Work

Fixed Multi-Standard (This Work) 4.37 mW 16.4 mW --

Fixed Multi-Standard Without 4.77 mW 19.4 mW Saves 9% - GSM
AGC or Block Power Down and 19% - DECT
Fixed With All Custom Filters 4.37 mW 16 mW Negligible savings
for DECT
ROM Mask-Programmable 26.3 mW 64.8 mW 6x higher - GSM
4x higher - DECT

Table 4.2: Area Comparison of Filter Architectures

Implementation Area Estimate Comparison to this Work

Fixed Multi-Standard (This Work) 1.4 mm2 --

Fixed With All Custom Filters 1.8 mm2 30% larger
ROM Mask-Programmable .58 mm2 60% smaller
4.5 Simulation Results 57

Tables 4.1 and 4.2 give the power and area for the ROM programmable and the fixed

architectures. The fixed implementation used in this work is labeled as multi-standard, to

differentiate it from an implementation that uses separate filters for each standard (Fixed With

All Custom Filters). Using custom filters saves a negligible amount of power, but has 30%

more area. If more than two standards need to be accommodated, the area would be even larger.

In the second row of Table 4.1, the power for the fixed implementation is compared to the same

implementation without any of the power saving techniques, such as AGC and powering down

unused blocks. The power savings is 9% and 19% for GSM and DECT respectively.

The most important comparison is between the fixed and ROM programmable

implementation. The power of the fixed implementation is six times smaller for GSM and four

times smaller for DECT. The area, however, is more than twice that of the ROM programmable

implementation. Since power is more important than area in this project, the fixed

implementation is chosen. Another factor that may be of importance, depending on the

application, is substrate noise. A lower-power solution will have inject less noise into the

substrate. Furthermore, in the fixed implementation, all of the clocks are less than or equal to

the sigma-delta clock. In the ROM programmable architecture, the clock is greater than the

sampling rate of the ADC. As a result, the substrate may not settle before the sigma-delta takes

an input sample, which causes further degradation in the dynamic range. [36] [37]

The next chapter will discuss these issues in more detail, and try to address

decimation filter design for multi-standard applications in general.

4.5 Simulation Results

Simulation results indicate that the decimation filter will achieve the required CNR for

the worst case quantization noise and the worst case blocking profile for both standards. Figure

4.12 and Figure 4.13 show the worst case quantization noise at the output of the comb filter.

The noise power within 100kHz is -100.3dB, which is 27.3dB below the minimum input signal.
4.5 Simulation Results 58

The AGC applies gain to the desired channel, the noise at the output of the comb filter, and the

blockers. Figure 4.14 shows the output spectrum after the remaining filters have been applied.

For the minimum desired signal, the in-band noise power is -69.5 dB, which includes the

quantization noise and truncation effects. The worst case blocker aliasing can then be added to

this number to obtain the total noise power.

-20 Input tone: -2.6dB

Attenuation in dB


-100 of interest




0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Frequency (Hz) x 10

Fig. 4.12: Quantization Noise at Comb Filter Output

-20 Input tone: -2.6dB

Attenuation in dB



In-band noise power = -100.3 dB




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
x 10
Frequency (Hz)

Fig. 4.13: Noise at Comb Filter Output Within Baseband (Zoom of Figure 4.12)
4.5 Simulation Results 59

Input tone: -2.6dB


Attenuation in dB
-80 In-band noise power = -69.5 dB





0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
x 10
Frequency (Hz)

Fig. 4.14: Noise at Decimation Filter Output

This calculation should be performed for the worst case blockers for each standard.

The results are summarized in Table 4.3. Note that these numbers are pessimistic, since the

worst case blockers and a small desired channel do not cause the sigma-delta to produce the

worst case quantization noise. The blocker attenuation for the DECT filters is slightly

overdesigned to meet the ripple requirement.

Table 4.3: Performance Results for GSM and DECT Filters

Output Worst Case

Total Output Output Noise
Standard Blocker Quantization Blocker
Noise Budget
Noise Power Aliasing

GSM 600kHz -69.5 dB -60.1 dB -52.0 dB -51.9 dB

GSM 1.2MHz -69.5 dB -86.6 dB -56.1 dB -51.9 dB
GSM 200kHz -67.7 dB -80.0 dB -65.8 dB -48.2 dB
GSM 400kHz -67.7 dB -62.4 dB -58.6 dB -48.2 dB
DECT 1.7MHz -44.4 dB -33.7 dB -31.5 dB -23.1 dB
DECT 3.4MHz -44.4 dB -35.2 dB -32.6 dB -23.1 dB
4.6 Summary 60

4.6 Summary

This chapter discusses two decimation filter implementations for the GSM and DECT

standards. The lower-power solution is used to implement the design, and the performance

results are given in Table 4.3. The important conclusions are summarized below.

• In the fixed implementation, the filter can be modified to meet each standard by powering
down blocks that are not needed. These blocks should be connected to a separate power sup-
ply that can be shut down with a control signal from the DSP. This implementation is very
power efficient.

• In the ROM programmable implementation, the ROM codes must be carefully ordered to
ensure correct operation. The RAM must be partitioned in a way that accommodates multi-
rate addressing. This implementation is very area efficient.

• The fixed multi-standard implementation was chosen for this design because power is the
most important design constraint. The estimated power consumption for the filter is 4.37mW
in GSM mode and 16.4mW for DECT.

• Using AGC and powering down unnecessary circuitry yields a power savings of 9% for GSM
and 19% for DECT. The savings for DECT is greater since the filter requirements are relaxed
compared to GSM.

• Simulation results indicate that the filter will meet the specifications in GSM and DECT
modes for worst case inputs.

The power and area estimates given in this chapter are from standard cells in a 0.35um

CMOS process with five layers of metal and a 3.3V power supply. Custom circuit design would

reduce the power consumption and area, and enable the filter to run at a higher speeds. In this

case, the power supply could be reduced, resulting in further power savings. A 1V power

supply, for example, would reduce the power from 4.37mW to 0.4mW in GSM mode, and from

16.4mW to 1.51mW for DECT.

5.1 Introduction 61

Chapter 5

Multi-Standard Issues

5.1 Introduction

Implementing two or more wireless standards in a personal communications device

increases the functionality and flexibility of the device. This work is part of a larger project in

which the GSM cellular and DECT cordless standards are implemented together on a single

chip. Other multi-standard implementations of interest are to combine cordless and cellular

standards for other geographical locations, to combine several cellular standards (for example

United States, Europe, and Japan,) or to add GPS to any cellular standard to receive and

transmit information involving position. Obviously, separate solutions can be designed for

each standard, but that would not be optimum for area, power, or small form factor.

Like the transceiver, the decimation filter can meet the different standards with

separate filters or with a single multi-standard filter as illustrated in Figure 5.1. Figure 5.2

shows this for a more general case. If several standards must be implemented, the area in (a)

will become very large. This project implements the decimation filter in Figure 5.1 (b). This

chapter discusses some of the issues involved in designing and implementing a more general

multi-standard filter as in Figure 5.2 (b), and proposes future work in this area.
5.2 Choosing an Implementation 62

Control From DSP Control From DSP

GSM Filter
Single Filter with
DECT Filter

(a) (b)

Fig. 5.1: Implementing GSM and DECT Standards With (a) Two Separate Filters or With (b) a
Single Dual-Mode Filter

Control From DSP

Standard 1
Control From DSP

Standard 2

.. Single Filter with

n Modes

Standard n

(a) (b)

Fig. 5.2: Multi-Standard Decimation Filter Concept (a) Separate Custom Filter for Each Standard
(b) Single Filter Capable of Implementing Several Standards

5.2 Choosing an Implementation

Some of the factors that affect the implementation choice of a decimation filter are the

modulation schemes and the blocking profiles of the different standards, the number of

standards, power, area, bandwidth, sampling rate, decimation ratio, sigma-delta architecture,

and sensitivity to substrate noise. Each standard specifies a modulation scheme, a BER,
5.2 Choosing an Implementation 63

blocking profiles, and channel bandwidth. The output CNR can be calculated from the BER and

modulation scheme. The sigma-delta modulator architecture and oversampling ratio are

designed to meet the requirements of the different standards in such a way that the power

consumption (or area, or both) is minimized. For more information on designing a sigma-delta

modulator see references [11] and [21]. The importance of power, area, and substrate noise

depend on the application. For a battery powered application, such as a cellular phone, the

power consumption is extremely important and the area must be reasonably small. In other

applications, however, area might be much more important. If the decimation filter is

integrated on the same chip as the modulator or other receiver blocks, the substrate noise

becomes important.

Given the specification for each standard and corresponding sigma-delta modulator, a

decimation filter with the lowest power (or lowest area) can be designed for each standard as in

Chapter 3. The similarities and differences between the resulting filters, along with the power

and area requirements, will help determine which implementation to use. For this work, the

GSM filter could be simplified to meet the DECT requirements. Since the FIR was not needed

for DECT, a small droop-correct filter was added. Both standards used a fourth order sigma-

delta, so the same comb filter could be used for both. As long as the area was reasonable (under

2mm 2 ) the goal of this work was to minimize the power consumption. Thus, the fixed

implementation is a better choice than the ROM programmable. If the area had been more

important than power, however, the ROM programmable implementation would have been more


To design a decimation filter using a fixed implementation, the filter should be

designed for the worst case stopband rejection and ripple requirements. Then, unnecessary

blocks can be powered down in each mode to save power. This solution is best if the power

consumption is more important than area, and if the requirements of the different standards are

similar, or are relaxed versions of each other. This implementation is also attractive for
5.2 Choosing an Implementation 64

applications where substrate noise is important, since the power consumption is low and all of

the clocks operate at or below the sampling frequency.

It is possible that the filters following the comb filter are so different that very little

hardware sharing is possible in a fixed implementation. If the resulting area is too large, or if

the area is the most important, a ROM programmable implementation should be used. With this

implementation, it is easy to change or add standards by altering the ROM mask, assuming that

the RAM and the programmable shifter are big enough. The wrap around counters and the AGC

may also need to be modified. It is possible to further reduce the area of the filter by adding the

comb filter instructions to the ROM or by replacing it with other halfband filters. This may,

however, result in a clock speed that is impossible to meet using current technologies. The

clock for this implementation is proportional to the Nyquist rate of the channel and the number

of instructions needed in the ROM. So, for a wide-bandwidth standard, or for one needing a

large stop band rejection, the clock may be very high. It is important to estimate the clock rate

early in the design to ensure that the speed requirements can be met. This is especially critical

if the ability to design using standard cells is important. If the ROM programmable

implementation is applied to this application, the DECT timing requirements cannot be met by

the standard cells in a 0.35um technology even if the counter, ROM, and ALU are pipelined. A

preliminary design of a logarithmic adder showed that the ALU would be able to meet the

timing requirements with custom circuit design.

The basic trade-off between the two solutions is power vs. area. The difference in

power consumption between a fixed and ROM programmable solution will probably decrease

as the number of standards increases. This is because the fixed implementation has added

complexity with each new standard. The separate supply lines and power down circuitry

increase the total capacitance and therefore the power consumption. There also may be a need

to switch between two filters, like this implementation where the FIR or the droop correct filter

was selected depending on the mode.(GSM/DECT)

5.3 Future Work 65

5.3 Future Work

The filter presented in this work only addresses two telecommunications standards and

two possible implementations. Other issues to consider are implementing standards with

different modulation schemes, implementing a larger number of standards, and implementing

standards where it is optimal to use different modulator architectures. Some ideas to consider

are variable order comb filters, an architecture that uses a cascade of filters that can be

switched in or out to program the amount of rejection, and applications that do not require

linear phase. Design of multi-standard tranceivers is a relatively new area, so the possible

research issues to be explored are numerous.


Chapter 6


This thesis presents the design of a low-power decimation filter that performs

channel select filtering for a highly integrated multi-standard receiver. The more

important research results are summarized below.

• Designed a decimation filter that meets the GSM and DECT specifications without
significantly degrading the receiver noise figure. Estimated power consumption is
4.4mW and 16.4mW for GSM and DECT modes respectively.

• Showed that automatic gain control can be used within a decimation filter that per-
forms channel select filtering to reduce power consumption and area.

• Developed a power saving technique for a fixed multi-standard implementation,

where filter blocks and sub-blocks can be powered down, enabling the filter to adapt
to each standard with reduced power consumption.

The design of a multi-standard decimation filter depends heavily on the

standards that are implemented. The two implementations presented in Chapter 4, and

the multi-standard issues discussed in Chapter 5, are only a first step in understanding

this complex area.

Appendix 1 67

Appendix 1

Noise Figure and Decimation

Filter CNR Calculations

This appendix shows how the receiver noise figure, the decimation filter CNR,

and the allowable decimation filter noise are calculated.

Receiver Noise Figure

The thermal noise power available from the source under a matched condition

is kTBw, where Bw is the bandwidth of interest.[15] This results in the following

equation for the input noise floor.

kTBw = – 173.8 + 10 log Bw (dBm) (Eq 1)

Which yeilds a noise floor of -120.8 dBm for GSM and -112.3 dBm for DECT. The

sensitivity, or minimum input signal, is given as -102 dBm for GSM and -83 dBm for

DECT. From this, the input signal to noise ratio (SNR) can be calculated as
S in
SNR in = -------- (Eq 2)
N in

where S in is the sensitivity and N in is the input noise floor. This equation gives 18.79

dB of input SNR for GSM and 29.3 dB for DECT.


From the required bit error rate (BER) given in the specification and given the

modulation scheme used, the output carrier to noise ratio (CNR) can be calculated to be

9dB for GSM and 10.3 dB for DECT. [15] The noise figure (NF) can then be calculated


 SNR in 
NF = 20 log  --------------------  (Eq 3)
 CNR out 

where the noise figure is in dB. The noise figure is 9.79dB for GSM and 19dB for


Decimation Filter Noise Figure Relative to Receiver NF

The decimation filter should degrade the overall noise figure by no more than

0.01dB. For two cascaded blocks as shown in Fig. 1, the overall noise figure can be

written an in (Eq 4) as a function of the individual noise figures of the two blocks, F1

and F2, and the gain of the receiver G1. [15]

(1) (2)

in Receiver out out_df

Decimation Filter
gain = 46 dB gain = 0 dB

Fig. 1: Receiver and Decimation Filter

( F2 – 1 )
F = F1 + -------------------- (Eq 4)

The noise figure specification for GSM is 9.79 dB. If the decimation filter can add

.01dB to this value, then F=9.8dB and F1=9.79dB in (Eq 4). For G1=46dB, F2 is 4.26.

Similarly, for DECT, F1=19dB and F=19.01dB. This yields an F2 of 9.68dB.


Relative Decimation Filter Noise Contribution

From the decimation filter noise figure, the allowable noise contribution can be

calculated. Using (Eq 3) with NF = F2 and the SNR in equal to the output SNR of the

receiver, the noise figure can be rewritten as

Si × No
F2 = ------------------- (Eq 5)
So × Ni

where Si is the input signal, So is the output signal, Ni is the input noise, and No is the

output noise. Si is equal to the sensitivity multiplied by the receiver gain. Ni can be

found using (Eq 2) since the CNR at the output of the receiver is known. The

decimation filter does not have any gain, so So is equal to Si. These cancell, resulting


F2 = ( Ndf + Ni ) ⁄ ( Ni ) (Eq 6)

where the output noise is equal to the input noise added to the decimation filter noise

contribution, Ndf. Since F2 and Ni are known, Ndf can be calculated using (Eq 6). The

difference between the signal and Ndf is the relative noise contrbution, and is used to

determine the filter noise contribution relative to full scale. A 6dB margin is added to

this value, to ensure that the specification is met. The important parameters related to

the noise figure and decimation filter noise contribuiton are summarized in Table 1.

Table 1:


Input Noise Floor -120.8 dBm -112.3 dBm

Reciever Sensitivity -102 dBm -83 dBm
Reveiver Output CNR 9 dB 10.3 dB
Receiver Noise Figure (F1) 9.79 dB 19 dB

Table 1:


Decimation Filter Noise Figure (F2) 4.26 dB 9.68 dB

Receiver Minimum Output Signal (Si) -56 dB -37 dB
Receiver Output Noise (Ni) -65 dB -47 dB
Decimation Filter Noise (Ndf) -67.98 dB -41.17 dB
Relative Noise Contribuiton 12 dB 4.1 dB
Filter Noise Contribution with 6dB Margin 18 dB 10.1 dB
Sensitivity Relative to Full Scale -76 dB -43 dB
Minimum Signal for Blocking Test -73 dB -43 dB
Total Filter Noise Contribution Relative to Full Scale -94 dB -53.1
Output CNR Relative to Minimum Signal (Blocking Test) 21 dB 10.2 dB
Appendix 2 71

Appendix 2

DSP Controls

This appendix gives all of the control signals from the DSP for the decimation


Automatic Gain Control

By providing gain when the desired signal is small, the automatic gain control

reduces the dynamic range, and therefore the wordlength, of the filters following the

comb filter. Because the blocking specifications are different for GSM and DECT, the

amount of gain provided for a given desired signal strength (RSSI) will be different for

the two standards.

The AGC is provided after the comb filter, while the signal contains the desired

channel as well as blockers and noise. The amount of gain that can be applied is based

on the RSSI, which is calculated in the DSP. For a given RSSI, the worst case blocking

profile at the AGC can be determined. The gain applied must not raise the largest

possible blocker above 3dB below full scale. The GSM specifications contain separate

profiles for the blockers and the adjacent channel interferers as explained in Section

2.4. The largest blocker is 23.7 dB above the desired signal in the blocking profile, and

30.5 dB above for the adjacent channel interferers. Since the minimum deisred signals

are -73dB and -56dB respectively for the two profiles, it can be assumed that for a

RSSI below -56dB, the worst case signal is 23.7dB larger, and for an RSSI above -

56dB, it is 30.5dB larger.

Table 2 gives the gain, the number of bit shifts, and the DSP control values for

the logarithmic shifter given in Section 4.2.3, for all possible RSSI values of the GSM

signal. Table 3 contains the same information for the DECT specification, where the

largest undesired signal is 6.2dB above the desired.

Table 2: AGC for GSM

RSSI (dB) Gain (dB) Bit Shift DSP Control

below -68.8 42.1 7 111

-69.8 to -62.8 36.1 6 011
-62.8 to -56.8 30.1 5 101
-56.8 to -51.5 18 3 110
-51.5 to -45.5 12 2 010
-45.5 to -39.5 6 1 100
above -39.5 0 0 000

Table 3: AGC for DECT

RSSI (dB) Gain (dB) Bit Shift DSP Control

below -39.3 30.1 5 101

-39.3 to -33.2 24 4 001
-33.2 to -27.2 18 3 110

Table 3: AGC for DECT

RSSI (dB) Gain (dB) Bit Shift DSP Control

-27.2 to -21.2 12 2 010

-21.2 to -15.2 6 1 100
above -15.2 0 0 000

Decimation After Comb Filter

Because the oversampling ratios for GSM and DECT are different, the amount

of decimation after the comb filter is also different for the two modes. The decimation

ratio of the comb filter, 16 for GSM and 8 for DECT, is determined by the input and

resampling clocks, or by the clock divider. Fig. 4.4 shows a clock divider circuit that

provides division by 16 or 8 for the comb filter. The DSP must provide a one bit signal

for the mux that chooses between these two clocks.

Powering Down Blocks in DECT Mode

When the filter is switched from GSM to DECT mode, much of the hardware

becomes unnecessary. The blocks that are unused can be powered down to reduce the

power consumed in the DECT mode. This is especially important because the Nyquist

rate for DECT is much higher than for GSM. Following is a list of blocks that can be

shut down in DECT mode:

• The extra divide by two that is used to create the comb filter resampling clock for

• The FIR filter. (Note that the droop correct filter can be shut down in GSM mode.)

• Several adders in the halfband filters. (Some of the adders that are shut down must be
bypassed using a transmision gate or a buffer. These can be shut down in GSM mode.)

• Four of the least significant bits (LSBs) in the halfband filters are not needed since
the dynamic range after the AGC is lower for DECT. These adders and regesters can
be powered down, leaving a wordlength of nine.

Each block should be connected to one of three power supply lines. One supply

is connected to the actual power supply and these blocks are always on. The other two

lines are for those blocks that must be powered down in GSM or DECT modes. They

are derrived from the main supply, but contain control curcuitry to shut them off and

turn them back on. The signal for this is a single bit, since there are two modes, GSM

and DECT.

The extra power supply lines create extra capacitence to be charged. But, this

capacitence is rarely switched, so the impact on the power is negligible. The process

used for this chip has five metal layers, so the impact on area is small.

Summary of DSP Signals

Four signals are needed from the DSP, three to control the AGC and one to set

the filter to GSM or DECT mode. The bit that determines the mode is used to power

down unused blocks and set the correct comb filter decimation ratio.
Appendix 3 75

Appendix 3

Filter Design and


This appendix gives a list of the filter taps with the corresponding CSD’s, ROM

codes for the first halfband filter, and the RAM allocation.

Fixed Implementation

Table 1: Halfband 1 - GSM

Coefficients Ideal Tap Value Actual Tap Value Cannonic Signed Digits

h(0), h(10) 0.0130492 0.01318359375 2-6 + -2-9 + -2-11

h(2), h(8) -0.0638715 -0.0634765625 -2-4 + -2-10
h(4), h(6) 0.3016129 0.3017578125 2-2 + 2-4 + -2-7 + -2-8 + 2-10
h(5) 0.50 0.5 2-1

Table 2: Halfband 2 - GSM

Ideal Tap
Coefficients Actual Tap Value Cannonic Signed Digits

h(0), h(74) 0.0022057 0.002197265625 2-9 + 2-12

h(2), h(72) -0.0015871 -0.0015869140625 -2-9 + 2-12 + 2-13
h(4), h(70) 0.0021457 0.002197265625 2-9 + 2-12
h(6), h(68) -0.0028234 -0.0028076171875 -2-9 + -2-10 + 2-13
h(8), h(66) 0.0036384 0.003662109375 2-8 + -2-12
h(10), h(64) -0.0046142 -0.004638671875 -2-8 + -2-11 + -2-12
h(12), h(62) 0.0057778 0.00579833984375 2-8 + 2-9 + -2-14
h(14), h(60) -0.0071624 -0.0072021484375 -2-7 + 2-11 + 2-13
h(16), h(58) 0.0088168 0.0087890625 2-7 + 2-10
h(18), h(56) -0.0108092 -0.0107421875 -2-7 + -2-8 + 2-10
h(20), h(54) 0.0132286 0.01318359375 2-6 + -2-9 + -2-11
h(22), h(52) -0.0162307 -0.0162353515625 -2-6 + -2-11 + -2-13
h(24), h(50) 0.0200490 0.02001953125 2-6 + 2-8 + 2-11
h(26), h(48) -0.0251007 -0.025146484375 -2-5 + 2-7 + -2-9 + 2-12
h(28), h(46) 0.0321715 0.0322265625 2-5 + 2-10
h(30), h(44) -0.0429509 -0.04296875 -2-5 + -2-7 + -2-8
h(32), h(42) 0.0618411 0.0618896484375 2-4 + -2-11 + -2-13
h(34), h(40) -0.1050028 -0.10498046875 -2-3 + 2-6 + 2-8 + 2-11
h(36), h(38) 0.3179423 0.31787109375 2-2 + 2-4 + 2-8 + 2-9 + -2-11
h(37) 0.5 0.5 2-1

Table 3: FIR - GSM Only

h(0), h(27) 0.0070553 0.0078125 2-7


Table 3: FIR - GSM Only

h(1), h(26) -0.0211789 -0.01953125 -2-6 + -2-8

h(2), h(25) 0.0127450 0.015625 2-6
h(3), h(24) -0.0222934 -0.0234375 -2-6 + -2-7
h(4), h(23) 0.0256602 0.02734375 2-5 + -2-8
h(5), h(22) -0.0274444 -0.03125 -2-5
h(6), h(21) 0.0251610 0.0234375 2-5 + -2-7
h(7), h(20) -0.0184301 -0.015625 -2-6
h(8), h(19) 0.0052606 0.00390625 2-8
h(9), h(18) 0.0156721 0.015625 2-6
h(10), h(17) -0.0487916 -0.046875 -2-4 + 2-6
h(11), h(16) 0.1021211 0.1015625 2-3 + -2-6 + -2-7
h(12), h(15) -0.2152712 -0.21875 -2-2 + 2-5
h(13), h(14) 0.6480249 0.6484375 2-1 + 2-3 + 2-6 + 2-7

The next filters are based on the filters above, with several of the blocks turned

off to save power in DECT mode. Note that the ideal coefficients are the same, but the

number of CSD’s is smaller. The FIR filter is not needed, and is replaced by a simpler

droop-correct filter.

Table 4: Halfband 1 - DECT Modification

Ideal Tap Actual Tap

Coefficients Cannonic Signed Digits
Value Value

h(0), h(10) 0.0130492 0.015625 2-6

h(2), h(8) -0.0638715 -0.0625 -2-4
h(4), h(6) 0.3016129 0.3046875 2-2 + 2-4 + -2-7

Table 4: Halfband 1 - DECT Modification

Ideal Tap Actual Tap

Coefficients Cannonic Signed Digits
Value Value

h(5) 0.5 0.5 2-1

Table 5: Halfband 2 - DECT Modification

Coefficients Ideal Tap Value Actual Tap Value Cannonic Signed Digits

h(0), h(74) 0.0022057 0.00 0.00

h(2), h(72) -0.0015871 0.00 0.00
h(4), h(70) 0.0021457 0.00 0.00
h(6), h(68) -0.0028234 0.00 0.00
h(8), h(66) 0.0036384 0.00390625 2-8
h(10), h(64) -0.0046142 -0.00390625 -2-8
h(12), h(62) 0.0057778 0.00390625 2-8
h(14), h(60) -0.0071624 -0.0078125 -2-7
h(16), h(58) 0.0088168 0.0078125 2-7
h(18), h(56) -0.0108092 -0.0078125 -2-7
h(20), h(54) 0.0132286 0.015625 2-6
h(22), h(52) -0.0162307 -0.015625 -2-6
h(24), h(50) 0.0200490 0.01953125 2-6 + 2-8
h(26), h(48) -0.0251007 -0.0234375 -2-5 + 2-7
h(28), h(46) 0.0321715 0.03125 2-5
h(30), h(44) -0.0429509 -0.04296875 -2-5 + -2-7 + -2-8
h(32), h(42) 0.0618411 0.0625 2-4
h(34), h(40) -0.1050028 -0.10546875 -2-3 + 2-6 + 2-8
h(36), h(38) 0.3179423 0.31640625 2-2 + 2-4 + 2-8
h(37) 0.5 0.5 2-1

Table 6: Droop-Correct - DECT Only

Coefficients Ideal Tap Value Actual Tap Value Cannonic Signed Digits

h(0), h(4) 0.00110113404 0.011718750 2-7 + 2-8

h(1), h(3) -0.0277349943 -0.027343750 -2-5 + 2-8
h(2) 1 1 2-0

ROM Programmable Implementation

The next filters are optimized to the DECT specification and are not based on

the GSM filters. These should be used in a ROM programmable implementaton,

followed by the droop-correct filter given above.

Table 7: Halfband 1 - DECT Custom Filter

Coefficients Ideal Tap Value Actual Tap Value Cannonic Signed Digits

h(0), h(6) -0.0506242 -0.046875 -2-4 + 2-6

h(2), h(4) 0.2950593 0.2968750 2-2 + 2-5 + 2-6
h(3) 0.5 0.5 2-1

Table 8: Halfband 2 - DECT Custom Filter

Coefficients Ideal Tap Values Actual Tap Values Cannonic Signed Digits

h(0), h(50) 0.0092077 0.0087890625 2-7 + 2-10

h(2), h(48) -0.0055188 -0.005859375 -2-8 + -2-9
h(4), h(46) 0.0071845 0.0078125 2-7
h(6), h(44) -0.0092141 -0.0087890625 -2-7 + -2-10

Table 8: Halfband 2 - DECT Custom Filter

Coefficients Ideal Tap Values Actual Tap Values Cannonic Signed Digits

h(8), h(42) 0.0117121 0.011718750 2-7 + 2-8

h(10), h(40) -0.0148136 -0.015625 2-6
h(12), h(38) 0.0187580 0.01953125 2-6 + 2-8
h(14), h(36) -0.0239604 -0.0234375 -2-5 + 2-7
h(16), h(34) 0.0312072 0.031250 2-5
h(18), h(32) -0.0421789 -0.042968750 -2-5 + -2-7 + -2-8
h(20), h(30) 0.0612676 0.0615234375 2-4 + -2-10
h(22), h(28) -0.1046595 -0.10546875 -2-3 + 2-6 + 2-8
h(24), h(26) 0.3178218 0.3173828125 2-2 + 2-4 + 2-8 + 2-10
h(25) 0.5 0.5 2-1

RAM Allocation
For the GSM specification, the RAM should be allocated as in Fig. 6.1 for the

multi-rate addressing to function properly. Each filter is partitioned into N sub-blocks,

where N is the oversampling ratio at the filter input. The sub-blocks are partitioned into

even and odd blocks, and ordered so that unnecessary data is quickly replaced by new

data. This is explained in greater detail in Section 4.3.3. and is also described in [20].

h12 in”
h5 in3
h14 in4 HB1
h7 in1
h37 in2

h74 in2’
h72 HB2

h27 in1’

h2 FIR

Wrap Around to h12

Fig. 6.1: Allocation of RAM for GSM Specification

ROM Instructions
The 22 bit instrucitons coded into the ROM control the filter operation. An

example is given in Fig. 6.2 for the first halfband filter. These instructions can be

translated to binary code using the RAM partitioning to find the addresses, and the

ALU diagram for the first 13 bits.


(previous operation) load h0 to R2

load h10 to R3
1) store new data //hb1 input
2) R3=R2=R2+R3
3) R2=R3+R2>>2
load h2 to R3
4) R1=R3-R2>>3 //x0
load h2 to R3
5) R3=R2=R2+R3
6) R3=R3+R2>>6 //x2
load h4 to R2
7) R1=R3-R1>>2
load h6 to R3
8) R3=R2=R2+R3
9) R2=R3-R2>>2
10) R2=R3-R2>>1
11) R2=R3+R2>>3
12) R3=R3+R2>>2 //x4
13) R1=R3-R1>>2
load h5 to R3
14) R1=R3+R1>>1
15) R1=R2>>1
16) store R1 in RAM //hb2 input

Fig. 6.2: ROM Instrucitons for Halfband 1 (Second Operation)

The ROM instructions for the individual filters must be carefully ordered as

explained in Section 4.3.2 to ensure correct operation.



[1] Paul Gray, and Robert Meyer. “Future Directions in Silicon ICs for RF Personal
Communications,” Proceedings, 1995 Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, pp. 83-
90, May 1995.

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